The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 16, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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    - : . '.. . . . . i , . . ,' ,a .
' Tonight ,-,and i Thursday,, s fair; i
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O'clock li
Edition &k
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, New York, Sept panoramic .view. of. .the American quarters at Beirut. First on the left is the Sacred Moslem quarters. Next is the American Consulate. The large building
In the center Is the American College and next 4s the college dormitory, then comes the faculty residences, and on the right the college,chapeI.
Great Britain Recognizes
Stand Taken by Bulgaria
and Will Intercede.
Centuries Have1 Not , Dissipated tbe
Hatred of tbe Chrlstaiir for the
' " lofidel An Army of
; Crusaders. !
(Journal Bpeolal Service.)
JjTrpool, Bept !. The Pot this
afternoon publiahea tha Utement that
the British (rovernment is at la it aroused
bjr the stand Bunrarla has taken' and
that at anjr moment orders may ha pro-
muig-atea which will ctompel the sultan
to desist from a campaign of cruelty
in juaceaoma, u la ruruier asserted
that England will not watt lofirer.' 8h
will pay- no Jieed to any power that may
counsel a waiting, policy. Pouring Into
the , foreign -secretarrs offtcs : are rl
numerable ,;dispatche 4 from .English
Christian Emissions in, v the ..turbulent
provinces asking that illVes ;o the t tol
lowers of the cross may '.be protected.
Knights . Templar ActlTa. i A
New York, Sept."' 16. Today there are
even active preparations -being made by
Knights Templar to enter tbe Balkan
peninsular and give war with their
ancient enemy, the Turk. It Is secretly
given out that a crusade will be made
against JnOdels. with , the battle ground
In the Balkan Instead of Palestine, where
centuries ago bloody conflicts waged be
. tween the seekers of the 'Holy Orafl and
tne Monammeaan, "n -ifK i .... . - . jf i.
Atf Immense 4.rmy i
Front Boston. Philadelphia, Buffalo;
i comes the report that the commandery
will assist in fighting the enemies of
Christ, in the latter cltyr last night, the
' .plan was openly discussed before the 8t
Bernard ;o6mmandery; where it was
proved that 600,000 knights were ready
to stand by the' cause, i Of this1 -vast
. number.; 300.000, belong to . the United
States. "That an International movement
"will be . the result is assured. The
' knights In ; this countrV are pledged, to
go to any expense to punish the Saracen
for his cruelty and - torture,, toward
. Christians, and with . this purpose in
view It is said a well-drilled army will
: be put ; Into the Balkan peninsula, - re
. gardless of : the nationality ' of Its
soldiers' " , - - .
, " Servians' Engaging.
Vienna, Sept. 16. A dispatch received
here today- states' ' that an insurgent
. (Continued on Page Two.)
Siztutx, v air mj statxi
oattoht nf a mrw sobi or &
covrzssxs act wx rxvAur
abstttMl KxiOld and Decrepit Cfctaa-
: mtm to tii TeittgOnea "w War to
' Be Deported M n TJowary Ztngdom j
XavUr Wasted to Oo Back o ObtU
andDldat Hlad TTWol War Tht
i . -
Attorneys Say the Law
Assessing State Taxes
Is Unconstitutional;
niTTcn nix liunivi iv
(Journal Special Service.)
San Francisco, Sept 16. Deputy
United States Marshal Gamble has con
fessed that he substituted six old and
decrepit Chinese for six young ones who
were to be deported. The Chinese
prisoners were sohooled by white men
In the county Jail while waiting depor
tation.. Gamble permitted the young
Chinese to escape him ' while marching
them to the appraisers, building, and
there he received the six old ones who
wanted to go back to China. The sub
stitution was) discovered by a govern
ment official on the steamship. Gamble
iays he was to receive $120 apiece for
the job. The admits that there have been
aMiai- Mula' Af ttm same klnrt. Whn
o.k.d if he realised the desoerate " ' senous aouoi inai naa anuen
chances he was taking he said It was to the possibility of making a valid levy
so easy that he never dreamed of beng J of taxes for 190S under the present
If the Objection Is Well Founded Coun
ties Cannot Be Compelled
to Collect or Pay Over
State Taxes.
caught, t. ,
statutes has directed attention to an
other alleged defect in the tax laws of
the state, regarded by some attorneys as
even more momentous. It is -said, that
the method prescribed for the apportion
ment of the state tax among the several
counties Is unconstitutional, 'because at
variance with that fundamental principle
of this government, which insures equal
bvater Bavi SeotlH. President Rose- I and - uniform taxation to alL-
,ren this afternon auyiorlaed the follow- tne oDjection is souna-its conse
Ing .statement ,on his position In. respect (juences may be far reaching. . If. the
to, the mayorallty J campaign . in wewimemoa ot apportionment is invwia no
Vork." ' - j " s ' ' i " if I county 'can be compelled to collect state
."I have not interfered . and .will not taxes or -to pay tnem over to tne state
intflrferefm anv wav. shaDe or manner.! if .'Collected. The loss of the revenue
for or agalnW," the nomination of any
candidate for mayor, as 'an individual
am .Keenly -lnteresteai in: me success
! from taxes would paralyze all the ma
chinery of state government and all tbe
state Institutions. Numerous appropria-
of anyi movement for good government tjons made by the legislature would be
in New York r an 'other city in this 4 Imperilled, among them the appropriation
br6ad land),., but-do "otregard It my f half a mlUlon dollars for the Lewis
duty as president to use any influence and Clark Fair. , ' -
in municipal elections.". . , I brt' ' those who jegard
The president, iafter 'visiting Ellis the law as defective that the only cure
Island. wftl.'taxeJL mldpight train for files in? remedial t-iegisiMton,!. this.
AntleUm.? the torm this afternoon tney , aeciara, must do enacieo ai onc
seemsto be centereaover,, me new iiinsi"",",ojy. s'y,jT".'j r.
land coast, as all wires in that direction tions. " ' r "
have falledt 4lt 3:30 o'clock Indications W is pointed, out that it is In the powei
are of Increasing severity.
of any taxpayer" to dlspnts thevaiadlty
of state taxes assessed tinder .the present
law, and any county may refuse to bear
Its share of the state burdens. While
(Journal Special Service.).'
Helena, Mont., t Sept. ,16. A special
from Divide Ment, todays says: A
London : press ? dlspatch: announcer tha
arrtval atvElaraey? Castle, Ireland! of
C. R. Warwick who hasgena lo, his na-
. tlve land witn a consignmenv or ranw
to test the edict of good Sf Patrick. "
... "This Individual, says th.livlda dJS
collecting snakes and then admitted hia
Or granted MaNlS-
SSI X- t -rlous to be remedied by Judicial
age.t Tley were sentenced In June for 1 bnfull, in
year ana were racwu w i mnmt,.tmA h. rr nA Har.k ,
telegraphic Instructions. The pardon I. . .
was granted on the request of the Judjre r, reUUon to .Ute Sxes is'
Who sentenced them, v f- : lelaarlv Invalid. J. M. Long, former
TWO WTfiTiTfO ZBT A FOLITIOAX BIOT. ourh ,tudy and he stated the 'results
I nt ktl. InvMtlntlnni M Tnllows;
New Tork. Sept. ' 16. An East siae ..Tha defect in the law He In the fact
riot occurred this morning between the jthat the. method of assessing the state
Monk Eastman gang and the Paul' Kelly Uax among' the several counties is not
association, rival political factions. ?; A I equitable and uniform. It is clearly
hundred shots were fired before the po- aeen upon ar, examination of the statutes
lice gained control, two rioters were anj the provisions or the constitution.
killed and four were wounded. ' I ""The law of 1901 (Sea J087, Bellinger
A Cotton's statutes) provides that the
annual tax hereafter to be levied in
this state shall: be 6 mills on the dollar
of all taxable property.' In Sec. S088
It- Is provided that , by the I6th day
of January: of each year the county
clerk of the several counties in the state
shall prepare upon a blank' form pre
scribed and furnished by the secretary
i in HijaLfa rm. cdulibc La u uinicu svaicuiciu
purpose, H UPP" of all the expenses of his-county for
craiy or a ioker and no attention wai 4i fcM(fclJ,. ..naasas
paid to him. Hr explained that he had dJ and hlKhwmya, which statement j
taught most of the reptiles' in Northern I j., certified to by him as suchl
oanof wner jiinio-:cvu.. " clerk and forwarded to the secretary of
as near those In Ireland as. snakes Could etatll an4 a duplicate thereof placed on
m luuna in. , u xnav cuuw "f" I file lnhlS own Office,
about the man at tne time was tnat.nt ..sectioa 8091 sets forth the method
was regarded as a fanatic who put'in nnortinhln the state tax amona the
his Jlrna catching, snaaes,Hs . fed his ..y.rcounUesv-as-followSi-. In -order
pets on live mice ana naa some p m.i . , i ... -n-.,. , . .
number when hera" i : :.' .K' .(Cpntlnueo on Page Two.).
United tates , to Pay 130,000,000 sad
WU1 'Seotur m Xieasf fox 100 Tears, at
; Bfplrattoa. Senewal uy Be Bad at
Inorease of sS Be Cant--Oolombla to
Bsssrys SoverelgBty of Jf erritoTy aad
Washington.' Sept 16. Minister Beu
pri of Colombia cabled the state de
partment from Bogota this afternoon
that the report of the canal committee
passed the senate unanimously . on Its
first reading. Senator Soto gave notice
of an amendment restricting the United
States executive absolutely to the term a
of tha proposed law, ,
The main feature of the bill reported
by the committee provides a payment to
Colombia by America Of 120,000,000 and
a yearly rental of 1150,000, with a lease
for 100 years, renewable at an increase
of 15 per cent for each succeeding 100
years. Also payment to Colombia
of f 10,000,000 by the Panama
Canal Company. It insists on the neu
trality of th canal "aone1 and the jfecog-
nition of Colombian
the whole territory and the inhabitants
Methodist Conference Find
Five or Six Charges
That Are True.
spoxabb arrzs bxb pebkabxbt
Olergynuui Made Then One Today at the
Kome of Belatlvea la gaa rranoisee
A Bovelty la Oowtsalp The Bride
Was a Member of the Baker Stock
Company la This City Xit Sea
General Charge of Dishonesty Is Dis
missed and that of "High Impru
dence and I'nministerial Con
duct" Substituted.
rormer Seattle Man and Prominent
Actress Will Celebrate Wedding
' reetlTAl With Elaborate
(Journal Special. Service. J
Paclfio Grove, Cal., Sept, 16. The
Mpthodlst conference today found Dr.
Hammond, agent of the Methodist book
sovereignty over J concern of Ijtan Francisco, guilty of five
of the six counts with a penalty of one
year's suspension from the ministry.
The, general charge of dishonesty was
dismissed, holding instead the charge of
"high Imprudence - and unmlntatertal
conduct.; The speclflcatlons note the re
fusal to deliver the essential, books;: the
sale et the? printing-press, account pro
ceeds; the transfer of the trust fund be
longing to the. Episcopal residence; the
use. of. the university securities as a
private" loan,-and the repudiation of his
honest debts. A notice of appeal to. the
Judicial t council -was immediately made
by,'Dr., Chlnoweth, Kthe counsel for Dr.
Hammond, (.:,.
Renouncing the stage for the man she
loves, Miss Ruby Miguel, a Portland
girl well known here through her en
gagement with the Baker Stock. Com
pany last season, was married today in
San Francisco to Isaao Harris of Spo
kane. Theweddlng took place In the
residence of a relative of the bride at
the California metropolis. s, . ,
Both the bride and groom have a large
number of friends In Portland. ' Miss
Miguel appeared here last year In minor
parts In the Baker stock productions.
The courtship commenced in an unus
ual way and Mr. Harris, on one of his
trips here, saw Miss Miguel, In the part
of a housekeeper, and was so struck
by her Impersonation that he secured
an introduction through an immediate
friend in the same company, The
acquaintance ripened into love and 'at
length Miss MJaruer,coijsented, to a per-.
manent engagement
"I have given up the stage forever."
Miss Miguel Is reported to have said to
a personal friend. In answer to an in
quiry. "No more of the footlights for
me. After our' marriage we will prob-
abljrteslde in Spokane."
. ,i vw a iiiiiviiutiui HflUb
: A t ." ii
Atlantic City, New Jersey,
Cape May and New
York Struck.
Damage Will Be Immense Railway
Flooded and Train Ser
vice Will Stop No Out
side Communication. '
New York, Sept 16. There; is to be
Southern flavorcotton decorations,
Dixie wedding music and, thousands"-6f
miniature ' incandescent ' electric lights
both Inside and outside the church to a
marrlaae which takes olaee. tonlaht in
Christ Episcopal church, i Williamsburg.
The contracting parties are Miss Agnes
Rose Lane, well known in the theatrical
world, and , James O. : Rossraan, a the
atrical man of Atlanta, Ga., and formerly
of Seattle, wash. t; 3
To honor the bride's Southern birth
the church chimes will play ."Dixie as
the bridal party enters the church. The
Joined Initials of the bride and bride
groom win bo written in electric iignts i .
th. .n. tw .in k. wa sentenced to life Imprisonment at
th hrtdJ .&Bion .Anrn.,),.. San Ouentin by Judge JE1 Is worth today.
they will suddenly burst Into ' flame. He k,llel an a"ed colored woman and
Lines of tiny electric bulbs will seDarate buried the body in a cellar on May 4
the pews reserved, for relatives and spe- When asked if he had anything to say.
cial guests Instead of the usual white he replied: "I don't remember doing
cnicago, sept . ie. surprise , was
created, here last night by the declara
tion, of i the officers of the National
Metal Trades AsBoclatldn that- a reduc
tion- of 10 per cent in wages " of' ma
chinists would be attempted after Jan
uary 1, which date marks the end of
the Wage r contract , between the Inter
national Association ' of Machinists, and
the employers. ;
Fully. 100.000 mechanics' will be af
fected by the' cut if such' is; carried out,
but -President James OConnell of the
international association days that the
workmen will not submit to a reduction
of wages no matter how slight
Tha employers say tnat a curtailing
of) expenses is absolutely necessary ow-Ins-
to severe comDetltlon and dlminu-
(Journal Special Service.) tlon of business. Labor leaders say here
Oakland, . Sept 16.- Victor ,.Walklres today that since 1896 no attempt to cut
wages has been made in any branch of.
trade and that the signs of the times
are not good when this matter is brought
before the country.
Begro Murderer Denies) Quilt and Court
Says i "X Bont Believe a Word of
What Ton Sajr. Bnt We Won't
Slsouss tha Xatter.; --
satin ribbons, and there -will be 20 pews
reserved for members of the Profes
sional Woman's league; which will at
tend in a body. '
The bride to be is a member of the
league and a well-known . actress, hav
ing played with Joseph. Hawthorne, Otis
Harlan and other noted actors through
out the country. Several years ago she
was converted to Mormcinlsrn and be
came president of the . Woman's Relief
association,-which, though' ostensibly a
mission, is said tor be s,' proselyting
bureau or tne Mormon cmiren. Last year
Miss Lane appeared In a -Mormon -play
which' bad a special production under
the auspices of the- Mormon church in
tne om Bait iaae tneatre, in Halt Lake
City. . , . ;'
what, they say I did. .and don"t believe
I did it". The judge replied: "All I have
to say is that I do not believe a word
of what you say. but I do not'cdre to
discuss the matter, "l"Xhe sheriff took
th murderer to prison.
Ovster Bay. N. Y.. Sfeot ie.Prealdent
Rooseveltw- accompanied by his 'secre
tary and several secret service officers;
leaves his home today to attend the un
veiling of the New Jersey state monu
ment at Antletam. The ceremony is ' to
take place tomorrow and the president
is to be the principal speaker. This is
to be the. 'last trip of Mr. ' Roosevelt
until he leaves Sagamore hill on his re-"
turn to-Washington, which,
pected.-wtttUe-mbout a week
(Journal Special Service.)
. New York, Sept 16. A furious hurrt
cane atruclr the etty- at 11 o'clock thisi
morning". "" Many houses in the aubnrbsj
were greatly damaged and much minor)
destruction of treejB, signs and win
dows are reported. Wire communlca
tlon with the outside world Is almost ton
tirely suspended. All business Is at si
standstill, as It is the worst storm th
city has seen In years. Intense dark-
ness prevails and all street lights ar
oni.TheL Tgovernment-yacbt Sylphs wllhv
the : Roosevelt party aboard, which w
expected to arrive at Ellis island at
noon, was unreported at 1 o'clock and,
it is believed It'" has sought some haven
in, the sound (Where it will remain until
the hurricane- abates, . A heavy sea -caused
'all crafts to flee to shelter. Tbe
wind Is blowing 60 miles an hour and
all fear for the '.south Jersey coast,
where the ' weathef bureau says tha
storm is at Its worst.. All communtca
tlon by wire and .rait has been out off
there since the storm started. 1 ;
... . Atlantlo City Wrecked. . r
Camden, N. J., Sept 16. A; train
reaching here this morning ' brings in
formation of the hurricane which struck
Atlantlo City early this morning and, ?
which did $1,000,000 damage. The plera
on the beach from the ruined pavilions
were; washed 'away and tbe debris t.
plied high f against .the - beach-frona
hotels,' many of Uhe hotels being un
roofed, as were also many houses in tha .
City. ; The railway ' tracks are flooded
threatening the suspension of the rail
way traffic. A heavy rain continues and
all wires are down. " ;
. It is ex1
. hence.
Sever es Storm Known.
Philadelphia. Sept 16. It was the seV
verest storm in a decade. The fury et
4 the-storm oft Cape May and Atlantic)
City was th highest at 8:80 o'clock tUi
morning-and r Is unprecedented in tha
history of the beach resorts. The train
advices say that 60 buildings were de-
mollshed. . Blinded by the rali4 Prof.
Btratton, principal of the Pitman Grpva
schosf 'fend Joha Glendennlng, a capN,,
talit of , Rldgewood. N. J., drove int
an express train entering Pitman Prove)
(Continued on. Page Two.)
Chicago, Sept 16. Sir Thomas Lip-
ton's physicians lsued a bulletin this
afternoon stating that their distin
guished patient was suffering . from
colitis and catarrhal appendicitis. - His
condition is satisfactory. Doctor Senn,
pne of America's most noted surgeons.
haa been caned in consultation, and
this has caused ' deepspread appregeq-
ion. Today's bulletin was the first in
timation given outjthat . Sir Thomas
was suffering from appendicitis,'
Five prominent physicians held aeon-
La Grange, I ml.-, Sept. 16. The Ellison suits tlon over Llpton this afternoon and
bank, an old institution, closed Its doors j afterward announcedJthat- the' auestlon
tnis morning vun iiaouities oi ij,uuu. I or an -operation, was unaeciuea.. inty
The loss falls mostly on .small depositors, J admit the seriousness or ms condition. ;
Mrs. -Edward Rosenthal,' in charge o
her busband'a cigar store at, the north
west eornep :of First and Bumside
streets, says she was robbed by a high
wayman: last Friday afternoon. .
Mrs. Rosenthal says an employe tt a
street railway company whom she knew
purse containing 131 and the r.!nr
walked out - ; ' y -
.Mrs. Rosenthal says hn notlfisd.tfca-j,
police a short time afor ths h'li.lup sill!
declares that. an hour la(-r tie mn'i
.ahe acouses was arri'l'"l umi taken t.-
th police surtion wtre he drtnit. 1 .
entered the store on that day about S:J0 fa short jrirna and Jtti n x :h2iaJ
p. m. and commanded her to give up her i The police -say.'no each wiin
money. Sho promptly hande'd over, her j retted, , 1 '
-, -