The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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Notice 1 hereby given that tbe council of the
etty nf Portland proposes to aaeeag the following
ileacrllied property and ownwr or owners a be
ing socially and peonllsrly benefited In tha
amount net opposite tha names and descriptions
thereof for the improvement of Stnnton street,
from tha east Hue of. MtaaUaippi avenue: to
the weat line of Alblna avenue, aa provided
by ordinance No. 13.817.
Auy objections to tha apportionment of coat
for said improvement must be made in writing
to the council and filed with tbe auditor within
IS davs from the date of the first publication
of this notice, and aald objectlona will be heard
' and determined by tbe council before the paa
sage of tha ordinance assessing tbe coat of aald
improvement. '. .- .;--, ,,.,.
Subdivision in Proebstcl'g Addition, to
Altilua - '"
P-lk 6, nndivlded U lot 6, E. A. Sperry . .8 10.87
m o. -unaivinea yi ensi .o ieei ioi p,
E. A. Sperry .......... .T..
Plk B, undivided lot 8, Louisa Logus.
Blk B.-undivided of eat M.62 feet
lot 5, Louisa Logus
Blk 8. ' undivided south 05.16 feet lot
. 7. Louisa Logua ......................
Blk (. undivided aouth 85.18 feet lot
7, E. A. 8porry
Blk 5. aouth, 65.18 feet Jot 8, Dank-1 P.
Blk 8. north 40 feet south 95.18 feet lot
K, Kate- Donovan
,iltlk B. aouth 10 feet of weat JO feet lot
10, Daniel F. Morrow .................
1 Blk 6. weat 10 feet north 87.58 feet lot
10, Kata Donovan
."Blk 6. weat 25.82 feat eaat 90 feet lot
10. Uarv Knanff .................. ..
Blk 5. weat 10 feet lot . Daniel T. ldor- - ' .
row jf .08
.-Blk 0. weat 45 feet east 80 feet lot O, -f ;
Mary Knauff .'. . . v. .,.. .......... . .61
v Blk 5,.oaet 44 feat lot A, George Htm
estate, heir of 5.07
'Blk 0. lot 1. Amanda W. Seed........,, "12.00
Blk . 8, lot IS, John Storey ........... . t ; 14.04
j. Blk A, weat 11.75 feet lot 15, John
Storey i ..... .V...I. ... - 4.44
. lllk 6, eaat 27 feet lot 16, A. B. Coote.. 10.20
Blk 0, lot 14. I-eander Iwl.. ,.,.,,'..... 13.60
Total j :.t 114.43
. ..... THUS. O. DEVLIN,
; " Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
,. December 11, 1003. .-! . ...
Notice la hereby clven that the council of
tbe city of Portland. Or.. aft a meetlnir held on
' the 1Mb day of December. 1003, declared "the
aaaeaeinent by ordinance Nov- 13.801, for the
' Improvement of ,Eaat Stark afreet, from the
weat Hue of Eaat Water street to the weat
line of Union avenue. In tbe manner provided
V by ordinance No. 13,499, upon each lot, part of
lot and parcel of laud, which are specially and
t peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows. Tit:
A tract of land lylug between the
( north line of Eaat Stark atreet and
. Una 100 feet north of and parallel "
i therewith and between the weat lino
of Eaat Water street and a line 100 .
feet weat of and parallel therewith .
' A. H. Johnson.,.. f 93.81
" r Eaat Portland '. - " v
Blk 22. lot 4. W. 8. Ladd Estate, helra '
' of ...v.............. 131.J4
Blk 22, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd Estate, heirs ,
i of .....
Blk 22. lot 6. W. B. Ladd Eatate. heirs v
f of 64.53
. Blk zz, lot o. yv. B. Laaa aute, heirs
Blk 41, lot 4, W. 8. Ladd Estate, helra
. ot .................................
Blk 41, lot 3, W. 8. Ladd Eatate, heirs
' Blk 4l',"lot',' w'ud4 &Uto7'bVlri
of .V
Blk 41. kit 5, W. B. Ladd EaUte, heirs
' Blk 82,'"io't 4, .Jacdb'i'ud" Cha'rie"T.
' Kamm
Blk 82. lot 3, Jacob and Charles T.
y 1 Kamm .......... . ..... . . ,
Blk 82. weat 25 feet lot 6, Ellsa 8.
. Myera
Blk 82,' weat 25 feet of lot 6, E)1m 8.
.Myera .'.
Blk 82, weat 60 feet of eaat 75 feet
; lot 6. Villon Meat company..
Blk 82, west 50 feet of eaat 75 feet of
; lot B, Union Meat company
'Blk 82i aat 25 feet of lot t, Burt
f Hicks ..4
F.Ik 82. . eaat 25 feet of lot 6. Burt
Blk 81, lot 4, David McKeen
, Blk lot 8, David McKeen. t. ...... ..
Blk 81. north lt ft lot 6, Stefano
, Aliegrani -m
Blk 81, aouth 30 Vi feet of lot 6, B. A,
v t:riioen sati
Blk 81, lot 6.
lot 6. R. A.
n Eatate, betra of. ...... .1...
K. A. trippen Eatate. '
helra of...
A tract of land lying between the
. south line of Eaat Stark atreet and
a Hue UK) feet sooth of and parallel
therewith and between the Weat line
' of Eaat Water atreet and s line 100.7
feet weat of and parallel therewith
'Johnson Estate oompany
Eat Portland ,
Blk iv, loi x, n . d. uiaa hub, neirs
, 37.63
' 6.08
Notice la " hereby' slven that the council of
the city of Portland. Or,, at a neetlns held on
tne ititn aay oi jtocemDer, oeciareo tne
aaaeaament by ordinance No. 13.HN9, for tho
Improvement of Waaco street, from the east
line of East Twenty-fourth street to tbe center
lino of Eaat Twenty-eighth afreet, in the man
ner provided by ordinance No. 13,520, npon each
lot, part of lot and parcel of Jand, which are
apeclaily aud peculiarly benefited, to bo as fol
lows, via:
First addition to Holladay Fsrx , sadition,
Portland. Oregon - . . v -, .. ,;
Blk 20, lot 10. The Title One rentes snd 1
Trust romnanv.. .................. .8 46.20
Blk 20, lot , Tbe Titla Guarantee and . '
Trust company 40.W
Blk 20. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee and -
Troat company......',.............. 48.30
Blk 20, lot 7, Tho Title Guarantee and
Truat companv... ' 46.20
Blk 20, lot 6, Tbs Title Guarantee and
Trnat eomjiany., 29.75
Blk 2(1, lot S,' Tbe Title Guarantee and
Trust coinpanv.., . , . .. so.zo
Blk 20, lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee and
Tntat comnanv .........Mi 46.20
Blk 20, lot 3, Tho Title Guarantee and
Trust company ..................... .46.20
Blk 20. kit 2. Tha Title Onarantee and .
iruHt company r ru.oou
tltlr OA n 1 . Tk. TI.Ia nH..,. mw.A '. x
U ' I .J . A. ,1U UUU.VKL.b B11U
Truat company , . . . . ..Mfm, ..i. .. 78.89
Elk 19. lot 10. The Title Guarantee and
Trnat company , 78.38
Blk 19, lot 0, The Titla Guarantee and
Truat ' company .... . . ...... ......... 70.84
81k 19, lot 8. Tho Title Guarantee and ,
Truat coinpony. 40. W
Blk 19, lot 7, The Title Guarantee and
' Treat company.... ................. 46.20
Blk 19, lot 8, Tho Title Guarantee and
Trust company . ............... . . . e. . '81.80
Blk 19, lot 5. The Title Guarantee and
rruat company. ' 82.80
Blk 19, lot 4, The Title Guarantee and
Truat company. . 46.20
Blk 19. lot 3. The Title Guarantee and
Trnat companv. .................. .. . 46.20
Blk 19. lot 2, Too Title Guarantee and
Truat company........;............. 46.30
Blk 19. lot 1, The Title Guarantee and
Trnat company.. .....j...... 46.20
Bib 17, lot 11, the Title Guarantee and '
- Truat company.... 48.20
Blk 17, lot 13, Tho Title Gnassntee and -
Truat company 46.20
Blk 17, lot 18, Tho Title Guarantee md -
Blk 17. lot 14. The Titla' Guarantee "a'nA
Tmib cntnnnnr ......... . . -w .... . 48.90
Blk 17. lot 15, The Title Guarantee and
Trnat company.. .................. , zs.jg
Blk 17, kit 18, Tbs Title Guarantee and,
Trust company.,.....,..,......'.,... 48.20
Blk IT. lot 17. Tha Title GuaMntee and
Truat company.,. . . . 4820
Blk 17, lot 18, tho Title Guarantee and
Trust company., 46.20
Blk 17, lot 19, Tho Tttlo Guarantee nod .
Trnat company, 70.86
Blk 17, lot 20, Tha Title Guarantee and
Trust company ,. ..........76.89
Blk 18, lot 5, Tbe Title Guarantee and
Trust company 78.59
Blk 18, lot 6. The Title Guarantee and
Trust company...................... 70.86
Blk 18. lot 7. Tho Title Guarantee and
Trust company. 70.86
Blk 18, lot 8. Tho Title Guarantee and .
Truat comnany 76.8
Blk C. lot 4. Tho Title Goarantes and I
Truat eompany...... 142.00
Blk 0. lot 6, The Title Guarantee and ...
Truat comnany
Blk C. lot 3, The Title Guarantee and -
Trust company..,,.,...,., .......... tz.tu
Blk 21. lot 2, W, 8.. Ladd EaUte, helra v
Blk 21. lot T, W. S. Udd KiUte, holrs
, of (...,.. ,
, Blk 21. lot 8. W. 8, Ladd EaUte. heirs
t of v 15880
Blk 42, west H of osst lot 1. WU-V .
Ilsm Bpicer..., 98.87
Blk 4Z. west h ot east v, oi wt 8,
- Wllllsm Bptcer
Blk 42, west . of , lot 1, William
Blk 42,weat .is of lot .3, William
" Kptcer
' Blk 42. oaat V, of east V4 of lot 1,
Joseph Chandler.....,,.,...,.,.,..,.
Blk 42. east of cast H of lot 2,
, Blk 42, west V, of West H of lot 7,
Joseph Chandler
Blk 43. west H of Wait , of tot 8,
Joseph Chandlet..,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.i.t..
Blk 42, east H of weat 14 of lot 7,
James H. Page..,,,
: Blk 42, eaat of west H of lot 8,
1 - Jsnies U. Paae...,. ...... .......... r-
. Blk 42, east ,Vi of lot 7, James H.
, i'lfl j s e e s f-w '- a
1 Blk i, east Vt of lot 8. Jsnies U.
,Psse ,
. , Rlk 61, lot 1, NottinRhsm 4 Co.,..,., 61, lot 2. . Nottingham at Co...,..,.
Blk 61, lot 7, 8. F. B. k Chrlatlna Bid-
' die ,
Blk 81, Jot $, 8. t. B. at ChrUtlno Bid-
i Blk 82, lot 1, Loulaa Locus.,
- Blk Kl; lot 2, Loulaa Loans.....
: Blk 82. lot 7. Ltiida Ixifus
Blk 82. lot 8, Louiss Logua... '
. Bight of way Southern I'aelfie company
RiKht ot way Oregon Hallroad Navl- .
gatlon company, ................ ,.,,'"
, 4 M
81 Jl
- 8.85
63 65
ToUl . v.. ......... , ,.1,13 11
( A statement of aforesaid assessment has been
entered in the Docket of City Liens, and Is
now due snd psyarble st the offlce of the city
trrssiirer. In lawful money of tho United Statea.
and If not paid within 30 days from tho date
nf thla notice, "auch proceedings will be taken
for the, collection of tbe eame aa are provided
by the charter of the city of Portland.
,t Tho above assessment will besr Interest 10
sys alter the nrat pulillcstlon of- this notice.
! . ; - Auditor of ths City of Portland.
Portland. Or.,-December 22, 1903. , .
tho leglalatnrs of the atate of Oregon, ap
proved February 28, 1901, entitled: "An act to
amend aectloua 1, 2, 8.' 4. 6, 6 and T of an
act entitled: - 'An act to provide for tho iu
ance of bonds for the. Improvement "of streets
and laying , of . sowers In Incorporated cities,
snd for the payment of tbe cost of such Im
provements and laying ot sewers by install
ments.' filed in the offlce et tha secretary of
atate Feb-uary 22. ' 1893' and the proceeda
thereof are to be-uaed'for tbe payment In part
for the Improvement of atreeta or construction
of sewers ss the said improvementa shall be
duly authorised and completed:
Tho validity of the act of the legislators
aforesaid baa been affirmed by the supreme
court of the stste of Oregon, . ' .j . j,
field boids will be Issued and. delivered ss
the council shall direct. , ,
- Bidders will be required to submit fiat bid,
without Conditions, except as to tha regularity
of each isans of bonds, and to submit with their
lids a certified check on bank in tho city of
Portland, Or., equal to 5 per cent ot ths
aggregate smount of the bid, psyabla to tha
mayor of tbe city of Portland, . aa liquidated
damages in caas each bidder withdraws . hie
bid or falla or neglects to enter into contract to
take and pay for aald bonds acoordlng to the
terms of his bid snd this notice. The right
to reject sny and all bids le hereby reserred.'
Bids should hp addressed to tbe committee
on waya and means ot the council, can of
Thomas C. Devlin, auditor, Portland, Or.
fly order "of the couucll. , .iUii
;Viw-r.".v i . .; L.', ZIMME RM AN,
'.y.'v;"i:";:t ' H.' K. ALBEK, -":rV
- ,: :: D. t. shekrett.'
' ' Committee on Ways and Means. '
Portland, Or., Dec. 11. 1008. ,
asbessxekz roa bewe : im ;. east
,w--viy ; riFTEIMTB BTaiETr.;.vKi:-'i'.:
Notice Is hereby given that the' conncll of
ths city of Portland. Or., at a meetlnir held on
tho 16th day of December, 1903, . declared tho
assessment uy ordinance no. 13.BIKJ. tor the
construction of s sewer in Eaat Fifteenth street,
from a point B0 feet south of Rrosdwsr to a
connection with tho sewer In Hancock street. In
tne manner provided by ordinance No. 18.421,
UDon each lot. nsrt of lot snd narcel nf land.
which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to
no ss ioiiows, via: v ,
Holladay's Addition to Eaat Portland
Blk 327, lot 7, David C. Houston. .8 85.05
rus. ci, ioi e, iiavia v. nouacon...
bis V4 lot o, sira, lows liippei.
thla notice, and ssld objections' wilt be hesrd
snd determined by the council before the twa
in ae At the ordinance, esesalug tho cost of said
1'ortlsud - ' ''. '
Blk 6a, e-sst 100 feet of bjocll 63, ttr
of Portland ,,t.l 109.14
Blk 62. lot 4, George T. Myers....... 293.51
Uik 62, sooth Vt lot 8, ElUabctb and
usrnr a. tieintx ', ...
Blk 62, undivided north Vt lot 8,
Arthur Jt. lleiiits. .................
Blk B2. nndivlded H north Vs lot 8,
. Elisabeth and Oscar K, Hrints. . . . . ,
Blk Si lot 2. George T, Mer.......
Blk 52, lot 1, Theresa Dona van. ...
Blk 51, lot 4, laaae and Flora Jacobs,,
Blk 61,' south - H lot 3, Alex Mayer.' '
eatnto heirs of.....................
Blk 51, north 4 lot 5. Ion 1L Lewis.
Blk 61, lot 2, Vlillo Holbrook
Blk 51,. lot 1, Ellen E. Kay, estate
helra of
Blk 50, lot 4, Jacob Kamm..,
Blk ski, lot n, jacoo itamm,.. .
Blk 60, aouth 80 feet lot 2. F. W.
Winters ...... . ..... .
Blk 50, north 20 feet lot 2, Henry W.
Col net t, eatate news of . . ..i. .. . . . ,
Blk 50, lot 1, Henry W. . Corbett,
estate heirs of... .........
Blk 49. lot 4, Charleg Adolphus AHaky '
Blk 49, lot 8, Charles Adolphus Allsky .
Bllf 49, lot .2, John Wilon, estste -
he re ot i . . .'.
Blk 40. west lot 1, Ellen E. Mc
cormick : , ., . . . .. . . . .. , ,.. .
Blk 49. east ft lot 1. Phoebe II..
Dekum ............v...............
Blk 48, lot 4, Masonic Building asso .
Blk 48. lot 8, Henry W. Corbett,
estate heirs of
Blk 48, lot 2, Frank Dekum, eatato,
. helra of
Blk 48,-lot 1, Frank Dekum, estato
Tolsl i 1 , . . . . . . . . . A ... .... . .-. ... .1 .12.040.74
A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament has been
entered in the Docket of City Liens, snd is
now due snd payable at the office of the city
treasurer, m lawful money of the united Statea,
and If not naid within 30 dava from the data
of thla notice, auch proceedings will be taken
for the collection of the aame aa are provided
by tha cbsrter of tbe city of Portland.
The above assessment will besr Interest 10
days after the first publication of this notice.
' k THUS. V. 1IK1U.1, j
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland, Or., Dscembsa 22, 1903. - .
. Notice" la liereby given that the council of
r the city of Portlsnd. Or., at a- meeting held on
.the. 16th day of December, 1003. declared tbs
t assessment by ordinance No. 13,696. for' the
construction of-a sewer In East Couch street.
from 150 feet west of East Twenty-second
. atreet to a connection with the sewer In Kant
'Twenty-fourth street, In the manner provided
.by ordinance No. 13,636, upon each lot, part
v oi ioi ana parcel or muu, wuicn are Biecialiy
. idr Decuuarir neneniea. to bo bb ronnvt-B. vi
f Keystone Addition to tbt City ot Eaat :
I Blk 3,. lot 8. Emll Stark. .........8 38.40
Blk 2, .lot 7, Crescent Land company.,,, , 28.40
(Blk S, lot fl. descent tisud company., ..ut). 78
, Dunn's Addition to East Portland
(Blk 10, hit 1, George 0. Boot '....., 20.16
, Blk 10. lot George G. Moot..,, 24.40
f Blk 10. lot 3, James F, and Annlo -
Mathewa ...... ........ 24.40
Blk to, Jot .4. Jamea f. and Annie . ,
' JIalhews 2A.40
' Blk 10, lot 5; H. 8. Butner..,,.,....,.,, 24.40
Blk 7, lot 1. Silas Jonea.,, SM.40
'Blk 7, lot 2, Silas Jonea, 28.40
' Blk 7, lot 8, Rlla Jones..,,. 28.40
Blk T. Irrt 4. Silas Jones 18.40
. Blk T, hit S.vKatbrelne B. Mnhoney..., 2.50
Keyslon. Addition to the. City of Eaat .
Portland ., " ;
Blk .'(. lot 8, Jullua Stark. 20.00
Blk 3, lot 4. Creacent Land company,.., 30.00
' , Jjlk 3, ut 5, Creacent Land company.... ' 21.30
' Dunn's Addition to-East Portland
Blk II.' lot 10, Hermnn F. Rlttmann.... U.M
Blk It, bit 9, Paul Kriust Jones,,,,,,,, 17.55
: Blk It, KS, Paul Krnat Jones.,....., 17.65
Blk II. lot 7. Northern Pacific Coast
Aninsemcnt company 17.55
Blk 1L' lot 6, Northern Pacific Coaat
' Amusement mmpaug ' . ................
Blk ft. lot 10. Ilanhel Gates
.Blk 0, lot 9, Rschel Gatee.i. ,,.,,,,,'..,; 20.
' hlk 6. lot H. W. O. Hchellenharger. .,.."" 2).
Uk a. lot T..W. a. Schellenoarger.i.,..7' 10.00
T ljlk 6, lot 4,' Frederick K. Cooper,,. .,.. 1.00
Total' .,.....'.........,....... ..,...1528.40
- A atotement Of aforesaid aaxessmenf has been
. entered In ths Docket of City Llsns, and Is
liow dse and payable at the office of the eity
treasurer; -in lawful mnne" of tbe United States,
'and ir not puld within 80 days from the dsto
of this notice, such proceedings will be taken
' for tho collection ot the snmeins ore provided
liv the charter of the city of pnrtlund.
'Tl'o uhove nssvssnient will bear iuterent 10
days after ths first publication of this notlcv.
; ' ' Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, "Dr., December S2, 1903.
"?:?viV. ALBUfA AVENITE. i"
Notice Is 'hereby given that tbe conncll of
ths city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on
tne 18th day of December. 1803. declared tne
assessment by ordinance No. 13.692, for the
improvement -if Alblna avenue from, tbe north
line of Pare street to the center lino of Hirer
street. In the manner provided by ordinance No.
1.I.V72, upon esch lot, part or lot ana parcel ot
land, which are apeclaily and peculiarly be. ne
sted, to be ss follows, via; ...... .
j.own oi Aioina
Blk 61, lot 8, Mary H. Evans..... ...S 92.76
Blk 61, lot 9, James Collins I.. 116.94
A trsct ef land lying between tho
. tooth lino of Psge atreet and the "
' north line of Goldsmith street and,
- between the east Hue of AlMna are. , ' '
nue and a lino 100 feet eaat of and
parallel therewith W. H. Foster. . 1,126.63
A tract of land lying between tha
. aoutherly line of Goldsmith street
and ths northerly line ot tbe Oregon ...
i. Railroad Navigation company's
right of wsy and tha southeasterly
Hue of Alblna avenue and a lino 100
feet southeasterly from and parallel
therewith Alliance Trnat company
of Dundee, Scotland
A trm "t l.nil i- lrln tiWAn lh
southerly lino of the Oregon Ball
road at Navigation company's right
. of way and a Una 50 feet northerly .
from and parallel with the north
Hue of River street and between tbs
- sontbessterly dine ot Alblna avenue
and a line 100 feet southessterly
from and parallel therewith Jamas
B. Montgomery Estate, helra of....
A tract of land lying Between .tha
northerly una ot Hirer street ana a
line 16 feet northerly from snd pr
allel therewith and between tha
'southeasterly Una of Alblna avenue ,
and a lino 100 feet southeasterly
therefrom snd parallel therewith
Jsmea B. Montgomery Estate, helra
- of --. ...............................
A tract ef land lying -between two
lines respectively 15 feet and 50 test
f northerly from the north line of River
atreet and parallel therewith and
. between tbe southerly Una of Alblna
avenue and a Una 100 feet
stutneaaterW from and parallel
therewith W. H. H. Morgan......
Eatterly one-talf ot a trlmgular tract
of land 'ylng between tbe south Una
o. block 63, Alblna, the westerly Una
of Alblna avenue and ths northeast
erly line of Goldsmith street, the
same being all ot lot It In block 52.'
Alblna. lying south of ths north Una
, of Page atreet extended westerly In
; its present course ana the easterly
halt of lot lo In aald buck, aa
- named - In- the- resolution - snd - aa
ahown on the map of Portland, Ore-
: gon, pnbllxhed by ths Title Guar
antee A Truat eomnanv. reslatered
No. 75 Henry Welubard.. 1,011.88
Town of Alblna ' '
Blk KK aouthweaterlr one-half of lot 8.
David and Anna Brown............ '281.94
Bik 69. northeasterly one-half lot 6. '
Dirk Van Barnaul. ...... .o. ....... 241.78
Blk 69. lot 6. John Mitchell. ........ .. 118.25
Plk 69, lot 8, Irene A. McKenny...... 162.33
Blk 59. lot 4. James W. Applegate. . . , 670.11
Blk 69, all of lot 5 lying weat of tha
, westerly line of tbe 0,, R. Jb N,
' enmiianv lisht ef wsv. Jamea R.
Montgomery Eatate, holrs of B44.27
Blk- 69, lot o. Jamea B. , Montgomery
Estate, helra of 124.78
Blk Hf), bit 3, William H. Wlgsera.U, .. 1K2.71
Plk 69. lot 4, WUllaa H. Wlggers. . . . 666.64
B1L 83. lot 6. James B. Montsomerr
Estate, helra of ,, 597.96
Blk H3, lot 6. James B. Montgomery .
Eatate, heirs of................. 149.50
Elk 83, lot 8, James B. Montgomery
Katate. lelrt of........ 1B1.55
Blk 83, lot 4, Walter E. Walah...... 571.09
Eight of way Orngon Railroad and
. Navigation company ,., ,. 3.59
Total . ...............v. . 810.965.55
r A statement of aforesaid assessment bss been
entered in tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is
now due and payable at the offlce of the city
treaanrer. tn lawful money of the United State.
and If not paid within 30 daya from lbs date
of this notice, such proceedings will he taken
for the collection of tbe aame as sre provided
by ths cbsrter of. the city nf portlsnd.
The above asaesanient will bear Itttereat 10
oera a nor tne arst pubiieatien of this notice. ,
.",! :-'.'., - THOS. . O. DKV1.1N, . .
Andltnr of the City of Portland.
Portland, Or., .December ,22, 1903.
Sealed ' proposals will 6a recctvsd by tbe
nndrralgaed at the office of the auditor of
the city of Portland, Or., until Monday, Janu
ary a, iuu. ei a o'cioca p. m.. tor tna aaia,
at not lesa thsn par value and accrued Interest,
ef improvement bonds of tha city of Portland.
Or., ss tbs same shall be authorised to be
Issued for ' the whole or any part ot 0ns
hundred thousand dollars. Ssld bonds will be
Issued la denominations of five hundred dot
lars esch.' to be dated when authorised, nay.
able 10 rears from date, bear In a intereat at the
rate of 6 per -cent per annum, payable seinl-
annnauy. intereat and principal payable la
United Statea gold coin, -at tha offlce of tiie
city treasurer, Portlsnd. . Or. Provided that
tbe city or Portland reserves tha rlaht to tska
op snd cancel such bonds, npon the payment
of tho face vsln thereof, with accrued Interest
to the date Of payment, at any aemlanuual
coupon period at or after one year, from ths
date of such bonds. ;.. , ,
Ssld bonds are Issued under authority of aa
act ot the legislature of tha atate of Oregon,
Dassed February 14. 1898. entitled;' "An act
to provide for the tssusnce of bonds for the
Improvement of streets and the laying of sewers
In Incorporated clrlea, and for the payment of
coat, of auch improvements and laving of aewcra
by installments," ai amended by an act, of
Blk 232, lot 4, Mra. Iowa Dlnpel. .. ,. ...
Blk 33, lot 7, John and JJellle F. Law-
rece ..v.,.....,, .
Blk 3U3, lot 8, John and Nellie F. Law
rence ................................
Blk 259, lot t, L. .A. and Martha B.
Brown ..,
Blk 2B9, lot 6, L.. A. and Martha E.
Blk 228, lot 3, Samuel M. Barr..
Tail. MJ ln 4 O 1 sT tl.M
OltTs MO, BU At DMUIUI1I JB . DUl ss4s
Blk 2.H, lot 4, John GtJUfson.,r.......
Blls 231, lot 8, John Gustafeon. .........
Blk 231, lot 2, Maria' O. Wright....,,..
Blk -231, lot 1, Frank C. Miller.,.,
Blk 2(10. lot 4. Benson B. Wrlsht. ......
Blk 300, lot 8, Benson E. Wright.......
ToUI ...............8547.90
A statement of aforesaid assessment nss been
entered In the Docket of City Liens, and Is
now due and payable at the office of the city
treasurer. In lawful money of tbs United States,
and If not paid within 80 dava from ths data
of thla notice, auch proeeedlnga will ba taken
tor. tna collection at tne aame as. are provided
by 'tho charter of the city of Portland. -The
above aasessment will bear intereat 10
daya after tha nrat publication ot thla notice.
' r ItJUa. C. IIUVL.1J,
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
Portland, Or., December 22, 1903.
:.r'.- STREET.
Notice la hereby aivea that tho council of
tha city of Portland, Or., at a meeting held on
the 18th day ot December, 1903, declared the
assessment by ordinance No. 13,700, for the
construction of a aewer In Tillamook atreet.
from 126 feet eaat of tbe eaat line of Union
avenue to a connection with tba proposed sewer
in r.asi Beveutft street, in the manner provided
by ordinance No. 18,423, npon each lot, part of
lot and parcel of land, which are apeclaily and
peculiarly oenenieu, 10 oe as ioiiowa, via
Town of Alblna
Blk 2, lot 6, Susan Nooning ..8 26.70
Bik 2. lot 4, Susan Nooning ........... 28.70
Blk 3, lot 7, Joseph Schsdo 28.70
Blk 2. Vt 8, Joseph Bcbsde ............ 28.70
Blk 3, lot 9, Joseph Scbsde 26.70
Bik 8, lot 10. Louise Wcndorf...
Blk 2, lot 11, Lndwlg Bpsdy .,
Blk 2. lot 12. Caroline C. Rosera. -
BIU3. lot 18, Mary A. Maupin...
bik a, lot i; Mra. Henna Albers......
Blk 3. lot 38, H. A. Henneman
Blk 3. oast-14 2-3 feet of lot 37, Henry
Blk 2. west 88 1-8 feet of lot 37, John
Blk i, lot 28, Henry Hllser ...
Blk 2. M 25, Frederick Armbraster..... , 18.60
Blk 2, lot 24. Frederick Armbraster...., r 18.30
Blk X. lot 83, Csrollns V. Rogers. 18.80
Blk 2, wast 83 1-41 feet of lot 23, Caro
line a Bogera -...'..-.. u. 18.20
Blk 2, cast 18 3-3 feat of lot 32. Martha
E. Halt 4.10
Blk 3. east 88 1-8 feet of lot 21, L. A.
Brnsb ..... 13.20
Blk a. west 16 3-3 feet of tot 31. Martha
E. .nail , 6.10
Blk 2, eaat ii of kit 30, Emma 0., Nor-
man A. and Richard W. Forbes.,..., 9.15
Bik 2, west Vi of lot 30, Thresla J. Vel-
gtith, B.1B
Blk 2. tot IV, Nallla and Sebaatlaa Fly.
man , 15.30
Total .......8450.00
A statement of aforesaid aeseesment has been
antered In tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is
now aue ana payable at tbe office of tbe city
treaanrer, In lawful money of tha United Ststes,
and If not nald within 30 dava from the data
of thla notice, such proceedings will be taken
for tha collection of the asm as are provided
by the chsrter of tha city of Portland.
The above assessment will bear Intereat 14
asys aiiot in nisi pnnncsnon ot mis notice.
. Auditor of the Hty of Portland.'
Portland. Or., December 22, 1908. .
Notice la hereby given that the council ef the
city of Portland proposes to assess tho follow
lng described property and owner or owners aa
being specially and peculiarly benefited In tba
amounts set opposite tba names and descrip
tions thereof by tbe construction of a aewer
In Preaoott street, from 16 feet wast ef the
west Una of East Tenth atreet to tha proposed
aewer in i dios s venue, aa proviaee by orate
auce No. 18.537. "
Any objections to too apportionment of coat
for aald eeaer most be made In writlns to the
council and filed with the auditor within- 15
days from the date of tha flrat publication of
thla notice, and aald objectlona will ba heard
and-determined by -tbe-ounclt before tha pes
ssga ot tha ordinance assessing tba cost foe
ssld sewer.
Hlghlsnd . rf
Blk 18, lot 4, Henry S. Donnell.
Blk 14, lot 5, Henry 8. Donnell
Blk 17, lot 7. H. P, Koateroiao........
Blk 17, lot 8, H. P. Kosterman........
Blk 17, lot 5. W. 8. Cotter
Blk 17, lot 6, J. T; Dillon
Blk 18. lot 7, W. M. Seward
Dlk 18, lot8, W. M. Seward.........
Bik 18, lot 5, I)ren,Jawar4..,
Blk 18, lot 4, Lorea Seward..,,
Blk 19, lot 7, Mollis L. Stokea........
Blk 1, lot 8. Mollis L. Stakes........
Blk 19, lot 5, Mary Ileler
Blk 19, lot 6, Mary Beler
Blk 20, lot T, Carolina Miller
Blk 20, lot 8, Caroline Miller ,.
lllk 20, kit 6, If. B. Taylor .,
Blk 20. lot 4. H. B. Taylor...........
Blk 31, lot 7, H. A. Smith..,.
helra of
Blk 47, lot 4,,'W. B, Udd, estate t
heira of .-
Blk 47, lot 8, W. 8. Ladd, aetata
helra of ........................ ..,
Blk 47, lot 2, Maria A. Smith.,
Blk 47. lot 1, John Kternan
Blk 48, tot 4, Columbia Investment
Blk 48, lot 8, Columbia Investment -
company :
Blk 45, ot 4, United Ststes National
- bank !...,............ . 3
Blk 45, lot S, United Statea National
bank ...... ....-......
Blk 46. lot 2. John Klernan
Blk 45, lot 1, John Klernan. . . . i
Blk 44, tot 4, Robert H. Tbompson... .. , .
Blk 44, tot 8,. Robert H. Thompson..,. .
Blk 44, lot 3, Robert H. Thompson...,
Blk 44, lot 1, Robert H. Thorn neon. .j. ,
Blk 13, eaat H of block 43. Evarding
I rarreu
Couch's Addition to tha . City af
Portland V
Blk 30, aoutb H of .eaat H of block
1 at T I ,. . n .a.
avt WUU'T. auu . lun a. tauvm..
Blk 80. north M of cast hk of block
30, Paulina Jorgensen.-.
Blk 29, lot 1, Keppach .Eatate com
pany Blk 29. south 28 feet tot 4, Jamea T.
Burtchwell. trnatee ...... ......T..
Blk 89.. undivided H north 23 feet of
lot 4, Sarah M. Tlltord. ...........
Blk 29. nndivlded H north 82 fact ot
lot 47 Tyler WoodwarA ............ j
Blk 20, nndivlded U north 22 feet ot
lot 4, Elijah Corbett, eatate heirs of
Blk 20, undivided H tot 6, Sarah M.
Tlltord t
Blk 29. undivided tot 6, Tjler,
Woodward ........................
Blk 29,' undivided U tot 6, Elijah Cor
bett. estate helra of
Blk 29. undivided H tot 8, Sarah M. .
Tllford , ,
Blk 29, nndivlded K lot 8, Tyler
Blk 29, nndivlded tot 8, EUJah Cor
bett, estate heirs of
Blk 2S, lot 1, Bridget flinnott.......
Bik 28, tot , josepn eimon. ..........
Blk 28, lot 6, Breyman Bommer-
Blk 28. lot 8, Bray man Bommer- ,
Blk 27. tot 1. Portlsnd Sesmen's
Friend, society ,
Blk 37. tot 4, Portlsnd Seamen's
Man U.I.) . .
Blk 27, lot 5, Joseph Simon........,
Blk 27, tot B, John C. Carson.
Blk 26. tot 1, Charles Cardtnell.. . ....
Blk 24, south H lot 4, Charles Cardl-
nn ,..-,.
Blk 24, north lot 4, Guatavs Mur-.
bard, estate heirs or..............
Blk 24, lot 6, Guatava Murbard, ssUts .
heirs of -
Blk 24, tot 8. Henry W. Monsstes.....
Bik. lot i, usorga v. Maranau. . ..
Blk 25. south 22 fsot of tot 4, Gaorgo
W. Marshall
Blk 25, north 24 feet ef tot 4, August
Blk 28, tot B, Wlnslow B. Ayerv.,..
Blk 20, lot a, Wlnslow B. Ayar.....M
Blk 34, lot 5, I. W. and V. ,Ook...
Blk 24, tot 6, J. W. and V. 'Cook.,...
Blk 24, tot T, J. W. and V. Cook.....
Blk 34. tot 8, Security Baring Trust
Blk 23, tot 8, Thomas M. Richardson..
Blk 33, tot 6. Marx Jorgrnsen
Blk 23; south i,i lot 7, First M. B.
church trustes ..... ...... .'........
Blk 23, north 44 to T, First M. B.
church trustee
Blk 33, tot 4, First M. K. church.
Blk 22, tot 6. Lawrence W. Tar kelson.
Blk 22, tot 6, Lawrence W. Terkslson.
Blk 22. lot 7, Donald Mackay.
Blk 32, lot 8, Donald Mackay:
Blk 21, lot 6, Jnstus M. Btrowbrtdge. .
Blk 31, tot 4. Henrietta and Mary B.
Falling and Emily F. Cabell....,.,
Blk 81, tot 7, Henrietta and Mary B.
Falling and Emily F. Cabell..
Blk 2U lot 8, Henrietta and Mary B.
Falling and Emily F. Cabell
Blk 30, tot 5, Louis rrelshner, estate
heirs of ,.
Blk 30, lo Xoota Frelshaer, estate
' heirs .Of ... ,.".,.- ...... ......
Blk 20, lot T, Louis Frelahner, aetata
heirs of
Blk 20, tot 8, Cicero Lewis, estste
heirs of
Blk 19, lot B, Annie Herral, Rosa Wle-
gand and Kata Strode
Blk 19, lot 6, Lndwlg WUkelm... . ..
Blk 19, lot 7, Henrietta E. and Mary
F. Falling and Emily Cabell. . ..
Blk 19. kit 8, HenrlettA B. and Mary
F. Falling and Emily Cabell
Blk 18, tot 5, H. C. Brceden .
Blk 18, let 4, Amanda W. Head
lllk 18, tot 1, Amanda W. Heed
Blk 18, undivided 1-8 tot 8, William
U, McKay
Blk 18, undivided 1-8 tot 8, Mary M.
McKay ,
Blk 18, nndivlded 1-3 tot 8, John N.
McKay ..J
Blk 17, tot 6, Romaa Catholic arch.
blahop of tha diocese of Oregon....
Blk 17. lot 8, Roman Catholic arch
blsuop of the diocese of Oregon.... -Blk
IT; lot 7, Roman Catholic arch
bishop of tha diocese ot Oregon. , . .
Blk 17. tot 8. Roman Catholic arch-
blahop of the diocese of Oregon....
Blk 80, tot- 5, Henry W. Corbett.
estate helra cf
Blk 80, tot 4. Henry W,
estate heirs of ,
Blk 80, tot 7, Henry , W.
estate heirs- o. ..... .-, , i . .
Blk 80, tot 8, Henry W.
estate- ueira or.. ...........
Blk 31, tot 8, Edith M. Grant. .... i. .
Blk 31, sooth H lot 8, Dsnlel Marx..
Blk 81, north W Vt 4, W. J. Hawkins
Blk .11, lot T, Robert R. Thompson..
Blk 81. lot k, Robert B. Thompson.,
01k 82. west Vj Of block 82, Henry
Conch's Addition to the City of
Blk 20. northwest U of block
Bridget Slnnot
Blk 20. southwest , of block
tatherine ec(
Blk 19. lot 3. Marx As Jnrgenaen . , . . . .
Blk 19, tot R, Charles E, Smith.'.....
Blk -19. eaat 10 feet lot 6, Thomas
Blk 19. west 85 feet of north H lot 4,
Bertha Meyers , ,
Blk 19. west 85 feet of south tot 4,
Daniel Rleman
Blk 19, east 10 feet lot T, Thomas
Stevens ...iv
Blk 10, weat 86 feet tot 7, Isaac and
Flora Jacobs .................. , ; ji
Blk 16, )ut 2, Lawrence W. Tberkel-
son v ,
Blk 18, tot 3. Lawrence W, Therkel-
son- ,
Blk 18, tot 6, Iiuls - and Theodore
Blk 18. tot T, Louie and Theodora
Nlcolal ........... W
Blk IT, tot 3,- Robert R.. Tnompaon.,,.
Blk 17. tot .1, Knhert It. Thompson.
Blk IT. tot C. Wllllsm Mv Udd et al.
frosts i ............. ,
Blk IT. tot 7, William M. Udd etal.
trustee '.
Blk 18, tot 2. Frank C. Baker
Blk 31 tot 8, H. A, Smith..
Blk 21, tot 5, Georgia A. Armstrong..
Blk 21, tot 6, Georgia A. Armstrong. .
Blk 23. tot 7, 8. D. Da via
Blk 22. tot 8, 8. D. Davla. ...........
Lincoln Park Ahnex .
Blk 7. lot 1, F. N. Koljold....,,
Blk 7. tot 2. F. N. Koljold.,.,...,..,.
Blk , tot 12, C. H. Heller...........
Blk 4, lot 11, D. It. Hawklna.,,,,...,
Blk , tot 2, A. B. Manley...,
Blk 6, ot 1. A. B. Manley............
Blk 6, tot 13, Susie J.. Johnson ., '
Blk B, tot 11. Susie J. Johnson
Blk 5, tot 2, -John Robertson,,...
Blk 5, lot I, John Robertson
Blk 4, lot' 12, Andrew J. Lllhurn..,..
Rlk 4. lot 11, Andrew J. Llllmrn . . . . .
Blk 4, lot 2, Andrew J. Lllhurn. , , . ,
Blk 4, tot 1, Andrew J. Ulburn . . , . .
Blk S, west tot 12, Clara 8. Bush-,
noli ;
Blk 8, west H tot 11 Clara 8. Bush-
Blk 8, eaat H tot 12, Emily Peterson..
Blk 8, eaat H tot 11, Kniily Peterson..
Blk R, lot 2. Minnie R. Klntset,,...,
Blk 8, lot 1. Minnie B. Klntset. .... .
Blk tot 12, Ttoiothy Pearson. Jr....
Blk 2, tot 11, Timothy Pearson, Jr...
Blk 2, lot it, Tidl Olmated., .......
Blk. 2, lot 1. Tnodle Olmsted.
Blk 1. tot 12, (larenca M. Dllley,,.,..
Blk 1, lot 11, Clarence M. Dllley.,....,
' 42.25
' 27.28
42 26
- 27.25
' ; 82.85
. 23.93
' 47.85
. 82.85
Total ...Mv, ...... . .... . . , ,. ,, .", . . .81.687.10
-.':.' v 11 ' THOS. C,V DEVLIN, - -'-
- Auditor Of tha City of Portland,
December 21. 1908. . . 5 .
: 2M2.89
. . 67.08
' 258.77
: 58.92
' 68.53
, 79.13
66 87
. 112.56
. 60.81
Notice t Wehv riven : that nt the meet
lng of the council of the clty.of Portland, Ore.
gon, held on the loth day of December," 1903,
tl'ft rollowing resolution was aaoptea. . - j
nrmjiru, ( uni iu. u v . . v . ..... - -
Pi.rtinnrt (ir . ,uema It exocdlent and
propoaee ' to Improve 1a4 .jvenue from - the
wrat line of Mllwaokle avenue . to tha east
line, of Eaat Thirteenth street, , 10 the, fol
lowing manner, fowl t: " '
Flrat By grading , the street full width
with full Intersections to proper Bubarxde.,
Second By laying wooden aldewalka in ac
err dance with the city cngllieer'a plana, epect
ttcatldns nnd estimates. - -
Third By lsylng wooden crosswalks In ac
cordance with tbe city engineer's plans, sped-
fictitious and estimates. . . '. .
Fourth By constructing box gutters' In se-
enrdsnce witn the city- engineer piaua, spcii-
llcationa and estimates.
Fifth By bringing tha snrface of tha atreet
to the Wooer trade 10 feet In width in tbe
utter of the strcefviith grsvel, : " v
Said Improvement to be maaa m accoraance
with tha charter and . orillnsneM ef the city of
Portland and the plana, speciacations and esti
mates of the .city engineer filed In the of
fice of the auditor ot the flty of Portlsnd on
tbe 15th day of December, 1903, inooraea: "viiy
engineer's 'plans snd anecificstiona - for the
Improvement of Leo aTnnafrom the weat
line of Milwankle aTenuc to the east line ot
Fsat Thirteenth street and the estimates of
the work to be doCe and the probable total
Cost thereof."
The cost of said Improvement' to be assessed
aa provided by the chy charter npon tbe prop
erty, apeclaily benefited-thereby and which la
heranv cieeiareA to rjn au tne iota, oaris ok
tota and parcels of land lying between a line
100 feet north of and parallel wltn tba north
line of Leo avenue and a Una 100 feet sooth of
and parallel with the aouth line of Leo' ave
nue aud between the weat line of Mllwaukte
avenue and tba eaat line of - Eaat, Thirteenth
atreet.-' '- ''. ' '"
The enrlneer'a sstlmsta of the probable total
cost for the improvement of Leo avenue ia
t2.rcB.UU. ' ' ' ..:.;.'
The sbovs Imnrsvement la to be clsssed as a
gravel. Improvement and shall be maintained
by tbe city for a period of five yeara; pro
vided, that the owners of a majority of tha
property benefited by said Improvement or any
portion thereof shall not petition for a new oc
different improvement before tha expiration of
such period.
The plans, specifications and eatimstea ot the
city engineer for tbe Improvement of- fcsld Leo
avenue are hereby adoptod. . . -
Resolved. -That the auditor of ' tbe city of
Portland be and he Is hereby1, directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement ot aald
avenna as nrovlded br tho city charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above improvement
may be filed in writing with tha undersigned
wun in u dure rrom tne ante ot tne nrat puo
ilcatlon of this notice. ,' ZIZT
Br order of the council.
Notice Is hereby riven that at the meeting
ot ths council of the city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 2d day of December, 1903, the
iciiowmg resolution wss aaoptea- :
' Resolved, That the council or the city 01
Portland, Oregon," deema It expedient and pro
poaee to construct a sewer in Vaticha stsrat
snd Seventeenth street from 100 feet sast of
the east line of Twenty-first street to a point
In Seventeenth atreet; thence southerly la
Seventeenth street to a connection with ths
sewer In -L'pebur street, ot vltrldod aewer pipe.
witn au necesasry cstfh-hasihs, niannoies, lamp
holea and brancnea. Said sewer to be. of tbe
following dimensions: . Ot eight Inches clear
Inside diameter from a point In Vaughn streut
which Is 100 feet esst of the east Uno of
Twenty-first atreet to- a point In Twantleth
atreet; thence of 10 Inches clear .inside diameter
to - a -point la Vaughn street at Nineteenth
treeti thence of 12. Inches clesr inside diameter
to a Dolnt In Seventeenth street: thence south
erly in Seventeenth street to a connection with
the sewer (n Upshur atreet, and, to be eon
atructed In accordance with the charter and
oidlnancea of the city ot Portland and the plana,
apcctncations ana tannines or tne city engineer
filed in the office of the auditor of the city of
Portland on the zstn nay of November, iwi.
indorsed : "City engineer's plana and aDscifi-
catlona foe a aewer la Vaughn atreet - aud
Seventeenth atreet from 100 feet eaat nf the
eaat line of Twenty-first atreet . to a point In
Seventeenth street; thence southerly in Seven
teenth street to sewer In Cnshur street and
the eatlmatea of tbe work to be dons and the
nrobabla toial coat thereof. -'- . ..
- . . - . .. ., . .
ine coat oi constructing ssia sewer n am
sessed as provided by the city chavsr upon
the property' apeclaily : benefited, thereby and
whlchi la her eh r declared to be all tbe lota,
porta of Iota and parcels of land lying between
a line 100 feet north of and parallel with ths
norm line or vsngnn street ana a una kju
feet aouth of and parallel with the south
line of Vaughn atreet and between a Una lot)
feet sast ef and narsllel with- tba -east line ot
Twentv-nrst atreet and a line 100 feet eaat ot
and parallel with tbe east line of Seventeenth
Tbe engineer's estimate of the probable, total
et-af for, the' construction of a aewer. In aald
vaugnn atreet ana Beventeemn street
fUUI firt : ......
The nlana. sneclficatlona and eatlmatea ot tna
city engineer for the construction of a sewer
In said Vaughn street and Seventeenth street
sre herehv ailontad.
tiesoived, Tbst the auditor or. tne city oi
rortisaa be ana he is hereby directea to give
notice ot the proposed construction ot ssld sewer
SB' provided by the city charter.
KeOHrostrsnee against the above proposed
sewer msr be filed In writing with the under
signed within 30 days from tba date ot tha
Brat publication of this notice. ;
By order of the council. -
Auditor of theClty-of Portlsnd.
Notice ia hereby given that the eonncil nf
the city of Portland proposes to assess tbs fol
towing described property snd owner or owners
ss being apeclully and peculiarly benefited In
tha amounts set opposite the names snd desArlp.
tloos thereof for tbe improvement of Third
street, - from the .north line of Main atreet to
the aoatk line nf (illsan atreet, aa provided by
ordinance No. 13,800. ... .. . r
Any objection to the apportionment of coat
for ssld Improvement must be made la writing
to tha council and filed wifb the auditor within
16 daya from tba data of the flrat publication ef
.j .:; A t .; ;. v
Corbett, 1
Corbett, ,
... "
. 321.67
7 44.64
. 85.81
: 43.93
; 178.40
- 184.87
" 64.29
. 84.50
. 49.68
- 368.43
i 127.21
; 38.81
' ' '44.61
; 75.24
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
December 19, 1903.
Notice ia hereby given that at the meeting
of the eonncil of the dty of Portland, Ore-
Con, held on the 18th day of December, lvua,
le followins resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, That tbe conncll ot the city of
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Larrabeb atreet from tba
north Bne of Holladsy avenue to the aouth
eaaterly Una r ftcMtllan'a addition. In tha
following manner, to-wlt:
Flrat By grading the street full width with
full intersections to proper subgrsde.
Second By bringing tna atreet full width
with full intersections to proper grade with
iniro at conitraeunr sriiuciai stone aiae.
walks In accordance with the dty engineer's
plana, specifications and estimates.
Fourth By constructing artificial atone
curbs In accordance wltb tbe city engineer's
plans, specifications and estimates.
Fifth By constructing croeswslks In ac
cordance with the city engineer's plans, apscl
fications and estimates.''
Sixth By constructing stone gutters In ac
cordance with the city engineer a plana, spscin
rations and estimates.
Said lmnrovement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the city of
Portland and the plans, apseincstions ana esu
mataa nf tha cttv mrinatr filed In the of.
fie of tbe auditor of the city of. Portland on
the loth day of December, 1908. Indorsed: "City
enaineer'a Plans and eoerificstlons for the tm-
irovement of Latrabee atreet from the north
lne et Holladay avenue to the southessterly
line of McMillan's addition, and tbe estlmstea
of the work to be done and tbe probable total
cost thereof." ? .
The cost or -saw improvement to na aasessea
as provided by ths city chsrter npon the prop,
srty spsclslly benefited thereby, - snd which Is
nereny aeriareo to oe as iouows: westerly
u. f blocks 52 and 64:. easterly U block 63.
all In Holladay's addition in East Portland, and
the soutnsriy ft or tne westerly u ai oioca i
In McMillen'a addition to East Portland.
The city engineer'a estimats of the probable
total cost ror ins lnprovemetH ot saw Mrtw
bee street is gi.4lT.uu. .
Tbe above lmnrovement Is to ba classed aa
gravel Improvement aad shall be maintained by
the dty for a period of five yeara; provided,
that tbe owners of a majority ot tha property
benefited - by said Improvement or any por
tion thereof shsll not petition for a new or dif
ferent Improvement before tbe expiration ot
such period, -..'
The plena, specifications and eatlmatea of-the
city engineer for tbe improvement of ssld
Irrsbes street sra hereby s don ted. i
Resolved, Tbst the auditor of the city et
Portland be aad ba is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld
street as provided by tba dty charter.
Remonatrance against the sbovs Imprevs
ment msy be Sled In writing with the under
signed within 20 dsys from, tbe date of the first
publication or tuts notice. .
. By order ef tbe council.
Andltnr ot tba City of Portland.
December 19, 1903, -
1. 154.41
' 44.40
Blk 14. south H tot 8, Frank Klernan,
trustee -. .tn-t . . , r.-a
Blk 16, north H lot 8 Ntphthaly
Koha. .. ........ . ... . .".
Blk 18, Tot 6. Henry, Welnhard. , .. . . ,
Blk 14. tot 7. 'Henry Welnhard.......
Blk 24, undivided H tot 2, Ben Sell
ing .'.-
Blk 24. -undivided H lot 2, Solomon
Hlrscb, entate helra of....
Blk 21, lot .1 X harlea Thnrlow, trustee
Blk 21. smith tt tot 4, Charles Thtjr-
low. trustee
Blk 24, north ft Vt 4. Ambrose B.
Blk 34, tot 7, Udd A Tllton. ........ .
141 98
. 48.79
" 85.01
' 85.01
. 84.71
' Auditor 'al tba City of Portland.
December 21, 19C3.
Notice ia hereby given that At tha ibaetlng
ot the council of the city of Portland, Ore.
gon, held pn the isth aay or December, 1908,
the followins resolution wss adopted: '
' Resolved, Tbst the conncll of the dty of
Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Rodney avenue from tbe north
line of Knott street to tbe south Una of Morris
Street In tha following manner, to-wlt:
First By grading the street full width With
(all Intersections to tbe proper aubgrsde. .
Second By bringing tba street fall width
wltb full, lntersecttona to proper grade wltb
Third By constructing wooden aldewalka la
accordance with tbe city engineer a plana,
n&fl.(iiii, mttA aattmataa
Fourth By constructing wooden curbs In ac
cordance with the dty engineer plana, spec!'
flMltnn. and eatlmatea.
Fifth By constructing artlflclsl atone aide,
walks six feet IW width In sccordsnea wltb
the city engineer'a plana, specifics Hons and
Said lmnrovement to be made In accordance
wltb the charter and ordinances of the dty of
Portland and tbe plana, specifications ana
estlmstea of the city engineer filed In the of
fice of the auditor of the city of Portland on
tho 10th day of December, 1903, tudoreed: "City
engineer's plans and specifications for an lis
provement of Rodney avenue from tbe north
line of Knott atreet to the aoutb Una of Mor
ris street and tba estimates of the work to
be done and the probable total coat thereof.
Tbe coat of said Improvement to be assessed
a provided by tbe city cbsrter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which is
hereby declared to ba all tbs tots, parts of
lots snd parcels 'of bind lying between a Una
100 feet west of and parallel with the weat
line nf Rodney avenue and a line 100 feet eaat
of and parallel with tba eaat line of Rodney
avenuei and between the north 4lne of Knott
atreet and the aouth Hue of Morris street.
The dty englnesr's estimate of tbe probable
total coat tor tne improvement oi aaia , Hoa
ney avenue la 82.523.00.
The above Imerovement hi to be classed ss
grsvel Improvement snd shsll be maintained
bv the city for a period of five yeara; pre
vlded that -the ewnere of a majority of tba
property benested by asm improvement or any
portion thereof shsll not petltiou for a new
or oirrerent improvement neiora ma expire
tlon ef such neriod.
Tba plans, specifications snd estimates of the
city engineer ror tne improvement or saiu
Rodney avenue sre hereby sdopted.
Resolved, That ths auditor of the city of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement ot said
avenue aa provided by tha city charter.
' Itemenatraucs agalsat the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 daya -from the date ot tbe flrat pub
lication of this notice.
By order ot the council.
Auditor ot tbe City ot Portland.
December 19, 1903. ;. -
and Union Pacific
Through Pnllmsa standard and Tourist sleep-
ilia va.-a unuy v ... nwam,..
Tourist - sleeplng-csra dally to Vansaa Cltyr
through Pullman Touruc sieeping-cars tpersna
1 conducted) weekly to Chicago, haoaa
City; Reclining chalicara ' (seats frss) to tha
taut oawy.
December 11. 1908.;
Notice Is hereby aiven thst at tbe meeting
of . tbe council of the dty of Portland, Ore
gon, neia on tne mm aay oi ueeemoer, iwua,
tne' riilinwlna raaaJiLtlan. , waa adoDtea: . v..
Resolved. That the council of the city of
Portland. Orea-on. deema It expedient and pro
poses to 1m Drove Grsnd svenue from 12 feet
norm or the sou in line or tsar marx street
to ill feet north of ths north line of Bast uaa
street, br constroetlns an elevated roadway
In width with 50 fe-for a roadway and two
18-fcKt gbjewalks on either side ot the roaa-
way. .'".;:. . j - '
Said Improvement to- be made In accordance
wltb the charter and ordinances of tbs dty of
Portland snd tbe puns, specincstions , sna esti
matea of the eltr . enslneer filed In the office
of the auditor of tha city of -Portland on tha
6th day of December, imm, inooraea: . lty en.
sincer e nisns ana anecincetiona ror tne lin
provement of Grand avenue from 12 feet north
of the south line of Eaat Stark atreet to 111
fast north of tha north Una of Eaat Oak street.
and tbe eatlmatea of tbs work to be done sad
the probable total coat thereof."
The coat, of aald lmnrovement to be aa
aeaaad aa nrovlded bv the city charter npon
the property specially benefited thereby and
which Is hereby declared, to be ell tha tots,
parts of lots and parcels of land lying between
the north Una of Esst Morrison street snd
the aouth . Una of East Burnstde atreet and
between a line 90 feet easterly from 'and
parallel with the eaat una et urana avenue ana
a Una 90 feet westerly from and parallel with
the west line of Grsnd avenue.
The eatlmata of the dty engineer or roe
probable total coat et tbe Improvement of
ssld Grand avenue le 34.852.00.
The above improvement is to pe cisasea as aa
etevatea roaaway ana snsu oe maintamea d,
tho city for a neriod of five yeara f provided
that tna owners oi a majority or tne property
benefited by aald Improvement or any portion
thereof, ah nil not Betltkm for a new or dif
ferent Improvement before tbe expl: atioa . of
auch neriod.
Tb plana, specificsHons and eatlmstes of tbt
dty engineer for tbe Improvement of aald
Grand avenue are hereby adopted. . -
Resolved, Thst the auditor of tbe city of
Portland be ana ne is nereny airectea to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement of ' said
avenue ea provided by toe city charter.
Reeoaatrsnce against ths above tmprovw
mant may be filed In writing wltb the under
signed within 20 dsys from the data of the
flrat publication ot tnia notice.
By order of tha council.
... .... , THOS. C. DEVLIN,
' Andltnr of tba city of Portland.
December 19, 1908. . .'
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
of the council 'of the city nf Portland, Oregon,
held-on the lOtb day of December, 1903, the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted: :-
Kcaolved. -Thst thr council ' vt the dry of
Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
piles to change the grsde at the Interaectloa of
tho center Hne of Eaat Thirty-third street with
the center line 4f East Wsablngton street, snd
that It Is tbe intention of - ssld council to
rbsnge anl establish tbe grade at aald Inter
aectloa, from 160.9 feet to 147.8 feet,' above
tbs haae of city trades. -
Resolved, Thst the auditor be and be Is
hereby directed to give notice of the proposed
chsnge oX grsde ot said street as provided by
tbe city chirter. . .
Remonstrance agalnat the above chsnge 'of
grade may be filed In writing with the under
elaned within 20 daya from tba date ot the flrat
publication of thla notice.
'By order of the council. - , ' '
; Auditor- of tha City of Portland.
Tjecembef 19, 1908, ; , , . . i
UNION DEPOT. Laavea. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 a. m. 5:25 a. tn.
- SPECIAL. Dally. .,' v Daily.
For tbe Eaat via Hout
v .-. ingtoa. ;., ; :
SPOKANE FLTEB. 7:45 a. m. 8:00 a. SS.
For Rastiirn Washing- Dally. tally,
ton, Walls Walla. Lew
lstonv Coeur 4' Atone
and ' Great , Northern
points. -t . )
For tbe Eaat via Bunt- Dally. , Daily.
lngton. ' - :.' ' ' ' 1
FOR SAN FRANCISCO: Icrem 5:00 p. to.
8. S. Geo. W. Elder Alaaka
Dec. 18. 28. Dwk. ,
8. 8. Colombia ; 8:00 n. m. ;
Dee. S, 13, 28. . " . -
' 1 i '..""' .' '. a.
Columbia, River Dlvlaloa,
FOR ASTORIA snd way1
points, connecting wltb
stror. for Ilwsco and
North beach, str. Hsa-
aalo, . Asa-Bt. - dock.'
8:00 p, n.
ex. Sunday.
10:00 p. m.
16:00 p. nw
sx. SundsM
Taaabin Rivsr Routs,
City and Yamhill River
points, stmr. Klmors
Aeh-at. dock.
(Water permitting.)
FOR SALEM. Albany,
corvaius and - way
points,- stmr Monoe. -
I water permitting.?
7:00 a. m.
8:45 a. m.
Monday. .
4:80 n. nv
4:00 p.
Baaka River Routs.
and way points from
RIoarla. Waah.r ateam.
era Spokane and Law-
tiwt a. a
Dlly. . ..
lex. Sat
5 :00 p. xn. .
sx. Friday
TICKET OFFICE. Third end WaaBlngton.. Tela
v --' puuoe, aaaia tin. .
For Yokohama and Hong Kong. ' calling al
Kobe. Naaaaakl and Shanghai t. lrl eraiahs
ia connecting ateamara tor Manila, Port Arthug
and VUdlroctok. ...:,.' . . ., ... ....
For rates and full lnfornation call tm or ad
dress officials or agenta ef tba D. B- 4k N. Cow
I Ioooim. tnajoM I
llll ROUTta. IOI
8:80 p. n.
8:80 a.m.
. 't ' '
4:0ft p. at.
7:80 a. an.
114:50 p. tn.
trains, for Salem, Rose
burg. - Ashland. - Sacra
mento, Ogdes, San Fran
cisco, Motsve, Loe An
celes. El Peso. New Or.
Mane and tbe East -
At Wood bom daily
(except Sunday), morn
ing train for ML An
sel. SUverton. Browns
ville, Springfield. Wand-
ung and Aatroa.
Albany passenger, eon.
nects at Woodburn with
Mt, Angel and Silver,
ton local.
CorvalUa paaaenger.,...
Rbsrldan pasaanger.....
7:46 a. as.
7:00 p,"m.
10:10 a. as,
8:26 a. av
3:50 p.m.
Dally. JDallyjjxeeBLJBiMda
RaHwiy between tbe .- -
Missouri River
The Chico;o-Portlind Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping can, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company, Oregon Short Line Rail
road. Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago & Nbrth-Weatera Railway
lo micago irom roruanq ana points
lit Oregon, . . ; , , '
' Dally and per eon ally conducted ex-
, eurtlons in Pullman tourist steeping
t . . r .i i v a i J
fsrsiium w ui iisru, im nngcirs biiu
an Francisco, through to Chicago '
without change,
. . RtTCHIH. -
Caa'1 Agt.. Sir Market St,.
Ces'l Agi i;s Thiid St,
Chicago Sl North-Western Ry.
Vortland-Oawege guburban Banrioa aad TamhUl
. .. Oiviaioa. .
Depot root of Jaffarson 8tree
tears Portland dally for Oswesw f :80 a. K.i
12:50, 2:06, 8:25: 8:20, 6:16, S:&0. 10:10 P. in
Dally (sxcept Sunday) 6:80, 6:J0j 8:85. 10:55
as. e:is. si:ov p. an, nuaaay eoiy,
a. m
Rstnrnlng from Osweao. srrlvs PortUnA dell
8 80 a. 1-55. 8:06. 4:86. 6:15. -T:85, -:53.'
11:10 p. m. Dally exeept Sundav) 25.
8:80. 10:20, 11:46 a. na. Except Monday, MM
p. m. Sunday only, 1046 a. re. -
lisavee front asms depot for Delias and Inter
Biedlate points dally (except lundayl 4:00 p. be,
Arrtvs Portland 10:20 p. ro.
Tbe Independence-Monmoutb Motor ; Una
eperatea dally- to Monmouth aad Atrlle. con
necting with Southern Pacific eompaay'e traeka
at Dallaa and Independence.
Plrst-cissa rebate tickets on ssle from Port,
land to Sacramento snd San tVinctaea. N
late 817.50. berths 85: second-clsss fare 815.'
itnout rsoate or neruii ascono-ciaaa nssta
Ticksts to Kssrern ooinrs ana Europe, sise
Jspsn. China, Honolulu and Australia.
City Ticket tirnre corner Tnird ana wssmng
tcn streets. Phone, Mala 71X
City Ticket Agent , Gen. Pas. Agent '
Puget. Sound -tlmlted,
for Tscoais. Seattle.
Olympla. South Beod
and ttrey's Baraer
points. , , '
North Coaat Limited,
for Tacnma, Seattle.
Butte. St. Paul,. Mln
neapolla. Chicago, New
Vork. Bwton and points
East and Southeast.
Twln-Clty Expreea, for
Tscena. Seattle, Spo
il ana. .Helens. St. Panl,
Mlnnesnolla, Chicago.
New York, Boeton and
all points Eaat and
Puget Bound Rsnsas
Clty-8t. Uula Special,
for Tacnma. Seattle.
Spokane, Butts, Bllllngs;
Denvsr. Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louts and all
polnta Eaat aad South
ssst '..
la. xa.
8:00 p.
11:48 p.
8.80 a. xs.
5:80 p. a.
T:00 a. m
T:00 p. at.
root. v
' All tralaa dally except ea Bontb Bead
branch. ' A. D. CHARLTO!,
Asslstsnt Oearral Passngr Agsnt
' 229 Morrison at, eor. Third. Portland, Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. . CMION DEPOT. Arrives. '
-4. -
r Tor Mnygete, Rainier, riaiir
t --" Clatakaaie" Wsalr-rt P"''
aifton. Astoria, Was-
8:00 a. ts. rstiton. risvsl. Main- 1110 a. ov
Dally, mond, fort Stevens,
' fjearnart Park, Beaslde, . '
!".. Astoria and SVaabora
: ' Express, Dally.
7:00 p. na, ' Astoria Xxptssa,
Dally. v Dally. 4ip. at.
.pv--., ;v J, C. MAVrt,
i ' a. t. and P. A.,. '4, ,
C. A, STEWART. Cummerclsl Aunt, ii A
St., i'hJto. Main bv.