TILE OREGON DAILT JOURNAL, ' rdRTLAND, :SATttHDAY ETENINO. NOVEMBER i903. 23' CITT afOTICES.-" " CITY'XOTICZi. CITY' K0TICIB, CUT K0TICIS. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICE! IAIL30AD TlatXTABLta. vkopoud miHimi' to a a csxm-or . KWZII X EAST TAMRILL. ZAIZ THITT-iETETT. aUTP OXHEB ITEEIH lllk 50, lot 4. EllaaUtb. ltolh HI 60. lot $. II. 8. How i. ...... niK wj, lot a, ii. a. now.. ink Washington atraat fro" ...................... .. . V Tblrtylgbth tret to Rlk 51, lot T. Franca J. Dunbar,, .... I lventhrtreetj In East Blk 81,. kit t. franco J. Uuubar - V rest Una ef Eaat Thirty blk 61, Jut . Frank I Houston and . in Eaat Thirty-seventh Jame 1. 0'a.eana ,. . 1.1 ; AO. kit 10. Elisabeth Rotb klk M. lot 1. CUvaland aUu-karall. trua. none, if hereby giTo (nil ine council m ie ...................J ..... tha city of Portland propose to tha fol. I Blk fit, lot S, Ctvlaad Byi'kwaQ, trua- lowing nescrilwd property ana owner aa Being lie ......... ............... aneclally and peculiarly benefited l tbe Blk 61, lot , Clevlaa4 JUackwaU, true- imMBii a .nni. t. th. niniM ana asacriD-I im .....,........ tlona thereof hr the construction of a aewer I Blk SI. lot 4. ClsTsland KockwelL trua- aa ronowii in tssi isiny-aovaiuu pu i. ............................... point in Rait Stark atrct to sw la Kast I Blk 81, lot A, Cleveland Rockwall, tma- Vauihlll atraat. In Eaat Yamhill atreet to I tea... v in ii Kat T.mhlii itrnt at Eaat Thirty-1 Blk 61. lot a. Cleveland Mockwell. true- . ant atreet I la Mat weaningion aireet tnm i tev ..... ,.M .......,,.... ... ....... tb waat Una or Kaat Tblr' war lo Knot Thlrty-aevenl Alder atraat front tba waat II lama street to ewe in aaai jnirww.ui. 1 . y """.'i;"."",!"."" treat: in Eaat Morriana street froia tb waat I Blk M, lot 10, Cleveland Rockwell, trua llua f Eaat Thlrty-elghta ilfffl to wer In tea , .. .......... .. . .. .. .... , ...... . . k..t inCi,i.....ih lu Eaat Stark I Blk 61. lot 11. CUvaland Rockwell trua. satreet Iroaj tba aaat una or esst. nirwiuii .. ................................. Street ta eewef In East Tniriy-eeveiuo lum, bis 01, tot jl, visvsianq jhkswvu, iriaa- aald aawar to ba known aa "A ehala ot aawara ta In Eaat IVamhlU. Eaat Tblrtaantti at L Blk 67, lot T, C. H. Palrln. ........... atrta." and to ba, couatrucled aa prorldad hj Blk 63. lot I.Bunaraltt tbd la ornlaanfTo. 1.8I. , . pro-eBJnt company Any objwllon to tba apPorTionrocnt m mi pii oa, 101 , rwicoar canon........ tnr m.i A V..., n.. Iv. n,.da In wfltina t I Rlk 62. kt 10. Claraw IL Palria the eounHI and flled wltb tba auditor wlthlalBlk 6i. lot 11. Uaorga J. Halmbtr gar. . ' 19 dava from tba data of tba flrat publlratlon I Blk 6a,' .lot 13. Jonathan Moabrr. ...... of this node, and said ohjoctlona will ba I Blk 62, lot 13. tjovrga A. MerrlU..... baard and dt-tarrulmd hy tha connell oefor I Hi 63. lot 14, Andrew Holm...., tba paaaag of tb ordlnaoc aaaaaalng tba coa Blk 63, kt 13, J. Halaa Huiltb. ....... m ox, Kil JO, aiinatia a. uaraon..... dlk .',2 k,t IT. Mlnarfa A. 1araon.... S 4Q I lllk l..t 1H Mlnatfa A. flaraon S 40 ijn 69, lot 8. Hunnyalda Laad lav 5 TX proramant cwrupanjr Blk 66, lot , Huniijalda Land 4) lm prorenant aoaipaa i: l.uo l.bo : IJO 190 t-M 1.M Croalar a Additloa to Eaat Portland ' Blk 1, lot 4. Ilalnart H. Croslrr I Mk !: lot a. Halnart H. Croalar. Blk 1, lot 10, llalbart II. Ooalar. , . . . . . Blk 1, lot IK Halhart 11. Croalar.r..... Blk 1, lot 13. Halbart H. (roalar Wk a. lot 4, Malhart H. Croalar. .4,.... Blk I. lot 6, Halbart II. Croalar Blk a, lot C Halbart II. Croalar Blk 3. lot 10. Bamual H. Bmltb ,. T.Ik 1 lot 11. Loratta M. Taylor Blk I. lot li Bamaal II. Bmltb.. Plk.A lot 4VW. O. K.f ltar.. Blk fi. M S, John TH-r Plk 8, lotC.W. O. llcglatar Blk 8. lot 10, Jama C. Bntlar , Blk 8, lot 11, Ralph R. Iunlwar '. Blk 8. lot 13, Ralpb U, Uunlway Hunnyalda Bib 111, lot T. W. J. flaaman... I lk IS. lot 8. Annl I). Vl-ranl Blk 1, lot 0. Mary Vlrranl. Blk 1M, kit 10, William Bate, Klk 18. lot 11, P. W. Stone' Plk lu, lot Vi. Clara A. Htlnirr Plk ID,. lot IS, Cbrlatlana Hartlngar... Blk 19, lot. 14, Roea B. Rtone Blk in, lot 15. P. W. and Hoea Rlon.. Blk 10. bt 16, Cbrlatlana Haotlngar. . . . Blk 80, lot T, Edwin ('.dwell...., Mk 20. lot 8. Hunnyalda Land t In nraramant company !..,. Plk mi. lot . fliimiyelde Land a Im, - TiroTomant mmpany ' Blk So. lot 10, Charlea and klaggl A. Oatika Blk 3D. lot 11. William A. Cleland Blk 3i. bit 13. Ma A. Carllla Blk 30, lot 13. Hunurelde Land In- prorcDMnt company Blk 30. lot 14, Sunnyalda Land A Im- proTemant company , Blk 2" I, lot IS, Kdward Lorana Blk 20, lot 16, Molll E. Huntor Blk 81. bt T, Sunnyalda Land A Im- prorvmant, company Plk 31, lot 8, C. A. and Florence E. ila Blk 81. kit 9, Cellla Bchleffer.'. Blk 81. lot 10. Bunnyalde Und Im- proramant company Plk 81.. lot 11. Bunnyalde Und it Im- rorrmcnt company .11, lot 13. K.laon L. Woodard Mk 81, lot 13, Cbarlca Wblfmcr IMk 81, lot 14. Charlrl Wbltmcr Plb 31, lot 15. J. K. Cbambarlln Blk 81. lot 16. 8nnn)elde Land In ororamnt mmmnr Blk 81. lot 17, William N. Our 7 Blk 81, lot 18, William N. Gary.. Itlk 82, lot 1, John F. O'Donncil Blk S2, lot 2. John F. O'Donnell Plk 82, lot 8, John F. O'Donnell Blk 82, lot 4, Theodora J. Gary Plk 82. lot 5. Florence C. Wehater Blk 83. lot 6. Florence 0. Webeter Blk 82. lot T. Mr. A. Griffin Blk 82. lot 8. John M. Wallace Blk 82, lot 8. .John M. Wallace Blk 82, lot 10, Koooadt Brandt Elk 83, weat H of 1 lot 11, Ralpb Fooa- aeaa . , , Blk 82, weat H of lot 12. Ralpb Fooa Blk 82, VaVt" H'of 'iot VlVReVn'liolt'wm- ' tamnen Blk S3, eaat H of lot 12. Belnholt Will lamaeB' Flk 83. weat V, lot 1. Paal Bchnle Blk 33, weat V, lot 2. Paul Schule blk 33, eaat H of lot 1.. A. E. Llod. vifii' VaaV 'i, ' oi lot' 'i! ' i''LL&' cy . ". r Plk Xt, lot 3. Tlqla T. Mulr ,.. Ttlk S3, lot 4, J. N. and 8uaan N. Fow. lei". " Plk m. Tot B. fleorge K. Clark Blk 83. lot 6. Ueorgn K. Clark Blk 8.1, lot 7, Anguata Rttenour. Plk 83. lot 8, Nell I,. Llndaey 1 Ik 8.1. lot 0. Georgia M. Carter flk 8.1, lot 10, Augnata Rlttenour Blk 84, lotl. (ieorge A. Morrill Plk 84, lot 2, flenrge A. Merrill.-: Plk .14, lot 3. George A. MerrlH Blk 84, lot 4, George A. Merrill Blk 84, lot 6. George A. Merrill. Blk 84. lot 6. George A. Merrill Blk 84. lot 7. Joha Paumgartner Blk 84. lot 8, John Baumgartner Blk 84, Jot 0. John Banmgartner Blk 84. lot 10. Hiram Campbell Blk S5, lot 1, Edward and Johanna Gil lie , a Blk 5, lot 3, Edward and Johanna 011- lla Plk 88.. lot 8, Martha J. Andernon . . . . , ink 85. weat 1-8 of lot 4. j. J. Ron.. B!k 85. weat 1-8 of lot 8, J. J. Roaa.. Blk 85, weat 1-8 of lot 6, f. i. Roaa.. Blk 85, eaat 2-S of lot 4, Katie Rabe- nelck Blk 85. eaat 2-8 of lot 5, Katie Rabe- ncirk P.Ik ha. eaat 2-3 of lot 6. Katie Ra be ne Irk Blk 85, eaat Vt of lot 7. Mary E. Fltfe. Blk 85, aaat of lot 8, Mary E. Fltta. Blk 85. eaat H of lot B. Mary E. Fltta. Blk 85. weat M at lot 7, Samuel P. Mc- Ke Blk 80, weat tt of lot 8, Samuel P. Mc- Ke BIK 89, weat of lot 9, Samuel P. Mc- Kee Blk 88, lot 10, Thomai F. Gannon Blk 85, lot It Mary A. Barton Blk 85, Jot 12, Amy Andcraon Blk 86. lot 7. 0. W. Illggln Blk 36, lot 8, Sunnyalde Land A im. prorement company Blk 86. lot 9, Stinnyalde Land A Im provement company Plk 86. lot 10. F. Kaplan... Blk 8rt, lot 11. Joseph Bchleffer Blk- 88, lot 12. Bunnyalde Laud A 1m- nrorement company , , Blk 86, lot 18, Roland Partridge Klk 86. lot 14. J. H. Morae i... Blk 36. lot 16. Bunnyalde Land A Im- prorement company , Elk 80r east of lot 16, Clara" W. .Hoy la J..... . Blk 86. eaat H of lot 17, Clara M. Doj-l Blk 86. eaat H of lot 18 Clara M. Doyle Blk 86, weat H of lot 16, Alfred T. Warnan Blh 86, weat V4 of lot 17. Alfred T. Warren .s i Plk 88, weat V, of lot 18. Alfred T. , Warren Blk 47. lot 7, Frank Ludosher Blk 47, lot 8, 'Title Guarantee A Truat company Rlk 4T. lot 8. P. 3. Farrell,.... Blk 47. lot 10. Peter Wermontb. Blk 47, lot 11, Maggie Howell Blk 47, lot 12, T. H. Cline Blk 47, lot 18.. Rudolph Dtrlwaehter...". Blk 47, lot 14, G. p; Srhroeder Plk. 47, lot 15, Cnarlea F. Llndegger... Plk 47, lot 16,-Cbarlea F. Llndegger... Ilk 47. lot 17. Gporge Stenheuaa. . . . , . ., Blk -47. lot 18. Catherine Rtenhnuse.... Blk 48, kit 1, Sarah Wantworth Blk '48.1: kit 2. Sarah Wentworth Ilk 48, lot 8. Barak Wantworth...,.., Blk 48. 'ot 4, Sunnyalda Land Im- proremant company , Blk 48,. lot 6, Jamea A. Jnhnaon Plk 48, lot 6, Jamea A. Jobnaon . . . . f. - Blk 48, lot 7. Sunnyalda - Land A Im- prorement company Blk 48. lot 8, Bunnyalde Xand A Im provement company Blk 48.' lot 9. Sunnyalda Land A Im- prorenwnt company . . Blk 48. lot 10, Andreae Vetacb Blk 48. lot IT, Andreae Vetach... Blk 48. Jot 12, Andreae Vetach l. Blk 49, eaat V of lot 1. Roawell B. s Patch and William D. Plue "Blk 49i aat H of lot 2, Roawell R. : Patyh and William Plue Blk 40, weat ot lot 1, Lon DeYar. roond . . . Av, ....;....' Blk 40. weat ot lots, Lon Delar- mond Blk 4A. lot 8, Edith E. Shubbe. ...... ., , Blk 40, lot 4. Merlin F. Denoodt ' Blk 49. tot 5. Bunnyalde Laad A Im- ' rirament company ...... 49. lot 6. Joaaph Rcldel." , - Blk 49, lot T. Bunnyalde Land A Im- prorament company Blk 48, -lot 8, Mary B, OIlbeH. Blk 49, lot 9. Mary E. Gilbert Blk 49, lot 10, Sunnyalda Land A Im- remwit- eoropany ........I......... 60. lot 1, Franklin Building A Lean - aaaoclation ..x. . Blk 60, . lo2. Earl 1. Cleland ... . , Blk 60; lot 8, Aaron Sundatrom -.. Blk 60, eaat 83 1-8 feet lot 4, -W. A. and U E. Daltiel : Blk 0. aaat 88 1-8 feet lot 6, W. A. - and Lv B. Dalalel . - Blk 50, a.t 88 1-8 feet lot 6, W. A. and L. fi. Dalxlel - Blk FA weat 66 2-8 feet lot 4, R. 8. ' - Wblta- .......5-.. ........ ...... Blk 60, wt M 2-S feet lot 6, R. 8. White ;.. Blk 60, waat 96Z-8 feat lot A S. B. 8.40 8.40 I nit. a i.. a a .. i.i T . b. a Im. . 1 Wf, mfM . . Blk 66.. lot 11, ounuyald Land A ln Z'T proTement company . , Blk, 63. lot 13, Bunayalda Land A Im- a.U I MuMMAiit: mmi.nl ................ ' 40 I m u U I... a anMlA TmnA A Im. B.60 6 Kl a a An 512 I Blk 65. lot 14. Wllllan J Jl, Blk 63. lot 15, William H. Bmltb S IX I Blk 65, lot 16, William H. Smith...... ' v I iiAaaniaii4 Mliiiia ne . ......... Blk 66. lot 18.- Bunayalda Land A Im- Movement eounanjr I J; Blk 65, lot IB, Lemuel 0. Stratum, fi 60 I 191 ' v mr.iw", Si., Blk CXI. lot 1, a. a. navey.. Blk 6u, lot 2. B. A. Davey. S -0 Blk 66, lot 8. T. A. Dave. . .. Hlii 66. lot 4. B. Bchlrldo. .. 4 53 Blk on, aouta 0 101 , ueorge a, 1 nunnrunn ........................ Blk 56, aorth of lot fl, Fanny Wood- mjb 1 nianaar I Blk 66. lot T. Fanny Woodmeneer. 2.48 Blk 66, lot 8, Annl Millar Blk 66, lot 9. Kmll Miller a no 1 lllk ou, lot 10, neorga I. oungeriana.. a an Hlk RH M II. Jamaa Bttcb 90 an Blk 66, lot 12. Bunnyalde Land A Im- I ureveuent comimnv 99 M Blk 66. lot 18. Jamea Bucb. 1 nik m. lot -l. -jonn ureen.. a.o Blk 67. lot 1. Ji B. Fuller. W. B. Baf- ;i.m ..too " l.io 1,96 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 '1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 S.5S 155 1.B0 1.90 165 1.96 1.90 1.9S tM 1.90 Blk 14, lot tl, M. Aradt:,.i......:.v. Blk 14, wrat 20 feet k. T, Oaorg A. L. end Bertba E. Wlntera,..., ,, Blk 14. weat 20 feet lot 8. Oaorg A. L. and Bertba E. Winter Blk 14. kt 9, UUIan U. Dundee, aetata - baira of Blk 14. lot 10, Lillian H. Dundee, aeuta uelra of , , Blk 14, kt 11. Harriet H.' Baavla....... Blk 14, kt 12, HarriVtH. BeavU. ...... Blk 14, kn 18, Clara T: Dlckaoa Blk 14. lot 14, Clara S. DU-kaoa. ... . ... Blk 16, lot I. A. 11. lireyuaa and John Suminervllle , Blk 15, lot J. A. IL Bremaa tnd Joba HummervUle ., Blk 16. kit A Rrm. Rna Rlk 15, lot 4, Rreymaa Bra...., Rlk 16, lot 6. A. 11. Rreymaa and Joha Bummervllla Blk 16.. lot 6, A.' II. Rreymaa aud John - kummfrvllle Rlk IS, a-aat 21 foot t 7, B. H. Bow. man Blk 18, vwt 21 feet lot a, William at. Ladd, trua tee Blk 15, lot 9, Frederick Mueller Blk 15, lot 10, Frederick Mueller Blk IS, lot II, Cbarlee Patawald Bib 16, lot 13. A. H. Breymaa aod Joba ftuiomervillu Blk 16. k.t 18, A. U. Breymaa and Joha Bumm.-rllla Blk 16. lot 14, Breymaa Broe Blk Itt. kit' 1. W. I ttr.ttr and ft. r Bolllnga, eatate heira of i ju, lot X, Sarah E. Woodford...... , Blk 10. kt 8. Henrietta Wnlr.t.ln Blk 16, tot 4, Edwin Cadwell lay ana . B. naive mi ai .......... 17.80 B'k 67. lot 1 J. 8. Fuller W. H. Bag- 4.66 lev asil P. fl. Bate t al 28.05 Blk 67, lot 8, I. B. Fuller, W. II. Bag. ley ana t. a. oaiee ei ai , 1.90 Blk 67, lot 4, J. H. Fuller, W. H. Bag 1.90 1 k'T ana r. u. nau i Blk 67. lot 6. Albert B. Llndaey 28 00 Blk 07, lot o, Hi. voaj lllk 67. kit 7. H. Cody I mv a? L.. a u'llll-m B Iaiu. 2n.m 1 - - - : t 1.90 I Blk 07, lot V, eunnyaiae iinu ui 1.90 provement company ,B0 I Ula 37. lot 10. eunnyaiae uana im 1 an nrovement company Blk 67. lot 11. Mary A. imuey 18 rut Hunnvalde Addition SS ofi Blk 1. lot 1. Emma W. McKenala 40.06 Blk 1, lot 2. Emma W. McKenale.... 1 on I lllk 1. lot 3. Kooert v. jonnaoa... .100 Blk 1. lot 4. Lulu Weatervelt. 1 o oik 1. lot o. A. 4. Boorry 18.06 Blk 1, lot 6, Oregon loreatment com- 28.05 lany 88.08 Blk 1. lot 7. R. I. Eckeraon. 88.06 Blk 1, lot 8, R. I. Eckeraon 28.08 Blk 1. lot 9. J. Treaaway.. 18.05 Blk 1. lot 10. F. E. McEldowney.. 1.90 Blk J, lot 11. Imetrtue raiango. Blk 1. lot IX Lon Da xarmona. .OS Blk 1. lot 13. Lon lie Tarmond.. B k I. lot 14. Cbarlee r. eiaon .98 Blk 1, lot 15, F. C. and Lou la Wllaoo.. Blk 1. lot 16. r. V. anu ixniieo nuaon. .95 Blk 2. lot 1. Hamuei coiaon . I Blk 2. lot 2. Samuel Colaon.. .95 Blk 2. lot 8. Samuel Colaon.. .96 Blk 2. lot 4. cnariee i. Anaereon. .BK Rlk 2 bit 6. Cbarlee J. Andereon.. B k 2. lot a. caariea J. Anaereon.. M f-H 8. -tot 1. J. Ji eaOuB-..,,rw Blk H. lot 8.. i. J. Keating. .95 Blk 2. lot B. Lelda E. Straua. 1.90 Blk 2, lot 10. Le.'da E. Straua. R k 2. lot ii. J. a. Bootne R an lk 2. eaat U of lot 13. J. F. Bootbe. 6.60 Blk 2. weat & of lot 12, Llllle M. Stev- n 60 enaon 6. AO Blk 3, lot IS. Llllle M. Stcvenaon.. l.fl Blk 2, lot 14. Cbarlee E. Hteert. 1,70 Blk 3. kt 16. Cbarlee B. Stewart. e.oa 1 ink 2, lot it), i. uorton. 1.90 Blk 3. lot 1. Joba Good. 1.90 Blk 8, lot 2. John Good.. 1.90 Blk 8. lot 8. John Good.. 1.90 Blk 8, lot 4. Joan uooa.. 1.90 Blk 8, lot 6, John Good. 1.00 Blk 8, lot 6, John Good. i.ko Blk I. lot 7. John uooa. 1.80 Blk 8. lot 8. Hattle Wilaoa. 1.80 Blk 4, lot 1." Alice M. Thompaon. 1.00 Blk 4, tot 2, -Mac Jenkina , Blk 4. lot B. John C. Hammel.. 1.00 Blk 4, lot 4, E. W. aod Emma Bauahman 1.90 Blk I kit B. K. W. and Emma i.uu Baurbman .65 Blk 4, lot , W. H. McEldowney. .00 Blk 6. lot 1. C. K. woerner. .66 Blk 6. lot 2. C. K. Woerner. Blk 5. lot 8. Maggie' B. Cook. 1 35 Blk 6, lot 4, R. L. and L. J. Cary. Hik n lot o. t. ana l,. wimob. . Hlk 6. lot a. William Ruek. Blk 6. lot 1. Ida M. McMoniel. 1.25 Hlk . lot 2. Ida M. McMnnlee. o Blk a, lot S, Mary K. uuoert. .95 lllk 8. lot 4. Nettle C. Warren. 95 Blk 6. lot 6, Nettle C. Warren.. Rlk H bit fl. Nettle v. warren.. .95 Hit t. lot 1. William McComoe. Hlk 7 lot 9. William McComa.. w Hlk 7. lot 8. Roaa Kaate. nik 7. lor a. Kateiia l,. i.via.. .90 nik T lnt K. Welllnaton O. Barne 1.00 tllb V Ln, A Vlllnirfnn n RttnM . . . I lBlk 8, aou'tb 63 feat lot 1, William i'SX Stavenaon 190 Blk 8. north 87 feet lot 1. Jan II. . u. Lucke 1M Blk 8, lot 8. Jane M. Locke. 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.40 1.40 Blk 8, lot 8, M. V. and Loulae Straua.. Blk 8. lot 4. A. H. Breymaa and John Suminervllle Blk 8, lot 6, Werner and Eugene Brey- man Blk 8, lot 6, Werner and Eugene Brey- man Blk 9, lot 1. Ellrabeth E. Pearaon Blk 9, lot 2, Brey man Broa Blk 9. lot 8. A. II. Breyman aid Jobn Bumroervllie Rlk 0. lot 4. Margaret L. Pattereon.... f aj I Blk 9. lot 6, J. J- Patteraon A.V ul . n 1... n l.nnla filf.lrn Oil. " 1 I... ....... '"'- Blk 9, lot 7. Jennie Skaif Rlk 9. lot 8. Florence George , .n Blk 9, lot 9. Maud Kenworthy tlk tf, lot 10, A n. OIVUJ.I1 nuu vua Summervllli Blk 9. lot 11. A. B. Breyman and Jqbn Suramerrllle Blk 9. lot 12. A. A. Bowman Blk 9, lot 18. Ray 0. Caiiklna.... ...... Blk 9, lot 14,. NeUI M. Harvey Blk 10, lot 1. E. L. Campbell Blk 10, lot J. K: L. Campbell Blk 10, lot 3. Breyman Broa Blk 10, lot 4, Breyman Broa Blk 10, let fi, B. H. Bowman Blk 10, lot fl, B. H. Bowman Blk 10, lot 7. William G. Slmpaon..... , Blk 10, lot 8, B. C. Minor..... Blk 10, lot 9, E. C. Minor Blk 10, lot 10, Breyman Broa Blk 10, lot 11, A. IL Breyman and John Biimmerville -v. Blk 10, lot 13, A. H. Breymaa and John 8u miner villa Blk 10, lot 18. Breyman Bro 1.40 1.40 1.00 1.9(1 1.00 l.OO 1.00 1.90 1JW 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.90 . J-00 1.90 1.90 1.00 1.00 1.90 ISO 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 , .03 .95 .96 , .95 ' 1.90 1.90 J.oq, 1 90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 .60 , .BO .60 . f so 190 (IM .90 .96 1.90 1.96 1.90 1.90 .96 .95 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.96 1.95 140 1.96 1.98 IBS 1.90 190 1.90 1.90 3.00 Rlk 10, lot 1-4, Ira A.. Herklnger. Blk 11, lot 1. Harvey K Mill Blk 11, let 2. Harvey K. Hill... Blk 11, lot 3, B. H. Bowman... Dlk 11. lot 4. A. H. Breyman and John SummcrvlllH Blk 11, kt 5. A. H. Breyman and Jobn HummervUle Blk 11, lot , Sarah E. Montgomery,... Blk 11, lot 7, -Sarah E. Montgomery. ... Blk 10. lot ft, Katharine A. Martin Blk 10. eaat 17.14 feet lot 9, Katberine A. Martin Blk 10. weat 25.72 feat lot 9, Mary J. Rtgby Blk 10, lot 10. Mary J. Rlgby Blk Hi, lot 11, Ellaabetb E.-Burnham.. Blk 1-0, lot 12. William A. Mackenzie.. Blk 10, lot 13, W. W. and Nettie J. Minar .... Blk 10. lot 14. W. W. and Nettle J. Mlnar ..1...... Blk 12. kit 1. Hnida fltelnleln. . . . i Blk 12. lot 2, Edith P. Gilbert Blk 12. lot '8, Ellaa E. Gilbert...-, - Blk 13, lot 4, Bnabery Weatwlck Blk 13. lot 5. I-oula A. McGregor Blk 13. lotlfl. A. H. Breyman and Joha Buuimerville Blk 13. lot 7. A. H. Breyman and Joba . Sumntervilie v ., BlklS, lot 1, Breymaa Broa., Blk 18. lot 3. Breyman Bro Blk 13. lot 8. Breymaa Broa...... Rlk 13. lot 4. M. Olaen Blk 13, lot 6. Breyman Broa Blk 3, lot 8. B. H. Bowman Blk 13, weat 20 feet lot 7. B. H. Bow man . , , Blk 14, lot 1, Richard Brook er Blk 14, lot 2. R(chard Brooker. ......... Blk 14. lot 8. Ruth MolTIt . Rlk 14. lot 4. Rath Moffil. ............ 1.25 2.60 2 60 2.50 2.50 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 - 8.40 8. 40 1 a. 40 150 160 2.50 260 2.60 2 66 2.60 3 50 160 160 160 2.60 2.70 2 50 150 2.60 2.50 2.75 2.80 2.50 2.60 1.70 .80 2.50 180 8. 60 7.40 7.40 8.35 3.33 8. 85 8.85 8.35 8. S3 8.85 245 149 149 145 145 145 146 145 145 .145 143 2.4.1 145 2.45 2.45 149 140 145 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.43 2.43 145 2.43 2.45 2.43 149 1.00 1.45 2.46 2 45 2.46 149 145 1.80 1.80 1.80 1. 80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 - 1.80 1.80 1.80 I.8O 1.80 .80 143 ,145 14S 145 '1 143 1.15 1,19 ' 140 148 146 143 149 148 in 16 a. 43 1.20 1.20 145 145 144 149 146 146 188 a 36 a. 8& 186 1.T0 125 143 146 149 140 145 149 mi. lu 1... a a.., ...j .. Blk Id. lot i, Winnie Kleiat Blk 18. weat 23 feet lot T. Winnie Kelet Blk 16, weat 22 feat lot 8, Broymaa Broa , Blk 16, lot 9. B. H. Bowman... Blk 16. lot 10, B. H. Rowmaa Blk 16. lot 11. Brermaa Hr, . Blk it, lot 12. Brerman Bro Blk 16, lot 13. A. li. Breymaa and Joba Bummervllla Blk id. kit, 14, A. IL. Breyman and Joha auHiuifirTiiie . . . Bunnyalde Third i,rouinn n L,... Und- Blk 61, lot 1, Tha Title Guarantee A Truet company Blk 61, kt 3. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 61, lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Tkeaaia aantwa c Blk 61, lot 4, Tb''fiVu0mNataa''iii Truat eompaay Blk 61. kt 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat eompaay Blk 61, lot 6, Tha Title Ouaraatae A Truat company Blk 61, lot T, the Title Guarantee A Truet comDaar Blk 61, lot 8, Tha Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 61, lot 9. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat comnanv Blk 61. lot 10. Tba Title 'Guarantee "a Truat comnanv Blk 61. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat eompaay , Blk 61. lot 12, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 61, lot 18, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr 91k 61, lot 14, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 61, lot 16, The Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr Blk 61, lot 16, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 63. lot 1, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr Blk 62. lot 2. The Title Guarantte A Truat mmiiHff 175 Rlk 62. lot 8. the Tit la Gnarantea' A Trtlat cnmti.nv 2 75 Rlk R2 L.t a Tii. tii.' ri,',.ll' a 100 Truat comnanr Rlk A3 lnt R TV Till. Rii.r.nt A 8.20 Truat company 120 Blk 82. lot 6, Tba Title Guarantee A 8.20 Treat company 8.20 Blk 62. lot 7. Tha Till, ftnaranta A 8.20 Truat ' company Blk 62. lot 8. The Til la Gnarantna A 8.20 Truat comnanr 8.20 Blk 62. lot 9. tba Title Guarantee A 8.20 Trout company 2.50 Blk 62. lot 10. Tba Title Guarantee A 2 50 Truat company 2.60 Blk 82. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A 2.50 Truat company 160 Blk 62. lot 11 The Title Guarantee A 2.60 Truat company i.50 Blk 62. lot 13, The Title Guarantee A 2.50 Tnit company ..Tvy.. 2.60 Blk 63. lot 14. The Title GpafanteeVjk 2.50 Truat company 2.60 Blk 62. lot 15. The TJtl Guarantee A 2.60 Tinat company ". Jf .- 2.60 Blk 62. lnt 16, The Title Guarantee A 8.60 Truat company... 2.60 Blk 62. lot IT. The Title Guarantee A 2 60 Truat company 1 SO Blk 62. lot 18, The Title Guarantee A 2 50 Truat company: 2.60 Blk 63. kit 1. The Title Guarantee A 1.23 Truat company ma 0.1, 101 i, me line uuarantee at Truat company Blk 63, lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat company..., Blk 63. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Trnat enmnanv. Blk 63, lot 6. The Title Gnarantea A Trn.t company Blk 61. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 6.1. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 68. lot 8. Tha Title Guarantee A - Truat company , Blk 63, lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Truat company . Blk 68. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Plk 61. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat comnaay Blk 63, lot 12. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 63. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 63, lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 63. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 6.1. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 63. lot 17, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trut company. Blk 6.1. lot 18, The Title Guarantee A Trust company Blk 84, lot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64, lot 1 The title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64, lot 3, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64. lot 4, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64. lot 5. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64, lot 6, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 84. lot 7. The Title Gnarantea A Truat company Blk 64. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64, lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 64. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat company 5.60 Blk 64. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Truat company. 9,15 Blk 64. lot 14. The Title Guarantee Trout camoanv 5.60 Blk 64. lot 15, Tbe Title Guarantee A Tmt company 6.60 Blk 64. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat company 6.60 Blk 65. lot I. The Title Guarantee A Truat company 6.60 Blk 65. lot 8. The Title fiuarantee A Truat company 8.60 Blk 65, lot 8, The Title Gnarantea A Trout comoanr 8.60 Blk 65, lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Truat company 9.10 Blk 65. lot 5. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company 9.10 Blk 65, lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat eompaay 17.35 Blk 65. lot 7, The Title Guarantee A Truat company 27.85 Blk 83. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trnat company j HT.3.1 Blk 6ft. lot 8. Kaurn Breake 87.35 Blk 65. lot 10, Laura Breake 27.35 Blk 65. lot 11. Lanr Breake 17..15 Blk 65. lot 12. Lauqa Breake 6.80 Blk 65. lot 13. Tbe Title Uuarantee A Trnat conipanr .-. . 0.00 Blk 65, lot 14. Bernhard E. Witter 5.60 Rlk 5. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Truat company '. 6.60 Blk 65. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr 5.60 Blk 66, lot I. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat com p 11 ny 1 83, 15 Blk 66. lot 2, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr 28.05 Blk 66, lot 3, The Title Guarantee A Truat company 28.08 Blk 66. lot 4. The Title Guarantee Truat company . . . 2S.03 Blk 66. lot 5, The Title Guarantee A Truat comoanr 43.75 Blk 66. lot 6.- The Title Guarantee A Trnat company...; zs.uo Blk 66, kit 7, Tha Title Guarantee A Truat comoanr..., rj.wo Blk 66. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A imat company ... .. i . .j .w Blk 66. lot 9. The Title Guarantee aY Truat company a.uo Blk 66. lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company .vi Blk 66. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat comnanv 22.45 Blk 06. lot lV The Title Guarantee A Truat ' company. 22.45 Blk 60. lot 18. The Title Gnarantea A . Trti.t comnanv 22.09 Blk 66. lot 14. Tbe Title Gnarantea A Truat cmnanv ..................... 34.40 Blk 60, kit IB. The Title Guarantee A Trut company.- Blk 66, lot 16. W. P.. Benedict Blk 66, kit 17, W. P. Benedict Blk 66. lot 18. W. P. Benedict Blk 67. lot 1. Tha Title Guarantee A Tro-t company.... Blk 67. lot 1 Tbal Title Guarantee A 100 100 9.23 0.60 17.38 27.88 87.85 87.83 27.83 17.86 5.80 920 B.60 6.60 100 83.16 28.06 28.06 28.06 4115 38.05 28.09 28.06 28.06 22.46 22.46 2146 22.45 83.90 22.46 22.46 22.46 83.15 88.16 28.05 28.06 28.05 43.45 28.05 28.03 28.06 28.18 2145 I 22.46 22.49 22.46 84.16 2149 22.45 22.45 83.15 B.60 6.60 8.80 9.20 9.60 17.85 87.89 S7.S5 87.89 27.35 17.33 Blk 67,. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Truat company..... t Blk 67, lot 4, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company......... Blk 67, lot 9, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat company.. Blk 07, k.t 6, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company.. Blk 67, lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat company.... ,. ,' Blk at, lot 8, Tb Title Guarantee A Trot company.,,. Blk 47, lot 9. Tb Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 07, lot 10. Tba Title Ouarauto A Truat eompaay ....... i Blk 67, kit II, Tba Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 67, lot 12, The Title Guarantee at Truet touipuuy Blk 7, lot 13, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company. Blk 67, lot 14, Tha Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 7, lot 15, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat company. Blk 07, lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company .... p. ; Blk 67, Lit 17. The Title Guarantee A Truet eoinoaur Blk 67. kit 18. The Title Guarantee A Truat company. . . . , Blk 43, kit 1, Th Till Guarantee A Truat compauy Blk OH, kt 2. Th Tit) Guarantee A Trnat company..., Blit 68, lot 8, Tb Till Guarantee A Truat company.. Blk H8. kit 4. The, Title Guarantee A Trnat comnanr... Blk 68, lot 6, Tba Title- Guarantee A Truat company i Blk W, lot 6, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 68, lot 7. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat comnanv Blk 68. lot 8. Tba Title Guarantee A -Truat company Blk 68. lot 9. Tba Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 68, lot 10, Th Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 68. kit 11. Tb Title Ou.tant.-e A Truat comtiinr Blk OH, lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr Blk 6N. lot 13, Lanra Breake... 2145 M.43 22.45 aim 33.15 28.09 8.60 I Hlk 6. lot 14. I .aura Breake.... Blk 6H, eaat 44 of lot 16. Laura Breake Blk 68. weat Vk of kit 16, Clara A. Ilatllnger Blk 6N. lot 10. Clara A. Hatllncer... Blk 69. lot I. Tba Title Guarantee A Iruat comnanv Blk 09, lot 3 Tba Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 09, kit 3. Tba Title Guarantee A iruat company , Blk 69, lot 4. Tb Title Guarantee A Truat comoanr Blk 69, lot 6, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk , lot 0, The Title Guarantee A Iruat company Blk 69. kit 7, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 69. kit 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat comnanr Blk 69, lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company i . Blk 60. lot 10, Tie Title Guarantee A Truat com on or Blk 69. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat eoropany , Blk 69. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A iruat comiiany Blk 69. lot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 69. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 69. lot 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnt company Blk 69. lot 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A iruat company Blk 70. lot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 70. lot 2. The Title Guarantee A Truat comoanr Blk 70. lot .1. The Title Guarantee A imat company Blk 70. kit 4. The Title Ouarantee A Truat company Blk 70. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A iruat company Blk 10, lot 6. Tbe Title Ouarantee A Trnat company Blk 70. lot 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 70. kt 8. The Title Guarantee A iruat company Blk TO. hit 9, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 70. lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat cmnanv Blk 70, lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 70. lot 12, Tbe Title Guarantee A jruai company. . . .- , BHL70, U,t 1S- Th Title Guarantee A jrnai company...... Blk 70, lot 14, The Title Guarantee'' Trnat company Plk 70, lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trnat comiiany Blk 70. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 7ft, lot 17. The Title Guarantee A Trnat company Blk 70, lot 18, Tbe Title Guarantee A . Truat company Bartacb Park Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 1. kit 1, Fannie I. Lorlng Blk 1. lot 2. Fannie I. Lorlng Blk 1, lot 3. Kannle 1. Lorlna Blk 1. kit 4, Alfred J. Parker . Blk 1. lot 5. Alfred J. Parker Blk 1. kit 6. Alfred J. Parker Blk 1, lot 7, .Herman Boree, aetata hem of Blk 1. lot fl, Herman Borlea, eatate helra of . Blk 1, kit 9, Herman Borlea," eatate helre of , .... Blk 1. lot 10, Mrtlvln C. (Waa... ;.!.'.' Blk 1, lot 11, Hinry Rodger ! Blk 1, lot 13, Hnry Rodger Blk 2. lot 1, Mary O'Leary... Blk 2. lot 2, Mary O Leary Blk 2. kit 8. Mary O Leary '' Blk 2, lot 4. Claudlne Gelger Blk 2. lot 8, Claudlne Gelger... Blk 2. kt 6. Claudlne Gelger. . . Blk 2. jot 7. C. T. Bowen Blk 2, lot 8. C. T. Bowen Blk 2. lot 9. C. T. Bowen Blk 3, lot 10. Bertha Van Vlark . "". Blk 2, lot 11. George M. Straua Blk 2, lot 12, George M. Straua Blk 3, lot 1. Mary France Hurley Blk 8. lot 2. Mary Francea Hurley Blk 8. lot 8, Mary France Hurley... Blk 8, lot 4, G. W. and Mnrgarette V. Allen Blk 3, lot 5, G. W. and Margarette 'v! Alloa Elk 8. lot 6. 0. W. and Margarette'v! Allen Plk S, lot 7, Agne llobaon Blk 8, lot 8, Agnee Rohaon Blk 8. kit 9. Agne Rnhaon Blk 8. lot 10. Albert Bartacb Blk 3, lot 11, Otlllle Bartaoh Blk 8. lot 12. Otlllle Bartacb Blk 4, lot 1. Jeaale E. Knhann Blk 4. lot 2, Theodore Wolke Blk 4. lot .1. Annie Wolke ' Blk 4, lot 4. Joneph K. Gill Blk 4. lot 6. Mclvln C. Dears Blk 4, lot 8, Mrlvln C. George Blk 4, lot 7, Walter W. Wehater.... Blk 4. lot 8, Walter W. Webster Blk 4, lot 9, Samh A. Wi-hater Blk 4. lot 10, Herman Borlea Eatate, helra of Blk 4, lot 11. Herman Borle Eatate, helra of Blk 4. lot 12, George M. Strong Blk 6. lot 1. Leon Borlpa Blk 5, lot 2. Herman Borlea Blk 5. lot S, llermnn Borlea Rlk R. lot 4. Portland Truat eoninana Blk 6, lot B, Portland TVuat company.,! ma o. lot u. i-orriana imer company. . . Blk 9, midlvtded H lot 7, Manhattan Real Eatate company. Blk 8. undivided H lot 8. Manhattan Real Fxtate company. Blk 6. nndlvlded H lot 9, Manhattan Keal ratate company Blk 5. undivided H lot 7, C. Guatav Tlnery Blk 6, undivided H lot 8. C. Guatave Tlngry Blk 5, undivided Va lot 9. C. Guatave Unary Blk 5, lot 10, Portland Truat company.. Blk 6. lot 11. Portland Truat company.. Blk 5. lot 12, Portland Truat company., Blk 6, lot 1, Henry S. Olle Blk 6. lot 2. Henry 8. Kile Blk 6. undivided H lot 8. Manhattan Ileal Eatate company Blk 6. undivided H lot 4. Manhattan Real Eatate company Blk 8. undivided Vg lot 5. Manhattan Real Eatate compacy Blk 6. undivided H lot 6, Manhattan Real Ealnte company Blk 6. undivided tt lot 7, Manhattan ,Keal Estate company Blk 6. undivided H lot 8. Manhattan Real Eatate company Blk 6. undivided H lot 0, Manhattan Real Estate company Blk 6, undivided 4 lot 3, C. Guatave Tingry Blk 6. undivided 4 lot 4, C. Guatave Tingry Blk . undivided 4 lot S. C. Guatave Tingry , , Blk 6. undivided 4 kit 6. C. Guatave Tingry Blk 6, undivided 4 lot 7, C. Guatave Tingry Blk 6. undivided 4 lot 8. a Guslar Tingry Blk 6. undivided 4 lot 9. C. Guatave Tingry Blk 6. undivided 4 lot 10. Manhattan Heal Eatate company. . . ; .' Blk 6. nndlvlded 4 lot .11. Manhattan Real Eatat company:....-..... Blk 6. undivided 4 lot 12. Manhattan Real Eatate company. Blk 8. undivided 4 lot 10. C. Guatave Blk oTndlvtded' 4 "lot ii'.'c.' Guatave TlngS-y .. Blk 6. undivided 4 lot 11 C. fiuatav Tingry i Ed-lid!-- - Blk 1. lot 1. H. B. Adama.. ........... 1 Blk l,i lot 3. U. B. Adama....... 38.06 28.03 43.00 18.09 33.06 38.09 28.00 B.60 - B.60 6.60 100 160 iao 13.16 23.16 83.16 6.00 6.00 6,60 9.10 6.60 17.33 17.88 87.86 I7.S6 I 17.35 17.85 6.60 9.00 6 60 2. 8 J 180 6.60 160 6.60 6.60 8.99 9.60 17.89 27.35 87.88. 87.85 22.46 22.45 22.46 33.35 22.49 2143 22.43 83.15 23.15 13.15 Plk 1, lot a, W..l Buckaar and. R., BaeUkofur ... r......... Blk 1, lot ,, W. L Bucknar and B. Huellkofer Plk 1, lot 6, T. W. B. Loudon Blk 1, kit 6. f. W. B. Loudon.,.,,.... Blk 1. lot 7. f. W. R. London Klk 1, kit B, T. W. B. London Blk 1, lot 9, Halbart H. Croalar..,..,. Blk 1, kt 10, lialbert 11. Croeter, Blk 1. lot 11. Joba R. Kraua Blk 1. lok 13, rub L. and Roaa B. WIImb Blk 1, lot II Francla A. GUI...;...... Blk 1, kit 14, Franale A. GUI lllk I, lot 15. Adolpb Mppal j lot 16, Adolpb LMHI. .......... lot 17 . Jar P. Luoaa. ........... ma i, ax is, jay r. i.uc.a.,., Ik L lot 16, A Ik f, lot 17, Ja Ik 1. kit 18. Ja Blk 1, kit 19, L. fl. Wright Plk 1, lot So, L. B. Wright........... II 1, lot 21, Lulu A. r Ik 1. lot 2, Lulu A. Fr Ik 1, lot 3H, Lulu A. Fr 6.60 8.65 6.80 6.60 6.60 6.60 6,60 6.60 6.60 " 8 . 00 8.75 6.60 13.15 W 15 83.13 8.40 8.40 8-40 8.40 8.40 10.80 8.401 140 8.40 8.40 8.40 10.90 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 11.85 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 11.70 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 6.40 12.35 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 12.76 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 40 1.1.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 11.05 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 14.45 4.20 4. 20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4. 20 8.40 8.40 14.85 8.40 8.4C 4.20 4.20 4.20 7.75 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 7.73 4.20 4.20 4.20 t.20 4.20 108 420 4.20 1.09 B.RO-i a.20: Blk 1. lot 21, Lulu A. krwmio I'lk 1. kit 22, Lulu A. Freeman. ....... Blk 1, lot 3H, Lulu A. Freeman Blk 1. lot 24, Lulu A. Freeman Plk 1. kit 26, Lulu A. Freeman. Blk 1, lot 26, Lulu A. Freemaa Blk 1. lot 27. Frank G. Huaaldaoa Blk 1, lot 28. Frank G. Donaldaln...... fik l, lot 29, u. r. rreaee Blk 1, lot 30, C. F- Fraaee Blk 1. lot 81. C. F. Fraaa Blk 1, lot 82, C. F. Fraar lllk 2, lot 1, Cbarlee P. llotiblna Blk 2. lot 2. ( h.rlre p. nobouta Uk 2. kit 8. William C. Noon, Jr tax 2. lot 4, William 0. Noon, Jr...... Blk 2, lot 6. William 0. Noon, Jr Mk 1 lot 6, William C. Novo, Jr Ilk 1 lot 7, WllUam Smith Blk 8, weat 10 feet lot B. William Bmltb Blk 2, weat 11 feet lot 26, Fraucia A. GUI Blk 2. lot 26. FraiM-ta A. Gill Blk 2. lot 27, A. M. Cuiumluge Blk 3. kit 2N, A. M. dimming .'.. Blk 2, lot 29. The Title Guarantee lYuet com pa uy Blk 1 lot SO. Tha Title Uuarantee Truat comnanr Blk 2, lot 81. Miuole R. Robblaa Blk 2. lot 32, Minnie R. Hobbtua Blk 6, lot 1, Cbarle w. uay Blk 6. lot 2, l harlea W. Uay Blk 6, lot 8. John llunnerberg Blk 5, lot 4. Jobn llouuerberg Blk 6. kit 6. William A. Hobble Blk 6. kit 6, William A. Hobble Blk 6, lot 7, A. M. Cummluga Blk 6, weat 12 feat lot 8. A. M. Cu ai ming. " Bly 6, lot lettered A, Cbarlee W. Oay.. Blk 6, lot lettered B, Cbarle W. Oay.. Kdendule Blk 6. lot 1. Katie 8rhopll Blk 8, kit 2, Katie Scnopoll Blk 6, lot 3, A. MOimniluge Blk 6. lot 4, A. M. Cutuiulnga lllk 6, lot 6, Jamea M. steel Blk 6. lot 6. Jamea M. aluel Blk 6, lot 7, KUen t'aae Blk 6. lot 8, Kllen Cae Blk 8, kit 9, Mary Eva Steel Blk 6, lot 10, Mary Eva Steel Blk 6, lot 11, T. C Thronadea Plk 6, lot 12, T. C. Tbronaden Blk 6. lot 13. T. W. B. London ilk 8. lot 14. T. W. B. London Ilk 6, lot 15, Charlea W. Gay Blk 6, lot 16, Charlea W. Uay Kaatland . , , Blk 1, lot 1, Hulda Btelnleln Blk 1, lot 2. Edith P. Gilbert Blk 1, kit 3, Ellaa E. Ullbert Blk 1, lot 4, Burbery Weetwlrk nik i Ln. A. I .tut. a A. Mcllrecor Blk l'. lot 6, Breyman A Buuimerville. Blk 1 lot 7, Breyman A Summervllle. Blk 1, kit 8. Iaaac F. Toboy. .... Blk 1. kit 9, Breyman A Summervl le. Blk 1, kit 10,. Brerman A Summervllle. Blk 1, lot 11,B. II. Bowman Blk 1, kit 12, B. U. Bowman Blk 1. lot 13. F. W. Wacbter Blk 1. kit 14. F. W. Wacbter Blk 2, kit 1, Breyman Broe Blk 3. lot 2, Breyman Broa Blk 2, kit 8, Breyman Bro Blk 2. lot 4. M. Olaea - Blk 3, lot 6, Breyman Broa Blk 2, kit 6, B. H. Breyman........... Blk 2. weet 18 feet lot 7, B. H. Brey man Blk 1 weet 18 feet lot 8, Breyman A oolnniervlll ".,."' Blk 3, lot 9, Breyman A Sommervllle. . Blk 2, lot 10, Breyman Broa Blk 1 kit 11, Simon Mltchel Blk 1 lot 12, Simon Mltchel Blk X kit 13. M. Victoria Pratt Blk 2, lot 14, wreyman uro.. Blk 4. lot 1, Meier A Frank Co Blk 4. lot 3. Melir A Frank Co........ Blk 4. lot 8, Breyman A Sommervllle.. Blk 4, lot 4, Breyman A Sommervllle.. Blk 4, lot 5, Breyman Broe Blk 4, lot 6, Breyman Broa Bk 4, lot 7, B. H. Bowman I'lk 4, lot 8, Joaephlne Ulaoey Blk 4, kit 9, H. McArtbur Blk 4, Bit J0; Jamea" Stmpeon, tatg belr of , Blk 4, lot 11, Aladiu Schmidt Blk 4, lot 12. M. M. Cain lllk 4, lot 13, Mre. Loulaa Stevenaon... Blk 4, lot 14, Breyman Broa. . ........... Blk 4. weat 15 feet lot 15, Katharine 4. Martlu Subdlvleion of Lot 1, Paradlae Spring Farm lot I, w. 11. rne lot 2. W. II. Frlea lot 3, W. H. Frlea lot 4. W. H. Frlea lot 6, W. H. Frlea 4 kit 6, W. II. Frlea Undivided 4 lot 7, W. H. Frlea Lot 8. Anton! Meyer Undivided 4 kit 8. W. H. Frlea Undivided 4 fot.10, W. H. Frlea Undivided H kit 11, W. H. Frlea. Undivided 4 kit 12, W. M. rnca Undivided 4 kit B, W. H. Frlea lot A, w. II. rrica. lot 1, Henry 8. McGlna... kit 3, Henry E- McGinn... kit 8, Henry E. McOlua... lot 4, Henry E. McGlna... lot 5, Henry E. McGlna... lot 6. Ileurr E. McGinn... t-mfiild u lot 7. Henry E. McGlna... Undivided y lot 9. Henry B. McGinn.. Undivided 4 lot 10, Henry E. McGinn. . Undivided 4 lot 11. Iienry mcwido.. Undivided 4 lot 12, Henry K. MeGlaa.. Undivided 4 lot A. Henry a.. Mcuian.. Undivided 4 kit B, Henry B. McGinn. . Plat of tnat I'ortion oi ioa imri Ellaabetb I'rettjman lionation Lna Claim, Known aa I'aradi During Farm l.ot 2, Joeph Simon Lot 8, Anule E. Beck.......... Good' Addition. Block No. 1 Blk 1. lot 1. W. T. Emery Blk 1, lot 2, W. T. Emery Blk 1, lot 8, John Good Blk 1, lot 4, John Good Hlk 1, kit 5. John Good Blk t, lot 6, John Good Blk 4. lot 7. John Good Blk 1, lot 8, John Good Blk 1. kit 9, Jobn Good Blk 1, lot 10. John Wood Blk 1, lot 11, John Good Blk 1. lot 12. John Oood Blk 1, lot 1H, John Oood Blk 1, lot 14. John Good Blk 1, lot 15, John Good A tract of land lying between th wrath line of Eaat Taylor atreet ana a line 2.10 feet aouth of and parallel there with and between the eat Una of East Thirty-eighth atreet and the weat line of Prettyman avenue or East Thlrtv-nlnth atreet. John Good 89.53 A tract of laud lying between the weet line of Eal Tblrty-eeventh atreet If extended northerly la !ta present eonrae and tbe weat line of East Thirly-elshth street, extended north erly In Its present comae and between the north line of East Stark atreet and a line 100 feet north of and par allel therewith, W. 8. Ladd eatate, ' heir of 177.10 d.ao 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4 20 4.30 4 20 4.20 4 4.30 4.20 420 4.20 4.20 4.20 4. 4.20 4.30 4. 80 4.30 - 4 20 4.30 4 20 4 30 6.10 4 20 4.30 .20 420 4.20 420 4.20 1.T0 1.70 4.30 d.ao 4.20 4.30 4 30 4.20 4.20 4.29 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.20 106 4 30 4.80 d.40 4.20 4.20 430 4.30 4.30 4 30 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 - 4 30 4.30 4.80 4.30 4.30 100 8.00 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.00 7 20 7 20 7 20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7 20 1.9A 1.93 1.93 1.96 1.95 1.95 .86 8.06 7.20 7.20 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.20 10.95 10.25 10.25 10.23 10.25 10.25 10.23 11.93 10.26 Trust A luveetment eompaay..., v.. tOM Blk U. kit 1 Central Truat A luveot. ment comnanv 76.90 Blk 80, kt 7, Appollonla Phllllppl. .... : 87.30. Hlk sii, i, 0i Appollonla 1'bllUppl - aS.ui Hlk 80. Woat AU it. hut nl mmut IL Ut 8, Kliaabrtb Kelt i 1103 Blk 80. weat 49 I I feet of eaat U lot 1 Ellaabetb Kail 1.06 Blk 80, Wet 4 kit 8, Elisabeth Dllloo.. '. 09.76 Blk , weat 4 kit 3, Rllaalieth billon.. . 166 Blk 83. lot H, Rodney Ultaaa estate, tielre of 7178 Blk 83, kit B, Rodney Gllsan eatat, helra of 70.00 Portland , Blk an, aooth 5 trt of weat 83 feet, ' lot 8, Alea Mehwalt .67 Blk 00, waat 33 feet lot 4, Alel Meh walt 6. 65 Blk 60, south 8 feet of eaat 08 feet lot 8, Matthew O. 0. Murphy 7.63 Blk 60. uurth 43 feet kit 8, Matthew O. C. Murphy. 74.98 Blk 60, east 68 feet lot 4. Matthew O. C. Murphy 76.60 Blk 69, lnt K Edward Hlraeb 83 79 Blk 69, kit 2. Eugcm P. McOormack . . . 141.64 Blk 60. lot 8. I lector J.- Morrison 4 81 Blk 67, kit 3. Jacob Kamm 8U.A4 Blk 67, lot 4, Jacob Kamm 80.64 . Total .11.804 23 THOS. C DEVLIN. Audi I or of tbe City of Portland. November s, IO08. yWBa. V . .atr t l tl ODFfiOlY Shojlitie AN 71 daaja aaatA a ak a - aa a , . H IKAlNtO U10 LAdl UAILT Through rnMioan atandard and Tooriat lea Ine ca.-e daily to Omab. tblclK finok.ne: Tourist sleeping -cars daily to tanaaa City;- through Pullmaa Tounei ieping-car (peraoa ly cunducted) weekly to Cbicaga, kaaaaa City; Ueclloluat cbalrcara (aU traa) ta tb East dally. - ' . raOFOIXD ASSESSMENT FOR IMPE0TE- MINT Or PARK AVEXTJE. Notice Is hereby alven that the council of the city of Portland propoeea to aaaeea tha fol lowing daaorlued property and owner or owners aa being apevlally and peculiarly benoOt.d lu tbe amounta act oppoalta tbe namee and de- tcrlpttoat thereof for the improvement of Park agenu. from the al Hue ol city park to the :t Una of Ford (tract, aa orovlded by ordinance No. 13,417. Any o tiler tlona to th apportionment of coat for aaid improvement must be made lu writing to the council and Hied with tbe auditor within 13 dare from tbo dale ot the fh-.t publication of this notice, and aald objections will lie heard and determined by tbe council before tbe paaaag of tbe ordinance aeeeaalng tbe cost of aald lniproveiuent. cedar mil Lot 61, F. W. Leadbetter $ 290 04 Lot 50, F. W. Leadbetter 278112 Lot 49, F. W. Lradhetter 27H.U2 Lot 48, F. W. l.adbotter 277.07 Lot 47. Charkitt Ur.-en t al 277.07 Lot 40. Charlotte Green et al 277.x Lot 46, Charlotte Green et al 277.5.1 Lot 44, Charlotte Green et al.. 31.1.41 Lot 48, Percy II. lllyth 424.46 Lot 43, Graham Glass 42H.ii Lot 41, Graham Glaas 91.33 Amended Plat of Ardmor. Portland Blk 3, lot 1, Macleay Eatate company.. Blk 2. lot 2. Macleay Kstste comiiany. UNIOW DEPOT. C1I1CAOO-PORTLAND BI'ECIAU For the East via Huntington. SPOKANR FLYER. For Kaattrn Waahlng ton. Walla Walla. Lew. laton. Cueur d' A lane and Great Norlbera point. . ATLANTIC , EXPRESS. For tbe East via Huntington. Leave. 0:30 a. aa. Dally. 6:00 a. m. Dally. 8:18 p. an Daily. Arrivaa. 4:90 a. aa. Dally. (7:85 a. aa. tally. 10:30 a. Dally. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR BAN FRANCISCO: B. 8 Geo. W. Elder Nov. 8. 18, 28. 8. 8. Columbia Nor. 8, 13, 23. Frt-rt Alaska . Ii-k. 8:00 p. fit. 6:00 B. as. Columbia Rlvwr Dlvisloa. Blk 1 bit 19, Micleay ltnte company. Blk 3, lot 18. Macleay Estate company. Blk 3, kit 21, Macleay Kstate company, lllk 2. lot 20. Macleay Eatat company. Rlk 1. lot 18, Macleay Eatate company. Blk 1, lot 17, Macleay Eatate company. Blk 1. kit 2. Macleay Estate company.. Blk 1, lot 1, Macleay Eatate eompaay.. Total 16.67 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. November 8, 1908. 612.13 i:ui. lu OM 29 124. IW 125. M 6110.04 rt MS 851.50 61.38 618.17 .679.68 Undivided 4 Undivided 4 Uudlvlded 4 Undivided 4 Undivided 4 Undivided Undivided M Undivided 4 Undivided 4 Undivided 4 Undivided 4 Undivided 4 ITnHlwlla L 10.20 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.23 8.60 7.25 7.M6 15. (HI 14.90 14.80 14.70 14.60 29.06 14.43 14.36 .. 7.83 6.45 140 8.80 7.25 7.85 16.00 14.90 14.80 14.70 14.60 14 46 14.85 7.85 6.45 2.40 8.30 836.00 861.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 8.60 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.50 160 2.60 2.60 130 CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT A8 8E8BMEJfT8. Notice 1 hereby given that th auditor of tb city of Portland baa transmitted to me a list of tba delluiiucut aoseaxuirnts for the construction of a tcw.tr In East Davis street from the east line cf Hawthorne' lirat addition to Eaat Portland to a connection wth th sewer la Eaat Twenty-sixth atreet. and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the city of Portland. 1 will, on Monday, the 23d day of Novemlier, 1903. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the vrt door of the cltv hall. In the City or 1'o.tMuil. Oregon. offer for sale at public auction to the hlgbeat bldier for i-esn. annjirt to rtacinptinn, tne ollowlng deecrlbed parcel ot leal property. to-wlt : Hawthorn Flrat Addition to East Portland Blk 18. lot 8. A. T. Mt-yer. Blk 18. aouth 4 lot 12. A Klrker . Plk 16. aouth 4 lot 11. A Klrker Rlk 17. lnt A. Rertha Jensen. Bach piece or tract ot tana win ne una separately and for a sum not leaa than the til paid assessment thereon and Interest and coat of advertlalng and aale; If more than tine- bid la .offered tha bnd will Ire -old -to ... klHn nt farina in tnk. tbe aamp for th. rit-aat amount of Density and Interest: competi tion will be: First Upon the penalty for th flrat period; Second I'pou the penalty for the succeeding periods : Third Upon the rate of Irferrat. J. B. WERLEIV. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland, .Oregon. October 24, 1003. 137.45 J. and D. 14.00 J. and D. 2213 30.76 FOR ASTORIA end way 4:011 p. m. Ahout " point, connecting with Dally. 6:00 p. IB. etmr. fur Ilwaco and ex. Sunday, ox. Sunday. North beach, str. Hsa- Saturday. ! . t, ralo, Aab-st. dock. lo:OOp. m l Yamhill River Rout. FOR DAYTON. Oregon City and Yamhill River points, atmr. Elmore, Aah-at. dock. ( Water permitting. ) 7:00 a. m Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. -ftrt a, m. Monday, Wednesday, VrUit. - Snake River Rout. FOR LEWISTOS, Ida., and way point from Rlparla, Wash., steam era Hpokan and Lew-laton. 4:05 a. m. Dally, ex. Sat About R:O0 p. ZB. Dally. ex. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third rnd Wasbiugtoo. Tele pbono. Main 711 .. . PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY T For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Robe, Nagasaki and Sbenghal, taking freight via connecting ateamera for Manila, Port Arthur and Vladivostok. IJTDB.APURA BAILS DECEMBER 38. Fcr rate and full information call on or ad- area orncial or agents of tbe.O. R. A N. Co. EAST SOUTH lif aUHStT. I O (OCDCN. ftNASTAl "aa I lljftl ROUTI IOI Leave. 8:80prm. UNION DErOT. RAILROAD TIMETABLE! itoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, Leave. 8:00 a. m. Daily. 7:00 p. m. uauy. UNION DEPOT. For Maygeta. Rainier, Iflatakanie. Weatport. Clifton, Aetorla, War renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Seaalde. Aatorla and Seaanore Expreaa, Dally. Aatorla Expreaa. Dally. Arrive. Dally. 11:10 a. m. 9:40 p. m. J. 0. MAYO, O. F. aad P. A Aatorla. Or, C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agent, 848 Alder St., Phase, Mala WO. Total 87.262.70 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City of Portland. November 4. 1908. PROPOSALS TOR BRIDGE WORK. SEALED proposal will be reccrved at tbe of flee of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland, Ore. gon, until November 25, 1908, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the rebuilding of the bridge across the Willamette river In the city ef Portland, In accordance with the proSle plan and gen eral epeclflcatlone for the eame prepared by the city engineer and adopted by the execu tive board of the city of Portland, Oregon, and now on file la the office of tbe auditor, and which can be seen during offlee hours. Blda must be strictly In accordance with printed blanke which will be furnished oa application at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland. Tbe right to reject any and all blda li hereby reserved. By order of tbe executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. .Portland. Oregon. October 36. 1903. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF FOURTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the council of the city of Portland propose to asses tb fol lowing deecrlbed property nd owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounts act oppoalta the name and de scriptions thereof for the Improvement of Fourth street, from 12 feet north ef the aouth line of GUean atreet to 13 feet south of tbe north line of Jetrersoa atraat,-a proviaea DJ ordlnsnce No. 13.620. Any objection to th apportionment or cost for aiild Improvement Biut be made in writing tn the council aud Died With the auditor within 15 day from tbe date of tbe1 flrat publication of this notice, and aald objootloua will be beard and determined by tba council betor tba ps g of tbe ordliianc assessing tba goat ef aald Improvement. Coucb'a Addition to ta City ef Port- , land . .. ' " -' Blk 27, lot T. Central Truat A Inveat- ment company..,...'....... $ 76.78 Blk 27, kit 6. Central Trust A Invest ment company. ........' T3.04 Blk 28. north 30 feet, kit 3. Frsuk Nlcbola ....A 1...... 4.26 Blk 2oV aguth.,20 feat tot 8, Btro OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem. Rose- burs;, Ashland. Bacra-r -nenro. fteiW an Van-TT:48 . I clsco, Molsvev i-oe An gelee. El Psso. New Or utia and the East. At Woodburn dally (except Sundax). morn- 8:30 a. mJlug train for itt An gel. Biivcrton. lirowue vllle, Springfield, Wend- Ung and natrun. 4:00 p. m. I Albany passenger, con nects at wocciuurn with Mt. Angel and Silver- ton local. 7:30 a. m.lCorvallie passenger, . ... 114:50 p. m.fshertdaa passenger..... Arrivaa. TlOO p. BW 10:10 a. n I !!S:23a- m. S :60 p. a. Dally. IJ Daily. exVvpt Sunday. Portland-Oiw'sge BuWrbsn Service and Tamilll . Siviaiea. .. . 1 .. .-. Depot Foot of Jefferson Street Leave Portland dally for Oswego T;30 a. an.t 12:50, 2:03, 8:25; 6:20, 6:25, 8:30, 10:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:30, 6.30 ; 8:36, 10:25 a. m. ; 4:00, 11:80 p. m. , Sunday only, flao a. m. .' Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:3o a. at., 1:65. 8:05.:35. 6:15. 715. 9:.V$. 11:19 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:23, 7:23. 9:30. 10:20. 11:45 a. m. Except Monday, 13:23 p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 . m. Leavea from seme depot fcr Delia and inter mediate point dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:20 p. m. ' Tha Independence-Monmouth 'Motor Una operate dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. eon- . nectlng with Southern Pacific company' trick at Dallas and Independence. Fbrst-ciasT rebate ticket on aale from Port land to Sacramento and. San Francisco. Net ate 117.30, bertha, 85; second-class far $13. without rebate or berth: aecond-claes berth $260. Tickets to Eastern point and Enron, also Japan. China, Honolulu and- Australia. city iicxet ninre corner intra ana iv sailing -ten street. Phone, Main 711 C. W. STINGER. W. E. COM AN. City Ticket Agent Gen. Pa. Agent ' Is The Only Double-Track . Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago The Chkago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad Rnd Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. - . ' ' Dally and personally conducted) ex cursion in Pullman tourist eleepin g artfiom Portland, Lo Angele aod -San Fraacisce,' thtouicb to Chicago . Without change, ..1TCHTB, Ceal get. tr Market, SAM ssCiacO,CA4U A. 6. SAREK. a .Ceal Aft.. 15J Third 9s, yoaitANxi, oaa. Chicago & North-Western Ry. TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND: . I Puget, Soaud Limited. Depart. Arrives, for Taooiaa. Seattle. .1 Olympla. Sootb Bead 4:30 a. ta. t.SQ p. ta, -and Gray' Harbor , point. North Coast Limited, - for Tacflma, Seattle. ' ' Bvtte. St. Paul, M In-. 3:00 p. m. 7:00 a. v. . neapolls, Chicago, Naw Vork. Boston and poluts 1 East and Southeast. Twin-City Expreaa, for Tacooia. Seattle, Spo- . r kana, Helena, St. Paul, ' . Mlnneaiwlla, Chicago, U:48 a. m. T:00 p. as. -New York, Boston and all poluta East and Soutteast. . 1 : Puget Sound Kansas ' ' , Clty-dt. Loot Special, ' '-. for Tacouia. Seattle, Spokano, Butte, Billing, ,89a. at. T:09. ttk Denver. Omaha, Kanaaa , , City. St. Louis and all polnta Eaat and South east. . All train dally except n Soalh C)d branch. A. D. ClUKtTOW. . f Asalaurt General Psssenger Ageat. 223 Morrison t., cor. Third, Portland. Of, , HALTIMORJEi fi- OHIO R. H- ALL XRA1N3 VL4. W. VSMLNGTON gCoat orTvvo of Publicity Will sell boua qatckef than a ecat it rslat. JOt'MiL gubUclty iirad wall aad sua as If -mA . - ' I inf. rr Blk 14, lot 6, M. Aradt.......... : 149 TTVJt C0tAPa...arY.V'2....A b.f'''.tVl'vv:r:" " '' V S I sv