The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 23, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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Notice la hereby given that the council of the
city of Portland proposes to assess tbe following
desdhybed property and owner or owner, aa be
ing specially and peculiarly benefited In tba
mounts aet opposite tbe names and descriptions
thereof for tbe Improvement of Stanton street,
from tbe east line of Mississippi avenue to
the west line of Alblna avenue, aa provided
by ordinance Ho. 1.1.817. -
Any objections to, tbe apportionment of cost
for aald improvement must be made In writing
to tbe council and filed with the auditor withlu
15 days from tbe date of tbe first publication
of tills notice;, and aald objections will be beard
and determined by tbe council before tbe pa
ssge of tbe ordinance assessing tbe coat of laid
Improvement. ' - , . . . .
Subdivision la Prcebetel't Addition 4V
-A.lblna" TT-r-rr - w-
Rlk (I, undivided V, lot 6. 8. A. Sperrj(..8 18,87
Blk 11, undivided t 86.02 feet lot 0,
E. A. Sperry ... , .. . . .....i. . . .4T
Blk 5, undivided U lot 8, Louisa Logua. 19.87
un d, unaiTiaea oi east, ao.oa ieei
lot 5i- Louise Logua
Blk S. undivided ooutb BS.14 feet lot
7, Louisa Logua
Blk 5. undivided H aoutb 85.18 feet lot
' 7, B. A. Sperry
Blk 6, aoutb 65.16 feet lot 8, Daniel T,
Morrow .....................
Blk 5. north 40 feet aoutb 86.10 feet lot
8, Kate Donovan
Blk 5. aoutb 10 feet ef treat 10 feet lot
10, Daniel V. Morrow .................
Blk 6. weat 10 feet north 8T.58 feet lot
10, Kate Donovan
Blk S, weat 2S.62 feet east 80 feet lot
10. Mary Knauff ....................
Blk 5. weat 10 feet lot 8, Daniel F. Mor.
row .Y. , . . .
Blk 5. west 45 feet east 8(1 feet lot 8,
Mary Knsnff
Blk &. east 4T feet lot 8, George Baa
estate, hetre of
Blk 6, lot 1. Amanda W. Reed. v.......
Blk . lot 18, John Storey,...;........
Blk 8, west 11.75 feet lot IS, John
Storey ................... t.. .........
Blk 6, eaat 27 feet lot 15. A. B. Coote.,
Blk o, lot 14, Leander Lewis..
. .81
Auditor of tbe Ctty of Portland.
December 21, 1008. ' . , ,;i
Notice t hereby given that the conned of
the city of Portland. Or., at a meeting beld on
the lHth day of December. 1803. declared the
assessment by ordinance No, 13,091, for the
Improvement of East Stark atreet, from tbe
west line -of Eaat Water afreet to tbe west
line of Union" avenue, in the manner provided
by ordinance No. 13.409, Upon each lot, part of
lot and parcel of. land, which are specially and
peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, via:
A tract of land lying between the '
north line of East Stark street and ... .
a line 100 feet north of and parallel
therewith and between the weat line ' .
. of East Water atreet and a line 100
feet west of and parallel therewith jU-
A. H. Johnson ...... 88.61
. East Portland .
Blk 22, lot 4, W. a. Ladd Estate, belrs -
ofT 131.14
Blk 22, let 8, W. fl. Ladd Eatate, hetre .
of 47.58
Blk 22, lot 6. W. 8. Ladd EsUte, heir
. of : 84.82
Blk 22, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd Eatate, belra
of s 1T0.44
Blk 41, lot 4, W. fl. Ladd Estate, belra
of 161.68
Blk 41, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd Eetate, belra
of 87.48
Blk 41, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd Estate, heirs
of 8T.62
Blk 41. lot 5, W. 8. Ladd Estate, heirs
of 118.68
Blk 62, lot 4, Jacob and Charles T. -
Kamm .....128.52
Blk 62. lot 8, Jacob and Charles T.
Kamm , .- 40.21
Blk 82. west 23 feet lot 6, Elisa 8.
Myers ', 1L08
Blk 62, wee Pas feet of lot 6, Ellaa B. '
Myera 85.18
Blk 62, weat 60 feet of eaat 75 feet
lot 6, Union Meat company......,.., 82.12
Blk 62, west SO feet of east 75 feet ef
lot 5, Union Meat eompany T0.88
Blk 62, east 25 feet of lot 6. Burt
Hicks H.06
Blk 62. eaat 25 feet of lot 6, Bart
Hicka .' "85.20
Blk 81, lot 4, David McKeen... 138.88
Blk 81, lot 8, David McKeen. 48.88
Blk 81. north 18ft feet lot 6, Stefan
Allegrani ...... 6.00
Blk 61, aoutb 80V4 feet of lot 8, B. A.
Crlppen Eatate, belra of 8.88
Blk 81, lot 6. R. A. Crlppen Eatate,
belra of 107.78
A tract of land lying between tbe
south line of Eaat Stark atreet and
a line 100 feet aoutb of and parallel'
- therewith and between the weat line
f Eaat Wate atreet and a Una- 100 '
feet weat of and parallel therewith
Johnson Estate company T7.B5
Eaat Portland . . ,
Blk 21, lot 1, W. 8, Ladd Eatate. heirs
of .i....... i. 157.81
hi 4L lot a. W. 8. Ladd Batata, hairs
of S1.BS
Blk 81, wt t, w. a. iam Estate, hairs
Blk . hit t. W. 8. Ladd Estate, heirs
of , 158.80
Blk 42, weat ot east H lot 1, Wll- '
Ham Splcer. ................ ........ 88.87
Blk 42. west of eaat H Of lot 2.
William Splcer 18.18
Blk 42. weat H of lot 1, WUUan) i
Splcer ' T7.71
Blk 42, west H of lot 2, William
Splcer 26.80
Blk 42. eaat Vp of east H of lot 1.
Joseph Chandler 38 AT
Blk 42. seat of east ef lot 1.
Joseph Chandler 18.18
VIS A wees i oi wen j oi m l,
Joseph Chandler....... ...r... 8.85
Blk 42. weat i ot west H of 1st S,
Joseph Chandler.. , , 81.81
Blk 4i eaat H ot weat K of lot T.
4lim n. veav ...........,... . a. SB
Blk 42. eaat H of weat H ot lot 8,
Jamea H. Page 81.88
B'k 42, east Vs of lot T, James B. '
Page ......,....v,......,. 16.72
bin is, seat oi wi i, jamas u.
Pass 68.88
Blk 61, lot 1, Nottingham Co.. ..... 132.00
Blk 61, lot 3. Mottingaam Co 41.44
Blk 6L lot T. 8. F. B. Christine Bid. .
die ,. 1 44.25
Blk 61, lot 8, B. r. 9. 4t ChMStinS Bid-
Blk 82, lot 1, Louisa Login. ..........
Blk 82. lot X Louisa Logua.......
Blk 82, lot 7, Leans Logua............
Blk 82, lot 8, Louisa Logua............
Right of way Southern Psdflo eompany
Bight ot way Oregon Bailroad 4k Navf.
gallon eomgava...
' 44.28
Total nmtttri rrr . .-ffira x. jT.r:iTT . 83. 138. 1 1
A atatement of aforesaid assessment has been
entered In the Docket ef City Liens, and is
row due and payable at the office of tbe city
treatnrer. la lawful monev of the United States.
and If not paid within - SO daya from tbe date
of this notice, such proceedings will be taken
far tbe collection of the same aa are provided
oy ino rnaner oi tne city or Portland.
The above aaaeeament will near Interact 10
aye alter us mat punncatKui of this notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Psrtlaid. Or., December 22, 1808.
' Notice Is hereby given that the council of
tbe city ef Portland, Or., at a meeting beld on
the 16th day of December. 1808. declared tbe
aaaessment by ordinance No. 18,606, tor the
construction of eewer In Eaat Couch atreet,
from 150 feet weet of Eaat Twenty-second
street to a connection with tbe sewer in East
Twenty-fourth street, in tbe manner provided
by ordinance No, 18,536, apon each lot, part
ef lot and parcel of land, which are specially
enu perunnrij wiwuiwi, io ne as roiiowa, via!
n.eytone.Aauuon to. ue Vity OI cast
Blk 2, lot 8, Emll Btark.t.t........,;,.! 88.48
Blk lot 7, Crescent Land company.,.. .28.40
Blk iti lot 0, Crescent Land company.,.. 80.78
Minn s ' Addition to isaat rortund
Blk 10, lot 1. George Q. Root. .......... 20.15
Blk 10, lot 2, George U. Boot.......... 34.40
Blk 10, lot 8, James F. and Annie
Mathews 24.40
Blk 10, lot 4, ' James . F, and Annie
Mathews V... ....... S4.40
Blk 10, lot 5, 8. . Butner. 24.40
Blk 7, lot 1. Silas Jones..,.,,.,,,.,,.,. 28.40
Blk 7. lot 2, Silas Jones., 28.40
Blk T, lot 8, Silas Jones................ . 24.40
Blk T. lot 4. Bliss Jones... 18.40
Blk 7. lotS. Kathrelne B. Mobouey.... 2.50
Keystone Addition to us City of East
Portlsud . . .
Blk ft, lot 8, Jnllue Btark. ............ , 20.00
Blk 8, lot 4, Crescent Land company...'. 20.00
UIK o. lot o. i;rescm ijsna company..,.
Dunn's Addition to East Portland '
Blk 11, lot 10,-Herman F. Rlttmana. ... , 14.50
III k It, lot 0. Paul Brncst Jones 17.55
Blk 11, lot 8, Panl Erniat Jones........ 17.65
Blk 11. lot T. - Northern Paolfle Coast
Amusement company ................ -17.65
Blk 11, lot 6, Northern Pacifle Ooaat
Amusement company ................ 17.55
Blk u, lot 10, Rachel Gates. ............ 20.00
Blk l, lot 8. Rachel dates 20.00
Blk 8. lot s, W. O. Schcllenbarger..... 20.00
Blk 8, lot 7. W. O. Schellenbarger 10.00
Blk 6, lot 0. Frederick B. Cooper, 1.00
Total i ....:.. ". .8528.40
A atntement or aforesaid assessment Has been
entered In the Docket of City Liens, and la
now due and payable at the office of the city
treasurer. In lawful mone- of the United States,
and If not paid within 80 days from the date
il this notice, such proceedings will tie taken
for the collection of tbe same aa are provided
by the charter of the city of Portland.
The shore assessment will besr Interest 10
days after the first publication or tnts notice,
Amllrnr of the City of Portland.
Toitlaad, Or., Dcceuihor 82, 1008. .
, WASCO 8TBEET. t-.. ,
Notice Is hereby given that the council of
the city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on
the lth day of December. -1908, declared tbe
assessment by ordinance No. 33.8SH, , for tbe
Improvement of Wasco street, from the east
line of East Twenty-fourth atreet to the center
line of East Twenty-elghth street. In tbe maa'
ner provided by ordinance No. 13,520, upon each
lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are
specially and peculiarly benefited, tat ba as fol
lows, vis; . -
first addition to Bolladay Park : addlUon,
rnnmuu, vrtron ?. .'.' .- -w.
Blk 20, lot 10, Tbs THla Guarantes and , '
Trnat company .8 46.20
Blk 20, lot 9, Tbe Title Guarantee and v
Trust company - so.sw
Blk 20. lot &''VmiWUrsVts 'n4
-Trust company... -46.20
Blk 20, lot f, .The Title Guarantes and -
Trust rompanr '. 46.20
Blk 20. lot 6, The Title Guarantes and (
Trust company.... 28.70
Blk 20. lot 5, The Title Guarantee and.
Trust company... . ,. , . .'.'. 46.20
BUc 20, lot i. The Title Guarantee and - ;
Trnst comoanv... ................... v 46.20
Blk 20, lot 3, The Title Guarantee and '
' Trust company . 46.20
Blk 20, lot 2, Tbe Title Guarantee and .
Trust eompany , ,'70.86
Blk 20. lot 1. The Title Guarantee sad '
Trust company ...................... , 76.88
Elk 19. lot 10. The Title Guarantee and
Trnat company...-. ................ 76.86
Blk IB. lot 8, Tbs Title Guarantes and '
Trust company.. 70-86
Blk 18, lot 8, Tbs Title Guarantee snd -
Trnat company 48.20
Blk 10, lot 7, Tbs Tttls Guarantee and
Trnat ' company ... . ........... ....... 46.20
Blk 19. lot 6. The Title Guarantee and .'
Trust company........,, . 82.80
Blk 19, lot 6, The Title Guarantes and '
Trust company.. ......... t... - 82.80
Blk 19, lot 4, The Title Guarantee and ; .
Trnet company...................... 46.20
Blk 19, lot 8, The Title Guarantee and .
Trust company 46.20
Blk 19, lot 3.. The Title Gnarantes and
Trnat company....' 46.20
Blk 19. lot J, The Title Guarantee and
Trnat company.,.,..... .....''. 46.20
Blk 17, lot 11. The Title Guarantee and
Treat company , ' 46.20
Blk 17. lot 12, Tbs Title Guarantee snd '
Trnat company.... .................. ,'46.20
Blk 17, Jot 13, The Title Guarantee and
Trnst company..... .. 46.20
Blk 17, lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee and
Trnst company., ......... ,. ' 46.20
Blk 17, lot 15, Tbs Title Guarantee and .
Treat eompany... 88.10
Blk 17. lot 18, The Title Guarantee and
Trust company.............. ....- 46.20
Blk 17. tot 17, The Title Guarantee and
True!; company... , 46.20
Blk 17, lot 18, The Title Guarantee and
Trust company. ... c. ............... . 46.20
Blk 17, lot 18, The Title Guarantes and '
Treat company 70.86
Blk 17. lot 20, The Title Guarantes and
Treat eompany .........................76.38
Blk 18. lot 6. The Title Guarantee and
Trust Company ...................... 76.88
Blk 18. lot 6, The Title Guarantee and
i Treat company....."... 70.88
Blk 18. lot 7, Tbs TiUs Guarsptee gnd ..
Trust company 70.86
Blk 18, lot 8. The Tttls Guarantee snd
Trust company... t 76.89
Blk C. lot 4, Tbs Title Guarantes snd '
Treat company , 142.00
Blk C. lot 6. Tbs Title Guarantee and
Trust comnsnv 24.16
Blk C. lot 3. Ths Title Guarantes snd
Total ...22.040.76
A atatement of aforesaid assessment baa been
entered la the Docket of City Liens, and- Is
now dus snd payable at tbe office of tbe city
treasurer, la lawful money of tbe united states,
and If not paid within 80 dava from tbe date
of thle notice, such proceedings will be - taken
for tbe collection of the same as are provided
by tbs charter of tbe city of Portland.
? ne a oove assessment wins near interest iw
daya after the first publication of tble notice.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland, Or., December 22. 1908. '
Notice Is hereby given that tbe" council of
the city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on
the 16th day of December, 1808, declared tbe
assessment by ordinance No. 13,692, for the
Improvement of Alblna. avenne from tbe north
Una of Page street to the renter line of River
street. In the manner provided by ordinance No.
19,872, upon each lot, part of lot snd parcel of
lend, which are specially and peculiarly bene
fited, to be a, followa, vis:
Town of Alblna.
Blk si. lot 8, Mary H, Evana 8 82.78
Blk 61, lot 8. Jamea Collins......... 116.84
A tract of land lying between tba
sooth Ilns ef Pace street snd ths
north line of Goldsmith street and
between the as at line of Alblna ave
nue and a Una 100 feet east of and
parallel therewith W. H. Foster..
A tract ef land lying between tbs
southerly line of Goldsmith atreet
snd tbs northerly line ot tbe Oregon
Railroad A Kavigatloo company'a
right ef way and the sontbeaaterly
. Una at Alblna avenne and a line 100
" feet southeasterly from and parallel
therewithAlliance Trnst company
ef Dundee, Scotland M1887
A tract of land lying between ths
southerly 11ns of the Oregon Ball-
road A Navigation company'a right
at war sad a Ilns SO feet northerly
from and parallel . with the north
line at River street and between the
Bontheaeterly Una ot Alblns avenue '
snd line 100 feet southeasterly
from and parallel therewith James
B. Montgomery Estate, heirs of.... 8,478.5)
A tract of land lying between the
northerly tine ef River street and a
line 15 feet northerly from and par
allel ' therewith and between tbs
southeasterly Ilns of Alblna avenue '
snd n Una 100 feet southeasterly
- there from sad parallel therewith j
Jamaa B, Umttuurf Eatmt. batra '
f 114.86
A tract of land lying between two
lines respectively 15 feet ssj 60 feet
northerly from tba north line of River
atreet aad parallel therewith and
between the southerly Uas ef Alblna
avenne sad a line 100 feet
a atheaatMrlv from said iwrallel
therewith W, H. H. Morgan 868.08
Easterly ene-balf of trlingulsr tract
ef land 'ylng between tbe south Una
of block 62, Alblns, tbs westerly line
of Alblna avenue snd tbs northeast
erly Ilns of Goldsmith street, the
same being all ef lot 11 In block 62.
Alblna, lying south of ths north line
of Pegs street extended weeterly in
Its present course and tbe easterly
hair of lot 10 la Said block, as '
named In. ths resolution - snd - sa
abown on tba map of Portland, Ore
gon, published by ths Title Ousr
sntss A Trnst compsny, registered
No. 75 Henry Weluhard 1,011.88
Town of Alblna i
Blk 60. southwesterly ooe half t lot 8,
David aad Anna Brown.; 831.84
Blk 69, northeasterly one-half lot o.
uira van nassom. ...... ...........
the legislature of the stste of Oregon, ap
proved February 28. 1901. entitled: "An act to
amend sections 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 8 and 7 of an
act entitled s 'An act to provide for tbe Issu
ance of bonds for the improvement of streets
ana laying or sewers in incorporarea cities,
snd for the payment of tbe eoat of such Im
provements and laying of sewers by install
ments.' filed in the office of the secretsrv of
state Feb -uary 22, 1893." and tbe proceeds
inereoi ar to oe used tor me payment in part
for tbe Imnrovement of atreeta or construction
of sewers as tbe said lmnrnvementa shall be
duly authorised and completed. . .
Tbe validity -of tbe act ef the legislature
aforesaid baa beth affirmed bv the .suurenio
Court of the state of Oregon.' i - . t
. c 1 a a. s . i , . b m ... .
otiu do ms win tie issuen ana oenverea as
the council shall direct.
Bidders will be reoulred to submit a (at lild.
without ondltloss. except as to the reanlarlty
of each Issue of bonds; snd to submit with their
tlda a 'certified check on a bank I the city ot
roruana, ur.i equal to- o per cent or toe
aggregate amonnt of the bid, payable to tbe
mayor of the city ef Portland,; ea liquidated
demages' In case eucb bidder withdraws bis
11(1 or fslls or neglects to enter into contract to
ttke and pay for said bonda according to the
tetms of his bid and tbla notice. Tbe rlgbt
to reject any and sll hlds la hereby reserved.
Bios snould he sddressed to the committee
on ways and means of ths council, ears of
Thomas C Devlin, auditor. Portland. Or.
By order of the council. - : "i :V .,
- H. R. ALBEEv J-
" D. T. 8UERRETT. '
Committee on Ways snd Means. "
Fortland. Or.. Dec. 11. 1808.
fifteehtb: btbeet. '
Notlea Is herehr elven that the eMinell m.t
the city of Portland, Or., at n meeting beld on
me join usy oi lwcemoer. iwws, aeclarea the
assessment by ordinance No. 13.8U8. for tba
eonstrucUon of a sewer In Eaat Fifteenth street,
from a point 50 feet south of Broadway to a
connection with the sewer in Hancock" street. In
we manner proviaea oy orainanee No. 18.421,
upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land,
which are apeclelly and peculiarly benefited, to
be as follows, via: ., ; ,.
Holladay'a Addition to -Eaat Portland
Blk 227. lot T, David C. Houston. ...... .8 85.98
Blk 22T, lot 8, David 0. Houston........ 8S.80
Blk 232, lot 5, Mrs, Iowa Dlppel. ....... 88.80
Blk 12, lot 6, Mrs. Iowa Dlppel. ...... . 88.80
Blk 232, lot T, John and Nellie F, Law-
rence 88.80
Blk 232, lot 8, Jobn and Nellie F. taw.
rence , 88.80
Blk 259, lot 6, L, A. and Martha Bv
Brown , 88.80
Blk 268, lot 0, L. A. and Martha B. '
Mrown , 88.80
Blk 228. lot 2. Samuel M. Barr.s....a.. 27 KB
ma yun, tm i, namuei M. Barr. ......
Blk 2'U," lot 4, John Gastafaon....,..,
Blk 231, lot 8, John Gastafaon ,.,
Blk 231, lot 2, Maria C. Wright
Blk 231, lot 1, Frank C. Miller.......
Blk 280, lot 4, Benson E. Wright,,..,
Blk 24)0, lot , Benson X- Wright
Total J." ......... .!547-.90
a atatement or aroreaald assessment baa been
entered In tbe Docket of City Liens, and la
now due and parable at tbe office ot the city
treasurer, in lawful money of the United States,
and If not peld within 80 daya from tbe. date
of tbla notice. auch proceedlugs will be taken
for tbe collecon of the same ss sre provided
by tbe ebsrter of the city of Portland.
Tbe above assessment will bear Interest 10
daya after ths first publication of this notice.
-ntiuav u. UEtU,
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Or., December 22, 1903.
30. 4C
.. 80.40
.. 80.40
.. 80.40
., 80.40
.. ; 8o.4tt
.. 80.40
Notice Is hereby given that the eonncil of
tne city or rortiana, ur., at a meeting held on
the 16th day of December. 1903. declared the
ssseaament by ordinance No. 18,700, for tbe
construction or a eewer In Tillamook street.
from 125 feet east of tbe eaat line of Union
avenne to a connection with tbe proposed sewer
In East Seventh street. In tbe manner provided
by ordinance No. 13,423, upon each lot, part of
lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and
peTiimry venenieu, to do aa louowe, via:
Town of Alblna
Blk 2, lot 8, Susan Nooning ..........$ 26.70
ms iot o, rtusan nooning 20.70
Blk 3, lot T, Joseph Schade , 26.70
Blk 2, kt 8, Joseph Schade , ,t 26.70
Blk 2. lot 9. Joseoh Schsde 9AM
Blk 2, lot 10, Louise Wendorf...........
ik a, lot ii, L,udwig Hpady 26.70
Blk 2, lot 12. Caroline C. Rogers 26.70
BIB 2. lot 18, Mary A. Maupln 28.70
Blk Z, lot 14, Mrs. Herlns AlberS 28.70
Blk 2, lot 28, H. A. Henneman 18.80
Bib 2. east 16 2-3 feet of lot 27. Henrv
Hilser , 410
Blk 2,. west 83 1-3 feet of lot 27, John
iionnernerg 12.30
Blk . lot 26. HenrV Rllser
Blk 2. lot 26. Frederick Armbrnster.
Blk 2, lot 24. Frederick Armbrnstet ..... "18.80
as varoune u. Hogers. ...... J a. 00
hie z. weet m i-a reea or kir n I am.
l,128.6in C Rogers ,
Blk 2, east 16 2-3 feet of lot 22. Martha
K. Hall ,
Blk 2. east 38 1-3 feet of lot 21. L. A.
Blk 2. west 16 2 3 feet ot lot 21. Martha
B, Hall
this notice, snd said objections wilt be heard
and determined by the council before the paa-
sage ot the ordinance aaaeaalng the cost of said
improvewunu . . - , . . . ,
Portland V
Blk bo, east 100 feet of block 5.V city
or rortiana lin n
Blk 82, lot 4, George T. Myers 2V3.&1
Blk 62, south 'A lot 3. Elisabeth snd
Oscar E. . Ilelnts . . . . v: 127.66
Dlk 52, undivided north H lot 3. ,
Arthur R Iluinta ......." 63.76
Blk 52. undivided Vi north Vt lot S,
'Elisabeth and Oacar K. Hclnti...... ... 63.78
Blk .12, lot George T. Myera....... 281.50
Blk 52, lot 1, Theresa Doiiavsn. .. . .. 2C3.H0
Blk 61, lot 4. laaac and Flora Jacotis. : 67.tW
Blk 51, south H lot 3, Alex Mayer,
. estnte heirs of,...'. 88.59
Blk 31, north H lot 3. Leon H. Lewis, - 62.H0
BUt 51, lot 2. Vhllo Holbrook ....... 26a.77
Blk 51, lot 1, Ellen E. Ray, estate '
heirs ot ,. 289 Oft
Blk 50, lot 4, Jacob Kamm. 56.92
Blk Sui' lot 8, Jacob Kamm.,.;..,,... 68.63
Blk 60, south 30 feet lot 2, V. W. '
Wliitera ' 47.54
Blk W north 20 feet lot 2. Henry W. ; :
cotiiett. eatate heirs or.......
Blk 50, lot 1. Henry W. Corbett, V
eatate heirs of. ., 71.11)
Blk 49, Jot 4, Charles Adolphus; Allsky . 88.01
Blk 4, lot 8, Charles Adolphus AUsky 79.12
liia , lot I, John Wilson, estate
heirs of ...... 149.21
Blk 40, west H lot 1, EUen E. Mc
cormick ,87,17
Blk 4, east 'A lotsj, Phoebe M.
Blk 4s, lot 4. Masonic Bnlldlug asso
ciation . V.3
Blk 48. lot 8, Henry W. Corbett, -
estste heirs of 106.89
Blk 48. lot 2, Frank Deknm, esute
heirs of " ; 80.80
Blk 48, lot 1 Frank . Pekum, esUte
belrs of 187.23
Blk 4T, lot 4, W. 8. Ladd. eatate
heirs of 102.84
Blk 47, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd. estate
heirs or ........ .v .' 138.84
Blk 47. lot 2. Maria A. Smith 145.20
Blk 47, lot 1, John Klernan 183.83
Blk 48. ink 4. Columbia Investment
company 1a4.11
Blk 46, lot ,8, Columbia Investment
company ...... 118.60
Blk 45. lot 4. United States National
ank 66.88
Blk 45. lot S. United States National
bank 180.63
Blk 45, lot 2. John Klernan.......... 82.26
Blk 43, lot 1, John fclernnn.. 08.HT
Blk .44, lot 4, Robert H. Thompson.... 112.66
Blk 44. lot 8. Robert H. Thompson.... 80.31
Blk 44. tot 2, Robert H. Thompson. ... 63.85
Blk 44; lot 1. Robert H. Thompson 05.88
Bjk .48,; east H of block 43, Everdlng :
et rarreu .,
Couch's Addition to tba City ef
Blk DO. smith U sf east V. of block '
n Ink. V mA V.Mae Si Ck'QWum HA1 IS
lillr 'aa. north U. nf east li of hlnck
.'10, Pauuns Jorgensen STa.iv
Blk 29, lot 1, Neppach Eatats com- ...
nanv 221.67
Blk 29, south 28 feet-lot 4, Jamea T.
Hurtcnwell. trustee izi.03
Blk 29. undivided north 82 feet sf -
lot 4. Sarah M. Tllford... 44.56
Blk 99. undivided V. north 22 feet of
lot , xyier woodward n.zn
Blk 20, undivided north 22 feet of
lot 4, Elijah Corbett, estate heirs of 22.26
Blk SSi. undivided U. lot fi. Sarah M.
Tllford 85.81
Blk 29, undivided kt i, . Tyler
Woodward 4182
Rlk ! nndlvliled U lot 8. Rlllah Cor.
belt.' estate belrs of 43.82
Rlk VQ nndlvlded U. lot S. Sarah 1L
Tllford '. 60.88
Rlk 29. nndlrlded U lot S. Tvlev
Woodward 80.13
Blk 29. undivided V. lot 8. Elijah Cor
bett, estate belra of 80.18
Blk 28. lot 1, Bridget Blnnott 111.88
Blk 28. lot 4, Josepb Simon.......... - 136.91
Blk iH. lot B. Brevman A Sommer-
vllle 178.60
Blk 28, lot 8, Breymaa as Sommer-
Portland Seamen a
Portland. Seamen's
Blk 2. seat of lot 20. Emma C, Nor.
man A. and Richard W. Forbes......
Blk 2. weat hi ot kt 20, Threats J. Tel.
Blk 2. lot 18, Nellie and BebsstUi Ply
male ,
IS. 80
Total ....V. . .... . .6460.00
A statement of aforesaid assessment has been
entered In tbe Docket of City Liens, snd Is
now due snd payable at tbe office of tbe city
treasurer, is lawful money of tbe United States,
and if not paid within 80 daya from the data
of tbla notice, aucb proceedings will be tsken
for tbs collection of the same es sre provided
by tbe ebsrter of the city of Portland.
The above aaaessment will hear Interest 10
dsys after tbs first publication of this notice.
Auditor ef tbe City f Portland.
Portland, Or., December 22, 1903.
Blh 60. lot 6. John Mitchell.
Plk 60, lot J, Irene A. McKenny
Blk 69, lot 4, James W. Applegate. . . .
Blk 69. aU of lot 8 lying weet of the
westerly line at the 0. R. N.
eompany right of way, Jamea B.
Montgomery Estate, heirs at......
Blk 69. lot 6, James B. Montgomery
Estate, belrs of.......
Blk 69, lotS, William R. Wire-era....
Plk 69. lot 4, William H. Wlggere. . . .
Blk 83, lot 5, Jamea B, Montgomery
Eetate. heirs of
Blk 83. lot 6, James B. Montgomery
Estate, heirs of ,
Blk 83, lot 8. James B. Montgomery,
Estate, heirs of...,
Rlk 88, lot 4, Walter B. Walah
Right of way Oregon ' Railroad and
Navigation eompany
241 T6
;. Total , -V. ,T.".".r. : . . . . . .810,865.65
A atstement of aforesaid assessment has been
entered in tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is
now due snd payable st the office of tbe city
treasurer. In lawful money of the United States,
snd If not paid within 80 days from the date
of this notice, such proceedings will be .taken
for tba collection of the as me as are provided
by the charter of the city of Portland. .
Tbe above . assessment will bear Interest 10
days after tbe first publication of this notice.
... ? THOS. C. DEVLIN, .
Auditor ot tbs City of Portland. '
fortune ur December 2 inoa.
Bested proposals wilt be received! by the
Undersigned at - the effles of the auditor of
the-ctty nf Pertlaad. Or., until Mondak. Janu
ary 4, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m., for tne aale,
at not leas than oar value and accrued interest,
of Improvement bonds of ths city of Portlsnd,
Or., ag the asms shsll be nntborlsed to ' be
Issued tor tbe whole or any part of one
hundred thousand dollar. Bald bonda will be
Issued In denominations of five hundred dol
ls re each, to be dated when 'authorised, pay
able 10 years from date, bearing Interest at tbs
rata of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi
annually, Interest and principal payable la
United States gold coin, at tbe office of tiie
city treasurer, Portland, Or. Provided tbat
ths city at Portlsnd reserves ths right to take
up snd cancel such bonds, upon tbe psyment
of the face value thereof, with scorned Interest
to' the data of payment, tt any aemi-sannal
coupon ' period at or sfter ens yesr freaa. tbe
date nf such bonds.
Ssld bonds are leaned under authority of aa
act of the legislature of tbe elate of Oregon,
passed Februery 18, 1893, entitled, "An act
In provide for the Issuance of bonds for ths
Improvement of streets -and ths Isylng of sewers
In Incorporated cities, and for the payment of
cost of such Improvements and laying ef sewers
by Installments," as ameuded by an get of
Notice Is hereby given that tba council of tba
city -of Portland proposes to ssasss the follow
ing described property and owner or owners as
being specially and peculiarly, benefited In the
amounts set opposite the namea and descrip
tions thereof by the construction ot a sewer
In Prnsoott street, from 16. feet west ef the
west line of Esst Tenth street to the proposed
sewer In Volon avenue, aa provided by ordin
ance No. 13,637.
Any abjections to ths apportionment of cost
for ssld sewer must be made In writing to the
council and filed with ths auditor within 16
days from tbe date of the first- publication of
thla notice, and aald objectlona will be heard
and determined by the council before the pae
sago of tba ordinance assessing the coat for
said sewer.
Blk 18, lot 6, Henry 8. Donnell $ 10.00
Blk 16, lot 5, Henry B. Donnell,.... . 2.00
Blk 17. lot 7. H. P. Koetermaa , 42.26
Blk 17. lot 8. II P. Kosterman........ 27.25
Blk 17, lot 6W. 8. Cntter... 27.2ft
Blk 17, lot 6. J. T. Dillon , 42.25
Blk 18, lot T, W. M. Seward...; 42.25
Blk 18, hit 8, W. M. Seward 27.26
Blestl, lot 5, l,oren Seward 27.25
Blk 18, lot 6, Loren Seward 42.25
Blk 19, lot 7, Mnllle L, Stokes 42.26
Blk 19, lot 8. Mollis L. Stokes 27.26
Blk 19, lot 6, Mary Beler 27.25
Blk 19, lot 6, Mary Beler X. 42.25
Blk 20, lot T. Caroline Miller.... 42.25
Blk 2, lot 8, Caroline Miller 27.25
lllk 20, lot 6, II. B. Taylor 27.25
Blk 20, lot 8, II. B. Taylor, 42.25
Blk 21, lot 7. H. A. Smith 42.25
Blk 21, lot S, H. A. Smith ' 27.26
Blk 21, lot 8, Georgia A. Armatrong.. . 27.26
Blk 21, lot 6, Georgia A. Armstrong.. '42.25
Blk 22, lot T, S. D. Dsvls ' 42.26
Blk 22, lot , 8. D. Davis 27.26
Lincoln Psrk- Amies ,
Blk 7. lot 1, F. N. Koljold............ . 18.40
Blk 7, t 8. F, N. Koljold... 4.60
Blk 6. lot 12, C. II. Heller . 47.K5
Blk 6, lot 11, D. It. Hawkins......... K2.85
Blk U, lot 2. A. B. Manley 32.86
Blk 6, lot 1: A. B. Manley.... 47.85
Blk 5, lot 12, Susie J. Johnson..,,.,, ,. 47.85
Blk 6,. lot 11, Susie J. Johnson.-..., ... 32.85
Blk 8, lot 2, John Robertson 82.83
Blk 6, lot 1. John Robertson f,, 47.86
Blk 4. lot 12, Andrew J. Lilburn.... , 47.85
Blk 4, lot 11, Andrew J. Ml hum - 82.85
Rlk 4. lot 2, Andrew J. Ulhurn. .. .. 82.83
Blk '4, lot 1, Andrew J. Lilbtirn..,.. .47.83
Blk 3, wset , hit 12,, Clare 8. Bush.
.nail - 23.93
Blk 8, west. Va lot 11, Clare fl. Bush-
nell - . 16.42
Blk 8, eaat V, lot 12, Emily Peterson.. . 23. PI
Blk 8, east Vi lot 11, Emily Peterson.. , ' 16.43
Blk II, lot 2. Minnie B. Klntsel. ..... - 82.85
lllk 8. lot 1, Minnie R. Klntsel...... 4T.N5
Blk 2. lot 12. Timothy Pearson. Jr.... 47.85
Blk 2, 'lot' 11, Timothy Pearson, Jr... .'H2.8.1
Blk 2, lot 8. TumIIs Olmsted.., ...... ., ,82 88
Blk 2, Wt 1. Toodie Olmsted....;, ., .47.85
Blk 1, lot 12, Clsrescs M. Dllley. 47.85
Blk 1, lot 11, Clarence M. Dllley,....,. 82.85
Total .....11,687.10
, '" THOS. 0. DEVLIN.
Auditor of the CJty of Portland.
December 21,. 1908.
1 Notice la hereby given that tba con noil of
the Hty of Portland proposes to assess ths fol
lowing described property snd owner or owners
ss being specially snd peculiarly benefited In
the amounts set opposite tha names aad descrip
tions tbreof for the Improvement of Third
street, from the north line of Main street to
the south Una of llllsan street, ss provided by
ordinance No. 13,800. '
Any objection to the apportionment of cost
for aald Improvement uuat be made in writing
to the council and filed with the auditor within
IB days from tbs date of the first publication of
Blk 27. lot 1.
Friend society
Blk 27. lot 4.
Friend society
Blk 27, lot 6, Joseph Simon
Blk 27, lot 8, Jobn C Carson
Blk 26. lot 1. Charles Csrdlnell
Blk 26, south lot 4, Charles Csrdl
nell' Blk 26, north u lot 4, Gustavs Mur-
bard, estate heirs of
Blk 26, lot 6, Gustavs Murbard, eatats
heirs of
lllk 26, lot 8. Henry W. Monaetes. .. ..
B1V 25, lot 1, George W. Maraball....
Bl- 26. south 22 feet of lot 4, George
W. Marshall
Blk 25, north 28 feet ot lot 4. August
Pike '
Blk 25. lot 8, Wlnslow B. Ayer
Blk 25. lot 8, Wlnslow . Ayer..-...
Blk 24, lot B,' J. W. and . Took...
Blk 24, lot 6, J. W. and V. Cook
Blk 24, lot 7. J. W. and V. Cook
Blk 24. lot 8, Security Saving A Trust
Blk 23, lot ft. Thomas M. Rlchsrdson..
Blk 23, lot 6. Marx A Jorgensen
Blk 23. sooth i lot 7. First M. E.
church trustee
Blk 23. north Vi lot T, First M. B.
church trustee
Blk 23. lot 8, First M. B. church
Blk 22, lot 8. Lawrence W. Terkebmn.
Blk 22, lot 8, Lawrence W. Terkelaoa.
Blk 22, lot 7, Donald Mackay ,..
Blk 22, lot 8, Donald Mackay
Blk 21, lot 6, Jnstua M. Btrowhridge. .
Blk 21. lot 0, Henrietta and Mary B. ;
Falling and Emily F. Cabell.......
Blk 21. lot T, Henrietta and Mary B.
FaUng and Emily F. Cabell...
Blk 21. lot 8. Henrietta and Mary B.
Falling and Emily F. Cabell
Blk 20, lot 6, Louts Fretsbner.'sstste
heirs nf
Blk 20, lot 6. Louts Preishner, aetata
belre of
Blk 20, lot 7, Louis Frelshner. estate
belrs of . .
Blk 20, lot 8. Cicero Lewis, estate
heirs of
Blk 16, lot 5, Annie Herrsl, .Rosa Wls-
gsnd snd Kate Strode
Blk 19, lot 6, Ludwig Wllhelm
Blk IP, lot T, Henrietta E. and Mary
F. Falling and Emily Cabell
Blk 19, lot 8, Henrietta E. and Mary
F. Falling and Emily Cabell
Blk 18, lot 5, H. C. Byeeden
Rlk 18. lot 6, Amanda W. Reed......
lllk 18? kt 7, Amanda W. Reed
Blk 18. undivided 14 lot 8, William
II. McKsy
Blk 18. undivided 1-8 lot 8, Msry M.
McKay ,
Blk 18. undivided 1-1 lot 8, John N.
McKay ... ...r;...'....;... r.T
Blk 17, lot 6, Roman Catholic arch
bishop of tha diocese of Oregon ....
Blk 17. lot 6. Roman Catholic arch
bishop of tba-diocese of Oregon....
Blk 17. lot 7, Romas Catholic arch
bishop of the dwiceas of Oregon ....
Blk 17, lot S, Roman Catholic arch
bishop of the diocese of Oregon....
Blk 80, lot 6, Henry W. Corbett,
estate heirs ct
Blk 80, lot 8. - Henry W.
estate heirs of
Blk 80. lot T. Henry W.
k eetste heirs or..........
Blk 80. lot 8. Henry W. Corbett,
eetate belrs of..
Rlk 31, lot 5, Edith M. Grant...
Blk 81. south 4 lot 6, Daniel Man..
Blk 81. north ' lot 6, W. J. Hawkins
Rlk 31, lot T, Robert R. Thompson. .
Blk 81, lot H, Robert &. Thompson.,
filk 82. west V Of block 32, Henry
Conch'e . Addition to tha City of
Blk 20, northwest W Of block 80,
Bridget SInnot
Blk 20. Southwest K of block 20,
Catherine Beck
Blk 19, lot 3. Mart A Jorgensen
Rlk 19. lot 3. Charles R. Smith
Blk 19. esst 10 feet lot 6, Thomas
Blk 19. west Mi feet of north V, lot 6,
Bertha Meyers
Blk 10. west 88 feet of south H lot 6,
Daniel Rleman ,.i
Blk 19. esst 10 feet lot 7, Thomas
Stevens , ....
Blk 19, west 86 feet lot 7, Isaac and
flora Jacobs
Blk 16, lot 8, Lawrence W. Therkel-
Blk 18, lot 8, Lawrence W. Therkel-
Blk, IS. lot 6, Louis snd Theodore
Nicola! . w. i i..
Blk 18. lot 7. Louis snd Theodore
Nleolat ,
Blh 17; lot-2, Robert R. Thompson....
Blk 17. lot 3. Robert R. .Tbomnaon . , ?.
Blk 17, lot C, William M. Ladd st si.
Blk 17. 1st T, William M. Ladd et al.
Blk 16, lot 3, Frank 0. Baker
Blk 18, south H lot 3, Frank Klernan,
trustee .,..
Blk 16. north lot 3, Naphthaly
Blk 18, Jot 6, Henry Welnhard..'
Blk 1l. lot . Heary Welnhard
Blk 24. nndlvlded Vk lot X Ben Hell
ing Blk 24. undivided H lot 2, Solomon
' Hlrsch, estate heirs of ,
Blk 21, lot 3. Charles Tbnrlow. trnatea
Blk 24, south H lot 8, CUrles Thur-
low. trnetea , . , ,-iT . . jiri i .TTivTi cp"
Blk 21. north H lot 6, Ambrose B.
Gantenlieln nr.;
"Blk 24, let 7, Ladd A Tllton...
Notice is hereby- given that at tne meet
Ing of the council of tbe city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 16th day of December, .1903,
the following resolution was; sdopted:
uesoiveu, inar tno council i .
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and
Drorewes . to lmnrove Io avenue from the
weet line of Mtlwsukle avenue to the cast
line of East Thirteenth street, In ths fol
lowing manner, to-wlt:
First By grading the ' street, full width
with full intersections to proper subgrade.
Second By laying wooden sldewalka in ac
errdnnce with ths city engineer's- plana, speci
fications and estimates.
ThiriHw levin,, .wooden crosswalks In sc-
ccrdaoce with tbe city engineer's plans, speci
fications snd estimates.
Fourth By constructing box gutters In sc
cordanoe with the city eugiueer's plans, speci
fications and estimates. -'
Flftb--By bringing the surraca or tne street
to tbs proper srade 10 feet In width in the
utter of the atreet with gravel.
Raid improvement to be made in accordance
with the charter snd ordinances of tbe city of
Portland snd ths plans, speclficsttons ana esti
mates of ths city engineer filed in the of
fice of the auditor of the city of Portland on
the 15tl day of December, 1003, Indorsed: "City
engineer's plans and specifications for tbe
improvement of Leo avenue from tbe west
line or emwautis s venue to tne esst una oi
Fast Thirteenth atreet and tbe estimates of
the work to .be done and tbs probabls total
cost thereof:"
The cost of aald Improvement to be asaeesea
ss nrovided bv the cltv charter noon tbe prop
erty apeclally benefited thereby aud which Is
hereby declared to be an tne iota, parts oi
lota and parceia or land lying oerween a line
100' feet north of. and parallel with tba north
line of Leo avenue and a line 100 feet South of
and parallel with, the south 'Ilns of Leo ave
nue and between -the west Hoe ot Milwankle
avenue and tba east line ot East Thirteenth
The enelneer'a, estimate of the probable total
coat for tbe Improvement of Leo avenue Is
2.B.UU. .
Tne above, imnrovement is To oe cisasea ss a
gravel Improvement and shsll be maintained
by tbs city for a period of five years; pro
vlded, that the owners of a majority ot ths
property benefited .by said improvement or any
portion thereof shall not petition for a new or
different improvement before the expiration of
such period.
Toe plans, specincations ana estimates oi us
city engineer for tbe Improvement ot said Leo
avenue are hereby adopted.
ueeoivea, Tnat tne auaitor ot tne city oi
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement ot , said
avenue as provided by tho city barter
Remonstrance against tne anove improvement
mar be filed In wrltlna With the undersigned
within 20 days from tbe date of tbe first pub
lication or this notice.
By order ot tbs council. , . ,i ,
. TH08. C. DEVLIN.
Auditor ot tbs City ot Portland. .
December 18, 1908. .... .. - ..... ,:
. 49.68
' ;; STREET. '"
Notice is hereby siven tbat at the meeting
or tne council or tne city or t-ortmna, "re-
gon, beld on the 18th day or liecrmber ukm,
the follnwios resolution was adonted:
Resolved, Tbat tbe council of the city of
Portland. Oreson. deems It expedient and pro-
posea to Improve Larrabee street from the
north line of Holladay avenue to tha south
rssterly line of McMlllea's addition. In tho
following manner, to-wlt:
First By grading tbs street fair width with
run intersections to proper suDgraae.
Second Bv brinclng the street full width
with full Intersections to proper- grade with
intra riy constructing srtinciai stone sioe
wslks In se'eordancs with the city engineer's
puns, specifications snd estimatea.
. Fourth Br conatruotlna? artificial atom
curbs In accordance witb the city engineer'a
plana, apeclncatlona and estimates.
Fifth By constructing crosswalks In sc
eordance with ths city engineer s plana, speci
ttcstlnna snd estimates.
Sixth By constructing stone gutters In sc
eordsnca with ths city engineer's plana, apecln
catlona snd estimates.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with tbe charter and ordinances of the city of
Portland, and the plana, specifications snd estl
mstes of the city engineer filed in the of
fice nf tbs auditor of tbe city .of Portland on
the 10th day of December. 1908. indorsed: "Olty
engineer's plans snd s peel flea t lone for tbe Im
provement' of Larrabee atreet from the north
line of Holladay avenue to the sontbeaaterly
line of McMlllen'a addition, and tbe estimates
of the work to bs dona snd tbs probable total
cost thereof."
Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed
ss provided by the city charter spon tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is
hereby declared to be aa follows: Westerly
v, or diocks oj snn oe: essterir diock oj.
sil In Hollndsy's addition to East Portland, and
tbe southerly or tbe westerly u or block. 14,
la McMllies's addition to East Portlsnd.
Ths city engineer's estimate af the probable
total coat ror tne improvement or ssld 1-srrs
bee street la 81.417.00.
The above Improvement Is to bs classed as a
gravel Improvement and shall be maintained by
ths city for a period of five years: nrovided.
tbst the owners ot a majority of ths property
benefited by said Improvement or sny por
tion thereof shsll not petition for a new or dif
ferent Improvement before 'ths expiration ot
such period. '
. Ths plana, spectficatlona snd estimatea of the
city engineer for tbe Improvement of said
Larrabee atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved. Tbst the sudltor of ths city of
Portland be snd he Is hereby directed to gtvs
notice, of the proposed Improvement of said
street ss provided by tbe city ebsrter.
Remonstrance against 'the above improve
ment may be filed in writing with the under
signed within 20 days from tba dste ot tbs first
publication of thla notice. .
By order of the cooncll. ;
. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, 1
Auditor of tbs .City of Portland,
December 23, 1908.
194 98
' 70.66
64 48
- 80.83
,,.V..... '. .817.868.88
THUD. t.'. DEVLIN, ,,
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
December 21, 1003. ,
'.- - " MTJX. ' ; ; ;, -J 1
Kotles Is herebv slvce that at tbe meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 16th day ofDember J903,
the following resolution was adopted!
nesuivea. Tnat tne cpnncii or tne -city o
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro.
poses to Improve Grand avenue from 12 feet
north of the south Una of East Stark street
to lit feet north of the north line of East Oak
atreet. by constructing au . elevated roadway
in wiato wnn ou reet ror a roaaway ana two
15-foot sidewalks on either side of tbo road
way. ; ; .;. ;'-.s.,t .
Said Improvement to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the city of
IVrtlaud and tbe plana, specifications snd esti
mates of the city engineer filed in tbe office
ot the auditor of the city of Portland on the
etb day of December,-1908. indorsed: ''City en
gineer s plans ana .specincations Tor tne im
provement of Grand avenne from 12 feet north
of the south line of East Stark street to 111
feet north of the north Hue of Eaat Oak street,
end the esttmates of the work to lie dona and
tbe probable total cost thereof." ,
The eoat of said improvement to be as
sessed as provided hy the city charter upon
the property specially nenentea tnereny snu
which Is hereby declared to be all the lots,
parts of 'tots snd parcels of laud lying between
the north line of East Morrison street snd
the south line of Eaat Burnslde street and
between a line 80 feet easterly from snd
ptrnllel with tbe esst line of Grand svenne snd
s line 90 feet westerly from snd parallel with
tne west line or (.rand .avenue.
Tbe estimate of the city engineer of tbe
probable total cost of the Improvement of
ssld Grand aveoue is $4. ."2.00.
The above Imnrovement is to be classed as ah
eleTated roadway and ahall be maintained by
the city ror a period er-nve years; provioeo.
that the owners of a majority of tbe property
benefited, by said Improvement or any portion
tnereor, anati not petition ror a new or on
fcrent Improvement before tbe expl: a t Ion of
auch nerlod. '
The puns, specifications snd estimatea of the
city engineer for tbe , improvement, ef Said
Grand avenne are h"reby adopted.
Rraolved. That tbe auditor or tne city or
Portland bs and be la hereby directed to give
potice of the proposed Improvement of said
avenue as provided by the city charter.
. Kecons trance sgsinst tne a oove improve).
nr.ent may be filed In writing with the under
signed within 20 days from the date, of the
nrst pn ruination or tnis notice.
tty oroer or tne council.
Auditor of the city of Portland.
December 19, 1903.
Scaled proposals will be received by : the
water board of tbe city of Portland. Or., until
8 p. m., .January 13. 1904, for furnishing aad
delivering at Portland, ur., ins toiiowmg gate
valves ror csatiron .water pipes, vis:
SO 4-lncn vslves.
120 6-1 nch valvea.
80- 8-Inch valves.
These- valvea to be standard Iron-body, double-
disc, bronss-mounted. bub-end valves, witb In
side stems, open to right snd tested to 800
pounds per squsrs men water pressors, uue
ha If of tbe entire number of each sixe to
be delivered In Portlsnd on or before March
15, snd ths remainder not lster tbsn Msy 1,
Bidders must state the name and style or ths
gets they propose to furnish gnd tbe price
per gets or eeca sue, au aetiverea j.o.o.
cars. Portland. Or.
With each bid must be deposited s certified
check for 8100.00, payable to tbe order of the
auditor of the city of Portland, Or., and bonds
acceptable to tbe water board will be required
of the successful bidder.
The right Is reserved by ths wster board
to reject sny or sll bids. Proposals mnst be
enrlrsed In sn envelope, sealed and marked,
"Proposals for Valves, ' and addressed to tbs
unaersignea. .
By oroer oi ua water onaro.
Portland, Or., Dec. 22. 1803.
Sealed nronoeala will be received by the
iter board of the city of Portland. Or.. Until
8 p. m January 13, 1904, ror rurnuning ana De
livering at rortiana, ur on or oriore ssarco
1, 10O4, corporation aiopcoeie. aa louows:
1,200 H-lneh corporation stopcocks,
arm sl-lneh corporation atoococks.
The atoococks mnst have bent couplings and
be suitable for uso with tbs Mueller tapping
Bidden must stats the name snd style of
the atoococks they propose to furnish, and tbe
net price per .stopcock of each slse, delivered
t.e.b.'eara, Portland. Or.-
With each bid muat be deposited a certified
check for 850. payable to tbe order of tbe
auditor of tht city of Portland, Or., snd bonda
acceptable to tbe water board will be required
ef the successful bidder.
Tba right Is reserved by tbs water board to
reject any or an bias. ,
Proposals must "be enclosed In an envelope
sesled snd tnarkea. -rroposaia ror stopcocks,
and addressed to ins unaersignea.
By order ef the water board. 1
... Superintendent.
Portland, Or., December 22, 1903.
--: : Avnnne. - .r- i
Notice Is hereby liven that at the meeting
of the' council or the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on tbe 18th day of December, 1808,
tbe following resolution was sdopted:
Resolved. Tbst tbe council of tbe city ot
Pcrtland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
poses to Improve Rodney avenue from tbe north
line of Knott street to the south line ot Morris
street In ths following manner, to-wlt:
First Ry grading ths street full width with
full Intersections to tbs proper subgrade- '
Second By bringing tbe street full width
with full Intersections to proper grade with
Third By constructing wooden sidewslks in
seeotdsnce with tbe city engineer's plans,
specifications snd estlmstes.
Fourth By constructing wooden curbs In ac
eordance with -the city engineer'a plana, apecl
flea t lone and estimates, .
Fifth By constructing - artificial stone side
wslks sis feet In width In sceordsnce with
the city engineer's plsns, specifications and
estimsfes. -
Raid Improvement to be mads in accordance
with tbs charter and ordinances of ths ctty of
Portland snd tbe plana, epeelflcatlona and
estimates of tbe city engineer filed In the of
fice ef the andltor of tba city of Portland on
tbo 10th day of December, lfiitS. Indorsed: "City
engineer's plans snd speclficstlons for an Im
provement of Rodney aveaus from the north
line of Knott street to the south line of Mor
ris street snd tbe estimates of the work to
be dona and tbe probable total cost thereof."
The cost of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the rlty charter upon tbe prop
erty apeclally benefited .thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parts of
lots and parcels of land lying' between a Hue
100 feet west of and parallel witb the weat
Una nf Rodney avenue and s line 100 feet esst
of snd Parallel Wjn ths esst line of Rodney
svenne, snd between ths north Hue of Knott
street and the south line of Morris street.
Tbe city engineer's estimate ot tbe probable
total cost for the' Improvement of said Rod
ney avenue is 38.623.00.
The above Improvement is to be classed as s
gravel Improvement and shall be maintained
by the city for a period of five years; pro
vided tbst the owners ot a majority of tbe
property benefited by said improvement or any
portion thereof shall not petltleu for a new
or different Improvement before the etplra
tion ot auch period.
Ths plan, specifications snd estlmstes of the
city- engineer for ths 'improvement ef ssld
Rodney avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved, Tbst tbe sudltor of tbs city of
Portland bs snd be Is hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said
avenue ss provided by tbe city ebsrter. .
Remonstrance sgsinst tbe above improvement
may be filed In writing with tbe undersigned
within 20 days from the dste of the first pub
lics t loo of this notice.
By order of. the council.
Auditor of ths City of Portland.
-December 19, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
Of the council of the rlty of Portland. Oregon,
held on tbe 161b day of December, 1903, tba fol
lowing resolution wsa sdopted:
Resolved. That ths council of tha rlty of
Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient sod pro
pose to cbsnge the grsde st tbe intersection of
tbo center line of Esst Thirty-third street with
the center line of East Washington street, snd
that It is tbe Intention of ssld council to
cbsnge snj establish tbe grade at aald inter
oect ion from 150.8 feet to 147.8. feet, above
tbe bsee of city gradea.
Resolved, That the auditor he and he Is
hereby directed to give notice of the proposed
change of grade of aald street as provided by
tie city chirtex.
Remonstrance against the , above change of
grade msy be filed in writing with the under,
slaned within 20 dsys from tbs data of ths first
publication of this notice.
By order ef tbe council. . v
i Auditor of tbs lit ot Portland.
December IB, 1908, ' j v v, .'
" t ... v. ..... ' i. ... .,' " ..
.''Y; '''i"rf.."'i ?t'!; ''T-. '' v. vv . - v -v ;; '-'
V If I r i I
v -- -
OREGON SnoirruiG
and Union Pacific
3 rittlNS to the EAST DAILY
Thronsb Pullman attindard and Tourist sleep
ing ca.-s dslly to Omsbs. 1 Chlcaro. 6poksnet
Tourist ' sleeping-cars daily to kanaas City;
through Pullman Tourist siesptng-csrs (peraoo-
ly conducted! weeaiy to tnicago. a. ansae
City; Reclining chalrcare (seats tree) to the
aaat oaiiy. -; ; . ; - -
UNION DEPOT, i Leaves. ; Arrlvee.
CHICAGO PORTLAND 9:15 a.m. 5:25 a.m.
SPECIAL. Daily. ;, Dally.
For ths East via Hunt; -.-;.-'
ington. . - " '''
SPOKANE FLYER. 7:46 p. Bs. 80 a, gk
For Kast im Washing- Dally. Dally,
ton. Walla Walla. Lew- -la
ton. Coeor d'Alene
and Great Northern
points. ..
ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 p. SV 9:06 a. g.
For Us East vU Bant- Osily. . Dslly.
Ington. ' - .
FOR SAN FRANCISCO: 1 From 15:00 0. m.
8. 8. Gee.. W. Elder Alaska.
Dee. 18, 28. . Dock. - '
8. S. Columbia' , . 8:00 P. m. .
Dec. 3, 13. 23.
Columbia Rlvsr Division.
points, connectlna with
ettnr. for Ilwaco and
North beach, etr. Has-
ralo, Aah-st, dock.
8:00 p. an.
Daily. '
ex. Sunday.
10:00 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
ax. Sunday.
TamhiU Rlvsr Bouts.
City and Yamhill River
points, stmr. Elinors,
Aah-st, dock.
(Water permitting.)
FOR SALEM. Albany,
lorrama and way:
points, stmr Ainaoc.
(Wster permitting.)
7:00 a. m.
Saturday. ,
6:45 a. m.
Monday, ;
5:80 p. nv-
8:00 p. ta.
Bnaks River Route.
and way points from
Rlpsrls. Wash., steam
ers 8pokans and Lew.
4:08 a, m.
ex. Sat :
5:00 p. as.
sx. Friday.
TICKET OFFICE. Third end WaalSngtosV Tsle-
liuuus, nam ha.
. "o Tokohatna and Hong Kong, calling' at
Kobe. Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting stsainsrs for Manila. Port Arthur
and Vladlroctok.
For rates sad full inrbrmstloa tall aa or ad
dress officials or agents of ths 0 R. A N. Co.
lZI UN6tT. Vll
8:80 p. i
8:30 s. .
4 :00 p. m.
trains, for Salem. Rose
burs. Ashland. Sacra.
mento. Or den. San Fran
cisco. Molsve. Ijtm Aa.
galas. El Paso. New Or-
.... . wr. .
K.HI UMW ami. .
At - Woedtmra Asflv
eicent Bundarl. rnnrm.
Ine train for Mt. la.
gel, Sllverton. Browns-
vllls, Sprlnrfleld. Wend
ling snd Natron.
Albany naBseneee. ema.
nects at Wocdhura with
ML Angel and Silver
tea local. . . I
Corvallls passenger.....
8:35 a.
B. m. Sheridan passenger..... 18 :60 p. i
7:45 a. m.
7:00 p. sa.
10:10 a. i
' b Tho Only
' Railway between the
Missouri River
;-'. gflj
The Chfcigo-Portlarirl Special, the
most luxunouB train In the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company, Oregon Short Line Rail
road, Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago & North-Western Railway
to Chicago from Portland and points
in Oregon. .
Dallv and personally conducted g.
gursions In Pullman tourist sleeping
T wars dom Portland, Los Angeles ana
Sen Francisco, through to Chicago
without change.
Jt.R. RITCHIR. '''''"' A.' C1ARKRR,'
Ces'l Agt., Si; Market St Ces'l Aft. iji Third St,
Chicago & North-WesternRy.
' 1 w '' ' - :',:'
Dallv. I Dally, except Sunday.
Psrtlaad-Oiwago Bnburhen Serviss aad Tamhlll
... Oivisiea. .
1 Depot Foot at Jefferson Street.
" Leave Portlsnd dallr for Oswego T:W1 a. m.t
13:60. 8:06.. 8:25i 6:30, 8:36, 8:80, 10:10 p. m.
Dallr (except Ssndar) 6:30, 8:30; 8:85. 10:28
a. at.t 4:00, 11:80 p. am. ' Bonday sol, 8:C0
Re turn leg from Oswega.' arrive Portland dsllv
8'SO a. m.. 1:65, 8:05. 4:35. 8:15, T:85. 9:M,
11:10 p. m. Dslly (eseept Sunday) 8:36, T 3.
8 30, 10:20. 11:45. a. in. Except Monday, 13:35
p. m. - Sunday only, 10:00 a. m.
. Leaven from asms depot for Deltas and Inter
a.edlatc points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. as.
Anivs Portlsnd 10:20 p. m.
Tbs Indcpendence-Monmooth Motor Una
operates dslly to Monmouth snd Atrlls, con
necting with Southern Pacific company's tracks
at Dal Us and Independence.
Flrst-cisss rebste tickets on sals from Portland-
to Sacramento nd San Francisco. Net
ate tlT.60. berths 85; second -clsss frs 3 1.1.
without rebate or berths secead-clasS hsrth
13.60. - . .
Tickets to Eastern points and Cnrops, also
Japan. Chins, Honolulu aad Australia.
City Ticket Office corner Third and Washing
ton, streets. Phone, Mala T13.
City Ticket Agent. Oep. Pas. Agent
Pnget. Soand Limited,
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Olvmpta. Sooth Reud
and Gray's Barber
North Coast Limited,
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Butte, St. Paul, Min
neapolis. Chicago, New
Wk. Boston and points
East gnd Southeast
Twin-City Express, for
Tacoma. Seattle. Spo
kane. Helena, Bt. Paul,
Minneapolis, Chicago,
New York, Boston and
all points Esat aad
Pugetr Bound . Kansas
Clty-Ste'i Louis Special,
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Snokane, Rutte, Bllllnga.
Denver, umssa, Kansss
Cltv. St. Iula and all
points Esst sad Sosth
esst, !
8:80 a. a.
1:00 p. as.
11:45 p. m.
8:80 p. aV
f:00a! u,
T:00. ts.
yv :'"'V.,,;,'l
T:00 a. ta.
All trains dslly except cw Ctrh Band
branch. A. D. CHARLTO.t,
' Assistant General Passenger AgeaL
328 Morrison st, cor. Third. Portland, Or.
Astoria & Columbia
v River Railroad Co.
Lasvss. I'NION DEPOT. Arrives.
For Maygeis, Rainier, full.
Clslsksale. Westport.
- . Clifton, Astorts, Wsr- .. .
8:00 a. ga. renton. Hstl, - Ham. 1:10 a. m.
Dally. , niond. Fort Rteveos,
v i '.. tiesrhsrt Psrk, Keselde,
....... Astorls end Beashar
El press, "Daily.
TO p.m. Astorls Eiprvss.
Dally, Dally. 8:40 p.m.
' " fl. P. and PA. A.i-r , f.
CL A.' 8TEWART. Cn rvlsl AAmt, i i
St., Ibiae, Mais .t.