THE OttEGOJT JJAlL TV' ifO CJUKAIj, r 1'OIITLAKD, MONDAY 'EVEX1KO, AUGUST 24. 1903. 1 imnral TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD " iaaaa i , , . - stared; It tba Pntnffl of twtl..jl rw fcjtirJton through the Mils m aaoood Postage far tingle tnrtes For M I. 10. st TM S3 pages. I cants. telxfhoyxi. Boalneae Offlea Main 600. Bdltorlal Room Main f&o. romo ASTxiTisiva immmmi vreeiand Bangsmln Special Advertising Agency. "" Htrtat, Maw York. Tribune ouuiung, uucago. POOLS POPULAR ITU GRANGERS as tf aO.W 1. 00 All Kinds of Combinations Are the Rage at the Moment- Another Large Wheat-b row ers' Combine Formed. ivBioiiraoir XATZS. Tarmt fcy Oarrlat. I? IT'1' Journal, on year Tba Pall Journal mr ' nth. IS Illr .Journal, thro months.. " wournai, hy tba weak & &,!!.?:'! -' -... Hops at 22 Cents Finds . No Jr ""wMai, My mail, ais asnnvna. 1.S0 .10 2J 'M,r"l. by malL three soo-tbs.'. IM "'V journal. ry mall, ooa boo The amt-Weekly JaanaU aaeb year at Tba Baml-Weaklv JonrnaL alaht ta twelve pages each lssas, aU tba saw aad fall swkat rapuvia, oas yaar f 1.50. . Tba Weekly 7avnaL Tba Waaklr Journal inn .Inn.. - aulHiia J5Sr $100 1UM",ud ,nU reports, ooa.' Remittances should ba made by drafts, postal r"vm ui on ana iwo-eant poetsgs stamps. THX J0trA, r. 0. Hot 111, Portland. Oragoa. WEATHER FORECAST Sellers of Stocks Weather Is -Favorable for Growth of Oregon Potatoes, AU Tormina Too la. Tha pool idea, cms to ba very popu Ur with tha rural population of Oregon Several large wheat pool a have lately beerr effected and aalea made at several cents advance over the market FRONT STREET. Aug. 24. Wheat pools, hop pools, potato pool a, water Weetbar conditions and general forecast for melon pools, prune pools and. In fact Washington. Ora-nn ind Idaho: Showers and thunderstorm baa oeearred In Colorado. Eastern Nebraska. Western Iowa, Minnesota, tba Pakotas, Montana, extreme Northern Idaho, Northeastern Washington and fenerally throughout tba Canadian North waat. a tha spring wheat district tba rainfall In places wm unusually heavy. , It la cooler thia morning In Ornn, Idaho,' Mnnniia ana rxtrrmt noruarn ( aurornla every kind of pool Is taking well with Oregon farmers this season. Another large pool of wheat growers has been formed In the valley and the millers and exportera have been Invited to come along and do business. By this method the-farmers have come to the ronclu slon that they can obtain prices several .4 Tba Inrilratlnna ara for unaattlad waathar In I Hwa that niinlnf In tha nrxtn thla dlatrlct Tuaaday. with ahowan In tba Wll- I m.rfc .. tha mUra ara iuat now rdTho." V",r w"bInton "a Nwthw quite anxious to buy stocks 'at most ailmnm tpmpariture In the Hat 34 bonra, any price. Of course, there Is always minimum tempera tare, S3; precipitation. BIRTHS a limit to the height of quotations and prominent millers of this city say that It la not likely that prices will go any farther during tha present season. Al ready quotations are several eenta above Aumut IB To Mr. and Mra. fl. Mtannar of I jT ' f - .w- Irrlnton HHhta. a danihSr ' PY na n-"' Pro"1- "nu l"c Aujnat 4 To Mr. and ktra. D. A. Pattallo of millers have been known to pay 4 cents S8ft Oliaan atraat, a aon. more for valley than what the outside Auaunt 13 To Mr. and Mra. F. Burns of men are offering. uVrnlTTu,'. a Mra. A. Oalnari of 229 hQUOtUf"9 ln h" llJZu Thlrtaflnth atraet, a aon. changed today with the market ruling Annum 8 To Mr. and Mra. A. Blcnaml of strong on account of the spirited de- 51 Third ureal, a da ugh tar Auruat 9 To Mr. and Mra. 0 of 226 Larabea atraat, a aon. Cbalrmonda CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Angiwt 23 Catharlna Jamaa of 401 Clark amaa atrrct, diphlharla. Auaiial 21 Alfred Dj-ale of 601 Savlar atraet. aipnincria. . Aiiue 30 'Marie rittanffr of 857 Oanten baln araaua. ararlat ferrr. The Edward Holman Undertaking Co.. funeral directors and embalmers. 320 Third street. Phone 607. J. P. Flnley & Son, funeral directors and embalmers, have removed to their new establishment, corner Third and Madison streets. Both phones No. 9. Crematorium, on Oregon City eAr line, near rieiiwoon; modern, scientific, complete. Charges Adults, $35; chil dren. $25. Visitors 9 to 5 p. m. Portland i Cremation Association, Portland, Or. BXTZm ZBV OEKBTXBT. .Singles graves, $10. Family Jots from ;$75 to $1,000. The only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains aM cares for lots. For full Information apply to W. R Mackensle, Worcester I n(r slightly better. One car of sweet mand from millers. Hops at 22 Cants. Hops continue to climb upward and those farmers who held on to their slocks for several months when they were- offered 2(Vi cents and then sold them a few months later for 15 cents are now Indulging ln foot punlahment. When quotations were down to bedrock The Journal predicted that they would go back to 20 cents and perhaps to 26 cents. The former figure has already been reached and passed and the latter Is quite likely to be offered within the next few days. Twenty-two cents has been offered up the valley, according to a prominent pool magnate, and it Is thought that any holders of storks will ing to part with their supplies under 2$ cents can easily be accommodated by most any dealer ln the state. Today Ball Baoalpts. The receipts per rail from the south today consisted of 2 cars of Fresno watermelons, 1 car of oranges and 1 car of lemons, two cars of Rogue River and 1 car of The Dalles melons were also received during the day. Watermelons are in fair call with quotations on both the Oregon and California stocks look- ars also smaller with ths demand good' ronltry aad Srr Ths half week in the poultry market closes with all stocks oleaned Up and higher prices ruling, especially on old hens, f Egg receipts today were very heavy lor a Monday and tha market re burdened on account of ths small de mand. Quotations are ruling from 18 to 1 cents with sales being mad at both figures. Oregon onions ara arriving more freely and find a ready sals at $1 a sack, Walla Wallas ars not of such good qua! Ity and prices ars slightly down. Better Butter Market A better condition Is prevailing ln ths butter market, creamery, store and dairy being In heavier call. The re ceipts of creamery are not so large and the accumulations are getting smaller. Store and dairy ars in demand from California. ' Todays quotations as revised ars as follows: Block, city. W. M. Ladd. president Is due thi potatoes from the south evening. Begular Liner Arrives, The regular liner from San Francisco arrived last evening and brought a fal cargo of grapes, lemons and peaches. Grapes are more plentiful and prices are weaker. A small shipment of muscat arrived today and arc being quoted at $1.40 a box. Tomatoes are slightly stronger. With a continuance of the rainy spell a large amount of the local stocks will be ruined before it can be 3.100 picked and prices will again advance, Better Potato Waathar. The cooler and slightly wet weather has had a good effect on the growing potatoes and the improvement has been so great that some dealers are ready to make shipments, 'The past few days has been very good for potatoes, says W. H. Dryer, a well known local Jobber. "The quality of the stock is greatly Improved, and am thinking of sending oft a few cars to fill my Alaska orders within the next few days. The Oregon potatoes will 1 soon be In a proper condition ror a 1 long snipment ana is just wnai is neenea 1 for the Alaska trade. Alaska merchants t K.... In nit., anH .hm.lrf IjtOl your HUB UlOUIltmo nnu lUIiraCII -- V .ffnrt in lot tham Irnnnr tlint to real estate from the Title Guarantee fPare ho effort to let them know that them white. The California potato mar ket ia firm and they are selling their stocks as fast as they can be dug. In the Yakima district the stocks Is hardly In a proper condition for shipment as yet, and by the time they are ready for the market we can have the trade REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Laura n. rhllltna and hnahand to Edith M Cirant. parrel land commencing' Kaat EUhtranth and Belmont $ Th( Tltla Guarantee ft Truat Company to t'nlted Barlnsa ft Inrritmant Com, P nr. lot 14, block 1, Holladay Park Addition ...i Trlfr Woodward, trnatee, to Alexander Kleael. Mork 7, Fnltrtn B. K. and U L. Manafee to Oeorea P. Wrlla. eaat AO feat lot 1 and eaat SO ran iot z, mora nv Ainina Tllllam L. Weatherler to Carrie Howe, lota a and 7, block B, Howe's Addi tion Tarter Sutra Raring. Loan Build ing Company to P. 'J. Paraona. part lota Id and 17, blork 3 of Northwest Mount Tabor ttglrahr Young; and wife to Virginia Hrrlrko. lot 3, block 1, Mayor Gates' Wll! R. Purdr' to' John a'. Andreaa. Iota .Hi and 31. Mork C. Manaflald Addition . Per Annum Palm and wlfp to Barnard Warnn. lot 10. blork 3, anbdlviaion C, M. Patten Trart V. Maahrk t al to Anna Jour dan, 10 arrra aertlon 18, township 1 aontb, range R eaat Rama to Dr. Kmll Pohl. 10 arrra aame. . ' Same to Anna Pohl, 10 arrra aama 1.000 4.000 2,500 10 876 1 1,800 & Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce). BUILDING PERMITS To O. M. Smith, erect nine two-etory dwell tnga at Eaat SeTonteanth and Clinton, to coat 116.000. To (. M. nmitn. erari iwo-arorr Dunning at I corralled, 1.. miik, repair nuuaing ai coacn and rilV. to coat 7S. Prunes Ars Bather Small. I.TWa ..nAM In th t'lnlnUv nt TV a If . nnmlin Arant lwdln at. 1 . I J tr.rt. tn roat SS.OOO. wanes are rauier raii iimb bib.ju. To T. Dunning, repair Dunning- at Sixteenth I coniinueu mi. uryvi. and Irrlna;. to roat $100. To J. Srhlerel, erart one and a half atorr building at Eaat 8lxth and Alberta, to coat $1.045. TKBOUGK TBAXB SEBTZCB 'The season will begin this week and I expect to have a few cars of Italians and Silvers out by the last of the week." The prune outlook ln the Northwest is excellent and a crop or more than the average Is expected under favorable Between Portland ana All Clatsop weather conditions lor tne rew days Beach Points, on and After more of the season oerore picKing time. Saturday, July 11. Reports from European centers tell of Beginning Saturday, July 11, and ev- large shortages and higher prices are ery Saturday thereafter during the sea- expected to prevail ln this market. Some son, the popular f-oruana-oeasiae Flyer of the French Duyers are ousiiy engaged will leave Portland at 2:30 p. m., arrlv- in making extensive buys up the valley. and the shipments for export this season are expected to break all previous rec ords. ' Toft Talks Keats. "The fresh meat market," says Mr. John Toft of Toft, Htne & Co.. "Is very good. Receipts during the first three days of the week were very small, and the heavier demand Is making all stocks firmer at current prices. Veai receipts were smaller -than during the previous three days and demand Is heavier. Hogs are not arriving as fast as the call and prices ara slightly higher. Beef receipts iriK fll Astoria ui u.uu p. in., utmrnari, ana seasiae a:ou p. m., maxing dl connection at Warrenton for Flavel. Round trip season excursion tickets from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points sold at rate or 14.00 for rouna trip, ana &iuroaj npociai rounu trip tickets between same points, good returning Sunday evening, at $2.60 for round trip. Season commutation tickets good for five round trips between Port land and air Clatsop and North Beach points sold for $15.00. Beach excursion tickets Issued bv the water lines are interchangeable and will be honored on the trains of this company in either di rection between Portland and Astoria. Additional Information wll be gladly furnished upon application to Mr. C. A. Stewart commercial agent, 248 Alder street Beduced Batas to tba Seashore. Go to Newport on Taquina Bay an ideal beach. It is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rate of $3.00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company ln connection with the Corvallls A Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip from Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. A delightful rids through the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with Brlvtlea-a of . I J Al... T1TIK . . - I ASK any oouinern x-acinc wompany or t v mm vn a net Corvallls ft Eastern Railroad agent for waQs TKBTKINO, with PBIFECT UCCB83, "'" . . . " . .. ALLAYS sU PAiTf J CtT&SS WIND COUC aad The .most delightful trip across the I js ths best remscy for DIAKRHCBA. Bold by Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup -continent is via tha Denver A Rio Grande, tha: scenic Una of ths world. LItt. t. m Appfy at Thiril,trwt, Poruand. jgjJJjJJJi Diuggiats la every part of the world. Be sort Winslow's Soothing Brnrr," eOatrkiad. Tweaatjr-fiTectftabottta) rOBTLAJTD WH0LZ1AT.1 TZIOU. ftrala. Flow and Faai. WHEAT New Walla Walla, 78e; blnastea. Ic: Valler, sic. BABI.EV feed, J21i rolled, $23. OATS No. 1 white. 11.0711.10: arar ll.OAil.OTU. FLOUR fcaatam Oragoai Patanta. HQ $4-K; atralfbta. $.1.00; Vallay, fa.TS0S.BO araham. Ua. 1.1.40: 10s. 13 70. MILLSTt rrB Bran. $23 00 par toa: Bld- dllnaa. t2n.00: ahorta. 121.00: ebon. $18.00. HAT Tlmothr. Sio.ou: clorar. iju,wii.w wbaat, 11.00tj 14.00. Hops, Wool aad Hides. HOPS 10Q3OO for 1002a: 1903 contracts. 17HlHr. WOOL Vallar. enaraa to siadlam. 16lHe flne. 170170: Baatern Oregon, 1041 14 i Uo- nair nominal. Bourne. BHEKrHKINS Bbaaring. 14divc! a Don wool. 32a23e: awdlun wool. SOc; long wooL ailrMll.44 aarh. TALLOW Prima, pa DX 4Q5oi Ka. t and (reaaa. HQZHt. uiiiks in-r niooa, no. 1, 10 poo no ana op, 14c par It); dry kip, Po. 1, o to id ina, lie: drr ralf. No. 1. nnder 6 Iba. IBc; dry aaltad. hnlla and itin. 1-S laaa than dry Bint; aaltad, hldaa, ataar. aound. 80 poonda or arar, TtJSc: 00 to OO roa. ifjnc: anoar av um and rows, OMTo; ataga and bulla, aoond, 6cl kip. aonnd. 15 to SO Iba 7; aoond. 10 ta 14 Urn. Tc; rait, aonnd, unaar lu 10a, ao; a" Innaaltadl la nar fh laaa: rulla, Is par IB hm. hlAnm aaltad aarh 11 afil.TS: drr. aarh tl OOitllRO- mlta' hldaa. aacb. aTkODOcl oat aklna. common, each. lOtiltki Angora, wit wool oa. aaeh, Zdcavi.w. Bnttar, Egga aad Poultry, BrTTER Kitra. 23ie: crrimerr, 30Q 22e; dalrr. I82ur: atora. ldQlac. KlidM -rrrah flrpaon. IHftllur. CHKKBB r-nll craaD, twin, 14e Toon Amarlran 1fltlAU.e. POtlLTRT Cblrkana. mlad. 11C12 par lb; hana, l)fl,V; rooatara. 8tir par lb; broll ara. 14dll3r er lb; frjrrra. HfyMHc par lb; durka. 0r per lb; gaeaa. 7Hc Pr lb; turkey, lira, nominal; drrsard, nominal. Fruits and Tagataklaa. POTATOES Naw, 75a5c; burera' prlrea, 7Ar: aweats. 2 We lb. OXIONN California allreraklna. $1.25; Ore-. gon. $1.M; Walla Walla, 90ii$1.00; garlic, 6il(r FREEH rnulTH Applee, fancy, orafon. fi.ou eil.OO: new (allrornla. 11. BO par doi; oranaea, ata Valanrlaa. 14 box: lirdltrrranran awaata, $3.00; bananasi or lb; llonoluln. $3.00 par buncb; hnrklrberrlra, 12r per In; lamona. rholra. $3.00; fanoj. $4,0114.00; Umea. Mail ran. 85r tier 100; urarhra. 40(Ti7Rr; nlnaapplra $.1.(10; figa. blark. $l.AO; whlta, $l.U0(ii-25; Dluma. 4ii150r: mnakmelnna. II. DO Drr dos. ; Oregon nutmrga. $1.00(1(2.00 crata; watermelons allfornla. HoCftWio per cwt; dragon, i."'( .Ml oar cwt: wars. 75riilll.o0 per box nectarines. Sue 1t box; grapes, 1.00ffl.23; miiarata. $1 Ml; rrshapulra, 6)r per box. VKOKTABLES Turnlua. 11.00 aaek: earrota. 1.23: beats. II. 28 nrr aack: radlabee. 12Vi Br rtoi: rahbaaa. (Ireaon. l(Il4t id let- ture. head. 15c jr dos; green pappara. 20c lb; horseradish, fte lb: ealarr. 11.00 tier doi: beana. string, reilow. 8H4c lb; green, 4feQBc lb: rhubarb. 8r lb: tomatoes. 4r per box; par ntpa, $1.7B; peas, 8 '84c; cucumbers, B0Q7(Ve par box: corn, loc per aoa: ekgpiant, iuc id; butter hrana. lOr lb. DRIRI) FRUITS Applra, aTaporatad. 07 rh: aurlrota. .7W(itlOr It: neacbra. eive ID: pears. 8H lb: prunes. Italian. 4HQ5HC lb: French, i44l4e lb; tigs, California Tlacka, C Hc: do. white. 7H0Sc lb; plnma. pitted. BQ 6r; ralaloa. sarded. fancy l ib cartons. 50 pack ages to ease. 8He pkg; seeded. .2-oa cartons, THc; loose Musoatefles. no-lb boxes. 0VsO7Vi lb; London lajers. $1.7532.00. Srooariaa. Muta. Eta. SUGAR "Sack baala:" Cube. 4) $.180; pow dered, $5.75; drr granulated. $5.05; extra C, $5.15; Ooldan 0. $5.06; barrels, 10c; Vi barrels. 25e; boxea, B0c adrance on aack baala. Iras 25c per cwt. for cash. 15 aajr, maple, 140 16c lb. HONET 14Hc per frame. COFFEB: Oreen Mocba. 21t33e; Java, fancy. 3632c; Jara. rood. 20 (9 25c; Java, ordinary. 18i20c; . Cos "a Rica, fancy. 18e20c; Coats Rica. good, lflttlte; Coats Rica, ordinary. 10 12r per lb; package rtiffee, $11.11. TEAS Oolong, different grades, tniQSSe; Onnpowder. 28i332(31Ae: Engllah Break faat, different grades. !2U,M65c: Solder Leg, on colored Japan. SOQOoc; graes Japan, aery scarce. S0r30c. SALT Bales. 2s. Sa. 4a. (la. 10a. $3.10: One tshla. dairy, AOs, .18c: 100a. 74e: Imoortad Ll srpoo). 50a. 45c; 100a. 8Hc; 324a. II. S8. SALT Coarse, half grnnnd, 100a. per ton, $14.00 : 50a. per ton. $14.50: LlTerpool. romp. rack. $28.00 per ton: AO-lb rock. $14.00: 100a. $11.50. ukain bars Calcutta, so.73QO.oo per 100 ror Auguat dallrery. RICE Imnerlol Janan. No. I. 6T4e: No. 3. SHc: New Orleans bead. He. COAL OIL Caaea, 22c per gal. tanka; Water wnita. iron nnu. iomc wooorn, isc; ueao llght, cases. 24c. Iron hlila. lTUr: rasntlne. Iron In raaea. 40c: genuine kettle. In eases, BSc. LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In bbla. 44c: genn Ine kettle, boiled, eaaea Blc; bbla 46c; pure raw, tbla. 22c. eases. 28 He. UK.Mr.i.NK as act eaaea zze. iron bbla inur. GASOLINE 86 dec caaea SSMc. Iron bbla zze. TURPENTINE In rasea 73e, wood bbk 72Ar. Iron bbla 70c, 10-lb eaaa lota 75c, BE, CHICAGO WHEAT MOVES SOME UP Market Was About 3-Cen Higher and Closed at Top Figure of the Day Pit Was Dull After Break, Corn Was Easy Under Con tinued Favorable Weather the West Crop Advices Continue Conflicting. (Special Prrmlaalon of Bolton. d Rnrter A Co.) CHICAOO. Aug. 24. Logan ft Bryan advise: Ths wheat market was about 4o higher and closed at ths top of the day. It Is a dull market and this, after ths break of ths past few days, would seem to indicate that the pressing llqul datlon Is about over. At the close of last week the feeling was bearish Trade was disposed to Ignore all other conditions and look for a rather free movement of wheat from the North west. Today the outlook Is considerably changed. The Northwest has rains; Manitoba and Dakota also. The Eng lish country markets are quoted strong, with a scarcity of offerings. A well- informed authority gives it as his opinion that the requirements of the United Kingdom from the outside will this year be the largest on record. It Is pretty generally conceded that France will need to Import wheat. All these things makes bullish feeling. Ws might add that primary receipts keep materially below last year. Corn Market Easy. The corn market is easy. Continued favorable weather in the West is the depressing factor. Crop advices, how ever, keep conflicting. Wherever corn has a good start, rapid progress is be ing made under existing conditions. In the sections where the start waa poor, reports keep unfavorable. Moderate re ceipts and pretty fair demand prevail. There is a good, liberal short interest. Oats Ysty Quiet. The oats market closed a shade easier and very quiet. There is nothing urgent n the cash demand. Speculative feei ng la waiting to some extent on ths outcome and the action of corn. The bulls on oats get their encouragement from the short crop, and the bears at present prlcea. We are Inclined our selves to think there Is a good deal of truth in the latter proposition, but rec ognise that the action of the corn mar ket will be an important factor. Xilttls Changs ln Provisions. The provision market closed quiet and without much change. Receipts of hogs were more liberal, but prlcea at the yards were firm. Trade is almost wholly local and on a very moderate scale. There does not seem to be much bear activity in the market. We see nothing yet on which to advise pur nase or provisions. SPECULATIVE-MOOD HAS CHANGED SOME Week of Perfect Harvest Conditions in Northwest Is the Cause. (Special Porrnlaslnn of Bolton, de Rnrter A Co.) CHICAGO, Aug. 24 The Hecord-Her-aid today says: A wsek of perfoct harvest conditions In ths Northwest changed the specu lative mood some. Saturday's wheat close was tQ3c under thri Satur day previous, and somewhat more than that under the high price of week be fore last. The weather was the legiti mate and most Important Influence, and It was nstural to raise tha price some thing. There was a good deal heard of revised estimates as to the Northwest yield, with pretty nearly everything In the way of increase. As for quality, ths story was of on sort high grade. The Northwest weather conditions will command the attention this week to the same extent they did last. They will be Just ss Important in the prlre-mnk-lng. The quality of over a third of the year's wheat supply Is st stake and subordinate to that there Is dependent the promptness with which this sup ply can be available. Another week like the last will prnctlrally secure) the spring wheat and tend to hasten the market ing of It. The course or prices at Mln nespolls has Illustrated the slttintlon and the expectations there. Old No. 1 Northern has droppml from 11.01 to 8ftr, and the near futures up there have de clined more than at Chicago. There haa been an exigency for supplies which has made extraordinary prices, and which haa Influenced this market. That Is passing now. and the completeness with which It will be removed depends on the mmedlata conditions for harvesting and movement. OP PICKING BEGINS TODAY Picking Operations to Beein in Some of the Smaller Yards of the Aurora District All Fear Rainy Spell. Mold Is Appearing in Most of the helds Production Wil Be at Least a Fourth Short To Form Pool. Chicago Cash Business. CHICAGO, Aug. 24 The cash sales Saturday were 200.000 buiihels of corn and 160,000 bushels of oals. Seaboard reporta live loads of wheat and six loads of corn taken for export. yew Tork Inmmary. NEW YORK. Aug. 24 London stocks firmer. & point higher. London set- lement begins Tuesday. Supposed In crease of loans ln the bank statement ras caused by corporation borrowing. Illnols gained R45 stockholders In four months. I'nlted States realty has con- racts in hand aggregating 120. 000. 000. Forty-one roods for the second week of August show an average gross Increase of 11.13 per cent; S8 roads for the sec ond week of August show an average net Increase of 10.26 per cent. There Is a better demand for stock ln the loan rowd. The banks gnlned from the sub- reasury on Friday $590,000. More than half of Saturday's Increase In loans was made by Western national banks. All Western railroads report active business nd big prospective demand for trans portation. Twelve industrials advanced 1R per cent, 20 active railroads de- lined .33 per cent. NEW YORK STOCKS DESCRIPTION. ANS Small w'llte 4U4V4C large wblte I.1.N5U4.U0, pint oajau 94.73. Units 16.00. NUTS Peanuts. efT7e per Tn ror raw. BftlOe for roaated: rocoanuta. 85(it00c per dos; wal nuts. 14H(?tloc per lb: pins nnta. 104112tte per id: niraorr nun, inc per id; cneatnota, Eaatern. 15(jflc par lb: BraslI nnta. 14c per rn; niberts. l.VfCinc per nv raney pecans, 14 o loc per ro; almonds, laajioc per in. Masts and Proriaons. FRESH MEATS Inapected: Beef, crime. 64c; cows, b(254c; mutton, dressed, BjJSHe; lauiDe. dresaeji, oc. FRESH ffiATS Front a treat Beat, crime. 6c; bulla. Z-: cows, B05He; pork, 7 7c; real, 7Hn)8Vc; mutton, dressed, Ac; lambs, dreaaed, !, RAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland nack flocall hama. 10 to 14 Iba.. 18c: 14 .to 1 lbs., IBHe; breakfast bacon. 15Vift20c: picnics. lOtyc; aalted aldea. llMo lb; smoked sides, l".ci dry salted backa. 11 : bacon backs, 12c; bntta, salted. He: amoxea. luc ro. EASTERN-PACKED HAMS Under 14 Iba, loc; orer 14 Iba. 15c; fancy, lBQ10c: pic nics. 11c: ahouldera, 11c; drr aaltad aldea. nnamoked. HMc; braakfaat bacon, 1818c; fancy. SOc. LOCAL LA RD Kettle leaf. ins. 10TAet Be. 11c; 50-tb tins, 10Hc; steam rendered, 10s, 10c; 5s, 10SC, 50s, 10c. ASTERN LARD Kettle leaf, 10-ro tins, U'ic; 5s. llc; 50-lb tins, 11c: steam rend ered. IOs, 10 c; 5a, lO'fcc; 60s, 10 c A bora packing bouse prices are net eaaa, 18 Sara. SALMON Colombia Hirer, l ib tails. 11.70: J-Ib tails. 12.40: fancy l ib data. $1 85; H-tO fancy data. 11.10: fancy l ib oval, tz.50; Alaska talla. pink. 80c; red. fi.SO: 2-lb tails. $2.00. FISH Rock cod. Tc: flonndera. 0c: ballbnt. 5c; Ung cod, 7c: crabs. $1.50 dos: raaor clama, 810c per doa. : striped baaa. ItUc; salmon. Chinook. Tc; hutnpbacka. 5c; soles, Sr; shrimps. Piiret Sound, lac; cat nan, oc; surer anion. 5c lb. Closing Q rain Quotations. 8AN FRANCISCO. Aug. 24. Tho losing grain quotations ln the various cities today were: New York Wheat September, 86 He: December, S64c. Corn Septem ber, 674c St. Louis Wheat September. 80 c:. December, 84c bid. Corn September, 4 7 He. Kansas City Wheat September. fdc bid; December, 81V4c. Corn Sep tember. 44 c. ' Milwaukee . Wheat Seotember. 81 nc asked; old. So He. Corn - Sep tember, 61 c. asked. San Francisco Wheat December, 1.10H- Barley December. IL4714 -blO. nacnnda Mining Co... mal. Copper Co tcblaou. com uo preferred m. Car A F., com. . . . do preferred m. .Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com do preferred A O., com do preferred Brook. Ranld Tran Can. Pacific, com A A., com do preferred A O. W.. com M. A Ht. P A N. W.. com Chicago Term. Ry.... heaateake a o Canada South Colo. South., com dV second preferred . do first preferred . . . . , Pel. Hudson I). A It. O.. com...... do preferred Erie, common do second preferred . . do. drat preferred Illinois Central , Louis. A Naah Met. Trartion Co Man. Ele rated Mex. Cent. Hy Minn. Ht. P. A Ste. M., do preferred ; . . Missouri Pacific M., K. A T.. com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A W com.... do preferred North American N. V.. Ont. A Wea Penn. Ry People's (J. L. A C. Co. Preas. Steel Car, com.., Puc. Mall S. Co Reading, cum do second preferred . . do AM t preferred Rep. Iron A S., com.... do preferred Rock Island, com do preferred Southern Ry., com do preferred Southern Pacific Ht. L. A S. K., 2d pfd.. St. L. A 8. W., com do nrcferred Texas A Pacific Tenn. Coal A Iron Union Pacific, com do preferred I". S. Leather, com.,... uo preferred I". S. Rubber, com do preferred I'.- 8. Sleel Co., com.... do Drererrea Wheel. A L. E., com,.. do second do flint Wis. Cent., com do preferred West. Cnlon. Tel Wabash, com do preferred T2 47 61 82 2 115 44 4 82 86 H 43 124 1 22 62 16W 141 .103 104 82 60 V l.Hi 21 H 02 2.14 76 20 66 V, 132 H 10H 112 V6i 14U 57 120 02 V4 lSj 41l 121 62 NH 74 22 123 U.I 23 64 ON 75 H 7 61 88 Vk ax 8214 U5fe 45 0 H 82 V4 87 44 125 a 62 U 17 141 163 1014 82 61 14V4 72 41) Vi 61 hi 88 31H 82 114 44 89 M 81 86 43 124 62 16 72 47 611 88 31 82 115 44 80 81 86 44 125 U 21 V 62 18 13.130 162 102 10 82 60 18 t 32 60 Hi-, 20 I 20 S2 51'51 11V4 26 68 21 83 44 60 15 83 20 J1 74 87 8 80 12 40 22 60 16 28 48 10 80 83 22 84 I 24 76 2W 68 132 104 113 133 i1 57 120 U3 10 42 121 62 86 T4 23 V. 123 U3 23" 64 68 American Stocks ln Xiondon. LONDON, Aug. 24. 2 p. m. Anacon da Copper unchanged. Atchison advanced , preferred advanced , Baltimore ri Ohio advanced . Canadian1 Pacific ad vanned . Chesapeake & Ohio advanced ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ad vanced H. Denver A Rio Grande un changed. Erie advanced , first ad vanced . Illinois Central advanced New York Central advanced 94 . Louis vllle & NashvlllA advanced . Mexican Central unchanged; Missouri. Kansas A Texas unchanged. Ontario & Western de clined , Norfolk & Western advanced . Pennsylvania advanced 4, Reading advanced Vs. firsts unchanged. Southern Pacific advanced . preferred un changed. United States St-cl unchanged, preferred ' advanced . Wahaah un changed, consols 90, advanced 4. SEVERAL DAYS OF BEARISH FEELING 23 76 28 23 76 2! 50 66 66 iazyl ;i:i2 108I103 111U1 133 133 114 65 27 64 22 84 44 60 16 33 26 42 74 87 8 80 14 40 22 70 16 28 49 1 38 84 22 34 67 67 128 1211 81 U2 10 10 41 41 120!12o 62 62 86 86 74 74 22 22 122 1 123 93 93 41 22 22 64 64 68 68 78 H 11 65 65 20 U 26 63 63 21 22 83 84 44 44 49 411 15 15 83 33 25 26 40 40 74 74 86 86 8 7 80 80 12 12 40 40 21J4 22 69 70 16 18 27 27 48 48 18 1H 88 3H 83 83 21 21 84 (Sneclal Dermlaslon of Bolton, de Ruyter ft Co.) CHILACJO, Aug. z. mere nas Deen a good deal of bearish feeling the past few days, and there la probably quite a liberal short Interest. The cables show strength ln wheat, and the rains ln the Northwest come ln an opportune time, as wheat Is largely ln the shock. There Is a demand which Is taking the winter wheat as fast as It comes to market, and there is every Indication that there are plenty of buyers awaiting the spring wheat movement. :, The weather Is fine for corn. Reports of improvement in condition have an in creasing tendency. The movement out of farmers' hands is in consequence showing a moderate increase. A little larger receipts are expected this week, and cash demand is good. CHICAGO HOGS ARE 10 CENTS HIGHER per cent. Money s per, cent. Total vales for the day, 286,000. aUnge of Cbioago Markets. (Special Permission of Bolton, de Ruyter A Co.) CHICAOO. Aug. 24. Tha markets rsnaed to. day as follows: uign. Close of llTsrpoel Grain. LIVERPOOL. An. 24. Cloaex-Wbeet. SeD- temher, 6-4, higher. . , corn September, . lower. Open. wneat 8t..., Dee ' Corn 8ept.... Dec Oata Sept .... Dec. . . . . Tori Sept.... 12.87 UtJ 04. 13.02 Lard , Sept.... 8.22 Ribs Septa.... 7.85 ,v .80 .61 .34 .36 -80 81 .61. .61 .34 86 J 12.00 18.02 8.27 7 85 Low. T9 .81 .604 .51 .84 .86 12.85 13.00 8.20 .7.82 , Close. I .80 B .81 .61 A .61 B .84 .86 12.87 18.05 6.22 7-82B Chicags Orals Oars. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. The grain ear record shows: Cars. Grade. . Est Wheat, ...114 26 100 Corn .."i,.-. 290 61 . S10 Oata 244 13 135 CHICAGO, Ang. 24. Receipts of livestock ln the principal packing centers of the country today were : Hogs. Cattle. Hheep. Chicago 23.cMI 21.inhi 2N.iki Kaunas City 2,noo 12. 000 2.000 Omaha 2.700 4.000 i.vmni Hogs opened 10 cents higher with .im) l.-rt orer from Saturday. Receipts a .venr ago were 23,000. Ruling prices are: Mixed. $5.30 C1I8.OO; good, f5.36(i5.8u; rough, f4.50i5.25; light, 5.50fttfl. 15. Cattle 10 cents higher. Sbeep Weak. Chloago Cash Wheat. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. The cash mar ket at noon was: No. 2 red. SlQ 82c; No. 3 red, 80 if Sic; No. 2 nurd win ter, 80C! iS'a 3 hard winter, TSffsOf; No. 1 Northern spring. 90c; No. 2 North ern spring, 87c; No. 3 spring, The hop-plcklng season in this stste formally berfin today. Picking opera Hons started In the yards of Oeorge Wills st Aurora and H. Osterholts at Needy. Both of the yards consist of 10 acres of ground. A personal visit of a Journal repre sentative to the yards In the Aurora district yesterday showea the crop to be considerably backward, and the loss In the yield this year Is estimated at 26 per cent under thst of last year This fact Is rather startling when it Is considered that throughout the district a large number of acres of ground will bear hops for the first time this season. All the hopmen seen are anxious to get their hops picked with ss little do lay as possible, as most of them fear rain and mold. Very few of the yards visited did not show signs of mold, and in some spots it was thick enough to practically destroy the quality of the product. Hops Ars Tary Small. Tnken altogether, the hops aro very mall and In a majority of the yards fears are still entertained that they will not sufficiently mature. Warmer weath er Is wanted, but as all indications now point to early rains, the hopmen are not going to take any chances of having their crops destroyed. Oreater chances sre to be taken, however, ss most of the yards will begin to pick during the week, and In nearly all cases the hops sre not nearly matured enough to be placed on the market. The quality of the hop. aside from the maturing, is of the best that has been raised In this state, and no com plaints are heard on that score. Among the yards to begin picking dur ing the week are: Oeorge Wills. Aurora. 10 acres, signs of mold, picks today. H. Osterholts. Needy, five acres, fair condition, picks teday, C. Zimmerman. Aurora, 11 acres, fair condition, three-fourths of a crop. Charles Zlggler, Aurora, picks Friday, short yield. Oeorge Smith. Aurora, better crop than ever, picks Friday. A. N. Wills, Aurora, 10 acres, new yard, bad condition . The above Is only a partial list and were the only ones to be seen yester day. The other yards In the district sre In the same condition, and 75 per cent la considered by all the growers to be a fair estimate of the yield. Hop Pool to lorm. Within n few days, It Is said by some of the most prominent men ln the Au rora district, a hop pool composed of a majority of the growers of the state will be formed for the purpose of obtaining higher prices thun are now being of fered. According to all Indications, Pro moter Durst, of the last pool, will again be at the head of the hopmen. Mr. Durst Is at present looking up the pros pects for the coming season's yield, and also laying his plans for the formation of the pool. Very few growers ln the state have made contracts this season on their crops, and nearly all are determined to hold for high figures. Twenty-one cents has been offered for contracts ln the Aurora district, but has been re fused. All of tht! larger growers inter viewed- said that they would not sell their hops under a 25c market, and some of them are talking of holding for even higher figures. Prloa for Picking. As yet there has be-n no regular price for picking formulated ln the Aurora district, and prices will range from 25 to 45 j-ents, according to the sise and qualify of the yard. Hoppers are being placqa in proper condition ror the sea son's work, and the dry houses have been repaired. The 1903 hop season. will be In full swing by the first part of the coming week. Ths Oldest TV sat Compaay- is rH" QBTLAirn TtUtT COMrAHT 0T 0AI00K. i No. 10 Third Street. ' Iscorporatad April XX. l7. 1 Wa laatta eunpon car tinea lea of deposit rof Ire years, on whia we pay Interval at " lata of 4 per cant par annnm, aa per aetnl aonnal conpona attached. Wa taaue lnlere- , bearing rpreial eartlscatea ef sVpnatt 0" l'M than J&"0 rack, payable npna 10 dark' rail by tha holder, or 10 days' notice by tas Truat , Company, par cant per annua. , Payable on So daa' call or SO days' Sotli. S per cent per annaan. 'arable on So daya' rail or 80 days swtkw, A ru p enl rwr annum ... n eertlflrstes of or orer mtareat will 1 paid Quarterly or avail-annually if srairea. All. as defined In our book of ILL! HI KA. TION8. roplea of whlrb m shall be glad ta fttrntah rtn rtitMttsm BEVJ. I. C6HZN, Praaidant. B. UI PA0IT. aWeratary. I BIDS WANTED TOGETHER with adranca raporta dally as) Sit ( buildings, water and sawsr systems, railroad must ruction, lumber and logging camps and &ropoaals lor naw machinery, covering entire , orthwaat. Addrrsa Pugut Sou."! PraaS Clip I plug liuraau. Inc. Tluiaa lildg., BeaUls Waah. If You Want! A partner In roar bnalnesa: If ran want thing adrarttaa for It In TIIK JOURNAL. MALI HZXP WANTED. WANTED Young man to work In aaah aod) ,' door factory; ateady work; a Lao rut of saaa and rlpaaw man; 25 man to work ln saw aslll In the rlty; 12 25 per and lira at home; one : Brat rlaaa atlrkar man In city, ( all upstairs, room 19. 2.13 Diirnslda atreet. "' WANTED- SU lu.ire atudenta to take adrsntsge of tha reduced rate offered to our drat class In harherlng. For full particulars call or write Portland Barber College, 25J KTarettj street. . C. R. HANSEN A CO.. 26 Stwth Second St.,-; general male employment agency Head quarters for work lor men for railroad coo slructlon and other outalde work: WANTED Krt clnaa carin-nters. Apply W. IU (rordiHi, contractor. Carnival grounds, Tama hill ntreet to M A. A. I", grmmda J rUKXTBHXD BOOMS. I LOGAN DCII.IU.NO. 108 Union ara, ElagaeS rooms for housekeeping or transient, snraia oea or anforntahed: rates reasonable. Vi ELL VENTILATED single rooma. 15c. 20a roa zc a night; bads. ine. tas arsnia Booaa. aor Second and Darla. TUB COSMOS Fonrth and Morrison. fnrnlsbsA bnaaakaeplnt sultas, aulu aad single rooma 1 13 par weak and an. 204 STARK ST.. nicely furnished rooma; ran. sonahle rent; trauslaota aollcltao. rnoasi rront 1009. TUB CASTLX 17 Waahlngtoa at; rooms toa (sntlamen; transient. Tal. Booth 701. half block Portland HotaL J 180 Seventh st. WAKTEO. WANTKI) -Knnrilahed snd unfnrnlahed rooms snd ho'iaes. Public snd prlrate. CITY BENT INC, BI RKAC. 234 Mnniaon 8t. B0AKD WITH B00VS. UOOMS WITH BOARD, well furnished: all modern conveniences ; table board also. 321 Thlrteanth. . ... I FOB SALX.- f'OR HALE Cheap, one horae snd deliver! wagon with cover; In nrat-cisaa conlltlon; party leaving city. Address 871 Water street near Montgomery, after 5 o'clock. FOR SALE $150. team, harneaa and good Democrat wagon with double springs; Joat tha thing for a camping trip. Inquire at 470 Flint street. Cpper Alhlna. . FOR SALE Two rough-coated Collla pupa, reg istered, for sale or trade, only 3, worth 10, What have you? Adilreaa G. W. Desna, 381 Second St. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; good location; In growing town: good nusliieaa: price, 450. Apply Blacksmith, Journal office. FOR SALE One span of mules, wsgon and harneaa, wagon sulfa hie for peddling. In quire at 8O0 Front street. FOR SALE 5-room booaa. lot 68x100; lawa and fruit trees. 613. Esst Twenty-sixth eu. nesr Clinton Kelly School; Woodstock car. ST. PAUL LEADS THE LIST IN DECLINES NEW YORK. Aug. 24. The stock opening was quiet. London ruled above our prices. Steels were pressed for sale in moderate amounts. After the early f-trcngth the list sold oft under the lead of St. Paul. This stock was apparently offered down foj effect on reat of list. The market was at all times narrow and lacked public Inter est. Stocks that liplayed fair strength during the early decline were I'nlon Pa cific, Krlo and Reading. The former was well supported by Inside interests. Missouri Pacific was bid up by the clique In control, and tha advance a used a covering movement of nervous shorts. The close was featuresless, with a strong undertone. Clearing House Beport. The report of the Portland clearing house tor tne past wees, was ns roiiows: Cnloago Live Stock. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. Hogs closed 10 to 15 cents higher; cattle, 10 to 15 cents higher, and sheep, 10 cents lower. Monday ... Tin-sitay . . Wednesday Thursduy Friday Exchanges. 675.243.43 526.935 38 r2",55H.27 423.542.37 305.684.47 Saturday 2116. 8111.84 Total for week ending Ang. 22. 10O3 12,834.783.76 j Corresponding w'k lu 1902 2.834. 251. 28 Balances. fHKi.823.3o 75.346.05 Mil. 556. U7 65. 441). 27 62.470.6.8 38.155.12 $431,810 80 422.703.06 FOR SALE A few hUh-grsde typewriters, $30 each, u and M. Alexander. I2Z Third at. BLUE FBIHTINO. BLI'E PRINTS, black or brown prints, etc.. executed with despatch. Portland Blue Print Co.. 20. Alnsworth Block. Phone Main 2683. FOB BEST. WE rent rooma and houses All prlcea. All over tba city. CITY RENTING BUREAU. 234 Morrison St. ATTOB-ETB. EMONS A EMMONS, attorneys at law, S44 Worcester bldg. B. B. RIGOEN, Attorney and Connaallor-aa. Law: Kotary. SOS-Sod AMngtos bldg. PA-TUN. BEACH A SIMON B10 Chamber of Commerce, J. T. TAUGHER Room 18, Atnswortb Batldlng. B. B. DICKINSON, Attorney-at-Law as Nsa tary Public. 003 Commercial bldg. CARFEJtTEBS AND BUILDERS. 1. P. LUCY, successor to Gordon Mfg. Co., carpenter, builder, general contractor, booaa remodeling, alteratlona. etc.; cabinet work and Jobbing a specialty; counter shelving, lea bcxes, etc.; store and office fixtures; np-to-data and original carpenter work of all , kinds; nothing too large or too small for , onr Immediate attention; no files on osj we make and pnt up the bast fly acreens ta Portland. ghon. foot of Yamhill atw phone. Black 2807: residence. 74T East Stark, reside: c phone. White 712. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter snd bollder, SOT stark St.: ouira snd atora ni tores omit aaaj rei odeled; altering and repair bouses. Pboasj Main 747. II. F. CLARK, carpenter and jitllder; repairing snd Johnlng: offlce flitnres. Residence pnona. Weat 782; ahop. Main 1941. 453 Wash, st. AUTHORS, carpenter and bnllder: repairing and Johnlng; store and nfflce nirnres hunt. Baosj "00 Clumhla Phone Clav 1851. BAEGIKO AND LIGHTERIMO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., side st. Phone Grant 1171. 181 Baraa BATHS. MASSAGE. Turkish. Ruslan baths; Battle Creek miraes, 3uu Oregonian Bldg. Pbone Main 1038. CBEAM AND CREAMERY BUTTER. The Tonic S Par Excellence. fltiBiiy U CA Wine OoMtai4 V - Tbt best spefic remedy to Af Malarlal and Typhoid v. - . Fever. W ') . X,Cold, Innuenza. Ao. r A K. Forotat Co.. tita r i . S. WUllaai sii: jTis , Local Livestock Bacaipts. PORTT.ANI) UNION STOCK YARDS. Aug. 24. The receipts of livestock In the local yards today consisted ' 210 hogs and 310 sheep. Killing prlres are Arm with an excellent demand for all stocks. Prices are: Cattle Best, $3.75; medium, $3.50; cows. 2 .Miri2.7r. Hogs Best. 6e; medium, lAtff8c. Sheep 2fi3e. -The cotton market Mew Tork Cotton. (Special Permission of Bolton, de Ruyter A Co.) NEW YORK. Aug. 24. ranged today as follows Open. High. Low. f 0 87 f 10.10 f 0.86 10.06 10.06 111.00 Jsn, Feb. Mar. Aug. Sept. Oct. Not. Dec. 0 85 12 22 10.84 10.04 B 88 9 85 10.07 12.28 11.04 10.29 10.12 10.08 0.83 12.22 10.M 10.O4 a. 88 9.84 Close. f lO.OOfrMO.lO lo.fierg lo.os 10.061 10.08 12. 25 i 30. ll.0oCiill.01 10.29M3O 10.1 mi 11 10.07 10.08 BK8T creamery hutter snd pure cream promptly delivered to all parts af the city tram ouo tsla View Farm, Gresham. Oregon. Apply ta W. W. Cotton. 314 Worcester Bldg. Tela. phone. Main 5.''8. ' J OHIB0FODY AND MANICURING. THE liiiVENIS. the only sctentiac chiropodists In tha city; parlors aoi-2, Alisky bldg. this Is tha long-haired gontlamsa you want to see Grant 10 . CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvaulaed lroa olcea. J. C. Barer. 265 Second at DYEING AND CLEAN I NO. CITY STEAM PYEING CLEANING WORK&, Herman Enkle, proprietor. Phone Mala 1713. No. 65 6th st.. near I'lna. Portland. Or. CASH -E0ISTEBA. UALLYVUUD CASH RGGISTFltS. 4 Stark FBEB SHINES. Wheat os Fasaaga. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. Grain on paaaage shows: Today Year Age Bush. Bush. Wheat .27.336,000 25,624,000 Cora 18.5O9.O00 9,912. 0O0 . ! , .! ! Si! .! ' III . . YUuble arala aUtpply,: -,:, 'W ; : CHICAGO. Aug. 14. -Thajrraln rlsbla supply is: , Wheat, . Increase 172.000 bushels; corn, decrease 212,000 b"els; oats, decrease 38.000 bushels.' . CLOTHES CLEANED and preasad fl aar moath. Col qua Tailoring Co.. 4I Waaala. toa at. CEREAL MILLS. ACM a) MILLS Arm. Ceraals. CO., Manufarturwra BaiaCoa to aad 22 Karth Vreat at. COAX AND WOOD, Wa-STEKN tKfcU A fUbUi CO .. Daak-ra Is all kinds ausl, sot, aad) ebareoaL- Pa-ma lots, j " - , fPLCAH COAL CO., whoVsala daelare a aoa la fanadrr aad eaaeltar sok. MaaaaHM.SS wsaaMawSM DOG ADi H0B8E HOSPITAL. DR. 8. J. CARNEY. t art nary aorfeon. 150 M. IStta. f bone Mtla 1484. Baa. phone, kiuui Im, 1