11 OITT NOTICES. CITT IIOTIOIA. CITT HOTIOES. CITT NOTICE. CITT K0TT0E8. CITT B0TICEB, BAIL10AB TIMETABLES. THE tiliEGON DAILY JOURNAL. TOUTLAND, HOND A Y EVENING, OYKMBE R 9t 1903. MOPOBED ASSEBSXEKT 10 A CHART KWIM IV XAST TAMHILL. EAIT THIKTV-iEVIMTH AJTO OTHZB ITREZTI . AMD AYirreg, Notle la hereby given that th council inn vnr ot rortiana urnpoae to asapa toe lowing described iiroinrtr and ivnen as specially and peculiarly benefited In amounts set annual ta tha name and lU.na thereof by tha construction cf follows: In Eaat Tblrty-ewventh street a point In Eaat Stark ataeet to sewr In lauiuill street. In Eaat Yamhill street u ewer In Kaat Ysnihlll atrmt at Eaat Thirty Ixtb street Id Eaat Waatalngton street from tha weat Una of Kaat Thirty-elgbth trt to ewer 10 Kaat Tblrty-ceventn afreet; in - Aider itroat from tha wnl Una of Kaat Ikhth atreet to sewer lu Kaat ThU'ty-eevcntt treet; In Kaat Morrlaon atraet from tha line of Kaat Thirty-eighth street to ewer in r.vat Thlrty-eveutn street; In East Stark tract from tha aaat Una of Kaat Tblrty-lghth street to sewer In Eaat Tblrty-vuth street; aid wer to ba known a "A cbaln-of eewer In Kaat lYanjhlll.- Kaat Thlrty-vntB at a I. Mwtti," and to ba eonstructad aa provided 117 ordinance No. 13,814. - Anr oblartlona tn tha ennortlonment of coat for sail sewer mnat ba mada In writing tha council and fllrd with tha anoito witnin 16 dura from tha data of the first publication of Uila notice, and aald objections will be heard and determined by tha council befor the paaaag of tha ordinance eaeealutv the coat or (aid ewr.. Ooalor'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 1, lot 4, Ilalhprt H. Crosier.,.,....! Hlk 1. lot 5. Halhert H. Croaler Plk 1. lot A. Halhert II. Crosier. ... Hlk i, lot 10, 11. inert H. Croaler....... ma 1, mi 11, iinineri 11, irnsier. Mk 1, lot 12. Halbert 11. Crosier.. Blk 'A lot 4. Halhert II. Croaler Mk 3. lot S, Halhert II. Croaler Blk 2, lot 6. Halbert 11. Crosier........ Xlk S. lot 10, Samuel II. Smith........ Tllk 2, lot 11. Loretta M. Taylor Blk J, lot 12. Samuel II, Smith Plk S, lot 4. W. O. Reglater Xlk S lot B, John F-pperly... Hlk 8. lot 6. W. U. Reglater Blk 8, lot 10, Jamea O. Butler Plk 8. lot 11, Hnlun K. Dunlway Itlk 3, lot 12, Ralph H. Dunlway Suhnyalde Hlk 111. lot 7. W. J. Seaman I'lk 19. lot 8, Annie H. Vleranl.. Hlk 11. lot 9. Mary Vleranl Hlk 10. lot 10, William Bate Xlk 111, lot 11, F. W. Stone.... Xlk IK, lot 12. Clara A. Heetinger Plk in, )ot 13, Chrlattaoa Haetlnfar... Plk 10. lot 14, Rose B. Stone Xlk II). lot 15. V, W. and Rose Stone.. Xlk 19. lot Id, Chrlatlana Ilaetinfer.... Xlk 20. lot T, Edwin Cadwcll Blk 20. lot 8, Bunnyalda Land Im proreinent company Plk 2. lot I). Miinnyalde Land A Im nroTomcnt eowpany Blk 20. lot 10. Cbarlca and Uffte A. tlaUka 77... Xlk . lot It, William A. ('If land Xlk 20. lot 12. Ida A. Carllle Blk 20, lot 13. Hunnyalde Land Im prorvmcnt company , Blk 20. lot 14. Bunnyalda Land A Im proTement company Xlk 2o. lot 111. Kdward Lorena.. Xlk 20, lot Id, Mollle R. Hunter Blk 81. lot T, Bunnyalda Laud A Im uroTcment ompany , Xlk 81, lot S. C A. and Florenca K. t le Xlk 81. lot 9. Ccllla (tchleffer Xlk 81. lot 10. Hunnyalde Land A Im- proTement company , . . . Elk 81. lot 11. Suunralde Land Im- prorcmcnt company Xlk 81, lot 12. Nekton L. Woodard Ilk 81, lot 18. Cbarlca Whltmer Plk 8-1. lot 14, Cbarlca Whltmer Plk 81, lot 15. J. B. Ohatnbcrllo Blk 31. lot 16. Hunnjalde Land A Im Pn)cmci't cotnn.inr Xlk 81. lot IT, William N. Oary....... Xlk 81. lot 18. William N. Oar..V;... Plk .12, lot 1. John F. O Donn-ll Xlk .12. lot 2. John V. O Donncll. . ., ... Plk 82. lot 3. John F. O Donncll Xlk .12. lot 4. Theodore J. Oary Plk 1?, lot 8. Horeiirti C. Webatcr Xlk 82. lot 8. Florence C. Wehater Xlk 32. lot 7. Mra. A. Cirlftln Hlk .12. lot 8. John M. Wallace Xlk .12. lot P. John M. Wallace Xlk .12. lot 10. Konradt Xrandt Plk .12. wcat H of lot :i. Ralph Fooa- neaa Blk o2. wcat H of lot 12, Ralph rooa nee Blk J2. eaat H of lot 11. Relnbolt Wlll laraen , Xlk .12. eaat H of lot 13. Relnbolt Will tamcn Xlk .1.1. wcat. H lot 1, Panl Srhulo.. fllk 81. wcat V, lot 2, Paul Hchulo fclk S3, eaat H of lot 1, A. E. Llnd- mm Blk ?3, eaat H of lot 2, A. E. Lod "cy Xlk .1.1. lot 8. Viola T. Mulr Blk 33. lat 4. J.. N. and Suaan N. Fow Icr Xlk 8.1. lot 5. fieorae K. Clark Hlk 3.1, lot . (ieorae K. Clark . Plk 8.1, lot T, Auanata Rltcnonr Plk .1.1. fot 8, Nell h. Lindacy f lk PS. lot . Oeorfrla 11. Carter t Ik .1.1. lot 10, AtiRueta Rlttenour Xlk 84. lot 1. OcM-ae A. Merrill Plk 34, lot 2. Ocorae A. Merrill Plk 84, lot 3. Gcorae A. Merrill....... Plk .14, lot 4, Oeorae A. Merrill Xlk 84. lot 5. Oeorae A. Merrill Xlk 84, lot 8. Oeorae A. Merrill Xlk 84, kit 7, John Ba 11 m partner . Xlk 84. lot 8, John Xanmirartner . Xlk 84. lot 9. John Banmirartner Blk 84, lot 10, Hiram Campbell Blk 35, lot 1, Edward and Johanna GII lla . Blk35, lot 2, Edward and Johanna 011- Plk m, 'ioV 3,' Martha" J." Anderaoii '. '. '. '. '. Elk 8.1, wcat 1-8 of lot 4, J. J. Roae.. Xik 35. wet 18 of lot R. J. J. Roaa.. Xlk 35. weet 1-8 of lot 6. J. J. Roaa.. Blk .15, eaat 2-3 of lot 4. Katie Rabe nelck , . . Blk 15. eaat 2-3 of lot B, Katie Rabe nclck Bl - oaat 2-8 of lot 6. Katie Rabe nelck , .. Xlk .15. eaat H of lot 7. Mary E. Pitta. Xlk 35. eaat U of lot 8. Mary E. Fltta. Xlk 85. eaat H of lot B. Mary K. Fltta. Blk 85, weat H of lot T, Samnol P. lie Kce Blk 35. weat V, of lot 8, Samuel P. Me Kee Blk .15. weat H of lot 9, Samuel P. Me Kce Blk 35, lot 10, Thomaa F. Gannon Xlk 85, lot 11 Mary A. Barton Xlk 85. lot 12. Ami Andereon Xlk 88. lot 7. C. W. Hlaglna.... Blk 36. lot 9. 8unnyalds Land A Im provement company Blk 3d lot 9. Bunnyalda Land A Im provement company Plk 30. lot 10, F. Kaplan Blk .18. lot 11. Joeeph Scbleffer Blk 38. lot 12. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement company Xlk 88, lot 13, Roland Paftrldae Xlk 3, lot 14, J. H. Morae... Blk 30. lot 15. Sunnyilde Land A Im provement company Blk .!. eaat H of lot 16, Clara M. Povle Blk 30. eaat H of lot IT, Clara "if. Doyle Blk .16. eaat H of lot 18, ciara ill Doyle Blk 30, weat of lot 16. Alfred . Warren .r....... B'r 80. weat of lot 17, Alfred T. Warren , Plk 88. weat of lot IS, Alfred T. Warren .05 .96 -.95 190 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.00 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Blk 47, lot T, Frank Ltideaher Blk 47. lot 8, Title Guarantee A Treat company , ... Xlk 47, lot 9. P. J. Farrell ..,;.! Xlk 47, lot 10,. Peter Werinonth... - 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.90 Blk 47. lot 11, Marale Howell......... Xlk 47, lot 12 T. H. Cllne ;.."! : Xlk 47.. lot 13. Rudolph Dlrlwachter.... Blk 47. lot 14. G. P. Schroeder. , . . . . Xlk 47, lot 15, Cnarlea F. Llndoirirer... Blk 47, lot 16, CbaMea F. Lltidejgelf. Mk 47, lot 17, Geoftre Stenhonae. . ... , .. ' Xlk 47, lot 18. Catherine Rtenhona.,.. Xlk 48, lot 1, Sarah Wentwortb Blk 48, lot 2. Sarah Wentwortb... I lk 4S. lot 8. Sarah Wentworth ' Blk 48. 'ot 4, fiunnyalde Land A Im provement company Xlk 48. lot 15, Jamea A. Job neon,...,, Plk 48. lot 6. Jamea A. Johneon. ' Elk 48. lot 7. Snnnytlde Land A- Im provement company Blk 48. lot 8. Sunnyilde Land A Im provoment company , til 48. lot 9. Sminyalde Ltnd A Im provement company Plk 48. lot 10, Andreaa Vetacb Xlk 48. lot 11. Andreaa Vetacb. ...... ... Xlk 48. lot 12. Andreaa Vetacb Blk 49, eaat V, of lot 1. Roawell VL Patch and William D. Plue Blk 49. eaat of lot 2. Roawell B. ' Patch and William D. Plue Blk 40. weat ft of lot 1, Lon DeYar mond Blk 4ft. west . H of lot 2. ton Detar--mond ...... 1.00 1.90 l.PO 1.00 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.00 1.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.90 .05 .95 .05 .95 1.90 1.00 1.00 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.00 1 90 1.90 .60 .60 JS0 1-80 1.30 Blk 40, lot 3, Edith E. Shnbbe. ....... . Plk 40. lot 4. Merlin F. Denoodt....... Blk 49. -lot 6. Sunnyalde Land A Im- ( provement etotnpariy" ...... Blk 40. lot 6. Joeeph Reldel Blk 40. lot T. Sunnyalde Land A Im provement company Blk 40. lot 8. Mary E. Gilbert Blk 4ft. lot 0. Mary E. Gilbert , Blk 49. lot 10, Sunnyilde Land A Im provement company ................. Blk AO. lot 1. Franklin Building A Loan association Xlk M. Jot 2. Earl J. CleUnd. Blk 5. lot 8, Aaron Sundatrom. Blk 60, eaat feet.lot 4, W. A. and L. E. Delalet. ............. ...... . Blk 50. eaat 83 1-4 feet 'lot B, W. A. and L. E. Dallel......j.. ........... ' Blk BO, eaat 88 1-8 feet tot 6, W. A. and L. B. Daliriel. ; ..... . . Blk 50. weat 66 3-8 feet kit 4, B. S. White v,. j... 1-.... , Blk 5f. weat 661-S feet lot 8, R. 8. ,' Whit ..1. Elk 60, treat 9 2-9, feet Jot . B. . Whit Blk 60, lot T, Ellaabetli Botb Xlk 60. lot 8. II. H. how Xlk 00. lot 9, H. 8. Howe Xlk B0, lot 10, KUaabelB Roth Blk 51, tot 1, Cletelaud HcxikweU, true. of Blk 61, tot a, Cleveland Hockwali, Uua tee ,.. Blk 81, lot 8, Cleveland Rockwell, trua. tee 01k 51. lot 4, Cleveland Rockwell, trM-i Blk 61,' 'lot 6,' Cleveland" Bock'wVu ," tnu tea wr helm th doserlo sewer from East Blk 61. lot , Cleveland Rockwall, true Thirty wcat Blk 61. tot 10, Cleveland Rockwall, trua- iee Blk 61. tot 11, Cleveland Rockwell, trua. tee Blk 61 tot 12, CleveUnd Rockwell, truar Blk 62 'tot V,' V3. li! Pa'trln !,'.'!!.'!!.!"' Blk 62, lot ABunuyalde Land A It- provement company ...I ,. Blk 52, lot 9, Fletcher Barton..,,.... hlk 62. lot 10. Clarence II. Palrln to Xlk 62, tot 11, George J, Helmberger.. Blk 62, tot 12, Jonathan Moaner Blk 62, tot 13, George A. Merrill Xlk 62. tot 14. Andrew Holm Blk 62, tot 15. J. lialan Smith. Xlk 62. tot 16. Mlnetta A. taraon...., Blk ;2, tot 17, Mlnetta A. CarauB.... Xlk 62. tot 18. Mlnetta A. Canon..... 8.40 8 40 ' 8.40 6.40 A 40 Blk 65. tot 8, Bunnyalda Land A Im provement company ..... Blk 66, tot 9. Bunnyilda Land A lot. provemeni company 2.40 .40 t.40 6.40 U. 40 6.40 Blk 65, tot 10, Sunnyilde Land A Im provement company Blk 65, tot 11, Sunnyalda Lend A Im provement company BlkAS, tot 12. Bunnyilda Land A Im- inrovement company Blk 55, lot 13. bunnalda LaoAA Im- provement eomnany .Tv.. ... Blk 66, lot 14, William II. Smith..... Xlk 65. tot 15, William 1L BuilttawC'.... riii. nr. L. 1a HL-llll.m II .Hmlta.L 6.40 ; 1.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 b.40 B 60 B 60 . 5.60 Blk 66. tot IT. Bunnyalda Laud A lm- Srovemeut company 65, tot 18, Bunnyalda Land A Im provement company Blk 66. lot 19. Lemuel C. Stratton Blk 65, tot 20, Lemuel C. Stratton B 60 6.60 t AO 6.60 8.60 Hlk. oti, kit I, b. A. navey Blk BO, lot 8. 8. A. l'avey Blk-64, tot 8, T. A. Dave Blk 66. lot 4. B. Be bifida Hlk tuA l,t K ileorn T. Blineerland. . . . 4 55 4 55 B.60 Blk 66, muta H of lot 0, George T. Sllnrerland Blk 66, aorta H of lot 6, Fanny Wood- Sj 4B manner n IK 00, Kit f, ai4iiy nwuiw...o., 23.45 Hlk 60, lot 8, Annie Miller rtia do, tni 9, j.mu aainer.... Blk 60. tot 10. tieorce T. SUngarland.. 60 6.60 Blk 66, tot It, Jamea Bucb Blk 66, tot 12. Sunnyalde Land A Im provement compkny Blk 66. lot 13. Jamea Buch 22.45 22. 48 Xlk 66, lot 14. John Green 6 60 Blk 67, tot 1, J. H. Fnlier, w. a. oag 4.56 ley and P. H.. Batea et 1. ........ .. 17.80 Blk 67. tot 2, J. H. Feller w. U. Bag- ley anu r. 9. uaiea et at 28.05 I Elk 67. tot 8, J. 8. Fuller, W. U. ug: ley ana r. b. uaiee ai ai. ........ .. 1.90 Blk 87. lot 4. J. 8. Fuller, W. U. Blg- 1 90 I -7 ana r. 9. oaiea ii a , I Blk 67, lot 6, Albert B. Undaey. ....... 33.05 I Xlk 67. tot 0, K. Cody m 01, 101 1, m. iwij 28.06 Xlk 67, tot 8, William R. Jonea 1.90 elk 01, lot w,. ounnyaiue uw "- 1.90 1 provement company i. 90 U1K 07. tot JU. nunnyaioe unn m iiu- 1.90 I provrtnent company Blk 07, lot 11. Mary A. txwiey 18.05 I Sunnyalde Addition 38.06 Blk 1, lot 1, Emma W. McKende 40.06 Xlk 1. lot 2. tni.na W. McKenale 1.90 Hlk 1, lot u. Konert v. jonaaon 1. 90 Xlk 1. tot 4, Ltilu Weatervelt 1.90 Blk 1. lot 6, A. J. Sporry 18 05 1 Blk I, tot 0, Oregon Investment com- 28.K5 iiany 88.06 Xlk 1. lot T. B. I. Eckeraon 8X0.5 Xlk 1, lot 8, H. I. Eckeraon... 2M.05 Xlk 1. lot 0. J. Treadway 18.05 Blk 1, tot 10, F. E. McEldowney 1.90 Blk 1. hit II. Demetrlua Falangoa Blk 1, tot 12. Lon De Yarmond JI5 BU 1, lot 13, Lon Da Yarmond Xlk 1, lot 14, C'barlea F. Nelaon .93 Xlk 1, tot 15, F. C. and Loulae Wllaon.. Blk 1, tot 16. F. C and Loulae Wllaon.. .95 Ulk 2, lot 1, Samuel Colaon Xlk 2. lot 2. Hamuel Coleon .93 Xlk 2, lot 8, Samuel Coleon .Pfl XIK 2, lot 4, Char lea J. Andereon .95 Xlk 2. lot 5, Cnarlea J. Andereon Xlk 3. lot 6. Charlea J. Andereon .93 Xlk 2. tot T. J. J. Keating Blk 2. lot 8, J. J. Keating .95 Xlk 2. lot 9. Lelda E. Straoi - 1.90 Xlk 2. tot 10. LMa K. Straua Blk 2, tot 11. J. F. Boothe 6 80 Xlk 2. eaat H of tot 12, J. F. Boothe.. 6.60 Blk 3. weat V of lot 12, Lillle M. Stev- 6.60 eneon 6.60 Blk 2. lot 13. Wllle M. Stevenaon 1.90 Xlk 2. lot 14. Charlea E. Stewart 1.70 Blk 3, lot 16. Charlea B. Stewart...... 6.03 Hlk 2. tot 16. D. Horton..., 1.90 Blk 3. lot 1, John Good, 1.90 Blk 8, tot 2. John Good 1.90 Blk 8. lot 3, John Good 1.90 Hlk 3, tot 4, John Good 1.90 Blk 3,' tot 6, John Good 1.90 Hlk 8, lot 6. John Good 1.80 Fllk 8, lot 7, John Good 1.K0 Blk 8. tot 8. Hattle Wilson 3.50 3.50 .70 1.80 Blk 4, tot 1. Alice M. Tfaoinpaon 1.80 Plk 4. tot 3, Mae Jenklna Blk 4. lot a. Jobn C. Hammel 1.30 Blk 4, tot 4, B. W. aod Emma L. Baaahman 100 Blk 4. tot 6, K. W. and Emma L. 1.90 Ranghman .63 Rla 4. tot 6. W. H. McEldowney. A.... 68 plk B. lot 1. C. E. Woeroer 63 Blk 5. lot 8, 0. K. Woerner Rlk It. Int H Marirla H Cook 1.25 Hlk 5. lot 4, K. L. and L. J. Cary Hlk 5 lot 6. T. V. and L. WlUon 250 2.50 125 Blk 5. lot 6. William Ruck Rlk 6. tot 1. Ida M. McMonlei 260 2.50 k 2.60 2.70 250 3 50 1 Hlk 6. tot 2. Ida M. McMonlea .95 Hlk 6. lot 3. Marv R. Gilbert 85 Mk 6. tot 4, Nettle C. Warren 09 Blk 6. lot 6. Nettle O. Warren Rlk 6. tot 6, Nettle C. Warren Hlk 7, lot 1. William MoComoa a.. Blk 7. tot 2. William McComaa Blk 7, lot 3, Roaa Kaake Xlk 7, tot 4, Karelia L. Lyle Xlk 7. lot 6, Wellington O. Barnea Xlk 7. tot 6. Wellington O. Barnea Blk 8, south 63 feet tot 1, William Stevenaon Blk 8. north 87 feet lot 1. Jane M. Lucke 2 50 250 175 2.80 2.50 2.50 1.70 .80 3 50 Blk 8. tot 2. Jane M. Lucke Xlk 8. lot 8. M. V. and Loulae Straus.. Blk 8. kit 4. A. H. Breyman and Jobn 180 8.50 7.40 T.40 Bummervllle Blk 8, lot 6. Werner and Eugene Brey man Blk 8, lot A Werner and Eugene Brey man Xlk 9. lot 1. Ellrabeth B. Pearaon Xlk 9, lot 2, Hreyman Bros Blk 9. lot M. A. H. Breyman and John Bummervllle Blk 9, tot 4. Mira-aret L. Patteraon.... Xlk 9. tot 5. J. J. 1'atrerson 3.85 8.36 8.86 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.S5 Xlk 9. lot 6. Jennie Rkatfe... Blk 9, tot 7. Jennie Skalfe Xlk 9, tot 8, Florence George Blk 9, tot 9. Maud Kenworthy Blk 9, tot 10, A. H. Breyman and John 2.45 145 3.45 2.45 SummertllH ....... Blk 9. lot 11. A. H. Breyman and John , Humraervllle Rlk 9. lot 12, A. A. Bowman Blk 9, lot 18. Ray O. Cettklna Blk 9, lot 14, Nellie M. Harvey Blk 10. lot 1, H. L. Campbell; 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 145 2.45 Blk lo. tot 3. B.-Li camptietl. ......... Blk. 10. lot 8. .Breyman Broa Xlk 'lO, tot 4, Breyman Broa ,.. Blk 10. tot 5, X. It. Bowman Rlk 10, lot 0, X. H. Bowman Blk 10, tot T, William G. Simpsou...., Blk 10, lot 8, E. C. Minor , Blk 10, tot 9. E. CI. Minor Blk 10, lot 10, Breyman Broa..... Blk 10. lot 1 1, A II. Breyman and John Bummervllle ; Blk 10. lot 12. A. H. Breyman and John Suipmervllle Blk 10, tot 1.1. Breyman Broa Blk 10, lot 14, Ira A. Hecklnger Xlk 11. tot 1. Hervey B Hill Xlk 11, tot 2. Harvejjr R. Hill Hlk 11. lot 8, B. H. Bowman Blk 11, tot 4. A. II. Breyman and John rtummervlllo Blk 11. tot 5," A. H. Breyman and John. Hnmroervllle T Rlk 11, tot 6. Sarah E. Montgomery.... Hlk 11. lot 7. Sarah E. Montgomery.... 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 145 2.45 143 145 '145 145 2.45 2.45 2.45 145 145 145 2.45 145 146 1.00 1.45 Blk 10, tots, KatKerlne A. Martin Blk 10. eaat 17.14 feet lot 9, Katharine Martin Blk 10. wat 25.73 feet lot 6. Mary J. Klebv Xlk 10. tot 10. Mury J Rlgby Xlk 10, lot 11. Kllxabeth M. Bnrnham.. Rlk 10, lot 12. William A. Mackenale.. Blk 10, tot 18. W. W. and Nettle J. Mlnar t . Blk 10. lot 14. W. W. and Nettle J. Mlnar 2.45 3.45 146 145 146 1 1.80 1.80 1.80 Blk 1Z tot 1. Hnlda-Stelnldn.. ......... Blk 12, tot 2. Edith P. Gilbert........ Blk 12. tot 8, Ellxa E- Gilbert......... Xlk 12, tot 4. Boabery Weat wick....... Blk 12. tot 8, Loutaa A. McGregor... .. OF tee t- . ifyi Munimarvllla ' Blk 61, tot 7, Franeee J. Dunbar...... ." ftk i& kt 8 ? Xlk 61 lot t Fraucei J. Dunbar 1.90 g J J JJ J K"'?" Blk 61. lot B, Frank L. Uodatoa and ..-- 2 5 ,i? rVm!.': VJi .'.CI Jamea J. O'Krana 1-W 1 " o..". J, ,71 " 1.80 1.80 1.80 1 80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 .80 3.45 148 145 3.45 145 Blk 12, tot 6. A. H. Breyman and John Sunimervllle : Blk 12. tot 7. A- H. Breyman and John Sunimervllle '. Blk li, tot 1. Breyman Broa............ Blk it tot t Breyman Broa.,.. ........ Hlk M. tot 3. Breyman Broa...., Xlk 1.1, lot 4. M. Olaen.... Blk 13, lot 6. Xreytnan Broa.........:. Blk IK tot t. B. H. Bowmen :.?, Blk 13, weat 20 feet lot 7. B. H. Bow man Xlk 14, tot 1. Richard Brooker..,, Itlk 14. lot i Kiehnrn Hrooer... Xlk 14. tot ST Hnth Mofflt...... ....... Blk 14, tot. 4. Ruth Mofflt. ....i. ...... Blk 14, tot 6, M, Arndt. 180 Blk 14. lot n, M. Arndt. 11 90 Blk 14. wcat 20 feet lot T. George A. L. 190 and Bertha B. Wlutera..... 1 90 Blk 14, weat i feet lot 8, Oeorga A. L .1.90 and Bertha B. Winter....,. Blk 14, lot 9. Lillian 11. Dundee',"etate i.to .199 1.90 netia vs .,....,....,.,.. Blk 11. tot 10, LilUaa H. Uundee. eaute uelra of i .... - Blk 14. tot 11. Harriet H. Beavla Blk 14. tot 12. Harriet 11. Xcevla...... W Itlk H, lot M, CUrt S. Uicio.. 1 AO I la Ut ! u- 4rt;m i.d Job -rv I Hunt tnawvl 11a arniimw.nl. J 00 Blk IS, tot 6. A. It' Xriyniia'aud John w Buramervtlla 1.00 Ulk ib' w"' 11 feet tot T, B. H. Bow- man , 1.90 8 .s i feet lot 8, WllUaai K. .o . iou, trua tea ev 1 1. ib , . .... . I . .......... (;.. 1, , imwnn Mueller........ Xlk 15, tot 10, Frederick Mueller 1.90 f' J6. tot 11, Cbarlca Patewald.. ...... 1.90 Blk lb, tot 12. A. H. Breyman and John 1.10 ' Bummervllle .... I.ao Blk 16. tot 13, A. 1L Breyman and John 1,0 nummervllle ' 1.90 Xlk IS, lot 14, Breyman Broa 1.90 111 1. tot 1, W. 0. Brattoa and B. 1.90 ."oXlnga eatata heire of 1.90 Xlk 10, tot t, Sarah B. Woodford. ..... 1.90 X kUO. tot 8. Henrietta Wolftela...rt Xlk 18. tot 4. Edwin Cad wall... l.M flk 16, tot t, Edwin Cadwell Xlk 16. tot 6. Winnie L'Ul.l 8.55 ', wait 32 feet tot T. Wianla Klelat ; , 356 Xlka, weat (2 feet tot 8, Breyman j.B0 Blk 16. toVV.'V'lil'Bo'wm'a'n;.'.'.'.'.'.'." Xlk 16. tot 10. B. If. H.wm.n ... top "!kr,.2- SSii- Sr?!"?? I-' y , orrmaa Dram ,. Blk 16. tot 13. A. 11. Breyman and John l'M Blk t. tot 14, A.' H." Breyman' and Joba j 05 Nummervlll , ,,. kunuyaida Third AddlUoa to Port 1.00 ""d blk 61, lot 1, Th Title Guarantee A t 90 Trua t company 1.90 B,JL - lot 3. Tha Title Guarantee A go imat company 195 . t 8, Tha Title Guarantee A 1.96 comp?n' i; . 95 1 e, turn 1111a uaarantaa aj 100 .rue wnipany , Blk 61. lot 6. Th Title Guarantee A Truet oomnanv 1.90 .06 .06 1.90 1.90 Blk 61, tot 6, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Treat company.,.. Blk 61, tot 7, tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat eomnanr. . . Blk 61, tot 8, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat company Blk 61, tot 9. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat comDanr 1.901 1.90 1.90 . Blk 15. tot 2. A. M. Brevmaa and John 87.85 87.86 27.85 17.86 Blk 61. tot 10. Th TIU Guarantee A Truat eomnanr 1.05 1.95 Blk 61. tot 11, Tha Title Guarantee A 1.96 iruai company.. Blk 61, tot 12, The Tltl Guarantee A 06 Blk 61. tot 18, Tb Title' Guarantee A ;6.60 8.30 5.60 I-8 Blk 61. tot 14, The Title Guarantee A 1 tut Truat company I " Bfk 61. tot 15, The Title Guarantee A 5.60 6.60 85.15 1 00 Blk 61. lot 16. Tb Tltl Guarantee A J Tmat company l f Blk 62, lot 1. Tb Title Guarantee A l.eo Truat comnanv... 2.0U Rlk 82. tot 3. the Title Guarantte A , Truat company 8.TB Blk 82, lot 8, The Title Guarantee A . Truat company 2.75 P.Ik H2. lot A The TIM. H.,....!.. A. 38.06 38.09 2.00 I Truat company . 38.0S 43.15 Rlk 2 Ult K The THtla C.n..lu M. 8 90 iv.,., 2 20 Blk 62. tot 6. Tb Title Guarantee A 3.20 Trtat company 8 20 Blk 62. tot 7. The Title Guarantee A 8 20 Tnit compenv Blk 62. tot 8. Tha Tltl. .ftiiaranta A 8.20 Truat company 8.20 Blk 82. lilt 0. Tha TW1. n.nnlu A 8.80 Truat company 2 60 Xlk 62. tot 10. The Title Guarantee A 2.50 Truat company 2 50 Blk 02. tot 11. The Tltl Guarantee A 2.50 Trut eompanv 260 Blk 62. lot 12. Tb Title Guarantee A 32.46 2.50 Truat company 2 50 Blk 62. lot 18. The Title Guarantee A 2.60 Truat company 3.50 Blk 62. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A 2.50 Tmat eompanv 2 50 Blk 62. lot' 16. The Title Guarantee A 150 Tinat eompanv 8 60 Blk 62. lot 18, The Title Guarantee A 2.50 Troat eompanv 2 50 Blk 62. tot 17. Tb Title Guarantee A 2.50 Truat company 2.80 Blk 62. lot 18. The Title Guarantee A 2.50. Truat company a.An Blk 61. lot 1. The Title Guarantee A 1.25 1 Trnat company 83.15 ma 0.1. lot 2, ine line uuarantee s 1 as Truat eompanv 1 50 Blk 63. tot 8. Tha Title Guarantee A j B0 I Truat company 01a 0.1, mi , une line uuarantee Truat eomnanv 38.05 Blk 68. tot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trnat eompanv Blk 63. tot 6. The Tltlo Guarantee A .70 .70 .70 48 Tmat company 28-05 To Blk 63. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A 70 1 Treat eomoanv MM 05 in sii hi, 101 s, ine line uuarantee at Wl Treat eompanv I Alb d, 1 ... A m. fT-l 1 s. . . . 9m 28.05 401 ' uimrinire ac n I Trnat company.... 3.40 Blk 68. tot 10, The Tltl Guarantee A Tmat company 2.50 Blk 61. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Treat company 2.50 Blk 63. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A 22.45 22 45 . 22.45 84.15 2 60 Treat company 2.50 Blk 61. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A 2 50 Treat company ' 2.fi5 Blk 6.1. lot 14. The Title Gnarantee A 2.60 Truat eompanv mit e.i. lot 10. ice Title uuarantee Treat company Blk 03. tot 16. Tha Title Gnarantee A 22.46 Treat eompanv Blk 6.1. tot 17. The Title Guarantee A Tmat company Blk 63. lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Treat company Blk 64, lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Treat company Blk 64. lot 2. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trut company Blk 64, lot 3. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat company. Blk 64. lot 4, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64. lot 5, Tbe Title Guarantee A 22.45 22.45 33.15 6.60 6.60 6.60 0.30 Treat company B.60 Blk 64, lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Tmat company 17.35 Elk 64, lot 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company 27.85 Blk 64, lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat company 87.85 Blk 64, lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company 87.85 Blk 64, tot 10, The Title Guarantee A Trnat company 27.35 Blk 64. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Treat company 17.33 Xlk 64. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Treat company 6.60 Blk 64. tot IS. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat company 9.15 Blk 64. tot 14. The Title Gnarantee A Truat company B.60 Blk 64. tot 15. The Title Guarantee A (Treat company 6.60 Blk 64. lot 16, The Title Guarantee A Treat company. 6.60 Blk 65. tot 1, Tb Title Guarantee A Treat company 5.60 Blk 65. tot 3. Th Title Guarantee A Treat company 5.60 Blk 65. tot 8, Tbe Title Gnarantee A Trnat etamfnTjirri..-;.-. B.60 Blk 63. tot 4. The Title Guarantee A Treat company 9,10 Blk 65, tot 5. Th Tltl Guarantee A Troat company 9.10 Blk 65, lot 8. Th Title Guarantee A Treat company 17.35 Blk 65. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Treat company 27.35 Blk 65. tot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Treat company 87.83 Blk 65. lot 9. Laura Breeke 87.35 Xlk 63. lot 10, Laura Breake 27.S5 Blk 65. lot 11. Laura Breake 17.86 Blk 65. lot 12. Laura Breake 5.60 Blk 65. lot 18. The Title Gnarantee A Tmat eompanv. ..1, 9.00 Blk 65, tot 14, Bernbard E. Witter..,. 6.60 B k 65. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trent eomnanv 5.60 Blk 65, lot 16. Tbe Title Gnarantee A Treat company , 6.60 Blk 66. tot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat company 83.15 Blk 66. tot 2. Tb Title Guarantee ft " Tmat comnartv. 28.05 Blk 66. tot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Treat company 28.05 Blk 66. lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A Treat company... 28.05 Blk 66. lot 5, Tbe Title Guarantee A . Tenne Minninv 43 7R Blk 66. to. 6. The Title Gnarantee A Truat company 28.00 Blk 66. tot 7. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company SS.0O Blk 66. tot 8. The Title Gnarantee A Trua enmnanv .28.05 Blk 66. tot 9. tbe Title Guarantee A Tmat company zs.uo Blk 66, lot 10, The Tltl Guarantee A Treat company 6.40 Blk 66, lot 11. Th Title Guarantee A Treat company. 22.45 Blk 80. tot 12. The Title Guarantee A Trnat enmnanv '22.45 Blk 60. lot IS.. Tb Title Guarantee A Blk 66, tot 14. Th Title Guarantee A Treat company ... '. 84.40 Blk 00. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Tmat company 22.45 Blk W. tot 16. W. P. Benedict 22.45 Xlk 66, tot 17, W. P. Benedict . 22.45 Rlk Aft lot 1 -W. P. Benedict 83.16 Blk 67. tot F. Th Title Guarantee A Trnt company. ............... ....... " 83.15 Blk 67. kit 2. The Title Guarantee A Trnat eompany, zs.w 3.46 I Blk -AT. In 8 Tha "Tlfl. ftmrant A . . Truat company i..-, 1.16 Blk 67, tot 4, Tb Title Guarantee A Truet company i..., 1.15 Blk 07, tot 6. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat eompanv 140 Blk 07, tot 6, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat company ' 8 46 Blk 67, tot 7. Th Tltl Guarantee A ' 8 46 Treat company ,... 146 Blk 7. tot 6. Th Tltl Guarantee A 38 Trnat company . 8.46 Blk 67, tot . Tha Tltl Guaraat A , Troet company. 15 Blk 07, tot 10, Tb Tltl Gnarautee A Truat company ' 145 Blk 7, tot II, Th Tltl Ouareote A . 845 Truat company..... 146 Blk 7, tot 12. Th Title Guarantee A ' Treat ttoiopauy 8 46 Blk 67, tot 18. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Treat company. 146 Blk 67, tot 14. Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat company., r , 1.80 Blk nr. tot 15, Tbe Tltl Guarantee A Truat company Blk 67, tot I . Tb Tltl Guaraate A Treat company Blk 67, tot 17. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truet company Blk 67. tot 18, Th Tltl Guarantee A Treat company 1.! 4j 8. 1.45 I 3 45 1 Blk OM, tot 1, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat eumvauy 140 Blk o. tot 1 Th Title Ouorantee A 1 : Trnat company. ., , 85 BU m, tot 8. The Tltl Gnarantee A 8.851 Treat Company. . 8.86 Blk MS. tot 4. Th Tltl Guarantee A 8.861 Trm.t company... (.85 sir tut, tot 0. Tb Tltl Guarantee A 8.861 Trnat company Blk 68, tot d, Tb Tltl Guarantee A . Treat company I.TO 1 1.36 bib on, lot 7. Tb Tltl Uuarantee A Treat company ' Blk 68, tot 8. Th Tltl Guarantee A 8.46 146 Tmat eomnanr.... 146 Blk 68. tot 8. Th TIU Guarantee A 1461 Trnat company Blk 68, tot 10, Th Tltl Guarantee A Trnat company 1461 Hik an, lot 11, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Treat conipmy Blk 68. tot 11 Tha Title Guarantee A Treat company Blk 6. lot 13. Lanra Breake 6.60 Blk 68, tot 14. Laura Breake Blk 6t. eaat H of tot IB. Laura Breake. 5.60 Blk 68. weat H of tot 16, Clara A. Hatllnger e.ovp Hik tm. tot 10, Clara A. Hatllnger oil o, lot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee 8.85 6.60 I Truet cempiny...i Blk 69, tot 8 Th Tltl Guarantee A Truet company oik oh, tot 3. Tb Tltl Guarantee 17.86 37.83 Treat company Blk BR. lot 4. Tb Title Guarantee A Treat company , Blk ov, tot 5. Tb Title Guarantee A Treat company Blk oh, lot 0. The Tltl Guarantee A Treat company 17.86 uik 09, tot 7. Tbe Tltl Gnarantee A Treat company .- 37.86 Bia w, lot 8. Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat company 87.86 Bia ov, lot 9, Tb Till Gnarantee A Trnat company 87.85 Bik h. kit 10. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Trnat company i 22.45 Blk 69, mt li, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Treat company... 82.45 bik nil, lot lit, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat company 82.48 Blk tw. kit 13, Tbe Tltl Guarantee A Treat company.' 83.85 Bit . lot 14. Tb Tltl Gnarantee A Treat company Blk W. tot 16, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat company Blk W. tot 10. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Tron company Blk 70. tot 1. Th Tltl. Guarantee A Troat company Blk 70. tot 2. Th Title Guarantee A Trnat comDanr 22.45 82.45 82.45 83.15 23.15 13.15 5.60 8.65 6.60 6.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 28.05 Blk '" t 3. Tb Tltl Cua rente A Trnat company 28.05 B1JL 70- W Tb Title Guarantee A jtiipc company 28.05 B'k TO, tot 5. The Tltl Guarantee A Treat company., 38.05 Blk 10. lot 6. Th Title Guarantee A Treat company 22.45 Blk 70, lot 7, Tbe Title Guarantee A irn.1 company Blk 70. tot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company 32.45 Blk 70. tot 9. Tbe Title Guarantee A Troat company 22.45 Blk 70. tot 10. Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat o-mpany 83.00 Blk 70, tot 11. The Title GuaranteeA Treat company 22.45 Blk 70. tot 12. Th Tltl Guarantee' A Treat company Blk 70. tot 18. The Title Gnarantee' ft Troat company 82.45 Bib 70. tot 14. The Title Guaran'tei 'A Treaf eompanv 83.15 Blk 70, tot IB. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 70. lot 16. The Title Guarantee' A Tpnar Mimnan 28.06 Blk 70. tot 17. The Title' Guarantee A 18.15 3.15 83.15 MA n. I n,,,t company 28.05 Blk 70. lot 18. The Tltl Guarantee A i Trn.t imr,. n . I Bartach Park' AdiilVlAn' ' 'eC!.- rV.' tan,t- 45 Blk 1. lot 1. Fannie T T Hlk t 1.,. 9 ..(.. y T . " 6.40 8.40 8 40 Blk 1. lot 3. Panel, l" TaH.. nik 1 i. a . i. . . ' ; V" J. "'""I . raraer Blkl. lot 5 AlrVeH I i.,k 8.40 8.40 10.30 r.ik i i,.. j of.:, . . - raraer....! Blk 1, lot 7. Herman Boree. eatat heira of Blk 1. lot 8, Herman Boric, carat 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 Blk 1. tot 9, Herman Boriea, eat.te heln of ; Blk 1. lot 10, M.'lvln C. ioe .'.'.'."" ' Bk 1. lot 11, Henry Rodger X k i, jot 12, Hnry Roda-eri . . . . I . g k 2. tot 1. Mary O Uary . " Blk 2. lot 2. Mary O Iary Xlk 2. tot 3. Mary O'Loary Rlk 2. lot 4, Clandlne Geia-er.... 8.40 10.90 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 11.85 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 11.70 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 12.85 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 12.75 Blk 2, lot 5, Clandlne Oelger Xlk 2. tot 8, Clandlne Gelger Blk 8. lot 7. C, T. Bowen".. Xlk 2. tot 8, C. T. Bowen Blk 2. lot 9. C. T. Bowen 2 5 2- .lot ,0- Bwth Van Vlack Blk 2, lot 11, Ceorire M. Straua ! B k 2. lot 12. George M. Straua Xlk 3. tot 1. Mary France Hurley 2!? 2- !nt 2- Mr'r Erancca Hurley X k 8. tot 8. Marv Frencea Hnrlcv Blk 8. tot 4, 0. W. and Margarette V. Allen Blk 3. tot 5, 0. W. and Margarette" v! Alien B1Alleal0t ' ' W" "n1 Mr',u',"'e"1'r Xlk 3. lot 7,' 'Agnpi'Robao'n.' .'.'.'.'.'.'." Blk 8, lot 8, At-nr Robaon !' Xlk 8, lot 9. Ane RnWn Blk 3, lot 10, Albert Bartach Blk 8. tot 11. Otlllle Bartach Blk 8. lot 12. Otlllle Bartach v . Blk 4, lot 1. Jale E. Robaon Plk 4, tot 2, Theodore Wolke '.' Xlk 4. lot 8. Annie Wolke Xlk 4. lot -4. Joseph K. GUI '.' Plk 4. lot B, Melvln C. George Xlk 4, tot 6, Melvln C. George " Xlk 4. lot 7. Walter W. Weliater Blk 4. tot 8. Walter W. Wehater ', Blk 4, lot 9, Sarah A. Wehater Blk 4. tot 10, Herman Boriea Estate. heire of Blk 4. lot 11, Herman Boriea Estate, heir of Blk 4, lot 12. George M. Strong Blk 6. kit 1. Leon Boriea 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 .40 13.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 11.05 8.40 8.40 Xlk 5, tot 2, Herman Boric Hlk o, lot 8, Herman Boriea Blk 5, lot 4. Portland Treat company... Blk B, lot B, Portland Treat company... Blk 6. lot 6. Portland Truat company... Blk 6. undivided v, lot 7. Manhattan Reel Eetate company .... Blk 5. undivided lot 8. Manhattan Real Eetate enmnanv 8.40 8.40 8.40 14.45 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.20 4.20 8.40 8.40 14.86 8.40 8.4P 4.20 4.20 4.20 7.T5 4.20 Blk 6. undivided. i tot 0. Manhattan Real Karat eompanv.. Blk 5. undivided V, lot 7, C. Ouatav Tlngry Blk 6, undivided lot 8, C. Guatave Tlngry Blk 6. undivided H tot 9, C. GnaUv Tinaxv Blk 6. lot 10, Portland Treat company.. ma o. ioi j i, i-ornana -lrear eomoanv.. Blk 5. lot 12, Portland Trust company.. Blk 6. tot 1. Henry S. Gile Blk 6. lot 2. Henry S. Gile Blk 6. undivided H lot 8, Manhattan Kenl Eatata company Blk 8. undivided 'H lot 4. Manhattan Real Eetate company. Blk 8. undivided V, lot 5, Manhattan Reel Eetate company Blk 6. undivided V, lot 6, Manhattan Real Eetate company Blk 6. undivided H lot 7. Manhattan Real Estate eompanv Blk 6. undivided V, lot 8. Manhattan Real Eetate company , Blk 6. undivided H lot 9, Manhattan Real Eetate company... Blk 6. undivided lot 3. C. Guatave Tlngry Blk 6. undivided H tot 4, C. GuaUv Tlnarv 4.2Q 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 7.T3 4.20 4.20 Blk 6, undivided H tot 6. C. Guatav ungry Blk 6. undivided V, tot 6, Tlngry Blk 6. undivided V, lot 7, Tlngry Blk 6. undivided lot 8. Guatav Guatav Guatav TInff-rv -.. Blk 6. undivided V, tot 9, ,C. Guatav Tlngry Blk 6. undivided V, tot 10. Manhattan Real Eat ate eompanv... Blk 6. undivided if, tot U. Manhattan : Real' Eetate company Blk 8. nndlvided 4 tot 12, Manhattan Real Eetate company , Blk 6. omllyjded H tot 10, C. Guatav 4.20 4.20 4.20 8.05 4.20 4.30 -8.08 5 50 4.20 iiiarx . - - Blk 6. nnfjvldVd H tot 11. C. Guatav Tlnarr Blk 0. undivided H lot 12. C. Guatave Tlngry , Edendale Xlk 1, lot 1, It. X. Adama.. Blk 1. tot 3. H. B. Adam.. Blk 1, tot 8. W. L. Buckner god B. Buetikofer Blk 1, tot 4 W. L. Buckner and M. Buetikofer Blk 1, tot 6, T. W. B. Londoa. ........ Xlk U tot 6, T. W. B. Londoa......... Xlk 1, lot 7, T. W. B. London Xlk 1, tot 8. T. W. B.' London. Hlk 1, tot 0. Halbert It. Croaler Xlk 1, lot 10, llalbert H. Croaler....... blk 1. tot 11, Jobn a. fcrauae.. blk I, tot 12, Frank L. and Boa S. Wllaon Xlk I, tot IS, Francl A. Gill......... Xlk 1, lot 14, Fraud A. Gill.. Xlk 1. tot 18, Adolpb Xlppel..... Xlk 1, tot 16, Adolub Dlppel. .......... Xlk 1. lot 17. Jay P. Lucaa Hlk 1, tot 18, Jay l Lucaa Xlk 1, tot 19, L. S. Wrigbt I'lk 1, tot 20, L. 8. Wright Hlk 1, lot 21, Lulu A. Freeman........ Xlk 1. tot 22. Lulu A. Freeman 38.05 38.06 48.00 88.06 88.06 38,06 88.08 6.60 6.60 8.80 B.60 8.60 Xlk 1, tot 23, Lulu A. Freeuiaa. ....... Xlk J. tot 24. Lulu A. Freeman......... Hlk 1. tot 25, Lulu A. Freeuiau Hlk 1. lot 26. Lulu A. Freeman........ B.60 18.16 33.16 88.15 Xlk 1, lot 27, Frank G. Donalileoa Hlk 1, tot 2M, Frank G. lKnialilelu...... Plk 1, bit 0, 0. F. Fraae.. Hlk 1, tot 80, 0. F. Fraac..... Hlk 1, tot 81. O. F. Fraae . Hlk 1, tot 32, C. F. Fraiee Hlk tot 1, Cbarlca P. Bobbin Hlk 2. tot 3, CharW I, hobbliia ...... . Hlk 3. kit 8. WMtTam C. Noon, Jr...,;. Hk 2. lot 4. William C. Noon, Jr Hlk tot 6, William C. Noon, Jr Hlk 8. lot 6, William C. Noon. Jr Hlk 2. tot 7, William Smith Blk 2, weat 10 feet tot 8. William Smith Blk 2,, weat 11 feet tot 85, Frencie A. GUI i Blk 2. tot 26, Francli A. GUI Xlk 2, tot 27, A. M. Cummliigl Hlk 3. lot 2H. A. M. Cummlnge Blk 8. tot 29. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company ; Blk 1 tot 80, The Tltl Guarantee A Truat company Blk 3. lot 81, Minnie R. KoMilna Hlk 2, kit 82, Minnie li. RobUina Hlk 5, tot 1, Charlea W. Gay Blk 6. tot 2. Cbarlca W. Gay Blk 6, tot 8, Jobn iMnnerberg . . , Blk 6, lot 4, John Ilonnerberg Blk 5, lot 6, William A. Hubble Hlk 6. tot 6. William A. Hobble Hlk 6, lot 7, A. M. Cummlnge... Blk 6. waat 12 feet tot 8, A. M. dim ming Bly 6, lot lettered A, Charlee W. Gay.. Blk 6. tot lettered B. Charlea W. Gay.. Edendale Blk 6, tot 1. Katie Schopell Blk 8, kit 1 Katie Bvbopell Hlk 6. lot 8. A. M. Cumiuluge Blk 8. tot 4, A. M. Cummlnge .. Blk 6. tot 6, Jamea M. Steel Hlk 6, kit 6. J me M. Steel Blk 6, tot 7, Ellen Cnae Hlk 6, lot 8, KUeu Caee rtiw a L. a Uarv Kva Bteel 6.60 6.60 8.00 8.10 B.60 17.85 87.86 87.86 87.85 37.86 17.86 6 60 9.00 6 60 180 180 8.00 6.60 6. 60 6.60 8.93 B.60 Hlk 6, tot 10, Mary Eva Bteel Blk 6, tot 11, T. C. Tbronaden Hlk 6. tot 12, T. C. Tbronaden Hlk 6. lot 13. T. W. X. London Hlk 6. lot 14, T. W. B. London Itlk 6. tot 15. Cbarlca W. Gay Blk 6, lot 16. Charlei W. Gay F.aatland .... Blk 1. lot 1, Hulda Stelnleln Blk 1, kit 2, Edith P. Gilbert uik 1 ,. a. Klla K. Gilbert 3.00 2.00 200 2 00 2.00 2.00 2.U0 7 20 T.20 7 20 T.20 7.20 7.20 720 l.Pft 1.95 1.96 1.95 1.96 1.93 .86 8 06 7.20 7.20 7 30 7.20 T.20 T.20 10.95 10.25 10.25 10.25 10 25 Hlk 1, lot 4, Buroery naiwH... Blk 1, tot 6. Loulaa A. Mcuregor ...... . Hlk 1. lot 6, Breyman A Summervll e. Xlk 1, tot 7. Breyman A Bummervllle. Blk 1, kit 8. laaac F. Tobey ... Blk 1, lot 9, Breyman A Bummervllle. uii. i i... in uf.viii.ii A Bummervllle. Blk 1, tot 11. B. H. Bowman Blk 1. tot 12, B. II. Bowman '. Hlk 1. lot 13. F. W. Wachter Blk 1. tot 14. F. W. Wachter Hlk 2. bit 1. Breyman Bro Hlk 2. tot 2, Breyman Hro Blk 2, tot 3, Breyman broa Blk 2. tot 4, M. Olaen Blk 2, tot 6, Breyman Broa Hlk 2. tot 8, B. H. Breyman........... Blk 2. wcat 18 feet tot 7, B. H. Brey- Blk 2, weat 18 feet tot 8, Breyman A Sointnervllle Blk 2, tot 9. Breyman A Bommervllle.. Hlk 1 lot 1(1. lirprman Hro Blk 2 tot 11. Simon Mltchel Blk 2, tot 12. Blmon Mltchel Ulk 2. tot 13, M. Victoria Pratt Blk 2. tot 14. Breyman Broa Blk 4, tot 1, Meier A Frank Co Blk 4, lot 2. Melr A Frank Co........ Hlk 4, tot 8, Breyman A Bommervllle.. Hlk 4, tot 4. Breyman A SomuiervUle. . Blk 4, kit 5, Hreyman nroa. Blk 4, tot Breyman Broa 10.23 10.25 11.05 HI 4. tot 7, B. II. oowman Plk 4, tot 8. Joaephlu CUney Blk 4. tot 9, H. McArtnnr Blk 4. kit 10. Jamea Slmpeon, eatat helra of 10.26 10.25 10.25 10.25 Blk 4, lot 11, Aladlue Schmidt Hlk 4. tot 11 M. M. Cain nil. a ini lit Mra. loulaa Stevenaon... 8.76 6.60 10.25 Blk 4.' tot 14, Breyman Broa l" blk 4. weet 15 feet lot 15, Katherln 4. Martin Subdivlaiou of Lot 1, Paradla Spring Farm I'ndlvlded U lot 1, W. n. Frtea Undivided tot 2, W. H. Frle Cvidlvlded lot 3, W. H. Friei Undivided H lot 4, W. II. Frle i .ii.i.i1 u tot &W. H. Frle 160 T.28 T.86 15.00 14.90 14.80 14.70 14.60 I'udivlded V tot 6, W. H. Frle Undivided H tot 7, W. H. Friei Lot 8, Antonla Meyer Undivided H tot 9, W. H. Frlea 29.06 14.45 14.85 Undivided lot iu, v. n. rnra Undivided tot 11, W. H. Frlea Undivided t tot 12, W. H. Frlea T.85 6.46 Undivided H tot B. W. H. Frle 8.40 I'nHI.M..,! li. Int A. W. H. Frle 8.80 Undivided H tot 1. Henry E. McO nn... Undivided H tot 2, Henry K. McGinn... Undivided H lot 3, Henry E. McGinn... Undivided H tot 4, Henry E. McGinn... Undivided tot 5. Henry K. McGinn... Undivided H tot 6, Henry E. McGlun... Undivided , tot 7, Henry E. McGinn... 7.25 T.85 16.00 - 14.90 14.80 14.70 14.60 Undivided 14 lot 9. Henry K. McGinn.. 14.46 lot 10, Ili'iiry n. aicunin.. tot 11, Henry B. McGlun.. lot 12, Henry E. McGinn., lot A, Henry E. McGinn., lot H tlnnrv E. McGinn.. 14.85 7.86 6.45 8.40 6. SO Plat of that Portion of the Peeryand Ellaabetb Prettyman Donation Land Claim, Known aa Paradla Spring Farm ' lot 2, Joeeph Simon lot a, Annie E. Beck Good Addition. Block No. 1 Blk 1, lot 1. W. T. Emery Blk 1, lot 2, W. T. Emery Hlk 1. lot 8. John Good 116.00 861.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 Hlk 1, lot 4, John Good blk 1, lot 5, Jobu Good Hlk 1, lot tt, John Good Blk 1. lot 7, John Good Blk 1, lot 8. John Good Blk 1. tot 9. Jobn Good Hlk 1, lot 10. Jobn Good Blk 1, lot 11, Jobn Good Blk 1. lot 12. Jobn Good 1.80 8.60 250 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.50 Blk 1, lot 13, Jobn Good :. Blk 1, loc 14. Jobn Good Blk 1, tot 15, Jobn Good A tract of land lying between the eouth line of Eaat Taylor atreet and a line 2.10 feet eouth of and parallel there with and between tbe eaat line ot East Thirty-eighth street and tbe weat line of Prettyman avenue or Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet. Jobn Good A tract of land lying between the weat line of Eaat Thlrty-aeventh atroet If extended northerly in it prevent con rae und tbe weat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet, eitended north erlv In IU preaent courae and between the north line of Eaat Stark itreet and a line 100 feet north of and par allel therewith, W. S. Ladd eetate, belra of 69.65 1TT.10 Total 17.262.70 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tb City of Portland. November 4, 1903. PB0P0BID IMPROVEMENT OF VHI0H AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tbe cuuucll of tbe city of Portland, O.-e-XiR?, held ou tbe 4tb day of November, 1903, Ibe following resolution waa adopted: Reaolved, That the council ot tb city of Put t laud, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro iweca to Improve Union avenue from the center line of Belmont itreet to tbe center line of r.Ht l'anihlU atreet by bringing the itreet to tbe proper grado aua by constructing a plank roadway full width of the atreet with full interwctlona aud by constructing wooden ilde walki 12 feet In width In accordance with tb city engineer' plana, epecldcatlonl aud eatl matea. ald improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of tbe city of Portland and tbe plana, apecldcationa and eatl matea of tbe cltv engineer tiled in the office of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland on the Jnth day of October, 1903, lndoraed: "City engineer a plana and epecitlcatlona for the Im provement of Union avenue from tbe center line of bi Imont itreet to tbe center line of Eaat Yamhill atreet and tbe estimate of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof. " The cost of aald improvement to b aaaeaaed aa provided by the city charter upon tb prop erty apecially benefited and which la hereby declared to be all tb lota, part of lota and parcel of land lying between a line 100 fact treat ' of and parallel with tb weat line of Union avenue and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat Ure of Colon! avenn and between tbe aoutb line of Belmont atreet and the north line ot Jamfilil atreet- The abev Improvement to to berlad aa a plank roadway Improvement and aba 11 J maintained by tha city for a period of four veara. provided that the owner of a majority of the property benefited by laid improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tb ex piration of anch period. The engineer' eatl inate of tbe probable total -coat for the Im provement of said Union avenue la tS.POo.00.- Tb plana, aped flea tiona and eetlmati-a of th city --engineer for tb 'improvement of aald Undivided yt Undivided H Undivided H Undivided V4 T ',,.11 vl.l,, IL Union avenue are heeehvi a (looted " i1' ' 4.20 Keaolved. That the auditor of the dty of Portland be and h 1 hereby directed to give 4 20 4.20 4.20 one ui tn propoaed Improvement of Uulo avenn aa provided by th city charter. Uemonetrance agalnat tb above improvement may be Bled In writing with tb underalgned 4.20 wiunn xu nay irom tu data 01 U Drat 4.20 4.20 u.iwn v. liiia nonce. . - By order of tb council. . TI108. C. PEVLIK. Auditor of th City f Portland. Kovember 7, 1008. 430 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 420 FE0P0BED latPlOVImHT 0T lAXMOX STREET. 'Notice la berebv elvan that at the -vneetlna- . 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 of tbe council of the cltr of Portland, ttrea - ueiu on me aiu aay oi piovemuer, iUOii, uiiowina rraoiuiiou an au.ipten: Hcaolved. That the couucll of tb city of Portland, Oregon, deema it eipedlent and pro poee to Improve Salmon atreet from tbe eaat line of Front atreet to tbe eaat line at Filth 4.20 4.20 4.20 4 20 4 20 4.20 4 20 atreet by grading tbe itreet to the proper graur, paving me roauway mil width wooden blocka with amid cuahton with concrete foundation all Inchea In denth ricrnt at inieraw-'iit.na or rtrat atreet, Becoud atreet. 4.20 6.10 4.20 4.20 4.20 lliira atreet and Fourth atreet. Said Improvement to bn made In accordance With the charter and ordinances of tbe of Portland, and the plana, aiwlflcatlnn eatlmati-a of tbe city engineer lllrd In the and office 4.20 of the auditor of the city of Portland on 4.20 4. 20 4.20 8.T0 1.70 mat aay or tjctotier, nan, lndoraed: "City engineer', plane ami apeclfx-atlona for the im provement of Salmon atreet from the eaat of Front etivot to the eaat line of Fifth itreet, and the eatlmatea of the work to be dune and tbe nrnnilile total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be. aaaeaaed a provided by the city charter upon the prop erty apeclally lienehted thereby and which la 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.20 hereby declared tn be all tbe lota,' parte ioi a ana parcel oi laud IJInr Between a 100 feet north of and parallel with th north line of Salmon atreet and a line 1(M feet aeotb 4.20 4. 20 4.20 of and parallel with the aoutb line of Salmon atreet and between a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat Hue of Front atreet 4 20 4.20 420 4.20 4.20 4.20 3.05 the eaat line or Fifth atreet. The enrlneer'e eatlinate of the probable total erat for the Improvement of aald Bulinon Itreet li 111,885 00. The above Improvement la tn be cleaned aa wooden block improvement and ahall be main talned by the city of Portland for a period four year, provided that tbe ownera of a ma 4.20 4.20 torlty of the property benefited by aald lm provement of any portion thereof ahall 4.40 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of anch period. The plana, eoeclncattnne and eatlmatea of irfty engineer for the Improvement of aald Sal ton atreet are hereby adopted. Reaolved. That the auditor of the city of Portland be and he la Aerehv directed tn give notice of the pronoaed improvement of Salmon 4.20 4.20 420 4.20 4.20 atreet la provided nv tbe city charter. Remonatrjince agalnat the above Improvement mav be tiled In writing with the nnderalgned within 30 dava from the date of tbe flrat pub lication of thla notice. 4 20 4.20 4 20 4.20 By order of the council, THOS, P. PEVI.IH. Auditor of the City ot Portland. November 7. 1003. 4.20 PB.0P08ED IhtrHOVEllENT OF MISSISSIPPI AVENUE. Notlc I hereby given that at the meeting of tbe council of tbe city of Portland. Oregon, held on tbe 4th day of November, 1003, tn following reaolutlon waa adopted: Keaolved. That th council of tn city or Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro Doeee to lmorov Mlaalaalunl aveuue from th eouth line of Morrla atreet to tb aoutb line of Preacott itreet tn the following manner, to-wit: Flrat Br cradlnc the atreet full width with full interaectlona to tbe proper auligrade. Second By planking tb roadway full width with full Interaectlona, In accordance with the city engineer' plana, apeclBcatlona and acti nia tea. Third Br conetructlng wooden ildewilki 10 feet In width, with ilx-foot covering plank. Fourth By conatrartlng wooden curbe in ac cordance with the city engineer a plana, iped Bcatlom and eatlmatea. Tbe coat of laid Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and wbtcb 1 hereby declared to be all tbe Iota, parte of kit and parcela of land lying between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with the weat line of Mlaalaalppi avenue and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line ot Mlaala alppi avenue and between tbe aoutb line of reacott atreet ana a line luu reel aouin or ana larallel with tbe aoutb line of Morrla atreet. Tbe enalneer a eatlinate of tbe probable coat for the Improvement of Mlaalaalppi avenue la m.4Q. Tb above Improvement I to be claaaed a a plana roadway improvement, ana enau tie mam talned bv tbe citv for a period of four year provided that tbe ownera of a majority ot tbe property benefited bv aald Improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or - 24 dirrorent improvement neror tn expirauoa or urn period. Tbe plana, ipeclflcatlom and eatimate of tb city engineer for the Improvement oi aald All- laaippi avenue are hereby adopted. lleaolved, That the auditor of tb city of Portland be and Be 1 hereby directed to give notice or tbe propoaed improvement or laid Miaalulppl avenue ai provided by tbe city cnarter. KoDionatrance agalnat th above Improvement may be filed In writing with tb nnderalgned witbln 20 daya from tb data f th flrat pub- unuon ot tnia notice. By order of tbe council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Kovember 7. 1903. BATLHOAD TMITABLE8. Astoria k Columbia River Railroad Co, Leave. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. For Maygei. Rainier, Dally. 11:10 a. ta. flatskanie, Weatport, CUfton, Astoria, War 8:00 a. ren ton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearbart Park, Seaside, Aitorla and Seaahor Dally. .Express, Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. 7:00 p. m. Daily. 9:40 p. m. J. C. MAT0, 0. F. and P. A., Astoria, Or. ,' A. STEWART, Commercial Agent. 248 Alder St.. Pboce, Main 906. Is The Only Doiible-Trade Railway between the Missouri River sad Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train In the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points ir. Oregon. Daily and personally conducted tx- iursiom in Pullman tourist sleeping' 1 iarsfiem Portland. Los Angeles and San Francisco, through, to Chicago" -without change. . , r. . nfrcHis. A.cBAMtcra. r Gaa'l Agt.i; Market St, Caa'l Jigt.. im Tlurd St, AMFaAKUiaCO.CAL. - roTLAa,GB. Chicago & North-Wcstern Ry. ttfJ yaLLSo Jlo pun - 0HFG0N Shout Lm ill on. ad union Pacific 3 TRAINS to tho EAST DAILY Through Pullman atandard and Tonrtat ileep. In ca.-a dally to Omaha, Chicago, bankanel tbe with Tourlet eleeplng-ear dally to avanaaa tltyt tbe through Pullman Tourlet leeplng-cer (nereea. ly conducted) Weekly - to Chicago. Kanaa City; Reclining cbalrcara (eta free) to tb juiat flatly. cltt UNION JlEPOT. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. For th Kaat via Hunt ington. 0:30 a. B. 4:80 p. g,. Dally. the Dauy. Una SPOKANB FLYER. Tor Kaet"rn Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lw latnn, Coeur d'Alene and Great Noribar point. 6 oo a. aaT - i , 'I i W T:88 a. 84, . Dally. Dall. . " ' : I " of ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For th Eaat via llunt- lngtnn. 8:16 p. nv. Dally. 10:80 a. m. line Dally.. OCEAN AMD UVEA SCHEDULE. and FOR SAN FRANCISCO: B. 8 Geo. W. Elder Nov. 8. 18. 28. From Alaaka IVick. 8:00 p. m. 5:00 p. BV: 8. B. Columbia Nov. 8, 13, 23. a Columbia Elver Dlvlalea. of FOR ASTORIA and way! 6:00 a. Dallr. About - polnta. connecting with 6:00 p. m. not atmr. for ' Ilwaco and et. Sunday. eg. Bunoay, North beach, atr. Uaa- Saturday. 10:00 p. n. ralo. Aab-at. dock. the TamhIU Xlvar Xout. FOR PATTON, Oregon City and Tamhlll River polnta, atmr. Elmore, Aah-at. dock. (Water permitting.) 7:00 a. at Tneaday. Thutaday. 8:00 p. ta. ; Monday. Wedneaday. Friday. , Saturday. Bnak Blver Bout. FOR LEWISTON. Id.. 45 a. m. Daily. About 5:00 p. Bv. Dally. . ex, Frldiy. and way polnta from Rlparla. Waah.. iteam- lex. Sat ere BpAkin and Lew- lftnn. TICKET OFFICE. Third end Waahlngton. Tele pnone. Main iia. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Yokohama and Hon Ken:, eetllne' at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer for Manila., Port Artbitf and Vladlvoctok. . IBDBAPUEA 8AIL8 DECEXBEK 88. Fcr rate and full Information call ea et ad. dree officiate or agenta of th O. R. A N. Co. EAST SOUTH Leave. CNI0K DEPOT. Am OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, tor Salem. Rosa- burg. Aahland. Sacra niento, Ogden, SanFran riaeo, Mnjave, Lo An- 8:S0 p. m 7:48 a.m. jreie. El paao, ew Or- . hii anu in cast. At Woodbnrn dally (except Sunday). morn 8.S0 a. m log train for ML An 7.00 p. m. gel, Sllverton. Browns ville, Bprinrneld, Wnd- II ..... uua mu t'.uinh 4:00 p. n. Albany paasenger. con 10:10 a. m. !J8:2S a. m. nects at Wocdhurn with Mt. Ansel and Sliver- I ton local. Corvallis paasenger..... v 114:60 p. m. I Sheridan passenger 0:M p. ta. Daily. I Dally, except Sunday. . ForUand-Oiwego Suburban Barrio and yamhlll KIViaiOB, s Depot Foot ot Jefferson Street. Lear Portland dailir for Oawera T:8n a. m. i 18:60. 3:05. 8:25: 6:20. :29. 8:80. 10:10 D. ml Dally (except Sunday) 6:80, 6:80; 8:35, 10:25 a. m.l 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only. 8:00 a. m. - - a- - Returning from Oewego, arrive Portland dallr 8:80 a. m.. 1:66. 8:05. 4:35. 6:16, 7:36, P.M. 11:10 p. m. Daily (except Sundavl 6:25. 7:2n. 9:80, 10:20. 11:45 a. m. Except Monday. 12:25 , m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter, lediato points daily (except Sunday) 4:00 n. m. Arrive Portland 10:20 p. m. Tb Indpoendenoe-Monmonta Motor Hn operate dally to Moumontb and Alrli, con necting wltb Southern Pacific compaay'a track at Dallaa and Inttependcnc. i . Flrst-ciaM rebate tlckete on Ml from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco. Net at 117.50. Pertbs go; second-class far 81A. without rebate or berth; second-class berth 82.50. Ticket to Eastern point and Enron. hu Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket ornc corner Tnird and Washing. ton atreet.- Phone, Mala 718. W. STINGER, t W. COMAtt. City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pas. Agent. TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND; Puget. Sound Limited, . De parte. 8:80 a. m. Arrive. 5:80 p. for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul, Min neapolis. Chicago,. Hiw Vork. Boaton and points East and Southeast. Twin-City Expreii, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo kane, Helena, St. Paul, Minneapolti, Chicago. New Vork, Boaton and all polnta Eaat ' and Southeast. Puget Sound '- Kansas City-St. LouU Special, fr Tacoma. Seattle. 8:00 p. m. IsOO a. i 11:45 p. tn. 7.00 p.m. Spojtane, Butte, Bllllnga, 8.30 a. m. 7:00 a. tnV Denver. Umaba, Kansas City. Sh Louis and all points East and South east. All trains daily except on South Bead brsnch. - A. D. CHARLT05, Assistant General Psssenger Agent. , 225 Morrison St., cor. Third, Portland, Or. AIM TRAINS VIAVASaLNOTON tUNSCT. I I lOODtH. SnASTAI I lalV "P" OI & BALTIMORE tr CHJO R. R. S. -..-