The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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4,, TV
Items of Local Interest for Busy
Journal Readers.
At Woodmen of the World hall, East
Sixth , awd Washington streets? Mult
nomahfeamp No. 77, and Portland camp
No. lOf installed officers. These are of
ficers of MOltnomah camp: Pattf consul
commander, E. N. Crockett: consul com
mander, W. W. Minar: adviser,- B. K.
Knapp; banker, H. H. Newhall; clerk, J.
M. Woodworth; escort, O. C. Lawrence;
watchman, H. A. Wolfe; sentry, R. F.
Rexnor; managers, J. H. McBride, K H.
Bennett and J. L. Wells; musician, A.
H. Clark. Officers' of Portland camp:
Consul commander, Robert 'C. Wright;
adviser. W. I Murry; banker, George
W. Evans; clerk, Herman Schade; es
cort.vCharles M. Bequett; : watchman,
Joseph Burke; sentry. W. T. Gotcher;
managers, W. S. Ward, F. A. Snow and
A. W. Schmale; past consul commander,
-Jr-l. Trasdale. The insuaatr-
monies were conducted by C M; Be
quctte, past consul commander of Fort
land camp.
4 We have placed the Violet brand of
package rolled oats, also the- Cream
brand of bulk rolled oats on the' market
with the pleasing knowledge that-with
each we , have reached the height of
perfection! Both Violet and Cream rolled
oats are made only from the highest
grade of Northwestern grown oats-th
largest and most nutritious oats in the
United States. They are new process
kiln dried, which makes them easily di
gested, more nutritious, qulokly cooked
and are more healthful as a breakfast
food than the many varieties of mixed
stuff offered the publlo aa health foods.
Our mills are equipped with the latest
and i most improved machinery operated
by employes skilled in the manufacture
of cereals. Albers Bros. Milling com
pany, proprietors V. 6. Mills. - ;
$760 in realty will be given away the
18th day -of January, at Estacada. Every
person present that day will have a
chance to secure a residence' or business
lot free without investing a aingle
penny. The parties who ara successful
In this free gift of a homesite will re
ceive a warranty deed from the Oregon
Water Power Townslte Co. before leav
ing the city of Estacada, on the day of
ale. The distribution of free lota will
be conducted by a committee which will
be selected bf all parties present" Come
to the big lot sale and help make Esta
cada the second metropolis of the West
Trains leave First and Aider streets at
7:40 and t o'clock a. m. on the 12th day
of January. Round, trip excursion far
75 cents. ' . . 7 . ;: , " -t .
Round trip excursion tickets, Portland
tor Estacada and return, now onrsale-at
the office of the Oregon Water Power
and Railway company, to persons de
siring to attend the great auction sale
of city lota at Estacada on January 12.
These tickets sold at 75 centa
each, and will be good only on trains
leaving Portland at 7:40 and 9 o'clock
of that "day. "
' At the annual meeting of the Clan
VMacleay these , officers were elected for
1904: Chief, K. K. Baxter; tanist, John
A. Paterson; chaplain, Rew Charlea
Cummlngr Bruce; secretary, Alex - O.
, Brown;: assistant secretary, David - X,
Milne: financial ' secretary, James R,
Stuart t -treasurer, David G, Duncan;
senior henchman, James Shearer; Junior
hetfchman, Alex G. Rlddell; seneschal,
Alex MarWlck; warder, John Shearer;
sentinel, Tom' B. Spence: physician. Dr.
A. D. Mackenzie; pipers, James 8. Moon
and D. P. McDonald;, organist, John O.
Gibson; , standbard-bearer, William C.
Spence; trustees, Alex Mulrhead, W. G.
McPherson and William Harder; royal
deputy for Oregon, Alexander Gavin.
Round, trip excursion tickets, Portland
to Estacada and return, now on aale at
the office of the Oregon Water Power
and Railway company, to persons . de
siring to attend the great auction sale
of city lots at Estacada on January 12.
These tickets will be aold at 75 centa
each. - and will be. good only on trains
leavlrfg Portland at 7:40 and 9 o'clock
of that day.
Samaritan lodge No. 2, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows hold its installa
tion services at the Odd Fellows' temple
last Wednesday evening. The following
officers took- their .obligations of office:
R. J. Lewis, P. G.: F. R. Reeves, N. O.S
W. A. Gould,' V. G.L-M. Oswold, secre
tary: J. K. Hand, treasurer; J. Rabyo, R.
6. N. G.S W. M. Plum. L. S. N. G.; P.
Frederlcksen, R. 8. V. G.; C. F. Nelson,
L. 8. V. G.; 8. E. Phelps, warden; I M.
Conklin, conductor; E. E. Hall, R. S. B.;
J. H. Stock, L. a S.; T. C Stephens, I.
G. ; W. T. Nutting, 0. O. The annual
report showed the assets of the lodge to
be over 140,000 and its membership 400,
The lodge is the largest west of the
Rocky mountains. ,- , . - , ,
i Round trip excursion tickets, Portland
to Estacada and return, now on sale at
the office 1 of the Oregon Water Power
and -Railway company, to persona de
siring to attend the great auction aale
of city lots at Estacada on January 13.
These' tickets will be sold at 75 cents
each, and will be good only on tralna
leaving Portland at 7:40 and o'clock
of that day.. ,.,v,;
Splendid "Business .; Opening." See
classified columns. Splendid "Business
Chances," in best town In Oregon. See
"An Unusual Business Opportunity."
Address "Furniture Opening," care Ore
gon Dally Journal.
Helen Anderllne created a disturbance
at the Florence Crittenton home last
92 Second Street
. Cround Floor ,
Low Prices
: Telephone 444 ....
Waablng tent to oa l not only wtahed
.' with particular tire, but every garment
-' 'la Imported both before and after waab,
y ing, tad all seeded repairs, buttons sawed
on, etc., mada. It's a nice feature to
, bare all this done together with ' good;
careful waablng and ironing. " V '.
C.X. EVAK8, ttanarar.
East Side. " Tel. Tut It.
night and was arrested. She was ad
mitted to the home a week ago. The
trouble started In the kitchen, where
Helen created a disturbance. After be
ing reprimanded," she started for' the
pantry to get a knife, with which she
threatened kill one of the other girls.
A, third; woman, -who 'interfered, she
struck in the face with a glass, but the
injury imuctea was not . severe. - Pa
trolman Scott was called. The prisoner
was arrested but later wetb sent to the
county hospital.
- Round trip excursion tickets, Portland
to Estacada and return, now on sale at
the office of the Oregon Water Powjtsr
and Railway company, to , persons de
siring to attend the great auction aale
of- city lots at Estacada on January 12.
These tickets will be sold at 75 cepts
each, and will be good only on trains
leaving Portland at 7:40 and 9 o'clock
of that day. - . . i t..;; - ' "''.' '
; Round trip excursion tickets,. Portland
to Estacada and return, now on sale at
the office of the Oregon Water Power
and Railway company, to persons de
string to attend the great auction sale
of city lota at Estacada on January 12.
These tickets will be sold at 75 cents
each, and wttl be good only on trains
leaving . Portland at 7:40 and 9 o'clock
of that day, ; . '
-garment that la worth-claanatag.
If at all tender in its fiber. Is worth
the delicate touch of the steam, heated
polisher. It may be all right to employ
the coarser machines on coarser , laun
dry, but the finer goods do not deserve
the treatment some laundries give them.
Ours is the only steam heated polisher
in Portland. Union laundry, Second and
Columbia, , ,
"Round trip excursion tickets, Portland
to Estacada and return, now' on sale at
the office of the. Oregon Water Power
and . Railway , company, to persona de
siring to attend the great auction, sale
of city lota at. Estacada on January 12.
These tickets will be sold at 75 cents
each, and ..will be good only on trains
leaving Portland at 7:40 and 9 o'clock
of that., day. -Wv 'if--;-
' It you enjoy reading a good atory
and do not" like the idea of paying as
high aa $1.60 for the current novels,
you now can get at Ewlng'a bookstore,
Fourth and Yamhill, your ' choice of
hundreds of the ; very best of recent
novels, not 1903 Issues, at 75 cents a
book, - one-hair usual price. -';
Mrs.' J. W. GUstrap, the celebrated
drugless doctor, 12 Allsky building,
has gone to Moscow Idaho, - to the
home of her daughter, whom, a telegram
stated is in a dying condition. It la not
known exactly how long Mrs. Gilstrap
may be absent . . . .
"ThysIcaX culture for fell. -
$4.00 for 6 months' course.
Two evenings a week.
Fine gymnasium and baths. ,
Private treatment for health, vitality.
Rlngler Physical Culture school,
309 Alder street, phone Malnl951.
Consultation and catalogue free.
George Robert Cairns, the evangelist,
who has recently returned from his
tenth tour of England, . will begin a
scries of Bible lectures and sermons in
the Second Baptist church January 17.
Note these changes: Dr. D. H. Rand's
hbme telephone la Main 356; not in tele
phone book. - Hla office - Is Inlkttm--i
not In Marquam, as in telephone book.
Phone Main 375.
Time trains will leave First and Al
der street for Estacada, the day set for
the auction sale of lots of the new city.
First train, 7:40 a. m. and second train
at 9 a. ny- '' .'.'V-f-' .." : 1 -: .u-,i ; s.-
' Steam boiler Insurance covers damage
to boiler, property and- for injuries.
Campbell ft Rogers, 251' Washington
street , f , ';,'
Furniture packed for private fam
ilies or dealers. - Repairing, ' - upholster
ing. Walborn, 284 Second. Phone Hood
1677. ; . -.
Fine day! Buy Meredith's umbrellas.
Repairing and recovering. Two stores
Washington and (th, Morrison and 6th.
Steamers for The Dalles will leave
Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. daily (except
Sunday). Phone Main 914.
12-room house for rent: very fine fur
niture for sale; 2-year lease. Walborn,
284 Second. 1 Hood 1677. ' f ; .
. plate glass insurance against break
age. Maryland Casualty Company, 251
Waahlngton atreet
Sumner post No. 12, G. A, R., will ob
serve the anniversary of Lincoln's birth
on February 12.
; - ,
Dr. W. A. Roberts, dentist, Mohawk
building, over Roberts Bros. Third and
Morrison. ' -. ;.
! The John Burroughs society will hold
a meeting tonigflt at 8 o'clock In the
city hall.
- Mattresses renovated; upholstering;
low prices. J. Huba, 669 Williams ave.
Albina people, get photos at Thwaltea',
508 Williams ave. Cabinets $2.50 doien.
: Free Viavl Health Talks, Thursday,
2:30, Lewis building. Ladies invited.
Patrons of the Savoy aay it's eating Is
unsurpassed. ' Opposite old Postofflce.
E. H. Moorehouse A Co., at Seventh
and Alder.- Telephone Main 1J4S.
' 'A perpetual smile" overspreads the
face of he who eats at the Savoy.
Dr. 'Amos, surgeon, Dekum building.
Olympic Pancakes, as yet the best
Notwithstanding the fact that
. ; Diamonds, bave advanced in '
( price 40 per cent, I am still
' selling them at the same old
price. See me,, if you content-
' plate purchasing. A guaran-
' tee goes with every one.
Sentiment of yesterday's meeting of
the Mothers' club of Brooklyn was
unanimous in favor of a new.and larger
school building for that district
A committee appointed to visit the"!
school directors to - lobby .for a new
school building, composed of Mrs. It.
H. Wells, Mrs. C. W. Boost, Mrs. W. W,
Shinn, assisted by Justice Seton, S. .V.
White and F. G. Urfer, reported through
Mrs. -(Wells, its chairman, that it had
been courteously received by the board
of school directors. -Mrs. Wells said that
President Wittenberg had told her the
best way to secure a new-school build
ing would be to Induce-the-taxpayeMKo
vote for the tax levy for that purpose.
The report was accepted on motion of
Mrs. Margaret West. The club will be
energetically represented at the taxpay
ers'; meeting', January -14, and :- In the
meantime the taxpayers of Brooklyn
Will be urged to attend. ';-f y:.;:-4 f
The officers of the Mothers' club of
Brooklyn are: President, Mrs. C. W.
Boost; vice-president Miss Dimmick;,
secretary, Mrs. J. A. Btrowbridge; treas
urer,. Mrs. B. I. Smith. 'T-''V.v''.T.
The East Twenty-Eighth Street Im
provement association decided at a meet
ing last nigfrt to attend the taxpayers'
meeting January 14 as a committee of
the whole and demand the erection of
an eight-room modern school house on
the lots purchased by the school board
for the purpose. Tee members expect to
attend the meeting as a body and vote as
a body. If all turn out there will be a
solid delegation of about 60 persons.
The association decided to encourage the
planting of trees, flowers and ornamen
tal shrubbery along the streets and the
cultivation of roses in yards.
The following new .officers were
elected: President, Frank Motter; vice
president, George H. Carr; secretary, W.
T. Gardner; treasurer, F. 8. Doernbecher.
Music and comedy are magnets which
are drawing the crowds to the Winter
Garden this week.. Inside this popular
resort at the corner of Third and Mor
rison streets, the Palonaa sing the op-
Cantatrla at the Winter Garden.
eratlo Selections which Calve and Nor
dlca and Patti sing; Sadie Deane dances
and sings her way into popular favor;
the Forrest sisters sing coon songs; the
comedy act of Charles Brown, the fast
est joker of them all, keeps people busy
laughing and the 24 other, acts are all
entertaining. Admission is free..
rew People Knew Row Vsefal It Is la
Preserving Healta and Beanty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal
Is the safest and most efficient disinfec
tant and purifier In nature, but few real
ize its value when taken into the human
system for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal is a remedy that, the more
you take of it the better; it is not a
drug at all, but simply absorbs the
fasea and Impurities always present in
he stomach and intestines and carries
them out of the system.
Charcoal, sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking, or after eating on
ions and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and im-
? roves the eomplextlon. It whitens the
eeth and further acts as a natural and
eminently safe cathartic
It absorbs the injurious gases' which
collect In the stomach and bowels: it
disinfects the mouth and throat from
the poisoa or caiarrn.
All druggists sell charcoal In one
form or another, but probably the best
charcoal and the most for the money is
in Stuart's Absorbent Losenges; they
are composed of the finest powdered
Willow charcoal, and other harmless
antiseptics in tablet form, or rather in
the form of large, pleasant tasting los
enges, the charcoal being mixed with
honey. 1
The daily use ef these lozenges will
soon tell in a much improved condition
of the general health, better complexion,
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
beauty of It is. that no possible harm
can result from their continued use, but,
on the contrary, great benefit
. A Buffalo physician. In speaking of
the benefits of charcoal, saya: "I ad
vise Stuart's Absorbent Losenges to all
natlents suffering from cas in stomach
and bowels, and to clear the complexion
ana puniy me cream, moutn and
throat; I also believe the liver is
freatly benefited by the dally use of
hem; they coat but twenty-five cents a
box at drug stores, and although in
some sense a patent preparation, yet I
believe I get more and better charcoal
In Stuart's Absorbent Losenges than la
any of the ordinary charooal tablets."
In spite of the fact that an error was
made In announcing that -the Great
Clothing Panio sale in the Merrill Build
ing. Sixth ' street ' near Washington, by
mistake the . advertisement yeaterday
read sale opens 9:30 p. m Instead of
9:30 a. m., as early as 8 o'clock this
morning great crowds commenced . to
gather and at opening time a throng
that packed the great building surged .in
and filled every aisle until the manager
was .compelled to close the doors and
let out those who had bought and admit
those who were waiting to, gain admis
sion. ,!.. ' .
BAPTIST. "' - - '
First Corner Twelfth . and Taylor
streets, A. S. Coats, D. D.f acting pas
tor.. Morning prayer, W.15 o'clock;
sermon at 10:80, subject, "Fruits, Not
Works; i Sunday school at close of
morning service; B. Y. P. U. services at
6:30 p. m evening services. 7:30, sub
ject of evening sermon, "What Is It to
Receive Christ?" Music by quartet and
chorus under the direction of Mr, J. W.
Belcher. . ' . - ' ,. .
' Central Woodmen of the World build
ing, Eaat Sixth and East Alder streets.
Rev.: William E. Randall. Morning wor
ship, 18:45, subject, -"'Is it Worth While?
The Philosophy that Ennoblea Living;"
Bible school. 13 m.; Christian Endeavor,
6:45 p. m. Services at Mount Tabor, 8
p, - m. ; evening topic, "Why Are We
Sometimes Heavy Hearted? Causes and
Cure of a Depressed Spirit. Miss Verna
Welch will sing. . . -..
Second Eaat Seventh and Ankeny
street Rev. Stanton C. Lapham. Ser
vices 10:30 a. m. "The Reward of Soul
Saving." Noon I. B. C; class hour.
Bible school 6:30 p. m,' Young People's
union 7:30 p. m. : ; i y . v ,
The following program will be-given
at the Second s Baptist church ; tomor
row: Morning Prelude, "Adagio In A
flat," Jackson; offertory, "Theme," op.
34. Hesse; postlude, Clark. ,Evenlng
Prelude, "Offertory." Leybach; offertory,,-,
live Marla," - Cherublni;' post
lude, "Pilgrim Chorua" (from Tann
hauser), Wagner. E. . E. Cumpston.
lcador of chorus choir; Miss Daisy
Crooks, soprano soloist.
First Madison and Park streets, Rev.
B. L. House, D. D.; preaching 10:30 a.
m,, subject, "The Known and the Un
known, or a Glimpse at Science, Philoso
phy and Religion." Bible school, 12:15,
Rev. H. A. Start, superintendent; Y. P.
S. C. E., 6:30 p. m.; evening subject,
J'Leesons from the Chicago Calamity."
Hassalo East Seventh street N. and
Hassalo. Rev. Charlea E. Chase; services
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school,
12 m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
From the west side take Union avenue or
Irvlngton cars. ,
FirstCorner , Park and Columbia
streets. Rev. E. 8. Muckley. Service
10:30 a. m., subject "The Bondage of
Liberty;" 7:45 p. m., "Christian Agnos
ticism.". Sunday school 12:15 p. m.
Christian Endeavor societies 6:30 p. m.
First Twenty-third street near Irv
ing. Services 11 a. n. and S p. m. Sub
ject "Sacrament." Children's Sunday
school 12:10. :t
Second Third street between Taylor
and Salmon. Sunday services 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. Subject, "Sacrament" Sun
day school 12:15 p. m.
St. John's Memorial Sellwood. Rev.
W. R. Powell. Sunday school. 11 a. m.;
evening service and sermon, 7:45.
St. Paul's Woodmere, Rev. W. R.
Powell In charge, Service and sermon,
10:45 a. m. '-'-. , -
St Mark's Corner Nineteenth and
Quimby streets,; Rev. J. E. H. Simpson.
Holy Communion. '8 a. m.; . Holy Com
munion and sermon, 11 a- m.; evening
sermon, 7:80 1 p. m.; Sunday v- school,
9:45 a. m.- ;v ,' '.. &,-...
- Trinity chapel Nineteenth street near
Washington, Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison.
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.; morning
prayer and sermon, 11; evening prayer
and sermon, 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30
p. m.
- St Matthews' Corner First -and Car
uthers streets, Rev. W. A. M. Breck.
Morning prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock;
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Church of Our Saviour Woodstock.
Morning prayer and sermon,. 11 o'clock;
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
St. Andrews' Peninsula. Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; prayer and sermon, 2:30
p. m.; prayer and sermon. 3:30 p. m,
in charge of Mr. C. L. Parker.
' Church of the Good Shepherd Sun
day school, 10 a. m.; morning prayer, 11
o'clock; services, 7:80 p. au
Seaond United Farm ntr trr.
streets. Rev. J. Bowersox. , Preaching
11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. . K. L. C. E. 6:45 p. m.
First English Corner Eaat Sixth and
Market streets, Rev, O. W. Plumer. Morn
ing subject, 'The Holy Spirit God's
Free Gift." Evening. "The Right Use
of Time." , Sunday school 10 a. m, Jun
ior alliance 3 p. m. Young People's al
liance 7 p. m.
Swedish Immanucl 428 j: ' Burnstde
street, Rev. John W. Skans; sorvlces
10:30 a. m. and 8 p., m. Sunday school
12 m. ' , , :
Swedish Corner Rodney avenue and
Stanton streets, Albina, services 3 o'clock
p. m. :' ..: - .
Grace Corner Taylor and Twelfth
streets. Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop will occu
py the pulpit at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
Sell wood Sunday school 10 am.; 11
a. m.. sermon, subect "A Great Saint;"
7:30 p. m., theme, "Moses Invitation to
His Brother-in-law;" 6:45 p. m., Epwortb
League. .- 1'. . ,
First South 171 Vt Second street; Sun
day school 10:30 a. nts Rev. Henry
Spress, presiding elder of Willamette
district will preach at 11 a. m., this be
ing the first quarterly meeting. At the
conclusion of the sermon the sacrament
of the Lord's Supper will be adminis
tered." '-. . - '
ML Tabor Dr. Coleman, president of
Willamette university,, will preach at
11 a. m.
First Corner Taylor and Third
streets. Dr. Talbott will preach at 10:80
a. m. and at 7:30 p. m., evening subject,
"The Guarded Gate." Classes 9:30 and
10 a. m.; Sunday, school, 12:16; Epworth
League 6:30. r r
Centenary East Ninth and Pine
streets, Rev. W. B. Holltngshead, regular
services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; class
meetings 9:30 a. m. and 12:15 p. m.; Sun
day school, 12:15; Junior League, 4 p.
m.; Epworth League, 6:16 p, m.
First Corner of Taylor ? and ' Third
streets. Btahop Earl Cranston, 10:30 a,
m.; Rev. H. J. Talbott 7:30 p: m., sub
ject, "The Guarded Gate." Sunday school
meets at 13:16 p.'m.; Epworth league de
votional meeting, 6:30 p. m.
fr'-,'-)-' :' -'-- ' ' i m m ,'-',:' '.j.
Mlspah Rev. Jerome . R. McGlade.
Morning service 11 o'clock, subject "Ef
fectual Prayer;" evening subject "Jacob
at Penlel." A sermon to young people.
Special music Morning anthem, "Stand
Up for Jesus," Noyes. Evening solo
and chorus. "Will There Be Any StaraT"
Sunttay school 9:45 a. m. '
Westminster Corner East Tenth and,
Weldler streets. Rev. Henry Marcotte,
8ervtres at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. The
pastor will preach morning and even-
rBJrS"'"Bz fr'p -S siBlSTBsSSssi
Dr. B.E.Wright's Dental Office
ffiyWm' r Cor. 7tlll
ing. At the close of the morning serv
ice the communion of the 'Lord's Sup
per will be celebrated.
Calvary Corner Eleventh " and ' Clay
streets. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert 10:30 a. m.
communion service and reception of
members. 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. 8. Dun
ning. Music by chorus choir tinder the
direction of Mrs. E. E. Coursen, H. V.
Mllllgan organist
First Eaat Couch and East Eighth
streets, W. F. Small, paator. Service,
11 a. m.. sermon topic, "Who Is the
Hypocrite? A Word for Those Who
Do Not Attend Church;" Sunday school,
12:15 p. m.
xr JC- O.-A. J -
"The Sunday club," for men, 8 p. m.,
Sunday, January 10. "The Japanese Sit
uation" will be presented by S. Ban,
Japanese contractor, and Dr. H. W.
Schwartz, formerly of Japan. Musto by
Japanese double male quartet. Concert
by Drlscoll's orchestra. Y. M. C. A.
building, Fourth and . Yamhill streets.
Free to men only, ,
Penlel Mission 247 Couch street
Holiness meeting at 3 p. m. Evangeli
cal services 8 p. m. Evangelists Ed
ward Smith and wife in charge. '
Berea Mission 8econd and Jefferson
streets. Rev.. J. H. Allen, pastor. Sun
day services: Sermon, "The Sprinkling
of the Blood, of Jesus Christ" at 10:30
a, m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m., "Joshua's
Long Day and the Sabbath."
Union Holiness Mission Second
street between Taylor and Salmon. Ser
vice every night at 7:30 and Sunday at 3.
Olive . Branch Mission First and
Clay, under auspices of Free Methodist
church. . Services - every evening and
Sunday at 3.
First Spiritualist society Artisans'
hall, Ablngton building, Third street
near Washington.' Conference 11 a. m.
and 7:45 p. m. . Rev. W. E. Copeland
will lecture on "The Signs of the
Times, and the Interpretation Thereof,"
followed by Mrs. Ladd-Flnnlcan.
People's Christian union Rev, F. E.
Coulter. Services in No. 201 Allsky
building. : Sermon 11 a. m. Devotional
subject, "Nlmrod," 12:15 p. m. School
of religion tlrtme, "The Forerunner,"
7:30 p. m. Literary and musical pro
gram of the Harmony club. Music by
the Union orchestra.
Our Savior's Norwegian church-rCor-ner
East Tenth and Grant streets. ;' Sun
day i school 9:30. Services 10:46 and
7:30. O, Hagoes, paator.
' Men's Resort 66 North Sixth street.
Rev. A. ' D. ' Soper, superintendent
Stereoptlcon Sunday scrrool 2:30 p. m.
Address to men at 4 o'clock, "The Fact
of Sin," by James Edmunds. Male quar
tet music. Evangelistic addrens 7:46,
"The Wages of Sin." Solo, Miss Z.
Claire Hopkins. .
The employes of the George Lawrence
Wholesale Saddlery company, at their
own suggestion, have made a subscrip
tion for the new Men's Resort building,
amounting to $67. This voluntary, ac
tion ahows the interest felt toward the
work. The broad and practical nature
of both the objects and methods of the
Men's Resort produces the Interest
vhich is expressed toward its new build
ing enterprise,
Mlllental Dawn Sixth street near
Main. Services at 3 p. m.
Volunteers of America 83 North Sec
ond street, Capt. John Anderson, meet
ings 11 a. m. 8 and 8. p. m. Meetings
each day from 13 o'clock to 1 p. m., and
at 8 p. m. ...... . -.
TOYZC. .. . -.
There is not a woman in this land
but at some time in her life would have
been the better for the use of this Tonic.
For diseases peculiar to women a better
medicine was never made. It Is com
posed of the ingredients from which the
system has been deprived by disease,
overwork or dissipation. It enters at
once Into the circulation, building up the
tissues that have wasted, and making
pure, rich blood in the most dlreot way.
For weak, nervous and' unsteady people,
pimply, pal. or fleshless people, it will
make strong, steady nerves and give
the complexion that . wholesome look
that, indicates health. . We haye hun
dreds of lntters that people have writ
ten us. saying tlrey had gained In good,
solid flesh, at the rate of 1 to 3 lbs. per
week while using Dr. Gunn's Blood and
Nerve Tonla : It should be taken after
meals. - one or two tablets each ' time.
Druggists anil it for 75 cents per box or
8 boxen for 82, or sent-postpaid on re
ceipt of price. We are glad to make re
ply to letters of Inquiry. The advice we
give you Is plain and easily understood.
Address Dr. Bosanko Co., Philadelphia,
Pa...- ... . . .
In spite. of their explanation of how
they cams into possession of several
pairs of shoes which were stolen from
the O. R. & N. company.. James Sweeney
and Thomas Sullivan were found guilty
Thursday. Justice Reid sentenced both
to' 33 days in the county Jail, Tho men
were' .arrested at-a -hobo camp near
B' 'BS S"""' :
Here's Something
for Nothing
It's . up to you to get a dollar bottle of Dr.
B. . E. ! Wright's Antiseptic ToothJWash
FREE with any dental work done be
tween now and February 1,1904.
Don't miss this opportunity,
, but come at once
Although aged and every muscle of
her face once distorted, this woman now
appears like this. She permits the use
of her name when applied for by In
terested persons. - ,
Madame Saxe
1 The wonderful Dermatologist and
Skin Doctor, has recovered from her Ill
ness and is on duty again, ready - to
serve the public as acceptably as be
fore her recent illness.
This Noted Woman
of the systems she employs in her treat
ment of facial blemishes, as smallpox
pittlngs. birthmarks, pimples on the
face, eruptlona of the - skin, wrinkles,
freckles, etc. . , , .;
She ku onoraois SUCCESS la
her practical
She has srETEB had a failure.
She guarantees all her work,
xoxnmr oxizuuut ssnnroEB
Such a thing never has occured, and
it Is not expected that it will, but if it
SHOULD happen., the money will be reT
turned without the slightest ' murmur.
All her work is ABSOLUTELY guaranteed.-
w.... V;. . , r;
Madame Saxe Is now treating a case of
eczema that the moat noted physicians
have failed to cure. The person's arms
were a mass of scales, and the madame
saya that within two months she will
have the case perfectly cured. Super
fluous "and falling hair treated with
DOUBT of that . -
Madame Saxe
, Suite Entrance 417. AMngtos. Bldg,
Betweea Washington and Stark. Tele
phoae Hall 8893,
Troutdale 'Monday by Detective Fits
gerald of the railroad. They were Iden
tified as having stolen the shoes from
a freight car en route. Sweeney pro
fessed to have found the shoes in a barn
where he slept Saturday night
ri,:(.- . i m n i i . . "i" , jif- ;-
Kaslclans ICutaal Association, XtOcal
Jfo. 99, A. T. of In .
The attentton of local players not
members of this association Is called
to the fact that after Tuesday, Feb
ruary 2, 1904, the membership fee will
be raised to 120.00, : present fee 110.00.
C. L.Brown, secretary, 128 Sixth street.
; Colonial Security company of St
Louis shows gross assets over half
million dollars, state deposits over quar
ter of a million. Absolutely safe, -
Your Nerves
FWnlah the motive power of the entire
body. Dr. Miles' Nervine will keep the
nerves strong and healthy or restore
their strength If weakened.
Bold on suarantse. Writ, for fr book on
Berrotia a I hi.
DR. 1111.1.3 MEDICAL CO., Elkbtrt, lnd.
. Smi'in.as1 g '"v.--- -:
f :f -J
. 1904. J
. y..: . ... .. L .
You will know it was printed In
an office run under fair condl
; tlons. . Demand it on all , your
Portland Allied Printing Trades
Composed of
The Typographical Vnlon.
The Printing Pressmen's Union
Brotherhood of Bookbinders.
Stereotypsrs' and Elaetrotypers
M Jl
1 he largest ana most complete w
derttklnx establishment on the Coast. '
P. 5. Dunnins, Inc., 414 East Alder,
corner Cast 5lxth. Both phones.
Calls promptly answered to any part
I Cecity. ':'.;' .
Marquam Grand Theatre Ii.pMtB?
Tonight, Iat Prformaae. it
Rural Drama,
Erenlng price 81.50. l, Ttk. 60e, 3r, 25c,
Mttlne prlcea i, 75c, oOc, 3ie, 25e.
' 8:80 to 4:30. T SO to 10:90.
Sunday contim otih fkom 2 to lo rw.
140-848 BUBKBIDB.
FEED rBltZ, Prop. f W. If. BBOW.V. Mgr.
. - CO.NTEBT ivi.V.X MCljr.
- ' J