The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 17, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Editorial ;JPai?e f H3 Joersaal
Published every evening (exospt Sunday)
ATrinity ol Events Which Would Make of Portland
i ' the Mightiest City of the Pacific Coast.
First Deepen the Columbia river bar.
.v. Second Open the Columbia river to unim
- peded navigation at and above The Dalles. .
. Third Dig an Isthmian canal
IF AN APPROPRIATION -worthy of the name Is td be
secured for the Lewis and Clark fair, the one man
(1 . whose good will aTSov'e all others must be secured
Is Speaker Cannon of the house of representatives.
Speaker Cannon has shown a clearly manifest purpose to
stand by the prerogatives of the "IwHjBe and will resent
every attempt of the senate to override him. The feeling
between the houses Is therefore not cordial and the pet
measures of the senate, are likely to suffer some in conse
quence unless the house gets its pound of. flesh In return.
,Th speaker never bas been a spendthrift of the- public
funds and this, year he is said to be less inclined than
ever befofOotak6hriIorT5frand: gtvrtheapproprtaiToi)s
full swing. There are reasons of political policy why this
should not be so this year and particularly as it applies
to new appropriations. , - ' . '
"The Oregon country goes before congress with a-strong
case. ' It has right and reason on its side in demanding
a decent appropriation, and it has the backing of one of
the most significant historical incidents in the history of
the West, as a further peg bri whlch to hang its claim.
It is an event which, while receiving a local celebration,
cThat In fli iim fit It fpnnp-nlttnn Thelnir srlvMV In th
northwestern part of the country, nevertheless has a
ibroad historical " significance which is Just being appre
ciated throughout the country. Nothing has ever before
been attempted in this section of the country; no govern
ment aided exposition has ever been held west of Omaha
and even that was . In a sense a local enterprise, which,
while well conducted, was without such historical back
ground or impulse as to appeal to the whole country.
All of the facts bearing upon the Oregon country enter
prise should be brought clearly home to those members of
aha house who will have a vital influence upon the out
come. While this applies to others it applies to none with
Quite the same force as it does to Speaker Cannon, who is
Essentially a fair man, though Indisposed to extravagant
k.'-:'y'V V " ..." t ..'m' I
-A v SALEM CONTEMPORARY expresses surprise and
uJk indignation, not unmlngled with grief, that Port-.
JL lan4 carrles bigger bank deposits than any of its
rivals in the Northwest it Wouldn't it be, a blessed thing
ilor this city, it rises to inquire, if Portland had less idle
capital and more active capital, isn't the city hopelessly
rich and hasn't the town many idle dollars waiting to eat
up the enterprise and crush the active dollars, are some
of the many questions which the Salem paper pours forth
Cm the heat of Its indignation. ,..".
This is another of those cases in which, if one admits
4ne premises he must necessarily admit the conclusions,
2ut the premises being wrong the conclusions are fatally
kaulty.' Under the national banking laws a certain pro
portion of the funds must be held In reserve. The Port
land banks adhere to the laws and therefore maintain the
legal reserve.' But outside of this Portland is entitled to
special consideration from the fact that its capital Is kept
so unusually active. The jobbing business of Portland has
increased during the past year an average of 15 per cent,
pome considerably more but throughout the whole list the
average will be maintained, " .
This would necessarily mean an expansion beyond the
limits of the invested capital and a growth with which the
immediate returns from the business could not jft ex
pected to keep up. .This . problem every Jobbing house In
mistical Hints That lead to Happl-
. ness. '
From Harper's Baxaar.
Ever aince Mark Twain showed u
Tom Sawyer selling, for sundry prised
considerations, the hitherto undersigned
privilege of whitewashing his aunt's
fence, we have all had a suspicion that
the difference between work and play
was purely mental.- If we liked work.
we have admitted- to ourselves, It would
not be work; but the difficulty has been
how to like it
Here is. the place for a new cult let
us. coining a word of the usual mixed
pedigree, call in psycho-manual science.
The brilliant woman who should make
herself mistress and priestess of this art:
would surely do the world much good
and coin a mint of money as well. Fori
who would not go to a teacher who could
show one how to work and lika it? t
The rudiments of the science are ex
tremely simple, but Its application is In
finite, and would, of course, require a
competent change of mental habit Let
us consider first what the present habit
is. When you are washing dishes, for
Instance what Is on your mind? Don't
you wish they would hurry, up and get
done, and then stay done? 7 anddon't
you consider that to wash dishes three
times a day for 365 days a year Is too
much for human endurance? What a
distance have you fallen from the Inno
cent days of infancy, when you stuffed
a rorlc Into ;ft bottle a thousand times,
and chuckled at the chance to do It
gain! Psycho-manual science would
aim to destroy the false mental attitude
of the adult mind and restore the Inno
cent delight In activity so characteristic
of the Infant mind. ' '
What now,' la the truth in regard to
this matter? It la that. In really you
would not do anything else but wash
dishes if you could. For what constrains
you? No outer ppwerj merely th fact
that you prefer clean dlshea to soiled
one;; therefore ' you prefer to wash
dlshea or else you would not wash them.
It la difficult to realize this at once, and
therefore a course of treatments, and
possibly lessons, may be advisable. The
r.ext time you are doing something with
,a very unwilling mind, repeat this for
mula to yourself, again and again, until
you believe it: "This that-1 am now doing
Is what, under all the circumstances, 1 1
prefer to do, at this moment, above aH
. t. . Y. I .. M 1 ... M . tfcAM . f ' n
joy It"
.This treatment faithfully applied dur
ing dishifa8h!ngr"bcdttiaklng, sweeping,
, dusting.'' .'''sewing on ' buttons, darning
stockings, bouse cleaning, , even picking
up arid putting away the mlacellaheouir,
. belonging to a large and careless family,
' may e relied on to get the work done in
Ices lime and with less friction than ever'
iKfnre, to till tha world with sunshine,
and enlarge the soul of the worker. If
at The Journal Building, Fifth and
Portland has been forced to face and in the extension Pof
its. legitimate line of new credits' the banks have been the
factors necessarily relied upon. When crop movements
are slow and lumber interests Inactive, capital invested in
them may in a sense be Idle, but it is nevertheless tied up.
Portland Is not a bond investing community and in the'lo
! manufacturing enterprises which , It undertakes, and
there is a surprising number of them, Portland capital is
almost exclusively Invested. In the growth and expansion
of businesses the so-called idle capital of the banks
is necessarily drawtmpon. Indeed"' there are few if any
financial institutions in Portland t which haven't Iff the
past year disposed of thousands , of dollars . worth of
ordinary bankable investments, to increase the -amounts
available to meet the demands for capital invested in le
gitimate i active local enterprises. , : r ;
i In no city in the country are the rules of safe banking
more carefully: adhered . to... .The .result is -shown in the
solidity of our local banking Institutions, their ability to
stand the stress of hard times arid the popular confidence
with which they are regarded. At the same- time they
fully meet every requirement of the demands of actlvi
business properly conducted, aaiwelj as Its rapid expansion
due to the-rapid growth and consequent increasing de
mands of, the tributary country. It ;Js gross injustice to
say that millions and millions of idle dollars are piled tup
In Portland banks.. Outside of te legal , reserves that
would be neither business nor common sense with the ac
tive demand for fresh "money in the development and ex-:
tension of perfectly legitimate and safe local enterprises.
Capital, instead of being dead, is extremely active and
well employed In Portland and the proof of it is the rela
tively greater and more widely diffused prosperity which
marks this city In comparison-with' any other city of any
thing like the same consequence in tn uole Northwest.
HERE IS a precision, character and courage about
I the report of Messrs. Conrad, and Bonaparte on
the postofflce scandals that is as striking as It is
commendable. Its ' whole tone Is one of judicial impar
tiality. With none to reword and none' to shield It goes
straight to the mark with the heedless accuracy of a rifle
bullet It cannot fall, therefore, to profoundly Influence
the public. mind and to carry veo more weight -with R
than did the sensational report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General
Bristow, to whom what might be called
the pictorial elements, in the investigation seem to have
vividly appealed. In. a sense the JPont ad-Bonaparte re
port gives the whole affair. .a new status, for it la so
thoroughly dispassionate, in tone, yet so searching in Its
methods, so discriminating in marshalling its facts 'and
giving them due proportion and so logically indifferent
to polltlcal'pull when those facts involve conspicuous In
dividuals, that Its every conclusion carries with It a
weight which ordinarily attaches only to a decision of a
court of last resort. , '
Out of this -mess come some tarnished reputations, none
more so'thap that of Perry S., Heath, late first assistant
postmaster-general, who can escape nothing of the public
odium which follows
escape, the consequent legal punishment on the pitiable
plea that the statute of. limitations has intervened to save
him from the consequences of his crimes. As for Beavers
and the rest of the thieving crew, their 'status is pretty
securely fixed. It is quite apparent that too great llmita?
tlons have , been ' placed upon these . Investigations, that
they must be longer and further pursued to expose and
extirpate the evils under which , the public' service has
suffered during the McKlnley and even the Roosevelt ad
ministrations and that these investigations must go, to the
very bottom, shielding none and punishing those who can
be reached.
: It is, only fair to say that the president's good faith in
the matter is proven by the selection of such men as
Messrs. Conrad and Bonaparte for- such an investigation,
for they were not Only perfectly competent to perform it;
but they are men of such high personal character as to be
beyond the reach
such reprisals as
a searching official
It does not, it. Is because you do not
understand the true inwardness of it, and
a thorough course of study in psycho
manual science may be necessary,
rosea hecessabt.
From the New York Bun. V
A New England representative who
had been dallying too long with drink
awoke the other morning to find hlmsilf
as he afterwards explained,. "Just one
jump ahead of the willies." Realising
his condition, he declared to his wife
that he would never touch liquor again.
Continuing to feel badly, he began to
need & drink. ' ,
"I'll not take another drink for the
United States," he said; "no, not even
If a . doctor ' prescribes it for me. I'll
never take another drink voluntarily;
but say, Mary, my wife, I wish you or
some one Just about aa atrong as you are
would grab me and hold me and force
me to take one." ,
raosrEBXTT otrrsrDii mew tobk.
From the New, . Orlfans : '.Tlmes-Demo-.'-'
:' .' , crat '-r
We do not hear from other localities
the melancholy wall that comes from
NewYork. -On- the -contrary, '"iiere-at
New Orleans the theatrical business has
been good, the hotel business' excep
tionally large, and the bank clearings.
Instead of showing a decline, as at Man
hattan, have broken all records. And
what is true of New Orleans Is true of
the other Southern ' ports and of ' St
Louis, Chicago and other Western cities.
It is very like New York to believe that
because U is suffering from the collapse
In the Wall street bubbles, the whole
country, is in a deplorable condition of
business stagnation and depression.
From the La Grande Chronicle. , ,
Prospects for Democratic success have
not been better Jn .Oregon, Jor years.' The
Republicans have been In about as long
as they can hold together, Their great
greed for office . and patronage always
causes a falling out among themselves
fterca nprt time, and it Is so all over
the sfate. Faction are '-risings every
where, and'slnce It is the Republican creed
to wn on ru4i15,4f one faction cannot
defeat the other It will turn and -vote
with the Democrats. . ,
From the Eugene 'Register, (
Oregon has been under the "land
fraud".' ban -for. two ..years, without . a
single case of . fraud being proven. . We
expect within . the next IS years, at
least to find out whether .r not we are
really all land thieves or are being mad
the .butt' of an Impractical loke by the
interior department . . ; rr.:,
Yamhill streets. Portland,
systematic thievery, though he may
of political pull and beyond the fear of
might reasonably be expected to follow
investigation. f . '
From the New York Sun. V .
The story is told of Mr. Cannon's pur
pose to go to a better hotel on "his elec
tion to the speakership than he had for
merly lived In. He accordingly was
conducted by 'the clerk of one of the
more fashionable establishments to such
a small suite of rooms as his actual
needs required. "How much is it?"
asked the speaker. : . . ,,
"W would let you have it for H00 a
month." Uncle Sam allows him $417 a
month. :
As the speaker hesitated, fingering his
cigar In a nervous way, the solicitous
clerk feelingly Inquired: "That is not
too much. Is it, Mr, Speaker?"
"Oh, no; not at all," responded Mr.
Cannon gravely. "I was merely pus-
sling my brain to think what I could
do with my other 117."
From the New York Times.
Concerning a modish woman of today
the late Julian Rix. painter and critic,
had this story to tell: .
"Mr. Rtx, I've come to ask you a great
favor," she said, as she fairly burst Into
his studio one fall day.
Everything I have Is at your coin
mtfhH, madamj"
"I want to show you some coats-of-
arms and ask your advice about making
a cnoice.
"Which side of the family do you wish
to follow, maternal or"
-un. neiiner: jine neraia says I can
choose any of these, I want something
inai wm iook wen on whist counters."
"Yes? .Well, what about this?"
That will do. nicely; but don't you
think I ought to have more than one?
I do tire so quickly of things, you know."
: ' " -' - a,
. ' thb kobsb also waited. ;
' From tlve Detroit Free Press.
Chauncey Olcott Is telling his friends
about two green youths of his acquain
tance who having hired a horse and trap
for a day's outing, found themselves at
the close of the expedition confronted
with, the bewildering - problem of re
harnessing the , animal. ,. The bit proved
their chitff difficulty, for fhe horse made
no rasponsa whatever to their overtures.
Well, there's nothing for it but to
"Walt for what?" grumbled the other.
"For the horse to yawn," replied hls
companion. ' " . "
Senator Morgan's Chases,
. ' From the PhJlaflcii!.hlpiInquirsr,
- If Senatpr Morgan i canu1ffceed In
showing up the part played by the
transcontinental railroads n . delaying'
the construction of. an isthmian Canal i
or that, they took now? such: part the
country will forgive him TOUch. : ".'
Spends Honrs Sally in Beoeatly Banted
. ' Offlc. " . " "
From the New York World.
William K. Vanderbllt Jr.. has gone
to work. This will Joe news to many of
hfs friends who thought him devoted to
pleasure. But in applying himself to
business the- young millionaire ' Is only
carrying out. a serious resolve formed
years ago.'V's";V-'vi!.',';;v': '
Three months ago Mr. Vanderbllt fit
ted up unpretentious offices on the sec
ond floor of the Corporation building, at
135 Broadway, and since then he has
been there every day from 9, o'clock in
the morning until late in the afternoon.
Just what he is doing Mr. 1 Vanderbllt
declines. to say, but visitors to his of
fice have seen his desk filled with re
ports and memoranda concerning the
Seaboard Air line, lit which William C.
Whitney and Thomas F. Ryan are Bald
to be interested. . That he is taking an
interest in this seems to confirm a report
current in Wall street several weeks ago
that . Vanderbllt influences' .in the affairs
of he Seaboard - Air line are becoming
formidable. -'. ,- '' "
In explanation of his determination to
give .much of his time henceforth to a
business career, Mr. Vanderbllt said the
other day to a friend: , s ; r 1
I have for several-years been seri
ously Intending to take up active busi
ness. X .think every man ought to work. J
A man soon tires of the, frivolities of
life. IIS has been said that waa too,
much devoted to pleasure. This I regard
as an injustice. ' My pleasures have been
to a great extent a means toward the
completion of my education; ;, ; . I have
been automoblling a great deal, It is true,
but by .means of. it I have seen a great
deal of the old world and seen it in a
practical way, I have thereby gained
an insight into the manners and customs
of Europeans such as lt could gala lnxno
other--way; InaveOTveredoverrT,DOO '
miles la my automobile, but I do not re-
gard the time thus expended though I
have got a great deal of pleasure out of
it as altogether wasted,' or, I mean,
gJyen;Up to pleasure alone." ';.....
Mr.; Vanderbllt s .office force consists
of his secretary and a colored office boy.
He is 'very democratic, dresses plainly,
has a- pleasant word for everybody and
is one of the most, popular tenants of
the building. He comes down to busi
ness usually on the "L" railroad. . The
day his ittle girt was born he spent sev
eral hours at bis office.
Goldwln Smith in the New York Sun.
1 The death of Herbert Spencer removes
from the scene a great intelligence and
an eminent benefactor' of his kind. His
influence extended far beyond his 'own
country. . He had more readers in Amer
ica than in Great Britain, and his. works
were translated into almost alt the Euro
pean languages. No one ever was more
thoroughly dedicated to- the pursuit of
truth. For some years he was not only
dedicated, but self-sacrificed, to it The
scantiness of Milton's payment for
"Paradise Lost" is a byword. Herbert
Spencer's early works required for their
publication the aid of friends, ' and it is
Strang to compare his wages with those
of the writers of second-rate hovels. .
Spencer is entitled . to ? rank . among
discoverers, for he. treated the mental
development of , manon the principle of
evolutiorf some, years before the appear
ance of the "Origin of Species." . As a
moral philosopher he . dealt, with the
noral and eocial nature of .men by a
method derived from his study of bio
logical science! If the results of that
method leave something 'to be desired
when it is applied to the spiritual and
aesthetic elements of humanity, it was
in itself sound ,aa well as an antidote to
chimeras and fallacies. ; .
In the conflict between Spencer and
Carlyle, Carlyle is logically annihilated:
yet we feel that something perhaps not
logical or biological Is left. Spencer was
a thoroughgoing free thinker,' He came
at a tfme when the old traditions and
sanctions had been destroyed or under
mined by science and criticism ; while
nothing had yet come to take their' place.
But he was not destructive; on the con
trary, he was a builder of morality and
society on a biological foundation, and
his work. If It is not destined to be final,
will certainly be lasting. , Nor was he an
enemy of religion; his feeling toward the
power which manifests itself In the uni
verse was especially different from ,that
which . Is excited by mere power and
identical with- that - which forms the
groundwork of religion. Still more did
he deserve the epithet of religious in Its
comprehensive sense by his entire .dedi
cation of "himself to the higher life and
the disinterested pursuit of truth. Suit
anlmae nostrae cum illo., . , ' w
From the Church Economist :
The. Grace Baptist church, or the Bap
tist temple, as It is better known, of
Philadelphia, has a system of signature
Inscriptions about the pulpit and walls.
A dado of encaustic tiles is run around
the walls of the main auditorium, within
easy reading limits, and members , can
have- inscribed in this imperishable me
dium their names by making a slight
contribution to the debt of the church.
The simple signature, on a small brick,
costs but $1. Larger . spaces cost f 5.
Still larger squares, corresponding more
to .the conventional tablet, cost from $20
upward. A. double row of colored mar
ble squares' In front of the pulpit plat
form with a suitable carved inscription,
costs $500 each. v w "
As people show their desire to have
their names Imbedded in the very struc
ture of their church, the woodwork
along the wall Is removed and another
section of Inscribed tiles put In place.
Thus the work goes on continually. A
catalogue, with locations Indicated, tells
In a moment where to find any given
name. " - j - , , "
As a plan for realising a large sum of
money by appealing to the loyalty and
Interest of a church Constituency it has
worked admirably, and might be dupli
cated with equal success elsewhere.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New 'York Press. ," .
Familiarity breeds immodesty..
Every woman who reads a rural novel
thinks she would like to be a milkmaid if
It were not for the cows. ,
To have loose morals of his own when
he Is young makes a man very careful of
his children when he is old. , ,
-When a woman never can be found at
home It is a sign she has plenty of
clothes she Is busy calling to show off.
Marriage is like investing money1; you
have to do It and lose to find out your
mistake when It is too late to profit" by
your experience...
Bailroad Commission. ;J:.,
From the Jacksonville Times.
The Brownsville Tlmes-saysi)regon
needsa board of s railroad commissioners
to regulate traffic. : Oregon can gej along
"without euoh a body vary -well. When
she had a board of commissioners some
years ago it was alway necessary, when
she sent the board after the railroads, to
send somebody after the" board, later on.
Misfortune to State. v
' From the La Grande Observer.
It is a misfortune to the state Of Ore
gon ,hat Its delegation in congress Is
haying so much trouble with the admin
istration Over the. distribution of federal
patronage.1 Oregon has far greater , in
terests to be attended to than,, the dis
tribution of public pap. ! t ' ,
Aa Interesting sad Valuable ExUbit will
Be Made.
Washington Correspondence New York
': . :. Sun.
-The news of the acceptance by His
Holiness Pope Pius X of the official in
vitation to the Vatican to participate in
the world's fair to be held in St Louts
ncjctl year has been received at Wash
ington and by the exposition authorities
St St Louis. Not only will an exhibit
e installed, but Cardinal SatoHt is ex
pected to be the guest of the archbishop
of St. Louis and the exposition, as the
representative of the pope during the
world's fair. . . - .
The collection of the exhibit Which
will be sent to St. Louis will be under
the direct charge of Rev. Father Ehrlo,
prefect of the Vatican library, who "will
select such objects of Interest relating
to tne Vatican as Will bo most appre
ciated by and Instructive to exposition
visitors. - -i : .' i,.:-;.r
. There will be portraits of the late and
present popes, of the principal officials
of ' the Vatican and the most distin
guished.' cardinals; ak series . of photo
graphic enlargements showing St Peter's
and the different portions of the Vatican;
photographic copies of the most famous
decorations : of the Vatican, including
the SIstine chapel and St Peter's;
sketches of the Catacombs and - other
famous -religious relics - and monuments
in Rome; a collection of tjolns issued
by various popes; collections of auto
graphs .from the archives and the li
brary: a .large selection of the work
of the papal mosaic factory; the most
famous in the world; maps and docu
ments relating to missions in the Louisi
ana territory; reproductions of the Co
dex Vatlcanus, the oldest copy ot tne
Holy Scriptures in existence and the
most valuable book in, the world repro
ductions of other unique and precious
manuscripts-belonging to the ropr-ana
many other .selections from the treas
ures of : the ' Vatican. ; 'f ; v -
The exhibit will also contain many of
the relics of Leo XIII from the Vatican
collection, including among other things
a complete set of the several editions of
his . literary wbrks. and - probably the
vestments wdrn by him, together with
a copy of his latest photograph.
Another- of the r interesting exniDits
will be a copy of the letter of William
Eleroy Curtis, the commissioner sent to
Rome by the exposition managers to
procure the Vatican treasures, in wnicn
he modestly and graphically describes
bis own reception by the pope. This
paragraph from Mr. Curtis' letter is
made, public: i ,
"In appearance and manner he is an
Ideal pope; a man of fine stature, with a
gentle, graceful dignity, a beautiful
brown '- eye, a benevolent .expression,
snow-white hair, and a healthy, ruddy
comolexlon. He speaks slowly, which
adds to the- lmpresslveness of his man
ner, and his white robes, wltft an im
mense gold chain as large around as
your little finger, and a cross four inches
long, containing eight magnificent emer
aids, each as large as your thumb nail,
make him a striking picture." ,- ,
La Porte, ' Ind.,r Correspondence' of the
.-New York Tribune.
Mrs. Julia E. Work, who malnUins a
large orphanage at Plymouth,- where
boys and girls are reared to manhood
and womanhood, will jput Into execution
a novel system of .Securing husbands
for girls of her training, now becoming
marriageable. ; Mrs. Work will seek out,
a Western town, where she will make
annual "excursions with young women.
There she will conduct a school of court
ship, and when the girls find men they
want to marry she will analyse the men.
and find if they are worthy of the girls.
Then she will buy the license and pay
the preacher if they come up to her
standard. Mrs. Work says: "This coun
try is in need of wives that know the
difference between biscuits and Batten
burg. Too many of our modern young
women lack the knowledge of practical
housekeeping, and I am going to see that
none of my girls get married without
knowing how to do what a modern
housewife should do. That Is my idea
of the wifely wife." . -
.From the Brooklyn Eagle.
Danny O'Brien, worked on the section
and was as tender-hearted a man as ever
got drunk and cracked a pate with, a
shlllelah. At the time of Pat Dumpjiy's
great misfortune Danny was chosen by
the section gang to break the news gent:
ly to Mrs. Dumphy. - '
"Good marnln', Mrs. Dumphy said
he. "Did ye hear about Pat?" ,.-.-
"I heard nothing about him since
breakfast," she answered.
"Did he seem to be all right then?" ,i
"Sure he did." ' '
"Ye noticed .nothln' wrong wld.his
'mind?" -; i :','. i . , , '
."Nothin at all. Phwhy de ire ask?- -,
; 'Well, I hear that his mind do be
wanderln a HtUe." ' ' : ;
"An' phwat de ye mean be thatr-
"I' mean he have lost his reason. Mrs.
"Lost his reason is it? " An' how did
he do that?"
"Well,. Mrs. Dumphy," said Danny;
scratching his head. "I don't knaw ex
actly, n Ye see, I wasn't close by whin
It happened. But I do be hearln', f rom
the rest o' the b'ys that he fell acrost
the track an' a train cut his head off.;'
New Tork Correspondent of the Phila
; delphla Ledger.
A count on a recent pleasant Sunday
In aasembly districts in Manhattan which
have a population of 438,000 showed that
over 100,000 persons-: in the districts
counted attended places of public Chris
tian worship. It is estimated that the
Protestant churches got into their
churches during the day iJ per cent of
the membership, and the -Roman Catho
lic 7 per cent It was found that the
numbers of children attending church
with parents was much greater in Prot
estant than' in Catholio churches. The
proportion of men attending the Catho
lic churches is much smaller than the
attendance of men in the Protestant
.From "the . Albany Democrat
: It' Is a very satisfactory matter to
see indications of something reliable lit
the movement for a railroad into East
ern Oregon along the Cascade range,
It will mean a great deal for that splen
did country, with Its fine resources. In
connection . with It It Is to . be very
much regretted that a road Is not being
arranged for fr6m this side. We are
entitled to it. for the money was raised
years-ago or it and disappeared in
other channels not necessary to enumerr
ate. v.- ft. - ,
'if " " -' '' ' I
; ' From the New York World. '
"Old loggers" GroSvenor of Ohio arose
ponderously In ,th house this morning
and held up a compelling hand.
"Mr, Speaker," h6 said, "I notice by
the Record that I am quoted as having
referred to the United States senate as
they.f Jt think jfhat should be corrected,
Mr. President, as I always refer .to the
United States senate as 'it'", , , v
"Tag!" v said t Speaker Cannon, "The
designation fits and will be changed."
Walter Weilman's Washington Dispatch
in the Chicago Record-Herald. -
. The truth about the . whole situation
at the present moment' appears to - be
this: There is not half as much "talk
about Mr. Hanna becoming a candidate
land defeating- the president; the
iiiniuoni uiinivB mere is. Most or this
sort of speculation is indulged in by a
very 'small number, of men. Though It
is only natural for the president aind
his confidantes .; to grow weary of this
growling around the corner, after the
president has been longer in public life
ho will become accustomed to that sort
of thing and not show such supersensl
tiveness in regard to It His more level
headed friends tell him there is not the
slightest causa Tfor " worry." No man
able - to swing: a state behind him is
talking of defeating the president Mr.
Roosevelt is so popular with the masses
of the people, and there Is such a wide
spread belief that he,Jias done his best
ana tnat he is entitled to a chance for
re-election at the polls, that it is not
probable even the well-liked and , power
ful senator from Ohio or anyone else
could rob him of the nomination, even
with the support of all the big corpora
tions in the country. , One does not haye
to go far back 4n our history to learn
that the wan the people want is almost
always ; nominated, despite the schemes
of politicians and capitalist. 'Such lit
tle opposition to Mr." Roosevelt as there
is within tho Republican party is cen
tered in the senate, end the senate has
never yet named a candidate for the
presidency when a popular man stood in
its way. Besides, a majority of the Re
publican senators - and prcbably i four-
fifths of all the Republican mombers of
the house are heartily la; favor of Mr.
So far as anything . tangible has de
veloped up to this time the whole thing
is a tempest in a teapot and the best
advice Mr. Roosevelt's friends can give
mm is not to show so much intensity
about it and to stop asking visitors
whether Hanna has any; chance to get
delegates in this states or that There
is mot the slightest evidence . that Mr.
Hanna has any notion of yielding to the
clamor of his friends, more or less dis
interested. Uncle Mark is not a tyro in
politics. Ho dpubtlessknows as well
as any man living that unless something
happens, unless the President commits
some, terrible blunder or ; meets with
some great misfortune, no one can de
From the London Truth. 1
Victor Emmanuel III is probably one
of the least kingly of European mon
archs by temperament and disposition,
but he is more clever- than roost of
them, and makes a better monarch than
a good many of hla brother sovereigns.
In person he is homely, in manners he
is. somewhat awkward, and in company
he la shy.,- No one more thoroughly de
tests than he does the dreary tomfool
eries of a court or Is more glad to es
cape from them, although he loyally ac
cepts the exigencies of his position. He
la entirely free from the illusion which
usually possesses royal personages that
be is a good general because he has to
wear: on occasions a military uniform;,!
uui jiaa ub ium yavnkvii ivi miajraiis
himself in various uniforms which is so
prone among his royal brethren.
; The king la exceedingly well read, and
interests himself in both science and
literature, but he has not the royal gift
of saying a- few happy words to those
with whom he converses, generally talk
ing to them on some , subject entirely
alien to their Occupations and on which
they . know a good deal less than he
does. He loves his wife. : She is his
constant companion, and the smiles and
blandishments of other women have no
influence over him. His . court is the
most democratic in Europe. ' His recep
tions are omnlum-gatherums. and he 1b
ready to accord an Interview to eyery
one who has the slightest pretension to
ask for one. v .
From the Chicago Tribune.
" Among those who expressed an opin
ion today during a careful canvass made
expressly for the readers of the Tribune
there seems to be a decided leaning in
the direction of Senator Fairbanks.
There were - friendly expressions for
Governor-eiect'-Herrick of -Ohio, and
more than one member of the commit
tee spoke with : positive enthusiasm in
regard ' to the availability of Governor
Taft and . Senator Beverldge. It was
quite noticeable, however," that the com
mitteemen seem to' consider both Taft
and Beverldge distinct presidential pos
sibilities : for 1908, ' and hence that It
would not be a friendly act If they were
pushed into second place. oa the ticket
at - the preaent- time.: ;Wlth- Taft and,
Beverldge out of the way,, arid with
Herrlck yet" to demonstrate his actual
ability- in statecraft , the tendency
toward Fairbanks among 'the members
of tha committee is perhaps the most
significant thing of the gathering, and
Is so considered by many of the closest
political students on the, committee and
in congress.' .
... v From the NeW:York World.'
A New York firm has secured a con
tract to do 11. (TOO, 000 cublo yards of flll-lng-in
for Galveston,1 Tex. The Idea Is
to raise the low-lying levels so that the
city could not again be ruined by a
gulf tornado and tidal wave. . . . .-
The amount of fllllng-ln- necessary Is
enormous. The flooded section is .to be
raised seven feet. Along the gulf shore
the new grade is IT to 20 feet higher
than the old.
The 11,000,000' cubic, yards of earth
would fill 260 "long blocks" of Nej
York streets 40 feet in height Imagine
riding uptown on a Third avenue car
and aeelng every "long block" on either
side filled from curb to curb and to a
height equaling the width of the street
from Houston street to the Harlem river.
That would be the else of the Galveston
dirt heap.
i Yet the cost of moving the dirt Is
only a little more than 2,000,000.
. From, the Oregon State Journal.
'-This week the Oregon State Journal,
which will be 40 years old In two. weeks
more. Is printed on new type, and will
hi-nftr maka a much better appearance
than during the last year or two, when
printed on tne oia type, xnere wm bibu
be an effort -made to Improve the edl
tnrini nd lnmi nfiws deDartments. so
as to give brief comment on. the prin
cipal subjects whicb may arise irom
time to timerand a very brief statement
of the more important local events.
' , ., m i I J1 " "-,t.y
' Take His Word for Xt. -
" r From the Cincinnati Enquirer.
A preacher whose salary- Is 1400 per
annum, and who has lately beoome the
father of triplets.? declares -that he Is
contented 'and thankful, It will have
to "go atthat,! for, nobody likes to call,
a minister of the, gospel a liar. " , - -,
' f ' ' . - . ' "' ;":
::' ,."''' . ' :: acoaopollstlo. : ':;'' '": r'
Vf':. v 'From the Toledo Blade. .
Smoot is receiving more attention from
the ladles than any. one man has a tight
to expect ; . '-' ."i '.; '"
feat him for the .nomination. Mr, Hanna
himself - has more , than, once - told the
president that 'the' only, man -who can
defeat Mr. Roosevelt-is Mr. Roosevelt
himself. If .Hanna? were to become a
candidate .. he might get a large vote
from .the ' South, Ohio, part, of Jndlana
and, perhaps scattering votes from other
northern states. But all that would fall
far short of a nomination, and it .would
not even ' make a. satisfactory showing
to start with. Without such great states
as New York, Pennsylvania, New Eng
land, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and
Michigan, Mr. Hanna's, case would "be
hopeless.' w The Northwest and the far
West are enthusiastic for Roosevelt
In New. York tha president has Just got
Kepunncan. anaira in most excauent
shape,, with his friend Odell as the real
leader with Mr. Piatt cheerfully ac
quiescent, and Odell slated for the sen
ate to. aucceed Chauncey Depew. Penn
sylvania is for the president and so is
New England. , ,, , .
- -- -- - "
Probably no living man can say that
he' has evidence to the effect that Mr.'
Hanna really wants td1 be president' or
that he is in danger of yielding to the
call of ambition. At the same time this
much Is absolutely true: - lie likes the
present situation. ; tT If: is asituation
which gives him power andaatlsfaotlon.
He is human, and he likes to be talked
about as a possible president. 'i Tha
fragrance of the flower is welcome in
his nostrils. It is not every man who
lives to have a president of the United
States afraid of his shadow. But our
Uncle Mark Is level-headed. He is prac
tlcal. He is a, master of himself. He
is probably the last man in the country
who will permit ambition to make a fool'
Republican party in chase of a will-o'-the-wisp.
Barring accident there la
not the i slightest ' probability of a
change of froht on hts part Many sen
ators and other observers say: "It la
a queer situation. I can't understand
it." Yes, it is queer, .: But suchaa it la
it is likely to remain for -"soma "time to
come. Mr. Hanna is not, likely to get
either In or out of the race. If all goes
on as it is expected to go on, and as
it should go on in the ordinary course;
Mr. Roosevelt will be nominated with
out opposition. If he falls down or
makes a blunder, or any great and Urg
ent reason against his candidacy should
appear, Mr. Hanna Will be on deck, '
Advice to the Ixvelorn
Dear Miss Fairfax I ' have read your
good advice to some unhappy creatures.
I am a young married woman, married
four years, and during that time l hav
been very unhappy. -My husband treats
me very crueL Months at a time he
never taUs to me and sometimes strikes
me. I have done everything a wife
could do to make him happy. Have even
worked hard to get a home. He wants
to live in a furnished room. He has a
very disagreeable temper. I am- very
unhappy, alfnost on the verge of despair.
He stays out all hours. I never go any
where. I am always home with no one,
to talk to. I have tried so hard Wr be
a good wife. Would you kindly advise
me, through your valuable paper, what
to do, and how to treat him. I am al
most afraid my love is dead. , M. H. 6.
Yduna Is one of those sad cases where
It la almost Impossible to know Just
what to advise you. The only- way to
treat a man like that is to be as good
tempered as you can and . to go your
own way as much aa possible. Be as nice
to him as you can be, but don't let his
disagreeable ways spoil your life. Do
your , duty aa far aa you are able. ' la
there Bo interest that you can cultivate?
Do you read much? A good book Is a
better companion than a bad-tempered
man. If 1 were you I would have a talk
with him, tell him that you "have done
your best and that hereafter you will
do your duty and. no more unless lie
changes. .. ., .
Dear Miss Fairfax I am a young lady
20 years of age and my , life . la . made
miserable by my parents, who will, not
allow me any privileges.-I am not; al
lowed to have any callers. L know no
young man and I am a slave to their
fancies. When they sit In the kltahen
I must sit with them lest I see the young
men passing in- the street. .. ,
I never talked to' a gentleman alone In
my life and l am becoming desperate.
What can . I. do? I think I should be
given some liberties. Your advice to a
lonely,', disheartened and exiled, girl will
be most gratefully received. Sincerely
yours, . '.-,. , . .... . L. G.
I feel very sorry for '-you and wish
I could, do something to help -you. but
It Is Impossible to advise a young girl
to go against 'her parents' will. Hava
you told your mother that you long for
young friends and companlona? Tell her
that, you must have more liberty and
perhaps she will relent.
Dear Miss Fairfax I " am- a young
Frenchman, 26 years of age, . and am
in love with a young French lady, is
years,old She goes out with me - and
accepts presents of me, but I am not
suro that he, loves me. . She has a lady
friend that? she goes with quite often
and she aeems to think more of her than
aha does of me. Sho , has told me she
likes me as a friend. Now, what would
be best for me to do: propose to her and
tell her that I love her? I am in a
fair way to keep a wife,! I am In busi
ness for royself and can give her more
luxury and comfort than she gets at
home.. Now, please tell me what Is best
for me to do? Possibly, I should "wait
a while yet
You . write like an honest, serious
minded roan should. Give the young lady
a chance to appreciate you and to hyirn
to care for you, and If she falls to take
advantage of her opportunity, drop It
and look for another.. Where there Is no
reciprocal affection there can be no trust
and confidence, and without these there
can be no fruitful results to a one
sided endeavor. If you can excite her
pride arid interest in you. then the rest
of the story will be a ceremony In which
you will play the part of a happy" bride
groom and av devoted husband. If you
cannot secure her admiration before mar
riage don't expect It afterwards. Don't
take the chances, It Is said, with tomi
point, everything comes to the man who
waits. - r .- ' ::'vV- :: k-:
' From the Lincoln County Leader. .
- The dally newspapers a few davs ago
contained a space-filler about. a lawyer
being, shot in Chicago. These . same
''metropolitan" sheets are always Jolly
ing the country weeklies for printing
unimportant items, such as: j "Thomas
Thompson has pointed . his barn." Now
Where's the difference? Who cares if
a lawyer was shot in Chicago or any
other spot? Perhaps the citizen "who
paints his barn appreciates , the . recog
nition of ; his enterprising spirit. Per
haps the man who shoots a lawyer ap
preciates in, an equal degree the recog
nition Of his commonplace act. ; As news '
Items the .two herein noted seem to bw
about a standoff. ,' .' .