G OOD EVENING. i F YOU HAVE NOT .- QUITE MADE UP YOUR MIND LOOK OVER THE JOURNAL'S LIST. OF ADVERTISERS TODAY. Ths -Weather i , Tonight and Saturday, cloudy, un-; settled weather; probably occasional rain; winds mostly southerly. VOL. IL NO 243. FOItTLAND, OREGON, FIJI DAY EVENING DECEMBER 18. 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WLARE NOW APPROACHING THE TIME WHEN. EVERY . HOME IS FILLED; WITH INTRIGUE AND CONSPIRACY. mm fMIS ADA1G BURGLARY JAPAN IS . VEftY MAD SLAVERY LUMB Residence of J. C. Flan ders Cleverly Robbed This Horning. COTS HOLE IN WINDOW Secures, $15- From a Trousers Pocket -"f:rrf landers Helped Tim -.self, to Whisky-and ; Cigars. A clever houseworker, a veritable Beau Brummel in his tastes, visited the pala tial 'home of J. Couch Flanders, 109 North Nineteenth . street, early this :, morning. Although he showed remark able perseverence in his painstaking ef forts In getting into the dwelling and in .... making a search for valuables, ha se cured but )15 in money, a few cigars and a drink of whisky. - ; v -'s The work of the intruder marks him - o an expert burglar. Falling to raise any of the 'windows of the house bs finally cut a V-shaped hole in the pane and crawled through the opening. Not a clue was .left but his muddy footprints i on the carpet. -: - ' . '' -; t was about 10 minutes to S o'clock when Mr. Flanders was awakened by a slight noise in his room. It was very dark and at first Mr. Flanders thought it was a dog. But his mind, was soon dls- . abused of this Idea when' he heard the burglar going through the pockets of his trousers. . ...'::,:--..::"' Mr. Handera Fools the Burglar. " Having no weapon within reach, and being under a great disadvantage, Mr. Flanders resorted to strategy. At 'first ne was lying on nis siae out ne noise . lessly -turned over. Even then he was unable to get a glimpse of the Intruder. He feigned slumber and when the thief : turned his electrlo searchlight full upon the householder's face he did not suspect that Mr. Flanders was awake. Patiently the latter waited until the burglar com pleted his search of the room. v After the thief had entered the hall Mr. Flanders shut the door of his room. -called to his mother not to be alarmed , and then commanded the night worker ' to get out This frightened the thief who rushed down the stairs ana out 01 an open side door. Ail 1 no trcuiwiia Mia vu,g, iiihuc n thorough search of the occupant's cloth ' ing, finding 815 in the pockets. He even ' calmly helped himself to a cigar which was in the vest.. Mr. Flanders did not lose his watch, which he had under his - pillOW. . : . - - An investigation proved that the thief i must have spent a long time in gaining the front windows, trying nearly every .-one leadlng'oft the porch. But he found them- securely- fastened. - Out of one pane cut a piece or glass near tne top of the sash, unloosening the catch. But in the Flanders' residence each window : is also secured by a bolt and the thief was unable to push this back. The win dows show the marks of a crowbar. Worked With Bucket of Hud. ' Trying a new tack the thief went to the side porch, after going to the rear and filling a bucket With mud." This he plastered on the glass to deaden the sound of cutting, which was evidently done with a diamond cutter. In the up per part of the pane the opening was made In the shape of 'a V with the point toward the bottom. This was fully three feet above the floor. " The glass was cut out in small pieces which were found outside. That the 'thief bad a pal is entirely probable as Mr. Flanders Is certain he could never have squeezed . through the hole alone without break' ing the glass or Injuring himself. It is also apparent that the .intruder was a ..small .maa.nr.he. . could j&ot have entered sjs he did. , Drank from a Decanter. On the ground floor the fellow made a m vmi run liu HCHrrn. ihihiiiiik n ih k m anil reaus and dumping their content upon - the floor.' lie even searched Mrs. Flan der's work basket, but nothing of any ..value was taken. Non. of the rooms were locked and he had access to every apartment on the first floor. In a writ ing desk he found a few postage stamps and helped himself to the cigars in a box. From a decanter he took a few drinks of whisky, being so forgetful as to fall to replace the stopper. Prior to arousing Mr. Flanders, the thief ran sacked another room in the second story but he found nothing that he -wanted. How long the burglar was on the premises and in the house is unknown, but it was a considerable length of time, .' i The Chinese servant states that he near a a nuine oui inuugiu it was a mem ber of the family returning from a trip. ' That the man was an expert is Mr. Flan ders' opinion and also that of the police. The fact that he selected a window con cealed from the street by shrubbery upon which to work shows that he was not exposing himself unneoessarlly. His work tn cutting the window is that of a good thief- and his precaution in deaden ing the sound brands him as a flrat-class , crook. -' After the man left the house Mr. Flan- . ders summoned the police and three offlr rers were at once dispatched by Captain Bailey. . The policemen could find ho clues but made a -thorough Invest'lga- tfon. . The Flanders are one of the pioneer . families of Portland, Mr, Flanders Is .a member of the law firm of Williams, ' Wribd. & Llnthloum. i . t - " CmEMATZD W EII.1I A8XJBEP. (Journal Special SerTlc..) ' j Toledo. Ohlo,"Dec."l. Mr. and MrsV Hoi man; Nelhaus, wealthy and promi nent people of Toledo, were cremated In a tire at their homo yesterday. Hope Is Given Up of a Peaceable Settlement with Russia. SENTIMENT IS FOR WAR High , Military leaders Confer and - Active Preparations for Action . Are Visible on War Ships and at Army Barracks. ,' (Journal Spctal Serlc.) Toklo, Japan, Dec 18. Popular senti ment against Russia Is at a high pitch. If the issue were put to a vote, thera would be no hesitancy about a declara tion of war.. Great pressure is being brought to bear on the cabinet for the immediate opening of hostilities. The cabinet, is cool and steady In the face of the crisis. ; - -' Ne renly has been ' made to the com munication from Russia, and in many quarters it is believed to be a waste or time to carry on any further negptla tlons. The most' conservative element declare that the adjustment of the con troversy by diplomacy Is out of the question, and the only, solution la view of the past is a resort to arms. , solitary Zieaders Confer. ' This morning Field Marshal Tama gasta of the Japanese army, and Mar quis Oyaraa, who led the forces of Japan during the Chinese war, met with Marquis I to, Count Matsukata, twice premier of - the , country, . and Count Inouye, a former ambassador to Korea. After the session couriers were dis patched to some of the outlying mili tary posts and to war vessels in the various harbors. Tha" ships at once filled their bunkers with coal and made preparations for instant action. At the barracks the soldiers were put in shape so that they could be moved without delay. It is the- general impression that the Japanese will take the aggres sive when the. clash oomes. They con sider they will at this time of the year have many advantages in carrying on the conflict which they would not have during the summer season. Many of the Russian vessels are now icebound In the harbors of Northeastern Siberia, which cannot be utilised for warfare at this time. r APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE OREGON COAST (Journal Special Berries.) Washington, D. C, Dec. U. The sec retary of the treasury submits today to congress the recommendation of the secretary of commerce that an appro priation of $120,000 be made for the establishment of a lightship off Oxford reef, five miles north of Cape Blanco. The light house board, which investi gated the matter is of the opinion that it. Hirht at fin. Rinnan be' continued in addition to the establishment of the light vessel. - : - The secretary of war also submits the report of the special board of en gineers on the project for the improve ment of Taquina Bay. "The board re ports, that existing conditions do not warrant continuing the improvement at the present time, with the view to se curing an Increased depth of harbor en trance, but believes the existing works .hmiiri maintains! and recommends a.tvu.u - - -. . - an appropriation of 125,000 for this pur' pose. WANTS PORTLAND TO CETiVALDES TRADE (Journal Special SerTlc.) . . . Salem. Or Dec. 18. John A. Carson, western counsol of the Alaska Copper ompany, returned today. He will to morrow go to Portland to appear before the chamber of commerce and urge the encouragement of a steamer line from Portland to Valdes toeonneot with the Valdes railroad, which will be a big thing for Portland trade. If Portland does not accept, Seattle will be ap proached. Carson's company is backed by Havemeyer and other New Tork cap- ltallsts. ? - y NEW POSTOFFICE IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED . (Journal Special Serrlce.) , ' Washington, Dec. IS. The board of architects of the treasury department to decide upon the plans for the Ban Francisco pbstofflce has selected those of Eames & Young of St.; Louis. The rbulldlng costs 11,600,000 and the firm gets 176,000. ARMENIANS PREPARE' FOR INSURRECTION l (Journal Speolal Bn-Tloe.) Vienna,, Dec IS. Reports received hore say that large quantities of arms and ammunition have been successfully smuggled Into the Armenian districts of southeastern Russia by Armenians and all ,1s 'now in readiness for a general Insurrection in Caucasus in the spring. Mamma "Don't come in here, children! Run out and playrlike a good ' '1 Papa "Don't coma in here! Run Si i "I wondV why ever'body always FACTS FOUND DON'T CONSTITUTE CRIME Ue Se District Judge Bellinger Sustains the De: murrer to the Indictment in the Pension Case of Thomas and Hosea Wood Judgfe Charles B. Bellinger in the United States district court this morn ing sustained the demurrer to the in dictment which charges Thomas A. and Hosea .Wood with making a fraudulent pension affidavit. Inasmuch as the facts alleged to constitute a crime are not provided fotf In the statute under which they are brought The opinion in part follows; . r, . "It is alleged in the first count that the defendants did feloniously wilfully and knowingly make and procure to bo made a false, forged and fraudulent declaration and -aflluavlt fora wldo pension, under the act of congress of June 27, 1902, which false declaration and affidavit pertained to and concerned the pension claim of Mary E. Biles, and was then and there a matter, within the Jurisdiction of the commissioner of pen sions of the United States. "The alleged false and fraudulent af fidavit Is set out in full in the indict ment' The notary publio before whom it was taken, in his certificate thereto, Certifies that it was sworn to before him on the ISth day of August, 1902. The falsity of this affidavit is alleged to be in the fact that the affiant did, not appear before the notary and sign the affidavit on the data mentioned. . Por Purpose of Praod. "The second count in the indictment charges the defendants with knowingly and wilfully presenting the affidavit set out in the first count to the commis sioner of pensions at Washington, for the purpose of fraudulently procuring a pension, ':,: '; r.'y-'' . ""The third and fourth counts are sub stantially like the first and second, ex cept that ' the alleged false affidavit In those counts Is false in that it purports MOUNTAIN BATTERY -READY FOR PANAMA '. . (Joaraal' Special Smite.) Fort Leavenworth, Dec. 18.---A (thou sand rounds of fixed ammunition for the Twenty-eighth mountain battery arrived today by express. The battery is now prepared for Immediate caJLMf ordered tu the isthmus: it will probably go via San Francisco 1 for operations on the western side.' ....v'i . "c out and play, kids. Run along now." wants us to run out and play. Iwonder why." to have been signed on the 30th of June, 11)02, whereas in fact it was signed on the 18th day of that month. "Section 474S of the revised statutes, under which the indictment is found, provides that it shall be a crime to wilfully or knowingly make or assist In making any false or fraudulent affidavit concerning a pension claim, or presents or causes to be presented such, or to present any pension voucher or . power of attorney which bears a date subse quent to that on which it was actually signed or acknowledged." . - Contained Ho False Averment. ontiiiuTng, Judge Bellinger says: "It does not appear that the affidavits al leged to be false, contained any false averment, or were not subscribed and sworn tw before the officer named by the person whose signature Is attached as affiant, or that the persons whose names appear as witnesses were not present as certified;- The alleged falsity of the affidavits consist, as already stated, in the fact "that they were riot subscribed and sworn to, in one case, on or near the date named in the certificate, and in the other .case, that such subscription and oath, instead of being made on June 0. as certified, was made on the 18th day of that month. . ,, . "The false statement ; regarding the date of subscription and oaths does not malte tho affidavit a false or fraudulent one. ; If the statements in the affidavit are true it is not false, even If not sub scribed to by the person whose affidavit it purports to be.. In the latter case the affidavit would be a forged' one, for which the guilty party would be liable under another statute." Attorney John ,M. , Oearln represents ther o-f es. "vJoha M. Hall appears for the government. " ' M0NTANA.5YSTEM OF ' BLACKMAIL IN EAST , ' (Journal &Pclal Smlrt.) ' New Haven, Conn.,: Dec' 18. Armed guards have been placed On the express trains of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad as a result of a let ter received by the officials, ' Jn ,' which the writer threatens to wreck and Tob a train unless a specified sum pf -money -be placed In a spot designated. little girl and boy." 'Jaj'awlVL'.sj From th. Chicago Trlboae, T BY THE THOUSAND nrrzxsTATX cosuxbcs comns- 8X0 1CAZZS SEPOST OW AXXr- wats sABirnras axd rmzxaxT RATES ZirOXEASZira EUfEBTS AW COBBECTED SOME ABTSES. 1 Joornal Special Service.) Washington, Dec. 18. The report of the interstate commerce commission, is sued today, shows returns for 201,000 miles of railway, approximately 98 per cent of the entire mileage In th United States. The gross earnings show nearly two billion dollars, while the -operating expenses are a billion and a quarter. The earnings show an increase over those of the previous. -j-ear of . about thirty-four millions. The report declares the Elklns law beneficial, as It has checked many vio lations. The freight rates show an in crease, as there is no way In which ad- kvances can be prevented. Some solution hHBbeenmade or-therxansoupler prob lem. , , .. . -".. .'.-. . During the year 1(4 passengers were kilted and 4.400 injured. Of employes 895 were killed and 6,400 injured. A total of 1,068 killed and 10,800 injured. CIVIC FEDERATION MEETS IN NEW YORK (Journal Special Brrloe.) - NewTbrlcDec. 18. The annual meeting of the National Clvio Federation began here .today. President Hanna presided and Volney Foster, a Chicago manufac turer, addressed the meeting this after noon on the industrial question. Among those present were John Mitchell. Bishop Potter, " President Elliott of ' Harvard university and Chief of Conductors Clark. . ' - PRIZE FIGHT MEN. WILL BE PUNISHED . (Journal Sperlal Sorrtce.) " . . Columbus, Dec. 18. -Governor Nash today Instructed the attorney-general to bring to punishment all the principals, promoters and witnesses of the prise fight between Ruhlln and Green, which was pulled oft at Akron last night Five hundred spectators were present. , SECBETABT ZS SEZ.EOTE9. , (Journal JSprrtal .Servloe.J"'.'"" . St. .LouU, Dec. 18, Layina Egan of Shreveport, La., was today elected sec retary of the St. Louis exposition board os lady managers. , KILLED AND 111 Maiden Speech in Support of Lewis and Clark Fair Bill. POSTAL FRAUD REPORT er Gains His Point and Papers Co to' Postal Committee- Morgan Resolulon of the Panama Situation. - Washington Bureau of Tha Journal. Washington, Dec. 18. Senator- Ful ton's maiden speech was made In the senate today. His address occupied less than 15 minutes and was entirely extern poraneouB. He was listened to with close attention and evidently made a very favorable impression upon members on both sides of the senate and at the close of his remarks was congratulated by many. He reviewed briefly the historical events connected with the acquisition of the Oregon country, and tho growth of its industries to their present bropor tlons. He said that while the Lewis and Clark exposition Is primarily to com memorate a great historical fact yet it will not deal entirely with the past. . The United States has carried its boundaries far beyond the Pacific coast, and is now the greatest proprietor in the Pacific seas. The people of the Fa ciflo coast states . look forward to the time when the commerce of the Pacific will equal that of the Atlantic. With the isthmian canal soon to be completed, and an Increased trade developed in the Orient, a great era of development Is at hand."'"- v .;-"':t ": It wilt be the function of this exposi tion to bring together many people and products of the Orient, and of our cpun . tryand to benefit ojur entire, .nation, the grfverhmenl has appropriated many mil lions for expositions but never one dollar for one in the PaclJic coast stated. Our people do not complain of this and have always approved such appropriations. They jiow feel that with the beneficial objects and purposes of the Lewis and Clark exposition, the government would be justified in appropriating the amount asked for by the people of Oregon.' Senator Perkins of California presided over the Senate today in Frye's absence. Dolllver presented a petition referring to the Isle of Pines. Upon Lodge's objec tion that it should be presented in se cret session it was withdrawn.- In the house about' 60 were present when it opened.. Wanger of Pennsylvania of fered a privilege resolution, calling upon Payne to 'transmit to the committee on postal expenditures all papers and re ports in the postofflce Investigation. Williams objected and asked time for debate and to offer amendments. '.Wan ger refused to commit himserf and said the papers properly belonged to the pos tal committee as It la authorised! by. the rules of. the house to pass upon 'all ac counts and report all abuses of ' appropriations..- v.-',.-..'-'-. . Senator Penrose offered a resolution referring to the Turkish trouble, calling on-the president to secure the convening of the Berlin congress of 1878 to see that the provisions of that treaty are carried out It was referred to the com mittee on foreign relations. Senator Morgan offered a resolution bearing on the Panama revolution-saying that the president had no right, to use American troops to prevent Colombia warring with Panama. It went over. Wanger's resolution was adopted by a vote of 10 to 100. The bulk of the pa pers are already in the hands of the com mittee on postofflces. SEND CRUISER FOR MINISTER BEAUPRE (Journal Special SotTlce.) , Panama, Dec. 18. Arrangements were made today for a cruiser to go to Car tagena to conduct Minister Beaupre frorti Colombia to Colon. No reaaon Is given, but the presumption is that It is to give Beaupre an opportunity to communicate freely with Washington regarding af falrst Bogota; : " -; V POPE GETS LEGACY -vFR0M LEO'S ESTATE (Journal Special Service.) Rome, Dec. 18. It is reported that the Gotti today handed the pope $7,000,000 in foreign securities as the legacy of Pope Leo to his successor. SENATOR HOAR "REBUKES SCOTT Washington Bureau of The Journal. Washington, Dec. 18.r-8enator Hoar and Editor . Bcott of ,the Oregonlan had a lively tilt at the eapitol last evening, which is the talk of the town. ' Scott and Senator Mitchell were coming doWh from the senate chamber in an elevate 'whan Senator Hoar got on at the lower land ing. MltchelK Introduced the two and Scott reached out his hand. Hoar said: "If you are the editor of the Oregonlan t decline to meet you. Your paper printed an unjust attack upon the late Senator Morrill, at the. time of his death, to the, Young Girl, Stolen From Home, Lays Bare the Story of Her Life. : BOLD, DESPERATE GANG Bought Into Slavery by Moy Bun and' Smuggled Into Country -by-Moy Sam Sing Crimes Arc - Outlawed. '- Asserting that she was smuggled Into the country to lead a life of slavery. and anxious to expose those who are re- - sponsible for fter downfall, Cbow Sheem. the young Chinese girl who recently escaped to the Chinese Rescue home, has laid bare the story of her life. Her confession not only brings to light the workings of what the immigration of nclals believe to be the boldest and most desperate gang of smugglers and slave traders, that ever operated on the Pa cific coast, but furnishes as well, in formation that would lead her betrayers . to the penitentiary but for the fact, that these crimes are outlawed by the three- . year statute of limitations. Moy Bun, who Is master of the slave house at 228 Pino street,, this city, from which Chow Sheem escaped, is pur- , ported to be chief actor in a plot which took a young girl from her far away Chinese home, and brought her to a Ufa of slavery, He, is accused of buying the girl from the' slave-traders of China, and. assisting in gaining her fraudulent entry Into this country. With him is purported to have been assoctated his cousin,. Moy Sam Sing,, a wealthy mer chant of Seattle, who is accused of falsely testifying that Chow 8heera was his rightful daughter, and, of securing her entrance into the country, on his own daughter' eertlHcate of residence. For the service he is alleged to, have r- celved a large sum of money. . Cho'v SheenVs statement was taken by Chinese Inspector Barbour yesterday, and sha will probably be deported by the immi gration department ' f ' Wants to Betura to Hative xnd, - Chow Sheem's determination to tell her storywas brought about principally , by her desire to return to -her native land. She now trusts that the authori ties will deport her,- ant hoped also that they might deal summarily with the offenders who have made her life a burden. : It is also probable that she was Influenced by the fact that her former owners were bending-every effort t again secure her in their . possession. , Her desire to- tell the story was learned by The Journal, and the Information turned over to the proper authorities. As the warrants were about to be issued it was discovered that the crimes were committed over three years ago, and hence outlawed by the statutes. Chow Sheem can remember but IlttlaA . of the home of her birth and childhood. She Jived ' with. ' her parents In the Chinese province of Kwan St When less than 14 years of age she was kid naped by the slave-dealers and thrust into a dungeon. ; Then for the first tlmev she realised the fate that awaited hr. After three months of weary confine- ' ment, she was sold to Moy Bun, who brought her to America. While her realization of incidents surrounding her first landing, in Amer ica' Is by no means clear, she Is posi tive that she entered the country at Port Townsend, between three and four -years ago. There for the first, time she saw Moy Say - Sing. She was told to assume the name of Moy Gut Yum and to identify Moy Sara Sing as her father. She was also told to testify that she formerly lived at a certain street number in Chicago, and that she was 11 years 'of age. ..As the result of a aeries of beatings she had come to realise that her: master's wishes were her ow!jLandji!ie-dld.a4 j5h6waatold,-. . The examination was sucessfully passed and she was taken in charge by her now master, Moy Bun. who gave her the. slave name of Chow Sheem. She was first taken to a slave house in, Taooma, and later to Portland, after a municipal campaign In the former city compelled all Chinese to flee from its domuins. A borrowing tale of the horrors of the slave-pen- isld by-Chow 8heemrNnt " infrequently, she says, Moy Bun would suddenly appear in the midst of his slaves brandishing an Iron bar - or a slab of wood. WU.v a fiendish smile he would start for the first one at hand and give her a severe pummellng, an operation which he termed 'Ticking his cats." An examination of the records of the immigration office at--. Port Townsend shows that . Chow Sheem's story is cor roborated in every detail.' The date of (Continued on Page Nine. J effect that, the senate paid his funrrftl expenses,' when his family was Ul io do this,, and I want nothing to do with Its editor." , Boott explained that he had never " n or hxard of the article In qiifHtlun, unit If he had seen It bi-for.e It was prhiti-j he would hve siipprHned It. Senator Hoar rejolmxl: "That doi-s ant matter," I ho(d you responsible.". '. Then. the two turned bor-ks upon tui' another and tho rvst of thi Journey i1oift the elevator shaft was contiiaic-l l.-i silence. 17: