THE OKEGON --DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TIIUKSDAY -'EVENING,' DECEMBER 17, 1903. A IW CITY TOWNTOPICS Items of Local Interest for Busy Journal Readers. . The Vhlte Corner store, Second, Third and Ysmhill streets, has an impression ' today that The Journal has a million readers., That concern advertised In . this papor that SantaXHaus would arrive there 'vesterdiiv to distribute his annual rifts to his boy and girl friends, and the Jam that filled the big store all after- 'rioon was simply awful." The little tots were the happiest band Of urchins seen in Portland for many a day, and each .was. given a present of considerable 'value Just such things as'th. tender ones adore. Hundreds of happy hearts rejoiced at the generosity of their old , f rtend. "and .it would create scorn among them to intimate that Panta Is a myth. , A steam heated collar and cuff polisher '' Is the delight of the arlsiocratlo gentle, man who relishes .linen that fairly shines. .Goods polished by this pro cess "do" shine: And a steam heated polisher does not "yellow" or bum the linen as does the fire heated kind. To "hum flnen Is to weaken Hi fiber.; Some time "all" laundries will employ these polishers Just bo soon as the interests of patrons and not that of the pocketbook la considered.. "They come high, but the union Laundry must have jem." One free treatment' this week to any body desiring to test the beneficial re suits of the Beta hot air apparatus Jn ' the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, stomach, blood and skin diseases, : dropsy, paralysis or any other affliction " of the-humsnr body.' Men, Tuesnay; Wednesday, Saturday; women, , Monday, Thursday. Friday, Madame M. IVaughn, 301-303 McKar building. .Third and Starke , j,, ; k , ... , , ' Weeks' course in physical culture free or cost to everyone wno joins my scnooi before January 1. Special rates $1 - per , month for class work. Rtngler's Physical Culture school, 309 Alder street. Individual treatment and clttjrr-work for men, women, boys and girls. . Phone Main 1051. ...... I I. mi r f i 1 ' There will be an exhibition of lantern slides from the Orange (N. J.) Camera club and th photo sftctlon of the Pltts 'burg Academy of Science and Art in the rooms. of the Oregon Camera club in the Alacleay building, Fourth and Washing, ton. 'Friday evening, December 18, at 9 o'clock. Everyone welcome. ' TNext Trlday night, December 18, at Centenary church, the Junior league will give "Mother Goose and Her Temper ance Family,", after which the ladies will sell home-made candy and fresh popcorn.;; Admission, adults 15 cents, children under 13 10 cents. You. don't find worms In Violet Oats. The grain is scoured before it is ground, making It absolutely clean. . The most Improved machinery is employed in our mill and Violet Oats is not excelled in the United States. : Albers Bros. Milling to. ' Don't fall to see our stock of Chrls mas umbrellas. ' Greatest variety on the toast. ' We always undersell the dry. goods stores: Meredith's, Washing, ton and Sixth and Morrison and Fifth. i Tor two days onlyThis ad. and 81 good for. one do'sen 'cabinet photo at Warren's studio, 285 East Morrison.1 near bridge. Thursday and Friday only. ' j Dr. R. C. Coffey has abandoned his down-town office .Will be found at the North Pacific Sanatorium. Twentieth 'and' Glisan sheets, all hours. Hand-made lace fans from Brussels, exclusive in this city, to .be had only at Lamotte's, 49 Glisan street, from 816 VP. A nice Christmas present Beautiful calendar for every child bringing a package of linen to the Union laundry. This is a pretty present that does not cost the child a cent. .. Bronsed, onyx, fancy marble clocks, some American, some from Parts, prices from 81 to $100. See Lamotte, 419 GIL an street. , Printing. Best work by Mann & Beach, 92 Second and 883 Stark. Enlarged facili ties. Everything first class. Phone 444. If you want a watch or chain, some thing different, something better than ordinary, see Lamotte, 449 Glisan street i j i 'iii i- i i-i - J Plum pudding, fruit cake, home-made. Have us roast your Xmas turkey. Amer ican Delicate-Essen's,- 818 Third street Steamers for The Dalles 'will leave Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. dally (except Sunday)... Phone Main 914. - ! Mahlllon band instruments from Brus sels, finest on earth, for sale Only by Lamotte, 449 Glisan. Portland -Club, , ISO Fifth street - A palatable lunch' , served every evening from 8 until 11 pi m. . . , Winter GardenResort for ladles and gentlemen. High-class vaudeville. Ad mission free. Alb In people, get photos at Thwaltes', 808 WHUaras ave. .Cabinets 83.80 doaen. Don't grumble about your lunches. Eat at the Savoy opposite old postofflce. B. & 8. Catarrh Powders kill catarrh. We warrant them. 803 Washington. , E. It Moorehouse & Co., at Seventh and Alder. Telephone Main 1343. ' If you would wear a smile eat at the Eavoy, opposite, old postofflce. Olympic Pancakes are purs and 1 1 healthy. . , ' , , . , Ansley, printer. . Centennial envelopes; Dr. A. F. Petiel, dentist 401 Dekum. ; pr. Amos, surgeon, Dekura building. -' Oh, Joy!? , If in doubt what present To select for-a lady friend, ' Note the rapture every , . Daughter of Eve exhibits . . . In the possession of a . Pstr- of stylish opera ' Glasses and doubt no . Longer. The kind that . Plesse the most and ' Cost the least are sold by Walter Reed, the Optician, ' 133 Sixth street, Oregonian building. . A 17 BJSTOXS, UKSILIU., AU SZYOIX . ' '. Cpt George Egbert, bailiff at the ' United States court. Is motMwUng 'the ' loss of a valuable silk umbrella. ' The . captain stood the Umbrella In & corner while he wrote out an application for a money-order yesterday afternoon, and 'when he turned it wns gone.1 The um brella was silver-mounted and had the owutr's name engtavtd on the bundle. . The Towa of Estaoada Will Be Upon ths . Market January la Sound to Bs Uve Towa Xhsrs, Estacada. the beautiful townslte owned and platted by the Oregon Water Power Townslte company, located on the Clackamss river 87 miles southeast of Portland, at the terminus of the Ore gon Water Power and Railway, com pany's railroad, will, be placed upon the marKet on Tuesday. January 18. On that day the Oregon Water Power and Railway company will run a special train to Estacada. It will arrive early in the forenoon,, giving passengers several hours in which to look over the townsits and adjacent region before 1:30 o'clock p. m when the auction sale of lots'. will take place, These will be disposed of at -tns prices and on the terms announced in the company's, advertisement on an other page, . - t , . ., Estacada is most delightfully situated on the ' banks of the Clackamas river. in the heart of a large timber and agrl cultural region, 'Snd will doubtless speedily grow to a city in fact as well as In, name. There is a peculiar combina tion of desirable resources surrounding the new townslte. The agricultural lands in that part of . Clackamas county have been cultivated for maiy years, and not only splendid wheat harvests are gar nered hut the fruit yield is second to none in the state. Southeast of the proposed city stand great forests of fine merchantable timber.- This is yet almost untouched, because before the railroad reached that section about two mdnths ago no means of transportation was at hand. Sawlogs could not be floated down the river on account of its rockv bed and rapids," This' has kept the timber re sources almost Intact, and that condition will, of course, cause the building of several-large -sawmills- at - that - point The river runs between high banks and its rail is Sufficient to afford a powerful Water power every mile or so, so that manufacturing facilities will be abund ant The Oregon Water Power and Rail way company is building an . electric power plant at a cost of, probably, 8250. 000, which -will be used to operate the company's electric trains. The company will have an abundance of power for sale, so that those who do not desire to build dams of their own to operate their ractorles may lease power from the com pany. A -big furniture factory is already building, and two store buildings have been contracted for. - Great Interest Is being manifested in this new town. Some time ago The Journal published a quite lengthy de scription of the townslte and its sur roundings, since which time the Oregon Water Power . . Townslte company has beeq receiving a flood of letters concern. ing the place. Being so far from Port land its merchants will not be troubled with department store competition, hence trade will always be the healthiest that the country will sustain. It will. not be at all surprising, if Ee. tacada will be found to contain a popula tion or 6,000 within a couple of years. and very likely 10,000 within that many years. The Immigration to Oregon at this time is very great The new town is likely to get its share of these new comers. , . ZiEOTTSXO AMD UET 00 ' Ernest Egger, a "driver for Egger Bros.' dairy. . was placed under' arrest this morning for driving .over a fire hose. He Was taken before Chief Hunt and after a brief lecture was allowed to go., ; . Mtsse4 His Heart.. The use of Palrao Tablets, the remedy that is guaranteed for all forms of weak ness, will keep poor circulation from af fecting the heart- Palmo Tablets will give new life to your whole, hady and give you back the vigor of youth. They, are sold at 60c per box by the Brooke Drug company, No. 87 North Third street, and also by the Jancke Drug company, corner Grand and Hawthorne avenues,' and by Simmons & Hernial-. druggists, corner Mississippi avenue and Kussen street. Every box is guaran teed with a cash coupon. ; Monthly SocIaL The retulae mnnthlv feasor Rlngler's physical culture school will be held tomorrow tvnln. WMnv December 18, at 6:80 o'clock. Aa in teresting program is promised and is as follows: Vocal sold Miss Nance Ouff; . recitation. Miss Diana Flekher! Dlano solo. Minn Maud ptoii- tv,. bal ancing wonder, Sarena; tumbling, Shock-ley-Wodeage: illuminated clubs.- Clyde Owen; sparring exhibition. Day-Vinson. After' the exerctsnn ili,r : vin fniin. dancing and refreshments. . Sig Slcheji Co., 92 Third Street- Gun' metal cigarette cases. match safes, newest designs, attractive prices. - Strang But True, Ths prices in Wright's Muslo Houss half page "ad." in this issue. AJnTSEHTlTTl. CORDRAYS THEATRE Phone, Vila 83...............lial Price,. , TONIGHT. ,.v, : Mr. W. B. Pstton and a Good Compaar THE MINISTER'S SON A Comedy in Four Aeta, - ,, ' NEXT WEEK. STARTING SUNDAT ' "; .a, M-tTIN'OC. ... . ' '! Tbe Laughable Farce Comedy, HELLO, BILL A New ComDanr.. 11't tt Matinee'. . Marqaam Crand Theatre wk. pm3?14 , TONIGHT AT 8:1S, ' Seiunan Thompaaa't Bantlfnl Irnma, THE TWO 8I8TE&S."' A Delightful I'Ur, Fremottd bj an Ercellent l'rlrea-Lowar floor. tTtcrot Uit thra mm $1.00; laat three rowa. Tfte. Balcony, first all rowa, T5c; laat Sli rowa, top.- Oallery, and SDe, Boxa and loca, fT.flO. r- (a taareiow Bwlllng. THE BAKER THEATRE JHl, Gi'trr L. Baker, Bolt leasee and Manager., AU tbla week, BtatinaM Haturdar a ad Sunday, iw: sR jueir vonipaof la "The asxss." i' ' Preceded by tba oneact fare,' , ' . "101 OH FAEtB riANCAIS." KTenlns vrleea. sue. 80e, ISc. 15c: matlnM. 8S. 15c 1C. ', ' Kelt week Hort S -a nmnlfM Bell.'V Arcade Theatre 830 Washington, between 6th and 7th. Ojpea from 0 a. m. to It p. ' . EtnaEP TAUDIVIIXE. "" ' riVB SHOWS PAITA' 0, 8.S0. T;30, 8:80 , ' Admltilon leg1 to Any 8at. . COKCEKT UAUL BLAZIEa BBOS. V COXCBKT EVERT KICB1. - au-laS'BUSKBISBV' " ' A VERITABLE WINDFALL The most prosperous in all this great store's splendid career of more than a quarter of a century of constant upbuilding and progress. LiKe unto a cyclone on a rampage values have been shallen from this Big Store's Christmas Tree and lie in wind-rows, spread out thro' every department on every floor of this vast Christmas Shop. This, the last "Friday Economy Sale" of the fast dying year, shall be the greatest and best it is a garrison finish! A MATCHLESS OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCES HERE AT GIFT PRICES! And CHRISTMAS BUT 7 DAYS AWAY one week' only now 6 shopping days! NO PRUDENT PERSON IN PORTLAND CAN AFFORD TO PASS THIS EXCEPTIONAL BUYING CHANCE UP! . Forty-twO grand specials for Friday only 42 part of them only mentioned here tonight, the balance to appear in the Oregonian tomorrow morning, LooK them up don't miss a one or you'll miss the grandest bargain feast of all the year A VERITABLE CHRISTMAS. SPREADo Every advertised special of the week is on tomorrow and hundreds that, have 'never reached print at all. Clearances of lots overstocks here and there knifed to their price heart in order to send them all out among our great public' before the end of the next 6 shopping days. Tomorrow will be fth o'erturning, climax capping value-giving event of the year. ' ' 50c Sterling Sil ver Toilet Arti cles 19c Za ths Zmas Jewelry Bhop. Here's holiday chance that savors of rlbh lock Ho buyers of 'llttla gifty remembrances such as these. Better select tomorrow and save ' part of the Christmas money for something: elsft .fter, you think you're all through, you'll think of someone you, ought to think of and think "Oh, how I wish I'd thought and bought onS of those . Friday bargain snaps at Olds, Workman & King's, for Instance, sterling silver-handle Manicure Knives, Tweezers, Shoe Horns, Button Hooks, Cuticle , Knives,, Erasers, Curling Irons and Paper Knives, every one an. every-day 50c article. Priced for tomorrow only at, each ................19o Ladies' 75c Hand kerchiefs for 25c 1 .first Iloor. Whoever had 'kerchiefs enough - anvhow? Our Christmas Hand kerchief shop is a treat, a perfect bower: looks like a million 'ker chiefs there. We've selected a choice lot of dainty Parisian pat terns In colored embroidered borders, pinks, lavenders, reds and blues, all 76c values and, say, for tomorrow only, choice at, each'. r..8So 50c English Per fumes 25c oz. Toilet Sundries' Counter, Center Aisle. Tirst Floor, ' , Almost everyone buys perfumes at , Christmas time for somebody. ""'After every other gift Is bought, . there's one thing lacking if you've ' . left perfumes off the list. Every lady loves them. Here's a chance " to aconomlse ftomorrow, to buy perfumes, all the imported Eng lish' varieties, including odors that waft scents of ths Lily, the Ross, . f Carnation and Heliotrope, regular 800 values, .tomorrow only for the ounce -8Bo $1.49 Shaving Cases for 90c Xmas ToUst Wovslty Counter, First Floor. Does hs shave st home? Or does ' ' he travel? At nr-t srste, half tlie' : "men folks" would find use for one fit these handKome large sise fancy ' celluloid shaving' eases, '.with mtr: ror back, containing ' mug and " brush, value $1.49; you may pick ' one here tomorrow for, a gift to --'friend or own personal use at 90o , II . rink Am.vrAzmmcM spurn tajWort! 75c Tobacco Jars 39 c JTsTslty Sundries Counts,' Tirst . - Floor. Perhaps this solves a problem of .what to .buy for him. '. Does he smoke a pipe? .Most smokers away down deep in their tobacco heart prefer them "to cigars or the "pesky cigarettes." Well, if ' he , smokes a pipe hs certainly needs a jar to hold his , tobacco and keep it right. Select from a lot of pretty glass Jars with decorated gilt tops. Regular ?Se values for 39o $ 1.75 Dressing Sacques $1.19 (la ths Woman's Zmaa Salon . Ssooud Floor.) Wouldn't one of these be nice and ',, gifty for "herT" Pretty and warm, red, pink or blue eiderdown Dress ing Sacques; These are to ths woman what a houss coat Is to the benedict, bachelor or widower. Grand values, regularly sold at 11.60 and I1.T6, for Xmas tokens, tomorrow at , Men's $3 Christ mas Slippers $1.98 (Xn ths Holiday Shoe store First Floor. Handsome and dressy does he need a pair? Better look over thoss you bought him last Christmas and see if they're not houss worn : then corns her. tomorrow and , select from black or handsome brown vlci. kid or alligator stock, chamois lined, In. either -Columbia or Null Ifler styles and comforts-: ble foot shape lasts, regular 12.60 and 13.00 kinds, here tomorrow at a Christmas price, to you of , IM BOYS' $1.60 XXD OFEBA SX2F- FSmS, 98o. t Best kid stock, soft flexible Soles, natural foot shapes and broad toed. The kind pa wears'. 'sizes 11 to 6. Friday only ILK and 11.60 values ars bunched at a " cholc. for.... . , 8o Children 98c Angora Wool Tarns 69c In Children's XUllawy Salon, Ik- w Floor -' A, very timely special. These are . the long wool , Tarns in prettily , 'K' assorted colors, Just . the wanted ' thing for children's school , wear ; . .at this season. Tomorrow only .these' splendid tSc values are' i priced at ,..,'....9o OF SPECIAL XMAS BARGAINS We've Shook the Christmas Tree FOR. THIS THE , . , . . - ... Last Great Friday Economy "Two-bif Cuff Links 13c pr. ; (Christmas Jswslry Shop First Floor CeaUr Alsls.) Now who doesn't need an extra pair of cuff links? If in doubt about a ltttl. token, that's aur. to b. ap preciated. HOW about a pair of these at trifling cost? Best 2So values possible for any houss to offer, in a choice of gilt, oxide, enamel. . French grey . or stylish gunm$tal. Choice, tomorrow only, . at, ths pair...;;1 13o 20c Matted Pic tures, half price, 10c (la the Christmas Picture Store ' . First Floor.) No on. hss too many pictures about . their homes. They ars th. win dows thro' which w. may , look farther and see more than thro' the most powerful telescope ever ' invented look at and forget our own pent-ln. shut-up world in see ing pthers. Largs slsa, fancy matted Pictures in black, and white effects or colors, tomorrow only, 20-cent kinds for XOo Men's 12c Hem stitched 'Ker chiefs 8c Ken's Shop, First Floor. On. for "him'' sure. Just to draw 1 you over to this splendM men's 'dashery, where you'll ses other things he needs at this Christmas time, we'll sell Men's Pure Whit. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with M, or -lnch hems, soft, ready for use. ths best IStte value in Portland, for tomorrow only, each ac $4.00 Oregon Made Navajo Indian Blankets $3.35 ; Fourth Floor, Christmas HomFlt tbur Shop, . The beautiful Indian Blanket would , surely be appreciated by .very possessor of a home or den, r gift sure 'of appreciation by the recipient, may used for lounge ... or couch, the cosy corner or tor . draperies. Eastern friends Would be delighted 9 to receive on. or more a hint. : Tomorrow the best , ijr and; handsomest ' If 00 , values ' fur'' ..,..83.39 FOR, THE Year of 1903 $4.25 Fancy Cell uloid Manicure Case $2.50 ToUt aoods Constw, First Floor. A magnificent gift, suited to mila dy's dresser, both as a handsom. ornsment and useful, indispensa ble article in the toilet, of pretty fancy' celluloid, satin ,: lined and containing serviceable finely made brush, comb, scissors, nail file, mirror, etc., an extra good 14.25 value, tomorrow only for,. ..$2.50 LadiesV50c Tea Aprons 29c , AnaMC, Second Floor. Of fin. Lawn Materials with. lac. edging and - ruffles, Japanese drawn work, or beading with drawn ribbon and: lac. . insertion. Splendid 60o values tomorrow only at ..'....'..,. .... 89. 22c Pin Cushions 12c 55c Pin Cushions 29c Art Shop, Taorottghfar Aisle, Seo ond Floor. 10-Inch cambrlo covered Pin Cush ions for Ho, and 10-Inch, satin covered Pin Cushions in pretty pinks, blues, yellows, reds, nlles, lavenders and whites. Oood . values at the regular 65c price. llirt, tomorrow only at ...... 9o Ladies' $2.25 Wool Union Suits $1.59 Underwear Shop, First Floor. Ladles' sliver grey or white. Jersey ribbed Union Suits, half Open fronts, hand crochet silk finished fronts and heck and "Merode" make, a stamp of quality that needs no further guarantee from us. Uusai 61.(6 values tomorrow only at, th suit. ........ .'...!. Special Friday Bargain Table ON THIIU) FLOOR SOME TXZVaS OJf IT, $3. 10 vslues in ( O'clock Kettles and. Stands' for .,f 3.83 . $1JS ' decorated .Lamp and shades .,.,......,.,..780 1S.S0 Fruit Latners, the dosen.91.rS 13.25 Fruit Vatva, the dosen.. 92.83 ,$!.50 Fruit "I'lat.s, the rtosen, .fl78 'ATO -'' HtmBK9S OP OTXSX XMAS BAr:vAI.- 1. FOR OUR. Commencing Saturday, Tomorrow, We Will Be Open Every Evening Until Christa&s Olds, Wortman &. King 12c Percale at the yd. 8c SomMtio AlslSb First Sloov. Nothing Christmassy about this, eh? Well, you Just ssk th. lady if sh. wouldn't Ilk. a few dress lengths. Wa can hear her answer away up 1 her. In the publicity shop. A great many women will make themsolves a present of some of these percales tomorrow, 18-inch t ; width novelty patterns in new .dark pretty winter colorings, all " standard 12Ho percales. Choosa " tomorrow all you need, for you'll not get it after for less than regu lar; the yard ............... .80 75c Copyright Novels for 20c A Wonderful Friday Book Special (Book Store First Floor Annex.) TKX VATZOVAX. UBBAXT OF aCEJUCAX AVTEOBS, Including an edition of popular copyright 1 books by such famous writers of Action as Mrs. 8outhworth. Fran ces Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Ana 8. Stephens and others. All hand somely bound in cloth trimmed with gold and colors., 13 mo. .la. Th. publisher's price on theae fa vorite books, well known by all reader, of healthy fiction is 7 Sc. Our price, Friday only, will be, . the volume. ...... .......... .80. Up in Toy Town IS. Biggest Toy Store in Portland (Fourth Floor.) Assorted box of animals. lOo val . ues, Friday only. .......... ...310 Assorted box of animals, 7 So val ues, Friday only. ........... ,,48o Assorted box of animals, 11.75 val ues, Friday only. ....... ....SLID WSOCTB XVAKSUS9 DOU FtTB imuu, JOc tables, Friday for...... 68. 1 Sc fommod.a, Friday. for. BS. ' $1.85 Chifronlers, Friday for.. .91.39 $3.40 Chiffoniers,; Friday for. ..91-79 12.79 Sideboards, Friday. for. ..93.10 S3.3& Sideboards, Friday for...9L7 94.79 Writing Desks ' (Chll- dren's),. Friday for... ....... 93.S0 - ISc Doll Hammocks for...... 81o ooks V9 Airs sea saxtta J . . - crjbAtrs. . Children's Nursery Rhymes 25c Values Friday for 1 3c In the new Christmas T!irk Shop, with four colored mtv linmi.. some colored frorttlnpi.-f, mm ijliistrntloiia In Mn. ic no-l tkt.i1. AH tfie old fav-trffo, f.-r ,Kf.." Fairy '1 ii, ! . i , . "Little B. fen." !,(,'.-. Isius." "Old Uoihtt-rl ,. 1," ! t'hlltirfrt's boohs ii if . tomorrow only, r' .;-'' :" VlfS, f nf.. , . 4