SANDY TELLS WHY HE DIDN'T GET TURKEY LAST THANKSGIVING r ! t I NK A Nice turkey V r . y V V ' 'I FPU MY THANKS-) A, ' . t W 3' ,.. ,., , IciviNa oinnerT VcL, alKi r , ip can spake enoucn if . 1 rHlJHERDjK' T' I 711 FOM My WELt T N. A ( I e "It UJS last Thanlcso'lvlno' and I ; a orwvi nrauc fe rim hnm "T rrrst mv tttrL-t all inU 7fl mlf. fs. t n j L ,. ..-.,.. .nt. it I I 1 l i. .. " ' To' ' O' w - - .fcw " - a &vi iMi w mt ift.ui. v iuuwj ttviii a tiiftvt t iwu. VAiuitwicu iijs K oiuvs wiiil w; gd Kf na SUUn HdWI 11 ruasunjc. "I must have, slipped off asleep, 'cause I woke up smcllinx; burning - meat. The balloon .was .collapsing' I'd used too much of the gas a. The rest.of the. story Is too .disagreeable to relate to friends,' v ft - f ft fi- it is H i t 0 WILLIE GREAT THAN-KSglVIWG DAT CARVING INVENTS! OBJ FORCER 1NT0THE. COG (5T07) IjfpVSEiS fflf" i Dear TommyYou know'Papa always makes a" mess "of carving; "We had company, Grandma, the Minister, and Maudie's new beau. When Papa a turkey, oo 1 made a carving saw tor him to use this year. . started to carve everybody smiled. iliK1'- ' ,1. "- ,;!,' .4' 'V,,"' vA, iininiwwriiiiii mw fx - '.v .. .. -.AVi, i rrrrr' i--jT--' 1 J "'OLcourse when Papa struck, or rather failed to strike, th fomt he got rattled """""""I""J:"J' u" -""-'"-"";"""IIJ"IWIW -'''' " ' ; j 4P-t"J """""M " '" '3L " ' 111 1 . " mm vrr wr, ii -rrrr . 5("iA . .'.,mmnwl""1" ' 1 1W V .' " . - - ...... - ' y " ' i r r-vv. - 'But he thought of the saw just In tixat-i m An4 in about a second the leg was Sawed e& A i AThen .there was troub!e'--the clutch got caught and the saw just kept buzzing around In the.inside of. the turkeyt .throwing the stuffing all.over. everybody," - Yours, .WILLIE