11 CROSS I N G TH E B A R AT ' COQUiLLEfRIEB'S MOUTH SKILL BEYOND COMPAR PRAYS RELIEF . lUmlou womu Son Kanrrtoni jhlBfi OnktoltoiiBly for the XappisM f ROM DETECTIVES P ill of Htr Owi and th Oppoilt Mm. THE OllEGON DAILY JOTJBtfAt, TOlllXANlV SATTO DAT ETENTTNa. IS'OyEMBEIl 7. 1003; t " .- v : .f v v Nr. ffni' Vi mi Ji ill;; .'V :.;' '' ,11 v'Ty. "-f vf:,''- ' " . . ; ' 1' " 5 ' , ' , ' '',. 1 ' 5 I , , , , i 1 - ' ' "fiii' I rrom tb OoodnMi of Hr Iwl h " OlrM rr to tb World Zaowlodr Aonlrd by Pfttloat Study ul K Murolu 'Or v Th i pfcture of the schooner Onward entering the Coquille river In tow of the tug Triumph. It was taken December 15, 1902. The vessels are on the crest of the tr, nnd provide a fair illustration of the difficulty which is experienced In crossing rough bars. Even when a bar has an average depth of 30 feet for Instance, and a freight carrier Is only loaded down to S3 feet., there Is still great danger of her bumping on the bottom and springing a leak if the breakers are high. The water surging to and fro leaves shoal places, where the vessel Is likely to strike. NEW YORK GOSSIP ON MANY THEMES SXO HSTSOrOUS QUICKLY BS COTZS.S rsoK STBirn or z lec tio A.KD TAXES XJT STXXT-DAT MATTIJtS HOME SHOW OMITS MOV9AY. Questions of Interest to People of the Country Discussed Briefly In Weekly letter to T Hrnt Pplltloal. 0o- clal, Zndustridrtyi KdaoUoaal Kat ters Bad Year Annonneed fo root- ball Market Investments Profitable., to -., , Journal Special Service.) ,fftw York, Nov. 7. It Is remarkable hQw quickly New Yorkers recover from great celebrations. Although the muni cipal 'election has been settled only four days there is almost no sign whatever of the strenuous campaign held here this Tall. Even the banners of the Fuslonists and Tanxmanyltes which could btfseen in every part of the city have been torn down and the advertisings on the bill boards and trolley cars 'has disappeared to be replaced by the publicity of other forms of business. Indeed much of this was done on Wednesday. The "I told you Sq's' have also ceased prating, and everything anvrybody have settled down to a busy winter. Horse Show Monday. - The horse Bhow opens Monday and it promises to be the most Interesting ex hibition ever held in Madison Square garden. The dog show under the direc tion of the Kennel Association of Amer Ion, which precedes it this week has also been a great success and many valuable canines from' all over the United States were brought here to be placed on ex hlbit. Next to the horse show the dog show attracts more fashionables than any other public exhibition of the sea son. . To Beolalm Harsh lands. The . board , of health has decided spend many thousands of dollars in re claiming marsh lands. The work be undertaken is of a character that no other city has yet taken in hand and as an initial step the marsh lands of Sta ten Island will be reclaimed. Other marshes are to be drained - after the work on Staten Island is completed and great progress is expected toward the entire abolition of the mosquito and ma- laria. Collection of Bibles. ' it is not gen - Oly known that New York, among ve. many valuable art treasures possesses the largest collection of Latin Bibles in the world. This col lection belongs to the General Theologl ' cal Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal church and was completed at great effort and -expense, by the late Dean Hoffman There are now in tne BiDie room at the seminary 1,206 different editions of the Bible,. In 2.396 volumes. Of these 655 editions are in Latin, in 1,065 volumes. The remainder -iraswides 69 editions In English, about 100 in Hebrew and other languages, 93 in polyglot or in more than one language, 302 of the new testament, mostly in Greek and 96 of the HeXapala, Codices, etc. Seek Hew York as 'Home. Ex-Speaker- of the House of Represen tatives David B. Henderson Is tha third inah!-who held that exalted position to make his home in New York. The first of the trio was John G. Carlisle. Mb. Carlisle has been not only. speaker of the house and a senator from Kentucky, but also a most astute and successful sec retary of the treasury. The late Thomas B. Reed was the second and although a Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Krs. Window's SootMng Syrup Sjm beea used I or ewer STKTr'YBAKS by USX, UONS of MOTHEKS for their CHXLDSSS jefeiU TKKTOINO, with PERFECT CCC8S& It SOOTHES Ac CHILD, SOFTENS the OUX3, UXAY3 an PAJI CUXE3 WIWD COUC sad h the best remedy for DIAHRHCRA. Sold by Druggists h every part of the world. Be sare tad ask for "Mra Wlaatow soothing Syrap," ftadUkatfagtbcr U& Tvcaty-art cU botU comparatively poor man when he came te live in New York, where he had prac ticed at the bar three or four years, when he died he left an estate valued at $360,000. Ex-Speaker Henderson's career will doubtless equal that of his two distinguished predecessors. He . Is not only an eloquent orator of the impas sioned order, but he is a sound lawyer and ripe scholar. He enjoys the unique distinction of having had a statue of himself erected and dedicated during his lifetime. It was unveiled in Iowa only recently. The Prlee of Pie, The mournful news that there Is to be an Increase In the price of pie has spread consternation in certain quar ters. The pie factories, the only source of non-spurious quick lunch pies In the city, have been forced to increase wages. The brand, therefore, which has hitherto been purchased for five cents will now cost six cents,, and mid-day lunches will approach In consequence the munificent sum of 11 .cents. , .Milk Xi Paz. There is. a notable absence nowadays of impure and low grade milk in the 1m mens quantity of lacteal fluid that is consumed here. Never before probably In the history of the city has the system of inspecting and supervising the milk been so thorough as it is today. Every discovery irt the science of sanitation has been taken. advantage of, the number of inspectors Is being increased as swift ly as possible and the board of health is beginning gradually to get the sale of milk under its control. - Musical Season Begins. The musical season has begun and It is more apparent than ever that Gotham has a plethora of talented foreign artists who havo been attracted to these shores to display their genius and gather in our dollars. A violinist who has re ccived a great deal of favor and aroused more furore than Jan Kubellk dtd a few seasons ago is Jacques Thibaud, the Frenchman, who made his debut at Car negle hall a few evenings ago. Thi baud is the possessor of a most charm ing and magnetic personality and his playing reminds one at once of the great Belgian, Ysaye. He will make a tour of the large American and Canadian cities. Xo on the Balls. In. order to avert a recurrence of last Winter's storm troubles on the elevated railroad, the'offlclals of the Interborough Rapid Transit company have equipped the electric motor cars of the Manhattan system with an Invention for freeing the contact, rail of ice and snow. The apparatus Is the same as that which has been tried with sucoess In Chicago for three seasons past. It consists of a number of steel blades, which may be pressed down with whatever-force is necessary upon the electrically charged contact rail, commonly known as the third rail. It Is because of an accumula tlon of enow or sleet upon this rail that trains are blocked in tne winter storms. The blades scrape off the accumulation without difficulty. Xr. Hanson Leaves. Dr. Hanson, who has become famous as pastor of the Hanson Place Baptist church in Brooklyn and who goes -next week to Boston's Tremont temple, will be greatly missed here, where, he has made his work felt. Visitors to the city have flocked to hear him and he has grown as much in demand here as at Philadelphia and Chicago, where he was pastor before coming here. Tremont temple is regarded as one of the greatest preaching places in America. It has had a long list of eminent men as its pastors and has an extensive and valuable prop erty and large membership. Pootball Outlook. Not in many years has the football' outlook been so doubtful-as this season. The scrub, games of last year have evi dently left no eggs to be counted in this year's nests and to compare the scrub re sults of two years Is simply whistling down the wind. To date it would Teal ly seem that there was a tremendous amounvef "Trork to be done before Thanksgiving' and even at that it seems to be a case of the- best team of a bad year, rather than what is generally un derstood' as the '"best" team. Theatrloal Complaints. Complaints, too. are being heard from theatrical, managers. They claim that the bright prospects of the early, season are not being materialised. Many of the new theatres and old .ones, too, have rows and rows of vacant seats these nights and it would seem that the supply Is exceeding the demand for once. Investments Good. Bond dealers, the nature of whose business makes them almost pre-eminently tha best judges of market condi tions are ifnanimoUs in the expression of the opinion that rarely have there been such opportunities for profitable invest ment as . those which ' are now offered. The 4 best of these properties are being gradually absorbed and the market sup plies are therefore diminishing. Indeed tne tone or tne maraet is consiaerawy Improved, . . ( LESLIE FINDS HIS WITNESSES "Jerry" Leslie, accused as one of (he murderers of Max Calof, on the night of June 22, Thursday found witnesses near Troutdale by whom he hopes to es tablish an alibi. Leslie says that on the morning of June 23, he commenced work with railroad crew, and yesterday men were found who readily verified his state ment. He also says that June 22 he asked for work and food at various places near Troutdale. When he ap peared at . these places yesterday- the people remembered him and offered to testify in his behalf. Leslie's case is set for Monday, No vember 9, in the circuit court. HEPPNER VICTIMS ARE BURIED HERE A ghastly -reminder of the terrible Heppner flood, June 14, was given Wed nesday at Rivervelw cemetery, when the bodies of Mrs. Izorta M. Hynd and her two children, Lucille J. Hynd, aged 2, and James Gilbert Hynd, one year old, were laid to rest. The mother and her little ones were among those who went to their deaths in the terrible cloudburst which almost wiped Heppner from the earth and resulted in many deaths. The bodies were temporarily Interred at Heppner but were brought here this week and laid to their final rest In the graveyard overlooking the Willamette. INDIANS WILL GET A FAIR HEARING (Journal Special Service.) Washington, Nov. 7. Advices from the Pine River agency this morning say that all Is quiet. Attorney General Knox has instructed the United States district attorney of Wyoming so that the Indians will have a fair trial. OABBXB BATXOB. ACTBES8. (Journal Special Service.) New York, Nov. 7. Over in Jersey, in the little town of Perth Amboy, Carrie Nation and her hatchet are to make their stage debut tonight. The time- honored "Ten Nights in a Barroom has been chosen as the vehicle which is to carry Carrie to fame and fortune and incidentally give aid to the cause of temperance. No outsiders have been allowed to see Mrs. Nation In her he hearsals; but the active press agent is authority for the statement that worse players have been seen on the stage. The piece is to be staged with effective realism and the climax will be reached when the crusader from Kansas does her 'smashing act with a real hatchet, and real glass. KOXTOB AgTJSTKXAir UBEBATOB, (Journal Special Service.) New York, Nov. 7. At Liederkranx Hall tonight a notable banquet is to bo given in honor of )r. Hans Kudlich, who took a prominent part In the Aus trian revolution of 1848, and is known as the liberator of tne Austrain peas ants. The affair is in celebration of tho 80th birthday of Dr. Kudlich. A num ber of persons of prominence have sig nified their intention to no present and among the speakers will be Carl Schurs and Dr. A. Jacob!. For years aha was a faithful student of such eminent dermatologists as Dr Hebla Pero, Dr. Schmlti, Dr. Casenave, Dr. Montn, Dr. de Wattervllle, Dr. Vlg les. Dr. Hardy and Dr. Augagmen, Today Madame Asa Holmes, owner of the Oriental Beauty Parlors at 264 Mor rlson street, near Tart, is giving free to her friends and callers the wealth of knowledge she acquired while for years a faithful puoll of these celebrated men During her long period or study tin hard-working and remarkable woman was so Indefatlgably industrious that her most intimate frlende were denied the pleasure of her society, and by them she was denominated a confirmed recluse, But this latter judgment was an erro It is true that she sequestered hersel for a time from the world, almost, bu when she became burnished with the wisdom she so earnestly desired tho bright young woman emerged from se elusion and society a arms were ope to receive her. She had paid the price and possessed a treasure. She was her self every, whit as proficient tut were her teachers, and from that moment to the end of her existence was eiilluud to place of honor and prominence in th sclentic and professional world. This was the helgbth of her young ambition It had been achieved. She was proud and she was happy. 8he thereupon en tered upon a career of usefulness, which has not been tarnished from then till now. Arriving in Portland several years bko, this lady first became known to the pa trons of Olds, Wortman & King. In tha large store she gave dally demonstra tlone of her ability to beautify the face made repugnant by disease or advancing years. In plain view of every specta tor she gave the most convincing evi denee that it was not necessary to grow old and ugly. Wrinkles that had defaced beautiful countenances for years were speedily removed, skin eruptions . were cured, smallpox plttlngs effaced, super fluous hair destroyed, mole were ban Isbed, and all other hateful disfigurations were speedily dispelled. This work brought the madam Into Immediate touch with most of the exclusive set, and the fruits of that early acquaintance are ripening still. And now a new departure has been adopted by th in skilled woman. With her accustomed generosity she said to the writer: "You may tell, the public that I am going to give free lessons on the treat ment of the face, and If any reader de sires to know the secret of perfectly car ing for her or his countenance the knowl edge may be acquired without a cent of expenditure on the caller s part. It will only be necessary to visit these parlors the requisite number of-times, say half a doien or so. and with the Instructions I shall freely give, all may 'dress' their own faces keep them pictures of youth fulness at comparatively no expense at all. I will also present each cnller with a sample or my wonderrui com plexlon cream, a preparation that Is used by the wealth and beauty of America and the distinguished aristocracy beyond the seas. I am determined that all shall know the value of my skill and the beautifying goods I sell, and to impart this knowl edge I will cheerfully make the sacrifice I have named. Madame Holmes Is well known in Portland. She is a woman of dis tinguished bearing and of evident cul ture, and the work she Is doing here has Justly won for her most valuable re nown. She. does her work so perfectly that her clientele is multiplying every day. PBXCK TOR HEAD OP STEEL TRUST. (Journal Special Service.) Pittsburg, Nov. 7. It Is rumored here that Frick will be the next president of the steel trust. !ii.ijmiih iaiMfrPT 7m mini m 1 KBS. BAVVXB W. STABB has piled PZTXTXOB IB SPOKABB COT7BT ASTOTO TO BB PBEEB ' PBOK HUSBAHD'S SPXXS ABD ALLOWED ALXXOJTY PSHDXHO DXYOBCB. John Logan, counsel for Mrs. Nannie N. Starr, hss filed in the superior court of Spokane a petition for. temporary alimony, In which ha alleges that arr has removed to Spokane for the pur pose of obtaining a divorce, and that Mrs. Starr Is living in Portland, de pendent upon her own exertions to se cure support, that she Is employed at a salary of ISO a month. Irregularly earned, and that he is possessed of evi dences of loans he has made to the sum of $10,000 and of other property amount ing to $20,000; that she is 111, and that a judgment rests sgalnst him in tne circuit court here in Portland, in which Judge Cleland ordered him to pay to wards hor support $36 a month. The petition prays that the judgment be paid before he be permitted to pro ceed with the divorce case he has filed, The petition of Attorney Logan' also seta forth that Starr tias kept Thlei's detective 'agency employed for a year past to harass her with distasteful espio nage, and that only by the intervention of the court may she obtain the relief to which she Is entitled. Detective Agency watched.. The Thtel agency admitted, so says Mr. Logan, that it had been employed to carry on the espionage, and that they fouud nothing that reflected upon the defendant's personal character. Under a statute, not commonly re sorted to. Mrs. Starr's attorney brought suit to compel Starr to contribute to wards her support, Judge Cleland ren derlng Judgment In her favor, the or der standing now against htm, with ac cumulations of, $650 not paid. Suit was brought by her also to enforce the sup port order In the court here and levy was made on the home property to sat- sfy it. The property, a modest home, was secured in Mrs. Starrs name, as the result of these proceedings, although It still remains partly In his possession. lnce she is his wife and cannot sell it- Starr once brought suit against his wife In the Oregon City court for a di vorce, the case being transferred to the court here. It elicited an order from Judgo Cleland that he pay $100 attor ney's fees, which she was liable for, but rather than pay the $100, he dis missed the suit. Judgment In Montana. Another suit was filed against him In Anaconda, Mont., to compel payment f the amount ordered by the Mult nomah circuit court $35 a month and now rests against him. Still another suit was brought against him here to set aside his -transfer of property to another person, the court here ruling that the transfer was fraud- lent, and for the purpose of defraud- ng his wife. On appeal the supreme court affirmed -the decision. A discrepancy appears In the volumin ous court records, in the fact that Starr wore before Judge Cleland that he was possessed oi only aDout i or property, and the filing in Spokane of an affidavit that he owned $15,000 worth of property In Multnomah county, and that therefore it was not competent for him to be attached In Spokane. Starr is the son of a pioneer of Ore gon, and is well Known in Portland. Mrs. Starr BeUoaat. When seen today, -Mrs. Starr replle to questions as follows: 7 My friends know that I have been njustly dealt with, and the great big world probably does not care much bout my troubles that do not concern them." Mrs. Starr is, employed as cashier In the Merrill cycle repair shop. (J I TfiWilJ I'.'l l,M .l.i, .TTCT.g-", .-t.-ix.TTI;-.;,;,;, ,u B'.MJ'IIIJ AVfcgclalle PfeparalionfoT As similating foe Food andllcguCi ting the SlQinacis andDowels of Promotes DigeslionCheerfur ness and Rest. Contains neither Srium.Morphine nor Mineral, or Narcotic. hw tfouiirstiwnptraaii Arrfis Semi Mx.Smuim AmwSmfi e Apcrfccl Remedy forConsSp Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrnoea Wbfma .Convulsions Jevcri sly ness find Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. . vuu For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature i, EXACT COPYOS' WRAPPKZR.' jI nXlO luJ aaaaw a. In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 ill yms Mnwa mMin, new tomb 1 S4TV. DRINK THE OLD AND RENOWNED GAMBRINUS LAGER BEES SEND ORDERS FOR BOTTLED BEER TO OFFICE, 793 WASHINGTON ST. TELEPHONE No. MAIN 49. BOTH PHONES. 4 Professor Baton's Dancing School. Classes Monday, and Thursday even ings at Arlon Hall. Beginners taken at any time. Five assistant teachers. Pri vate lessons dally at nan. fbon west 79$. s' 1 he largest ana roost complete un ¬ dertaking establishment on theCoast. F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner bast ixtn. tsotn phones. Calls promptly answered to any part oi ie city. READ THE LATEST SENSATION The ANARCHIST CONSTITUTION By D. I. STURBER, Anarchist Price BO Cents Sold by all Booksellers, and the Radical Publishing Company, San Francisco, Cal. For Unnatural Dlichrj, Btrlctun. Don't Scold Irritability la a nervous affection; Strengthen tha nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine. Sleep better, eat better, work better, feel better and be better. Bold on Guarantee. Book on nerraa for poataL DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. lad. Especial! la old caaea tobare doctor fall, nrn a ooD-onlaoDona. vegetable CURB for ulceration and luBammatloo of the mucous membraua of th oretba. all rrlratt urinary dlapaara and weaknenaea of men and iromn. ZT-MO GUAR ANTEED TO CURE OR MONEY EEFUNDEil. rare new caaea In- es bonra without pals. Eapeclally adrlaed for old. obatlnata caaea. pmg friata. or aent poatpald. H. Addreaa Dr. Day A Co.. No. 109 Prairer Bids.. Boaton, Maaa. Pro medlcat adficV Jtf rt. Writ tot hoot seat oaled FRE8. EY-MO sold In Portland by Tka Lana-Dayla Drue Co.. 8d and Yamhill ate. HENRY WEINHARD 9tOpTi0O9 Oaf tlM CITY BREWERY Sargeat anal Kert Complete Brewery ia tae Kortaweai, Bottled Beer a Specialty nunon go. t. ' . Offloa lsth aaoBaraside Btraslia Every Woman Is Interested and anonM know about tha wonderful MABVEl Whirling Spray MnewTsanainynai. Jn)tt (Km m4 Suction. Beet ht- at Moat convenient u Ma.1 rvrrz. 0 "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmg"""" t o SPICES, o COFFEE,TEAv BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS Absolute fatty, Firvesr Flavor, Crt&rtsf Strength. ft&HMblt Prices. CL0SSET 6 DEYER5 ' PORTLAND, OREGON. C e ? We have Feelings as Well as You DR. W. A. WISE. Dr. W. A. Wise has found a safe and absolutely painless way of extracting teeth, and his 17 years' experience In plate work enables him to fit mouths comfortably with any kind of false teeth wanted. Dr. T. P. Wise Is sn expert at crown and bridge work and gold filling. OR. T. P. WISH. WISE BROS., Dentists, "The Failing," Third and Wash, VnSX, KSTBCKaJT, Pres. a W. XHOWTXS, Mgr. r The Imperial Hotel PORTLAND, OREQON. ...European Plan Only... Rates from $1 to $2.50 per day. - Seventh and Washington St. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS Phone Union 374. A. Carlson, Prop. Manufacturer of WOOD. IRON AND STEEL FENCING aad tha Vnlraraal Combination Peace Eeoaalrt. e eennot supply the Le aettmeo . athar. hot send eiam n for ft lualraled book wM.li a I Tee full Dutlmiara and rftrerUonf In. e4aale to Udlae. MSRVKI. CO.. koom It H. Tlmai Bldr.. II tw York. Mt aaas a WOOSAJLD. CLAJUtX CO. CLARK, 186 Morrison At The Morrison-street Bridge, ' Makes Your Old Hat New Men's Hats SeabayeA to Xtt Styles, j In less You Are Positively Cured We Will Not Ask You For a Dollar. We Claim to Be Strictly Reliable SPECIALISTS JfteS F. L. TALCOXT. If. O. Special attention given to Verl cocele. Stricture, Rupture, Piles. Hydrocele, Contagious Blood Dis eases and. scut a and Chronic Ure thral and Prostatla Inflammation., Colored chart of tha organs sent ' securely sealed free on applica tion. 25qvi.AL.DER STREET POBTLAITB, OBSOOD-. . ll0 azarket St, Baa P raaciseo. Primary, f Niufary mt Tarflary Bleed Polsei Pemsnantly Cared. Yon can bo treated st home nndar same guaranty. Capital $300,000. We solicit '-' ' ' " . 'i. vmmvm. , , w uwweurou u inula eases Id 15 to 35 dava. If Ton hmv taken mirvarr. Iodide potsah and still have aches and paloa. Mueua I Patches In Month. Sore Throat, Pimplea, Copper- voiorea bpots, i leers an any part of the body, rlatr or Eyebrows fallintr out, write tor proof of seres, Hoof Cresting, Window Guard Erery thing in Wire. 889 8. Morrison 8t Portland, Or. ARE YOU SICK? If so call and see the old Chinese DR. WING LEE 280BornsideSt CONSULTATION FREE If I cannot cure you I will tell you so and charge you nothing for my service. Any case I undertake I guarantee to cure. My long career oi success war rants me in making this strong state ment. .A If r Cook Remedy Co 1366 lisouo m?n guiafe, ui. iSs-mtiMki fits. tfAf afWnr w r "Ik MR ASa" For Kjdnev , tx uiaaaei troubles. 4 Cures In j 48Hoursj URINARY DISCHARGES' Each Capsule arthenamcgi gmmrt ofewnttrftltt Si DOIVT BUY A UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN - OUR ENGINES AND OPT OUR PRICES - We give a written guarantee with every, enclnev for ono year, and we are right here to back ft up. Patron ize borne industry by buying; front the manufacturers. A. J. GILL & CO. aoand aja Okk St., Portland, Or C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Is called ' great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United States, and because so many reople are thankful o him for saving their lives from OPERATIONS He treats any and all diseases wit if powerful Cnlneee -M herbs, roots, bud. JTiiri',' barKs ana veaeiatwee JcSa9tf that are entirely wo- ... aWl aa-jhlnata fpl t h la a"lll M IS iVwi Vniiui. iA mritial aclcnca in this coun try, and through the use of these harm less remedies Tbls famous doctor knows tha actlou of over 00 different remedies that he has successfully used in different diseases. Me guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism. r'f vonsness, stomach, liver, kidneys, fe male trouble and all privata liian. Hundreds of testimonials. Ci,sris moderate. Call and s him. . COJTStrjiTATIOjr PKZ8. Patients oat of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stauii. Ad dress .-. t ij . -.'v. Tim c. gee woo cin.Msn MEDICI.N0 CO. t5S Alder . street, rortiand. Or, ' .lU-w tlon. thU paper. 4 A i