THE OREGON DAILY JOTTRNAIV PORTLAND, SATURDAY EYENING, JAKVAHY 9, -190 h MONDAY PROGRAM NATIONAL: WOOL vr. ';-' " t ". ....... - , ,,' .,. -. . .. - Music. ' . ' Convention called to order 10:30 a. m. . - . Prayer, Rev. E. S. Muckley, pastor First Christian church. Annual address of the preai den V Hon. Francis E. Warren, Annual report of the secretary, HonT Mortimer Levering. Annual report of the treasurer, Mr. A. J.. Knolliri. Appointmerit of committees. , Introduction and reference of resolutions. " Consideration and adoption of new constitution and by-laws. Recess. ,-. . Music , Reports of committees. Th VnrcRt Rpunn and the explaining present existing conditions in various states and territories by the following: Arizona Hon. E. S. Gosney, president Arizona 1 Wool Growers' association. California Mr. Louis V. Qlcese, president Kern County Wool Growers' association. " Colorado Mr. W. A. LIngham, secretary Western Slope Wool Growers' association. Idaho Hon. John McMillan, president Idaho Wool Growers' association. Montana Hon, T. C. Power, president State Sheop commission. Oregon Hon. Douglas Belis president Oregon Wool Growers' association. Washington Mr.' B. K. Nichols, secretary Washington Wool Growers' association. Utah. Hon.JesseiL Smithy president JIttth.W.ool Growers' association. 'Forest Reserves and Sheep Grazing" Hon. Giftord Plnchot, chief of General discussion and consideration of resolutions on this subject. "The Public Land Laws and Needed Amendments' Thereto" Hon. F. H. Newell, chief hydrographer of the United States geological survey, and Hon. Giftord Plnchot, members of, the special commission ap pointed by the president of the United States to Investigate "and report-on this subject, will, address the .con vention and the subject will be open to general discussion and for the consideration and action on resolu tion. ' . . A " ' . "Sheep Scab on the Range" Resolutions and general discussion. Hon. D. E. Salmon, chief of the bureau vpf animal industry, or a representative of that bureau, will be present and address , the convention on the of that department to eradicate scab. ''-' Selection of . members of the executive committee by the various delegations. . v .. 3,000 STOCKMEN DUE- (Continued from Page One.) Joe." At the time of the convention f at Kansas City In order to induce the .delegates to visit St Joseph and stock yards and other places of interest, Ir win chartered two special trains at his own expense ami nnitu mi vibuuib up to the Missouri town. "Ilagenbarth is young, energetic and well suited . for the presidency of the National Livestock association," re marked M. B. Gwlnn of Idaho this morn ing. "Mr. Hagenbarth understands well the livestock Industry of this country and by reason of his large holdings of both sheep and cattle would slight no one. He ' has always taken an active Interest In the workings of both the . Woolgrowers' and Livestock associa tions and I know of no one who could better till the position of president of '.the latter." l: . '' Mr. Gwlnn comes as the advance guard of the Idaho delegation, which will ar rive tomorrow, almost 100 strong. He Has opened headquarters in .Parlor li, , Portland hotel, and all Idahoans are di rected to report flret to him upon their . arrival in this city. . ' The Montana delegation will ' estab lish .headquarters in the city, but the : exact location has not been determined. ,' . . ; Wol Orowtrt. A Thfl nnnnlnar meetlnff of the.' wool growers Monday will consist of routine work for the most part Hon. Francis E. Warren of . Wyoming, president of the association, and Hon. Mortimer 'Lever- ' lng of Indiana, the secretary, will arrive in Portland tomorrow. ' Both men are candidates for re-election, and no one ' else 1s mentioned as being In the race. The selection of officers of the wool growers' association is not expected to e lively. "We desire all the residents of Port land who can to attend the opening '. meeting of the livestock convention, next Tuesday," said Secretary Martin this morning. "The meetings are open - to the public, and on the opening day the visitors will be admitted to the lower floor, or' parquet circle, of the theacre. During the remainder of the week, how ever, the parquet will be reserved for delegates only, and visitors will be al lowed to sit In the balcony. Hews on the Trains.' C. J. MUlis. livestock agent for the and secretary of the local committee on . Arrangements, said this morning that conductors on all trains coming into . Portland had been Instructed to impart Information to the arriving delegates ; concerning headquarters and hocel ac commodations. The Oregon Information bureau at the Union depot will watch out for visitors and attendants and mem bers of the reception committee will be on hand to direct. . - For the beneflc of guests it might be , well to state that the Portland street railway Is within half a block of the Union depot on the south and by taking , its cars visitors may be conveyed di rectly past the Perkins hotel at Fifth and Washington streets, and within two - blocks of either the Portland or the Im-,- periaL The Portland occupies a block at Sixth, Morrison, Seventh and Yamhill streets, just west of the old poscofflce building. The Imperial Is two blocks . north of the Portland and two blocks west of the Perkins, at Washington and Seventh streets. -, Where to Oo. Tho Portland hotel has . been deslg - listed as the official headquarters of the national livestock association, and upon the arrival of the delegates they will be directed to report to Secretary Martin in Parlor O, to register and receive their badges and credentials. rands In Plenty. Funds sufficient to cover any deficit that may exist in the appropriation for :. the entertainment of the delegates to the National Live Stock and the Na tional Wool Growers' associations con ventions will be advanced by W. W. uuiiun, general counsel ior the Oregon ; Railroad & Navigation company. There Is but little dangor.that Mr, Cotton will ' have to put up the money, for Secretary Mlllls of the local entertainment eora- m It tee is confident that enough pfedges will cores In to furnish ample means for carrying out the plans outlined. Remarking that a little more of the plrlt would not be amiss, A. L. Craig, ..ninoi aBcuL ui me uregon Railroad A Navigation company, at yes terday's meeting of the committee, vol unteered to give $10 toward establish ing a reserve fund to be drawn upon If necessary. He was immediately ap pointed a committee of one and within ' a few minutes bad secured promises of f tAA n. ,l.. ...... 1. 1 J T " -" AlVl.t MaOIJI UXtTU. The final meeting of the general ex ecutive corrimlttee, tumm hM va.t... afternoon at 8 o'clock at tjie Commercial ,nuu. siu nour previous A. e Craig. J. W.' Bailey and C. J. Mlllls conferred With ft mimKtr nf nrraln.. . the Hotel Portland and organization was . perrected tor the purpose of 'receiving 0y Remember tb Foil Nana r Cord Cold fa One Day, CrijTaa 3 Days XjTsWl K " ' 1 . ; Rfrrteo Fheen Industry. Discussion will the visiting women. . The women are In session again this afternoon, Making Preparations. The meeting of the committeemen was very enthusiasts and the feeling dominant was that the convention Is go ing to be a great success. A motion was made that If It was seen that funds would be Insufficient that the excursion to Seaside be abandoned. This brought fourth strong protest, and when a vote was taken scarcely half a dozen persons were for the motion. Col. James Jackson declared that at least 1100 more would be needed by the women for decorating the hotel, and he was seconded by Manager Bowers of the Portland hotel. It was then that Mr. Cotton brought the finances out of any possible danger by 'volunteering to ad vance all the money needed and an addi tion of $100 was allowed for the ladles' reception. H. M. Cake, president of the Commer cial club, raised his voice against the payment of $100 for the rental of the Armory on the night of- the smoker. "This building is the property of Mult nomah county, if I am not mistaken," he said, "and why should we be obliged to pay that sum for Us use, when Mr. Bowers at all times grants the free use of his parlors for any meetings that are desired?" , A committee was appointed to confer with the officers of the National Guard on the subject . . Expects Zarga. Attendance..-. Secretary Charles F. Martin ofi. the National Live Stock 'association was present and thanked the committee and the people In Portland for what they had done, and for what they expected to. do. He predicted a very successful meeting and said that the number of visitors would be larger than he at first anticipated. . Before adjournment Secretary Mlllls distributed reception committee badges among those present The metal souvenir badges to be worn by the delegates will arrive from the East today. About 25 women attended the meet ing at the Portland hotel yesterday af ternoon. Mrs. Rose H. Hoyt was elected chairman of the reception committee, and Miss Rita Bell, secretary. The par lors of the hotel will be decorated with Hags and palms and a delightful pro gram of music has been arranged. Mrs. W. A. Meara, Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. John McCraken were named as the committee on decorations. Those In at tendance at the meeting were: Mrs. Rose Hoyt Mrs. A. L. Craig, Mrs. H. M. Adams, Mrs. C. J. Millis, Mrs. Hugh Mc Quire, Mrs. A B. atelnbach, Mrs. M. Baruh, Mrs. 8. M. Blumauer Mrs. R, C. Jensen, Mrs. T. S. Townsend, Mrs. M. D. Wisdom, Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. John McCraken, Mrs. W. A. Mears, Mrs. John H. Wlllman, Mrs. Richard Scott, Mrs. Theodore Kruse, Mrs. P. W. Custer, Mrs. A. Lk Newman, Mrs. J. D. Mann, Mrs. D. L. Povey, Mrs. Charles T. Martin, and Miss Camilla Dosch. IN REMEMBRANCE OF HEPPNER'S FLOOD Heppner, Or., Jan. . In the creek bottom between Heppner and Lexington are perhaps more than 1,000 cords Of wreckage from the flood, consisting of broken bouses and fences, railroad ties, lumber, bridge timbers, trees and other relics of that disaster. -' The farmers on -whose property the wreckage stopped are now piling it up and selling it at $1 per load, and settlers from 12 and 15 miles in the Interior of the county sre hauling hundreds of cords of it away for fuel,' On these crnek bottom farms is now to be found from two Inches to a foot of wash silt and soil as a result of the cloudburst, and instead of the farms being damaged, they were greatly . en riched by the, deposit of this silt i It will require considerable work to clear off the wreckage, but further than this the damage"was slight. . sx-ooTSXHOa rosrxm vtbbt h.i Springfield, Ohio, Jan. 9. The condi tion of ex-Governor Charles Foster, who was stricken with paralysis last night; is extremely critical. Noon Kx-Governor Foster died at 11:30 o'clock. Ha. was governor of Ohio from 187 to 1S81 and was secretary of the treas ury under Prculdent Harrison, succeed ing William Wilson. He was 71 years old. His daughter Anna was at his bed side when he dtcd. He was unconscious for 12 hours before death. AX OXXAXOKA BAVK CZ.OSED. (Journal Special Berrlct.) Washington, Jan. 9. The comptroller of the currency this morning advises that the Natlonul Bank of Alva, Okla will not open today,, and he has ap pointed Bank Examiner Sturtevant as re ceiver. The bank's liabilities and re sources according to - the November statement are approximately $1(0.000. - on every box. 25c OF THE GROWERS .v 'C 'vr" '.' P . ' - ' v " " " ' " ,:... , ,.v ',.;v ; ( ; .. ' , ( .... V i , ' , ' ' be Inaugurated by brief addresses ,. .. bureau of forestry. PRUNE GROWERS HOT (Continued from Page One.) want $1 for 10 pounds. I think some thing should be done. "The history of the California orange industry, the walnut Industry and the nitiful condition of the lemon business are all abundant proof of what the wholesaler will do as long as he has full sway. The only relief available the. fruit grower la an organization and combination that will enable him to en ter the eastern retail market, compete with the wholesale man and supply the retail trade. It has been done success fully and will be accomplished again by faithful effort" Prune . growers point out that the cheapest prune in the East is the sun dried California prune. that on bargain days la sold by the grocer for 5 cents a pound. This shriveled thing Is bought for half a cent a pound by the carload lots and th'ey say should not retail for over 2 cents at any time. On the high-grade Oregon prunes they say tbe net profit seems to be about 500 per cent to both the wholesale man and the retail grocer, though the grocer alleges that' lie only makes about 2 cents a pound. Delegates to the Northwest fruit growers' convention will begin to arrive tomorrow- and will be here by- the run dred for the opening session Monday morning, v: A reception committee, headed by Chairman Henry E. Dosch, will meet the visitors at the union depot and escort them to their stopping places. About 400 delegates, - chiefly from the fruit districts of Washington and Oregon, will be in attendance. The headquarters of the convention will be at the rooms of the state perma nent exhibit, ' second floor Mohawk building. Meetings of the convention will be held at the Eelling-Hirsch build ing, Washington, -near Tenth. The .. association . extends to club women, civic improvement societies and all Interested In home, street and city adornment especial Invitation to attend the session Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Juanita Rosendorf of the Oregon Agricultural college will speak on "Flower Culture." SPOKANE DEMANDS FIRE SAFE HOUSES (Journal Special Service.) Spokane, Wash., Jan. 9. The Comlque theatre closed, changes ordered in the Spokane theatre that will cost thous ands of dollars, and changes ordered in every other theatre In the city. That is the result of one day's investigation by Spokane's Are commission. When the committee . reached the Comlque theatre the members were astounded at the condition of things back of the stage. Piles of rubbish stood where there ought to be exits. Shelves had been built across doors. The only rear entrance on the lower floor was barred with a heavy Iron door and padlocked, so that the committee was unable to get it Open, . The Ore pipe was gone and the dressing rooms were built In such a manner that It might be Impossible for the people to ever get out of them if a fire started. - If the front entrances were blocked by fire the people would simply be smothered. The fire chief Inquired of the manager where the Are pipes were and was told that they were out of or der. He could not find them at all. When asked why the rear door was locked be was informed by the manager that it was unlocked during the per formance. A moment later the assist ant . admitted that it had not been un locked for weeks. The committee ex amined It further and ' expressed the opinion that it had never - been openei from the time It was hung. The rear of the stage was honeycombed with dress lng rooms. The committee was unani mous that Immediate action should be taken . and the theatre was ordered closed -until such time' as It had been changed.' . ; With the big Spokane theatre the com mittee took equally 4s drastic action. It is ths second largest theatre in the city and is finely furnished, was but recently built and only bills the high class shows. Changes were ordered that will necessitate the expenditure of thous ands of dollars. Six exits must be built In the sides, where there are only two now. Two balconies across the en tire front of the building must be built Over ISO seats must be removed so as to make the aisles wide enough. Fire escapes must be doubled, automatic Ventilators must be put In as well as automatic sprinklers. The other theatres came in for smaller changes and the Auditorium was pro nounced almost , perfect. The ' First Methodist church must build more stair ways, despite the strenuous protesta tions of tho pastor. The committee will continue its work today and wtll keep it up until every public building of the city is put in first-class shape, TO CTTBB A COU XX OKI DAT. . Take Laietlra ' Bromo Quinine 'T"tltt. ' All driieaiata refund the money It it full to care, t. W. UroYt'e tlgoHtuM is en tscb twe WORST CRIMINAL IN THE COUNTRY CBABX.ES O. KBXTOEB COITTXSSES TO XXX.ZJVO 19 PEOF&B JTJST TO : GET EYEJT WITH.'. SOMEBODY Ult cbxmx anmsES or a con. STABLE. , " (Speclsl Dispatch to The Journal.) .. , Greensburg. Pa.. Jan. 0, Charles G Kruger, who Is to be hanged in the Greensburg Jail next Thursday, for the murder of a - constable, who was at tempting his arrest, has made : a 1 con fession that stamps him as one of the veryv worst criminals the country has ever known. He owns up to 12 mur ders and Innumerable other crimes. One of the mysteries cleared up by his confession Is the murder of City Treas urer John ' Blevlns of Newcastle,. Pa., one : of the most sensational crimes ever committed in this . section of the country, and one" that has baffled the po lice for five years. The man who so coolly pleads guilty of killing 12 human beings is only 24 years old. . Murdered When a Boy. His first murder was Committed when he was a boy of 14 years. Outside of his homicides his most desperate piece of deviltry was the destruction of a railroad train of 17 cars of the Pitts burg & Western railroad, which ' he ditched to get even with the company for having thrown him off other trains. So Callous was he that he says he did not even read the account of the train wreck of his own making, and, so he says, he does not know if he killed any body or not on that occasion. Nearly all the murders were committed in or der to get even With somebody. Threw Detective Under Train. He threw a railroad detective under the wheels of a passenger train because he interf erred with his stealing rides. He. drowned a man in the Ohio river because he bad not given him what he considered his proper share of the pro ceeds of a robbery, and he shot to death another man in order that there might be no witnesses to his murder. The crime for which his last victim, Constable Belerer, tried to arrest him, was the blowing up of a bouse, which he did to get revenge on the occu pants. STRUGGLE FOR UEE (Continued from Page One.) the vessel and the Hoi yoke cut loose and started in picking , up men,' as did the boa Lion. The Holyoke took seven men from the pilot's bridge. One man was picked out of. the sea where he was clinging to a plank by Mate Hickman and a deck hand who launched a boat. Captain Roberts of the Clallam la among the saved and so are the officers who stayed by the vessel until the last Roberts thinks he had 63 passengers and the crew numbered 32. . "Of this number but 21 are so far ac counted for, these having been brought by the tugs. The individual list of the tugs would Indicate that there were more saved, but they had not yet. been located the last I know. The tugs re mained about the scene till daylight. The Holyoke reported seeing part of the-.upper.-works.: . adrift., but :.the. hull was gone." - '" : . - -1. THE TALE OF HORROR TOLD BY SURVIVOR Seattle, Jan. 9. The Clallam left this port at noon yesterday for Victoria in the teeth of a heavy gala. She reached within eight miles of her destination when the heavy seas stove in the dead lights and the water poured Into the vessel. Fires were put out in a Short time and tho vessel was rendered help less. Her helpless plight was noted by passing vessels and at 7 o'clock last night the tugs Sea Lion and Holyoke were sent from Port Townsend to her asltanr,e. They found her about 10 o'clock last night. All lifeboats were filled with the women and children aboard the ill-fated steamer and' had prior to this been lowered. All are be Moved to have been swamped In the mountain high seas and all within them lost. The story of the wreck la best told by. the survivors who arrived at Port Townsend this morning on th Holyoke and Sea Lion. Terrible Experience. - R. Case of Klngaley, Mich., was a pas. senger on the Clallam and he tells a better and more connected story than most. He says he with his partner, E. F. Ferris, were In the smoking room of the steamer when the purser came and told them quletlv that they had better get out and secure life preservers. They asked him why, and he took them out side and they at once realised what be meant. The water began pouring into the steamer a few minutes after that end the boats were lowered with orders from the captain that none but women and children go into them. No man should attempt to board a boat until all of these had been, taken care of. .Foundered at Once. The first boat foundered almost as soon as it struck the water and none were saved. The second boat fared bet ter and there Is none absolutely sure that this boat went down, although it is generally supposed such is the case. The third boat shared the fate, of the first. Men of Clallam's crew manned these boats and were lost with the women and children. . The last boat con tained a number of men, as there were no more women left. After that the at tentlon of those remaining aboard was bent on keeping the steamer, afloat Three gangs of bailors were started and the passengers worked as hard as the crew. . i. Mr. Case says they managed to keep even for a long time and all had hopes for the best. There was no panic, every one realizing the seriousness of the situation, got down and did his level best to keep the vessel afloat. WOKE ABB OBZLDBEB X.08T. Victoria, Jan. J. The particulars of the Clallam wreck are now available. All women and children are lost When the steamer was off Discovery island an attempt was made to save the pas sengers, and boats were launched and all women and children were placed in them. Among, these were Mrs. Gallately and daughter, wife of 'the manager of the Bank or Montreal of this city. The boats immediately capsized and all were drowned. i The tug Holyoke from Port TownBend got a hawser attached and began towing the Clallam, but on account of the storm It was impossible to let the tug know that the vessel was foundering.- The Sea Lion came up about mldntgh and the situation was made known. The Holyoke cut the hawser and assisted the Sea Lion in saving the passenger The Clallam was then let drift and went on Smith's island, where she probably went to pieces. Fifty-six drowned is the lat est report- , , . CHILLS; 'fef MR. THOMAS R. ASHTON. vents chills and pneumonia. It enables ,j - . ; , 7 . - ', " r - - . . . .. ... n v. ....... u onu uuurinriuB ilia ouiuv uwji a.uu ..... dangerous' complications. Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey is a promoter of health and longevity makes the old young and keeps the young strong -..,.-. . . " Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the only certain cure for chills, pneumonia, coughs, colds,- grip, lnfluensa, catarrh,' consumption, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma and all diseases of throat and lungs;- indigestion, dvspepsla and every form of stomach trouble; nervousness, malaria and all low fevers. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey lias carried the blessing of health into hundreds of thousands of homes during the last fifty years. - . . . . . DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY I Is prescribed by over 7,000 doctors and used in more- than 2,000 leading hospitals. It contains no fusel oil and Id the only whiskey recognised by the Government as a medicine. This, is a guarantee. The following letters are picked at random from among the many thousands we receive each week from grateful patients: - Hanging Between Xlfe and Death With Pneumonia. Strong and Well Today, Thanks to Duffy's Fare Halt Whiskey. "Last April I was taken down with severe chills and a heavy cold, which de veloped into pneumonia, and for several weeks I hung between life and death, having almost given up in despair. After trying several doctors with no re sults, my wife having heard of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, got a bottle, and before I had taken half of it I com menced to Improve. After using three bottles I was entirely cured and am strong and well. We keep Duffy's In the bouse all the time now, and use It as a general tonic and safeguard against sickness. Its effect is trully marvelous." Thomas R. Ashton, 615 Lennorl St- Chat tanooga, Tenn. Cured of Throat and lung Trouble. . "I consider Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key one 'of the best medicines there 13 for anyone who is suffering from chills, pneumonia, grip, or any throat lung or stomach trouble. I have used It suc cessfully in all of them, and it has done more for me than any other medicine I ever used. It Is an Invaluable household remedy. I wish all who are sick would try It If any readers doubt its merits will just write to me, I'll give them proof." Mrs. J." W. Powell, 605 H Clay street Richmond, Va. "I" NEW BANK WILL OPEN AT DAYTON (Journal Special Serflce.) Dayton, Or., Jan. J. -There Is no doubt about Dayton having a bank shortly. Mr. Clarence Probert jnf Chicago. I1L, who has had conaiderafle: experience in the banking business, bar been here -this week looking ever the . field, with the view 'Of opening a bank .at this place. He was favorably impressed by the welcome given him by the business com munity and the favorable outlook for business in his line, in this place, after being shown over town by some of the business men, and over the country by J. E. Mellinger, the enterprising real estate agent He concluded after Inter viewing the business men to cast his lot here, and leased the Bradley build ing next to the livery barn for one year. ' It will be' a state bank, with a paid up capital stock of - 125,000. The bank will open for business February 1. Mr. Probert is now In Portland purchas ing the necessary furniture and fixtures for the bank. armor makers get Very large profit ' (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) Washington, Jan. 8.- "During the first five years of the contracts with the gov ernment the armor plate makers earned enough to pay for all their plants with Interest added." - This -statement was made before the house committee on naval affairs by Captain Pendleton, superintendent of the gun factory at the Washington navy yard and was received In silence. Captain Pendleton was before the committee to urge an appropriation for carrying Into effect the plan of increas ing the-capacity of the factory so that it would be possible for the government to produce all the guns necessary to equip the ships of the navy now in course of construction. NO JURORS TO TRY THE CAR BANDITS (Journal Special Service.) .Chicago, Jan. 9. Another day passed in the carbarn bandits' trial without se curing a Jury. Three days' examination has resulted In one Juror being obtained. POTATO BBXPPZVa BESTMED. . Oresham, Or., Jan. 9. For a short time potato shipping from this point has been lagging, but the farmers are send ind their surplus tubers to market once more. . . ; . The price seems to be the main ele ment In the shipment of potatoes When It falls below 70 cents per 100 pounds there is, so to speak, "nothln doln', but so soon aa SO or 86 cents are offered the potatoes once ' more begin moving toward the O. W.' P. & Ry. freight depot at this place.. Several. cars have been loaded recently and more are In pro cess of loading, , -i To Register Toters. This being election year, the time for the registration of voters has arrived. It is the duty of each and every free holder to register before the election In June, or he will at that time have, to be "sworn" and his ballot cast In that way. At present the registration station for this place Is in Hamilton & Oo.s store. A notary public will be found there and all voters are requested to, present themselves for registration as soon aa possible, that the lists may be made out and sent to proper precincts, , CAB XABDXJI BTBZXB. '.- ' (Journal Special Berries.) . Salt Lake City, Jan. Sheriff Wil cox today notified the governor that he could henceforth handle the coal strike situation in Carbon county. Upon his suggestion the remainder of the troops in the field during the past two months were ordered home today. ,i ' t ANB) PNEUMONIA! . Chills are caused by a congested con- : . dltlon of the blood, , which very often comes from bad digestion and poor clr- ' culation.-: If not properly attended to at once, pneumonia is liable to follow, and as soon as the lungs become affected there is great danger of the complica tion proving fatal. . Pneumonia first begins with . a pro- longed chill, and pain in the side. Head-. ache, nausea, vomiting and convulsions. (Very often show In children the first' stages of pneumonia. The breathing -becomes difficult and irregular, the cough is at first dry. but later accom .: panied by a sticky phlegm streaked with blood, and the patient Is. completely ex-., hausted. Pneumonia generally attacks those who have allowed their system' to become weakened and run down, . v CURED Puffy's Pure Malt Whiskey enriches ? , the blood, stimulates the circulation, re , places .diseased tissue, aids digestion. liriVBH UUL LNH f 1 1 HnUA- irfrmfl anil nM.. one to get from the food all the nourishment It contains; builds up the system. - CAtmov. When you ask for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. Unscrupulous dealers, mindful of the excellence . of this preparation, will try to sell you cheap imitations and malt whiskey substitutes, which are put on the market for profit only, and which, far from relieving the sick, are posi tively harmful. Demand "Duffy's" and be sure you get It It is the only abso lutely pure Malt Whiskey which eon tains medicinal, health-giving eualitles, Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey is sold in sealed bottles only i never In flask or nulk. look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and be certain the seal over the eork la unbroken. Be ware of refilled bottles. "A CBACXEB-JACX." Manager Brown of Frits theatre says his show next week is a "cracker Jack." Nothing like it has ever been given at any theatre in Portland before. Songs, dances, music and mirth every afternoon and evening. The kind that makes dead people laugh and live people IS CHEAPEST Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting x Budget System of Business Bookkeeping yV. A HA tV... aVMMMM . . . l . J . ... . . . ""." " wuiii in uur and private schools than any other three nM.vm-i.aMMv iu easiest to you for the-dutie; of a fTrt"rar accountant laoW ua,,fl" ... iTw x,jrf r?"VSi clnflc method of operating the type writer by sense of touch. Gives absolute command of every key Day and Bight School. Open All the Tear. Tree Catalogue, HOLMES BUSINESS CdtLEGE YAMHILL AND ELEVENTH STREETS VOW XBJUr BTEB BEPOBB ISeeauae of Improved facilities. Superior Instruction In spelling," grammar, writ lng, arithmetic correspondence, com mercial law, bookkeeping, buslnesa forma, shorthand, typewriting, office work, etc. Hundreds of our graduates are now In business for themselves, or at work for others aa bookkeepers and stenographers thousands more will be. Open all the year. Students admitted any time. Catalogue free, PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLECX PABX ABB WASBTBQTO. ' eV. P. AJUkTSTBOBO, U.JU PrlaotpaL TOO IATZ TO CLASaiTT. FOR 8ALB Fine Frnch ranir, with galvanlaed Iron hood, npw bollrr and atand, iron snelvee. Adreae Boa K. 9. care Journal. January Clearance Sale of Books In full swing. Big values for amall money. Examine our books and. prices. :-; . , I ..." SHAXESPEABS COMPUTE, 8 . vols. Sale price... fa.M TBACXEBAT COMPUTE, 10 vols. Sale price. ...$3.75 BAWTKOBBB COKPUDTS,' vols. Sale price 13.93 SCOTT COMPUTE, W vols.' Sale price. ,..,...',.. ,..8.M BXDPATH'S HZ8TOBT OP TBB WOBXB, 9 vols'. Sale price - ' - .17.50 MANT, OTHER SETS OF LIKE VALUE. A LARGE COUN TER OP LATE FICTION. 11.60 VALUES,, ,,,,,, , .... .590 ALL CALENDARS AT HALF PRICE. ALL STANDARD LINES ' REDUCED. v TBZS XOBTX OBXT. .,. .... - .0..M.... MR. CHARLES HEITMAN. ( - Pneumonia Cured Consumption Beaded. Off. "Gentlemen: I am a living evidence of the wonderful curative, powers- of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, I had three bad attacks of grip, followed by pneu monia, which left me with a hard cough. w4 want. rMH.AMM -a U . k 1 me; I was fast sinking Into consump tion. A neighbor brought me a botilo of Duffy's Pure' Malt Whiskey . which, had cured her of chills. I began to feel better after the first few doses and eight bottles completely cured me." Mrs. H. C, Alllngton, 71 Amherst street, Nashau, N. H. , , . ... Duffy's Brought Bealth and Vigor. T have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key for over twelve years as a medicine . and recommend it to all who are suffer ing from a run-down condition. I was troubled for a long time with insomnia and stomach complaints. I went to Colorado and several health resorts, without being benefited. ; I doctored for both these troubles, but was not cured. Was Just in the right condition for chills and pneumonia with fatal results, Klnally I commenced, to take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and it put new 11 f and vigor Into my whole system; Of late I have slept well and my stomacli does not trouble me at all. I am in ro bust health, and Duffy's cured me." Charles Hettman, Stillwater, ..Minn. Sold by all druggists and- grocers, or direct, $1.00 a bottle. Interesting medi cal booklet free to anyone. DUFFY" MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester. N. T. enjoy themselves as never before. The big Sunday matinee la a corker. The boys will all be present and there'll be a rousing good time. Every young man and woman should have one or more debentures In the Colonial Security for the protection of father or mother, in case of your death. i ecnooi ana are taught m more public systems combined. . learn, eaaiest to write, easiest to read. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE : ' ITS ABBS B&OCX, . i BXXTK AB9 MOBBISOW. If you are thinking of attending bus iness college, itr is to your Interest tit call on us. Business oourse, mos.. M Shorthand oourse, men. . BO Telegraphy oourse, mos. 4. so - , Two courses combined, not.. , . 60 ' Two courses combined, la mos.. . so , Bight school, mos.. ........... as We secure positions for all oiir grad uates, ... . Individual Instruction. Open an the year EBB POB CATAX.OOVB. THIRD and AL.DER