The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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144-146 Third Street
Between Morrison and Alder ;
144-146 Third Street
Between Morrison and Alder
- e
Better fhrry: t) 0iy Three Days More
; n which to do the balance of your holiday shoppings You'lll save both time and trouble It you come here to
; supply your needs, that's the use-of running around looking at every stock that's offered. Come to us
and you will have the pick of the most select stock of holiday goods at prices that will allow you to choose
two presents where you only thought of buying one. Toysr dolls and games for the little folks and a hundred
and one suitable presents for the grown-ups. y Come and see our stocks, they will help you to decide at once.
Hosiery Priced
A half doien pairs of fin Host maks an appropriats prssent to a lady
751 .
Ladles' fast black extra flne quality
lace Lisle Hose excellent show
in& of stylish new designs: per
- pair, 60c; box ot
six .........
. ..$250
Ladles' extra . good quality fast
black Hose, spliced heel and toes;
flne and soft; per pair, 25c; per
. halt , CI
dozen ,......?-. )lOV
Children's ' extra " quality " wide
: ribbed Ilose fast and stainless,
excellent wearing, per 1Ca
Ladies' all-wool black Cashmere
Hose, soft and warm, perfectly
made; our regular 85o Hose; spe
cial, to close them out, ; IQ
) per pair llC
Ladles' fine ribbed best selected
7 Worsted HoBe: three-thread heel
and-toe; excellent quality, soft
and fine; per v C(n
. pair .......... OUW
Boy's Iron clad Hose, fast black and
the kind that will wear and give
service, per OZf
pair .,..... ..UW
One' of the most acceptable gifts to
give a friend is a nice Umbrella. Our
stock offers you a . grand opportunity
to obtain at little cost the finest kindst
bf Umbrellas, mounted with high-grade
imported handles. ..' 1
frorn !!!?aS50C tO $5.00
35c to $4.50
Men's substantial
Umbrellas, from
Miles upon miles of all kinds 6f the
most desirable Ribbons, suitable for
all holiday purposes. Supply your rib
bon wants at this store. Large assort
ments at extremely low prices.
85c Fancy Colored Ribbon,' ' ic
SOc Liberty Satin Rlvon,
now i .
8o Satin Ribbon, all colors,
i now . , .
15c Fancy Colored Ribbon, B
now .OV
Baby Ribbon, all colors, per
yard . . . ...... .
The Best Underwear Values
- The women have found our Underwear values to be of the highest stand
ard. The items make excellent holiday gifts. ' r
lLadles' natural . gray, wool-pleated, winter-weight, Jersey
ribbed, well-finished Vests and Pants, worth 67c 30
1 each, now on sale at. )uC
Ladies' fine-ribbed, all-wool, natural grayrVesttr'ana Pants,
perfectly made and finished, each, . - f nn
$U0, per suit..... .................. ....I.VU,
Ladles' extra-fine, all-wool, white and natural gray Vests
and Pants, silk-crocheted and ribbon neck, JA
each ...... "vplt.DU
Ladies' Improved sanitary natural wool v Vests and Pants,
made from carefully selected stock, fine and soft,( A A
each u f. 'i ..... , . , . . , . 1 .U U "
Children's heavy fleeced Vests and .Pants, extra good 3 p
values, warm and good, each,,..v..,...............jOC
Children's ; non-shrlnkable all-wool Shirts' and Pants,
sizes to 28 each 60c 5 above size SO
ffi. r.75c ili
u u
Toys That
Will Please
' We are closing out the balance of our
stock of Toys at' prices' that will 60th
please and' surprise you. Don't forget the
little ones. Remember only" three. days
more to supply your needs. Come In and
see how we are selling one of the best
assorted stocks of Toys at a third less
than is usually asked, for this class of
goods. Bring the little folks In and let
them see the big array of Dolls, Median
s leal Toys, Blocks, Picture Books, Books,
Drums, Animals, and. In fact, a hundred
and one things that are dear to the hearts
of the future men and women. - '
( ' '
' Good News from the
Suit Room ; .
Make your mqther, wife, sister or daughter happy with a stylish
Jacket, Suit or Pretty Fur. , We offer a superb stock from which to make
your seleotion. 1
Louis XIV and Blouse Suits, made from the popular Zibellnes, Scotch
and English. Mixtures, In fashion's most approved style, hand-
$7.50, $12.85, $13.50, $15.50, $16.50
Dress Skirts of all the wanted materials, made after the lat-
set8yiesT..T.0.? ".?Z0V.T.:- $450 to $15.00
Ladles' long and short length Jackets, excellent flji CA An t?7 CA
- showing of styles and materials .... ... ...... Tww,lO Vbi.OVt
Children's Stylish Jackets and Coats, that will 7Z C7 CA
. make the little ones feel proud ......... 10 "PLUV
please any lady, excellent ',. ' QC tn 9fQ CA
.... . ... .. ,v s.w
Silk, made with deep E gCj
Furs that will
- values ,, . ..
Petticoats .of the best quality Black
flounce and ruffle, special ...
Silk Waists in a profusion of rich colors, handsome, (t? AC , Cti CA
attractive styles, 6.00 and $6.00, now ....... . 90.70 a pt.uv
In the
Doll Section
. ' V L . '-.':'" ''- ' : ' - -
Have you bought the little gtrl a doll? If not, here's your chance.
For the next three days you can buy 'em at these low prices:
Kid Body Dolls, 10 inches long, with bisque head,
each .......... ........
Kid Body Dolls, It Inches long, with "bisque head.
Kid Body Dolls, 23 inches long, with bisque head, ,. AC
each ......... m k..ytJw
Kid Body Dolls, 20 in. long, with bisque head and sleeping eyes, AT
each . "uC
Fancy Dressed Dollst 10 In. high, large variety of pretty styles, pftl
. each . IOC
Fancy Dressed Dolls, 13 in. high, choice assortment of pretty de
signs, each
, Fancy Dressed Dolls, with sleeping eyes, 16 in. high; these will
please the little ones; each
Fancy Dressed dolls, Jointed body, ; bisque heads, 9 in. high, A
each , lUC
Fancy Dressed ' Dolls, jointed body, bisque head, 10 In. 'high,
each .
Undressed Jointed Body Dolls, with ' bisque heads, 13. in. high,
eacn. ; ; r. vr.. ; r. . . Vrr.
...... .-i-rr.
Undressed Jointed Body. Dolls, with bisque heads, IS in, high,
each .
Undressed, sawdust body, china head, "hands and feet, 22 in. high.
each . . . ......... ... ,..
- Holiday, Nor titles ; , '
These Work Boxes will help to make .
Christmas the brighter for the party
receiving them. '
Handsome and attractive Work Boxes,
with pretty pictures , ; or. jr. ea. ,
on lid, ach .i , 3vC v
Shell Work Boxes in a variety of
pretty styles; small,"-medium and
kS ST:. 10, 15, 25, 35 and 50c
Laundry Bags s
Large-Slsed." Fancy Colored Laundry
. Bags, pretty Btyles, 'JZr
each..., .............;,
Stamped Doilies, to Be Embroidered
Size 7x7 inches, 1
each ...... ......
Size 9x9 inches, Cv
earh ......... . .
Size 12x12 Inches, 7c
Size 18xlS inches,
each ......... ......
Size 24x24 Inches,
each ......
Dress Goods Make Nice Presents
Dress Goods are always acceptable and desir
able presents,, and these are doubly so at these
prices. ;
64-ln. Snowflake Suiting, in light and dark JZn
grays and greens, worth $1.25, now per yd Ow
64-ln. Sootch Mixtures, greatly in demand, A
. .. worth $1.50, now per yard....... ....... yuC
56-in.' English Melton In green, olive, black f 'If
and navy, worth $1.75, now per yard. 4)1.0
56-in, Melton, In navy and Oxford colors only.i
woijth f 1.50 per yard, now on sale at.
Heavy -Rainy-Day Skirting, In good range of the
most desirable colorings, worth 50c ftndQ.
60c,now onsaleatiti.... j.....v.u7C-
22-ln. Metallic Velvets, in all the desirable shades,
. the regular $1.00 kind, now on sale per HCf,
yard at ....... f .... . v$ '.. . , 1 0 C
500 yards of 60-in. Hairlines' Zlbellne, in all the
wanted colors, values from $1.75 to i
- $2.60, now on sale at
:'. Holiday Table Linens
Don't forget the needs of the table. The Christmas dinner will
taste twice as good if the table linen Is of the right sort.
Fancy Damask Fringed Table Cloth and Napkins to match, (f 5 yj
cloth. 64x80,. napkins 18x18; per set
Plain White Fringed Table Cloth and Napkins to match, (J
cloth. 60x60, napkins 18x18; per set 4JU
Fancy Damask Fringed .Table Cloth and Napkins to match, (t yp
cloth 60x60, napkins 18x18; per set "$L.tO
Plain White -Hemstitched Table Cloths, extra flne .quality,?' CA
62x8o;each ' JpO.oU
Ideal Holiday Gifts
When in doubt as to the most appropriate
gift, select nice Purse. They are always ac
ceptable. , ' 1 .l
Ladles' Automobile and Chain Wrist Bags, In
an excellent variety of "if" . i );
.attractive sjyles: ..JfcoC tO $.id
Ladles' Combination Card Cases and Pocket
Books, good assortment if t3'7C
from which to choose . IOC 0 $01 0
Special holiday offer Genuine Alligator Skin
and Black Seal (train Leather Card Cases,
values up. to $8.00, on special "alePA-
while they last, each;
; Surprise the father, brother or friend with some of these for Christmas. Come In and see the
rray of useful articles suitable for holiday gifts to men.
Men's Muslin Night Robes, plain , and fancy
trimmed; a most worthy f" A , f aa
showing, at from J)UC tO $1.UU
Men's Link and Plain Cuff Buttons in an end
less array of pretty and attractive styles, the
equal of any you could buy at the exclusive
Jewelers' at a third of their prices; our
aw9. ....25c 50c 75c $1.00
Men's Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, nice , fine
quality and good large size; n
each , ...OyC
Men's Plain White Hemstitched" Fine Silk
Handkerchiefs; extra rn. 7 r fl
superior quality; each OUC I OC pl.UU
Men's fln4 quality, perfect fitting,
plain white laundered
ST. .50c to $1.50
Men's fancy percale 'and madras stiff
and soft bosom f A . p
Shirts from .....OUC tO M.5U "
.Men's all-wool Underwear in natural
grey, tan, brown and camels' hair,
excellent values; - they make very
appropriate gifts; our prices
; SSf....v....:.75cto$2.S0
Men's all-silk Mufflers, a. large and choice as- .
' sortment from which to make .
your selection; each UuC tO 3
Men's Neckwear offers you a goodl opportunlt
to display your taste in colors, and our stock .
allows you full swing in this regard. Just
opened for the holiday trade, a superb line of .
all the new and desirable shapes and color- "'
ings; your choice of these )C- j CA
goods at ...... ZOC and OUC ,
Mn's warm and soft atriped Outing. Flannel
' att5,r:.!t....50c to $1.25
Fancy Suspenders In separate-boxes;
t assortment of pretty
styles CA a. C1
from ......... ,.uvv lO $L.LJ
Men's fine Kid street and dress, Cloves;
all the leading . and desirable $1.00 to $1.75
Men's flne quality plain and fancy '
colors; each .... 50c to $4.00
Boys' Sweaters , in all the leading"
kinds and colors: extra
est mi
50c 75c $1.00
Good Handkerchief News
Buy your Handkerchief presents here. Unlimited assortments
from which to choose. A style for every fancy, A price to suit
every purse.
Ladles' Initial .Hand ker- Cc
.VllAftf .ftl
Ladles' Initial Handker-
chiefs, each
Ladles' Initial Handker
chiefs, each .
' Box of 12, per
box. . t
Ladles' Hemstitched Inltlnl
.Handkerchiefs, each 18c,
s box of 3, per box... ;
Ladles' White Handkerchiefs,
.colored Initials, .box lCr
' of three .
Ladles' -4iace, Embroidered and
Hcalloned Kdfces, each 80 Cflc
lOo, liVio and up to. .4..
Buy Gloves Here
- '
A, half dozen' pairs of these fine
Gloves would make an excellent gift to;
your lady friend.
Ladles' "Virginia" 3-clasp rerfl Kid
Glove, mude from the best selected
stock;, all the wanted fl pa
colors, per pair. $1.0U
Ladles' "Voltaire" flne Kid Glove, all
the leading colors; the best value
li..r:. ;.$i;00
Indies' and Children's superior qual
ity fancy and plain colored Golf
. Gloves, per
. pair ..........
25C and 50c
144146 Third Street
E VEmmsmnGwrstmas
144-146 Third Street