TIT.E OREGOjST. DAILY.. JOURNAL. ' rOUTLAXD, FRIDAY' EVENING, JANUARY 1, 190. ! Entered st'-' the Poatofflee of Portland, Or. for tnimmilsslon through the mail a second . clues mutter. ' ' -Postage fur single coilc: For an 8. 10 or 12 . n pege 'Paper. 1 cent; 18 to 28 pages, 3 cent; over .... 24f pagee, 8 cent, t. TELEPHONES, J Rnsfncs Office Main BOO. ; ; Editorial oou Main 250. " , ) FOREIGN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE. sy Vroeland-Bongniuln Special Advertising Agency, ',. 11KI Nassau Street, Now York. Tribune Build ' lng, Chicago. ;,' " 1 SUBSCRIPTION BATES. 1 " i "" " " ' Tarma by Carrier. .,. ."The Dally Jonrnal.' one vear ....... .. t'.00 .j 1hf Dnlly Journal, six months 2.80 The Dally Journal, three months. , 1.30 S Tuo Dully Journal, by the week...,..,.... .10 i ' - ' Tarma bir MaU. ' The Dally Journal, by Ynalli ana year, ,.'...$4.00 t i The Daily Journal,, by mail, Hi month.... 2.25 ; 1 he Daily Journal, by mail, three montha. v J.2R 3 he Daily Journal, by mall, one month.. v.. .50 i . The Semi-Weekly Journal. ' I -Tha Seml-Weohlv Jouraal. 8 to 12 page caVh ; Issue,, all the new and lull market leport, one , fear, i.&v. , ! - the Weekly Journal.' T The Weekly Journal, 100 column of reading . -each inane. Illustrated, hill market. reports, one year, f l.oo. ' ,t Remittance ahonld be made by draft, postal ..' Polea. expree orders, and email amounts -are 'i'. acceptable in i ana z-ceiit postage stamps, t i ' THE JOURNAL.' !; ' , . P. 0. Box 121, Portland, Or "WEATHER CONDITIONS. f Throttled weather prevail" generally throngh on.t the Pwlfin stare. Unlit rain ha occurred; In the Km era men to valley and In Western Wash-. . lngtun aud enow : 1m- railing . thla morning . in Northern Nevada, Northern ntata aud In aoat. ' tered place lit Western Montana, Northern :l Idaho and Eastern Washington, Thn Indie tlona are tor cloudy weather In thla : J dlMrlct Saturday with light rain or enow In the V Willamette .valley aud Hound country .ami ngnt now at rcatterea, piacca eaai oi wo t,aa , cade mountains. Forecasts. ' Pnrtlanil . sort vlolnltv-Toii1irht , and Satnr. ? flny, threatening with probably occasional light - rain or anow: aoiltn to west winds. , '. Western Oreton---Tnnlght und Saturday, aclondy,. with probably light mm or auow In i f north uortlon: south to-weat wind. i Western Washington Tonight and Saturday, cloudy with oecaalonnl rulii, poatdhly part auow ! in the interior: aoutu to west wiikb, v Eastern Woehlngtun and Northern Idaho--T0' rlL'ht anil Hatiiruav. occasional 1 irht anow. ' Kaatern Oregon Tonight and Huturday. partly . . cloiiily with light auow extreme northeaat " rortlon.'"" .. .(. Southern Idaho-Tonlght and Saturday, cloudy I Vila light auow; cooler eaat portion tonight, t KDWAKD A. BKALS, j District Korevaater, "i" 'V!.J- ,i iwp. "' ." i mi i u; ... .v... 7.! ;s .'' Oreamatorlum, on Oregon City car line, near . , Sellwnodi modern, aclentlflc, complete. Charges Adulta, fw; c&iinren, visitor u a. m, to A . p. in. Portland Cremation association, t rorllanu, ur. :. ; The Edward Holms n Undertaking Co., funeral directors and embalmer. . 220 Third street k.- I'bone BUT. . s " J. P; : Flnley at Son. fnneral directors and r emb lmeri have removea to-trieir-new- -etar . lli-hment, corner' Third and Madison streets. ilolb phones o. V. , . HIVERVIEW CEKETERT. i Single grave, $10. Family lot from $7(1 to , $l.ot0. The only cemetery in Portland wjilch pfrpetnally maintains and' care for lota. For t, full Information apply to W. K. Mackenaie Worcester block, city. V. M. Ladd, prealdtut. j Get your lnaurance and abstract to real estate from the Title ttuarantee & Trust com. . panv, cnamrter or ntrarwrof otoa-. ;tuscam illNERAI, SPRINGS OPEN THE TEAR ROUND. Cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ca tarrh of Head and (Stomach, Gout, Rheu matism and ALL blood diseases taken " under a guarantee to be cured in a spe cified time or all expenses, including railway fare both ways, refunded. These waters -renovate the entire sys tem and remove almost every disease. . Send 60o for v bottle of stomach and catarrh salt. - Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. Inquire of any Southern Pacific railroad agent. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP., Truces Spring. OaL frank J. Hellen, manager. Free $750 Freq Seven hundred and fifty dollars- in lots will be given away at the big auc tion sale at " ESTAC AD A j "' 1 ; ' ' On ' January 12th, 1904 " Business lots of Estacnda will be sold ' on the above date at publio auction for f ', two hours only, No business lots will '.bo sold prior to the sale. Residence ! . lots ran be purchased tip to and Includ ' I lng the day of the auction sale, January ! 12. at the following prices: $50 and $75. 1 After that date the price of all residence ' lots will be' raised - not less - than tli '('i. each. . ' Trains will leave First and Alder . streets t 7:40'iMid 9 o'clock a. m., on ' January 12. Remember the date and f place. Round trip excursion tickets j' that- Mate 75c fall on or Address the ORBOOW WATXB POWS1 TOWNSITB -OOMVAWT for . further Information. .Room 6, 1324 First street, corner of ' Alder. , , . . Leading Single Keyboard AIK POB B00KI.B7 J itandard Typewriters from 128. All . "makes ' rented and repaired. Rubber , stamps, notary seals, etc. Coast Agency 1 Co., til BtarK. , TeL 1407. R. Lutke & Co. ., , Successors , DIXON, BORQESON & CO. , Manufacturers of Every Description of ? Shovv Cases JEWELERS' AND PRUGOISTS" WALL CASKB AND BANK FIXTURES. 1 40-143 IT. SIXTH BT.. yOBTtAKD, OB. ' 602-808 rirst Ave., Booth. Seattle. Waao. Why Pay High Price for Watch Repairing When you ran. get. the best worlt for i Mule money at . . .J . IU.DEKUM. BUILDING, HAS GROWN WITH LEAPS AND BOUNDS It wad only 'two years ago that Paul Strain opened a email .clothing . and tailoring establishment on "Washington street ,. between Fourth and Fifth. It was really a diminutive placev in child ish prattle, "not bigger than your rum, but It didn't remain small for very long. He- soon saw that there was a large field here for him to operate in, and within a month he had made one en largement of the ; place, and a; month later, still another. Then alontf about the fifth month It was found necessary to double the store capacity; and this was accomplished without much fuss. It was a regrular thing In the. Washing ton street house to exclaim, "w haven't room enough yet," and as Jt was impos sible to add further store room at that location the management concluded to look elsewherefor another building. This was secured at the northeast corner of Third and Burnslde, on payment or a bonus to the then occupant Of the place. and within a short time the doors of another .institution had been opened and filled .with men's apparel. .The sales, have amounted -to thousands of . Tflollars per week more than was anticipated at the first. Both establishments have had almost unexampled careers In the mag nitude of sales. ' The, opening of the seasorl -has been auspiciously ushered In, Large stocks of clothing., bought at discounts, have been moving at' tremendous speed, ,? and now a new record is to be made by the sale that will begin tomorrow morning. The story of this proceeding is told'io the advertising qolumns. HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of the City Brewery! largest and Most Complete) J Brewery la the northwest. Bottled Beer a Specialty TELZFKOVB No. 12. Offloe 13th and Bnrnslde Btreets, PORTLAND, OREGON. NOTICE. WB HAVE appointed Loewenherg A Oolng Co. of Portland. Or., eole ageut for all of oof hotel renares end reataurant good. Jobs Tea Hinge Co.. Cincinnati. O. HALE HILP TTAKTXD. WiKTKn FOlt !Tj S. ARMY-Able bodied tin ' married men.1 between ato of 21 and 35, eltlxen of I'nlrod Stale, of good character and temperate habit, who can sneak, read and write Kngllsh. For Information, apply to Recruiting officer, Third aud Oak" ate., Portland, or. ATTRITION I Hale help ot every description promptly etippuea . FrM nf rtier: to Emnlover. r R. HANSEN A CO. , 2d North Second at Employment Agency. Phone, Main 1526. Established 1R78. ' TVANTKOfleneral agent for the atate of Ore gon Inveatement Corporation: tig alary guar antovd; eilerlence In Industrial Insurance or Tontine. Atldre, atating - experience and rcferencea. J. M. Sanford. P. 8. M. Co., 137 alontgomery atreet. 8 Belden Block, San Francisco, Cel. MEN' to learn the barber trade. Onra l not the nnlv nlace to learn, but certainly IS the teat. Call or write for full particular and If In doubt mage a person si invetigarion. tori. )nd Barber College, 213 Everett treer. MEN to learn barber trade! only two. montha . renttlred: the only avatem ana only col lege teaching the trsdo; catalogne and full pariicntara mauea iree. Moiar oyaiera roc lege. San Kranclnco. 11. rIONKRK EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eon- tractor: help free to employer. SIB Mor rlnon. Dtt WHITE'S Specific No. 1 gnaranteed to eur gnnorrne in in aave: no. ivi ano 0.1 eitre gleet and atrlcture In 20 dare; No. 2, aypbllla and blood poison-In JK day; No. 10. the only aneclnc for weak men. old or young thla aueclflo makea von a man. Call or write. . Dr. White Medicine company, 80S mar at HELP WAJITED FEMA1E. I.AOIES ran learn to cut and nt yonr own drefwes; I teach It: $20 mnrse for 10. pre. cutting achool, 88 Tenth at., near Stark I'lwne. Hen HHH. SITUATION WANTED MALE. KXI'KRIKNTF.I) young man. well acquainted In , tne city, wisnes a rxwtion a bimaaoeper; ret- erence given. Aonre a. r... journal. COMPETENT YOl'NO MAN wlshe wltton a eii'iiograimer ana oooageeper; can inrnix gnoti reri'rence. , COMPETENT youint man wlshe nosltlnn stenograpner; eau mrnisn gooa reiercnce. t;. w. m.. csm (Mirtiai. . .. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WANTED By a widow of eKDorlence. altna t Ion a caxhter In rcstenrant or other aim liar employment. H 1. The Jonrnal. WANTED. WANTED Someone to buy 2NR acre farm, !0 sere go4 airslra land and balance good grain and fruit land; (nod building. ' rattle shed ; two mile frra town, eight miles from ranroaa. rrice, ii per nere. (ioon terma. Call on or addreaa T. C, Norrte, Jacksonville, nr., Rem Kstare Agent. WANTED 20 head of horse from 1.0B0 to l.oMO pound: aaddle. work and driving nnrp in goon inane, warn ft Kon, WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Room, with or without Board, for v delegate to national Livestock convention 1 Jan. 11-15, ''004. Address, giving number of rooms, ;octmn, rates and telephone' number, s Max M. Shtllock, accommodation committee, rm 1 in Marqiisro minding WA.Vl' TO KKSf FAKM Kmsll form All good building, fence and running water lmt more 1 nan u mile rroni city, v, The Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES, FOHJIALB. LODOINO-IfOe'SKS. HOTEI.SV.TlRSTArRANTB KWilMI.il AtMll ItUAKDIMJ-HtX'SES. (iHOCKRV STORES. f'lNB IICATION. riQAtt, CANDY AND NEWS STANDS, SALOONS AND WHINKKS C1MNCKS. COI NTUV HOTELS AND liENKRAt, JIKIU'HANDISB. Kl KB 1NST KANCH AND REAL ESTATB OOOD nrSINKKS LOCATIONS TO LKA8B. JKNNI.Vin t o., V4 WAHlIINOTON ST BOOMS. THE PALMER HOC8E, 8. R. cor. Alder and Park st., formerly the Spalding, the most complete apartment house In the city: entirely rennvaieo: ieam neat; gaa, electric light, por retain baths: evry modern ennvenleuee: tear ist nn irsnsient rrane solicited t'LEASANT room, furetsbed, single or en suits for housekeeping: renovated thoronghly) mod ern convenience: beet location In city; nnder new manr.rement. - t ail ana investigate, lourisc onoirea. irs, 4.. u. Calmer, pre- rruijricireiH,, ar.wp rinsaeii ex.. THE COSMOSFonrtb and Morrlnn. fnrnlehed nnnsegeeinng uiee. auito and (Ingle rooms $.1 per week end np, 1 - . 1 410 KOt'KTH Two aaement room. S 0ji nice furnished room reasonable; walking dla- HHA STARK st., nicely furnished mom- ri - sons hie rent; transient . tolU-lted. Pfcoa r root nso. : 8S1 YAMHILL ST., The Ramnna Room at reasonable price with steam heat, light and HOTEL, Vendnme. cor. 1,1th and Alder: - far. nlshed room with board: reasons hie rate. TUB CARTLK 87J Whlngton t: room for gentlemen: transient; Tel. South 781. BOOMS AD BOARD, ROOMS WITH BOARD, well furnished; modern convenience; laoie ooara. ai into at. BIBDS. PORTLAND BIRD CO.; 504 Third I branch 237 norm oixio u FOR BALE. $750 Now 4-room rottage: $100 cash, it per: month. .: will build anyttmiK WHntcd, same rate. 613 Comtnercju.1 bklr. v i AX Er.E&ANTd lot Singer, New, Home n White machine. $10 each; New Royal drop heart, $15, J. R. Crane. HMr Morrison at. ATTOENETS, JOHN T. WHALLEY, attorney-at-law. toug., room old. EMMONS A EMMONS, ttorney-t-law. - 4 woreeeter blag. 6. B. RIOUEN. attorney and connsellor-at-Uw; notary. aon-Ki A 01 niton Bldg. H. B. OICK1NRON. ttornev-et-law d no tary nnhhY. .. SOS Commercial bldg.. : - ASPHALT JAVINO. THE TrlnM-d Asphalt Paying Co. et Portland. wince e.-o woreeeter dik. BARGING AND IIOHTEKIKO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. 181 Bum- iae t. fhone. Grant 1171.. CLAIHVOTANT AND PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON, Clairvoyant and I'alm- Third street. - MRS. S. B. 8EIP. clalrToyant and life reader, St 7th, Sunday, 7;45 p. m., Willamette hall. MRS. STEVENS. Portland' leading nnlmlst and Clairvoyant. 843 xamhllh Keening was. 0I0A&8 AMD TOBACCO. E?BERO-JUNST CIGAR 00.; jLnitrtbutor of . FINB CIGATtS. ' " Portland. Oregon, OOAIm FIRESIDE WOOD A COAL 00.. SOS B. Mar. rtRon. phone East 488. Sawed cord wood; whjtoft Shlvely, prop. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Dealer in all kind of eoal. cos and enar eoaL Phone. 1018. VCLCAN Cunl Co., wholesale denier beet cuels; loonary sna smelter coke. 82 Buroeioe. t) K EG 0 iTrj EL CO.; all kind eoi "and wood. 844 Morlson. Phone. Main 65. - KINO COAL CO.. , Importer of high-grade bouse eoal. Phone. Main Hy. - CROCKEET ABB GLASSWARE. WHOLERALH CROCKERY AN 01A9SWARS. rreel Heeele A Co.. 100 tn 10S nth. enr. stark. CHIROPODY AND MANICU&IBO. THE DKVENTS. the nnlv (dentine chiropodists in tn city; pirlor W.n-2 Alisky biag.s tnu 1 the long-haired gentleman yo want t eee. . ,rsnt 10. OEMjENT coirmwA CARTER A ELI, cement contractor. 871 Porter et. Tel.. Front 2804. Work guarnteed. CEREAL MILLS, A CMS MILLS CO., manufacturer Ralston Acme Ceres la. SO and 22 North Front rt. CORNICE-SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised troa leea. J. 0. Bayer. 265 Beeond t. ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WC" KS Office 801 Rterk st. Pbone. Main 2211. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J, F. LUCY, carnenter. builder. General con- tractor;- konse remodeling, altera tlouawete.; caoinet won ana jobbing a specialty, urnce ana soop at loot ot xamuin ft., river trout. roone. tsiaca ZMfl, JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder. S"7 tars at.: oinee and store sxmre built na remodeled; altering and repair boa, . P bo maw aiain 7t. , B. V. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repelling eno jonmng: ornce Bxtntea. Residence phone, Weat 782: shop. Main IMt. 4K3H Wej. et. A. J. ACTBORS A CO.. carnenter end bntldcrt repairing and lobhlnr; (tor and office flyrnre dim it. Hhop zo Columbia. Phone, cisv ism EMTRY A DEE. earperter. do all klnda ot , Job w,-rk: store and office Svture iclalty, r irsi. rnctne. viay .-"' ' G. W. GORDON, ennnW. shelvlne. hnee built no: renlrd. tm Foneth. Cly 1T4. BUESSK AKIN 0" DRESSMAKERS Ml Adam and Bnrlelgh arrived from New York November 11: nrat. rlaaa work guaranteed; apprentices wanted. 854 Salmon at. TlRKSSES n-sde for 14 to "; tsllored skirt 3 to n; waist Il.fiO to IH. Km Thurmsnt tk S or 18-t. ear. Phone Black 8741 THE 18TH CENTURY dreaa-euttlng yitm ana ladles- tailoring. Mr, u. E. inoma. room 8. 1X1' nth. formerlv hOJ 8d. BON MARCHE""T)RE8S PLEATING CO.. 332 Mrhawk blrtr . Third and Morrison. Accordion and aide pleating: pinking. Red B208. MISS O. GOULD Sunburst, accordion and knife plaltlpg to order: steam pro. tOO-801 MarniiRm blk. Phone. Cine SM. HUFFMASf LADIES TAILOR mske a specialty of pi1) suit. Room 431-4 Mohawk building. I'bone Ms in sniwi. 1 MRS. M'lvIPBFA". artilli dress and cloak making, no! Morrison v DOS ANB HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. 108 North Slvth st. Phope. Main 1484; rea. phone, Front in. PYEIIIO AND CLEANINtt. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED tl pet m.mtn. unique laiio'ing Co., B47 Washing ton ev. . CITV STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS Herman Fnke, proprietor. Phone. Mats 1713. No. S Sth at.. ir Pin. Portland. Or. DECORATORS. HENRY BFRrtKR ISO Flrat ' viIInm. Ingrain tsnestrlea. applique frletea. Inter- tee "Aer1ne EDUCATIONAL. . t .-r-t -rtON nilleenle School of Exweeelnn Mr. Emm W. GIPerl. (principal. S34 Mor- rten f, Fhnn ffreen 704 rURNITTJRE. OPEGON Fnrnlture Manufacturing eompanv Msnnfscturer of furniture for the trad. SOS r list Sf. " ' . "'. . v HORSES AND CARRIAGES. I BUY and sell heme. Derby end Bnrnslde, 1 horees. waenn. ImvelM Livery Stable. : Fifteenth FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER or WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal society ef Northwest; protect the liv ing. I. L. Mltrhell. supreme secretary, 019 and eift Marine m ftldg. Portland. Or. Tela- nhnne, Mate o42. - 0R0CEBS. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocers, menu faetueer and eommUslon merchant, fourth en n ties at. UASON. F.HRMAN A CO . wholesale grocer! err. neponn ano nne et. AT T EN A LEWIS, wboleesl groeera. Port- isnn. ir. 1 I vrt''ri"fei'red An'kenv t. ' HATS REPAIRED. NORTH WESTEBN HAT FACTORY, msnnfac lurera and expert remodler of all kind of soft, stiff and silk hnt: renovating a aiwelsttv, Phone, Hood 1708. 284 Bnrnalde. et. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineer, imn. ftcturer of marine, inlrtng. locelng and w anllt machinery;, prninnt attention tn repair work. Pbone. Pest 29. Hawthorne ave ft R. 3d. PERSONAL, MEN DESIRING TO LEARN TUB BARBER 'IKADK should call nt write for full pnrtliu- . lara wht-ta will be given FREE and will put you on the right road - to ucec. T. M. Le bo, 1874 First street, room , Portland, Or TaiiILS. If you wish to earn money at your home quietly end quickly durlug apare time, call at your earliest convenience at 872V East 1 Morrison, from 9 to 4:30. - rfltlH PRBttCIUPTIONB Ire more sreurst-lf end reasonably filled st Evaetl' Pharmacy. 827 Morrlsot et., bet. First and Second ata AN ELEGANT-M Singer, New Home and White mach1r.M. 810 each; New Royal drop- , head. $15. J. 8. Crane, 8B0 Morrison. WHITE HOUSE Conk Book (abridged), free to ubierllier to Good Houiekeeplug, t Joie' Book Bfre. 291 Aider' st.-- : .'. FTfEDO. WONDEffifbrcRgo Costume house, 8S8 Morrison; eetiollibed 1890; tend for price llet, . ' KODAKS und supplies. Oregon Photo Stw-k Co,, I. L, Cohen, mgr. Room 18. Washington bldg. MRS. OBUOCK. graiinat masseuse; acute and" ... chronic dlaeaatii cabinet baths. Ablngton bid. INSURANCE, PHIIIP KENNEDY, lnaurance; realdeet agent Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Phone, Main 185a:. 44 Hamilton bldg. -.. JAS. "Mc'f."Wbb"t. mployera''ll'a6nVty' "and la- Dividual accident; surety bonds ot all tuna. Phone 47. Concord . bldg. 1 U. V. BAKTELS OOMPANf"nr lnurne. 443 Hheriock blag. Oregon phone. Clay om. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance. 22S Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Mela 688. ARTHUR WILSON. Are lnaurance. Sherlock bldg. Phone, Main 1C08. - MACHINERY. STEEL brlda-e machine work, eaat end et bridge.. . Phone Eaat 416: work guaranteed. THE H. C. ALBEB CO., second-band ata 248 Grand ve. cblnery, sawmill, etc. MONEY TO LOAN. UNOLE MYERS, (Established 1859.) 143 Third Street, ,' Near Alder. . "" Lean ea Oolltterala, , Low Bates. - VNULE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYPR8. UNCLE MYERS. UflULU M V S KM. MTTEB8. Unredeemed Pledge for Sale. UNCLE MYERS. Phone Main 810. fK 1EW YORK LOA 1 1 North Third Q Q Hiller. LOAN OFFICE, Mtrcei. Prop. - Loans on Collateral, Low Bates. Unredeemed pledges for sale: Watch and Jew elry repairing. Phone Red 887. ' , MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col- lateral seenmv: aneciai attention to enatti mortgagee; nnte bonght. C. W. Pallet. CIS Commercial blk. Phone, Grant . 8S0. VIORTOAQE LOANS cn 1m nroved cltv and farm property at lowest current rate: nnnomg loana. Installment loan. - wm. MacMaater, S1I Worcester bldg. - . - MONEY' ADVANCE" salaried people, teamsters, etc., witnout (ecnrity: eaay payments: larg est business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, 223 Ablngton bldg. IMMEDIATE LOANS In snms from tl to 5n0 on ell (ecurltle. K. I. Kckereon rn., room 0, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 78. SHORT LOAPS on chattle or other satla- , factory eecurlty. Room BIB the Marquam, Phone. Oregon Red 2858. ' ' LOANS In sums of 15 and up en all kind of sfcuritj, . w. a. uarnaway. room ju, vu Ingtos bldg. Phone, Hood 413. MONEY TO LffAN" on. large or email amounta on good ecnrlty; lowest rates. William u. Reck. 321 Morrison i.t. $800 TO LOAN on first mortgage real estate gectiriry. t layton. Mng ft Co., za atars si, MONEY TO LOAN en city lot end Improved farms, w. A. Shaw ft Co.. 24R stars; t. - JEWELERS. THE G. HEITKEMPEB CO.. manatacturlng lewelere, gse Morrison t. MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT. oeeef.i!ly tret ano enrea all diseases or women, successful come treatment by malL SuS Salmon t., bet Klftn end Sixth t. WAHOO REMEDIES are both doctor and drug gist: buy Morse Electric Melt at bair price, nd bemmune against dlseuse. 91 H Flrt st, THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. 611 Deknm. Cure wnmen f enmplslnt quickly. Phone: Home. Scott 41P2: office, main ROM. MUSICAL. BANJO. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR Inatrnctlon given, chilis Inatrncted. music arranged, muale lurnubed for receptions, inatrument elected. Hsl. Wybber, 173 Weat Park Phone, Main zims. - . PAUL F. K1SSNER. vtolln-maker and eipert Berlin. Boston, Chicago and New York ref erence. Room - ais oooaenougn piag., -or. rinn ana ysmniu. PIANO, wind and strlur instrument lessons. Prof. B. A. Smith, 254 13ts (t. Phone. Brown 695. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER. Instructor of banjo, mandolin, guitar. 173 Weat Park. PIANO LF8SON8 W. Gifford Nash. I08 10th t.: terms nnon application. Beginner taken NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan: IS. .98 per day. Semmer Hotel. La Grande 1 traveler' home. Belvederet European plant 4th and Alder at. St. Cbarle. First and Morrison t Portland OSTEOPATHY. DRS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARR. srsdti e American School of Osteopathy and A. T. Still Infirmary of Klrksvllle. Mo, Phone. Mein 22?fl. Room 800. Dekum bldg. BAINXS, OIL AND GLASS. DAVID M. DUNNE A CO Pboeoix Paint and Oil Worka; manufacturer nd imnorien , paint, oil end sprav. etc.; phone 137. Of fice and factory, Sherlock ave and 10th at. F, E. BEACH . CO. Pioneer Paint Co.. eelllng the beat thing made 1n pnlnt and gn-l building material: window-glass and glsalng a apeclaitv. l.'tn First St.; phone. Main 1K.4, W. P. FILLER A CO., manufneturer Pioneer Lead. Phoenix Paint. Kopallne; a guarantee given with every gallon of paint manufactured by 11. KASMTSSEN A CO.. tobbere. paint, oil, glaaa, an and Inors. 1RO First t. PHYSICAL CULTURE. COWLES BROS., professors of scientific nhvl cl culture. Nture' helth-retorer: parlor end gvmnaslum at 231 Fifth at.. Portland. Or. Consultation free, OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and meehas- !-' elothlne: anion made; Meuatadter Brae, Mfera.. Portland. Or, PRINTING. ANDERSON A D17N1 WAY company, printing. lithographing, blaufc book. Pbone, Main 17. ZflH Aider. PLUMBERS. TAYLOR A STANTON, gaa and tem fitting. elevator, neer-pnmp supplies, tot Kixth st F6x A Co . sanitary plumber. 231 Second, bet. Msin and cuimon. tiregon pnon. Main 2001 DONNBRBERO ft RADEM ACHER. plumbers. , . retwitM tn k r-"nrtb st. Hntn nhonee. PLAITING. OREGON PLAITING WORKS. 491 Wsshlngtoo. - waiting. laconering, rei.-. Main 2ri75. PHRENOLOGY. KIND reader, see Prof. Griffith, onn. P. O. for a scientific delineation; consultation free tn all. - , REMOVAL, FRANK HACHENEY. No. 838 Sherlock bid. , No. Third at., agent for New Zealand and Trader r ire Insurance companies. R00FTN9, L. L, ROOFING CO., 93 N. 2d st. Gravel and tl roof put on and repaired: ont-:f-town wor given prompt attention. E. B. Jaynea, men- BHr. mnvf olii. W. J. FKKKKLL. roof painting, repairing leaky roofs apeclalty. 69Mi First. Phone. Seott 42. ' REAL ESTATE FOB BALE. FOR BALE FARMS Improved farms for sle In all parte et Oregon and Washington; payment made te alt purchasers, fur roll, psrticuiar t various properties apply to Wm. MacMaater. R11 Worcester bldg. CHOICE LOTS close In 35(i. at, 15 per month sooner loaned for building purposes at 1 per cent. Wm. Reldt, 13 Wash. blk. Fourth and Washington t. B. J. SANFOiil) A CO.. real eetnte. homesteads timber claim and aUt school lands. 212 Ablngton bldg f7a. KNAPI RBAL ESTATE. Room S 'Thamher of Commerce Bid?. RUBBER STAMPS, P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder sr.. pbone, iin i; runner -stamp, et, etencia, re rare end trade cheese. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., eor. . and Northrop sts. Pertlsnfl. Or. Fourteenth BI0N8. WATRIN 11GN8. 844 Alder. Cor Seventh. Phone Main WS. : SPIRITUALISTS. MRS. C. COUNELIIiS, located In mm W, Altskv, blilg.. enr. A and Morrison, flood 403. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES, SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixture made to order, R, Lutke ft Co., Portland a;id Seattle. i BAFES. nrtv vntin sarira. nf 1 !. rtsTta, nn M. v pair and vx-koau lately cone. , M Third St. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, vfftc 88 First t.. between Stark ana una te.j pnon sue; plao ana fnrnl. tore moved end packed for shipping; cosa Biodlous Oreproof brick warenoose. Front sad Clay t. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 H Wash. Ington t. Phone. Or.. Main 882: Col., 241. BLOT MACHINES. THE LATEST KIND of Hot machines of every description for aale or percentage; aiao 100 different klnde of noteltle. A. J. Cr an well A Co., 218 to 24 Ablngton bldg. TR ANSCONTI NKNTAi, MACH1NB CO. SW.t machine. 8. H. Park ana oak. s Hots Pbonee. Main 188. - ' MACHINES of every description for lal or percentage. Frank uritntb. 4tn ana oaimon. STENOGRAPHERS. SOOM 800. the Dekum bldg.; private offices for letter nictation; general ornce eerviee. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS ! -v.- KM tttark Street. ' W rent, repair, aell, exchange typewriter. , All enppliee for all machine. ' Do you want a stenographer or typlatl . We have Hat of good applicant. Phone, Black 2871. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Oomb, brush, soap, 1 per mouth. Lawrence Broa.' Towel Supply company. 4tn and Couch. Pbone. 429, UPHOLSTERER. H. JOHNSON, chalrcaner. reedwork, 848 Haw Phone. Union 346. thnrne ave. WHERE TO BINE, THE OFFICE. 25 Waahington At.. Phone, a aiain ill. J. w. Tainott. prop. Fortiand. ur. STROCEBS RESTAURANT, flrst-clai meals, beet service. 229 Wsshlngto st. , CAFR KRATZ. 122 Sixth (t. A fine Inaek served at all hour. FINANCIAL. ABD ft TTLTON, BAITXEBS, (Eatubllshed in 1C59.) Transact General Banking Business. Interest Allowed en Time Beposite. ; Collection mad at all nolnta on favorable terma. letter of credit leaned available In Eu rope and all point in the United etates. , Slrht Evchanre and tnlerranhlo ' transfer snM on new lorn, waanmgton. Chicago, nt. uu. uenver, Omaha. Han t racclaco ana Montana am British Columbia.. RrehiAM solA m Tendon Pset. Berlin. Frankfort, Hong. Kong, Yokohama, Maulla anl nonoiuiu. IBST XTATTOWAI. BAITK of 1nrt1s.n4. Or. Designated Depository and Financial Agent ef the United (State. ' r Tldent... ...A. L. MILtJS Ca abler... . 'J. W. NEWKIRK Asalatant CaaLIer ,..W. 0. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caabler B. P. 8TKVENB Letters ef credit issued available Id Europe sad the Eastern ststes. Slrht eyehsnire and teleri-anhie transfer sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St, Louie, St. rem, uman-i, isan Francisco ana in principal point In the Northweat. mgnt and time bills draws in anm to suit on London. Parle. Berlin. Frank fort-on-the- Maln, Hons Knnr. Yokohama. ConenhageSk ChrUtlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. UNITED STATES WAT't. BABTC OF PORTLAND. 0REO0N. N0RTHWX8T COB. THIRB ABB OAK STS Traniaot a General Banking Business, DRAFTS ISSUED , Available In all cities of the United State sna Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS President...,'.....:,. .1. C ATNSWORTK vice-ireelile-.it W. B. ATBt Aaslstant Csshler... R. B. SCHMEKP Assistant Cashier. ..... , A. M. WRIGHl MEBCBAWTS' ITATIOKAI. BASTX, PORTLAND. OREGON, J. Ftank Watson. ......... .',.Fre1dsnt ....... Vice-Preeldent ....... ....... Chler ....AssUtant Csbter R. L. Durham.... R. W. Hnyt George W. Hoyt.. Tranaact a General Banking Eualnes. , Draft and letter of credit issued available to all part of tb world. Collections specialty, Cold dut bought. LOWDOJ ft RAW PBABCTSCO BABX, Z,miT0. Chamber ef Commerce lending, Z'elxi snd Stark . . onset. . TTefl Office. M Old Broad street. Tymdon. Thl bnk transact a general hanking hnslne, make 1nna. dlecoonte bill" nd issue letter of credit vallsbte foe travelers and for the pnrchae ef merebnd1e In any city ot tn world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Interest PM (in Time Deposit. ' jsmmoi,,.- W. A. MACRAE. Mnsf. SBCTBITT SAVIITS) Sj TBTJBT CO. 866 Morrison St.. Portland. Or. : Trsnssetn n Oeneesl BicMtire Mnslness, SAVTWng TIFPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Ssvlnr Deposit. Act a Trustee roe rceiare. Draft end letter of credit available Is all nars of the world. O. F. Adams ;. .....Preeldent L. A. Trfwi..... .Flrsr vie.iTinnr A. I,. M'l'" Be conn viee--rexioen, R. 0. Jnhlt. . .. . .'....- ; . . , .Secretary Dowmarcr, wowntiwsi , co., (ESTABLISHED U91.1 WHEAT ABTJ BTOCX BROXEBS, Boom A, OrojiBfl Floor. cbamjSeb or ooHMSBca. MOBRZS BROS, ft CRBISTEHSEV, Successor to MORRIS at WHITEHEAD. BANKERS. FIRST AND ALT FIR STREET, - PORTI-AND. OR. ' Q7EBBBCK, BTABB COOKE CO (Sdcoessors to Bolton, de Rnyter Co.) Members Chlcajro Board of Trade. Grain, Provisions. Stocks, Bonds and Cotton. , 103 Third Street, Hear Star. Zlione( Xala 313. ' W are eonaected by private wires with Messrs, Ifgan A Bryan, Chicago and -New York; Walker Pro.. J. S. Barhe A Co.. New York Rtoek Kvehanret Hnhbsrd Bros. A Co.. New York Cotton Exchange: .Kalrchlld ft Hob. oni New -Orleans Cotton Evchanre: Henry Herth ft CO.. New York tToffee Bvchanr! fame, Webber A Co.. Boston Conner and Stock Kx ehanre: Dick Bn. ft Co.. New York and Phila delphia Stock Evchanrea. MORTGAGE LOANS... On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rate. Titles Insured. Abstract furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO ' 1 Chamber of ft nere. " NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OP STOCK HOLDERS. . j The Oreron Water Power ft Railway Com pany, Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting ot tne atorauniuere oi tu-; Oregon Water Power A Rnllwsy company, a corporation, will be held at the office of the company, corner First and Alder atreet. In the city of Portland, Multnomah county. Ore gen, st the hour of 10 o'clock . m. of Tueaday. the 12rh day of January. 1004. The eld meeting will be held for the turpnae of electing director for the ensuing year and tor the transiictlon of such other busiueoa nay be legallv brought before It, Ttl notb-e I given ptirausnt to the require ment of tb. bylaw of the company. W. T. MI'IR. Secretary fhe Oreron Water Power A Railway ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the county court of the tatc. of Ore gon,' for the county of Multponinh. In the matter of the estate ot John W, floa, deceased. ; , , Notice I hereby given that the -undersigned tins been duly appointed administrator of the estate of John W. lJoa, deceaaed. , All persona hnvtng rlnluis agniuHt the estuln of eald lie. ceased re hereby notltit-d to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, at his office,- lit the building occupied by alio Acme Mills company, on the corner of Front and Burnslde streets, Injjlli city ot Portland, Ot.i within six month fruui the dnto hereof. Walter a. nosrt," ' AdinlulKtrator. ' . Dated (big 18th day of December, 1903,- - WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 iVcosd St., bet. Yamhill snd Tavlor. Portlsnd. CITY NOTICES- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP LEO, AVENUE. ' Notice 1 hereby given that- at the meet ng ot the council of the cltv of Portland. Ore gon, held on tbo 18th day of December, 1903. the following "resolution was adopted: ' liesoived, 'I hat the council 01 tne city 01 Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient end propose to. Improve Leo, avenue from the weat line ot Milwankle county road to tha east line of Kast Thirteenth street, in . toe ioi lowing manuer, .tn-wit: First Bv grading the atreet full "Wldta with full Intersection to proper euhgrade. . ' Second By laying wooden aldewalke In C ccrdance with the city engineer' plans, epect- ncaiion ana eatlmate. ThirdBy laying wooden crosswalk In ac cordance with the city engineer' pis us, pcl ficatlnn and estimates.'.''-'''' v Fourth By constructlrut box gutter In ac cordance with the city engineer's plans, speci fics t lona and eatlniato. ; Fifth By bringing the urfce of the treit 10 tne proper grade 10 Teet in wiuiu in tue ttiter of the atroef with ernvel. -naiu improvement to no maae in accoruaucw with the charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and the plan, specification and esti mate of the cltv eno-lneer filed-' In. the of fice of the auditor of the city- of Portland' on the 1Mb, day of December, 1903, indorsed: "City engineer' plana and epeclflcationa for the ImDrovemont of Lm, venite - from the west line of Mllwaukle county road to the eaat line of trait , inirteeutli ti-et and the cetimate ot the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." 1 . ' . . - Ihe coat of safd imnrbvement to be ,,seaefl a provided by the city charter upon the prop erly specially Denemca tncrony ana wmcn is hereby declared to -bo all the lota, part of lotg and parcel of land lying between a llnti 1(K feet north of still nnrnlli-1 with the north line of Leo avenue and a line 100 feet south of end parallel with tha nonth line of Leo ave nue and between the weat line of Mllwaukle county road and the east line ot Eaat Thirteenth atreet. The enrineer'a estimate of the nrobable total cost for the improvement of Leo avenue is 2.28.00. ' -ine above improvement 1 to ne ciaasen a gravel lmnrovement and siinll be maintained by the city for a period of five year; pro vided, that the owner of majority of the property benefited by anid Improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of suds period. 'ine plan, specifications and estimate 01 tne city engineer for the improvement of said Leo avenue are brehy adopted. , 1 it esoirea. .mat the auditor or tne eiiy 01 Portland be aud he la hereby directed to slve notice of the proposed improvement ot said avenue a provided by tho city charter. itrmonatrance against the above improvement may be filed In writing with, the undersigned a.1,1.1. on r . 1. .. ,,...,. , t. .. Au .... u tv, ,11111 un..n Alum LU UAt, V, ,u, we put' iicnrion ot tnia notice. By order of the council, ' T1IOR. ft. DEVLIN. Auditor of tho City of Portland. December 24, 1903. ! NOTICE TO VACATE ROCK STREET. Notice la hereby given by the undersigned, Portland Ueneral Electric conipany, aa follows That It la a corporation duly Incorporated organized and existing under the laws ot the state of Oregon, and ba ita principal office at the city 01 fortiand, tn uie county 01 Mult nomah and stntu of Oregon; that at a regular meeting of the council of said city of Port land to be held at the city ball of aald city In said city ou Wednesday, the- 8rd day of February, 1904, tl petition will be presented by tho undersigned to said -council pray ing for the vacation of all of Hock tieet In aald city of Portland, - aald Rock atreet being situated between block thirty-one (31) ud thirty-two (M2i, In Sher lock' addition to laid city of Portland, and running from, to and connecting Front street and -Sherlock nrenne,- In satd Sherlock' addition to city of Portland. Dated at said city of Portland this 18th day ef December, 1903. , PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, By II, W. GOOUE. . President. ' TORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, By SAMUEL G. REED, Aaalatant Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bide will be received by the Croot comity hlghectiool board, at Prlnevllle, Oregon, until S o'clock p. m.. January 15, 1904. for tb. friction aud completion of a brick and atone blgbachool building, according to tha plan and apeclflcationa prepared by John H. Sblpp of Prlnevllle. Oreaon. archltttct of the work. All blda must be accompanied by cash deposit or certified check In the sum of SfiOO a evi dence of good faith, and bo bid will be con sidered for any part of tha work lea than the whole contract. . The party to whom tb contract I awarded will be required to furnish a good ana autncient oonn to i took county In the full amount of the contract, auld bond to be given witnin lu aaya artcr tne contract la awarded, Plan and apeclflcationa may be keen at The Journal office, Portland, Oregon, end at the county school superintendent's ufflc in Prlnevllle, Oregon. The right to reject any and all blda la reserved, r.uveiope contain ing bid should be marked "Proposals for l.lghachool building," snd addressed to Wlillnm nnegll. Secretary Ulgbschool Board, Prluu- vllle. Oreron. BALTIMORE tr OHIO R. R. AIXt TRAINS VTA WASHINGTON Is The Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River : and Chicago The Chicaijo-Fortland Special, the most, luxurious train in the world. Drawine-room sleeping cars, diniog car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). . Less than three days Portland to Chicago. . TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon -Railroad & Navigation Company. Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific" Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway tu Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Dally and personally conducted ev- .ursion In Pullman tourist sleeping rianliom Portland, Lo Angelea and an Francisco, through to Chicago Without change, , ' " R. R. sii-cmn, Can 'I Aft.,i7 Market fttv kANl-HANCiaCO,CAL, ,. ' ACoBARKFR, Cea'l Agi . ;i 1 hlid St, fUKVLANU,Uai. Chicago & NorthAVestcrn Ry, RAILROAD TIMETABLES. OREGON SJionyrLuc and union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Throuah Pullman standard snd Tourist (lean ing ea.- dally to Omaha. Cbtcr.ro, &ioksues Tourlat sleeping-car dally to TvaDsa City; through Pullman Tourist sleeping-cars (nersoa- ly conducted) weeaiy to coicago. lvai:aaa City; Reclining chaircar (seaU free) to the .ait a&uy. - ' UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. For the East' vis Buui- ",' . ington. : 9:15 . m. 23 a., m. Daily. Dally. SPOK4NK FLYER. For Hastiirn Wnshlngi ton. Walla Walla. Lew Iston, Coeur d' Alone and Great Norlherp point. 7:45 p. 1 8 :00 a. m. uaiiy. Laity. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For the Eaat via Iluot ' Ington. - 1 8:15 pm. Dally. , 9 00 a. m. Dally. OCEAN ANB RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: 6. 8. Geo. W. Elder Jan. 7, 17, 27. S. 8. Columbia Jan. 2. 12, 22. ' From 5:00 p. Alaska Dock. 8:00 p. m. Columbia River Division. FOR ASTORIA end wav 8:00 p. m. Daily. x. Sunday. Saturday. 10:00 p. m. About 1 5:00 p. m. e. Suudjy L-olnt, connecting with tmr. for Ilwaco andl North beach, atr. Haa ralo, Aah-at dock. Yamhill River Route. FOB DAYTON. Oregon City and Yamhill River points, stinr, Elmore, Asb-st. dock. (Water permitting.) FOR SALEM. Albany, 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, Tbilisi) ay, Saturday. 5:30 p. m. Monday. L - Wednesday, Friday. 8 :00 p. m, Tueailay, , Thursday, Saturday, 6:45 a. m. Corvallla and way Monday, points, stmr Monoc. (Water permitting. ) Wednesday, rriday, Snake River Rout. FOB LEWISTON. Id., and way point from Itlperla, Wash., steam era Spokane and Lew- 4:0(1 Si m. Dally. About 5 :00 p. m. Daily, ex. Friday. ex. Sat lrton. TICKET OFFICE. Third end Waahlngton. Tele- viHiuo. Main in. - PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at , Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight vis ennnectinr ateamera for Mantln Prr Apth.ir and Vladtroctok. ,. INDRAPURA SAILS ABOUX-AlECEVBXB St. Fcr rate and full information call- oo or ad dres official or agent of the O. R. ft. N. Co. EAST via. . SOUTH Leave. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem, Rone burg, Ashland. .Sacra mento, Ogden, San Fran cisco, Molave. Lo An 8:30 p. m. T:48 a. m. geles, El Paso. New Or- ...... jk ,l. nu aim tuv sussb At Woodburn dally lexcept Sunday), morn ing train for Mt. An 8 :30 a, m. 4:00 p. m. T:90s. m 114:50 p. . T:00 p. m. gel, Sllvtrton. Brown. vllle, Springfield. Wend, ling and Natron. Albany passenrer, eon necta at Wocdliurn with Mt, Angel and Silver ton local. 1010 a. m 118:23 a. m. S :50 p. m. Cor va Ills passenger.,,,. Sheridan passenger I2fl SUNSET I O lOODEN. IMASTAI I ItiHt BQUTis, O Dally, it Dally, except Sunday. Pcrtland-Qawsjo Suburbs Service and Tamhlll Division, i pot Foot ef Jefferson Street. weave Portland daily foe Oewevo 7:.10 a. m l H:B0. 2:05. k:2fi; 6:20, 6.85. 8 :S0, lo:10 p. m. Dtlly (except Sunday) 8:80, 8:30; 8:S. 10 2 a. m.; 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only, 8:10 a. m. , . Returning fmm Oswego, arrive Portland daily : . m.. 1:B5. 8:08. 4:35. 8:15. .:.15. :5..t.. 1110 p. m. Dally (except Snndavl 8:25. 7:2V 8:30. 10:20. tl:i a. lu. Exeept Monday, 1!:2S p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Leave from same depot for Delia and Inter, mediate- point dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:20 p. m. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Una operate daily to Monmouth and Alrlle. con necting with Southern Pacific company' track at Dsllss and Independence. Flrat-cias rebate tickets oa al from Port, land t't Sacramento and Sail r'rtineleeo. Net ate 117.80. berth $S; second-clau far 81.1, vrltbaut rebat or berth; econd-cla berth (2 SO. Ticket to -Eaatern point and Europe, else Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office comer Third and Washing, ten streets. Phone, Main 712. C. W. STINGER, W, E. COMAN. City Ticket Agent: . Gen. Pa. Agent. TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND: Puget, Sound Limited, for Teoom. Seattle, Olvmpla. South ' Bead and Gray'., Harbor point. North Cot, Limited, for Taeoma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul, Min neapolis. Chlcage, New York. Boston and point East and Southeast. , Twin-City Expreaa. for Tacoma, . 8eettle, Spo kane. Helena. St. Paul. Mlnneapell. Chicago. New York, Boston and II point - East aud Southeast. Puget Sound Kansas Clty-St. Loul Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. Depart. 8:30 . m. 1:00 p, B. 11:48 p. IB. 8.30 . m. Arrive. 8:30 p. m. T :M t. t:00 p m. Sookane. Butte, Bllllnga. 7 00 a. m. Denver. Omaha, Ksnaav Cltv,- St. ,t.ool and all Fnliita Eaat and South, eaat. - , ' All train dally except n South Bend brsnch. - - . A. D. CI1AH1.TON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. J 233 Morrlsoo t;, cor. Third. Portland. Or. Astoria &'Columbia River Railroad Co,, Leave. UNION DEPOT. Arrlvu. Fitr MiiTgeia. Halnler, Dally. t 11.10 . lo. Clatskaule. Wratport. Clifton, Astoria, War- 8:00 a, m. Dally.. Teuton, .rlsvel. Ham. munil. Fori Stevwua, (.esrbart Park. heasPK Aatorla and enur . Li press. Dally... Astorl IvJprns. Daily. 7:00 p, m. Daily, t 'i e - J. C. JIM fl, F. and P . C. A, 8TEWABT, roiiiiiit.;el it .:. -.i l'hjii. aiJla M