rvti 1:1 mni,nftV''-niT.v' ' TriTm"V'A t. padtt avm s rrmrnanAV -n-irTixTix-rv TTriT-rT'7!T nv . -nr. TOWN TOPICS mail them to, the Albera Bros.' Milling company, 240-J43 Front street, and a eopy of - the-book will be sent to the address of the sender. Violet Outs. Is a breakfast food of- the first quality, made in Portland, and always fresh and healthy. , , . . T . r Ucms of Local Interest 'for Busy Journal Readers. State President Helen Hartford ad dressed the Central union, W. C, f. V., at the regular meeting held In the Y. M. C. A. hall yesterday, and told of the work that was being accomplished gen erally In the good of the cause. Oood results had been, obtained at Eugene, ah said, end. tho organisation was In a - flourishing' condition, - Noticeable gains were apparent the country over, which showed an Increase of Interest In the work. A medal contest for the chil dren! Will bo held In the First Baptist church Tuesday evening, under-the aus pices of the local union. . - - ' Christmas shoppers are thronging the "White Corner these days. . That store seems to be the Mecca for. all persons seeking real bargains, and many a full arm Is seen leaving that institution, ac companied by a most satisfied expres sion on its owner's face. It is simply wonderful what can be had at that place for a little money. 1 It Is . alsd 'wonder ful to behold the array of merchandise that ban been gathered together, appro priate to the holidays goods that are useful; vtoo, yet exactly the thing for friendly remembranoes during these times of cheer and gratitude, c'v; - There la a business chance advertise ment on. the Classified page today that offers an Investment amounting to $10, 000 that will yield abundant returns on the money that it costs. The-advertiser has 'two businesses, manufacturing and lobbing, and desires to dispose of one of hem. 1 xfethe re fore wltt eel 1 either tn order that he may have the time to push the other, bat- as both are gilt-edged he will 'pay no attention to the curious or others not meaning business. Those who dd mKan business can . procure the ad vertiser's address by applying at this office. ' ' , 1 - The .city will set a good example-to owners of private; property on the east ida where the sidewalks are lq bad shape by constructing new artificial stone walks around the park blocks In Couch's addition. City Engineer Elliott finished his estimate yesterday and the work will be awarded soon. .; The estimate calls for 1,100 foot of walk six feet In width, 228 feet of 12-foot walk and-3,200 feet of stone curbing. This will cost approxi mately $2,400. . The Dalles City leaves Alder street at :30 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves The Dalles Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at T a. nv Makes all way landings. Fare 15 cents. Ship your freight by the Regulator line. iTbe Regulator line Is the only company that ' has comfortable and dry ware houses for the reception of freight and 'passengers. - v - Under the auspices of the Portland 'Art association an ' exhibition of ' the sketches of Sir Seymour Hayden , Is being held In the rooms In the library building. The collection comprises some of the masterpieces of the noted artist, and was generously loaned the associa tion by tho owner. . The White House Cook Book Is give away with packages . of Violet Oats. Each package contains a coupon, 'and ,when 20 of these have been saved up k-v fcri.ii.iuii xur.iiie reniuvvt ui a iiuijiub . ' Reynolds as , administrator of" the estate of Catherine M. Crow, deceased, has been Hied in the county court by J. P. Flnlev, county coroner. Mr. FInley holds a funeral bill for $75, - due since 1891. and ha would like tohavejt paid. The, administrator, Mr, FInley Bays, has neglected his trust: has allowed lots to be. .sold .for taxes, and should be" dis placed. , , , , , - ; I Will 1 give : 20 , evening lectures on assaying and determination of - ores, commencing December 15, providing' a sufficient number of students apply be fore that date. J. H. risk, 204 Wash ingtoa street. ; Want , your- collars : and -cuffs !yelr lowed? Then don't. take them to the Vnton Laundry; Second and Columbia. Our steam-heated collar and cud! ironer doesn't : burn the linen or change its color. - , , The beautiful and attractive flexible leather bindings now so much In-vogue can be seen In the fullest - variety at Swing's Book Store, corner Fourth and Yamhill. . - , - - When you want some very fln? marble or monumental work done, In vorder to be pleased you must take- your order to Otto Schumann," next door to Taylor street church. . ... 1 . : . ; Washington, has received a new. tot of Gem safety razors, singly and In sets. Just the thing as an Xmas gift for .a shaving man. 0 i . Ladles' 1 purses, - pocketbooks, rardr cases and wrlstbags at Albert Bernl's drug store.j Second and Washington. New"goods andTTlarge "assortment "to Choose from, . c- j At a meeting of the Mothers' club of Brooklyn, to be held In the school building tomorrow afternoon, Mrs. W. Johnson will deliver an address on thy rnitippines. . , Don't wait "till Kew Tears to buy your Christmas presents, Come now while stock Is large and enjoy a fine assort ment, John A, Beck, 20? Morrison, near Front. Any time you want a pretty design for some printing, call on Peaslee Bros. Co., Sherlock building. Their . excellent de signing has won them fame.,. . Printing? Yes, we do It, and all kinds! If you have ony Christmas printing, let us do it for you. Metropolitan Printing company, 1 17 First street. Fine dayt Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repairing and recovering. Two stores Washington and 6th, Morrison and 6th, Printing. Best work by Mann ft Beach, 12 Second and 231 Stark. Enlarged faclll ties. Everything first class. -Phone 444. '- "Down ' In , Maine" will '. be presented In the University Park auditorium to morrow evening by the Haywood club. a. Portland Club, r 0 'Fifth street. A palatable lunch served- every evening from ft until 11 p. m. Try B. A 8. 'Homeopathic CatarrB Powders, They, cure. 303 Washington street. ' - Services consecrating three new bells will bis held at the Sacred Heart church nest Sunday. A number of priests will assist at the ceremony. The bells were secured by: donation. - - 1 United States Judge Bellinger this morning . overruled . the demurrer, pre-, sented- by Jefferson Ilougham to the answer of t the Consolidated Bonanza Jiold Mines company. Houghham is suetng Tor possession 01 certain mineral claims. H; demurred , on- the ground that points in the defense were conflict ing. . - Alblna people, got photos at Tliwaites'. SOS Williams ave. Cabinets $2.58 dozen. ; If it's good eating you're looking .for, see Max Smith, opposite old postoffloe. lovejoy & Lincoln, bookbinders, paper rulers, 128 Slrst. Tel. Main 8080. ' ,' E. H. Moorehouse A Co., at Seventh and Alder. Telephone Main 1343.; - If your present lunches do not satisfy you go to The Savoy. - Ansley, printer. 'Centennial envelopes, ' Dr. A. F. Petxel, dentist 401 Dekum. . - Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekum building. We Have Them. ' ' Have what? Why the -. Choicest; handsomest, Dantlest collection of Parisian opera glasses Ever seen In Portland ' For wise Christmas, buyers. And we sell them " Way below the market, -too. Walter Reed, the Optician, .133 Cth St., Oregonian building. BABY CALLS POLICE .' : 0.VA MILE RUN i Because baby, aged two and a half years, thought she saw a man in the cellar of her home, the police were summoned to the residence of Conrad- BtarK, duo v;iay street, yesterday. The officers : responded In a hurry, Driver Oruber urging his trusty steeds to their utmost.. When; he; arrived Officer -Ma-loneyw'ent throvgft the-bast-mentrplstol Iti hand, expecting to And" a desperate character. But there was no one In the house. Mrs. ; Stark said she had not seen the; man, but the baby had told her there wee an intruder In the base ment' ' ; 1 , xms cxtxb roa truss. Itching piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 50c a jar, at druggiHts, or sent by mall. Treatise free, write me about your case.- Dr. Bosanko. Pbll'a. Pa, Don't Throw Your Honey Away. ' If you want good returns for, your money there is no better way than. In buying Sexine Pills, the great tonic that makes you feel new and that sends the healthy blood -bound Ing--tbrotfgh the body, adding new life to every part They are guaranteed with cash coupons In each . box. These ; grpa nerve ana manhood builders are sold only by J. A. Cleraenson, druggist 'corner Second and Yamhill streeu, at $1 box, six boxes for IS. They make -you,, sleep soundly, eat heartily ahd. give new. life and energy, 'i.yc.':-', . PROTECT FOREVER : CITY'S WATER SUPPLY At the regular monthly sesslorf of the water board last evening It was decided to ask the Oregon delegation in congress to introduce a bill segregating the Bull Run water reserve for' all time., Noth ing formal was done In the matter, but It was the general decision that a resolution should be drawn tip and sent to congress which will request permanent protection to the city's water supply, Engineer D. D. Cook estimated that 16 miles of pipe will be required for the coming year. This will cost in thr neigh borhood of 374,000 and .an additional too, 000 will be required for laying the mains.. A number of new mains will be laid so as to supply the site of the proposed fair grounds with water. .. , - ;-, ' ' Old Starling Whisky. . ' Old Starling, fine old 'matured whisky, 33 ner gallon, at Neuberger's Full Mer- sure House, 108 Sixth street Phone Jref erred ttock -taed Oooa,, Allen & Lewis' Bebv Brand. AT THE THEATRES "TKH XJABI." . , Henry Arthur Jones'- comedy, "The Liars," is pleasing the patron of the Bakfr all this week. While a dreaa-suit play; It abounds in a bright and elevating flow of wit and comedy, and at the. same time has a" bit of a' thrill co It v.;-; - , m situ." Next week the Baker theatre company will produce ."The Bells," made famous by Henry , Irving, with George Alison in the star part of Mathlas. ' xvxiV oxAism Tovxaxx. - r-NotBthceMErmtnte" hn-thererteTm really truly comic opera In this country until -J'DoUy Vardea" was produced by Miss Lulu Glaser, In hlch the fair young singer will appear at the Mar quaro Grand theatre tonight-and tomor row night and Saturday matinee. The plot of "Dolly Varden" haa to do with a country girl left to-the care of a middle aged guardian, who in order to secure Dolly's fortune tor himself seems 'to wed her, He ; keeps . her secluded from all society so that she may not mert and fall In love, with any younger man than himself. How she outwits him and mar ries the dashing Capt Belleville is thf) story of the opera. . - . AJtOAOB TRiTII. : The Arcade theatre -' presents good shows. : The public responds with lib eral patronage. This is the secret of the popularity of this model playhouse. The Lakolas. the Bernards, Raymond and Stevens. Belle Wilton, J. W.. Myers and the bioscope make up a program of merit. : ' ' . : 'THB BOWXXT -ATTCM DABX," ' "The Bowery After Dark." showing the shady side of New Tork life, will have but four ; more presentations by the Empire stock company. The play Is an excellent melodrama. Tommy Tra- cey, the Australian pugilist in a boxing bout is a mignty feature. . :TXB TWO SXSTEKS." "The . Two Sisters,' Denman Thomp son's drama, will be the attraction at tho Marquam theatre next ; Wednesday night, , December' ib. :-, ' j i, ,; ;? . '.Li'; "looxura roi a yn-n .V' "Looklne; for a Wife," presented by a jpHE mos, successful want suppliers "in the Christ-, mas present line, are unques tionably ourselves-remphat.. ically. the most successful. Facilities, experience and long service in the interest of public has caused this. Our goods are always thoroughly "dependable; our prices are always lower than elsewhere. HEADQUARTERS FOR DIAMONDS WATCHES -As regards ryour gift buy t ing. we vould say with Longfellow: ' "Do not delay; the golden moments flyl" ; Come hither to look, to be pleased in quality, in prices and in treatment, to buy. We do not fear comparisonlook "elsewhere and then come here and look. You'll be pleased. - i I AKtrSEMXITTS, Marquam Grand TheatrtwkS.. Tbm-wlnj" na . yTidy nlxtat. Dec. 10, Jt, metlnee 8tut(liy, rr. 12, at 3:1( ' clock, Mr, f, C. Whitney prewnui nrtw otA8m - ' ....... In the comic cpw, ' J "DOLLT AROE." Price (both matinee and nicht) Pirijnstte, $2; parquette clri-1. $1.5(1; btlrotty. fir.t all rows, $1; Uat six rowa, 78c! gallery, 75c and ROc; boxes and lo$e; $12.50. ' BeU are now aelllnf .". 1 . v' ' company of 25 people, Including some of the best comedians now on the stage. will open at the Empire theatre for three nights, .starting Sunday lilglit next7 AH E. W. MOOSE'S HEW OnOWn ITiOOH OAttEST AT SEVESTH AMD ten Err-i 7yr ( -tnjrlr. .... r,r. x.- rr . . t-Xri -r- - 1 f v,, - " fr 1 j- v sasa-vkl,.;.,.;:,;---,, - :-"t r Trrx : W 'vVlf '"' 1 l.l' it Jfl'Os'"" ! I i "I' W : " & vim -J ft-1 gmmp p.rilii. 'f X". v. fft Sri 1 r ' - c - f ! ! X, , ; J. n ; , Built-aceordtng-to- the-speclal plans and directions of Mr. Moore, thin studio is as complete as it Is possible to make it There is a 'ground- , floor entrance and parlor on Seventh street; an entrance on Wanlilngton street leading to an upstairs parlor, and the operating room, and the whole Is most richly and superbly furnished. - Mr. Moore employ no agents, and has no connection with any other gallery. Christmas sittings should be engaged eawy. Phone, Main 2989. - . - v. - AXtrgXHSSTaV Empire Theatre GEOHOp, L. BAKER, Bealdeat Manater. TONIGHT.' , TOSIGHTi ' T0KHT X1ACIT , . In , "IHB BOWEBT AfTES DARK." gee Tracey aodTDcQey Bor Four Houndi. PrlcM Nitbt, 15c, S&e, 30c, 60c; matlne. 10c, 18c. 38c. . . Three Nights, Starting Sunday Night . uecember is. The Big Farce Comedy, "looxxira rox a wrrx.". Fun, Music and Pretty Girls. 86 PEOPI.B 85. Prices 1 Sc. 25c, J5o and 80c 1 THE BAKER THEATRE - - Rcnrga L. Baker, sln taaee and Uanaser. ThU wck, etery. olbt, matinees Saturday and Btinda;. . . "THE IIAM, a society comedy In four acta, by Ttenry Arthur Joni). preaentrd by tb farnrite Biiker Tbeater Company. Evening prlcra, fiitc, 'Me,. 25c, ilie, Krenlng curtain, 8:15. Matinee, l!fx 15c, 10c; mattne 3:15. Next week, Henry Irylnf'a great U'cmi. "XHH BKIXH." preccflcd by a one-act farce, "IC1 ON PAttl.K FttAN'CAIS." special scenery la carried. The muBlcal numbers are far above the average and Include the Very latest metropolitan suc- AMU8BMESTS. QORDRAY'S THEATRE y :,':'"' Cordray & Russell, Managers.' TONIGHT AND ALI. WEEK THE HEAD WAITERS A big company headed by Joe Kelly, ' NEXT "WEEK STARTING SUN0AT NIGHT " THE PECULIAR COMEDIAN . MR. V B. PATTON IN THE MINISTER'S SON it Prices as -usual. Arcade . Theatre 120 Washington, between (th and 7th. AMUSEMENT PARLOBS. Open rmm 10 a. th. tn 11 p. m, ' ; REriMZD VAUDEVILtE. MVB SHOWS DAILY 2:30, :30, T:30, f 3 and 8.30. ' ADMISSION 10c TO ANT SEAT. CONCEUT BALI, BLAZIEK BlOfl. -CONCBRT ETIRT BlOBt, r' 'i'-U'r': -T ... -L "I. I "" '-'" ! 1 i i " ' j 'A r if If Silt i L ; i- j r 1 A t - . .-.(. m, r . m , ,1 J: GRAND OPENING SALE OF THE BROWNS , . .... .. . . -. .'.'". . r VILLE. In Our New Store, Cor. Third and Stark Streets Opposite Chamber of Commerce We announce to the public, our friends and patrons, that after two years of being exiled on a side street, the old reliable BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE , has again ' came forward in this hew prominent corner location, and from this time on it will take its place, as one of the leading and most reliable Clothing and Woolen Goods stores in the Northwest To celebrate this most important step In the Woolen Mill's history and to get prominently before the 'people, we will, during the month of December, make a special cut on Men's Clothing as follows: ' -?;'v'!: V "" "'-" : , Vt'Zi'- ' T-V-'r's' The Pick and Choice, Without Reserve of Any Suit in Our Store for . , ' . We have over one thousand suits in the store that sell at $13.50, $15 00, $16.50, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, and . . a few up as hlj as $30.00. ' NEW STORE Corner Third arid Stark Streets; Opposite Chamber of Commerc