TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- TORTLAXD, SATURDAY EVENING; JANUARY 9,- 190 i. 21 "-". 1 .... .. 1 . 1 ' ; ' i i ii iii i I i . i.i . IT V-ILL PAY YOU TO READ '.Sf ,1" """ ''" " 1 'i."' ' v "-;..'i""' : ' " : i '" "J 1 :' "" ---"-"!". ' , m . . i .i.rnr. , m,, .' ..... . . ... -c v '"." ," , " :. .'... m i...hi...w Stewart faif: ti . ' r t ' Si. zu ivunuies kiuc un iw. Scott Car Lots , 50x100 feet, $100 $3 down, $3 a month ALL LOTS CLEARED, NOT A " 8 TUMP. PERFECTLY LEVEL,, STREETS GRADED, , WATER PIPED, . ' - OFFERS TTOU A CHANCE TO A , SECURE A HOME IN A BEAU TIFUL SUBURB AT LESS THAN COST OF RENT. " . i v . . j. Remember lots are 50x100 On Payment of $6 down and $6 a month v YOU MAY ' OWN. 100 x 100 ' ' "'FEET, RAISE YOUR ' OWN ? .VEGETABLES " AND STOP " , . RENT. ,Start farfi INVITES BUYERS WHO IN TEND ' TO BUILD NEAT HOMES NOT SHACKS OR SHANTIES. 120 Lots Sold in STEWART PARK in the last 60 . . days : BEKZHBEB ' IBIS , IS ' TBB , IAST CXABCB TO SSCVBB OBB QP'TBXSB SZATmWX- i X.OTS X OB $100 OBIT A XXW ; -t IBPT.Vv'Vy W': '-I'S'" i i. . r - v 1 Take Mt Scott Car to Stewart TOMORROW AND SELECT YOUR HOME SITE. . . . . .i , , . . " -v - ; . AOEJCT OJf TBB OBO VBD. PACIFIC LAND COMPANY 167 FIRST STREET -r Stewart . Pari! IIARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE ; 'A large list of Nevt Modern Homes of various designs in different locations at cash prices. ' Terms equivalent to 10 per cent down and month ly rentals. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES WEST SIDE $l8o4; or new B-room oottagre, porc ain 1 bath ' and wash-atand, star tlonary wash ; traya on .back porch; on 23d street. - ' j $2500 a-room new modern nouae, witn bath, wash traya, cement walks, on Slat at., within 1 block 2 ear lines. ' t?3?fl -room flwelllnr, hard finish, &owv bath wa-h traya. dose to car line. tf 3C A For 0-room house, with S3 l-!x 6T. on 23d. at; modern through out. .. ; . i EAST SIDE $2700 $4000 For new (-room modern home, on the corner of Rodney ave. and Tillamook; full basement, porce lain bath, washatand, toilet above and below, . wash trays, wood elevator, piped for gas and furnace; streets fully improved. For 8-room house, on Eugene st. ; one of the best houses on the East Bide; cement basement, furnace and all conveniences, with 60x100. ,,,..;?, $1800 $2400 $3100 $2400 $2200 $1400 $2200 $1100 $2000 $5000 For 6-room dwelling, on Skid more st, with corner SOxlOOj modern throughout . v t For 7-room new modern house, on Couch st., with 50x100; in good resld'enoe locality, !. v.- 1 , For new 7-room modern house; on corner of Rodney and Tilla mook:, porcelain bath, wash- stand, ' toilet above and - below, wash trays, wood elevator; piped for gas and furnace. For 8-room house, with 40x120, on ' Stanton at, between r 2 car lines. - For 6-Toom ' new well-flnlshed house, on Rodney ave., with 25x 100; cement walks around prera lses. For Jiroora modern home, on the Mt. Scott car line, within 25 minutes ride of courthouse; best suburb of Portland. For (-room new house, on the East Side, in a very deslrablo ' locality, close in on Rodney ave. For 6-room cottage, brand new, In the suburbs of Portland, 20 minutes ride from the city; bath, hot and cold water. . For 6-room dwelling on Russell St., porcelain bath and Sink, all modem conveniences, lot 60x100. For 4 flats on Russell St.; newly renovated; pay lii.per cent on l vestment, , $2650 $2600 $2609 42600 $2500 $2500 ON CLINTON STREET, between 16th & 17th Sts. 6 and 7 Room Houses ' Well built, latest designs of architecture, plumbing A-i. cement walks. piped for cm, and furnace i per cent down. Equity Real Estate Co. ' num valoa 1460. S4 Zast acorrUos St. PAZBT BAJTCH of over 140 acres, about one hour drive irom I'oniana; s acres upland; 7 or S-room house. barn 26x100, with sheds; good dairy ' house, some fruit; a bargain. m . rrw T All rlA.p Ascent I of R acres, for fruit and pasture; good 7- room nouse, lsxiu, wun an u uit. house, good barn, capacity 60 tons - of hay and 60 head of cattle; 1 acres good orchard; 6 sharea in irriga tion ditch that runs through the . place; splendid fruits land. , Price only $1,200. SOMX aiCAXXi ACBIAOB near Portland tnat are nne oui. a.iAnAirnr a. 1 S-room house. Plastered. bath, toilet, gaa and wired for elec tricity, full basement; lot boxizi; h.m F.hirkenhouse. fruit trees and . rone bushes; good location and fine . buy. i r 184 u AOBBB 80 cleared; good barn, Sx5S: houae 1 rooms, granary. sheds, etc.; good variety orchard, In a splendid locality; roads level and well graveled; close to creamery, school? church, shipping points, etc.; cleared $1,072 thla year. Price $7, - $80; 4,000 cords of wood on the place. . ... riYB BOLLABS per month buys lot in . "Maplewood," on Woodstock car line; splendid location: 20 mln .. , ,utes takes you to or from your business. Price of lots from $100 to $176; all full alse; nothing Detter on in marxet. xet us ahow them to you; water piped ' to each lot 11050 B-room cottage and lot, near union avenue; (250 cash, bai ' ance to suit; a bargain. $3300 (-room modern house, near Wil- llama ave.t cement basement, gas, eta; $500 cash, balance $20 per month, - . I ACBSS Near oar line. Price $450 (250 cash; a snap; ground all in cultivation. No houae. f 195 'Lota in Roselawn, on Woodlawn car nne; easy payments. r, . BX1TTAL DZrABTKXjrT. Will rent your homes, look after re pairs ana collect rent Terms low. Sahl'strom & Patterson 83X BTABX IT. PBOITB BOOB 117. Nash's First Addition to Portland BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS . 50x100 for $100 No shanties allowed in the addition. , . BICB, KXW, taOOXBH 8-BOOK XOUSB TOB $1,0007. r t I havt tour houses built Take your choice. Easy terms. Sidewalks laid, water mains -are laid and connected to each house. ' I have a few lots in Tremont for $50 each. . -v.. "A 4-room' house and orchard for $400. , .: .- ,. , Take the 'Mt Scott car and get off at Malard avenue In. Nash's first ad. ditton. Ask for .".'. -i --j . , :;..,..,. the owner of BASH'S KBSX JL9BXTX01T ti Po'rtland.' No agent. ' - . f r : . Imr: STOPRENT Modern 6-Room Cot tage Given Away Choice Lots $30 to $100,$3 down$3 per month : A Home for $50. Think of jbeitlg located in your own home and rid of the rent habit. $50 will do it 20 Minutes car ride, 4Jc fare. Best cars in the west Take ML Scott car First and Alder. AGENT ON GROUND 203 Failing Telephone Main 2129. City office open evenings Free $750 Free Seven hundred and fifty dollars In lots will be given away at th. big auc tion, sale at - . ESTACADA On : January 12 th, 1904 Business lota of Estacada will be sold on the above date at publio auction foil two hours only. No business lots will be sold prior to the sale. Residence lots can be purchased up to and includ ing the day of the auction sale. January 12. at the following prloea: $60 and $76. After that date the price of all residence lots will be raised not less thai) $23 each. Trains Will leave First and Alder streets at 7:40 and 9 o'clock a. m., on January 12. Remember the date and rlace. Round trip . excuraion tickets list dste 75c. Call on or address the OBCOOH WATXB POWBB TOWNtlTB COMPAJTT for further - information. Room 6, 132 H First street, corner of Aider. . . ; ' Don't miss these Bargains - IMPROVED- r - BOOKS and bath, with 2 lots,; near eoutnern racino car snops (1,600. Small cash payment, balance install ments. 6-BOOBC cottage and lot, near Williams . avenue ana BKiamors, i,ouo; easy terms. 6-BOOM cottage on Roosevelt (formerly a. Bcreei;, near rair grounas, i,nu. Brrfall cash, payment, balance Install menls. -. . . ... .. . ... 4-BOOM cottage, 11th and College sts., ii.ovu;. one-inira casn, oaiance install ments.' ' :y a UNIMPROVED SNAPS S I.OTS Feurery Addition. Milwaukle ana Teaeriuit streets, (760, S LOTS North Alblna, $350. . , a SOTS Highland Park. $140. Call and see my list for other Bargains A. II. BIRRELL 202-3 McKay Bldg.3d&Stark BEAUTIFUL TREMONT PLACE 95 minutes' ride on fit. Scott car line streets zraaea, water mains laid and ao-foot alleys. Lots 40x120 feet, 380 each, $5.00 Down and &S.OO Month This addition Is close to a car lines, near school,, churches and stores. ' .. SEE TREMONT PLACE TO DAY: Take nt. Scott car. Afent on the ground. - Pacific iJand Company ' 167 First Street FARMS Wo havs ao larfest 11a of rood farms la the Willamette Valley i 87 jeara ax. p.rieaoe. Send for out lis. W. A. SHAW & CO. , S43 BTABX. BXAB SBOOBB ST. III Homes built on the easy payment plan will not bo offered long In this; ad dition. A raise In roal es tate Is aura. Now is tho time.- Fortuna. knocka at vorymaVa 4oor, Thio is a. knock at your door. -Act now.., ideas and plans on THE MONTHLY FIVE PARKS i IN THEji . . ADDITION. A SAFE -.INVESTMENT NO HOUSE ERECTED AT A COST r OF LESS ' THAN f 2.000 A PLACE FOR A , . t HOME UNEQUALLED. CHURCHES SCHOOLS . v HEALTHFUL O 09 ul O Q . , EAST, SIDE OFFICEl 12TH AND HAWTHORNE. FOR SALE ( HOUSES , 300 BOW-$13.60 monthly, a lovely 4- room new cottage (Montavilla),. 60x 100; well improved lot; 1 block from car line only $800. $800 BOWK 6-room Well-built new cottage; full basement; 60x100 cornor lot; near furniture factory $1,450. 9500 BOWB K $15 monthly,' (-room house, 60x120 lot East 21st street bearing fruit trees $1,500. $400 SOWN Terms to suit, 4 room house, on MUwaukie ave.; walking . distance $800. v-.s .. -BOOSC very line, modern, new house, wltti modern plumbing, bath, etc.; cost $2,600 to build; sightly corner lot choice rosea, shrubbery, bearing irmt trees: i-iawinorne ave., eiose in; owner must raise money $2,700. VACANTLOTS Lot 40xfto, Tremont Place $ 65 LrfUs 40X120, Tremont f arx ... . ,, . u Lots 60x100, Beauvolr Heights... 150 Lots 60x100, Mistletoe Add..,.,... ISO Lots 60x100, jTahor Heights .,,..$ 200 Lot 60x100, E. Couch st. .,,....,$ 700 Lots 60x100, Milwaukle ave., .....I 475 Lot 60x100. E. 13th st. ........... 11.400 Lot 60x100. Grand ave. 300 Lots 26x86, Arleta Park $ 75 Suburban Farm, to Sell or Trade 10 ACBBS Near Montavilla; I In cul tivation; small orchard. Will trade for larger farm farther out and pay . omerence, or sell for vuo. HOMESTEAD Relinquishment 1(0 acres, S miles from : Columbia . river boat landing; large creeic; some timoer-isou. BUSINESS CHANCES OBOCXBT $1,300 stock, delivery rig and all fixtures; 4 fine living rooms, bath; chance of a lifetime $1,300. BOOKING s BOUSB -10 swell transient rooms: verv central: salt! by owner to clear $300 per month $1,200. CIOAB STOBB Fins opportunity to buna up; otner pusiness compels sac- rince tizh. ROOMING HOUSES 60 rooms, choice location; lease, .$4,500 40 " leaser low rent i r. $8,000 10 . " swell transient flat. .$1,200 23 " rent $56; bargain .......2,000 38 . small fiats, new, lease... $2, 600 25 " corner flat; rent $60. .... $3,000 It .. " choice distriot. corner... 760 18 " best in city for price... 1 5t) 13 " rent $25; good flat, $ 800 10 near City Hall, corner. .. 50 8 new furniture; rent $25..$ 400 7 " First st; rent $18 ., $00 BoniM, Booms, Stona and Tanas roatad ia Peal f slate I! Trosl (o, XotriaoA VU or. oobA. BEAUTIFUL LOT BBAB CAB BABV. BAST TWgSTT EIOBTB. VEBT CHEAP. HENKLE & BAKER ' SIT JJalBOTOB BVZXJDZBa. If you don't and want to stop him -it's your fault if you don't We have the way have you the will? It's easy, quite easy. If this ad. don't make it plain enough a call here will give you every detail. A; house built according to your own EAST TWELFTH EA8T TWENTIETH ON THE EAST. GATE & UNIMPROVED LOTS $550 100100, southeast corner E. Ninth and Wygant streets. Quarter block. East Twenty first and Powell streets. 50x100 on East Tenth street Stephens' Addition. Quarter block. East Tenth and Johnson streets. 550 650 650 650 1200 100 1600 1500 1750 A A A. Mason street- Alblna, . 50x100, on north side Savior street, between 26th and 27th Streets. . :.. v 50x100. west side of 20th st, between Savler and Thurman streets. ' 50x100, First street, near Hooker, South - Portland. - All of block 72, Peninsula 7sTo. 6. -one block from St Johna cor line. 60x100, on Overton street, near Twenty-fourth street: I Ml II I street, near Overton street' OAAA Block of ground, on south llllll t cor. Bancroft ave. and 4.VVU uunoig ,t. South Portland. 4 AAA '60x100. on Gllsan street near uUUU Twenty-second street LOTS EVERYWHERE For further particulars apply to Rountree & Diamond 241 STARK ST.. Cor. SECOND $1100 FOR NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. HALIv PANTRY. PORCELAIN , BATH, HOT AND COLD WA ' TER. LOT 40x120, 2 BLOCKS -FROM STREET CAR, WITH : 18 .-MINUTE SERVICE. ONE BLOCK FROM GOOD SCHOOL, TWO BLOCKS FROM MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY STORE. Oao-Balf Cash, Balaaoo Time, 7 Vn Cat Interest, m e; LEE & CO. ' Boom 410 Mohawk Building, ' 164 Third Street, COO Each, a few fine lots on Wil liams ave. and Mississippi ave. : f 1300 10 acres inside the city and .ii a . Jll.-.. . Wllnin wtJftllts Qiownva oi ' postoffloe, west side; no Improve ments. . - S10OO 9 acres, 5 miles from postoffice. West Side; has been cleared, but no improvements; fine place for ? rapes, strawberries and other rults. . , ROBERT BELL , 831 WOBOXSTXB BX.OOX. PAYMENT ON THE WEST, TT POWELL' Stop Paying Rent BTJT ABB BVXU la Kern Park That beautiful 40-ct tract' on th. Mt. Soott oar Un., adjoining XUkVBSZiWOOB oa the east Buy. at0nce la 4 Kern Park it yon wait some one else may- have ehosea the lot you would like best. We are securing a good class of buyers and they are buying to make th.mselvea homes. If you buy la Bern Park you will hay. good neighbors. Come and see Bern Park. Tell the ooaduotoi to let you off at .... Kern Park Station Pirst bulldsra ta Bora Park get froa wat.r for a time, Th. 14-foot aU.y will b. found great convenieaoa. Twenty-minute ear s.rrlo. night and morning and still b.VUr servioe sura to follow, PAY RENT TO YOURSELF Kern Park .' LOTS 40x100 $65 to ?I25 - 1 Payable a $3.00 monthly payments. BSBB PABX 0T8 POB 8AXB BT Sycamore Real Estate Co. 0BM Horrlson St, Phona, Vala 483. Bargai ns i n Real Estate $1380 7-room hard-finished bouse, eor- ner lot; plenty of fruit; good plumbing; corner Beech and Min nesota aves., Multnomah: im- - provements cost over $1,600; this ., , . ., jg a gnap. investiijate. lioo s-room house, comer lot: corner Missouri ave. and Shaver st ' $1100 -room house, -No. 80 Shaver st All above properties for sale on easy terms if desired. m. Co l nuiii ioui it-rr s4 'BTABX STBBZT. r Wl Tho time to quit paying rent It now., Tho offer to assist you will not linger long. There' la alwaya a ohango in conditions. Tho building of houses on tha easy payment plan in Ladd's Addition (will only bo for a short time. . , PLAN 10 MINUTES CAR RIDE , TO HEART OF THE CITY CAN BE , I WALKED IN 25 Z MINUTES. PI m . z c n o z STONE SIDEWALKS GRADED .. 8TREETS jlj ELECTRIC z LIGHT O AS HIGH AND DRY WELL DRAINED. ' . "701 Chamb.r of Comm.re., Phono Main 183,