The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 19, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Items ' of Local Interest for Busy
Journal Readers.
It -will be strange if anyone will read .Kn.nUl rtf Mfaa DAUB.
Wlthey, one of tour well known public
acnooi leacners,,.: concerning , nc . noo.
ment by Dr. N. v J. Fulton. In another
column, and not be Interested. Miss
Wlthey was sick unto death; was con
demned to a hospital to be operated upon
oy & hospital surgeon, in. a lasi euvn w
Save her life! was Induced by friends t
glveIr. , Fulton's I druglcss treatment i
.trial it a mnra than nf .two davS dU
rations (this after she had been under
- numerous old style physicians' care for
two years) ; and her heart is full of Joy
as sue, relates mai six tre&i.pjBm. vum
pletely cured her. It Is marvelous that
these- seeming .miracles carf be "accom
plished. But they are, and in Portland,
almost daily. The arugiess aocior
Vau etov And an Mnasin( Dart of
all Is that these practitioners usually get
patients who come to them in despair
- ... . M . 1 - - A 1 TJ
as a last resort ana uiey cum urem, i
the sick ones had tried the druglcss
doctor , first, they would have been
spared great agony of heart and ex
pense. Her cure cost Miss Wlthey Just
"While "tn' Portland yesterday B. S.
LarseriV until five years ago a resident
f Portland, but now engaged in busi
ness at Republic, Wash., learned the
news of his son's death by exposure.
Byron Larsen. 2S 'years of age, was
hunting on - Loon mountain in Ferry
county. Wash. He and his companion,
Henry Pate, became separated. - Pate
Was away from camp two daya and re
luming found Larsen gone. Larsen's
body was found two days later lying at
the. foot of a small declivity. Byron
Larsen was born In Portland and. gradu
ated from the high school. The family
formerly lived at East Eighth street and
Holladay avenue; Mr. Larsen was on
his way home from Ban Francisco when
he heard the news.
The divorce: ease of Myrtle Brown
against Geotg Brown was concluded be
fore Circuit Judge George yesterday
afternoon and was taken under advise
ment. ' The arguments by Attorneys
' Caplos 'and Allen for Mrs. 'Brown and
George C Brownell and D. C. La tour
tte for Brown were based principally
upon the evidence submitted as to the
relations between the parties after their
separation in February, 1903. - Brown's
attorneys read several letters that his
wife had written to him. In which she
spoke of her unnappiness ana was will
ing to return to hlra If he wanted her to
come back, ---i.-; 'c, ' ..'-',
For putting up Signs without permits
from the city engineer's office, F. B.
nikun T w Tllr Chiirtaa ITalnta and
H. K. Bowen yesterday forfeited 15 bail
in the police court.' The arrests were
made "by Special Officer Llllls the day
before Thanksgiving, the defendants
having-placed holiday signs in front of
their respective places of business. All
at first pleaded not guilty and the cases
tiNve' since , been nendinrc. . . TJnon. being
called the defendants were not present
and their ball went Into the city treas-
ury. ' tf:: tv. .f: ;
One free treatment this week to any
body desiring to test the beneficial re
sults f. the Bets hot air apparatus in
the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout,
stomach, blood and skin diseases,
dropsy, paralysis or any other affliction
of the human body. . Men, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Saturday; women,. Monday,
Thursday, Friday. Madame M. IVaughn,
801-103 McKay , building. Third, and
Stark. . -''--:-
, The holiday vacation of Columbia uni
versity will begin next Monday and con
tinue til) January 4. The bi-monthly
examinations were concluded today. Two
hundred photographic reproductions of
celebrated paintings in the Vatican have
been received by the university and are
considered a very fine assortment They
have been mounted' and framed.
I will give a Xmas present of a two
weeks course in physical culture free
of cost to everyone who Joins my school
before January, 1. Special rates f 1
per month for class work. Ringler's
Physical Culture school, SOB Alder street
Individual treatment and class work, for
men, women, boys and girls. Phone
Main 1961. '-
Baby Home BenefitAn entertainment
is to be given at the Empire theatre
on Christmas night for the benefit of the
Baby Home, when "Down in Maine" will
be presented. The play is on the order
of the "Old Homestead" and "Shore
Acres," full of humor and pathos, and
altogether wholesome and attractive. We
trust that the public, at this season more
than usually disposed -to acts of charity,
will remember the home and Its Inmates,
and fill the house to overflowing. The
ifieeds of the home are many, the man-
We .will make you a perfect
dancer for $10.00, or
TWBLVTB XiESSOffll 8.00.
" Private' lessons at any , time.
Regular clauses Tuesday . and
, Thursday evenings.
. Beginners' class Monday even-
" Dancing taught winter and
For All
"Dress" Occasion
A Tuxedo or a Full Dress Is nec
essary to every man's evening
wear. ; For holiday affairs and full
dress occasions we can fix you.
Our Full-Dress " Suits are tha"
very best workmanship and finish
that" can be produced in Portland.
I have a 'large line of suitable
goods to select from and good!
light for examination, and take
i great' pleasure In showing and ex
plaining fully the styles, trim-
. mtng, etc. ' , .
Wm. velten,
TAIL.OR, , '
agement we believe to be judicious and
the good accomplished very great.
May we not hope for a generous response
to this appeal to the end that we may re
celve-aid to carry on what we believe to
be one of the most needed charities of
our city. L. W. Sltton, president; F.
S. Akin, secretary,
. Wearers of collars, cuffs' and white
shirts should bear in mind that a steam
heated polisher- not only prolongs the
life-or these garments, by not weaken
ing the fiber by (Turning as fire heated
polishers do, but the gloss Is so much
better that there is no comoarison be
tween Them. Steam heat is employed
only at the Union laundry, Second and
Columbia. '
Listle Bkibbe yesterday began a suit
for divorce' against Paul E. Skibbe on
the ground ' of cruel ; treatment and
drunkenness. -The parties were married
in Portland in 1891 and have one child
Don't fall to see our stock of Chris-
mas umbrellas. Greatest - variety .... on
the coast. We always undersell the
dry goods stores. Meredith's, Washing
ton and Sixth and Morrison and Fifth.
Dr. R. C. Coffey has abandoned his
down-town office. Will be found at the
North Pacific Sanatorium, Twentieth
and Gtlsan streets, all hours. ,
Beautiful calendar for. every child
bringing a package of linen to the Union
laundry. This is a pretty present that
does not cost the child, a cent .
- Bronzed, onyx, fancy marble clocks,
soma American, some from Paris, prices
from fl to 8100. Bee Lamotte, 449 Gil
Ban street .!' ....
' Steam boiler insurance covers damage
to boHer,' property and for injuries.
Campbell " St. Rogers, 151 Washington
- If you want a watch or chain, some
thing different, something better than
ordinary, see Lamotte, 449 Glisan street
Plum pudding, fruit cake, home-made.
Have ua roast yout Xmas turkey. Amer
ican Delicate-Essen's, 815 Third street
Printing. Best work by Mann & Beach,
92 Second and 223 Stark. Enlarged facili
ties. .Everything first class. Phone 444.
Steamers for The Dalles . will leave
Alder-street wharf 7 a, m. dally (except
Sunday). Phone Main 914. , .
Free dispensary for worthy poor,
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1 p. m.
St Vincent's hospital. , -
Mahlllon band instruments front Brus
sels, finest on earth, for sale only by
Lamotte, 449 Glisan. : . .
Portland Club, 130 Fifth street A
palatable lunch served . every evening
from 8 until 11 p. m. ,
Plate glass insurance against break
age. Maryland Casualty C6mpany. 361
Washington street
Winter Garden Resort for ladles and
gentlemen. High-class vaudeville, y Ad
mission free.
Albtna people, get photos 'at Thwaltes',
608 Williams ave. Cabinets 12.60 dozen.
Don't grumble about - your lunches.
Eat at the Savoy, opposite old postofflce.
Free Viavi Health Talks, Thursday,
2:30, Lewis building. Ladles Invited.
B. ft S. Catarrh Powders kill catarrh.
We warrant them. ' 808 Washington.
E. H. Moorehouse ft Co- at Seventh
and Alder, Telephone Main 1148.
If yon would wear a smile eat at the
Savoy, opposite . old postofflce. ...
. Olympio
Pancakes are
pure and
healthy. ,
Ansley, printer. Centennial envelopes.
Dr. A. F Petxel, dentist 401 DekumA
Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekura building.
- - - :
Feel Your Pulse
If It beats fast, then slow skips beats,
your heart is weak and should be treat
ed at once. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is the
best and safest remedy.
Bold os suimdU. Send tor book on the
Start. ' '. - -
' , ' LtlHBBOB.
Treatment given by the laws of agree
ment Consultation free. '
The unbounded success of Mrs. J, W.
Gllstrap In the cure of every known
disease baa rarely been paralleled in the
history of healing." She has
Cured Her Hundreds
. She gives no drugs whatever. Hers
is a treatment that cures disease by
common sense methods.
Offtoe Phone Blaok 3087, Bssldenoe,
Soott 4357. Office hours, 10 to 19, 1 to 4.
First Corner Twelfth and Taylor
streets, Rev. A. S. Coats, D. D, Morn
ing prayer 10:16 o'clock; sermon 10:30
a. m., subject "The Child Savior." Sun
day school at 12:10 p. m.' B. V. P. V.
services at 8:30 p. m. Evening services
7:30 o'clock, subject, "The Meaning of
the Name." '
The Christmas musio will be of ex
ceptlonal interest, the program being es
peolally .arranged under the direction of
Mr. Belcher. Mr. Barber, formerly of
Portland, now of Chicago, will sing a
solo at lhe morning service. The Christ
mas exercises of the Sunday 'school will
be held on Wednesday evening.
s Central Woodmen of the World build
ing, East Sixth and East Alder streets.
Rev. William E. Randall. Morning wor
ship: 10:45 O'clock, sermon subject
"Man's Debt; to Man; Shall Obligation
Be Acknowledged and Paid?'" Bible
school 12 m. Christian Endeavor :4S
p. m. Pastor's topic at 7:30 p. m.r "The
Elements of Attractiveness in the
World's Savior; Qualities That Men Ad
mire." Miss Verna Welch will sing at
the evening service.
Second East Seventh and Ankeny
streets. Rev. Stanton C. Lapham. "Serv
ices at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The
topic of the ' morning will be, "Bound
with Them Who Are in Bonds." At
the evening Bervice Rev. J. M. Foster
of Swa Tow. China, will occupy the
pulpit taking for his them"The Living
Savior for a Dead Heathen World." Mr.
Foster is a prominent and efficient rep
resentative .of the Missionary union in
Swa Tow. Bible school "convenes at
noon. L B. C's study hour at noon.
Young people's union meeting at 8:80
p. m. will be addressed by Rev. J.M.
Foster, the missionary. . Bible study
class meets Tuesday evening, prayer
meeting on Thursday avenlng. , The
Christmas exercises of the Bible school
will take place Friday evening. ;
-Westminster Tenth and Weldler
streets, Rev. Henry Marcotte; services
at 11 o'clock. ' , - .
Calvary Corner Eleventh and Clay
treets. Rev. W. S. Gilbert; 10-.30 a. m.
Cumberland First, corner Twelfth
and East Taylor streets, Rev. E. Nelson
Allen,- pastor! 10:8 a. . m., rTldlngs of
Great Joy;" the. choir will render spe
cial Christmas mustcat the. morning ser
vice; Sunday School 13 m.; Junior En
deavor, 3:30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30
p, m.; at T;30 p. m. the choir with other
musical talent of the city will render
the following Christmas musical ser
vice: . ' . : : ...... . ' .. . .... . : . . ' .
8t Cecelia offertorle Batiste
Mrs. E. M. Bergen. -v -'-
Solo "Wake and Sing1 Good Christ- .
tans" ....... Bumfier'Salter
Miss Lina Linehan. '
Duet "Hear the Christmas Bells"
... i,. .....Gabriel
C. A. Walker and Mrs. W. D. Deaver.
Violin Solo ..,......4 ....i...4 Selected
Mr. George Wuest.
Quartette "Angels of... Light," with
violin obligato Havens
"Te Deum" ....... Dudley Buck'
"Birthday of a King" . .i . . . Nedllnger
Mrs. E. Mv Bergen, organist
C. A. Walker, musical director, .
Mlzpah Rev. Jerome R. McGlade, An
nouncement of Christmas services, x
Morning 'V'..v
Prelude Adagio. ... ....... ... Daykin
Anthem "Arise, Shine".... F, C. Maker
Offertory "Elevation". . . . ; . . ... Newell
Solo "The Shepherd King"..... ..Verne
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller.
Postlude In C. ........ . Ashford
Theme of morning sermon, "Em
manuel, God With Us." '
Evening-Christmas Praise Service
Prelude !"Glad Tidings." '
Scripture reading.
Anthem "The Angels' Song". .Shackley
Prayer. "
Contralto solo "The Star of Peace"..
Miss Juston.
Duet "Star in the East"......
Lilian Peterson and Grace Dunlap.
Recitation 'The Star".... Vesta Martin
Trio "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"
Mrs. Miller, Miss Powers, Miss Scott ;
Soprano solo 'The . Christmas Her- j
aid '. uoomDs
Mrs. Jordan Purvlne.
Address By ths pastor. j
Hymn. .
Offertory "Reverie."
Duet "Hear the Christmas Bells"..
Mrs. Miller and Miss Powers. ,
Postlude March, in F... ....... .Thorp
. SPIlCOPAi. ....
St. Paul's. Woodmere rRev. W. R.
Powell; service and sermon, 10:48 a. m.
Trinity Nineteenth street near wash
ington, Rev. A. A. Morrison; Holy com
munion, -8 a. m morning prayer and
sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and
sermon, 7:80 p. ra.; Sunday School, 9:30
a. m; Christmas services, eve 11:45 p.
m.) Christmas day, 11 a. m.
St Matthews Corner First and Car-
uthers streets; Rev. W. A. M. Buck;
morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.;
Sunday School. 9:46 a m.
Gresham Rev. W. A. M. Breck; even
lng service at Baptist church at 7:30.
Church of Our SaVlor Woodstock
Morning prayer and holy communion at
11 o'clock. Sunday school at io o clock.
Rev. W. R. Powell will officiate.
St David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont streets. Rev. George. B. Van Wa
ters, D. D reeton Holy communion
am. Morning prayer and sermon 11
o'clock. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30
o'clock. Christmas service with special
music Friday at 10:30 a.' m.
St. John's Memorial Sellwood Rev,
W. R. Powell. Sunday school 11 a. m.
Evening service and sermon 7:46 o'clock.
Hassalo-Street East Seventh North
and Hassalo, Rev. E. Chase. Services
at 10:30 a, m. .and 7:80 p. tn.; Sunday
school 12 m.; Christian Endeaver at
6:30 p. ra." i v ' '
. HighlandCorner Sixth and Prescott
streets, Rev, E. , L. House, D. D.. will
preach at 3 p. m. Rev. C. F, Clapp will
preach at T:S0 p. m. - ' ,.
Flrst-rMadiaon and Park streets,. Rev.
E. L. House, .D.. D- Preaching at 10:30
a. m, and 7:30 p. m. Christmas ser
mons and ' special music. , Miss Vesta
Townsend will recite "Sandalphon" . at
the evening service. . : -
" !:vi".. ..' y..tHiw8jT. ' , :-"'".M
Taylor street Rev. H. J. Talbott nas-
tdn 10:30 a. m., sermon, "Christ's Mes
sag' to the Church;" Sunday School
12:16 p. .m.l evening, "A Perplexing
Question." ' ,
Clarke Comer North Eighteenth and
Raleigh streets; Rev. Henry T. Atkin
son! 11 a. m., "Emmanuel;" Bible School,
13:16 p. m.; Epwortn League, . 30 p.
ra.; 7:30, "Angel s' musw." v
Patton Corner 'Michigan avenue and
Carpenter, Rev. Asa Sleeth; morning. ser
vice, 11 a. m.; Sunday School, 12 ni-': J,
Sunnyslde East Thirty-fifth nd
TamhIIl streets; Rev. W. 11. Selleck.
pantor; 11a. m(. "To Us a Child Is Born:
to Us a Son Is Given;" 7:80 p. .,' "The
Queen of the South and the Greater
Th4d ,$oloro,Qni" Sunday School Christ-1
mas exercises will be held Thursday.
Christmas services, Friday morning at
10 o clock. -., -
Centenary Corner East Ninth and
Pine streets; Rev. W. B. Holllngshead;
class meeting, 9:30 a. m. and 12:16 p,
nv; preaching, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m.i Sunday School, 12:15 p. m.; Junior
League, 4 p. m; Epworth League, 6:15
p. m,. . ;. '.:
t Grace Corner Taylor and Twelfth
streets. Preaching services 10:80 a,.m.
and 7:30 p. m. The pastor. Rev. J. R.
Lathrop, D. D-. Will preach morning and
evening. A cordial invitation is ex
tended. - . ;.-
. South 171 Second street. Rev. E.
H. Mowre. Class meeting at 10 a. m
led by Rev. Daniel Conway; preaching
by pastor 10:30; subject 'The Heavenly
uume,; Hunaay school 11:30, r
; . " . XVTHEKAir.
Swedish Immanuol - 428 Burnside
Street. Rev. John W. Skans. Services
st i:so a. m. and 8 p. m.i Sundav school
Christmas day services will be held at
6 a. m. and at 10:20 a. m., and i.i the
evening at 7:30 Sunday school festival.
; Swedish Rodney avenue and Stanton
street, Aimna. service. 3 p. m. ' ;
... Scandinavian Evangelical Synod Cor
ner East Tenth street and Grant, Rev,
v. jingoes, eunuay scnooi- :so a. m.;
Tuesday evening Young People's, society
meeis. nrisimas oay services will be
held in the new church. Christmas tree
eaturaay evening, w ;
St. James English .Lutheran Corner
west far ana Jefferson streets. Rev.
j. a. iiess. services at 11 s. m. and
7:45. p. m. Sunday school meets at, 10
a. m.i The Luther league will, meet at
8:45 p. m, and will be led by Miss Louise
Wickiine. Everybody will be cordially
welcomed: ,
St James' Christmas day T a. m.
Matin service. ; scripture reading. . Ser
mon by pastor. , Anthem, "O, Little
Town or Bethlehem" (Nevin). Closing
Evening service,' 6:8o-Hymn, "Joy to
me rvorio. versicie, ' Gloria. Patria,
Psalm 87.
? Program, Part I Hymn, "The New-
eom .ing. Who COmes Today." Reci
tations, Emma Seleen, Earl Beyrr, John
Clemenson, Hallle Dalslel. Solo, Miss
Margaret Gelinsky. "Nearer My God to
Thee"- (in pantomime). Recitations,
Olga Allmen, Leuore Hansen. Bessie
Fart II Promise and Fulfillment-
Hymn, "uom and Hear the Wondrous
Story." Scripture '. lesson, resnonslve.
The Promise in Piiradise (Adam and
Eve). Hymn, 'Beside a Manger Lowly."
The Promise on the Plains (Sarah, Abra
ham and the three angels). Melody and
chorus, "Long the Nations Waited."
The Promise in a Dream,, (a) Jacob at
Bethel, Oscar Mille; (b) solo. Miss Wick
line. Responsive exercise. Hvmn.
"Silent Night." The- Promise in th
Desert (a) Miriam, by Pauline Bonn
sen; b) Moses, by . Harry , Brandes.
Hosanna to Our King (a) solo and
chorus, Pauline Bohnsen and women of
Israel; (b) solo, Mr. A. Getman; chorus,
men and women of Israel. Responsive
reading, Types of Christ from Moses to
David. The Promise In the Palace (a)
to King David, Paul- Boehmer j (b) . to
Nathan, Alfred Woodhouse. Hymn.
'Once in Royal David's City." Th
Promise to the Era of the Pronheta.
The Promise Fulfilled, ; Letter Acrostic,
rromise and Savior. Chorus. "Blow. Ye
Golden Trumpets. Blow." -i Address.
Offerings. Distribution of gifts.- Closing
service, ,
ir ZTAvasuoAx. 1 V: r
German Corner of Clay and Tenth
streets, Rev. A. AV Engelbart Preach
ing at 10:45 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sun
day school at 9:80 a. m.; young people's
Bible class at 1 p. m. Tuesday, 8 p. m.,
prayer meeting for Junior class; Wednes
day, 8 p. m., prayer meeting for the
senior -class.- ,s
United Corner Farao and Krhv
streets, Rev.-J. Bowersox. 11 a. m. and
7:80 p. m., 'The Christian's Hope"; Sun
day school 10 a. m.; K. L. C. E. :45 p. m.
First English Corner East Sixth and
Market streets. Rev. G. W. , Palmer.
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 -p. m.; morn
ing theme, "God Incarnate"; . Sunday
school 10 a. m.; . Young People's Alliance
7 p. m. ,' : . ,'. .. .
First Corner Park and ; Columbia.
Rev. J. F. Ghormley. Sermons 10:80 a.
m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school 12:15
p. m.; Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
Revival services every evening, pastor
assisted by Rev. T. F. Brown. Dr.
Ghormley will preach the Chrlstmai ser
mon. Special music.
- Rodney Avenues-Corner of Rodnev
avenue and Knott street. Rev. Albyn Es-
son. - mere wui D a recognition serv
ice at the rooming hour when the re
cent converts will be formally recog
nised as members of the church. The
subject of the discourse at this service
will be, "After Baptism. What?" Bible
school at 9:45 a. m.. Christian Endeavor
at 6:30 p. m. and preaching at 7:30 p. m,
Y;v' trtrxTEXBAusjr.
First East Couch and East Eighth.
W. F. Small. 11 a. m., "What Shall Be
Our Attitude Toward Such Amusements
ss uarapiaymg, Dancing and Theatre'
GptngT" -Sunday school 12:15 -p. m.
.- i I, in m 1 1 i 1 1 i n j
cxxxsTXAzr loxsaroxi.
First Twenty-third street near Irv
ing. 11. a. m. and 8 p. m., "Christian
Science"; children's Sunday school 12:10,
Wednesday evening meeting 8 n. m. .
Second Church of Christ Scientist-
Auditorium building, Third street be
tween Taylor and Salmon streets.. Sun
day services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sub,
Ject, "Christian Science." Sunday
School 11:15 in. m. v
United Brethren in Christ (First)
Corner East Morrison, and Fifteenth,
Rev. w, G. Fisher. 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.
People's Christian Union No, 201 Al
wKy Dunaing. u a, m. p. m.,
scnooi or religion.
Men's Resort 66 North Sixth street,
Rev.. A. D. Sopef. i 2:80, stereoptlcon
Sunday school. -)' .'..
Immanuel MIsIon-i-S47 Couch street
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, evangelists,
will conduct meetings at I and 8 p. m.
and every night." , ;.;,, v
Home of yruth Hall 800 Allsky build
ing. 11 a. m. Soami Ram Will speak.
AH are invited. v .; ..
Spiritualists Willamette hall., 7:45
P. m.,'' : ' v..- ' ' ' ':"; :"' ''
. Berea Mission Second and Jefferson
streets. Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor. Sun
day services. Sermon, "Personal Tes
timony of Christ," at 10:30 a. ni. Ser
mon et 7:80 p. m 'The Fullness of Him
That Flllelh AH Things."
Advent Christian Halt (not Seventh
Day), Harrison and Third streets. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Gospel services
tat 11, . m. and 2;30 p., ra, - Charles
Haflfenden will preach at )1. F, W.
Brampton at 7:30. . Young people's meet
ing at 7 p. m. A cordial welcome is ex
tended to ail. .
Olive Branch Mission First and Clay
Services every: evening st 7:45 snd
Sunday at 8. Ross, the noted evangelist
is soon to fill an engagement at this mis
sion, ' ' - . . - ' "
Union ' Hollnpss Mission- Second
Street between Taylor and Salmon.. Ser
vices at 7:45 actv week night and St 3
p. m. on Sunday. 'Holiness Is taught
f The First Spiritualist society Arti-
saps' hall. -Ablngton building, Third
struct, uear Washington. Conference at
Here's Something
for Nothing
It's up to you to get a dollar bottle of Dr. -,
B. E. Wright's Antiseptic Tooth Wash
FREB with any dental work done be- ,
tween now and January 1, 1904. .
. Don't miss this opportunity,
, but come at once
Dr. B. E. Wright's Dental Office
2Sft&S!i 342 WASHINQTON ST., Cor. 7th
We'll Deliver the Piano When
You are Ready And You Can
Pay tor It at Your Leisure.
We are as desirous as you can be to
have you secure the finest and most ar
tlstlo instrument. We are jealous of
the good opinion- of every' purchaser
who seoures a piano here. -There are
differences In all pianos even of the
same make and model. One will- have
a certain shade of tone that will appeal
to one person- most strongly ' another
piano might not please him as well, and
yet be more satisfying to some one else.
We want every one to get exactly tho
piano that will please htm best. That is
why we wish? you to come today, before
the last days of Christmas hurry make
it trying to decide the question quickly.
We'll Alake Delivery Later on.
And the' cash' necessary for the pur
chase is very small, now. ' We know all
about the heavy holiday demands; and
the piano terms will make the payments
easy to meet, after the Christmas bur
dens are over.
You choose here from the matchless
Chlckerlngs, including the beautiful
Quarter-grand, that will fit in any par
lorand then the Weber, faultless In
case and perfect in tone. The Kimball,
erf Chicago, another piano whose name
alone recommends 'it; the Vose, Bush &
Gerts, Hobart M. Cable, Schumann, and
so on, through a list of twenty-seven
names, each of them the very finest of
Its class, and manv of which you can
buy on the easy terms of $10 cash and
$6 a month. Kllers Piano Mouse, No.
361 Washington street
If you want a ptano-player, of course,
you want the Pianola, the only perfect
one, and to be sure of securing one, you
must get your order In quickly now, for
the demand is far greater than the pos
sible supply. Price,-; 4250 asy pay
ments if you wish. Delivery arranged
for later, if you prefer. i
Store open evenings. .
11 a. m. and 7;46 p ra. The Thistle
club will present a very Interesting pro
gram. ' . - -
East Side Latter Day Saints The re
organized .Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Corner North Union
avenue and Morris street Preaching at
11' a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by D, A. Ander
son. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Z. R.
I S. at p. m.
Millennial Dawn Sixth Street, near
Main. Services at 8 p. ra.
. Enthuslastio song; and gospel services
are held each night during the week at
the Volunteers of America hall. S3
North Second street between Flanders
and Everett streets, and Sunday at 11
a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. Good-speakers
at . each Bervice. All welcome. Capt
John Anderson, officer in charge.
TOWJT 701108.
! Mesrs. G. W. Morrow, A. F. Campbell
and W. H. HUrlburt have Incorporated
the Oregon Water Power Townslte com
pany, capital $10,000, the object being to
plat townsites, sell lots, construct houses
and hotels, operate waterworks, etc.
While the capitalization of the company
is not very great, It Is still one of the
solid concerns of the city. Messrs, Mor
row Campbell are men of large means
and commanding influence. Mr. Camp
bell recently came to Portland from the
Mlddlewcst, while Mr. Morrow has been
a resident of. the city for several months
long enough to have built a, nice home
for himself. Mr. Hurlhurt 18 president
of ths Oregon Water Power & .Railway
company, and is - wll and pleasantly
known to most of Portland. Estacada
is the company's first townslte.
The demand for White . House Cook
books Increases dally. The people find
Violet Oats so superior to other kinds of
health foods that they demand this ce
real from their grocers. The coolobook
is free with Vlole Oats-one with every
20 packages. ' Coupons Inside. '
In these times of- discussion over
methods of healing It may be interesting
to say that few practitioners can point
to a brighter record of wonderful cures
than can Mrs. U H. Hart 205 Allsky
building. Third and Morrison. Mrs. Hart
can place to her credit scores of cases
that have been given up by the doctors
She has made happy, and well, many snd
many a one that had been living In de
spair. She treats bjr the Weltjner sys
tem, that - new and effective idea thai
discard all drugs. She has been amaz
ingly successful. . " ,
There's nothing more appropriate .for
a Christmas gift than something in sil
ver or plated ware. We have, all you
may want In this line., 'Come and see
our, stock. John A. Beck, 807 Morrison,
near Front . . - - . ." .
At the monthly meeting of the Mulino-
mi " siN ,
:'"M'; ' .
111 1 ::,-
jZX'f:r i - r 1 I i-L'Jn-t- -Z t:
Si -r iLr'rXv rrv:FS. &
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" 3
ni- , 'g
XFil 'Ui --ix' l.i'
Bh flSS IT f J H--1
x,1:- M s ift I i i f fM S
5". Q' 4 "!r t'
Built according to the special plans and directions of Mr. Moore, this .
studio is as complete as it is possible to make It. There is a ground
floor entrance and parlor on Seventh street;, an entrance on Washington
street leading to an upstairs parlor, and the operating . room, and the
whole is most richly and superbly furnlshod. Mr. Moore employs no
agents, and has no connection with any other gallery. Christmas sittings
should be engaged early. Phone, Main 8988.
Christmas Sweets.
Largest snd' most varied assortments '
of 'confections ever shown in Portland.
. The Special Holiday . Mixtures and
; packages are ready, and we call par
ticular attention to our . .
p lb American Mixed, the
IOC old-fashioned home kind .
a favorite with the children.' :
j"tb Christmas Creams, a
aCOCmlxture of bon bons and'
chocolates, in large variety.
Extra good. "
Our line of Fancy Baskets and Boxes ' 1
are finer than ever before, and when :. ;. t-
filled r with our famous candies make , ,
most dainty and .
Onr special Christmas Olf Box Is making a big bit Don't fall io am t
Get the Bight riace. We have no eonnsoilos with an other store bearing
. ' onr arms, . '
;swctiMnd ( sow
mah' County Principals' asHoclation. held
In the offloS Of County Superintend-
nt Robinson, lust -night. Principal J.
Burnham of the Couch school lectured on
Types of Children," Tho -lecture was
illustrated by photographs, ' ,
p Tb Fancy Broken, bright
IOC and crisp. Just the best
thing for filling the stockings.
.jp lb our Fsmous Ribbon
aCOCCandy. bright .and
glassy and very pretty for the .
tree.-. .
'. Journal friends and reaflcrs t.
traveling on truliiS Io and from 1
land hoiilI alc n hvuim i t 't i
Journal and insist utioi li'-nur : ';'. l
with this pHiipr, rpjjoi'i 1 1 sr j'
obtnlning It to the in- e r !' "
addressing Tli Journal, l'tjil..n. i, i,;.
. . y ' , . . .... -',