THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, "SATURDAY" EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1003. 12 5-S "When We Were ' Twenty OneV "ISo More Bother" OLD PEOPLE MADE HAPPY BY NEW VISION.... With a thorough examination and a perfect correction, such as we offer, a smile of con tentment always follows the purchase of a pair of glasses from our WELL-DIRECTED OPTICAL DEPARTMENT A. C. Feldenheimer Third and Washington Sta. Oculists Prescription Filled n,DUY YOUR. BAR FIXTURES and BILLIARD TABLES From Us, and YOUR LIQUORS WHERE YOU PLEASE, if you want to save money and stay in business. The. Brunswick-BalRe CoIIcnder Co. ., "V You Have a Picture to Frame BRINO IT IN OR TELEPHONE MAIN 1343. WE ' WILL CARE FOR IT. WE ARE DOINO THAT CLASS OP WORK .YOU. DESIRE AT PRICES THATi WILL. PLEASE ,YOU. , OUR WORK GUAR- . ANTEED IN ALL LINES OF PICTURE FRAMINQ Exterior and Interior Painting Tinting, Paper Haninji, Etc. . H. Moorehotise (& Company ' . . . . Northwest Corner Seventh and Alder IS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER FOR, ALL THE PEOPLE Diamonds and Watches :ON WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS Y At 15 to 30 Per Cent Less Than at Any Jeweler's Store for cash We, -But WE Draw ADE- Se & OuR Ihe Portland Loan Office 74 THIRD STREET - f - I WILL CURE YOU WE r CURE I M POTENCY If you are a victim . of Nerve-Sexual DebhltyA wlth all its 'distressing- symp toms, you certainly do not intend to re main so. The fact that you have- taken Inferior remedies to no ayall should not destroy your faith In all treatment, nor your hope of a radical cure. I have evolved a special treatment for Nervo Sexual Debility that is uniformly suc cessful In cases where success was . tee fore by other doctors deemed Impossi ble. It does not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. It allays the irritation of the , delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly ex panded seminal ducts, contracting them to their normal, condition, which stops night emissions, drys up day drains and prevents : prematureness, , It . tones up and strengthens the blood vessels that.Vcarry nourishment to the weakened parts, which regain full power, slae and ' vigor.1 Mean ; while all other symptoms improve, and the patient .realizes, that a great blight has been lifted from his life. I cure Quickly, safely and thor : oughly. .. .. " . Stricture,; Varicocele, Emissions; t Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency. . Blood Poison, Syphilis, Rectal, V ' i: Kidney and Urinary Diseases And all diseases and weaknesses of men due to inheritance, evil habits. 4 excesses or the -result of specific diseases. GANGER DEPARTMENT Dr. Bllington has charge of this department and is meeting with great :, success. ; ' : Call at the offloe and see the results of his work or write for book of testimonials. . , , Consultation Free J! . m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 12 m. ; ; St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary M " S30H TAXXXX.X, IT, COBBXB 8ECftn, POSTUsTS, OB, mtmm FOR PORTLAND orris or ss aobzb jtbaj toxtow tom a nrauo bscbeatxob' QMOVHO KADB BT B. SC. XA3U SAB 9MOTm LUOCI.T TO BB agoutis. An niror to donate a tract of S6 acres of land near Fulton for a public recrea tion around was made to the park board at its regular monthly meeting this mornlnr. and the chances are that the authorities will accept the generous mitt , Commissioner Lewis announced the nMiuuail alrt tn ih hAArn unon tne authority of. D. M. Lombard, who rep- nii a land association wnicn con trola nrnnartv naar that suburb. Un doubtedly it will enhance the value of the land owned by the corporation, but tha tart nnulm that the rift is of un usual value to the authorities and is too Important to let any such considerations stand in the way. , The location or tne proposed para site is near Fulton on tn siavm roaa. At the present time .there car line immediately adjacent, dui me. tract is M tn h within eomoarativel easy access to tne puonc ana .wiinj m ira provement a street-car. would un rinuhtarilv, h Ttonrirri there. v.arh moivihor of tha board Informally discussed the proposition and was very much in ravor or accepting it. inany it w iittarm nni mat a commniee hnnM malra a trto there and ao Over the ground with a view to determining Just what work would be necessary to transform tha tract Into a Dark. The board -would be responsible for Its im provement and maintenance. It was also decided to transrorm a double block of land on Deech street inn a fitv lurk Thla n1ca of nrot)- erty was donated to the officials and will be placed In ahape aa soon as me weather permits. Tha hnarri frmlm1d tn ramnva all of the poplar trees along the park blocks and as the General Electric company of fered to do the work for nothing, the proposition was accepted. The company has .' a heavy current along a wire through the park and the swaying limbs touching the wire cause much of the power to escape. This has always necessitated a great amount of labor In keeping tha trees trimmed down to pre vent such an occurrence'. The company figured that by paying for the removal of tha trees they will be gainers finan cially. .' 4 ;. ... General Improvements were decided upon for Ilawithorne and other parka and tha i, regular monthly bills were auaitea and ordered paid. WANTS CHAMBER'S AID TO PASS BILL CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST LECTURER COMING . Judge Septimus J. Ilanna. C. & B.; member of the Christian Science board of lectureship of the First Church of Christ,' Scientist, Jn Boston, Mass., will lecture In Portland at the Marquam Grand theatre in the afternoon, Nov- emoer to. .. . ... y ;. Judge Hanna will lecture in the prin clpal cities af tha ; Paclflo ' coast and (nmaa tn Tnrtlati,! Tk. j... - - I ul..v;. - ..w wuiuunr. vt manujutiuicia, nf th Dir il an Si. . 11.1. national organisation of exporters, bw 17.: asked the Portland chamber of com- " C , 0IIM" merce to aid It in its campaign fbr the nomination to give at least one compll- passage of the, Loverlng bill by con- r;' wwur, ui year. Kress. The chamber is asked to send JuJ Hanna seems by education and instructions and requests tothe atate xP-lfinoe especially well fitted to speak representatives-for this measure. upon me suDjeci ne will present For The Covering , bill was Introduced at ".""""or cemury oerore emnraeing the last session of congress and was re- nnstian tscienca he was an attorney at fnrrait tn tha onmttta. nr. va ta ami law, actively engaged at the bar and means of the house. It will come up for Pn the bench, in tha practice of that consideration at the next session of con-1 """-', "n any oiner gress, , . jaimiyrua ui Kiicucci ana renaers it apt The bill Drovid-a that anv mAnufae- n1 1,t In weighing evidence and in turer ualnr forelan raw material may ?Jwln Proper conclusions. Judge substitute a like amount of domestic ""nf. "gainea iosi health through raw material in the manufacture of ex- Christian Science It years or more ago, port articles and on making the proper nt lnca that 08 1 n" devoted himself ldentlfloatinn mnv aooura a Hrawhanlr tO the propagation Of the dOCtHne' SS from the authorities for the 'tariff paid tuant. practitioner and teacher. 'For on the imported raw material. , years, and until a year ago, when At nraaant" tt a 'r.mvMrt r that tha appointed to the board of lectureship,. he drawback can only be secured when the WM 'tor-'n-chief of tha official Chrle-. manufacturer showsvhe has used the ,lHU,.DU"'uu" swriuuicajs ana nrss reaaer rawetnaterial In his extort product This ren w me upnomina- necessltatea the keep ng of separate i,on- "? "tuaent ana personal books by the manufacturer and he prac- i"en? 01 MArr nY. tlcally Is compelled - to maintain two ro"n.('Yr :or lnl ""' . ' . ' establishments, one for the use of do- . wun ln"e opportunities ror thorough maatln raw mntarlnl tha nthor tnr tha investigation and ' application Of the use of the imported, and according to teachings of Christian Sclenoe, Judge' the oh Iff exporters of the country this Jr" we" quannea to speax double system entails a needless ex-J ' ' auujeci, pense that prohibits them entering for- At Previous lectures the full seating ia-n markata nn an nuni fnntina- ih I capacity or the theatre has been taxed: leading European manufacturers. . many have been obliged to stand, and Th T.nvArimr hni hua hn injnai I apme have ben unable to obtain admls- by Secretary of the treasury Shaw and " n Kor thlB ,ecture seats may be re other trrnaiirv nmciaia onii tha wrir served without charge by application at of the committee of manufacturers Is to tn Marquam box office, Saturday, Nov line up leading chambera' of commerce enbr U. The lecture will begin at 8 for the congressional work. o clock and these seats will be held i uiiiu s.ia p. m. The most delightful trip across the continent is via the Denver A Rio Grande, the scenio line of the world. Apply at 124 Third street, Portland, for rates. THERE IS NO NEE Of your taking cold this "Winter.- Wear Dr. Jager's Health Wool - Under wear, All-Wool Taffeta Negligee Shirts, Sanitary Wool Nightgowns, ' Sanitary Wool Half Hose, Abdomal Bands etc. '' '. . . ' ,' '. , . ; ' ' l ' :-' 1 ' " They are the best that's made and they ' cost no 'more than other reliable makes. " Buffum (& Pendleton . v- ": , - AGENTS " third And stark streets I or a Hnaoioua ana fmunii eovaii, insn'i Cnra for ConiumDtlon la aa affaptaal remlT. 2Be. . S0BB OVBB TO TCLZS. Itching piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well aa Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles are curea oy ur. jjo-aan-KO's Pile Kemedy. Stops Itchhag and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors, sue a jar, at druggists, op sent by mall. Treatise free. Write me about j your case. ur. Bosanko. mil a. Pa. FAMILY ROOMS GENTLEMEN'S RESORT ' . ....... LOOIS DAMMASGH COODNOUGH BUILDING, 168-170 rIKTH STREET. Opposite Postofflce Cold Lnnches - Schlitz Seer on Draught Tfie Reid-Brunke Shoe Co. MANUFACTURERS OF ... i . a Iligh-Grade Loggers, Cruisers and Heavy Men's and Boys' We guarantee our Shoes to contain the Best Materials obtainable, first-class workmanship and as reasonable in price as any similar line in the market We use only Custom Sole Leather in the bottoms and tops, all sewed with silk. We have had instances where our product has worn two years without a break. Any one who is an adept an expert In watches, will tell you there's none so good and dependable as the old BE&IAJXiB SZiGIB or HAMPDEN MAKES. That's the Kind we are ottering you in tha famous Fays or Boss gold cases, with a 25-year guarantee. Over 60 different styles in ladies' or gents' sixes, in all the very latest designs, iu.oo buys a handsome one in 14-karat gold case with a 25-year guarantee. I. GEVURTZ & SONS Ste 173-175 First Street 219 to 227 Yamhill Street FACTORY i 385 E. Bornslde St PORTLAND, OR. ftCCirP mr.A K.Ki ncnAniu t . -, - v. a ivu ou tfniibaiwviil i : ,205-207 Washington St Sale FOR THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL tBtBaBMBBaBBsBBBBBBtBaWBB - THE RELIABLE $14.00 GAS RANGE FOR 40 310 00: This range has sold during entire season for $14.00 ; in some cities it sells for $20.00. It has the regular -foiir top burners with extra: simmering burner, besides thelargeoyen and broiler. , . ';,'..; . THE RELIABLE GAS RANGE is one of the best ranges on the market and one that we absolutely "guarantee. At the low price this range, is offered there should be an avalanche of buyers. We have only a limited number of these ranges and they Wlil be sold, for the next thirty days at $10.00. ,;t , : ; - No home has all the modern improvements unless it has a GAS RANGE. It is an aid to skill it helps things to turn out right ' ny - .- , . . . j." S. E. CORNER FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREETS 'I I . 1 V a, '.. .