l A VISIT TO THE PORTLAND CREMATORY ? ' , ' f j ' . 1 - r. j. 11 u"'.' , ! "" i 1 1 ""'. 1 .' ..' . . j',n . '.,.-. m. ' 1 -a feSlfc "1 J". " v ' ' v y y - : V' .- ::- ' r ' . : . ; v ; .. -v-.v. y . ....... v- y ;.-. ... The atory of cremation in Portland, like the ntory of any sanitary or other reform, is that of alow progfreas, worm like progress almost for a certain pe riod, and then a general and iudden change In "public opinion that makes the thing abhorrent yesterday, desired to morrow. ; . The first tncineratlon -was made in a local crematory August 23, 1901, when a test body waa cremated in the retort at the plant of the Portland Cremation association..' The crematory was opened lor regular work In October -of that year, but Work, was not -really begun until the following year. In- 1902" the association cremated 37 bodies; so far this year 82 hlive hern cremated, and the Increase of 120 per cent Is expected to be equaled next year, the association anticipating the cremation of at least US bodies.. '. a - This record Is simply that of every other crematory ever built in the coun try; i The San- Francisco i)lant . - was atartd In. 1893 and during the first year cremated 42 bodies, in 1900, 643 bodies were cremated, and the past three years have shown, as decided an in crease,, until now more than a thousand bodies annually are cremated in San Francisco. ..When the crematory started there it, had no competition, but drew from the. entire west; now many of th California towns have their own crema tories Mi ..the, work has grown to such proportions that almost a third of the city daad'is cremated, instead of burled, t ifcYanktB. CNbeon, (muniier -and Biijiar Intendent of ,tho local, crematory, and who has had 'an experience of 16 yearn In thtf-work,: having, built th largest furnaces ;1n 'the country,' and being one of two-HvfnR -men In the I'nited States that understands ' the construction of ' rz fA CORNER IN COLUMBARIUM. FIRST LEAP YEAR ; FOR 8 YEARS BEGUN : The girt who In 1896 was a yea; or so too young1 ,to take proper advantage of the customs hallowed by former leap year sbservancn and who by 1900 was primed for action, only to discover that sometimes eight years passed between leap . years, Is not aware Of the deep scientific and historical significance of trte twenty-ninth day In February, nor is .she especially Intent On the distinc tion between the solar year and othet kinds,' such as the' ecclesiastical. She only knows that she was bright, young, careless thing , In 189$, that it was a horrid calendar that refused to bring leap year rights to the unchosen bachelor maids In 1900. . The story "of the calendar would form A, good'1 historical' romance, : mixed as it is with the doings of Roman monarch long since embalmed in the calf cover of ancleWt.hlBtory. Few busy men know why leap year refuses to leap always on the fourth year and about tbe extent tf the average citizen's information Is that the years every once in a while get too long 'and-to fix up the matter so that Christmas and New Years, won't collide the extra day Ms thrown Into February. Many woefllled' children who happen to be born on - this twenty-ninth day, go through life without a distinct Idea why they have only one birthday to other children's four,' and even th calendar makers are . sometimes dim and misty In their explanation of the Innate cause and moaning of leap year. . Away back In the days of real salnls and miracles flourished the noblest Ro man of them all: Julius Caesar by name. Caesar found that the popular mind was somewhat confused on she year Question, since the pontiffs had the discretionary power to lengthen or shorten the years a quarter day when they thought best and the resulting mess was bothersome. Julius -decided that after subduing the earth It would tackle the solar system a he announced that henceforth the year such furnaces. In speaking of the change that had come. In public sentiment dur ing the past IS years, said: ""There was a time when the ministers were solidly arrayed against us. , Five years ago all sorts of antique notlona were advanced against the change. . To day the clergy is our firm supporters, and we have been aided greatly by Its almost unanimous consent. Physicians universally favor - the process as the only sanitary one, and where In the East the problem of burial in the crowded districts . has become a vital question that closely affects the healths of mil lions of people, the crematory has come as a real blessing." The burial notions and customs of any people are the last ones to be changed. The human race clings to the old when it touches their forefathers and the dis position of their own bodies, and the sanitary aspect of the cremation treat ment is one that chiefly appeals to broad-minded scientists and not to the people, but the crematory : has other advantages that are popularizing It, and one of these is economy. The average funeral costs between S4Q0 and $500; it is the heaviest drain the widow has (o face, and in her new found wealth with : perhaps 11,000 in surance' money, she feels it almost In cumbent on her to choose an expensive coffin, buy a fine cemetery lot, employ an undertaker to do the best in his power and further provide for the per petual oare of the spot where her loved one rests. This Is -touching and beau tiful, but the burled husband probably would feel easier If he knew hia wife had the 11,000 to aid her in her battle with the world than' to know that aha had divided this and placed half in the grave with .him. m . '-I'm would be 385 .days lang.axcept every fourth year, which woull be 368 day in length. This Julian year,, which also had two new months added, began on January 1 of the 46th year before the birth of Christ and 701 year after the founding of Rome. ! Julius ordered that the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh months should have 31 days and that the other monUis should have 80, except February, which should have 29 days in ordinary years but 30 every fourth year. ' Then came Augustus Caesar. Now Augustus, so history relates, waa a proud man and he objected to seeing July, named after his brother, bearing 31 days, whtle his month,' August, had only 30. So forth went another edict giving August also tl days. To make the totals com out even a day was taken from February, which happened to have no Caesars' to support its cause, and given to August Then Augustus faced the problem of three months coming to gether each with 31 days. Into executive- seslon went Augustus and finally it was announced that September and No vember should have each 30 days an? October and December should have 31. Then since February waa shorn of a day by the caprlc of.Augustus every fourth yearrth extra day was added to Its score, but this year was inserted between the 24th and 25th. this practice is still followed in the ecclesiastical calendar. But Augustus failed to make th pon tiffs, who actively regulated the calendar and kept tally on the sun's movements, understand what, his changes had been: so these august potentates put In a leap year every third year Instead of every fourth and by the. time 36 years had rolled by the earth was three day ahead of Itself. . Augustus discovered the mis. take, went into another executive session and ordered that for the next 11 years no leap years should be marked down on the official score cards and by the time the 48th year was reached all was right again. In general usage a is con- 1 TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ! i- f is ,- i ,ff J. ;-:v: -si:' s? si; 4 ... .... ftK H" i : a By the process of cremation the ne cessity for an expensive coffin Is saved, as a plain casket Is the beat for the work.. The ashes are placed in a elmpH urn, which may be buried In a cemeter; lot or left in a niche at the cremator , until the final abiding place of the wife or mother is decided on. One of "the most unpleasant features of body burial Is the removal that Is often made. Years may have passed , and the body, unless in the most expensive of coffins Is at best a mass mingled with clay and rotttng boards deep In a pit. In the funeral urn the ashes remain forever Intact, countless generations can do honor to them in the family vault, as did the ancient Egyptians, and any ;;pi A f fv;.v.'f i ': t s , -v - - - . , v r l I ' 4 w:?:': --:; . .;,"?; ... . ' ',v'V:',v:-4'i:'i' i---- r xNi- ......... r j1-- - , SUPERINTENDENT'S RESIDENCE, OFFICE AND GENERAL H . ,.'' sldered that this see-sawing and regal monkey business never happened ; and that all went smoothly from th time Augustus entered the arena. ,, Though the Caesarian method of add ing a day every four yeara is about right and several generations could depart front th -earth before any marked fault was discovered, still the method sup poses the year to be 11 minutes and 14 seconds too long. 1 This amounts to a day in 128 years and some system was necessary to perpetually correct the error. ,.. , .. . . . ... -'v ; Th error waa discovered" in 1581,: or was corrected then, when Jt was found thtt the equinox that had fallen on th 21st of March in 325 had dropped down to the 11th, The council of Nice devised a plan to preserve this essential feature of the almanao from getting back Into the holiday season and. Pope Gregory, discovering that th error amounted to three days in 400 years, ordered that leap years b omitted on all century yeara, excepting those that are multiples ot 460. ;L-.i' l! ': J ' .. i . :. I $ : .. i PORTLAND, SATURDAY- EVENING, JANUARY - 2, 1094. tifi '! j MUli-id 4 r.LJ p"-:-,v.1.. 4J jlj Uw...uwrwr THE CHAPEL. "He also suppressed 10 days from th calendar to allow tho equinox time to catch up with its original position on the monthly schedule. ' . '"According to the Oregorglan rule then all years In which the number Is divisi ble by four without a remainder is a leap year, except the century years, which are only leap years when divisible byi four after omitting the two ciphers. Thus 1600 was a leap year but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were common years, 2000 will be a leap year and 2400 will be the next century year with 29 days in February. All Christian countries except Russia have adopted . the JullanSmethod of in terc&lculatlon as the Insertion 'of ari ad ditional day is termed.' Russia still ad heres to the Gregorglan method of reck oning, i , : ' The Julian method is to put 29 days In February, except oi the fourth year, when the month has 30; his method also being to give January and each alter nate month, except February, 31 days and other months SO. . . THE CREMATORY OF THE PORTLAND CREMATION ASSOCIATION. vw-t? jfeiw" YSs WAITING ROOif.,; . 1 1 ' - --wJ.w.( a---;.! 'T, BITSS1A AT THB WORKS'S TAIH. (Journal Special Servlre.) St Louis, Jan. 3 plans lor the build ing to, be erected by.- Russia at the Louisiana purchase exposition have Jusf been received by Dl'rsctor-of-Works Tay lor.' The Russian pavilion will starnl directly - opposite the ' Chinese pagodas and east1 of the , hipped-roof ..structure erected by Sweden, and, the plans and drawings, show, that It will add much to -the picturesquenens of the section of foreign buildings. " The ' pavilion . Is t be of distinctive' Russian architecture and will covef an.area. of, nearly 80.00Q square feet. . Tliere will be no less than three, towers i:.,or spires of jpecuilar Bysanttn . design. ' the tallest rising td a height, of 123 feet above - the -grounrt. The building is rambling In design. It will comprise the maiir structuro and a number of mlBor structures connected by an arcaded walk. Each of tho tow ers will be. of . different design, y The highest one, ' surmounting the main . . t f needed change of ' burial can be made easily. - ' ' -' One of , the horrors of burial, the fea? of ghouls imd their practices, la takeu away entirely by the cremation of tho body, for ashes bear no attraction to either the medical student or the rob- ber, and countless despoiled 1 graves might have been kept Inviolate bad their masters t not been adverse to stepping' out of the old path of burial, r ; The popular Idea that the entire body la consumed by direct contact with the flames Is entirely wrong. - The process Is one of distillation, cot of consump tion. Th coffin Is placed In a big retort heated to a temperature of 8.000 de grees Fahrenheit. This intense heat first makes charcoal of the coffin, which falls away and, dropping through thi grate, Jaavoa the body, which-is gradu ally evaporated. The gases pass up through the hot blast and finally the en tire body crumbles into an ash, the . bones last- integrating, A strong blast of air forces the body ashes to. a pocket, near the door, and these are removed and' 'laced in the funeral urn after the Iron .vfel. m1.-. , s2 , H Ziuiuiiiiiiiii . ' FAMILY WAITING. ROOM. SPOKANE BOOMED . DURING YEAR J903 '(Jotirnir Special Bertie. Spokane. Jan. 2. Building operations started in Bpokane, during the year ;1903 a estimated by' the building permits is sued by the city amounted to. a. total, ef 2I10,94'J.' This'is' a gHln of 100 'pet cent over the- previous year. "The"' per mits" Issued1 the' prcrvious'yeal! amounted to, 11,324,74. . Bylldlng operations that I are already, planned amount to oVer a million; an a, half, fpr the coming year without counting any building costing less tlmn I20.000... A-few of the larger buildings-, which y-wlll be .constructed are; ' Government postottlce, 1400,000; street railway denot, $200,000; suhool bulldlnns.' I16Q.0IW; theatre, $60,000; Masonic temple,. $i0,000: ,Fort Wright, $65,000; . Norwegian .college, $25,0001 Holly, Mason, Marks & Co., wholesale house,'. $125,000; .office building of Porf tee Brothers. , $100,000; and fivev otbef store and offlc buildlnga. ranging -front $20,000 to $60,000., The number of building permits lasuqd the . past , year has not Increased, so , much, as' the valu of the'.lmprovenienta made., ? ; The real estate transfers for Spokane also sfraw a big Increase. In 1902 prop erty to the value Of $7,941,601 changed hands, while this past, year the transfer amounted to $9,399,181,- aa shown by the publlo,.records. ,, j... Th records show increases right along th line. In 1902, 900 couples took outf marriage licensee, 'while this past ya building, will consist of n , overhang ing .battlemented comic .Capped by 'a hexagonal, tower. 'jvn'r'- - :.'f1.'1, IOWA'S BIO AVSVAX, COAH TEST. , (Journal Sppclul gervlce. ) -.; . J j . Amos,' Iowa,- Jan. 2. The dpartm?nt of . agrrtiomy of ' th I6wa .stato ;col lege has- completed arrangements for the opening of the annual corn Judging school next Monday.- The school will last 10 davs and will he attended hy a large number of farmers desirous of and steel articles, Such a buttons, hal pins and the like, have been removed by a magnet. The urn la hermetically sealed and will preserve the ashes until the end of time. The plant of the Portland Cremation association at present consists of an artlstio chapel, receiving vault and cre matorium. - There are two. retorts of thei latest pattern. - The time required for th Incineration of a body averages about an hour,, the time ranging : from three-quarters to an hour and a, half. The grounds - surrounding the cremato rium comprise six acres, which will be devoted to park purposes and platted for a cemetery under the lawn plan, In eluding, perpetual care, and sold for the burial of the ashes. The grounds overlook" the ' Willamette river from a high bluff and are picturesque. 1 ?- - - The officers of the association are: President, C. B. Bellinger, Vice-president, E.. B. Williams; secretary and treasurer, Julius L.-Meier; manager and superinten dent. Frank . B. Glbsoni executive oom mlttee, W. P. Olds, Isom White, Will iam' C. Bristol Vv :; ;' ;-.;-:. Kv- .. ' the number was nearly J6d greater, or 1.042.- Tbe postofflce receipts of the city increased from $124,884.86 in 190J to $150,881.77 in 1903. The increase in the number of the. children born In th city the past year was 203. ' ' k. ' In the matter of bank clearings th records are the highest ever reached in the history. 'of Spokane. For 1902,.they amounted to $88,571,242. The past year they Increased this by 30 per cent, reach ing the total of tlU'.?S5,820, The Spo kane chamber pf cpmmercey ls makings arrangements tohave, the figures show ing the big growth put in pamphlet form and 'sent eat foe the purpose of 'ttdver ,tislng the clt'-.J -f.J) ., Z. ',' V. Th Bed tight Sistriot, .;,f! : Mayor, Frank L. Boyd haS revoked the order regulating the immoral women of the oity that was made by him several 'months ago and has instructed, the chief of police to take such methods of regu lating the social, evil as fa' shall deem best.--Under the-m&yor's order the. wo men were confined to specified portion of tire, city and 'a. fine of $15 monthly has been collocted from them. The burnt district' has been located In 'the centr Oft the business portion nf the Vity ttmt recently an agttatlfwi- was started -hav- district to some section much farther away. The revocation now made Is wltn this purpose In- view, ' Thsi majror- sn l hChlet of police have not announced wIjpi they will attempt, trt send the women. studying h,e many "points which have to do with the breeding, selection an I storing of Seed corn., .Hundrv)! "... of samples of the leading varletl" of cmn from, sill flctlona of the state huvn been giitheri-d' by the collio and will V uicd Ji the ork of Judging. A num ber of prominent. speakers, will -1 itvf lectures en the best rrwtlwdB of it l. Ing seed corn, and piethod of hurvt v ing and storing the crop. Preferred Etook Csnned OooO. AUn it Lewi' Ueutt I;rnd.