" v. 'v s: V 1. .4 10 TIIE OltEGpN DAILY JOURNAL. rORTLAKD. TUESDAY ; EVENING,!' SEPTEIBEg 1. 1003: BOTidrs. crfir BOTtOTf.' CTTT VOTICIC' 0TTT BJTICI8. CTTT W0TI0E8. CITT jrOTlCES. CTTT W0TICM. -A rofosed Anmtmrm for nrrmon- , XZVT OF XABT SALMON STRUT. . Notice, la, ereb given that the Council of ISirtland atoimmms "to aaaa thn following described lirooerty and nrmr or owners s taring specially and peculiarly hrne Bl4 1. fax amount art opposite Ike names ana grsrriplleiM thereof for the Improvement or East Salmon street from tbe west line of EaM. w'lrteenth street to the wmt Hue of Met 'Thirty-third street,, ae provided by ordl aim Jo. 18.24. - - Any .objections to (ha apportionment at ost i 'if aald Improvement hiint he unit In wrMIng to tha Council and flled with the 'Auditor within fifteen days from tha date of : to Brat publications: or tbla notice, and aaid objections will be neerd and determined by tha Council before the passage of tha ordinance assessing tha coat of aald improvement. Havtborne Park Blk 205. west U lot 6. Nellie It. Rill ..8 21.83 Blk . west H lot II, Nellie B. Hill.. 21.94 Blk JBft. eaat H h t ft. T. W. and Ma ria Yoanger v - 27.42 Bib SUA. eaat 4 kit 8. T. W. and Ma rie Younger 27.4 Blk 3 IT. lot 4. The Hawthorne Kstate.. 267.21 Blk 827. lot 3. The Hawthorne Estate.. ftS.nS Blk 827. lot 6, Thr Hawthorne Kstate.. 88.38 Blk 827. lot A. The llaethorne Estate.. 366.81 Brnirn'a Addition to the ( It) of Kut Portland Blk 1. eolith 100 feet lot 1. Paul 8 Mrk 173.60 Blk 1. aonth 100 feet lot 2. Daniel Kent J 13.85 Blk 1. eoath Hat feet lot 3. Samuel A. and Elk. C. Brown 156.10 Blk 1. south inn feet lot 4. .Samuel A and Kill C. Brown 163.91 Blk X annth lis" fret lot I. .Hamtiel A and Ellla C. Hrnwn 162.81 Blk 2. south Iini f.-ct lot 2. Hsmuel A and Ellla C. Brown 160.23 Blk 2. aonth 1 f.-ct lot 3, Daniel T. " Brown ! Blk 2. aouth inn fert lot 4. Psniel T. Brown . Blk 3. aouth 100 feet lot 1. Ianlel T. Brows .' Woodworth s Addition to Eaat Port land , Blk I. aouth 100 feet lot 9. Edward T. Kandert Blk 1. aouth J 00 feet lot 8. 8. Stephen Venesrben and Jacob Berg ' Blk 1, aonth 100 feet lot 7. George T. Rodgers Blk 1. aouth 100 feet lot 6. George T. Rodgers Blk I, aonth 100 feet lot S, Mra. T). A. Bsrlnr Blk i. aouth 100 feet lot 4. Ellen Tons- faf Blk 1, aouth 100 feet lot 8, William T. Wood worth . ... v.... Blk 1. aouth 100 feet lot 2. John P. Hughes Blto T. aonth 100 feet lot 1, John F. Hughes ,.. Blk 2. lot S. Aaabel Bnah ' Blk 1 lot 2. Aaahel Bnah Blk 2, aonth 1T.M feet lot 1. Aaahel Bnah Central Park. Eaat Portland Blk 6. lot 4. Pranrea May Miller Blk , weat feet lot 6. Praneea Mar Miller Blk 6. eaat tlH feet lot 6. Grace T. Johnaon - Blk . lot . John Da It on Blk 6. lot 6, Ida E. Toraler Blk 6. lot . Ida Z. Torgler Blk B. lot T, -Ida E. Torfler Blk 6,, lot 8. Ida E. Torfler Blk 4. 'weat 80 feet lot 8, Frederick C. J .6ch"hert Blk 47 weat 80 feet lot 4. Frederick C. Bchubert t Blk. 4. -aat 90 feet lot 8, Maty Ellsa- - Vth Beard Bl4, 620. feat lot 4. Mary Elisabeth Beard Blk 4. weat SO feet lot 8. Mary Elisa- tieth Beard . Ilk 4. eaat S4.t feef lot 6. Mary Elisa beth - Beard . Tllloo a Addition to the City of Port Blk . Jot I fharlea H. Rlcharda Blk 10, lot 14. Tha Title Guarantee Treat Company .' Blk 10. lot 10. The Title Guarantee Truat t'otnpany . Blk 10. lot 16. Tha Title Guarantee Treat Crmpany filk 10. lot 17.-Toe Title Guarantee A Treat company Blk 10. lot 18. The Title Guarantee t Treat Company Blk 10. weat 80 feet kit 10. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 10. eaat 10 feet lot 10. P. N. Hof- fedlts - . ... " Blk 10. weat 30 feet lot 20, P. N. Hof- fedlts Blk 10. eaat . 10 feet lot 20. The Title i Guarkntee It Truat Company Hlk 111 lut 31. The (Title Guarantee A " Trtmt Company Blk to. lot 22. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 10. ot 23, The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 10. lot 24. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 10. lot 23. Clifford N. Terrell . Blk 1. lot 26. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 11. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company : Blk 11. lot T. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk II, lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk It. lot 0. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company 92.84 Blk 11. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A . Treat Company 00.12 . ' Murray Hill Addition to Eaat Port lend ' - ' Blk 1. lot 4. Albert W. Lambert Blk t, lot 8, Albert W. Lambert Blk J, lot 4, Albert W. Lambert Blk 1. lot 8. Albert W. Lambert Blk 2. lot 4, Harsh-H. laaaea Blk 2, lot Harah H. Inaaea Blk X, north 106 feet of weat 18 8-8 feat lot 7, Thomas L. Kay heirs 11.08 Blk T. north fit) feet eaat 83 1-8 feet . u. 11 f IWIH 1IW IFVl lot 7. 1). A. Laaaea . Blk T. north loo feet weat 88 1-8 feet lot 6, (Isrsr Brun Blk T. north 100 feet eaat 16 2-3 feet lut 8, Hebeeea P. Porter Blk 7, north loo feet weat 16 2-8 feet M 6, Krbecea P. Porter Blk 7, north 100 feet eaat 33 1-8 feet M A, Hoeaa Boyle, truat'ne Blk 7. north loo feet weat XI 1-8 fret kit 4, Clement L. Iloorer Blk 7, north Km) feet eeat 16 2-3 feet lot 4, Kerdlnand Oplts Blk 7. north UK) feet west 16 2 3 feet lot 3, Pordlnand Oplts Blk 7, north loo feet eaat 33 1-8 feet Blk 7. aerta 100 feet lot 2, Klcbard'c! Hart Blk 7. aoHh 100 feet lot 1. Ellen E. t aae ....?v. Tllton'a Addition to tha Cltr of Port land j' Blk 14. north 100 feet lot 1, Grace M. Harris . Blk 13. north 100 feet lot 13. U. U. wslla ; j Blk 13. north 100 feet lot 12, The Title Guarantee A True Company Blk l;W north inn feet lot 11, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company..., Blk 13, north 100 feet lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 1.1. north 100 feet lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk IS. north 100 feet kit 8. The Title Gnaranlee A Truat Company Blk 1.1. north inn feet lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 1.1. north 100 feet kit 6. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company . . . V . . . Blk 13. north 100 feet lot ft. The Title 42.11 81.07 80.61 41.i 43.36 21.48 88.38 42.94 62.06 126.18 101.01 124.64 110. Ho 69.64 63.51 62 88 62. 6M 61.22 80.20 PX0F0BIB ASSESBMIVT FOB IM'SOTI MUTT Or AL0EBMTKXXT. Notice la hereby rlreuw that the Conncll of the City of Portland propones .,! eeeeee the following dearrlbed property and owner or ownora aa belnf aperlaliy and peculiarly hmcnted In the amounta set oipoalta the canive and rieacrlptlcna thereof for the ImproTetuent of Alitor street from the eaat line of Pront atroct to the weat line of HlxtB Street, as nrorlded br ordinance No. 13.SM8. i Any ohjectloua to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement muat be made In writ Iny. to the Council and filed with the Auditor within A r teen days from the date of the firat puhllcatl.ni of thia notice, and aald. objections Will be heard and determined by the Council lore the paaaann of tha ordinance aaaeaaiuf ine coat or aald lmprorrment. Portland Blk 177. lot 4. Orearonlan Publlahlnf I'omnnnr 6 4fi.oe Blk 177. lot 3. Oreronlan Pulillahlnc io.is 89.66 104.88 112.40 102.88 93.59 9280 93.59 98.34 243.84 63.91 72.46 60.72 6A..12 2;i9.B3 Guarantee A Truat fumnini '.1 Blk 13. north loo feet lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Truat Comoanr Blk 13. north ino feet kif 3. The TltKJ.-- Huarantee A Treat Comnaur 66.81 Rllr 19 HAj.k lll tfu. L. l Tk fTIl ' Guarantee A Truat Comnanr Blk 18. north 100 feet lot 1, The Title Guarantee A Truat' Comnanr Blk 12. north inn feet kit 6. The Title Guarantee A Trnat ttoniDanr Blk 12. norih inn feet kt 4. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 12. north ino feet lot 3, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company ,. Blk 12. i.orth )io feet lot 2, The Title Guarantee A Truat Cnmoany Blk 12. north 100 feet kit 1, The Title (luarantce A Truat Company Uiif... IT I T 1 t .4., i , I ... k 168.98 ,nd Blk 4. lot 1. T. 0. Brownaon Blk 4. kit 2. T. G. Brownaon Blk 4. lot 7, T. G. Brownaon Blk 4, lot 8, T. G... Brownaon Blk 8. lot I, T. O. Brownaon Blk,. 8. lot 2. T. G. Brownaon.... BUT 3, kit 7. T. O. Brownaon Blk S, lot 8. T. G. Brownaon. Hanaen a Addition to Eaat Portland. No. 2 Blk m. lot 1. Anna Colllna 51k 2N, lot 2. Anna Colllna Ik 28. kit 8. Georce A. Gne Blk 24, lot 4. Georce A. One Blk 27. lot 1. Pred W. Hanann Blk 27. lot 2. Ids E. Roberts Blk 27. kit 3, Ids E. Roberta Blk 27. kit 4. J. C. Roberta Blk 27. weat U kit B. Fred W. Hanaen. Blk 27, eaat lot 6. James W. Uuff.. nunnyalde Blk 42. lot 4, Rttnnyslde Land A Im provement ComDanr . iiui on B,k 2- '"' 3' Hunnyalde Land A Iro- Blk 42. lot 2. Hunnyeide' Land A Im prorement Company Blk 42. lot 5. Hurnyalde Land A Im prorement Company Blk 42. lot 6. Hunnyalde Land A Im- rrement Company 42. lot 7. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Comnanr Lot lettered G, Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company Hunnyalde Blk 43. lot 1, Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Confpany Blk 43, lot 2. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company Blk 43. kit 8. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company Blk 43, lot 4. Hnnnyalde Land A Im provement Company Blk 43. lot ft, Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company Blk 48, lot. 6. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Comnanr Blk 43, kit 7. Httnnyside Land A Im- rorement Company 43. 1st 8. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement company Blk 48. lot 9. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company . Lot lettered N. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company . . . Blk 44. kit I. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company Blk 44. lot 2. Hunnyalde' Land A In prorement ( ompany i Bib 44. kit 8, Hnnnyalde Land A Im- enrovrment (xmroany Blk 44. lot 4. Hunnyalde Land A Im- it1 Bib 44. lot 5. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Company Blk 44. lot 6. Hunttratde Land A Im provement Company Blk 44. lot 7. Hunnyalde Land A Im provement Compsny Blk 44. lot 8.. Hunnyalde Land A Im- 168.73 VW.S3 146.04 166 47 184.C1 112.83 116.65 191.87 168.63 16S.23 164.40 153.35 40.17 15.93 84.88 B1.38 88.66 96.12 103.17 92.69 M.4ft 8.46 4S.16 11.19 21.14 39.81 87.19 118.26 121.09 108.10 67.20 60.94J 61.12 46.50 15.68 48.67 15.3B 60.39 60.49 80.66 M.20 103.75 - 99.72 93.19 (ompany Blk 17 lot 6, Portland General Elec tric Company .a Blk 177. lot 5. Portland General Elec tric Company Blk 213, lot 4, R. W. Hoyt and Louies Hovt Conk Blk 213, lot 3, H. W. Hoyt and Louise Hoy Cook t Blk 213, lot 6, Co-operative Investment Cominny Blk 213, lot 5, Co-operative Investment Company Park blk 2. lot t. Mra. 3. E. Walker. Park blk 2, lot 3. Benjamin and Lewis Jayniir Blk 210. lot 4, Arlington Building Aa- mn ojt I aoriHllon " Blk 216. lot 3. Arlington Building As sociation Blk 216. kit 6, laam White et ui II Ik 216. lot ft. Isam White et ut Blk 2.VI. undivided H lot 4, Elele K. ilamtiton , Bff V undivided lot 4, Emily H. Humf1 Blk 253,, south H lot 8. Emily II. Hume ' Blk 253. north Mi lot 8, Kiln Jane and Goorge MiMire Rlk 2.Y1. lot 6. Wooilmaa of the World Building Aaanclation Blk 25.1. undlvldrd 13 lot ft, Elale E. Hamilton Plk 253, undivided 13 lot 5, Emily II. Hume Blk 253. undivided 1-3 lot ft. Erneat Hamilton Blk 256, lot 4, Ernest and Maria llonee Bk 256. kit 3. William E. Robertaon.. Blk 256. lot 6. H M. Cake Blk 25(1. lot 5, II. M. Cake Houth H Mk I. weat 4ft feet lot 4, Agnea Hall LZ .a South l blk I, weat 48 feet of aouth mtm 16 feet lot 3, Agnea Hall ni.no ii Lit. t . r.i a , 7" ' 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 f i, van, 111 I I . ' I , Anna 8. Bernard Rotith H blk I, eaat 52 feet of south 16 feet lot 3, Anna H. Bernard Month 14 blk I. north 34 feet kit 3, r.iiaa urinii cmnir. uriri wi . q. . . . South 4 blk I, east '4 lot 6. Byron I . Cardwell I 136.64 122.17 if Booth blk I, eaat H lot ft. Byron lii'S? P. Cardwell Booth I, blk I. south 23 feet of west S lot n. imrrlet M. llcinian 225.84 220.M 161 "ia Hol,,n nlk 1 wnt R' "n'l',t 181.30 91.30 provemeiil clmpany Blk 44. lot 9, Hunuyalde Land A Im provement Company Total Blk 2. kit 6. Kara h H. laaaea. Bib 2. lot 5, Harsh II. laaaea. 259.70 60.06 73.15 271.41 253.06 68.41 68.17 249.76 821.565.54 THOH. C. HEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland September 1, 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IV EAST EIGHTH STREET. 204.93 58.4(i 903.23 856.92 70.38 170.79 266.84 ia . wri v, pstks n. Hanson's Addition to Bast'Tortlsnd. Blk 25, lot 4. Pred Vf. Hansen........ ... Blk 25. lot 8, John J Iloyle Blk 25, lot , J. C. Roberta Blk 25, kit 6. J. C. Roberta : Plk 26. .lot 4. Pra nets Rowe Blk 26. kit 8. Francis Rowe Bib- 26. lot ft. Carrie F. Aiken . Blk 86, lot 6. Carrie P. Aiken .4... Blk 1)6. lot 7, Charles M. Cartwrlgbt . . . Hnnnyalde . ( l... . T 11 1,.SH 1 1IIUUH irBrilllll Blk 41. lot S. Thomaa Darling Blk 41, lot 3, E. E. Sharon...., Blk 41. lot 8, J. P. and Lydla Wendell. Blk 41, kit 9. i. P. and Lydla Wendell. Blk 41, kit 12, J. P. and Lydla Wendell. Blk 40, lot 1, Hsrsh Williamson Blk 40. lot 3. ''Harsh Williamson. Blk 40. lot 8. Margaret M. Brannan.... Blk 40. lot 8. Hunnyalde Laud A Im- nrorement Company Blk 40. lot 9. Hunnyalde Land A tm- rirement Company s. ., 40,. lot 12. Hunnyalde kand A Im tmirAasent Cntnnanv Blk 40. lot IS. Mstbew Steele Blk 40.. lot 14. Hunnyalde Land A Im- - prorement Company .'. Blk 40. lot 13. 11. P. W. and Alrida M. Anderson .,. 180.63 Blk 3ft. lot 1. Hunnyalde Land A Im prorenH-nt Compsny Blk Xh kit il. Hunnyalde Lend A Im rorement Company B9, lot 8, Sunnyslde Land A Im prorement "Company 'Blk 39, lot 8. Hunnyalde Land A Im ' prorement Conrpany Blk :KI. lot 9, .Huntfj-slde Land A Im prorement Comnany i . Blk, kit 12. Hnnnyalde Land it Im provement Company Blk 30. kit 15. Edith L. Patterson Blk 30. kit 14. Hunnyalde Laod A Im " prorement Company- rj-'i Blk 89. lot 13. W. A. Blake. Notice la hereby glren that the Council of the City of Portland propoaca to assess the fol lowing described property atid owner or own ers ss being specially ana peculiarly penented 1st Aha umiuinttt sat niifuis I t-sk this n a mna dwi iS'Ja deacrlptlona thereof by the construction of a sewer In Kaat Eighth afreet rrom 1110 feet south of the south line of Thompson street to m . I .rta. I V. ,h. n Till- .v,, . - 172.10 nrn.i.iu,i r?' .w.ii,,.ojiS . ii A'n 1 Til TO ;-' .T?r' . . n,k ., a n i nniAfiiwma gn inn nnnnrTwinniiinr nr lumr i -" - for aald newer must be made In writing to the 5'f 'bo"11 1r,",rJ',t J- i ... i.k i.. . I Blk 311. lot 8. School District No. 1. liwna I "ii in i . auu u ' ,uv n'ill'" it 1 1 1 1 1 II I Zi. .2 fifteen dsys from the date of the first ptib- r?'r llratlon of this notice, and aald objections TI 24 wl" neBrd fl1 determined by the Council tJ no before the pasaage of the ordinance assessing the coat of ssld sewer. . M Klcman Smith- S blk I. north 27 feet of west Mi kit B. Michael Mc.Namaree Houth 4 blk J. lot 4. Edward W. Cornell South H blk J, tot 3, Edward W. Cornell Houth 4 hlk J. east H lot 6. Agnes minn.ir estate, neira or Month 4 blk J, eaat H lot 6, Agnes Iiunnsr Kstate, belra of Son t It 4 hlk J. west 4 lot 6. I.liiie 1. wells Houth 4 hlk J, weat '-, lot ft, Llllle C. Wells : Blk 312. lot 4. Lucia A. and Henry B. Chine Blk .112. lot 3, Jacob Block Blk 312, cast kit 6. I.ilrla A. and Henry II. Chase Blk 812, eaat lot 5, Lucia A. and iicury if. ( tiase , Blk 812. west 4 lot 6. Nathan J. Berg man Blk 312. weat 4 lot 5, .Nathan J. Berg man Blk 178, kit 1. Oregon Company Blk 17K. lot 2. Orcffon Company. Blk 178, lot 7, Oregon Company WM Blk 178, lot 8, Oregon Company -0 I nil. w 1 11 1 . . 1 . ii 1 1 . - x'i 101 1. ItW ) A. ri. iT-au.... Blk 212. lot 2. Cyrna A. IKilph Blk 212, hit 7. Helen F. Hpauldlng Blk 212. lot 8. Helen F. Htif tiding Park blk 3. lot 1,. Charles II. Korrell.. I'srk blk 3, lot 4, PsclHc Htstea Tele phone A Telegraph Comnanr Rlk 217, lot 1. George T. and Gert rude K. Kusaell Blk 217. lot 2. George T. and Gert rude K. Kussell Blk 217. lot 7. Sylvester Pennorer Blk 217. lot 8. Hylvester Pennorer Blk 252. lot 1, 8. Rosenblatt Estate, heirs of Blk 252. lot 2. 8. Rosenblatt Estate, heirs of Blk 252. lot 7. Mary Mcliermott Hlk 2nz. lot 8, Jlary MoDermntt Blk 257. lot 1. Delia F. Durkhetmer and l-eo Fried Blk 267. lot 2. Delia F. Durkhelmer and Leo Fried Blk 257. lot 7. H. Roaenfeld snd H. W. Kosenfeld Estate, belra of -.; . Blk 257. lot 8. H Roaenfeld and H. W. Roaenfeld Estate, heirs of North 4 blk H, kit 1. First Presbyter Ian Church North 4 blk II, lot 2. . First Presbyter- lsn Church North 4 hlk II. eaat lot 7, First Presbyterian Church North 4 blk H. east 4 lot 8, First Presbrterlan Church North 4 blk H. west 4 lot 7. First Presbyterian Church Trustee North 4 blk II. west 4 lot 8, First Presbyterian Church Truatee North 4 blk K, lot 1, Thomas M. Hlc'hsraaon North 4 blk K, lot 2, Gertrude 8. Bowere 1 North 4 blk K. lot 7. M. A. Hcaarrlna.. North 4 blk K, lot 8. M. A. Scogglns.. Blk 811, lot 1. School District No. 1.. lot 2. School District No. 1 130.53 181.47 21.16 14.11 B0. 48 60.13 I 62.87 86.35 63.74 65.40 66.45 66.86 67.90 63.95 61.45 B5.2T 113.63 55.52 66.98 67.19 53.76 6.119 51.36 62.25 66.17 463.29 466.90 66 69 160.74 602.09 6.16.18 462 26 873.22 I 161.46 25(1.55 763.08 887.27 887.27 112.26 112.26 221.02 I 254 88 254.88 264.88 772.69 224 42 221.42 704.75 831.04 82.68 338.79 35.37 144.56 94 83 362.72 43.62 SC2.72 61.21 801.01 178.14 104.07 372.70 i", 1" v BI0P0BID ABSESBllIJfT FOB IHJB0T1V XtlTt OF MA80M STtltT. FlOFOSAit FOB JT1IZT VOBX ' ' led nronoaaU wilt ha rscelred at tha pfflca-r tha AuiJIto of tha dtp of Port- Notlea In hereby given-th.t tha Council .f P ZfrKirS lfLEl BoIl It i the City of Pnrtland urosea ta asa tha Lka"tv)JSf Si M I. dhT amount' "Jt oor. tha' mmm Ftt .! ! Iff! and deserlptkthiriof for tie Improrenrent of 1" m"s ""J bo? ,inn" K? Msson street from the esst line of Esst Tenth ZLliy,'l?:JuthT, oVki: ThT .-J Tm XJEL w " Clt ' Portland. And said lmprera ?d 52tiS,ui S! launHI kaJ " mami romplatad on or hefora 8C . i0. ILt oaya from tba daU of tha signing of tha street aa Drnrldad br ordinance. No. 18.869. Any ob lections to the spat Manment of eaat for ssld Improvement muat Da made In writing to lbs Council .Vlled wltb the Auditor within nrtean catkin bs heard and determined by lbs Council be fore tba passage of the ordlssacs assessing we coat 01 ssld improvement. Lincoln Park Aanea Blk 8, wast 100 feat lot 8, Victor West erlund I Blk 8. east 10 fast lot 8. EHen E. Me Cormlrk x Blk 8. 1st T. Minnie L. Srney North Irrlngton Blk 17, kit 10.4 Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Comnkmy Blk 17. lot I. ..Tba Title Guarantes A City anginear, on Die. Bids must bs strict lr In aeeoeda nee with printed blaaka, which wlU be furalaben aa 54.121 65.63 104.06 818.73 770.30 222.69 33.79 200.67 83.79 200.68 460.81 73.46 75.60 6X2.71 4(W70 66.95 150.99 672.85 460.19 450.18 570.20 140,84 2n7.6 0HN.67 770.82 223.61 222.86 770.51 648.85 211.67 221.98 7117.29 648.28 211.22 89.06 301.80 89.06 301.80 602.21 Trust Combsnr Blk 18, lot 8, Ths Tit la Guarantee A Truat Comnanr ...I Blk 18 lot 7. Ths Title Gusrsntes A Truat Comnanr Blk 18, lot 10. Tba Title Guarantes A Trust; Comnanr Blk 18. lot 9. Anton Gleblarb and Ferdi nand Jonlln .' Blk H e- lot 8. Tha Tills Gusrsntes. A Treat Company Blk 19. let 7 Tha Title Gnsrsntes A Truat Company Blk 19. lot lO.t Tbs Title TSuaran tee A Trust Company Blk 19. lot 9, Tha Title Gusrsntes A Treat Company Blk So, lot 8. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanr Blk to, lot 7, Th Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 2n. lot 10. Tha Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk SO, lot 9. Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Uaaspany Blk 21, wrat loO feet of north' 47.6 feet lot 8, Ihe-Tttbj Gnarantes A Trust fUa... T .VlUInlll 4 . . -I'V stsaa bv Blk 21, west J "0 fset f south 8.5 feet lot 7. Tha TTth) Guarantee A Truat Compsny .; , Lincoln Park Anoei Blk 21, lot 1. Ha rah J. Klneer Blk 21. lot 2. 8a ran, J. Klnsey North -Irrlngton Blk 16. lot 15, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat tompanV Blk 18, kit 16, The Title Gnarantes A Trnat Xompany Blk 15, lot 1. W H. Flanagan Bl 16, lot 3. Tha Title Guarantee A Taet Company Blk. IS, lot 15. William II. Flanagan... Blk 15, lot 16. William U. Flanagan... Blk 14.' lot 1, Tha Title Guarantes A Trust Company Blk 14. lot 2. Tba Title Gnsrsntee A Truat Company Blk 14. lot 16. Tha Title Gnsrsntes A Trnat tympany Blk 14, lot 16. The Title Gnsrsntee A Truat Compsny Blk 13. lot 1. Tba Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 13. kit 3, The Title Ouarantee A Trust Company Blk 18, lot 1ft. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 13. lot 18, Tba Title Gusrsntes A Trnat Company. contract by tba partlea thereto. no proposals or Dida will us considered an leaa acompanled br n certified check parable to ths order of. tha Mayor of tba City of rortiana, certified by a responsible bank for I pa " smouni equal to 10 per cent at us sgf re- iiK'sLrzz:u- ..a-. 1. .uw iiiui w swvct any uum au cuua m oerpoy reeerrea. By order at tba Eieeutlre Board. THOH. O. DBVLIlf. 11 n I Awwor 01 10a city ot iviisno. 1 august g, iikni, .BS 16.20 90.88 64.01 1840 COKPDtnOB AVS ACCIPTABCE OF BEVXl IB EAST TWXVTT-SXTXBTK ITaVIZT. Notice la herebr atvan that William C. El. llotC City Engineer,, has Bled In tba office of ha msulaaalaiMaJ k.88 4.W-A laka.. A M I ssiii aria, htsru HULICsj IU81 .-WisnrT" al XMiUfJ b.v oonpftnir, jeontrteton for tba fontmctlo of a MV4B I "wrvw saar Anrai'prrnwiH snvgnrngn, a-4 ww tha aoaU Una of Esst Taylor street to tks ttn I Mwr ! - Belmont street, ander tba pro- 1 riaions 01 orainanca no. ia,io. navs comptatea 1 agia sewer. -" Bald accepunca wlU ba considered by tha as a.s I asnasl U J V CaV,'a WH I Ufa ajin fast T M of September. 1908, and objections to tba ae- I Mnl mma kAM b. Ml 4 . . k . -. . IOR TS I -f . - " . m hrm uwj u , 11 w vum ws I iu undersigned at any time prior thereto. I TUB KXKCUT1VE BOARD, H4.no I THOH n. DEVLIN. ,w.. . n 1 A , n . B I Buniiiri vi VMS VU W. V. IM 19.18 1 inmht Jt iniiit 8B.8S COKFLinOV AHD A00IPTAJT0I OF KWZB IV fjAST EI0HTH STREET. 40.80 1 Notice Is hereby glren that WllUsm C Elliott, City Engineer, has flled la tba ofSee of tbs anderslgned notice that Jacobsen Bads 1,14 Compsny, contractors for ths construction of a sewer in jesst Kishth street rrom 100 feet 67.14 I south of tha aouth Una of Thompson strait to 1.88 I us sewer in Tillamook street, under tha pro. riaiona or orainanca no. 1..42T, Bars Co, pleted ssld sewer. 18.40 1 Ssld acceptance -will be considered by ths ei ecu tire Hoard at 4 o clock on tha 4tb dar 78.88 1 of September, 1903 and objections to ths ae- 80.80 1 csptancs thereof may be filed In the office I of tba undersigned at sny time prior thereto. 14 PI I . THK EAKl l'TlVB Ull A Ull. 11.48 By TH08. C. DEVLIN. 64.08 Auditor of ths City of Portland. I August W. 1B09. 65.78 11.85 1178 87.68 83.40 1118 15.81 72 68 Total 11,604.38 C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. Angfiat 81, 1006. 178.48 208.42 639.24 776.23 224.38 68.20 686.31 Total 80. 38 204.38 43.01 33.20 70.39 60.15 68.11 87.93 47.33 176.66 44.34 35.69 65.89 63.29 60.90 10.59 116.87 1 40.03 nik avt. weaeVL kit 8. J. A. MVKIhnon. 22.34 Blk 294. west H lot 7. J. A. MoKlunon. 22.34 Blk 294, esst lot 8. Wslter W. Bol- lam 27.92 Blk3 294, east ot 7. Walter W. Bol- lnm ...... A I 27 93 Blk 828k lot 1, The Hawthorne Estate.. 25N.88 Blk 828. lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.. 58.32 Blk 828. lot 7. The Hawthorne Kstate.. 60.40 Blk 828. lot 8. The Hswthorne Estate.. 201.99 Kenveortby's Addition to Eaat Port Is nd ' Blk 8. kit 1. James P. Jensen 149.15 Blk 5, kit 2. Jamee P. Jenseu 4tt.no Blk ft, kit 7, Thomas Csllahan 57 54 Blk 5. kit 8. Thomas Callahan 2M 61 Blk 4. lot 1. Ferdinand Dresser and F. 'Waseh.T 2.VI.72 Blk 4. kit 3, Ferdinand Dreaser ami F. Waacbcr ..: 6s on Blk 4. kit T. Hamnel W. King 65.25 Blk 4, lot 8, Hsmnel W. King 277 27 Blk 3, lot I. .William B. Jsckson 800.12 Blk 3, lot 2Wllllam B. Jsckson 68 72 Blk 8, wear 40 feet lot 7, R. I). Hana- ker 35 K7 Blk 3. west 40 feet lot 8. R. D. Hsns- ker ..." 124.13 Blk 8. esst 60 feet kit 7, Reuben D. Hsnakv ; 56.78 Blk 8, east 60 feet lot 8. Reuben D. Hsnsker 178 07 Blk 1 kit 1. Fannie Eger 88866 Blk i lot 2. Fannie F.ger j m 42 Blk 2. kit 7. Frank R. Cook 62 52 Blk 1 kit 8. Frank R. Conk... 276.55 Blk 1. lot 1. William C. Noon 14? 12 Blk 1. kit 1 William C. Noon 1... 4$:7 Central Perk. Esst Portland Blk 7. north 100 feet lot 12. 8 wen T. Miller . 47.85 Blk 7. north 109 fee west 10 feet lot II. 8wen T. Mills? 12.36 Blk 7. north 100 feet of eaat to leet lot West Irrlngton- Blk '106. lot 10, Robert Smith Blk 106. lot la John ('. Jacobs. . Plk 106, lot 17, Elisabeth Ryan Blk 106. lot 18. Elisabeth Ryan: Blk 106, lot 15, P. Lsvln Blk 106. kit 14. Cnnstsnce A. Dakyns.. Blk HMJ, lot 13. George W. Berrlan.... Blk 119, lot 2. A. E. Melton Blk 119, lot 8, M. H. Flock Blk lift, lot 4. M. H. Flock Blk lift, lot 5. D. D. Jackson Blk 111, lot 6. Helen A. Filers Blk 119. lot 7, Joseph T. Ellis Blk 119, lot 8, Arthur II. Drvcra Total : .$27,959.52 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the. City of Portlsnd. September 1, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST TWELFTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. El- 26.36 llott. City Engineer, has flled In the offlfe of 26.36 the iindi-i-algned notice that Becblll Bros., con- ,f 22.85 , 28.35 . 26.35 26.35 26.35 14.43 17.96 17.05 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 $303.10 THOH. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City, of Portland. September 1, 1903. 11. Marr A. Owner . .. neru leo reel mt 10, Ellen G. Blk 7 fare . Blk TV. north 100 feet lot 9 Rushlight Mk 7, north f 100 feet of west, 83 1-8 feet lot 8.. Andrew T. Lewlsi Blk 7. nerth 100 feet east 16 8-8 feet kit 8, TbtMDM U B7 hU 49 78 62 ti TO. 71 42.52 SLOT j PB0F0BEB ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST THIRTEENTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portlsnd proposes to ssscsK the following described property snd owner or owners aa being specially snd peculiarly benefited In the smonnta set opposite the names and descriptions thereof ty the con struction of s sewer lu East Thirteenth street from the north line of Broadway to a con nection with the sewer In Hancock street, as provided by ordinance No. 13.384. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said newer must be made lu writing to the Council snd filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from the date of the first pub lication of this notice and said object! ins will be beard and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance assessing the coat tor aald sewer. Hollsds7 s Addition to Esst Port land Blk 258. lot 3, William Kane $ 26.10 Blk 258. lot 4. William Kane 26.10 Blk 233. lot 1. John R. Hansen 26.10 Blk 233, lot 2, John R. Hansen 26.10 Big 233, lot 3. John Q. Jamieson 26.10 Blk 233. kit V John Q. Jamieson 26.10 Blk 267, kit 6, City of Portland 84.50 Blk 267, lot 5, City of Portland 84.50 Blk 234, lot 6, Joseph Reldcl. 84.50 Blk 234, lot 7." Joseph Reldcl.; 34.50 Blk 234, lot 6, -Leila Grace Lamberaon.. 34.60 Blk 234, lot 6, Leila Grace Lamberaon.. 34.50 tractors for the improvement ot-East Twelfth street, mider the provlalons of nrdlnanc No. 13,382. have completed said atreet, from the center line of Mason street to tbe center line of Shaver street. Said acceptance will be considered by the Eleeutlve Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September, 1003, and objections to the acccplsnoe of said street or any part thereof may be filed In the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. TIIK EXECITIVB BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portlands Aug ms t 20. 11X1.1. -r FR0F0SED ASSESSMENT F01 IMFB0TX MENT OF MAIN STREET Notice Is herebr given that the Council of tne uy ot i-ortisnu prosoaea to asaeaa me following described . orooerty sand owner or owners us being apeclally and peculiarly bene. filed In tbe amounts set opposite thn names snd descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Msln street from the eaat line of Front atreet to the weat line of Fifth street, ss provided by ordinance No. 13.860. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for aald Improvement mint be made In writing to the Council and filed wits. the Auditor wltbln fifteen days from the dste of the first publi cation of tbla notice, and ssld objections will be heard and determined by the Council be fore the passage of the ordinance assessing the coat of aald improvements Portland , Blk 6, lot 4, Annie C. Srhmeer... $ 121.87 Blk 6. south 4 lot 8. Charlotte Moffett Csrtwrlght . 4.64 Blk 6. north 4 lot I. Perry G. Baker. . 4 64 Blk 11, lot 4. Lewis Lors 176.11 Blk 11, kit 8, John A. Devlin Eatate helra of 6.00 Blk 11, lot 5, Iander L. Hawkins 169.60 Blk 24, lot 4. Agnes H. Schumann . . 152.78 Blk 24. lot 5. J. W. snd V. Cook 160.66 Rlk 68, kit 4. Multnomsb County. 151.20 Blk 58, .lot 5, Multnomah County 166.9B Blk 7. undivided 4 lot T, Msry Ann Cottle 3.66 Blk 7. undivided V. lot T, Ada, Pearl Cottle 1.83 Blk 7. undivided '4 lot T, Blanch E. Cottle 1.84 Blk 7. undivided I 15 lot 8. Kllxabeth D. Meyer , 15.98 Blk 7. undivided v 1-15 lot 8, Isaac T. Davenport 15.98 Blk 7. undivided 1-15 lot 8, Ester J. D. Mills ; 15.98 Blk 7. undivided 4-5 lot 8. Tyler Wood ward, trustee 191.68 Blk in. lot 8. William H. Harrla 159.08 Blk 25. kit 1. Emma H. Anderson 158.50 Blk 25, lot 8, Ella M. Smith Estate, heirs of , 167 69 Blk 57. lot 1. Mary Rnth Hawkins 177.68 Rlk 57, lot 2. Msry Ruth Hawkins 8.59 Blk 67. eaat 33 feet let 8, Mary Ruth liawklna Blk 67. undivided 4 of weat 66 H feet lot 8, Holllster D. McGuIre Eatate, heirs of 1 Blk 57. undivided 4 of west 60)4 feet lot s, wuiiam e. Muinoiian... 58.30 68.32 65.82 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 8EWEB IN I AST THIRTEENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa flled In tha office of the undersigned notice that 8. P. White. contractor for the construction of a sewer la East Thirteenth street from tha north una of Broadway to tba sewer In Hancock street. under ths provisions of ordinance No. 13,384 has completed ssld sewer. Held acceptance will be considered by tba executive ttoara at 4 o clock on tba 4th oar of September, 1903. and objections to tbs ac ceptance thereof may be flled in ths office of tha undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECl'TIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Angnst 29. 19Q3. - rmopo ALS FOB , SIWH WOBjL . Bealaa proposals wld ba received tf tba office of ths Auditor of, tba City af Port lsnd ntH Prldsy, Beptember 4. 1908, at 4 a clock p. m. fog tha constrnctlon of n sewer In Twantr-thurd atraet from 1AH worth of tha north Una of Tburman atraet to tba sewer In Vanghn street In tha manner pro elded by ordJnanca Ma, 11564, subject to tba prorlslotui of ths charter snd ordinances of us city of Portlsnd and tba ssUwats of Us City Engineer, on Bio. Blda muat ba strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will ba furnished on sp- piicauon at tna otnes of tba Aadltor af tba City of Portland. And aald sewer must ba completed on or before 40 daya from tha data of tbs signing ot ths- contract by tha partlaa thereto. . r no proposals or blda wtri 'ba considered unieaa accompanied by a certified check pay. sble to tbe order of th Mayor of tba City 01 i-or nana, certified by a responsible hank for aa amount equal to tan par cent of tba sggregate proposal. Tha right to reject, any sad aU bids la hereby reserved. By order of tbs Executive Board. THOS. C. DatVLlH. . Auditor of tha at of Portland. Angnat 89. 1903. -, riorosAii fob sewer work. Healed nrooosala will 'ha racelmi office of ths Auditor of ths City of Port land until Frldar. Hentemher- 4. lAnJi .t a o'clock p. ta. -for the conatrurtloa of a aewer in Eaat Twenty-eerenth nd Lawrence atreeta from- 100 feet south sf the annth u- . Sand read to tbe sewer In East Everett atreet, in th manner provided by ordinance No. 18, 608, subject to ths previsions of the charter snd ordinances of the City of Portland, and the estimate of the Cltj Engineer, on Ale. Blda'-vnuat ba strictly In srnrlaiua -lit. printed blanks, which will ba furnished on sp pllcatlnn at tha office of the Auditor of tha City of Portland. And ssld sesrar wii,.t k. completed - on or before 40 days from ths dste of ths signing sf tbs oontract by tha partlea thereto. V No proposals or bids win ho' miibIiUm unieaa accompanied ny a certified check nay' Me to tbe order of ths Mayor of tha City Of Portland, certified be a mimnalkl. for an amount equal to ten oer cent af tha 'IT proposal. - The .right to reject any and all bids Is -'7 'eryeq. y order of tba Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbs City of Portlsnd. Angnst , 1903. gars propoasj. r " ' The right to reject any " an4 all bids to hereby resreed. - - v By order of tbs' EieenMr Board, . L k ull.. A . I . 'I S U. . 1 A Angnst 19. 1908. - ... COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN FIFTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that WllUsm C. El liott. City Engineer, bss flled in ths office of the undersigned notice that B. W. Rlner, contractor for tbe construction of a aewer lh Fifth street from tbe south tine of Irving atraet to the sewer In GUaaa ' atreet, under the prorlaloss of ordinance No. 11277, has com pleted said sewer. Held acceptance will be considered by ths Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock on ths 4th day of September, 1908, snd objections to the acceptance thereof may tnr" filed n the office of ths undersigned at any time prior thereto, THE EXECl'TIVE BOARD. By THOH. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Anguat 29. 1903. PROPOSALS FOB BEWZS WORK. Healed nrooosala will be received at 4h ornce or tne Auditor of ths City of Port' isnd until Prldsy, September 4. 1908, at 4 o ciors p. m. ror tne construction or a aewer In Missouri avenue from 25 feet aonth of tha aouth Una of Preseott street to the sewer In neeen street, In tbe msnner provided by ordi nance No. 13.506. snhleet to tha nrorlslons of the charter and ordinances of tbe City of i-ortiano sna tns sstlmsto of ths City Engi neer. 00 file. Bids muat be atrisflr la acenrrlanca with printed blanks, which, will ha rnrnlahcd on an. pllcstlon st ths efe of tba Auditor of the City of Portland. And ssld- sewer must bo completed on or 'before 60 dsys from tha date of the signing of ths contract by tbs psrtles thereto, f no propose la or blda will he considered nnless sccompanled by a certified check aoie 10 ine orner or tna Mayor or tha City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten. ner. cent of tbs sggregste proposal. The tight to reject sny sad sll bids fa hereby reserved. -By order of the Execntlve Beard, THOH. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Anguat 29. 1903. FB0F0SZ9 XMPipTFJfZaTT OF XASX XXRTX, " STREET. ' v Notlea la hereby glrea that at tha meeting of ths Conncll of tho Uitr of Portlsnd, . Oregon,' held an tho 19th day of August, lOS, tha fol lowing" resolution wsa adopted: - Resolred. That tba Council ef tha City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to improve Esst Tenth atreet from tha north Una of Falling atreet to tba Ssutb Una lino of ioin( street la tba following manner, to-wlt: , Firat By grading tha street-.full width With full Intersections to tha proper euhgrade. , Second By bringing tha street full width with full Intersection tb proper grade with aplsnd bsnk fraveL Third Br laying wooden sidewalks In ae. eordanca with the City Engineer's plana, sped Dcstions ana estimates. ' . , rourtn Br isrinc ana reisrina wonaen crosswslks la accords nee with ths City Engl-' aeer'a plana, specifications and estimates. Fifth By constructing bog snd stone gut ters In accordance with tba City Engineer's plana, r pacifications and estimates. Said Improvement to be mads la gceordsnra with the charter snd ordinances of tho City of Portland and ths plana, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer flled In ths office of tbs Auditor of tbs City ot Portland on ths lHtb day nr Angnst, 1B"3, Indorsed "City Engineer s plana and specifications for ths Improvement if Esst Tenth street from the north lino of Palling street to tha south Una of Going street snd the ostlmstea of tho work to ba dona and tha probable total coat thereof." Tho cost of ssld Improvement to ho assess sd ss provided by ths City Charter apoa tba property specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tba lota, Marts of lots sad parcels of lsnd lying between tha north line of Falling street snd ths south lino of Going atreet, and between a Una 100 feet westerly from snd parallel with tha westerly line of Esst Tenth street, and a Jna 100 feet easterly from and parallel with tba easterly Une of Eaat Tenth street. The Engineer's estlmsts of tha probable total mat of the improvement of ssld Esst Tsnth street is $8,768.00. The above Improvement Is to bs etaaaed as aa upland bank gravel Improvement snd anal", bs maintained by ths city for a period of fnar years, provided that the owners of s majority af tha nrooertr benefited br aald Improvement or any iort1on thereof ahall not petition for i new or oirrerent improvement oerors ins ex piration ot auch period. Tha plana. iLclDratloaa and oatlmatsa of tbs City EnglneerO'ir - the Improvement of said East Tetith street srs hereby s Hop tea. Resolved. That the Auditor nf tha City of Portland be and ha Is hereby directed to glrs notlea nf tbs ornnosed Improvement of ssld street ss provided by ths City Charter. Remonstrance against tbe shore Improve ment may be flled In writing wltb tha under signed within 30 dsys from tha data of tha Brat publication of thla notice. BJ order 01 tbo council. THOMAS C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbo City of Portland. Angnst S3. 1908. s COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF TWT NTT-FIFTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that WllUsm C. El liott. City Engineer, bss tiled in the office of tbe undersigned, notice that R. J. Debuhr, con tractor for the improvement of Twenty-fifth atreet. under the provisions of ordinance No. 18.864. taa complete! aald atreet from tbe center line of Vaughn street to the north line of Raleigh atreet. Hald acceptance will be considered by the Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September. 1903. snd objections to the scceptance of aald street or any pert thereof may be flled In the office of tha undersigned st sny time prior thereto. THE KXBCUTIVB BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. August 29. 1908. Total THOS. Auditor of the August 3,1, 1903. cfy .$2,190.92 DEVLIN. of Portland. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF MASON - STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C. El liott, City Engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned notice that K. J.' Debuhr, con tractor fur the Improvement of Mason street, under the provisions of ordlnsnre No. 13,369, has completed the jesst 4 of tbe Intersection of Esst Fourteenth street. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of Shptember, 1903, and objections to the acceptance of aald street or any part thereof may be filed in the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECl'TIVE BOARD. 'o By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. August 29, 1903. Total .$363.60 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. September 1, 1908. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF PENINSULAR AVENUE. ' Notice la hereby glren that William C. El liott, City Engineer, hss flled In tbe office of the undersigned notice tbst Bauer A Wlamer. contractors for the Improvement of Peninsular avenue, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.166. have completed ssld street from the center Hue of MrPberson street to tbe south line of the Columbia boulevard. Said acceptance will be considered by tba Executive Board st 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September, 1903, and objections to the acceptance of ssld street or sny part thereof may be filed In the office of tha undersigned st any time prior thereto. THE EXECl'TIVE BOARD; By THOS. C. DEVLIN; Auditor of tba City ef "Tort la ad. August 29, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF KEARNEY STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C. El liott. City Engineer, has flled In the office of the undersigned notice thst Fralney A Keatlnc. contractors for tbe improvement of Kesrney street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,238. have completed aald atreet from tbe center line of Twelfth atreet to tbo eaat curb line or Fourteenth street. Said accentance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September, 1003, and objections to the acceptance of aald street or sny part thereof msy oe filed in tne ornce 01 tne undersigned st sny time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Anguat 29. 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENJOF MA80N STREET. Notice Is hereby -(Iran that William C. El liott, City Engineer, bss flledNin the office of the undersigned notice that Bejttlll Bros., con tractors for the 1 mprovemeot- fr Msson street, under the provisions of ordlnsnca No. 13.369, hare completed said street from the center line of .East Twelfth street to tbo esst lias of Esst Fourteenth street. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on -the 4th day of September, 1903, and objecttona to the acceptance of ssld street or any part thereof msy be flled in tbe office of tbe" anderslgned at sny time prior thereto. ' THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. ' By THOS. C DEVLIN, Auditor of tba City of Portland. . August 28, 1903, ' i ."' '. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF WASHIN0T0N STREET. Notice is hereby given that tbe Council of the City or Portland proposes to assess the follow ns described property and owuer or owners na being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounta set opposite the names end descriptions, thereof for the Improvement of Washington street from the west line of First atreet to the eaat line of Third street, as pro vided by ordinance No. 13,302. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for raid Improvement muat be made In wrltlnc to the Council and flled with the Auditor within fifteen lays from the date of tbe first publi cation of thla notice, and ssld objections will be beard tnd . determined by tbe Council be fore the passage of the ordinance assessing the cost i t said Improvement. Portland Blk 38. lot 4, Samuel Bruce Huston. . ..$ 255.82 rtik 3N, let , nanwtei Bruce Huston.... 80,02 Blk 38, 'ot 6, Labbe Bros 78,82 Blk ft, '.ot 5, Labbe Bros i. 268.42 Blk 18. lot 4. John B. Waldo. .'. 264.75 Blk 18, lot 3, Amanda W. Reed 78.30 Blk IN. lot 6, Amsnda W. Reed........ 80.60 Blk 18, lot 6, Frank Dekum Estate, belra of - 214.18 Blk 16. north 27 4 feet lot 1, Alexander Mayer 193.57 Blk 16. aonth 224 feet lot 1, Graham Gfaias Estate, belra of 28.56 Elk 16, north 26 1-3 feet lot 2, Graham Glass Estate, heirs of 16.72 Blk 16. south 23 2-8 feet lot 2, Henry W. Corbet t Kstate, helra of,,. J5.02 Blk 16, north 4 lot 7, Johanna Rumme- lln 89.22 Blk 10, south 4 lot T, Henry W. Cor- bctt Eatate, -helra of : 89.22 Blk 16, east 63 feet lot 8, Prank C. Baker and Abraham Tlchner 178.14 Blk 16, west 32 feet lot 8, A. and B. and J. Labbe 80.51 Blk 19, lot 1, The Commercial Trust Company 265.66 Blk 19. lot 2. Tbe Commercial Trust Company , 78.44 Blk 19, lot 7. Henrietta E. Palling, Mary F. Falling and Emily P. Cabell. 80.60 Blk 19, lot 8. Henrietta E. Falling, Marr F. Fstllna and Emily P. Cabell. 214 17 Right of Way, Portland Railway Com pany 1,404.59 Right of way. City A Suburban Ball nay Company ...k 133.88 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF H0TT STREET. Notice Is herebr glren thst WllUsm C. Kl. llott. City Engineer, baa flled In tho office of tbe undersigned notice that Fralney A Keating, eontractore for the Improvement of Hoyt street, under the provisions of ordlnsnre No. 18.236. have completed ssld street from ths center Une of Tenth street to tbe esst Una of Fourteenth street. Ssld acceptance will be considered br the Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September, 1903, and objections to tha acceptance or ssld street -T sny psrt thereof msy be flled In tbe office ot tbe undersigned st sny time prior tnereto. J tlU KXl UTIVB BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. August 29. 1908. PROPOSALS .TOR SEWER WORK. Reeled proposals will be received st the office of the Auditor of the Cltv of Port lsnd nntll Prldsy, September 4, 1903, st 4 o'clock p. m. for the construction of s sewer in Esst Twenty-eighth atreet from ino feet souin or tne sontn line or the Handy road to tne sewer in ttsat Twenty-eighth atreet at 18 reet soutn or tne north line of Rest Gltaan street, in the manner provided by ordinance No. is.mrr, autiject to tbe provisions or the rhsrter snd ordlnsnces of the City of Portland and me estimate or tne city Engineer, on file. Bids muat be strictly In sreor dance wltb printed blanks which will be furnished on. ap plication at the office of the Andltor of the City of Portland. And ssld sewer mnst he completed xia or before 60- dsys from tba dste of the signing of tba contract by tha psrtles thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered nnless accompanied by a certified check pay. able to tbe order of the Mayor of tha City of Portbtnd. certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of ths aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all blda Is hereby reserved. By order of ths Execntlre Bosrd. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Angnst 20. 1908. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PE0VEMENT OF ELEVENTH STREET. Notice Is herebr riven thst Wllllsm C El. llott. City Engtneer. hss filed In the office of the undersigned, notice tbst Smyth A Howsrd Compsny, contractors for the improvement of Klerentn street, unaer tne provisions or ordt nance No. 13.233. bare completed ssld street. from ths center line of Jounsoa street to tbs south Une of Nortbrap street. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of September, 1903, and objections to the acceptance of raid atreet or any part thereof msy ne niea in tne ornce 01 tne undersigned st any lime prior tnereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. August 29. 1903. t Total ,...$3,952.81 TIIOB. O. DEVLIN. Auditor of tho City of Portland. August 31, 1903. P0UNDMAB TEE'S NOTICE, NOTICE la hereby glren that on tha 26th day of August, 1903, I took up and empounded at the city pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth street, in the city of Portland, .Or,, tbe following described animals: , Oae dark sorrel mare, roach ed mane, white spot on forehead and white stripe down face; also. One Iron gray borne, reached mane and col lar marks on shoulders. And nnless tho owner, 'or other person or persons hsrlng an Interest therein, shall claim v possession of the same, and pay sll costs and charges of the keeping and advertising them, together with tba pound faea en ssld anl- 6 ma la, as provided by ordlnsnca No. 5,925. ss amended, of said city , of Portland, I will, on tbe 8d day of September, 1903, at- tba hour of 10 a. m., at the city pound, at No. . 261 Sixteenth, la aald city, nail tba abora described animate at public auction to tha btgbeat bidder, to pay tha costs and charges for taking ap, harping and sdrer Using auch animals.' . . Dated this 28th day Of August. 1903. F. W. REED. Poundmaster, . PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE- 1 MENT OF SALMON 8TREET. Notlea Is hereby given' tbst the Council of the Cltr of Portland proposes to saseaa the following 'nrscrlbed property jjnd owner, or owners aa ncing apeciaiiy aims' peculiarly oene fited in the suwunta set opposltex. tbe nsmes snd descriptions thereof for the Improvement ot Salmon street from tbe eaat line of Front street to the west Hoe "of Sixth street, aa provided Dy orainanca no. la.sos. Any objections to tba spportlonment of cost for said Improvement must be made In writing to tbe Council sad filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from tbe data of tbe first publi cation of thla notice. - and ssld objections win be besrd snd determined by the Council be. fore the passage of the ordinance assessing tns cost 01 sai a improvement. Portland Blk 6, undivided 1-8 cast 65 feet lot 4, J. A. Malarkey.. ! f Blk 5, undivided 1-8 east 65 feet lot 4, F. E. Hnlman ,-.T Blk ft. undivided 1-8 eaat 65 feet lot 4. Emma Holman Blk 12. east 85 feet lot 4, Grace Rots.. Blk 12. west 15 feet lot 4, alary J. Woodward Blk 12. east 10 feet lot 6, Msry J. Woodward Blk 12. west. 85 feet lot 6, Thomas M. 42.00 42.00 42.00 232.40 38.84 10.24 184.03 nii-iiaruMiu Blk 28, lot 4, Joseph M. Dolph Estste. heirs of, and yrua uoipn ana 1. t. Apperson 182.17 Blk S3, lot 4, George T. Meyers 196.35 Blk 69, lot 6, Bernard U Stone 190.08 Blk lSl, lot 4. R. Williams 16.19 Blk 181, south lot 8, R. Williams... 6.471; Blk 181, nortn 4 lot a, isiien u. con- gle 8.48 Rlk 6, lot 1. Robert Patton helra 199.67 Blk 6, north Mi lot 2, Robert Patton helra .'. 6.10 Blk . south Ml lot 2, Wllllsm Wolf stein 5.11 Blk 6, lot 8. Savings A Loan Society of San Francisco 185.85 Blk 11, lot 1. Asa Barker Estate, heirs of 24T.87 Blk 11, lot 2, Ferdinand C. Smith 8.28 Blk 11, lot 8, Henry Weinhard .183.27 Blk 24, lot 1, German ua rings Loan society 182.18 Blk 58, lot 1, Multnomah County 190.06 Blk 68. lot 8, Multnomah. County 190.08 Blk 169, lot 1, Security Savings A Trust Company 116.08 Blk 169, east H lot T, Agnea Grooms.. . 6 24 Blk 169. east H lot 8, Agnes Grooms.. 66.84 Blk 169, west H lot 7. Henrietta E v Mary F. Falling and Emily 9. Cabell. 8.25 Blk 169, west H kt 8. Henrietta H., Mary p. Falling and Emily F. Gabell. 85.84 PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Port land until Friday. September 4.. 1903. at 4 o'clock p. m. for the construction of a sewer In Esst Mnth street from J75i feet aouth of inompson street to tne aewer In Tillamook street, in me manner provided by ordinance No, 13.006. tuhject to the provisions of tha rasrter ana oramsnceo or the ( My of Port land and' tbe estlmsts ot tbe City Engineer) on file. Bids muat be strictly In accordsncs with printed blanks, which will be furnished on ap plication at the office of ths Auditor of the City of Portland. And ssld sewer mnst be completed on or before SO dsys from ths aste or tne signing or ths contract by ths parties thereto. No propossls or bids will bs considered unless accompaniea ny a certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of the ri of Portland, certified br a reenonalhla hsnl for sn smount equal to .ten per cent of tba aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids hereby reeerred. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot tbe City of Portland. Augtiat 29, 1903. PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at tha office of the Auditor of the City of Pnrt land. until Friday. September 4. 1903. at 4 o'clock p. m. for tha improvement of Corbet t atreet from 81.4 feet .south of tbe south line of Pennoyer street to 110 feet north of tbe north line of Pennoyer street. In the msn ner provided by ordinance No. 13.496. sub ject to tbe provisions of the rhsrter snd ordlnsnces of tbe City of Portlsnd snd the estlmsts of the City Engineer, on file. Rids must be strictly In eceordance with printed blanks, which will be furnlsbed on snpllrstlon at the office of the Aadltor ot the City of Portland. And ssld I m prore ment must be completed on or before one year from ths dste of the signing of the contract by tha psrtles thereto. No propossls or bids will be considered nn less acompanled by s certified check payable to the order of ths Msyor of the City of Portlsnd. certified by s responsible bsnk for sn smount equal to 10 per cent of ths sggre gste prooosisl. The right to reject sny snd all bids In hereby reeerred. 1 , By order of the Eieeutlre Bosrd. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portlsnd. Angnat 29, 1903. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Healed proposals will be received at the ornce or tne Auditor or the city of Port' land until Friday. September 4. 1903. at 4 o'clock p. m. for the construction of a sewer in sssi (.oucn street rrom the west Una of lot 1 In block 0 and lot 10 In block 5. . Buck man's Second Addition, to tbe sewer tn East Eighteenth atreet. in the msnner provided by ordinance No. 13,509, subject to the pro visions ok tne cnarier ana orainsnces or ths City of Portlsnd snd the estimate of tha City ausiuevr, vn uie. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be famished on an. plication at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd. And said sewer must be completed on or before 60 days from the aste or tne signing or the contract by tha partlea thereto. No proposals or blda will be considered unless accompaniea ny a certmed check pay able to tbe order of tba Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bsnk for sn amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids 1a hereby reeerred. By order or ths Execntlre Bosrd. THOS; C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. August 29, 1803. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Healed propossls wlU be received st the ornce or tne Auditor or the city of Port lsnd nntll Friday. September 4. 1908. at 4 0 clock p. m. tor tne constrnctlon of a aewer in East Irving street from the east line of Esst Twenty-nintn street to the sewer In East Twenty-eighth street, in the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,610, Subject to the provisions of tbe charter and ordinances of tne city or fortisna sna tne estlmsts of ths City Engtneer, on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed Manks. which will bs furnished on an. plication at tbe office of the Andltor of the City of Portland. And aald sewer must be completed on or before 46 dsys from tha date of the signing ot tbe contract by the parties tnereto. a No propoaala or bids will be considered unless sccompanled by a certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids la hereby reeerred. , ny oraer 01 tne sxecmire Boera. THOS. O. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. August 29, 1608. Total ..i..... $2,824.00 THUS.. V. DEVLIN, , Aadltor of tha City of Portland. Aafust tl, 1903, PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Port land, until Friday, September 4, 1903, at 4 o'clock D. m. for the improvement of Kaat Twelfth atreet from 12 feet north of tbe aonth Una of Esst Taylor atreet to 12 feet south of tha north line of Hswthorne avenue. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.502. snh leet to tbe provisions of the charter and ordi nances of the City of Portland and tha esti mate of the City Engineer, on tile. Bids most bs strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on sppUeatlon at the office of the Auditor of tbe City "f Portland, And. aaid Improve ment muat be completed on or before 80 dsys from tho dste of tba signing of the contract by the partlea thereto. - , No propoaala or blda will be considered an iens aoempanled by a certified check payable to tbe order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an ajasnt equal ta 10 per cent of tho aggre- PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed propossls will be received at tha office of the Auditor of tbe City of Port land, nntll Friday, September 4. 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the improvement of Corbett street from 85 feet north of the north line of G rover atreet to 230 feet north of tha north Une nf Grorer street. In tbe msnner provided by ordlnsnre No. 13.497, subject to the pro visions of the rhsrter snd ordinances of tba City of Portland and tha estlmsts of thai fit vn i nu- si. . . - -. - . . . ... . Bids roust he strictly in accordance witB:-F priniro lianas, snirn win oe lurnisnea on y application .-at tbe of Oca or tbe Andltor ot the City bf Portland. And aald Improve- ment must be completed on nr before one year from the date of tbe algnlnk of the contract by the psrtles thereto. no proposals or mas will tie considered un less accompanied by a certified cheek payable to the order of the Msyor of the City of Portlsnd, certified by s reaponalhle bsnk for sn smount equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggre gate proposal. Tbe right to reject any and all blda I hereby reeerred. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVMN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. August 29. 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port land, until Friday, September 4, 1903. at 4 o'Hork p. m. for the Improvement of Hancock street from the esst line of East Twenty-fourth street to 200 feet esat of tbe eaat line of county road. In the msnner provided by ordi nance No. 18,498, subject to tbe provisions of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the estimate of tbe City Engtneer, on file. Bida mnst be strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which wlU be furnlsbed on application at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And ssid lropepve ment must be completed on or before! 90 dsys from tbe dste of the signing of tba contract by tbe parties thereto. No popoeala or bids will be considered nn less sccompanled by a certified check payable to the orijer of tbe Msyor of ths City of Portlsnd. certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggre gate proposal. The right to reject any and aU bids la hereby reeerred. By order 01 tne Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Angnst 29. 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at tbe office of the ' Auditor of the City of Port lsnd. until Friday. September 4. 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. for tbs improvement of Eaat Stark street from the west Une of East Water street 'to the west line of Union srenue, in the manner provided by ordinance Ho. 18.499, subject to tbe provisions of the charter snd ordinances of the City of Portland snd the estimate . of the City Engineer, on file.' Bids must be strictly in accordance with printed Hanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland. And ssld improve ment mnst be completed on or before 30 days from tbe date of the elgntng of tha contract by the partlea thereto. ' No proposals or bida will be considered nn less acompanled by a certified check payable to the order of tbe Mayor of the City ot Portland, certified by a responalble bank for n amount equal to 10 per cent 01 tbe aggre gate proposal. The rlaast to reject any and all bids la hereby reserred. By order or tne Executive uoarn. THOS. C. DEVLIN, - ; I Auditor of the City of Portland. August 29, 1903, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX- PROVEMENT OF TAMHILL STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. El liott, City Engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned notice tbst the Carbollneum Wood Preserring Comnanr. contractors for tha lmprorement of Yamhill street, under the pro visions of ordinance No. 13.341, have com pleted ssld street from the. went Une of First street to the esst line of Fjanrth street. , Sold acceptance will bs considered br ths Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 4th day of September, 1903, and objections to ths acceptance of aald street or any pert thereof msy be flled in tbe office of the nnderslaned at any time prior thereto. s Trim BAECITIVB BOARD. ' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City of Portland. Angnst 29, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF XH- PROVEMENT OF WASHINGTON STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst Wllllsm r. El. llott. City Enalneer. baa filed In tha fa a tba undersigned notice that the Carbollneum Wood Preserring Company, contractors for tha lmprorement of Washington atreet, under tba provisions 01 oral nance no. 19,302, bare com pleted said atreet from the west line of First street to the east lins of Third street Ssid acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tha 4th day of September, 1903, and objections to the acceptance ot aald atreet or any part thereof may be flled In the office of the anderslgned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECTJTTVE! BOARD. ' By THOS. C.. DEVLIN, Auditor of tha City nf Pbrtlaid, August 3, 1803. " ii i