The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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' Vint VOTXClaV,
' crtr voTiczi.'
va WVtlVIVl
: rjtoroaiB ivrxotzxrvx or ikuu I norou ntrBorxmn or
i' . ' . " tTftllT. I ITXXXTt '
. .. l M hereby glrea that at tha meeting of I Notice la tmbf'flni that at tba aveertng af I Portland: thence Urlr along
' Ft. 00,1 "if 11 ' J Ct of peytlaad. Oregon, I the Vouart of tho City of Portland. Oregon, I boundary Una of the City of
held oa tho loth day of Aaguet, 1W3, th tol- held 0a the lta day of Auguat, 1W3, tb fol point ( lla tatergectloa with
atone tha dlrl.loa Uaea between aeetlona and I rtOFOHED CBAIV Of trWIXI IS CAU- I of tbe Olty of Perlland; thaaoa oert afong aald
i ia m a e ,n j -. dt n I V W W I I . . . . ., , . ..... . i
. anrro
iu, ia ana ib. hi m o, t i i, k i , w i. i ...... Hininia BTUXT Airil eoutherl boundary Una of tba Oi tr of Port
to tba toatberly bouadary 11m of th City of I ' m ,1 lank to a point at Ita lntaraoctloa with tba
. aaia eouineriy .a. wast Mm f g,, willaajatte rtrae at low water
roriiaaa io a I notice ia Hereby glrrn thai at we Beenng or i mark; thence northerly a tool tba waatarly Una
L.i. i "7 ' ..- i i vi --., , 1 yuuiv at ua lairnvruoa wim v w nn- i lur wuncn ot ih LU7 oi rorfiano, raa.( i oi ut naHameiie nrvw a i nw water aaara
"It ,uud,: '' .1 l0,i!n,.'!0,nii?". wig ,pud.: . . of WlUamatU Htot at low water mark) bald on tba J9th ttay of Aninwt, WO, tba fo. to Ita ttxiraa ctloa with tba eatiter'Uaa of
- b-1 V .'1 k.' 2" v"?e" ' , lu" - , .""k 1 -uoc" ", -' immoa aortharly along tm waatoriy una oi ma towinf raaulutlon waa adoptedl Harrlaon-'atraot aitandad aaaterly la lot araaant
?"". O"oai aama It axpadlaat aad pro-1 PortUad, Oraroa, d ma It aipadlant and arc- WllUnotta .Blrar'at low wator nark to Ite Ro1tm1. That Uia Council of tba City bf aoaraa. tba aama twtiK tba oUca of bacla-
b - 7' ? V T I r-- ' - T" ".. L . i.rciMn win ma camar una w ni i tmvn rnriiana, unon. aeama II axpaaiant ana pra-. nine.
lna . ,UllU tt ta foltow I aarthwaatarly Una of Impoat atraat to tba fol- tba aama balnc tba plana of N-glnnln. furnla atraat, blaradam atntet and otbar atraata eoat of tba InpreTaawat of aald Froat itraat
Vlr.. c. 7, . . . ,, ... I ,.v aiafinoar a aaumaw. oi ua prooaoia i win an naceaaary eatcBDaaina, saaaooiaa, lamp i u f lu.m.uu.
r.11 ?..7 .r,U? I?' fui1 i1 Wlti 1 1 Rlr?'rB' frtlnf ,M f"w 1rid'b w,t fo. of ha lmproraBiaot of aald Front itraat hoi- and branrbra aa follow.: y Tba abora improinant bj to ba elaaaad aa a
' u XI. "i, lu" Pw : . I wmwfm v wo ivipr .ui..u... .- u am.jDi.uo. aawar ol Ttr!0wl atwar plpo in naeaaani Blank roadway ImproTamant, and ahall ba taaia
. . . .. . ' -- - - . - - . . v. - I ahw auira iuidtvt.idii ! wv w v m I aiirri irrfia Dnint lju laaK aouin ua luw wwaaa laiEWU ox an. wniw lur m vtanoaa . a low rwaarv,
Z... 1 foUona to propar frao wltt Halaay atraat and Mi-ktlllaa itraat. . la nlank roadway Improrcmant and aball bal Una ot Mllaa atraat to a connection with tba proTldad tbat tba ownara of a majority of tba
Li??" . . . .Kfco?1.'TT. brtnUoa- tba atroat fall width mafotalnad by tha city lor a parted of four yaara. nropoaad conerata and brick aawar In Call- propnrty baneBtad by aald Impro naat or any
Bald ImnrOT.Mainf waa Ka maita In aAavapataaUaa I Wtlh full 4nfa.allA aa tifcnnau arraadal with I awnvlal ak.a aa.. . . I ..I. . . .... . . g4 I L la i ...i.i a .
, . . . . " -- : Jl . " r' r I ' taai aaaar vwaivrw va wjviiu w iuihh aUTTV I ID lUiKJW 111. uiBnwwa.1 vniauu luemi .11.11 nui uwuUH wi aa.w w.
Wlin tba h..raa. ..a aa.fta- aa. Iha M t . aaff I M.a.H.BM u . , I n a. ....a a. i a a i . I a a . .. .. . i a I . .. . . . . . . . . ..
a aa7iLli 7 aa.aa.aa.-v- -a i LL " L . . . I v of .iu J i ii incnfi ciw inBioa uiauiei.r iroiu a vwin i uuiTvui imuroTasBanK oaujra wia wyimmn va
i,V. aTr '. r. iwonouw ass i imnr-sf Mma wnwi nwawiui i pnr.ion uaraor anau not paiiiion ror a ww or i in Mara dim atraat Va tut aouth ot tM aoau i aarn panod.
ir tha i At. MV f . , l? "" ' I airrarwot ImnroTanant bafora tba aspiration of lino of Ullaa atraet to a point In Macadam 1 Tba pUoa, apart Oca tlooa and aatlanataa of Ua
. 7 . tam iif wi t-wrw-u i n naniwiiiiwi ao . i ufinoa. i iiriwi aoi iMf north oi tba aorta una oi Hiioa i niy snginaar ror ua improTamoni 01 ma
ITtt day of Attfuat. 100A. Indoraad "City Inl. la arrvrdanca with tba City Xnclocar'a Plana, I Tba pUna. iMwIflcatlotia and oatlmiitaa of tba atraati thanpa- of ati Inrhav. Lar Jnalda dlama- Front atraat are k.rahw adootad.
P-tna aad apaclncatlona for tba 1m- apoclflratlona jnd eetlmatee. City Cnglnaar for tha ImproTamant ot aald tar to a point la Nerada atraat; tbenoo of Raoolrod, tbat tba Auditor of the City of
arOranant nf WK....... ...a tttm M I llaaaa I rifthB. fl . 1 a. tan. .1. K. J .a... . . ... t' 1 I t k ' . . . .. ... . ..1 I . a a.. a . - a- a aa a-A a 1
" . , , . ' . aa.'aaa -. la " . ' vaaaa. aa .a aaaa .1 uui -w I . ' ' a .aaVk r BVlTUr .'!! la. - 1 IHI U J TlfH lnWlU. Oiamaiar VO B IWUIKUWII rmiUH OV HQ U . 1. WTW U 7 IlIWHD .
. air 1 10 a point auo ra. wan oi i aceoraaece wit tba city mu$ wear a piana, i Kaaoira, that tha Auditor of tha city or I with tha propoead coocrato and brick newer In I notice of the propoaad Impr ameat of aald
ua weat Una of BUth atraat, and tba eatlmatM apaplflrationa and eatlmataa. I Portland be and be la hereby directed to tire California atraat; I atreet aa prtrtidad by tba ofty Charter.
? n "or to be dona aad tba probable total Sixth By Urine; artificial atone aldewalka notice of the prepoaed Improrament of aald I A aarrar of rl trifled- aawar pipe la Macadam Kaaionatrance atalnat tha abore lapre-e.
7 . ... . . I . . . "tut aat. vtif . 1 -...... -awraaaru vj lltw vta "
. T."".0' ,ld Impiw-eaient to ba aaaeeaed I apaclOcatlona and eetlmatee. ttemonatrance acalnat tha abore imaeoTO-
aa proTldad by tha City Charter upon the prop-I Bald Impro-emeDt te be taade In accordance ment may be fllcf In writing wltb tba andar
jrty ap-clallr benanted Uereby and which la I with the rharter and ordtnancea of tba Cltr algnad within j daya from tha data of the
n-ciarra 10 no an toe an, paru oi ana i or rornaaa ana the plana, epecinceiione ana i nrac publication of thle notice,
and parcel! of land on the north aide of aald I aetlmatae ot tba Cltr Enclnrrr Bled In the I By order of the Council.
treat lying batwma tha north Una of Sherman I eflira of tha AuMtnr nt th. Cltr at Portland I Tiinuil ft rTt.n
'an a una uu laei norm or ana parauei i on tne lath day of Auguat, luos, inooreca;
1 therewith, and h.t.u. tt.. h... Af rn I ra. r - Kt. ... .n.nian.t... ..
fff't and Una 800 feat weat of aad parallel I tba imnrorement of Banton atreet from tba
wain me weat una or Mixta atraat,
1 atreet from a nailnt in i.kt- atraat to a eon-1 ment mar be died In wiitlnar with tba ander
I . ... . a . -l- I . iA7i ... . . .a.- a . .a.
nvciioa wim loa propoaad onocrf la ano prica aiarnea wunm au aara nun to oaie wi ua.
aawar In California atraat of the following flrat publication of thla notice.
Andltor af tba City ot Portland.
a cruet z., laua.
dlmenalona: Of 14 Inch clear Inalde diameter
rrom a point In Macadam atreet at vaaoia
treat to a point In Nebraaka atraat; tbtnee
of 14 Inchee clear Inalde diameter to a point
in Idaho atraat; thence af SO Inchee clear in
alde diameter to a oolnt In Vermont atreet;
thence of 23 tnchea clear Inalde diameter to a
Br order of tha Council.
Andltor of tba City ot PartUnd,
Aognet tt, 1808.
. . .1 aoumeaaieriy line or MCHHien a aqquiob w i rm.vrvBH.1) MrKOTUEKlTT VT TKa HUaSTS I point In Florida atreet: thence of 34 Incbea
iu.' DZr.FArtSi. .9VSt'AM.!Sl Oiri-KAUT Of SATIE llim. " diameter to a.coaneetloa Witt the
aouti lT. - ah-.:M.7,la,y "a T- ' Notice U ale., that at the maatlna of Lr"iT" cof,cr" w,c
feet aontk nf ..4 ....ii.i ha.wlth and I n.. a ..e ..ia ...- a a. a.. . I tti. Council at tha rite af Portland. Ore eon. I . " 1 .. ... . .N.a a..
th. weet ir7,r,n .Seat and 'tba .."proVTded" bV"V:Tt7 Carter uiTlh. tba 1Mb day of Jnly, llrOS.' fh. 'fol- rXL" "I .rZZ
n of block 84. Carathora' Addition to property apeclaUy ben.flted thereby and which '"oluf Ion wae adopted! connection with the MoDoeedeewer la Macadam
ra' Addition . tk. I'll, nt Pnrtlauai I I. k.r.h. A....A K. -II afc Reaolred. That tha Council Of tha CltT Of ..""a ". ?lWiJ?rr?a2?a ,".W"r " mmswuMm,
I .aarv iii me roiiowinar nimaiuioDa:
Notice la herebr glran tbat at the meeting af
weat 11
The Enrlheer a aatlmai. nt, tha nrohahla total I af lota anil n.raaaai. l.a.1 i.i. haawan th PortUnd. Oregon, It aXDedlent and Dro-
t of tha lmpro-ament ot aald Sherman atreet I eonUieaatarly line of McMIUen a Addition to P0". ? Improre the north one-half of rlaeler
a. eo.oni.w. a
The abore Imnrorement U to be CUeeed
BUIfadam lmwnman t anal ataall ' tan a
talned hT tha Htw tnm . naarlaaat aata.a VMM. I nimahaaa.taa.l. ... a.. .. T 1.1 rl V. at.. aatti.
prorlded that tba owner, of a majority of tba I aaaterly Una of Benton atreet and a Una 100 feet f f Irat By grading tba atreet to tba proper
jroparty oenaflted by aald Improrement, or any aotithweaterly from and parallel with tbelu;Ta
portion, thereof ahall not petition for a new aoatbweeterly line of Benton atreet. Second By bringing the atreet to proper
or airrerent Improrement before the expiration The Knglneer'e eetlmate of tba probable total r"n" macaaam.
eoat or tha ImproTemeot of (aid Benton tract
ia au.BH-.uo,
The abore ImDrorement la to be claaaed aa a
macadam Improrement and ahall be maintained
rmaa atreet aoathreaterly Una of McMIUen a Addition to ' improre tne nortn one-aair or na Tier ,,, Kebraaka atreet when
Beat PortUnd and a Una 100 feet aorthw-eterly ;ht.f? th! ". 'iS.0' .?lcb . A,fdmo? would be Interaected by the nort
Uaaed a from and parallel with the nortbweatorlr line J? the Cltr of Portland to the eaet Una of ,,ou of tt aaat line of lut 18.
be main- of Dupont atreet. and between a line 100 feet Twenty-elgbtb atreet In the rbllowlnf manner, Bontbern Portland" Oregon: th
Bra rrara. northeaaterlt rmaa and narallal with tha north, to-wit; ink. .i... iia. it . " . ' .
Of auch uertivt.
The pUna, a pacification, and ratlmatea of tba
City Engineer for the Improrement of aald
merman .treat are hereby adopted.
Third Br conatructlna? artificial .tone aide-
waixe. ' .
Said ImDrorement to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the City
following dlmenalona: Of elxht Incbea clear
di. iir. .r: .'a.rr.; ,a. . ., r.-.:-.: ")-""" . :,",,"w.""j". r: .t p,i... ..j at.. i,i ,a i mam-ier a n in rn-gima .b- (i
.T, V.!' Auuiuir oi in, wi; i i w me city tor a perioa oi roar yeara. pronoeu . 7.?. V 1. . ," V . .t.i I thence of II Inchee clear Inalde' diameter to a
" e ana am ia ncraoj uiracirq io gre i uai tne owner, or a majority er tne property i .. ua mr mum " . " . T I coi
the Coandl of the Cltr of Portland, Oregon.
I held on tho 10th day of Auguat. 1906, the lot
low 1 tie raaolutlon waa adootad t
Reeolred, That tha Council of tha City of
PortUnd, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poena to Improre Twenty-eight atreet from
Of ela-ht lnchaui .laa.r in.iit. diameter te a I the aoau line 01 Barter atreet to me bobib
point In Nebraaka atreet where the aama Una of Tbormaa atreet la tba lol lowing man
..k..1. avt-aa. I Bar. Ill-.111
TT I -7. ... .a . lav.
block ZJ. I r irmv nj araiuiia; hhliuwi a ... w.uaas -im
thence af 11 fun Interaeclona to tba -proper euDgraae.
inchee clear Inalde diameter to a point la .Tlr- Second Br bringing the etreet fall wiatn
gtnla atreet and thence of 16 Incbea clear In- "It "U .laUfaectlona te the proper grade
aide diameter to a connection with the pre
poaed aewer Io Maeadam atreet; a newer of
Tltrlfled aewer pipe In Idaho atreet from a
point la Wlaeonaln atreet to a connection wltb
the propoaed aewer In Macadam atreet of the
otlce of the propoaed Improrement of aald I benefited by aald Improrement or
tnereor nam not petition tor a new
atreet aa nrorlded by tba City Charter.
fteaionatreace againat tha abore Improre
tMBt may ba Bled In writing wltb tha under
algned within 10 daya from the date at tba
tret publication of thla notice.
By order of tba Council.
Auditor of tba City ot Portland.
Angaat U, 1B0B.
'.VrTtlo. Ardltorfty Tltf.u'SS
or dlfereat ?" "th day 't-l-? A Mwer of rltrlfled aewer pipe la Vermont
. of" afich Oty ftwtajera Plo. anl J-MtlaM far trw., from . p,ut m .treet to a
ItMAnaaanianl K. .. .k. tin.
n-rlod. - Z - I the Improrement of the north H of R.rlrr
The pUna. .pert Acatlona and eetlmatee ef the ftrert from the weat Una of Balch'a Addition
City Engineer for tha Improrement ot aald ? the ea.t Una of Twenty-eighth atreet and
Benton atreet are herebr adooted. the ratlmatea of tba work to be done aad tba
Reaolred. tbat the Auditor of tha City of probable total coat thereof."
Pnetl.nil hat ha I. karat., ail-aataaf ta .. I The CO.t of (lid Improrement to be .aacacd
notice of the propoaed Improrement of aald " prorlded by the City Charter upon the
Benton atreet aa prorlded by the City Charter, property apeclally benefited thereby and which ,
Remonatranee againat the abore Improre- J Jrey declared to be all the lota, parte of
ment may be filed In writing with the under- !" PTT n.0
with anacadam.
ThirdBy oonatroctlng artlftcUl atoaa (ide
walka on the weet aide ef aald atreet.
Fourth By mnatractlng artlBcUl atoaa enrba
en the eaat aide of aaia atreet.
Fifth By laying wooden croaawalka all feet
la width.
Rlrtn He mraarnctlraa' atone rattere.
Bald ImDrorement to be made la accord. oca
with the charter and ordlnancea of the City
of PortUnd and the pUna. apeclflcatlona and
aat 1 ma fa. of tha Cltr Enitoeer filed In the
office of the Andltor of the 01 ty ef PortUnd
n tba lHth day of Aajruat. IV ta. lnooreea
Olty Knglneer'a plana aad apeclflcatlona for
. I . ..A .i.a.1- or. a - a. aa.. a . a . .1 Ka
w .a a .1 . . . . . ..e'l a -aaaaiiii av ia.7. uuaaa vaa. uai. v. .aa.
rw. ,, , giren ion ai ina m-exina 01 1 cr.t publication ot thla notice.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
Auguat 1603.
the Ooaocll of the City of Portland. Oregon
Bead en tha tittk Am nf A una! lOOJI thai fnl.
lowing reeolutlon aa adopted:
Reaolred. That the Council of the City ot
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
Boece to Improre1 Madlaoa atreet from the eaat
Una of Second atreet to the eaat Una of rifth
atreet. In the following manner, to-wlt:
rtrat By grading the atreet full width with
full Interaectlona to the proper aubgrade, ex
cept tha lot-reaction ot Fourth atreet
Second By paring the atreet full width, with
full intereectlone with rltrlfled brick with aaad
rnahloo on a concrete foundation all Inchee In
thlckneee, except the lntereectlon at Fourth
Bald Improrement to be made la accordance
wltb the rharter and ordlnancea of tha City
of Portland and the pUna, apedflcatlone and
eetlmatee ot the City Engineer Bled In tba
office of the Auditor of the City of PortUnd
on me mo day or Auguat, 1W)8. indaraed
line of Balch'a Addition to tha City of Port
Und and the eaat line of Twenty-eighth
atreet, and between the north line of Barter
atreet and a Una 100 feet north of and paralUl
The Engineer a eetlmate of the probable total
coat or tne improrement or aald north one-
half of Parler .treet la MZO.OO.
Tba abore Improrement la to he cuaaed aa
a macadam improrement ana enaii oe main-
connrctlon with the propoaed aewer la
Macadam- atreet of the following dime Balneal
II .(.at .1... . . a .11 . a. .
y. . .til .--.!- I. Uliturm ay - F".m. ..-r .". T a. .I.V.V, ., r-ara
in virglnu atreet; thence of 18 Inchee clear iiutn vT.jua-.a J, ., ,1.
inalde diameter to a connection with the pro
poaed aewer In Macadam atreet;
A circular aewwr or concrete and mice rrom
a point In California atreet to low water line
of the Willamette Hirer of the following dl
menalona: Of 81 Inchee clear Inalde diameter
from a point In Macadam atreet to a point In
Bond atreet; thence of 40 Inchee clear Inalda
diameter to low water Una of tba Willamette
the aouth Una of Barter atreet to the aouth
line af Thnrman atreet. and the aa rim. tea of
the work to ba done and tba probabU total
ooet thereof."
The coat ef aald Improrement to be aaaeeeed
aa prorlded by the City Charter upon tha
firo party epemaliy oenentea in.reoy ana wmcn
a hereby declared to be all the lota, parti
following reeolutlon waa adopted:
Reaolred, tbat the Council of tha City of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
pone to Improre Beat Nineteenth atreet from
13 feet north of the aouth lla of TllUmook
atreet to 13 feet aouth of the north Una of
Weldler atreet la the following manner, to-
Flrat By eoaatructing artiflcUl atone aide
walka In accordance wltb the City Engineer'!
plana, apeclflcatlona and eetlmatee.
Pit. r..l.'.' al.. r.a tU..I... e. . n r . couairucuna wouuro Cnw. ...
aa. I m ,...., a ', . . " . . f " ' I .1 a 1VFI 1U WllllO. IO CTIirillDfl Willi 111- I 11
""'n V"" "5 Engineer'. pUna. apeclflcatlona and eetlmate..
Firth .tr-et rl'L.L.r ... waSS fhlrdOn-all that portion of aald atreet lying
ha !iaa -a' X JLVl. aal ,ib.tJ.k. U beween a line 13 feet north of the aouth
ifttf uiiJL?iI.w .VLH..A o T'lUmook atreet and the aouth Una
.. h ,)! P?,V ri.,.l .V:h- ot Hancock atreet, and between the north Una
orooSrtT tnlci.fiT?ti. tIh7 .a.k ?J TiT atreet and the aouth line of Bcbuy-
tFTHl'F "Ta . "tflte",.thrry. n(l wicb. ler atreet and between the north line of
ii. .7 rI?.T. i.T T.i - . n " Broadway and the eooth line of Broadway, and
!fi? i. a?.rriL Ji2d J.T.,.n,faibt! .'"t between the north Une of Weldler atreet and a
line rf IuZIa ,,r7.t Vnll th. la.t Una T mJtk ,,n 12 ,0BtB 0t D n0rtB ,,n f WW
aSeefandtweenVu ,tntt- thtU ""P"'" " follw: .
aireet ana Between a une iuu reet north rrom l i. n. ..,.-tna .n m. ni a..ih .ml at..
for the purpoae ot acwerlng and draining .11 of
the lot., part, of lota and parcel, of land lying
wimin i La diatnct bounded and deacrioea .a
weat bank af the WI1U
water line tn tha can
. . , a.. a a. ..ia . . r a., aau. oi v tllll.'! I u . lu-Fl 11 111, uuru r..v
prDurrir dtdid rq nw Mia iniproTnnirai vr .u J I ..I . , i . , . , . . .... a
Ivartinn rh.reof .hail not oetltlnn for a n.w eoutberly along the weat bank of
aa Jl.l laaa,l ha'a.. Ik. ...I..H..
vra uii tri rm a aa-1 i e aa 7 u ucivi wis vautiawy
of Iota and pare at of Und lying between a
tin. inn taut aouth of and Darallal with tha
The" aald chain of lewen to be eon.tructed outh line of Barter ttaadthe aouth Una
or laarniaD iuwi mw wtwwo u iw
Hotlee la hereby glrcn that at the meeting ,VV""h '"Pt Z . n!?t7wi r Beginning on the wea
of tha Council of the City of PortUnd. Ore- "l"dJf V. . thVoiX-i K m.lJw It t the low
gon. held en the ltb day of Anruat, 1803. th. f!! "? 'L. t ter Une of California at
Irer to a point 100 feet aouth
of auch period.
The plan., apeclflcatlona and eetlmatea of tbe
City Engineer for the improrement of aald
north one-half of Barter atreet are hereby
Keeoleed. That tbe Auditor or tne city or
Portland be and ha U hereby directed to giro
notice of the propoaed Improrement of aald
treet aa prorlded by the City Charter.
Kemonatranre againat tne anore improre
ment may ne Died in writing with the under-
algned within 30 dar. from the data of tha
flrat publication of thla notice.
By order f the Council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Auguat 33. 1908.
Notice la hereby glren that at the meeting ef
feet weat of and parallel with the weat Une
of Twenty-eighth atreet. and a Une 100 feet
ea.t of and parallel with the eaat Una of
Twntr.akth atreet.
The Englneer'a eetlmate of tha probable tota!
coat ror the improramen. oi earn .-weuiy
eighth atreet la 81.28.00.
The abore Improrement te to ba claaaed ai
a macadam lmororement and aball ba main
talned by tha city for a period of Bra" yeara.
uillel with the Booth prorlded that the ownera of a majority ot tha
f extended ea.Twly property benefited by aald Improrement or any
ii."ofr.d south"1; po'H" "rr.L ?A A ess? jk j ?!.
OT Ql 1 1 Frrill laiUIHTWilwiia aa.awa. aaa. -aaaaa-
tlon of .uch period.
Tbe Diana. Boedfioationi and eetlmatea ot
the City Engineer for the lmpro re mt ot aald
and parallel with the north line of Madlaon
atreet and a line 100 feet aouth from and par
allel with tha aouth line af Madlaoa atreet.
The Englneer'a eetlmate of tbe probable total
btia of erery kind from tbe eurface of tba
atreet full width with full Intereectlone.
(b) By bringing tbe atreet full width with
point MO feet aouth of the aouth line of Cna-
ter atreet if extended eaatarlr: thence weat-
tne I'ouncii or tne hit oi rortiana, in-cgon, eriy on a une reet aoutneriy rrom ano
held on the lPth day of Auguat, 1803, the fol- parallel with tbe aouth line of Cuater atreet
lowing reeolutlon wai idopted: to a point 100 feet e..t of the eaat Une of
Reeolred, Tbat the Council or toe city of water atreet; thence northerly on a Una 100
of tbe eouth line of California atreet If ex
tended c.aterlr; thence weeterly on a Una
100 feet aouth of and para
una or California atreet
to a point In the weat line of -i
Pacific Oompaoy'a right-of-way; thence aouth
eriy along tbe weat line of tha Southern Pa
clflc'e right-of-way to the north Une of block
"E."' Fulton Park: thence weaterly along the
nortneriy line or oioox ruuon rar to a ', . a .7- a,,. k. .
dlrldlng line between lota 3 and 8. block "B." AT" JvL Uj'.? . t!21h7 dltJrVd 21
Fulton P.rk; thence aouthery along tbe dlrld- PortUnd d JjT" .kb' J lL S ET5
Ing line between lota 3 and 8. 'block "E," lla h. ai alt
Fulton Park and Ita eitenalon eontherlr to a Twenty-eighth Itreet aa prorlded by tha City
point In tbe northerly line of blocka "L" and ,i .,., fh.
M." Fulton Park: thence weaterlr en aald Itomonatrance r,'"Mt the abore Improrf
llne of Taylor'. Ferry Road: thence aoutherW " publication of tbU notice,
on the weat line of Tarlor'a Ferrr Hoad to a I " ;;:;
Twenty-eighth atreet are hereby adopted.
Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd. S3, 1908.
T U in "(Sb PrT tmM9l'M M11,0 ,tr bank grarel. poae to - lmprorl I' Vaughn atreet from the wt Water atreet To T a' rTnt 1W feit tith of tbi NoJjT U,hTb.l n? ttV lL!J?ei!ZJ?
ilfi ilwi Imnrorement la to he elaaaad aa . Fourth-On that portion of aald itreet ly- line of Serenteehth atreet to the weat line of north line of Cuater atreet; thence weaterly tbe Council of the Cltr of Por Uaad. Oregen
a rltrineTbrlckeSent and aSll hTfalB! ,n - o'b line of Hancock atreet Twenty-alxth Itreet In tbe following manner, oa a line 1IW) feet north of and parallel with held on the lth day rfJwrt, 1808, the fol-
kned hr the , olffor m ' rtoA of lfl mI n1 rSchnyler atreet, and be- to-wlt: . ' '. . the north line ef Coeter atreet to a point 100 'la,2 ,v. .
3J1 Vit thi .owmh TorT malwlt? of tha ,w ooth line of Schuyler atreet and Flrat By grading tha itreet full width with feet we,t of the weat line of WateV atreet: RT,llaatk euncll of tie City of
aartr fcemtfltad h7 liTd lmorement i an? tn oor,n lln of -Broadway, and between the full Interaction, to tbe proper aubgrade. thence northerly on a line 100 feet weat of and Portland Oregon, deema It nt and pro-
By grading tba itreet to proper aub- wltb macadam
or different Improrameat bafora tba exptr.
linn or aura penoa.
' - Tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and eetlmatea -of tbe
City Engineer for tbe Imnrorement of laid
Madlaoa atreet are. hereby adopted.
Reeolred, That the Andltor ot tbe City of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to glee
notice of tbe propoaed Improrement ot aald
atreet aa prorlded by tba City Charter.
Remonatranee againat tba abore Improre
ment may be filed In writing' with the under
algned within 30 daya from tba data ot tbe
Brat publication of thla notice.
By order of tha Council.
Andltor of tbe City ot Portland.
Aognat 23. 1808.
Notice Ii hereby glren tbit it tbe meeting of
tb Council of the City of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 18th day of Auguat, 1803, tba fol
lowing reeolutlon waa adopted:
Reaolred, Tbat the Council of the City of
PortUnd, Oregon, deemi It expedient aud pro-
poaei to improre urana arenue rrom tne nortn
line OI r.aai c.rr.ii lunt aw . wiui . . . . 7 . . ,-,
feet north of the north line of Eaat Ererett t for the l"proni'"t af aald Eaat Mne-
atreet by conatructlug a ateel bridge with ap- teth "t1." 4.0fl6.00.
proacbe. The abore Improrement 1. to be claaaed aa a
Raid Improrement to be made la accordance -rerel lmproremenl ; and ahall ba maintained by
with the charter and ordlnancea of tha City Jhe City on all that portloa of aald atreet
of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and ,Tnf ,nJi "J ta0'.!h,1.out .
eetlmatee of the City Engineer filed In the of TllUmook atreet and the aouth line of
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland H1"1 ,tr- D2U tTam.tht. nor,ji ."J
on tbe 3d day of Auguat, 1903. indoraed-: "City Bobuyler itreet to the loutb line of Schuyler
Engineer plana and apecincationa ror the im-1 " Tl"r" " . """' "
nro-.naa.,t of flrand arenue from tha north line and the aouth line of Broadway, and between
aa ail I . : , ... .... .
Una ISO feet of Terrace IWIre in tne loiiowing oiauucx, to-
Thlrd Br Urlrar and re-laying wooden eroea- north of and parallel with the north Una of I wit: .. . ..
I atreet; thence weaterly on
the weaterly line of ISer.da atreet to tbe
eaaterly Une of the Oregon A California Rail
road', right-of-way; thence northerly on tba
eaat line of the Oregon A California Rallreada
Company', right-of-way to a point 100 feet
north of the north line of Dakota atreet If
era da.
(b) By bringing tha itreet to proper gradl w.lki In accordance wltb the City Englneer'a Logan street to a point 100 feet weat of tbe
wun npiana bank grarei. Diana, aneclftcatlona and eetlmatee.
. Bald Improrement to be made In accordance Fourth By constructing atone gutter..
with the charter and ordlnancea of the City Said improrement to be made In accordance
or t-ortiana ana tne apecincauona ana with the charter and ormnancea or tha city
eetlmatm, of the City Engineer filed ' In the of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland eatlmatea of the City Engineer filed In the
on the lBthe day of Auguat, 1903, Indoraed: office of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland
"ilty Englneer'a plana and .pecincatlona for on the 17th dar of August. 1903. Indoraed:
the Improrement of Eaat Nineteenth atreet from "City Engineer', plan, and apedflcatlnna for
13 feet north of the aouth line of Tillamook the Imnrorement of Vaughn itreet from the
stceet to 12 feet aonth of the north line of weat line of Berenteenth atreet to the weat extended weaterlr; thence eaaterly on a line
Weldler atreet, and the eatlmatea or tne won ne of Twenty-alxth atreet. and the atlmatee 100 feet north of and parallel with the north
to be done aad the probable total coat thereof." of tbe work to be done and tba probable total eriy line of Dakota atreet to a point 100 feet
The eoat of aald Improrement to ba aaaeeeed coat thereof." weat of the weat line of Bond atreet,
aa prorlded by the City Charter upon the The coat of aald Improvement to ba aaaeaaed thence aoutherly ' on a line 100 feet
r property apeclally benefited thereby and which aa prorlded br the City Charter upon the weat of and parallel with the weaterly
a hereby declared to be all the lota, parts proper tr apeclally benefited thereby and which line of Bond atreet to a point 100 feet
or iota ana parcel, oi laon ijma; uriwrro t nerebr declared to oe an tne iota, parte ot nortn or tne nortn line or lanrarnla atreet
the aouth una or niiamoox atreet ana tne
north line of Weldler Itreet and between a
Une 100 feet weat of and parallel wltb the
weet line of Eaat Nineteenth atreet and a line
100 feet eaat ef and parallel with tbe eaat
Une of Eaat Nineteenth itreet.
The Engineer a estimate of the pronabte total
Flrat Br eradlng tha roadway full width
weat line of Front atreet; thence northerly on '"'"TT'?0! K..7,TVMt.
a line 100 feet we.t of and parallel with th. Second By bringing tbe roadway full width
we.t Una of Front atreet to a Dolnt In the "b full lntereectlon. to proper gTada with
aouth line of Nerada atreet: thence weaterlr on I macadam
Third Re Urine wooden sidewalk. In accord
ance with tbe City Englneer'a plana, ipeclflca
tlom and eatlmatea.
Fourth By laying wooden croeewalh six
feet In wldtb.
Fifth By eonatruettng stone cribbing In ac
cordance with tbe City Englneer'a plana, speci
fications and eatlmatea.
Said Improrement to be made In accordance
with tbe charter and ordlnancea of the City of
Portland and tbe plana, specification! and eatl
matea of tha City Engineer filed In the office
of tha Apdltor of tbe City of Portland oa tha
18th day of Auguat. lfus. inooraea: -vity
of Eaat Ererett atreet to 400 feet north of
the north Una of Ea.t Ererett itreet, and the
eetlmatee of the work to be done and tbe
probable total coat thereof."
Tbe coat of said Improrement to ba aaaeaaed
aa prorlded by the City Charter upon the
the north line of Weldler itreet and a line 12
feet aouth of the north line oi weldler atreet,
for a nerlod of two yeara:
On ill that portion of laid itreet lying be
tween the aouth line nf Hancock itreet and the
north Une of Schuyler atreet. and between
aaaaa... ha-aHlail tharah. an -aklak I th. BOUth line Of BchUyleT itKet Ind the DOTth
la hereby declared to be all tbe Iota, parte of "ne of Broadway and between the aouth line
lota and pareela of Und lying within the of Broadway and the north Une of Weldler
district bounded and described .a followa: atreet. shall be maintained by the City fpr a
Beginning at a point in tha eaaterly line period of four yeara. prorlded, hoWerer. thai : the
of the Willamette rlrer at low water mark, ownera of a majority of tbe property benefited
where the same would be Interaected by the by aald Improrement or any portion thereof ahall
center line of Ea.t Ankeny atreet. If extended not petition for a new or different Improvement
a.tariw in Ua nreaent avium. thenc ...r.ri. before the expiration of such periods.
along the center line of East Ankeny atreet The plan., ipeclfleatloni and eatlmatea of the
1 HT r.UBlneer iw ilia aatii utt-iuih .a .aiiu
East Nineteenth atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolred. that tha Auditor nf the City of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to giro
notice of the paopoeed Improvement of aald
to a point at its lntereectlon with the center
line of East Twentieth atreet; thence northerly
king the center line of Eaat Twentieth atreet
a ita extension .Borineriy in ita present course
to a point wneriufne same intersects tne aouth
tia. a tfwine'a i.t iit,im,n in I atreet aa nrorlded by tbe City Charter.
Portland; -thence eaaterly along the aonth line Remonstrance against the above Improve,
.i i.k.'. i.t Addition tn v..t Parti. at inent mar be filed tn writing with the nnder
to a point at Ita intersection with the center "limed within SO daya from the date of the
line ot wast j weniy-touria atreet; tnence I ucki iiiii.a.-.n..u ...
northerly along the center Una or iiaat Twenty- y oraer ot too i"pcii;
fourth street to a point at Ita Intersection with
the center line Of Fremont atreet; thence
weaterly along the center line of Fremont atreet
to a point at It. lntereectlon with the center
line of Kast Twentieth .treet; thence northerly
along the renter line of Eaat Twentieth atreet
If extended northerly In a atralgbt line In Ita
present course to a point where the aama
would Intersect the center line of Kllllnara-
wertb arenue If extended eaaterly In Ita present
Auditor of the City of PortUnd.
Auguat 22. 1803.
Notice la hereby glren that at the meeting of
the Council of the City of Portland. Orea-on.
held on the 10th day of August. 1908. tba fol.
aniirae: thence westerly along aald extension I lowlnr resolution waa aooptea:
lL the center line ot sniu raiinngswortn arenue 1 neaoirea. idii tnw i.uwicn oi tne nty or
Tid the center line or said Kl llnaaworth aramie Portland. Oregon, deems it expedient and Bro-
to a point at its lntereectlon with the center poaee to Improre Front street from 18 feet
a mint at ita Intersection with the center north of the north line of W'ooda atreet to the
line of Vancouver arenue; thence southerly along J aouth line of Grorer itreet In tbe following
the center line or vancourer arenue to a point I manner, io-wii;
; at Ita Intersection with tbe center Une of Flrat By bringing tbe itreet full width with
Cherry atreet in Wheeler atreet; thence aouth. full lnteraectlona to proper grade with good.
eaaterly along tne center line ot wneeier atreet I clean eertn, ciey, grarei, roca or otner suit
'to a nolnt at ita lntereectlon with tha center ahln fllllnr.
Una of Wasco itreet; thence southwesterly Second By constructing plank roadway full
along the center Une of Waaco atreet to a wldtb of the itreet In accordance with the
point at Ita Intersection wltb th center line City Engineer'! puna, pcclllentlons and'eatl
nf Occident atreet If extended northerly In I ma tea.
Ita preaant course; thence aoutherly along aald Tblrd-rBy constructing wooden sidewalks in
northerly extension of tne center line or aald accordance wttn tne 1117 engineer s puna,
Occident atreet and the center line of aald ipeciflcatlona and eatlmatea.
Occident Itreet to a polnf where the lame, if Fourth By conatrnctlng wooden curba In ac-
extended aoutherly In Its preeent course, would eordanee with the City Engineer's" plana, ipec-
Interaect tbe eaaterly line of Willamette rlrer ideations and estlmatea.
t lew water mark; thence In a southerly Bald Improvement to be made lp accordance
direction along the eaaterly Une of the Wll- with the charter and oramanees or the city
Umette river at low water mark to It. Inter- of PortUnd and the plana, apedflcatlone and
section with the center line of Esst Ankeny eatlmatea of , the City Engineer filed In the
atreet If extended weaterly In Ita preeent office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
coarse, tha place of beginning. on the 17th day of August, 1908. Indorsed:
The Englneer'a estimate of tba probable total "City Engineer'! plana, and ipeclfleatloni for
coat of the Improrameat af aald Oread avenue the Improvement of Front atreet from 16 feet
li i7l0O0.O0. north of the north Una of Woods atreet to the
The abore Improvement la to tie claaaed ai a aotrth line of Grover atreet. and tbe eatlmatea
teel bridge Improvement, and shall he main- of the work to ba dona and tba probable total
talned by tbe city for a period of Bo years, coat tbereof."
prorlded that the ownera of a majority of the Tbe coatjif laid Improvement to be aaaeaaed
property benefited by aald Improrement or any aa "provided by tbe City Charter upon the
portion tbereof abaU not petition for a new or property epeetaUy benefited thereby and wbtrh
different Improvement before tha expiration of la herebr declared to be all tbe lota, parti
uch period. ot lota -find pareeto of land lying within tha
Tha plana, ipenncaiiotia inn eanmaraa 01 the dlstricc ouunaeu anu ue-criiiru . ioiiowb;
City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aald Beginning at a point where the center Una
Grand arenue are hereby adopted. of Harrison atreet if extended eaaterly in Ita
Reaolred, that the Auditor of tba Cltr ef preeent course would Interaect tba weaterly line
PortUnd be and be II hereby directed to give of the Willamette rlrer at low water mark;
''notice 01 tne propo-eu iDtnrrtnnil or aald thence weeierir aimie: wain miiw iiuv oa nar-
arenue aa prorlded by tha City Charter., rlaon atreet and aald extension to Ita Inter-
- Remonatranee againat tba above Improve- eectran wltb the center Una ef Fourth afreet:
ment may be filed1 In writing wltb tba ander- thence aoutherly along tbe center Una of aald
aimed within 30 aaya rrom ua data of the I Fourth atreet to, ira inier-ection witn me center
Bret tmbllcatipn of thte notice. . Una of Hooker atreet: thence weeterly along tae
By order of tbe Council. I center Une of laid Hooker Itreet to Ita Inter-
I. lirrrilT uwiaiwi I" vr ... ana. a,.va. aai a. 11a 1 at.ia aaa ua aati- Hm I'll-- ua V 11 1 ill 111. . irT-Tl , I . ' , . . a.. . 1 . . .
a... .-a I. - I 1 I -I a.-. . ii I at ..... 1 - . ii ,nn . . .a. .1 I Rn.1na.rB nlana Bnd BDeCl flCB t lBCB fOT the lm-
H1IS anil i.rf-ri. ua inu.a a., tit. wiwiwii . aitin I Ilirili r ra.ini; ' '11 . nil-" if IITCI HOTIB 1 I J 7 r. n -lkn Ta-r.aa Cmm tka ara.
pnnvuiBii. . ' a a., n uim h. a... - - " - -
line of Sixteenth atraat to tha eaat Una of
Terrace Drive, and the eetlmatea of tbe work
to be done and tha probable total eaat thereof."
Tha eoat of aald ImDrorement to ba aaaeaaed
aa provided by tbe City Charter upon the prop
erty ipeclally benefited thereby and whlcb lr
100 feet north of and parallel with the north
Une of Vaughn atreet, and a line 100 feet
south nf and parallel with the aouth line of
Vaughn atreet. and between the west line of
Seventeenth atreet and a line 100 feet west of
and parallel with tba weat line of Twenty
sir th street. '
The Englneer'a eetlmate of the nrobahle total
eoat of -be Improrement of said Vaughu itreet
U fio.twa.oo.
The anore Improvement la to oe claaaed aa a
and parallel with tho north Une Of California
atreet to the low water line on tbe weet bank
of the Willamette River; thence aoutherly
along the low water line of the WHUmette
lUrer to the center line of California atreet
extended easterly, the place of beginning, con
taining jot ot-iuii acre, mora or leaa.
Bib 47, lot S, D. M. Donaurh S0.T
Blk 47, lot , D. M. Donaugb. . 69.33
Blk M, lot 1.1, laabella J. Sellwood , A3 IS
Blk M, lot 13, Elisabeth D. II. aVllwood la.n
Blk M. lot 14, laabella J. Sellwood Bd ng
Blk M. lot.15, Tbomaav R. Ball wood.... 8.1.18
Blk OS, lot 14, Thorn.. R. A. Sellwood.. 3S.T8
Blk M, lot IT, Joaeph A. Sellwood
Blk M. lot 18, Joaeph A. Sellwood S3 87
Blk 58, lot 3. Emma V. Sellwood fl O
Blk M, lot 1, Emma V. Bellwood 62 M
Blk 67, lot IS, ( baa, F. Stelnlelu 71.71
Blk 67. lot 13, Cbaa. F. Stalnleln 34.47
Blk 67, lot 14, H. 8. Allen 37 83
Blk 6T, lot 10, Bchool Itlamct no. 1.... 17.26
1.... 34.82
..... 82.46
BO 72
..... 10 IW
aaaf. 39.18
29 00
21. oe,
10 04
Blk 67, lot 16. School DUtrlct No.
Blk or, lot IT, Buaan A. wuia
Blk 67, lot 18. M. M. Bingham
Blk 67, lot 2. W. S. Kerna
Blk 67. lot 1. W. S. Kern.
Blk 78, E. H lot 13, Tboa. Ana
Blk 78, E. H lot 18, Tboa. Ana a,
Blk 78. W. U kit 13. Louis Ropp
Blk 78. W. H lot 18. Louis Bopp
Blk 78, lot 14, Jane Carter
Blk 78. lot IB. A. R. Barrow.
Illk 78, lot 16, Kate Hlnnott
Blk 78, lot 17, Jules Roatalo
Blk 76, kit 18, Jules Roetala
Blk 76. lot 3. Julea Roataln
Blk 78. lot 1, Julea Roatala
Total 13.228.18
A statement of aforeasld assessment has
been entered In tbe Docket of City Lleoa. and
la now due and payable at tha office of the
City Treasurer, In lawful money of the United
Btatea and If not paid within 80 daya from the
data of thU notice, auch proceadlnga will be
taken (or the collection of the aama aa are
provided by the Charter of tba City of Port'
Tbe above aaaeaament will bear Interest 10
daya after tba Brat publication of this notice.
Auditor of tba City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 34. 1008.
ahd union Pacihc
Throagh Pallasaa itaadard aad lartat atees.
Ing cars dally to Oasafea, Ckiaagav
touriat aleeolna eare dally -to A.aeae t rl
through rullmaa toansi aieepiBg aara eraa
ally eeadscted) weekly to (ihlcaga, aeia
City; recllnlBC chair can (aaata tree)
Eaat dally.
nroToir btreet.
Notice la hereby given that the Council ef
the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held on tbe leth day or Augu.t, 1808, de
clared tbe aaaeaament by Ordinance No. 13.49S,
tor tba reoatrnctloa of a aewer In Eaat Waah-
Ington (treet, from 100 feet we.t of tbe weat
line of Eaat Tblrty-aerenth itreet to a connec
tion with tbe sewer at tbe west line of East
Thlrty-alxth itreet. In tbe manner prorlded by
Ordinance No. 18,80"., upon each lot, part of
lot and paroei ot lana. wnicn are apeclally and
peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa. rl.:
Suanraldi Third Adldtloa to PortUnd.
Blk 61, lot II, The Title nuarantee
Truat Company I 13.08
Blk 61, lot 13. The Title Guarantee
Truat Company 13.06
Blk 61, lot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A
Truat Company 1 21.45
Blk 64. lot 6. Tba Title Guarantee A
Truat Company 18.63
Blk 64. lot B. tba Title Guarantee A
Truat Company s 18.60
Blk 64. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A
Truat Company 80.46
aYrtal .1115.80
A atatement ef aforesaid aaaeasment has
been entered In the Docket of City Llena, and
Is now due and payable at the office of the
City Treasurer. In Uwful money of tbe 1'nlted
St a tea and If not paid within 80 daya from the
ate of thla notice, eucb proceedlnga will be
taken for tbe collection of the aama aa are
Erorlded by the Charter of tbe City of Port-ind.
Tba above aaaeaament will bear Interest 10
daya after tba flrat publication of tbla notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
PortUnd, Oregon. Auguat 24. 1008.
City Hsll. PortUnd. Or., Aug. 19. 1908.
An examination of aPDlIcanta for .DDolntment
In Claaaee 7 and 12. Engineering Service, will
be held Saturday, September ft, 1908. from 9
o'clock a. m. till 4 o'clock p. a , at the rooms
of tba Civil Bervice Commiaalon In the City
all. Portland, Oregon.
The examination for t lass t (instrument
men I. will be of a preliminary character, and
will conalat of a practical determination of the
appllcant'a ability to act up and read a transit
sat off angles thereon and run a Une of lereU.
Tbe general ecope ot tne examination ror
Claaa 13 (cbalnmen), will be limited to. prac
tloal teata, nnder the aupervUlon oft-ef engi
neer. . V
A further written examination for Cl.aa 7
(Instrument men), will be held at tbe rooms of
the Civil Service Commiaalon in the City Hall.
Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, September 13,
1908. from 9 o'clock a. m. till 13 m., aad Ita
general son pa will be aa followa:
(ten.r.i knowieoge ot auuee, iw.
rtnlv tho.. who auccesafiillv naaa tha newt.
llminary examination will be admitted to tbe
written examination.
By TH AD 8. POTTER. Secretary.
Ansley Printing Co.
OommeroUl and Society
LewU Ai Clark Envelopes.
New Location, 12-14 Columbian BuJIdln
Phone Clay 1702.
UKIO.t DEPOT. Lea Tea. Arrives.
""cBlCAOO-PORTIaAMB 8 30 a. aa. 4:80 p. aa,
FECIAL. LktUy. C-ally.
Fat the Beat via Baal-
lag ton, '
POKANC FliTBR. 60 p. Ba, - T:80 a. 8a,
Far Kaatera Waahuag- Daily. Daily. -toa.
WalU Walla. Law- , '
Uton. Cawaor J' Aleae -,
aad Oreal JMortauNra '.
polata. ' - 1
ATLANTIO- EX Pit ESS. 8:18 p. to. 16.80 a. BV
For the Eaat tU Meat- Dally. Dally.
Ingtoa. i
8. 8. Geo. W. Elder Alaska
Auguat 10, 20, SO. Dork.
8. 4. Columbia 8:0C t. av
Auguat 0, 18, 30.
OeluarkU River Dlvtetea.
polata, eeaaectleg with
stmr. for llwaoe aad
North Beach, str. Haa
aale. Aah-at dock.
6 06 a. aa.
x Sunday
lu uo p. aa.
S:O0 p. aa.
ex. BaeAay,
Aug 28, 7:80 g. m. ; Aug. 87, 9:00 a. m. ; Aag.'T
20 (Saturday), 12:80 p. m.; Sept. 1. 9:40 a. avt
Sept. 8, 12:00 noon; Sept. B (Saturday), 10
p. m.
TamklU River Reate.
City aad Tamblll aUrar
Klote, atr. Sluae-a.
h-SL dock.
Water paralttlay.y
ita tar day.
8.-06 p. aa.
Snake River Route.
ind way points, from
Rlparla, Waah., atoam
era Bpokaae aad Law
4 09 a. am.
X. aat.
A boat
oo p. av
ex. rrlday.
T1CUT OFFICR. Third aad Wtaamlagtoa. Tata.
Phone Mala 71 A.
For Teknbama and Bong Kong, eaDlaa at
Kebe. Nagasaki and Bbaagbal. taking freight
via eoaaeeting ateaaBera tor ataalla. Port AMAaa
and VUdlroatock. aMiaae
Fie rates and full larormarioa an ea a as.
draaa afflcUU or ageata ef tba O. at. At M, Ce.
EAST -a.
I rout r a
macadam Improrement and ahall be maintained he all the lota, parts of lota and parceU of land
The cost of constructing aald chain' of bereby doelared to be all the lota, parte of
aewera la to be aa.essed aa prorlded by tba na P,r" .or .',." .'7 n..1. n
City Charter upon the propertj ? epecUilr bene- blch U equWUUnt between the sssterly line
flted thereby, and which la hereby declared to
hr the cltr for a nerlod of fire -ears. Dro-
vided that the ownera of a majority of the
property benefited by aald imnrorement or any
portion thereof shall not petition for a new or
different Improrement before the expiration of
auch period.
lying within the district herein abore de
Tbe said chsln of sewers Ia to be known as
tbe "Southern Portland. Fulton and Pulton
Park Sewer System." and la to be conetrncted
In accordance with the plana. sDectflcattons and
The nUna. aneclflcatlons and eatlmatea of thai estimates therefor prepared by the Cltr Enni-
Cltr Enalneer for the improvement ot auch neer and filed In the office of the Auditor of
Vaughn atreet are. hereby adopted. the City of PortUnd op the 17th day of Auguat. ".".J.. , -t lalih. a. a
liwio. innoraeu; ikj r.ngineer a plans ano a i.-.Vt ..i akall laa
apeclflcatlons for a sewer system In Southern I macadam Improrement and shall ba maintained
Portland. Fnlton and Fulton r.rk. and the "y " - --"Z"'
eatlmatea of the work to be done and th. that the owners or a majority or mo property
nt Terrace Drive, the aouth Une of Ellaabetb
street and the weaterly and northerly lines of
Hawthorne Terrace, and a line wnicn ia eqoi.
distant between the eaaterly Une of Terrace
Drive, tbe north line of Kearney street and
the eaaterly and aoutherly tines of Hawthorne
Terrace, and between tae wear una or nixuenin
atreet and tbe ea.t line ef Terrace Drive.
Th Englneer'a eetlmate of tbe probable total
eoat of the Improvement of Hawthorn. Terrace
la 84.924.00.
Reaolv.vl.. that the Auditor of the Cttv of
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Imnrorement of aald
Itreet aa prorlded by tne city Charter.
Remonstrance against the above Improve
ment mar. be filed In writing with the under
signed within 20 days from tbe date of the
flrat publication of this notice.
By order ef tbe Council.
Auditor' of tbe City of Portland.
Auguat S3. 1908.
Attfust 23. 1903.
Auditor ot Ua City of Portland,
Met ton Vlth tbe division Une between aectlone
and 18, T 1 8, B 1 B, W af; thence aouth
Notice la bereby glren that at the meeting
of the Council of the City Portland. Ore
gon, held on the 19th day ot August, 1903, the
following resolution wsa gaontea:
Resolved, that the council or the city of
PortUnd. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
noses to Improve Fifteenth atreet from the
aonth line of Qnlmhy street to a line 100 feet
north nf the north line of Qulmby street In the
following manner, to-wlt:
First By bringing the street fnl! width with
full lnteraectlona to proper grade wltb clean
earth, clay, gravel, rock or other suitable
Second By eonitrnoHng wooden ildewalk In
accordance with the City Englneer'a plana.
aneclflcatlons nnd estlmatea.
Third By planking the itreet full width
with full lnteraectlona.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
wltb the charter or tne t iry or rnrtiand and
the plana, apeclflcatlons and .estimates nf the
City Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor
of the Cltv of Portland on the 18th day of
August, 1908. lndmnoa: "t lty Engineers plans
and apecincationa for the Improvement of Fif
teenth atreet from the south line of Qulmhv
atreet to a lino 100 feet north of tha north
line of Qulmby atreet and the estlmatea of
the work tn be aone ana tne probable total
cost tbereof."
The coat of said Improrement to he assessed
aa prorlded br the Cltr Charter upon the
nronerty apeeially benefited thereby, and which
Is hereby declared to ba all the lota, parts
of lota ind parcels of land lying between a
line 100 feet smith of and narallel wltb the
south line of Qulmby street and the aouth
line of Raleigh street, and between a Una 100
feet west or ana narsuei witn tne west ' line
of Fifteenth atreet and a line 100 feet east of
and parallel with tbe eaat Une of Fifteenth
The Knrlneer'a estimate of tbe nrobahle total
cost of aald Improvement la B3.nrW.oo.
The above Imnenvemeht la to be claaaed aa a
plank roadway Imnrorement and ahall he main
tained bv tbe city for a period of four rears, pro-
vlded tbat the owners or a majority of the
property benefited bv said Imnrorement or any
portion thereof shall not netltlon for a new or
dl errnt Improvement before tbe expiration of
uch period.
The nlana. apeclflcatlons and estlmatea of the
Cltv Engineer for the Improvement' of said
Fifteenth atreet are herebr adopted.
Resolved, tbat the Andltor fof the City of
Portland be and be U hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improrement of aald
fifteenth treet as provided by tba City Char
Remonstrance against the above Improvement
mav be filed In writing with the nnderelgned
within .0 daya from thedate of tha Brat
publication of thla notice.
uy oraer oi ninni,
. - Andltor of the City ot PortUnd.
Auguat 22, IMS.
probable total cost tbereof.
The Engineer s estimate or the probable total
cost for the construction of aald aewer sys
tem IS 813.4DO. y
Tho plans, specifications and eatlmatea of
the Cltr Engineer for the construction of laid
ewer system are hereby adopted.
Keeolvod, That the Auditor or the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to giro
notice of tho proposed construction of said
sewer system as prorlded by the City Charter.
Remonstrance against the abore aewer may
tie filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from the date ef tha
puhticatl.m of this notice.
uy oraer ot me council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
August 22. 1903.
benefited by aald Improrement or any portloa
tbereof shall not petition lor a new or airrer
ent Improrameat before tba expiration of such
The pUna, ipeclflca tlona and estimates for the
Improvement of aald Hawtboraa Terrace art
hereby, adopted.
Resolved. Tbat tbe Auditor of tbe City of
Portland be and he la hereby directed to giro
notice of the propoaed Improvement of aald
Hawthorne Terrace aa proria.a Dy tne city
Remonatranee aralnat tbe above lmnrove-
firat I ment may be filed In writing with the nnder-
l-a- I -. a aava na a-. a tk. a... at..
Blgnea wlllllB av 11.7. iruaai kaao aaa a. ua UM
first publication ot thii notice.
By order of tha Council
Andltor of tbe City ot Portland.
Angnet 22. 1903. .
Notice la herebr riven that at the meeting
of tho Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon,-held on tbe 19th day of August, 1903, the
louowing resolution waa suonteo:
Resolved, that the Council of the City ot
Cortland, Oregon, deems it expedient ana pro-
poecs to Improve Front street from 68 feet
Notice la bereby given that tbe Council of
the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held on the 19th day of Auguat, 1903, de
clared tbe aeaaaament br Ordinance No, 18,486,
for tbe Improvement of Umatilla avenue, from
the eaat curb line of East Eleventh etreet to
tka .at aiirh Una avf Ra.t Nl net aaanth .tr.t
aouth of the south line of Lane street to 160 Uj th9 manner provided by Ordinance No.
ieei norm or tne norm line oi i-ine eireei in 18,162, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel
the following manner to-wlt: . 0f i,nd. which are aoedaUy aad DecuUarlr
First By bringing the street full width with k..nt k. .. Ml low. via:
run intpraecuons to proper graue wim goou, The Town of Sellwood
Blk 48, lot 10, Susan Herbra....$
Blk 48, lot 11, Suaan Herben .....
Blk 48, lot 9. C. C. Pendell.... ......
Blk 48, lot 8, 0. B. Pendell. . MM
Blk 48, lot 7. C. E. Pendell..
Blk 48, lot 6. C. B. rendell. ..... ...
Blk 48, lot B, C. E. Pendell. ....
Blk 48, lot 8, Frledonla Wolf.. ...
Blk 48, lot 4. Frledonla Wolf ........
clean earth, cloy, grarei, rock or other ault
able filling.
Second By constructing plank roadway full
width of the atreet In accordance with the
City Englneer'a pUna, apeclflcatlona and es
tlmatea. Third By conatrnctlng wooden .ldewalka In
accordance with the City Engineer's pUna,
Declticatlons and estimates.
Fourth By constructing wooden curba In c-I Bk 57 )( jo, rj. pendell..
craaoco who me iiy r,ugiuettr pinna, "vw- i,jg p7( jot 11, C. ID. fendell.
mention, .nd estimate.. pig 57, lot 9, T. A. Wood
Said Improvement to be made In accordance I rjik 57, lot 8, Alfred W. Robertson
who inn cuarier anu orniuum-ea in xuw via 1 Qjt jot 7, Amelia BtelDrecht
in 1 oriutcu anu iqe plana, specim -aiiuii. nuu
estimates of tbe City Engineer filed In tbe
office of the Auditor of the City of Port
land on the 17th day or Auguat. 1903. In
dorsed: "City ' Engineer's plana and specifics
Blk 07. lot 6. Mary A. Ray.
Blk 67, lot S, Mary A. Ray. ..-....
Blk 67. lot 3, Mary A. Ray.............
Blk 67. lot 4. Miry A. Ray
Blk 68, lot 10. J. M. Ntckum.
Blk 68, lot 11, J. M. Nlckum.
Hon. tnr tka, imnrnvaament of Front afreet from
58 feet at uth of the aouth line ot Lane atreet Blk 68. lot 9. Hadda L. Ltndeleat
to InO feet north nf the north Una of IaSne 1 blk Afi w a inihnn? rsirtl.
ttreet, aud the estlmatua of tbe work to be Blk 68, lot 7. OUrer Oleen Heirs....
done an.1 the probable total coat thereof." Blk 68. lot 6. Ltabeth H. Curtla....
The cost of said Improrement to be aaaeaaed I Blk 68. lot 6, Ltsbeth H. Curtis
1 Drorlded br tho Cltr Charter soon the I m. AS 1.11 Frank A. Toenelmaan .
property apeclally benefited thereby and which Blk 68, lot 4, Frank A. Toepelmana.....
is herebr declared to be all the lota, parts Rik TT lot Tn C K. Patech
of lots and parcels of land lying within the I Blk 77, lot 11, C. F. Petach
district buAnded and deacrlbed aa followa: tk 77, lot 9, Fannie Sayre
Beginning at a point where tbe center line Blk 77. lot B. J. M. Ntekam
of HarrUon atreet if extended eaaterly In Ita Blk 77, lot 7, J. M. Nlckum
ftreaent course would Intersect the weaterly Blk 77, lot 8, M. Sharping.
Ine of tbe Willamette rlrer at low water Blk 77, lot 6, M. Sharping
mark; thence weeterly along aald center Une Blk 77. lot 8. Franklin Building At Loan
of Harrison street and said extension to Its Association . .
Intersection' with the center Una of Fourth Illk 77, lot 4, Franklin Building A Loaa
atreet. thence aoutherly alone the center Une Association
of aald Fourth itreet to Ita lntenectloa with Blk 47, lot 13. Mathilda Lennox
the center Une of Hooker atreet; thence Blk 4T, lot 13, Mathilda Lennox
weaterly along the center line of aald Hooker Blk 47. lot 14. John W. Mauldtng
street to ite lntereectlon with the 41rUloa Une Blk 47, rot 15, John W. Campbell
between aectlone 9 and 10. T 1 8, B 1 K. w Blk T. lot is. .loan.w. campoeti......
M; thence aouth along tbe dlrlalnn Une between Blk 47, lot 17, Mra. K. L. Weat
sections 9 and 10, 18 and '15. 21 and 22, T 1 Blk 47, lot 18, FrankUa Building A Leaa
8, & 1 E, W M, to tba aoutherly boundary line Association
24 83
25 28
b The Only
Railway between the
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-roorrt sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company, Oregon Short Line Rail
road, Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago & North-Western Railway
to Chicago from Portland and points
in Oregon. fc
Dally and personally conducted ex
cursions in Pullman tourist sleeping
' cars from Portland, Los Angeles and
San Francisco, through to Chicago
without change.
Cen'l Aft.. ir Market St.,
us rHAvitv,iaco, val.
Cen'l Aft.. 153 Third St,
Chicago ti North-Western Ry.
8.80 p. a
8:80 a. to.
4:00 p. b.
7:80 a. m.
114:60 p. in.
train., for Salem. Roee-
barg, Aahland. . Sacra-I
mento, Ogdcn, San Fran-f
claco, Mo tare, Loa An-)
geiea, ui raao. New ur-l
iraoa ana in aaac.
At Woodbum dally
(xcent Nunaari. morn.
lug train (or lit. An.
gel, Sllrettan. Browna-I
rllla, Springflald. Weod
ling and Natron.
Albany aaeeengar. con
nect, at Woo burn trltla
Mt. Angel and Bllrer-I
ton local.
7:48 a. a.
T:00 p. H
10:10 a. n
Corrallla paaaenfar...
Sheridan paaaenger...
118:23 a. a
6:60 p. as.
Dally. 1 1 Dally eicept Bandar.
Portland-Oawego Suburban Serrlce and Taaahill '
Dirlalon. ,
Depot Foot ef Jeffereon Street. -Leare
Portland daily for Oawega 7:80 a.' . 1
11:60, -:t. 8:25. 6:20. 8 IS, 8:80, 10:10 p. ra.
Dally (flcept Sonday) 8:10, 8:80, 8:35. 10:13
a. m.; 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Bonday only, tt:0o
a. m. '
Returning from Oatrego, arrlre Porrl.r- ttafly .
8:80 a. m.l 1:65, 8:05. 4:S5, 6:15, 7:85, trif.
11:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:25, 7:26,
0:30. 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Except Monday, 1JJ3
p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m.
Learea from a a me depot for Dallaa aad latter,
mediate point, dally (except SoBoay) 4:00 p. av
Arrlre Portland 11. JO i. M.
Tke Independence-MomnMnitlt Ifntar Una
opera tea dally to Monmouth and Alrlla. eoav.
nectlng with Southern Paclflo Compaa'a tracka
at Dallaa and Independence. . - .
Plrrt-claaa rebate tlcketa oa aaia frea Part.'
land to Sacra mento and. Baa rnnelaoav. Net
rate $17.50, berth 85; aeeoad-elaaa faro 18.
without rebate or berth; aecoad-elaaa berth ,
2.50. - . . ;
Tlcketa to Kaatern petnrt and KirrcpaL ala
Japan, China, Honolala and AuatraUa.
' city Ticket Office corner Third aad waahlnf
ton atreeta. rhope, Main T1Z
C. W. STlNtJaSK, i W. X. COM AW. -
City Ticket Agent. . Oea. Pan. Agaat.
g- '
Pna-.t Boand Limited.
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Olympla. South Bend
and flray'a Barber
North Coaat Limited,
for Tacoma. Seattle,
Butte. St. Paul. Min
neapolis. Chicago. New
York. Doaton and polnta
l'Junt aud souineaai.
Twin-City Expreaa. for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo-
ane. Helena, at. Paul.
MlnoeanoMa Chicago.
New York. Boaton and
all polnta Seat aad
Puget Sound Kanaaf
Clt'-8t. Loula Special,
for Taenma, Seattle,
Spokane, Butte, Billinga,
Denrer. Omaha. Kaoaaa
City. St. Loula and all
polnta Ea.t and Sooth-ea.t.
:M a, ai
8:00 p. nv
11:45 p. ra.
6:80 a. av
W a
i xn a. am
To 9. m.
700 i
All train,
except en Sontn
D. CHABlaaVn,
Aaal.t. nt Claa.l Ca.a.aa. Imi.
126 Morrlaon St.. corner Tblrd. Portia ad, OtV
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co,
J j . a, -:f;
Learea, CMOM DXPOT. AirlTaa, . "
For Margerav' Rainier, nflL 'f . .
Clatakaale, Waatnort, w fc I
awwt . Cllftoa. Aatarla, War- ..... 1 ' '
"? reatoaa. riareL Ham- U "
V'U. mood. Fort Sterena,
t.-SO. p. M. GeerbArt Park. Seaalae, '
Sat. only. Aatorla aad teaabera
xpreaa. Daily.' -.
, P"y- - ' .a.
4. F. aad t. A.. Aaturla. tt. '
C. A.. STBWART, OonaiecxU. AAat, iH Aldef
at, 'Pkaaa aUla Wf. , ,