TIIE OUTGO! DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, 1903. 10 ..... j STREET FAKERS OF MANY KINDS A TEW BEKIMDEBS Of THE CTOB 8T0STB "PHmHrTHBOnSTS" AND or the mrs vsPEomra ; owes WHO AXE WJLLIjra " TO - FU CKASB THXim WAXES.. Among itie ways offered for the Port ; land Christmas ,- shopper; (to spend . hi money none Is more persuasive or more insistent than that of tho street faker, the open-air salesman. From , the man who, : garbed in ; buckskins, : sells soap from a carriage to the humble purveyor of bad oranges at "tennacentados," the " street faker of every grade, is repre sented on almost every downtown cor ner. , First' of all should be mentioned the prince of the crew, the dealer in soap,, nerve tonic and general inward refur bisher. Clad In a buckskin coat with extra wide, cow minchnr hat of the comic opera, type, with a necklace of .elk's - teeth and a sunny smile - this suave "spinier" peddles - ."to ' the . multitude. Among lils most cherished possessions is a chart of the inner machinery of the human animal, a chart that resembles anything from the wreck of stock train to a. sun-kissed day In June. This chart Is shown to reveal the before un suspected fact that the especial brand of tonic purveyed, by ' the kindly dis posed' gentleman with buckskin apparel is the only lnvigorator adapted to the human system or outlying; districts, ". Leaving the "doctor" one runs amuck" a salesman of electric belts. . This man is something of a wizard and does as tounding sleight of hand tricks with the assistance "" of ' numerous . small boys picked-from the audience. One of the astounding tricks Is one ; that never comes to pass, . this is to. decapitate the assistant small boy before the eyes of the audience. . "': -". "Well, now Just wait a minute, cries the salesman as the crowd begins to get weary of electric belt explanation, "come on back and watch me cut off this lad's "head, IS in gold If you can tell how it is done," the crowd comes back, but it never, gets a chance at the (6, for the head never comes off. Another man is selling corn medicine. Why anybody should buy corn medicine under any circumstances is a mystery to 'the averago citisen who la surprised to see that Jones is investing In a dollar's worth' of the compound.' Now Jones Is the neighbor of the average citizen and is a careful man. Average stops to. in vestigate, Jones says he has struck a bit of real luck, as the corn man is giving away medicine and the money back to auvrrtiae iuh weico, ah ciiudiivo vnco produces a 25-cent box and a quarter, which ne secured under the special offer. The crowd is handing up dollars, the "spicier" Is saying that he never betrays a friend, that they are all his real friends, that he has a generous spell ami. while it Is on tier never regards money. Once in at while a man gtt. in a hurry to realize heavily and gets $5 worth and "Average hands up two halves and takes down a bottle and two small tin boxes. At this stage, -all the dollars being gathered Available, the "spieler" delib erately tips the lid or mb money dox and the accumulation of wealth slides in -with a merry chink whilo the crowd groans. . . s -'V ---.v-.. "No, my friends, I am not going to " rob you," remarks thi seller of corn salve and complexion wash, "true, I am not going to give you back the money, mere dross that no wis man wants ex cept for what it. will buy, but I am going to give you 10 times Its worth, as I promised. Here Is a choice article,' the man of corn cure uncovers from a recess several dozen small bottles, "here is an article that the King of England sent for when ' he was crowned. The ' only nerve food, mental lnvigorator and internal regulator ever discovered." that cures all chronic cases with one bottle. It Is priceless, I never sell it, but keep it to give to those who befriend me in a strange city. : Now, all you who have . received a pink slip and a bottle" Of medicine, step up and be delighted -with this wonderful gift. . There are toy peddlers of all sorts on the streets.. There Is the man who brought from Thomas Edison the right to sell in this country, and New South .Wales-"Whales" the peddler calls it the electric walking man. It is the only toy not sold in stores and which can be bought of this benevolent person for 60 i cents -today only. The .electric man Is wound uo with a key and may be purchased for 10 cents around the corner, but he sells for SO cents, backed by the New South ".Whales' guarantee. The man with small feather roosters that fight when a string is pulled, is on hand, he is also a philanthropist travel ing for the good of the Northwest and selling his Individual wares for twice their value. Then there's the man with ' the Japanese toy acrobats that stand on their heads until you buy them and they go wrong and refuse to stand in any position' when not leaned against a con venient board, and the man with plead ing eyes and single leg - who talks wearily of misfortune and offers for a dims two cents' worth or ChriBtmas tree trinkets. TESTIMONY ALL IN . ON FOSTER'S SANITY -A ' : All the testimony In the examination s to the mental condition of John K. roster was submitted before County Judge Webster yesterday afternoon, and both sides rested. Arguments In the case will be made next Thursday. ' B. O. Whltehouse, the guardlan whose . removal is desired, testified yesterday . afternoon that in his opinion , the fact that roster aeeoea away tne oniy prop. erty he had that was sufficient to pro- - vide an income for him to live upon. Showed' that he was incapable of at- - tending to business, - Whltehouse did not believe that Mrs. Foster, in her will, wished her husband to deed the prop erty to the Savages. 'He thought her word was misunderstood, and that in stead of saying "deed" she said "leave, just as in Iter, will she had left her property to Mrs. savage. . Mr. Whltehouse, who as guardian, is the plaintiff In the suit to recover the property at Seventh and Yamhill streets from the Savages, said Foster often asked him to dismiss the suit He was willing to do so. but his attorneys told him that he could not, and as he was under bonds lie did not wish to take any responsibility. The Savages agreed to turn over all the income or tne xam hill-street property, take care of Foster free of charge and pay for their' own 1 board out of their own funds, and ma lions seemed to be very agreeablnr Fos tor had his bad 'days end his bright days, but he was not in a condition, of mind to attend to business. - . - , ; Sf$ Sichel i Co., 92 Third St- noil?le to describe. Toy must see them re rformances at the Arcade theatre ClulRtmns start at 3 p. m. and coptlnue HAtll 10:29 . m,. - RHEUMATISM Kidhwy.- Stomach and Mervous Trouble are "Positively Cured with : Oil . of Eden and Sweat Spirits of Eden, v They are not - Cheap Remedies, but Inexpen pensive Cures. $S Will Buy the Lot. Sold by all Flrst'dass Druggists. , ' Aukum, Cal., Oct. 3, '03. The Cal. Co-op. Medical Co., . - : Oakland, Cal. I read one of your circulars which came with a bottle of your most excel lent medicine, "Oil of Eden." We have used quite' a number of bottles of it and Its merits can't be too hlghiy recom mended. Once It saved my daughter's life, " when she was almost dead of scar let fever. I am very respectfully. Tour well wisher,. MRS. BESSIE VANCE. MEETING NOTICE. MINNEHAHA TRIBE, No. 2. Improved Order Ked Men. lan regular meetings wm uo m-iu In the new. wigwam, Willamette ball, No; 170V4 Second street st 8 o'clock p. m, each Thursday evening. . . ,. " - L. CARRTEN8EN, Chief of Record. NOTICE, WE HAVE appointed Loewenberg Going Co. of Portland, or., som agent ior an 01 w total range end reatanrant goods. Jobs yaa Ranr Co.. Cincinnati, O. ) : MALI BLP TANTED. ATTENTION! ' , Uato help of erery deacrlptloa promptly : . eupplted ; ' iPreS of T)rg to Employera. f. R. HANSEN A CO, M North 8eoond at. Employment Agvner. l'hnna, Ualo 1528. r;aiaDi:snea inio. MEN to iearn barber trade; our la not the enly place to learn. Rat certainly we neat; never mind the "new" lawa, some of which hare been repealed, hot get -right In line, rail or write for nertlrnlara. Americas Rar- ' ber College corporaUon. 2&3 Everett at., Port land. Of. : MEN to learn barber trade; only, two monthe required; tne only ayatero . ana oniy ra lege teaching, the trade; catalogue and full particular mailed free. Molar Syatem col lege, pan rTanciaro. ti. WANTED 2 good boya to deliver paper In a ap . A. A i 1. J . .J- Aa1 en V & or(n fori if no. Appiy imuiruiwei w circniator, -ini rfimrnat oiucc. HONEKK EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eon- traciora; oeip ire w , employer. ia aiur rlaon. - - DR WHITE'S Specific No. 1 guaranteed to cure gonorrhea in 1U day; oo. 1Y, ana b cur gleet and (trlctnre in 20 daya; No. 2, ayphlll and blood nolaoa la 90 day; No. 10. the only apeclflc for weak men, old or young, thla specific make you man. Call or write. Dr, . White 'Medicine company, SC5 Stark at. SZZt WAgTED rEMALE. GIRLS can aeoure good poaltlonl by applying at tne Portland women employment ornce. 26S Waablnrtnn at., room 2. -'". ' SITUATIOM WANTED MALE. ELDERLY aober man want work of any kind except boraee: good St. houtework and garden ing and handy with toola, etc.; email wage but good home wanted. - Adilreaa O. C. M., care Journal. - : YOl'NU nun 21 year of ago, fairly educated. atrirtiy temnerale. wianes employment Be tween tbe hour of ft a. m. and 3 p. m, Ad- are" n. i. care journal. BY detectlre, during the holiday, for any kind of work In kla line; competent and trust worthy. ' Poet Box 1054. elty. - WANTED. WANTED 20 head of bone from l.ORn to 1.6O0 pound; (addle, work . aad arlTlnf home in good hape. . Ward A Son. rOR-RENT OFFICE for rent at 17H' Flrat a tret Inquire room . - R00H8. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. cor. Alder and Park at., formerly tb Spalding, tie moat complete apartment house la tbe city: entirely renovated: ateam heat gaa. electric light, por celain hatha; every modern convenience; tour- let and tranalent trade eollclted V LEAS A NT rooma. furnlabed, lngl or a ult for bousekeenlux: re novated thoroushlr: mod ern conveniences; beat location la city; under new management Call ana Investigate. Tourist solicited. Mr. I. U. Palmer, pre proprletre. 230 H Rnaeell t. THE COSMOS -rourth and Morrison. furaUhed housekeeping ulte. suit sad alagle rooaa; 13 per week and no. t04U STARK L. nicely furnlabed room: re eonable rent; transient aollcltao.. Pbea Front IOBO. 861 YAMHILL ST.. The Ramona Rooroe at reasonable price with steam heat, Ught and Darn - HOTEL Vendome. cor. 13th and Alder; for- . nlehen rooms with board: reaaonahle rates THE CASTLE 372 Washington at: room for gentlemen: transient Tel. South 761. ROOMS AND BOARD. PLEASANT front room with hoard for two gentlemen or man and wife. 221 Thirteenth, UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Ft'RNITt'RK of 4 rooms for aale: complete fur houaekeeplng; rent of rooms cheap. 409 First. ATTORNEYS. JOHN T. WHALLEY. ttoroey-t-Uw. McKay wag., room his. EMMONS EMMONS.- sttoraeys-st-law, M4 Worcester nldg. S. B KiatiPlN. attorney and eoonaellor.t-law; eofarv. sno-sns Ahtngtftn mag. H. B. DICKINSON. ttorney-t-law and av tare public. Son Cmnmerepal Mdg, ASPHALT PAVINO. THE TrlnlC-d AaphaH raring do, of Portland. ornce ens wnreeeter blk. BIRDS. PORTLAND BIRD CO., 804 Third; branch 227 North sixth at. " ' BAROINO AND LIOHTERINO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO lit Bora. aide at.' Phone. Grant 11T1. CIOARS AND TOBACCO. E7RRRO-OUNST C10AB CO. DUtrlbotors f t FINE CIGARS. v Portland. Oregon. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALHIiT. PROF. WALLACE, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT ROOMS 27. 28 and 29. COSMOS. SPECIAL RATE. 'In eoaeequenre of tba fact that f have had so many calls since my advertised cut rate. I have determined to extend tbe time for T daya, making resiling ror one-iouru (it the iegular price, wmcn I Due. PROF. WALLACE. ' Como, Fourth and Morrlaon it. MRS. STEVENS. Portland leading palmist and clairvoyant. xauuuu, our Dvnia t . .it... it oa . Cr. S. B. SHIP, clairvoyant and life reader. HI Tth. Sunday. T:4S p. an., wiusmette Ball COAL. FIRESIDE WOOD A COAL CO.. 80S I. W or rlaon. . pbon Kilt 488. .. Rawed cord . wood, White A BhlvelT, nrop. . EHTKRN FEKD A FUEL cSITT v belr 1 all kind of coal, coke and (hav ens 1. I"b one. 101&, ULCAN Coal Co., wholesale dealer best eula; .- ronnnry ana nmeiter rose, ha Bnrnaiae. OKKGOi?FlJEL CO.; ll kind coal aad wood. s m on son. . mm, mib on. K1NU COAL CO.. Importer of high-grade houee cos Is. Phone. Mais 14a. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AN?) fllABSWABS. Prael Hegele Co.. 100 to log flth. ene. Stark. CEHENT CONTRACTORS. CARTER A KM. cement contractor 271 Porter at let, gtoot imi. Work ffcrauteed. t. F. LUCY, carpenter, builder, general con tractor; houee remodeling, alteration, etc.; . cabinet work and Jobbing specialty. Office , and ahop at font of Yamblll .T rlrer' front. Phone. Black 2S97. I . iOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, tft Btark at.: of fie and ator. fix tare bsllt ed . remodeled; altering and repair aoaaes. Phoaa, - Mala 11. - B, P. CLARK, carpenter and bnllder; repnlrtng and Jobbing! ofllce sxtiiiea, Reeldence pboae, Weet ?82; ahop. Main 1941. 48H Weaj. at A. J. AUTHORS A CO.. carpenter end tulldcr; repelrlDg and inbhlng; ator and efflce flxtnre built Shop 209 Colombia. Phone. Clay 1M1. EMXRY A DFE. carpenter, do all kind ot ; inh w,Tk; tore Bd offlee flTture a peclalty. 2112 r.mt. Phone. Clay 24. O. W.. GORDON.: ennnter. .belelng. bouae built nd repaired, to roiith. Clv 1M. CHIROPODY AITS MANICUSINtK THE DKVENYS. the only actentlfle rhlrosodUta In the elty; parlors 801-f Allaky bldg.s tlila la the lone-haired (entlenua yo want e. Srant 1ft. , - CEREAL HILLS. ACME MILLS CO.. manufacturer Rahrtas Acme Ceerala. SO end 52 North ""met t OOSKICE-SKYLIOHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, feleanlied Ire Ice. 3. 0. Bayer. ,26B 8eeond t PRESSMAKINO. DRESSMAKERS Mlaae Adam .and Burleigh armed rmm new ors roemoer 11; nrit rim work guaranteed; appruntlces wanted. 864 Salmon at. DRESSES made for $4. to fO; tailored ekirt - $3 to 5; watet $1.60 to 3. $28 Tbnrmau; take S or ' le-to ear. Phone Black ST41. THE 19TH CENTURY dre-cuttlng ayUem and ladle' tailoring. Mr, u. is. inomie, room 3. ltavk 6th. formerly 80S Sd. BON MABcHET DRSSS PLEATING CO., 332 Mrhawk Mdr.. Third and Morrteon. Aocoratos cd aide pleating: pinking. Red 820a. MIS8 O, GOULD Suobnrat. accordion and knife Llalttrg to order; ateam prtra. soihwi larnuam blk. Phone. Clay 89S. HUFFMAN LADIES T AITOR make a aiwdalty of (SO ""It. Room 431-4 Mohawk Diuuung. Phone Main 3050. MRS. M. KIBBEN. artlatle dras and cloak making. ' 051 Morrbioa at. 000 AND H0RBE K08PITAX. DR. S. I. CARNEY Veterinary aurgeon. 10S North sixth at. Phone, Mala 1484; re, poone. Front 104. OYEIXS AlfD CXEAMI2IO. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 1 per moBto. vuqu Tailoring uo., S4T wsauag- ton at. ;''. CITY STEAM DYEINO A CLEANING WORKS Herman Knke, proprietor. phone. Hals 1T13. ' No. SB 6th t.. nr Pine. Portland. Or. OEC01AT01B. HENRY BERG BR 130 Flrat ct; waUpaper. ingrain TapeairM appuqo mm, une lor deeneatlng. EPUCATIONAL. EI "CUTION Gillespie School of Expression; n m .Ti,, . . . , n, v risen at. Phone Green 704 ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND. ELECTRICAL WC K8 Office 831 Stark at Phone. Main 2211. FURNITURE, OREGON Furniture Mannfaetnrlm Manufacturer of furniture tor tb trade. 208 Flrt st.- ... HORSES AND CASRIAQES. I BUY sad sell bone, wagons, buggies. lames. Derby Uvery Stable, . rilUantb and Buruelde. FRATERNAL 1NBURANCZ. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoat frater- sal aoclety of Northwest; protect the liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary, 813 nd 615 Marquam oldg. Portland, Or. Tela. hone. Main 642. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale sTocerm. msnn- - faeturer and eommiMlo marcluuits. Fourth and Oak at. MASON. EHRMAN CO. whole gruesrs: N. W. eor. Second and Pla sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, wholaaal grocer, port, land. Or. , I A NO A- CO.-. First nd Ankeny ts. T HATS REPAIRED. NORTHWESTERN HAT FACTORY, manufac turer and -expert remodler of all kinds of (oft stiff and (Ilk hats; renovating a , apeclaity. Pbon. Hood 1766. 264 Burneide. at IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineer. - nea. facturer of marine, mtrlng. logging and saw ag;il machinery; prompt attention to repair work. Phone, Eaat 29. Hawthorn v A B. Sd. INSURANCE. J. PHILIP KENNEDY. Insurance; reddest gent Norwich ITnloa Fir Insurance Society. I'houe. Main IMoo. 44 Hamilton bldg, A8. Mcl. WOOD, employer' liability and la. dividual accident; surety bond of all kinds. Phone 47. Concord bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, fir Insurance. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay oza. ISAAC L. WHITE, fir Insurance. 23S Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Mela 638. : ARfHSFWIlSON. fire Inaurahc. Sherlock bldg. Phone. Mala 'COS, ' MACHINERY, STEEL bridge machine work. - east end ot bridge. Phono East 416: work guaranteed. TBI! H. ft ALBEE CO.. ecood-haad aw ehlnery. sawmill, etc. 248 Grand v. ' JEWELERS, THE O. HEITKEMPER CO., leweler. 286 Morrison St. - manufacturing MONEY TO LOAN. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYEK8. UNCLE MYERS, UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYFRS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. (Established 1868. 148 Third Street, -Near Alder, Loans on Collateral. Low Bates. UNCLE MYERS. Caedeemed Pledge for Sal. UNCLE MYERS. Pbon Mais 910. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, I .North Third Street H. Miller, Prop. Loan a Collateral, Low Bates. Unredeemed pledge for sslej W 4tch and Jew- a:ry repa Irlng. fhone neq mi. MONEY TO LOAN oa real, personal and col. lateral ecurlty; special attention to chattlt f mortgagee; note bought C. W. Pallat, til Commercial blk. Phone. Grant SBO. MOliTGAGE LOANS oo Improved elty and farm Iiroperty at loweat current rates: building osns, installment loans. Wm. MacMaeter, 811 Worcester bldg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamater. te., without Mcurlty: easy payments; larg est buslnea In 49 principal .citla. Tolmaa, 228 Ahlngton bldg. IMMEDIATE LOANS In auma from (5 to MMiO -on all se-rorllle. R. I. Eckro A Co., room 5, Washington bldg. ' Phone Clay , TS. SHORT LOA.nS o cbattlea or other l factory security. Room Bit the Marqnao. Phone. Oregon Red 2853. -. LOANS In aum ot 5 and op on all binds of arcurltg. W. A. Hathaway, room 41 naso ingle oing. rnone. 11000 via. M0NEYT0 LOAN on large or imall amounts on good (ectrrlty; lowest rate, wiuiam u, Beck. 821 Morrison at. 600 TO LOAN en first mortgage real estate ecnriry. Clayton, King a to., xm mars at, MONEY TO LOAN on dty lota and improved farm. W. K. Shaw A Co.. 248 Stark t PERSONAL. ALL FACIAL BLEMISHES permanently r moved by expert dermatologist; electric aealp treatment; dandruff cured; manicuring and CDironoay; purest toilet preparation, n. 1, Eleetr Therapeutic Co., 702 Marquam. TL mex zmt. LADIES. If you wlah to earn mosey at your home quietly and quickly during spar time, call at your earlleut convenience at 1172) Eaat Morrison, from 9 to 4:80. VOCR PRESCRIPTIONS are mor accurately nd reasonably filled at Fyseirs Phirauey. 227 Morrison at., bet' First and Second st. AN ELEGANT lot Singer, New Horn and . Whit machlxe. flu each; New Royal drop bead. 15. i. S. Crane. 850 Morrion. WHITE HOUSE Cook Book (brlaged). free t . suhscrlner to Good Housekeeping, st Jeiw Book Btor. 291 Alder t - FRED G. WONDER Chicago Cotum bouse,' j hmn Morrison; eatybUabed 4800; send (or price net. K0lAKS and supplies. Oregon Photo Stock Co., I. L. Cohen, mgr. Room- Id. Whluglon bldg. MRS. OBKOCK, graduate masseuse: acute and Chronic diseases; cabinet bath. A Meg ton bid, '..,.:r;r.:r - ... - l ' DR. MRS. CAREY -TALBOT, ucceaamiy treat! . and cure all diseases of women. Successful : borne preatment by roalL 308 Salmon at., bet FWth-nd Sixth t. WAHOO REMEDIES are both doctor and drug gist; the Mora Electric Belt at half price, - and b Immune against dtoeaee. 91 Flrat t THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDlClNg CO.. 611 Dekam. Cures wnmen'f enruplslnt quickly. Phones: Home. Scott 41S2: office, main 306, MUSICAL, BANJO. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR Instruction f lven. club Instructed, music arranged, music urotshed tor reception. Instruments elected. - He k Wbbe.. 178 West Park Puuoe, - Mais PAUL P. KIsAs'ER. vlolln-makee and expert; : Berlla, Boston. Chicago and 'New York ref erences. Room 216 Goodeooufh bldg., or. Fifth and Yamhill. HAW), .wlud ind vtrliis tnatruawnt lesson. Prof. B. A. Smith, 234 12th t Pbos. : Brown 69S. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER. Instructor of banjo, mandolin, guitar. ' 173 West Park. PIANO LESSONS W. G If ford Naah. Iw3 lOti t.; terms upon anpllcatlon. Beginner taken. v NORTHWEBTOTELsV. r j Hotel Portland. American plan; 13.. per day. Bommers Hotel. La. Grmndei travelers' horns. Belvedere I European plani 4th and Alder at. St Charle. First and Morrison sts., Portland. OSTEOPATHY. DRS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARR. gradu ate American School of Osteopathy and A.' T. - Still Innrmarv of Ktrkeville. Mo. Phone, Main 2226. Room" 800. Dekum bldg." PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. DAVID M. DUNNE A CO. Phoenix Paint and Oil Works; manufacturer and imnorter . paints, oil and ipraye, etc.: pbon' 1ST.. Of. flee and factory. Sherlock eve end lth t. F. K. BEACH A CO Pioneer Paint Co., selling vne nest inmg mane in psint ana general building material: window-glass end glaring a apeclaity. 135 First tl phone. Main 1334. W.- Pi FPLLER A CO., manufacturer Pioneer Lead. Ptoenlg Paint, Kopallne; a guarantes, given with every gallon of paint manufactured by o. ...... RASMU88EN A CO.. lohher. paint, oils, glass, aeh and door. ISO Flrs St.- . . PHY8JCAX CULTURE. COWLES BROS., professors of clent1fle physi cal culture, nature a peaitn-reatorer; parlor nd gvmnaatum at 231 Fifth it, Portland, Or. Codaultatlon free. OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB ROAD OVERALLS and mecha. - :' clothing; anion made; tiutadtr Mfa-r.. Portland. Or. PRINTING. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY company, printing, lithographing, blank book. Phone, Mais 17. 20S. Alder. PLUMBERS. TAYLOR A STANTON, ga and steam fitting. treTBwn, pror-pump uppiie. no Qixm t FOX A Co., unitary plumber. 231 Second, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone. Main 2001. DONNEffBKRO A RADEMACHER. ptamlMr. removed to 84 Fourth t. Both phone. PLAITING. OREGON PLAITING WORKS, 401 Washington. riarong. lacquering. rei Main HiTS. PHRENOLOGY. KIND reader, ee Prof. Griffith, epp. P, O., for a aclentiflc delineation; consultation fre to , all. - ! - REMOVAL. FRANK HACHENEY, No. 833 Sherlock bldg.. No. 83H Third it, agent for New Zealand na JTaaera- nre Insuranc companies. ROOFING. L. L. ROOFING CO.. 93 N. 2d at Gravel and tl roof put on and repaired; put-cf-towa werk given prompt attention. 12. B. Jayuea. ager. 884H 6th. W. J. FERRBLL. roof palnUng. topalrtagi "leaky root a specialty. 6tt Flrat. Pbom, ' Scott 94r v. REAL EBTATE FOB SALE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farm for aal ta all part ef uregon ana wasnington; payments anas ta salt parehaaer.' (or fun particular as to virion properties apply, to Wo. MacMastar, 811 Worcester bldg. . -'.- ' - ; - CH01CB LOTS close la (350, at So per monta; money aoaneo ror Duuuing purpose at per cent Wm. Beldt 1 Wash. blk. - Feorth snq wningtos at. B. J. SANFORD A CO.. real estate, homestead. timber claim sod Mat achool laud. . 812 Ahlngton bldg. " A. KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Boom 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Aider St.. phase. Mala 710; rubber tamps,, seals, atsacila, bag gage and trad check. JROPB PORTLAND CORDAGB CO., eor. Foortesath ; and Northrup ata. Portland. Or. SIGNS. WATRIN SIGNS, 844 Alder, eor Seventh. Phone B1RIQ taVa SPIRITUALISTS MRS. WALLACE, plritur.!. meutal reading . valuable advlc on all fflr of life; buatnes nd absect friend a apeclaity; troubled mind promptly relieved. 165U Fonrtb, room 88. Ot- nce nours. . m. loop., m MRS. C. CORNELIUS, located In room 805, Alliiky bldg., cor. 8d and Morrison. Hood 403. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar ana store nxrure msae to oraer. K. iutk A 1.0. . rnrtisna snq neat tie. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of t. B. Davlst yew T pair a no lockout aafeiy con. 66 Third st SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. Wash- iDgxon sr. rnonea, ur.. Mam box: uoi..- HOI TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS W rent, repair, cell, exchange typewriters. jsii suppuea 1 or an macnine. . Do run want a stenographer or typist t W bars list of good applicant. Phone, Black 2871. STORAGE AND TRANSFER 0. O. PICK, vfflc 88 First st. between Stark ana va st.: nnon sua: duv as rnnu tore moved and packed for (hipping; eoav shodlou fireproof brick warehouse. Front Sag SLOT MACHINES, THE LATEST KIND ot slot machines of every description for -sale or percentage; also 100 different klnda of novelties. A. 1. Cranwell a co.. ais to ! ahlngton bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINB CO. NW Biscmoe. a. a. park aad Oak. Phone. Mala 188. , MACHINES of every description for rate percentage. Frank Griffith. 4th and Salmon. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOM 800. the Dekum bldg.) private office for letter nictation: general office ervice, ," ' UPHOLSTERER.J . ; . . H. JOHNSON, cbalrcaner. reedwork, 848 Hw thorn are. - Phone. Union 846. ' . TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, 'oap. e per mgnui. uwranca ons, lowai supply .iq Bug iflnrn. rnone. view. - ' WELLS DRILLED, ; .'.." W ELLS drilled anywhere by contract or by ' day; .any depth. Ja. W. Green. 390 VaaV TOniw im, rortianu. rnone. upips dio. WALLPAPER, MORGAN WALLPAPER fYl 1U.1M St.. bet. Yamhill and Tsytor. Portland. WHERE TO SINE. THE OFFICE, 245 Washington fet. Phone, a Main JTT1. JLW Talbott fV!?2iJ STKUUHa. S KBTAUBANT. firstlaM best ervlc.J 229 Wahlngton t CAFB KRATZ. 122 SUU et, A aao Isaeh scrveu at au sours. riBST WATTOHAIi bakx 1 I of Portland, Or. i Drtlghated Depository and Financial Agent ot -r-- the United State President., , ........... .......... A. L. MILLS Cashier.... ................. .J. W. NKWK1KK Assistant CLIer.....,....W.''C. ALVOKD Second Assistant Cashier. .B. F. STEVENS Letter of credit Issued available in Europe a ad the Eastern states, j-..-. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, St Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and th principal point In the Northwest. 1 Bight and time bills drawn In, sums to (tilt on London. Pari. BerHo. Fraokfort-os-th-Main, Hong Kong, '- Yokohama, Copenhagen, Christlsnls. Stockholm. 8t Petersburg, Mo cow. Zurich, Honolulu, Collection made on favorable term. L ADB ft TltTOH, BANXERS, - tusianiianea in lau.) -Transacts a General Banking Bullae. v Interest Allewad on Tims Stpoilts, Collection made, st all potnta on favorable terms, . Letter of credit Issued available Is Eu rope and ail points In the United dtates. , , Sight Exchange and telegraphic transfer sold n New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Loula. Denver, Omaha, gas Fraocisoo sod MouUna sag Brltlah Columbia. . Exchange (old 'on London. Parla, Berlls, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila sni Honolulu. u WXTKD STATSS STATIi BANK V PORTLAND, 0&G0N. NORTHWEST COB. THIRD AND OAS ITS, ' TrsAaact a General Banking Buatn. - DRAFTS ISSUED Available la all title of the United State aad Em-ope, Hong Kong and Manila. . , COLLECTIONS HADE ON FAVORABLB TERMS Prealdent.jVUi..n7 .1. c.'ainsworth .......W. B. AYE1 vice-rreaiarJt ............. Aaeistast Cashier..., ...... Assistant Cashier B. B. SCHMEER ..A. M. WRIGHT L OVOOir Si BAH PHAWCISOO BAM K, UHZTED, .. Chamber of Commerce Building, Talrd sad Stark , BtrMta. .. 4 . . .. Head Offlee. KH AM Rrnad afreet, f Andoa. Thla bank transact general banking business, make loans, discount bill and issue letter of credit available for traveler and tor the purchas or merchandise lu any elty -ot tb world. , Deal In foreign and dome tie exchang. Interest PaM on Time Tepoalr. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. : SECURITY AVIIf(JS- TBTJST CO. 66 Korriaoa Bt.. Portland. Or. . Transacts General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed on Tiro and Savings Deport t. Act a Trustee for Estate. Draft and letter of credit . available is all part of the world. - ' 0. F. Adam .President L. A. Lewis........... First Vice-President A. it. alius. ........... ...seeona vic-r-reinent B. G. Jublts Secretary M EB.CXAJTTS' HATZOIf AX BABTK, . PORTLAND, OSJ.GOA1. J. Frank Watson...... .............. .Prealdeirt it. ij. imrnam. ................... Ticwrrrinri R. W. Hovt ..r: .Cashier Oeorgs W. Hoyt.. Altut Cashier TrsaasaU a Gaaaral Banking BBStaass. : Draft and letter of credit Usued stsllabt to all parts et tb world. ; Collection a specialty. Gold dnat nenght M OBJtIS BBOS. ft CHBIBTXMSiar, Sncceneor to MORRIS A" WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. - FIRST ANI AJ.DKR STREETS. ' . PORTLAND. OR. Dowzmra, sonmra ft oo, (ESTABLISHED 1698.) ; WSSAT AJTO BTOCX BBOXEX8, ' - Boom 4, Qron&d riooc - CHAKBXB OV COMCMCEBOB. '- 0 TZBBBCK, BTAJt. ft COOKB CO, (Bueoessorg to Bolton, de Bnyter ft Co.) uemoers v;aicago xsoara vx ai-bu. , Or. la, provisions, toekm, Bonds and 10a Tilrd Btrest, Ksar Stark. Vhoae, Main 313. VV ir connected by privates wire with Messrs. Logan A Bryan, Chicago and New York; . Walker Bros.. J. 8. Bach A Co.. New York Stock Kxchang; Hubbard Bros. A Co.. New York Cotton Exchange; Falrchlld A Hob- mm. rivw vrtemam ,xi len cxcdiuiv, -Herth A Co., New York Coffee Eichanre; Paine, Webber Co.. Boston copper ana nioc six change; Dirk Bros. A Co., New York and Phila delphia Stock Exchanges. - - MORTGAGE LOANS.- On Portland Real Batata at Lowest Bit. Title insured. Abstract furnlabed. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO- -' '' ' 1 Chamber of Commerce. - - DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given tbat ths partnereblp heretofore existing between tne nnaeraigoea, W. A. Hodden and John Tavrllt, contractors, baa thla day seen aisaoivea ny mutual con aent. All auma of money due tbe firm of Had, den A Tavelll wee to be paid to aaid Tavelll, and he will likewise pay all Indebtedness of the firm. Tbe said John Tavell 1 also bound to complete the Nelson house contract, a originally agreed to oe none by tbe nrm or uaaaen a Tnveiu, ne hiving purctiaseo uia w. a. Mid den' Interest In the seme, and said W, A. Hadden I hereby released from all rseponsl blllty In relation to ald contract. W. A. HAIDEN, -JOHN TAVELLL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORg, j 8eled bid will b received by ths Crook county hlgbschool board, at Prlnevllle, Oregon, until A o'clock n. m.. January 15. 1904. for the erection aud completion of a brick and ton hlghKhool building, according ' to the plan and specification prepared by John B. Shlpp of Prlnevllle. Oregon, arcnitect 01 in wore. All bida must be ceomDnled by cash deooalt or certified check In the aum of S500 a evi dence of good fslth. and no bid vtill be con Idered for any part of th work leu than the whole contract The party to wbom the contract 1 awarded will o requirea to rurnisn a good and sufftelent bond to Crook county In th full amount of the contract, aald bond to be given within 10 day after the contract la awarded. Plans and apeclflcatiup may be seen at Tb Journal office. Portland; Oregon, nd at tb county school superintendent's offlc In Prlnevllle, Oregon. Tbe rignt to reject ny nd all blda la reserved. Envelopes contain ing bid should be marked "Proposals for Mgbaebool building," and addressed to William Boeglt. Secretary Hlghacbool Board, Prlns- vuie, Oregon. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK- HOLDERS, - Th Oregon Water Power A Railway Com. pany. Notice I hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholder of th Oregon Water Power : A Railway company, a corporatlonr-wlU be held at the office of th company, corner Flrat and Alder atreeta," la the city, of Portland, Multnomah county, Ore gon, at ths hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of Tuesday, tho )2th day of January, 1904. - The eld meeting will be held for the nurpose of electing director' tor tbe ensuing year and for the ' transaction of such other business a may be' legally brought before It Tfcls notice la given pursuant to ths re quire- menu 01 too pyiaws ot tne company. W. T. MDIR. 1 Secretary the Oregon Water Power A Railway SEALED BIDS, Tbe undersigned will receive sealed bids np to Monday noon, December 2H, 1003. for a cer tain atock of drug and fixtures, of ths valua tion ot about $2,000, located In s suburb of rortiana.. au oia must c ror casn and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each offer. Inventory may be seen at my office and Inspection of the stock may ne had during buslnea hour. . - Dated December 19, 1903. . .' R. L. SABIN, -1 .'- Front ssd Ankeny St., Portland Or. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS rOR FIG LEAD, : Sealed proposals will be received by tbe water board of the city of Portland, Or... until 3 p. m., January 1.1, 1904, for furnishing and delivering at rortiana. ur., on uarcn 1, luut, eie-htv thousand (HO. 000 pound ot pig lead. Bidders must state the price per hundred pounds, delivered f.o.b. cam Portland, Or. . . With each bid must be deposited a certified cheek for 1100, payable to tbe order ot tbe auditor of the rlty of Portland, Or., and bonds acceptable to the water board Will . Da re aulred of the uoeomfiil bidder, Th right I reserved by. tho water board to reject ny or all bid. Proposal 'must be enclosed ,ln n envelope, sealed and marked, ''Proposal for Pig Lead,'' ana aanreweu to . inn unnersiguea, By order of tb water board, ,! ' , frank t. noroiE, K -"atUgad, OK, Dec 32,, m , ..... CIVIL SERYIGE- EXAMINATIONS. ; Office of the Civil Servlcs Commlsslon-'Ex- nilnatloiM. On Friday. January S, 1U04. there will be held written examination of applicant for appointment a engineer tela 7) In the fire service, the- a-onornl acone of which ex amination will be: General knowledge of duties. Ou Saturday January, 9, 1U04, ther will be held a preliminary .examination of applicants for appointment a iustrument men (class 7, engineering service), which examination will consist of practical lest of the applicants' pro- uciein-.T m iu use 01 tne transit ana level. On Saturday. Januarv 161 1M)4. there will be held a written examination of applicants for appointment a instrument men. The eeneral scope of thla examination -will -be:. , (General xnowieage 01 dimes; and only those who are successful In tho preliminary test will be admitted to tho written examination. r;en ol the above-mentioned- examination will lie held nt the rooms of the civil service commission, city hall, Portland,, Or., beginning si u a. ni. ot eacii 01 tne iay auove upex-llicu, and continuing until completed.- '- V -- -Dated at Portland. Or., thi 24th dav of De cember. I9"3. THE CIVIL SERVICB COMMISSION,' By B. L. 8TOWELL, SecreUry. r PROPOSALS rOR FEED, : Sealed brooosali will be received at the of. Urn of the auditor of the city of Portland until 1:30 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Decemtier SO. 190.1. : for furnishing to the fire department of ld city the following item of feed: li.) iia. country beau; '"-'i W (6.900 lb, best quality timothy hay; ;f ; ' 47.HSO lbs. white oats, best quality; .., -.;". -t'-j. 43.800 toe. atraw. '. 'v: 400 lb. oil meal; ' :. . . ' . '. 500 lb, aalt. - ; '.'' Delivery to - be made, a reaulred and. bills to be rendered only for such quantltiea are delivered and accepted. - Sample of, bran and nt must bo sumnltted with each proposal. Hay and straw must be sublect to annroral on delivery. No proposal will be considered un less ccompanled by a certified cheque payable to the order of the mayor ot the city of Port land, certified by a responsible bank to an, amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, ' ' The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. ' '. H. W. GODDARD, . H. C. WORTMAN. : Parchaalng Committee of tho Executive Board. fortiana, or., iec. z, juu.i. ASSESSMENT YOR. BEWER IN EAST TWENTY-SEVENTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS,' ' - Notice I hereby given that the council of tbe elty of Portland, Or., st a meeting held on the 16th day ot Decembor. 1003. declared the assessment by ordinance No. 13,699. for ths construction of a sewer In- Et Twenty-seventh nd Lawrence streets, from .a point 100 feet south of the south line of Sandy road to a con nection with the sewer in east Everett street, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.- S05. upon each lot part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially ana peeuuariy Bene fited, to be aa follows. Tlx: Loran'e Addition to Eaat Portland a Blk 2, lot 6, Frederick Illlker..,,,.,. 48.00 Blk 2, lot s, Mr. M. 4. Lyons. ....... u.i.ou Blk 5, lot 4. Henry L. Froggatt ' 48.00 Blk 5, lot It, Henry L. Froggatt...... 83.00 Blk 6, lot , John Sharp. . 83.00 Blk 5, lot 5, John Sharp..... 48.00 Blk 7, lot 4, Teresa Shannon - 48.00 Blk 7, lot 3, Teresa Shannon-....,.... 83.00 Blk 7, lot o. J. . uurna. ............ eu.u Wrnkoop Villa. In Section 38. Tp. 1 N., R. 1 K W. M. Blk 1, lot 18. M. K. Poulsen..,.. 65.25 Blk 1, lot 12, M. K. rouisen... w.ou Blk 1, lot It, M. K. Poolaen. ......... 82.15 Blk 1, lot , Ferdinand Koster . .81.93 Blk 1. lot 10, Irvla and Annie Bell Hoffmann 40.85 Blk 4. lot 7. Justlner E. Rlslaken..., , ' 89.45 Blk 4, lot 8. Kate Slnnott ... ... 89.45 Logan' Addition to East Portland Blk-Sr-lot-Wtnnona Becker.... ..... 84.68 Blk , lot 8, Winnona Becker,..., t.... -ou Blk 4, lot 1, Jennie A. Oake ........ ; 89.60 Blk 4. lot 2, Jennie A. Oake ,..,.. 24.60 Blk 4, lot T. Chrles T. W.vnkoop... 24.80 Blk 4. lot 8,, Charles 'T. Wynkoop.W. JjJ- Blk 8, idfl, Allen b. wtaoson........ "v Blk 8. lot 2, Allen B. Stanson. ....... 24.60 Blk 8, lot , Allen B. Stanson , 81.18 Wynkooo Villa. In Section 36. Tp. 1 N., R. 1 K. W. M. Blk 2, east 100 feet of lot 1, Ell- ' - both Wynkoop.:.. Blk 2, east 100 feet of lot , : beth Wynkoop 83.15 Blk 2, east 100 feet ot lot 3, Ells- , . beth Wynkoop ............. , ""J" Blk 3, lot 5 Ellxabeth Wynkoop.,.,.. , 19.50 Ilk 2. lot 4, Elisabeth Wynkoop...... 46.20 Blk 8, lot , Elrea CUpp..... Blk S. lot 2. Metta Lystrup. truate... 19.50 lilk s. vast 10 test ot tot eii ; . Lyatrup, truate... 4. ..., - .-.0 Tot.l ......V................:......MB5.00 A il..m.nt nf . fn,M,M SSASSmeot h. beCS entered in tb Po-kt ef City IJen and I I now due and payable at the office of the city treasurer. In lawful money of th United State, nd If not paid within 80 day from the date of this notice. uch proceeding will b taken for the collection of the same as are provided by the charter of the city f Portland. - Th above assessment will ber interest 10 days after the fust publication of thi notice. 1 riua. vb ", Auditor of tb City ot Portland. Portland, Or., December 22, 1903. ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT ' Or EAST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. Notle 1 hereby given that th council f the city of PortUnd, Or., at a meeting held on the 16th day of Iwember, 1903, declared th assessment by ordinance No. 13,690, for the Improvement of Eaat Twenty-fourth afreet from tho north lln of Multnomah street to the south line at Malsev street, la the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,530, upon etch lot part ot lot and parcel of land, wmcn are apeciauy ana peculiarly benefited, to be a follow, via: Holladay Park addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 14, lot 16, Th Title Guarantee sod Trust company ,,.. 92.40 Blk 14, lot 1, Th Title Guarantee and , Trust company............ 82,40 Blk 15. lot 18. The Titl Guarantee and Trust company 92,40 Blk 15, lot 1, Th Tltl Ouarante and - Trust company ' 82.40 Blk 16. lot 18, Th Title Guarantee and Trust company 92.40 Blk 16. lot 1. Tb Title Guarantee and Truat company . 82.40 Flrat Addition to Holladay Park Ad dition, Portland, Oregon - '',;'.. I ortland, Oregon Blk 21. lot 11, Tb Title Guarantee and Trust company 119.21 Blk 21. lot 12, The Title Guarantee and Tiust company.,..; ...t... '. 4.83 Rlk 21 lot fi. Th Tltl Guarantee and . Truat company 22.97 Blk 21, lot 10. Tb Title Guarantee and Truat company.. J42.60 fllK HI, IOI 11. Ill Alll UUSTSUlflV SBU Trust company 115. Blk 20. lot 12. Th Tltl Guarante and ' Trust company 18.63 Blk 20, lot 9, Th Tltl Guarante and Trust rompany , ' 1S.63 Blk 20. lot 10. Th Tltl Guarante and - - Truat company 115.68 Blk 17. lot 11. Th Tltl Guarante and Trust company 115.68 Blk 17. lot 12, Th Title Guarante and Truat company.,,.., " 18.83 Blk 17, lot 10. Tho Title Guarantes and Truat company.,.,. 02.40 , Total .$1,838.74 A atatement of aforesaid assessment baa been entered In tb Docket of City Lien, and Is now au ana payaoie st toe ornce of the city treasurer. In lawful money of the United States. nd If uot paid within 30 day from th dat of thi notice, aucb proceeding will be taken for th collection of the same aa are provided by -the charter ot th city ot PortUnd. r Tb above assessment will bear interest 10 days after tb first public tlon of this notlc. - - . r- THOS. Cr "DEVLIN, 7 , Auditor of th City ef Portland. Portland, Or., December 22, 1903. . ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IX EAST TWENTIETH STREET. Notlc is hereby given tbat the council of the city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held oa th 16th day of December. 1908, declared th aaeaiment by ordinance . No. 13,697, for th ccnatructloo of eewer In Kaat Twentieth street from 25 feet louth of Thompson street to s connection witn tne sewer In Tillamook street. In the manner Drovlded by ordinance No. 13.638, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, w.nrrtl ar apeclally and peculiarly bene fited, vi: , . . , : trvlneton . Blk 85, lot 1, Fanny W. I)unckley..r,,... 30.25 Blk 85, lot 2, Fanny W. Dunckley..... 20.25 Blk 85, lot 3, Charles H. Freaoott, trustee, ,. 20.25 Blk 35. lot 4. Cbarle H. Prescott trustee 20.25 Blk 85, lot 6, 0. Z. Fraier.. 20.25 Blk 35, lot , R. L. Ray...... 20.25 Blk 35. lot 7. Eugenia Mone, trustee.... 20.25 Blk 35, ,lot 8, Cbarle H. Prescott,' trustee ........ .........J 20.25 Blk 22, lot 20, Ellis "O. Hughe.,,,., 28.65 Blk 22. lot 19, Kill G. Hughe...,..... 28.65 Hilt 22, lot IK,. Kill , Hughe.,.,..,. 28.65 Blk 22, lot 17, Rill G. Hughe....,,.. 28.65 Blk 22. lot 16. Kilt G. Hughe.. ...... 28.85 Blk 22, lot 15, Kill U. Hughe....,,.. 28.65 Blk 22, lot 14, Ellis U. Hughe... ..... 28.65 Blk 22. lot 13, Ellis O. Hughes ... 28.66 r Total I . r.: . . . . . h t j ......... 1 . . .8301.20 ' A atatement of aforesaid assessment has been entered In th Docket of City Liens, aud 1 now due and payable at tbe office of tbe city treasurer, in lawful money of the United States, and If not paid within 30 daya from tbe date of this notice, auch proceeding will be taken for ths collection of the same are provided by tho charter of the city of Portland. -The above assessment will bear Interest 10 days after tho flrat publication of thla notlc. 1 THOS. C. DEVLIN, " Auditor of thr flty of PortUnd, , Portland, Or., December 22, 1903, ASSESSMENT - FOR .IMPROVEMENT OF - i'-., HALSEY STREET. . "' Notice la herehr "Vlven that the council of the city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on ' the 10th day of December. 1U0.'!. declared the asacsauient by ordinance No. 13.6113, for the improvement of Hnlecy street, from the east line of East Eleventh street to tho west Due of Ilolladay Park addition to- Portland, Or., In tho mauner provided by ordinance No. 13,500. upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of -lund, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be as follows. vl:. HoIIaday Addition Tb. East Portland- Blk 203, north 15.41 feet of lot 4, George ' - B, Cellar I .48 Blk 203, south 34.50 feet ot lot 4, The Oregon Kenl Estate couniany.. ....... B.IK1 - Blk SfO, lot 3, George B. Cellar. .70 Blk 203. lot 6. James Anderson........ 8.4U-' Blk 203, north 14.03 feet of' lot 6. James Anderson is.ua , Blk 203t outs 36.07 feet of lot B, The. Oregon Real Estate coropsny- ........ 22.19 Blk 202. lot 4, Cbarlee'T. Prehn. 20.01 . Blk 202,- lot 3, Charles' T. I'relm...... 2 94 Blk 202, lot fl, Richard Derby.......:.. 8.77 Blk 202. north 14.31 feet of lot 6, Rich ard Derby S.2B Blk 202. south 85.69 feet of lot B, The Oregon Real Estate company. . ; 26.51 Blk 201. south 35.S3 feet lot lot 4, Th ' Orea-on Real Estate company ........ .11" lk 301. north 14.17 feet of lot 4, Maggie . Mitchell HelmboM Blk 201, lot 3, Maggie Mitchell Helm bold ...,,,''.., ..... - .11 . Blk 201, lot 6, The Oregon Heal Estate .. cooipany ..... ...........i... .,.10 Blk 201, lot B, Tbe Oregon Real Estate company ,11 Blk 200. south 36.45 feet 4f lot 4. The. , Oregoh Heal Estate company. .......... .19 Blk 200. north 13.55 feet of lot, 4. Wtl- . llam II. Wallace. , .Jl Blk 200. lot R. WUllnio H. Wallace,,;. .10 1 Blk 200, lot 6. William Kerron . .11 Blk 200, north 13.58 foot otlot 8, Wll- - llim Kerron ,...?.,.-...,... . .W Blk 200, south 36.42 feet of lot B, The Oregon Real Estate company..:. ' ,11 Blk 100, south 8a41 feet of lot 4, The ' Oregon Real Estate company ' .10 Blk 109, north 13.59 feet of tot 4, Rich- ard Derby ,11 Blk 199, lot 8. Richard Derbr . !' 10 Rlk 199, lot 6, Joseph John Price.. 28.94 - Blk 199, north 13.62 feet pf lot 5. Joseph . John Price .. 12.81 1 Blk 199. aotltb 36 8 foet of lot 6, Ths ' Oregon Real- Estate company........... 60.43 Blk 1U8, lot 4, The Oregon Heal Batata . company - , .11 Blk 108, lot 8. The Oregon Real Eatate company Blk 198, let 6, Richard Derby .10 .11 . .19 : .u 10.60 B.TI Bk 198, north 13.00 feet or lot o, Kicn srd Ierby Blk 198, south 86.34 feet of lot B, The Oregon Real Estate company Blk 197. lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate rompany j... ....... Blk 107. lot B,; The Oregon Real Estats company , ... .... John Irving' First Addition to Eaat Portland , .", . Blk 4, lot 8, John Guatafsoa Blk 4, lot T. John GusUfson .......... Blk 4, lot 6, John Gustafson. .......... Blk 4. lot 6, Lousett , Ply mton..... ..'... Holladay's Addition (to East Portland Blk 138,- lot 1. Emll C. Jorgensen Blk 136. lot 2, The Oregon Real EaUte rnn 150 , .i .81 J.08 1.41 5.04 39.29 80.74 4.38 4.5S 23.18 J1 company Blk 136. tot 7, The Oregon Real Estat company Blk 136, lot 8. The Oregon Real Eatate company Blk 137, lot 1, The Oregon Real Eatate company ,..... Blk 137. lot 2, Th Oregon Real Estate company Blk 137, lot I.. Tie Oregon, Real Estat company . Blk 137, tot S, Th Oregon Real Estats ramnsnr Rlk 156. lot t (Th Oregon Real Etat :p Till. , ,1 n ITk lMnn Xtm.1 Vut . t. company w. .10 Blk 156, lot T, 'The Oregon Real Estate company ..-... ....... Blk 156. lot 8. Ths Oregon. Real Estate company .....v.. '.II .10 '.11 .10 KBlk 157. lot 1, The Oregon Real .Estate company Blk 157. lot 2. The Oregon Real Estate company .' Blk 157. lot T, Th Oregon Real Estate company Blk 157. lot 8, The Oregon Real Estat company ,.1.. ........... Blk 176. lot I, Th Oregon Besl Eatate .44 .08 Blk 176. lot 2, Th Oregon Real Etete MtimsnY '........... Blk 176, lot.T. Th Oregon Real Eatate company Blk 176. tot 8. Ths Oregon Real Eatets company - .. ...'. ..... Blk 177. lot 1., The Oregon Besl Batata company ............. Blk 177. lot J, Th Oregon Real Xatats - company ...........'--": Blk 177. totT. Ths Oregon Real Eatate company -. i'l'f Blk 177. lot 8, Tho Oregon Real Ett 90.40 42.51 J.11 " .10 .11 . .10 11.81 9.85 company Blk 196. lot .I..-. .Tbe' Oregon Rel BUt eompany .....i............ Blk 196. lot 2, Th Oregon Real Estats compny Blk 196, tot 7, Th Oregon Res! EUte 1.14 sMmni nv . . ..........aa. Blk 196. 'lot 8. Tbe Oregon Real Estate , company " Tot.l ' '2 A tatment of foreald saeaatnent ha been entered in th Docket of City Me"". u.' sow due snd payable at the office treasurer. In lawful money of tb United Statea. and If not paid within 80 day from the dat of thi notlc. uch proceeding will Be taken for th collection of the me a ar preim by th charter of -th dty of Portlnd. The above emnt will bear Interest 10 day after the flrat t"f devS'n!'' Auditor of th City of PortUnd. Portland, Or., December 22. 1903. , ASSESSMENT FOR BEWER W, tAW .". - .;'; . ' TWELFTH STREET. . a . . . i etA A ike stAimfttl nr ' KOtlc is nereoy gireu imt " - tbe city of PortUnd, Or., st meeting held on to ion ' aS-" ihl emen( oy orainamie , , Improvement of Kat Twelftb atreet from a point 13 1 eel norm 01 we n Taylor tret to a point 12 feet south of tho a A WW i. L . . a mum 4 S SrHaB 1J1 ll. norm line ox niwun -.. "v ner provided by ordinance No. 13.602, upon each a. at la. A ....Mt avsf 1u ta4 eKnh mrm pecially and peculiarly benefited, to be a fol A tract of land lying betwasn tba west - 11U or BI xweiltn sirrri iu - ' 100 feet west of and parallel there with and between tb outb line of East Taylor atreet and the north Un ot Eaat Salmon tret Th Haw- thorn Ett '. .23 A tract of land lying between tho wet , lln of M Twelfth triet nd I llnelOO feet west ot nd parallel . therewith and between the south lln r ot Eat Salmon tret nd th north Us dt Hawthorn renur-Clty of; . PortUnd T49.81 Hawthorne Park . Blk 255. lot 1. CumberUnd Presbyter- , lan church trnateea 1 . 6Z.W Blk 255. lot 2. CumberUnd Preebyter- lan church trustee ., , 9J2 Blk 255, lot 3, Catherine H. Beck.,..-. , 6972 Blk 255, lot 4, Catherine H. Beck 62.39 Blk 254, tot L Loubw H. Bole end' Catherine H.TBeck 82.38 Blk .254. lot 2, Loutas H. Boise and '... Oaiherine H. Beck 89.7J Blk 154. tot 8, I-oulse H, Bols and Catherine H. Beck ......;....i...v , 59.72" Blk 2Ti4, lot 4, Loul H. BU and Catherine H. Beck 62.39 Blk 253, lot 1, Loul H. Boise and Catherine II. Beck v--"" 2-39 Blk 253. lot- 9, Ixmlse HBote and Catherine II. Beck 69.72 Blk 263. tot 8, Iconise H. Bols and Catherine H. Beck ...... ,v. . .. 59.73 Blk 253, tot 4, Urals H.- Boise and Catherine H. Beck .,,..,,....,.. 62.39 Big 252. . lot 1, Louie H. Bols snd . Catherine H. Beck 62.39. Blk 252. lot 2, Loulae II., Boil and ; Catherine H. Beck w 59.72 Blk 252, lot 8, Loulae H, Bols and - Catherine H. Beck . 80.67 Blk 252, lot 4, Louise H. Bols and - Catberlns H. Beck , . i 56.58 . ToUl -'.'.. ..'....V.-ri-.'. ........ ,.81.966.02 ' A ttement of aforesaid assessment baa been entered In tb Docket of City Liens, and I . now due and payable at the office of tbe oily treasurer. In lawful money ot the United States.' and If not paid within 80 day from tb date of thi notlc. luch proceeding will bo taken for the collection of the aime are provided by tho charter of th city of Portland. Th above assessment will bear interest 10 day after the first publication ot thla notice. " ; THOS. C. DEVLIN. ; Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland, " Or., December 22, 1903. 1 ; JPOUNDMASTER'S NOTICE, Notlc n hereby given that ' on the 19th day of December, 1903, I took UP and em. pounded at tbe city pound, t No. 2l Six teenth atreet. In the city of PortUnd, Or., the following described animal: r," One (mill black horse; white spot on for, head and shod all around. . And unlesa the owner, or other person or person having an Interest therein, shall claim, possmsloo of the same, and pay all cost and charges of the keeping and advertising ssme,' together with the pound fees on (aid animal, aa provided by ordinance No, 5.926, (mended, of aald city ot Portland, I will on the 28th day of December, 1903, at the hour of 10 a. m., at', the City pound, at No. 201 Sixteenth, In said city, sell the tlmre described animal at public auction to th highest bidder, to pay the cost and rhargea for taking up, keeping nd Idrertislog such, animal. - F,. W. REKD. Poundmaster. Dated this 21st day of Deceuber, 1D03 V V..'