TITE OltEGON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1003. ' 1 w TRANSACTIONS IN ThMFMANCIAL WQRl2l Bntma eh. tvrflli af Portland. Or. foe trs ssalaeloa through tbe a Us as sseosd. leee matter. , x NUi for slnria aoniss Pot 12-pege 1 erst; it ta SS pages, S eeatsj "if SB payee, S cents. : . ntinnnt I. ftnstneea Office Main too. ." tdltoriol Rooms Msls 800., Vrs.lan4.il 1.1 aa alsla Agency. 1MI Nsssan 1UM1 Haw lurk. Tribune Building, Chicago. , r Carrier. ' 'i " T month...,... ?2j montM. ..... ah. k. ...... niioumoi bate. Terms by Carrier. ie nsny Journal, on The Dolly JoarnaL all The pally Journal, three Dally Journal, by the week...... ' ' m - 1 Wall. The JVttlr n aal. by mall, atie Ter...-2 2? ! Tha Pally Joarnal. by mall, sis " f, The Dally journal, br Wall. three months.. The Drily Journal. W Mil. on ootb...i M The Semi-Weekly Jomra . The Semi-Weekly Journal. to It issue, an tne nsws as a iuu year, 11.50. , TV W trial T.na1 fbs Weakly JoaroaL 100 columns at rack Issue. Illustrated, lull market reports, om year, II 00, ALL FRESH HEAT IS LOWER TODAY atSOXXTTI AXX. &XMSS -KB TOO matt wrrac th xxcrmov or nuUi inzsa or t-ajv toicb za OKBWXJlT BZTTXm AJTTIB THX SCA la Bppa lu AdTan 04 a Quarter! market steady. Orat or Aeoooat of Inmon of Wu la too ru Ett Xallbu Za SntlMlr Out of Storkot oa Aooooat of Itonna Hop XoYomoat Za Tory Tut avt Xttaoat Frlooa -Tarnor Zfoldlnf Wlt atocked with Oregon ' and California prunes.' , . - . . Turner & Co. Another car of Eastern KKs Monday. Poultry situation un changed. No extra demand for anything-. , Boll & Co.-A flna lot of Spltsenberg apples came In from Southern Oregon this morning and are selling from 11.50 to $1.75 a box. : Davenport-Thompson Company. nenty of grapes today. AU cleaning up at '11.15. Car bananas , on track. Soma nice cauliflower arrived today. . Page & Bon. Eggs (Oregon) are firm er at SO cents. There Is a aood demand for poultry. Soma Southern Oregon to matoes arrived this morning and found m lair demand at 40 cents. union Meat Company. Provision MAT RANGES A LOWER QUARTER ZS Wil XZTZUCMSX.T DUI.ru TEXT xjttu Dozsa nr tkb oabh HABBBTB BriOXTtATITB OPZXA TZOBB WZBX OB A SMAXZt B0AZ.B BB00MXAIX BZP0BT8. United States Mills Bernard Albers No change In either oats or barley. McKlnley Mitchell Potato market Is dull. Rapp & Sehlbrede The tomato seaaon I Is about over and such stocks as do ar rive are of poor quality. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: A . B titer BouUl Domes tlo Demand Kakea Oood Many Bolls Corn Closes . Ball and A boat Tnohanged Cash Sit uation Baa Bo Partlonlar Features and Seems to CKve Wo Dlreotlon to Prices Vot Muoh Change In Oats Prloes. fUmUtaneae ebmld be siad br dnirte. aoaUj the local market today were: Front Street, Nov. 7. The changes A POBTIVIBB WH0Z.E5AIB PBICES. SBtw, tprma ordars. and amill tmMnt''7 1 aecaptauie la one ana rwo-caai vsun THX jovaiiai. ' t. ft. Bos ltl. PortUnd. Oresos. Fresh meats lower. Manila rope advanced. lUlibut out of market Hops moving fast Small aalea of wheat Prune outlook still unsatisfactory. The egg situation. Poultry mora plentiful. Grain, riour and Peed. WHEAT Kinnrt muitallnna Kmm ' TTatta Walla, Tor; bhinatem, 79c; Valley. 78 (ft 78c -BARLKY i'wd. Oc): rollad. I31.OUlUU2.0O! trawlnr, 21.00u21i.OO. OATH No. 1 whlto. 2S VIST 24. 00: era. 523.00ftt2a.A0 par tou; white, 21.au; gray, 21.00 per ton, farmera' price. rLOUB Eaatorn Orercni Patent,, .18a 4.60; atralchta, 3.A0; ValUy, 3.7BijiS.86; fra- Praab Meats Aro Sows. ? bam Ui. 1S.40: 10a. 13.70. mjUL.nil'ri'B , Bran, f 20 00 par ton: mid- n-nnaira romXCABT Waatbar eonditlone end nrl foreceit for Orefon, Waaniuston ana imj ...... w.h. luln conUnuM thle morning lit KaU.rn Weh lnton and Mortbrra ldabo. Eliwwhwe In the aiatn wt of the Kockr niouiitali cmna weethrr weTalla. Th rainfall throiighuut V. wt r tlrig!? d..rlns tb. iMt 2 bo Th. been eipenthiuel y hoary, an.l beery rain aleo oc- 1 al nJuB. vlt fnjrvtlal mailt. 1- iT a. wsiaiKiiiirtiin atod riorin 'Sr.TL.'::;M n;Tr warmer In South- ". no reeling is Detter tnan peiore me - wtVrs " Idaho. KorthVrn K.rada and l uh. I decline. Hog receipts today were extra Hors Na. 222Hc for baet, 18O20e for prices might seem T . ... , . I dllnna. I24.0O; ahorta. H20.60: choo. 118.00. iwviui 111 nil vi i iv. iicn 01 111. 1 1 j 1 v Tt v. ... . ... . - , 1 . fresh meat market haa caused a decline jl10.ooe20.oo; miiod, $u.oo; clover, I13.00; In the various quotations butin most I , wheat, $13.00; cheat, $12.00. lines the feeling Is better than before the Hops. Wool and Bides. Tha weafhar eoetlnure nwwttled In the North large, nearly every commission house Olf f lm; Poor irradea, UtttlBc. ...14 .... and thrMUulns woathpr will con. I h.vin. . ..lnniv'nn kan1 . " Wit Valley, coaraa to mi Chicago, Novfc 7. Logan & Bryan ad vise: . The wheat market was about H cent lower. It was extremely dull, very little doing in the cafth market and speculative operations on a small scale and of a scalping nature. Broornhall estimates the world's shipments at about 10,000,000 bushels. Primary receipts are again a little less than last year. The visible supply on Monday will likely show a fair Increase. The whole situa tion Is one of dullness, so far as specu lative features or opportunities are con cerned. A rather small domestic de mand makes a good many bulls and If only that feature were regarded, higher likely. On the whole, however, with 100.000 bushels A LARGE DECREASE IN COTTON OINNED Census Bureau Bollstla Issued Today Shows a Ztosa of W early, 3,000, 000 Balsa la Ona Tear. fjmtrnal ftnHa! ffervlrO.l WaahluRlon. Nor. 7. Tba ernaua barren fhle mililu laaued a bulletin ehowlne; the quantity of roltoi gttnnrd fniin th growth or IVAU l til OrtnIxT 1M aa anurnxlmatplr l.8.'H).O(J0 baku aa asalnat m-arly e.(K),oo halre ginned up to toe corrrepoutniig aate in iuuz. BROKERS' VIEW ON THE STOCK MARKET UH SfBtJ,Vln5 "UF.Ply n ha" "8i97V.fC t'lioifi!" coming out of farmers' hands every day. grades. Good block hogs sre In fair call I sheepskins Sbra'rln, HUQlOc: at the new prices. The larger alsea of I'tfif nicdluin wocl. lara Prtoraon. SI, and William ester, i. this change la due to the shipment Of aaltrd. bulla and ataea 1-8 leaa Mr. . alnlll Krsnry. 3H. end 1! better Quality than to the change In ": ealtnd hldce. etwr.' eonnd. 60 ESTESt &SHSSr IN-. f The call for mutton I. really t - tha domestlo situation does not wholly abort control. We must export wheat and we are therefore dependent upon for wool. VI ... . . mmA tk.B.l.lllD K' . ai'iac aui.a., ". '"V --r"r i, l mo uavvina; largo supply nil niuiu wh... imiumr LTiiuimirau i , . . . . . . . " Narthweetera OrVsott end Weetera Waahlngtoa, wun ino aemana not SO active on most b.ir. nominal. 8537c. It will be cooler tonlht in Bontnern '"" u..imim i.mn.riiira In the laat 24 hours, 0; minimum, to. prfrimi.i., I veal are hardlv wanted at all. while the I Tln'iV'iG-. ... a . elen market a. With Euron recelvlna m ii m I . ' " " si luawa LTfSr U. V U amasM 1 --''- - - - - wBmAAv TTrrvstT-R. I aemana ror tne smaller and o?tter fro, xuzv-e. a little less than estimatea weekly con- . rUnail Pk and H H WetOn, I as 1 emues r. vw. an ilea v J . vw viitj nan I - - - - -"-- - - t I BUiiij'Liuii cotu wenvav oiiu mui iuc uu- Ajiieta ivmiara;'23. and Paul C. Batea. . figures thera 4s a better call for beef, but j. j'if Ck,f' ..e- W iba i&- d7 usually favorable prospects In Australia riare Peteraon. Jl, anl wiinam 1,. jairr, 1 triia change la due to the shipment Of aaltcd. bulla and ataaa l- laa than dry and Argentine, It hardly seems probable so pounaa or that European markets win timer jenu nooer ou ioa or rollow an advance at this time. Un nominal with no chsnges in prices. lip. eonnd. is ! to Jo lie 7- Tound 10 to 'e88 tney d0' u WU be nBrd to mlntaln Bo Beaaon for Muttoa Dnllness. 14 " 7c: c"'f. eound. rnder 10 Iba, 8c; green an advancing market nere. 1 lie situa- John Toff f Tnft win- r- v ..??" J.e.Pr. tlon may easily work quite Dullish later. - - " . w. vw, -'j - .u.i, . u "i r. niun mi ...n mi vxi ui: i , . t . nr.. "While there Is no sneclal chanere in the ech, Jl o.tii.60: coita' hidea. each. 2S50c: mutton situation, there Is no demand tommon, each, lotjloc; Angjra. and the market Is flooded with re- ' vu- "co' celpts. There Is no reason for this ex-1 Batter. Eggs and Poultry. cept that tha demand for mutton Is off. BUTTER Eitra, 271483:; Eaatern. 26a aianil. Octolier 25. to Mrs. Anna Tester, st S3I Sea Rafael street, a daufhler. October 2. to Mrs. Elate Metlekeea, 594 Mil I - a.. .... a w.w October 1, 'to Mr. Katie Jones, 725 East Eighth street, e dana-hter. . flctoner , to airs, arriw j , Nnremher . to Mrs. Anne GrUVlt, 823 Twrn Iv.Hflh atroet Nnrth. a hoT. Norrmher 3. to Mrs. Bnsea Ilollmeye, 401 North Tenth, a danfhter. rec-i atoniee. 2d24c; baker's, "toher's'l'to Mrs. Catherine Powers, 43 Eaat Buyers on tha street do not complain at ln(2T?'.,, tac.T,m'!rJ' KG2Tticl unchanged. As f ludlMn afreet. adaugbter. I the prices they simply do not want the EoaB-Freih fi' S.if;.i sn,- mi.1 cash situation h , ,a...i..b w, A ki ra Anna rrp. sou lamoiii. a I . , - .... I . ' ' " i . . buicks. 11 mere was any can tne prea ent price would be satisfactory." Pur Manila Zs Bigher. Pure manlla rope was advanced V cent a pound today the only explana tion of such a move being that the sltua tlon In tha far East is so strained and but for the Immediate future we do not believe it will hurt to sell wheat on the hard spots. Corn Dull and TTnobanged. The corn market Is dull and about for some time past tba as no particular fea- 15c; fresh Eastern, tures and seems to give no direction to I rrl.j.n Tha ninntrv fa f 1 1 in IT mnrlpr- aSWcA1401 T0n' ately. but the demand is equally moder POULTBYiLrthU.... mi..? iw lb: ate. A good many are disposed to take liens, llVtftfi2yjC per ill; rooetere, SHWHe per the view that after two good crops of ihj broilers, iiiwisuc; fryers. Hi8i2c rr lh; corrii nlKn prices are not likely In any ducks, old. 12,f(ji:fc per lb; young. 14c per s"e. ovit,c per id; tueya. lire, youua. thl-i caused a sfrona-er feellna- In all tha .Vf. :": o!4 12S18e Pr lb; nrnHnot. t T-h. I ""O. l4l 18C per lb. Prulta aad Vegetables. POTATOES 75c: buyera' prices, for snip- - DEATH8. ' Nnremher 2. Toe Batcbiller, age 22, pul B'onary rongeatlon. . Norember 5, Eater B. Williams, agev 84. to- ' lu.piHlln.la. Norember 4. Ellshe Arden Moees, age 65, resi dence Marquam hill, pncnruonla. Norember 2, May A. Cox, ege 88, Intestinal congestion. Crematorium, on Oregon Cly car Une. near Bellwood; modern, scientific, complete. Charges AdulU. 535; cbllilrra, XI. Visitors R e. m. to 6 p. m. Portland Cremation association. I orttaud. Or. V s . - : , .....4 Iw fW- i I o"i(mjc; pineapples, ea.oo; i;Biiriirniacsnieioupci ni n.i.... n.kl.. M fanr.1 Of freh halibut ltt either'TJee local or $125 per crate: near. 75c(ftH.25 per box: RTZ.T. ' I be no arrivals until some sblnment- are P hket; Tokay. fl.A1.45: crabapnlea. c farmers' Tiands ond on the? Other band i iS-.- ' t i-ivl reArt. Al.'.1r. ' '- ' ' I I b-. huckleberries. 6r7c; qt products of that section. The presen base for pure manlla la 134 cents a pound. Other grades of rope are un changed In either price or tone. Halibut Out of Market The storms off the coast has caused lag, BSfcittoc per cwt; ordinary. 65c sack; buy- icg. CKX-; aweeta, 202 Uc per lb. ONIONS Oregon, llToO; buying prices, 7641 80c; garlic, 6c. rRKSH FKUITS Aoplee. fancy Oregon, all tha halibut fishermen to desert their I 60c(atl.25 bos: nr.niM. Vlucl. 4.00: fisheries and move into Alaska territory. L'SI"" J5,'60 lbi lemons, choice, $.t.oo; fancy 2 FttJirzJK" trr event and that the unusually small feed lng, which seems probable this year, will in the end make Itself felt in the price of corn. We think the conclusion must be drawn that the crop of poor and good corn is above the average. We feel, therefore, that on the part of basis of prices, corn may be sold on the ral lies. Bot Much Oats Change. There Is not much change in oats prices from yesterday's close. There Is a moderate movement of oats from I. P.' nhter ' Son.' fnneref directors end emhslmera. hare removed to their new eetab- llshmeat, corner Third and Madleoa streets. Both phones No. 9. atmSTTEW CEXZTttY. TWngle fr. HO- Femlly tote from $75 to Sl.ono. The only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares tor lots. Kor full Information apply to W. B. Mackensle, Worcester block, city. W. M. Ledd, president. ' Clerk Bros, for flowera. 289 Morrison street BEAt, ESTATE TBAVSTEBI. QKniee 4n u 11 U'Alff .nnitev Inta James Johns First Addition' to St. Johns ...f 21 Sheriff to Frsnk Mlchcls, loU g, and 4, block 8. Northvsle .C. B. Donnell. trustee, to Adah K. Mot rer. lots 18 to XI Inclusive, block 8. Arber Ixxlgn 4t T. J. Brink and wife to C. P. In I. lot 15. block 11. Llmwln Park Annex 850 Delia IHirkbelmer et el. te Ueorse M. Strong, lot 2, block 218, city 10,000 V. M. ray to Mra. Ore Uow, lot 10, block 8, tWmanla 173 Sampson Austin to C. II. and iL T. Tap linger, parcel land, aectlon 34, township 1 north, range 4 east J. E. Haaeltlne and wife to John C. Hardlman. 9 acres, James Thompson do nation land claim John M. 1'lttrnger and wife to Gottlieb rVhmld, lots 8 end 9. block (I, aubdl- vision Rlverrlew Addition to Alblna.... Sheriff for H. Peehn to Kred Altaian, lot 28. block 6, Montlcello Addition..;..... 2 Bneriri to jonn B. Hurtenachoen, lot 38, block 37. Peninsular Addition 14 IMile Oerltngw, Jr., to Kred W. Leadbet ter, lot 1, north H lot 2, block 77, city 35,000 W. H. Nunn. trustee, end Wife to Sol Stonberg. lots -3 and T, block 18. aufidt vlalon Ktvcrvlew Addition to Alhlna... 425 Tyler .Investment company to Isabel J. -t Kret, lots 3 and 4, block 38, Pena Add). tlon No. 8 100 W. K. Mulhollan and wife to Msrtba J. McGillre. undividod H west 6 W feet lota T end 8, block 57. city...." 1 T-lla Couracn .end husband to Maria J. B'ker, undivided 1-0 lota 3 end 4, block 109; lots 4. block 108, lty; lots 6, 11 ' and 12. block B; lotp 1 and 2. block C; west 25 feet lot 6, block H. Caruthera; ' lots 11 to 14, block 9. BWerdalc; eaat , of northeast M of northwest section ' IT. township 1 eoutb, renge 1 east, end h'ock K. Caruthere to Caruthers 2,400 r. ii. mnriay ana wire to H. H. MCOor ren. Jote 1 and 3, section 4. townahln 1 norths range 6 eeat 60 """"t. wire ,o b, wiuiams, undivided 1-12 north JBtTfeet lot 4. block . 12ft. Beat Portland ;Tot 4. block 28, Al .. blna: east H of eouthwest eectfon 12, township 1 eoutb, range 8 eaat; part lots i. ana e. section 12.. 443 Get yoar title Insurance and abstracts to reel estate from the Title Guarantee 4b Trust eom- P"Ji vuauiwv im vomiiierce oiag. An extract from a conversation In 1989: "I understand Smashalong's new motor car was wrecked today." "Yes; it saw a horse and got so fright ened It fell over a cliff." Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. aulnces. bWTBe; there Is a aood demand. The specula 1wTipSA loc' 90H.. bne,; Je'' tiva trade is, as the case may be. ln--&lVft,ttl'2!!S!!Li-: v. fluenced bv the conditions or by the view Contrary to general expectations tha ti.oo; beete, $1.00 per sack; radishes, 12V that oats are relatively high and win ioc per aos.: ceDDsge. Oregon, ic per id.; let tuce, bead, iKe per doe; green peppers, 5c lb; horseradish, 78c per lb; celery, Denver, T.Tc; local, 75c per doe.; beens, green, 4',(dfic rer lb; tomatoes, 5oc per boi: parsnla, 1.25; ' pess. 8134c; cucumbers. 60iTt75c per bo; corn. Tc per dos. ; eggplsnt, 10c per lb.; butter beans, loc per lb: Lima beans,' Fc; sprouts, 6c; cauliflower, Oregon, $1,00 a doa per in. leaa; peecbea, made from Alaska, Balmoa Beoalpts larger. ary to general ext receipts of salmon show a large In crease today and the markets have an ample aupply to suit all demands. Other fish are comUig in fair supplies with no changes In list prices: X.arf o Bop Movement The hop movement Is gaining In pro portion and with a continuance of pres ent conditions for a few more weeks there will not be a single bala of the tta per lb; prunes. Italian. 3H6ttc Pr lb t r. rraria In lh. h.nri. n.C th. ""KH . work lower. A decline may be slow, but we think it will ultimately come. Bo Provision Change. There Is no change in tone of the provision market. It looks heavy and with Intermittent exceptions is dull In every feature. We think the trade holds (Furnished by Overbeek, Starr A Cooke Co. r v.... Vnrk- Market OUle and closed tlrm. There waa evidently a good di'al of covering of ahorta In altel atocka. All the railroads show a strung undertone and It looks better than yesterday, lue oena ment showed contraction III every item, but It had been epeetcd. About every atoca cioam at top price. Further Imports of gold ere re ported and more la espected. It would seem es If what Utile depresnlon thors la la tlie Iron and eteel business hsa been pretty well discount ed. Cotton snil eraln are moving out of the cimnlrv freelv and iiur- debt to uiOte Is Un iihiihIIv small . are Inclined to tbtnk Wall street will eoen begin to anticipate more fa vorahle tinanclal coudllloiis, which are likely t obtain after Jsnusry 1. In sny event, tue tsci that the nreneiit efforts of the beare have not succeeded In bringing about sny liquidation In the atsndard rsll stocks la s most encouraging syeiptum. We think ourselves they ahould do better. IMck Bros.. New York : Market haa been gen erallr atrong today. It hesitated before the bank eratcm..nt snoeared. but uliowed no weak nuaa. and after the bank statement showed lies tv renctlons In loins sod deiioalta to offset tbe loasea In cah. There waa a general rally on buying for both accounts. After su esrly break the steel stocks milled and closed quite strong. Pennsylvania was a strong feature. The bank stnteiuent was considered bullish be cause It was not ss bsd ss expected. The Erles were notsbly strong. Walker Bros., New York: The market waa steady and dull. There was not much Inclina tion by trsders to do snythlng. The bsuk ststement wss sbout ss eitecteu. sod soon ss published the trsders started iiultc a sharp rally. Hhorts began to cover and the whole tone of the market was belter. We lok for a coiitluuance of thla sirt of market, aa at the time lielng the public Is not buying atocaa. Tbe short Interest Is Isrge Slid will keep prices up to a certain extent. It Is the ssfest thing 1 1 sell rallies of 1 or 2 points and buy bark on breaks. Bacbe A Co., New York: The market opened heavy and was atlll under the Inilueuce of the steel ntocks. There waa a silgbt disposition on part of tbe bear tradera to cover, and this Ira psrled a steadier tone to the steel Issues, which st tbe close of the aeSk'.on becsme quite ntniuj. As usual on Saturday, Intercut centered largely on tbe bauk atatxuebt, which proved slightly bitter than expected, although the loss In rssh wss ruiiy up to what the preliminary estimatea foreshadowed. After the bank statemrut wss published the market broadened on buying by aborts and msde a fairly good recovery, clos leg with a strong tone. New York Stocks. DESCRIPTION. growers. Although there are practically no changes In the price the growers are beginning to realise that by their hold ing they would not be able to make any change In conditions. Other sections have Just as much If not mora hops than I over pound cartons. Oregon has this; season the total pro duction for the state for 1908 being esti mated at 85,000 bales, and the holding of the crop In one aectlon will not seri ously embarrass the brewer or short. Prices ruling up the valley are un changed. U Wheat Moves Slowly. JT The wheat market la quite different irom mat oi nops ror tne reason mat the raisers of the former are holding . n. I . ... . .... J . i 6if9c per lb.; pears, piled with hogs, ana mat noming in me nrov nT n ifin nrices is in bikui.. o would sell provisions on the hard spots. JrH'iMHc per lb.;, figs. California Wv4 rrn ? do. whites, T48c MARKET GOSSIP OF FINANCIAL CENTER Der lb. t nltima. n1ttd. Rrffnc. BAI8INS Seeded, fancy l-Ib. cartons, 60 peckagee to case, 84 e pkg; seeded, 12-os cart ona. 7c: loose Moecatellee. 50-lb boxes. TfaSViO per lb: London layers. 81.8562.00: clusters, 12.5003.75; Us. 25c; lis, 50c advance FIGS 10 1-lb. certone. choice brand. S1.00: 10 l ib. cartona. fancy brand, f 1.10; 10 1-lb. bricks, fi.ernorn QOn If. 1 -II. hvlfflr. LMn.n OA KA U'lh. hrlcka n.e hnr S2 4-mw la'v.rfl nee I v..lal.n4 K. nnpWk. Starr Ac Cooke Co.) 10-1U. box. 90c; loose. 60-lb. boxes, per lb., ti Stir York, Nov. 7. London Is strong. The 6Wc. Callmyrana fl-crown. 10-lb. cartons, per atrlko of the lronworkere la only auother phase nox. fioo; 0 -crown, id-id. carton, per dox, i of the local Isbor trouoies. 11 pimowissi u.. 1.75; 4 -crown, 20 tt-lb. certone, per box, I cr make any demonstration against railroad dered, Uted, t red, 5.85; ted, 13.56: Is. 10c. 4 shares, forcing recessions of H. to P!n.t' u will be well to buy on such dips ror a turn. On the theory tha. "tbe devil Is never ss biscx k. i. r,.(trt " it will I well to believe 5.86; dry granulated. 5.75; beet rranu- that the bank statement will not come up to extra v, a.o.zo; uoiaen v, so. to; i "rotten expectaiiona. aiouey inn dates, 7c. Groceries, Buta, Etc STTGAR "Sack bsels" Cube, If). 00; ll 1.1.1. . 1 . W.l mAmm iM. . ...... - rrUlm K.na .... eS 11 funda for higher prices. The movement into aura haala lem -2V- rr rat tnr cash. IS dava: rni.it rr.m 4(1 in fin ner cent and atocks were 40 tha local mills continues very small and I tortile, 14i6c per lb. nnlh.. oh.nM In niinlillnn. la lllr.ltfl HONEY 14fe2)15c. soon. Todav the market was a trifli COFFEEGreen Mocha. 21 23c; Jara. fasey, soon, loaay tne market was a tnno se(a2e; lam, good, 2325c; Java, ordinary. points higher. Besides, wo were then exporting geld, and now we sre importing it. weak, In sympathy with the general low prlcea quoted In the Eastern market, but no price change was made. Potatoes Tory Bull and Xiower. 1820c; Costa Rica, fancy. lHtrCOe: Costs ltlca, good. 18(3 18c; Costa Rick, ordinary, 100 12c per lb; package coffee, $12.13. TEAS Oolong, different gradee, 45 (306c; aniirwiKtlter OMtAZOtiXrif ICiull.h hrunVn.t Ait. , , . . , . . I ferent erndea 12iSr(15c- snider lea. uncolored I form reduction lu manufactured steel of all The local potato market was duller -c. U0apa,n,(ll, w,y 1? kind.. Fifty-six roads for September show sn HTU.KII 1 1' V , 1,. .. n-. . ... - ' for tbe fourth week of October ebow an average Vew Tork Summary. New Tork, Nov. 7. Bessemer 'Steel bar prlcea l. i ,,. ll av ton from f.12 to t2rl. It Is tcportcd an aA-eerfient has been made among the members of the steel pool to make moderate unl- ana lower touay on account oi tne wean- ecc. ness In San Francisco. River Dotatoes I SALT Fine Bales. 2s. ss. 4a. Ss. 10s. t2.2S there are in such large aupply and. of ft Jjbi.. dairy, fo.. ; io 75 imported such good quality that the dealers much Worcester Bbls 2s, Rs, 5.60; 5s. 5.25; 10a, nrafAP thorn tn tin l-io at tir-Aarrtn'ai v va.vB a,amuHa w wh hvhs wa.w(awu a i shj.uv. LfUASk. MV ilJrs. t f the annnlv of river's ereta dnwn thera I SALT Coarse, half ground. lOOs. per ton. will be nothlna- doina- In Oresron's The 8-26 80- P"1 ton. I9-25! Urerpool lump, win no notning aoing m uregon s. x ne nick g23 00 pwf ton; a lock tn M. 1(WSi wo. ii v (Dili 4 4wtsiw. a-vr Aiu;in ,- sii ibji day for tha choicest Shipping Stock la 55 I ORAIN BAflS Calcutta. $3.758.00 per 100. rut SO ranta vlth nn r.nr nfr.ra tn I RICE ImDerlal Janan. No. 1. 15.37V4: No. 2. buy by any of the dealer.. The former ft gSaar" or" As.'Sases. Ve per PrHEBAl VOTICE. KNAPP In San Francisco, Nor. S, 1903, Chas, S. Knapp, aged 24 years, son of Mr. and Mra. I. F. Knapp. Funeral Sunday, Nor. 8. at 2 p. m.. rrom reeiaence im cast Kurueide St. All friends are resnectfullr Invited tn .trend Funeral under auspices of Orpheus lodge, No. ,t. n. in r. BEETIKO M0TI0E. ORPHEUS LODGH, No. 59, K. of P. Members will assemble at Castle ball at 12:30 p. m. Sunday, Nor. 8, to attend the funeral of our neceaaea orotner, tuaries 8. liaanp. Attest: w. C. WARD, Cbsn. Com. J, R. TOMLIN80N. K. of R. and 8. BOTI02. WE.HAVH appointed Loewenberg A Going C. of Portland, Or., sole agents for all of our hotel ranges and restaurant goods, r Jobs Vaa Range Co.. Cincinnati. O. LE6AL efOXldES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 18th day of October, 1903, Charles Drake, of Port, land. Or., was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and ' that -the first meeting at hla creditors will be held at room 600 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or., oa the 17U day of Norember, 1003, at 10 o'clock a. ta., at which time the ' eeld creditors may attend, prove tbelr elalme, appoint a trustee, exsn-ine the bankrupt ana . transact auch other business as may. properly , come before said to-etir. ; , . Hated Portland, Or., Nor. C imx r 4 . ALEX SWKEKi - . Beferee In Bufciruptcy. j "''v ' ! headlight, cases, 25c; headlight. Iron bbls, 20c. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In bbls, 49c; genu- tne kettle, boiled, cases ooc, rnia Die. price best represents the market There gal; water white, Iron bbto, 18c; wooden, ; cent is no cnange in tna onion situation. California Bteeuner Arrives. Tha California steamer arrived last night and the usual cargo of grapes was distributed among the commission men. Prices today for grapea range from 75 I 22c; Jitore. esses 24 fee. iron bbls, 18c, cents to 1.15 a box. From this time forth the grape receipts are expected to show a large decline and prices are ex pected " to' be held Arm. Some new oranges, navels, arrived on tha steamer. Oregon tomatoes came In again today gross lncreaae of 7.38 per cent, Rogers Brown srys Aianama is a weas pi i w i,ig-ii.,n situation. leading lnternstlonel bankers expect heavy exports of cotton and grain In tbe next three months. Tbe banks lost to tbn snbtreas in.. Frlrtav f7.uwi.000. Currency move- nnt lndlcatea the bat.ka lost $10,814,000 on the wtek. Bradstreet's ssys trade and Industry Is uuieter on the whole, imn s review says traoe la dull In fuel, and many lines which should now be vigorous. Twelve Industrials advanced .34 per cent; 20 actlre rails advanced .34 per H6 1)0 1 NT 75 Mi 87 118 28 04 15 138 American Btooks la London. London. Nov. 7. (2 p. m.) Amalgamated Cop. biKi vis '.. Ca M ' Si 4 kku J I'" advanced 'A; Atchison advanced H. pre BEN2UMS 43 dee., coses. 22c: Iron bbls. 1 i. m u-i I. . iuiiiu a. unin .dunnovd 15Mic. .. . I H: Canadian Pacific declined U; Chesapeake A naou"""" rf" . iX,1 .0 f"' 1 Ohio declined ; inicago. miwausee at tn. raui advanced V; Uenrer Kio tiranae uncnangea; TERPENTINE In cases. 7Sc: wood bbls. T4'4e; Iron Ills. 72c; 10-lb case lots. 77c. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white, 1.1.75 3 85; pink, $3.503.75; bayou, $3.75; Limns, $4.50. NUTS Peanuts, 6(37e per lb for raw, e!fc for roasted; cocoanuts. 8690c per dot: wal nuts, ana are oeing quotea at 40 cents a dox. i per lb: 'hickory nuts. 16c per lb; chestnuts, Poultry More Plentiful. . ",rKn' ."fJ&J1" L.lb;,KBra"" . ,6c,?!I ,. . ... , i Ib; nlberts, 1618c per lb; fancy pecans, 14(0 ruuivi j u& tin annua is iiivio jjiciiuiwi i ioa. per .d; aimonoa, hc per id. and the demand haa somewhat slackened off. Prlcea are unchanged today. One of the large wholesale firms today ad vanced tha price of fresh Oregon eggs to 82 H cents but the general selling Is still being made at 30 cents, : Bo Prano Outlook. Today there Is really no prune outlook. Lata advices from large brokers In- the Bast ' tell the same old story of over stocked conditions and a very small de mand.' Since the opening of the market the prune price has declined of a cent i . . , Opinions oa tha Market U. a. smith company There ism a good city demand for potatoes at 75 cents'. Apples are coming In rather live ly with the demand fair. Mark Levy ft Co.- Tha California ateamer brought a good Supply of grapes. . The quality is not'ao good on account, of ,the heavy rains, we look for smaller 'receipta hereafter. ; . Pearson, Page & Co.- TheL.. ateanrer grapea wara in perfect condition. -Prices re ranglng'from 90 cents to 1.10. Malarkey & Co. There la plenty of salmon la tha markets today. Halibut la entirety out Prices unchanged. uiafke company. Tner ta no prune market : yet NewTork advices today say that the .market there is badly over-1 Krin nnchsns-ed. firsts advanced M : Illinois Cen tral advanced ; Loulavllle A Nashville declined Vi; Mexlcsn Centrsl aavaneea y,; uissoun. ivsn eas & Texas unchanged; New York Central un changed; Ontario A Western advanced Nor folk A Western unchanged; Reading unchanged. Arata iirwh.n.ed: Kouthern Pacific declined 1 : 14tlc per lb; pine nuts, 10(312e Southern Railway unchanged, preferred ad vanced ; tnlon racmc navsncea . prererrea advanced Vtl United States Steel sdranced , preferred advanced ; Wabash unchanged, pre ferred sdvnuced ; Consols 801A, unchanged. I January . February March . . April December Meats and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, prime, 6c; cows. 0c; mutton, dressed, 53Vc; lomts, dressed. Uc. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef, steers, 5H6c; bulls. 8i4c; cows, 46c; pork, block, HiiOHc; packers, 6Vi mutton, dressed, 4U5c; lambs, dressed, 5&54o; real. Sc. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) inii ik litA. 1.1 ... la th. iaA, breakfast bacon, 162oc; picnics, 9W; valted I Mny . sides, 10c per id; smoxea sicies. 11: ary w une raited backs, ioc; oacon, docks, iic; duiis, juij salted, 6c; smoked, 10c per lb. I August . . EA8TKRN PACKED HAMS Under J4 Iba. I Septemper lOc: over jo ids, idc; rancy, louisc: i numnwr picnics, 9Mc; ehonldeis, 104lltf; dry .salted sides, snsmoked, ll4c; breakfast bacon, 17 19c; fhncy, 204e. LOCAL LARI Kettle leaf, 10s, 11c; 5s, lHc; 50-W tins, lOVjer steam rendered. 10s, loijc; Ce,' 10Hc; 60s, 9c; compound tierces, 8c; tubs. 8He. , EASTERN LARI Kettle leaf. 10-lb tine, 11c; 5s, llttc; 50-lb tins, lOc; steam rend ered, -10s, 10c: 6s, lOttc; 60s, 9 He. Above packinghouse prlcea are net cash, 15 dry i. ... . CANNED - SALMON Columbia rrrer. 1-lb tails. $1.75; 2-lb tails. $2.40; fancy, l ib Bats, 11.00; .-lb fancy flats, 81.16; tahcy. 1-lb oral, 2.60: Alaska Ulls, pink. 80c: red. $1.60; 3-lb Ulis. $2.00. FISH Rock cod., Tc: flounders. Set hslllbot. 7c; crabs, $U60 per dos; rasor elsms, 9aidc per dos: little seek clams. Sci striped ban. UHc; salmon, chinoek, 4c; sllversldes, 4f4 iChlcago. soles, oc; enrimpa, ruay-i eoana. xac, carnsa, i acta: 7c: ellver smelt 0c: black end. Be: sslmoe trout, j 10I12Vic; lobsters. Joe; . perch, Sc. I Wheat O YSTElta Hboal water bay. per rsl. 12. i5: 1 ( orn per sack, $3.40; Olympls, per sack, $5.25. " - I Oats Vew Tork Cotton. (Fnrnslhed by Overbeck. Starr t Cooke Co.) New York. Nov. 7. The cotton market today ranged as follows: nign. Open. .$10.75 . 10.78 . 10.78 . 10.77 . 111.80 .' i(i.s)B , 10.58 . 10.10 . 10.80 . 10.80 Low. $11.05 $10.73 ll. 10.76 11.09 11.00 11.08 ii.Vsj 10. 0) 10.10 10.94 11.03 10.75 10.76 10.79 io.'so 10.58 lo.oo 10.72 10.80 Close. $11.04 fine 11.0641 07 11.0709 11.08 (fj 08 it,OB(iirr7 11.07109 11.07 i 09 10.8;yH5 10.(HXSt05 10.02(3 W5 11.01S03 284 40 uii 1U9U 136 8 118 66 V4 20" 117 0.1 '-(1 44 48 24 17 73 V5 41 27 71 "7 62 15 19 30 li 19 42 87 78 88 85 IIH14 2N 64 15 138 30 28 Anaconda Mining Co. . Amalg. Copper Co. ... Atchison com do pfd Am. Car & Fdry com , do pfd Am. Srtgor com. .v. .. Am. Smelt, coin ...... do pfd Belt. A Ohio com do pf Brook. Rapid Tran ... Ciin. Pac. com Chicago A Alton com. do pfd Chicago A O. W. com. ('., M. 8t. P C. A N. W. (nn Chicago Term. Hy Ctves. A Ohio Colo. F. A I. com C'clo. Southern do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Pel. A Hudson Del.. Lack. A West... D. A U. O. com do pfd Erie com do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Illinois Cent Iuts. A Nssh. ........ Met. Trac. Co Man. Elev Mex. Cent. Ry Minn., St. P. A Ste. M do pfd Missouri Psc 80 80 M., K, A T. com 17 17 do pfd N. Y. Cent Norfolk A West. com. . North Amer N. Y., Ont. A West... Pennsylvania Ry .... People's 0.. L. A C. Co. tressed Bteel Car com do nfd Pac. Mall S. S. Co. ... Reading com do Zd ptd do 1st nfd Repub. I. A S. com.., do pra Rock Inland com , do pfd Southern Ry. com no ptd Southern Pac Texas A Pac Teun. Coal A I T., St. L. A W. com.. do nfd Union Pac. com do nfd IT. 8. Leather com do pfd U. S. Steel Co. com do ufd Wheel. A L. E. com do 21 do 1st . . . . Wis. Ce it. com do pfd Western I'nion Tel Wabash com do pfd . . I 32 I 321 Total sales for the day. 202,000, Money closed 4 per cent. 2 : s 27 411 08 130 100 100 139 9 118 60 '26 117 1H 27 44 35 84 80 1U ii.V 42 80 70 Vt 87 V 35 118 28 64 11 137 30 27 28 48 no 130 09 lot) 136 8 80 1 Hi 58 20 H 28 44 50 48 24 23 'k" '17 73 73 42 41 23 22 27 20 72 '7i "7 "7 ii '16 53 I 62 15 83 ' ' 19 15 82 18 04 C2 H8 05 90 111 85 115 42 80 7.1 i 87 35 118 28 64 14 lUi 8 30 28 12 20 0,1 lb2 iitl 19 l 27 40 08 l.' 100 108 130 II 62 112 80 1U 34 117 56 70 20 117 27 fltl ' et 78 40 24 17 42 22 27 k 15 72 89 11 S3-jJ 11 2? 42 83 83 18 32 'i every advertiser In Portland to try the claisilied col umns of "The Journal.", The fact that "The Journal V classified advertising la growing steadily proves thatt many new advertisers are giving It preference over other Portland newspapers, and that the old advertis ers have found It profitable to continue their space. Mali btu vavtzo. ADVERTISEMENTS I'NPEIl 11118 HEAD COST ONE CENT A WORD. WANTKII Jlcn to 1-arn the barber trade; wa are atlll, ditlng tiuslnesa at tbe same old stand; anrcess guaranteed lr our constant practice Call or write to American Barber College ( orporallon, 253 hverett st., I'ortund MEN TO LEARN barber trade; only twe months reipilrrd: the only system end only college tcsL'hlng Ihi trade; catalogue and fuC ' tiartlculara mailed free. Muler System Col lege, San I'rancUco, Cal cTR. HANSEN a lXl.. "26 North 8.culld St., general male employment agency. Head. Quarters for work lor men tor railroad structlon snd other outside tot. WANTED A flrattOlasa shirt aaleeman for city aod near by 'lowna; reference required. Apply Tbe Hpencer Company, uaft naao Ington st. FOI'R ADVERTI8IN0 SOLICITORS; big money. Call after 4 o'rlmk. 334 Yamhill, The Bur bank. Ask for Mr. Roberts, ASK IrbrTf MERCHANT for a ticket to llepp ner Addition Prise Ball, f IO.Oiki given away. i hence of a lifetime. WANTED Solicitors of good sddress; good psy to good men. ('nil 12 2. United Commerclsl Co., 610 McKsy hldg. BRII1I1T BOY WANTED for store. Apply Co lumbia I'honograiih Co., 128 7th St., neer Wsshlngton. KELP W A sTTED FEMALE. EXTEKTEN'CETr opera'tur on gentfemiB ahlrts; must be flrst-claaa; alao girls to learn nav wbl Is learning: power marhlnee. The Bpencer Company, 826 Washington, cor. fith. CIRL8 can aeenre good posltlona by applying at the Portland Women s Kmpioyment oincs 820 Weshlngton at., room 2. WANTED Experienced operators rhlrts snd overalls. ins nenn Company. Seattle. Wash. to stitch Oreenhood ASK VOI R MERCHANT for s ticket to Hepp- ner Addition Prise Hall, fiu.ouu given away. Chance of a lifetime. WOMAN to travel for wboleaale house; refer- encee reqmred. A 44. cere journal. MTDI)LE-AJF.D WOMAN for responsible posi tion: references. V e. The Journal. GIRL WANTED for general housework. 60 Ells st. Apply BITVATIOMS WAM TED MALE. SITT'ATION WANTED" ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED TWO TIMES ABHOLUTELT FREE. WR1TB on PHONE MAIN 500. WANTED Work of any kind by all-round handv man: can handle horses; references 11 required; stesdy work more sn object tbsu high wagea. Address X Y Z. 411 East Alder. MACHINIST, vise hand, would like work at bis trsde or any lob where a man nanny witn tools Is needed. Journal. Addrees K. O. T. M Tbe BUY A TICKET to the Heppner Addition Prise Ball. $1,000 In lots given away. lK-seia si. Lehmati A Ieeser, 27 Washington bldg. WANTED Hit us t Inn. by white all-round man cook. In boardliig bonse or restaurant; city or country. Add real V q, csre Journal. WAKTED XISCELLAXEOTS. HIGH E8T pries paid f . r awn s eld clothing. sboee. Pbone,BlsCk 3007. 27 North Th iri WANTED Drug store is sinilf ttan, Addtew ' O 6, Jonrnsl. ACCOfDION FLEATIjTO. HON MARCHK DRES8 pLKATlVu C0ii2 Mihswk bldg.. Third and M wrlaon. Aceurdloa ,ar.n aios pieaiing: pinaing. Keg avnej MISS O. liOL'LD Sunbnrst. sccordlooTand knife plaiting to order; steam process, . 800-801 larrpiam blk. Phone. Clav 80.1. ATTOaifXTt. EMkloNS A iMMUiSd, attoeneye-at-Uw. ti4t Worcester bldg. i. B RIGUEN. sttoroey and eneoaellee-at-lawT auiary. oiaj-aiio sdi Daioa DIQg. II. B. DICKIN80N. etturney-et-lew and as- tary public. 60$ Commercial bldg. ASPHALT PATIjIA.i THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. Offlea 655 Worrmter Mk. A88AYER ABO CHEMIST. BOSS C. tested. FINLEY Ores ssssyed. analysed snd S39 Ankeny. cor. 7th and Ankeny. BIRDS. PORTLAND BIRD CO., 304 Third; branch. 221 North Sixth at. BA10IN0 AMD LIOKTERIHO. OKKUON ROUND LUMBER CO., sins at. rnone. srsnt I in. 181 Bars- BATH B. EI.ECTRIC. lors. 424 sslt glow and maaajga bath par Wash., bet. 11th and 13th eie. CORSETS. CORSETS made to order, any material; perfect ni. Koom mi. wsshlngton hldg. CHIKOrODT ABD KABIOTJUBO. THE DKVENY8. the only sclent I fle chlropwdlste in tne city; psriors 801-1 Aiissy Ding.) to is Is the long-hslred gentlsmsa yes wast ta w. Grant 16. CLAB.IV0YABT. MI88 MARIAN COHELLI, pelmlet and eUlrvoy- ant, gives rellsble snd ssnsfsctory readings; also trachea palmistry and develops psychical consult her. 240 Fifth st MRS. 8. B. 8EIP of California, palmist seer. propneteas; readings doc, 41 ; circles Tues day and Friday, 8 p. m ., 25c. $1 8arentb St. cor. Oak. Green 641. M. M. JOHNSTON, clairvoyant, card reading. haa returned; pleaeed to see old frleade and new. 289 Third at. CAFES. THU OFFICE, 2J Washington St., Pbooe. S. Hsin T7i. 1. w. Taitiott. pros), fortiena. tn. OO AL. FIRE81DB WOOD A COAL CO.. SoS E, Mor rison, phone Esst 486. Sawed eord wood. White A Shlvely, props. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Dealers In all kinds of eoaL coke aad char coal. Phone. 1018. VULCAN Coal Co., wholesale dealere beet eoalal foundry and smelter coke. 829 Bornelde. OREGON KUEITCO.: all kinds coal and wood.' 844 M orison. Pbone. Msln 66.- KING COAL honee eosla. CO.. tmnortere of .Phone. Main 1428. high-grade MAN wanta attuathm as wstchman or any kind nf steady work. Address Watcbttiko, The Journal. LADY dealres plsce ss cashier In restenrsnt or otner similar position, a a. csre journal. CEBXAl MTLLB. ACME"lLLT(Pb;.ut msnufVcturereaUtoa Acme Cereals. 20 end 22 North Front st. GOOD, honest snd Industrious young man wants work of any kind. H 7, The Journal. , SOBER and lnduatrloua man wants work of any kind. D 4. care Jonrnsl. SITUATION WANTED TEH ALE. CABPEVTEM ABD BuTISERS. USE THE WANT "ADS." OF THB JOURNAL If yon want your "Utile nere oeiow. COMPETENT middle-aged woman would like housekeeping In farmhouse for men or wia- ower s bome. L 7, care journal, WELL, that is a corker I Forty, city lots glvea away ax neppner t r-iss 17011. iivkh lor satv by sll lesdlng merensnts, WANTED Experienced dressmaker and ehlrt- walst-msker wisnes work in ts mi lies ny aay. 790 Mlrhtgsn st SITUATION WANTED Br roung lady aa stea ogrspber. call at at baimon si., or i none Front 1719. WANTED Experienced woman wanta work by the hour or day; write ., DOO Missisippl ere. GIRL 17 wants work where she csn be at home at Kenllworth nights. H I, The Journal. rVXBISHED BOOMS. THH PALMER HOf'SK. S. E. ror. Alder and Park eta., formerly the Spalding, the moat complete apartment house In the city; entirely renovated: steam heat. gas. electric light, por celain baths; every modern convenience; tour ist end transient trsde solicited. 1'LEASANT rooms, furnished, single or en suite for housekeeping; renovated thoroughly; mod. ern conveniences; best location In city; under new management Call and Investigate, Tourists solicited. Mrs. J. H. Palmer, pro- proprietress. 230 Russell st. SAY, CHARLEY sln't vou going to buy ticket to Ilenoner Addition Prise Ball? rant one of those beautiful lots. Tickets for sale by all grocers. J. F. LUCY, encceaaor to Gordon Mfg. Co.. carpenter, builder, general contractor; feousa remodeling, alterations, etc.i cabinet work ' end Jobbing s specialty; counter shelving. Ice boxes, etc.; etore asd office fixtures; np-tods te and eiiginel carpenter work of alt kinds; nothing toe is'ee or toe sosll for ear immediate attenfloa; aa flies oa as wa Bake acd put s tbe beet fly screens Is) Portland. Shop, foot of Yamhill st.J phone. Black 2897: residence T47 I st Stark! residence phone. White 712. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter end builder. vf Sterk et.t office aad store fliturae built aad remodeled; altering and repair houses, pbona. . Msln 747. H. r. CLA RK. carpenter and builder; repairing and Jobbing: office fixtures. Residence phone. West 782: shop. Msln 1941. 458 Wash, et. A. J. AUTHORS A CO.. carpenter and builder; repairing and Jobbing; etore end office fixtures built Shop 209 Columbia. Pbone. Clay 1851. EMERY A DEE, carper ters. do all kloda of Job work: etore end office fixtures s specialty. 229 Flrat, Phone. Cley 924. 0. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, bouses built end repaired. 208 Foneth. Clsr 174. CIGARS AVO TOBACCO. I8BERO-GUN8T CIGAR CO. , Distributers of FINB CIGARS. Portland. C0RVTICE-SKYLI0HTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised Iroa Bices. J. 0. Bayer. 288 Second at DANCING. THE MATT1NGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 289 14th. cor. Jeff. Claas or private lessons. THB COSMOS Fourth and Morrison, furnished housekeeping suites, suite and single rooms; f3 per wVek snd oik 48 NORTH NINTH ST.. furnished rooms ; -every thing new; electric ugut, neat, oatn, pnone rent reasonable. 204 U STARK at. nlcelr furnished rooms: rea aonanie rent; transient soiiciteu. roooe Front 1095. FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms with gas range. Apply to Janitor, 227 Waamngton. ROOMS WITH BOARD, well furnished: modern convent ecsa i. - table board slso. 221 llllllimiUl .1. Cotton Market Sustained. ' New York, Nov. 7. Mclntyre A Marshall s : The cotton market wits sustained during the weeK Dy s surtnor conviction on tne part of ivorld's operators that rnppMes of cotton for the year wlU-HVj equl to. the demand only st pru-es whiob may seek a level Wgfcr than av- eraged during the past season. Mr. Ellison s statement of 10.870,1100 balea aa the posalble world's requirements of tbe American staple was the basis of nearly sll the speculative buying which took place, while crop estimates, on the otcer nano. nave gradually centered at a yield somewhat less thsn last year. The course of the option market has been affected hv heavv realign!? suies nuring me issi inree aaya, but mere la no evinence or sny ensnge in oDlnlons which might cause an Important decline. It Is true that the larger Interests who have held hesvily, snd many who have not yet entered the market, are noeinff ror a decline and worktne for it, but the market seems for the Dresent to oc stronger man mis innuence. 381 YAMHILL ST., The Ramona Rooms at reasonable prices with steam best, light aad bath. HOTEL Vendome, cor. 13th and Alder; fur nished rooms with board; reasonable rates. 282 SECOND at., rooms single and es suite new honse. new furniture; reasonable. THB CASTLE 273 Washington St.: rooms tot gentlemen: transient Tel. South 761. THE StlEltM AN', Twelfth and Washington; 1 rooms bv day. week or month. FOR SALE. OFTf.N TUB ITEM OF NEWS in the paper which will have tbe most vital Interest for you will be fonnd smong the wsnt ads.' F0H SALE Lodging-houses, hotels, restaurants, Grocery stores, cigsr stores, rooming and mrdtnir houses, country hotels and general merchandise, saloons snd all kinds of business chawes, locations and leases. Fire insurance, rensnie company. JENNINGS A CO., 2.12 Washington St, PIANO $106. cost 4 months ago $400; Decker Mew York Bank Statement. I . ; nUBPau ", tab lT41lr,-lgi -life New York. Nov. 7. The bank statement Is- CHOICE business block for ealeheap to right .1 nartT. Aditrau Wm. I . mark T.av.n n. Eastera Hogs Higher. Chicago, Nov. 7. Receipta of livestock In the principal packing centers 01 me country today were: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 9,000 400 2,000 Kansas City . a,iw 700 O ins ha 2,800 125 750 Hogs opened 6c higher, with 4,500 left over from yesterday. Receipts a rear ago were 35,. 000. Billing hog prices are: Mixed. $4.604.75; good. $4.l5iit5.20; rough, $4.304TO; light, $4.55i5.28. , Cattle Steady. - TN':?,-'-7: " " Bbeep Stesdy. ' . Chloage Oraia Car Lots. Nov. .7. The grain car lota today A................... Cais. Grarieii&t. 1 fl 1"I0 3T7 IT 845 879 : . : .375 sued today was as follows Reserve . . . . .' lan Specie l.i'Ual" .. , Deposits Circulation Reserve less than U. 8.. Decrease. ..,..$ 4,879.925 11,413.000 5.247.9U0 4,026,000 ,671,700 FOR SALE A few high-grade typewriters, $39 escn. l,. eno m . aiexanoer. jxj Tnira St. BUSINESS CHANCES. 17, 18.700 4,873,575 Portland Lives took Reosipts, Portland Union Stockyards, Nov. 7. Receipts of livestock during the past 24 hours consisted 01 iou nogs, 10 csine ana o.tsxj aneep. All mar kets are wesa, win sogs lower. Ruling price are: CsttleBest, $ : cerium. $3 asrS-SO. Hogs Beat. 6(5r; medium. 4ig5c. Sheep Best, 2c:.medium, 2c Portlsal daarlag-House Heport ' The report of the Portlaad clearing-house for yesterdsy was as follows: Clearance .$704,851. 4 BsUncee .. .......... .f. ............ 111.684.57 . .. - - -- -- t 1 - Lrrerpoot Cottoa Higher. ' ., ' LIrerrWioL Nov. t.-i-Cofton closed 1 In 4 nninta higher ttiaa yesterday. The market is steady, ; HoOMINmiOL'SB furniture for sale: M pooms o-resr tease, siuu ner montni lurnituro fine new oak; owner sick: price $2,600 cash; no iruKf-rR, n lam rfuiiruai, NEW 9-room lodging bouae furniture for aale; usea 0 inonios; uouse xor rent; nne oppor tunity for boarding-house; owner leaving city. n. . care atiuriuii, FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar stand; also . fruits and. notlona; In a thriving Colurubl river lown. s- o, joe joarnal. - FOR BENT. OR BENT Port of etore 28U Yamhill, taood enough bldg.; mill rent with :t without eonnter. Apply xashler Jonrnsl office. Ft R RENT A 5-rootu tuodern eottsge. West Side, 15 minutes' walk from business center, $15. ptmne Black 3733. FOR SALE Will take a horse and wirn la part paynirpt iuward a $400 piano.' 104 lit . at, spataliai . ., . : DRESSMAKING. DRESSES made for $4 to $6; tailored skirts $3 to $5; waists $1.60 to $3. 626 Thurmsn; take 8 or 16-at. can. Pbone Black 5741. THE 19TH CENTURY drese-cuttlng systen and ladles tailoring. Mrs. Q. E. Thomas, room 8. 133 6th. formerly 802 8d. ELLA BURROUGHS PETERSON7204 fjimd nough bldg., ladles' tallorlug s specialty. Pbone Union 5374. MRS. M. KIBBEN. artistic drees and eloak msklnc. 651 Morrison et. r DYh,IJtO AND CLEANIBO. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 pat -aaeath,- VsAue XailasUg Xas, Ael Waahlng-.-ton st GttX STEAM DYKING A CLEANING WORKS Herman Enke, proprietor. Phone, klala 1713. No. 65 6th it., near Pine. Portland. Or. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and "cleaner," sot. lTtn. cor. ton.mms. Tel. atn xoia. DECORATIVE WORK. LADIES, If you wish to earn money at your nome quietly ana quickly aunng spars urns, call at your earliest convenience at 372 Eaat Morrison, from 9 to 4:SO. DECORATORS. BRNRY BIRGKB ISO First stt wallpaper. Ingrains, tapestries, sppllqoe fruses, inter ior decors ting. 1 .. . "'3 DOO ABD H0R8I HOfPITAL. DR. S. J.h CARNEY Veterinary eurgeon, 1VS North Sixth st. Phone, Male I4se; res. pooaev Front 104. n 1 1 L ..I EDTJCATIOWAl. SHORTHAND Free tuition In ebor,band t la- , dnatrloas students; short metnoa. speeay re sults. -Addrees IS. B, csre Jjourasi. FRENCH eonrvreatlon a eidalty; inccesN gnsr. anteed. 621 Maronsm bldg. Fnone. Front -.is. ELOCUTION, GlI.LEBI'ffO School of Expreesiiin, Mrs. Kmoi w, Gillespie, principal. oj siurrwou , si. Phone. Oreen 704. ' -; ' ' - ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WC KVOffice Stsrk st Phone, u im - FRATERlTAL 1N8URAKCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frst-r- Bsl -aoelety of faorthwest; protects th liv ing. J. L. Mltcholl, supreme secietsry, sod 615 Msrqnsu bldg, PvrllsBi. Of. turn phone. Meln SRUBBEB ADD STUMF-PULLI K. 0V K. tlRI'PBKR AMI fi Ti MM L I.I it. itste" nrPHt'0ii41; oi b-.ravl mu ttti.ij u m a day. J. i lntty, brousa, ,