THE7 OREGON 4 DAILY. JOtlltNAL, PORTLAND. FltlDAT. EVENINGV DECE3IBER 11, 1903. AT;THE THEATRES DOX&Y YAKDEjr. Combining a' revival of the quaint ro . eoao dress and the customs of the eight. eenfji" century with a. comedy interest that Js distinctly -ofi, the present day. "Dolly Varden" Is thoroughly pleasing. There aip two pronounced feature ' One is' Lulu Chaser's laugh, the other the ononis O.'. mo sung .wiiy mucn. That lauglX Is everything and anything that is ntc. and pleasing. The --chorus is a simple. little running mttfody that the boys in the .gallery take upnd whistle immediately and the people on the par quit floor hum softly to themselves. . There; are eJso other songs that .will be td demand at . tho. music stores for pome time. "The Girl You Lm''." a tenor solo;byl!arold Blake as 3aptain JIareourt,'was epeored repeatedly.!.. "We Met" In Lover's Lane" gave ample breadth . for John Dunvnure's splendid bats voice and Miss Olasr had to respond to en cores with "Ttie Lay of the Jay,: until she stopped for heer exhaustion. "Dolly Varden" tells tha stary of the scheme of 'John .Fairfax (John Duns- vmure), to mttrry hto ward, Dolly Varden (Lulu Glaser), for her money, She. Is secluded until an aspiring swain. CapU Richard Belleville, (Harry Gtrard), ap pears and 'after a' short, courtship In duces her to-elope. . This' the guardian discovers but Anally the girl disguises herself at another maid of the 'Company, and is married to hersweethearr, Miss Glaser succeeds admirably In the comedy vein 'which she assumes. It con tains Vhugesowiely", good dashes of ex cellent comedy, to use a word of Dolly's coinage, and? is' one of - those delightful bits of acting tliat one loves to see. i.The company-Is well selected and ad mirably cast' The show Is well worth the while. It will bo presented tonight and' at a matinee tomorrow afternoon at the Marquam Grand theatre. i X .n ;-m , v'-V...?-.-rt ' axoad-b tksatxs. There is' no difficulty in finding the place to laugh. It Is the Arcade theatre. The Jokes are not forced, and the laugh ter bubbles forth : spontaneously. 'Th BernardBand Raymond and Steveiia. are the chief vendors .of merriment this week. , and their wares have found .a readf sale. KXAB JWAXTEBS."l ,:; a "The Head Wallers" win-be seen at Cordray's theatre again tonight with Joe Kelly and Jits clever company. If you like fun go and see it. "? . . k a '.. :. - - t. . ' iw. ', ' "tM mamTBKi nr.M "The Minister's Son." somewhat after the style of the late Sol Smith Russell's plays, that were loved and admired by almost., everybody omes io Cordray's theatre next Sunday evening, with W, B, Patten a the tar.- , ; ' . ' , ,, "TKB TWO. 8ZSTSX8." Denman Thompson's "The Two Sis ters." a companion to "The Old Home stead. v is booked for the Maoquam Grand theatre next Wednesday night and will be performed by Hlckey and Warming ton's company. It is some years sine this pWJr' h been Been here.; la fact it has been in. retirement a few seasons. The author has re-writtfti it up to the requirements of the minute and the man agement has given It all possible artistic. pictorial, ana ; dramatic embellishment. The advance sale of seats will opeja next jhuuuhjt murning ai 1WOC10CK.V- 1: 'V' i"TH BEiM.- .,: M:.. George Alison of the Baker company nas a great pari next week as Mathlaa ;.' v .:: FURSr FOR- GIFTS-..:. ASS- ' ' . jggJ C,P.iRUf.lMEUN & SONS 1 26 Second St , near "Washington A large assortment of Fine Alaska Bear Boas, Sable end l k Isabella Fox. Boaj, Sable Woll, White Sable, White ; Vl :. , Thibet, Etc.- ' . v; FUR STOLES VCJ it - IN BLACK LYNX, SABLE, MINK, CHINCHILLA, SQUIRREL, MOLE .AND ERMINE, BLACK MAR. - . TEN, MINEVER, ETC , , ' i ' i , ' Alaska Stihllns. London Dye. Our Specialty - ' . FUR JACKETS PILLOW MUFFS ROSES and RUGS' In "The Bells," and as he has played it with .Proctor's Stock company In New York! and with much success. It Is very probable he will do splendid work in the role, - made so famous by Sir Henry Irving. ' - f , - AT TU BIZX. , ' - "Tha. Liars" closes a successful week at the Baker tomorrow night. "The LiarV'. Is a society comedy, and deals with ; the complications arising from a young wife's efforts to conceal a trilling indiscretion from a Jealous husband. - V.. "Lo6xjoira roa wira." At the Empire theatre for three nights starting Sunday night, next, will be pre sented one of theJttlg comedy successes of the season.""lJK)king for a Wife," a farce In three acts. . The company con tains -26 people and is said to be one of the best of this class of attractions. Special : scenery and effects are, carried by theeompany for the entire production end the -costumes aj-e hovel and beauti ful. Some of the best comedians on the stags hRve been secured and it is assured to all who attend, three hours of music and t un,' t v , "TKS BOWSXT Arrx OAJtX." The indications point, to a large audi ence at the Saturday matinee to be given at the Empire tomorrow afternoon. "The Bowery After Darfc' which is the pres ent week's bill, will be presented. But three more performances of the play wljl be given. - u. m , ... CHIEFLY PERSONAL v FrtBk C'.t Towns- of St.' Paul left for his home in the 'East this afternoon, after spending ' a few days with Ma J. Frank. 8. Baker of this city. Dn Arthur W. Morse of the United States army, is in the city today, on his way to Vancouver.. .Dr. Morse served for two' years , at y Ft. Walla Walla, and has now been assigned' to Vancouver, .... Ex-Judge Frank . Williams Is at the Perkins,. N. C. Evans, a capitalist of Hood River, is registered at the Imperial. Ji W. Gunn of Seattle is stopping at the Imperial. Kate Wallace Barrett of . Alexandria is In the city. She will take charge of the Florence Crlttenton home. bb. CKAncA' 'XBSTzaras. That the churches are not reaching the masses is. the opinion of Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, the noted evangelist, who arrived In the city yesterday to take charge of the evangelistic meet ings 'which are being held In the First Presbyterian church. It is his opinion that thev church t in many respects . is slipping backward in its work of reach ing souls. The time for such work is now ripe, be. believes. . ' At the close of the services yesterday ... j fit- nn rvrvn uu V So" frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. , Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or take something that only half "cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.' - - v ' ir JL , i nn U2 n fo) uii ; Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and prevents ill r -- GREATEST THROAT and LUNQ REMEDY 1 I HAD BRONCHITIS FOR TWENTY YEARS ' ANfJ. THOUGHT HE WAS INCURABLE : CONSUSPTION THREATENED . . .. C Unger, 21 1 Maple St.? Champaign; 111., writes: ; l waa treuDiea wjin a nacajng couen tor a year ana r . s, - . ,t 1 tboiieht I had consumption. I tried a 'peat many' Henry Livingstone Babylon, N. Y., writes: "I; remedies and I was under the care of physicians for- ' suffrer th Bronchitis for twenty years v several 'months. i I -tised one bottle of FOLEY'S y-IT5 "!nr with J?' ."u l ntil I u"4-. HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not -. 0"Ti? Au -fAK wha cured me or kaan viK1ak4 2sk VVVU UVUUIve VlUWVi TimEE GIZEG, 25c,50o and $1.00- Rofuso Substitutes J A For Sale by WOODARD, CLARKE SL CO. and LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. afternoon . Rev. Chapman requested the ministers to remain, when the project to hold revival services in all the churches for the first three montha' of next year was discussed, vr v .'..?.;. r.-. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Chance for free Bide en the Xleraat : Steamer BaOey Gatsert The fast Boat Gets There. , ' Tha purser of the steamer "Bailey Gatzert" Is-instructed to return all fares to passengers before leaving . the . boat at The Dalles or at Portland, provided the "Bailey Gatiert" does not arrive at said - ports before the opposition boat, leaves Alder street dock at 7 a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, re turning alternate days (except Sunday). Fare to any point, 25 cents. Finest of meals, 25 cents. A Pretty' Sight. One of the " prettiest showings of diamonds Jewelery, watches, ' novelties, etc., ln the . city - are 1 to be 'found at Jaeger Bros.'- on Morrison street. Every Inch of available space: in their cosy and attractive store is crowded with holiday goods. . Special care has-been exercised in selecting their stock this year and many new and exclusive de signs are to be found only at Jaeger's. If you want to be with the crewd visit Jaeger .Bros. , From early morn until lata at night their , store - Is crowded, and you never, have to wait to be at tended. Polite and attentive clerks are there in plenty to show you the many pretty things. Burdock Blood Bitters gives a iaif a clear head.san active brain, a strong, vigorous body makes him fit for the battle of life. . IE 4 ' i Btti - X-.- . ' veto.,: AT. OUR : STORE -JS.. -ri" Friday and Saturday Uncalled for Suits, Pants; arid Overcoats At One-Half Price ;$f5!I r p5 Suits foi $10 Pants 2.50 Every garment was made to order for some one, in one of our many branch stores Seattle, Tacoma, Spiokane or San Francisca f or $15 to $40. You get thent for -price--a dandy for nearly nothing. o n rrn on, 21 1 iiS 144 SIXTH STREET . I - g-ri;; ' . . ..... ' . .v; .'' y:-. , ... , r ; '': .V' V-iV-1 ''' ?' '. Electricity" In Your' Home Brings : comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights.; ;;Enjoy a few, comforts while you are, alive forvyou are a long ' time dead : : : ' : : -.: ; ' W .'''--. ,;""-''ft'- .-, ; '-. . ,. t ' v . . 'V -V ''I .0-y t , -. . ' i Portland General Electric Co THE PORTLAND v .... AMERICAN 'PLAN $3 Per Day and Upward MA0QUA2TERS FC2 TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS.- peeial rates made te' famlUee aad etngle gentlemen. The meaagemant will e yleased at all times te show rooms aad give prioea. A modern -Turtle fcatk eeUhllslunwt to the heteL --. , . i X. O. BOWXXS, afasager. Slfe.. The Carpenter's Christmas... r Whether he be a prefesslonal or nn amateur can be made joyful in luge , measure if it brings him a handsome chest of tools of the best grade' steel.'.! etc.," sold by us, and so well assorted . as to meet the carpenter's -and cabinet maker's every need. . . ' AVER.Y t CO. 82 Third Street Let Us Figure bh Your Printing ; F. W. BalteS (), P.r. Printers ' . First and Oak " Phone Main 165 V f-ztfrtiifi I " ' I l" bere. of exquisite flavor, and 1 "! J M I I m ' velvety and mellow, It Is an appetiser, V: MiA n 'ifi '5 I tonic and bracer at tho same time, an.l ftt'-i : rl W I'll W '! general favorite wlthj. all who value II r. IV'A I y'Ry'l 1 u a rood. Dure wh lake v. Oursto,k of wines It Hits the Spot Every Time - That is what connoisseurs say of the A. D. G. Rye Whiskey and liquors ere all high-grade and the best made. Try' A. X. O. BTE. , w d. qermXinus 828 .MOISOf HONEST MIAStfmB. 2 BTOBB. -