THE OltEGON PAILY JOURNAL, POIITLAKD, FRIDAY ETEyiNG, DECEMBER 18, 1903. WM SHIP OW ADOU T DDE BASE AKDORIVHA 'COUZVO TO FOBTX.A1TO TBOM . BAJT AH ' CISCO IS THJS BIGGEST BRIT X8B BAXLZKa VESSBIi IJLJPHB W0B1D ANCAIOS ARRIVES. One of the largest British Bailing ves feels afloat Is about due at the mouth of the Columbia, river. She is the Brit ish bark Andorlnha, which is en route to Portland from fian Francisco. She Is of 8,1 87 net register tons, about twice the capacity of the average .sailing ves sel. The bark is capable of carrying 4,000 tons dead weight, and by measure ment considerably . more than that amount. :. ' While the Andorlnha is the largest Balling vessel that flies the union Jack, there are several German ships that have her discounted. Among the largest of these is the German ship Potosl, having a net registered tonnage of 3,854 and a gross tonnage of 4,027. She is. accred ited with being the largest . windjammer in the worlds r The Potosl is owned by F. Laelsz of Hamburg; who operates a fleet of 15 mammoth rreignt-arriers. Another vessel which left San. Fran cisco for Portland at the same time as the Andorlnha is the British bark An- 'caios,, which reached Astoria at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is I consider ably smaller than the Andorlnha, and capable of, making much better time, The Ansaios is under charter to the Portland flouring mills, and the other is coming to Balfour, Guthrie '& Co. V AT THE THEATRES SLAVERY HORRORS Continued from Page .One.) Ifext week, will bring to the Marquam Grand the play and players who created such an .unusually favorable Impression during their engagement here last sea- son, J. 11. Stoddart and Reuben Fax. in ? a clever' dramatisation of lan Maclar- en's Scottish tale, "The Bonnie Brier Bush," which is booked for Ave nights, beginning Tuesday next,', with matinees Friday (Christmas day) and Saturday, and the announcement, should be a soureefof much satisfaction to Ml "who witnessed this charming performance a year ago. The same beautiful scenlo production is promised, and , an excel lent acting company, among whom are many who were here during the previous . engagement The advance sale of seats will open tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10 O'clock. ',.,:.r-:. The concert which was given at Tem ple Beth Israel last night proved 'to be one of the most delightful affairs of the season in the musical world. ' The pro gram was cleverly arranged and mag nificently rendered. Each one of the numbers was a gem 'of beauty, and' to the ladles' auxiliary, under whose aus , pices the muBlcale was given, all credit is aue.- ..-- v ':: ' ": '., v" ; The concert served the purpose of in troducing Miss Genevieve Merriam, lor . merly, of Minneapolis,, for. the tlrst time to a Portland audience. She has a' good mesBO-soprano voice and Is possessed of a rare artistic Instinct that adds greatly to her expression. Edward E. Courtienne, piano virtuoso. improvised a very brilliant number. The program was as follows: "Grande Offertolre de Concert".. Thayer Miss Leonora Ftsbqr. 'Calm as the Night".. Bohm Miss Carrie May. . "Simple Aveu" i ..... . . .... .... .Thome Henry Met xger. "Don Fa'tale" (from "Don Carlos"). Verdi .. . Miss Genevieve Merriam. . Improvisation, "Free Fantasle on Mo mentary Inspiration".....; Edward E. Courtienne "A Forest Song,. . . i . .Whelpley ; Mrs. Rose Bloch-tfauer. "I Envy the Bird" (from "The Sere nade") , .De Koven - J. Adrian Epping. Miss Leonora Fisher and Edgar E. Coursen, accompanists. ABOADB THEATRE. Kehoe and Ralner and the Alldeans, comedy acrobats, are the mirth-makers at the Arcade. Kehoe sings "Way Down in Maine" and Kalner "That's What." and their conversational quips are amus ing. Frank Bowman, the magician, does novel feats of legerdemain. Leslie Pomroy, In illustrated songs, wins the title of the best ballad singer that has ever visited Portland. , TM ISlHXSTEBI SOW." The Minister's Son," with W. B. Patton as Simon Ray, will be the offer ing ,. at Cordray's . theatre tonight and at the matinee and evening perform ances tomorrow," for the last time." This company has made friends and done' well In the face of Christmas distractions. ' "HSIAO BXUhw , The patrons of Cordray's theatre will have something to laugh at next week, when "Hello Bill," one of the funniest of ail farce comedies, opens at Cor . dray's on Sunday with a special matinee. The play will remain all week, with a Christmas matinee on Friday. entrance was August 23, 1900, and the name of the applicant was Moy Tfut Gum. The age given' was 11 years, and lpy Sam Sing appeared i and identified the girl as his daughter. The only mark b identification oh the certificate was A photograph, and it is.jsupposed that a picture of Chow Sheera was put in place of the one of the real daughter of Moy Sam Sing. v , Behind the whole story is a tangle which . threatens to result, in a high binder war in Chinatown, and the disclosures- made, by Chow Sheem, only serves to intensify the plot. Moy. Bun Is a prominent member of Chinatown society. - He is financially. Interested- in a Chinese gambling house near the cor ner of Pine and Second streets, and is related to some of ' the wealthiest Chinese in Portland. .' He is backed by an Influential coterie, all of whom' "Join in the determination to cause some one to suffer for the misfortune he has sus tained first in losing a valuable, slave,' and second, in becoming Implicated In a plot which must necessarily attach more or less sujsplclon, , tay AH Blame On Yuen Bins;. The one fated to suffer is Yuen Bing, an Americanised Chinaman in the em ploy of Rothchlld Bros.' -liquor estab lishment He is accused by Moy Bun of causing Chow Sheem to become dis satisfied .with her surroundings, and ac cordingly responsible for. all ., of the trouble that has grown out of the affair, That he has been ' threatened by the highbinders, Tuen Bing himself admits. He believes that his life will pay the penalty, but he refuses to pay Moy Bun Ipr' hlS lOSS. Artf'y.;i'i-.i:it'.-'5''v:''. These' threats were all passed before Chow Sheem's confession,"-and were the result of the loss sustained . by - Moy Bun, by her escape to the Rescue home. Now that the affair assumes a more serious aspect, and the operations of Moy Bun have been thoroughly exposed. It is hard to conceive the vengeance likely to be wreaked , by his enraged friends. "-' " : -. . , ." In Moy Sam Sing the Immigration of ficials believe they bave - one of the cleverest and moat Unscrupulous smug glers that ever operated in this part of the country. For a number of years he was a! merchant in Chicago. Soon after the exclusion, act of 1884, he sent his family back to China, but retained In his possession their certificates of resi dence, by means of ' which the pfflcials believe he has effected a number of illegal entrances Into the country. ' He is -known-to. -have-a wife-and daughter who' are In China, and a son who lives FOUR DRESSMAKERS FATALLY INJURED PAHIC-STRICXEW BY FIRE, TEST jrtm r&oic the txtth btort WIHUOW OTHERS SERIOUSLY HTOT EX0EYATOR-CAR DROPPED PITE TZiOOBS. ' " (Journal Special BorTlce.) Dayton, O., Dec. 18. Four women em ployed at dressmaking In the Canby building became panic-stricken in a fire this morning and lumped, from the fifth story. ; Minnie Troxell, two Levisori sisters and Mrs. Frank Hughes are probably fatally Injured. Ellis Reeder, the elevator man, became excited and lost control of the car, which fell five floors and was fatally ' hurt Elias Saunders fell three stories from the fire escape and is injured .serlqusly. All would have escaped easily, as the fire was confined to the stores in the basement.- Smoke filling the building' caused the panic. -. ' J: 11 . i With his father. VAyy;':;...: - It was on one of these certificates, that of his daughter,' Moy Yut Gum." that Chow Sheem . was smuggled across the border, and the officials believe this to be only one instance in many. v-- Bon Xs Also Clever, -t.- ,r. The son's name is Moy Gee Poon, but he goes under the American name of Henry Moy. , While only 12 years old, he Is possessed of remarkable : cleverness and is a colleague in all of his father's smuggling schemes. The older- Moy meets the unmated Celestials at the bor der,' sneaks them across the line and arms them with forged certificates, while the son steers them to their destination. Not infrequently : he passe through Portland at the head of 10 or 12 foreign ers, bound for " San Francisco or Los Ang'cles. . . , . PORTXJLHDERS WXX.& SPEAK. Washington Bureau of The Journal. Washington, Dec. 18. Jefferson My ers and W. L. Boise of the Lewis and Clark committee will take part in the hearing- tomorrow before the senate ex position's committee- and will speak in behalf of Senator Mitchell's bill. They both- listened to Senator Fulton's speech today- and -express-gratification of his able presentation. :-v IN HUSBAND'S POCKET Wife' DlscoVery There Spoils ; Christmas Surprise. A Little Slip ol Paper Arouses Suspicion, and 'the .Secret . is ,'- Out. An Example Which Many Should Follow. The holiday season -is full of - sur prises, the most of which are pleasant, we are happy to say. Generally they reveal a thoughtfulness and considera tion for the pleasure and happiness of others. That any of them should be spoiled is a great pity. But we doubt if the discovery of a lady in Portland, who had an errand to her husband's pocket, really Resulted in any disap pointment. In her search for at note sent her by a friend through her huB band, and which he .had forgotten to deliver, she unfolded a slip of paper, which, on reading, she discovered to be the first receipt from Eilers Piano House for payment on an exceedingly choice piano. Her-delight was so great she could not keep it, she just had to ask him If it were really true, So, after confessing, be came to our store and told us we might .as well send it up now. Instead of holding it until Christ mas,, as the secret was out. The piano, one of our special art styles, designed for the Christmas trade, is now in one of Portland's most cultured homes. ' Our store Is full of just such beau tiful and enticing Instruments, pianos in a great variety of exclusive styles. We are making a special feature of prompt ChrlHtmas delivery at the proper time. -Already we are holding an .Im mense number, which are Intended for Christmas gifts, some of which were purchased as early as two months ago, but we are amply able to take car of twice as many, if necessary. , Prices, as usual, are the lowest that can be asked -on pianos of such great merit. On these Instruments, as well as on all others, moderate terms ef pay ment can be arranged and old instru ments taken "at" a very liberal valuation. Ellers Piano House, largest, leading and lowest price piano concern on the Pacific Coast. No. S61 Washington street, cor ner Park. -, .- . . . escapes x.oira rarraircB. (Journal Special Service.) J. London, Dec. 18. George ' Robinson,1 the engineer who made a murderous at tack on Secretary, of the Bank of Eng land Graham, nearly a month ago; was today adjudged insane and sent to hospital. . DoMsrlas : -; -1 WX Shoes For Men ALL, STYLES ,$3oSor , Special For One Week. A rubber punching bag given free - with a pair of Boys' or Girls' Shoes,' , - 1 GoddardKelly Shoe Co, SIXTH and WASH INGTOiN STREETS. Sig Sichcl & Co.; 92 Third St.. Our-Own-Mlxture.1 the beet ptpyto bacco ever produced; costs no more than the ordinary kind. . LTWBEX TABD BUMS. Harrlsonville, Mo., Dec. 18. A fire to day destroyed the Harrlsonville lumber yard. The loss was $40,000. MADE THOUSANDS OF THEM " While conducting the manufactory of the White Gold Crowns ; . In San Francisco our Dr. L. L. White turned out thousands ' of these most perfect adjuncts to suc cessful ' dentistry. '. . It therefore goes .wit hnt .-saying that he ought, at .least, ; to " know more about these crowns than any other man, as he Invented, patented and manufactured them. Thousands of dent ists all over the country use these crowns now. Indeed more of them Are sold thant,-of 'all other kinds combined. Citizens of Portland may have them, too, by having their dental work done here. The; Alba Dentists SouUieast corner of Tlrst and Morrison. Telephone, Mala 8793. What Shall It Bel Tour Christmas- gift to him to her to the children? Sometimes pretty, of course; but why not make it some thing that" will be useful as well? . Cosie to us and buy as handsome and substantial as your purse will admit. .Will be a pleasant reminder of your thoughtfulness for year to '.c,ome. Suggestions for Gifts for thti iVhole Family We are the center of attraction In Holiday Goods on the East Side. Headquarters for all that's useful and or namental. ' ..-.,..;.. --. . ' CHINA-WARE In fancy -novelties, set, pieces; also Glassware in many pretty things. A little money will buy much In this .department Come and see what 5 and 10 cents Will buy for you. . TOYS Of every description too numerous 'to mention Dolls, Wagons, Carts, Me-, chanical Toys, from " v I, , ' '.. ' . , . 5 cents to as high as you want to pay.. TOILET SETS Kew novelties, and at such low prices i V ovrr Aaro ooIlab boxes, HABDXE&CBXEri, i-"":':. ---f TIES,""' "' . OZ.OTXS BOXES, OX.OTZS. ' And a thousand other useful articles to select from. A dollar goes a long ; ways here. . i -. . 1 OVT Or THE HIOH-BEJHS EISTBIOT CAUSE Or IUCX LOW rXZCES. E-I T2nwiw. AZ fn EAST SIDE Union and East Morrison St. At OUR STOCK IS FULL OF ; tractive Holiday Gift The variety appeals to alt classes : Handsome, rich high-priced goods or more , plain and substantial articles for practical use. Decorated boxes and Dec orative ware are of the latest production and de sigiu Deposits taken and goods held for delivery Come early and get first choice STAG HORN TOILET CASES The latest out, fitted for ladles or gentlemen, with Military Brushes, $3.26 A .' . , J j QQ Plain orwlth new royal copper plating, or sterling j silver mountings, $2.50 , ; ; - C1C AA up to ..... hlJUv ELKS' PURPLE STAG CASES With royal copper mountings . $3.00 to...... ...... , $12.50 BLACK CASES With silver or royal copper mountings f 19 RA 1 $2.25 to ......... ............ 4I0iJU GENTLEMEN'S SHAVING SETS Smokers' Bets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Q AA r $1.00 to... ..4... ...x ...... 40.UU MANICURE SETS ". , Royal Copper mountings or plain silver, ' t"l C A $3.50 to .... ..IUU J m MANICURE SETS $6c' to Unmounted, stylish patterns, " " "$4.50 MILITARY BRUSHES w . . . In this line we have an exceptionally good stock. . The best selections from Kent's and Adams' manu facture. Quality Is the keynote and-our- prices are lower than they will ever be CIA HA again, $1.50 to .. ......... ...... lU.UU Besides the regular stock we have Military, Brushes In fancy cases. .. ? - .. . STAG HORN CASES With Stag Brushes, copper mounted or , - plain, $7.00 to ......... .. $13.50 JAPANESE VASES AND CHINA Imported direct by ourselves and our prices are right IDZUMO VASES A plain, rich, new ware, $1.40. to ;. .... $6.00 CLOISONNE VASES ; The genuine article. In some new and pretty designs, which will last for generations, $4 50 MORIAGE WARE New and very showy, in Vases, Jars,. Creamers, (Shaving Mugs, Jewel Stands, etc., flrt BOo to . .OeUU CHINA DISHES ' - . In new, stylish patterns and shapes, and are O Art really very elegant, 85c to ...... ... .. ...vOeUv CHOCOLATE OR TEA POTS Stylish shapes and elegant decorations t Crt $1.75 to ......... ...,Jd.OU CHINA WARE. A great variety of handsome odd pieces for dec orating or making up collectlonsk and our prices are low. - CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.75 Delicate and rich in decorations, per set 2(0 to ......... ......... ......... , LEATHER GOODS Name stamped on purses free. LADIES' PURSES ' Choicest-leather, best made and lowest prices: plain or silver mounted, ranging from M A A $1, $3, $3 and ......... ... .....TftuV MEN'S BILL BOOKS , Over a hundred styles, all sizes, shapes ' ' A A A and styles, from 60c up to .DVv CIGAR CASES . , For the pocket, well made and durable 1 tC A A $1.00 to .......... ...... ...... ......... OJ.uU STAG HORN BRUSHES In plain cases J CO CA- $6.00 to ......... O.OU BLACK CASES AND BRUSHES Silver or copper mounted. -......"" EBONY BRUSHES ' 1 In black seal leather cases, . CO A's $4.50 to ...T..... ...... OvUU PERFUMES AND ATOMIZERS ' ' Imported Perfumes, In . bulk or original packages. PIVER'S , , La Trefle, Azura, Safranor, Rosiris, etc ROGER & GALLET'S Peau d'Espagne, Vera .Vloletta, Indian Hay, Iberls, etc. , PALMER'S : ; All the standard odors at SOc per ounce, or 7K special 7 concentrated odors at i...luL PINAUD'S Concentrated Extracts In small bottles or In bulk. HOUBIGANT'S Ideal in bulk or original bottles. HUDNUT'S Staple odors, at 6O0 per ounce and in original bottles. All other perfumes of standard reputation la H A A boxes, 25c, 50c, 75c and A.31vU ATOMIZERS teed perfect, 25c up New designs, in pump or bulb styles, guaran (7 AA to 9f.UV CAMERAS ' . All the standard Cameras, many of them - being neiy, are an advance on 1904 styles. Free instruc tions given to purchasers. We carry tho PREMO FILM PACK CAMERAS P0CO POCKET CAMERAS s --for plates, " .' ',' 1 ' ' . v Genuine leather, and good large size, with ' ft A A to ...... 9UUV; MUSIC ROLLS good variety, 75o up ROLL-UP: best quality, from $1.50 to For traveling, plain or with fittings of the f OA Afl ....... .&UeUU WENO HAWKEYE For roll films. . . . T POCKET WENO HAWKEYE For films or plate attachments. ANSCO ' ' , For roll films I Larger Cameras in Premo, Poco, Century and Korona. ROLL FILMS Just received a fresh stock. DRY PLATES Seed's, Cramer's, Hammer and Stanley always fresh. PHOTO PAPER None but antitrust. A RGO Developing Paper In 8 surfaces, r CYKO Developing Paper in 6 surfaces. ROTUX Developing Paper In 6 surfaces. '. Photograph Enlarging in 7 turfsoes.' DI$CO Sun Printing Paper, 151 THIRD ST. EAR M0R.RIS0P!