The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 02, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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Society certainly did lta best to make
the ,Iast week of. the old year a gay
one. The Christmas , worries and prep
aratlona now past , and gone, the social
set ushered the old year - out and the
new one In with all the merriment and
gayety possible. : , ' . ;
: . Receptions and dancing parties, espe
cially the latter, were the vogue. Many
danced the last hours of the old year
away to the delightful strains of music
Many-'enjoyable entertainments were
given by the churches and were enjoyed
by those of a more sober turn of mintt
' The friends and loved ones who re
turned to spend the holidays with their
parents or friends have gone again, leav
ing behind them the loving remem
brances and the best wishes for. a happy
New Year.
The Stanford .. Glee and Mandolin
.club's visit to this city occasioned many
social events. ' The visitors were the
guests of Dr. J. W. Hill of H1U Mili
tary academy. Among the society func
tions given in their honor were a musi
cals given by 'Mr. and Mrs. Newlll at
Bishop Scott academy, Monday after
noon; a dinner given by Dr. Hill, Mon
day; a smoker: by the University club:
and a. number of other affairs. Among
the members of the local reception com
mittee were Frank B. - Riley, Harry 8.
Bladen, C. Henri Labbe, Louis Oerlinger,
Chester O. Murphy, Paul Rockey and
Plowden Stott
Mrs. W. A.. Gordon entertained the
Five Hundred club ' at her residence
.Tuesday evening, December 29. ;
Mrs. A. Tolstonage gave reception
Sunday,' December 27, from 2 until 6, at
her- residence, 622 Third street. The
affair twae In" honor of the engagement
of her daughter, Miss Sadie Tolstonage,
to J. Ellison, of Minneapolis, Minn. '
l:Vl.'Vf 'V ... TC TC ...... " '
The regimental Inspection took place
Monday evening,' December 28, at the
armory. The drill was 'followed by a
dance. ... .
The New England Conservatory club
met -at the residence of Miss Agnes
Watt Wednesday afternoon, December
20. The "program Included songs by
Mrs. 1 Linn and Miss ; Watt A very
pleasant afternoon was spent.
Mrs.. Adolph Dekum gave a reception
Wednesday,- December 30, at her resi
dence. .
W. Glftord Nash gave .a delightful mu
sieale Tuesday evening at Aeolian hall,
corner ot Seventh and Washington
streets. The affair -was very successful
and there was a large number of guests
present.- Arthur Fraxler, assisted by
Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes, gave the fol
lowing program:,-.
" l.-Sonata Op. 1 .Grieg
2. (a) "The Swan" .........St Saens
(b) "Canzonetta" , D'Ambroslo
J. (a) Rondo" Haydn
(b) "Romance" Schumanrt
'(c) "Prophetic Bird" ....Schumann
, (d) "Butterfly" Grieg
4 "A da via" ... .'. V. . Rle's
5. (a) Etudes, a flat c tnln.) '
" (b) Nocturne, b flat rain.) . Afliopln
(c) Scherxo, b flat mta)
The. New Century Dancing club.gae
a most delightful dancing party at Par
sons' hall Tuesday evening, December
29. The hall presented a most brilliant
appearance with Us decorations of Ore-
. gon grapo, evergreen, ed ribbon and
palms. Parsons' orchestra furnished a
. special and delightful musical program.
The hall was crowded with guests. . The
affair was very successful and an en-
. Joyable evening was ap'ent .
Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Newlll entertained
. with an "at . home" musicals Monday
afternoon at flie academy in honor of
the Stanford Glee and Mandolin clubs,
Mesdamea J. - A. Bladen, A. E. Rockey
nnd H. K. McArthur assisted Mrs. New-
Ill in receiving. : The drawing-room was
v prettily decorated with evergreen and
palms. - Delightful refreshments were
aervea aunng ine anernuon. ino ii-
falrwaa very successful and a large
numebf of ' guests were present, the
drawing-room being crowded. The pro
gram waa as follows:
Selection . .
' Stanford Glee and Mandolin clubs.
'."A Song of Life" ....Hawley
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer.
"In May time".'. Oley. -Speaks
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer.
. Violin solo ... . .
. MaJ. William Rudy.
"Love's Old. Sweet Song"
Lauren Pease.
"My Dream of You",
Lauren Pease. ,. . .
Selection . . .v. -.....
Stanford Glee and Mandolin clubs.'
"OK. That We Two -Were Maying"...
.......... . . . .,,.." , Kfngsley-Gounod
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer and Mr. Pease.
Selection .......................
' Stanford Glee and Mandolin clubs.
"Ecstasy and Wishes" i . . .
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer,
"At Parting"
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer.
Miss Fisher was accompanist.
Company B, Third Infantry.' O. N. O.,
gave one of thelr,dellghtful New Year's
dancing parties. Thursday avenlngDe
cember 31 at the Armory. The dance
hall waa appropriately decorated and
the musical program was unusually
good aid contained many of tha latest
and most popuUr airs. There wa a
large attendance and a very enjoyable
evening wan spent DnticUtg continued
until a late hour.;,, . ' v
T f fSravmnn VDVA I11' Informftl
retention 'Friday from 2' until 12. There
a largo number of guests present,
Colonel Grayson Just recovered from a
severe Illness and his many friends were
glad of tne opportunity of again seeing
him about. .
k . '
t Mrs, Swank gave a reception New
Year's eve at her residence No. 6S. East
Eleventh. The rooms: were prettily
decorated with. Oregon grape and .rod
and wblte streamers. Over the door,
"Happy Now Year" was spelled out In
large red letters. '
A bundle party was :, enjoyed during
the first part -of the evening. Each
guest brought a bundle with them 'and
later exchanged with ; some one else.
Much fun resulted as Some of them con
tained all sorts of funny, articles.' i
A bird game was the . next feature,
the prlies" for which were won ,by Mrs.
Maeklln and Mr. Pettigrcw." , l ,
' The game, flinch was played the jest
of the evening. Miss Emma Watson
and Mr. Macklin won the 1 prises ! for
this game. : ' " " '
Delicious refreshments were .served
during the evening. ; - "
Those present were: Mr. ; and Mrs.
Macklin. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hoeg. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank 8chlegel, Mr. Pettlgrew.
Miss 'Hlbbard. Mr. Roberts, Miss' Wat
son, Mr. Jackson.' Miss j-iarbing, miss
Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Swank. - -
One of the most prominent events -of
the week was the reception given by
Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, president of the
Woman's club, and Mrs. P. J. Mann,
vise-president. The event took place at
Mrs. Mann's residence, 441 Third Btreet
The rooms were elaborately and beau
tifully decorated. The reception room
was artistically decorated with palms
and hothouse plants. The archways
were prettily trimmed with Oregon
grape. ' The dining room was In pink.
Bridesmaid roses In abundance "formed
the chief decoration. Dainty llttla pink
shades over the electric lights cast a
oft glow about the room. The library
was In red. Red and white satin rib
bons . Were prettily festooned about the
room and the red shades -over the lights
added to the color scheme. Most de
licious-refreshments were served In the
dining room during the afternoon by
Mesdames W. W. Johnson, A; C, Newlll,
Page and Jackson. Later Mrs. Lawton
served the guests with Ices In the li
brary. There were about 150 present.
The officers of the Vancouver bar
racks entertained with a smoker New
Year's eve. A delightful program was
enjoyed, "'.
1 ' " v:- i
The officers Of Vancouver barracks
gave a dancing party Tuesday evening,
December 29, at the barracks.
. The Ladles' Coffee club held Its an
nual New Year's reception In the
rooms In the city hall on New Year's
day. - -
-The Quel-Que Solt club gave another
of Its enjoyable dancing parties Fri
day evening. January 1. at Parsons' hall,
The hall was -prettily decorated and
the music was delightful. Dainty re.
freshments were served during the even
ing, a Mesdames JT. Wall and I M.
Hubert were the patronesses. . t
.... , . W'
One of the most delightful and bril
liant affairs of the season was the danc
ing party given by the Zeta Psl of
Omega Nu on New Year's eve at Par
sons' hall. The hall presented .a bril
liant appearance with Its many lights
and artiBtto decorations.-" The hall was
beautifully trimmed with holly, ever
green and red satin ribbons. Parsons'
orchestra furnished the music. .
. ----- ' '
Division No. 1. A. O. H., gave a dance
Wednesday evening, December SO, In the
A. O. H. hall. Second and Stark streets.
An Interesting program was given.
..' '-'
. The ball given New Year's evening by
Cathedral court No. 951, Cathollo Order
of Foresters, was very successful. A
large number of guests were present
The program was unusually good. ,
..'.,'. ' '. V-T--'-'-
; Many interesting and successful en
tertainments were given by the different
churches during the week. The most
Important of these were as follows:
The Konllworth Presbyterian church.
Monday; - . the Mlzph : Presbyterian
church, Tuesday.
Thursday evening Mrs. I. IS. Bohnsen
entertained the Pastor's Aid society of
St James' English Lutheran church at
her residence, corner West Park and
Jefferson streets. 4 ;
'.' w . "...
.The young people of the Third Pres
byterian church gave an experience so
cial at the. residence of Rev. and Mrs.
A. J... Montgomery, . 27 East Fifteenth
street, Thursday evening. It was a
very novel aSalr. .The rooms were
prettily decorated with Oregon grape
and Japanese lanterns. T At 10:30 the
party went to the church and,, Joined
In the -watch-night service. '
; -. '.
The First Congregational church gave
a nlMiint anoint Thursdav evenlna- in
connection with the regular watch night
services. Refreshments were servea
from 10:20 'Until 11:15. Those present
enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
A very pretty wedding was that of
Miss Rose Justice and William Thomas
Patterson, which took place Wednesday..
December . 27, at 8 p. m., , at the home
of the bride's parents,- corner of Clinton
and East Sixth streets. Rev. J. R, Mc
Glade officiated. The home was prettily
decorated' with holly and evergreen.
After the ceremony supper was served
in the dtnlngroom. Many guests were
-present ' .;' .. . ,
w ' w
Charles II. E. -William of this city
and Edith M. Hllllard of Grants Pass
were married at the manse of Calvary
Presbyterian church, December 27. at 7
p. m. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams will reside at 8S
Park street. ,
Mtas Floy Klndsten and Harry F.
Eichenbergor of Stella, 'Wash., were
united In marriage at the home of the
bride.', (14 Third street December 25.
at :0 p. m. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert offi
ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Elchenberger left
the same evening for Southern Califor
nia, where they ; will remain a month.
On "their return they will malte -their
home at Stella, Wash. ,
-.v " -it -it t: v :-: ' -
Miss Glenada Griffith and C. J. Whlt
aker were united in marriage by Rev.
E. L. House,' at his residence, Monday
fwlll make their home in Portland. r
'-'-.;-:;"',' ;- it W '' .;','.,!
MIks Cosble Anne Ratey and William
Curtis Earle Prultt were united In-marriage
by W. E. Potwlne, Wednesday, De
cember SO, at the Episcopal church of
Penrtloton. Mr. Prultt is well-known. lie
Is city editor of toe Pendloton Tribune,
Mr. and Mrs. Prultt will be at home after
February 1 at '201" West Court street.
Pendleton. , ' '
Albert E. Rosslter and A rati B. Stghts
were united In marriage Thursday even-.
ing, . December 81, at 351 East Couch
street, Rev. - William E. Randall ofllcl-
tlna.-. There were a lnrirn number of
friends and relatives present. 'The home
was prettily decorated for tho occasion.
They wlir bo 'at home to their- friends
In their new home on Going street. .
i Miss. .Birdie May '-Parsons ana
Charles Johnson were married by Be
C. I.. Brown Sunday. December 27. Tho
ceremony was performed at the home
of S. Parsons. .....,,.:'-
Miss Lucille B. Moore and C, A. Dona
hue were married MondayDecember 28.
The ceremony was performed by Arch
bishop-Christie at his residence.-
. - " it ' ?
F. W; Weldon . and Lydla V. Marks
were united In 'marriage - Sunday, De
cember! 27. at the home of the bride's
parents. Rev. Jacob Kratt officiated,
"1 ' .: S : FEsoirAt.g. rfp-,
, Lleutenarft ' Frank Lander, TJ. S. N
left Sunday, December 27, for Bremerton
navy yard, where he has been ordered
to report for auty.
Misses Jessie and Ethel Connell have
left for a trip to San Francisco and
Los Angeles. - -
.' Frank J. Ouggan is passing 'the holi
days with relatives.- - , ;
Miss Helen-Elklns of Albany passed
the holidays with friends here in Port
land. Miss Ethel Kincald. of lone, spent. the
holidays with friends In the cfty
Mrs. John Mlnto and - son of Port
land have been visiting at the home of
Hon. John Mlnto near Salem.
Dr. L. H. Hamilton has been ylsldng
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. Hamilton,
Of Roseburg. -
Miss May Fransen has been visiting
her cousins, the Misses Coshow of Rose
burg. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Herman are vis
itlng relatives in San Francisco. . . -
' Mrs. Holly and - daughter will spend
several weeks In the East where they
have gone to Join Captain D. E. Holly,
who has Just returned from Manila.
Mrs. C. W. Knowles. wlll spend sev
eral months' visiting' in California.
Mr. and . Mrs. John F. Cordray have
returned from California, . where they
have spent a month for the benefit of
Mrs. Cordray 'a health. She is much im
proved. ! V i ,::' "'" "';' "
' Mrs. Le Roy EUlnge has left for New
York to Join Captain Etllnge, who has
Just returned from the Philippines, where
he. has been on duty -for two years.
Captain Etlinge was. formerly, of . the
Vancouver barracks. . '.
Judge and Mrs. G. C. Blakeley of The
Dalles spent Christmas with Mrs,
Blakeley's parents of this city... .
Miss Grace Gllman passed the holi
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J,
Gllman. in Portland. .
Ed. Macy passed the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Macy, of
South Salemr:;:""".. . i"7. "
Miss Bertha Wolfsteln of this city
was a guest at. a delightful reception
given by the Misses Stella and Gertrude
Ginsberg, Tuesday, December 22, at
Sacramento, Cal. - 1 ;. :
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McCauley passed
the holidays with Mrs. McCauley's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wiley of The
H. L. Hochert Is visiting In Salem
for several weeks. , ' - ,
-v. ' '
The Ladies', auxiliary will give Its
annual reception to the Sellwood volun
teer nre company Thursday, January 14,
in Firemen hall. . 1
'--. - - "'"''
The John Ivey Water-Color club holds
its annual meeting and election of offl
cers this afternoon at the residence of
Miss Lllla Barnes in Irving-ton, East
Twenty-second and -Tillamook titreet.
.The Round Dosen' Whist club will
meet with Mrs. J. A. Lyman Wednes
day evening, January ,
The Woman's club Is making elabor
ate preparations for its meeting, which
takes place Friday, January 8. --As that
is American Indian day, the decorations
are to consist of Indian mats, eta; In
fact everything is planned to convey
the idea of the day. Mrs. George Har
ding will have charge of the program,
.' W W -
' The Cathollo Order of Foresters will
hold their publto Installation of officers
on January 11 in their halt An excel
lent musical and literary program la
promised.. There will be an orchestra
of 10 pieces... Messrs. Drlscoll, - Brack
and Malley are on the program com
The Wisteria club will give the first
Of Its 1904 series of whist parties Thurs
day evening, January 7, at St Francis'
hall. . .' --. . -7?.-,- , .'.'-'" f;
raoouv roB wnx or p&ayzk.
- (Jfourntl Sueolal Service.)
New York, Jan. 2. The evangelical
alliance is In receipt of communications
from churches throughout, the world In
dicating that fhe "week 'of . united' and
universal prayer" will be -widely "ob
served. The week of prayer Is to be
gin tomorrow and continue for the en
suing seven days. In its call for the
observance the alliance says: "Exist
ing conditions call for . a renewed nad
world-wide ' appeal to the throne of
heavenly grace; natlona ara in commo
tion: races are at variance: classes an
grily contend, and false religions dream
of new conquests." The program sets
aside Sunday for sermons on "The
Kingdom of God and the Conditions of
Its Triumphant . .Advance; , Monday,
"The Warrant the Privilege, the Power
of Prayer;" Tuesday, "The Church of
Christ;" - Wednesday, "All Nations and
People:" i Thursday, "Missions, Home
and , Foreign;" Friday, "Thev Family"-
and 'The. School;" Saturday, 'The En
thronement of Christ on Earth;" Sun
day, January ' 10, ."The Holy'-. Spirit,
God's Free Gift."
Befors Taking- the Mpokan Tlrtf tot
Eastern Washing-ton YoUts. -c
By the -new O. Rj & N. tlme card, per
sons desiring to take the Spokane Flyer
for Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and other
Eastern Washington points can now dins
at home (train leaves at 7:45 p. m.) be
fore leaving. The "Portland-Chicago
special now leaves at s:tv a. m. ..
.Itching plies produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, as well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles ara
cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko S Pile Remedy.
Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu
mors. 50c a Jar, at drurcglsts, or sent
uj mail. iirKLiap iiw;?. i.vrna iiiv n ifuui
your case. Dr. Bosanko, Fhlla, Fa.
i. 1 . V 1 "... "f
Every book, like the proverbial-dog.
"has its day," and the day for boxed
editions with the box costing more than
the book tho padded binding, the white
and ; gilt and lavender :, creations, has
passed with the -holiday season and the
day for the appreciation of the literary
worth of a book has dawned. In more
than one home the lament will go. up
that "the book suitable for the Christ
mas trade" has found a resting place
In their midst. The handsome bindings,
the "catchy" titles are proving "a snare
and a delusion," and in most cases, but
more especially In regard to children's
books, ''many of them had better, work
out their greatest usefulness In , orna
menting the center table tliaji by enter
taining a reader. ",
But like -the aforesaid dog, they have
had their uses, not alone in supplying
the demand, of a mystified gift hunter,
but the reaction and the desire they
produce lor better, , more substantial
and more permanent literature,, la worth
the price paid for . the worthless gew
gaw attractions whlqh the holiday, mar
ket unloads,
In anticipation of this the publishers
have : held back many real works of
merit, asking the reviewers to give them
attention after the rush of the Christmas
trade subsides, and the need of J sub
stantlal reading is felt. Among these
Is the magnificent production of Johu
H. Long, ex-secretary of the navy. "The
New ' American Navy," from the press
of -The OutlooK company. It Is beaut!
fully bound In navy blue -and red, and
profusely Illustrated with historic bat
tie scenes and portraits of naval offi
cers. . In the near future a detailed re
view of the subject matter will be given
our readers, as it la the desire to review
It in its accuracy as compared with
contemporary . writers and press ac
counts, as well as from its' literary
.-Along the Una of real worth la prom
ised, from the publishing house of John
Lane. , a series under the title of "The
Crown Llbrarle," embracing memoirs,
history, belles-letres, poetry, natural his.
tory, etc, A unique teature will be that
each subject will be bound in a dis
tlnctlve color making it easily distin
guishable on the library shelves with
other books. - Among them will appear
Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe," - wife of
the Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Fanshawe, am
bassador from Charles the Second to
the court of-Madrid, written by herself.
It is an entirely new edition with in
troduction by Beatrice Marshall ana is
handsomely illustrated. - :
-. "The ' Complete Angler" That dear
old, but always new, and never super
seded book, will appear under new cover
and conditions with an Introduction by
Richard La Galllenne. Among the poeta
will come a new edition of "The De
fense of Guinevere and other Poems,"
by WUliam Morris. This particular vol
ume, will have upward of , 60 illustra
tions with head and. tall piece for every
poem, by Jessie il. King, whose work
has recently created a wave of kindly
appreciation from critics of Illustrators
of the new school.
Each volume of the Crown library
series will have a uniform price of $1.50
"A Rare Volume" More than once U
heard the lament by scholars that "the
profuse Illustrations lit modern books of
research and scientific value are dis
tracting to study and' weakens the In
fluence ot the book." . It Is always re
ferred to as a . "modern Innovation.'
whereas illustrating,, by drawing, ob
tained in the very earliest stages . of
book-making, quite as extravagantly as
today. Attention was called to tms by
the sale of a most remarkable work a
few days ago. In London. It waa
Flemish manuscript, containing 29G
Illuminated designs boldly outlined with
the pen and washed with several tints.
The book is a production of tho finest
fourteenth century workmanship, and it
Is said the famous block-books of the
fifteenth century are attempted fac
similes of this work. ' The Apocalypsls,
8. Johnnie, Ara Morlendl and a medical
tract make up the volume, which
brought the enormous sum of 950, and
went to a private Individual, much to
the regret of- many publio libraries.
"Queen of the Woods" This may in
deed be said to be the year of the re
vival of the Indian. Not alone in por
trayture, In painting; panels and tanned
skin, but in the vogue ror inaian "tog
gery" In beads and belts and ornaments
galore, but the literature of book and
press have alike been colored by 'Indian
myths and traditions. A purely Indian
magazine Is an accomplished fact An
other published Jointly by Indians and
negro students at Hampton is a valuable
monthly, and many of our papers and
standard magazines have departments
edited by Indians, but as yet we have
few books written by full-blooded In
dians. But In "Queen of the Woods" we
find this accomplished, by one of the
most renowned chiefs of this century.
Simon Pokagon, the author, was the son
of Leopold Pokagon, the chief of the
Pottawatomlea, who. In 1826, at Tippe
canoe, and in 1830, at Chicago, ceded to
the United States over a million acres
of their land, embracing the- ground
upon which the city of Chicago now
stands. Simon was educated at Oberiin
and Twlnsburg; and became a thorough
Greek and Latin scholar. He was the
first red man to visit Lincoln In the
White House. Ha also visited Grant
while president and succeeded In hav
ing the government pay about $200,000,
which was still due his people for their
lands. A portion of the book la taken
up with a biography of this remarkable
man. and many pathetlo incidents ' are
(f cranial Special RcrTlee.) .
New Tork, Jan. J. Gowns now dis
played by smart modlates direct atten
tion to the approaching exodus of fash
lonabj folk to tha balmy Southland
where the chilling breesea and winter's
winds of tho North are unknown:
Tha most delightful traveling gowns
are shown together with automobile cos
tumes, walking outfits, evening gowns,
separata bodices and skirts and dainty
little conceits for covering the should
ers parading under tha name of - wraps.
The first hint of next seasori'a shirt
waists are also ahown among these
styles and they promise to show many
new details although there are no start
ling "departures' from tha conventional
general Unea.
Traveling - dresses ara designed In
defiance to the dii and dust accumula
tions of travel and whatever, of these
deposits there may gather on one's cos
tume will not b noticeable. Tha new
dust gray Is the shade that will make
this possible.' It la becoming and
adapted to the fashionable trimmings of
the day;'( 'A very , chlo design has the
skirt of cheviot-In this color laid in
shallow box plaits with wide spaces be
tween. It hugs the hips closely and
there is no other trimming, . . '
. A trash-looking vest of. gray Irian
lace over white mousselins Is set In the
bodice and opening over this. aro wide
related, especially of his visit to Chi
cago during the world's fair,- The rapid,
onward march or American civilization
Is unintentionally -thrown ) out with
startling effect, when Pokagon, standing
beside Mayor Harrison, holding In one
hand the crumpled parchment' a dupli
cate of the original deed by. which Just
(0 years the day following his father
transferred this very land to the gov-i
eminent, and with the other hand grasp,
ing the rope of the new Liberty bell,
whose tones .were ! to- be; rung out' for
the first time by him over, this vast
commercial center, where - he himself
had once lighted the campflre and
chased the buffalo. The biography con
tains many facts of htBtorto worth.
Tho story of "The Queen of. - the
Woods", is the love tale of the old chief,
with: incidents of .moment and worth,
while a aweot, poetic strain- runs
throughout. A tone of bitterest reproach
for the introduction of "lsh-kote-waho"
(rum) -by the white man, -and tho deep,
practical - application of temperance
principles is a strong characteristic of
the. book, ;JTo this he attributes moro
harm to his people than to the injustice
they, suffered at the hands of Governor
Wallace the. grandfather of Ben'Hur.
For the former are the only bitter words
used; for the latter the broadest cloak
of charity. .The book Is remarkable in
many respects, charming. In Its quaiut-
ness -and Instructive In Its authenticity.
C. H. Engle,' Hartford, Mich. Price
- "American - Sculpture" By Lorado
Tafta .is the first of a series of books
to be known as ."The History of Ameri
can: Art" to be edited by. John C- Van
Dyke and published by Doubleday, Page
& Co. Each book is to be written by
"one who practices the -craft of which he
writes." j
Mr. Taft, himself at the head and
front of art treats, pomething like, 70
artists' In his book, dividing them," up
Into three , periods. (1.) The beginning
of American sculpture, 1750. The seci
ond and middle period, 1805-1806, and
cotemporary sculpture 'dating from the
centennial exposition la 1878,.' It. .may
add some Interest to Oregon readers to
know that at least one piece of sculpture
for- the Lewis and Clark fair la being
prepared in Mr. Taf t'a atudlo.
"Caatlltan Days" While not : one of
the new "books it is one of the lasting
ones, and in spite of the fact that it
made its appearance 'nearly 20 years
ago, it may Justly be classed with the
current popular books.t - -
The popularity or prominence of an
author may occasionally float a. Worth
less book for a limited time but the
personality of the writer cannot "fool
all of the people all of the time" regard
ing the literary merits of a thing. John
Hay, the author of -Castlllan Days," has
ever been a popular, well loved and lov
able man to every American and possibly
some of his early writing may have
attained popularity on account of the au
thorship being traced to "Lincoln's sec
retary," but the works that have endured
are adding literary fame to a brilliant
diplomatic career, and as accomplished
as the author is in the latter capacity,
his friends sometimes lament its cur
tailing his literary career. Mr. Hay has
wonderful power of description, and in
describing his Journey through- Spain
has given it full play.. Written in. Mr.
Hay's inimitable style and the conserva
tivlsm of Spain is such -that the book
is as fresh and vigorous as when written
and covers practically the same ground
gone over by travelers today, v-'i Hf ;
Tha edition Just out has been revised
to some extent and some pages omitted
from -the earlier editions, which is not
considered an improvement ' . . i
--The. book, is newly illustrated by, Jo
seph Pennell,. who made a special trip
to Castile for that purpose, and Includes
about . 7,0 pictures. - Altogether It - Is one
of the rare books, offered for the holi
day season, but with an abiding value.
A specially hound edition is offered at
$5,' and limited . to 350 copies. , An, un
limited edition,"' well bound and boxed,
Is offered at $3. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,
publishers. J. K. Gill ,& Co., Portland.' ,
A book -of special Interest to readers
of the Northwest Is a Berlngs straits
story." "The J Young- Ice Whalers," by
Winthrop Packard.. The author went to
Nome with Captain Coffin on the Cor win
In 1900 and studied his. story, from na
ture. . While primarily .a story for boys,
it is vigorous enough for adult diet and
is a 'realistic -story of - the .Alaska . Es
kimo. Houghton, Mifflin A Co. s
' The, story of Dickens' boyhood as told
by himself is not more pathetic, nor is
its - outcome more , beautiful than the
story of Richard Henry i Stoddard's
"Recollections," which is to be published
shortly by A. S. Barnes & Co.
The publishing house of Little, Browfl
ft Co. have been particularly fortunate in
aecurlng an unusually large number of
popular books, for the winter trade. In
fiction and lighter literature. The fol
lowing have been among the best: "The
Golden Windows," by Laura E. Rich
ards, the , talented daughter, of Julia
Ward Howe.
"Barbara, a Woman of the: West,' by
John II. Whitson, whloh gives a glimpse
of the Western country from Kansas, to
"A Prince of Sinners," by E. Phillips
Oppenhelmer, la a story of English poli
tics, with remarkably, strong delineations
of character, and -4s considered the beat
book the author has yet produced.
All at popular prices. J. K. GUI Co.,
roruana. .,
plalta of gray veloura trimmed with a
dark gray embroidery, . A narrow belt
ot unfinished . gray kid confines , the
blouse and, this Is crossed at the front
and finished at either end with a dull
gun metal button. The sleeves are full
at tha elbow and droop over cuffs of
velours. ., v '
Another stunning effect ls.fll plum
Colored ladles' cloth tastefully trimmed
with bias, folds , of the same material
piped I with sllk. The distinction : of
novelty cannot be claimed for this dec
oration, but- It is adopted for the ; rea
son that folds and bands of all kinds are
alwaya stylish because they can be ar
ranged In such a great variety of ways.
The coraage Is formed of plaits whlcbj
open over; tne oust, wnere tney ran in
vague lines to the belt. Plum velvet of
a deeper, richer ton is used , for the
piping and it is combined with Irish
lace for -the-sleeves and stock. A vel
vet and chiffon haj of the same shade,
trimmed with tinted- plumes, completes
the costume. v .- , '
Automobile fashions for th midwin
ter tournaments at the fashionable win
ter .resorta are novel 4n thjfextrenie.
Many of the effects are decidedly Da
nish, Those made of leather are' em
bossed - with figures - peculiar to ' tlit
melancholy people, but . so . artlstlo a,H
to fill a long-felt want in the ifuttcr
of ornamentation ' for such modes. .
JAN.14, 1904
. , AT 8:15 O'CLOCK -
Positively Farewell Tour
Direction, ROBERT CRAU, Incorporated
Presented in this city by Calvin S. Heilig
The Following Artists Will Appear -MLLE.
' '-' - VIOLIN1STE-
Flrstohalf In front of center aisle.
First 5 rows, $".50 per seat.. ;v -Second
S rows, $5.00 per seat1.
Last 9 rows, $1.00 per seat
Second half In rear of center aisle.
First 8 rows, $100 pe seat. ;:
Balance on lower floor, $2.00 seat,
; The advance sale of seats will often Monday morning, January 11. 1904, at
' the Marquam Grand theatre. Out of town money (mall) orders addressed to
Calvin S, Heilig, Marquam Grand theatre, will receive prompt attention.
WW T. iul.!Vll:i.ll.ll- -
; j
AV'egetablePreparationfor As
similating the Food andReguti-
ting thebtoinacte anaixweis or
Promotes Digcslioii.CheerfuI
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine norMitteraJL
Not Narcotic. ...
VSkyv afOUUtSAMUIlPtraWl
' MJtrianWMa' laTMPt
'ADerfccl Remedy for Cons tipa
Tion , So ur S totnach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
riessandLossoF Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
A pretty costume Is of combined Ox
ford suiting and' leather. The skirt has
the seams strapped with' the latter ma
terial. A band of leather fancifully de
signed also trims the bottom; of the
skirt ;, -;:;'-;':" -'-v :,
The loose fitting cOat has straps of
leather- put : on ' lif ' the ' efTect -of ' box
plaits t and - a belt lacing - through. ; the
bands to stimulate the Norfolk effect
There are capeleta and ! revers of rthe
leather as well. - ; 1 ' ;
. A queer - looking round , hat made En
tirely of - leather -' and , trimmed with
heavy taffeta bows and a quill 'matches
the outfit. The heavy cheviots, slbellnes
and golf, cloths are used -for less 'ex
pensive outdoor garments. - In most .In
stances they are-trimmed with the same
material or a silk braid closely stitched
down upon the goods. Models designed
for stout women have 'little - or no dec
oration. V Folds or bands of any i kind
shorten and thicken the figure, especi
ally If placed girth-like, and for this
reason, are avoided by ' ultra-smart
women of' low and corpulent: stature.
For afternoon wear and Informal dress
occasions several .very pretty-toilettes are
shown, with lnce ' and spangled , effects
and white In" the ascendancy; ,'A striking
ly effective gown Is developed In' brpwn
sequins over dotted cream white net
which, in turn, is built over white taf
feta. The spangles. are : applied In rose
design on both bodice and skirt.' There
is a deep -epauletted yoke which is 'a lat
tice of flexible interwoven gold ribbon
braids.-' Around this is ans irregular bar
etta of brown spangled net which also
form'q the sleeves.. The upper. part of the
skirt 1 of chiffon and the lower part Is
formed of a spangled net flounce Re
reath a garniture of dyed Russian .lace.
Mantle effects play an Important part in
the stylos for, the coming year especially
in wraps. These - are 'graceful and can
be' draped about the figure in ao toany
attractive waya -that ; they are sure, to
become popular. Some of the wraps In
liKht silks , have the shoulders draped
'with' close fitting! mantles which fall
around the form in delightful folds. Trlm
Irning'the shoulders are delicious com
binations of sllk' apd 'chlffon- arranRPd
to make, the shoulders look longer and
giving such a decided slope that It is al
most Impossible to toll where the arm
ol'ls, was or expect- to be. There Is
'no warmth o hrm models, for thy are
'simply dol-,"i"l .for bv-auly. .They are
First half In frdVit of center aisle
(lower floor). $4.00 per seat.
Second half In" rear of center aisle
(lower floor). $3.00 per seat
Seats back of stage (In balcony).
$2.00 per aeat. , , ,.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
' '' J i - ;. -I ''f..'V'''
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tms acimkun tmmmwmi. Htm rami mm.
called wraps by courtesy and cost three
or four times their weight in gold. v - .
It Is to be feared or at least the laun
dresses will , agree with this - decision
that the shoulderette Is to play its part
even on'wash waists next summer, for
the advance models introduced for tho
season at, the-winter resorts show som
distinctly: epaulette effects. , A few even
have stoles of the same material, several
ornamented with 'pearl buttons of straps
ot pique. Other waists are shown pro
vided 1 with1 packets, applied 'either- ott
each- side of the front or Inserted after
the approved tailor, fashion' with a little
flao finish. :' "
Veils for all occaslona are pretty and
unique, but' the traveling veil command
most attention at present This - in a
sort ' of scarf : affair in chiffon aftd
matches the color of the gown. Some of
the daintiest effects are shaded 80 that
the portion covering the face Is white
or very pale. Tho fashionable length, la
4tf Inches and tha enda are hemmed or
rlace-tiinimed to suit the fancy. To ona
end is attached a fine wire ring, tha
chiffon being shirred firmly to the wlra.
The veil Is then cut to a, dlstanea
through the center making the chiffon
veil or seerf to tie over the hat. The
ring la plaoed on top of tha hat. coverlnr
tha trimming. The veil- cover the faca
and the long enda are. passed around tha
head, crossed at the back ' and tied In
front. ' V..' ."-..v.v..
It Is quite impoasiMa to entirely ob
llterata fancy collars ami ouff from
fashion's diary." New Designs in Arme
nian embroidery aro row ahown ami they
are wonderfully pretty. Canvas la -tha
material par excellence for theae con
celts. ' - r--' ' .. :" -
Anyone who enjoys artlstlo work ami
Has a' taste for pywgrapiiy n inli
many pretty decorations for outitua to
tumeitr MednlUons of burnt leather iro
even shown on bandiroe velvet g'iwi.i
and givn a decldwilly novel effect.
On one side of a dciicata s'i rib
bon Is a broad band of , gradual'. I
black dots on the ono.aliiKlo mw ir,H.
The ribbon comfs in white, r and f,t
tho delicate 'tints, but- tho M ' (r..
variably of Wat k. For bixjir, m i
atockM nothing in diiintit-r.
Artistic sprays of fen" rinl
flowers are lint In thn r-.'-v.'
Dark greon sn-i 1.,-ov, n ' , .
yihicli ,tk tin i'f.--...i" - I -fciidW
It ,' r-i" ;i-l''..'',: