The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 02, 1904, Page 20, Image 20

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From the Atlanta oJurnal.
"':A1 mart in "Breslau. Silesia, sold 'his
mustache for $25 and his 'wife inter
fered, claiming a half interest In the
mustache. -. He might sell his half for
$12.60. . '
watch and bsalskist coat takes
: from kiss fc. wijtters jitstbrx
' ousx.t rettjr1ted whes detec
V Evidently becoming frightened, the
burglar Who robbed, the home of Miss
Ii. Winters, 28 North Seventh Btreet,
early yesterday morning, returned the
booty yesterday afternoon.
: The plunder, a valuable 'Bealsktn
sacque and a handsome -watch, Christ'
mas presents to the owner, was taken
during the early hours yesterday.-About
z:30 : in the afternoon the Jacket;: and
watch were found In the house. ,
During the day Detectives Day, Hart
man and Weiner discovered a clue which
they were-following with all energy.
The thief,, learning of this, they be-
lleve," became- frightened and determined
to get out of trouble, if possible. , , ;.-
This is the ' second time this week
Miss ' Winters has , been s visited by
thieves. - The first occasion.; was Wed
nesday morning, when two Intruders
held revolvers to her; head and. com
manded her to. keep, quiet.;.
.,' After they had departed the woman
called Special Officer Franklin, against
whom she has preferred charges of con
duct unbecoming, an officer.
Entering through a rear window at the
home of R. h. Kdmonston, 260 Hassalo
street, last night, burglars secured a
small sum of money and a little Jew
elry. The family was away from home
between the hours of 6:45 and 10 PMn
and upon their return they found every
thing in their house topsy turvy. A
trunk in a bedroom was broken open
and from it the thieves took $10 in
Kold, $ in silver, a stick pin set with
rubies, and a Set . of earrings set with
rhinestones. - A trunk belonging to H. I.
Llnneberg, a roomer, was -also forced
and from it the burglars took Ave small
gold nuggets, a watch charm- with a
omall opal in the center, and a pair of
ruff buttons.
; Acting Detectives Vaughn; and Hoge
boom were detailed on the case.
The funeral of Janups E. Field, the vet
eran fireman, will take place from Fin
ley's chapel at 2 o'clock tomorrow after
noon. A large detail of firemen will be
in attendance to pay the last respects
to their comrade. The interment will be
in Lone Fir cemetery. '
Mr. Field served in the fire department
for 21 years, lie is the last of the orig
inal paid men.-.
The New .Year starts out prosperous
for the Portland Packing Co.'s store.
Five stores is the beginning of the New
Tear, a. gain of two new stores during
the : past year. The very satisfactory
business Is due to the fact that each
market of tho Portland Packing Co 's
markets carries the best and sells at Vic
lowest market quotations, quite bftener
cheaper than elsewhere. It will pay the
readers of The Journal to watch tho
ads of the growing and popular concern.
Rpenedvfor Bilsiness !
Institute of Dermatology
417 Abington Building
Portland, Oregon
' ,r' -" " ,.f" v ,' '' '' ' vi' - ..-.'"?'''. ' ' , ." ' ',' . '. j ' t" ,- ' 1 "-'V ' ,'."','' 1 ''- "' ' "'. ." "" . , "'
'''''' ' ':i ';' ' 'r K ' ' " ' '' ' .( . -' 1 v. . ' ' . ' ". -:. . ' , '.. . . ', t r '"" 1 '--
Suite Entrance 417 Abington Bldg., Between Washington and Stark
; i -: Telephone Main 2893 . :
VOTED , to Rxs profession.
Edward W. Bingham died of typhoid-
pneumonia at the Oood Samaritan hos
pital yesterday forenoon. The deceased
was a prominent attorney, who for many
years was one of the leading spirits in
the Oregon Bar association. He suc
ceeded in having passed laws for the
purifying of elections. . He was a sports
man and a member of the ., Fish and
Game association and had a hand in
preparing or, forwarding- most of the
game legislation in the state.
Mr. Bingham was born in 1852 and
leaves a wife, mother and brother. The
widow is a daughter -of General I. I.
Stevens, who-made a record as a soldier
and was killed during the civil war.
His brother,; a - physician . of k Walla
Walla, . was .at his death bed.
Attorney Edward Mendenhall. en
speaking of .'jthe life and ; work of the
deceased, said: '"Mr. 'Bingham was all
through life an industrious and persis
tent worker. 1 When he took up a case
he put all his energy into it, regardless
of financial considerations and fought it
to the last ditch. He bad broad views,
and one of his efforts was to purifyXpoll-;
tics and was responsible for a number
of "laws relative' to primaries and elec
tions,-which placed restrictions m the
corruption at one time general In this
The Bar association will pass resolu
tions of condolence over the death of a
highly respected and honorable member
of the legal fraternity. '
. . TOJCIC. '
There is not a woman in this innrt
but at some time in her life would have
been the better for the use of thia Tonic
f or diseases peculiar to women a better
medicine was never rnade. It ia-coin-
posed of :theingredlents from which the
system has been deprived by disease,
overwork or dissipation. It enters at
once into the circulation, building up the
tissues that have wasted, and making
pure, rich blood In the most direct way.
For weak, nervous and unsteady people,
pimply, pma ur ueniiicss people. It WIU
make strong, . steady nerves and give
the complexion that wholesome look
that Indicates health,' We have hun
dreds .of letters that people have writ
ten us, saying they had gained in good,
solid flesh, at the rate of 1 to 8 lbs, per
week while using Dr. Ounn's Blood and
Nerve Tonic.' It should be taken after
meals, one or two tablets each time.
Druggists sell it for 76 cents per box, or
3 boxes for $2, or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price. We are glad to make re
ply to tetters of Inquiry. The advice we
give you is piam ana easily understood.
Addfess Dr.Bosanko Co., Philadelphia,
Pa .... : '
Before and After.
From the Detroit Free Press.
Mrs. Brown You used to rave about
my beauty.
Mr. Brown Well? ,
Mrs. BrownNow you rave about my
pumpkin pies.
Always Samp.' '
The cable tells us that ' Venice is
fliknriftft? Whn u- vtm thr . fhA
streets were quite damp and the street
sprinkler was not ut, either. .
. After a long siege of Illness our MADAME SAXE, principal of this Institution, la entirely recovered, and th
Institute, closed for the last nine weeks, has been reopened for business. Madame Saxe is renowned for the ef
ficacy of her work thr6ughout all the Western states, and in Portland has treated hundreds of faces whose come
liness were marred by the encroachments of disease, old age, neglect or accident. There are many countenances
deformed by smallpox pittings and birthmarks, but the great majority of facial' disfigurements are those of wrln
kle. most frequently beginning at the corners of the eyes and extending from there like a spider's web In all
directions to every part of the face. lt Is not much trouble to remove these wrinkles. It can be done within . a
few weeks, and the face left as youthful In appearance aa In the early days of human life. It Is . wonderful '"the
change that can speedily be made In the appearance of the face by the SAXE METHOD OF TREATMENT. It
is different from any other method, and its secrets are hot known to any other Dermatologist ori the Pacific,' coast
Its methods cannot be duplicated, because they will NOT be divulged to any one; Persons in other cities have
offered large sums for the Saxe secret, but have not secured It. IT WILL NEVER BETAUGHT TO OTHERS,
although its wonderful properties have astonished the scientific world. - "; '
In every Instance, here "In Portland, entire satisfaction has been given, and this is guaranteed In every case.
Jn rolite society it is now the recognised duty of every well-bred person to appear as attractive as possible, and
this can never be when the face is drawn out of shape by wrinkles,, or other deformltiesi which mar the pleas
, ing appearance that came to the life when born Into the world. , It is fin old and trite saying that "BEAUTY. IS
POWER." It always has and always will be so. The world will never change in that regard,' and besides this
power, there is happiness in the knowledge that one's appearance Is pleasing to his or her friends. Both sexes are
treated at this institute. . ,s
aitsweb to Btrrr or compart,
In her answer to tho suit of M. C.
Harrison & Co. agarnst M. C. Harrison,
Ines E. Harrison and Multnomah county,
filed this afternoon. Mrs. Inex E. Ham
son declares that the suit was filed with
the intent of defrauding her of her in
terest in the property involved. Through
her attorneys, : Logan & Galloway, she
denies that the note for $1,652, given by
herself and M. C , Harrison to the .late
David Dalglelsh was ever endorsed over
to M.' C. Harrison , & Co., or that any
part cf the note is unpaid. The greatur
part of it. she alleges, was paid before
the death of Dalglelsh in the spring of
1903, and the rest of the amount to, his
widow, who acted as . administratrix of
.his estate. The note was satisfied and
paid before June 16, 190 J, she declares.'
As to Harrison's position In the firm
of M. C. Harrison & Co., she alleges
that he owns practically all the stock,
and she believes the suit to be simply
to deprive her of title to their property..:-
. Mrs. Harrison is now in San Francisco
where she has filed, a suit for divorce
from M. C. Harrison. Hep attorneys
say that she. will fight the foreclosure
suit In this county to the end.
woodmen nrsTAtx. ornoEBS.
Hood River, Or., Jan. 2. The Wood
men of the, World and Women of Wood
craft held a grand joint piiblic Installa
tion of officers last night An excellent
program, was rendered and ' a very
elaborate banquet partaken of. Over 400
covers were spread. The Woodmen
lodge here Is in a flourishing- condition.
State Deputy George K. Rogers was the
installing officer.;
F1. A. Coleman, commander of Ben F.
Butler Post, No. 57, O. 4. R., tiled a re
port with the county clerk this morn
ing, showing - that the total disburse
ments from the fund for the benefit of
indigent soldiers during 1903 amounted
to $180. .-: '
Standard Typewriter
Rented and sold. Largest 1 house on
coast. Rubber Stamps, Seals, etc.
Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark Street.
leading Double XeyboarA
face onoe
Sears like
er name
persons, ..
fOOCft S3x7. on 23d sU North, with
VfaUlfV b'th comi,ted. Terms
jau aown anu oaiance at 2 per tnoniu
C00AA 40x100, on East Alder street
ipposlte Central school, with
HrnPft A nrl dn-elllnir rented at
per niuiun. . .
ffOAA 60x100. on East Ash St., with
.n llMlll K"od 2-story 8-room house,
v.www rented at S15 rer montll
60x100,' on East 11th St., con
venient to z car lines,; win
new and modern house of 8
rooms and bath. :
Corner lot 60x100. one block
from-upper Alblna car line,
witn gooa a-room cottuge.
For further particulars apply to
Rountree & Diamond
Kidniy, . Stomach and Nervous
Troubles arm positively cured
with Oil of Eden and tweet iplrits
of Eden. '
They are not cheap remedies,
but. inexpensive cures. SS will
buy the lot. . Sold by all first,
class druggists. j
Much Relieved and Life Prolonged .for
Tears By Use of "Oil of Eden."
Mr wife had a Fibrous Tumor and
was treated at one of the best hospitals
I could find. I was finally told she was
Incurable and could only live a few
months at the loneest. This was very-
discouraging and. knowing what Oil of
Uden ftad done xor a sore leg or mine,
we concluded to try Oil of Eden over the
region of the tumor, which we did, and
removed through the pores of the skin
larae Quantities of matter and corrup
tion. She improved so fast- that she
soon began doing her own housework
and then did her cooking, washing, iron
ing and general houso work for a year
and a quarter, and we kept her alive
for many years by the use of Oil of
Its use will bring Joy and happiness
to many. If only used, as it is a most
wonderful remedy.' Don't commence to
use the Oil of Eden and quit because you
see blisters and matter, but cqntlnue
as long as these impurities come to the
surface, for that is the cause of tho
disease, and when no more matter and
blisters come to the surface the disease
is removed. Then Oil of Eden will
have no more effect than olive oil.
Placervllle, Cal..
July is. ios.
Every Woman
Dout in wonoerrai
MARVEL Whirling Spray
new vrMi srnu. Jtaee-
. Mt SI-
1 A a J 1- fmm U
it n nnnnt annni tna
vai a aa j au -
. other, batnondMAiiipfor Vvi -
axil pesi Lii.iatMl B SlltU UUT"I It'll 111- j
lnhlc to Ia4ib MARVK1 CO..
.Mac uiu(. avw itrib
aged and every tnnscle f hir
distorted, this woman now ap-
this. She permits the use of :
when applied for by interested
. , -
VYVSUSSVL turn ana aucno
X.. v?vrTr V conrailent.
n I ymrrz7r
r, f. m im
J tr-
f - 'vA"
t - X'j
t :- ' I
V y. iV ) I
Z. ' All
Be Independent of Landlords
Our North Irvlngton, office Is on the -comer of Union' Avenue and Failing street, . ..:-; . .i . -j,
' ' agent In attendance daily from 2 -to 6 p. m.. or call at headquar- t-
'.--.. .-.-. . ?.-...! . tra ' for,- mapsv- plat -nd XuU v-lnformatlon. , .
" Real estate in Portland Is cheaper :than in any other city o ' like - import- - . ' ' J
ance in the United States. ! There is.'no other growing and important city J
where you can-buy a fine residence lot,-50x100 feet- for $300 or $400,' as close -in
to the center of the city as you 'can-, in Portland,' Or. This' condition of , ' -
things will not last long.-- Real estate values in. Portland are bound to ad- .
vance ; we look for a great rise next year. The wise ones are buying NOW.
We are selling lots at North Irvington, 50x100 feet, at $150 to $600 each
on very easy terms- a small sum down and the balance in monthly-payments.
We will make it easy for you to build just as soon as you determine
what kind, of a house you want. . .
North Irvington is the place for the man of moder
ate means It is only 10 minutes ride and 20 minutes'
walk from the business part of the city. North Irving
ton is high, dry, healthy and well drained. City water
piped to every house in North Irvington. -
The Title Guarantee & Trust
6 and 7 Chamber ot Commerce, Portland. Or.
orchard; watered by spring- - and
well; part cultivated; fronts on (rood
road, near Forest -Grove, Washing
ton county; 1 mile to P. O., store
and school; good neighborhood; only
- - $650. : . i -. ,.,
160 ACUES 60 acres level, balance roll
ing;; 25 acres cultivated; good or
- chard; 800 bearing grapes; good
. neighborhood; 1 mile to school; line
outrange, good water, near Forest
Grove; a cheap farm $1,600,
40 ACB.ES Part improved; good or
chard, fine water: joins R. R," sta
tion; fronts on Columbia river, short
- run from Portland; will make an
, elegant summer home..
165 ACRES Part improved, 1 mile
from Columbia river, on good, level
; road; some choloe bottom land;
about 3,000,00.0 feet of timber.
112 ACRES All cultivated; good build
ings, tine water system, convenient
to Portland.
SO ACRES 7H miles east of city; fine
. level road; about halt cultivated:
orchard; good -room plastered
house, frame barn; to settle an es
tate and pay: off debts, will sell
cheap. . . '
LOT 50x100, two dwellings, 'newly
- . painted; rental value $35 per month,
on 12th" st., West Side. .
HEAT COTTAOE on improved - street,
Sunnyside; easy terms If desired; On
1 account of sickness must selL
OOOD new 'hard-finished house in Lin
coln Park Annex; cheap at $1,300.
B-ROOK . hard-finished house in nice
order; well finished; 'corner lot 80x
100 feet In. Stevens addition; best
1 .buy -in the addition; owner needs
, money for other things; If sold now
- only $2,660. -
7-ROOM new up-to-date house. Just com
pleted, on E. Alder St., near 12th;
cut price.
A TSRT PRETTY suburban home , on
good car line, not far out; 8-room,
up-to-date : cottage, large grounds,
choice - fruits, ornamental - - trees,
shrubs, flowers, lawn, 100 varieties
of roses. Price cut to $2,900. ,
The Ideal suburban homeslt location)
Vsrythlng that could be desired is to
be found her. . To property lying ad
jacent to Portland, offers such Induce
ments to the Intending purchaser, eithtr
for home or as aa InTestment A
thorough inspection of the tract will
prove this Msertioa. ; Tor - particulars
call on or address. , v
W. A. SHAW & CO.
... 843 Bt ark, .. ntvr 0oon4 8trt.
Six:-::; :J-:.Sf
i i
id) ,
Do you stop to think? - Why do you
go six or seven miles away to Lents
and St. Johns and pay as much or more
for lots? Why not buy Inside lots,
where you have streets, sidewalks,
sewer, electric lights. Bull Hun water,
street cars, schools and churches? We
can? glve-you-termsr - -------ri- r-
Cole's Add., lot A, blk. ..1400
Proebstel's Add. to Alblna, lots 8
and 8, block 3 1000
Albion Add. to Alblna, lot 7, blk. 4.. 100
Lincoln Park, lot 8, blk 15 800
Park Add. to Alblna, lots 10 and
, 11, block 11, each 800
Tolman Tract, lots 7 and 8, blk. 25, 400
Park Add. to Alblna, lots 3 and 4,
block 1 ........... . ...... ..... . 350
City View Park Add, lots. 1 and ,18,
block 1 . . 400
Highland Park, lot 22. block 8. 100
Highland Park, lots and 10, block .
12, each , . .100
Highland. Park, lot U. block IS. 100
Highland Park, lots and 18, block .
14. each . . ...f... 100
Highland Park, lots 6 and 9, block
15, each . . .i. 100
Highland Park, lot 5, block A...... 100
Sellwood, lot 11, block 47 800
Sellwood. lot 15, block 87 ........... 800.
Fulton Park, lots 11 and 12. blook
. G 350
fortb Albina,; lots ! 'and 11, block
z&, eacn . .................... j ov
Gay's Add., lot 2,' block 2 , 100
Glencoe Park, lot-7, block 4 ,. 800
Park Add., Alblna, lots 8 , and 9, ;
r block 11, each .. 100
Albion Add., lots ' 22, 23 and , 24, .
block 4, each ... 100
Richmond Add., lots 8, 8,, 10, 18 and
20, block 2, each 800
Richmond Add., lots, 11, IS and 15,
block 6, each .................. 800
Richmond Add.; lots 8, 10, .12, 14
and 16, block 11, each 800
Richmond Add., lots 8, 10, 12, blk.
-. 10, each ....................... 800
Dolan's Add., lot 6, block 8......... 378
Ravenswood Add., lot 1. blk. 6 8SO
Carter's Add. to E. Portland, lot 6,
block 11 .. .. ..... i. . .. 600
Prettyman's Add., lots 2, 6 -and 8,
block 6, each 300
Third Electrio Add., lot 1, blk. A.. 850
First Electrio Add., lots 35, 38 and
87, block 1 . ........ t. ....... 150
Third Electric Add., lot 2, block 2.: 800
Llnwood Add., lots 10 and 11, block
- 2, each . . . . .' 800
Llnwood Add. lots 7, 8, and 9, block
1, each . 800
Tobasco, lots 8 and 4,' blk. 3, each". 80
Sunnyside Add., lots 8 and 9, block
60, each . 880
Tabordale, lot 1, block, 1 300
Peninsular Add., No. 2. , . lot ; 10,
block 10 ,50
Peninsular Add., No. 3, lots 26. '27, .
. 28, 29, 80 and 31, blk. 39, each... "30
J: L. Wells & Co.
PROVS 385.
85 ACRES One mile east . from r Lent.::
schooihouse, on good road; 10 to 12
acres cleared; all fenced; good bear
ing orchard; land level. This tract
' - will be sold $26 to $50 less per acre
- than adjoining. '
J. Li Wells & Co.
PUTB 8-ROOM ROUSE, at lit.-Tabor,
lot 80x186 feet $3,500.
40 ACRES of land at Shole's Ferry; 13
"..cleared; 6-room house, barn, orch
ard; good timber Price $1,250.
' Charlesdn & Staub,
. 345V4. Morrison, Room 12.
A large list of New Modern
Homes of various designs in
different locations at cash
prices. ;; Terms equivalent to
10 per cent down and month
ly rentals.
tlfiCIA For new 5-room cottage pores
lain bath and wash-stand, sta.
r tlonary wash trays on. bacl
' porch; on 23d street.
SIQAfl 6-room house, on Clay St., with
I7UU 25x100; well Improved.
$25!Ofl 8-room new modern house, with
ptsvv ba.Uv wash trays, cement walks,
-, on 21st St., Within 1 block car
.lines. v" '
f 6-room dwelling, hard finish.
lrtWW bath, wash trays, close to car;
line. . ; . , , v
For new' 6-room modern bom,
on the corner of Rodney ave. and.
Tillamook; full basement, porce
lain bath, wastmtand, toilet
above and below, wash tiays,
wood elevator, piped for gas and
furnace, streets fully improved.
For 8-room house, on Eugene St.;
one of the best -houses on the
East Side; cement basement,
furnace and all conveniences,
with 60x100.
For 6-room dwelling, on Skid
more St., with corner. 50x1001
modern throughout
For 7-room new modern house,
on Couch St., with 60x100; lit
good residence locality.
For new 7-room modern house,
on corner of Rodney and Tilla
mook;, porcelain , bath, wash-stand,-
toilet above and below,
wash trays, wood elevator; piped
for gas and furnace.
For 8-room house, with 40x120,
on Stanton at, between . 2 car
lines, .... i
For 1 6-room new well-finished
house, on Rodney ave., with 25x
100; cement walks around prem
For E-room modern home, on the
Mt: Scott car line, within 25
minutes ride of courthouse; best
suburb of Portland.
For 6-room new-house, on ' the
East Bide, in a very desirabl-i
locality, closa in on Rodney ave.
For 6-room cottage, brand new,
In the . suburbs of Portland, 20
minutes ride from the city; bath,
hot and cold water.;
between 16th & 17th Sts.
6 and 7 Room Houses
Well built, latest designs
of architecture, plumbing;
No. 1, cement walks,
piped for gas, and furnace
10 per cent down.
Why Pay High Price for Watch Repairing
When you can get the best work- for
little money at
' Jll DEKUM UUILfclNa.