THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FOItTLAND, SAT till DAY EVENING, NOVEMBEJl 7, 1003. 20 ODDortunites- of All Kinds on This Page Today-Farm Lands and-City Property For Sale-rThere Arc Many Bargains PLENTY OF L AND : FOR NEW ZION sissatxspxed rouowzu or jobs AX.EXAHDEB DOWXB 1KB EXPECT is to jlocatb inisi x m vmm wxxxakettb. booue BXTEB Om VXPQUA TAtXJBTS. It h enacted that the dissatisfied . member of John Alexander Powle congregation, whose representatives have been In Ornron waking a location lor a aw cwlony. will purchase land ' somewhere tither ia the uprr wiiiam- etta. Rm r1vr or I mqua vaiieys. Along tbo line of the Southern Pacific , ood land at a cheap price. It la Raid, may be obtain 1 Near Wilbur, in South . era Oregon, are two estates comprising an area of about H.000 acres. , This land can be purchased, I be lieve," said a 8outhern Pacific offlclnl. at less than 110 an acre, and It 1 suit able for wheat, graxlng and fruit The land could have been sold ere this for a k higher price, but the owners have re ' fused to parcel It out. as It belongs to estates and a speedy settlement Is ce- ,' aired. ' T f' "The Southern Pacific at the present . time has no land for sale, but, of course. It is anxious to see the country along v Its lines settled up." General Passenger Agent A. L. Craig of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company, who returned yesterday from 'a trip East, said that he had not had time to examine Into the Dowie mat ter, but Intended giving it his atten tion.' thousands of acres of vacant land . are situated In Southeastern Oregoa and while it does not receive the mois- ' ture that he country west of the Cas- cades does, the soil is considered very rich and capable of answering the " needs of the diversified farmer. Just what arrangements the men from Zion'Clty made with local real estate ,dealers ars not known, but It is under stood that they will return to this state . with their families and frieiws just as , soon as they can dispose of their prop' erty at Zion City, 111. Jtaare of Chics Markets. ("hlrtiiro, Not. T. The markets today ringed Ss fallow: Open. Wheat , te..... .784 Way..... JS Hlffh. .44 .ar.' .30 Low. Close. 1 :B3 .78 V .78 V 1 oca May Oats IVc May I'rirk 3 .44 .ns'.4 .4:1 .38 .36 V4 12.02 11.80B 77A 6.80 6. SOB 622 May 12.18 . Jan..... 12.02 f-ard 12.1S 12.1)6 6.83 B.3T 6.) 12.0rt , May Jan Kite May Jan..... e.T7 .T5 0.77 gas .as S.SO S.2U doting Grain Quotations. Baa Prandara, Nov. 7. The rloalng quota Unna ab rraln In the Tanrnin clue today were Milwaukee: Wheat December. 7Sc: May Tt. Cora December, 44 Wc bid; May, 43c Ht Louis: Wheat December,. fUe:, Mar, 81e aaked. Corn December.- 4((e; May, 4oc. nannaa i.nys 1 wneat iiecemixT, aY(BO7iC Uvf, 8Se. Corn lecemlMr, 844c; ilay. 87 New Vork: Wheat Deefinber, 86Mic; ' May bz. irn May, 4Vttrt4fce. I.lTwpool: Wheat December, fla 6Hd, Vtd BJSslBBTaBBWBJSSMB i Homes in Irvington and Hoiiaday Add. ' We will build a home to suit V ' you in the best part of - Irvington and HoIIaday's Add. Installment payments if desired. . ?nil For modern convenient home of v-vv 6 rooms, with porcelain bath . and sink, wash trays in base ment; highly finished; on West Bide, 21st and Vaughn streets. t?iflf1 For 8-room dwelling, on Stan """"ton street, convenient to 2 car , .. lines; lot 40x120. - ftyjnn Vor 'Toom new modern cottage, fcluwwith attic, on 3 full lots, in- ,: eluding s corners; 26 fruit trees, grapes and other small fruits. ' f'iflft For one acre, . .near St. Johns ? UW eectric line, close to Arbor Lodge, near Portland Boulevard. ! Clfifirt For 6-room modern dwelling, on v'vw East..joth St.; modern conveni ences. " ClAOft For B-room cottage, new and low modernt lot 60x108, East Side, on corner; good surroundings. .tlfiAftFor quarter block, with 4-room ' v,vuv house, on corner of East Seventh ' ;.and Bkldmore sts. -j t?r5Irt For new 7-room modern dwell-V-U"u ing, with 60x100, on E. Couch St., 2 blocke from Ankeny car line); all modern conveniences. ' tliflfl For new m-story 6-room cot tage, with bath., hot. and cold Tr--- wateri the Mt Tabor district; all conveniences. . tY7Z(i For 8-room 2-story dwelling, 'in , 4I7U HoIIaday's Add., on East 10th , st; lot 00x10 : streets improved. 7??n For 6-room new modern home, jLOJV on Eagt Everett et.( lot 50x100, v; near car line, . ... t?7Vl For 6-room new modern house, : QilJV on R j;9tn and Baimon streets; v Porcelain plumbing fixtures; street improved; hign and sight ly. 1 KAiOd For 2 new 6-room cottages, with ; qiiji i;oxl25. on Rodney ave.; porce lain plumbing, cement walks; within 1 block of 2 car Imes; rent for $40; a good investment eiCArt Tor 7-room modern house, with 'WW 33 1-3x72. on B. Zfintlt and Ash; walking distance of center of , FOR FLATS, city ; a verr good buy. tenAt "or 60x100, on the corner of 15th ; wv m srerett sts.; a-gooa Buy, - - , ... We are prepared ,t6 offer these properties ofLjn stallment payments if de sired. Neat Flats and Houses ' 2 WW Flit, 33 rooms, very slee. eentraL . Flat is roonm, mou7- ll.(u. Flat, 10 rooms, a very a aiidOKlat 12 rooma, rent 45, 9,iriKlf IS rooma. moim-maker. ood. I. rem Flat, 10 rooms, a very swell laee. nut, u rooma, rent to, gooo rasp. mtruFlfit. 10 rarimt- ak for ttrnui. i f fxpoKHt, 10 roc mm. r for ttrnw m Flat. 40 room, central and a barraln. 1 2 oiwi Flat, DO room, ptly funtlkbed. a chance, (I Ta -Fur. boua, IT rooma, central. West bide, fl.aiio For, buuw, 14 rooma, will sell time. ai.MM Fur. houae, 11 rooma, to trade land f Hint Fir. house, lo-rooma, rent only fitf. TUU Fur. b(nae. 13 rooms. It pays big. 4iKFiir. houae. T rooma, rloae In., -" , -) All tb ;above boa nee central. Meat Side., ;' Walter A. Green Oaauaerakl Slt tOI IOeH- U. Xaia 1M9 NOTE THE BEQINNINQ of the COMMERCIAL HISTORY r ST. JOHNS 4J Miles from center of Portland OREGON RY. & NAVIGATION CO. iBuilt its line into St. Johns in April, 1902. Since that time the suburb has cbtained a VENjgJER FACTORY an EXCELSIOR MILL TWO SAW MILLS and the GREAT DRY DOCK while a THIRD SAW MILL is now being; built. St. Johns has a mile and a half the choicest water frontage .in Port- and still to be utilized for Manu- turing and commerce. LOTS $5 down; $5 a month. . Acre Tracts Close to car line, on Install ment payments. Hartman, Thompson & Powers, t CXAKBEK Or COmCEBCH. BARGAINS .IN... REAL ESTATE $ 550 100x100, unimproved, on West Hide of East 21st street, be tween Smith and Powell sts. 550 100x100, unimproved, on the southeast corner of Wygant and East Ninth streets, close to Highland school and car line. 1200 fiOxlOO, on Winona st Wood lawn, with cottage of 5 rooms and bath, in good condition. 1200 1500 60x100, unimproved, on the north side of Savler street, bet. 26th and 27th streets. 70x123, In Tremont Place, on the Mt. Scott car line, with 'ery desirable l-story cottage or 6 rooms and bath. 1600 100x200, -Unimproved, on the north side of St. Helens road, at the foot of 26th street; Im mediately adjoins the Levels and Clark exposition grounds; Is level, and is the cheapest piece of property in the neigh borhood. 1900 100x100 on northeast corner of Garfield avenue and Going st, with 6-room cottage; green- nnuse xzxzu; zu nne iruu trees; very nice lawn and flow ers; lies between the Union-ave. and Wllllams-ave. car lines, 18 minutes'" ride from Washing ton street 1900 50x50 on "X" street, near 23d street, with new and modern 6-room cottage. For further particulars apply to Rountree & Diamond. Real Estate and Financial Brokers 241 Stark St. Corner Second. M. e. lee & CO. Rooming: Houses 0 rooms, good buy $ 550 750 600 rooms, very good 7 rooms,' oed location rooms, for housekeeping ..... 1,600 rooms, for nouseKeepmg, lease 1,500 8 moms: this is swell 2.600 4 rooms, long lease, good Invest- ment 1,500 2 rooms, choice location 6.600 60 rooms, long lease, transient... 6.000 46 rooms, lone lease: pay well... 3.700 62 rooms, clears over $500 mo. ..12,000 Business chances in all parts of the city. Money to loan on everything we sell. M. E. LEE & CO. Boom 410 Mohawk Building, Third and uorriaon. mono. Main 1434. BUSINESS PROPERTY 99,000 will buy a good business properly on West Side; rental value $2,000 per annum,: occupied oy owner with a good legitimate puslness; if you will conauct Dusiness yourseir you can make double amount out of It. Terms one-half down, one-half time at 6 per cent interest. HENKLE & BAKER 317 Ablngton Building. FARM FOR SALE Here is where you get your money back. Just what you are looking for. A beautiful 60-aere farm, well Improved, on the Willamette River. Only $3,000. Very easy terms. HENKLE & BAKER 217 Abington Building, Portland, Or. BUSINESS PROPERTY flood business corner on Wsshlns-ton street, pearing a kixki income, 60x100. with build 0, with DUUdll) iigs, pn Second and Mill streets. HENKLE & BAKER 917 Ablngtoa Building. NEW BUSINESS CHANCES CXQAB STOKE On best business street In city. Well stocked. Candles. cigars, fruits and light refreshments. Lease 3 years; low rent; profitable trade $650. BOOSXIHO HOUSE 20 rooms, brick, corner, very central; rent $40; leasa: $800 down. $1,200. Another of it ' rooms, partly furnished, $430. BESTAUBANT Seats about 75 people; lease to 104; fine furnishings: water, lights and steam heat free; only $60.f, TTiniiKT Weill furnished: rent $15; t-years' loase $400 down. Price tt&0. SA&OOW Good, central location, new fixtures ami furnishings: 4 years lease $3,700. Another with lease for OBOCEBY One of best in city: promi nent corner: monthly sales about $2. 600; will sell at Invoice about $3,000. HOTEL 34 rooms: lease 3 years; rent $30; all furniture and fixtures, goes lor BOOBtTBO HOUSES. 1 8 rooms, modern, very fine ... 8 " an excellent buy JO " part down, lease a " lease: It's a baraaln. .f 2.250 .$ 423 .$1,200 .1 6 SO .$2,100 30 " choice, transient, cor. 1 " residence, fine location 760 950 400 430 15 always full; snap I 8 " nearly new furniture. ... $ 29 " part furnished; profitable $ 13 " central; rent $26 ,.$ .600 Houses, Booms, Stores and Parms rented Be sure to see us. if vou want to buv. sell or trade a house and lot, farm or any Kinu or Dusiness cnance. . Columbia Real Estate & Trust Go. 834H Morrison St eor. Second. BUILDING LOTS 9 SO Stewarts Park, $3 per month. $ BO Tremont Place, $5 per month. 9 100 "Maple wood," IS per month. 9 890 And upward. 30 choice lots at Alblna HelghtB, near Highland school, and on electric car line. We have lots in all parts of the city and will sell on easy terms. HOUSES FOR SALE ' 9 6003 lota and 4-room house, all kinds of fruit trees, Tremont I'lace. 9 750 Corner lot, 6-room house, Monta- vllla; easy terms. 91400 1 lot, 4-room house, E. 15th st 15001 lot, G-room house, E. 15th st 91500 1 lot, 6-room house, Kenllworth. 916003 corner lots and 6-roora house, Montavllla; easy terms. 915001 lot and 6-room bouse, near Clinton Kelly school. 933001 lot and 8-room house, with good barn and shed, E. 10th st. 13350 Corner lot and 7-room modern house, E. 28th st; easy terms. 930003 corner lots and 8-room modern house; fair lawn, garden and fruit trees. In "Sellwood;" will exchange for inside property. 933001 lot and 6-room modern house. East Salmon St. 93500 Corner lot and 8-room house, E. r 1 1th street 94500 10-room modern house. 100x130 on electric car line; fine lawn, garden and choice fruits and ber ries. 93750 8-room modern house, in Wood lawn; will exchange for good In side lot. 96600 10-room modern house. West Side, close In; easy terms. 97500 11-room modern house; fine lawn, garden and fruit trees, 29th street We have other desirable bars:alns that will pay to investigate. We also can furnish lots and build cottages on the Installment plan, with a small payment aown. FARMS We have severa) desirable Improved' farms, also small acreage tracts, that are on the line of the O. W. P. & Ry. Co., near Gresham, we will sell on easy terms. Call on us for bargains. KNAPP & HART XEAX ESTATE, BEVTAXS, BUSIBTESS CEAWCES AVD ZJfSUXAJfCE. 185 Morrison Street, Wear Bridge. Telephone, Main 3143. REAL BARGAINS 91050 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. At Highland; a great bargain. 91350 6-room house, on E. 29th street, near Pine; monthly payments. 93000 Modern new 6-room house; good location, East Side; terms to suit 93000 8-room. nearly new house, 30x 100 lot; central location. West Hide; 11,000 cash, balance month ly; a snap. 93500 8-room new Colonial modern nouse, near nowaday Parle; bargain. SOME LOT BARGAINS 9IOOO 100x100 on corner, on E. and E. Pine sts.; street proved. 9 60060x100, E. 27th, near Pine. 30th im 9 935 Three lots, cor. E. 7th and Go lng sts.; terms to suit 9 650 100x100, on cor. Maegley High iana; ciearea ana lencea. This Is only a partial list of what have to offer. See me before you buy. 11 win pay you. F. W. TORGLER 106 SHEBLOCX BUIUOIWO. J. W. Ogilbee Dnnm II 'KUUIH II, tiS'A First Street 9 900 One choice building lot on East Bixm street, near Lincoln. 92500 Fine quarter, block near Clay unu r,ast oevemn streets. 9 750 Two lots in "Tlbbetts" Home' stead," on East 15th street. 93400 28 acres, about 10 acresJn cul tivation, with house, barn, or chafd, etc.; Johnson Creek run ning through the place: H4 miles from Lents; about 7 miles irom tne Morrison-street brid Ige. the This Is very convenient to city, and a substantial Invest ment. FINE FARM FOR SALE Ill-acre Improved farm, all good land, and lays well; good house, 2 barns," or chard, running water; some good tim ber; fronts on good road; only 6 miles out: the cheapest-farm now offered near Portland: very easy terms If desired. Trice only $50 per acre. HENKLE & BAKER 317 Ablng-ton, 106 H 3d st, Portland, Or. Houses and Lots In every part of the city, on monthly payments. M. E. LEE & CO. Boom 410 Mohawk Building, Third and Morrison. Phone, Main 1434, LIVERY BARN 815.000 will bay one of the lars-ast and bast livery businesses oa the Coast. HENKLE & BAKER V 817 Abiagton, 10H st, PortXand, Or. SECURE SECURE SECURE ' Rents are high, because! ouses are scarce, owing to the great influx of newcomers to our city. Over TWSZiTB THOU SAND PXOPXiB have been, added to onr population during the past ten months. In 1804 we shall receive an unprecedented Im migration, and real estate will advance accordingly. Doe It not occur to you that now Is the time to buy and get ready to BUTX9 A BOMB OP TOUB OWHf We will help you to do so. We are now offering LOTS IN NORTH IRVINGTON LOTS IN NORTH IRVINGTON LOTS IN NORTH IRVINGTON SOxlOO Feet FOR $150 to $600 Each ON EASY TERMS OIV EASV TERMS OIV EASV TERMS City Water Company's main is laid, and water can be piped to every house built in North Irvington. Fine car service by the Woodlawn and Vancouver line. Our North Irvington office is on the corner of Union Avenue and Falling 8treet, with an agent In charge every day from 2 to 6 p. m. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce LAURELWOOD Will Build you a house for.... $35 down and S5 a month Free Water - Free Plans of Houses Twenty minutes from business center. Buy , where values will advance. Millions being spent by O. W. P. C& Ry. Co. on the Mt Scott C& Gresham line. Thirty saw mills along this line now and more building. Real estate will soon double in value in this district Choice Lots $35 to $100 $3 down, $3 a Month Take Mt Scott car, First and Alder. Agent on ground. OEO. W. BROWN PHONE flAIN 3139 Now Is the Time to Buy A a Modern Home or Small Cottage BARGAINS IN UNIMPROVED LOTS, EasJ and West sides or river. CALL AND SEE My List in Best Localities. Payments to Suit A. H. BIRRELL 202-3 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark TREMONT PLACE LARGE LOTS $80, NOTHING D0WN$5 MONTH Graded streets and water mains laid; 90-foot alleys. ns show yon today and stop rent. Pacific Land Co. . PZBST STBEET. Agent oa gToaad Sunday. A HOME A HOME A HOME 303 FAIL1NQ BUILDINd OUR LIST OF ABSOLUTE SNAPS 91900 An elegant new and modern 7 room cottage; concrete base ment, corner lot, East 3th and Salmon. 91850 Beautiful 7-room house, corner lot, Hawthorne ave. and 3 2d. 91800 Corner lot, with an excellent new 8-room house, on East 9th st; an actual snap, 91100 Beautiful 6-room cottage, full basement and attic; complete - -ltttle home; would rent' for $15 per month; East Ninth street, Woodlawn. 9 650 Lot $0x104 feet; small house, 31st, near Hawthorne. The abore are forced sales and the Erioes are pnt down to less than the onses cost to- build, la order to obtain money! THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY 148 K PIBST STBEET. FIVE SOILA8S per month buys lot In "Maplewood," on Woodstock car line; splendid location; 20 min utes takes you to or from your Dusiness. c rice or lots from 1100 to $175; all full size; nothing better on the market. Let us show them to you; water piped to each lot. 93850 7-room modern house, 3 blocks from Vancouver car -line. Terms. 91400 6-room modem house, near Wil liams ave.; run cement base . ment, electric light, bath, etc.; could not be duplicated for $2,000. 9.80011 acres; no Improvements; smau nouse; spring of water; S miles from city, ft cash. 9 850 4-room cottage, lot 40x120; 22- loot auey; l diock rrom Wood lawn car line. 91050' 5-room cottage and lot, near j union avenue; 1200 cash, bal ance to suit; a bargain. 91750 5-room house, on Williams ave.; au raoaern improvements; J408 casn, oaiance sin per month. 9 12S Lots in Roselawn, on Woodlawn car une; easy payments. Sahlstrom & Patterson 839 STABX ST. PKOHB BOOS 817, Seven-Room New Modern House Just now completed, ready for occu pancy, on E. Alder street, ,ear 12th. HENKLE & BAKER jwj' AMagtoa Building. . v HOUSES FOR SALE f.330 SOWX-rib snonthly. rery fine f -room, - bard-nnished, modern, well arranged house, 60x100; high, lightly lot; bearing fruit; on car line; an ideal home; only. $1,160. tsoo BOWK $11.10 monthly, cosy 4- room new house, 1 block Montavllla mr! a hAm iaaa . V U W " GOOD XOVIB of 4 large rooma, barn, cniiKsn-nouse, eoxioo lot, oearingi : iiui w, uiui-Kv xrom car, rwia avr cow and chickens: half ' down If wanted; only $600. . 19 LOTS and 7-room modern .new houae, u. wonna-2,bOQ, fioo Owar$ 10 ; monthly. 5-room nouse. ouxiOQ lot, 44th at $500. 9330 DO WW . 110 monthly, -room very gooa nouse, 3. ith St., only T00. ' PABM. 160 AOBBS near Columbia river, t mile or railroad station, fare on boat sac; $6 acres In grain, 11 tons hay, ( cows, S yearlings, team, saddle pony, chick ens, wagon, hack, all farm Implements. 80 AOBES in Washington county, 15 miles from Portland; part in cultiva tion; house, barn, chicken-house, good well and running water; good young nearly level; t sawmills near! store and P. O. 2 miles $600 down, balance I years. rim f a,vvv. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co. 834 H Morrison Bt, Cor. Seoond. Th Oldast Traat Company la Orttoa. rOMTXJLXB TBTST CO MP AWT OP OBsaow. (Ineorporttsd April 22, 1SST.) Its officers are: BENJAMIN I. OOBXN...M Prasident H. L. PITTOOK.... Vlce-Prlilaiit A. S. NICHOLS Swoad Vlce-Pnaldcot B. LEB PAGET SMrstary 1. O. UOLTKA Aaalatant HeeraUry W. J. (.ILL Second AaalaUst Becratary Board of Directors: H. L. PITTOt'K, KARL C BRONAUOH, Dtt. A. 8. NICHOLS, B. LEE PAOET, E. A. NOTES. i. O. OOLTKA, I. SOLIS COHEN. A. P. FLKOKI,. B. W. DECK EE, BEN J. I. COHEW. Wo conduct a general banking snalneaa. wa racelTO aarlnga deposits. Wo laaue certlflcat payabl. npon.10 days' call, 80 dara; SyabM upon 10 days' call, ao oaya n' call, with Intereat at 814. 8M 11 or vu uara ralL wiin interval si bvl. svk 1 and 4 nor eant dot annum. reaDeetlvely. uito ua aa opportunity or sxpiainina nrun I to you about tboaa certlllcatM, or send for our book t UXusTAATIOgB. POBTXdUTD TBTST OOMPAWT OP OBXOrOW. We. 100 TKIED 8TSIXT. JENNIWS LODGE ACRE TRACTS Portland's choicest anborbaa property, the fla est soil, with exoellsnt dralnaft; I the moat sightly location with the best i oar service) la fact, there Is ao property lylnf adlaoent to Portland, that can eonxpar wlta this beaatirallr situated place, sad aa an Investment nothing1 sx oels It. See this property before la Testtng. Por parti on lars apply to W. A. SHAW & CO. 243 Stark. Near Second. Equity Real Estate Co. 884 Bast Morrison St, Portland, Or. 9500 for SO acres, some cleared and some open iana; smau nouse; mue to school; on county road; 7 miles to railroad and boat landing; good soil; soma valuable cedar for shin gle-bolts. 9336 for a fraction of block. If you are looking ior sometning tatAr, nere It Is. 40-AOBB TBAOT near Portland, only $60 an acre. X TO S-ACBS TBAOTS for suburban homes. DE8IBABXJB CITT PBOPEBTT to trade for farms, we would like to near from the farmers. A OBOOEBT and confectionery store In one of the best locations In cits Mty; doing a splendid business; unable to do the work the reason for sell ing; will Invoice the stock. 9400 For 40 acres, 12 acres cleared; 4 room house, barn, chicken-house, woodshed; fine spring at house; woodshed; good orchard; fine spring at house; some good timber, on road; excellent soil, well fenced; a big bargain. 92500 For 80 acres; small oak grove, and a narrow strip of buck brush and hard ash, rest all clear: 27 acres plow land; 89 acres hay land, rest pasture; good 8-room house; rood-sized hay and stock barn: . good well at house: 4 or 7 acres in good orchard, all fenced and well Watered; on-county road, close to town and a boat landlqgty ' We bare for sale in all parts of Oregon the finest list of farms. y.A.SHAW&Co. 343 Stark St, near Second St. 93500 A fine new 8-room residence, with quarter block, 1 block from Richmond car line; very easy terms; a snap. 91700 Very nice lot, bet 10th and West Park; bargain. , j 81800 Very nice 7-room house, corner, Sunnyside; good terms. 83850 and 83300 Elegant new mod ern residences, on East Taylor street; sweiiest location. CHARLESON & STAUB 845 MOBBI80B STBEET. FOR SALE PIBB xtotrsa and two lots,'E. 16th st, MODES BOUSE and S lots. E. 16th st OOOD HOTSB and lot close In, Front st KOSEBH HOTSB and lot Corbett st. ' PXXTB , XOTJSB, modern, close in, East r m Side; rents Z6 per month. B. J. Sanford L Co. ... AsoraTO sTrxLDara, 1. r : U.(0WW (0. GENERAL, REAL, . ESTATE I I Forest Reserve Scrip Timber Lands in Ore gon and Washington City and Suburban Homes Compson's Addition to St Johns 618 MARQUAM BUILDINd BARGAINS IN a I llfMI:.. 1 1 JJM llllimillN iVtllUt! HU11IIII).. For Sale By M. E. THOMPSON 364 STARK STREET XOBBXS STBEET. Block 11. lot 8 1K3T Block 11. lot 11 635 V1TIOS ATEBTE. Block 14, lot 13 S66O Block 14. lot 15 B8S Block 16, lot 13 680 Block 16, lot 14 ... 660 rTT STBEET. Block 14. lot 14 $4Q PBBXOWT STBEET. Block 15, lot 1 $440 WIOCK IB, IOI II ................ 460 Block 16, lot IS 460 Block 16, lot 20 ................ 460 Block 16, lot 11 460 These Jots are still in the original property 1- owners' bands and will be sold for H cash and balance $10 per month, or we will allow a discount of ' 6 per cent for cash. A complete ab stract or a policy of title Insurance will be furnished with each lot. Call at once If you desire a barjrara. in this choice addition, as the opportunity will soon pass. Special Inducements will be made to Intending builders. HERE'S A S N A P J $150.00 Payable $10.00 Down and $5.00 per Month Will buy nice lot 40x100 on 50 car line. With good -new build in; fix 15 made for a kitchen. THIS 13 A SNAP, - - ' T POTTER & CIIAPIN , 346 Stark Street FOR SALE A aeat 7-room cottage, with large lot. fruit trees, In Tremont 91.100 A small mount cash down, balanos In- stallments. A seat modern 8-room houss, wlta a lots,. la Tremont 81,300 Part down, balance installments. 'I have some fine acreage for sale on the O. W. P. car line, a little way be yond Gresham. It Is very desirable and; a bargain. J. H. Hawley 8 Chamber of Commerce Bnlldlng. A HOME IN LAURELWOOD TQ build yon a house for 838.00 dew sad 95.00 per month. CHOICE X.OTI 835 TO 8100. . S3. SOW! ABB S3 A MOUTH. Take Mount Scott car, First and Alder, Agent. on' ground. GEORGE W. BROWN 203 FAILING BUILDING. Open Evenings. Phone, Main 2129, Stewart's Park LARGE LOTS $80, NOTHING DOWN $3 MONTH et ns show yon these today and stop rent Pacific Land Co. 167 W PIBST STBEET. Agent oa ground Sunday. - 83800 A"' fine large lot near 14th and Mill streets. 88000 Full quarter block. East Ninth and Lincoln streets. . 91500 7-room house and 8 acres. Will rent the same for one year. 93500 150-acre farm,' convenient ta Grants Pass, Southern Oregon. will take part exchange Port' land property. Davidson Ward & Co. 408 Chamber of Commerce. New: Houses for Sale . We are now offering either of thosa new and modern houses, -Just completed, on the southwest corner of East Mor rison and Twelfth streets, for sale. v For pnicea and terms ses. - ' PARRISH, WATK1NS CO. . . .. 850 AXaBEB STBEET. ! i