11 CITY NOTICES. CITY 0TICE. CITT NOTICES. CITT NOTICES. 7 CITT NOTICES. CITT NOTICES. RAILROAD TIMETARLES. TIIE , OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 25, , 1903. PE0P06ED ASSESSMENT FOR . IMPROVE MENT OF STANTON 8TEEET. Nolle Is hereby f lTin tbat tbe eouuctl of tha city of Portland propones to sses the following described property and owner or owner as be ing speelslly nd peculiarly benefited la the mount et opposite tbe name and description thereof for the Improvement of Stanton street, from tbe eaat Ha of Mississippi avenue to the. wett line of Alblna avenue, a provided by ordinance No.. 13.617. " Any objection to the apportionment of eost for ald Improvement must be mad In writing to the council and filed with the auditor within IS day from the date of the first publication of tbt notice, and said objection will be beard nd determined by tha council before tbe paa ax of tho ordluaoee assessing th cost of (aid . Improvement , ,t - Subdivision in Froebstel'g Addition to ' Alblira Klk 6. undivided lot 6, E. A. Sperry.. 18.37 Vt east 35.82 feet lot 6. . 10.87 Blk S, undivided K. A. Snorrv Blk 5. undivided U lot 6, Louisa IiOgu. Blk 6. undivided Vt of eaat 85.62 feet lot B, Louisa Logua ........ Blk 6, undivided Vt outb 96.16 feet lot 7, Louisa Logua Blk B. undivided hi south 95.18 feet lot ,7 6.88 6.3T T, E. A. 8 perry .v. ........... : 6 Blk 5, eouth 65.18 feet lot 8, Dniel F. ;V- rauiivir ' i a . t , Blk 6, north 40 feet south 95.16 feet lot" 8, Kate Donovan' ...... .'i; Blk 6. south 10 feet of west 10 feet lot 10, Daniel F.Morrow ...,...';....... : Blk B. west 10 feet north 8T.58 feet lot 10, Kate Donovan Blk 6, west 25.62 feet east 90 feet lot 10, Mary Knanff .................... Blk B, weat 10 feet lot , Daniel F. Mor row ...... Blk 8. west 45 feet east 90 feet lot 9, Mary Knanff ;.'.,;... ........... Blk 0. east 48 feet lot 9, George Ham ;, estate, heir of .........,4 Blk , lot 1, Amanda W. Heed Blk A.' lot 18, John Btorey. ............ Blk 8, west 11.70 feet lot IS, ; John storey t ......... .i .... i ........ . .. .,; Blk 8, east 2T feet lot 15. A. B. Coot.. Blk 8, lot 14, Leander Lewis............. Total .. . , t 114.43 Auditor of the City of Portland. December 21, 1003. l-'Hn;.-. ,-tr', A8BE88MENT - TOK IMPROVEMENT OP -,,., IA8X STARK BTBEET. . ' " Notice is hereby given tnat trie council or the city of Portland. Or., at meeting held on the 16th day of December. 1908, declared the assessment by ordinance No, 13,691, for the improvement of Eaat Stark street, from the west line of East Water street to the west line of Vnlon avenue. In tbe manner" provided by ordinance No. 13,499, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially snd peculiarly benefited, to be as follows, vis: t tract of land lying between the north line of Kast Stark street and J: a line 100 feet north of and parallel - therewith aad between the west line "of Esst Water street and a line 100 . feet west of and parallel therewith A. H. Johnson.. 63.81 East Portland .. Blk 22. lot 4, W. 8. Ladd Estate, heirs of ................... 161.1 Blk 2X lot 8, W. S. Ladd Estate, heir ; . of ;.';w..,.'....'i.t..'.v.4,',fc.i... 47.68 Blk 22, lot 6, W.,S, Ladd Estate, heirs - of , 64.82 Blk 22, lot 6, W. 8. Ladd Estate, heir of ..................... 170.44 BISTTTlot 4, W. S. Ladd Estate, heir of .,,.,.......... t. .161.69 Blk 41. lot 3, W. 8. Ladd Eetste, heir - of .......... i 67.49 Blk 41, lot . W. S. Ladd Estate, heir of ...j.,....,.! ; 87.63 Blk 41, lot 6, W. 8. Ladd Eat ate, heir of 11B.6B Blk 62, lot 4, Jacob and Cbarlea it Kgtnm .j... 4 J29.S2 Blk 62. lot 8, Jacob and Charles T. r Kmm-.........A 40.21 Blk 62, weat 26 feet lot 6, Elisa 8. . Myer. wA.W......,,,.....,.,i...v. 1L05 Bis D.i wru ma vet ui ju v, CMH n. v Myer ......4 ...... 86.19 Blk 62, west 60 feet of east 76 feet lot 4, Vnlon Meat company.. 23.12 Blk 82, weat 60 feet of east 76 fact of ' . lot 6, Union Meat company 70.39 Blk 82, east 25 feet of lot 6, Bnrt ' Hicks 11.08 Blk 62, east 25 feet of .lot 6, Burt - Hick , .,..,.,.rr...),4i,' 85.20 Blk 81, lot 4, David MrKeen.. ......... 138.88 Blk 81, lot 8, David UcKeen..,.. 43.98 Blk 81.' north 19ft feet lot , Stefano , AUegranl 6.00 Blk 81. south 80 H feet of lot 8, H. A. ' Crlpp Estate, belr of -r B.Sg Blk 81, lot 6. R. A. Crippen Estate. heir f........t.V...v...... 107.79 A tract of Isnd lying between - the outh line of Esst Stark street and - a. line 100 feet south of and parallel " therewith and between th weat Una : .' . of East Wster street and a line 100 fret weft of and parallel therewith :r Johnson Estate company ............ . T7.66 F.nt Portland ' Blk 21. lot 1, y. B. Ladd Estate, heirs Blk sCVot W.' i' Ladd 'Estate,' heir ' Blk JlVtorf.'W.'aViadd 'Estate'," hsiri Blk 2lV'lri' 'wV8."Ladd''isUte' 'h'sira Blk 4i"weitUo'f"at'H"iot'i.'wuI Ham Bplcer. Blk 42, west of esst H of lot 3. ' William Spieer Blk 42, west hi of lot 1, William Bplcer Blk 42, west H of lot 2, Wllllsm 8plcer ' Blk 42. eaat V, of t H of lot 1. Joseph tnsnoier. ........ ............ Blk 42, east V, of eaat H of lot 2, Joseph Chandler....... Blk 43, west Vf of weat H of lot 7, Joseph Chandler..................... Blk 42, west H of west V4 of lot 8, . Joseph Chandler Blk 43. east Vt of west of lot 7, Jsme II.' Pag Blk 42. east V, of west H of lot 8. James H. Page..,....,.,. Blk 43, east H of lot 7. Jsms H. Pig ,...4..... - Blk 43, east H of lot 8, James H. Blk'Sl. lot'ir'N'oVtinghVm'A'co'I,"" Blk 61, lot 2, Notttngbam Co , Blk 61. lot 7. 8. F, B. Chrtstln Bid- die Blk 81, lot , 8. P. B. k ChrlsUn Bid. ute ,...,,...,....,, Blk 82, lot 1, Louis Logos. 167.81 6L62 49.91 158.30 88.87 18.13 T7.T1 28.80 88.87 13.18 8.86 81.61 81.82 16.72 63.86 132.60 ' 41.44 44.26 140.77 140.T7 44.25 15.93 111.87 86.28 17.64 Blk 82. lot 2, Louis Logn..... Blk 82, lot 1. Lsuisa Logos,........,,, Blk 82. lot 8, Louis Logua.. Right of way Southern Pacific company Bight of way Oregon Railroad Navi gation company .... ,. Total ...f.. ...... ..63,188.11 A statement of aforesaid assessment baa been entered in tbe Docket of City Liens, and I now du and payable at the office of the city treasurer, la lawful money of th t'nlted States, and If not paid within 30 day from the data of thle notice, such proceeding Will be taken for th collection of tbe same as are provided by the charter of the city of Portland. The altove assessment will bear Interest 10 day after tbe first publication of this notice, . . , TH08. C, DEVLIN. ASSESSMENT ' T0'r WtrtX 1 IN ' .. IA8T ", ! C0TCK IZSEET.' " - .-. ' Norlcn 1 hereby given tht th council of the city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on tbe 16th day of December, 1088. declared th assessment by ordinance No. 13,6w5, tor the construction of sewer in Esst Couch street, from 150 feet west of East Twenty-second street to connection -with the (ewer In East Iwenry-foortb treet. in the manner provided by ordinance No. 18,636, upon each lot, pert f lot and parcel of land, which areSipeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, via: Keyatnna Addition to the City of Eaat Pnrtlsnd : . ... ., " ' Blk 2, lot 8. Emll Stark. M.40 Blk 2. lot 7, Crescent Land company.... 28 40 Blk 2, lot 8. Crescent Land company. ...30.78 Dunn' 'Addition -to East Portland . Blk 10, lot 1. OeorgerO. Boot 20.15 Annie I 24.40 24.40 34.40 24.40 28 40 28.40 28.40 18.40 8.50 30.00 20.00 21.30 14.60 17.53 17.66 17.66 SUM 10. lot 3, Oeorge a. Boot,.. Blk 10, lot 8, Jam F. and Matnew :... . . 1 . . 4 ; Blk 10, lot 4, James F. ' and Annie Mathewa ,ir, t ,,.,. Blk. JO, lot 5, S. H. Butner...... ., Blk 7, lot 1. Silas Jones Blk 7, lot 2, Kilse Jones...... Blk 7, lot 3, Hits Jon.... Blk 7. lot 4. Silas Jones..., Blk 7, lot S. Kathrelne R. Mohoqey.'... Keystone Addition to the City of East Portlsnd ' - Blk 8, lot 8, Jullu Stnrk. .4. .......... Blk 3, lot 4, Crescent Iand company.,.. Dlk a, lot 6. Crescent Land company,.., Dunn' Addition to East Portland- Blk 11. lot 10, Merman W. P-lttmaon.... Blk 11, kt B. Psul Rrmiat Jones....,.,, Blk 11. lot 8, Paul Erni-st Jones. Blk' 11. lot 7. Northern - Pacific, Coast Amnscment company .'. Blk 11, lot 6, Northern, Pacific Coast Amusement company ................ Blk 6, lot 10, TUcbel OaVnS.. ........... Blk A lot 8, Rachel f)ate. . . . , . i . . . ,. ,. Blk 6, lot 8, W, O. Schelfenbsrger...... Blk , lot 7. W. 0. Bchellenharger,,,.., Blk 6, lot 6, Frederick, B, Cooper.,,,... . .-, t,.,:f;-hi.. ;' '-. ' Total 4 , 4 .......... . A , . 8588.40 ; A statement of sforesait' assessment baa been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and I now dne and payable at th office of the city treasurer,' in lawful mone of the United States, nd If not paid within 80 day from the date of this notice, such proceeding will be 'taken fur tbe collection of the same are provided by tbe charter of the city of Portland. The above assessment will bear - Interest 10 day after the first publication of thle notk. .. . , . THOS. C. IiEVi.lN. - . Auditor of the City of Port Is ad. . l'oftland, Or., December 22, 1903. : A66ESSMENT TOR SEWER IV SAN RAFAEL v . . STREET. Notice la hereby given that the council of tha city pf Portland, Or., at a meeting held on the 6th day of December, 1903, declared the assessment by ordinance No. 13.6U8, for the construction of a sewer in San Rafael atreet, from 125 feet east of the esst line of Union avenue to a connection with the proposed -sewet in East Seventh, street, in the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,426, upon esch lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are aeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be follows, li Town of Alblna - Blk 1. south 100 feet of lot 6, Christ Nledenthal . . A i.,. .. . . ....... -. 89.80 Blk 1. south 100 feet of lot 6, ChrUt , . Nledeuthal .... 89.80 Blk V south 100 feet of lot . 7, John Hsnlpton ...... .. w..r 2B-80 Blk 1. south 100 feet of lot 8, Mary, - r- Pish .i. . ;:. .. .7 ,v t:29.80 Blk 1, south 100. feet of lot 9. L. J.i JBccon 4 ...... ...,...;..; w.80 Blk 1, south 109. feet of lot 10, Au- gustns J. Fanno 29.60 Blk 1, south 100 feet lot 11, Sarsh J. Me Kitrtck , 89 80 Blk 1, south 100-feet of , lot 13, Julia O. Day ....... .................i..... 2980 Elk 1. south 100 feet lot 18, Julia , O. Day ...... ........................ 29.80 Blk outbrTlW 4et of lot 14, JSnok. - '- Imadblad , 29.80 Blk 1. north 45 feet of lot 28, . O. - Tomaslni .. .A. ....,.,.'...... 4. ...!. J 0-88 Big 1. north 45 feet of lpt 27. D. O. .e. Ttmaalni .................. ........... 9.85 Blk 1, north 45 feet of lot ?8. D. O. Tomaslni .,........................ 9.86 Blk 1, north 46 feet of lot 25. D. O. Tomaslni 8.86 Blk 1, north 45 feet of lot 24, Abble , Walkor ; , 9.86 Blk 1. north 45 feet of lot 23, Abraham Simon ...4. .............. .... 8.85 Blk 1, north 45 feet of lot 22, Josephine Blrcber ..j.., 985 Blk 1, north 46 feet of lot 21, Joephln . Blrcher 9.86 Blk 1. north 46 feet of north Vt lot 20. Julia Kmsey 9.85 Blk 1, north 46 feet of lot 19, A leg Johnson ,...!...,.... 9.85 Total 1396.50 A statement of aforeasld assessment haa been entered in toe Doraet- of City Liens, and I now due and payable at the office of tbe city treasurer, in lawful money of the United States, aud if not paid within 30 day from tho date of this notice, such proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the same aa are provided by the charter of the city of Portland. -. The above assessment will bear interest 10 day after th first publication of this notice. .. - . . THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor tf the City of Portland. Portland, Or., December 22, 1903. . i. OP 92.75 U6.B4 1,128.63 TS.9T ASSESSMENT FOR IMPH0VEMENT ' ALBINA AVEHTE. : ... ! Notice 1 hereby given that the council of the city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on the 18th- day of December. 1903. declared the assessment by ordinance No. 13.692, for the improvement of Alblna avenue from the north Hue of Page street to the center line of River street. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,372, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly beae fited,. to be , follows, via; , ,., ,, ! -town 01 jMDtna '. t, Blk 61, lot 8, Mary H. Evans. S Blk 51. lot 0, James .Collins., ...... 4 A tract of land lying between th ; outh-Una of Page street and th " north line of Goldsmith atreet and between the eaat line of Alblna are- ; , Due and a line 100 feet east of and parallel therewith W. H. Foster., A tract of land lying between th southerly line of ooldsmttb itreet nd the northerly line of tbe Oregon Railroad A Navigation company' right of way and the .southeaaterly , line Of Alblna avenue and a Una 100 feet southeasterly from snd parallel therewith Alliance Trust company f Dundee. Scotland A tract of land lying between th . southerly Une of tbe Oregon Rail, road A Nsvlgstloa compaay's right of way and a line 60 feet northerly from and parallel with the north , line of River street and between th southeasterly line of Alblna avenue and a line 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel therewith Jsme : B. Montgomery Estate, heir of.... A tract of land lying between the northerly line of River street snd a line 15 feet northerly from and pr- allel .... therewith, and. ..between tha. southeasterly line: of Alblna avenue . and a line 100 feet soiithesaterly , : therefrom and parallel therewith ; James B. Montgomery Estate, helra of 4. .f'v,V. ,-.,.., .v.. ..... .. . A tract eC' lend lying between -two, lines respectively 16 feet and 60 feet . northerly from the north Une of River ' street and parallel therewith snd between the southerly tins of Alblna . avenue and a - line 4 100 feet 1 stnthessterly - from and parallel therewith W.' H. H. Morgan...... Katterly one-half of a triingular tract of land 'ylng between the south line ; . of bkiek 62, Alblna, th weaterly line v of Alblna avenue and tbe northeast. , erly line of Goldsmith atreet, the same being all of lot 11 In block 62. . Alblna. lying south of th north line : of Psge street extended westerly In -Its present course and the easterly half of lot 10 In aald block, named In the-resolution . and . shown en th map ef Portland, Ore eon, published by the Title Gosr- - antoe A Trust company, registered : No. 75 Henry Welnhard.. ......... Town of Alblua - . Blk 50. southwesterly one-half of lot I, David and Anna Brown, ........... Blk 69, northeasterly one-half lot 6, Dirk Van Rsssum ...... 4 .......... Blk 59. lot 6, John Mitchell Blk 69, lot 8. Irene A. McKenny Blk 69, lot 4. Jsmee W, Applegste. . , . Blk 69, all of lot 6 lying west of the westerly line, of tbe 0. R. N. company right1 of way. James B. Montgomery Estate, heirs of...... Blk 69. lot 6. Jsme B. Montgomery Est at, heirs of Blk 69, btt 3, Wllllsm IT. Wlgger..., Plk 69. lot 4. William H. Wlgger.... Blk 83. lot 6.' James B. Montgomery Eitst, heir of .................... Blk 83. lot 6. Jams B. Montgomery Estate, heirs of.... Blk 83. lot 8, Jsme B. Montgomery Eststa. ielri of..... Blk 83. lot 4, WalterC Walsh...... Right of way Oregon Railroad - and Navigation company .............. 2,478.63 11188 368.08 1,011.38 231.94 242.76 118.25 162.83 670.11 614.27 126. 78 Ittl.71 666.64 897.96 ,169.60 151.55 871.09 169 Total 4 , .....610,965.55 A statement of aforesaid assessment baa been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and la now due and payable at th office of the city treasurer. In lswful money of the United States, and If not paid within 30 daya from the date of thla notice, such nroceedtnas will be taken for the collection of tbe same as are provided py tne cnartor ot the city of Portland. The altove assessment will bear Interest 10 day after th first publics tlou of this notice. , THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland, j Portland, Or., December 22. 1903.' K 01 ASSESSMENT v TOR IMPROVEMENT ' WASCO STREET. ;;; . Notice is hereby given thst th council of the city of Portland. Or., at a meeting held oa th 16th day of December. 1903, declared the assessment by ordinance Ne. 13,6X9, for th Improvement of Wasco atreet, from the east line of East Twenty-fourth street to the center line of Esst Twenty-eighth street, in tbe man ner provided by ordinance No. 13,620, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are epeclslly and peculiarly benefited, to be a fol lows, via: First addition to Bolladay Park addition, Pnrtlsnd. Oregon . Blk 20 lot 10, Th Title Guarantee and Trust company .8 46.20 Blk 20. lot 9. The Title Guarantee and Trust company...................... 46.20 Blk 20. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee and - Trust company..".................... 40.20 Blk 20, lot 7. The Title Guarantee and Trust company ...... 1 .............. . - 46.30 Blk 20, lot 6. Th Title Guarantee and ' Trust company. 39.75 Blk 20, lot 6. The TttI Guarantee and Trnat company... (46.20 Blk 20. lot 4. Th Title Guarantee and Trnat eomnanr. ,. ..." 46.20 Blk' 20, lot 3, The Title Guarantee and Trust company 4. ................. -.-' 46.20 Blk 20, lot 2. The Title Guarantee and . Trust company 1 . . 70.88 Blk 20, lot 1, Th Title Guarantee; and ' Trust company : '. ... 76.89 Blk 19. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee sod Trust compsny , ... i. 1639 Blk 19. lot 8. The Title Guaranti and Trust company. 70.88 Blk 19, lot 8. Th Title Gnarentee and . Trnat couipsrr ..................... . 46.20 Blk 19. lot T. Th Title Guarantee and Trust company ..... .1 46.20 Blk 19. lot 4. Tha Title GuarsnU and Trust company.... , 82.80 Blk 19, lot 6, Th Title Guarsnte and . Trust compsny. . 82.80 Blk 19. lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee and . Trust company... ....... ...1, ...... . 46.20 Blk 19, lot 8, The Title Guarsnte aad Trust comosny .4 .. , 46.20 Blk 19, lot 2, the Title Guarantee and Trnat compsny.. ,..,.....,. v. ..... . 4820 Blk 19, lot 1. The Title Guarantee and Trust company . . 46.20 Blk 17. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarantee and Trust company.,?.'..'.........,.:..,.'., 46.20 Blk 17. lot 12. The Title Guarantee aad Trust company.., .,,4'.,.. . 46.30 Blk 17, lot 13. Th Title Guarantee and . Truat compsny., . 46.20 Blk 17, lot 14, The Title Guarantee and Trust eomnanv.., ....,,......, 46.20 Blk 17; lot 16. Tbe Title Guarantee and " Trust- company... ..4... 39.10 Blk IT, lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee and Trust comnsnv., i 46.20 Blk 17. lot 17, The Title Guarantee and Trust company. 46.20 Blk 17. lot 18, The Title Guarantee and Trust company; . 4630 Blk 17, lot 19. The Title Guarantee and " Trust company. ,i. ........... 70.86 Blk 17. lot 20. The Title Guarantee and Trust company 4 ..76.89 Blk 18. lot 6. The Title Guarsnte and Trust company.;.........., 76.89 Blk 18, lot 6. The Title Guarsnte and Trust company., 70.36 Blk 18. Tot 7. Tb Title Guarantee and Trust company.,.. ..T, 4. 4.4...; ,'. 70.80 Blk 18, lot 8. The Tltl Guarantee and ' Trtist company. ........ ........i... . . 76.39 Blk C, lot 4. Tha, Title Guarantee and 1 Trust company.. ,,..4...... .......... -142.00 Blk C, lot 5. Tha Title Gnarante and Trust company. ....... .............. ' 24.16 Blk C. lot 3. Th Title Guarantee and v. .Trust company., , 92.40 15 daya from the date of the first pnbllcatloa of this- notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by the council, .be-fore tbe pas sage of the ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. . v Portland- " . .,- Blk tU. east 100 feet of block 53. city of Portland '... f Blk 62, tot 4. George T. Mysrs. ...,'. . . ui oz, somn lot 3, Klliabeth and Oscar E. Heinta ....... ...4. ....... . Blk 63, Undivided M north Vt kt 8, Arthur R- Helnta..,.,.4,;..,.v,4.., i Blk 52. undivided north H lot 3. Klicabetb and Oscar K. ilelnta. ., .. nik 52, lot 2, George T. Myers....... Blk 52. lot 1. Theresa Dona van... ... Blk 51, lot 4. Isaac and Flora Jacob. , Total 82,040.70 ( A tatement of aforesaid assessment bss been entered In th Docket of City Mens, and I now due and payable at the office rif the City treasurer, in lawful money of the United States, and If not paid within 30 daya from the date of . thla notice, auch proceedlnga will be taken for tbe collection of the same ss sre provided by the charter ot the city of Portland. - , The above assessment will bear Interest 10 daya after the first publication of this notice. , - ; -', . thos. c. dkvlin. . .4 V ' ' Auditor of th City' of Portland. . Portland, Or., December : 22, 1908. ' ASSESSMENT ; FOR s SEWER IN ; IAST FIFTEElfTK STREET. T ..." i i- Notlc i hereby given' that tb eonnctl of the cltv of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on tho 16tb day of December. 1903. declared the assessment by .ordinance No. 13.696, for the construction of a sewer In East Fifteenth atreet, from a point 50 feet iouth of Broadway to connection with the sewer In Hancock atreet, in the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.421; upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, wMch are specially and peculiarly benefited, to bir as follows, vlsr ' -. - 1; .- 1 .; Holladay' Addition to Eaat Portland. ' .'"'"''' Dlk 227, lot 7, David C, Houston. , .,t.I 85.08 ...a ., nr. c, .J. auinWH , ,4 , 4. RPI.OU Blk 2)2. lot 6. Mrs. Iowa IMppel... ,;',?.. i 88.80 88.80 38.80 88.80 88.80 Blk 2H2. lot 6. Mrs. Iowa Dlnnel. Blk 232, lot T. John and Nellie F. Law- Blk 232, lot 8, John and Nellie F. Law reuce ....,'.4.............. Blk 259, lot 6, L. , A and Martha' B. Brown .......... ,.,,4 ...,. 4.,. Blk 250, lot 8, L. A. and Martha B. ro-n RR.80 Blk 228, lot 2, Samuel M, Barr.. 87J6 Blk 22S, lot 1. Samuel M. Ban.. ., 80.40 Blk 2'll, lot 4i John Gnatfson.,..(..i..r 80.40 Blk 231, lot 8. John Gustafson..., 80.40 Blk lOl. lot 2. Maria C. Wright... 80.40 Blk 381, lot 1, Prank Miller ...t 30.40 Blk 20. lot 4, Benson 8. Wright....... .80.40 Blk 280, lot 8, Benson B. Wright. 4 30.40 Totsl ..... 4 ...... 8647.90 A statement or aforesaid ansessment has been entered in the Docket of City Liens, and la now due. and payable at the office of the city treasurer, In lawful money of the United States, and If not paid within 30 daya from -the date of this notice, such proceedings' will be taken for the collection of tbe same as are provided by the charter of the city ot Portland. , The above assessment will bear Interest 10 day After tb first publication of this notice, 'v.-;.' V-aV' '"' '' THOS. C. DEVLIN, i . Auditor of tbe City of Portland.. . Portland, Or., December 22, 1903. ; , ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN TILLAMOOK "treet. . : j Notlc I hereby given that the council of the city of Portland. Or., at a meeting held vm the 16th day of December. 1903. declared the assessment by ordinance , No. 13.700,. for the construction of a sewer In Tillamook atreet, from 125 feet esst of the esst line- of Union enue to a connection with the proposcd sewer in Esst Seventh street, in tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13.423, npon each lot. part of kit and parcel of land, which are apeclalry and' peculiarly benefited, to be a follow,, via; Town of Alblna f , . Blk 3. lot 8, Husaa Nooning Blk Z. lot 6, Buses Nooning m 2. io 7, josepn Hctisde Hlk 3. kt 8. Joseph Schsde' Blk 2, lot 9V Joseph Scbsde Blk 2. lot 10. Louise Wendorf.,.. Blk 3, lot II, Ludwig Spady Hlk 2, lit 12. Caroline C. Roger..... Blk kit 13, Mary A. Manpln. ....... .4 E J' i ii' Mr.JBoHoa AlberiW Blk-Ti, 1ot3, II. A. TIenneman .. Blk 2, east 16 3-3 feet ot lot 27, Henry Hllser ".. i .x . . , r, ... ; . . . , t . . , Blk 2. west 83 1-8, feet of lot 27, John Dounerberg .... 4 ..... .4 ... , Blk A lot 2. Jlenry Hllser Blfc 8. lot 25, Frederick Armbrnster.V., . Blk' 2, lot 24. Frederick Armhrnster. Bik 2, lot 23. (Proline C. Rogers Blk 2, west 38 1-8 feet of lot 22. Caro line O. Roger '.......; , Blk 2. east 16 3-3 feet of lot 22, Martha K. Hall , . . 4 , . 4 Blk 1 east 33 1-3 feet of lot 81, L. A. Brush .w.'.,. Blk 2. west 16 3-3 feet of lot 21. Martha E. Hull Blk X east V, ef lot 20. Emma 0.. Nor man A. and Richard W. Forbes...... Bik 2. west U of lot 20, Threat J. Tel- guth ; - .i5 me 1. tot is, Heine and Sebastian P Ly me le ,...4. , 18.80 Totsl -,..i....;...,...r...X.....'.... .6450.60 A statement of aforesaid assessment has been entered in the Docket of City Liens, and la now aue. ana payaoie at-tne-ornc or the city treaanrer, ,ln lawful money of the United State, and It not paid within 30 daya from the date of this notice, auch proceeding will be taken for the coiled ion of the same as sre provided by the charter the city of Portland., Tb above assessment will besr Interest 10 days auer m nrsi ponnesrion ot tnis notice. r THOS. C.i DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Or., December 22, 1903. . ,8 28.70 IB. TO , . 26.76 . 28.70 26.70 2M.70 . 26.70 . 20.70 4 26.70 20.70 18.30 dlO 13.20 18.80 18.80 18.30 18.30 12.20 6.10 12.20 6.10 ! 9.15 St $ "10.00 PROPOSED A88E88MFNT TOR BEWER IN . , YRESCOTT ITREET, Notice I hereby given tbat the council of the city of Portland propose to asses the fnllnw. ing described property and owner or owner aa being specially and peculiarly benefited in th amounts set opposite tbe uamee and descrip tions thereof by the construction of a sewer In Prescott street, from 16 feet weat ot the weat line ot Eaat Tenth street to the proposed sewer in Union avenue, aa provided by ordln- BBce 410. la.odi. . . Anv ohiecttone to the snnortlnnment a for aald sewer must lie made in writing to tbe council and filed with the auditor within 18 daya from the date of tha first publication of thla notice, and aald objections will, b, beard aud determined by' the council before' the pea. sag of tha ordinance assessing th cost for aid sewery-v , . ...... .. Highlaild V Blk in, lot 6, Henry 8. Donnell.., Blk 18, lot 5. Henry 8. Donnell...... 2.00 Blk 17tlot 7. H. P. Koetermsn.,.,,., 42.24 Blk 17, lot K H P. Koteman.... .... 27.25 Blk 17, lot 5. W. S. Cutter. 37.25 Blk 17, bt 6, J. T. Dillon....,.,..,,.. 42.26 Bir 18, lot T, w. M. Reward..,,.,... Blk 18, lot 8, W. M. Seward. Blk 1H, lot 6 liren Bewsrd. . Blk 18, lot 0. Loren Sewsrd Blk iM, lot 7, Mollis L. Stoke...,.,.. Blk 19, lot 8. Mollis L. Stoke,..,..., Blk 19, lot 6, Msry Beler Blk 19, lot 8. Msry Beler. Blk 20. lot 7, Caroline Miller Hlk 20, lt M, Caroline Miller lllk 20. lot 5, 11. B. Taylor ...4. ...4. Blk 2i). lot 8, H. B. Taylor.,. ..,,.4.. Blk 21, lot 7. H. A. Smith.,, ........ 4 Bik 21, lot 8, H. A. Smith........... Blk 21, lot 6. Georgia A. Armstrong., Blk 21, lot 8, Georgia A. Armstrong., Blk 23. lot T. ". D. Dsvia Blk 1CI. lot 8. 8. D. Dsvls.. .......... . Lincoln Park Annex . . Blk 7, lot 1. F. N. Kollold... Blk 7, lot 3, r. N. Koljold.,,. Blk 8. lot 13, C, H. Heller....,...;... Blk 6. lot 11.15, R. Hawkins.......... Blk , lot S,A. B. Manley,..,,,.. Blk 6. lot 1. A. B. Mauley............ Blk 5, lot 12, Ruale J. Johnson.,. .... Blk !i, lot 11. Susie J. Johnson........ Blk R, lot 3, John Robertson...,....., Blk 5, lot ,1. John Robertson. Blk CI. south lot 3, Ales Mayer, estate heir of..................... Blk,51, north u lot 3, Leon It. LewU.; m 01, ii rniio iioiorooa..... . 199.14 '2V3.61 127.66 83.79 63 78 2H1.69 67.66 , 42.25 27.25 ' 27.29 42.25 42.25 27.25 - 27.35 42 25 42 25 . 27.25 27.25 42 35 4225 27.25 27.25 42.25 42.25 27.25 '18.40 4.50 i ,47.85 : '.12. 85 32.8.1 47.85 47.86 ' 82.86 ! 32.85 47.85 Blk 4, lot 12, Andrew 3, I.llburn..,., 1 . 47.85 Blk 4, lot 11, Andrew J. Lllbnrn..,.. 32.85 Plk 4, lot 2, Andrew J. Milium 82.83 Blk 4, lot 1, Andrew J. Lllbnrn ,' 47.85 Blk 3, west Vt lot 12, Clara 8. Bush. . nell ,. 1 ,33.93 Blk 8. west ft lot U, Clara 8. Bush- 1 nell .....4 16.43 Blk 8, esst- 4 lot"J2, Emily Peterson.,.' 23.93 Blk 8, esst VL lot 11, Ktviiy Peterson,.' 16.42 Blk n, lot 2. Minnie B. Klntscl...... ' 82.85 Hlk J, lot 1. Minnie B. Kintiel. .' 47.85 Blk 3 lot 12, Timothy Pearson. Jr.... t . 47.85 Blk 3. lot 11, Timothy Pearson, Jr... , 82.85 Blk 3. Int 2. TMHile' Olmsted.... v 32.88 Blk -2, lot I, Tnodl Olmsted..,.,,... , 47.85 Blk 1, lot 12, Clsrence M. Dllley.i,, 47.M Blk J.-lot 11 Clarenc",M. PUlcy, 33.85 Total '.v.,,. ..,,w.,V.. 81.687.10 ' THOS. C. DKVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. December 21, 1903. , , PROPOSED ASSESSMENT V FOR , IMPROVE MENT OF THIRD STREET, Notice 1 hereby given that b, council of the city of Portland propose to assess the fol lowing described property and owner or owners aa being specially snd peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite the name and descrip tions threof for the improvement of Third street, from the north line of llsln street to the south line ef Ullsan street, as provided bv Ordinance Na 1S.3O0. . . Any objection to the apportionment of cost for said Imprnfement must be made In writing to tha council aad filed with the auditor within 44.4. Blk 51, lot 1, Elloa E. Ray, estst heirs of ' :' . . . , . , 4 ......, Blk 90," lot 4," Jacob Kamm. .......... Blk 50. lot 8, 'Jacob Kamm. ......... . Blk 60, toutb.SO feet lot 2. F. W. - Winters , ,.. i ,. , Blk 60, north 20 feet lot 2, Henry W. voinett, estst ncirs or..,...'.. Blk 50, lot 1, . Henry . W. Corbett, estate helra of...,..,.:... Blk 40. lot 4, Chsrlea Adolpbu Allsky Blk 49. lot 3, Charles Adolpbu Allsky tsik v, 10c i, .! J or wiison, estat heirs -of Blk 49. west Vt lot 1. Ellen E. Me Cormlck 4. Blk 49, east U lot 1. Phoeb M. uekum ..;.4...'..t..i... t.. Blk 4M, lot 4, Masonic Building awe elation. ..(.. B)k 48. jot 3. Henry W. Corbett, esisr netrs 01 .................... Blk 48, Jot 2, Frank Dekum, estate heirs of ........ ...... ....... Blk 48, lot 1, Frank Dekum, esUt heirs of ...... ............. .4 Bit 47, lot V-W. B.y Ladd, eetata . heirs of ....,.i, ....... ........... Blk 47, lot 8, W. 8. Udd, estate oeirs 01 Blk 47, lot 2, Maria A. Smith HiK 4T, lot l, jvtin Kiernan Blk 46, lot 4, Columbia Investment company . . Bjlk 46, lot 8, Columbia Investment company ,........,.....;..... - Blk 45,. lot 4, United State National - nana ....................... ... . . ... Blk 45, lot 3, United States National ' bank ' Blk 45, lot 3, John Kiernan.......... Blk 45. lot 1, John Kiernan Blk' 44, lot 4, Robert H. Thompson.... , Blk 44, lot 3, Robert H. Thompson...'. Blk 44. lot 2, Robert H. Thompson,... Blk 44. lot 1. Robert H. Thompson...'.' Blk 13, east Vt of block 43, Everdlng rarrell ......................... Couch's Addition to the City of Portland . Blk 80, south of east H of block .10, John V. and James B. O'Rbea.. Bib , north Vt of east Vt of block ' 30, Paulloe Jorgensen Blk 29, lot 1, Neppach Estate 'com pany , v.. Blk 29. south 28 feet lot 4, James T. Burtchwell. trustee ; . 4 . . , . . 4 . . ' Blk 29, undivided M north 32 feet of lot 4, Sarah M. Tllford. . . . . . u . . . . Blk 29, undivided 4 north 32 feet ot lot 4, Tyler woodward ............ Blk 20, undivided north 22 feet of lot 4. Ell tah Corbett. estate belra of Blk 29, undivided, A lot 6, Sarah M. UllOra .,.. ....... n,..,. ........ 4 . I Blk 29. undivided Vi iot, 6, Tyler Woodward Blk 29, undivided H lot 6, Elijah Cor- . belt, estate heirs of , Blk 29, undlyldod k lot 8, Sarah M. lllioru Blk 29, undivided hi lot 8, Trier Woodward Blk 29, undivided U lot 8, Elijah Cor bett, estate helra of Blk 28. lot 1. Bridget Slnnott Blk 28, lot 4, Joseph Simon... .. . . . Blk. 28, joVBT-Breymsa h Bommer- , 80 59 62.86 269 09 ' 56 92 68.63 :. 47.64 28.28 :: ' 71.10 - 98.01 79.13 .149.21 ' 87.17 ' 98.48 ' 69.84 '.;-, . . 106.89 66.80 ' 137.23 , 102.34 ' 138 84 .145.20 183.83 v132.1 118.60 66.66 ' ' 180.63 ' 62.26 ' 56.87 112.66 ? ' 80.81 63.85 95.88 ' 306.39 812.16 872.19 221.67 121.62 '44.56 22.36 22.29 1 86.81 42.92 42JJ2 60.33 30.13 30,13 111.38 135.91 178.60 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF LEO AYESTJl. Notice m harah Inn ihmt St the meet ing of the council of the city of Portlsnd. Ore gon, held on tbe I nth day of December, 1903, Hie following resolution wss aaopiea: - nesoivea, mat in council 01 tne citj ui Portland, Oregon, deems It ' expedient ; nd DroDoses to imnrov Lee) avenue from - the west line of Milwaukle rounty road to the esst line of Esst Thirteenth street, n me : ioi- lowing manner, to-wlt: 1 First By grading th treet ' full width With full Intersections to .proper subgradft.-' Second By laying wooden sidewalks in ac cordance with, tbe city engineer's plan, : apocl- ncaiions. snd estimates. . -. ) Third Bv larlna, wooden crosswalks In ac- ctrdanc with the city engineer' plana, pcl. flea tlons and estlmstes. . Fourth By constructing box gutter In ac cordance .with the city engineer's plans, speci fication ; and -estimate . rirth By bringing the surrace 01 me sweet to the Droner arade 10 feet lu width In tbe ct ter of the street with gravel, , . , , Said improvement to be mad in l!ordane with the charter and ordlnancea of the city of Portland and the plans, speclftcations ana esti mates of the city engineer filed in the of fice of the auditor of the city ef Portland on the 15th day of December. 193. Indorsed: ''City engineer's plans and specifications for . tbe improvement nf Ijhi svenue from the West line of Milwaukle county road to the east llns of Fast Thirteenth street and the estimates of the work to be dune and , th probsbl tout cost thereof." , - ' f .- The cost of ssld improvement to be aaaessed ss nrovlded bv th ritv rhsrter Uwrn the prop erty specially benefited thereby and -which la hereby declared to be all th lots, parts of kits and parcels of, land .lying between a lln4 100 feet north of and parallel With 8 north line of Leo avenua and a Una 100 feet south of snd parallel with the south line of Leo aw nue and between the weat, line 01 niiwsusie county road and the esst line of Eaat Thirteenth street. . . - , ' - .' .. ., . Th engineer's estimate ot the probable total cost for th improvement of Leo avenue la Tlie shove imnroventent Is to -be classed a a travel Improvement and sbsll be maintained bjr tbe,dty-for a period 'of five yearar pro- vinru, l use rn owners 01 a nisoriiy property wneflted by said Improvement or any Sortlon thereof ahall 'not petition for a new or liferent Improvement before 'the expiration,. of such period. ' ' , . The nlsna. aneclftcatlons and estimates ot tb city engineer for the improvement of Mid Leo avenue are hereby adopted. 1 Resolve,- Tbat the auditor of the city -ot Portland be and he la hereby dlrecteq to give notice of the proposed Improvement) ot said avenue aa nrovlded bv -tho city charter.. Remonstrance sgstnst tbe above improvement may be filed In writing with, tne unaersignea within V) days from tha date 01 u nrsr, pun, Itratlon of tbi notice. ,'. By order of th council. ...... THOS. C. DEVLIN. -Auditor ot the City of Portland. December 24. 1903. s , ; vine Blk 28. lot 8. Brevman A Rommer. vtlle , , 231.28 Blk 27, - lot 1. ' Portland Seamen' - Friend society ; 4 125.86 B'.k 27. lot 4. Portland Bcgmen'a Friend society 159.92 Blk 27, lot 6, Joaeph Simon..... 184.87 Blk 27. lot 8, John C. Carson 2H3.25 Blk 26, lot 1, Charles Osrdlnell.. . 118.73 Blk 26, south Vt lot 4, Charles Cardl- nell 1 i ; ' 64.29 Blk 28, north Vt tot 4. Gustave Mur-' - hsrd. esist fielrs of 60.88. Blk 2V, lot 8, Gustav Murhsrd, estate heirs Ot . , 69.25 Blk 26, lot 8. Henry W. Monsstes. 98.74 Big 25. lot 1, George W. Marshall. . . . ,. 72.61 Rl 25. south 22 feet of lot 4. Gearee . W. Marshall .......... . 86.69 Blk 25. north 2S feet of lot 4. Auanst Pike 6.1.19 Blk 25. lot. 6. Wtnslow B. Aver...,., 162.47 Blk 25. lot 8, WInslow B. Ayer....... 49.68 Portland Blk 24, lot 6. J. W. and T. Cook...".. 209.96 Blk 34, lot 0, J: W. and V. Cook..... 210.35 Blk 24. lot 7, J. W. and V. Cook. . ... 268.43 Blk 24. lot 8, Security Saving A Trust company v. 294.86 Blk 23. lot 5, Thomas M. Richardson., 34.43 Blk 23. lot . Marx Jorgensen. . . , . '. 360.62 Blk 23. sooth lot 7. First M. E. church truatee .................... 127.21 Blk 1 north Vt lot 7. -First H. B. church trustee .4. . 137.81 Blk 23, lot 8, First M. E. church - , trustee-... 266.20 Blk 22. lot 5, Lawrence W. Terkelson. , 372 93 Blk, 22. lot 6. Lawrence W. Terkelson. . aS 87 Blk 22. lot 7. Donald Macksr. ....... 2oJ 14 Blk 22, lot 8, Usraald Macksy. 4 . . . . 372 92 Blk 21, lot 5. Jnstus M. Strowbrldge . . 82.47 Blk 21, lot 0. Henrietta and Mary E. Falling and Emily F. Cabell..... . 28 Dt Blk 71. lot 7. Henrietta and Mary E. Falling and Emily F. Cabell. ..... -t 46.68 Blk 21. lot ft. Henrietta and Mary E. Falling and Emily F. Cabell ...... 67.18 Blk 20. lot 6. Louis Frelehner. estate heirs of . "86.06 Blk 20. lot 0. Louis Frelahner. estat heir of 68.99 nik Sn. lot T. Imla Frelshner. estate heirs of 70.09 Blk 20. lot 8. Cloero Iwis. estst heirs of .'..., 66.79 Blk 1ft. lot 5. Annie HerrsL Rosa Wl- gand and Kate Strode 67.68 Blk 19. lot 6, Lndwlg Wllbelru. . . . . . ' 85.14 Rlk 19. lot 7. Henr lefts E. end Mary F, Falling and Emily Cabell .48,81 Blk 19. lot 8. Henrietta m. and Mary r. Falling and F.mlly Cabell.. .,.1 60.80 Blk 18. lot 8. H. C. Breeden ' ' 75.24 Blk 18, lot A. Amanda W. Reed 66.49 lllk 18, lot 7. Amanda W. Reed...... . 86.08 Blk 18. undivided 13 lot 8. William It. McKay T...'4. 1 , 80.07 Rlk 18. undivided 1-8 lot 8. Mary M. McKay 39.07 Blk 18. undivided I S lot 8. John N McKay ' " 29.08 Tilk 17. lot 5. Romsa Catholic arch bishop of th diocese of Oregon.,-., 136.71 Blk IT. lot 6. Roman Csthollo arch. blabop of th dloces of Oregon.... .. 149.88 Blk 17. lot 7. Roman Oatbolic arch- - Mshnp of th diocese ef Oregon..,. 116.13 Rlk 17. lot. 8. Ronisn Catholic arch, blahop of the diocese pf Oregon. ... : -130.06 Blk 80, tot 6. Henry. W. Corbett, estate belr t f 176.38 Blk 30. lot 6. Hvnry W, Corbet L estate belra of 154.41 Blk 80. lot 7. Henry W. Corbett estate heirs of... 151.53 Blk 30, lot v Henry w, Corbett, estst belra of . Blk HI. bit 5. Kdlth M. Orsnt. ...... , nik 31, somn iot n. iianiei Man Rlk 81. north 14 lot 6. W. J. Hawkins Blk 31. lot 7. Ro Blk 81, lot 8, Robert R. Thompson. Robert R. Thompson . . Blk 82. weat V, of block 32, Henry . Welnhard ' v Conch's Addition to the City of Portland Blk SO. northwest M of block 20. Bridget SMlnot . .'...., 1 Blk southwest 44 of block 20, Catherine Beck BUi 19. lot 2. Msr A. Jorgensen.. .... Rlk 19. lot 8, Charles R. Smith.,...., Blk 19. east 10 , fact lot 6, Thomas . i Blk 19. west 85 feet of north Vt Ml,, Hertna aieyer , . , ; . ... 4 . . . . . Blk 19. west 86 feet ot south H lot 6, Daniel Rleman ., .............. . Blk 10. east 10 , feet lot; 7, Thomas Stevens Blk 19, west 86 feet lot 7, Iaae and Flora Jacobs Blk 18, lot X Lawrence W. Tbrkl-, son i 4., ,...4.4.. Blk 18, lot 8, Iwrnc W, Therkel- son 1 .. . Blk IS. lot 6, I)Uls snd Thsodor ' Klcolsi Blk 18. lot,. 7, Louis and Theodore . Nleolsl ...4. Blk 17.I.W 8. Robert Rr-Thompsoa.j . Blk 17. lot .1. Roliert R.' Thomnson. . . . Blk 17. lot 0, William M. Ladd et al, trustee ..... Blk 17. lot 7, William MVTUdd et aL trntee. ...... .... ..v .......... 4 . .. Blk Irt.-lor2. Jfrank Cy Baker ,.,... . . Blk 16, south V, lot 8,. Frank Kiernan, trustee .................... .. . Blk 18, norlb 4 lot 8, Kaphtbaly , KoM ............................. Blk 18. lot V Henry Welnhard.,,,,,, Blk 16. lot 7. nenrr Welnhard ...... . Blk 24. undivided H lot 2, Ben Sell ing, . i. ..... jj .A......,..,.., . 4 ... . Blk ti. undivided VH lot 2. Solomon .", Iflrsch. estat helra ef.,,.,., Ilk 21. lot a. f harle Thnrlow, tnvstea Blk 31. south V, lot 6, Charles Tnnr- ' low. trustee t Blk 21. sorth'H lot 6. Ambrose E. - Cantenhetn r....... Dlk 24. kt 7, Udd V Til to. IToUl 142.46 225.16 61.06 81.05 65.50 76.06 855.07 802.03 868.6.1 J07 U 106 68 6.83 84 40 72 61 6.44 122.77 186.68 136.60 106.55 194 98 102 56 70.66 109.69 141.98 85 71 V 66.18 43.79 64.43 80.66 88 01 3n 01 , 75.88 20 33 1699 84.71 MM- 8ir.86S.8B : thos c. Devlin. Auditor of tha City of Portland; ' 1. December 31, ,1008. , . . ... .. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP' LARRABEK . STREET. Notice is hereby elven that at the meeting ot tne council ot in city 01 rornanu, Ore gon, held on tb lOlh day t December, 1003, the fnllnwlnr TesolutiOn wss sdonted :. " i ; Resolved. Thst the conncll of the city -of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses - to Improve Larrabe atreet from the north line of Holladav avenu to the south easterly line of McMllleu't .addition, , Itt tb louowing manner, to-wit: First By grading the street full width with full intersection to proper subgtade. Second By bringing tb street full width with full intersection to proper grade with gravel. . , ; . rwrfi Br cnnsrrncting artinctai none sine. walks In accordance with the' city engineer plans, specifications and -estimates. Fourth Bv constructing artificial "" stone curb in accordance with the city engineer's plana, specifications snd estimates. Fifth By constructing crosswalka in : e. cordsnea with the clly engineer' plana, pecl- ncstions ana estimates., Hlxtb By constructing stone gutters In ac cordance with the city engineer' plana, apeclfl cattona and eatl mates. Raid Improvement to be made' In accordance with the charter and ordlnancea ot the city of Portland and the plana, epeclfieatlona and estl matea of the city enaineer filed In tbe of lice of the auditor of th city ot Portland on the 10th day of December. 1003. Indorsed "City engineer's plans and s peel ncstions for tbe lm- frevemenv .01 xarrsnee sireei Krom io nwiw Ine of Holladay avenue to the southeasterly line of MoMlilen'a addition, and th estimate' of the work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof -r -v.. ,,--.. - The cost of ssld Improvement in be assessed ss provided by the city. charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to be aa follow: Westerly 14 nf blocks 52 snd 84: easterly U block 63. nil in Hollndny's addition to Esst Portlsnd.- snd the southerly y, of tne westerly Vt or mocg 14, in M.MIIlen's sddltlon to Esat Portland. Th city engineer's estimate of tbe probable total coat lor tn improvement, 01 aaia Ibarra bee atreet Is 11.417.00. - - Tbe above Improvement Is to be clsssed a a gravel Improvement and ahall be maintained by the city for a period of five years; provided, thst tbe owner of . msjorlty ot tb property benefited by ssld ' Improee merit or any por tion thereof aball not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement before, tb expiration of such period. - The plsns, specifications and estimate of the city engineer for the Improvement Of aald Larrabee street are hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst tha auditor of tbe city of Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give notlc of the proposed improvement of aald street aa provided by the city charter. , . Remonstrance against the above Improve ment may be filed In-writing with tb under signed within 20 days from th date ot tb first publication of this notice. By order of th council. , THOS. C. DEVLIN, - 'Auditor cf the City ef Portland . December 23. 1903. ; PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 07 GRAND AVE- ' NUt - ' Notice Is hereby riven that at tbe meeting of the council of the city of Portland,. Ore gon, nein on tne mm day of iiecemner, iwm, tbe following resolution was adopted : nesoivea. ids t tb council or tne city 01 Portland. Cmttrnn. rieems. it evnedlent snd nro- poses to Improve Grand avenu from 12 feet north of tb sooth line of Esst Stsrk street to 111 feet north ot the north line nf East Oak street, by constructing an elevated roadway in wiain wnn on leet rnr rosawsy aim two 15-foot sidewalk on either side of the road- wy. .v,.. . "'?'- Ssld im rrovement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland snd the plans, specifics tlons snd esti mates of the 'city engineer filed In th office of, tbe auditor of the city of Portland on the ra nay or tweeraneri iwia. lnnorsea: - i ny en gineer'' plans ami specification for the Im rrovement ot Grand avenue from .12 feet north of the south line of Esst Stsrk street to 111 feet north of the north line of East Oak street, end the estimate of the work to be don and the probable total cost thereof." The cost of aald improvement to b as sessed , s 1 provided by the city charter upon the property speelslly benefited thereby and vhlch Is hereby declared to be all the' lota, ports of tots and parcels of land lying between the north line of Kast Morrison street snd the south line of Esst Burnslde street and between a line 90 feet easterly from 'and parallel with tbe eaat' line of Grand avenue and a Une 90 feet. Weaterly from and parallel with tne west line or urana svenue. The estimate of th city enaineer of the pmbsble totsl cost of the improvement of seld Grsnd avenue 1 64.852.00. i ne ancve improvement is tn rw classed ss sn elevated roadway and shall be maintained by the city for a period of five rears: provided. thst the owner of a majority -of tbe property benefited by aald improvement or any portion thereof, shall not-petition for a new or air fcrent . Improvement be fur tbe expiration of such period.', .''.'. , .,,".,'-. - -' ;'"' ' The plsns, speciticstlons and estimates of the city engineer for the Improvement of said Grand avetuie are hereby adopted. , Hesoived, unat .tne auditor .or tne city 01 Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the pro nosed Improvement of said avenue as provided by the city charter. , i, Keeonetrince against tne . a note improvo ment msv be filed tn writing with the under- slaned within 20 days from the date of the orat punncstion or 'ioi' notice. , , , cy oraer 01 in council. i -. , THOS. C. DEVLIN. " - Audltnr of tb city of 'Portlsnd. December 19, 1903. - . , ': . -PROPOSALS FOR GATE VALVES. 1 Sealed proposals will be received by the wster board of the city of Portland. Or., until 8 p. m., January 13. 1904, for furnishing and dellverliig at Portland. Or., the following gat valves ror rastiron water pipes, vis; XO 4-tnrB valves. , . 120 9-Inch valves. ' ; f 60 8-lnch valves. These valves to be standard Iron-body, double- disc, bronse-mounted, . hub-end valvea, with In side stems, open to right and tested to 300 pc.vnda per Sijusre Inch wster- pressure. One- nsir m tne enure nummr 01 escn sise to be delivered- lu Portlsnd on r before March 16. and tha remainder not later than Mav 1. 1B04. ' . . ... .... Bidders must state the nam and style of the gate they propose to furnish and the prleo per gate 01 earn sise, an Delivered 1.0.0. cars. Portland. Or. With each bid must h deposited s certified check for 8100.00, payable to tbe order et the auditor of the city of Portlsnd, Or., and bonds acceptable to tbe water board will be required of the successful bidder. Tbe right is rea-rveu ny tn water board tn reteet any or all bills. Pronoaala must he errlcsed'ln an envelope, sealed and marked "Proposal for Valves," and sddressed Jq, the nnoersignea. t By order of th water nosrn. , t frak. Tnonnty- Superintendent. Portlsnd. Or., Dec. 22. 1903. . . , PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ' 0T ' R0DNET '. . ' , AVENUE. ' Notice I hereby given that at the meeting of the council of the city of Portland, Ore gon, held on tbe 16th day of December, 1903,, he following resolution wa adopted: Resolved. That, the council ef the city of Pertland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro nose to Imnrov Rodney avenue from the north line nf Kn-rtt street to tbe south, line ot Morris street tn th following manner, to-wit: . , First By grsdlng th atreet full width with .full Intersection to th proper subgrsde. Hecond By bringing th atreet full width 'with full Intersections-' to proper grade wltb gravel. Third By constructing wooden sidewalk la accordance with the city engloser's plana, speel float lone and estlmstes. Fourth By constructing wooden curb la e cor dance wltb th city engineer plsns, spec! ficstlons snd estlmstes, Fifth By constructing artificial aton slde wslks six feet In width in accordance with the city engineer's plan, specification . and estimates. '""'X Said Improvement to b mad In accordance with the charter snd ordinance of the city of Portland and the plana, specifications and. estimate pf th city engineer filed In the of fice nf the auditor of the city af Portland on the 10th day of December,' 1908, Indorsed: "City engineer's plsns snd specification for an lm provement of Rodney avenu from tha north line of Knott atreet to tbe eoutb II n of Mor ris street snd th estimate ef the work to be don snd tb probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost of ssld improvement to be assessed aa provided- by th clly charter npon the prop erty speelslly benefited thereby snd which I hereby declared to be all th lot, part of Iota and parcel nf land lying between a Una UNI feet west of and parallel with the weet line nf Rodney avenue and a line 100 feet east of and parallel with the eeat line of. Rodney avenue, and between the north line of Knott atreet and the south line of Morris street. The clly engineer's estimate of the probable total cost for th improvement of said Rod ney avenue da f2.623.uo. The above Improvement I tn be classed a a srsvel Improvement snd b II be maintained fy the. dty for a period of five years:-pro. vlded that the owner ot a majority-of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement ' bsfor the - sxplra ili of ucb period. ,, . j , . , . Tb plana, specifications and eetlmate of the city engineer , for the Improvement' of said Rodney avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the auditor of tbe city of Portland, be and be la hereby directed to give notice of - ,the proposed improvement of said svenue pre,iw. uj iuw ni; marier. 1 Remonstrsnce against tbe above Improvement may be filed In writing wltb the auderslgnedj ' wttnin fil osy rrom ine oaie 01 tne crtt pub lication ofjlbls notice. .,-'...- t By order of the council. . THOS. C. DEVLIN. 1 ' - Audi for ef tba City af Portland. -'"Dscemher 19. 1903. 4, . - PROPOSED CHANGE 0T OR ADZ OP EAST THIRTT-THIRD STREET. '- - Notice t hereby given tbst St-the meetlna ef the ennncil of the city of Portlsnd, Oregon, held on tbe 1.6th dsy of December', 1903,' tbe fol lowing resolution wss soopieu: 4- Resolved, xTbst the council of the dty ojf Portland., Oregon, deems it expedient and pro ne Ms to change, the grade at th intersection of the center lin of F.st Thirty-third street with th center line of Esst Washington atreet. and that it - i tho intention of said council to thana an! establish the grade at said inter section from 150.8 feet to 147.8 feet, abov the base of city grades. ; Resolved.. That the auditor , be and he Is hereby directed to slve notice of th rveAnoaerf change uf grade ot said atreet a provided by ine cny rutnw. Remonstrsnce saslnst the sbov rhinsi nl (.grade may b filed, in writing with th under. sisTieu enuiu unjs. irom iae uaie ot me asac puniiraiion or mis notice. By order of the xonnrll. . - THOS. C DEVLIN, 1 ; Andltor of tb City o( 1'urtland. December 12, 1903. , . PROPOSALS FOR CORPORATION STOPCOCKS. ' Sealed propoaals .will be reeslved' hj tn a-ater board of tbe city of Portland, Or., until 8 p. m , January 13. 1904. for furnishing and de livering at Portland. Or., on or before Msrcb 1, 1904. , corporsllon stopcocks, , a .follows 1,200 W inch corporation stopcocks. I 400 4i-lnch corporation stopcocks. Tbe stopcocks must hsve bent coupling and be suitable tor use wltb the Mueller tapping -machine. -- -1""" ------ Bidders must state the name and stylo ot the stoncorks they .nronose to furnish, and the net price per stopcock of each alse, dull vers d t.o.h. csrs, Portland. Or. With each bid must be deposited a certified check for 850. psysble tn the order.' of the audi lor nf the dty of Portland. Or., and bonds acceptable to the water board will be required) 01 ine NH i,r.piui ,W,-r. The right Is reserved by th water board to reject any or an bio;.- ... ----- Proposals muse ne rncinsen in sn envelope. sealed ana msrsea. - impossis ior stopcocks,' ana aaaressea 10 ins unnersigneq. By order of tbe water hoard. FRANK T. DODGE., Superintendent. . Portland, Or., December 23. 1903. Hi -OREGON SlI01TLlft2 AHDlIraONPACIHC 3 rRAINS to tho EAST DAILY ' Tbrooffh Pull nun tarjf.ard ind Tourlm 8lt ffrttf tiM dull to Onisiba. ChirjisTn. firbnktiiidii Toarlut KWptng-rr iUilv to Iiiomi City I throuffh Pullniatt ToarUt lt3rtnir-ftr (mrioi lev .An.A . avsksmklw . . Ckl.oA L .ssexi f WUUWV ir f . " Sh-e,ia aiuw City; . Reclining cbalrcar (Mat free) to tba . .. , .. . ... UNION DEPOT. CHICAGO-PORTLAND - SPECIAL. For th Esst via Bunt- ..; . iugton. , 9:15. Dslly. SPOKANE FLYER. ' For Eastern - Washinc- ton. Walla Walla. Lew tston. Coeur d'Alen snd Great Northers points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For th Esst via Bunt- Ingtom Leave. , I . Arrive. 6:25 a. m. Dally. 7:45 p. m. uaiiy. . 8:16 p. : Dally. 8:00 a. m. . tally. , 9:00 a. Dally. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: S. 8. Geo. W. Elder Dec. 18.- 28. 8. 8. Colnmhla Dec. 8, 13, 23. ' From . Alaska iv.ck. 8:00 p. tn. 3:00 9. Columbia - River Division. FOR ASTORIA snd wav points, -conneetln with stmr. for Ilwaco snd Aortn beach, str. Hss ralo. Aab-at. dock. 8:00 p. to. Daily, ex. Sunday, Saturday. 10:00 p. m. About ' 5:00 p. m. ' ex. Sunday, , Tamhfll River Route. FOR DATTON. Oregon City and Ysmhlll River points, stmr. Elmor. AshHit. dock. (Water permitting.) FOR SALEM. .Albany, -arvsiiis and way points, simr moooc. (Water permitting. 1 7:00 a. m Tnesdsy, . Thursday, Ssturdsy. 6:45 a. m. Mrmdav, Wednesday Friday. 5:80 n. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 6 :0fl . a. Tuesday. Thursdsy, Saturday. Bnake Rivsr Route. FOR LEWISTON. Ida., snd : way point from Rtparla, Wash., Steam ers Spokano and Lew. iston. 1:05 a. m. Dally. ex. Sat About 5:00 p. to. Dally, ex. Friday, TICKET OFFICE. Third end WaaHlDfton. Tela puuue, statu 114s, PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Tokobama and Hong Kong, calling at Kob. Nsgasakl and Shanghai, taking freight S?Df,tU"f for Ms nils. Fort Arthur snd Vladlvoctok. XVDRAPTJRA SAILS ABOUT DECEMBER 88. For rates and foil information call an or d dres otflclsla or agsnto of th O. R. A N. Co. EAST v.. SOUTH IXil UNIT. lrt I I Q locptN. smastaJ I lial nouTia JO I Lesvss. 8:90 p. m. 8:80; 4:00 p. 1 7:80 1HM p. m. DNI0N DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS rralna, for Salem, Rose burg. Ashwnd. Sscra menta. Oedsn. 8sbssb- Cisco, aiolsve. lm An. fcles. El Paso. New Or- ksiw sua M &SSX. At Woodhnra dslly (except Sunday), morn ing train for Mt. An gel. Sllverton. Browne. vine, Springfield, Wend- ung ana natrun. . , Albany passenger, eon. nect st Woodbura with ML a nael aad -Sllnr. toa locale ,1 CorvallU passenger..... 'sberldan passenger..,,. Arrive. 7:45 8. nv T.-OOp. as. 10.10 a. m. 118:28 a. m. B :80 p. m. Is The Only Double-Track Railway between the v Missouri River .. . and - Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train In the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, bullet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Une Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points it Oregon. . Dallv and personally conducted ex- a iurnons in Pulimsn tourist slesping iars fiom Portland, Los Angeles end . Francisco, through to Cbicago " without cbaoicc, --, , '1, -, . i , . 8:. 8ITCHIB. Ces'l Agb, 7 Market St, Bah FSAMC isco.Cau A. O.BAKKPR, Cea'l Art.. 151 Third St . roSTLANO, OS. Chicago & North-Western Ry. -j ALXr TRAINS VTA WASHINGTON Dallr. I Daily, except Sunday. Portland-Oswego Suburban Ssrvio and Tamhut 1 Division. ,......, ,. . , t ; Depot Toot ot Jefferson Street. , tev Portlsnd daily for Oswega f :30 a. m. 13:60. 8:06. 8:26; 6:30, 6:38, S:8oT 10:10 p. m! Dslly (except Sunday) 8:80, 6:30; 8:86. 10:28 a. m. 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday enly, ;W a. m, ..- . Returning from Oswego, strive Portlsnd dally 8:80 a. m., 1:6.1, 8:06, 4:88. 8:18, 7:36, l 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Bundsy) 6:26, 7:2S, 8:30.. 10:20, 11:46 a. m. Except Monday, U:2d p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Leaves from seme depot for Dallas and inter, a.edlate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. m. Arrfv Portlsnd 10:20 p.,m. , The Independenee-Monmnath Motor Una operates dslly to Monmouth and Alrlla, con necting with Southern I'sclflc company' track at Dsllas nd Independence. Flrst-cias rebste ticket ea sal from Pert land to Sacramento snd Jtan IVnneUeM. V'. st 817.60. berth 86; second-clsss far 815. without rebst or berths second-clsss berth 12.60. Tickets to Esstsra points and Cnrop. als Jsran. China, Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third and Washing, ten, street. Phone. Mala 713. C. W. 8TIN0EB. if,! COHAN, t City Ticket Agent. , Gen. Pes. Agent. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget, Sound Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Olympia. Sooth Bend and Cray , Harbor pointa. . North Cos it Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. 8t. Paul. Min neapolis. Chicago, Nw lork. Biston snd point East and Southeast. Twin-City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle, - Spo kane, Helena. St. .Paul. Minneapolis, Chicago. New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast. Puget Sound Kansas Clty-St, Louie Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte. Billings. Denver. Oman. Kansas City. St. Louis and all point Eaat and Boatb Departs.. .- : J. 8:80 a. m. 8:00 p. nv 11:48 p.m. r 8.30 a, nv Arrives. 6 :10 p, av, 7:00 a. av, 7:00. I 7:00 a.. All . train daily txcept ' on - Snath Bead branch.' A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Psssenger Agent 823 Morrison C, cor. Third. Portia sd. Or. Astoria & Columbia - River Railroad Co. Lssvs. 8:00 a. m. Dslly. 7:00 p. m. Dslly. , tiMON DEPOT. Arrives. Pnv MirrMi tlalnler. I Istakaulv, vtsstlorf, i till f ton, A-tnrla, WM-! renlon, Havel, Usui- M 10 a.m. ntmwl. ! oct S'ff,-- - , (.esrhart Is-k, S, I A,jrla aud boon 1 Express, Daily. Astoria Eispreas, pslly. Dslly. 0 10 p. 01, i. c. i v , O. P. snd P A A .. C. A, STFWART. fum-,u-i U.l 4m,i, , u , St., t ii.-re. tills If.