J If TOE OTJEGOTT PAII.Y JOTJKyAU POIITLA1TD. CTIDAT EVENING, AUGUST SI. 1003. y - : 'I Entered ( tbt PoatofTW ef ' Portland.' Or.. far trsusmlsaion through the snails ascent. ! natter. . Pottage for tingle sopite Foe 10, at , ia-pege paper, i not; 10 U H pagse, a tenia. I ever pages, s easts. TILrfHOlTM. Bnataess Office Mala COA. ' Editorial Rooma Main .260, , TlMllllri.lUnninlii Mnla1 ArlverVtatna' AtenCV. jnu natesu street, now xora. iriirsue Ballding, Chicago.. TTi0ITI01f KATZI. Tartu by Center. Je r,r JoarnaL one roar K M The Dally Journal, ait months The Dally Journal, tbroo months .0 lo paii JouraaL by tbo week JO Tarrni br MAIL Tbo Dally. Joareal, bf Bull, tmo year.... 8400 Too Dtlly journal, by mall. tlx months.. IM in imuy journal, Dy nail, tnree montnt.. .ao Tba Dally Journal, by mall, ena month.... M Tha aaml-Waakly Joaraai. Tbo Bami-Waakiy Journal, lht to twalra pat-aa otcn uauo, all tbo aoara and tun naraai r Porta, ooa yaor II, oO. Tha Waokly Journal. Tba Woaklr Journal. 100 rohimna of raadlnt acb lamo. Uloatrated, full markat r porta, ono Joar, II. oa Kamltuacoa aboald bo taada by drafta. postal aotaa. oapraio ordora and mall asjoanta aro ocapUblo la ono and two-cant poacaca ataaipa. TXX JOVSKAt, 1. 0. Bof 111, rorlUnd, Orofoa. TODAY'S FORECAST Idaho, i eatrrn U- Tbo Indlrationa ara for nnaattlrd wrttbrr In tbla district tonight and Saturday. It will ha Ooolar tonight In Bonthern Idaho, and slightly warmer in nurtnaaatrrn n aaomgton. alatlman tanparatnra la tba last M hoars. TS; mtnlman tampcrataro, M; precipitation " NO PRIMING FOUNTAIN Tha Btreet committee's decision to haya a drinking fountain at Sixth and Pine atrpet waa blooknd In thk Council. The senerai body thought the expense waa too great. Tha amount necessary la $6,000 and this would come from the general fund. In the opinion of the majority of the members of the Council the fund la now too low to warrant any auoh exnemdlture. At the) nreopnr tlmo the elty owns a small triangle at this junction ana it is necFssary to ao somo thing with It, street repairs being con templated there. SEDTJCXD BATXtf TO 4- IHOXX. Go to Newport and Yaquina Bay an Ideal beach. It la becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The luw rate of $3.00 has been made by the Bout hern Pacific Company, In connection with the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad, for the Sunday round trip, from Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. A delightful ride through the beau tiful Willamette Valley, with privilege i . , t,, r, , i Of going up one Side of the Willamette River, returning the other. Ask any S. P. Co. or O. B. R R agent for a beautifully illustrated book let describing the seaside resorts at Yaquina. HALE HILP WANTED. C R. HANSEN CO., EMPLOYMENT AOTS. Z North 8ocood at, Offlcea In Ban Franclaco and Loa Angeles, Cat.: Orden aad Sookane. Help tree to ompioyere. rree oaggage room d reglatratlon. Work eeenred for applicants to caarge. ESTABLISHED laid. BEADOUARTEnS TOR MEN FOR R. R. AND OTHER OUTSIDE WORK. DAILY SHIPMENTS TO NEVADA for tba big 8. P. R. R. tunnelet NORTH on tba new R. R. work In Waablngtnn: EAST oo company and contract work; SOUTH In Oregon, and many other points. FKEB FARE oo all R. R. work. C. R. HANSEN CO. " North Id st. WANTED YoaDf moo to work In saah and door factory; steady work; alto cot off man and rlpaaw man; 26 men to work In aaw mill in the city; 12.25 per and lira at borne; one flrst-claaa sticker man In city. Call upstairs, room 10. 2:H Burnslde street. WANTED fix more students to take advantage of the rrdnced rate offered to oar Brat class In barherlng. For full particulars call or write Portland Barber College, ESS Everett street. TDXXxSHED ROOMS. LOGAN BUILDING. IMS Union are. Elagaat rooma for housekeeping or transient, furalahed or anfornlahed;. retee reaaonable. WELL VENTILATED single rooma. 16c. Sua and 2So a night; beds. 10c. The Everett House, cor Second and Dsris. VHB COSMOS Fourth tad Morrison, furnished boasekeeptne; euitee. antto and etngle roonti; 18 per week and np. 304 RTARlC ST., nicely furnished rooms; rea aonable rent; transients solicited. Phone Front 1008. THE CASTLE 27k Washington at: rooma for gentlemen; tranalent Tel. Sooth T61. 188 Seventh at.; half block Portland Hotel. BOARD WITH ROOMS. ROOMS WITH BOARD, well furnished; all modnrn conveniences; table board also. 221 Thirteenth. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 6-room bouae, lot 68x100; ltwa tnd fralt treea. , 643; East Twenty-tilth at., near Clinton Kelly School; Woodatock car. FOR SALE A few hlfh-grade typewriters, 830 etch. U tnd M. Alexander. 122 Third tt. WANTED. vVANTED Wiping rigt for use around ma chlnery. Apply Journal prett room, corner Tamnui and nrtn streett. BUTE PRINTING. BLUB PRINTS, black or brown prlnta, etc.. executed with deapatcb. Portland Blue Print Co., 39, Alna worth Block. Phona Main 2686. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 46-acre farm, all under cultiva tion; plenty of fruit tnd vegetable.; near , city, Wl, jara Jonrna L FOR RENT Housekeeping room., atreet. 567 Front ATTORNXYA fcHMONS ft BMMONA attorney a at law, 644 Worcester bldg. A B. RIGGEN, Attorney and Connaellor-at-Law; Notary. 806-309 Ablngton bldg. fAilON. BEACH A AIMON 810 Chamber of Commerce. . T, TAUGHER ttooni ja, aiaewortn nmiatrig. B. B. DICKINSON. Attorney-at-Law aad No tary Public. SOS Commercial bldg. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. f. F. LUCY, encceeaor to Gordon Mfg. Co.. rarpenter, builder, gentrtl coptracter, boast remodeling, alteration!, ete. ; cabinet work ted Jobbing a tpeelalty; counter abelvlng. Ice " buiea, etc.; atore and office Axtartai np-to-dato and origins I carpenter work of til kinds; nothing toe largt or toe small foe ear Immediate attention) Be (lea ea ua; tie make and pat op the; .beat By tcreens la Portltnd. Shop. fndt of famhIU st phona. Bltck 27'Lveetdenee. v47 Eaat Stark j realdtnce phoney 'White T1A JOHN A MELTON, carpenter and builder. 807 Stark st 1 effloe and atore Artoree built had ' remodeled ; altering aad repair bouaaa. Phone Mala T4T. ' - . Hv F. CLARK, earpentot and builder; repairing snd lobbing; affice flxtnrea. Residence phone. Wast 782; shop. Mala 1941. 468H Waab. at. AUTHORS, carpenter and balldert rtptlrlng and iobMagl etose aad aoBoa Bxturea baUlt, SAop JOB Columbia. Phone Clay 1861. I A'aathar eondltloni and faneral foroeaat for F Waahln(toD, Orrfoo and Idaho: Tba wrathrr 1 la tha Ncrth Pacldc atatao la cloudy and I . threatanina, and a light thuadaratorai occurrad 1 laat nlgbt at Poeatello. 1 It la rllghtlr ronWr In ftoulhaaatrra f r-prtnraatwn Waablnitoa and attnm V F . Uhntaaa. - Tbo tamnaratnraa In Nortban BATHS. MASSAGE. Turkish. Ruaetaa hatha) Rattle creek nnrtee, 8UU Ureg oulaa wag. moot Main 10H8. ' c BAEOINw AMD LiaHTtKIMS. WatKUOM ROUfcD UJMBEkl 4JU. 181 Bora. aleje at Phone Great 1171 : CREAK AND - CRXAMIRT BUTTER, BEST mautr butta and bom eraaa promptly tuTtrio io ail porta ox ins worn a tain Vlaw Farm, Graaham, Oregon. Apply at W. W. Cotton, gu WoraoatM Bldg. Teie pboBe. Halo BM. CHIROPODY AND XLANIOUBINO. I ". "f P".01'! AluBy . Mdg.J this la tba long -balrod (ontiomaa rod araal to ao. rant io. coxmox axTUORTs. - METAL IKYUUUTaV ralaaalaad iron aor aarao. . v. Dayar. Ifld ooooa n. siEUia Airs cleaxixv. CITT dTBAli DTKINO A CLEANINU WORKS. Harmaa Enkla, propria tor. riono mam II1A Mo. dtb at., naar Pin a. roHlaad. Or. CASH EE0I1TIM. HAXXWUUI CAIR REGISTERS. AM Mark at rtx IHIMU. VLUTHE8 CLEANED and praoaad II pot anoatb. Valqaa TaUorUc Co.. 7 waam ao taa at. OERXAL atllXaV. ACMM M1LLE CO., MaaataeUirora tUlatoo Aeaia Caraala. ta and XII North Front at. 00 AL AMD WOOD. WKHTEKN FEED aTTtJEL CO Dralora In all kinds of eoaU aoko ad rbarcoaL Phina 101s. TCLCAN COAL CO., no!aoalo dralara aaaf ooala; foiodry and amlrar ooto. DOO AjTD HOXIX HOSPITAL DR. S. J. CARNEY, vatarlnary aurcaon. UM N. lnth. Phono Main UM. Rea. phona. Front iaa. " CIOAXS AND TOBACCO. hhXKkU-UUMHT CiOAK CO. Dtatrtbutara of riKE CIQARS. Portland ELECTXIOAL WORKS. PORTLAND MECHANICAL and Electrical Works; phone. Black 3081, 181 Madison ay POUTLAMD KLM.TU1UAL WgUkak-Othea Wl Btark at. rATEREAL OtSUMAHOE. OHI)4h Of WABUlNOfoN Foremoat trator- ! anrteta of Northwaati nrotecta tbo U- law. J. U Mitchell, aupraaso vocraUry. ll tad dil Maranam blda Purtland. Or. Tai- epnrne Main ohi. CATES. YATES' PLACE. 2M Wa.hlngtoo at.. Pb... 8. Main ITL J. W. Talbott. prop. Portland, Or. INSURANCE. J. PHILIP KKNNCDY. Inauranec; roaldent a rant Norwich Union lira Insurance BoeUt. raono Boots inaji. aa uamntaai oiaa. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employere' liability and In- dlrldaal aoctdont; aarety Bcaoa oi aw tune. Phono T. Concord bldg. H. F. BATTELS COMPANY Tiro Inauranee. 443 Bbarlock bldg. Oregon pheno. Clay tw. ISA AO L. WHITE, fire Insnranra. X Sherlock blda. Ore eon phone. Main ens. IRON WORKS. r,,m.vv r.ii. : x n w a ii i a i nun rv o hi i urn , uiauu r uAur,,, of marine, mlnlu. lottlna- and aaw. mill machinery: nrompt attention to repair wore. I'hona East 29. Hawthorne are A A. Sci. JEWELERS. THE O. HKITKEMPEit CO.. luauutacturlag iewelera. 2Sfl Morrison at. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBER CO., second-hand rhlnery. sawmill, etc. 24H (iranil are. MEDICAL. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. Sit Deknm. Cures women a complain ta;quiciiy. LIQUOR HABIT quickly cured. Box !5, city. MAS8A0X. MDMB. H. B. ELY, Oermatologlst. massage. electrle treatments. IP3H Firat t. MODEL MAKER. rVH FlkST-CLASS KEPAIK1NU go to Andy Frits, machinist tnd model mater, no oto. MININO AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS ft SIMPSON, mining; tnd mine pre- motera. Koom I. cnamner or tiomreerce. MONEt TO LOAN. tfali) tl. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money ta loa a. No commission. I am In a poaltioa to make Immediate loans en Improved real eatata or for building pnr Bosre: any s mount : moderate Interest. We approve loans from plana and advance money aa bnlldlng prngreatea when detlreA Option mStiZi yi?r- . . . FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent. 103 Second at., naar Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 210 M'KAY BLfJO.. 1024 Third t.. Is tha recognised bsnk ot the wtge-eemer. Wa advance money ta teamatere, trainmen, shopmen, saotormeu, enndurtnra. etc., without mortgage, endorser ar collateral. Amonnt Montblv U Monthly. Weekle I ilOA IM repay 83A.rH or B18.no re 8A.rn repay 813.33 or 8 8.AA or 83.36 renav 6 8.85 or 8 8.35 or 81.03 Boelceet ronfldentlal. No nnnleeeant Inculry. MONEY TO LOAN oa real. Personal and col lateral aeanrltvt anerlal attention to chattls Bwrtgagee; antes bought 0. W. Pallet. S13 Commercial blk. Phone Orant "tw MONEY TO LOAN, small amonnte. abort or long time. J. H. Ha wley, S Cham, of Cum. MONEY TO LOAN on city lota and Improved rtrma. w. a. Bntw Co.. at s Btarx ar. LOANS on euhnrban motigaget; Wsrd. 823 Altskv Bids. -Jljsil . ijeeBa-aea low rttet. NORTHWEST HOTELS. , Hotel Portland. Aatrloan plaai 38.36 per day Sommera Hotel, La Oranda: travelers' home. Belvedere; European plan) 4th and Alder ata St. Oharlea. First and Morrieon ata.. Portland PERSONALS. MR. KLMORE RICE Violinist and teacher; alto piano harmony; room 1. .O. U.W. Bldg.; hours 8 to 5:30 daily; phone. Union, B4A fOUM PRESCRIPTIONS ere more accantrly tnd reasonably filled at Evasell'a Pharmacy, x27 Morrison St.. bet. Fleet and Second sts. EITHER SEX at will; pr. Schenke'a ate dis covery; for 60 cents mailed; agenta wanted. Write J. Joss, Eaat Portland. 1, mill STORIES and . novels for tummer retd trig, IQ cents. Jones' Book Store, 21 Alder CAFE KRATZ. IV Sixth tt A 0t) lucJ aerved a all boats. PIANO LESSONS. W. GIFKORD NASH. 11)3 loth St.; terma upua application. Berlnnera taken. - . UU1. JIJ1 FALMISRT,. ATTENTION. , You, Every One of Ton, It la Absolutely aad Positively r tv J . r. rnwn (If I Fail to Do aa I Claim.) I make a solemn oath to tell you more ab solute facta In relation , to not only the paal but tba present and future of your life, a. well as every nope, fear or ambition of your lifo without asking you a question. Thla I will do for you, and mora than any other clair voyant, palmlat or so-called fortuneteller In the world can do for yoa. I give .pedal advice on mining, bualnest tranttctlon. of ill klnda In fact there la nothing that you miay want to know tbat I can not tell you. Atk other clairvoyants and palmlata to do ss I agree to do. It they saa I will gladly for fall rEDHCBD FBES SBVEN DATE ONLXt PR0F. WALLACE. THE COSMOS." cot. Fourth and Morrieon ate. - Rooms ff,1!A?jajidBrfc' 0VEBALLA fc: hOSH OP THE ROAD UVKUALLM and mechan let' eWtblng. Union maite. Keustadter Broa Mfgra.. Portland. Or, . PLUMBERS. boNNERBSBa RADEMACHEB,; plhmbart, removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phones. REAL ESTATX. Ult IaLK ARMS , : . lm peeved dm tor take la all i port Oregon tad Washington; payment made aaili Bnrebaeare. far full Dartlevlars ao variooe properties spply to Wsn. alacMaetar, ail wore ter Piag. , ., MAXWELL KNAPP ' , RIAL ESTATE. ' HMO I. rNmhrf ef OnnnMraa bMt. sort. POHiXANL) CoRDAUB 00.. oar. tWtaui and Northrop ata.. Portland. Or. i REMOVAL. DK, FRANK a. ferris, dm. aikTUuDa B. Lamberaoa. Daaliata, reasons to Mtalsty bldg. Bftb Boor. 1 fcoorwo. j. FERRCLL, roof patntloc, rapalrlofl laakr roofa a apoetalty, BVnri WS t Phono, fitiTUAxim. A PSYCHIC PBYCBIST raada dally. Clrelaa Tnaanay, rrliuy aranlnaj. IW N. Ilth Ht. Arts. HUX OUB SAPES of J. . Oorla; roar ro paira aaa lorkoaU aaraly doaw. ad Tblral at. LOT htACHIXSE. tHANBOUMTlNKMAL blACialNE UO rtiot naeblaaa. S. . Part aad Oak. Both Phnna. Mala 1M. PICIAt DILTVIET. POOT UPKCIAL DELIVEUV. ho. aVt Waafc lavtoa at rbooaa. Or.. Mala am. OoL. 1 ST0RAOE AD TEAVirXE. i. . I'lCK, odtua a t'lrat at., batwooa Blart and Oak ata. ( nbooo MM; planoa and twtr mto awvg ooq poaaoai ror aaippiaai Bwdtoua nroproof brteb warabogaa, rroal aad i la ata. WRIXX TO DIVE. BTUOLJIK'S RXHTAURANTl arat-elaaa Boat ajorrlea. 3Z3 rVaahlngtoa at. WHOLESALE SROOXXS, WAbHAMd CO.. wkolaaalo tracer. Bin faotarora aad anaaataaloa atarchaota. M aad Front at. ALLEN LEWIS. whobjaaM grocers. PorV land. Or. MAaON, EBUMAN 6 CO.. wholoaals N. W, or. Srooad and Plna ata. WHOLESALE WALL fAPEE. MOkUAN WALL PAPER CO.. 1S4-1M BaeoBd at., net. lamhlll and Taylor. Tortland. Or. WHOLESALE 0E0OSXET AHD OLASBWAEE. WHOi,UMALM CUUOKKKV AMD Ili AHMH IkH rrael Hagala A Co.. 1U0 to lot CSV oar. lutl riHAiroiAU I aj)d ft TZiiToir. BAjncrmf. EaUbllaned In lam Transacts a General Banking Business. AUowad on Time Dapoalta. ColloctloiM asada at all points on faanroMo terms. Letters of credit leaned available la Europe and all points In Uia United States. Sight exchanae and teletraDhle traoafera aold In New York. Washtngtaa. Chicago, St Loola, Denrer, Omaha. San Francisco ana Mon tana and British Columbia. Exebanta aold on London. Paris. Derll. Frankfort. Rons Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. I JlTTTHD STARS NAT1 HAHX - OF PORTLAND OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND 0AX STS. TRANSACTS A OXVEXAL BANX3N0 BUSINESS. DRAFTS ISSUED Available fat all eltiaa af tha Untied State and Europe, Hoar Rang ed Manila, Collections Made on Favorable Terms Prealdeat J. C AlNSWOBTH Vlce-Preeldent W. B. 4 Yl!R Assistant Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LO-TDOir k saw rAwcisoo bank, I.IMTTHn. CHAMBER Or COMMERCE BUTtDrNO. THIRD AsTS ST AAA BTRXATB. Road Office SS Old Broad a treat I ndom. Tblo bank transacts a general banking baat- , makes liana, discounts hills snj Issues letters of credit available for travelers and for the purchase of mercbandlae In nnv rty ! of the world. Deala 'o .or'lgn and domiarle Xbange. Interest Pld on Time Deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. MEBCBLANTB' BTATTOXf AX BABTK, POaTLAND. Od-UON. J. Frank Watsoo ,. . . . Pvsaldand R. I.. Durban..,..., Ttca-Praeldent R. W. Hoyt , Caahlar Geo. W. Hoyt Atalsunt Caahiat Transacts a General Banking- Business. Drafts snd letera of credit Issued available to all parts of tba world. Collections a apeclalt.r. Gold !mt honrnt. X.TOW, OB XTTTTSB A CO., tiaf mrrnnnaa. j,, ft mto Portland; TJ. 8. National Bank. Portland; Bank of California. San Fraa- claco; Crock er- Woo i wort n M tuonai Bank, Han rrtBclsea. Ksmbera, Chicago Board of Trade, San Ftandaeo Pro duce Exchange, Ban Franclaco Btock and Bond Exchange. neitv wnw-ratvnia-ai BTncva tanarnat i - ' AITS COTTOJT. San Francitco Office 168 TBTRD ST. PORTLAND OR 480 California St. lyi oamis bbos. obuuitiksew, J' ruereooora to MORRIS ft WHITEHEAD. BANKERS. FIRST ANP ALDER STBEETA PORTLAND. OB. MORTGAGE LOGINS On Portland real estate at lowest ratea. Tit lea Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE SALARIED PEOPLE Do you need money before pay day! Call on ua. We can adTtnce money on your wtgee on abort notice. Yoa pay back mootniy. montniy or weekly. TBE STAB LOAN CO.. 210 McKay Bldg.. Third and Btark ata. New York Loan Office N. Third St.. M. Millar. Pron. Loana on collaterals: low Yataa: un redeemed pledgee for aale; watcb and Jewelry repairing. Phone. Red 087. MOSHBY AOVANCID. Salaried eeople, tetmttert. etc.. without aeenr. Ity. easy psymei:s, Itrgett butlcess In 4 principal dtlea. TOtMiW. SS Ablngton Bldg. IXOBTGrAOE LOANS. On Improved city snd farm property, at low. eat current yataa; building loans, loaUllmeal lotas. , N fin, IffecMatter, t1 Woreeetee hlfle SEALED proposals for furnishing 60 cords of llr wood to the "Water Department of the City of Portland will be received tt the W'Hter Office, City Hall. Portland, Oregon, until September 1. l&iia, t 1 p. m. The wood to be four feet In length, cut from tound-bodled trees within the last eight months . and delivered, la ricks elgbt feet high, properly piled, at. the Palatine Pump on the White House Road, five miles south of Portland, not later than October 1. 11)03. The right It reserved tu reject auy or all proposals. Proposals should lie addressed to the under signed and Indorsed "Proposals for furnish ing wood." By order of the Water Board. FRANK T. DODtJE. Superintendent. . Dated Portland. Oregon. August 21, 1K03. mmsasEsss-L.. u. j.....um LABOR DAY CELEBRATION Sealed bldt will be received up to 4 p- m. Wrdneoday, August 36, for concessions, comprising refreshments, - elgart, merry-go-round, thootlng gallery, etc., . at Hawthorne Park on Labor Day, September 7. Addreaa J. K. Stanton, rare McAllea ft McDonnell. Third and Morrison afreets. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of tbe Point View1 Land Company at room No. S. Hamilton Building, Portland, Or., on Friday. Auguat m. mis, at 2:30 p. m.. tor tne pur pose of 'dissolving thla corporation. JNO. M- A. LACE, President. - J. W, CAMPBELL, Secretary. Portia nd. Ore., August 20. 1903. , I ttOrOIXD AolESIMX-T TOR KWIA ,A8I XXUAV SI AAAI. , CITY NOTICES. " Notice la hereby gflvea that the Council of Notice la hereby given that tba Council of the City of Portland propoaea to aaseaa tba fa.- the City of Porttaad pmpoaea to aaasaa the fol- ararlng daaerlbad property and owner or owners bowing draerlbed property aad awBor ar owners aa being specially and prcnllarly beaeflted la the aa being apeeially and peeallarly benefited la --inu , oyyuaio -a- u.mn i mmu unecfiyiufne i mo amounta art oppoalte tba names ana oeecrip thereof by the eonatrnctloo of a sewer la Eaat I tlooa thereof for- the Improvement of Meade Third street from 76 feet north of Pad He street street, from tbe west Una of Corbett street to to a eonneeuon wiia ine eewor in Esatuiiaaa ttreet, ss provided by ordinance No. 1A0S. Any objectlona to the apportionment of tost for said sewer must be made la writing to the Oouoell aad Sled with tbe Auditor wlthla IS a.ie irom mm n io or. w"uwa vl tbla notice, and aald ebJectlona arm be board ana Beierminea ny toe Lonnrii oorore too pa aaga of tbe erdlaaa n-iawwee a-aina ine coat er obi sewer. Wheeler's addition to Eaat Portland Blk 41, lot 6. The Oregon Real Estate e Compear Blk 41. hit A The Oregon Real Batata Company Blk M. lot 8, The Oregon Real Estate Oooioenr Blk Si, ot T, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company , Blk W, lot A The Oregon Real EsUte Company Blk M, lot A The Oregoo Real Batata iT.rt ST.TS Com near 8T.TS But 21, lot T, David Cola Blk SI. lot S. Dtvld Cole Blk tl, lot A A- D. Davlea Blk SI. lot S. Brron T. Randall ; ; J I? 'a av va W-W ST.TB Blk 11, Ut A The Oregon Real Estate Company Blk if, lot T, Tba Oregon Real Estate Company Blk II. lot , Tbe Oregon Real Eatata Oomnanr 11. IS A tract of land lying betweea the soath una or ois 11. wneewr a Aoaiiasn io Eaat Portland, and a Una 100 feet eon to of and parallel with tbe aonth line ef Eaat Irving etreet and be tweea -the weet line ef Eaat Third street and a Una 100 feet weet of and parallel therewith. Julia 0. Day .... aaan A traet of land lying betweea two lines respectively ISO feet and boo reel south of and parallel wltb tba south Hue of Eaat Irving atreet and be. tween the weet line of Bast Third atreet and a line 100 feet weet of and parallel therewith, Henry Welabard.. tract of land lying between two linen respectively BOO feet and BUS feet south of and parallel wltb the south line of Eaat Irving street end between the west line of Beat Third atreet and a line 100 feet west of and and parallel tberew 1th, Christian fit. afeiia4nrf fee S7.7B tl A tract of land lying between a line S2.fi feet aonth or and parallel wiin the aonth line of Eaat Irving street and a line 100 feet Berth of and par allel wltb the north Una of Eaat Gll aaa atreet and between tbe went Una of Eaat Third atreet and t line 100 feet weat of and parallel therewith. J. Frank Watson, trustee Wbeelar'a Addition to East Port ST.TS land Blk 42. andlvlded 1-3 lot 4. Joaepb Panuet B.S0 9.80 8 80 Blk 42, undivided 1-1 lot I, Joaeph I'aonat Blk 42. undivided I S lot 4, Maud O, Radeon Blk 42, undivided 11 lot 3. Msud 0. Hudson 8 80 SO Blk 4X. undivided 1-8 lot 4. Joseph i ' Burkksrd Blk 42. undivided 1-S lot S, Joseph Burkhard a go Blk 27, lot 1. Charles Reed Hlk 2T. bit 2. rharles Reed lilk 2T. lot 3, W. J. Cornwall and W. F. Jewett Blk ST. lot 4, W. J. Cornwall and W, F. Jewett Blk 22. kit 1. Mary A. Walker Blk 22. lot 2. Martha A. Ret Blk 82. lot A Oambrlnua Brewing Com. nany Blk 22. !.t 4. C. W. Oay Blk 10, lot 1. The Oregon Real Estate 28.85 Company 28.86 Blk 10. lot A The Oregon Raal Estate Company 28.35 Blk 10, lot 3. The Oregon Real Estate Company tract of land lying between tbe eoath line of hlk 10. Wheeler's Addition to Eaat Portland, and a line 100 feet north of tnd parallel with the north line of East flllsan atreet and be tween the eaat line of Eaat Third atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel therewith, Semnel Hctple Estate, Helra of Jt.JB 148 86 Total 81 1T1 15 THOMAS C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot (he City of Portland. 1908. Auguat 18, OFFICB Or CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, City Hall, Portland. Or., Aug. 18, 1908. An examination of appllcanta for appointment la Cilia ea 7 and 12, Engineering Bvrvlee, will be bald Saturday, September A 1908, from 8 clock a. m. tin 4 o clock p. m., at the rooma ot tbe Civil Service Commission ta the City Hall, Portland, Oregon. Tha examination for Class T (Instrument men), will be of a preliminary character, and will cooatat of a practical determination of the PPllctnt i ability to aet up tnd read a transit. tat off r.nglea thereon and run a line of lcvela. The general scope of the eismlnstlon for Claaa 12 (chalnmenl. will be limited to nrac Ucal teaU. under the eupervltlon of tn engi- "7r-....v - a lurioer written examination iot tuae t (Instrument men), will be held tt tbe rooms of the Civil Service Commlaslon in tha Cltv Hall, Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, September IX 1901, from 9 o'clock a. m. till 12 m., nd Ha general cope will be it follows: Genertl knowledge of dntlet. 100. Only theae wbo successfully past tha pre' Umlntry examination will be tdmltted to the written examination THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, By THAD 8. POTTER, Secretary. rOVNDMASTER'S NOTICE. Notice as hereby given thrtt on the 17th day of Auguat, 1B08, I took up and empoundtd at the City Pound, at no. 201 oiiteentn atreet. In the City ot Portland, Oregon, tbe following deacrlbed animal: One white mare pony, giant eye, red ears, red epote on back and bally, roacbed mast, hobblea on front feet, abod all round; alao one dark red bull, tnd aniens the owner, or other person or persona having aa interest therein, shall claim possession of tha tame, and pay .11 cost and charge, of the keeplng and advertising them, together with oinco1 NrBV"m"n,r.;,idSdCi,y J'V.n,n.cJ.No. tSr' ',.u!m4n.2'.' "r7 of Portland. I will of To T m at the Cltv aiV.h K 'iJ Sf. . fi lnrm..nrub1icd.,ron 1903. at tbe hour I'oand. tt No. 361 the above described nnlmtl tt public auction to the highest bidder, to pay the costs and Ch,,r"".,,Uk,n UP k,eP,n' Dd aiii-b animal Dated tl-lt 19th day of August, 1903. F. W. HEED. Poundmtster. IN THE CluCLIT COURT of the State of tiregon, lor . me 1101117 01 saaiinomto, Jtmea K. race, piaimin, va. jonn a. Ben- aon tnd F. A. Hyde, defendants. To John A Beuson and r. A. nyot. aerenaants: in the name of tbe State of Oregon Yoa and rach of ovSk 'are hereby commanded tn be and appeaVln the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, on or be- fore the 14th day of September. 1903, tnd mate answer to me compiaini meu oy ine plaintiff In this action, tnt In dtfault thereof tbe plaintiff will tska Judgment sgsinst yon for the sum of $8,050.00, with Interest thereon at 6 per ctnt per snnum, tnd t)so for the further sum of $2,410.00. with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum, and for tbe casta and disbursements of this action, at demtnded in tht ssld complaint. Tbt relief dtmtnded In the complaint la to recover the aald sums of money tnd Interest tnd costs and disburse ments of tbe action. Tbla summons it published once a week, for a period of tlx weeks successively, prior to the 14th day of September, 1903, In accordance with the order of the aald Circuit Court, Hon. John B. Cleland, Judge, made tnd en tered on the 17th day of July, 1903, requiring yo and eaeb of you to appear and answer the said complaint on or before the list day of the time preacribed In the said order for publication, to-wlt: the said 14lb dty of September, 1803. The day ef the first publication ef tbla summons Is July 17, 1908. CARBT ft MAYS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Portland, Or.. Aug. 19, 1003. SEALED bldt will be received until Auguat 20. inclusive, for the privilege of exIualv ' sain of aenflatti, candy, gum, lee cream, soda wttrr, lemonade, peanuts, German vil lage and ether conceaalons. at the Mer chants' gnd Manufacturers' Exposition and Carnival given under the auspices of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, to be held In thla city from September 14 to Sep tember 26, Inclusive. Tbe committee will ha at the Multnomah Clubhouse Tuesdays, Friday and Saturdays after H o'clock p. m. and supply further In formation. GEO. W. SIMONS, Chairman Concession Committee. SEALED proposals for removing two 50,000 gal lon wooden tttve wstortanka from the ele vated wooden stnicturp it Williams avenue nnd Rusaell street tnd erecting them ntsr Union avenue and Going ttreet will be re ceived at tha Water Office. City Hall. Port land, Oregon, until Tuetday, September S, at 1 p. ta. Plans, snrclflcatlona and forms of pronottls may be obtained at the office of the Engineer of tbt Water Department In the City Hall. The Water Board reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all proposal or tny part thereof. Proposals thonld be addresaed to the ande. signed and Indorsed "Propoaats. for moving tanka." By ortjer of the Water Board. j FRANK T DODGE, SunerlattndaBt. Dated Portland, Oregon, Auguat AU 1903. CITT NOTICES. IX ftOrOSED AUIISMENT TO rxCT - OTX. , I MENT OF MTADE STRWT. tbe west line of S-ooad tUoet, as provided r Ordinance No. mati. Any ob)ectloua w tbe apportionment of roat for id fmprorement most be made la writing to the Couacll and died with the Auditor wlthla I IS day rroai tbo data af tba Bret publlcauoai I df tbla notice, and aald objections wlft be heard - 1 end determined hr l.e (teunWl before the naa saga of tbe ordinance aeeeaslng tha eoat cost ef aald improvement. Caruthers' Addition to Caratbara' Addition r n. i n, Ar .. -.I .T Blk 41. lot 4. Mrs. Anaalaa Duaort S IM.fil Blk 41, lot A Lewie M. Parrieh 1A0T ST.TSlBi. 41, lot S, S. J. Eleanor L. La 1 ' Fvaace Bd.fiS ''a I Blk 41, lot A rerdlnand Guodorph .... IT1.TS ma eo, lot a. eona ihhim ins.a Blk 4d. lot S, John Dudley SS.3S Blk 4A lot A Oermae Barings A Lose Society 1..SJ Blk 4B, lot 6, German Bavlnga A Loan oocieiy 343.14 184.42 19. IB 11. BH 11 Wl 132 B7 136 84 S661 61.88 XB2.lt SB 86 81 88 126.23 17 M 87 80 178.88 VI. II SA17 0.89 11.61 14,18 1867 1174 180. M 18 61 10 B0 Blk S3, Jot 4. Ida B. Mercer Blk Is. lot S, Wm. r. D. Mercer Blk St. north lot A John V. Lankla. Blk S3, aoutb U lot A T. WIU11 5' U- lot B.vn,D Boo Blk IW. lot 4. Emily J. Y. Moore.... Blk Ht. lot A 0. E. Lamberaoa Blk aa, lot A Edward J. Hart Blk -, lot A Joaa Corktsh Blk B4. east 100 feet lot 4, Joha F. Caples Blk Be, east 100 feet lot S. John F. capias Blk 4S. lot I, John M. Matacbek. Blk 48. lot 1 John M. Matacbek Blk 4A lot T. Catherine Behel Blk . Catharine Sabel Blk 47, west H lot 1, Juale Davla.... Blk 4f, weet H lot t, Joale Davla ... Blk 4T, north BO Sfi feet of anal H lot z, TBoaoas Meleabarg Blk 47. aoutb Bi.SS feet of eaat lot A John E. Trigg Blk 47. lot 7, Mellnda E. Morgan ... Blk f, lot A Mellnda E. Morgan.... Blk 54. lot 1, Franklin Drake Blk 64, lot A Franklin Drake Blk 64. east lot 7, Naanle E. Taylor Blk 14. eaat H lot A Nann.lt E. Tajlor . fe!fc4, -west H jrt f. irarmlna Htehlea SA06 11 14 BA P'a a, wee i k ioi o, nermina ttarniea 82.46 1 bis oa, lot x, Susie C, Post, estate Post, ' a' tats haira of 840.3B Blk BS, lot I. Busts neira of 22. 73 Blk 68, eaat 44 wj feet lot 7, Susie C. Poet, latata betra of Blk 6A, lot 8. Busle C. Poat. aetata helra of Blk M, weet 61 feet lot 7. Emanuel Batptlst Church Blk U. weat 68 feet lot 8. Emanuel Baptlat Cburch XI 82 116 68 88 12fl 13 Blk 66, eaat 100 feet lot 1, Addle B. Murray Blk 66, east 100 feet lot 2. Addle B. Murray Rlgbtof-wty City ft Suburban By. Co. 65 44 73.08 Total f3.S4S.SS TH08 C. DEVLIN. Andltnr of tbe City of Portltnd. Anguat 18, 1B0S. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT rOR IMPROVE J3 MENT Or WATER STREET X!t I Kaiu i. i i . ..... .. a? rtotlca la barebr riven that the fnn.i 'a t. A .... w. w. tne City of Portland nmm it,. .oo following described property and owner or own mm i . . . . . I enra as being snerlallr and necnllarlv heneflteA I i ine amounts set opposite the names and de 20.33 acrlptlona tberof for the Improvement of Water 2U.8B street from the south line of Arthur street to ma north una of Honker atreet, as provided by .85 ordinance No. 11.366. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for aald mprovement must be msde In wrltlnt I to tba Council and filed with tbe Auditor within IB days from tbt dtte of tbe flnt publication of thla notice, and aald objectlona will be betrd i euu u-.n lumw-i vj u. uiuncn oeiore ine pea oi ie eruintnrw sssessing tsa eoat or aaia improvement. Car u there ' Addition to Caruthera' Ad- dltlon to the City of Portland Blk 48. etat 100 feet lot 1, U F. and Barak M. Guthrie Blk 4H. eaat 100 feet of north Vi lot A H. C. Englebart BU 48. east 100 feet of soath H lot A ' W 39 29 onn vuoiey 38.29 bui ex, east ira reel ioi a, Jonn imniey , 77.00 73.66 Rlk raat 100 feet lot 4. John Dudley Blk 47, east Va lot 1, Thomas Mtlen- perg Blk 47, weat 47 feet of east 100 feet lot 1, Joale Davla Blk 47, watt 47 feet of east 100 feet lot A Joale Davla Blk 47, north 20.AS feet of eaat H lot 2, Tbomaa Melanberg Blk 47, aoutb 88.36 feet of ettt H lot 1, Joha B. Trigg Blk 47, ettt 100 feet lot 8, Elisabeth Morgan Blk 47. ettt 35 1-3 fet lot 4. Chariot F. Haywood Blk 47. eaat 85 1-3 feet of west 70 2 3 feet lot 4. Anna Gratka Blk 4T, east 29 1-8 feet of weat 35 13 feet lot 4, Henry Rlnahetmer Blk 41, west 100 feet lot 8, Canada Set 87.11 8.911 27 "6 u 75.58 118.14 58 6.61 74 91 77.42 78.26 76.83 77.86 7T.8J tlers Loan ft Trust Company. Ltd. BIk 4, weit 10o feet lot 7, Louis P. Bono Blk 41, weat 100 feet lot 6, 8. J. and Eleanor L. La France Blk 41. weat 100 feet lot S. Ferdinand Gundorph Blk 42. -west 100 feet lot 8, Catherine Sabel Blk 42. weat 100 feet lot 7. Catherine Blk 42, west' 100 feet iot 6, Frank Po- Babel llvkt TT.4I Blk 42. wett 100 feet lot S, Frank Po- livka 137 69. Total .. 31.340.02 THOMAS C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Aagast IB, 1903. PROPOSED AS6E88MENT FOR IMPR0VI MINT OF EAST THIRTY-BET 41 INTX STREET. r.HT. "."3t. .Z ul Notice is herebv given that tbe Council of ?! T,'""- TT." "'rZT'.Z "'" L.Pf.iiT ind necullsrlv hen ' - SSS 't tX and deaorlotlona thereof for the improvement t East Thirty aeventh street from the south Une of Beat Yamhill street to the north line vrA nance No. 13.445. for..ldODKT.men; "mJ.TC mad." In writ Any objectlona to tbe apportionment or eoat Ing to tbe Council snd fild wltb the Andltur Within 10 aays rrom tne naie 01 ine oral pun llcatlon of this notice, and aald objectlona will he hears ana aotermineo ny tne iwuncu pe- fore the passsge of the ordinance tsscsaing the cost of aald improvemes.t- Snnnvalde Blk 32, lot 7, Mra. A. Griffin $ 10 Blk 82, lot 6, John M. Wallace I ox I Blk 82. lot 9. John M. Wallace 16.51 Blk 82, lot 10, Konrad Brandt 16.61 Rlk 82. eaat U lot 11. Rrlnbolt WII tain eon 18.06 Blk 82, east Vi lot 12, Belnbolt Will lamaon 19.88 Blk X2, weat Vi lot It, Ralph Fooanesa.. .58 Blk 82, weat H lot 12. Ralph Fooaness.. "".84 Blk 88, lot', George K. Clark 20.71 Blk 38, lot 5. George K. Clark l.4fl Blk 8, lot 4, J. N. and Suaan N. Fow ler . . 1JJ 63 Blk 88. lot 8. Va T. Muir 20 Blk 83. oast H lot 1. A. E. Lindsay 63' Blk S3, ettt lot 2, A. E. I.tndsey 47 Blk 83. west H lot 1. Paul Schuele 18.41 Blk 83, wett H lot X, Paul Schuele 17.31 Total .. .8192.91 THOMAS C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of the City of Portland. Angust 18. 1903. SEAXES PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION FIRE-BOAT. Sealed proposals will be received at the omen of the Auditor el tht City of Portland. Oregon, until 2 o'ocloek p. m. Wednesday, August 26, 1808, for the eonatruetion of a flreboit in ac cordance with the following conditions: Flrtt For the eonatruetion of t flreboat with tteel bull. Including deck and deck house tnd twin screw propellen, according to plans tad specifications preptrtd by Mr. Fred Bsllin tad filed In tbe oSJea of the Auditor ef the City Of Portlatfd. Second For the eonetractlon of a flreboat wita eteel nun ana woooen ae- anu uwen bouse, and twin screw propellers in aorordaurt wltb tbe plana and apeclflcttlons, above re ferred to. except such modifications as a wooden deck and deck bouse will necessitate. Coplee of plana and apectncatlons will be fur nished by the Auditor upon application being made therefor. General conditions which apply to all bids: Fust The City of Portland will furnish for ttld flreboat "American Fire Engine Com panv'a" pumpa No. 1, delivered f. o. b. tt tha place where boat la constructed. Said pump are to be lnetalied by the contractor and at a part of hia contract on boat construction. Second The test of Inspection referred to In tbe laat elauee on page 10 of the specifies tlona will be paid bv tba City of Portland and to that extent ssld specifications are changed. Third The maximum draft of boat muat not exceed elg feet ander propellera when fully equipped. , , Fourth Each bid muat be accompanied by a certified check on a resimnslble bank In the City of Portland. Oregon, for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, or by a bond' for a like tmo ant, to be approved by the. Mayor of the City. SS a guarantee, to the effect that if the contract for the eonatruetion of atid flrehott be awarded to such bidder, he will eater lpto contract thertfor tad furnish to tbt City of Portland, Oregon, a good and sufficient bond, CTTT NOTICES. to be approved by the Mayor, In the sum of l40.nuti.uo, for the faithful execution of aald contract. The right Is feeerved to reject any aad all bids . ... Bids should he sddrrsaed to tbe Executive Board, care of Tboa. C. Derlln. Auditor, Port land, Oregon. TH0S. C. DEVLIN, Audit of the City of Portland. Dated August IT, I0O3. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE. MENT OF TAYLOR STREET. Notice is hereby given that tba Council of tbe City of Portland propoaea to aaeeea the fol lowing ilearrlbed orouertv and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly beaeflted In the amounta aet oppoalte the namea and deecrlp tlona thereof for (be tmorovemeut of Taylor to ttreet. from the esat line of Front street to weat llii'j or Hlitb street, as provided by OrUlname No. I3.3IV8. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for ssld Improvement mnst be made In writing to the t'ouni-ll and Hied wltb the Auditor within IS daya from tha data of tbt drat publication of this notice, and said objectlona will be beard ana aetermlntd by the Council before tba pat ssge of tbe ordinance assessing tbe coot of ssld improvement. Portland Blk 4, south XT feet of weat TS feet lot 5, Arthur Davenport 8 100. 3 Blk 2t. undivided 2 3 lot 4, Elisabeth L. Wood .71 Blk 22. undivided 1-3 lot 4, Ilehecca Ilenneaa .IS Blk 22. lot 6. Lawrence W Terkclaen.. 1.11 Bit SI. lot 6. Louie Flelschncr. estate helra of B 84 Blk bl. lot fi, Wm. M. Ayera and Mary L. Stave SOd.fJj Blk B0. esat (18 feet kit 4. Matthew O. C. Maroby 1X1. 71 Blk west 32 feet lot 4. Alex Meb- wait IT.28 Blk AO, south S feet of west 82 feet kit 3. A lei Mehwtlt .2 Blk SO. south S feet of east BX feet. lot 8. Matthew O. C. Murphy .AC Blk B0, north 46 feet lot 8. Samuel tnd M. A. McKet 7 B2 Blk AO. east 30 feet lot 6. Andrew Ktn 80.40 Blk 00. weat 70 feet lot 6. Henry W corbett, eatato helra of 117 o IS 1.01 Alk 6. lot 1. Aananda W. Reed Blk IX lot 1. Margaref-A, Frseer and Mary m. conneii . S10B5 Blk 12. lot 3. Marv H. J.m.1 a.nn Blk 68, lot 1. Edward Hlr.rV . Blk 0. tot A - 'AHgeete McOnf ttmar Kills Blk 60. undivided lot M. Me ivean Blk 60, undivided 4 lot 8. William Frailer .84.00 84.00 Total , 61 W 7 THUS r. DEVIJN, Andltnr of the City of Portland. August 18, 1B08. 80 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE VENT OF HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Notice it hereby given that tbe Council of 88 1 1 "' 01 rortiaaa propoaea to aaaeaa tne roi f lowing daacrlbed property tnd owner or ownera T7 aa being specie My and peculiarly benefited In TD0 amounta set opposite ine nsnies inn aescrip lions increoi tor ine improvement or new thoroe avenue, from the weet line of Eaat Water atreet to 14 feet east of the weet line of East First street, aa provided by Ordinance NO. IX.SWO. Any objectlona to tbe sprmrtlnnment of cost for aald Improvement must be msde lu wrltlug to tbe Council and flled with the A ad I tor within .1 IV iniiu lue mi. i me utm wiiinm null f I .2 , . . . , , . , , . . (. . . . 15 dtyt from tbe date of the first publication nK noiirv, ana veifi ooierxione win oe neeru ... . . ,, . . . . . . - i inn piirninMi 1 1 . mfl I uiuicii ra, 1 1 ir ins iraiB- and determined by the Council before the paa sage of the ordinance aaaesslng tbe cost of said improvement. A tract ot land lying between tne nortb line of Hawthorne artnut and a line PTif feet north of and parallel therewith and between tbe weet Una of East Water ttreet tnd t ltne 97V, feet weat of tnd pert lie I therewith, Drake C. O'Reilly tnd H. M. Bur pee , f 128.50 lk 12. aouth 80 feet lot 8. Janice Rur- Eaat Portland - I man 61.84 Blk 12. north Xn feet lot 8. Security Ravlnga Bank of San Franclaco 4 88 422. 8T Blk 12. lot 4. Jnmet Rurman , Blk 12, aouth 30 ftet lot 8. Jamet Sur- 89.00 Blk 12.' north ' 20 ' feet ' iot ' 6. Seearlty Ravine Hank of Han Franclaoe 28 81 406.98 Blk 12. lot 6. Jtmae Surma n A tract of land lying between the aonth ltne of Hawthorne avenue and t Una 974 feet aouth of tnd parallel there with and between the weat line of Eaat Water street snd t line 100 feet watt ot tnd parallel therewith. Jtmea H. Page 128.83 Stephana' Addition to Mat raniaaa talk- 4n Inr 1 .Tnhn O'fVinnor 448.27 101.48 TS TT 473.84 M Blk SO,' bit S. John O'Connor.... I w Ik so lot T Jnbn O'Connor. Blk 80. lot A John O'Connor Rlehtif.wav Oreeon Water Power I 1 Hallway Co.. 740X3 Total 33.008.10 TII08. C. DEVLIN, Andltnr of tbt City of Portltnd. Augutt 18, 1008. RAIL E0 AD TIMETABLES. Is Tbe Only Double-Track Railway betweea tha Missouri River and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawine-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road. Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway i . . r . 1 .... 1 n,l ,.;, lu Vll!lclgu liuiil i. Vl kiauu anu fVaUb in Oreguu. Dally and personally conducted ex cursions In Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Portland, Los Anpeles and San Francisco, through to Chicago witbout change. R. R. RITCHIE, A G. BARKER. Gen l Art , ijj Third St., yOKTLAND, ORB. Gen I Agt.. 617 Market St., bAN i-RANCI&CO.UAL. Chicago & Nor th-Western Ry. AIX TRAINS VIAWASttNOTON JVALTinORX 6- OHIO R. R. RAILROAD TIMET At LZA ViyajeJaO OREGON Si I OUTLINE UNION PACIFIC tha 3 IRA1NS to the EAST DAILY Threoah Pallmaa ttaaAard aad T-arlat staaa. log ears dally la Omaha, laaicago, tpotaMI tourtet sleeping ears dally se mmm thrnneh Pullman tonrtat Bleeding ears I n i ally son due ted) weekly to 4.aUeav Raawta City; reclining chtlr ears (Bents free) to tea East dtUy. DNIO.1 DEPOT. Lea vea. Arrtvaa. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:SO a. at. 4 SO p. at, SPECIAU Daily. Daily. For tha Eaat via 8 Bat ing toa. SPOKANE FLYER. 6:00 B. SB. 7:86 a. 'at. ret Eaatera Waahlng- Daily. Daily, tea. Walla WalU, Lew iatoa. Coeur 'Aleaa aad Oreal Martbara polnta. ATLANTIC EXPREBA 8:16 p. at. 10:80 a. 'av For tba Eaat via Hunt- Dally. Dally, lug Ion. OCEAN AND RfTXR SCHEDULE. " FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Irrom 1:00 B. an. B. A Geo, W. Aider Alaska August 10, SO, SO. Dock. A 8. Columbia k.ut B. av Auguat 6, It. 38. Colter hie River Drrttlem. 12 40l FOB, ASTORIA wa4 JTti bp a,. Q.PitpolnK. coaaeetiag with pally. tea) p. sti ex. senatyf A boat pimr. ror uwteo ana I, i aaaaay I North Beach, atr. Ma- Saturday' aalo. Aatvet ootk. I1U:00 p. at. POTTER RAILING DATES (Aab St. Deck) Aug IS. U U) t. m.: Aug. IB, 10:80 a. m.; Any. 2ii. II 4f s. ra : Aug. 21. J;00 p. m.; Aug. At (Ittturdty), 1:45 p. m. Yamhill River Rente. FOR DAYTON. Oreava Clty and Yamhill River polnta. atr. lUanora, Aab-SL docA I Water permitting.! 7 -00 a. tm. I ioo a. au Tueaday. Monday, Tbareday, Wed needs t, Saturday. Friday. Snake River Rente. FOB LEWIBTON, Ua ind way potato, frost Rlparta. Waab., steam era Spokane aad Lew- Iston. Ah 6 00 B. av ueiu ax. 1 rrlday. TICKET OrriCE. Third and Wtahlngtaav Tate. phone Mala TLA PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. 4t0 a, at. Daily, ax. Bat. For Tekokama and Hoag Koag. etlOne at i Rol oe, Mgaaaai aad Shanghai. UkUatreiWe-' Ua-Jjelkai rVTIrthar via Conner tine ateeBaern foe Uaeiie j aad Vladivoelock. "' INDRA8AMHA BAILS AB0TTT FDXT SA ror ratea aad full Inrormanon call ea or S4V areee etfttlala or ageato ef the O. M ft N. Cfcw EAST vu, SOUTH Lea vet. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. OVERLAND EXPRESS! .WW, ivr tMjaia, uuvu ly burg. Ashland. Sacraef 8:80 p. m mento, Ogden, Ban r ska claco, Mo Java, LoaAe Mm, I Q lOCPCM BrUkftAl 1 la aouTtt Of t:4 a.. BV gales. El Ptse, New OH letnt tnd the Eatt At Woodbarn dally (except Sunday t. morn 8:30 a. m 4:00 p. m. 7:80 a. m. 114:80 p. m. hit train for Mt. An gtl. SUvrrtoa, BrowxavJ 7:00 p. at vine, Bprlngfleva, Wend ling sad Natron. Albany paaaenger. con- nee tt at Woo hum with! 10:10 a. 1 Ht. Angel and Silver ton local. Corvallls passenger. 118:28 a. at 8:50 p. tt. Sbertdan passenger. Dilly. HDtlly except Sundty. Vr Portltnd Oswego Suhurkea Service tad TamhlB Dlviai.n. Depot Foot of Jsffereea Street. S Leave Portland dally for Oswegl T:S0 a. ra!t 12:80, 2:05. 8:25. 5:20, 8: SB, 8:801 10:10 p.,m. uanr (except ounaaj) o:ou, e:s", B.ao, m.xo a. m.; 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only, ; a. m. . ,1 Keturnlnz from 0wego. arrive Ptirrlnr- Ia1tr 8:30 a. m. ; 1:55. 8:05, 4'36. 6:15, 7:85, B:6S, 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) B: 7:JH B:B(i, 10:B0, 11:43 a. m. Except p. ra. Sunday only. 10:00 a. Leaves from same depot for Da Ilea and Inter mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. SA. Arrive Portland 1J ?0 . . Tba iBdemdeace-Moaainoutb M.tor Llae operates dally to Monmouth snd Alrllt, cotf nectlng wltb Southern Pacific Company's tracks at Dallas and Independence. Flrt-class rebate tickets on ssle from Port land to Sacramento nnd San Franclaco. Nrt rate 317.50. berth 85; second-class fare BIS, without rebate or berth; eeeond-clses berit) 2.60. Tickets to Eastern' points anil EitK.pc. site Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third and .Washing ton streets. Pboue, Main 712. C. W. STINGER, W. I- OOMAN, City Ticket Agent, Gen. Pag. Agent. y- TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND 1 p,iret Round Limited. Departs. 8:80 a. AntfTti'- M p. a. 7:00 a. BA. 7:00 9. Sh 7 .09 a, t for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Butte, St. Paul. Mlp-neapolla,- Chicago, New York, Bolton and points East and Southeast, Twin-City Express, for Tacoma. Seattle. Soo 3:00 p. m. kane, Helena, St. Paul,! Minneapolis Chicago.1 11:45 p. a. New York. Boa ton and tu points seat aad Southeast Paget Sound - Kansas Clt'-Bt. Lou la SpecUI. for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Billings, Denrer. Omaha, Ktntas City. St. Louis tnd all polnta Eaat and South raat. 8:30 a. m. All tralna dallv avcent en Sonth Branch. . r r.vt i or T-n Ft AaaUtant Oenaral ptaeeager Ageat. X9B Morrison St. corner Third. Portland. OS. Astoria &. Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. ONION DEPOT. Arrives, . 11 - ' For Maygera, Rainier. pijy, ' Clatakanie. Weat port, v Clifton, Astoria, War. ,.,. j0" rentoa. Flavel Haaa- 11119 W- mond, Fort Sttveet. , : ) , 2;80. p. m. Cetrhart Ftrk. Seaside, . . v Sft. only. Astoria and Seatkars Expreaa, Pally, , t t&T X'T- ' J. C. MAYO G. F. and 1. A., Astoria, t, C- A. STEWART. Comsneitlti Ajaat, 2iA A'Avf St. 'Phone Mala Boa, 7 . ftiri V , v I i