THE OltEGON DAILY ; JO UENAI14 POTITLAND. FRIDAY 35VEKIKG, SEPTEMBER-"4r" 1903, , 0 TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD TOO HIGH WHEAT PRICES SAY MILLS wsisdriss bavbtxt vonosABUt a m X.00AX. obaxv iuioti tosat Airo Mmn qvovatxoss ' WZX1X1 BESTIT WXTM STB COKTOf- UAYVCB. " . Jotato Market la Baa rraaolsoo Shews a Advance of 0 Oaati ' XuadiwA To- M4rv. 18! store, 10ffll8e. I ' ErtON ifynh Druftii 92k. i C11KIC8B Kail cream, tirra, Md -Yeeg POULTRY Chlcan. mlwi 11(31 e W lot hens, 12S418e per lb: roasters, 89e per lb; unuirra, jmioo per id; 117m, mhi per K A..l,m fill . II. . mm lk turgeys, Hvs, uomloal; dressed, nominal. 'iV:'vL fruits' sal VsgetaMss. . POTATOES New. T5ffI80c! buyers' wlees, for shipping, 0Q)T0 per ewt; ordinary, 664 ONIONS California atl-eniklna, $1.25 Ore- son, T0tBOc; buying price. TO per ewtj Waua nana, m; runic, n(iuc. FRESH FRUITH Apple, fancy ' Ore iron. IJ. WW 1.00; sew Callforrla. SI. 60 per box; oransea. lata Valencia., 14.00 Dar- box: Modi terraneaa sweets, (3.00: bananas, 6 lb; Hono- Inla, $3.00 per-.bunch; blackberries, 4c per lb; lemons, choice, $3.00; fancy. $4.00a4.50: llmea, Mexican. We per 100: Deache. 75t86e nliMannle. s.1.60: . ereea. II. 60: white 1.00i1.20; pluma, eOiaSOc; muekmeloiia. $1.60 per dos; Oregon nutmeg, $1.261.60 per crate; watermelons, California, 6(att0e per ewt Th Italloa TXS,.1. Dmu. -Ian-1 SI OO nor day Shipping Demand fof Onion Xa ewt: pears.' 75ctt$1.00 per box; (rape. $l.o6 ,, . , , I l.i unseats. $1.40; crabapple. ooe per box Terr Small aad Prospects tot tie Tall Are Wot Tery Alluring Oregon Onions Are Small This Tsar. - Weakness la WkMk The wheat market is weaker today and mills are not so anxious to bur as they were at the opening of the Season. Front Street, fieri t. 4. There was con siderable weakness In the local wheat market today, neither the millers nor 'the exporters making any special effort to buy at prevailing prices. The weak ness has effected all of the Northwest ern grades and if It should continue for a few mors days, eventually prices will gSJ lower. ( "The present quotations on wheat are already too high for the millers to make any profit on their manufactured prod uct," said a large millman. today to The Journal. "It la so high that at present we do not really care to make any pur chases at prevealllng quotations. The price for some time has been much too high for exporters to ' dabble ' In and there can only be one result from this and that is lower prices. Our enarket here has been quite steady while the markets of other large grain centers has gone up and down several times; generally down. Prices In this, country are all too high for the Americans to get their share of the foreign trade un til such a tune a when the foreigners have sold out or our prices are lowered. This, at least for the former event, IS a long ways off." Eastern Sutter Has Arrived. A email shipment of Eastern cream ery buter has arrived in the local mar ket but as yet has not dlsturBnd the strength in the local article. The East ern stock is of excellent quality and easily compares with the home article. Quotations oh both products are the same. Local butter is growing more scarce each day and today very few of even the larger dealers had any supplies on hand. Oold Storage Eggs. The smallness of easr arrivals In the IaabI AAtMml.alAM V. m . b A a linn .mamba. I per lb; hickory nuta, l:"' . . ' V.,' " . " fcaetern. 15lse per lb; Braall nuta. 16c per v. me riuui Biicci icn.-iminu 1ft, r fl iperte. 1616c per lb: faner pecanr, HO nectarine, stir: hnrklebeniea. lOflllfl, VEGETABLES TaxniDa. $1.00 eack: rarrota 11.25; beets, $1.2 per sack) radlabea, 12 Hi lfie per dos; cabbage, Oregon, la per lb; Wt tact, bead. 15e par in; green peppers, 80c per id; noraeraaiSB, ee id; ceier, in rer, B0c(ft$.10O, local, B080c per Aot: beans, a-raen. UV bmt lb: rhubarb. Se Ber lb: toinatoes, tbo per box; pa ramp, peaa, Hf(tr; enenmbers, 607Sc per box; corn. i He per aos; eggplant, uc per id; natter Desna, 10c Der lb. ' DRIED FRUITS Apples, rtporated. 6Tc per lb; sprlcot. THttlOc per lb; peaches, eigec per id; pears, v per In; prunes, itauan, a-irj 6He per lb; Freoob. SMQ4He per lb; nga. California blacks. i3fllAe ner lb: do. wblte, T44Hc per lb: nluma. oltted. b4tc; ralalna, seeded, fancr l ib cartons. B0 nackasee to case. S'4c Dkt: seeded. 2-om carton. 7HCI tone Mueratelles. 601b boxes, HTHe pes lbK umoon lajera, fi.TPQ2.uo. Oroosriss, Vnts, Ete, BnOAR "Sack baala:" Cube. $8.00; pow tiered. $8.85: dry sranulated. $5.TB: extra C. $5 23;; Oolden C. I.MB; barrels. 10c; H bar rels. 3Sc: boses. 60s adranee on ssck baala, lees 25c per ewt for rssh, 16 days; maple, 14 loc per id. HONET 15. COFFEE Orsea Mncba, 11 t 23c I 7sts, fane Sfj.tZc; Jars. .good. 20f326c: Jara. ordinary 1NS20C, Coets Rica, tancr. 102Oc; Costa Rica, good, 16018c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10y lite her lb; package coffee, $11. IS. TEAS Oolong, different grades, IBiaeBc; gunpowder, 2H9Mril3fi; Engltah breakfaat. dif ferent grades, 12Hi&6Sct spider leg, uncolored T.n.H UktilAJU. T - ariAft SALT -Bales, Ss. Ss, 4a, 8a. 10s, $210: line tsDie, oairjr, 50s, SNc; 100s, 74c; imported ijt crpool. 60s. 48c; 100a, 88c; 224s, $1.86. SALT Coarse, half ground, 100a, per ton, $14.00; 60s, per' ton, $14.60; Mrerpool lump, rock. $28.00 per ton; 60-lb rock, $14.00; lOue, $18.50. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $5.T5 00 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 8Wc; New Orleans .head, 8c, . COAL 0II OaaeSf 22e Ber cat tsnkst water white. Iron bbla, 16Ue, wooden 18c, headlight,. caaes, 34c. Iron bbla ITHc; gasoline. In caaea, 4tc, genuine kettle in eaaea. 63c. LIN8EED OIL Pure raw, In bbl. 44c; genu ine kettle, boiled, caaes 61c, bbl 46c; pure rsw, bbla, 22c, esses 28 He. BENZINE 63 deg. esses, 22c; Iron bbl. 15Hc. GASOLINE 88 deg.-eases, 28H; Iron bbla, 22c TURPENTINE In cases, Toe. wood bbl 74V4e, Iron bbls 72e. 10-lb cane lots He. BEANS Small White. 4r4e; large white. fS.85g)4.00; pink, $3.7698.60; bayou, $4.76; Lima. $5.00. NUTS Peanut, 6fJ7e per lb for raw. 910c for roaeted: cocoannta, 85B0e per do; wal nuts, 14HT15e per lb; pine nuta, ' 10Q12WC lb; hickory nuta, 16c per lb; cneatnut, take a small amount of their stock out of the cold storage Institutions. Some of them have made efforts to get In stocks of Eastern but ruling prices there are about as high as here. Prices are . firm at 23 cents a docen. The market will advance providing receipts grow .no larger within the. next few days. De mand is active. The same old story way lj said of the poultry situation receipts very light and demand especial ly for oJd hens very active. Prices are unchanged. ... Onion Prospects Are Bad. The prospects for Oregon onions this fall are now showing up very bright at the present moment. California had a large crop of onions this year and the demand for shipping purposes thus far has been anything but encouraging. The stock from that state is not as good as In former years but It Is expected that a majority of the fall onion trade of the 'middle states will be done by that state on account of the ability of its growers to sell at lower prices than the Oregon farmer. The demand for Oregon onions la very small as yet and until the clos ing out of the Walla Wallas at their lower figure there Is not much to ba said of local supplies. Oregoa Onions Small Bixsd. this year's Oregon onions seem to be mainly of very small sixes but the qual ity of the stock taken altogether is much superior to any on' the coast. Blight has struck the crop In some sec tions of the Valley and. this may pre vent a larger demand for shipping. , California Potatoes Are Higher. . 1 Alf grades Of potatoes are 6 cents a hundred higher tn the San Francisco market according to a telegram received by Wolf A Bon from the head house in that city today. River burbanks of the better grades are quoted at 86 cents but a large part of the stock Is going at 70 cents a hundred. Salinas, the better grade, easily bring $1.60 and, 1.76 per hundred. Oregon stock is slightly weaker with the larger receipts and no shipping demand. Prices are the same. In the Produce Marks! . , Watermelons and cantaloupes are slow sellers. Peaches from he Dalles are arriving In large supply while some stock was received from Ashland today. Grapes continue to slump In the market with the too heavy receipts from Cali fornia. A small shipment of tomatoes from The Dalles was eagerly picked up on the street this morning at top quota tions. New California green figs arrived! today and are quoted at $1.60 per 20 pound box. A car of sweet potatoes Is due from Sacramento tonight. . tight Meat Receipts. The receipts of fresh meats today were very small and the demand for all storks is ruling strong. l&e per tb; almond, 14 16c per Keats sal Preriaions. FRESH MEATS Inspected: Beef, prim. 64 c; eowa, 6S4c; mutton, dreaaed, 66c; lamba, dressed, 8c. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef, prime, flOHc; bulls, 84c! cows, Ba6V,o; pork. 74Tc; veal, THtfS4c; mutton, dreseed, 6c: lambs, dressed, 6Hc. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) bama, 10 to 14 lbs, lftc- 14 to 16 lbs, 15V: brbakfaat bacon, 15Vi20c; picnic, loc; aalted aides, 10c per lb; smoked aides, llie; dry salted back. 10Hc; bacon backs, 11 Vie; butt, aalted, 8c; amoked. lOe per lb. EASTERN PACKED HAMS Under 14 lba. 16c; orer 14 lbs. 16e; fancy, 16CftlHc; pic nics, lie; shoulder. lOMc; dry salted (Ides, unsmoked. lie; breakfast bacon, 184118c; fancy, 20c. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, HUc; 6. !lc; bO-lh tins. 11 M: a team rendered, 10, HUc: 6s. llfce: 60s. 1014c. EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. Id-lb tlna, 1114c; 6s. lle; 60-lb tins,' 1 me; steam rend ered, los, Je; oa, ioc; 60s, 10 wc. Abors packing-bouse price are net cash, 15 dsn. SALMON Columbls river. I-lb tall. $1.70 21b tall. $2.40; fancy Mb Out, $1.85; H lb rancy nata,; fancy l-ID oral, fii.oo; Alaaka Ulla. pink. 80c: red. $1.80: 2 lb tall.. $2.00, FISH Rock cod. 7c; flounder, 6c; halibut. dc: ling cod, Te; cruris, si.oo do: rasor clama, HfrtlOo per dos; striped bass, 12Vbc; salmon chlnook, Te; humpback. 6c, aflrers, Tc; noltie 81 ehrtmps, Puget sound, lfie; catflih, 6c; sllrer smeit, oc per id. WHFAT IQ ACAIPJ . PATTEN ADDED BIG HL"' .. ! . . LINE TO HOLDINGS r A MUEtAoItKL... LARGE KORTHWEST RUN IS EXPECTED CXXOA0O XS BTXU sTtnrPBBOT TBOM BPECDXATZTB VXTLVnU wnu xjnrxxpooxi m mtsadt AVD TXBXB ZS A BZTBSs BX POT 9VSXXXB9 TOSAT. Z.Mt 100,000 Btusasla of Osts Wsr Purohased by Him Testerday Soldlags AggTesrais XU lloas of Bosh sis. UQWXM OP BBPTEKBB Wl SBJBD nr .WZTX BBTTITB) PXOB PBOTB POB) XAJTSAB CXTT STOCK. tabpb naruxmsu katb bbzv TEXT UaiT LiTJLT, XUllng Demand Beems TJrgent la Erery Place Except the Windy City sad Prloss Ars melatlvely Bsttsr-Oora Closed Plrm ad Btssvdy The prlaol- pal Vsws of the Say was the Xeport of Quits Hard Prosrts In the Horth west Oats Xetala Their Steadiness. (8peelal Permlwlon of Boltpn, de Ruyter ft Co.) Chicago, Sept 4. Logan & Bryan ad vise: The wheat market Is again a -shade easier. It Is still suffering from specu lative dullness. Liverpool Is steady avll there was a little better export business reported today. Milling demand seems still urgent every place except here and all markets wheat is selling at relative ly better prices than la Chloago. The Northwestern Miller estimates the prob ability of some damage to the condition of wheat in the Northwest by recent rains. On the other hand, Minneapolis advices Indicate rather freer reodlpts. The trade was disposed to even up over the three days Intermission. We see no change in the general conditions. We don't look for any material decline and should the demand Improve the prices should do better. However, It la rather a tiresome market to holders. Corn plrm and Steady. The corn market closed firm and steady. The feature of the day In ne-rys (Special Permission of Bolton, ds Rnytsr A Co.) Chicago, Sept. 4. Tho Record-Herald today says: Patten added at least 100,- 000 bushels to his oat holdings yester day. His line is now certainly of re spectable proportions, some millions of bushels. The settling boys say the oats ran very largely to the Patten house. The bull leader has a very enthusiastic following, made up largely of outsldo commission traders. The Western man is lending the best possible help by not selling his cash oats. Receipts here are very small. The story from the West in regard, to the yield Is all of one sort: small In bushels and light In weight. There Is the expectation that the- gov- Promlaeat Utah Shipper Bays There Ars Plenty of Western's Coming from the Utah Conn try aad Weertsrn Oregoa to the Eastern Yards Before the Beasoa Zs Ortr Storms Bill Many Sheep la Idaho Last Winter. (By Oeorg B. Longan.) Kansas City, Mo., Sept 4. The month of September Is ' ushered In with big prospects of- a good ran from the 'far Northwest in both sheep and cattle. The range shipments have been light so far and the commission men of the various markets of the Central West Chicago, Omaha, St Louis, St Joseph and Kansas City are confident that the ernment report next Thursday will drop shipments this month should more than the oats condition considerably. The mane up ror tna llgnt receipts so rar. August per centage was 79.6 and there are those who expect that the announce- meet next Thursday of the condition of oats to harvest will be under 75. The development of light weight has been a recent one. There Is a shortage from Tom Clotworthy, one of the- heaviest I operators in the Heber, Utah, district, was here last week with a train of sheep and lambs. "There will be plenty of Western's coming from the Utah country and e For: the Drawing Room the average in the oats weight of about Western Oregon before the season is five pounds, something that would not be reported in the official reports here tofore announced. There Is the antici pation that the September condition will represent this falling off In weight. September Beport Important Not much attention has been given by the wheat people ' to the approaching crop report, but the September an nouncement should be' an important one. It will give the average condition at the harvest of both the winter and spring wheat. It will be the final announce ment In regard to crop prior to the summary In December. The September report will also give the condition of was the reports of quite hard frosts n corn. In Augnst this was 78.7. the Northwest last night and the pos sibility of their extending further South tonight. Conditions were not severe enough, however, to broaden trade very: much. There is no change in the cash situation, or In local- conditions. Reports regarding crops are just as connoting es ever, but the time for repairing lost ground is rapidly getting shorter. Ths tone of the market Is strong. The weather is not Of the best for rlpenfng the crop and a change, for the better is much needed. Oata Closed Steady. The oats market closed steady. There n nothing in general conditions ana there was more or less evening up In view of the approaching holidays. The cash situation was still a firm one and Patten Is the chief speculative holder. The provlslo nmarket closed again Arm and higher. Receipts of hogs are a little more moderate and prices at the yards are better. The Improvement n cash demand Is not so good but Is something and speculative buying is of much more general character than for some time past. It Indicates a growing confidence In ruling prices. Plrst Soar la Com over," he said. "My present shipment is the first that has been made and there will be 160 cars to follow my trains this month out of Heber. - Idaho is sending many new shippers to this market that have been going to Chicago or Btopping off In Omaha." Charles Zimmer and Louis Bltton shipped 1,989 head of sheep to Kansas City from Rexbury, Idaho, the latter part of last week. They were on the road a week and had to unload Ave times which, was the ' principal - thing they had to complain of. They were well pleased with the way in which their sheep sold. Speaking about the sheep conditions In Idaho Mr. Bit too said: "The hard enow storm which swfept The corn man ' yesterday had his first over the state the 18th of last May VEW YORK STOCKS. DESCRIPTION. Range of Chicago Market. (Special PeTmiealon of Bolton, ds, Ruyter A Ce.V mit-ago. nepi. . ine maraeia loaay ranged as follows: Open. - WTieat Sept. ...- .8114 Dec 82 Coru Sept 62 Dee 62 i Oats Sept mvA Dec 37 Pork Sept 12.50 May '04. 13.29 Ird Sept 8.67 Jan '04.. T.12B Ribs Sept 8.02 Jan '04.. 6.80 High. $ -81U .82J .83 .62 " .96," -37 i 12.70 13.27 8.77 7.16 S.1R 6.86 Low. I .80 -62(4 .32 lose. S0i 82B .62 A .62VA .SH .36 .87 .87H 12.60 12.70A 13.20 13.25 R.6T 8.77 7.12 7.15 8.02 8.07 6.80 6.82B Chicago Eogs 7iv Cents Higher. Chicago. Sept. 4. Receipt of lWeatock In the principal pscklng center of the country toasy were: -JIog. Cattle. Sheep, Chicago 10.000 2.000 12.000 Kasaaa City 4.500 4.000 4.000 Omaha 3,000 1,300 6.000 Hogs Opened actlre, 5 cent higher, with 8,600 left over from yesterday. Receipts s year ago were 11,000. Ruling hog prices are: Mixed and butchers', $S.805.8B; good heavy, $.Y4(V(f 6.45; rough heavy, $4.0OB.3O; light, $5.60 6.16. Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. San Francisco Stocks. Baa Francisco, Bept. 4.-10:80 s. m.: Bid. Asked. Contrs Costa Water Spring Valley Water 83 California Street Railway .200 The free deal on Cubanola elaars iV"?!.rAwr' L" nonsa nugar KUauea Sugar Makawell Sugar 22 4 Onoracg Sngar ' 80 Pauuhan Sugar '..'... l 18 Alaska Packers' Association .,...149 California Fruit 00 whereby retailers were given 100 cigars free with every 1,000 purchased will ex pire on September 13. . Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: , 60 84 13i . 24 160 FOXTlAsTD WKOX.ZSAU PBICTS. Orain, Flour and Peed. WHEAT Export quotations, new Wlli Walls, 7c; bluesteni. 81c; Valley, Sic. .: BARLEY Feed, $20.00; rolled, $21.00(922.00 OATS No. 1 white, $U0j gray, 1 1.06 FL&tTR Eastern Oregon: Pstent. t3Mct 4.10; straights. $3.60; Valley, $3.T533.S0; gra. up in la. n.f; m,.,f.i:T-ftJ , ' MILL8TVFF8 Bran, $21.00 per torft mll dltnga. $26.00;;sbort, $21.00; chop. $18.00. HAY Timothy. $14.6016.00; clover, $10.00 Vti.w; wneat, sue-'A'tXie-tJU. . Hops, Wool sad Hides. HOPS 3021 e for 1902s, leos contract. 20 22c. - - WOOL Vslley, coarse .to-tnedlum, 1618e; floe, 17i$lTc: Eastern Oregon, 10(3 15c; Mo- balr.; njlnl,--8Sr8fer - SHEEPSKINS Shesrlng, 1410c; short wool, 22f28c; medium wool, 30c; long wool. We$1.44 each. . grease. 2(gIHc. . HIDES Dry hides. Nn. 1. 16 lbs nd up, 14e per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 15 lbs, lie: dry rslf. No. 1, ander S lbs. 15c: Art sslted, -bulls snd stags, 1-8 Jesa than dry Bint; salted bides, steer, sound, 60 pounds or ver, i(t; no to no ids, toc: wider 60 lbs snd cows. B0Tc; stags snd bulls, sound, 5c:. kip, sound, 15 to .30 -lb; 7c; snood, 10 to 14 Mml Te; elf, sound, under 10 lbs, 8c; green unlted. le ner lb less: culls, la ner in , less; bone hides, salted, each, $1.25(31.75: dry ech, ll.0OQ1.fi0; eojts' bides, each, 25ift60e; gost skins, common, each, 10(jJ15c; Angors, with wool on, .each, 25cg$l.oo. v . : Butter, TEggs and Poultry. .' - SUTTER Exfrs, 25c; creamery, New Yerk Cotton. ! (Speclsl Permission of Bnlton. de Ruyter aV Co.) ew. xork. wept. 4. me cotton market today Jan..,,, Feb...,. Mar Sept.... Oct.., Nov.... . lee.... 0.76 n.77 11.11 10. J 3 0.86 B.85 - High.' Low. CIoe. $ $ 6.62 $ ft.fl4ftf5 9.72 9.62 ' .3j(s4 9.77 .2 9.63 W4 11.19 10.91) 10.99400 10.15 9.95 9.96MB7 9.88 9.69 - 9.7278 9.80 9.67 87071 Chicago Car Lots. Amal. Conner Co Atchlaon, com.. do preferred Am. Car a Found., com. do prett-rred Am. Sugar, com... Am. Smelt., com.. do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. tanadlan 1'aclOc, com... Chi. a Alton, com do preferred Chi. i (it. Went., com.. Chi., Mil. ft St. P...... Chi. Terminal Ry Chesapeake a Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. Colo. Southern, com.... do 2d preferred ....... do 1st preferred D. A R. 0., com do preferred Eric, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central Loularllle A Nashville.. Metropolitan Traction (,'0. luannauan Elevated Mexican Central Ry.... Minn., St. P. A Ste. M.j do 4rf erred Mlasourl 1'acldc M., K. A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk a Western, com North American N. Y Ont. A Wet..., Penn'lvanla Ity. P. Q.. L. A C. Co Pressed Steel Car, com do preferred. Reading, coin . .Trrt. do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Rep. Iron ft Steel, com . do preferred Rock Island, com do preferred , Sou thern Ity. , com .... do preferred Southern Pacific , St. LiH. W., com do preferred , . -, Tela ft Pacific , Tenn. Coal ft Iron Union Pacific, com do Preferred,., C S. Lethcr, com...., do preferred IT. S. Rubber, com so preferred U. S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred.....' Wheel. A L. E., com.... do 2d preferred do lt preferred Western Union Tele..,. Wabaoh, com do preferred ...... .-tttt 47 04 91 US 43 82 8 44 124 142 44 14 22 53 48 7 92 official reference of the season to frost. The Washington prediction was for "possibly" light frosts, for North Da kota and Minnesota today. There were low temperatures In the North of Mani toba as low as 32 degrees at one point. There were no seriously low tempera tures in the corn belt. But the mere mention of a possible frost jumped the September price almost a cent and the rest of the list a fractional. It fur nished Intimation of scares in store for the corn speculator during the uncer tain weather of the next four weeks. The provision talent this season al most to a man Is bearish on corn. This is a peculiarity of the situation. In the contest over the corn price it. Is a trial between the grain men and the provision men largely. The explanation probably Is the feeding situation. The provision men so well understand the losses -which has been made this season In feeding high priced corn and so well understands the disinclination of feed ers to keep at it. Grain people who are bulls on corn Ignore the feeding situa tion and are influenced by their crop theories and by their views as to the probably advent of frost. 47 64 91- 116114 44 43 20 67U 133 106 V, 111 134 J3i4 65 93 42 48 87 92 82 82 llo 44 82 88 86 123 22 63 17 142 ton." 83 42 14 22 63 24 77 30 61 67 18138188 83 8 4D 124 143 40 14 22 53 30 67 82 85 44 123 142 29 67 STsw Tork Summary. New York, Sept 4. American stocks In London are idle, a shade above parity. Metropolitan earnings are a shade over 6 per cent on the guaranteed stock. Re funding of Southern Pacific bonds In 1904 brings dividend In sight. Forty- seven roads this week of August show about cleaned out the, sheep men, and it Is safe to say that the storm toox on about one-third of the stock. The. snow buried everything. It came, too, right at lambing time and was twice as de structive as it would have been at any other time. The reserves the govern ment is making is another drawback to both the sheep and cattle men of our country. They are cutting off the open range and playing hob generally with us. All kinds of stock this year are doing well. Grass Is abundant and the ranchmen will be making money." Cattle Beosipts Beoreass. There was a decrease of about 15,000 head in the cattle received last week at this market as compared with the cor responding week last year, but a gain of nearly "7,000 ovr the total In the preoedlng week. The supply aggregated a little less than 60,000, against 62,000 the week before, and 72,000 a year ago. Chicago had 65.000, a decrease of 4,400 as compared with the preceding week and a gain of 6,000 over a year ago. The five markets combined received about 114,000, against 196,000 the week before and 202,260 a year ago. The Increase in the movement to the local market was almost wholly rangers, too thin for dressed beef men, and the loss as compared with a year ago Is In stock grades. While the volume of trade In atockers and feeders wes greater than the week before, or for several weeks, It Is fully one-third less than a year ago at this time, and at prices 76 cents to $1.26 lower than a year ago. Few offerings of stockers or 4 You may want a Chair or Rocker for your Drawing Room. You may be looking for a hand some piece at a Medium Price. r . Our new stock of ; Mahoganized Birch Chairs and Rockers will please you. . Hand polished Saddle Seats in Solid Wood. The Very Latest Patterns. , The Highest Finish. The Handsomest Designs. ' The Most Reasonable Cost Mahoganized Birch Chairs with Solid Mahogany Backs. Some of these are inlaid with Holly,' Rosewood and Hungarian Ash. Others with bits of Mother-of-PearL Chairs and Rockers of Mahoganized Birch, from $6.50 to $16.00. Solid Mahogany Chairs and Rockers, Old Colonial style, $22.50 to $30.00. Others, solid Mahogany backs, $17.50. Your choice, either in Old Colonial dull finish, or hand polished. Beautifully inlaid Mahoganized Birch Rockers for $10.00 and upwards. TULL GIBBS SUCCESSORS TO H. C BRXEDKN CO. an average gross Increase of 10.60 per cent The Brown cotton pool claims It heavy feeders ftre good enough to sell got out at the top. miladelprila coal at St, while a year ago the tops ranged authorities estimate anthracite ship ments for the year may reach 60.000,000 tons. The banks lost to the sub-treas ury since Friday $2,609,000. Canadian Pacific earnings for the fourth week In August show an Increase of $174,000. Twelve Industrials deceased .75, 20 act ive rails decreased .68. 106 Ml 106 136 13 68 94 42 121 1122 64 124 94 53 69 22 N4 45 16 35 27 42 75 81 23 70 21V 64 125 94 106 112 136 13 65 128 93j 94 1H4 i;)j4 66 Closing Grata Quotations San Francisco, Sept. 4. The closing grain quotations In the various cities today were: Milwaukee Wheat, September, 80o lmi -)r,B io.t wv,hriArv Th nn ii.i Dia; ueveniuvr, c diu. kvi n d- -...i, rsne-erl frnm tR 40 to xK A .mln.t from $4.50 to $5.65. 'The bulk of sales last week ruled under $3.76. The best grades held fully steady for the week and the common grades are steady to a shade lower. Stock cows and heifers were In good demand all week at steady prices. Stock calves are practically un changed. Choice offerings sell more readily at prevailing values than com mon kinds). Choice to prime corn-fed cattle are scarcer. Prices advanced 15 to 25 cents last week, and are higher than any 64 70 29 60 23 84 4H 184 HO 27j 27 42 76 23 Tl 21 35 42 121 64 124 94 63 69 28 22 83 45 18 35 42 122 64 75 23 125 94 41 80 4 eMi 78 bid. Corn- tember, 62 c nominal; December, 62 c bid. St Louis Wheat, September, 8114c asked; December, 85 e bid. Corn September, 48 Vc; December, 48 c. Kansas City Wheat, September, 71 71c; December, 81 He asked. New York Wheat, September, 874c; December. 88c asked; May, 89c asked. San . Francisco 11:30 a. m. Wheat December. $1.48, bid; I1.48H asked. Barley December, $1.14. 40 70 82 22 70 21 4 Total aales today. 218,800. Money, 2. per cent. American Sugar, common. of 1 per cent. CThloetfo Cash Business. , Chicago, Sept. 4. There was no oath 11. business In grain here yesterday. The recent advance in futures pot the mar ket out of tone. The seaboard reported 40.000 bushels of wheat and 16,000 bush els of corn taken for export Charters have been made the last four days for over 1.000,090 bushels of oats, the boats 60i, 29 - 65 22 83 46 16 36 27 42 76 86 82 1 12 42 23 71 17 27 48 83 not being reported -until yesterday. The rate on most charters is lc to Buffalo. extra dividend Chicago, Sept. 4. Th grain ear lots yes terdav were: " Csrs. Whest , 13 Corn ,. 28 Osts '. . . . W" The wheat ears today were: 191; Duluth, 6. MlnneaBolla, 288 Grade. Eat, 4 150 23 200 ' 8 132 Minneapolis, The ears a year ago were: Dulnth. 130; Chicago. 246. Xrtndrm Consols Hake Xseord. - .'London, Sept 4.- London consols made a- new low record todaythe quo tations being 89. Bates of Exchange. New Tork, Sept Rates of exchange are the same. Berlin, 94T46c; Paris, $5.1645.17i. . . - Liverpool Ccttoa Sowa. - Liverpool, - Sept 4. Cotton closed 2025ei I points, down, jvlUor (he market steady. Axaarioaa Stocks In Xiondon. London. Sept. ' 4. 2 p. m. Anaconda Copper advanced 1; Atchison un changed, preferred unchanged; Balti more & Ohio unchanged; Chicago A Alton advanced ; Chesapeake & Ohio advanced ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul declined ; Denver & Rio Grande unchanged; Erie advanced . firsts de clined ; Illinois Central advanced ; Louisville & Nashville declined ; Mex ican Central advanced ; Missouri. Kansas & Texas unchanged; New York, Central advanced : Ontario & West ern advanced ; Norfolk & Western ad vanced ; Pennsylvania' advanced ; Reading advanced , firsts unchanged; Southern Pacific ' unchanged, , preferred advanced ', Union .Pacific advanced , preferred- declined ; United States Steel advanced , preferred declined Wabash advanced" , preferred advanced It; Consols unchanged. . Xioeal ' Uvsstock Beosipts. Portland Union Stockyards, Sept. 4. Receipts of livestock in the local yards today consisted of 800 hogs, 80 cattle and 400 sheep. Ruling prices continue strong at the following figures:. Cattle Best, $3.75; medium, $3.00 $3.50. Hogs Best. 6 e; medium, c. Sheep Best. 2e; medium, 2 Ha Bednoed Bates to the Bsasbors. Go to Newport on Yaquina Bay an ideal beach. It is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rate of $3.00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company In connection with the Corvallia & Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trln from Port land', tickets good going-Saturday, re turning Monday. . A delightful ride through the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up one side of the Willamette River, returning the the?. Ask any tSouthern Pacific Company or Corvallis .se Eastern Railroad agent for a beautifully Uuetrated booklet describ ing the seaside reeoHs at Yaaulna. - - A lvJOBtDwTSB BtOTlTICXVT.i Rome, Sept. 4. The young clergy j here are agitating the start of a world wide movement to Induce Pops Pius to modernise the papal system so i as . to accord more nearly with late progres sive ideas. --- ... Cleariag-Hoass" Beport. The rephrt of the Portland clearing house fo yesterday was as follows.: Exchanges ,.$540,626.65 Balances V . . 71,626.65 I xnverpoo) Grain Kowsr. Liverpool, Sept. '4. Close: Wheat September. 66d. Md lower; ' Decem ber. 6d.' d lower. Corn October, 4H.d, unchanged. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . Th8 Kind You Haya Always Bought itoars tna Signature) of S7 $6.45 to $7.75 In the same week a year ago. Medium to good grass steers are strong to a shade higher, while medium to common horned Westerns have barely held their own, owing to liberal re ceipts in the quarantine division, where the best grass steers sold from $3.25 to $3.70, a 1 shade stronger, perhaps, than the week before. Choice corn-fed cows and heifers are scarce and sell readily at premium prices. Grass cows have been In liberal supply and prices steady to strong. Veal calve are In good demand and, while there has been sqme fluctuation, the closing prices were practically the-same as the week before. More Sheep Arrlrs. Sheep receipts in Kansas City last week aggregated 27,831, against 14,950 for the week before, and 82,850 tho same week last year. Chicago had 129,- 500 last week, against 105,000 the week before and 91,000 the same week last year. Receipts at the five western mar kets aggregated 208,925, against 176,575 the week before and 243,675 the same week last year. The trade for the week maintained steady prices with thp opening Monday. The good to choice lambs sold from $4.75 to $6.10, wethers $3.25 to $3.65, ewes $3 to $3.36. Feeding grades are steady and active, with the receipts largely from the West. Wethers bring from $3 to $3.35 and feeding lambs from $3 to $4. Bangs Horse Trade Better. The trade in range horsey has been picking up Jately. The run last week disposed of almost 2,000 head of branded rangers. A load "of prime 1,150-pound branders sold last Saturday for 160 a head, and small lota of choice stock com mended as high as $80. Plainer Btock sold down to $20 and $25 around, however. Prices range as follows for sound ssrvlceable horses, 4 to 7 years old. Extra good kinds are worth more, and extra common kinds are worth leas: Drsfts, good $185150 Drafts, l.suu to 1,700 pounds extra 160(9)185 Chunks, good 80 ft' 136 Farm mares. 1,150 to 1,400 lbs. 70 $120 Drivers,, good to rancy 75 up Drivers, medium 66 70 Southerners, com. to Talr ... ton 45 Southerners, good to extra ... '75g 89 PJugs . . t 16 29 Rangers 15$ 45 Choice range horses , 55il6 NOW IS THE TIME While your family is away rajoyfag their vacation,' to have your home wired and equipped with ELECTRIC LICHTS, to as to be prepared for the long Winter nights. -, , .- REMEMBER, WE ONLY CHARC2 YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE... Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS THE PORTLAND fOBTLAJTD, OBBCrOV. AKBBZOAjr VLAB. axooBstBay - aa ITvwa. STBADQTAVBTBBB TOM YOTTBXSTS sVsTO OOXBUCXaS TBATBXBBB, Bpeelal rates saade te f aattUes aad slngls gsatlisnsss, n sasasysMsat will ks pleased at all tisea to show rooms aad ghre prloea. Tarklsa bath establishment la the festal V st. a BOWXBB, DATttOHT rOTTXB TBJCPB. ... Tvom tha Coast to Fortland Change as to Serrice, - I In order that those -at the beaches may be given better accommodations the Potter will make, the following day light trips from Ilwaco and Astoria: Friday, September 4 Leave Ilwaco, 9:80 a. rri-i Astoria, 10:4$ a. m., arriv ing at Portland at t:4& p. ra. j A , Lm The Whirl of TIME Makes it Imperative for those who would keep up with the best on the market in hardware or tools to be an the alert, and keep Up with the whirl and' in the swim, however fast the pace. You will always find us the-leader In , .all .that Is best and up-to-daf goods, and in moderate and popular prices.--; AVBK Y J. CO. " 83THHUST. - - PORTLAND Sfie WORLD'S STANDARD! ' vaiu.i Air. sai Sk ,11KB. ail l,wl sTBtesreeai 7 J-!rt 61 JFCXXtAA bet T'lit i