TOE OREGON DAILY JO URN AL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER -17, 1903. METROPOLIS OF STATE OF OREGON KCTTOESQtTS 1 POBTI.AKD WITH smnBOincxvT. strap as sutoit ptBASarO A MODEBW CJTT tBT . ETZRT BESPECT. WtTK A OBIAT riTTVBS BErOBS HER. '' .' The surroundings o Portland are.sur " passingly beautiful. In mountains and valleys, rivers and waterfalls, green , fields,- flower and-perpetuaLJnow,. the -other cities of the Northwest .may. Vie with but none equals, her in immediate - environment. Particularly picturesque Is the magnificent view from the heights of the citv, an tt is doubtful that there -1s site in the entire Northwest -more 'favored by nature in -this regard than the spot chosen for the Lewis and Clark exposition of 1905. Portland is a city of at least 123.000 population. These figures are given H by the city directory census completed during September last In 1902 the 5 number of inhabitants was approxlmate ' Iv 114.800. aftwJLOlabjuXJu000Jjna. year. With this rata of Increase it is , considered probable that by the early ' spring of 1904 the city will have a popu lation of 125,000. making Portland- not only the Metropolis of the state.of Ore Kon, but the leading city of the Pacific northwest This growth has been sure ind substantial.. ' , , : - Portland Is & modern city in every re . spect. Be it known, to the people of the effete East that there are jto Indians here nearer than a long time away. Pioneer " conditions passed away 'two decades ago. -.1 Portland, to mention her improvements , briefly, has streets paved with asphalt - c nd -fonevTiS8wer vynxemr eiecirrc : lights and electric streetcars, beautiful t driveways and. -parks, a salubrious CII- XI1B.I.Q sua. icv-uum niiLor tuv 79. avumu ' Trom Me. Hood from her own under ground, water works system costing ap- . proximately $5,000,000. Among her nat ural attractions are boating, yachting ' and fishing, and -within a few hours' 1 . travel of the. city the plucky sportsman can find almost any kind of game he .may want to tackle from the native and luscious grouse to elk, deer and as large specimens ot bear as be may- want to meet in the woods alone, ,i In amusements Portland ranks high. t There are five theatres, placing through the Beason not only stock companies, but , the best plays and players on theA-tn . lean stage. The largest and finest thea . tre Is the Marquam Grand, and there are . few more attractive playhouses than th : Empire and the Baker, Cordray'e and the ' . Arcade, all of which; including the oth ers, are financially . successful. The ., after-theatre crowds are one of the no . tlceable features of Portland. Moonight and sunlight shine on three giant mountain peaks in plain sight of Portland, Mt Hood, distinctively "Port viand's mountain," is only 40 miles away, i Mt. St Helens 68 miles, and Mt Rainier : 110 miles distant. The peaks are from 11.000 to 14,600 feet high, are covered , with snow the year round, and together with- the' Cascade or Coast range f mountains, of which -they" .re conspicu ous sentinels, afford some of the grand i t scepery on tha continent The Co lumbia antT Willamette rivers contigu ous to Portland are beautiful streams find the scene of many excursions the year round.' Though but a few feet ; above tha level of the sea Portland has towering above her the massive moun , . tains and eternal snows. ,t The etats of Oregon is unusually well governed) That has been a character istic feature Of her history rrom-pTOHeer ; days down- to the present time. It )s , the pioneer state of the Pacific North ' west and possesses an unsurpassed natu ral wealth in mineral, timber, agrlcul- ture and horticulture : Tha constitution made nearly half a century ago by the pioneers still Obtains and is considered : good. Democrats and Republicans have ruled, alternately In the politics of the state, the latter party having been more often victorious in comparatively recent years. The present governor Is a Dem ocrat. . . . ; The state officers are the same that are ' provided for and elected in other states, with the usual boards and com missions of ctate Institutions. The last named . are modern and up to data in every respect ' 2 The financial affair of the state are in a highly satisfactory state. There are not outstanding bonds, and there Is sufficient money In the treasury to pay all warra wtaJT he total valuation ot taxable property is about $173,000,000, as -compared with $17.000,000 a year ago. It is understood, as usual, that these figures do not reach real values. Tha average state tax. levy is 5.04 1-S mills. ; , ' .The populatien in Oregon In 1850 was 13.294; in 1903 it was approximately 620,600, and growing hot only rapidly but steadily."' " i The Indian tribe on tha. Ave- remain ing reservations Jn the state are rap idly passing away to the happy hunting grounds, . The reservations in Eastern Oregon are the Umatilla,' near Pendle ton, the largest and richest; the Klam ath reservation and thc-Warni Springs reservation. . In Western "Oregon there are two, "t neTJramt Ronde reservation, situated 'near the .Coast,, arjd the.Slletz. At Chemawa, near Salem. Is a large In dian training school. The' total Indian population In the state Is about 3,500.- COTTKTT OP TEE CAPITAL. Btarlon, On of the Oldest of the State, Very Prosperous. Salem, Dec' 17. Marlon county, one of the oldest settled counties In .the state, is today probably one of the most prosperous In Oregon. Its valuable farmfa& lands lie in the most beautiful and fertile portion of the Tar-famed Wil lamette valley and the products of these farms have mnde many of their owners rich men in the past few years, and es pecially has the last year been' a most prosperous one. The best single crop is probably that gathered from the hop yards of the county, and dealers in this important product assert that fully 30 per cent' of the output of' Oregon' comes from the hop-T-yarda of this county, and asthr crop of 1903 was a most profitable one, it can be seen that a large amount of wealth came to the county from this source alone. . This crop : is -a valuable one not only to . the grower, who this year reaped an abundant harvest and sold his product at a big price, but to the laborers, including women and chil dren,, who make good wages during the picking season, thus earning money for necessaries and luxuries for the winter, The hop crop distributes more money among that Class of people having nothing invested in agriculture, than any other product of the land, and all of the money "paid for hops comes from outside the state, thus being a plear profit to the county and state. Next In Importance is the -fruit crop, and the strawberry garden Is only ex celled as a wealth-producer by the prune orchard, and both of these are to be found in great abundance In Marlon county. The orchardists and fruit growers of Marion county are Jubilant this year over the rich harvest which has well rewarded their efforts during the past year' and' paid better dividends on the Investment than would a block of preferred stock in tho steel trust. As a producer of grain, Marlon county, has broken all records. Durigg the year Just closed the yield of the wheat and oat fields having been far in excess of anything ever experienced. Livestock of all kinds has also brought good prices and the farmers a re. In con sequence all happy and prosperous. ' This prosperity among the- people of the county-4n general Is reflected in the cities. Business house !, of all kinds are reporting better trade than In years, and the stocks" of goods carried In the towns and citlea ot . the county will compare favorably with those of larger cities In other .sections of thecountry, and the Increase in the stocks has been found to be justifiable in view of the greater demands. , Many new business blocks, substantial as in the larger 'cities, have been erected In the several' towns and more are in contemplation, and tha present era of prosperity, unequaled in th past, seems to be but the beginning of better things to come In the near future. ' And what is said of tha cities holds good In the rural districts. New houses, substan tial and beautiful, are going up every where In tha country, farmers putting up buildings to replace the old, while many of the new -arrivals from the East, who have in. recent times lo cated here, are erecting nice, homes' and YOU CAN BUY The Eclipse Range for $1:00 a Week A Christmas Present for $1.00 a Week ; try .KSe35S3C?v ,i; ,''' " Great Slaughter on Smoking Jackets OUR SPLENDID: $00 JACKETS FOR ONLY:...:.. $8.00 JACKETS FOR ONLY , $9 ,75 JACKETS FOR ONLY .........,...$3.75 ! ............. $4.75 $6.75 .And the merry selling stilLcontinues n Suits and Over coats. Here's the whole story in a few words. ' Real $18 to $25 Values SUITS Your Choice $14.75 OVERCOATS Your Choice $12.45 YOUTH'S SUITS Values to 512.50 Your Choice $9.75 . y. , Nothing to equal these values in the city today. . The American Clothier i9 Cor. 1st & Morrison t ...... . WOMEN OF PORTLAND WHO USE AN, 5v? ECLIPS ' af it vnn or ftsr rlr irnnr r.iorrinr.r n. irmnnpRR nv TPIU v I 7"Ii 1 i r a-Z a" jr I " :a"Ii. T7nT fnOT? U ' 'v, .4. . . l vr""4'r OUT " For $1.00 a Week! iThe son, daughter or husband can make the nicest kind of a Xmas Present We will deliver the Range at any time it is desired, and we absolutely know that for a fuel-saver, or baker, the ECLIPSE RANGE is better than any other on the market today. This guarantee goes with jeyeryrange.i ' " ' "" GUARANTEE BOND; CAUTION-Do Mot Lot Thla Bond . TAs Is to Certify, That the ECLIPSE STOVE COMPANY fully warrant and guarantee the Stove or Range covered by this certifi cate, not to crack by fire for fifteen years, and to be a perfect baker. , Provided, The chimney is not defective, and that ordinary care and attention are given. " , THE ECLIPSE STOVE CO. Dated 190... ' ' Sold by I. Gevurts & Sons HOME FURNISHERS 1 73-1 75 First; Street 2 19 to 22? YamhUI Street Si $i.oo Per Week Buys Your Wife An Eclipse Range For a Xmas Present. The Eclipse Range tor $1.00 a Week An Elegant Xmas Present I adding to the prospeHty of this sec tion. -.. , Large farms are being cut up Into smaller tracts, and -where . formerly a tract of land supported but fcne family, rrom tnree to a half dozen are now earn ing a good livelihood, and doing It with more comfort than our Eastern visitors can Imagine., Debts Being Wiped Oat - Debts, so often a burden on many com munities, are being wiped out at a rate that Is. phenomenal and this sure stgn of prosperltyjts best shown in the rec ord , department of the county where mortgages are dally cancelled, while foreclosure sales are so rare that It might be said they are unknown. One of the best evidences of the progress of this county in recent times can be found In the Investments made by local people in bonds of cities and school dis tricts, which formerly 'were held by Eastern investors. These are now be ing refunded, and have been tor several years, at home, and where. other com munities pay and 7 per cent interest local bonds are readily sold to small Investors at home at 4 per cent, and Whenever an issue of this Kind is thrown on the market here, It Is always subscribed for readily In four or five times the amount called for, end all this not by what would be called the money lending class, but by the common people, showing that all classes are well pro vided with funds. A case of genuine want la unknown In Marion county. There are poor people here, of course, they can be found everywhere, bnt there Is absolutely no want, and when a big mercantile house In Salem, during Thanksgiving week, piled 60 sacks' of flour In a window and offered it free to, people In want, none could be found 'who 'actually needed charity of this kind, a great contrast to former years when many families had to accept help. . -. . . Marlon county is Indeed prosperous, and the outlook for the immediate fu ture is bright, while the undeveloped re Sources of the county, extensive as they are, await only the coming of more brawn, muscle and capital to develop them. . SALTATIOIT ABBEY BAJTTA CXAT8XS. In San Francisco the Salvation Army men who watch the papier mache turkeys on the street corners for con tributions for" a Christmas dinner for the poor dressed up as Santa. Clauses. Walter Holman of Portland, who la visiting there, has written hie father, Edward Holman, that the Santa Clauses are much bothered ,by small children soliciting .Christmas gifts and are rather ' encouraged In so doing by the older people just for the fun of It CHJtlSTUAS TXXrS GAXiOBB. ' (Joarntl Spcll Service.) New Torlc'-Dec, 17. According to es timates given by a number of leading dealers 60.600 Christmas trees' will be used In New York this season. The prioes range from 75 cents to $26. Nearly all of the trees come from the Maine forests. ; There Is a good .demand also for evergreen rope and mistletoe and holly, which IS being sent to the metropolis In large quantities from points as far distant as Tennessee. SAMFXdiS Or COAST TXXBSm. (Journal Spclil Berrlce.) ' Taeoma. Dec 17. The eight huge timbers to be used In the construction of the Washington state building at the St. Louis Louisiana- Purchase exposition next year are already cut and will be shipped soon. These timbers are 100 feet long and 24x24 feet in else. They are said to be the largest pieces ever used in the construction of a building. preferred Stock Canned Ooods.. Allan & Lewis' Best Brand. ............ TfTTTTTTTTfl mm .. , . ... , - . j : .. THE ROBSON HAT $3.50 ! fLL ino si Yman n Cash Well Invested When you buy Jewelry of Diamonds from me. You'll like what you get for your money when you buy here and will have a living satisfaction in the purchase, since it will prove a lasting value. I have many novelties in JEWELRY, CLOCKS, OPERA GLASSES, CUT GLASS, ETC. Come In and see the Whole stock you'll see something you want for Christmas. 293 - Morrison itreet THE BEST $3.50 HAT IN THE BIG ROUND WORLD. MAKES CUSTOMERS vOF MEN WHO EXPECT THEIR MONEY'S WORTH ROBINSGST&TcO. " CHRISBIASTURKEY ' Leave Your Order Early Everybody Will Have Turkey, Tor Christmas.' ' Butter 5c Lower ? . BUTTER 40c and 45c Best creamery . . . .66c and 60c Kta, selected, dosen ............. .800 Heat sugar-cured ham ......,,..,.150 Picnle and Cottage hams ......... . .10o b pounds pure lartl , , s . . . . .Br.n 10 pounds pure lard .... .,..... .$1.10 Best 60c tea ............ .SOo chickens, 16c; geese, 14c, forSaturday, LA GRANDE CREAMERY S E VENTE E PACE 10 Q JOURNAL for lO dents a Week '464 YAMHILL