Till? OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5. 1904. 0 TRANSACTIONS IN THE 'FINANCIAL WQRLD -: ARBUCKLE COFFEE IS HIGHER AGAIN QUOTATIONS OO Vr ADOmOHAIi . BO CEWTS OV KXQHSB FBI CIS XX NSW 'YORK MARKET EGOS ARX X.OWER ' WXZZiS POTOTSY- X8 XIOKEB DEXAJTX) TOR XXOVX. ' Front Street. Jan. 8. The principal events In the local wholesale markets today were; Eggs tumble Again, s' Poultry foes higher. ' ' Coffee (up again. 4 - - ! Better tone In prunea, -V'-1- Continued weakness In butter. Potatoes dull; onions better. ' Spring lambs come. ' Kxport demand for flour. . In the hop markets. Cftaajrsa ta Coffss, 'The coffee market of late has shown some wonderful changes and prices liave ruled considerably higher. .Today the manufacturers of Arbuckle brand of package coffee announced an advance of ' , Mr cent a pound, or &v cents a hundred over 'former -lists, the present ; ruling prices on package coffees being 113.74 and IK. 25. The coffee market Ishigher throughout the world, the New York market showing additional advances each day on af count of the shortage In Rid. - Other brands show no 'changes today.' but all; areejtpected :to follow th,lea4 of the Arbuckle .concern,:; -.;, 'I Poultry Does Vymvctic: ' The quotations on poultry show an advance of. cent a pound today on ac count ot the scarcity of stocks In the local markets. Front street markets are quite bare of stocks and the small re ceipts of the day were eagerly snapped up at tup prices. The present prices on ,. poultry are rather high and could not be maintained If the receipts would . show an Increase. ' All kinds of poultry were sold today at the prices on , straight bens. ' 1 : Spring; Lambs '-Are Oontlng.' There were qult a few spring lambs on the street today, but the demand was so strong, that they did not last very long. The receipts of other kinds of meat were but nominal and the demand In vrr o t 4 ra All kinda arA wintAil healthy prices. There is a fighting de - mand now ruling for '' small veal . at printed prices,' but . the" 'market can hardly stand an advance at this time. " Better Tons in Prunes. ' ( Xne coot w earner in the East is caus- ins a mar anti-lted demand for Orea-on prunes, but dealers are unable to get an advance over the 1 V cents base. Some. of them have: been holding for 1 nl . ... hut. ii ra nn . willing tn Mall at cent oft that figure. :v " ; Mnoh Weakness In Batter. With the exception of the very best creamery the demand in the butter mar ket la very weak and prices are not so - firm. 'Although there were no changes In the market today, there ta every indi cation ot vstlli further i declines.- .-Re tailers "are buying-butter now, but-front band to mouth, and this keeps the com mission bouses overstocked. Store and . dairy, are very hard to sell at any price. , Errs Getting Cheaper. . Despite the fact that eggs are now about 1 cents' a dosen under the top of the market several -weeks ago, the de mand ta not quite as active as It should be and this morning the selling price on Front street went down 1 7 Mi cents flat and the market-is very weak at that figure. Cold storage eggs, of which there are large lots in this city, are a drug on the market and are not wanted at any figure. Eastern are practically cleaned up. - i r Export Demand for Hour. The expetted troubles In the Orient have caused a.-demand to .again spring up for flour and this morning quite a large order was received by local men from China.' The local flour market is showing a better tone also, but no changes are made In prices. . . .". Xop Markets Are Active. The hop markets of the entire coun try are showing a very strong tone and prices look- like. ; an advance. Local dealers are 'now speculating among themselves. One lot of 300, bales was sold yesterday by one dealer to another at 26 cents, but was turned down on ac count of , it Rt being up . to sample, dealers In this city claim that there are more hops than generally supposed 1 In the hands of the growers. One of tne largest hop men in the ctty.-sald today that according, to' bis best estimates the ' Coast) bad the following number of bales still remaining In the hands of the growers: Oregon, 5,000 bales; Wash ington, 400 bales; California, 1,000 bales. This estimate la a. lUtle above previous ones as far ss the stocks in Oregon are concerned, but 'ia quite a bit under the estimates for California and -Washing.-ton., - ' " , I Potatoes Dull; Onions Better. ' ' The potato market on, the outside con tinues dull with S1.0B as the top of tne market in 'Frisco. Local trade Is very ; good and the movement sh6ws an in crease. There is a mudh better tone lu onions but changes in quotations are fjew, - A livelier tone In onions Is ex- pected . from this date. Opinions oa Today's Market. , W. B. Olafke company- Although the prune market is a little better in tone we ore unable to do better with the , price. , - , Turner A Cn.Rurt are lower and the ' market is very weak; chickens in good demand and all stocks are selling on ar rival; ducks, geese . nd turkeys are .wanted.'; -vr -V-'-y- ::. Bell St Co. Everything is moving off fairly well; : Oregon eggs coming in larger supply; poultry In firm demand. Mark Levy & Co. Plenty of all kinds : f vegetable in the market Chatterton & Coi Veal and bogs are very scares and market is up; cabbage la a ready sule. . , Levy & Splegl Car sweet potatoes expected today; California steamer, to night and fresh supply) of vegetables tomorrow morning. . Q. S. Smith company Apples of the better grade sre in demand. J ; 'i'-.w. 11. 'Dryer -uooa ioeai aemand ror onions; ,f;hances are that market will be better soon. 'Frisco potatoes are not so firm. Davenport-Thompson company Egg -.market very weak; peanuts are higher. Kverdlng & Farrell Eggs lower; chickens firmer, with few( coops com Ing in. Rapp Sehlbrede New winter apples ire coming- in and are finding a better demand; time for the "culls' Is about over. ;:(-;-r , : ;..;. . Tage & SonT-Evefybody Is' crazy -over chickens and any old thing brought top price today; lot of Oregon eggs coming in and prices are lower. McKlnley Mitchell Potatoes- In out side- markets continue dull; onions are firmer; -most ttl-. dealers ; have : high prices;, onions are not going to be sold at a, loss-, hops are strong and firm. Toft, Ulne & Co. Demand Is good all along the line; we are still in-need of hogs, veal, chickens. In fact the mar ket is good for everything but eggs and store butter; we advise shippers to take advantage of present conditions and ship. . - Today s quotations, as revised, are as follows; , ,' - , , ' i Weak Heart aeglected means heart disease, the -jiost common cause of sudden death. l-i- Uaa.t i1,,.. will .Ir.n.lU. in." V regulate and cure weak hearts. ' oM - br ill 0rnglti on r"rDtec. rrte -took en hurt for pcwtnl. . t.B im.l,-il UKIUCAI. CO.. KlkbarL lniL PORTZiAITD WHOIESAIB VBXCES, Grain, riour and Feed, WHEAT Export qaotntlons New Wall Walla, lir- blueatem, 77oi lley, T7e. BAULKY Cevd. $20.00; rollad, iai.O022.00 frrewliir, $21.0Ofi62J.0O. . O ATSUNn. . T whtta. 2S ROt24.00: - era. $23.00(23.60 per ton; white, 215'JJ grsj, (21.00 per ton,-farmers' price. . FLOUR Enatera Oregon: Patents, M.1B0 4.60; stralgbta. S3.00; ralley. a.70ai80; grs bam Us. $8.40: JOa, 3.70. -. MILLSTUrFS Brun,-119.80 per ton; mid dlinga, $24.00? abort. 20.00; diop,. $18.00. HAY Timothy. $17.00; Eaatern Oregon, $1S.00 20.00; mlxad, $14.00; clorrr. $13.00; wheat, HlMOi etKaV $12.00; oat. $1S.00. i SOPS, WOOl aid HJdS. HOPS-Nw, 25c for choice;" 2t)ff(12fo for frlme:- pojr quality. 184J20c; contract, 1004, tiil7 ., . . ' i ..-'.-. WOOL Valley, eoaras to aiedium. lOQltfte; Bne, iSiSlSHc; Eaatera Oregon, lOOl&c; -me balr. nominal. 356370. - BHEEPfiKINg Shearing, 10M20CS " abort wool. 2030e; medium wool. 2ug50c; , long wool. 50'(fji$1.00 oacb. i - '' TALLOW Prima, per lb. tQSci No. S an$ gream. S2a. HIDES Dry bidet. No. I, 16 lbs snd an, 14c per lb; drr kin, Ko. 1, 6 to 15 iba, 12c; dry ealt. No. 1. onder 5 lbs, lBcs dry salted, balls and atuga. 14 than drr Olotj aalted bides, steer, sound, SO pound or over, flQTc; 60 to SO iba, Oct snder AO lb ajid eowa. S(S6c: stairs and bulla, aouod. 4c; kip, sound, 15 to 80 Iba, e; aoaott. 10 to 14 lb. c; calf, aouod, under 1Q lb. 8c; crees (onaalted),. le per lb leaa; cull. 1 per lb lesa; borse hides, aalted. each, $1.26ai.76: -T. each. $1.0081.60; colts' bides, eeb. 2550o; rest klui. common, eaeb. lOQl&c; Angora, with wool on. each. 25c$1.00. Butter, Sgffs and Vooltry. ' BUTTKil Creamery, extra fancy , 80c; ordl nary, 27Hc; cold storage, WriWhsc; Kastern, 2;";27ivc; reunTated, &21Vc dairy, 10H ITHc; store, liftc. KUU8 Jfreeh Oregon, 27He; cold storage, 24ec baker. 2H(ij2.V-; Enntcni. 26c. - CUEEBB rull uream, twlu, 13feU14e; Xouuf America, 15e. I'Ot'LTKY Thickens. ' mixed, : WWSie. lb; brim, 12jl lb; rooateiV, lie lt; brollera, HHWtc r'' lb; fryer. J 2 So per lb; duck, odi 12c per lb; young, lite per lb; gewie, Sfti Wc per lb; turken.'Js&Urc per lb; dreased 1020 per lb. ' i ... . ' . lrnlts and Vegetables. POTATOES 75twc; buyer' iwlces. fot shipping, STiiKtOc cwt; ordinary, S0(jj85o lack; buying, eoUSc; sweets, Wi'ii) lb; new, 4c per lb. i. -x ' - . ONIONS Oregon $1.10Q1.26; buying price! best, f. o. b., Portland, $1.U0. r'KESH FUU1TS Apiilw, Oregon, 40cl$1.5V per box; orange. . uarel, 12.50 per box; aeedlliiga, $2.00 per box; Japanese,- 60c; bananas, 5&5HC per lb; lemon, choice, $3.0U; fancy, $3.6ui4.0O; Uuiea, klexlcau. 06c pur 1U); pineapple, $3.50; pear, 76c(tf$1.26 put box; California, $1.00; crauberrle. local, $7.00 per bbl; Jcraey $10.00; ptralniuiona. $k.&0. VKUUTAULUd Turnip. . hoo sacs; carrots, $1.Q0; bouts, $1.00 per aaek; radlabes. 12Vki ltc per dos; cabbage, Oregon, 14tli4c; Ut-tuc-e, bead, 15c per dos; bot-houa lettuca, per box, $1.001.&0; green peppera, 6c per lb; horseradish, 7M8e pr lb; .celery, local, S0e dux; tomatnea, $11.25 box; partnlps, $1.25; cu cumbers, 600760 per, box; butter bean. lue per lb; Lima bean, 6c; (prout, 8c; cuiih Bower , Oregon, $1.00 per dos; artichokes, 16uUOa par dos. ' ' 1 r t,. DRIED TRUITS AfPlef. sporstd,- W r lb: snrlcota. ll13o Dr lb: tack. U net b leu: neaehe. B4i9c ner lb: Dears. iVie pet id; prase, ttauan, Vi4c per ml arencD, Mifa4Mc pr lb; Sgs, CaUlorula blacsaSlsSHe per lb; do white,. 47e per lb; plum, pitted, 60c; datea, golden, per lb; Ofec; lard, per 15-lb box, $1.60. - ...... i KA131N8 deeded, fancy 1-lb carton, 60 pack ages to eae, e pks; (eeded, 12-oa carton, 7c: koN Uuwiiter, 60-lb boxes, 7tt8 ft lb; London 1yr. $1.862.00; cluater, 2.5uj 7S; Hs, S6c; , &o adrauo ti pouud sc tons. i 1CJI Tea 1-lb eartoti. choice brand. $1.00; 10 1-lb carton, fancy brand, . $1.10; 10 1-lb bricks, J-crown, fioc; 10 1-lb brlcsa, S-crows, lc; 60 U-lb bricks, per box, $2 26; 4-row lay era, per 10-lb box, 80c; loo, 60-lb boxes, par lb. eudViC. Callmyrana aix-crown, 10-lb car tons, per box, $2.00; 6-crown, 10-lb carton, par box, $1.75; 4-crown, 20 H-lb ear tons, pr box, $1.7&. - c Oroeerles, Vuts, Etc 8UC AS "Sack bails" Cube, SC.TO; pow dered, $3.05; dry granulated, $6.6bi net branu lated, $3. 115, extra C, $6.00; golden C $-.K0j barrels, 10c; H bbls, 25c; boxes, 0u sdra'uc oa aack bsls, lea 26c pot cwt fur csb Is df; otaple, I4lili)c per lb. . , .v , ' - - HoNlilf HHtl5c. , COKr-'EK tireeu Mocba, SI 023c; Java, fancy, 20(U 32c; J era. good, 2uQ26e; Jara. ordinary, l(a20c; Coeu Blcs, fancy, ,lu2oc; Coals Utca, f ood, 16 lnc; Coats ftlca, ordinary, lliSjiac per bi package toffw. $13.76ft 14.25. " TEAtt Oolong, different gradea. 2uQ6Se; gsa powdvr. 28(ijU2iii:e: Kngluh breaKfast. dlifer ent grades, 124joi)c; spider leg, nncolored Japan, DviitS&e; graB Japan, rery scare, u lJC. SALT Flue Bah. 2s, 8. 4s, 6. 10a, $2.25; fliis Ui-tt, dairy,- 60. 4oe; 10o. 75c; Imported Llearpuui, Dil. COe, lOua, tMci - 224. $1.SM. Worcwtter Bbl 2. 8,- $6.60; 6. $6.26; lO. $&.OOi balk, 20 Iba, $5.00; aack, HO, Me. -' SALT Cor, half ground, 100, pet ton, $6.26; 60s, per ton, $U.J; Llrerpool lump rock, $2J.00,per toot 60-lb. rock, $11.60; loo. $11. uo. OKAl.N BAUS Calcutta, 5.76(!i 00 per 100. KICK ImperlMl apa. No. 1. $3.a7H No. X 5.124s; New Orleans bead. $7.76. COAL Oil? Pearl or Antral Cases. 23c per go I; water white, iron bhls, ISHe; svooden, ; headlight, eaaea 2Se-. headlight. Iron bbla, 18 He - UNSKKD OIL Pure raw, In bbl, 4He, emu 48c; genuine .kettl boiled, case. 60e, bbl. 4&c; ground cake, ear lots, $2A.Uu; less r tbsa cars, $28.00 per ton. . BEMtlNU So deg., casts, tSui lrsa bbls, UHc. - v '-, PAIJfT' OIL Raw,bbhi,' S3c; cases,' 8?c; boiled, case, 40e; aea, 35c. OA80L1MC 9-d.'g., caaes, Sic; Iron bbls, ICe; store, coees, 24Mc; tros bbla, 18c. TUHPKNT1NB In cases, Soe; wood bbls, 76 fcc; Iron bbls,-T4e; - 10-lb' eaae lota, 7c. BEANS SojuII white, e; larg white, $3.40 Ga.&o; ptuk, $0.40(8X60; bayou, Lluuw, $4.00. . , MOTS Peanuts, 7o per lb for raw, BOloe for rosated; eocoanuta, hoiitUoa per dos; wal nuts, J4ftlBc per lb; plus out, lukll2Ve Iwr lb;, blokory nut, 10c per lb; cbeatnuu, Euateru, 15&lHc per lb; Braxll uuts. 10c per lb; filbert. 16((Cllc per lb; fancy pecaaa, 1U l&c ;Hr lbt almouda, 14d per lb. -WIltB NAILS Present base st $2.65. KOPK l'ur llunlls, lSVac; suudsrd, 12c, slkal. lOVbo. , , WUITU LEAD 800-lb lots, Hc: less lots, To. i ' Meats and Provisions. FRESH UlkA'ia - InapecUnl Hurt. prim, ttsc; cow, be; aiutton, ttrwwed, 64iHc; iuib, dt aaed, ttc . e'UUttll MS ATS Front tret Beef steers, 6a.6Vsc hH. 33Ve; cow, 4r,i4'c; iork, block, 6Vsi7e; psckers, O'i&iei nuilou, Urvaavd, 3wic; lauib. dresseu, A(&Qv, vcsl, mall, S3(tio; large, 4(g7c. - 11AAIS, BACON, Sire Portland pack (local) hums, U) to 14, lb. iae; U to 16 lb. 13Ve, cottage, loc; plculc, 14c; breakfaat bacon, iotottliHe: tegular short clears, nnamoked, lCc; amoked 1 Mc; clear back, nuaiuokeu, 1014c; inked, llHc; fulou butts. 10 to IS lb, untmokeu, go; sniuked, 9c. KASTKUN PACKKL HAMS Under 14 lbs, 14Ssc; over 15 lt. 13c: fancy, 14U14c; plrnlca. 8ac; ahoulder. 10c; dryalted lde, uuamoked, lOe; aiuoked, llSc; bresktaat bacon, 16Util7tt fancy, l14e. LOCAL LAUD Kettl leaf. 10, 10c; 6. lofre; 60-lb --kins, - loUcj-atwim-rendored. 10, tfc; 6. uuc; 60, U'c; compound tlercv. TVct tub. 1c .. ... ' KASTKKM LARD Kettle leaf, 10-lb tins, lie; 6a, ll4c; DO-lb tin. 10 ci tesm-rendered, 10, lc; ta. e; 60. Kc. ' v . Abot packluK-houa price sr net essb, 19 day. - - - . ' CANNRD SAtMrjN Columbia riTr. J-tb tails, $1.76; 2-lb toils.- $2.40; fancy, 1-lb data, $1.00,. Vi-lb fancy, daU, $1.15; fancy, Mb oral, $2.00; Alnxks.tsli; pluk, sue; red. $1.60; 2-lb tails, $2.00. ' - ".. - FISH Bock eod. Te; flounders, 6e; bsllbat, e; crabs, $1.60 per do; rawir clam, (10c per dot! llttleneek claui, 3c; atrtped baa," liK. Puget Mound snii.lt, 6c; tfntttxh, 7c; black eod, ( 1; enlnion trmit, 12V, dt 15c; lobatera, " Ifiv, perch. Be; salmon, allreraldca, . 6t-; tm-ibed, ; cliiii'iok, 2rie; tierrlug, 4v; Columbia rlrer kUiett. 2"c: inles. Si-, Ol STtttH fibo Iwa tee bay, per gal, $2.25; per sack. SJ-71 uet; Olrmpla. per aaek. $5.26. : ' Copper Output. . .. rV.atou, Jan. 5. The copper oiitimt for De ri 111 her sbuwa; .- Mlehlgau. 100 lone; Winona, ;i' lonn: rhamplon. HA iwun; Ualllc, 701 tuna; Irl-lloUuUlu, HI tons, BROKERS' OPINIONS ON NEW YORK STOCKS (Furnlahed by Orerbeck, Starr ' Cooke Co.) Logan & Bryan, New York: The mar- ket is dull, but prices average a llttlo better. Rook Island statement was con sidered poor, which occasioned selling of that stock, and the action of thcStoel corporation on dividends this afternoon is keeping the market waiting. In tha main,-however,-there is the same ab sence of .selling pressure from large holders. There is fali-T short interest, With developments toward peace in the East, we e"W nothing attractive on the short side of stocks at current price They are not high, and are generally in good hands. Money is likely to contiinie easy, and business conditions are satis factory. We would buy stocks on the soft spots. ' Walker Bros., New York: The market today opened steady and inclined to be strong, ? but later became dull,- with transactions very light. . There was , a much better tone aad the price of good stocks nearly all advanced. We look for a better market tomorrow. , . CESCEIPTIOM. Anacouds Mining Co.... AniaL Copper' Co Ati-hlwn, com.......... do preferred Am. Cur ft Found., com. do preferred... Am. Hugar, com...,.,.. Am. Hmelt.,. opui. ...... do preferred.... Baltimore A Ohio, com. 00 preferred.. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Cuuadlan Piclnc. com.. Chi. A Alton, com,..,,. - do preferred..... Chi. A Ot. Wet., ..corn. Chi., Mil. A St. Paul.,. CH, A North., com..,. Chi.' Termlual Ry....... Cheaaiieake A Ohio.,.. Canada Hoitttaern....... t'olo. Fuel A Iron, com. Okj, Rout h., coin,..,.. do 2d preferred...,,,. do lt preferred . t . . Delaware A lludaon..., Dela., Larks. A West.. V. & It. 0., com....... do preferred,,.,,,.,,, Erie, , com. , . , .. ........ , do 2d preferred..,,,,. do lat preferred...... llllnol Central........ Lonlerllle A Naahrllie.. Metro, Traction Co... Manhattan. KIct ted ,. , . Mexican Central Ry... Minn., Mt. I. A 8te, M. do preferred Mluouri PaclMc. ...... M.." K. A T.. com..... . New York Central. Norfolk A Western, com. North American N. Y., Out. A Wet.... Pennsylvania Ry........ P. U.. L.1C. Co,...., Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred..... Beading, com - do 2d preferred...... 'do let preferred...... Rep, Iron A Steel, iota. do preferred Rock Inland, com,..,., do preferred......,.. soutnern- nr.. com 40 7?4 0 19 w 125 Mi 4H. 90 78V4 I 89 HTVb 8 15'4 urn 108 83 7H ), ISt 24 do preferred . . Southern Pacific. , St. L. A S. F., 21 pfd.. do lat preferred ...... St. L. A S. W., com..! o preterrea. Text A Pactnc... Tvnn. Coal A Iron.'.,, tf. St. L. A W., Com... do preferred Union rcltle. pom-.,.. ' d preferred .......J.'. V. H. Leather, com...... do preferred..,.;..... U. H, Ht.-el Co., com.. do .preferred.. Wheel. A L. com... , do 2d preferred. .. . , . . do 1st preferred Wleeonaln Central, com. do preferred Wet tern Union Tele.... Wabash, com...., 00 preyerreti ....... . . .toi Total )e for day, 454,400 Money. 4 per cent. ' 48 V. 117 7 1BH 14:H4!14H 107 V, 49 1. HI 1 Ml 122 143 10H 67 119 rT)4 84( 22 1 llH"y, 7 281 87- V, 2fl 8 T8H 1?1 7y Mm 27 4BI4 07 120 107 121 141 10 Sfr IIS 81 17& 118 67 11T IllHVt 9T14 97 1 68$ DIVIDEND PASSING CAUSES SENSATION (Furnlahed hr Orerbeek, Starr A' Cooke Co.) New York, Jan. 6. Considerable? ex citement and discussion was caused In the atnek exchange late this afternoon when It was announced that the regular dividend on United States Steel, pre ferred, had been made, but the corpora tion had passed the dividend on com mon stock. It was fully expected by nearly everybody that both of the divi dends would be paid, and the passing of the one on common is a great shock to the financial world- The news was ca bled at once to London and caused great excitement among the middle class spec ulators, who are the principal owners of the common stock". Extensive ex citement is expected st the opening of the exchange tomorrow. ' Americas Stocks in London. London, Jin. 5.-2 p. ra. Atrhton declined h; Chesapeake A Ohio advanced Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul declined 4 Denrer A Rto' Orande declined ; Krle declined Vi, ftrata advanced M; Illinois Central sncbanged; Louie rllln A Nuabrllle declined ; Mexican Central unchanged; New York Central declined Mi; OrUrlo A Western declined U. ; Norfolk A West ern deelliml 4 ; PennaylTanta declined Reading unchanged; Southern Pacific declined : Southern Railway declined fcl Union Pa rifle declined preferred declined United Hates Stel declined i. preferred declined 4; Wubaah declined , preferred uuchanged. Con sol 87. ':. . . - . EASTEBW HOOS I0WE&, Cbleaso. Jan.. fi.Reeelnt of - llreatncb In the prhicll parking renter of the country lor tooay aoow ; . ' Hog. Cattle.- Sheen. Chicago ;..;.S7.MiO , ' 7.(M 14,0l Kaniiaa. t Ity ........ h.oiiii j:i,ooo 6,(mn) Omaha 6.000 4.000- 10,000 Hoga Ooened snd rliwd 6c to 10c lower. with 5,000 left over from yeterday. . Receipt s rear ago were 81.000, ftnliitg beg price how: Mixed and butcher, $4.664.76; good heavy, $4.00(85.10; rough, 4.U6ia4.86; light, $4.36i cattle -Nteaay. ' . Sheep Bteady. ' ' BTROHO XOMOOHTIirrIB. Portland Union Stockyard. Jan.- 6 The strong tone In livestock woa continued today, Receipt in the local yard during the nut 24 bour constated ot 30 rattle and 864 sheep. Rul ing price are sa follows: Hosa Heat, cnoc: medium. 4141341. Cattle Iteat, $4.0o(4.2S; medium, 43.5034. Sheep Beet, 3Vr; medium. He, - ersln la All Position. -Chicago. Jan. 6. The stock of grain in all positions show; Keereaa. ' r- Rnahels. Unahrla. Wheat ...9.831.000 ' u:i.iki Corn .......... .......v.. ...4.1S4.0KO 37,000 OaU . a. 102,000 256,000 . Chicago Orals Car tot. Cblrsgo, Jn. 6. The grain car lota for to. day bow: .. y. UI..D, . I . Wheat t'ofn v Oats . Car. . f.2 ..4"2 ..167 Si 3K0 ' ' ga rranoiiee Grain. San Fr4ncIco. Jan. 6. ll;;k) a. m..Wheat Barley way, fi.oo'i. - , : . .. . A ., i ,i, ,, I u: f . Export of Grain. '. ' - -New Tork. Jan. A, At the aeahoard enter. day exporter bought 82.000 buthels of wheat nd 34,000 bmhels of corn, - Xanana City Clot. . . Kasaa City, Jan. 6. Close 1 1 Wheat Mar. 71 v. . ; '!.. ..,. - ,,.y..,. - St. Xeuis Close. ' . " St. Loula, fan. 6. Ckiss; . Wbest, Mny,83Q ABSENCE WAR CAUSES DULLNESS THBKB WAS; VOTHIira IH TXS . WHIAT OABLS8 AKS TBB JTEWi ; IWDICATZD OHXT DUiliriSS AWB A WAITtHa DliPOSITIOW COXIT A BHADZ EABXXS, (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cooko Co. . Chicago, Jan. 6. Logan & Bryan ad vise: - - - There was nothing In the wheat cables and the, news indicated .only a dullness and watting disposition. While all the political news was indefinite and unreli able yet the tone was more 'peaceful and the feeling In London seems to show less tendency to rtenslon. Armour Is still an lmporta-nt factor In the market, go far as could be noticed he was bidding for wheat openly. ', The pit thought he might be selling through brokers but the action of the market did not Indicate it. Aside from this Influence the news was particularly bullish. The Ohio crop re port again showed a low condition., The weather, in. Argentine is fine. Primary receipts were -large and .world's crop promises to be larger than last year. The price? Is of course 'much higher. In the absence of- war news; therefore, the natural tendency would seem to be ldwer. Armour operations may Interfere, for the time being. - p., v.; : t..:v' .;' Com Muds Saslsr. . The corn market was a shade, easier. There was A good deal of local and gen eral selling pressure early but prices were : well supported toward the close and most of the early loss was regained. Local receipts were fairly liberal, but the movement of corn on the whole is small and for the good grades there is a fair cash demand. Armour was on both sides of the market. : Perhaps the natural thing to do would be to take some profits. We would buy It at 45 cents n tll the movement from the interior Increases,- - .. , : j ; , Oats Moderately Active. , The oats marjtet was moderately act ive and higher. The Incentive is the small receipts and the good cash demand with a big short interest principally In tho latter. , - " - rrovlsions Active and Weak. ' The provision market was active and weak. ' There was a good deal of general selling pressure but it seemed to come mainly from local traders and the pack ing Interests market showed very little reactive tendency from the breaks. There is no particular change in the situation but the speculative situation has in the past week undergone considerable change. In the first place prices have had a ma terial advance. - Packers have bought them for themselves and then left It largely in the hands of ecalperg. - At the moment It Is much better selling than buying. Buy them as cheap as possible, will bs the slogan of the packers. We would let go of long stuff at present. r- WHEAT CLOSES 10WEE. (rurnlabed by Overbeelt. Starr A Cooke Co.i Cbli-sgo, Jan. 6. Th sbenc of war new caused a lower opening In grain today. May wheat opened at MlVac, reached Sttfcc as the top snd eloed st 88Ve, a decline (it e. July opened 81e, touched 811c as th high point and reacted back to 814c. s decline ef Hs nice yenicrnay. t orn also closed down. Tn vanou ninrseis rangea as ioilow Open. High. Low. rv neat- May $ July Corn May..,., July..... Oats -86 H $ .81 .4S .46 .R64 .8114 '.4' .46 54 .81 .46 .46 Close. I Mi 8114 .4t4 .46 May..,.. .381, .39-4 .SO .Jtflt. July .SO .36 .36J4 Mil Pork Jan,...., 13.00, , 13.00 ' 12.70 J2.T0 May..... 13.65 13.00 13.00 .13.10 Ird Jan ' S.SS g.SR 6.T0 8 70 KbV" 7'10 T'12 6 87 M Jan..,.. S.45- " 6.4T 8.32' 8 4T May.,... 6.76 8.77 8.66 0.8S B08T0V COFrEX CLOSE. Boston, Jan. 5. Copper close: Old Dominion .................. Adventure Arcadian, ' Atlantic ....... Cei.tennlal Copper Monntaln Copper Range Dominion Coal ............i.,... Michigan Mohawk ...... Osceola ....... Phoenix ....... Rhode Island . . Trl-Mountaln .. UUh ...... VIrtori Winona Wolverine Green Mountain ..... . . Bid. ... 1014 ... 214 ... 8" ... .T ... 18 ... 7o ...4tlk ... 70 ... 84 ::. li ::: 5 ... Btt ... 824 .9 v ... 68 ...13 Ak. 11 A 81 72',! 62 . 8 . 8t4 " vzw toek corrsz. -New Tnrk, Jan. B. The coffee market awauy umay, . ine close wss; Jannary ' . Kehruary . $larch ... April .... May i.,.. Jims ..... July Auguat ... September October . ,' November IXtcnilHT Bid. . .$7.15 . 7.25 ." T.40 . T.65 . T.70 . 7.00 , 7.05 . 8.10 . 8.20 . 8.25 ,'8.30 8.40 CHICAGO LOCAL STOCKS, Chicago, Jan. (.Local stocks American Blsenlt American Hlacuit, pfd American Box American-Box, pfd., American Ca.i ,4 ,,. American Can, pfd.,., '. Ni'llonnl CarNn .,, Nbtlonal Carbon, pfd..v.. Plnmond Match Metropolitan Railway Metropolitan Hallway, pfd Chicago City Railway West Side Railway , , elnaed Bid. . 4 . 80V . 2 l'$ . 21 . M, 12H . 16V4 5 1611 .45 ruled Aak. $7.20 7.30 t.45 7.60 T.HO t.P5 8.06 S.13 8.25 8.30 8..16 $.40 at: Aug. 87 100 4 10 8 83 25 S5 ' 129 18 6 166 60 CHICAGO CA8H WHEAT. Chicago, Jan. 5. Caab wheat at noon: I ' Bid. ,, Aak. .Pi t$ .00 No. 2 red '...,. No. 3 red Xv. No. 2 bard winter ., No. 8 hard winter No. 1 Northern spring No. 2 Northern spring Ko. 3 apriug ....r. 1V .86 .78 .72 .84 .82 .79 .80 .81 .78 .80 8 Alt EEAHCISCO LOCAL STOCK. 4' San Franclaco, Jan. 5.-10:30 a. vn.t Bid. Spring Valley water r.. ,.'..'t 30 Sun Priuclsco Uss A Electric..,,.-; 64 Hawaiian Sugar 44 . Hetchlnson sugar 8 K ll iiHrt-lSiiiir Makafttm plantation Aliaks Picker' Celifornla Wine Aanoclatlon. Oteanlc Steamsblp ,.. .... 23 ...136 .... 83 Aak. 40 . 65 'I 130 8 Privst Elavator Bteek. Chicago, Jan. 6. The private elevator atock now;. . Whrat Corn i Oat i Bimhel. ,2.Wo2HW) .I.SiW.OiiO .2.10.000 Jleereaa. . Bii'hekt. 824,000 .109.000 203,000 ... ,r Portlsod Clesrrng-Houa Xspert, The report of lbe Portland clearing-sous for )-eterday hoa llearanee t BAbiaves ...... ......... $?,m.fl2 ......... 120.1V0.32 GINNERS' REPORT SHOWS A DECREASE (Pnrnlstied br Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co. New York, Jan, 6, The ginners' re port shows that the amount of cottou sinned to December 13 was about 880, 000 commercial bales less than the same period last year. There. Is no avoiding the conclusion, therefore, that the yield for the entire year will closely approxi mate the estimate of, the agricultural bureau, -lately given out as 9,962,000 bales as the total crop. , The census bureau does not include llnters, which must be added to tlie estimate in order to Judge-the commercial yield. - After the 13th f December last year some thing over 1,500,000 bales were ginned, and it will be remembered that a large part of this was picked during Febru ary and March, on account of bad weather. 'While this season conditions for picking and marketing up to this time hnve, on the contrary, been equated by no yean estimates of the percentage of the crop unmarketed as compared wttr) last year have forced ' tho belief that only 70 per cent remained un counted, and these calculations all cor roborate and point to the accuracy of to day's census report It will-be again pertinently asked how high cftnvcotton sell with the present demand, ana an estimate of the possible Supply? Owen. . Hlsh. Low. , Close. Jan........ 13.758- 18.42 . 12.75 18.'7t38 Feb,.,,,., 13.40 13.55 Murch.r... 13.1 IB .,13.74 April...... 13.23 13.78 May.,..,., 13.40A 13.95 June.,.. 13.83 13.87 July....,., 13.41 13.00 Augnat..., 13.00 13.60 September. 11.50 11.60 13.40 13.10 13.23 13.85 " 1383 1 13.37 12.08 11.60 13.5Hq55 i3.MHal 13. 78 ft 82 1 3.881 'BO 13.83fe84 L't.pOftOl 11.6062 Kw Tork Summary. ' New Tork, Jan. 5. Dow, Joue A Co. sy: Judge McConnell ha resigned the presidency of the George A, Puller company, making enter the taak of the 1'nlted Statea Realty tockbo1d er' committee who (ought hi removal. United State Steel labor queatton I expected to be compromised. The coal trade I In - a satis factory condition. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Is seeking permits - for new lines In Jamaica. Activity In real estate and outlying section of Brooklyn la resulting from the opening ot the new bridge. Eaitenr outlook Is more Kacef ul. Revived rumor of Atchison- bond lie 1 nntrue a the road 1 doing s very good buslnes ind the outlook is for s large volume ' all through the winter snd spring months. . It Is officially denied that Steel profit (hiring plan i tn be modified. Forty, even road for the tblrd week in December ihow an average gres Increaae nt 6.16 per cent; 20 active rail advanced .25 per cent. JUDGE HOGUE GIVES HUBERT A CHANCE When the case against Ous. Hubert, only -14 years of age,-was called by Judge Hogue in tha municipal court to day, the lad's employer and the . com plaining witness against blm, J. . M. Acheson, spoke In the prisoner's behalf, lie said he had never had a more Indus trious employe, and while he had previ ously caught Oua stealing small things he had simply reprimanded him. But when the boy cashed a check for $6.60 which he had no right to do, Mr. Ache son thought It time to call a halt The youthful prisoner said he wanted th money to pay. 14 on his bicycle.. Al though he had $5 due him in wages be did not wish to draw it In advance. Judge Hogue will turn him over to the Boys' and Girls' Aid society to give him opportunity to reform. . VOSTMAITZB BBMOTIO (Journal Special Service.) Baker City. Or.,, Jan. 6,t-W,JL, Kelly, postmaster at Greenhorn, Grant county, has been removed and W.' H. Draper ap pointed to succeed him by Postal In spector Clark. Clark says that Kelly, is $1,000- short in his accounts. No ar rest has been made and it is ssid that friends of Kelly will make the shortage good. ' ,aure wood Pa t ' min Yhe heart op the continent 11,126 Miles Of railway east of Chicago, Peoria, St.: Louis and the Mississippi River, with eastern terminals at New York, Boston and Montreal, are embraced in the New York Central Lines For tickets, information, etc., call on" W. C. SEACKREST, North Pacific Coast Agent, -132 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. W. B. JEROME, General Agent, 134 Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, Electricity In Your Home Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few . comforts while you are,alive for you are a long time dead Portland General Electric Co. ! DRINK THE OLD AND RENOWNED GAMBRINUS LAGER BEER SEND ORDERS FOR BOTTLED BEER TO OFFICB, 793 WASHINGTON ; ST. TELEPHONE No. WIAIN 43. BOTH PHONES! X Choice Lots, $30 to $100. $3 Down and $3 per Month Prize Cottage. 6 -Room Modern House . Given Away 4-cent Car Fare, Twenty Minutes from Busi ness Center PRE Remember the E COTTAGE Take Mt. Scott car, 1st and Alder. Agent on ground. ., GEO. Ve BROWN ao3-Faluns Bulldino;. . Phone ilaln 2139 ' ran KXTSoxajr, rrss. 01 W. UOWIIs, Kffb The Imperial Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. .Europtan Plan On(y.M Rates from $1 to 2JiO per day. Seventh and Washington Sts. O SPICES, o COFFEEJEA, DAIflNO POWDER, FlXVOniiiGEXTWaS ilwttluN Purify. . FlnejJFI&vor. CrtattilSfren$fh.PewoikfYiccs. aOSSET&DEVERS ' j DODTI 4NI1. ADtKnM 1 m v mm m ssss sb sbbf b vn ws mm V J m Figfit for Life." ,J vS-we(sw iivss ' ... t rf-u. ta 1 -j 1 l 1 he largest and mosi complete un dertaklns establishment on the Coast. F. 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East Sixth.. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part of 'le city. A'Boynton Furnace In your.houes soon nays for Itself In oomfort and saving of fuel Lst us fla--u re with you on tha cost of installing ons In your house. ' 3, a. Bayer furnaos Co., 265'Becona fit. , Tel- Main 461. 'fighting Diseased" M E Th Dr.Lleblg Staff Only Specialists for Men f Elibltah4 on Parlfle Coast 27 yen k, mill oinllnii to rnr. N moat ntmtlnalf!. rhroiilc ' prt. . and otrrou. dlr t man. trhra all, othsr fall. l.tr.t rvmrdle. niasnrtiff HM(r. Ilbr. boat u' IhIid turr tli wont eatwa In half th Urn md tlnlf th pries. R'rnwliablr Mmwdil tiirm t bonis by HrrM)Oiii1enw. At trad t' Iwtiir to mm I.lcl.lg ball SWT .nlsbt, 74 SUib at, cor dak, iwr V. 0. ( all w- writs, Bvattlii. Portland and Han Pratw-lwu. ' ' ' li t, DO i XKJAL - tuistMMi Is mis a, Jtila ? lisiiAsj, usmuty , ,ji STOPPED rKIZ Psrman.nlly Cured k m. Kiifis's frr NERVE fiSTC.LI Hu fib mfUt 4sl 4t ,! f Sl, f (-., v4 ft WW If ftSsVfSSPATB rMf fV. all tpml , H (, fc v ' faull'. ii.i.