The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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oitt notices.
TIIMIB STREET. ' .-.:. :
Nottt 1 hereby gWen that at tbt meeting
f the council of the city of Portland, Ore-
fin, held oa the Ttb. day of October, lOU. th
following resolution wa aanpiea.
Resolved, Tint tbe council of th elty (
Portland, Oregou, deem It xpedlent end pro.
. pose to improve Seventeenth street from OH
. Iwl north of tb north line of Vaughn street
to the south Hue of Marshall itrttt, la toe loi
lowine minMf. ' awlt!
Flret On lU tht portion of Mid Seventeenth
.atreet lying between a Him BO feet north of
end parallel with tbe north line of Uarahall
atreet and line AO feet north of and parallel
with the north Una or yuimty street, aa ioi
Iowa: . .. . ... , . .. .
, Y ) Br gradimj tbe atreet full width with
fall Interaectlona to tha proper snbgrsda. '
(b) Br bringing the surfsc of tbe street
" full width with full Intersections to tha tb-
' Uahed grad with . macadam.
; () Br eonatructing wooden sidewalks ta ae-
, coraance who, tn cur ngmr piane, apci
: first tons and estlmste.
. d Br - eonetnuiUn artificial stone aid
, walks In accordance wltb tbe eity engineer'
piana, specincitione ana esumsiee.
-'-. (ek By la lux wooden crosswalk lit fact In
winio. . . . ,
1 f eoastniotlnr (trine utters In accord
a nee with tbe dtr inftneer'e plans, specifica
tions ana estimate.
- Becaoa On all that nortlon of aald Seven
' teenth atreet lying between tha south Una of
. Marshall ttreet and a Una 571 feet north of
n parallel with the north line of Marshall
street, ami airo Between a una ao reel norta
of and parallel with tbe north Una of Qulmhy
atreet and a line MV feet north of and parallel
who iiia nortn lias i Vaughn rtri, aa n
(a) By rent Allot from tha orfsee of the
street full width with full Intemcctlona all
lot aarth, mud and (knit of every kind,
tb) , Br bringing the aurfaca f tba street
fall width with full Interaectlona to the eetab
Usfaed grid with m scads m.
(o) Br constmetlnf wooden aldewalks In
wTmiftnn wun live chj engineer a plana,
pccinesiiois ana Mtimate.
- (d) Br conatructlnr artificial atone a I do
walk In accordance with the cltr engineer's
, puna, specincstion and estimate.
Br lsylng wooden croaawalks atz feet
b wiain.
(f ) Br constructing artlftrlal atone corha la
' acroraince with tba ally tnglneer's plana, a peel
first Ion and rat lam tea.
(g) Br construction; atone gutters In accord
ance .wan toe cur engineer a plana, specm
Catlona and estimate.
Said improvement to be made In eccerdahca
with the charter and ordinances of tba dtr of
i-oruana ana tne plana, specifications and ("ti
me tea ef the eltr engineer tiled In tha office
ef tha auditor of the eitr of Portland on the
i oar or uctoner, lima, indorsed: "tlty Kn
sineer'a plan, and spedflcatloaa for tha it
prorvment of Seventeenth atreet frarn MS
ftet north Of the north Una nf Vanehn ilml
. to the sooth Una of Manball street, and tha
eatimatea ef the work to be dona and tha
pmnaoie rotnl cnet thereof."
The eoat of aald Improeament to be eaaeesed
aa provided b the Htr charter noon tbe
propartT apeclallr benefited therehr and which
la herebr declared t- be all tbe lota, parta ot
Ma and parcela of fend Irlng between a line
100 feet weet of and rarallel with the weat
Jin af Seventeenth atreet and a line JOO feet
eeat of and parallel with tha eat line of
Beventeenth atreet and between a line JOO feet
aonth of and parallel with the eolith Una of
Mara ball etrett and a Una 118 H feet north of
and parallel with tb north Una ot V'aagba
The engineer's estimate of the nhhable total
coat for the Improvement of aald Seventeenth
atreet ia Ill.ToT.OO,
The above Improvement on all that portion
rf aald Seventeenth ntrt lrlng between a Una
M feet north of and parallel with tbe north
line of Uarahall atreet and a line 50 fact
nertb of and parallel with tha north line of
Qiilmhv atreet ia to be rlaaaed aa a macadam
Improvement and ahall be maintained Tr the
ritL."r l'od of Ave reara, and on all that
portion- nf aald "Seventeenth atreet lrlng b. """b na of Maraball atreet and a
line 60 feet north of and parallel with the
north line of Marshall ttreet and also all that
portion of aald atreet lrlng between a lino
TO feet north of and parallel wltb the north
line of Qulrabr atreet and a line MA feet
north of and parallel wltb the north line of
vaugnn erreer to he clamed aa a macadam re
pair Improvement and ehal. be maintained hv
the cltr for a period of two years: provided,
l-owerer, that the owners of a majority of the
rropertr benefited hv aald Improvement or anr
rortl.n thereof ahall not petition for a new Vir
different Improvement tefora tha nplratlon of
aald periods.
TUo plena. apeHflcatlona and eatimatea of the
cltr engineer for the Improvement ot said
Seventeenth atreet are herebr adopted.
Revolved. That the auditor of tbe city nf
Portland be and be la hereby directed to give
notice of the proponed Improvement of said
1 pronaea ov tne city charter.
" Bemonatrjoce against , tha ahnva Improve.
ment mar be fifed In writing with tha undet-
kii w,,nln.Sl1 d ffotn tba data of tba first
iiui.uiuiin ui inia notice. . .
By order of tb eotindf.
t Auditor of the Cltr of Portland.
October Jt, 1801 . "
Notlc la berebr given that at tha meeting
of tha council of tlis cltr of Portland, Ore
gon, held oo tb rth day ot October, Jtf03, U
fullowlng reaoliitlpn Was sdopted:. -
Keaolrad, 'flint tba council of tb city of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient slid pro-
ik Me to construct a sewer in Iteiuoni sireoi
from 18 text west ot tha aat lino ot Pretty
man avenue ta the sewer la Kaat Thtrty-aevautb
street,' of vitrified aewer pip with all Dscee
earr catch-baalus, manhole, lamphole and
branches. Bald aewer to b of the following
dimensions: of 12 Inches clear lnnlde diameter
from a nolnt In Belmont a tree la feat weat
ot tne eaa( nn or rrettrmaa avenue lo a point
ia Belmont atreet 30 feet weat of the at Una
of J'rettymaa aveaa, and thence of 14 Inchon
clear fhelde diameter to a connection with the
newer In Kaat Thlrtv-eaventh atreat, and -to h
ennatractad ia aeeoraanc with the plana, apectf
ncttlona and eatimatea therefor prepare-by the
cur vogineer - ma niea in ine vmee ok um
auditor ef th cltr of Portland oa the 6th day
of October-. ' 10O.1, lodoraed: "City englnaer'a
plans and sperldcatlons for a aewer In Belmont
street from 18 feet weat of tb at Una tit
Prettyman avenue to th sewer la Bast Thirty
seventh atreot and tbe eatimatea of th work
to be don and th probable total coat thereof."
The coat of eala aewer to b aaaeaaed aa
provided br the cltr charter unon th property
aueclallv baneflted therehv and which la hereby
declared to be all the lota, part ot lots and
parcels oi una lying Between a nne iim m
north of and naralul with tha north lln ol
lielmont street sad s lis 100 feet south of and
parallel with tb south lln of Belmont atreet
and be tar Feb a Una urn feet eaat of and parallel
with the eaat lln of East Thirty-aeventh atreet
and a Una 60 feet eaat of and parallel with tha
aet une or Prettyman avenue. .
' Tbe engineer's estlmst of th probable total
east for th ooutrnctlon ot Swr is said
Belmont aueat la M70 00. .
Tb. nlana. anacl flea tlona and eatimatea of tba
eitr engineer tor tna construction oi ssia wvt
are KpmIiv aAnnimA. !,.
KeeolvMl. That tn aaaitor or roe ciir m
Prt m ni ha mA ha ia limlif directed to glv
notice of tha nrraoaed cnnatrnctlon oi Sana
ewer a provided hr the city ennner.
KamtniiHtiM Min inn raiTn afiwnr wmr
he filed in writing with tha nnderelgned within
no oars rrnm tba data ot tn nrii puoiicauua
f tbi notlc. -... - - -
By order of tb council. ,
- . THOS. C. TEVTI!.
Auditor of tba City of Portland.
October 13, 1003.
Notice ta hereby given that at the meet
ing of the council of th eltv nf Portland fire.
on. held en the Tth day of October, 1003, the
following resolution waa .adnirted:
Rolvrd That, tba council of tb -city ef
""to ureunn, aeema it expedient and pro
poae to improve Ruraet atreet , from the
ji ime oi i-eninsniar avenue to th eaat
line oi r. men ia atreet IB tb following man
cr. to-wlt: .. .
. ,'"lt-'B grading th street fnir width Srlth
iuii inierwerions 10 tne estahllahed grade.
Second Bv conatrnerlnv mA.-1.
tn accjrdance wltb the city englnecr'a plans,
specific t lone snd rati ma lea
Third By laying wooden erosawslk six feet
in wiiiin, r
Fen rth Bv cnnatriietln'a tmv
' "'Jd Improvement to be msdo In accordance
nn me cnarrer ana oratnsncea of the city nl
Portlsnd and the nhna mi.iitmHMia . .. .i
mates of the city engineer filed In the office
of the auditor nf the city of Portland on the 2d
w oi ieioner. iwh. indorsed: "Cltv engi
Beer a plana and aoeclflcatlnna t,r i imn...
mint of - Ituaxt atreet from the weat line of
Penlnsulsr svenue to the st line of Kmersld
street, and tho eatimatea of the work to bo
uure una inn prooani total coat thereof."
The coat ot anld Improvement to be as
sessed ss provided by th city chsrter upon
STi Pr,nJTUtpcUllr benefited thereby and
-hleh IS hereby delared to be sll the lots, parts
"7 '"J.1"1 ,r",' "f land lying between a
Une JOO feet north of and parallel with th
north line of Rnsaet tret and a Hn lno feet
south of and parallel with tha south line of
Ruiwct atreet, and between the weat line
street a anu rne east uu of Emerald
JTit englncer-s estimate of the probable total
f"r h. nprovement of said Basset
Tbe Diana, .sneeifleatlima
elty engineer for tbe Improvement of said Bus
act street sre hereby adonted, ,
.,.i- v"t uireciea to give
pntlee of the proposed Imnrovement of said
street aa provided by th city charter.
Remonstranor against the above improve
"L'.Vr6 In writing with the under.
' By order of the counetl.
. A.i- "OS. C. I)EVLI!,
October JJOOar CltT ' P0rttanL
Notlc Is herebv given that st the meeting
Ot the .council of the city of Portland . Or
r,.' 1 ,"!, 7t day of October, 1803w tha
following resolution waa aIontrf. "
'wX2rhJ2! 5VC lt, of
- r e'V"'i"""1" "aiwuieni ana pro-
poses to eonntruet a ewer in Everett street
ILfrL'' of ibJTMt ' Twenty
third street to sewer in Everett street at 100
IT':.. s J2 "1 "08. OI twenty-second
street of vitrified sewer pipe wltb all neces
sary catcb,-baains, manholes, lampholes and
branchea. a d sen-er to be of eight Inches
Hear Inside diameter snd to be coiiatracted In
accordance with the plsns, specifications snd
estimates therefor prepared by the cltv engl
ncer and filed in the office of the auditor of
ioe tn.T oi ( urvianu on in otn aay or October
1003. Indorsed "City engineera plana and
epet'lflcations fof s sewer in Everett street from
100 feet east of the esst line of Twenty-third
street to the sewer in Everett street st
100 feet esst of the east line of Twenty-second
pirevi, eiiu hq eaiimaiea ot tne wora to be
done and tbe probable total coat thereof."
The coat pf said sewer to be aaaeaaed aa pro.
vinea py tna rny cnarter . upon tbe prop
erty apeciall' benefited thereby and which Is
hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of
una iiihi pmraa oi una lying oetween a line
100 feet north ot and parallel with th north
line of Everett atreet. and a line 100 feet south
nf and parelMt with the eolith' Une of Everett
street and between a line 100 feet eaat of and
parallel with tbe east line of Twenty-thlrd
atreet and the west line ot Tweiltysecond
Street -
. The engineer's estimate of th probable total
met for-the constrnctioa of a newer in said
JEverett Street Is IS01-00.
Tbe plana, specifications and eatimatea of the
city engineer for. tbe Improvement of said
Everett atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of the city- of
Portland be and hj ia hereby directed to. give
notice ot the proposed construction of said
newer as p-ovlded by. the city .charter.
- Re limns tiajicw against th above aewer may
tie filed In writing with th anderalgned with la
to daya from the data of tb first publication
of this notice. , .
By order of the eonnel!. - - , ;
Aadttnr at tha City at Portland. -October
'12, 103. ' . -
Vntlee la herehv adven that at the meeting
of the council of the city of Portland. Ore-
pm, held en the Ttb day of octoner, tuu. tne
following resolution wss adopted:
Resolved. Thst the council of th city nf
iwi ,1,4 hmmi daema it exneoienc sua m-o
Knu. . Mm in bit Elcbteonth
street from AO feet snath ef tb south Un ef
Thompson street to sewer tn TUlsmoos sireei,
of vitrified aewer pipe with all neeaeaary catch
baslna, manholea. lampholes and branchea. Said
in ba aiareneted af elaht Inchea clear
Inside diameter, and In ecoordance with tha
plana, apecincatlona and eatimatea therefor pre
pared by the city engineer and filed in the
omce of the auditor ot tne euy ti roniann
tha Bth dar of October, 1001, indorsed: "Cltr
engineer's plsns snd specifics t Ions for a sewet
la Raat Rlahieenth street from 50 feet south
of th south line of Thompson street to tb
sewer tn Tlllsmouk street nd th eatimatea of
the work to 1 done snd th probable total
oaat thereof." - . .
Th cost of said sewer to be aaaeaaed as
n-nvlileil hr tba eltr chsrter udoct tne prvir
erty specially benefited thereby and which Is
herea Aaelared tn be sll th lot. DSTtS of lota
.V . m ' - I I i . . II too
sna jiarceia or isno iTing mu
mm aMr nr ana narauei viiu i us m.wv v.
Eaat Eighteenth street snd a line 100 feet eant
of and parallel with the eaat lln or iJtti
irtfehteenth atreet, and between the Booth line
of Thompson atreet and a line 100 feet north
of and parallel with tha north Una of Tilla
mook' street. m . . , , A ,
The engineer's eatlmate of tbe probable total
cost for the eoustrnctlon of s sewer In ssld
East Eighteenth atreet la HS4B.00.
The plan. eiieWAca tlona and eatimatea of tba
cltr engineer for the conatruction ot aald aewer
are hereby adnptdn- --
Resolved, That tne anmror or ine ru, ..i
Du, LbJ k a. a ha la hMhv directed to glVS
notice ef the proposed conatruction of aald
aewer aa provided by tbe city charter.
Remonatrance against the above aewer may
be filed in writing with the nnderelgned within
20 days from tbe date ot tbe first publication
of this notice.
By order of the council
And! tor ot the City of Portland.
October 12. 1003.
Notice 1 hereby given that t the "Jinf
ef the council of the cltv of Portland Ore
gon, held on the Tth daj of li tobr. 1003, the
Following resolution was sdopted: ... ... .
Resolved, That the council of the city or
Portland. Oregon, deem It expeaient ana
propoara to Improve Hkldmore street trom tn
eaat lln of I'nlon avenue to the weat Una of
East Tenth atreet. In the roimwmg manner,
U,Klrit By grading the street full width with
fnll Intersections to the estsbllshed grsde.
8rcnud-rBr constructing wooden aldewslks In
secordance with the city engineer's plsns, speci
fications and eatimatea. . , .
Third By laying wooden eroaswslks u feet
In width. t
Pourth Br constructing boi gutters. .
Said Improvement to be made In secordance
with the charter and ordlnsnees of the- cltr of
Portland ind the plana, speclflca tlona and eati
matea of th cltr engineer filed In the office
of tbe sudltor of the city of Portland oil the
36 tb dar of September. 1003. Indorsed: "Hty
engineer's plsns snd speclttretions for tbe Im
provement of. Skldraore street from the esst
line of Union - avenue to tha west line of
Est Tenth street, and the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable total coat
tkereof." ... . A- .
. Th cost Of said improvement lo ne aaaenaeo
a. neaalHafl h the MtV ChartCT ODOn tb PTOP-
rtj specially benefited therebr and which Is
berebr declared to lie sll the lots, psrt of lots
snd parcels of land lying between a line 100
n, r anil narallel with the north line of
Hkldmore street snd a line 100 feet aonth of
and parallel with the routh line of Skldmore
atreet, and between tbe east line of I'nlon
avenue and the weat line of East Tenth atreet.
Tha anrtnaer'a estimate of the probable
total coat oi improving aam Diiumum "mi
i si ana no.
The plana, specifier. tlona and estimates ef
ia eltv encineer ror ine imnroTeiucu ui aaiu
Bkldmore street sre berhy sdopted. ,
Resolved, .That . the auditor or ine cur o
iaiartji ha aiin he is nerenr airecten in kith
notice, of tbe proposed Improvement of aald
atreet aa provided by the cltr charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above improve
ment mav ha filed In writing with the under
signed within 20 dsrs from the date of tbe first
pu Mica t ion or this nonce.
, oraer e. . DEVLIN,
Auditor of the Cltr of Portland,
October 12, 1003.
rxorosrs xurxonuxst or iixth
Notlc to hereby glvea that at th meeting
Of the council of the city of Portland, Ora-
thereof." i .
The mat of aald Improvement to be aaseaaed
as provided by the city charter snd upon the
i ropr ty speeisuy Dene n ten uiereny and wnica
la hapah Aaelaped ta ha all tha hits tiaea n
gon, held ea tbe Tth 1sy ot October, 11W3, th lots and parcela ot land lying fcetween a Una
following resolution waa adopted: ioo feet weat of and parallel with the weat
Reaolved, That tbe council of th City of, in. East Ninth atreet and a Una- loO feet
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro-, eaat of and narallol with the east line of
poeee to Improve Slttb treet from the aouth Eaat Ninth atreet. and between a Una 100
una m urainer street to tna earner no ni fnt aouth ef and parallel with the aouth
Sherldaa Street ia tb following manner, to- lna ot iacn0 atreet and a Un 100 fret north
" . ! a' -.j.v" ParaUel with th north tin of Tbomp-
Klrst By grading said atrt full width to- etroet.
with full Interaectlona to proper aubgrsde. The engineer' eatlmate of the prohebl total
-Beeond-By bringing the anrface of th coat for the Improvement of said East Ninth
Street full width with full Interaectlona to street I fd.07a.00.
the established grade with macadam. The above Improvement la to b classed aa
Third Br ConatrUCtlna- artificial atone Bid- a tnlil Imnanaemant anil ahall ha malnlalnarf
walka la ecoordeoc with th elty onglaaor' by th city for tb period of two yeara; pro
P'sns, spoctncstlens and tlmt-. I vided, that th owners of k msjorlty of the
",'" iiug woeoen croaawsias wvi property Denented Dy said improvsmsiit or any
Id width. I Dortloa thereof, ahall not netltloa for a new
Fifth By eonatructlng atone rattan. r dlf fereut Improvement befor tb iplration
Said ImDroVement ta h made la accordance I af a.,a nakwi
With the Charter and Ordinance Of th City I Tha nlana anaallleatlnna anil allnuhi tt
" P'' spacineaiiooa n tn oltv engineer for the improvement ot said
esMmstes of tbs elty efiglaeer filed In i the Esst Mntb street sr hereby sdopted.
efBP" LJ. dltor of the city of Pwtland Reaolved. That tba Auditor of th. elty of
S?...tb at9'? ! of Sepumber. 1008, Indorsed: portta.d b and ha la hereby directed to give
City Engineer plana and. specifications for ot tha proposed Improvement ot aald
.i ,r "rS "A ". . ' .,"v . I street a proviaed by tne city charter,
aonth line of Caruthera atreet to the center I namaat.w. ...u.i i,. '.t.... i .
line of Hberldan street, and tha eatimatea of 1 u ma. k. ni.a i. .i.i... i.k h.
I the work to ho done and th probable toUl,,gnti wub)B jq daya from the date of the
.... . .1 trat nubllcatlsn of thla notice.
auv . . mil luiuruTvmeni IW WW tamMni , jj OTOer Ot IP COUnCll,
Auditor ot th City of PorUand.
October 18. 1903.
as provided by th city charter upon th I
property specially benefited thereby and which
la herebv declared ta ba ail tha lata, narta I
of lota andfehliareale nt ImnA Ivtna mrlthlA tha I
district bounded snd described ss follows: Be- PK0P08EO UtPftOVElfENT Of EAST II0HTH
ginning at the Intersection of tbe west line or ITKEET,
r... ,r' -"D "B ot "liri "otic la berebr given that at the meeting
-,il.,.hi!i0'-.Il?.,f' ''""i. '?o .!!.! tn coun-'1 c,t of Portland. Or-
fli??r.Kia.-.-Bk.,ilf - ef ttober, 1008. tbe
the dtr of
pedlent snd pci-
Ir. ta?-.Ui..0fi. blnnlnaT ! , J'i!!.'.'? following raolutlon was adopted:
fiMa Hr ihM "9? to.v' Vh'L "?ah Beaolved, That the council of
line of block 85, Caruthera- addition to ta- Porti,n, 6rgon. deems It etoedl
H Li a.a",on, '? r. 'ill: r ro"uno'. . pose to Improv Eaat Eighth atreet from the
point being out-dlstsnt between the eaaterlr I IZ-.t. na Xt v... ix.. . . ... .
!??.jrr,t".ri?.''?M '.M.!d blr, MJ llVliit hmios street br removing ttS
.: Z"''7!l.'.r.r' Z1 old.eoverln. pnk. and reaecklng the roa.d.w.r
. ai-...i. av.ii-.. v --1 wttn tour-inca ny tweive-inro pisnts, ttitrtr
Slla. L Por,".nd, to. , Vlnt M feet westerly x fMt wlde hatween tb curb and full width
from tha eaaterlr Una of aald block: thenre 1 . n.. ....... .a. i- i . u..
southerly along a straight lln to a point st-lt I arreet
iiia.. V. . a Y" i . .1 -""'"'I Said fmprovement to be made In accordance
atreet If estended wesferlr In Its present I a.ih . h..taa . k. .u. .t
. . ' . . - luiiwiiu ami uiaua, .imiwBiiuia auu 'r ' '
LtbHl9" H", ,end ' ,tOT,l?n.t0 f. polB! rnatea of tbe cltr engineer filed In the office
-P.J. V"t?"r ?,tM,'T ' .J of the auditor of the city of Portland on
,Al ... norinerir aiong a iin iuv th. jtlth day ef September, 1003. Indoraed:
feet eaaterly from snd parallel with the . v., .i ni.n. .-a Vmh.u ...
;.tII.l1'n ?L1.x,h ,,rt. ?. P?1?.1 th Improvement of East Eighth atreet from
,nl2!rc,1.k1' w,th th utherly line of Caruthera t0 north Una of Eaat Alder atreet to the
street: thence westerly a Inn the sontherlv I ......a. A v. .4 vi . - - a .1
lln of Caruthera atreet to the place ot be- estimate of the work to b dona and the
filming. probable total coat-thereof."
. .ll'r'l""'! f',mt nt I" 15rolmM? Tba coat of said Improvement to b aaaeaaed
f0'.1. f!!.taa,or ,h tmrmnt o W street as provided by tbe city chsrter upon tbe prop-
it! ' . erty apeclslly benefited thereby and which la
The above improvement Is to U .classed ss a heri-bj declared to be all the lots, parta of
macadam ImpYovemcnt and ahall be maintained t and parcels of land lying between a line
lL,il,.ut? !l ,h" prioJ of T r4! P- 100 feet west of and parallel with tha west
vldrd. that the owners of a maiorltr of th iiaa a b.i riahth arraat 4 a iiaa km
property benefited hr ssld Improvement or nr eaat of and parallel with tb eaat Una of
portion thereof aball not petition for a new or E.,t Eighth atreet, and between a line 100 feet
different Imnrovement before tha ex Titration I uu..k ..7 .-a .-.ii.i wii. t,a Mih nna
of auch period. Et Aider atreet and tbe north Una of Eaat
The plana, specifications and estimates i( Unrrliog street.
Vi.PtT. nlBr ,nr the Improvement of said The Englnecr'a eatlmate of tbe probable
Diim arreet are nereny adopted. total coat for the improvement of aald Eaat
Reaolved, That the auditor of the elty of jihUi atreet la $830.00.
Portland be and he IS hcrehV directed ta lve I Tha atwnaa Imnnnmuil ahall ha 1aaaal aa
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld I an elevated plank roadway Improvement and
atreet aa provided by the city charter. thill he maintained br tbe Htr for the period
Remonstrance agalnat ' the a hove lmnrove. I tnnr reara- nravtitao' that the owners of
ment mar be filed In writing with the under- a majority of the property benefited -br aald
signed within 30 days from tba date of tbe improvement or anr portion thereof aball not
first publication of thla notice. netltloa for a new or different Improvement
ny order of tbe council. before the expiration ot auch period.
THOS. O. DEVLIN, Tbe plana, apecincatlona and eatlmate of
Auditor of tb Cltr of Portland. I the cltr engineer for the Improvement of said
October 12, 1003.
Notice la herebr rives thst at tba meetlne
01 toe council or tna cltr or Portland. Ore
gon. held on the Ttb dar of October. 1808, the elgned within-20 daya from the date of tfie
..",.,,, auuuiru. 1 iirat pntiucation oi torn nonce.
Hani.M i-aa ka .. .. , i . t. . . . . ... . .
.. i. " wHULii ui ma en 01 1 uy oraer 01 me council.
Eaat Eighth atreet are berebr adopted.
Reaolved, That the Auditor of the cltr of
Portland be and be la herebr directed to glv
notlc of the proposed Improvement of aald
street ss provided br the cltr charteF.
Remonatrance saslnst th shove I m prove -
nrent msr l filed In writing with th nnder-
Notlc Is kersbr given that at th meeting
of the council of tho cltr I'orUsad, Ore.
gon, held on tb Tth day of Octolwr, 1V03. th
fullowlng resolution wss adopted:
Resolved. Thst th council ot tho city of
Portland, Oregon, OVems It oxpedlent sna pro
poses M Improv Tweotynilxlh street, from
the south line of Wilson street to the north
Hue of Raleigh atroet, In tne louowuig ma-
u a-alft. ' A
Hrat By grading the atreet full width with
ruu lnterseeiiona to proper suiigraoe. ....
Hauin II hlnalna Iha atreet fUM Width
alth full Intersections to the establlsbsd frade
with' macadam. , .
Third By constructlnf artificial Stone alda
wslks. j
b'mirfli P lavtna ernaawalka in SCCOfdanC
with tb elty engineer' plan spclflcaOoo
an'i esiimsiea. ,
s'lfth uw atnaa . anttera In ac
cordauca with the city eagluoar'a plana, apeci
Hp.I ki.n. mnA aa.ln.a.aa
Bald Improvement to be mad IB accoraant-a
ailh ha .h.,la aarf wAln.mai or IQfl CUT
of Portland and th plana, aclfletlna and
eatimatea of tb city engineer filed In th ofiV'
of tbe auditor of tb city ot Portlaud. on tbe
0th day ef October, 1008, Indorsed: ' City
engineer's plsns snd specifications for tha Im
provement nf Twentylxth atreet from the
aonth Una nt Urila,,n atraat to tha north Una
of Raleigh street, snd the eatimatea of the
wort to De done ana tne prooauis wm "i
tnereot. " .
The coat of ssld Improvement to be aaaeaaed
aa orovtded hv tha eltv eharter unon the prop
erty apeclallr benefited thereby snd which Is
nereny oecisrea to do an tne v
lota and parcela of land lying between a Une
lull feat weat of anil narallel with the Weat
line of Twentr-aixtb atreet and Una 100 feet
east of and parallel wltb tho east tin of
Tweniy-aixth atreet ana oetween too aomu
line of Wilson strset and the north Un of Hal-
clgh atreet. , ,
Th engineer's eatlmate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of aald Twenty -elxtb
atreet Is ft,(ll.00.
The above Improvement IS to ne riaeseo aa a
macadam . Improvement and ahall no main
tained by the city for tha period of flv yra;
provided, that tba owner of a majority of tbe
property specially nenentea tnerenr ov
nortlon therenf ahall nut netltlon for a neW
or different lmprovemrat before the expiration
of such period. ...
Tbe plsns. specifications and est I m tee of the
city enrlneer for tbe Improvement of said
TtA-entv-alith alraal ara herehv anoniea.
Itaanlvari That Ilia anHltnr nf the ettfo Of
PnrtlanI la. anrt hn la herehv directed to glVO
notice of tha uronoaed Improvement of aald
atreet aa provided njr tne city cnarier.
Ilemonatrance aaalnst tne aoov loiproTo
ment mar lm HoA In wrltln with th Under
signed within 20 dsrs from the dste ot the first
puhlicsllon of this notice.
uy oraer or tne council.
Auditor of the City of Portlsnd.
October 12. 1008.
Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro-
in-re 'to improve ue street rrom the north
ne nt St. Helen's road to the northwest Una
nr the VI bite tract, in the following manner,
to wit:
Flrat Rr mitln iha ataaa A Va . 1.
----- - ' vi ujv mair
uenea graac.
Auditor of the Cltr of Portland.
October 12, 1003;
- . ..a. . . Notice la herebv given that at tbe meeting
Second -Bv conatrnetln artificial atone aide. I .v... 11 tT,. at PnniiH ir.
. - - v 1 , . , VU1T 1 IIU1I' II ui ' ' " v. .
. .... . gon. held on tho Tth day or October, 1003, the
-Said Improvement to be mad In accordance follnwlna- reaolntlon waa adopted:
with the chrrter and ordinance of th city f Heaolved. That the council of the city of
Portland and the plan, specifications and eetl- Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and
mate of the eltr encineer filed In the office in,nrna n.ain .ir..i rrnm ha
Sj.iha l"1,ior of lh e,t'r " Portland on the w,.,t uue 0f Twelfth-street to the weat line
", rVirnrrr, imw. inuornea. -fur 0f Twentv-lfth atreet in the following man
engineers plana and apectflcstlons for tha 1m. ...
provemeiit or Lexe street from the north line Klrat Br grading the atreet full width with
.f "i:. .""?" f"0. ? the. northwest line of fuli intersections to proper subgrsde.
tne w nite tract, ana the estimate of the work Second By bringing the aurface of the
tJt e and the probable total coat thereof. ,trM,t full width with full Interaectlona to
. '"',T"1 .L' "pr"m'" to m -wo . rn)M, Wn macadam.
as provided br the cltv charter unon the neon. I nui.a . 1.,- .tan. aMa.
aalaK-pSS.i"r ,,.,,5ie,, ,fli WB,Cr I ud wooden aldewalka in accordance with
TI is 11 i . a ,v' """ the city engineer's plana, speeincetioue ana
Id. 13. 12. 11. JO, 0, 8, and the southerly one I tgtlmatea.
van ta- t, II, o IIIH A, IltOTK . ink
White tract; lota 1, 2, 5. . 0, 10, 18, H. IT,
18. 21. 22. block X the White tract.
The eoglnoer'a estimate ef th probable total
Fourth Rr constructing artificial atone
curb In accordance with the cltr engineer's
plans, specifications and estimates.
nrtn nr isymg sna relaying wooaen cross
. ... , . . .... .1 ruin m 1 r 111a auu i.i.jiii
improvement 01 sal a ge atreet wslk, , .ccodance with the city engineer s
eltr en
street sre herebv adnnted.
neaoiven. inat tne auaitor or rne city or
titaa." raa.itiana .a i.i th. P1""- specification and estimate.
5& 1 7 . . . 1 "J' Witt-Br constructing stone gutters In
!iaT.hVb.VW ement of "", L"ke Urdsnce with the city cnglneer'i plsns, s
flcatlon and eatimatea,
Pnetlanit ha ano ha I. h.rahr rileatarf n air. caiu w .u .iiro...;.
notice of the oroood Imnrovement of Mid w-un r.-ano"ar .!na.P:.aiD"n.c!!..0'..lD c"5
atraat aa aaaalaal l.w ha a4ta ahaaa I U1 TUriiaUU UU UJO OlBUa, UlirillUUI Bllli
atreet aa provided by the city charter. 1 eatlmate. 'of the cltv engineer filed In the
itcmonstrsnce again, the J(n ofllce of the auditor of the city of Portland
on the id day of October, 1003, Indorsed
msy be filed In writing with the undersigned
wirnm m asva rrom tne aate 01 tne nrst pup
UeatloH of this notice.
By order of the council.
Auditor of the City ot Portland,
October 12. 1003.
Vntlea 1a herehv riven that at the meeting
t the council of the city of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the Ttn aay ot netooer, ibvo ui
tniinainr eaaointlnn- waa adonted:
Resolved. -That the council of the city of
Portland. Oreuon. neema it exneaicnt ana pro
poses to Improve East Fifteenth street from
tha nnern line ni niuimoniau Biirwi m in.
south line of Thompson street tn the following
msnaer,. to-wlt:
Flrat Rr Tctnovlna- sll loose eerth. mod and
. . ... . . . ... . . ...It -.IJM.
debris rrom tne eurtace oi we sirevv " i"m
m-lth vnll Intermectlons.
Haniii nt hrlns-ln the aurface of the street
full width with jull intersections to ine eeiao
Uhed grsde wltb upland, bank gravel,
,, Third Bv eonstructina artificial atone slde
walks In accordance with the 'city engineer's
pinna, specincauons ana rw.ruiis,
Fifth By- laying wooden crosswalk six feet
In width in accordance with the elty engineer's
plsns, specification and eatimatea.
neia improvement w ire uiaun 11 .U.WII.U.T
with the charter and ordinances of tha city ef
Portland and the plans, specifications and eati
matea nf tha cltr emrlneer filed In the office
of the auditor of the cltv of Portland on the
2(lth day of September, 1003, indorsee: "City
Knirlneer'a nlaus and specifications for the Im
provement of Esst Fifteenth street from the
north line of Multnomah street to the south
line of Thompson street, and the estimates of
the work to be done and the probable utal cost
Tbe cost ot ssia improvement to oe sssessea
as provided or the my ensrter upon tne
nrnnertv sneciallr benefited therebr and which
ia herehv decltired to be all the lots, parta, of
lota and parcela 01 lauo iring oeiween a no
1O0 feet west nf and parallel with the weat
line of East Fifteenth street and line 100
feet east of and narallel with tbe east line
of Eaat Fifteenth atreet, and between the north
line of Multnomah atreet and the south Une
of Thompson street. ' -
The engineer's estimate nf the probable
total coat for the Improvement of aald East
Fifteenth atreet I 85.415.00.
. 1 . , .. .u.a
in aOOVe iniproreuirufc IB , i or. i:insg mm
-aravel imnrovement and aball be main
tained by. the city for a period of two years;
nrnrlded that the ownera of a maiorltr of
tb "property benefited by said Improvement or
any portion thereof . shall not petition for a
new or different Improvement before the ex
piration ot such period. , .
He plans, . tpvciDcaumni anu nuuiainw oi
th city engineer for the improvement of said
East Fifteenth atreet are hereby adopted.
lieeolved, . Tht th sudltor of the city of
tVirtlann ha and he Is .herebr directed to -tva
notice of the proposed Improvement -of - said
tree a provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance agalnat tbe above improve
ment msy b filed -in writing with the under
elgned within 20 daya from- the data of tb first
pubUcatlon pf tbi sotlc. :
9 srtrtsl - fTaTyVT Ta7
-. ..i Auditor at tb City of PortUnd.
October 12. 1003. ; ' '
Notice Is herebr given that ' at the meeting
or the council or tne eitr or roruana. ore.
gon. held nn tbe Tth day of October, 1903, tb
following resolution was adopted:
Heaolved. Thst the council of th city of
Portland. Ore con. deems it expeaient ana pro
poses to construct a sewer In St. Clair street
from 125 feet north or the north line of Perk
avenue tn the sewer In St. Clair street at the
aonth line of Wsshlngton street, of vitrified
sewer pine of eight Igches elcsr inside
dlsmeter with sll necesasrr catch-bnatns, man'
holes, lnmpholea and branches. Said sewer to
lie constructed in secordance with the plsns,
cneclflcattons snd estlmstes of the city engl
near filed in the office of tbe sudltor of the
cltv of Portlsnd on te 5th dsy - of October.
1008. indorsed: -."City .engineer' plana and
specifications for a aewer In 8t. Olalr atreet
from 125 feet north of the north line of Park
avenue to sewer In St. Clair street at the
aonth line of Waahlngton street, snd the eetl'
mates nf the work to be done snd tbe probable
total cost thereof.
The cost of said aewer to be assessed ss
provided bv the city charter upon the prop
erty specialty benefited thereby and which Ij
hereby declared to be all the lots, part of
lot and parcels of lnnd lying between a line
100 reet west ot ana psraiiei wito ine weai
line of St. Clair street and s line 100 feet east
af and narsllel with the east line of St. Clair
street snd between a line 100 feet north of
and parallel with the north line ot Park avenne
ana a line IOO reet sontn 01 ana nsrsuei wua
the south line of Wsshlngton street.
The enelneer's estlmste of the probable total
coat for th conatruction of a sewer in ia Bt.
I' atreet la xMT Oil.
Tha nlana. siwciflcation and eatimatea of the
city engineer for the construction of said aewer
are herehv sooptea.
Reaolved, That the auditor of the city of
Portland be and he la hereby directed tp give
notice ot th propose a consirucuon vi
Remonatrance agalnat tho above sewer rosy
be filed In writing with the undersigned within
20 davs rrom toe aate 01 tne nrsi puoucawuu
of this notice.
By oraer tne council. ,.
Aadltor of tha City of PortUnd.
October 12, 1003. '
la atvan that at th meeting
of the council of th city of Porttand. Ore
gon, held on in tin oar 01 vciouvr, w
. rnanlntlnn waa adnnled:
Reaolved. That tn eonncii 01 mo
Portland, Oregon, deem It expeoient ana pr-
. imnan Kaat Ninth atreet from the
' . . a- th. aath. Una
aoutn line 01 rscmc I".". ----
of Thompson street, In th following manner,
to-wlt: ... " ,
First By removing all loose earth, mud
anA Aahrla 'at T kind from the surface
of th atreet full wiatn wito mu lniemec
tinna from all that nortlon of aald street ly
ing between the-aouth line of Pacific atreet
and tn eonia une 01 momo- auw
Oaa-aA Ba mr-Mn all that DortiOO Of Hid
street lying between the aouth line of Thomp
son street- snd tbe north lln f Thompson
street, to the proper subgrsde. . v
mi-A Ttr hr1nrlna- tha anrfac of the Stret
to th established grade -full width with full
Intersections with apisna nana pavei
Fourth By constructing rtlilclal ston slde
waika 1a accordance with the city engineer's
plans, apecficstlon and estimate. 7 .
Fifth By constmctlng artificial ston curbs
In accordance with tba elty engineer' plana,
specification and estimate. .
sixth v conatructln atone gutter la ac
cordance with the elty engineer's plans, specl
flca tlona and estimate.
Seventh y laying wooaen enswaua iowa
in width. . M '
HmiA i mnrorement toib made In aeeoraanc
Hth tha charter and ordinances of tb cltr
of Portland and h plana, apedficatwna ' and
eatimatea of tha city engineer, filed In tbe
office of the udltor of the eitr of Portland
on the 2rtb day of September, 1903, Indorsed:
"City engineer's plana and apeciflcatlona for the
Improvement - af East Ninth street from the
amih lkna af PaeiAo afreet to the north line
of Thompson atreet and the- eatlmate of th
work 10 D opn n u grovsoi wui sun
City engineer's plsns and specifications for th
improvement of Overton street from ths west
lln of ' Twelfth street to the weat line of
Twenty-fifth atreet and' the eatimatea of the
work to pa dona and the probable total cost
Tbe cost of said Improvement to be aaaessed
ss provided by the city charter upon tbe prop
erty apecially benefited thereby and which Is
hereby declared to ba all tbe lota, parta of lots
snd parcela of Isnd lying between s lln 1 (10
feet north of and parallel with the north Una
ef Overton street snd a line l'lO feet sonth of
and parallel with tbe aouth line of Overton
atreet and between the weat line or Twelfth
street and a Une 100 feet west of snd psrallel
with the west line of Twenty-fifth street.
Tbe engineer's estlmste nf the probable totsl
cost for tbe Improvement of said Overton
street Is ai8.01U.00.
Tbe above Improvement Is to be classed as a
macadam Improvement and ahall be maintained
by th elty for the permd of four years; pro.
vided, that th owner of a majority of th
property benefited or aald Improvement or any
portion thereof ahall not- petition for a new
op different Improvement before tbe expiration
ot such period.
The plsns, specifications snd estimates of the
city engineer for tbe improvement ot laid
Overton atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolved, That tb auditor of the dty of
Portland be and be Is hereby directed to glv
nt tice or tne pro pose a improvement of ssld
atreet a provided by the city charter,
Remonatrance against the shove Improve
ment msy oe mea in writing wun tne antler
signed within 20 days ftom the date of tba first
publication or tnis notice.
By order of tbe council.
Auditor of tha City of PortUnd.
October 12, 1903.
Notice la herebr given that tbe council of
tba city of roruana, uregoo, at a meeting held
on the Tth day of October, 1003, declared the
aeseaament by ordinance No. 13.5X3, for tbe
Improvement VI. Madison street, from the eaat
lino or Front street to tne weat line of Fifth
street. In the manner provided by ordinance
o. 13.3-10, upon eacn lot part or lot and
fierce. 'of land, which are specially and pecul
iar benefited, to be as follow, vis:
South 1O0 feet of weat 100 feet of block
TX, Cltr of Portland, navicl Mran.1t.. I Z0.B2
ma in. tot 1. i-nno tioiurooK
lilk 10. east BT feet lot 5, Clara A. and
William O. rectielmer, Alice U. Hers,
Elisabeth A. Elchengrnen
Blk 10, west &4 feet lot 5, Isam White
Blk 25, lot 4, Starr r. orant
Blk 25. undivided lot 6. Mary C.
Warren '.
Blk 25. undivided lot 5. Anna B.
Elk 25. undivided H lot 5. Li sale A.
Rlcharda ,
Blk 25, undivided 'A lot 8, Llxtle Cul-
Blk 57. lot 4. Jacob Kamm
Blk 5T, lot Jacob Kamm
Blk 57. kit 5. Jacob Kamm ...
111k Tl. north 8 feet ot aonth 103 feet
of Weat ltu feet, blk 71, Van B. De
Lnahmutt .. .1 -.
Blk 71. north OT feet of west 100 feet.
of block 71. James Simon, trust....
Blk 9, lot 1. John Mattbteaea
Blk it. lot -2. John Matthlesen .,
Blk 8. lot 7, Van B. Helaisbmua
Blk . lot 8. Van B. DeLaahmutt
Rlk n lot 1. Josenh S. Keller
Blk 9, north H lot 2. Joseph B. Keller. ' 4.48
Blk 0, sonth V, lot 2. Herman Treakman 4.43
95 85
163 01
178 W
Notice la herebv irlten that at tb meet
ing of the council of tbe city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 7tb day of October, 1U0J, the
following resolution waa adopted:
Kesolvea. Tlisi tne council 01 iue cnj o
Portland. Orea-oii. deems It expedient snd pro-
poao to Improv Pippin atreet from th east
line of Burrsge atreet. aa laid out - in Bur
rage tract, to the west line of Wsbssh svenue,
by grsdlng the street full width with full
Intersections down to tbe stsks ss set by tbe
city engineer.
Said Improvement to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordlnaneee of the cltr of
Portland and the plana, apeciflcatlona and esti
mates of the cltr engineer filed in tbe office of
the auditor of tbe cltr of Portlsnd on tne oin
dsv of October. HHi3, Indorsed: "Cltr engi
neer's plsns and apeciflcatlona for tbe Improve
ment of l'lopln atreet from tb east, line of
Burrsge street to th west Un . of Wsbsah
avenue, and the eatimatea of Iha work to be
done and the probable total coat thereof."
The cost of ssld Improvement to be essessed
ss provided by the cltr chsrter upon the prop
erty speclallr benefited and which la herebr de
clared to te aa follows: On the south side of
ssld Pippin street, sll the lots, psrt of lots
snd parcels of land lrlng between tbe aouth
Une of Pippin street and a lin 100 feet outh
of and parallel therewith, and between a line
100 feet eaat of and parallel with the east
Une of Bu-rsge street snd s Une 100 foat weat
nf and parallel wltb the weat line of Wabaab
avenue, and on the north aide ot aald Pippin
street, sll ths lots, parts of lots and parcela
of land lvlng between the eaat lln of Burrag
atreet extended northerly In Ita preaent course
as laid out In tbe Burrsge tract and the east
line of Wabash avenue, and between the north
line of Pippin atreet and a line 100 feet north
of and parallel therewith, and also the ooth
erlr one-hslf of sll thst portion of lot 10.
r.Uiiwi iraet irlnr between the north line
of llppln street snd the south line of the
conntv road, and between the weet line of
WabHah avenne and a line. 100 foot weeterlr
from and parallel therewitn.
The engineer's estimate of tb probsble totsl
cost for the Improvement Ot aia tippia street
la Si 171 (V
The plana, (pedflcatlnn snd estimate of th
city engineer for the Improvement of said Pip
pin street are nereny aoopteo.
Iteaotveo. Tnst ine suniwn- m m "
Portlsnd be and he Is hereby directed to glye
notice or tne proposer, inniroveini v au
street ss provided by the. elty chrtr.
Kemonstrsnce s gainst th above Improve-
mant mar ha Mlail In writing With the Unfler-
slgaed within dare from th data ot th first
publlcstlon of this notice.
Br order of the council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd,
October 12. 1008.
and th probsble totsl cost thereof."
The cost of ssld lmorovament ahall ba ss
seeeed as provided by th city charter gpoa
the property apeclallr benefited thereby and
Which la hereby declared to b follows I
Lota 8 and Ji. block SO, McMillan' addition to
r.aai rortlanrt, and lot H and T, In block 81,
McHUlea a addition to Eaat Portland.
Tha engineer a estimate of the nrobahl total
oost nf th Improvement of said lis levy street
As nlana. anaeiaat1nna anil aatlmaraa nf tha
flty engineer for tbe Improvement of Ssld
'saver strset ar herebr sdopted. 1
Heaolved. Thst tb sudltor ef the dty nf
Portlsnd be snd be Is berebr directed to give
notice of the proposed lmprovemrat of ssld
street as provided br ths city chsrter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above Improv
meat may be filed la writ In with the under.
signed within 20 daya from the date of the
htsi puniicauon or . this nolle.
By order of th council.
Auditor of tb City of PortUnd.
October 12. 1903.
Notlc Is herehv riven that at tha meetlna
of the council of the city of Portlsnd. Ore-
son, neia nn tne 7lh day of October, J0u8, th
following resolution wss sdopted:
Resolved. That the council of th city of
Portlaud, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
poses to Improve Spokane avenue from a point
100 feet west of the west line nf Orsnd svenue
to tbe west curb line of East Nineteenth atreet.
tn the following manner, to-wlt:
first ny grading tbe street .full width with
full Intersections to proper subgrsde. elaht feet
In width on rscb side of tbs center line of said
Second By brlnxlnr tbe atreet id feet In
width with fnll interaectlona from tbe weat
curb line of East Nineteenth street to th west
Une of Grand avenue to nrouer grade with
Third nr planking the atreet 10 fee, in
width with full intersection from tb weet
line of Orand avenue to loo feet west of tha
west line nf Or and svenue.
Fourth Br Isrlu wooden crosswalks alx
feet In width.
Fifth Br constructing box gutters.
Said improvement to he made In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of tbe eltr of
Portland ard the plans, speclficstlons snd estl
mstes of the cltr engineer filed In the office
of the auditor of the cltr of Portland on the
Oth dar of (Vtoher, 1103. Indorsed: "Cltr
engineer's plans and speclflca Hons for th Im
prove nrent of hpokane svenue from point
100 feet west ef the west lln of tlrsnd svenn
to tbe west curb line of Kast Nineteenth street,
snd ths eatimatea of the work to bo done and
the probable total coat thereof."
The cost of aaid Improvement to be assessed
aa provided br the cltr, charter upon the propertr
apeclallr Benefited therebr and which la hereby
declared to be all tha Iota, parta of lota and
oarcela of land lrlng between a line 100 feet
north of and parallel wltb tha north Una of
Spokane avenue and a line 100 feet soutn ot
snd narallel with the south line of Spokane
svenue, and between th weat lln of Kast
Nineteenth street and a lln 100 feet west af
and parallel with tba west Hue of Orsnd ave
nue. ,
The enrlneer s estimate of tbe nrobahl total
coat for the Improvement of aald Spokane ave
nne I 14.500.00.
Tbe above Improvement on all mat portion
of aald Spokane (venue lying between tbe weat
line of Kaat Nineteenth atreet snd th west
Una af Orsnd arena Shall be claaaed aa a
gravel improvement and shall be maintained
bv th cltr for a period of five rears, and on
sll portions of said atreet lvlng between the
weat Una of Orand arena and a Un 100 feet
weat of and parallel therewith, ahall be classed
ss n plank road war Improvement and ahall be
maintained br the cltv for a period of four
rears; provided, however, that the ownera of
a maiorltr of the property benefited by aald
Improvementa or anr portion thereof, abaU not
petition for a new or different Improvement
before the expiration of Said perloda.
The nlana. a necl flea tlona and eatimatea of the
city engineer for the Improvement of aald
Simkane avenne are herebr adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of the city of
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed Improvement of ssld
venue ss provided by th city cnarter.
Remonatrance arslnst the sbov Improve
ment mav be filed in writing with the under
signed within 20 daya from the data of the first
pnhllcatton of thla notice.
By order of the council.
Vudltor of the City of Portland.
October 12. 1908.
Notlc Is hereby given that at the meet
lng of the council of the city of Portland. Ore
nn held nn tha Tth dar of October, 1903,
tha fnllnaftna- reaolntlon VII adopted :
Resolved. Thst the council of the cltr of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient end pro
pose to Improv Stanton street from tha east
line of Wllllnma avenue to th west line
nf Union avenue. In tbe following manner, to'
Flrat Br grading the atreet fnll width
with full Intersections 10 proper ..u.aiaur,.
SecondBy bringing the surfsce of the street
full width with full intersections to in esisn
H.l.1 a.lth' nnlanri hank rSVl.
Third By ' constructing wooden aldewalks In
aecornance wnn ine rnj chiuct a f"-,
... I .... a ann nHmitlf.
Fourth By reconstructing wooden si dews Iks
in accordance with tne city engineer a inane,
specifications and estlmstes.
Fifth By constructing wooden enrba In ae.
enhance with the city engineer pians, spea
A..ilnn. anri eatimatea.
Sixth By laying wooden crosswalks lx feat
In width.
Saaanth T4r eanatrnctlnr ston gutter.
Bsld Improvement to be msde In accordance
with th charter ana orninancee 01 me cny
of Portland and the plans, speclficstlons, and
estimates of the city engineer filed In the
office of the sudltor of the cltv of Portland
on the 5th day of October, 100.1. Indorsed:
"City engineer' plans and spec! flea tlona for
tho Improvement of Stanton street- from ths
cost line of Williams svenue to the weat
line of Union avenue, and the estiinatea of tbe
work to be done and the prooanie total coat
thereof." . A , .
Th cost of ssld Improvement to be aaaessed
aa niwriHed hv tha city charter unon the
propertv apeclallr benefited thereby and which
ia herehv declared to hn all the lots, parte
of lot end pare! ot una lying oeiween s
line inn reet norm 01 sna nsrsnri wun ine
ndrtb lin of Btsnton street snd a line 100
feet south of and parallel wun tne souin
line of Rtsnton street, and between the east
Une of Williams avenue aud tha west Una of
lolon svenue.
' Tbe engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for tha imnrovement Of said Stanton
street Is 84.008.00.
The sbove Improvement Is to be classed aa
a gravel improvement ana snail oe maintained
bv the cltv for the period of five years; pro
vided, thst tbe owners of a majority of the
property specially benefited by said improve
ment or any portion thereof ahall not petition
for a new or different Improvement before
tbe expiration of nch period.
The nlHns. neclflcatlons and eatimatea of
the city engineer for tne improvement ot saia
Stanton street are .hereby sdopted.
Reaolved. That the sudltor of the city of
Portlsnd be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the oronosen improvement 01 saiu
afreet as nrovlded bv tbo cltr chsrter.
Hemonstrance against mo hoot! improve
ment mav he niea in writing wun ine unaer-
elgned vuthtu 20 daya from the date of the first
publlcstlon or tnis notice. ;
Br oruer 01 inr cuuiii-u.
"'Auditor of the Cltr of PortUnd.
October 12, 1003.
Blk 9. Jot 8, Joseph S. Keller 184.64
Blk 70, 4ot 1, WilUam JT. and Frank
A. Hnmmel .. ....:'. 162.88
Rlk TO. lot 8. Mhrtha E. P. Plummer.. 184.28
Blk 55. lot 8, Henry Welnhard...... 88.48
Total ., ,
A atarement of aforesaid aaeeeement baa
teen ' entered in the Docket of City Llene,
and la now due and- parable at tba office
of the dty treasurer. In lawful money of the
rnlbhd states ana 11 not paia witom tnirty
daya from the date of this notice, such pro
ceedings will be taken for1 the collection ot
th un a are provided br lb charter of
the city of Portland - . . J
The above assessment will bear Interest
ten daya after tha first publication of thla
fcucv .
Auditor of Ihe City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, October 12. 100'i.
Notice Is herebr given thst st the meeting
of the council of the city of Portland. Ore
gon, held on the 7th day of October, 1803, the
following resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, That the council of the elty of Port
lsnd. Oregon, deems It expedient and propose to
Improve Ilslsey street a point from a point
12 feet west of the east curb Un of Williams
avenue to the east curb Une of blocks 30 and
31, .McMillan's addition to East Portland, by
constructing srtlflclsl stone aldewalks In accord
ance with tbe city cnglueer'a plans, apeciflca
tlona' and estlmste.
Said Improvement to ne made In accordance
with th charter and ordinance- of the city of
Portland and tbe plsns, specifications ' and
estimate' of the city engineer, filed In tb of
fice of th auditor ot the city of PorUand oa
th 8th day of October. 103 Indorsed: "City
engineer's plans and specifications for tbe Im
provement of Hslsey street from 12 feet west
of tb esst curb Une nf William avenue to' tha
esst curb line of blocks ,10 and St. McMlllen a
addition, and eatimatea bt tha work to ba dona;
Notice 1 hereby glvea that at the meeting
or tbe council or tne city ot i-ortisnn. Ore
gon, held on the Tth day of October, 1003, the
following reaolntlon waa adopted:
Resolved. Thst tbe council of the cfty of
Portlsnd. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro-
noses to ensue the grade of Kaat Thirty.
second atreet at the Intersection of Eaat
Alder street from 13T.8 feet to 142.S feet
above the base of dty grade. ......
Resolved, That the Auditor he and be Is
hereby directed tn give notice of the proposed
change of grsde on said street as provided by
tbe city charter.
Remonstrance sgslnst the above change ef
grade may be filed In writing with tbe under
signed within 20 dsys from th date f tbe flrat
publication of thla notice.
By ordiir of tb council.
Auditor of tbe City ot Portland.
October 12, 1903.
Notice I berebr glvea that th eonnctl ef
th dty of Portlaud, Oregon, at a meeting ell
on tha Tth day of October, 1P03, declared th
aaeeeement by ordinance No, 18.5x8, fsr 1 tli
Improvement of East Oak street, from th wsat
Un of Eaat Water trt to tb at Un ef
Eaat Third street, In the manner provided br
ordinance No. 13,105. upoa each lot, pari t
lot and paresl nf land, which are specially and
peculiarly heneflted. to be aa fntlowa. vlsl
A tract nf land lying between the weat
Hn of Kaat Water atreet Sad a Una) .
loll feet westerly from and parallel . 1 -therewith
and between tbe north lln
of Esst Osk street sad a lln 100 feet .
Forth of and parallel tharewlla, J.
I. Haaeltln .. 1583
Eaat Portland
Blk 28, lot 4. Jams II. Pag. ...... ... HAM
Blk 23. lot 8, Jams H. Pag UU "T
Blk 23. lot 0, Jama H. Pag , lt 54
Blk S3, lot . Jam H. Ps.s 4J8.BI
Frusb's Bqoar Addition to Eaat Port
bib t 1.1 a S . .. a. Walt-
-a . , a. m.a lawawt .
road Company .
Blk 1, lot 2. Oregon UUfornU Rail
road Companr ' J.H
Blk 1, lot 8. Oregon k CaUforala Bat
osd Companr ISCOl
Blk I, lot 4, Oregon CaUforala Rail- '
na.l IslAM '
Blk 1. lot 5. Oregon CaUforala Rail
road Companr 1 189-11
Blk 1. lot 0. Oreaoa A California Rail
road Companr 149.82
aiik - ... a a al -1 1
nia r, uu 1, iregoD at veuionuw rer- .
road Companr 154. 85
Blk 1. lo, Oregon CaUforala Ball.
road Companr 15S.89
Blk 2, lot 1, Jacob Zimmerman Eatate,
belra of 18114
Blk 2. lot S, Oregon California Ball-..
roan tJonTpaay
Blk 2, lot 8. The Oermaa Saving - . ..
Loan Society v
Blk 1 lot 4. Th German Saving . .
Loan Kocletr 48M
Blk 2, lot 8. Th German Seringa
n Socletr 1..... PJ TSJ
Blk 2, lot 8, H. J. Anderses 81 82
Hlk 2. lot T, Margaret II. Daly 2d.5
nik 2. lot 8. John H. Daly
Blk 8. lot 1. Henrr Peter eon
Blk 8, lot 2, Henrr Peterson 11-44
Blk 8. lot 8. William C. Brown Jim
Plk 8. lot 4. William C. Brow ' 10.18
A ..... . I . 1 l k a. aaatrlt
line or Kaat ok atreet ana nn iuv
feat aonth nt anil narallel therewith
and between the weat line of Et .
Wter atreet and a line lno feet west
of and parallel therewith, Johnstoa '
F.stste Company 151.80
East Portland-
Bll: 22. weat 00 feet lot 1, F. H. Peg 45112
Blk 22. esst 10 feet lot 1. William M.
Lao. 4. trustee v.v"
Blk 22, lot 1 W.- S. Ladd Petal. ,.'
netre or joi.m
P.k 22. lot T. J. V. Burke 101.54
Blk 22. weat H kit 8. Patrick 0. Keen.. 138.45
Blk 22, east V lot 8. Mary B. Mo '
Carty 1 XSS.48
Blk 41. weat U lot 1. Joaeohlne ." '
. .-. - - - aaa aa .
noios , .ft ....... . . n.
Blk 41. east H lot t W. S. Ladd , .
Estate, heir of , SS4.0I
Blk 41, lot 2. W. S. Lld Batata, Heir ,
of 04.M
B!h 41, lot T, W. S. Ladd Eatat, Blra .
of 104.11
Blk '41. lot 8, W. 8. Ladd Eatat. Heir
ot ' 480.1J
Blk 82. lot 1, Jacob and Cbarlee T.
Kgmm 978.01
Blk 82. lot 3. Jacob and Charle T. .
Kmm . B4-2S
Blk 62, west 25 feet lot 1, BUaa 8.
Mrera ... 05
Blk 62. west 29 feet lot 8, BUaa B.
Mrera ..r........
Blk 2. eaat T5 feet lot T. Bart Hick.
Blk 82. eaat T3 feet lot 8, Burt Hick.
lot 1. A. 8. Foster....
lot 2. A. S. Foster.,
Blk 81. esst H lot 1. WUllaay . and ,
Blk 81. west
Blk 81. west
Tnrtsi nnahanjii.
Blk HI. esst H lot X WilUam S. and
lone Buchanan
14 M
18 24
14. 80
Total .........6.250
K atatement of aforeaald assessment hs
been entered In th Doekt of Cltr Ueti.
end Is now due snd ' payable at th of flea
of tbe city treasure', la lawful money of th
t'nltrd State and If not paid within thirty
daya from ths dai of thla notlc. uch pro
ceeding will be tken for the collection of
the ame as srs provided by th charter of
the city of Portland. .... .- .
The above aaaeasment will near Merest
ten dsy after tbe first publication of thla
Auditor of th Cltv of Portland. 1
Portland. Oregon, October 12. 1003.
Notice Is hereby given that the council of the
eitr of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on
tha Tth dav of October. 1003. declared tha
asaesament br ordinance No. 13,585, for the
Improvement of Kelly atreet, from th south
Hun of Hamilton avenue to the northwesterly
line of Macadam road, In tb manner pro
vided by ordinance No. 13.351. upon each lot,
part of lot and parcel of land, which are
siieclallr and peculiarly benefited, to be fol
lows, vlt: . ... ,
Subdivision or lots i ana z. dik a. Portland
Hlk 8. subdivision 8 of lot 1. A. Wolf. .8 .93
Blk 3, subdivision 4 of lot 1, J. Schmidt .24
Blk 8. subdivision b or lot 1. v. K.
Strode .23
Blk 3. subdivision 0 of lot 1, v. &.
Strode .24
Blk 3. subdivision T of tot 1. Edgar K. .
and Annie P. Coursen .23
Blk 8. subdivision or lot i, luigar is.
ana Annie r. coursen . . . , .24
Blk 8. subdivision S ot lot Z. frauds L.
Mae 23
Blk 3. subdivision 7 01 lot a, c. K.
Buell 24
Blk 3. subdivision 6 of lot 2. Albert
Thomnsou .23
Blk 3. subdivision o or lot z. caroun
Illmer .28
Blk 8. subdlvla Ion 4 of lot 2. Charles
Baiimgartner and E. Froesner .33
Blk 3. subdivision 8 of lot 2, Michael
Bullet 85
Terwililger Homestead
Hlk 1. weat feat lot 2. Terwllllrer
Iand Company 100.28
Blk 1. eaat 03.35 feet lot 8. Hepple E.
Soauldluif 111.24
Blk 1. weat 0.65 feet lot 6. Terwililger
land Company 80.25
Blk 1. esst 93.85 feet lot 4. Terwililger
Land Company 100.85
Blk 1. west 8.05 feet lot 6. Terwililger
Land Comoanr 8T.O8
Blk 1. east 93.35 feet lot T. Terwililger
Land Company 100.40
Blk 1, east 100 feet lot 8. Terwililger
Land Companr 254. 1 3
Portland Homestead
Blk C. west V, lot 1. Msry A. Parke.. .80
Blk C. west V, lot 2. I,ouls Zimmerman .88
Blk C, west H lot 8, Leo Hellock Estate.
Heirs or .... , , .1
Blk 1, sll of lot 1 lvlng between tbe
east line or Kelly street ana a
trslght Hue extending from the In
terseetlon of the xt Un of Kelly
street with the northwesterly line
of Mncsdam road to a point in the
north line of ssld blk 1. Terwililger
Homestead, said point being equi
distant between the eaaterly line of
Kelly street and the northwesterly ,
line nf Macadam road, Terwililger
f.anit fVinininr . . . ...i. 200. K3
Plk 1, all of lot 8 lvlng be twee the
east line or Kelly street ana a
etrntglit line extending from the In
tersection nf the essterly Une of Kelly
street with the' northwesterly line of
Macadam road to a point in the north
line of ssld blk, 1, Terwililger Home
stesd. said point being egul-dlstant
between tbe easterly line of Kelly
street and the northwesterly line of
Macadam road, TerwllUger Land Com
Dane . 183.10
Blk. 1. all of lot 6 lying between the
east line nr Kelly atreet ana a
straight line extending from tbe In
tersection of the eaaterly Une of Kelly
street with the northwesterly Un ot
Macadam road to a point In the north
Une of ssld blk 1. Terwililger Horn- .
stead. ald point being equl-dlatant "
between the easterly line of Kelly
street and th northwesterly line of
Macadam road, Terwililger Land Com
pany ,,t ....'.,. ,'.... 178.14
Notlc I herebr given thst th eojiaell ef
the city of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held on th 7th day of October, ions, declared
the assessment by ordinance No. 13.587, for th
Improvement of Kearney - street, from th
west line of Tenth atreet to tbe eaat curb lln
of Fourteenth atreet. In th manner provided
hr ordinance No. 13.238. nnon each lot. part of
lot and parcel nf Isnd. which are specially and
peculiarly benefited, to be follows, via.:
Couch's Addition to th City of Port.
land " -' '" ' - .
Blk 148, lot 1. H. R. Kleeald. .........$ 135.81
Plk 145, hit 4. H. R. Klncald.. ........ IT. 18
Blk 145, lot 3, H. R. Klncald TT.1t
Blk 145. lot 2. II. R. Klncald.... W.1M
Blk 144, lot 1. C. E. Cook.
nikll44. lot 4. William Reldt
Blk 144. lot 8. Ouat Holme and a A.
Blk 144, lot 2, Goat Holmea and a A.
Blk 143, lot 1. William C. Noon
nix iii, lot . William ). nom v
, 1853
Hlk 14.1. lot 8. William FYasler....
Rllr 143 lot 2 William Prasler 20T.S5
Blk 142, lot 1. Louis McMorri . 140.15
Blk 142, lot 4. Louts McMorrls. ......... 48.64
Blk 142. lot 8. Louis McMorris 16.00
Blk 142. lot 2. Louis McMorri 112 04
Blk 184. lot S, Mary Conrhlln. ......... 220 08
Blk 134. lot S. Lonla B. Tarpler ........ 18.4
Blk 134, lot 6, Oeorg Hartnes. ....... 16.21
Blk 14, "lot T. Cbarlee O. SlgMn 828.01
Blk 135, lot 8, Abbott a. Church Com-.
panr ., 125.0
Blk 183. lot 5, Abbott A Church Com- - t
psnv . 18.08
Blk 135. lot 8. Van B. D Lhmutt.,.. 48.82
Blk 135. lot T, Vn B. Da Lsshmntt.... 284,58
Blk 136. lot 8, Amos N. King Eetat. :
heirs of 260.20
Blk 138. lot 5, Amoe N. King EsUte. -
heirs of 7 44, T!
Blk 136x lot 8. Amos N. King Estate. . .'
heirs of 4.tJ
Blk 136, lot T, Amoe N. King Estate, -
heire of 28-83
Blk 1ST. lot S. M. Seller ft Co 284.40
Blk 1ST. lot 6, M. Seller A Co 82.45
Blk 137, lot 6. Charle L. Haneon...... 20.65
Blk 137, lot T, L. P. B. LcOompt 125.14
Total $4. 196 02
A atatement of aforeaald assessment ha
been entered In the Docket of Cltr Wena.
and la now due and payable at tba offlc
cf the eitr treasurer. In lawful money of tbe
Vr.lted State and If Hot paid within thirty
ders from the dat of this notice aneh pro- .
eeedlnga will be taken for the collection of
tbe ssme aa are provided by tb charter of
tie dty of Portland.
The above assessment will bear Interest ten
dsys after th first publication of this notice,
TH08. 0. DEVLIN.
Auditor of tb Cltv ot Portland, v,
Portland. Oregon, October 12. 1008.
Notlc la herebv riven that at tha meet
lng of the conndl ot the dty of Portland, Ore- ,.'
gon. held on the 7th dy of October, 1003. thf
following reaolntlonx was adopted:
Reaolved. That nctte be given that tho
council of th dty of Portland, Oregon, pro
pose to change and estsniisn tns grsa oc
Kllllngsworth avenue aa follow: : , 1
At the eenter line of Williams avenu from '
199.80 feet to 200.80 feet;
At the center line of Moor street from 200.80
feet to 201.30 feet above the base of dtr grade. -Resolved.
. That tb auditor . b and ba la
hereby directed to give notlc of th pro
ptsed change, ot grade of aald strset aa provided .
by the chtrter.
Remonstrance sgslnst the sbove Chang of
grade mav he filed In writing with th under.
alined within So days from tb dat of tha
flrat puDiicattoa or tnis notice.
1 MU3. Kf. I'RIlil-i. "'
Auditor of th City of Portland. .
October 12. 1003. : J
Astoria & Columbia .
River Railroad Co.
Total .. It. 451.30
A atatement ef aforeaald aaaeasment haa
been entered In the Docket of City Lien.
nd 1 niw due and nsvsblo at th offic
ot tn etty treasurer, in lawrui monej or -ins
retted State and Jf not paid within .thirty
dry 'front, The' date 61 thla notice, sack pro
eecitinga will a taken for the collection, ef
th saw are provided by the charter ef
tbe dty of Portland. - .
The above , assessment win near intereat
ten daya after tb first nubUcatioa of this
rottce. . et-, . - . -
: Auditor of tne Cltr of Portland;
Portland, Oregon, October li- 1003.
2 " . "
y."V-f..': . r . . :
SM a. sa.
Vivio . sv
Fur - Mrygera, Rainier,
riatsksul. Wssto-irt.
Clifton. Astovl, Wsr-t
rsBtoa. t isvsL, Ba
mood. Fort Stsven.
Oearbart Part. Seaside,
Astorl and Sessnaee
txprssa. Dally.
A tor la Bxpraaa,
Dally. , - J '
Dally. .
11:10. sa,'
40 a. av
". '. ; " . C. MT0, -0.
T. and TV A.b Astotla. Of.
C A. STEWART, t'O-mecclsl Agcst, 2s8 Aids
St. 'Pboa alsia 6v i . .