5. , 12 THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, t PORTLAND. FRIDAY EYKEqyQ. rDECTfBDR 11, 1903. '1 . , Bargains Bargains We ar opposed to hlf prions : la any form- W. bay our ffoofta for spot.caeai therefore we mi aaA'4o ' oir th Birrest turtiM at'aii. times. ' . . . the ;, v nvVX'1- no o o Ills. o o '::; Yr.r V""' jrsf(D)in)o)f(D)r J. K. STANTON, Manager. Cor. First and Salmon Streets TOYS TOYS Come la and luspeot our display of Toys before rotaf up tow to bar. Wo 7o almost so pot oost oa prloov of tho Ufa-rent .establishments. . J - CSBEfej Blankets ! JBlanKets ! Blankets ! ' ""Xx. Lei v- aa tr 1 ao r m. ' b.i.l tuf mi'.lratal v i r -i.niTnn i)innnRiii mini uinnncisi iuiacu uiauuvtat White BlanKets! - Red' Blankets! A& Grey BlanKets! Vicuna BlanKets! And, In fact, every kind of Blanket that is mader can be found in our stock the most completo and best-selected stock In the city. To get at the real .value of these goods you should add about, third to these prices . U , , 'r" " V Extra Quality T-oU-Slxe Cotton Blankets, white or colored, per 'pair, ..6Se Carefully elected Xarre lse Cotton Blankets, white or colored, per pair ...Mo, 91.00, 91.3S roll Slse Warm and Soft Mixed Blank rU, extra values at. $1.50,' ftl.tB, 13.45 per pair " Sample Una of White Wool Blankets, slightly soiled, will be sold at greatly reduced prices. TnU else Soft, Tlnffy Comforts, filled with, pure white carded cotton, each.. .....950, 91.88, $1.45, $1.M Xxtra Fine DownaUne C omforts, stlkollno and sateen covered, frorii. ....... ...fl,50 up Ladies' Underwear" ' One of the busiest 'sections In our store at present la our Jadles' Un derwear Counter. The attraction there for Friday and Saturday is a sale of Ladles', JHeavy Fleeced Vests and Pants, at, ..- : 1 Cft Each ...... ...mm.. 0r Children's Uhdcnvcar ' Tfie little folks enjoy the'edmfort of warin underclothing ea well the.groWn-ups. We have an excel- , lent line to offer and we start them as low as, ' 75r - Each .... 4' ....... . ....... V 'y Men's Underwear : The man doing work .on the put- .. side needs to be well protected by t good underclothing. Try some "of ' 'these: , . f Ken's Tleeced birta and Drawers. Bach . .390 and 45o Men's All-wool Shirts and BrawanM-. Zaob ..,.,..,.,...850, $tM, 91JB . Holiday Novelties : If . undecided as' to what, would, make a . suitable holiday present, come in and look over our stock. It will help you to decide at onoe when you see the wonderful values (n i Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Toilet Cases, Etc.,. Etc.- --';-v.-y--',: " ACTRESSES THE GAME i . . OF BOY THIEVES Boy thieves are still frightening de fenseless women and baffling the police. Miss Edna Archer Crawford,: leading woman at Baker's theatre, was accosted by two boys ai Twelfth and Yamhill street. Tuesday night. They seised her purse, but were unable to break the chain, Wednesday : night Miss Etteln, Miss Crawford's maid, was held up. at Thirteenth and Main 'jiitfeets . by two t Toupg ; . Wen..', who''-' stole - her purse containing $8,Mt is believed that the crimes Were committed by the same gang, the members of which robbed Miss Etholyn. Palmer, of the . Empire, theatre. of S last weeK. - , 1 ' -w!tWa$ the Dutch." " Gus Jlennekamp, : proprietor of the New" York' Grocery . store, -at Eleventh and Morrison,;, says the. small boys in his - neighborhood are. going -about on tho streets crying, - "Who lowered' the price of groceries lnt Portland 'twas the Dutch!"' He says it must mean the -New York grocery, as he is certainly "Dutoh" and has lowered the price of groceries sinqe he opened his business.-' A proof of this is found . in-'hls ad. Jin today's issue. Get a box of soap free Saturday, CUTLERY EVERY.BLADE WRRANTED OPEN EVERY NIGHT v.- No more early closing till ; the rush . lk $ over; This Christmas business maKes the- big force hustle. . 'cutlery EYEFY.BLADE VARRANTED But we're not growling on that account , We re up early in the morning and will ".stick to our text" till the shadows of evening are long upon the face of the waters, if such be necessary. We are OFFERING FOR CHRISTMAS . ' . . THE SPLENDID MAJESTIC RANGE The only indestructible Range sold in Portland all steel and cannot be broken with an axe. We gave an exhibition of this Range's cooking qualities a short time ago, and the housewives and chels of the; city pronounced it THE MARVEL OF THE AGE. And , its work is always marvelous superbly marvelous all the time. In heaters .we have the COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST FEL LOWS, a stove that will save its cost in fuel every year. Good heaters from $2.50 to $25. Don't you want one in YOUR house or room? ,.: . - ' - - " . Sandwiched in with our elegant stock of hardware is a great assortment of Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Sunasack Razor Strops, Carv ing Sets, and the, great 1847 Silverware. '..,.',-,' ' ) SOLID MONTANA SILVER TABLEWARE These goods are the best the world has ever known. We have hundreds of other appropriate Christmas presents in our store 1 JUST WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS, IF THEY ONLY KNEW IT. . ' - . . . SECOND and MOIUUSON Mpck-Dmiiiiig Hardware Co. SECOND end MORRISON A Christmas Present OP Style arid Utility THIS CENTER TABLE ! A Regular $4.00 Value Handsomely mads, select stock, In golden, oak finish, French sawed ' legs, patent construction, top 24x24 M model of workmanship. ' :: :?.,& :- ! , r ' j IRA "F. POWERS ' 131 TOIVIIT! TDD v 190 First Street ' XTl The Reliable Store 4 V furs; , Cloaks and Suits SlLVERFlELD'S 283-283 Morrison Street Christmas and Furs ' In the whole ' realm of ftftdoni there Is nothtnr that will be more appreciated than one of our hand some Fur Garments. A Reliable Fur Means a Life ' tlms Bitot Elegance r 'Choose It with the utmost care ad to quallt jjityle and workman . ship. But buy now. Ac the last minute of holiday selling every store Is a spinning pandemonium of furious .haste end you'll not' receive the proper attention. Take ' our advice and 'make your selee. tlon now and, have us, lay It aside for you. ' -;;' , '.. .;.;v,' . Genuine Alaska Seal Garments A SPECIALTY WITH US Send for Our Great Fur Catalogue . ,,,1. A Pleasing Christmas Present A COLUMBIA GRAPHORHOWE COSTS BUT LITTLE. BUT FURNISHE8 AMUSEMENT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILT. WE WILL BE OLAD TO BRING ONE TO TOUR HOUSE ON REQUEST AND PLAXTHE LATEST. MUSIC FOR YQU .' ;V AND EXPLAIN ITS SIMPLICITY; . ; ;v: :'.. rS Prices to Salt Ah Partes. Easy Payments if you wish. ! HARD-MOLDED RECORDS FOR ALL C Aei T? a CYLINDER TALKINQ MACHINES , , VUIllS lUCIl WJC HAVE THX LAR.CXST STOCK IN THX NORTHWEST Columbia Phonograph Co. TthSt. rt et i ; rv ': v. tn m nnnon ar .,. ?..:-. j ' v rV mm' Kangaroo Calf; 6 to 8 85 ' .- . ! : 810 II....-- L00vi Don't lail to see us before buying your Ladies,' Gents' and Boys' ' ; ' '." " . 't i '',' . ' ' ' ; : ........ " : ' -'.'(w-, SHOES : -A We Savt You Money ; v TRY, A PJUR Veo Selling 167, Third Street r . . 03.50 and 03.75 WALKING SKIRTvy v; $2; 95 :f . Walking Skirts that havm alway glun satisfaction In fit and wtar. : Hmavy Milton In 'black, navy and Oxford , ttltchid and bandednewitt flan shap; Spltndld tklrtt . that will stand havtst wlnUr war. k Perfect fitting. , . ' 03.50, 03.75 Walltinrj Sltirts 02.95 2,000 Pairs 01.25 Kid Gloves at 98c Jt bountiful supptyjmf ' our wlUknowntwoclasp : Etna ovhstam Kid Glovis; Paris point tmbroldirid, all th shades, ngutar ft.2S, at only 9Sc a patr. A big supply of n uf Coif Glovs for ladlts, missis and " ehlldrtn,', ,V: ' ; '':: :,: .' v 'v' v-, r--") . PVREST'SILK SRfLLtJUHt TAFFETA RIBBONS-Special 15c Lay In a good supply at this prlct. 'JM leading colors.. A .' most wolcomo bargain fust at this season. ' .4Se, S0e FANCY RIBBONS AT 2Se YARD Prlcos cut In two on mostoUgant ribbons. ' . J r ml -,'m4mPS FUR.S FOR CHRISTMAS Furs are most acceptable presents for all womankind because to be comfort able ; women . need scarfs, stoles or stocks for the present ' style -'of collar . less coats ; to be in fashion- and women would as 'soon be out of the world as out of fashion- hence they must have furs, and here is the place to get them. STOCKS. SCARFS, STOLES of every "known ltind of fur all -of; the good quality you've come to associate .with this.. storeAll at the fairest.of 'prices. - ....... H. LIEBES Q COMPANY . . " '. .THE WORLD'S GREATEST FURRIERS J. P. Plsgemann, Manager -7 ' , 2SS Morrbon St, Portland, Ore. k Qiistaas Surpiise FOR THE MAN7 wOh, dear! .What shall I buy him fonOiristaias ? " is a remark heard every day now. - We.would suggest an OyeVcoat,:a 'useftil and very acceptable gift for these chilly, 'mornings,; especially, when "you- can buy : here for the next two days- till 10 o clock Saturday night 1 rv 4 . v 4v9Vs. :fsi';!"'; ... K vj tgM, im, K.ta SratlMM, , Real $ 1 0.00 and $ 1 2.00 OVlERCOAtS !. FOR ONLY . v. ; f . All the latest styles and materials; well made, and best linings; splendid $10.00 to $12.00 values any place in i the city. As . a Christmas flyer, choice, $7.75 It will' pay you to wait and watch for pur Great Clothing Sale Commencing Monday. , The New Welch Sterling Hat at $3 1 Is the Acme of Hat Perfection,: equal in appearance and:wear of ; : any,Hatat$3.50to$5.Anyjtylesoftor.s IT WILL PAYVOU TO TRADE WITH i, t , i . - WELC v The American Clother 11 - f. '221, 223 Morrison, Cor. irst Street ; r