Tim, OltEQOK DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAXD, SATXJTtDAY EVENING, NO VEMliEIt7c.-1003., El (.L n 2)& (QXE HIE WEEK 1 ' f. . ' ' Ladies' Ready-to-Wear HATS la the New Shapes, Fill and Winter Season of 1903 and 1904, values "up to $2.50 and $3.00. Heavy Flannelette WRAPPERS Fancy trimmed, full flounce, in handsome . new patterns, regular values $1.50 and $1.75 - Ladies' DRESS SKIRTS Six-gored, satin trimmed, heavy 'wool ma terial; colors, navy and black; regular value $7.50. 26-in. Paragon frame, heavy Gloria Silk . UMBRELLAS Pretty Silveret Handles, regular value $1.50.- Wrappers and Underskirts 01 A A Flttnne,ette Wrapper worth 11.35 Cf 1 C bl UU ,U0 'lann1" Wrappers, for 3)1.13' CI Flannelette Wrapper worth f 1.65' - AP tbleZt) 11-75 Flannelette Wrappers, for 1,0 J A '. fa Flannelette Wrappers, worth $3 nr 01 ()U 12 25 lne1"8 Wrapper, for . . : 0 1 ' 1 1) Ag AP Flannelette Wrappera, worth $3.60 p wl.7) 12 varuc" ,n Underskirts, for $lst)U (M 7C Underskirts, worth $2.25 A A A t)le It) iM luea ln Underskirts, for t(JU A AP Underskirts, worth $2.85 A PA $3.25 values In Underskirts, for ZeDU $2.95 Underskirts, worth $3.75 Domestics 1 P Td. Turkey red Table Linen, worth 25o 1 Q 1 Uv 25c yd. Turkey red Table Linen, now. I O V 07r Satln Damask Table Linen, Worth 45o 0Q fall 85o yd. loom dice Table Linen, now LUv 43p Td. 4-4 Muslin, worth 7c Cl 4I llftc yd. Bedtlcking, now , O3L " JZX Td."heavy Cotton Flannel; worth lOc" ' Ql llv 16o yd. heavy Cotton Flannel, now U3v 51 Td. French Chambray Gingham, worth lOo E 2v 6c yd. best Indigo Prints, now ......... tlL (J Td. best Turkey Bed Prints, worth 6o P llv 7V4c yd. Robe Prints, now JL 1 P Td. heavy Shaker Flannel, worth 8 l-2o Ql Jv 12Hc yd. heavy Shaker Flannel, now O3V 1 Op Td. best quality Table Oil Cloth, worth 25o Q .101 o per yd. House Lining, now ()v Cp Yd. Percales, worth 6Kc ffln llv 15c yd. Daisy Flannels, light col. now.... 1 Uv C Yd. Outing Flannel, worth 81-3c 7 Uv 9c yd. Outing Flannels, now it 81p Yd. Outing Flannel, worth 10c 3 V 15c yd. Outing Flannel, now 1 U v Pr. roll, choice Batting, worth 8 l-3o WE HAVE SHEETINO.S, ALL WIDTHS, AT WHOLESALE COST Waists and Corsets C9 Q'tI Wash B,lk Waists, worth $4. - A AC $Ldd $4.25 wash silk Waists, for ............. VOtCd J(C Wash silk Waists, worth $4.50. &M AC 04a $5.50 wash silk Waists, for liLO C I 7C Wash silk Waists, worth $6.25. A p ViH $10 wash silk Waists, for JOtLj (1 Basket weaves Waists, worth $2.50 frA AP ltOu $3 basket weaves Waists, for $LLo tl OP Basket weaves Waists, worth $4.25. . frA AC $dLo $3 mercerized Oxford Waists, for........ l&0 frAflrtMercerlsed Oxford Waists, worth $4. A AC ptHr $4.50 Mercerized Oxford Waists, for ...... $dtt.d C 1 AC Flannel Waists, worth $1.85. CI OLLd $2 Flannel Waists, for tl fllfl Flannel Waists, worth $2.25. tfA AC 4)1 UU $3.25 Flannel Waists; for $L,L.d 5 Corsets, regular value 60c. n 75c Corsets, this sale dUC ... ... . 1 En Corsets, regular value $1.25. ' Cl OC $lio Corsets, this sale, . . ; . P1 ' $1,50 Corsets', regular value $2.25. Ladies' and Children's 10c 10c Hosiery Ladles' fast black seamless Hose, worthlSo' 20o val. Ladles' fast black dbl. sole Hose .. 12Ic ..25c 1 Ladles' fast black fleeced Hose, worth 26c. 35c value Ladies' fast black silk finish Hose Chlldrens' heavy ribbed Hose, worth 15o 20c val. Children's heavy ribbed Hose. Chlldrens' ex. he'vy bicycle Hose, worth 85o SAMPLE LINES OF HOSIERY AT 50 PER CENT REDUCTION FROM REGULAR PRICES LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Knit Underwear j Ladles' fleeced Jersey knit, worth 35c. g' OC 60c Ladles' fleeced Jersey knit, this sale.. a)OC a p Ladles' fleeced Jersey knit, worth 65c. Cf" tDC 75c Ladles' fleeced Jersey knit, this sale.. OUC s p Ladles' wool Underwear, worth $1. '7C" OOC $1.25 Ladles wool Underwear, nbw...... Ow &t ff Ladles' wool Underwear, worth $1.60, ttl'OCI PlUU $1.75 Ladles' wool Underwear, now Chlldrens' knit Underwear, worth 85c. 60c Chlldrens' knit Underwear, now 50C Chlldrens knit Underwear, worth 75c. A large lot of ladles' sad Children's gample Underwear and Union Suits at one-naif regular prices. 25c 35c Shoe Bargains MCA Ladles' fine Dongola extWn sole, val, $2.60 l TAj JU $2.25 Men's all solid leather Shoes, now. ! JU XAa Ladles' Oxfords worth $1.25. fl JO OUt $2 Ladies' Button Shoes, now 0"O CI 1ft Men'8 Douglas .Slippers worth $2.25. tl 7C 140 $2.65 Ladles' Toe Slippers, now 51.1J d I AC Ladles' Toe Slippers, worth $1.75. QC 65c Infants' soft sole Shoe, now OJl fQ Of Packard Shoes, worth $4.50. $dLi) $1.46 Children's Shoes, now Uv 19c Infants' Moccasins, worth 35c. Vaw lines of Ladies' Sample Shoes lust received, to be closed out at less than manufacturer's cost. , ...SPECIAL... I I C per yard BLACK TAFFETA SILK. 24 1 O inches wide, worth $1.50. 4Zn Peryrd BLACK TAFFETA SILK, 20 inches UOw wide, worth $1.00. Towels I A Each, col. border Huck Towels, worth 20c 1 y 1 U v 25c each ex. large Huck Towels, now .... 1 L, V r Each Huck Towels, worth 8 l-3c. ' 1 ! O V 20c each satin damask Towels, now 1 farO v I 0 Each large satin Damask Towels, worth 30o A 1 4v 20c each Turkish bath Towels, now... J Js I OJ each Turkish bath Towels, worth 25c. 1 r 1 C2j 80c. eacn Turkish bath Towels, now sJL Per yard crash Toweling, worth 8 l-3c. . Qn llv 10c per yard crash Toweling, now U4V jQj IPer yard heayy linen Toweling, worth 15c Millinery Department Ai Ar Ladles' Silk Velvet Hats, worth $7.50. CAa 4ZD 90c values Automobile Caps for.... t)lv yr Ladles' ready-to-wear Hats, worth $2.60 A Al" ,3 $3.50 new street Hats, for bl7t) New style velvet shapes, worth $2.60 Ar 9LO " handsome band-made Dress Hats. We3 A pn Combination Jet and velvet Hat. worth $4.25 A P VMetU BlIlt nan(1"mal8 Hats, for tyLtLv MAP Misses' trimmed felt Hats, worth $2 ZD i,7! MiMeB' whue feit Hat- fr ywC TP Misses' white felt Hats, worth $1.25 IC DC x Chlldrens' Tarn O'Shanters, for fyQ 25c I21c 15c 25c Waistings Pr. yd. napped Oxford Wastlngs, worth 35c 35o pr. yd. Komono Walstlngs, this sale Yd. Iceland fleece back Wats ting, worth 20c 20c yd. Momlce cloth Wa luting, this sale, Yd. Zlbollne Walstlng, worth 26c. 15c yd. fancy Flannelet Walstlng, this sale 25c . I2ic 10c 39c Yd. silk velvet Walstlng, worth 76c 75o yd. wash India Silks, all col'rs this sale Men's Furnishing Goods vp Each Men's Caps, worth sac. JIZs UV 60c each Men's Caps, now OOw P" Each Boys' Caps worth 85c. 1 P Ov ?6c each Men's Golf Shirts, now 40w pik Each Men's Dress Shirts, worth 75c. i OUv 65c each Men's Negligee Shirts, now TlOL' p Each Men's Underwear, worth 50c a p XirOw 75c each Men's Underwear, now iOw m p Each Men's heavy wool Underwear worth $1 m I Uv 35o Men's Suspenders, now Ow p A pair Men's Socks, worth 7c. I A UV 15c a pair Men's Socks, now lUw A pair Men's Socks, worth 20c. p 35c a pair Men's fancy Socks, now p A pair Men's Overalls, worth 75c. 'TCT OUv 11.25 a pair Men's Jean Pants, now Ow Q m A pair Men's Cottonade Pants, worth $1.25 t m OO V 66c a pair Boys' Knee Pants, now ,. $1.25 Each Men'8 Hat8- wortn 1-76 Blankets and Comforts 65c 85c $1.25 $4.25 98c 75c Per pair Blankets, worth $1 $1.15 per pair Blankets, now Per pair Blankets, worth $1.25. $1.35 per pair Blankets, now Per pair Blankets, worth $1.75. per pair Oregon wool Blankets, pair Oregon wool Blankets, worth value double bed size Comforter, Large heavy Comforter, worth $1.35. $2 large white batting filled Comforter. White Marseilles pat. Bedspread, worth$1.35 $1.50 white Marseilles pat. Bedspread, now .... 75c $1.00 $3.50 , now.. 65c $1.35 85c Jackets, Capes CLOAKS ....And Skirts... ft A A Capes, values up to $10.50. CIA 7? 0U.UU $15 values in Capes Ml.IU tO 7C Capes, values up to $13.50. C 19 F,rt 01 J $ig values In Capes JlL.UU C 1C A A Capes, values up to $20. CI 70 9U.UU 25 values ln Capes IftuU Kl LadleB' Jackets, values up to $3. C( CA HiM $10 values In Ladles' Jackets OvtOU C7 7C Ladles' Jackets, values up to $12. frO 7C JllJ $13.50 values in Ladles' Jacket. 0.1 J 1 1 A CA Ladles' Jackets, val. up to $15. tf yf 7 MluU $20 values in LadiesV Jacket J ttO C A Ladies' Jackets, val. upto $25. 0M AC OlO.JU $g values in Misses' Jackets 4wd tP CA Misses' Jackets, values up t $10. 7 7C OU.OU $12 values ln Misses' Jackets lelU CIA CA Misses' Jackets, values up o $15. CO AC 1UUU $6 values ln Misses' Cloaks i $Jtod 7C Misses' Cloaks, values up to ,$7.50 P CA JfliJ $g.6Q values in Misses' Cloaks $JuU ?Q AC Misses' Cloaks, values up to $10. CO CA U.LJ $12 values In Misses' Cloaks )0uU f A 7C Misses' Cloaks, values up to $13.60. 1 1 PA $UlO $15 values ln Misses' Cloaks II.3U ffll JC Misses' Cloaks, values up to $20. t 1 AP $litlO $3 values ln Ladles' Walking Skirts... MtJ t A AC Ladles Walking Skirts, values up to $3.50. f A 7P jLtLO $5 values in Ladles' Walking Skirts OO.O tM OC Ladles', Walking Skirts, values up to $7.60. : tf AP 4) OJ )io values in Ladies' Walking Skirts $)Ld C7 lA La4,es' Walking Skirts, values up to $11.50 . f(A IP luU $13.60 values In Ladles' Walking Skirts.. J4J C (ft 751 Ladles' Walking Skirts, value, up to $15 (7 IP lU.U $10 value, in Ladles' Dress Skirt. .... VltdD ff O 7C Ladles' Dress Skirts, values up to $12 CA M P OO.ld $13 values ln Ladles' Dress Skirts tfe'KJ ( J 1 A A LaJle8' Dress Skirts, val. up to $15 C I C A A $1 1UU $20 val. In Ladies' Dress Skirts ....... )I?.UU CO Rainy-Day Skirts, values up to $5.00. ' d1 AP $LtL) $3.50 values, Rainy-Day Skirts.......... Aj)lt) Another LAROB CONSIGNMENT OF CLOAKS. JACKETS and SKIRTS Just received from Chicago ' Suit House to be closed out at manufacturer's cost Lace Curtains PA per pr., Nottingham Lace Curtains, reg. 75c. ' OUC 95c values, Nottingham Lace Curtains, now. .00 C 7Cper pr., Nottingham Lace Curtains, reg. $1.25. ' (J A I OC $1.50 value, Nottingham Lace Curtains, now$llU 01 2J? a pair, Nottingham Lace Curtains, reg. $3.00. J ZP 4)100 $2.50 value, Nottingham Lace Curtains, nowvIUO . $1.95 per pr, Nottingham Lace Curtains, reg. $3.60. ODD LINES of Lace Curtains, from one to three pair, in each lot, prices ranging from $1.00 to $5.00 per pair, to be closed out at less than hall-price. P per yard. Curtain Scrim, regular 10c OC 20c Dotted and Figured Scrim, now.... Hie GROCERY NEWS 49c 10c 25c 8Kc I Royal Club Tomatoes, worth 21 lv 15c Malta Ceres, now ......... 5c 9 lbs. best dry Granulated Sugar. 40c Pacific Cream Tartar Powder Scotch Oats, worth 15c 25cjCheese Straws for ..... Cream Baking Powder, worth 85c, 15c Dessicated Wheat, now Pacific brand Tomatoes, worth 12c. 20c Armour Washing Powder Royal Club Tomatoes, worth 20c. Pels Naptha Soap, worth 8 l-3c. 15c Liquid Blueing, now . . ..... 1 2C Fountain brand Sugar Corn, worth 15c. 30c lie 15c 10c LOOK AT OUR 3c, Sc, lOc AND I5c BARGAIN TABLES OO THE LARGEST GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE IN OREGON. White ENTRANCES ON THIRD, YAMHILL AND SECOND STREETS i