J 4 ' . 14 TIIE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST ; 20. 1903. Entered at th. Potime f Portland. Or.. rnr innmiMM through U malls secooa el natter. Peetag for (Ingle eoplee Por aa S, 10. or w paper, i mi; 10 to ZS p(M. i cents; m la pages. M1M - rXLMHOKM. , Bnalneaa OfleeMatn 500. .. Editorial boom Mala K0. 701XI0Y ABTXRTISIMO milllllAIITI ' . Vreel.nd Bengamln Spec'sl Advertising Agency v (IliMl HUWl. (tfW . .,' Building, Chicago. itbscaiptiom tins. Tanas br Carrlar. lb I "ally Journal, ll montna . Tb Dally Journal, three month.... ' .. Tb Dally Journal, by th week v.,fci..-M'.T ' -rtfttii n' am. , ' The Dellv Journal, br mall. on. year. .. .$4.00 , The Pally Joasnal, by mall, all month... J Th. Dally JournVl. by mall, three months.. 1 I. SO ISO .10 DEATHS' Anguat 10 Dr. J. 8. Lackey, agd 67. al Aatorla, of blood riot on tba Main. Remains cremated. Auru.t IS Roaena Doner. agd BT. Georgetown. of fatty degeneration of tb. heart, Remain cremated. iiiiini in iMom w. II. Andrew, aged 11 at Columbia Slough : accidental drownlug. In Auru.t lf rrank H. Slarene. ag.d 41. a lOS0Eaet Ninth .treat, of tuberculoete. Inter meat at Warr.n, Or. Th Edward Holman Under taking Co funeral director and embalmera, 280 Yamhill, rhone 607. J. P. Flnlev A 8on. funaral directors and embalmera, hava removed to their new eata'blinhment. coaner xnira ana Madlaon at root a. Both phone Na I, Tb. Dally Journal, br mall, on month. .00 kl J mi HI. 1 Tha Ba.ml -UV.k It Jnarnal. alaht to twelv (Mgr. arh la.no. all th naw and fall mark.t report a, on yar si.nu. Tha Weekly Jourral. Tba Wffklr JournaL 100 column, of reading each Inane. Illustrated, full market reports, on year, $1.00. Remltrsnce shonld ho mad. br drafts, postal got, etnres ordera snd .mall amounts sr 'acceptable In on. god two-cent poatag aUBpa. THE J0UBMAI, P. 0. Hot 121. Portland. Oregoa. TODAY'S FORECAST Weather conditions snd general forecast for Washington, Oregon and Idaho: During tba laat 24 hoars local rain bar f.ll.n along th Partington coaat. and showers and thunder storms bar occurred la I Southern Idaho, Utah and Arienns. It Is cooler this moraine la EaaUra Oregoa and Eastern Washington, ana warmer in aaoa .. Wnmlia and North Dakota. Tb. indication are for generally fair weather In thl. district Prlday. It will be mwW tonlaht la Southern Idaho. klailmum teniDerature la the last 14 hour, , TS; minimum temperature, to; precipitation boo. HOTEL ARRIVALS f aMaasswaawaBBaaaa MB rortland O. M. Leeer, New Tork; A L. Wlllard. Seartl: Mr . B. Bruw.IL S. D. Hot na. Michla-an: J. W. Morgan. Sharon: A. 'r Sutherland. Michigan; H. H. Gardner, Mlnne- apous; M. MciMnaia ana wire, n. u. man- , Inf. Mlnneapolla; J. A. Hornby, Darenport; C. L. BatehrUer, os Angelea; r. A. Bmltn, Barllnaton: f. O. Bonlla and wlf. Denrer; " A. C. Morgan. Dearer: O. Sllberberg, Fhlla- delphla; M. Bllrerton, New York: j. u. cwcii. ' ' LoolsrUla; T. 8. Buttla, New Tork; B. K. Balbr. "an rraadace: J. Blenheim. .New York; ' J. 9. Bloom. New tork; H. 0. Wager, Boe- toa: J. J. Uollowell. Philadelphia: J. IL Bona and wlf and danghter. Chicago; T. Tlede- i bmbb, Baa Ftsocuko: Mrs. H. Msmer and daushter. England: Mis Bwltser. Mlas 8. ; Bwltser, Ktw York; 8. Drew snd wife, San Ftaaclsco; Mrs. H. r. Bofner snd children, 8L Louis: i. W. Bond. San rrancUce: B. Vbwbr, Ksneas City: Mrs. I. B. Stewart and 1 child, O. Sweeney, Spokane: F. Buck, Hprlag Beld; M. M. Hherrer, Santa Besa: J. B. Ltp- plneott, U. S. 0. 8.; P. D. Tuil and wife, city; 8. Ccbea, i. Scott San Francisco; 0. W. . Beata. Wallace; F. W. Jackaon, city; W. A. Pemeroy and wife, California; 8. W. Morre- gang and wife, Aberdeen; F. M. Koiuaean, ' Mlaalaalppi; S. B. Anderson, ti. B. Anderaon, Mlnneapoli; I. Mllbank. L. Mllbank, New . York; 8. Bosenhsupt, Spokane; P. Roberts and . wife, Kansas City; P. P. Shelby, Idaho; Dr. F. J. Schmoldt and wife, Clerrland; Mrs. W. R. Bornhsm, Norwich, Conn. ; Mrs. B. Plate, R. B. Burnham, Texas; A. Bampaon, New York; jtQ. W. Wallace, St Paul; W. A. Scudder. 7. Ontario; O. T. Jackaon and wife, Los Angeles; ' O. Forbes, Booth Bead; H. J. Woodward. Peoria; B. 8. Fox, O. A. Fox, Fort Wayne; Mrs. Kershaw, Walla Walla, Wsah.) Mlas - MacOlllwajr. Walla Wslla. Wssh.; W. D. Pal- loa. New York; J. W Seakorg, Ilwaro; C. W. Thompaoa, Caacade Lbrka; Mrs. R. O. McCoy and aoo. The Dalles; 'Mrs. I). McDonald. Th. Dalles; Mrs. O. N. Crosneid snd children, Wasco; F. E. Hsrmoo, wife and family, Ta- coma; W. A. Wllllama. Chicago; J. J. Demp- ser, It. T. Dempaey, Mlrblgaa; I. M. Potter snd wife, Cincinnati: T. V. Colestock. San Franciaco; Mary P. Boas. I'lttaburg; Pauline Madsen, Oakland; B. C. Rberman, J. B. Kher man. New York: S. J. Palmer. Cbemawa: J. E. Glover. St. Paul; B. B. Koea. PltUburg; C. J. MeCune, St Paul; W. K. Corery, Reddltrh, England : . C. Wlabon and wire, Dulnth; J. v. Fenton, city; A. A. Conrteney, A. J. Snow. Crematorium, on Oreiron Cltr car line, near Bell wood; modern, scientific. comn ete. Charrea Adulta. lib: cnn dren,- 0S'VlMr t-6p: to. J'ortUtHl CremAtlon Aagociation, Fortiana, or. mrram txbw ctbkxtxbt. ' fllTijl f r.TB.' tU. '--.". riot trftrrl 176 to $1,000. Tha only cmetery in Portland which perpetually maintain and care for lot. For full information apply to W. R Mackenile, Worcegter Block, city. W. M. Ladd. prealdent Clark Broa. for flowara, 119 Morrison street REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BlTarrlew Cemetery Aaeoclatlon to Cath- rln au.kUm Ini AT. .eetlon 100. BlTarrlew Cemetery I TB H. B. Mitchell to "A. J. Farmer. Dart lot 1. block 14. city 4.000 1. C. Carson et al. to H. K. Noble, lot 16, IT and 18. block M. Sunnyalde.. 1 Theodore W. Bparka to Vloletta B. nark. WM IL iMrthmt U bktcK t. King' first addition ,00 . M. RamuB and wlf to 8. B. Inma In n hbwk lAfl ataDh.n's SddltlOB I.B00 B. A. and B. A. Blocksetr to Dells Prlrharil lot IB and ..t U. lot IB. block 1. Portsmouth l.0 A. L. Miner and wife to Clsra Barrls, lots S, 4 and 8, block 1, Abend s addi tion 11 Sheriff to A. L. Miner, lot 4, block 1. Abend addltloa Baste to seme, lot 8. block 1. same.... 0 Sheriff, A. U Miner, let 8. block 1. same 48 U. W. sad W. v. inarriB to (.naries ana M. B. Olson, lot 8, block 81S, Aiken a addltl9B 1700 B. O. Crutcher to H. P.- Crntcher, lot 4 and 6, Wood laws subdlTUion to Portland 800 Security Bering Bank to Robert Bcholse lot 4. block 111. Portland 8.000 L. sad B. Carr te P. J. Peteraon. lot $, block 8. P. J. Smith addition to nu John State of Oregon to P. P. Palmr. 7 acree ectlou 18, township 1 norm, rang 1 east l.00 Same to same, 4.2ft acrea .ectlon 1", townshlo 1 north, rang. 1 eaat 10 B. T. and W. B. Ayer to Mary O. Hart. Iota 8 end 8. block 23. (ouch addition. The Romance of Sally A 8HIRTWAIBTKD.whorb-aklrted.aaU i or-hattedrlgure cama wheeling alonf the UveJ oountry road leading from the railroad station. Mrs. Beckler ahaded har avea with her band and looked in tently ivtMhe tllsUnlna; btoyoU and Ita rldar. Sally." aha called, "you coma here a minute! Ain't that th Bin mat boarded hera laat aummarT Beema It muat ba. I don't know anybody elae that holda their head up Jeat that way. iMk she a turnln' in. It's that girl! An' for any aaka, what do you B'poaa aha WThi'ahinlna- wheel alowad up and tha Mar.aimountad; .with ar.raav-rrha laid her ataad on tha fraaa and cama to fectlon and derot myaelf to tha un smiling Sally aufflolently to brlnf tba erring Samuel back to hla duty?" Helen looked at him. "Oh' of you only would!" aha cried. 'Oh. do let'e make tha poor thing- happy If wa can! Why, do you know. I mlas her smile! "Hera, too," agreed tha professor. "Tha strawberry anortcaka would fall flat In deed If It were aerved by an unsmiling Bally." Ha laughed. "It'a a fact." ha aaid: "I do mlas that Dernetual amll Now. how can wa beat reach tha erring wamueiT what can you euggetr iney talked on in tha gathering twl Hht, Tha-JSHitT boatrdrtftad ;alowly aown the river, to ba proDalled back aaram a little later by tha professor' Get rour titla inauranre and abatract t real aetata from the Title Guarantee gt Trust Co.. Chamber of commerce. FASHIONABLE WEDDING rotbar-BBOwa Vnptlala Celebrated In St. Greorf"1 Ohuroh, london. (Special Journal Service.) LONDON, Aug. 20. The wedding- of Miaa Grace Greenway Brown of Haiti mora and Mr. Honore Palmer of Chicago took place today in St. Oeorge a Church, Hanover Square. The ceremony waa performed at noon In the preaence of only the relatives and a few intimate frlenda of the two families. The honey moon will be apent on the Continent CHICAGO. 111.. Aug. 20. Tha an nouncement some time ago of tha en gagement of Honore Palmer, aon of tha late Potter Palmer, to Miaa Grace Green- way of Baltimore cama ea a surprise to tha people of Chicago, among whom Mr. Palmer waa regarded aa aomethlng of a confirmed bachelorf whoae interest in nubllo affaire occupied hla time and attention te the exclusion of alfaira of the heart. Honore Palmer, with hla brother. Potter Palmer. Jr., la heir to V.. Jt rm T1aV1v end Juiii r mlood wichlng JiaR, TU 'r letio Helen touched her guitar Well how do you do, Mrs. Becaueyr " ,uu,u,UIn " river, .he Inquired. "Why, f do ballava you Jh Tnig .tar ahona chaataly In th. think I'm a book agent uon i you anowi ui lunan, ana tne m Dldn t you gel my inwri i ----- m.,.f m wi wiuuwe Mra. Beckley held aut har hand In a on tne anora. - m . reatT" ini u n wu in in ti i in VRninaT tha nn bfankly. '1 hain't had no latter. Did ttmuoft pulaea quickened. "Helen." ha woa inm nT I ivaoiinsr xorwara. nis nanaa on the -The lrl ahook hands with har and Sally lUa oars. "How can I aay It but I muat and aat down on th atepa. "My dear i love you, Helen, you know I do I Mra. Beckley." ah said. "I surely did. wane you I need you " t . been me aaraln thla gum- She put up one aha Del r hand rntt ber. I wrote telling you ao. and aaylng Ingly. "Now, profeaaor,' aha aaid. "please ... . a ,,.i..aA,iitmfiinDW iq uiv tt v re flavins nucn a narrnctiv Am- trary I should deacend upon you this Itghtful summer don't say a word ro very day. Bo here I am. and If oourse spoil It I don't want to go oyer all that you're going to let me atay. ground again i aid that laat winter, you u. n.kiev looked troubled. She know. Please be a-ood. and let'. glanced toward a hamraook swung be- Just as wa hava bean doing, juat frlenda " . TXT ami I " MT Si I M - - twecn two tan m,'iw. , ain.lv T don't know. Tou Th profeisor .ooU.4l mi k.p i .n.... T've a-ot a boarder he Jeat cama yeater- He turned tba boat around and heM day, an' he a gein to ey eu....- jw uy stream, -wan," ha said at laat. ii.'. . cniieee feller, he Bays; sets In I In a low voice, "ainc. vn. ..w aome kind of a college chair, ha calls It promlae not to aay another word to you in aome big achool. Sally an me think about thla matter, but nleaa. .k.. he a a little too old to go to achool. an that I shall not change. I mean what I so he muat ba a teacher. But laway! I hava aaid, and I can only wait and , don't knowl Last summer you Tha guitar tinkled musically and hora alone, an' you said that suited you. Helen laughed softly. "Oh." ahi ."d . A. A a A A mm mm 1 Afft AS UBBt 1 T PI Fl 1 F T 1 II 44 T A 4 ir vau vim id mimj .ivna -i uiur nun vara mawm iiu. , . V .. n-i k nn .i - "w " " gueg i can aep yeu. 4 - - - .uuuia nave sally amlllng away, again aa room you had last aummer you can hava. ,renely aa ever. But aerloualy I wish I've. put him In the spare room ofTn the you My ,0neth to him; do parlor. I gueaa you oan stay If you .onlng to wake him up and bring ant to, " - - - point, ir only Bally could fall n' I'll bet Sally le-ahe took a great lnt0 th, rtye d . '.. shine to you Hast summer. Dy m' to the house, a drlnnlnn- Bally smiled .LmS fa b, l?Urden ,n your manly rm- r uburi most always smiled It to f hair falling In wet masse, over your tally "aHed her. But It seemed good to T.dden raa f.'e XZ'TX "C th;&?.?$Sr$n h.m.andwhatrifetohtmu.d'b'.w.th seemed like an old friend. n out lnat omnlpre,ent My trunit wm do out mi. innu. Helen said to her hostess; that Is, It will be If Job doesn't forget to tackle .up. "",0,:s .;ht ot .h? En'.- r.M .chooi " couia oe so ridiculous." He looked at Mr!! Beckley laughed. "That'. Job." 'XanclTf f' t0 she aaid. "the slowest mortal that ever fh f"tta.nc f ' 'lr Sarah-know- put one foot ahead of t'otheh. But If in 00 how 1 ' "''-but what he don't git here I'll hava Hiram hitch ca" Id 0,?,.B.'"er ,leave 11 t0 fate- nn and a-o after it" fat dld ,nde,(1 arrange thlnga to UV.?sV?ootad r toward tha hammock h""1''a- halway. doe. and in under the maple.. Something familiar JflY- There was a Sunday- about the close-croped head aUrtled her h?0' p,cnlc few afterward, and there waa a gleam of eyeglasses. " n a maple grove beside the river. It looked like it might be It was. Of Everybody went, lncludmg the aummer all things! To meet a rejected suitor boarders. During the afternoon a merry and summer with him in a place like Pf" of young people went out lnaa this. Isolated from the rest 'of the world! klrr- "he professor and Helen were She determined to have tha meeting not far off ln 'heir little boat, and were over with and walked toward the ham- witnesses to the accident which pre- moclc "Well, good morning, processor." clpitated the giggling crowd Into the she aaid, heartily, holding out a cor- ,M"':r- dial hand. "How ever did you discover Tn water was deep and the current thla delightful old farmhouse? Isn't strong, and there was grave danger of that a coincidence. now great minds, drowning. The professor threw oft his you know, seemln this casa to have light coat and plunged into the wator, chosen the aame vacation place." swimming with easy, powerful strokes, The nrofeaosr got out of the ham- toward the struggling, screamlna- arirla. mock, his long logs behaving most awk- Ha caught one shrieking maiden by the wardly. Hla face flushed furiously as arm and awam with her to shore, then he looked down Into the girl's frank turned back. Sally! Where was Sally? . .. . I a i a . . . . eyes. The last lima ne naa seen ner n imu sprung in ana brought out the The professor's clouded brow cleared h ? Th Zsn't forget to tackle "You "Wolou. child! " he .aid " dldnt b".lfJ.Kdtf"J lJi'Ji Erki. dream th -t-t-lr snd dignified principal TobescOT wcrywhcre about the city INDICATE VAN a.M-' m aw rrs m 9 -new a - -ADVANCEMENT IN fuk i -uun u , jaaifixis LOOK AT THE INNUMERABLE OPPORTUNITIES IN JEAL ESTATE ON THIS PAOE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY , 1 proud, and Bally am lied Ilk an angel. I don't belJeva wa can take to ourselves tha credit for bringing; about' this de lightful event but our sympathy evi dently helped It along." ' -. Jit. JooXed. Off . across .tha. rtvarrnus-ingly.-- "OH. " Jf " la toganT then stopped. ' Helen spoke sojtly: If what V she "It I wars as happy , as Sam!" the proreasor want on. "Helen, I'm goipg to apeak, and you must .listen. I've waited and waited, hoping to aee aome change in you. I don t want your com radeship dear aa It la- nor your friend ship, though that Is sweet, but some thing dearer, sweeter." I want you to be my wife, and soon!" Halan laughed softly. "But my achool!" aha 'said. "I'm engaged for next year, you know. Wouldn't It be perfectly ridiculous to break tha con tract to get married? Why, the very Idea! Walter, you're too " Tha professor'a smile was Ilk Rallv'a In ita wide expanse. When had ha ever called him Walter ana in that tons? JTBW TODAY. xoirxrr omBxma. ATABIaI BTMTWTEBB.B, Tha Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. XaioAt atones. Portland Jrmt Company ...OF OREGON... are, lot nmu) btbxzt. Incorporated April 22, ll7. W laaus Bankers .Money Orders. which can be eaahed In any part of the world. They may ba made payabla to. anyone deairsd, or to tha purchaser's own order, and means ara provided by which travelers taking these orders for uaa upon a Journey can Identify them K0T101 1 hr by gie. that there Is pending IL. ? pennon me u Tacattoa of the Wf.,'.?,h,,,, hereinafter deacrlbed S1 MtBi.'01?' na: of th Cobb. in., jrernaaa,. regon, to be hi selves, and thus draw tha money wher- a. a v..r from ver they may be. in tha United Stataa. how? And I shall need tne money X"rJ" ' I can earn this year; there'll be iota oi - hi kv von know" I Our rata for Issuing these orders ara i . ... . i ... . v., . . . . . . .l. . ' lr auw v.'mij'.m. . . iwia ii v "Helen, cried the proreasor, joyiuny, j"". vw- w mvev cuarira oy no a, Hamilton Hnlldlng, Portland. Or., oa Friday, County. SUM of nreeon. te K. k.iai m. neaday. th Sd gay of SepUmber, 1BOS, at the rvanlsr hour aiwt n!,aa mmhu m rtd. tod Council, hr. th under. p?rtjiI, 1nnth street In said City, of Portland Included batWe.iT th north line of Vngha stroet xtmdd aerose said North "J'TJ.'1' .,to?t a aBaa, O0h of Wllaoo tre.t ettraded across said North KlghUenth afreet, excepting therefrom the right f way of tb Northern Paeia Terminal Company; also all tht part f Wilson street In laid City of Portl.nd between th wt una of North 8er.nte.nth ctroet and tb at Un of North Mn.tenth street ox. renting therefrom, howrr, inch portion of aid street ss Is owned, nsed snd occupied by th Northern pacloe Terminal Company: alandi that part of Wllaoa (treat Included betweei' th weat lln of North Nineteenth atreet C3 a lln drawn acroaa Wllaoa atreet connect ing th aaaterly lino of block - two (8) la Bhcrkwk' Addition and block fourteen (14) la Blacklstone's Addition. MACLEAK KSTATal C0MPANT, By R. Ia. llaclear, wealdent. MACLEAK KSTATTS COMPANY. By R. UvlBgatoM, (oerttiry. Nonci or itooxholsiri' atxmva, There will he a meeting of the atackhaldera ot th Point View Land Company at room No. -h. .to von aav? We'll ba married Kiprass companiee and Poetomce Do rieht here the same minister, tha same 1 partmant parlor, the aame Mrs. Beckleyl We've Full particulars will ba furnished If two weeks left of our vacation, and yon will call upon ua. we'll anend it as a honeymoon. On tha "t aeaaiaavas ixuiuiiia, m ws liautli VI - a wa W TlUalJ, August 2fl. 1808. at 1:80 a. m.. for tha nur- poa of dlaaoWlns thl corporation. ..no. u. A. LAUB, President J. W. CAMPBELL, Secretary. Portland. Or., Angiait 80, 1808. B. LEE PAGET, Secretary. BENJ. I. COHEN. Prealdent MALI ULP WaUTTXO. FOR SALE river In tha wnola Helen! Helen! Helen allpped her hand into his snd lsughed. "Now sea wtiat l nave go. mvaelf into!" aha aaid. ."I suppose It wss seeing Sally ao happy that aet me thlnklnsr wondering but dear me! You're ln such a dreadful hurry.' She , , - a wi. aTAi.'.A 4 1 1 at emu rf l un mm it" j i like Sarr'Harrlest C. L Roy. ln Los ty tHC OWne!- tlCW Up- : i I to-date 7-room house. A "JUST PASS HER UP big sacrifice; Investigate . . . iiAmnnni.Ukl. 000 E3 Hr-m L. eVTAl. I work. AMI l-INII A rail I rlhW" H-' OOO Li. 1 CIIIII, liurill. I CR.BANSKN.C0. S Norn Id st latvc uiitvu avenue w tiw . i Woodlawn car, get off at et. oanaen el w.. aerLVaaaflr ait Cal. : Osdea and Bnokan. Halp free to oaployer. Pre baggage room 4 regl.tratloa. Work aecored tor appllcaam er ao eharg. t ESTA PLrSHBD IST". RRApOTTAHTERS FOR MEN POR R. R, AND OTHER OUTSIDR WORK. DAILY SHIPalENTS TO NEVADA for the big S. P. m,. n. innneie: PUH1M ea til a now K. n. contract work SOUTH la otner pouts. tha work la Waahlngton; EAST oa company and rHKJTH ia Of torn, PRE! PARI ea igoa, and many in s. a. our? .Ru!2n Swain Bothers MasonSt. Phone East 646 Uil Id V I IU UUII i uiro His Ways, A REAL BARGAIN sash snd off man and ripsaw man: 85 men to work In saw mill In tb city; 2.xa per and lira at noma; on flrt-cla atlcker ma ln city. Call upstairs, room 19. 28H Bnrnalde atreet. WANTED Biz mora atadrnts to take adrantag of th reduced rat offered to our Brat claaa In barber lug. For full particular call or write Portland Barber College, 8f8 ETerett atreet. anestate estimated to be worth upwards of 130.000,000. At the promptings of was that evening last winter when she others, but where was Sally? city: J. A. Benaon and wife, Ban Pranctscoj of politics a few yeara ago and waa re J. Ruff, PennylTnls; A. W. Williams, lu Mtlv elected an Al.lprman of Chicago re. Kew York? I . .. ... . . . ror tne second lime, tie taxes an active his mother, It is said he entered the field had "turned him down." aa he expressed Francisco; W. A. Morris snd wife, New Tork; W. A. Be men, Grand Rapids; Leonard Logan and wire, Boise; J. H. rlutrDorr, Wsah.; Mrs. E. B. Osse, Boise; E. E. Wilson, Louisville; n. T. Laangiey, Seattle; in. and Mrs. t. u. McClelland, Misses 8. and R. McClelland. . Plttabnrg; E. H. Carpenter, 8. H. Jones, Burl- ingioa; waiter von tiert. itooert von Clerr, Interest est Jn public affairs and is also said to flbssess all his late father's shrewdness and business acumen Miss Grace Brown, the bride of today. la a daughter of the late George Brown New York; William Mitchell. U. 8. Army; of Baltimore, While the Brown family W. A, Hvldenbrahdt. Tacoma; Ira Sockey. 8t. ' Psnl; Joseph Gardner. San Franciaco: T. Royal Boott, L. P. Klemmer, Chicago; W. W. Baldwin. Jr.. Burl I DIton: C. E. Locke. W. 11. Halley, New Tork; William E. Albee and wife. uevia r. uwena, aiinneapoua. . Imperial J. H. Barney, Mr. Burner, Fort Worth: Ada D. Fletcher, B. W. Fletcher, Mc- toy; ia. u. jnomrjeon. roiiadelpbla: C. M ntsgerald, George town; W. F. Fslrchlld, Plaeerrlll; C. D. Draln.Draln; A. Wuriweiller, exrs. wurtweuier. joeepn; jotin iaindaey, Mr. 'Lindner, Boise; Mrs. 8. O. Smith. N. C: W , H. HoUey, Ny City; P. M. Butler. H. L. wreene. Baa Franciaco; W. F. Clancy. Jack eonTUle: O. Reltaer. Seattle: C. E. Eddy. .Mrs. Eddy. Boise; L. P. Bweeterllng, Clifton; highly educated haa been one of the greatest promln ence ln Maryland It haa never been con sidered a wealthy family. The bride's father waa renowned aa one of the finest specimens of the real "country gentle man" to be found anywhere ln the country and his estate of 1,700 acres In the Green Spring Valley waa the acene of lavish hospitality. Mrs. Palmer, the bride, Is not sn ex ceptionally beautiful girl, but Is petite and graceful, with a bright. Interest ing face, and a cheerfulness that la as contagious as It Is natural. She is a gifted linguist, a musician of marked ability and a horse woman of absolute intrepidity. THE CHEAPEST TELEGRAMS From the Review of Reviews. The Australian commonwealth's tele graph service Is the cheapest in the BBl; P. Menefe. Wa. Menefee', Verna Mene- World. It Is operated entirely by the Mrs. Bweeterllng, Clifton; R. SUberberg. Mrs EUberbcrg. El Psso; H. R. De Laola coma; W. J. Benson, Mrs. F. O. Dye. Mrs. R. irn, nan rranciico; w. . jenka, Monmouth - O. W. Coltan. Ban Franciaco; J. L. Fulton. R. N. Torker, Chicago; Mr. C. F. Croner, Mr. Mary Doty, Eugene; Mr. J. H. Price, Olym trie: Mia L. Wanhold. Mis N. Kervln. J. B -Bock, Mra. Bock, Minneapolis; B. R. Klncsld. Eugene. 1. B. Dempaey, Grand Raplda; H. Q. Borgmaa, Mr. Borgman, Antlgo; Mia Auata oowan, Twnega; Mrs. v. . uowies, St. fee. The Dalles: A. W. Nelson. Mra. Nelson. ' Golden daU; D. E. Norton. Mr. Norton. Beat- tie; Mr. K. R. Bee. Walla Walla. Wsah. Mra. M. B. Miller, Bberldan; L. Wlmherly, Mrs! Wlmberly, E. Wlmberly, Mrs. Wlmberly, HoMonrg; j; i. uonman. Ban rrancisco; Mr. w. F. wiiiiam. ruuman; e. rearie Korjin son, North Yamhill; F. L. Green, Beattle; C. A. Johns, Baker City; A. Lester, Oregon City; Mrs. B. it. nwesnngen, Miiwanxee; Mrs. II. R. BchoAeld, Miss Bchofleld, Boston; J. M Potter and wife, Cincinnati; Mrs. Henry Bur wU and family. Great Falls; 0. 0. Dtirgln, Boston; A. B. Mlllwtp, Minneapolis: Miss Btella Sherman. Miaa Kate Sherman. Snok.ne: Mrs. A. C. Lemp, Boise. Ida.: Basil Hall. Ts- hampton, ln Queensland, to Perth, ln ?ai,e!Ir"-,- KVr:.' tU?!1"!? West Australia, the distance of wire 1. r. Bonn. Haiem: Q. p. LoVe and wi. . more than 4,800 miles the gene; D. E. Smith, Spokane; A. G. Withes, charge is 24 cents LM trome. government as part of the postal ays tern. For city messages, which in- cludea a suburban area of a radlua of 10 miles beyond the city limits, the rate is 12 cents for messages of 10 words and the address; for messages of the same length to any point within the same state and the states are gener ally much larger than any American state the charge is 18 cents, while for similar messages to any atatton within the commonwealth and from Rock- uniform MARRIAGE LICENSES G. R. Shipley. 87. and Effle Scott. 28. William 8. McMahon, 30, and Ira B. Mc- money, ice BIRTHS It is calculated, on the basis of past experience, that these rates will return a revenue sufficient to pay operating expenses of every kind, including the cost of maintenance, and ln addition in terest on the original expense of con struction, amounting to fully $18,000, 000. Australians send more than twice as many messsges over the lines at the lower rates aa Americans do at the pres ent charges. Anrnat 4 To Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellison of 227 Burnslde street, s son. August 17 To Mr. and Mra. W. B. Smith of oa um aiotTiBon, a aaugnter. ; CONTAGIOUS DISEASES -' Augnat 18 Violet Ieonard of , Sandy Road SDd East Twenty-ninth atreet. 1lr.hth.rl. aub j Tea j one. or 8S2 East Taylor headache stops Of Itself. street scarlet fever. A Famous Bemedy for Sick Headache. The.cause of this complaint is not ln the head at all It comes from the stom ach. A stomach that has been become clogged by overeating, drinking or abus ln any manner will warn you by bring lng on sick headache. Cure the pains and distress ln the stomach, and th And bilious BUILDING PERMITS attacks, dyspepsia, belching, bad tasM ln the mouth, muddy complexion anf yellow eyes are cured by this remedy. It Is called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver To a. A. Taylor, erect two-.-, A..iti. Plus, and Is sold by druggists all ovec at East Twenty-niotb and Eaat Darla, to coat tha United States for 25 cents per box. 'J!:. T . . . . I One pill for a doae, or sent by mall of. renre and Nelson .treeta. to " receipt oi price. oampies rree. AG- jo airs. e. aiorna. erect two-atory dwelling tJusunnu k,u., rnnuueipnia, jra. . ADtcnr eev ja.i msieemn atreet. to I . COrt M.OOO. ' ' W Tx,- ,cr.lft retee , .11 lr,. IT... to B. Krtrksoo repair building it Mlnne- will again be Placed in effect bv the aota avean and Buah atreet. to et ttnn JV5"1" oej -piacwa in enect Dy tne To Banc Chang repair bnlMlne """nern r-acinc on August 18, 19. 25 aTrialaarra " SeT"th nd,2,6,. FuU f articular. In person or l sjra. Knpeit. erect two-atory dwelling t Eaat Eighteenth and East Alder, to coat 82.00 . i" H To Mr. Ropell. erect one-story dwelling st fast Morrison and East Thirty-rtxth, to cost 11.800. The most delightful trip across tha continent 1 vial, tha Denver 4 Rlc Grande, th scenle Una of tha EWorld. PPly at 12t Third straet, Portland, for rates. . by letter can be had by calling on or addressing A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent 256 Morrison street, foruand. or. Xa Indiana. (From tjhe Cleveland Plain Dearer.) "Why did the convention of Indiana poets adjourn so suddenly V "It didn't adjourn. It Just recessed around the corner to see a man lynched,; it and offered to be hla friend and sis ter. Friend and Hater was not wnat the profeeaor wanted. But he deter mined to make the best of tha chance moetlng to meet her on her own ground and do his part In a platonlo affair which should after all have Its own pecuiia charm. The professor shook hands. Helen, feeling the surprised gaze of Mrs. Beck ley and the smiling regard of Bally upon her. called out: "Professor Boughton Is an old friend, Mra. Beckley, and I'm de lighted to find him here.' Mrs. Beckley breathed a sigh of relief. She went into the house, followed by Sslly, and they proceeded to prepare the noonday dinner. "Well," aaid Mrs. Beckley, "I declare I thought at first that girl waa fllrtln' Ith him: but It seems she knows him. Well, well, Sally, mebby we'll have woddln on our hands before the sum mer'a out Sally smiled more radiantly than be fore and blushed all over her freckled face. "Mebby you will," she said. "Sam an' me we" Mra. Beckley laughed. "Ham an' you what?" she, asked. "Dear land! Sam an' you have been a-courtln' an' a-keep In' comp'ny for three yeara that I know of, an aln t no nearer a weadin yet. i don't see what does all Bam that he can't get his courage up to pop the question. Landy! I do think It ought to be all right for the girl to do the proposin' sometimes. Now, Sally, you hull them strawberries an I'll atlr up the shortcake for dinner. Dear, me that girl's comln' ln on me so sudden has flustered me terrible." The days drifted by lazily. There were two hammocks swung under the maples, and down by the river there was moored a little boat. Into which were plied red cushions and Helen'a guitar caae almost every evening at sunset Tha two passed the hours ln Ideal com radeship. It seemed as though the "friend and sister" plan had met with the professor's approval, so naturally did he play elder brother and friend to the trim, well-built girl with the laughing dark eyes and Independent ways One night as the little boat moved away from its moorings and down the river In the sunsets glow, Helen said "I saw Sally aa I came downstairs. She waa sitting In her little room." "Still smiling?" Inquired tha profes sor. Helen looked troubled. "No," she said, "that's why I noticed her particularly. She wasn't smiling. In fact, sha looked suspiciously like a person who had been crying." The professor grew Interested. "Well, well," he said. "Now, what do you sup pose " "I expose a lover's quarrel, or, what Is worse, a lover'a Indifference," re sponded Helen. "Sally, poor girl, has told me about Sam he'S the hired man, you know. They've been 'going together for 'three years and he has never come to the point Sally loves him devotedly and would make him a good wife. I be lieve Sam is equally Interested In her, and would make her a' good husband, but from bashfulness or some unknown rea son he doesn't settle the matter. Lately he's paid a little attention to a little girl from 8wansett. Mrs. Beckley says he took her driving last Sunday, and poor Sally Is quite heartbroken. What the fellow needs is a severs shaking up. He Isn't exactly trifling with tha girl. but he'a grown careless, he's so sure of her. What he needs Is to have, his Jeal ousy aroused, or or something." " 'JSomethlngr mused the professor; that's a little vague isn't It? Well, may I ask. Miss Matchmaker, if I am to sacrifice -myself upon the altar of af- The professor's keen eye arlanced wlih iigntning speed along the river. Far down he caught the gleam of auburn hair and an, arm thrown upward. He swam wltir might and main, but one. waa before him Sam! It was an excit ing chase, but the brawny farm hand won. and the professor swam to shore as he saw the unconscious Sally caught and held ln one strong arm, while Same fought his way ahoreward with the other. An hour later, when the exhausted Sally lay upon her little bed ups talis, Helen came out to him under the ma ples where, newly clothed, he awaited her. "The poor little thing is asleep, ahe said, "and Sam acta like a different fellow. 'Miss Pomeroy.' he said, when I told him she was all right, 'I deserve to be drowned myself for actln so pesky mean lately. I love that girl. If ever man loved woman, an', here I've went a-filrtln' with other I don't know what possessed me. for there ain't none of 'em can. hold a candle to Sally. I'm gom to marry her Jest as soon as she'll have me, an' I wish you'd aay a good word for me an" kind o' hustle thlnes along. I'd like to have the weddin' while you're here you and the profes sor for you've been good to Sally, and the professor, he'd a'saved her If I hadn't' " Helen sat down ln the hammock be lde him a mark of favor and the professor looked down at her with a fond light ln his eyes. Suddenly Helen laughed. "But did you ever," she asked, "see anything Work out so beautifully? Just aa I had planned It, but I'll con fess I felt pretty shaky when Sally's red hair went floating down the river so fast!" The soft twilight fell around them. They could hear Sam ln the barnyard milking the cows and whistling softly to himself, and they caught a glimpse of kind-hearted Mrs. Beckley going up stairs to Sally s room with a bowl of something in her hand. (Special Journal Service.) SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 20. On ac count of his Don Juan tendencies George W. Nlsson. a stockbroker who lives in the cosl mining towns of Ronton. 13 miles south of Seattle, narrowly eacaped commitment to the Insane asylum yes terday. Art lnaanity eompiaini was sworn to bv the onrents of several Kenton maidens, and his examination in bu perlor Judge Albertaon's court was the result. "He isn't crazy, but Just In love." wss tha doctor's verdict, and he waa strala-htway subject to lengthy tnstnic tlons from Judge Albertson as to his future course of conduct "If you see a girl don't care for you, paa her up and fine one that does," said tne junge; dui aon i iureo yuui m jmt Child's imna on any mure ui uivm xvcvi. on rour Btoclt, Owner leaving city will saortfloe eosy little home, farniahed or niifurnlshed, la wanted Csrnenters Xainooin jrarg Annex, owaer, 990 sasi eventn street sTorta. I rTRKBHID ROOMS. Eaat Sixth, Harrison. ItaWan DU1LUI.1U, ju LOO AN BUILDING. Dntoa are. Cl.gaat lng or tranai.DC larusaea Vt ELL VENTILATED slngl room, lfie, too nd toe a night; bed. 10c. The Everett Boa, cor Bacon J and Par la. TBI COSMOS Fourth and Morrleoe, rsrntahed oBsakeeirine eel tea. ealte aad a Ingle room per week and Bp. 204 H 8TARK ST.. nicely farniahed room; re. oo.Die rent; traaaiaots . ao 1171 lea. none Front 1006. . TBI CASTLE 17 Washing toe at 1 room, tot gentlemen; Transient. Tel. Boats mi. ISO Seventh at.; half block Portland Hotel. BOARD WITH ROOMS. ROOMS WITH BOARD, well furnished; sll modern convenience: table board also. S21 Thirteenth. It means money Ln your a a-lve one third more Stellacooni Insane Asylum before the milk, and horses do better and on less ..... 1. reed when nrotectod from niea. it re "Well. If they, didn't like me, why 9"'I' f"'. C;0g yP.ly,ib TOM SALE-5-eoom hone., lot SSxlOO: U.n j, J.a a, -I... K..b k. nH " '""T " I '-A .-..la . . c '-a . . '.l. -. umii 1 iiicjr tiv mc av.. """' per head, xou cannot anora to De wun .. "wv 1 rings I arave them. I " out it Aak your dealer for It or send " Cllntoo Kelly school: Woodstock ear. "That will do." Interrupted tne judge, direct to us. write today zor zo-page POR SALE A few high-grade typewriters, 30 Nlsaon declared that he waa very sua- r-vier. wsch. L. and M. Alexander. 122 Third st ceptable to feminine charma and always POUTLAISD SEED CO, he had never1 before realized that his I ft Oo i Agents. FortUnd, Oregon. wlNTFlwwl(n, fnr nam mrnnnA m.. cninery. Apply Journal press room, corner ramniu and nrtn a treeta. POR SALE. predrllctlon for the aoclety of members of the opposite sex had made him a nuisance. "Sally," he murmured softly, "Is the best ln the bunch, snd I would like to marry her. The others don't amount to so much. "Taks him away," said the Insanity Commissioners, Imbatlently, "he Isn't crazy, he's only 'got 'em.' " A Great Waste. From Philadelphia Press. Noozcy So It seems that Cardinal Sarto was the lucky one at Rome. Kloseman Lucky? Huh! ' I guess you don't read the papers , CI: fM is. BLUE PRINTING. BLUE PRINTS, black or brown prints, etc., excnta with deDtch. Portland Bin Print Co., 29. AlMworta Block. Pbon Mala 3889. POR RINT. FOR RENT 48-acr. farm, all under cultiva tion; plenty of fruit and vegetables; near city. W., car Journal. The largest and most complete un dertRklflt'gUblishment on the Coast, P. 5. Dualas, Inc.. 414 East Alder, voozey i read them enough to dis- corner BJtst Sixth. Both phones, cover that he was elected rope. Call promptly Rngwered to any part say that he bought a return ticket when ne he left Venice, and he aln t goln Back. It was Helen who dressed the bride, a month later. The girl looked really pretty ln her white gown, with her red hair, arranged in shining colls high on her head, with a fluffy bow of white chiffon set coquettishly among them. It was Helen's hands that arranged ev erything pertaining to the Important toilet and Sally felt that things were sure to go right if Miss Helen managed the affair. And later, ln the big square. old-fashioned parlor, while the mlntater pronounced the fateful words, it was the professor who stood beside the blushing Sam and Helen . who acted as brides maid for Snlly. It was a pretty wedding, and Helen entered Into it with all her heart Sally'a ever-present smile was more radiant than usual, but not mora so than Sam's, whose broad, good-natured ! face positively shone with Joy. The wedding ceremony was followed by a bountiful supper, for Mrs. Buck ley Intended to give her handmaiden what she called "a good send-off." Later ln the evening, when the happy pair had departed for a brief wedding trip, liberally showered with rice and pelted with old shoes, and the hilarious guests had dispersed, Helen and the professor strolled out to the hammock. The moonlight sifted down through the leafy maples and carpeted the ground with .flickering shadows. They could hear Mrs. Beckley aa she clattered the dishes ln the kitchen and" aang an old-time Methodist hymn. The frogs down by -the river peeped cheer fully, and the birds overhead nestled sleepily among the boughs.' "Well," said the professor, breaking a silence, "the wedding passed off beau tifully, didn't it? Sam did himself HENRY WEINHPD Proprietor ef the CITY BREWERY Xrftrgeet aad atoort Complete Browery xa the Vortawewt, Bottled Beer a Specialty TBXMWM&KM aTo. Tt. Offlee lath aad Smraside aueeta, POBTXAJfX, OUOOaT. BIDS WANTED TOGETHER with sdvanc reports daily on all miiuiiiae, waier.ana sewer systems, railroad construction, lumber and logging camps snd vrvpuvai. tor new wacninery, covering entire nurinwiH. axarirea. r-uget Bouao. Press Clin- ping Bursas, Inc. Times Bldg., Seattle, WB CURE iVIEN P. L. TALCOTT. M. D. CONTRACTED DISORDERS. Ererr contracted disease I attended by grave da Hirers that nothing lea than a thorough sud absolute cur can remor. To tak even the .lightest chance la ancb caae I to Invite life-long mlaery. Men do not realise life ss they should. A partial cure la followed by a chronic stage, with sll Its horrors, the aame as thoagh the dlseaee had not been treated at all. We positively will not dlamla a tatlent until . every possibility of relaoe s removed. By our system of treatment every patient Is soundly cured, and mad free from disease taint aa he was be fore the ailment wa contracted. . DR. TALCOTT CO., U0 Alder ft HAV FEVER, CATARRH Oppression, Suffocation, Neuralgia PROMPTLY OURKO BV. Espies Cigarettes, or Powder C. rOUGCRA CO., New York, aad all Drew lata Tor Unnatural DU charges, Stiloturoa, EaneclAllv In old cases where doctors fall, in a .non-poleonous, vegetable CURE for ulceration and Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nretha. all private urinary dlsea.ee and weaknesses ot men ana women, ix-nu null AXTEES TO CUBE OR MONET EEFUHDED. Cures new cases - In 48 hours without pain. Especially advised for old, obstinate caaes. Drug gists, or sent postpaid. $1. Address Dr. Dsy ft Co., No. 108 Prager Bldg., Boston. Mass. Free medical advice given. Write for book sent sesled FREE. ZT-MO sold In Portland by The Laua-Davl Drag Co., Sd and TamhUl its. Every Vocian woDdarfat Whir Hg Spray aWStet Convenient! ea laatiaHa, F about MH MARVtl llWCKSS'SMI TbBWV.ga.alBrrla ai'NaWBW taB Q Vv il lim mmA Ami. SsB eese gi sswt the Si, fey, wii'e 1 11 11 I If be eanfloi supply the ) Xj':3 ' ! MABVRI., aoceiS no , "''mdlr- i Btaer.bat send stamp for H- f(mKs I fusmted hook-reMM.U girt jV I roll narUcuiara end tlratioM In- .(Xji.r -: A" I a to ladle, MAaVacI, CO.. Cw.a FOR RENT Housekeeping room, treat MT Pront ATTORRITa, R1XMONS EMMONS, attorneys at Us, B44 Worcestar bldg. a B. RI00BN, Attorney and Ooanselloe-et-Law Notary. 806 -Sod Ablngtoa bldg. PAX TON, BEACH A SIMON 510 Chamber ef Comnjoreo. T. TACOBBR Room IS, Alnswortb Bslldlttf. 1. B. DICKINSON, Attorn.y-at-Law aad Mo. tary ruoue. bus oommoraai brag. OKIR0POST AMD MAXIOURUIO. TUB DU VENTS, tba only scientific ehlropodii la "th ettrt aarlora S014. Allskv bid. this la tb. long-haired gtlmaa yea fot to see. Grant H. .." g no. A' odladr bldVef OARPIMTXRS AMD BUILDrta. --JZ 3t jUk Mfg. Co.. I - dltraetor. bona ramadellne. alteraMona. etr cabinet work and Jobbing a pclalty; eo'Ater ah.Wlng, lc I. P. LtJCT. eocceaaor to o carpenter, tmllder, g.n.ral Kr0Tor, noose ms, Itv: buxea, etc; (tore and oryce Uxrareai up-to-date and original , cars Ater work et all kinds; nothing too larg or too .amall for ear Immediate attention; no flies oa oa; w mk and put ap th beat fly acre.n la Portland. Shop, foot of TamhUl its pbon. Black 388T; residence. T4T Eaat Stark i residence pbon. Whit T1S. JOHN A MELTON. carpenter aad bnllder, SOT Stark stt offle and a tore flrtnrea ball t and romodejed; altering aad repair honaoa. Paoao Main T4T. H. P. CLARK, carpenter and bulldert repalrK.--. ana joooing: omce nxtnree. nenaeac pnone, Weat T88: shop. Main 1P41. obh wssa, AUTHORS, carpenter and builder: repairing Jobbing; atore and omce pxtnres sunt. Shop 80S rolnmhta. Pbone risy lwm. bon,-N ' r and Shop t BATRB. MASSA0E, Turkish. Rnislso barbs; Battl Creek nnrses, ouo oregonian Bldg. Pbon Main 103A. BAROHTO AMP UOHTERIRw. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. aide at. psone wrant 11T1. Ul Bora- CREAM AMD CREAMERY BUTTER. BEST creamery batter and pur eraaaa promptly eeuvareo to an pari, or to city iron Moun tain View Perm, Greaham, Oragon. Apply to W. W. Cotton. S14 Wore tar Bldg. Xl Phoojlln 222 mlma mm OOEMICX SXTUOHTS, alcea. J. 0. Bayer. Seonnd at. DTEINO AMD OlaEAMOTO. CITY STEAM DTEINO A CLBAN1NO WORKS. Hernia snklo, proprietor. Phone Mala 1T1S. No. SS Sth at., near Pino. Portland. Or. CASH REGISTERS. BAU.WOOD CASH REGISTERS. St Stark st ' PREE SBXKZa, - VjOBAbl 1 It K. Tiaae Bide.. Mew Tork. as WUU0AAVB. "4ii.asaa m ou. CLOTHES CLEANED aad araea.d 1 per loath. Vahiwe TaUorlsg fia,, MT WaahUg. '- torn st