THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER T(T, 1903! 10 BOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. lft. 8. J. CARNEY Veterinary urgeoa, 108 iv.irtti suto at- : I'Doae, utaa H84; tm, phone. FWHT I'M. - PX,i!a AMD CLEANIMOy CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 11 month .. fioiqiM Talloricg Co., 347 Waahlng- inn ni. ' CliY ST1SAM DYEIXG A CLEANING WORKS Herman Fnke, . proprietor. Phon. Mai' .- in - m. Co am at., a-ir line; PortlaaC Or., ETw, fT'UXER. nrofesitoual drer and cleaner. SM 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel.. Main 2313. DECORATORS. BBXKY BEROER 130 First r wsllpaper. .- Ingrain . tanestrlee, appliqu trie, luter . lor decorating. EDUCATIONAL. LI 1'IX'TION OHlesnte School ! et Exnresslon: Mra. Emma W. Gillespie. rjIaclpaL 634 Mar- risen st. 1'nmid (imn iw ?. f LECiaiCAt: WOKKB. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WC'KS Office Jl Stark at. Phone, Main 2211. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORPEU OF WASHINGTON Foremoat fratf - gal society of Northw-cet: protect th liv. Inf. J. L. Mitchell. upreme oecretary, 613 and 615 Marnnam bldg. Portland, at Tala nbone. Main 642. FURNITURE. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing company . i Manufacturers of furniture for tha trade. 208 . Flist at. GROCERS, WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, mine fsrturer and commission wercUanta. Fourth " ' and Oak eta. -.. , , MASON. EHRMAN A CO . wholeaale frueere; ,.' N. W. cor. Second and Pine ate. ALLEN A LEWIS. wboleeaTe grocer.- Pert. : '.land. Or.' " .' " - '-., , 1 AN CO.. Ftrst and Ankeny ata. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. I ' BUt and ' oll horse, k ; harness. Derby Livery and Burnable. wagons, buggies. Stable, Fifteenth lUTRJEgAIREa NORTHWESTERN HAT FACTORY, Bawifae- turers end expert remodler of all kinda of oft. etlff and allk beta; renovating a specialty. Pbone. Hood 1706. 264 Burnalde. at. IRON -WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineer. BMne ' facturara f aiarlne. lulling, logging and aaw machinery; prompt attention te repair work. Pbone. East 29. Hawthorn ere A K. U. INSURANCE. J. PHIIIP KENNEDY. Insurance: realdeat gent Norwich -Union Fire Insurance Society. Phone. (South 1581. 44 Hamilton bldg. JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual accMewt; anrety beade of all klada. Ptane ,47. Concord bldg. " '. ' - ' II. K. BABTELS" COMPAHt. lira Insurance. 443 Sherlack bldg. Oregon phone. Clay Bad, ISAAC L. WHITE. Art Insurance. 223 Sherlock bid. Oregon phone. Main 688. ' 1 ARTHUR WILSON. Are Insurance bldr. Pbone. Main 'COS. ; Kb er lock MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. ER. MRS. CAREY TALBOT, aeefJlly treati and cure all dtaeaaea of women. Succeaaful ) sine treatment by malL SOS Salmon at., bet. Fifth and Sixth jt. - BR. WHITE'S . Specific Na. 1 Kuaranteed to ; core aonorrhea la 13 daya; No. 2, ayphllla .' and blood poleon In 90'. day. White Mcdl ' cine Co.. 3o5 Stark at. WAIIOO REMEDIES are both doctor ai.d drua flKt; tbe Morae Electric Belta at balf price, and be Immune agalnat dlaeaae. 81 Flrat at. ttie sTbinqsteen medicin co.. an Deknm. , Curea womea'r mraplata aulckly. Pbonea: Rome. Scott 4182: orflce. main VM. X0KY TO LOAB. UNCLE MYERS. I'NCLE MYERS. TOCLE MYEPS. VNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MY?R8. UNCLE MYERS.. UNCLE MYiRS. UK CLE MYERS. Unredeemed Pledgee for Sale. UNCLE MYERS. Phone Main 10. v (EaUblUhed 18S8.) 148 Tblra Street. ' v Near Alder. ' Loana as Collaterala, Low Ratea. STEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, I Xorth Tlilrd Ptrcot. . At. Millar, Prop. Loan, on Collaterala, low Rate. -Unredeemed plertKea for aale; W atch and Jew rlry repairing. Phone Red 987. ' ' iloNEYVd LOAN na real, peraonal and eel lateral eeeurtty; (peclal atteutlna to chattle - mortgarea; antee bonrht C. W. Pallet, tit , Commercial b!k. Pbone. Grant 850. MOKTGAGE LOANS cn Improred city and farm property at loweit current ratea: bnlldlng loana. 1 Installment loana. . Was. MaeMaatar, ! Sll Worceater bldg. MOKEX ADVANCED aalarled people, teanwtere, etc., without eecurltys eaay paymenta; larg. , eet buaineaa In 49 principal cltiee. Tolman, Ablngton omr. fuMEDIATE LOANS In an ma from CT te AMK) i cn all aer-urltles. R. I. Kckeraon A Co., room 6, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 78. SHORT LOAT1S on cbattlea or other aatla factory aernrlty. Boom 619 tbe Marquam. ' Phone. Oregon Red 2WS8. : -. ...... LOAN 8 in aiima of 15 and up cn all kfnda if atcurigr. W. A. Hathaway, room 30, Wait l lngtoi lildg. Phone. Hood 418. ' MONEY TO LOAJf on large or email amounta on good aecuritr; lowest ratea. William U. - Beck. 821 Morrlaon at. . - - - '$00 TO LOAN on flrat mortgage real estate eecurlty. Clayton. King A Co., 228 Starfc at. 17.IMHI In loan on real eetate. 6 iter cent. Hugh C. Cearln. attorney at law. Mohawk blilg. 'MONEY TO LOAN na dty lota and Improved ( faraa. W. A. Shaw Co.. 843 Start at. MUSICAL.- BANJO. MANDOLIN AND OUITAR Inatrtctlona a) Ten. cluha Inst-ucted. moalc arranged, muale lurnlabed for reeDtlonn.i leatmmenta aelected. . I'tl. W.bber. ITI West Park Pitutie, Mala FaIJL F, KISSXER. yloUnnnaker and expert: Berlin. Boaton. Chicago and New York ref erencea. Room 218 Ooodenoufh bldg., cor. . - FlftB ',l ynHi. i riANO, Wind and atrluc inatrnment leaaoee, ' Prof. E. A. Smith, 254 J2ta at. Pbone, Browa SOB. Fia'N0"Xes80NS W. Glfford Naah. lot tOtb at.: terma anon application. Beglnnera taken. HORTHVEET HOTEL. Hotel Portland, American plant t8..8 per day. Semmaira Hotel. La Oranflet traTelora' heme. I Baiyederei Enropeaa plant 4th and Alder ate. St. Charlea. Flrat and Morrison ata.. Fortlaad. MACHINERY. 8TEET, twldge machine worka. eaat end of brldga. Pboae Jcaat 416: work guaranteea. THE II C A LUKE CO.. aecond-band at chlnery. eawmlll. etc. 248 Orand aee. PERSONAL. 11.00 A WEEK will buy an 'Kcirpae" ateel rungc; cine or two tticka of wood or a Wfiil of coal will . last ae Vng aa tea llinea that amount In' an ordinary cookatoyej tliey're a great aarng: get one and tie enn vliuvd of what we claim: they are perfect taker and ronkera. I Gerartr & Sons, Flrat ana a amtitu ata. l)H WHITE'S great (oeMac: No. for all dlaeaaee peculiar to women, quickly rellerea . painful and auppreaeed uenatration, lrregu , larltiea, etc.; every woman should bare tbla remedy. White Medici ua Co., free dispensary Mara at. ALL FACIAL BLEMISHES permanently re. moved by expert dermatologist; electric acalp treatments; dandruff cured; manirurlug and - -riilreBwd.r: purest toilet preparation. N. , Kleetro Therapeutic Co., 702 Marquam. TeL Ulaek 2KI7. LADIhit. If you wish tu earn money at your oonw quieiiy ana quicsiy aurtug spare time, call at your earliest convenience at 2724 East Wfrriaon. rrom w to e:.ut. AM A t EX' R 'and irofessloual singer, perform ers. musicians, etc., wanted; call today, Newman's Theatrical agency, 213 Vi Washing ton at. . -' i ' - Vor'R PR ESC R fPTrO NS are more accnratelr and reasonably fllled at Eyaell'a Pnsrmsey. S2T Mnrrleoi at., bet. First and Second sta. i1' FLVdARtWT"Wof;"' Rerome""anI - white macbltxi, fio each: iscw iteyal drop- nead. a. crane. -hou aiornson, WHITE HOUSE Cok Book aBiligU). free U entaicrlnera to (iond tloaaekeeplmr, at Joiwa" T Bk Bfre.' zni Aider at. irit Kf ff. . WdKMiHii Costume 'nouae .Hv Morrison: esubllsbed lo90; aeud for price iin, : KuDAK ;ind aiipollesl Oreaon I'boto Stork Co. I. L, Colwu. mar. Room 1& Waililngtgn bldf. ', siTt.S.7BlrT K. graduate maweuae; acuta and chronic dUeaww: cabinet batbs. A In ng ton bid. JThoKS alf"ailed fr ' Sue at HollabeiiKh'a, -1H8 llilrd, bet. lamhlll and Taylor sta. Sl'of V'ARli'ifor oiil gold 'and' sllrar f erecy dtacrti'tlon. mi IH'kum bldg. JEWELERS. THE 0. HKITKEMPER CO., Jewelera. 289 Mnrrlaoa at. manufacturing OSTEOPATHY. 0R8. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARB, fradn. a tea American School of Oateopathr and A- T. Still Infirmary, of i KlrkaTllle. Mo. -Pbone, Main 22f. RoomSOO. Dekum bldg. PAINTS, OIL AND 0LA88. DAVID M. DDNNK A CO. PJioenlx Paint and , Oil Works; manufacturera and Importer "paint; alia and sprays." ete.j phone IS7. vf flee and factory, Sherlock aee and 18th at. F. E. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Co., aelllng tne neat tninga mane in paints and gene-ji building material: windowtlasa and glaalng a apeciaity. 138 First at.! pbone. Main 13.V4. W. P. FULLER A CO., manufacturers Pioneer Lead, Phoenix Palut. Kopallne; a guarantee fTlren with erery gallon of paint manufaetured by na. - . -" '" , -' RASMLRAEN A CO.. Johhera, paluU. oil. feUae. aaan and noora. iro First at. PHYSICAL CULTURE. COWLE8 BROS., professor of scientific phyal- cat culture. mature s neaitu-resioreri paritirs and 231 Fifth St.. Portland. Or. Conaultatinn free. OVERALLS. BOSS rF THE ROAD OVERALLS and mechaa -e clothing; onion made: Meustadtar Brea Mfgra.. Portland. Or. PRIHTINO. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY company, printing. lithographing', blank books, ; Phone, Main IT. 20S Alder. PLUMBERS. TAYLOR , A STANTON, gas a n steam fltUng. eieyators, aeer-pump uppltea. us sixth at. FOX A Co.. aanltery plumbers, 231 Second, bet, main ana Mimon. uregon pnone. Main ziwi. DONNEEBEIlft A KADKM ACHEH. pluubara, remoeed to 4 Fenrtb at. Both phone. ' PLAJTINO. 0RE0ON PLAITING WORKS. 491 Waahlngtoa Plaiting, lacquerlrur: fel.. Main 2:.73. PHREN0L00Y. KIND" Kdor;- aer lof Orttfltlr, opp.--p.-"0.. tor a actentlnc acllueatlon;consultatlon ire to all. - -1 , REMOVAL. FRANK HACHKNEY, No. 838 8herlock bldg.. no. i nira St., agent ror new zeaiana and Tradera' Fire Inaurance compcnle. ROOFINO. L. L. ROOFINO CO., 98 N. 2d it. Gravel and tin roota put on ano repaired; ont-oz-towa won given prompt attention. E. B. Jaynea, naa Mger. flth. W. J. FKURELU roof painting, repairing; leaky roof a specialty. 60 H Flrat. Phone. Scott 942. REAL ESTATE FOR SALS. FOR RALE FARMS Imnroeed farm for aula la all part of Oregon and Washington; payment made t suit purchasers. Fur full particulars a earions properties spply to Wm. MacMaat. 81 Worcester bldg. . - : ''..''': '.' CH01CK LOTS cine la S.15. t $3 per monta: money waned) for banning purpose at per rent. Wm. Keldt, IS Waab. blk. Fearth and Waablngton ata. B. J. 8ANFORD A CO.. real eatate. humeateada. timber dalma ana atut acnoot unaa. sta Abington bldg. . . " . ' ' F, A, KNAPP KKAu ESTA'l 15. ' Room 9 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKB. 219 Alder afc. pboa. Mala 710; rubber atampv emla, (tenets, rag rare and trade cbecke. , . . ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteeatb nd Northrop at. Portland. Or. SPIRITUALISTS. MRS. WALLACE, spiritual, mental reading! veluahle a dries on all affaire of life; business and absent friend a specialty ; troubled mind promptly relieved. 1034 Fourth, room 88. Of fice hours, 8a. m. te 6 p. m. MRS. C. CORN ELI I'D, tocsted In room S05, Allaky Mdg., cor. Sd and Morrison. Hood 403. SICKS. WATRIN SIGNS, 844 Alder, cor SerenUl. Phon Msm 113. ' SH0WCASE8 AND FIXTURES. 6HOWCASE8 of every description; bank, bar and store fixture made to arder, , a. Lutke A Co.. Portland and Seattle SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES af 1. IS. Daria; rour re pairs aad lorkoata aafeiy cyme. 66 Third at. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No, SOOH Wa.h- ingroo at. rnonea. or., wain vut: col, aai. C O. PICK, vf flee 88 First at., between Stark and Oak at. I phon S9S; pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping! coat, modlous fireproof brick wareaoo. Front aad Clay eta SLOT MACHINES. THE LATEST KIND of- slot machine of arery description for sale or percentage; also 100 different klnda of no el ties. A, J. Cranwell A Co,. 218 to 224 Atington bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO Slot machine. 8. B. Park aad Oak. Both Pbone. Main 188." - ' . MACHINE8 of erery deecrlptlon fot I of percentage. Trans tirimtn. am ana Mine. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS- HI ntark Btreet. TV rent, repair; aril.! exL-bange typewriter. All suppUe for all marhlnea. Do you want a atenograiiher or typist J W bsr list of Rood appllcsnts. . . Phone, Black 2471. STENOGRAPHERS. ROOM 300. the Dckum bldg.; private office for letter dictation ; general office acrrlce. UPHOLSTERER. H. JOHNSON, chalrcaner. reed work. 348 Haw. thorne are. phone. Union 346. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, Map. 81 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel supply company. 4th and Conch. Phone. 428. WELLS PRILLED, W KIAA drilled anrwhere by contract or by aay; any aeptn. jn. w. ureen. ou" n ClT TePortlnnd I'hone. Union B7M. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-186 Second St.. bet. Yamhill snd Taylor. Portland. WHERE . TO DINE. THE OFFICE. 233 Waablugtoa at.. Phone. S. Maln 77L J. W. Talbott. prop- Portland, Or. 8TROL.SE 8 RESTAURANT. Orat-elava lueau, best service. 229 Wsblngto t. CAFK KRATZ. 122 Sixth St. erred at sll hour. " A So laaca rntANCiAL. rBT HATTOMAI. BARE I of Portland. Or. Designated Depository and f inancial Agent Of in uniieu Buties, President.,,...... A. 7,. MILIJI Caehler...' ... J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant CaaLlnr W. C. ALVOKP Seond Aasistant Csshler B. F. STEVENS Letter of credit :saued available lo Huron and . the Eastern states. Slsht exchange and telegraphic transfer sold on New York. Eoaton. Chicago. St. Louis, St. Paul, omatii. Kan rrancisco ana in principal points In the Northwest. , . . Sight und time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Purls, Berlin. Frankfort-oo-the- Ualn. Hone Kong. lokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlatlanla. Stockholm, bt. Petersburg, Alo Cow, Znrlcn, Honolulu. Collection mad on favorable term. Dowirzva, Hornira u co.,., -; -r E8IABUHEJ U93.r -- A WHEAT AST!) STOCK BSOXXBR, Boom 4, around Floor. csmxzzm or comcExcs. . FINANCIAL. I AD ft TII.TOW, BAHTCEmB, U- ". (Established In ItidtM - Transacts a General Banking Buslnew. '. Intarsst AHwd en Tim Deposit. , , Collections mad at' all point on farorabl tecnis. . Letter of credit Issued available la Eu rope, and U polut lo th United citate. Sight Excbahge and telegraphle transfer old en New York, Washington. Chicago. St. Lout, tfenrer, Omnba.' Saa Franciaco and Montana and British Columbia. , . , , . j t , , : Exchange aold on London, Pari. Berlin. Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. DHITErTSTiTES BTAT'Zi BAITK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. NORTHWEST- COR THIRD AND 6AK. STS. i Traniaoti a General Banking Buainea. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In all cltlc of the United State and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OH FAVORABLE TERMS President.,. ........ .... Vice-President ....vv Assistant Cashier...... Assistant Cashier....... ...... 0. AINRW0RTH ....... ...W. B. AVER ,......R. B. SCHMEER ...A. M. WRIGHT pWDOlf te SAW PBASCXSCQ BAJTK, . , .' UKZTEO. .. Chambar of Commerce Building, ' treats. rilrd nd Stark Head Office. BS Old Broad afreet." Tvendon. This bank tranaact a general banking hualneaa, makes loana. rllcnunta billa and Issues letter of credit available for traveler and for the purrhaee of mercbindlse In uy city ot tb wot Id. Peila In foreign and domestic exchange. Intcrct PM oh Time Deposits. v ,u ,w-, W. A. MACRAE. Manager. . CSCTTMITT SAVTaTOS It TKTJST CO. O 866 Morriaojfit.. Portland, Or. Transacts a General Banking Huslneaa, " SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tiro and Saving Dspoaita. Acta as irusteo ror BStatea. . Draft and letter of .credit available Id all parts of the world. C. F. Adam ....................... .Prealdent L. A. Iewl. ............. ..First Vice-President Ij. -MJ1IS.. . ..... .BCCOna V lcv-rresiueni R. 0. Jnblta..., Secretary EBCHAlTTSr lTATTONAT, B AWX, M1 .... on i . ....... ....President .vica-rreainent Cahler AastsUnt Cashier J; Frnk Watson. R. L. Inrhan.,., RWj-Hoyt ..., George W. Hoyt. , Transact a General Banking Business. Draft and letter of credit leeued vtlabl to ill part of th world. Collection, a specialty. Cold duat bonrht. M OBBZS BB03. ft CBBXSTEBSEir, Mncccsaor to MORRIS WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS', ' PORTLAND. OR. 0 VEBBECX, STABB ft COpKB CO, (Suooeor6 to Bolton, de Buyter ft Co.) aralRi Provisloas, Stocks, Bonds And '':::::$' Cotton, ;y'. ; ', .. 103 Third Straat, Hear Stark. t' Pbono, Main 313. " We are connected by private wire with Mcsar. Logan A Bryan. Chicago and New York! Walker Bro.. J. B. Bach ft Co.. New York Stock Exchange; Hubbard Bros, ft Co., New York Cotton Exchange; Falrchlld ft Hob- son. New Orleans Cotton Exchange; Henry Herth ft Co., New York. Coffee Exchange; Peine, Webber A Co., Boaton Copper and Mock ex change; Dick Bros, ft Co., New York and Phila delphia Stock Exchange. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rata. -Title Insured. Abstract furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 1 Chamber of Commerce. " PROPOSALS. "Bias Invited -Jor supplies for the Oregon strte penitentiary during the period ending June SO. 1904. , - .1" Sealed b Ida for drugs, dry goods, groceries. shoes, leather and findings, plumbing supplies, hardware, - floor, rlb, meat, etc.. will be re ceived at the ofllce of the siiMrlntundent of the star penitentiary until - Thursday. Janu ary 7, 1!H4, t 3 o' clock p. m., at which time tuey will be opened. - A deposit of S2UU In raah or certified check. fayalile to the superintendent, must accompany each hid for meat or flour, and all other bids must be accompanied by n amount equal to 10 ner cent of tbe amount of the bid. The rlaht Is reserved to reject any and all bids and to accept or reject any portion of a bid. on each envelope snouiu ne inscrioea tne nature of tbe bid. Goods of Oregon manu facture or production will receive preference. other thing being equal. All good and supplies must be delivered to the penitentiary wllliln 20 day after the con tract la awarded. Brhedtilea of, tbe various lino of goods will be furulabcd upon application to tbe superintendent. voucher will be trsuea for payment ftn in first of the month following completion of con tract, and mantbly on rontlnnoua contracts. Bidder are luvited to be present. C. W. JAMES. - Superltrtctident Oregon Stale l'enlteullary. Salem, Or.. Ilecemlrer 14. W08. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. , Sealed bids will be received by tbe Crook erunty higbscbool board, st Prlnevllle. Oregon, nntll 8 o'clock p. to.. Janusry IS,. 1904, for the r net Ion and completion of brick and stone lilgbschool building, according to the plan and specifications prepared by John B. Shipp of Prlnevllle, Oregon, architect of the work. All bids must be accompanied ty raan.aepoait or certified check In the sum of "5i0 evi dence of good faltb. and no bid will be con sidered for any part of the work less thsn the whole contract. The party to whom tbe contract 1 (warded will be required to furnish good and sufficient bond to Crook county In th full amount of the contract, Mid bond to be given within 10 day, after the contract is awarded. l iana and apeclflcatlon may be seen at The Journal, office, Portland, Oregon, and at the county school superintendent's of fie in Prlneville.r Oregon. Tb right to reject ny and 4ill bid 1 reserved. Envelope contain ing bids should be marked "Proposals for l.tgbsehool building," and sddressed to William Hoeglt. Secretary lilgbschool uoaru, 1'rlne- ville. Oregon. j-- ' .'-.-'-v.. NOTICE. Too undersigned will receive sealed hide for a atork of aeneral merchandise located at Humpter. Or., of the Inventory valuation of about $ia.(liO.UO, together Wltb the futures used In connection with said stock, lip to Monday, De cember 21, 1IMI3. at 12 o'clock noun. Each bid mint be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent "f tbe amount offered, and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. ' Inventory be seen, st my ofllce, and the stock and Inventory may ha Inspected at Rumpter. UK lea at t'ortMma, or., ,tnis izm asy ot jje rember. 1903. ' It. L. 8AB1N, Front and Aukeny Sta.. Portland. Or. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Pursuant to resolution of the hoard ot di rectors duly passed and In accordance with aald resolution, a meeting of the stockholder ot the Franklin Building A Investment snocla- tloa will be held on Friday, tbe lBtb day of December, ' 1908, t 8 o'clock p. w., at tha office of the association, at 241 Stark street, in IBis city of PortlBiid, Or., for the purpose of authorltlng a dissolution of (bo corporation, settling of It business, the , disposing of its property sna tne aivision of its cspitni stock and for the transaction of surb other business a may lawfully come before the meeting. - , ,'.-. t K. W. ROLNTKEE, Secretary NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK- .- HOLDERS. ' ; , The Oregon Wster Power A Hallway Com pany. Notice l hereby given that the regular annual meeting or tne. stocaniiiuira ot the Oregon Water Power A Railway company, a corporation, will be held t the officer of the eoiupmy, corner First and Abler street, in the city of Portland. Multnomah county. Ore (ton, "at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of Tuesday,' the 12tb day of January. 1904. The sold meeting wl.l be held for the purpose of electing dlriK'tori for the enaulng year and tor the tranwictlnn of such other business a nay be legally briuight before It. . Tlita noti im given pursuant' to the requlre- meiua vi lue uyiaw uk uiv company. ' -' W. T. Ml lR. Secretary the Oregon Water Power 4lU!hvay iflniwnr. CTTY H0TICE8. POUNDMASTER'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that on the 'l 4 h day of December, i.l, I took tin nd em pounded at the city iicnnd. at No. 201 Sixteenth sirrei. in tne cii.v oi t'oriiana, irr,, ino zouoW' loir described animal: -' . . ta- ? One black muley cow with white on fore head and under lower. Jaw, whllo belly and white o:i end of tail. .., And unless the owner, or other person or persons having an Interest therein, aha II claim posheaalon of the same, anil pa all cost snd cucrgta vi uu- accping aua advertising sume, CITY. NOTICES. fecother with the pnund fee on said anlmitt, us provided- by No. 5.925,' aa auienilwl, of said flty of Portlund, I will on the ?4tb day of December', I90II, at tbe hour of JO a. ra.. at the city pound, at No. .2(11 Sixteeiith. in ald city, m a the above deecrlbed animal at .Pub lic auction to the highest bidder, - to pay-the ecats and charge for taking up, keepiug nl auvcrUsiug.sui'h--Mmal. : '. li , . r . w. KEED, I ounomsiwr - listed thl 16th day of Uecemlier, IIHKI. " PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN - - MISSOURI AVENUE. ; -.,y Notice: 1 herebV- riven .that the council of the city of Portland" proposes to ' asses the following described property and owner or owner being spoelaHv and peculiarly bene, flted In the amount aet opposite tb names and descriptions thereof by-the construction of a aewer In Missouri avenue, from 2A feet eolith of the aouth line of Prescdtf treel; con- ueriion wun tne newer in Bcecn sireci, as provided by ordinance No. 18.808. Any objection to the ap(iortlonment of cost for said amver . must . he madn In writing to the council and filed wltlL the auditor within 15 day from the date, of the first publication of this uotice, and nld objection -will be heard and determined by tbo council before th paaaage of the ordinance assessing tha cost fur said sewer. . Multnomah . ' : " ' ' Blk 4, lot 1, J.-P. Jacobsnn. , ... . ..,., 2.RS Blk 4, lot 8. J. P. Jacobeon VH.JW Blk 4, lot B, L. P. Johnson 26.70 Blk 4. lot 7. Jamea O. Hneneer 26.70 Blk 4, lot 9, Hogan Anderson.......... 29.70 Blk 4. lot 1L HwrsB Anderson......... . 26.70 Blk.9, lot 1, George A. MeOurdy. i670 Blk 9, lot 3. George A. Lblen... " 26.70 Blk , lot S. The- J. Mccracken com pany .....i. ....... 26.70 Blk 9. lot 7, Harriet M. Kelly., ;.""' 26.70 Blk 9, lot 9, Dennis Bradley 26.70 Blk.9, lot 11, Agnes Bradley ....ii 26.70 Blk 9. lot 13, Michael favsnugh . , . . 26.70 Blk 9. lot Michael Cavanaugb..... 26.70 Plk 10. lot 1, Nellie Smith.,.......;; 26.70 Blk 16, lot 8, Nellie Smith. .....i. ..... 26.70 Blk 16. lot 5, John Montgomery.;.,....' 26.70 Blk 16. lot 7. B. C. Montgomery ,. 26.70 Blk 16. lot 9, School District No. 1.... 26.70 Blk 16, lot 11, School District No. 1... 26.70 Blk 16. lot 13, School District No. 1... 26.70 Blk 16, lot 15, School District Nd.l. . . 26.70 Elk 21, lot 1.-Northern Cnuntlc Invest ment company. Ltd..' trnstee 26 TO Blk 21, lot 8, Laur Jensen. . i ...... ... 26.70 Blk 21, lot 8. Ander M. C. Weiborg... ,26.70 Blk31Jnt 7-Rlchrd Hesly . ,.8li.7tt. Blk 21. lot 9. Anna Lo-y . . .', .' '.. 26.70 Blk 21, lot 11. Wllllnm Hathaway and Oarlock H. Marshall 26.70 Blk 21, lot 13. William Hathaway and Cariork H. MnrshaU 28.70 Blk 21, lot 13. William Hathaway and Oarlock II. Marshall.! ZB.7U Blk 28, lot 1, Title Guarantee ft Trust company .. 26.70 Blk 2, lot 3, Anna Schleve .' 26.70 Blk SH,'lnt 6. Ann Schleve. ......... . 26.70 Blk 28, lot 7, Emm A. Bleloh Eatate, heir of 26.76 Blk 28. lot 9, Frederick W. Schroeder.. 26.70 Blk 3, lot 2, Relnhold Kiel.. 9.40 8, lot 4, Relnhold Kiel. W.10 Blk R, lot 6, J. H. Brelter. 35.10 Flk 8, lot 8. J. H. Brelter 35.10 Blk 3, lot 10, Robert lTcy ........... . , 35.10 Blk 3. U.t 12, Robert Tracy S5.10 Blk 10, lot 2, Theodore F. Steam....;. 35.10 Lllc 10, lot 4, Theodore V. Steam , 35.10 Blk 10. lot 6, Michael Powor 85.10 Blk 10, lot 8, Michael Powera H5.10 Blk lo; lot 10. Michael Power 35.10 Blk 10, lot 12, Michael Power... 85.10 Blk J0. lot 14, Michael powers......... ao.iu Blk 10, lot 16, Gambrtnus Brewing com- pany ...... .-. Blk 15, lot 2, Nicta P. Anderson......... 35.10 Blk 15, lot 4, David Kuns....... 33.10 hlk 15. hit 0, Chrl P. tiough ... i . , . . . - 35.10 Blk 15, lot 8. Charlea P. Clough. 35.10 Blk 15, lot 10, II. Hanson.. '35.10 Blk 15, lot 12, WllilamrMontag. 35.10 Blk 15, lot 14, Mr.A:3Teldcn 85.10 Blk 18. lot 16. Mr. A. Hciden 35.10 Blk 22, lot 2. Ignatius C. Kelly , 35.10 Blk 22. Jot 4. Ignatius V. Kelly B5.10 Blk 22. lot 6, William A. and Allura C- Smith . 33.10 Blk 22. lot 8, William A. and Allura ' 0. Smith 85.10 Blk 22, lot 10, L. Rasmus sen. .......... 85.10 Blk 22. lot 12. Mary Breese. . 35.10 Blk 22. hit 14. Glacom A. Curletto 35.10 Blk 22, lot 16, Cbarle Ilnlierland. . . . .'15.10 Blk 27. lot 2. Han Anderson C5.10 Blk 27, lot 4, Emll Rosin.., 35.10 Blk 27, lot 8, Emll Kosln. ............ . Bo. 10 Blk 27, lot 8, Emll Rosin 35.10 Blk 27, north H lot 10, Emu nosin..,, iy.os Blk 27, outh i lot 10, Adolph Rocln.. 17.55 Total . : . r.".".T. . . . 82. 1 13. 13 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. December 14, 1903. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE- - MEHT OF EAST SEVENTH BTREET. Notice 1 hereby riven that the council of the city of Portland propose to assess tbe follow ing described property and owner or owner being (pecUUy And peculliarly benefitted in the amount set opposite the names and de scription) thereof fur tbe improvement of East Seventh Street, from tbe south line ot Eaat Everett street to the north line of East -Stark street, provided by ordinance 'No. 13.447. Anv objections to the apiwrttonment ot cost for said improvement moat be made In writing to the council and filed witn tne auditor wttnin 15 dsva from the date of the first . publication of this notice, and aaid objection will be beard and determined by the council before tne passsge of the ordinance assessing tbe coat for said .improvement. Eaat Portland Bit 149. lot S, Angelina B. Richardson.. 137.4.1 Blk 149, lot 7, Angeline B. Richardson.. 1.15.96 Blk 149, lot 6, G. A. Goouale...... 164.86 Blk 149. lot 6. G. A. Goodale. ......... . 164.40 Blk 148, lot 8, Louisa 11. Moore estate, heir of ..........v.. 104.91 Elk 148, lot 7, LouImJM Hoar eatate, heir of ....... .T; .... .V 154.85 Blk 148, lot 6, Louisa H. Moore estate, heirs of .A...... ,107.04 Blk 148. lot 6. Louisa H. Moore estate, heir of 106.71 Blk 147, lot 8, Cbarle W. Gay.,..,.. - 63.63 Blk 147. lot 7, Ida E. Parent 53.49 Blk 147, east - Elisabeth Byata.. 45.79 Blk 147. east lot 6. Elisabeth Byara.. 46.34 Blk 147, west ft lot e, t. n. ana rwstn- erlne Nesle 6.54 Blk 147, west ft lot 5, F. H and Ksth- erlne Ncale n.oi Blk 146. lot 8. Charles Wilson 78.59 Blk 146, lot 7, Chrle Wllaon 72.76 Blk 146. lot 6. John- Hark Ins 80.82 Blk 146, lot B, John Harkins. - 62.26 Blk 145, west ft lot 8, Margaret Serr.. 11.03 Blk 146, west ft lot 7, Margaret Scarr..- Blk 145. rt ft lot 8. Percy Gleae B3.9 Blk 145, east ft lot 7, Percy Glese...... B3.02 Blk 145, west ft lot 6, Leopold Bsumsn. 10.66 Blk 145, W'Wt ft lot B. Leopold Bauman. 10.76 Blk 145, east ft lot 6, George W. Jack son 60.90 Blk 143, eat ft lot 8, George W. Jack son . - i.". B1.B4 Blk 144, lot 8, Jam F McCartney,.... 63.04 Blk 144. lot 7. Mlett Smith........... 09.67 Blk 144, eaat 63 feet of lot 6, Ivor Wil liams . 1)5.10 Blk 144. wet 47 feet of lot , Joha C. . - F. A. Becker.... ...... Blk 144.- lot B. John C. K. A. Becker. ... 90.87 Blk 14.1. west ft lot 6, Jamea F. Mc Cartney . 21.05 Blk 14:t( west ft lot T, Jamea F. Mc Cartney ,21.60 Blk) 143, eaat ft lot 8,- John J. Kadderly. : 65.42 Blk 14a, eaat ft lot 7, John J. Kadderly. 63.06 Blk 143. lot 6, Florence D. and Edua E. Jeffery , 62.06 nik 14.1. lot 5. Anna Hacker,..,.. 61.43 Blk 142. west 10 feet of lot 8, John F, Stevens i ... .. ' 1.32 Blk 142. west 10 feet of lot 7, John F. Steven 1.33 Blk 142, eaat 00 feet of lot 8, Alice"''. . Steven . ,. .J, ,.; 104.22 Blk 142. east 90 hjt, 74 Alica. J. , Steven 104.80 Blk 142, west 10 feet of lot fl, Henry , Jones ............. t.i. . . ... ...... 1.32 Blk 142, west 10 feet of lot B, Henry Jones , .......... ................ .... 1.85 Blk 142, eaat 90 feet of lot 6, Frank IkHle . 61.82 Blk 142, vast 90 feet ot lot 6, Frank Bode ,.....' R1.01 Blk 154, lot 1. Anna Fuhr.. ....., ..,. 126.61 Blk 154, lot 2, Anna Fnbr ...121.47 Blk 154, lot 3, Henry II. Newhall 156.27 Blk 154. lot 4, Ellsa Ferguson. .. ..,",", ;.T160. 45 Blk 155, lot 1. Prudence Osborne....... 162.87 Blk 155, lot 2, Henry Wade . 150.22 Blk 155, lot 3. Charle Smith.... ... 105.42 Blk 155, lot. 4, W. E. llsvs, trustee..,. 52.47 Blk 156lot 1, Fred J. Bailey..., ...,.- 1 110.50 Blk 156. lot 2, Fred J; Bailey..,..,,.,. 105.7S Blk 156, lot 3, Charlea Clark........... M.MI Blk 156, lot 4, Charlea Clark.....,,.,.. B3 27 Blk 157, lot 1. Thomas Mann i 74.11 Blk 157, lot 2, Jeaee H. Settlemler..,., 74.74 Blk 157, lot 8, Jess H. Settlemler,,.., 82.56 Blk 157. loV4, Jesse H. Settleoiler.,. 83.94 Blk 15M. lot 1.-First Baptist church of Esst Portland ....r...... J99.9T Blk 158. lot 2, Mrs. Thomas Fitch...... - 1.10.B4 Blk 15S, lot 8, Issbella Ball.-.v 00.87 Blk 158, lot 4, Lovelace !' Hoaf ord . . . vt l,30 Blk irn, lot iv jnce Mcvauiey. 4,24 Blk 159. lot 2, fiapoleon Kennedy. ., v.. , 60.87 Blk 159, lot 8, Jane Abraham. .;..,,.". "151.29V BPk 151), lot 4, Jane Abranam. ......... , 162.64 Blk 100, lot 1, Kdna t?, iHiiton.,,-..,,,,., ' 140.57 Blk 100, lot 2, Mnt C. I is I ton. -81.90 Blk 160, lot 3, Edna O. Dallon. ,...104.46 Blk lo, lot , Knna v. nation. ,..,,, ' lo.1,8;i Blk 161, lot 1, wimam Fraxler I 106.02 Blk mi, lot 2, William rrraxier. , ... ,. . , 104,97 nix jm, mi o, iwmiiiuis a, sua ugrreu . , R, Matthew. , B2.62 ma jm, ioi i, nusaunua a. ana usrrett K. Matthews , ... 62.63 Total ......... v... $6,211.61 . ... IHim, V. DEVLIN, . Audltot ot the City of Portland. December 14, 1903, CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPRSVE ' BENT OF. EAST TENTH STREET.-Notk-e Is hereby given that tha council ot the city of Portland propose4o assess the following descTlhed property and owiier or owners as being M!.-UiHy- and peculiarly., benefitted In the amounta set optKMltu the name aud descrlp. lions thereof for the IniDrorement of East Tenth sirwt, from the north line of Hawthorne k venue to the south line of Division -etreet, a provided by. ordinance No, 13.5,1'J. Any objections to tbe apportionment or cost for ld improvement must be made in writing to the council and filed with the auditor within 15 days from the date of the first publication of this not let and said objections will bo hesrd and determined by the council before the passage of the ordinance assessing the cost for ssia improvement. .v, A tract of land between the north line , if Hawthorne aveuuc-and a. lino loo feet north thereof nd parallel ; , therewith and between the east Hue of Eaat Tenth street extended north erly, and the west llne.of East Tenth afreet extended northerly. .1'lty of Portia nd . jwwV ... J ,.... - $ Stephen' addition to East Iort land Blk 101, lot 8, John Weiss. A... ...... Blk 101. lot 7, Fred Wildl j, Blk 101, west 85 feet lot . Charles Gnnlund ............... Blk 101. west 85 feet lot 6, Charle Grtnlnnd .......... Blk 101, east 65 feet lot 0, Jamea Olsen . Blk 101, esst 65 feet lot 5, James Olsen . Blk 102, west ft lot 8, Welter Tllton. :', Blk 102, west ft lot 7. Walter Tllton. BiK 102, east ft lot 8. JomaB.B. Tll ton . Blk 102, eaat ft lot 7, Joslah 8. Tll- - 81.06 165.49 165.09 22.86 25.61 158.42 151.39 29.47 80.21 131.33 Blk 102, jot 8, Kaatham A Brown..... Blk 102, lot B, Easthara ft Brown;,... -Blk 10,'i, lot 8, Harry Lemllne ......... Blk lo:i. lot 7, Harry Imllne. . ,. . . .. Blk 103. lot 6. John B. Porker.. . . .. ? Blk 108, , Jot B. Joha B. Parker........ : Blk 104, lot , young Men'g Christian Association ........... . Blk 104, lot 7, Youug Men' Christian aaaoclatlon . . Blk 104, lot 6, Young Men' Christian sHsociniion , , , , Blk 104, lot 5, Young Men' Christian association .,; , Blk K. t , j'. Mmry Schade.,:?::: ' Blk 106, lot 7. J. Hcnrv Brhade. rlHc ll&r lot oV-Se muel K-n,1eT UL Kik 100, ot,5, Snmuel Kinder..,...,., Blk 100, lot 8, Chrlat Hansen. ....... . Blk 1IH3. lot 7. Christ Hansen.: Iilklim, lot 6, Jane Holy...,.......,, Blk 106, lot 5, Frank G. Barton....... Blk 107, lot 8T. F. McMahon , . Hlk lOT, lot 7, T. F, McMahon....... , Blk 107. weat ft lot 6. Juno McGulre.. Blk 107, west ft tot 6, Jane McGulre. . Blk 107. north 20 feet of eaat ft lot o. Auama Btreet Methodist episcopal church . : Blk 107. south 80 feet of eaat ft lot 6. Aaam direct aletnodlst Eplacopsl church . ...... , Blk .107. east ft of lot 6. Adam Street Methodlct Episcopal church.. ., BlkJ08, weat ' lot 8, Julia A. Stan ton eatate, heir of..... Blk 108. wet ft lot 7. Julia A. Stan ton eatate. heir of .....' Blk lOS. eaat ft lot 8, Our Savior Scandinavian Lutheran church Blk 108. eaat lot 7, Our Savior, Scandinavian Lutheran-OT-htirch.. . . Blk KJ8. lot 6, Henry F, Wheeler.... uik iiih, lot o. John Enson. ........... Blk 109. lot 8, Jsmes K. Martin...... Plk 100, lot 7, Mary Elder Blk 109, lot 6, Henry Jonea. Blk 109, lot 8. Henry Jone B11-. 110, lot 12, Andrew M. Westreln.. Plk 110, lot Jt, M. and H. Hoafeld... lilk 110, lot 10, Carl Anderson Blk-110. lot . Carl Anderson Blk 110, lot 8, R. A. Snider., t,. Blk 110 lot 7. R. A. Snider... A tract of land lying between th - outh line of Division atreet. the north line of the Southern Pacific company right of way, and between the eaat line of East Tenth street extended southerly, and the weat line of Eaat Tenth atreet, extended southerly, W. 8. Ladd estate, heir of . , Stiphen nddltion to East Portland Blk 120, eaat ft lot 1, John W. and A s.. D.ll.. n.i;iin (irurff . 136.42 13639 140.40 123.81 1J9.11 116.18 JJ2.11 111.90 114.40 118.58 127.65 112.62 117.83 .J13.iW 111.8K 107.84 112.00 121.89 108.00 107.6.1 107.79 7.60 7.60 40.34 00.51 101.69 9.67 ""9.41 115.33 114.18 125.05 126.02 121.11 119.85 163.35 173.29 176.72 ior.:tn 120.22 141.91 lSO.tK) 123.16 Blk, 120. east ft lot 2, John W. Anna rtellew..... and Blk 120, weat ft lot 1, William J. Guy Hlk 120, west ft lot 2, William J. Guy ' Blk 120, lot 3, Mnrr A. Ikerd " Blk 120. lot 4. Xannl E. MiUrr Blk 119, lot 1, King eststo. ......... Blk 119. hit 2. King estate Blk 119, lot 3, (horge Raalie. ., ; . .... Blk 119, lot 4, William Irvin Blk 118, hit 1. Mary A. Ikerd Blk 118. lot 2. Mary A. Ikerd Blk 118, lot 3, Martha M. Taylor Blk 118, lot 4, Martha M. Taylor Blk 117 lot 1. Mary E. Sntiffln Blk 117, lot 2. Mary E. Snuftlu , Hlk 117. lot 3. Benjamin F. Sntiffln... Blk 117. lot 4 Benjamin F. Snuffln... Blk 116. lot 1, Haltie H. Farrell...... Hlk 116, lot 2. Hallle H. Farrell . Blk 118, lot 3. David L. House. Blk' 116, lot 4, David L. (louse...... Blk 116, lot 1, Frank Bmnger........ Blk 115, lot 2, Frank Br u tiger, Blk 113, lot 3, Frank Brunger, P.Ik 115, lot 4. Erlck Snarf .......... . Blk 114, lot 1, Louts Verbaag. ....... Blk 114, hit 2. Loula Verhaag... ,, ... ; Blk 114, lot 8, Lottla Verhaag... Blk 114, lot 4, Louis Verbaag........ Blk 113, lot 1. Carl Abemlroth .. Blk 11. i, iot 2, Sarah E. Whitehead... Blk 113, lot 3, Marcu Doremu , Blk 113, lot 4, Florence F. Cook...... Blk 112, cast 30 feet lot 1, Anna L. Forbes Blk 112, west 70 feet lot 1, Missionary society of tbe Cnlted- Evangelical church , Blk 112. lot 2, Missionary Society of the I nlted Evangelical church,..... Blk 112. hit 3. D. A. Jon. a.. Blk 112, hit 4, Sucle C. Barton.......: Blk 111, lot 1. Francl Psrentl. ...... Blk 111. lot 2. Francis" Prentl. ,. . .. . , Blk 111. lot 3, F, H. and Sarah B. Whitehead Blk 111. lot 4, F. H. and Sarah E. Whitehead , .....'. Blk 111. lot 5. Thorn Dillon......... Blk 111. lot 6, Thomas Dillon Bight ot way Southern Pacific Rail road company , Right of way. .Oregon Water Power A Railroad company 172. 4J 23.39 2.1.00 148.00 140.96 175.M0 ltlh.98 108.20 170.25 131.30 I. 17.12 136.30 126.93 117.67 110.44 108.00 109.55 113.04 116.76 68.50 . 5N.65 114.92 II. 1.46 III. 69 111.69 11V80 1 16.01 130.57 ' 140.03 138.68 130.73 116.89 114.29 116.21 118.62 . 5.9S 118.78 123.23 106.M 176.W 177.86 165.28 119.18 139.77 177.43 120.35 -: 12.36 Total . ..........811.352.23 ', THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Aodltor of the City of Portland. December 14, 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. ' Sealed propoaala will be received at tbe office ot tbo auditor of the city of Portland until r'riaay, December is, at 3 o clock p. m. for the Improvement of the west side of Esst Twenty-first street from 10 .feet north of -the south line of Powell street to 12 feet south of the north line of Bush street In the manner pro vided by ordinance No. 13,676, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinance of tbe city of Portland, and the estimate ot the city engineer on fib-. . . -,-', Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on ap plication at the office of the auditor of the City of Portland. Said Improvement must be completed on or before fi'J days from tbe date of the lignlng of tne contract by tne parties tnereto. No propoaala or blda will be considered un less sccomiNinled by a certified check psyable to the order of the mayor of the city of Portland. certified by a reaponaible bank for n amount equal to 10 per cent of. tne aggregate pro posal. ' Tbe right to reject any and alt bid Ik hereby reserved. " f. 'v . By order of the executive hoard. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. December 12, 1903. . . . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or IB w PR0VEMENT Of FOURTH STREET. . Notice I hereby given that' WillUm C. El liott, city', engineer, baa filed In the office ot the undersigned, "notice that , Smyth ft How ard conniany. contractor for the Improvement of Fourth street, under tbo provisions of or dinance No. 13,526, na completed Mid. atreet, from the center line of Taylor street to tho center lino of -Salmon atreet. - , . Said acceptance will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 18th day of December, 1908. and objection to the ac ceptance of sain street, or sny part thereof, nay be filed In tbe office of the nnderalgued at any. time prior thereto. . , THE- EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Anrtltor of the City of Portland. Dccemlier 12, 1903. . . . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM- . PR0VEMENT .0F EAST TWENTY-FOURTH . STREET, . ' Notice I hereby given ihat William C. El ll'itt, city euglnccr, ha filed In tho office of the undersigned, notion- that Miller, ft Bauer. contractor for - the Jinurovement of East Twenty-fourth street, upder the provisions of eminence no. a,b:io, nave completed Mia street, from the aouth line- of Hley street to tha center line of Waero street, - Ssld cceptanco , will he considered Tiy ' the eset-iitive uoarti nc o ckk-k, on me intn uay of Dex-emlier, 1903, and'objectlon to th ae centance of aald atreet. . or anr nart thereof. may lie filed in tho office of tbe. undersigned t any time prior thereto. THE F.XKt l TIVH BOARD. ' r Hy THOS. C. DEVLIN, i Auditor of tbe City of Portland. December 12, ilwa. 4 - ; . - - " "V-Xf-s - CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF MORRISON STREET. -Notice I berebr irlven that tbe council ot the city of Portland propose to assess the following drterlbed proei ty and owner or owners be ing "specially and peculiarly benefitted in the amounta et opposite the names and descrip tions thereof for the Improvement of Morrison street, from 12 feet east of the west line of Front street to tbo east line of Chapman street, as M-0vlded by ordinance No. 13.292. Any objections to tbe apportionment of -cost for aald Improvement must be made in writing to (ho council and tiled with the auditor wtthln 15 day from tbe date of the flrat publication of this notice, and aaid ' objections will tie beard snd determined by the council before the pamsee of the ordinance assessing tbe cost tor, Mia improve tueni. . i . ' Portland Blk 326. --east joflot 6, -Percy H. -, Birth -.- ....... ..;..........$ 26.71 Bin tut ft of lot 6, Percr H Biytn 8.81 3(1.60 4.61 Blk 326, weat ft of lot B, Mary Rlchet. Hlk Sl2tl,.west ft of hit 6. Mary KIchet. Blk 326, east 94 feet of lot 3,- Amanda W. Itoed Blk 326, east 94 feet ot lot 4, Amanda W. Heed ....... Blk 326, wct feet of lot 3, 'Percy H. Bl.vth , Blk 326, weat 6 feet, of lot 4, Percy H. Blyth . v.... Blk 323, lot 5, John Klernan........... Blk 823, lot 6, John Kicrnan. .......... . B1U 1123, kit 3, John Klernan............ lilk 323, lot 4, John -Klernan. ......... .'. ' Blk 816, lot 6, John Corkish..... ,- Blk 316. lot 6. John ( orklb... ......... Blk 816. lot. 8, H. Week.........-.... Blk 316. lot 4. William 'DeDenulna es tate," heir. of..'.. 108.18 Blk 811, lot S. School District No. 1.... 13. M Blk 811, lot 0, School District No. 1..,. 4.30 Blk .311. lot 3, School District No. 1.... 8.90 Blk 811. lot 4. School Burt rift No. 1. ... " 14.04 North ft hlk K. east ft or lot 6. Man hattan Real Estste company......... North ft blk ,K, eaat ft of lot 6, Man hattan Real Eatate company...., North ft blk K. went ft of lot 6, Wil liam M. Blakely J North ft blk K. west ft of lot 6, Wil liam M. Blnkelv North ft blk K. lot 3, W. B. Gilbert.... North ft blk K, lot 4, Ella L. Wood ' ward . ............... , North blk H. lot B, Harvey W. Scott.. Aortu ft blk it. soutn 40 feet oi lot , iluli rj re ....... . ... . . . North ft blk H, north 10 feet of hit 6, nrst nresoyterien ennrcn..., ........ North blk 11, lot 3. Margsret Scott... North ft blk 11, lot 4. Margaret Scott . .. Blk 257, west ft ot lot 5, Susie W. Smith . v.... Blk 257, west ft of lot 6, Snsle W. kit Smith . Blk 257, esst ft of lot 5. Mas and George Lowenson Blk 257. east ft of lot 6, Max and George Lowenson Blk 257, lot 3, Anna B. Thompsw..... 257, lot 4, Anna B. Thompson...... Blk 252, lot 6, Max and George Lowen son Blk 252, lot 6. E. Henry Wcimer Blk 252, undivided ft north 35 feet of lot 3. H. M. Csko, Blk 252. undivided ft north 85 feet of lot 3. T. J. Armstrong. ............. . Blk 252, south 15 feet of lot 3, Ellen M. Knott , Blk 252, north 15 feet of lot, 4, Ellen. M. Knott . Blk 252. south 85 feet of lot 4, Alphls I,, and Alths A. Dlmmlck. .......... Blk 217. lot 6, Sylvester Pennoycr. es tate, belra of Blk 217, lot 6. Sjlvoater Pennoyet ea tate. belra of 31k 217. lot 3. Mary Pennoycr.......... Ik 217. lot 4, Mary Pennoyer. ,,, Park blk 3, lot 8, J. Henry Ehlen. Park blk 9, lot 2, Loula Uerllpger Portland " Blk 212. lot 8, John V. and Alvlr F, Bennett . Blk 212, lot 8, Edward D. Oeiser. Blk 212, kit 3. Louise E. Hamilton... Blk 212. hit 4. Jobn F. Rlaley, truatee. . Blk 178. lot 6. Oregon company. ,..... Blk 17N, lot 6, Oregon company... v..... Blk 178, lot 3, Oreron company Blk 178, lot 4, Oregon company ,. Blk 173, lot B, Loyal B. . Blk 173. north 30 feet of lot 6, Anna Maxwell . '. Blk 173. aouth 20 feet ot lot 6. Loyal B. Steam Blk 173, lot 8, Meier ft Frank company. Blk 173. lot 4. Meier ft Frank company. Blk 02. lot SPeter W. Severwro... ..., 160.18 Blk 62, lot 6, Herman Boric estate, neira or .............................. Blk 62, lot 8. Ben Campbell Holladay and Linda H. Dnray Blk 62, lot 4, M. Rosenblatt estate. heirs of -.,,.. Blk 49, lot B. Simon Blnmauer. ........ , Blk 49, kit 6. Simon Blumsuer. ....... ..- 1 Blk 49. lot 8, Charles Adnlpbu Allaky.". Blk 49, lot 4. Charles Adolphus Allsky. . Blk 20, lot 5, Louis Flelscbuer estate, helm of ., Blk 20. lot 6. Louis Flciscbner. estate. . heir of . . . . . .-. Z1.1Z Blk 20, lot 8, Ellen E. Ray estate, heir of Blk 20, lot 4. Ellen E. Ray eatate, heir or , Blk 15. lot 6. M. F. Mulkey estate. heirs of . ...... ............ Elk 15, At 6, M. F. Mulkey estate. heirs of ' Blk 19. south ft of kit 8, Leple W. Sit- ton . ,. Blk 15, north ft ot lot S. Annie Herrall, Rose Wiejrand and Kate Strode....... Blk 13, undivided ft of lot 4, U. Terwll Hirer . Blk 15. undivided ft of kit 4, Terwilllger Land company Blk 2, lot 5, Elisabeth M. Smith........ Blk 2. south ft ot lot 9, Ellis be th M. Smith . Blk 2. north ft of lot 6. Ladle Relief society ... 21.74 Blk 2. north 33 feet ot lot 3, Perry G. Baker 22.19 Blk 2, south 18 fret of lot 3, J. C. Me- Grew 12.40 Rlk 27 north ft of lot 4. Mary P. Grant. 30.61 Blk 2. undivided 3-5 ot south ft of kit 4. Emma L. McGrew...... 89.74 Blk 2. undivided 2-5 ot south ft of . lot Martha A. Lent. 69.83 Blk 327, lot 8. Bernard CHara... 156.81 Blk 827, lot 7. Bernard O llara........ 11.60 Blk 327, lot 3. Sarah J. Kodkey. ....... 17.09 Blk 327. kit 1. Sarah J. Kmlkcy... - 149.11 Blk 822, east ft of lot 8. EU.-n W. and W. T. Branch... ; 31.95 Blk 322, eaat ft of lot 7. Ellen W. and W. T. Branch.... ...rrr 6.07 Blk 322. weat '4 of kit 8. Mrs. M. J. Lyons. V.,, ,. ... , .. 89.82 Blk 822. west '4 of lot 7. Mm. M.- J, Lyons , 14.70 Blk 322. south S3 feet of lot 2, Helen May , , 4.60 Blk 322. north 17 feet of lot 2. Simon ' Bhratauer .............. i ........... . 2.32 Blk 822. lot 1, Simon Blnmauer......... 44.87 Blk 317.' west 75 feet-of lot 8. Baring and Loin Society of San Francisco.... 107.6S Blk 817. west 75 feet of lot 7. Saving and Loan Society of San Francisco..,. 10.06 Bllt 317. esst 25 feet of lot 8. Oreron - Consistory No. 1 of Portland, Or...... 89.02 Blk 317. eaat. 25 feet of lot 7. Oregon Consistory No. 1 of Portland. Or 8.6S Blk 817. lot 2. Oregon Consistory No. 1 of Portlsnd. Or , 23.17 Blk 317. lot 1. Oregon Consistory No.' 1 of Portland. Or... , 118.80 Blk 810, lot 8, Aramluta Bronaiigh..,., 166.67 Blk .110. lot 7, Aramlnta Brnnaugh.,... 84.41 Blk 310, lot 2, Charles Hegele. ........ 2S.33 Blk 310. lot 1. Charle Ilegele. ........ 126.97 South ft blk K. lot 8, Frank Dekum es- tate, heirs of 114.41 South V, hlk K. lot 7. Frank Dckum es tate, heirs cf 14.20 S..(h ti blk K. lot 2.. Frank Dekum es tate, heir of........................ 25.08 Month Xi. blk K. lot 1. Frank Dekum ea tate, Belr of.,..,.... w. 150.27 South U blk II. lot 8. Stephen Mead es tate, heirs of.,.,.....:...,,.......,.. T0.80 Rniith U. hlk H. lot T. Steuben Mead es. , ' ' tate, heirs of,. .....,....,., .13,63 Seuth ft hlk H, lot 2, Stephen Mead ., ' . tate, heirs of......................... .16.94 South ft blk II. lot 1. Stephen Mead es tate, heirs of.............,....;....,, 87.85 Blk 258, kit 8, Mary Mayer.....,, : 24.68 Blk 858. lot 7. Mary Mayer....... 4.11 Bitr 9M4 - lot 2. Samuel A. and Ellis C. .- Brown 20.47 Blk 258. lot 1. Samuel A. and Ellin C. Browq . -vvv. i i ......... ,. ' 85. Bd 2.M, lot R,-Germn Aid society 99.88 Blk 251, north 28 feet of lot 7, German 1 , Aid society " 6.23 nik vr.l south 22 feet of kit 7. rierman Aid socl.'ty ...., "v.. 1. 4.89 Blk 251, lot 2, Henry W. Corbett estste, lelrsof 60.47 Rik Ml lot 1. Henrv W. Corbett estate. belrs of .. ........ 279.63 Blk 218. lot 8. Samuel A. and Kilts C. - Brown , ..... ............ ...i.j.. 218.14 nil. 1li lot 7. Samuel A. .and Ellis C. . Brown . ...... ..,,'....r....-,.... '"16'.J8 Blk 218. tot 2. Delia Durkhclmer and . Maren Fried i .... .... 34. 87 Blk 218, !ot 1, Delia and Mt reus Fried "... . . . . . . .... ."..... 267.77 Park blk 4, 'Thomas Harvey Bertnet. 102.10 Park blk 1, Sarah Parduu Merrill. ..,., ': 78.00 . Portland- , ' ' - ' -..'. , ''v.. .'. ' 211, UK B, Ien II. Iwls..,i.,,.., frM Blk 211, lot 7, Simon Alitcheil.. zt flO P,llt'21i; lot 2, Charle 1L Pratt.,.,..,. J5.M8 fillc 211. lot I. Charlea If. Pratt.'. 70.28 Blk 179, lot 8, Portland Hotel company., -143.33 17.15 114.61 . 1.06 . ' . . 7.10 45.92 . 13.93 4.80 18.27 r 87.87 5.41 ' 24.B4 , B.20 6.21 7.31 , 4 60 21.64 135 41 : 7.84 .72 " 6.60 21.11 6.56. T 163 - 8.80 3.34 1115 20.43 10.42 , J 1.48 '. 8 66 . 866 7.43 10.30 122.49 10.66 281 6.43 10. SJ 65.10 63.86 66.25 14.68 13.42 94.01 92-.0O 13.27 27.23 82.61 70.40 14.45 B.64 T)1.08 102.01 " 47.05 41.21 155.10 146.40 84.20 18.41 128.98 147.88 28.17 143.90 84.61 12.44 17.67 17.07 64.66 64.66 183.41 21.74 Blk. 179, lot 7, Portland Hotel company.. 20.46 I lk 179, lot 3, Portland Hotel company.. 4i!..'IH 170. lot 1. Portland Hotel couiin-.. 157.30 Blk 172, lot 6, I nlted States-government 1ihi.47 lilk 172, lot 7, litiited State government , 28 .66 Blk 172, lot 2, I nlted State govt m men t 811.37 Mk 172, lot 1, 1'i'ited State government 120.90 CITY NOTICES. heirs qf :.' -. 1S6.Z Bik 61, lot 7, Henry W, Corbett estate. heir of 4S.79 Blk 411. lot 2 Elizabeth . Smith...... 20.95 lilk 111, lot 1, Elizabeth M. Smltl fctk 60, lot 8, Petor J. Mann and Ellen . Hav estate, helra of .-. . . Blk 60, lot 7, Peter J. Mann and Ellen - nay eatate, Heirs or ' Blk 50, south 30 feet of lot 2. F. W. Winter Elk CO. north 20 feet of lot 2, Henry W. Corbett estate, heir of......... Blk 60. lot U Henry WV Corbett estate, tu-irs or - Blk' 21. lot 8, Henrietta E. and Mary F. Failing and Emily Cabell., Blk 21, lot 7, Henrietta K. and Mary F. Failing and Emily CabtH.. ... Blk 21, lot 'Ilsoac Kaufman and Edi ward S.' RothlVhtld. . . , . Blk 21, lot 1, Isaac: Kaufman; -and E1' ward S. Rothschild... ... Blk 14, west 25 feet of lot 8, John and Mary E. Melwnald.... -...... . Blk 14, east 70 foet of lot 8, J. T. Glse- lln estate, hcirii or..... Blk 14, lot 7, J. T. Gtoeiln estate, heirs of ,,,................. Blk 14, lot 2, Amelia Strssser Blk 14, lotl, Mary A. Houston. ...... Blk 3. west 45 feet of lot 8, C. S. Smith Blk 3. east 66 feet ot lot 8, EUxabeth M. Smith . ... .... Blk ,8. north W of lot 7, Leon Vial ea rl , 97.33 16.85 84.35 11.29 8.53," 166.73 105.'38 23.62 60.41 225.20 40.43 107.18 S5.02 29.02 122.32 101.23 81.04 28.16 tato. heir c: Blk 3. outh ft of lot 7, Asa Harker e ' tate, heir of Blk 3, outh ft of lot 3, Aa Harker ea tate, heir of. ..'.........-.,......, Blk 3. north ft ot lot 2, St. Charle Ho tel company. Blk 3, lot 1, St' Charle Hotel company. flight of way Portland Railway company Right of war City and Suburban Rail way company. , .. . . Rlo-hf nf v Oreenn .Water Power and Railway company ................... la.w Portland; -S8.18 J7.68 17.67 188.59 81.34 , Total . . ' THOS. c Pify Auditor of the City ot-Fo December H, 1903. ' PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF BROADWAY. Vntle la hneMiv 'S-lven that, the council nf the city ot Portland proposes to assess the ful-k-wing described property and owner or owner a being specially and peculiarly benefitted in , n ., ..,, n a, or.,uMtlfn .It a nima, . nH Aat. ncrlptton thereof for , the Improvement of Broadway, from the eaat line of Carter' ad dition to Eaat Portland to the center line of county road running north and aonth through section 20, township 1 norm, range l east, .. W M., a provided by ordinance no. 13,37s. Anv ob lections to th apportionment of coat for laid Improvement must be made in writing to the council and filed with the andltor within 15 dav from the date of the flrat publication of tbla notice, . and ld objection will be heard and determined by tne council oeior toe passage ot the ordinance assessing the cost for Mid Improvement. A tract of hind lying between the north ; . line of Broadway and. a line io. tecr. , borth thereof and parallel therewith ( -and between the -east line of Csrter' ' addition to East Portlsnd and the west illne of Bast Twenty-eighth trcct, A. - C. Schlvely 283.17 Mendon Park. East Portland, Or. ; Blk 4, lot 8, William B. Glefks. ....... 78.00 Blk 4. aouth 23.16 feet ot lot 8, WilUam B. Glafk ............ ..i. ........... Blk 4, lot 10, Wllllm B. GUfke...... 71.13 Blk 4. nouth 23.76 feet of lot 7, William . B. Glafk . Blk 4, lot 11, William B. Glafke. ...... . ;. 61.20 Blk 4. aouth 23.76 feet of lot S, Fred Glafke, Jr ? Blk 4, lot 12, Fred Glafke, Jr... ...... 61.67 Blk 4, outh 23.70 lect or lot .o, rrca Glafke. Jr. 966, Blk 4, kit 13, Fred Glafke. Jr 83.43 Blk 4, eouth 23,76 feet ot lot 4, Loula ' Nicolal 3T6 Plk a lot 14. Touts Nlcolel. .. .'. ....... . 68.50 , Blk '4. south 23.75 feet ot lot 3, Loul Nicolal " 13 Blk 4, lot IB, Loul Nicolal.......:..... 82.69 Blk 4. aouth 23.75 feet of lot 2, Samuel . D. 8mlth ; - 12 Blk 4, lot 16, Loul Nicolal 101.63 Blk 4. outh 23.75 feet of kit 1. Samuel , !.. smitn u.i ...., ... .w Broadway addition to the city of Portland , B. M. B. V- Blk 1. bit 1. R. M. Lombard. Blk 1, lot 2, B. M. Lombard... ........ Blk 1, lot 3, B, M. Lombard.,,. ....... Blk 1. kit 4, B. M. Lombard, .......... Blk 1, lot 6, B. M. I-ombard.... ....,..' Blk ir lot , ,Jt. at.- Kmioarai, Blk 1, rot 7, B. M. imnaru..,. Blk 1, kit 8. B. M. Lombard...., Blk 6. lot 22. B. M. Iimbard. . . , Blk e. south 10 feet ot lot 1, Lombard . Blk . lot 21. B. M. Lombard..., Blk 6, outh, V) teet t J"5 JLombRrd . .. Blk 6. kit 20, B. M. Lombard.... Blk 6. couth 10 feet of lot-8, B. M. Iximbard . . ..v. ........ ..-..,....-, Blk 6. lot 10, B. M. Lombard..., Blk 8, aouth 10 foet of kit 4, Lombard . ,. niv A lot is. R. M. Lombard Blk 6. eouth 10 feet of lot 6, B.. M. Lombard Blk 6. lot 17, B. M. Lombard.. Blk 6. aouth 10 feet of lot 6, B. M. Lombard . ....--.......;..'-.. Blk 6. kit 16. B. M. Lombard... , Blk 6, outh 10 feet of lot 7, B.' M. Iximbard . Blk 6, lot 15,-B. M. Lombard........... Blk 6, aouth 10 feet of lot 8, B. M. Lombard . Blk 6. lot 14, B. M. IJombard.....i.,v. Blk 6. aouth 10 feet of lot 9, B. M. Lombard ........ 1 Blk 0. lot 1.1, B. M. ' Lombard. ....v.. Blk 6, outh 10 feet of lot 10. U. . Lombard . .....-.. nib a lot 19 B. M. Iximbard. A tract of land lying between tha north line of lot IV.-plk 1. nroaaway au dition and a line 100 feet north of and i parallel with tb north line of Broad way and between the east line of lot 13, blk 6. Broadway, and the weat Hue of county road. First Congregational church , East HoHadar addition to tbe, dtr of Portland- ' . . Blk 3, lot 6, John Proudfit. ...... Blk 8, lot 6, John Proudfit,. ........... Blk 3, kt 7, John Proudfit. Blk 8, kit 8, John Prnudtlt Blk 4. lot 9. Sarih Wrlghtson.. ...... .. Blk 4, lot 10, Sarah Wrightson. ... Blk 4, lot It, Jees B. rvisiicr,. Blk 4. lot 12, Andrew Stoeser...., Blk 4, Jot 13, Andrew Stoeser. ......... Blk 4, lot 14, Laura B. Btoeaur........ Blk 4, lot 16. C. Grace Pallett. .,..., .. Blk 4, lot 16. O. Grace Pallett......... Broadwar addition to the city of Port-, land - 1 ' ' '-' ..-?:-"-"'.!-! Blk 2, kit 1, B, M. Lombard,..,.,,,., Blk. 2, kit 2, B. M. Imbard, .,.;...., Blk 2, kits, B. M. Lombard....'..,.,.... Blk "2, lot 4, B. M. Lombard. ........... Blk 2, lot 5, B. M. Lombard. ........... Blk 2. lot 8, B. M. Lombard......,... Blk 2, lot 7, B. M. Lombard.'.......,.,. . Blk 2, lot 8, B, M. Loliitwrd..,. ......, Blk B, lot 1. B. M. Lomliard. ........... Blk 6, lot 2, B. M. Lombard............ Blk B, lot 8, B. Ms Lombard. ........... Blk B, lot 4, B. M.' Lombard,,........,.. Blk 5, lot 6, B. M. Lombard...,...'..... Blk 6, kite, B. M. Lombard. ........... Blk 6, lot-7, B. M. Lombard. ........... Blk B, lot 8, B. M, Lombard.. (,j. . . Blk 8, lot 9, B. M. Iximbard.....; Blk 8. lot 10, B, M. Lombard... ........ Blk B, kit 11. b: M. Lomliard........... Blk 6 Iot 12, B. M. Imbar4.iT...i.... 104.91 98.19 90.83 101.35 107.US nil UT 150.29 169.011 132.08 6.84 117.63. 8.67 76.07 1.43 70.06 1.43 80.12 1.64 83.90 ' 1.64 ,86.94 ' 1.69 75.38 1.42 63.14 1.10 78.04 1.84 111.41 no fia 19.76 19.76 110.40 123.92 108.60 1)6.46 63.71 64.62 8H.S0 75.92 96.07 106.26 106.08 100.S3 107.80 106.85 .161.20 167.0.1 130.20 1I0.I19 77.40 76.71 77.M 84.25 61.73 72.23 60.17 - 67.3.1 86.35 76.91 Total ... ...... . . . . ..... .... .$8,748.08 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City Of Portlaud. , llecejnlierJIjOOS. - . PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF RIVER 'STREET. Notice l hereby given that the council of the city 01 I'oriinim. i opoeii w b. ... . lowing descrllwd property and owner or owner s telng spoclnlly and peculiarly benefltod in the monnt act opposite the name and de scription thereof .for the tmprovpinent of Ulvor treet.i- from the otith line if Alblnx avenue to 100 feet outb of th outh line of Alblna avenue, e provided by- ordinance - No. "37. ' . Any onjociinnv vo epi".. for ald improvement must lie made in writing to tho council and filed with tbo auditor .within 15 day from the date of the first publication of tbla notice. nd aald objection will be heard and determined by the council before th passage of the ordluanco a Messing the cost fur. aald improvement. " ., - : A tract of land lying between the north line of River treet and a line 15 feet northerly tlierefroB! and parallel there- , with anil between tho southerly line of Alblna avenue and a line 100 feet v. . southerly therefrom aud parallel there- , wlth,( Jaroe B. Montgomery Estate ' ; . k.i-. n ........ 1214.63 A tract of land lying .between two line respectively 15 feet hud 60 feet nor I b- ; erly from nd prallel wttn tho norib f line of River treet and between '? the outhly lino of.. Alhln. avemio - . ' Slid a line JOV ice imiuwi im-ie- fram nd parallel therewith, W. II. A tract of land lying between two line - rcanectlvely 60 feet and 100 feet north erly from and parallel wltb the north 'eriy line of River street and between ' the southerly line of Alblna avenue and -a line 100 feet southerly therefrom nd . : parallel therewith, James B. Mont'-" ' ' gijinej-y Estate, belr of..... 69.6?. . Total'. $"477.05 ' . THOS. C. DEVLIN, ; Auditor pt U10 Cllgr pi l'of fjaud. December 14, ltKiU, , ' . 202.75. Blk CI, lot 8, Ileury w. Corbett estate, ... .... J- -.-..-V;- -:r.;.:-r. - - -n