The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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. i . ............
KOTICE. Oregon City subscribers will pleas
take uotlcl. that the offlce of The Journal baa
been established at the Courier office, Serentk
street, next to depot, where subscriptions, torn
1UlnU. payments, etc., will be received and at
tended to by L. J. Cauneld, The Journal Ore
Bon City agent
t (Journal Special BetTlce.)
- Oregon City, Jan. . tne eeieorauun
of Jackson's day by the Democrats of
'.- Clackamas county at Willamette hall
last evening by a. banquet was ono of
2 the ; most pleasant events whlch;has
been pulled off In Oregon CHy.for many
a day. The arrangements were In the
hands of Messrs. J. W. Cole and Charlie
Kelley and the menu and refreshments
were all to their taste and liking. :, The
ball -was beautifully and tastily decor
ated for the occasion and three rows of
long ' tables , containing 200 plates
stretched down the middle of the hall
from ono end to the other. Promptly at
' h o'clock the unterrined Democracy , tiled
. In . and all the -plates arranged were
' taken. It was a splendid crowd, repre
sentative of the best Democracy there
- ' i - i ,, . ml. 1 J
' horses were there and the boys who
have Just come of age were equally con
- splcuous. Every part of the county was
' represented. Farmers from' 16 and 20
' miles out had ridden into .Oregon, City
and remained all night to attend the
, banquet. - . :".: '. .--
Governor George E. Chamberlain was
the guest of honor. He came up from
Portland on the 7 o'clock car and for
, half an hour was kept busy meeting the
. "boys in the trenches." The governor
occupied a seat at the head of the table.
Col, Robert A. Miller presided as toast
- master and did it right royally. After
. reading a number of letters from prom
inent Democrats from every part of the
state who. found it impossible to at-
tend the banquet, and giving; history
of the battle of New Orleans and Jack
son's connection therewith, the colonel
Introduced Governor Chamberlain. The
governor was In happy vein and In a
minute was in close touch with his audi
ence. Ills speech dealt largely with
existing conditions. He urged Demo
crats of every shade of opinion to "get
. together," forget the past and bury the
dead. He . said the "Democratiq party
was a live, active and growing party"
end "that with party unity we could win
the battle for the presidency this fall.
He said he "believed in the Panama
canal: that we ought to build It across
h Ulhmiia and nat o.riticlae the nreal-
dent for acquiring right la that direc
tion." He ''believed that we had come
In possession of the Philippine islands
as an incident of the Spanish-American
war ana it was our' amy o civvih
islands a good and stable government"
But above and beyond all things it was
necessary for the Democratic party in
Oregon, if they wished to win, to forget
their differences and get together. His
speech was replete with anecdotes and
at timee eloquent as well as persuasive.
He was roundly cheered and ht health
'Of Oregon .j.i .., -,
Among the other persons who were
called on and responded to 'toasts were:
Judge William Galloway, former ' regis
y ter of the land office; Gilbert L. Hedges,
former representative; W. H. Voughan, a
Democrat from Mollala Prairie, who is
now 82 years old; W. W. Jesse of Bar-
low, JS. U. wauneia, casnier oi ine runa
of Oregon City; 11. V. Kelley, book
keeper lh the same bank; George A.
Harding, Dr. M. C Strickland. Dr. W.
K. Carl, Judge C. M. Waite of Canby,
Polk , Gribble of Cribble . Prairie, Hon.
Samuel White, chairman of the Demo
cratic central committee of the state of
Oregon from Baker city, and J. H. West
over, editor of the Oregon City Courier.
The meeting came to a close at 12
o'clock. . It was a joyous occasion all
around. The watchword ; ' everywhere
was harmony, and the meeting leaves
the Democracy of Oregon City and
Clackamas county In better condition
than they have. been in, during. recent
years. : Muslo for the occasion was fur
nished by Cooke's orchestra and was
. much appreciated. '
Highwaymen Active.
The highwaymen are again getting In
their work in this "neck of the woods."
John Dlckelma, an employe of the street
cleaning department of Oregon City, was
held up last night by two footpads and
relieved of all his money, amounting to
228. He at once notified the police and
gave them a good description of the men
TVIIV UlU 1IU uiv vuv up w . 1 1 1 0 hiuta
' they have not been caught or located.
The highwaymen were unmasked and
the holdup occurred on the Southern Pa
rlflo railroad tracks at their intersection
with Eighth street. t After securing their
victim's money the robbers disappeared
In the direction of Portland.
stoh CTrma tom rxs.
Itching piles produce moisture and
cause itching, , this form, as well as
' Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are
cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko s Pile Remedy,
; Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu
ft mora. EOo a. lar. at drurirlsts. or sent
your case, vt. isosanao, rnu i, ra. .
If You Have, the Statement
. of This Portland Man s
Will Interest You.
Ever have a "low-down'r pain in the
back? ' ' ,
In the "small" right over the hips?
. That's the home of backache; .-
It's caused by sick kidneys.
, That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure. it.
- Portland people indorse this. Read
a case of it: . , '
.' - . t
J. Jenkins, of 2 15 East Sixth street,
now retired from active life, says; -"I
think very highly of Doan's Kidney
Pills, which I procured at the ' Laue
Davis Drug Co.'s store, corner of Yam
hill and Third streets. I used them for
an acute attack of backache, which had
annoyed me for some little time. Three
days after I began their use I knew
. they had gone to the cause of the dull,
dragging pains across the small of my
back, and relief came sooner than. 1
expected. I believe the cure Is perma
nent, for I have not felt any symptom
of a recurrence. Other members of my
. family have also used Doan's Kidney
Pills with equally good results." , ...
For sale by all dealers. - Price 50
conls, Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N.
T., sole agents for the United States,
Krmerhber the name Doan's - and
' take no otheK "'"(. '' '
NOTICE. Salem subscribers will -please take
retire that The Journal agency baa been trans
ferred to E. . DaTla, 180 atate street,, who
will receive : subscriptions, complalnU, pay
iceota, ate.
(Journal Special Service.)
Salem. Jan. 9. In the circuit court
yesterday afternoon the caae.of-A.iH.
Damon vs. J. Shants and wife was tried.
Damon In October, 1902, was committed
to the Insane asylum, and within a. few
days his daughter, a girt' ,17 years old,
who- had received some -notoriety -Tier
and had gone to Portland, came to Salem
and sold all the household goods try her
father's home to a second-hand furniture
dealer named Shants. The old man was
recently discharged from the asylum
and brought suit against Shants for the
value of the goods, placed at $1,038. The
Jury found for Mr. Damon in the hum of
2260 and interest, a total of $268.88. V.
H. E. Allen, an ex-oonvict, who was
early this week arraigned on the Charge
of issuing a forged check at Stayton, and
who pleaded not guilty -and undertook
to fight the case, yesterday afternoon aa
peared in the circuit court, changed his
plea to guilty and will be sentenced to
day. Allen came to the penitentiary
less than Ave years ago from Jackson
county for a term of 10, years, for for
gery. He was at once ; put on double
time, as he was a good carpenter, and the
day before Governor Oeer"s term expired.
Allen's sentence was commuted to expire
in AprlU When discharged he went to
Stayton, where he began carpentering.
While engaged in building an addition to
the Catholic church . at Sublimity, h
one night came to Stayton. and presented
a check signed by a prominent member
of the Catholic church in Sublimity, for
$76. This waa readily cashed, when Al
len disappeared. The check was forged,
and Allen waa soon thereafter arrested
and held t6 the circuit court
''- ; . 2ora Wants Dlvoroe.
Dora Zeyss, residing here, has brought
a divorce suit against B. Zeyss. ' The
couple was married In Corvallls in De
cember, 1895. The woman alleges de
sertion and inhuman treatment, and asks
for a divorce, a half interest in a tract
Of land in Linn county. $2,000 alimony
and $200 lawyer's fees and her costs. -Vat
JClmaey Resigned. -
- Nate Kimsey, a guard at the penitenti
ary, who was appointed early in Decem
ber, has quit his position,, having filed his
resignation with th superintendent.
Kimsey is a Marlon county Democrat,
and he came well recommended, but he
was - not aa useful .or as satisfactory
as it was hoped he would be. Klmsey's
resignation waa accepted last evening,
and his place tilled by another appointee. I
omcera ox uraer oi laions. ,
The local lodge of the Order of Lions
has Installed' its officers for the new
year. The lodge waa visited by W. T.
McPherson, deputy supreme president,
and the occasion -was made an important
event, especially as It happened to be
the first meeting of the lodge in its new
quarters. The. vlaltor. Installed the ffi
eers, and this was followed by the serv
ing of a bountiful repast. The officers
installed are! . :
H. B. Morrison, president; N. J. Judah,
vice-president; Mary Sheridan, chaplain;
Celeste M. Llston, secretary; Elisabeth
T. Adair, treasurer; Margaret Jacob, ser
geant at arms; Margaret Munson, assist
ant; T. J. Arthur, doorkeeper; Martha
Sheridan, sentinel: Jennie Hutchins, mu
sician: Dr. W..8. Mott, medical examiner;
J. J. Longcor, trustee.
NOTICE The Independence agency of ' The
Oregon Daily Journal ia located -at The Ar
cade Cigar 8tore on C. street, where subscrip
tions to 'he Dally, Semi-Weekly and Weekly,
Journal will be taken.
. : (Journal 8peclat Berrtce.)
Independence, Or., Jan. . It was re
ported here today that two young boys
living a few miles south of indepena
ence took it upon themselves to become
highwaymen and held up two of their
neighbors' boys, who were driving along
the county road, ' When they reached a
place pear the watering trough, the
hidden boys shot off a gun and Jumped
out from their hiding place and de
manded of the young fellows their
money. The horses of the boys, were
frightened and started to run, ana the
holdups started off across the fields to
head them off, and did so and robbed the
boys of their money, which, of course,
was not much. The youngest bandit is
only 14 years of age. and Is named Kr
nest Porter, the other lad Is about 10
years of age and is named Steele, but is
very small for his age, and it has been
a hard matter to manage him. Endeav
ora will be made to have both boys
placed in the reform school, in order to
give them time to mend their ways.
. Connoil Matter Straightened.
The city council has organised, t
a meeting called by the mayor, 3. 8.
Cooper, all hands Joined together and
pulled the matter out of its troubles in
such a manner that It is thought the
storm will be ' successfully . weathered
until another charter can be passed. The
conflicting sections of the charter refer
principally to election of members, qual
Ideations and such, and It is thought
that by all forces joining hands and
legalizing their acts as far as possible,
that the business transacted will be ad
judged legal if taken into court at any
time, even if difficulty should arise over
the qualifications! -of members.
Another meeting was held last night,
at which efforts were made to pay such
bills as have been laying, on the table.
Meeting nights were decided on at
the last meeting and Tuesdays were se
lected for the 'ensuing year.
The officers as seated and in their
chairs at the meeting for the ensuing
year are . as . follows: : Mayor, J. 8.
Cooper; council men. holdovers. A. 8.
Locke, W. It Craven, J. 8," Bohannon
and II- C. Finch, the new officer taking
his seat being D. B. Taylor. .One va
cancy is yet to be filled, which Is the
place belonging to Mr. W. A. Messner,
who was unavoidably absent In Van
couver tn business, and who, it Is un
derstood, will take his offlce upon hia
return. '.. - .. . . , ' - .
Before Taking the "Spokane Tlyer" for
Hesters waenington Feints.
VIV the tiAv CI T 4 A. XT' I - J .
. . , . . ' ... Mum caiu. per
sons deNlrlng to take the Spokane Flyer
mr riiyniiiis, vunur a Aiene ana otner
Eastern Waehlngton points can now dine
'ftt hnmn ftraln Imvam at 7-iR n u
fore lonvlng. The "Portland'-nhYcarn
KOTICE. The Albany afenry of The Oretoa
Pally Journal la at the drug atoia of Fred
Dawson, No. 238 West First atreet, where bud
aorlptlona will be recelTed.
. (Journal Special Berries.)
Albany, or,, Jan. 9.Two 14-year-old
boys, after loading their minds witk
wild and wierd tales of the dime novel
'heroes" and filling their pockets with
a quantity of jrovslons, established a
hobo camp in the brush 'a short dis
tance east of town and proceeded to be
come followers of their Idols. Tin cans
cerved for cooking utensils and a camp
fire furnished light and heat for . the
youthful tramps. The parents, of the
boys are well to do and respected mem
bers of, Albany? society;, and ".were
shocked at the course pursued by their
offspring. Thoy could not locate the
urchins, but knew that they were in the
vicinity of town. Chief of Police Mo
Claln was instructed to find them and
to use strenuous measures to check their
uncalled for career.-',',-.-:-'C...r:?
After the boys had remained two days
in their camp the chief discovered them
and a raid followed. One boy was cook
ing) while the other Was doing sentry
duty, but the lookout old not cover the
entln circle, .' hence the' wily - officer
swooped down upon them unawares and
the two recreants were soon before Recorder-Van
-Winkle.. The court had .re
ceived instructions from the heads of
the families and tho law as administered
was not exactly as laid down in Black
stone, but was supreme nevertheless. A
heart to heart talk followed, the re
corder having the - floor . most of the
time. He informed the repentant and
sorrowful-looking prisoners that bad
men always landed in Jail and to make
the occurrence more .realistic; said he
would intact that penalty upon them.
They now languish 4n the city prison
and are confined in lonely cells, not even
being allowed the privilege of being In
each other's company. With a diet of
plain bread and water they are willing
to admit that hobo life Is not Just the
thing. that dime novels paint it to be,
and express a desire to be installed once
more under the parental roof. They
will probably be released this evening.
! : v "Holy Boiler" Orsffleld.
Instead of going to Corvallls, as was
generally supposed, F. E. Creffleld of
Holy Roller notoriety,' and his bride.
took the Brownsville train from this
city Tuesday-arternoon and arr now ,at
that place. The apostle evidently did
not relish the thought of again facing
the tar and feather brigade and the
wrath of Mr. Hurt, his . father-in-law,
but concluded to hunt new fields. The
Brownsville people will not tolerate any
of their foolishness and cremeia win
receive sharp treatment if he com
mences to practice what he preaches.
A Bejects Tlnal Proof.
The Lakeview land offlce continues to
reject tne final proofs of Linn county
citizens. About 20 claimants received
notice yesterday that they would not be
allowed to pfovfi tup; because" the filings
had not been made in the district The
lands are located in Klamath and Lake
counties and the applications to file were
made before a United States commis
sioner at- Bend, Crook county. The ap
plications were accepted and the notices
published, but after a period of nearlj
four months the entries nave been re
jected. The lands are covered with yel
low and sugar pine timber and many
people are of the opinion that the scrip
holders, representing . various railroad
and lumber companies, are Instigating
the trouble. The claimants have been
to a large expense and will make a hard
fight for what they believe is right and
Just. " - '
. Albany Votes.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McHwain will
leave tonight for the East, where the
former will purchase a large stock of
new goods for his store. They will be
absent about four, weeks. :
Eugene Cuslck, son of Hon. and Mrs.
J. W. Cuslck, who has been seriously
ill with appendicitis, is recovering, but
will not be able to resume his studies
in the Hill Military academy, during the
term. . . ,
State Organizer C C. Hogue of the A.
O. U. W. left yesterday for Southern
Oregon, where he will work In the in
terests of the order.
The Odd Fellows installed their new
officers Wednesday night and had a fine
spread after lodge. The officers are:
N. Q.. NVM. Newport; V. Q..tJ. W. Elli
son; secretary, H. Barnes; treasurer, J.
Qradwohl: F. S. T., Ralph McKechnie;
R. S. N. O., J. N. Brandenbury; L, 8. N.
O.. A. Robinson: R. 8. V. O., J. A. Mil
lard; chaplain. C W. Sears; warden, A.
R. Hill; O. a., Fred Hockspler; h O.,
John Robson. The A. O. U. W. and De
gree of Honor held a Joint installation
of officers Wednesday night and a social
time followed, the ceremonies. .,.!
Harry E. Davis and Miss Rosamond
Carter, prominent young people of Hal-
sey, were married at the Bt. Charles
hotel in this city yesterday, Dr. M. C.
Wire officiating. 1
John Couser, an old resident of Syra
cuse precinct, was injured by a horse
falling on him and a physician was
called. While seriously bruised, he was
not Injured Internally. :
KOTICE. The Tanecavvr agency of The Ore-
Joe Dally Jonrnal la located at OU atala atreet,
ob P. Lundberg. agent .'.'.
. (Journal Special Service.)
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 9. Last night
was a red letter evening for the Metho
dist . revival meeting that has been in
progress for the last two weeks. Dur
ing the invitations for people to come
forward that wished to turn away from
their sinful wava. thre Raivniin. i
officers went up and expressed their sor
rows ior raving deserted the cause of re
ligion, and two of the three Immediately
enlisted in the old cause of Christianity.
. This event was nnn that h ..... '
lists seldom meet with,- namely, a Salva
tion Army officer having deserted the
cause, and they feel they have a Just rea
son to rejoice at the success met with.
me ministers are tne more encouraged
by the unprecedented intoraat tv.. i
aroused in .the mini In In a-anni t. . -
claimed. by the leaders in these revivals
inai it is me most successful revival
ever held in Vancouver. , .
The serlces throughout the week, both
In the , afternoon and munin
i ' t " - ;- ' i Mia tvcAl
attended,, and it is, decided to continue
the revivals another week-, anil nnn,i.
usual Sunday school at" 8:45 in the
morning; Rev. Rimanocsy will preach at
11, and hold a reception of members into
the church. At 8 o'clock' in the after
noon there will be children's meeting and
evangelical services at 7:30 in the even
ing. ! -,: i i' A " i
At St. Luke's Episcopal church tomor
row the usual services will be held at
8 and 11 a. ra. and 7:30 d. m. The sub
Ject of the morning sermon will be ,"The
Gospel of Humanity."
At the Baptist church services will be
held by Pastor R. Yeatman at-11 a.? m,
and 7:30 p. m. The morning theme:
The Holy Spirit God's Free Gift."
Evening theme: ""Thy Kingdom Come.'
Sunday school at 10 a..m. B. T. B. U.
meeting at :3. v
At the Christian church the usual ser
vices will be held. v
-Chaplain Smith will continue his lec
tures tomorrow night at the usual hour
at the post hall, on the "Life and Times
of Christ"
Bible studies will be conducted at the
post hall under the direction of the chap
lain at 9 a. m. ,. - ;;; ....
:::-l. y,i., A Fretty XoslcaL . , . . .
At a gathering of a few friends at Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Buhls last evening . all
were pleasantly entertained by several
violin solos by Miss Ethel yn A. Wollen-
ber The selections were weU-randered-i
and the young lady waa highly compli
mented on her progress in music. Miss
Wollenber, has only lately commenced
the study of the violin and the progress
she has made is quite surprising to her
many friends.
- Gay Wollenber, her brother, is also
quite an accomplished musician, and the
two young people aocomplish rapid prog
ress in their studies by utilizing their
para, time practicing together, . V r
:;.:'-?';, OUctlsana CHvs SoolaL
Vancouver assembly No. , United Arr
tisana, give a aoclal dance and banquet
after meeeting tonight at Elchenlaub's
hall; and Evergreen assembly, 189, will
also hold a social tonight at their hall
at Orchards, Wash. Orchards is only
five relies out, with a fine bicycle path
all the way, and there are a large num
ber of young folks contemplating attend
ing, the latter place. .
Rockwood. Or., , Jan. 9. The local
grange at this place held Its regular
meeting recently and at that time in
stallation of the newly elected officers
for the ensuing term took place as fol
lows: . ,,',. .
Master, F. H. Crane; overseer, 3eorge
Cothrell; secretary, Mra V. A. Lover
lace; treasurer, S. P. Osborn; lecturer,
Mrs. Ida M. Thorpe; chaplain, Mra Wll-
llnm DAWAn' tVO 4-Jk trsaarAls X7a1 A XT aTaas-
born; steward assistant. Frank FisherT
steward assistant, Mra Cora Robertson;
Pomona, Ruth Douthett; Flora, Edna
Powell; Ceres, Daisy Dickson.
Aflsr the Installation a new patron
waa Instructed In the arts and mysteries
of husbandry and the membership now
stands at the 120 mark.
Since the organization of the grange
here a very marked Interest has been
taken by all and A. F. Miller of Sell wood
Is rarely absent from any of the busi
ness sessions, as he is a very earnest
and energetio patron. Itis he who
looks after the insurance branch of the
grange. . ' v ,-.:
In the death of John MIlIerASr.. re-
cently, the organization lost a member
who is greatly missed. The next reg
ular day session of this grange will be
held . on January loV-tt being the third
Saturday in tho month.
A Mew Teacher.
Rockwood school has a new teacher
for a short time as the. former teacher.
Miss C. A. Lovei is Hi 'at her home in
Portland. It is said. she will soon be
able to resume her duties and until
such a time the school will be kept by
the present Incumbent
The Rockwood assembly No. 208 of
United Artisans will hold its installation
of officers tonight at which time the
newly elected officers are requested to
be present The secretary's report
New Yorle City, N. Y. Chicago, I1L
Kansas City, Ma Dallas, Texas.
Denver, Colo. ; Salt Lake City, Utah.
. San Francisco, Califc
South Bend, Indiana. ' V
shows the assembly to be In very good
One ; or more debentures in the Co
lonial Security company Is better than
any bond or life Insurance policy.
U JU Jq Jd A Jx K
' -; : ";" ; ' ;sv.;: , .-, -; v-A , ' ' -. -a?a- . ; : vr -;;;.
We are in a position to show you, and sell you, the most up-to-date vehicles on
the market A few moments spent in our repository will convince you that we
have one of the finest assortments of vehicles to be found anywhere.
Studebaker Bros. Co. Northwest
. . f . 330"33G ''line t iiiomi en .
Praise Pe-ru-na as a Cwo tr.j
.Preventative of CatarrM
. . . fi?cnrr?ar.
..... t .' VNVIUVIH
Miss Elizabeth TJber, No. tt JJassetl
street, Albany, N. T., writes t
" bMV0 mlwart dreaded the UII
mad winter because ot my extreme
liability to catch cold, whoa catarrhal
trouble would quickly develop
through my entire ayttem which It
would take weeka to drive away. I
am thankful to aay that since I have
taken Peruna, I do not have mnyrea
ton to dread this any more. Last
tall wbea I suffered with my old
trouble I took Peruna and In nine
daya waa completely cured and since
that time, It I have been at ail x
posed to the damp, wet or cold
weather, l take a dose or two or Me-
runa end it throws out any bint of
sickness from my system. I xiaaiy
Indorse IL" Mis Elizabeth liber. --
Mrs. Win, Dewey, Saranao Lake, jr.
T., Is second cousin of Admiral Dewey.
Ia a recent letter shesaygj
"Peruna Is the most valuable or
any remedy that I have ever used for
coughs, colds, etc I cheerfully rec
ommend It as a certain used
according to directions." Mrs. Win.
Miss , Bbift Garbing, popular
society woman of Crown Point, Ind,
writes i
Last winter I took a long drive
in the country, and being too thtngty
clad I caught a bad cold which settled.
on my lungs, and which l could not
seem to shake oft. I bad beard a
great deal of Peruna tor colds and,
catarrh and I bought a pottle to try.
I am pleased that I did tor It brought
speedy relief. It only took two bot
tles and I consider this money welt
" Yon have a firm trtena in me.
and I not only advise Its use to my
Mends, but have purchased several
bottles to give to those without the
means to buy, : and have noticed
without exception that It has brought
about a speedy cure wherever It baa
been used. "Miss Rosa Oerblng.
To neglect a oold Is to lnrlta chronio
catarrh. As soon as anyone discovers
the first symptoms ot catching oold he
should at once begin the use of Peruna
according to directions on the bottle,
and the cold Is rare to pass away with
out leaving any bad effects.
Unless this Is done the oold ia almost
sure to end la the second stage of ca
tarrh which Is making so many lives
miserable. If Peruna was taken every
time one has a cold or cough chronio
catarrh would be practically an un
known disease.
If yon doot derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Bartman, giving a
full statement ot your ease and he will
be pleased to give you hi valuable)
advice gratis.
Address Dr.' Bartman, President ot
The Bsrtman Sanitarium, Columbus,
longer. ,
Special" now leaves. at 8:60 a. m. .
The services for tomorrow will be as