4 TnE OIIEGOK DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1903. 11 CITT HOTIC-i. ' CITT 1I0TICM. CTTT ITOTICIl. CTTT XOTIOXaV CTTT VOTTOSa. CTTT BOTICXS. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. ROPOKD UtTROYIHElft Of OOMITI ;' Notice ! hereby given that it the masting K tns council m iu city or Portland, ore- ion, bald the eth day- f Auguat, iWM. the ; Portland, Oregon, deame It expedient hntf pro ollowlng resolution tu dopt3 4 of poaaa to Improv Oorbctt atreet (rain the eouth. .westerly llu, o( Hood Atreet to the north Uh wjimw jprepve ,111. . m following , wanner, . lit! '""Pf f reding tbe trt full width with full lntrciion to proper sab-grad. " 2nd: By. bringing tbo aurtace of the itrooi full, width wltb full interaectiona to proper grade with macadam. ' 8rd: Br constructing artificial. Stone ld. walk la ereordaooe with tbo City JCBglneet ( plana, specifies Hon and eetlmata. tb: .By laying wooden oroaswalk klx tset la wldtji . 6th I . By , eonatructlnf atona gutter la. ee rordauce, with the City Engineer' p'lane, (pd-fli-atlon and. tlm(te. ' Said Inijirotameut to ba mad In aeeordanca wltb tb charter and ordinance of the City at Fort land tad. tb plane, epeclBcatlona aad ee. -rtm. . . V Jtm .!. In th omce of tba Auditor of the City of Portland oa tbt Srd day of August. 1808, Indoreedi "City Engineer' plana aud (pacification for tka lm prurament of Oorbatt (treat from tba aoctb- waatarly I1d of Hood atreet to tba serin Uaa f Say moor arenue and tba eatlmatea of tba work to be don and tba probabla total Coat thereof ' ' ' Tba mat a laid Improvement to ba aaaaaaad aa provided by tba City Cbartar upon tba prop arty apatlally benefited thereby and which la aereoy aeeiare to Da an tne iota, part vi w and nirMli of Unit lrlna htMI1 tha aouth. lMtrlr Una nf llnnit ilnri and tha north tine of 8f jrnjoor avenue and betweeB a Uaa luu fart woeterfy from aad parallel with tba -weat- y una or Woett atraat ana a nne iw iai atarly frem and narallal wltb tb aaatarly una or uornett atraat. Tba Engineer' estimate of tba probabla total net of tba laproTamaDt of (aid Oorbatt street la $8.IM.OO. - Th shove Improvement fa to ba claaaad aa a macadam Improvement aad ahall ba main. Miiai by th city for tb period of four -fear, provldad that tba ownara of a majority Of tba proparty baBtad by aald Imnroramant ar aay porting tbaraof ahall not oatltlon for a aaw ac amarant improraaaani nanara u nflpaftna .Af atiti TiritA Tba plana, ttwetflcationa and aatlmata of tb City Enainaar for tha lmpnTmnt of aald Corbatt atraat ar barby adopted. Kroolrcd, That tba Audita of tba City of Portland ba and ba I haraby dlractad to aira notlra of tb propoaad Iroproramant of aald atraat aa prorldad by tba City Cbartar. A ramonatrant' aialnat tba a dot Improra- baaot may ba fltaQ la vrtUaf wltb tba anoar at Dad wltblo 90 'day from tka date of tba nrat pnniicatioa or Tnia none. B ordar ot th C3onnctl. '' AriAttov of tba Olt at Portland. Atrtnrf . 1P0IL. -tbofoies bkitex n vnxn itbiit. ' Motlca la harabr alren that at tba ' mcatlna of tb Coo. noil of tha City of Portland, Or. Jon, hald on tb 6th day or Autuat, 1B0S, tba ollowlna raaolutlon waa adootad: ftraolrad, That th Conocil of tb City of Portland, Orrfoo, daama It aipadlant and pro- noaaa to eonatruac a ewr la l.piour atrt from tb wrut Una of North Portlaud to In- taraadoa with' tba aawar In Upahnr atraat at a point in raat wat or Twanty-nrtn atraat. or ntrinwi aawar Dip wita an oacaaaary calm baln. manhole, lamp bole and branphaa. Tba aald aawar to ba of tba followlnc dlman alona: Of alsht lncbea elaar lnald dlamater tram tb waat Una or North Portland to a paint In Upshur atraat at Twanty-aaranth atraat; tbaor of tan Inrha rlear lnald dla mater to a point at Twaty-litb atraat aad thanea of rwaira snmaa claar Inaio ma mater to a cod naetlon with tba aawar In I'pahnr atraat at a point 900 feat wet of Twanty-flfth atraat. and 'in b eonatruetad In accordance with tba Diana apaclflratlnna and tlmatea therefor praparad by tha City Enrlneer and Iliad In tha ofBc f the Auditor of tha City of Portland on tha Slat day of July. 1803, Indorsed: "City En r linear a plana and apacmcatlona tor a aawar n I'pahur atraat from tha wast Una of North rortland to aawar In I rwnor atraat ano feet weat of Twenty-flftb atraat and tba aatlmatea or tb work to b don and tha probabla total coat tbaraof." Tba coat of aald aawar to ba aaaeaaed aa prnrlded by the City Charter upon tha property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby .declared to be all tba lots, part a of lota and Farrela of land lyln between tba north Una of 'pahnr street and a Una 100 feat north of and parallel therewith arid between th aouth Una Of I'pahur street and a Una 100 feet south of ana para net tnerewiin ana netween tna eaat Una of lot L block 2. and lot . block. 1. At klnaon'a Addition to th City of Portland, and tb waat Una of North Portland. Tba Rnrlnear'a aatlmata of tba probabla to tal oat af the eonatrnetton of a aawar In aald tpaher street la ll.1M.0O. ; Tba plans, apedflratlona and estimate of tba City Enrtneer for tb eonatrurtlon of a aawar In aald t'pabur street are hereby adopted. - Beaolead. That th Auditor of tb City of Portland b and ha la hereby directed to fir nottca of tbe proposed construction of aald aewer aa prorldcd by tbe City Charter. Remonstrance alnt tha a bote sewer may ba tiled In writing wltb the nnderslyied within 90 days from- tba data of tba first publication af this notice. By order of tba Council. THOfl. C. PEVLIIf. Auditor of tha City of Portland. August 8. 1908. PR0P0IED IEWEK IX M0BE0E BTSEXT. Notice la hereby glren that .at the meeting of tha Council of the City of Portland. Or- Jon, held on tb 6th day of August, 10U3, tb allowing resolution waa adopted: Kesolred, That the Council of tha City ot Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- poses to construct a sewer in Monroe strevt ana Canteubelii arenue from a point 100 feat weat Qf tbe weat Una of Union arenue to a point in uanuubein arenue; tnence nort in uauton beln arenue to a connection w'i the proposed sewer In Alley north of M?'..v street (weat). of ntrloed aewer pipe wtib all neceaaary catch .basins, man-holes, lamp-boles and branchca. Tb asld sewer to be of the following dimensions: Of right Inches rlrar Inside diameter from k point In Monro street 10b teet west of tb Weat line ot' union arenue to a point in Mon roe atreet 2S feet weat of tbe east line ot lot 8, block 12 William Arenue Addition to tbe City of Portland, Oregon, extended southerly; thence of ten lncbea clear Inside diameter to a point In Monro atreet at a polrt wbcra tba aame would be Intersected by tb southerly exten sion of tbe eaat line of lot 8. block 9. Wtlliama Arenue Addition to tbe City ot Portland, Ore gon: thence of twle Inches clear Inside diam eter to a point In Monroe atraat at Vancourer 'arenue, and thence of fourteen lncbea clear ln ald diameter to a connection wltb tbe fropoaed Sewer In Alley north of Monroe atreet (weat). Bald aewer to ba constructed In accordance with the plans, apecUlcatlona and aatlmatea therefor prepared by tbe City Engineer and filed In tha office af tb Auditor of th City of Port land on th Slat day oT July, mis, endorsed: "City Enarlneer'a plana and epeclflcatlona for aha MMrMntlna A ma. In 1 n,na nd ftantenhnln arenue from 100 feet wast of west Una of Union arenue to Uantenbeln lie: thence north In Gantenbeln srenu to proaVsed sawer In Alley north of Monroe atreet (west ana esiimaiea ot me wots mj o uod and the probable total coat thereof. Tb coat of aald aewer to ba assetoaed aa prorlded by tbe City Charter upon tbe prop arty apeclaliy benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots and parts of kta named and described ss follows: Williams Arenue Addition to tb City ot Portland, Ore ton Block 12. lota 11. 10, 9, 8, T, 6, 5, 4. 8. and weat SO feet of lots 12 and 18; block 9, lots 18, 147 12. 11. 10. 9, 6, 7, a, 6, 4 and 8; Williams Arenue Addition In the City of Port land, block 2, lota 4. S, S, 8, 9 and 12; Alblna Addition, block 2, lots 13, 14. 12, 11. 10. 9. 8; William Arenue Addition to the City of Port land. Oregon, block 11. lota 18. IT, 18, 19. 20. 21, 22, 1, 2 and west 20 feet of lots 16 and 14; block 10, lota in. 10. ii, in. iu. mi, 21, zz, a, 24, 1 and 2; Williams Arenue Addition In the CUT ot Portland, hiocn 1. 101s 1, z, 0, , iu, 11: Alblna Addition, block 1. lota 1. 2, 3. 4. 6, 6. T. jsnglneer a estimates 01 me prooaDie to 1 of tb' construction of a sewer In said Kinroa street and Gantenbeln arenue la $2,- fl.oo. The-nlan. snectficationii and eatlmatea of tha Cltr Enaineer for the construction of a aewer In aald Monroe atreet aud Qantenbeln arenue are nereoy aaoptea. Reaolred. That -tba Auditor of the City of Portland ba and be la hereby directed to glre notice ot tha proposed construction of. ssld aewer a portded by the City Charter. Remonstrance against' tbe a bote sewer may he filed 1n writing with the undersigned within SO days from tha data of tba first publication f tbtj; noticed 1 By order of the Council. TH08. C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor ot th City of Portland. August a1.' 1903. ' PI0P0IED WPEOTEMIITT OF SUIT XEllTat ..." ; STUET.' '. ! ' Nolle I rhy" glrao that at tba ratlag of tb Council of tb City of Portland, Ore gon, hald aa th ith day of August, IHoS, th lullowtna aaanlntlan waa adntited: . Baaolrad. That 'tha Council of th City of pom nd; Oragw, -nawva 'it i. Jr" i poaaa to improra Eaal lanta atrwx, irvai u north 11 n of Hawtborn aranna to tba aouth Una of Dlrlalo atraat la th following masaar, erii lat-ltv vradlna- tha atraat fall width- With full Intersections ito tha prop ub-grad. ' no ny bringing tna aurrae ox m amn full width with full Intersection to Ua prop grsd with Upland bank graraL . 3rd Br I aonatraetlut artificial atona aid walk. ta Br larlnc wooden eroaawalk all roat la wiatn. tb By aonatntctlng atona and box gntters in axwvun wim u v 1 ir apiium a vwt Bpeclficatlon ano) aatlmata. - ' Tha aald Imnraramant to ba mada IB aoflOTd' anca .with tha cbartar and ordinance, af tha City of Portland and tha Plana, epoclllcatlotia and'aaumate of tha City Eugtnaar fliwi in in offlc of . the Auditor, of th .City of Portia nd 00 th Slat 0f-ulT-?. City of Portland on tb list day at wuiy, isuo, 1 1 1 1 .1 ' I'Cii. Wwtmlwtmm'm nlana and Snaclfl eatloaa for tha improvement ot East Tenth treat froaa tba north Una of Hawthorn aronna to tha aouth Una of Dlrlalon street. nd tha aatlmatea of .tha work . to b don and th probabla total eoat tbaraof." Tna eoat or aaia improramanx w oa araaad aa prorlded hi tba City Charter upon tba proparty aaadally be nail tad thereby and which la harabr awUna tn ha all tha lota. Dart Of lota aad parcels of land lying between Una iuu reel nortn fit ana parallel who u ooria Una nf HivllviM aaanua and a Una 100 fat aoatb of tba parallel with tba Booth -Una of mruion atreet ana oetwee a una iuu ii waat of and parallel wltb tba waat Una af Eaat Tenth atraat aud a Una 100 feat aaat of and parallel with tba east Una of Eaat Tenth treat. Tha Engineer's aatlmata of tb probabla total oat of tha Improvement af aald Eaat Taut (treat 1 13.29.00. Tha above lmnrorammt 1a to ba rlaaaed aa an upland bank gravel Iniproramant and shall ba mainlainea ny tna city roc tna penoo or a rear, nrortdad that tha wnr of a aoalority af tba property benefited I v. said Improramant or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different improvement, nexora wo ptratlon ot earn perioa. Tha-nlana. a nee) Bra Mnna and aatlmatea of th City Engineer for tha Improvement of laid Eaat Tenth atraat ar hereby adopted. ' Haaolred. That tha Auditor of tba City of Portland ba and ba la bereny oirecreo. to give notlra of tha propoaad. improremont of aald atraat aa nrorided br tba Cltr Charter. Uemonatrano against tha above improve- mant mar ha filed lu wrltlna with tba under signed within SO days from tbo date of tha brat publication of this notice. uy oroer at ina ixiuncii. TH0. C. DEvXIW. Auditor of tba City ot Portland. Anguet . 1803. , PE0P08ED OT XABIi IMPEOVIMEMT T1XET. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting 01 toe uoancu ox ua v.iiy ox rwuiwi, ure gon. held on the Bth day of August, 19U8, tha follnwlna raaolutlon waa adopted: Kesolred, That tna council or xna city ot Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- poaaa to Improra S-arl arraat irom ina aaat Una of Mllwaskl atreet to tba waat Una of Eaat Twentieth atreet In th followlnc man nar. to-wit : 1st Br grading tba atraat full width with full Intersections to tha proper sub-grade. 2nd By bringing the surfsc of tha atreet fall width with full lutereectkma to proper grade with upland bank gravel. 3rd By constructing aldewalka with sis foot covering plsnks. 4th By laying wooden crosswalks alt feat la wldtb. 6th By natroctlng atona block gutters in accoraaDC w l in ina 1.117 bubiuvci - vi-u.) sneclfirstlons and estimates. nth Br constructing a box culvert on tba south aide of Karl atreet from a point 100 feet eaat of tba eaat Una of Eaat Blxteenth atreet tn tha waat Una of East Blxteenth street and In East Blxteenth street from tbe south line 01 Karl street to tbe north Una or Kan atreet. Tth Br constructing an elevated roadway In accordance witn xne uity nnginccr pians. pacifications and aatlmatea. Tbe aald Improvement to ba made tn ae eordanca wltb the Cbartar and ordinances of tha Cltv of Portland and the plana, epectflca tiona and eatlmatea of th City Engineer tiled In th office of th Auditor of th City of Portland on tba Slat day or July 1WM. inooraea: "flt Rneinaar's clan snd aneHncatlona for tba Improvement of Karl street from the east line of Milwaukee atreet to tba weat Una of Eaat Twentieth street ana tn estimatee 01 tne work to ba dona aad tbe probabla total coat thereof. Tha coat , of ssld Improvement to ha aa aessed aa provided by tbe Clt Charter upon the nrooertr aoeclally benefited thereby and which la herebr declared to be all the lota. Farts of lota and parcela of land lying between h cast line of Mllwaukle atreet and tbe weat lino of Eaat Twentieth street snd between a Hn of 100 feet north of and parallel with tb north lln of Karl street snd a line 100 feat south of snd parallel wltb the south Una ot Karl street. M , Tbe Engineer' eettmate of tha probable total coat ot Improving said Karl atreet la 38,- 216.00. The above Improvement I to be classed aa a gravel improvement and ahall ba maintained by tbe Cltr for. tbe period of 4 years, provided that the owners of a majority of the property benefited br asld improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement before the expiration ot such period. Tbe plana, specifications and eatlmatea of th City Engineer for tba Improvement of aald Karl street are nereoy aoopiea. Resolved, That tbe Auditor of the City of Portland be and h Is berebv directed to give notice of the proposed lmi-rovement of aald treat provided by tha City Charter. Remonstrance against the above improve ment mav be filed in writing wltb tha under signed within 20 dava from tha date of th. first publication of thla notice. By order of tha Council. , ' . THOB. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland. August 8. 1008 aVco 4A PH0PO8AXS r0 8TKEET W0 EX. Sealed proposals will be received at tha office Of the Auditor of the City of Portland until Krlday, August 21, 100,1, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of Union avenue, from tbe sontb Una of Alberta atreet to 100 feet aouth ot the aoutb line of tbe Lewis Love D. L. C. In tbe manner provided by Ordinance No. 13.470. aubject to tbe provisions of tbe Charter and Ordinancea q.f the City of Portland and tbe eatlmate of tbe City Engineer, on file. Blda must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which wilt be furnished on ap plication at tbe ofllca of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement must ba completed on or before T6 daya from tba date of tha atgnlruj f tba contract by tba parties thereto. " - 'o proposals or blda will ba considered nnleaa accompanied by. a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of tha City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount ial to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. Tbe. right to reject any .and all bids la hereby reoerted. Br order of tb Executive Board. y ' ' . . - THOfl a DEVLIN, - V Auldtor ot tba City of Portland. ! "Portland, Oregon, August 16, 1903. PR0P08ED .IMFB0VEKENT .Or .TPBHTB STREET. Notice ia hereby given that at tne meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- ?on. held on tbe 6th day of Auguat, 1903. tba ollowtng resolution was adopted: Reaolred. That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- iroaea to Improve I'pahur street from tbe east Ine of Twenty-sixth atreet to tbe waat line of North Portland, in tba following manner, t0Tt By grading tbe street full wldtb with full intersections to the proper sub-grade. - 2d Br bringing the surface of tba atreet full width with full Intersections to proper grade with macadam. 3d By constructing artificial atona aide walks. . 4tb By laying wooden crosswalk aix feet in width. 6tb By constructing atone gutters. B.i imnrorrment to be made In ac cordance with th Charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and tbe plans, speclflea ti. anil eatlmate of tha Cltr Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Port land on the- 3d day of August, 1903, Indorsed: ntr Engineer a Diana ana Bpecincauona ror tha imnnwrnnt of 1'txihor street from the east line of Twenty-alxtb street to th west line of North Portland and the estimates of the work to be oone ana ina prooaow miai coat thereof" , . , . . Th. eoat of aald Improvement to be as sessed aa prorlded by the City Charter upon the property apeciauy oenrmeu merruj anu which ia nereov ueciurvu lu ue mi iu iuib. , lnta and narcels of lend lrlna between a line JUU reel mi fi iuu immuri itiiu ine east line of Twenty-alxtb street snd a Una 100 fact west or ana parallel wun toe west nne of North Portland, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of I'pshnr atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with th south Una ot Upshur street. Tba Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of improving aald TJpebur atreet la $8, 860.00. . Tha shove Improvement la to be claaaed aa a macadam Improvement and shall be main tained by the City for the period of fire years, provided that the owners of a majority of tbe property benefited by aald improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of aald period. Tbe Plana, apedflcatlona and estimate of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Upshur street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tba Auditor of th City of Portland ba and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tha City Charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment mav be fll'td In writing with th under signed within 20 days from tba date of tba first publication of this notice. By order of tba Council. . ' TH0S. C. DEVLlJf. Auditor ot the City of Portland. August 8. 1903. .. - EAST MOrOIED IKPBOVEMEsTT .01 HAhtlLTOH '-7 ' .."' 'ATZanrt. " ' ' If otic Is hereby given that at tha meeting af th Council of th City of Portland, Ora- Jon. bald 00 tb Sth day of August. 190S, th ollowlng raaolutlon was adopted: , neaoiveo, max tna uonncu 01 ina 117 91 1 T";"t. V wii m. vn aa -fJacVt-iVa,,,dartB It xpdlnt aad pro. KPortUnd. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- weat Una of tba Old Maoadan) Road to tba ,rt0r0IED ntPBOVEatElfT or 4 ' TwTEBTT-rOTITK TBEEI. Notlc I harahy glvsn that at tbo maoUng of -tbo Oouncll of th City of Portland, Ore- Jon, hald oa tba Sth day of August, 180, th ollowlng rsaolutlo waa adopted: rod, That th Council of th City af aaat Una of Waat atraat, in th following man aar. to-wlti 1st By grading tha atraat full wldtb with full Intersections to proper rub-art da. Snd By bringing tha street full width .with full Intersection te proper grad with Ma sadam. . 3rd By const met Ina artificial stop sld- walka la aroordanc with tba plana, apeclfloa tlon and aaUmataa of tha Cltr Enainaar. 4th By constructing wooden aldewalka In a. eordaaea with tha City Engine' plana, apael flratlona and estimates. ; Bth By laying wooden eroaawtlk alx feat in width. ' 1 6th By eonatruetlng box and (ton gntter) la aeeordanca with tha City Engine' puna. Tth 11 mmhmh.. artiAelat atan earha In paclflcatlons and aatlmatea. . " h dona and tha probabla tour ina sal a improvement to no man 10 ac cordance with tha Cbartar and ordinancea of tha Clt at Pnrtland and the nlana. SDadflea Man and eattmataa of tha Cltr Enainaar filed in th offlc of th Andltor of tb city or rovx land oa tha th dav af Aaauat. 1BO.V Indorsed! "City xnglnear'a plana and epocincaiione ror th improvement of Hamilton aveno from tb weat Una of tha Old Macadam Road to eaat Una of Waat atraat and tha aatlmatea of tb work to ba dona and th probabla total eoat thereof." Tha eoat of aald Imnrovement to aa aa aaaaad aa provided by tb City Charter upon tba property specially benefited thereby aad waicn m hereov aecisra 10 do an in 1. narta af kits and nareela of land lrlna; between a Una 100 feat north of and narallal with tba north I n of Hamilton aeenua ana a un iou fmm anath nf ait naralUI with th OUth Una of Hamlltoa avenua and between the at line of Weat atret and tba weat tlna of tha Old Macadam Road. . .. Tha Knalnaer'a aatlmatea of th probable total cost of Improving aald Hamilton avanu IS S10..HKJ.1X). Tb above Improvement la to h claaaed aa a macadam Imnrovement and ahall ba maintained br tha City for tha period of four years, pro- noeo. tnac tna owners or in anuwiit ui m. wonartv bane a teil br said Imnrovement or aay portion tn error snail not pennon ior a new or dllferent lmprovmnt befor cb expiration of aucn perwa. . Tbo Plana, apecinrarinna ana estimatea 01 me Cltv Enainaar for tha Imnrovement of aald rt.mllt.Mk .mm. aea Kaaahr adnntad. Keoolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and ha la hereby directed to giro notice of tha nro nosed Imnrovement of aald annua aa provided by tha City Charter. . Remonstrance against in anova ir"- mt ha fllaH la vrrltln with the under plgnad within 20 daya from tba date of tba Brat publication ot thla nouos. ny or oar 01 tna uawn. .w THOB. 0. DEVLIH. Auditor of tha City of Portland. August 8, 1803. PI0POSED 8EWEE .X EAST T WEB TILTH TBEET. KrfU. ta khv at van that at tha meeting of th Council of tb City of Porttand, Ore- goo, held on the tHb day or Auguat, iwua, m following reeolotlon waa adopted: Resolved. That tb Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro nnaa tn ennatrnct a aewer In EaatT Twentieth street from 26 feet aoutb of Thompson street to a connection with tba nawer in niismooa traet nf rltrld sawer OlD of eight Inches claar Inside dlsmeter with all neceaaary eatch- baslna. man-bolra, lamp-holes sna Drsnrnes, ia ,a.Z with th Blank, anedflcatlona and uh mm mm therafnr nreoared br the City En gineer snd filed In tne otnee 01 in aumwr of tba City of Portland on tbe 81st day of July, 1903, Indorsed: "City Engineers plana mA anaeiAeatlnns for a sewer in Kast -j-weniiein .tet tmnt aft feat aouth of Thomnaoa atreet to sewer In TUtsmook street and tbe eatlmstea of tbe work to ba dona ana toe prooaoie xoni coat thereof." . . Th enat of aald aewer to be as ( seed ..i h, tha ritv Charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which la hereby oceiarea to oe an m ,. y v . ir.t ani nareala of land lving between tbe aoutb line of Thompson street and a lln 100 feet north of and parallel wita ina norm line of Tillamook atreet and between a una iuu feet east of snd parallel with tha eaat Una of Eaat Twentieth atreet and a lln 100 feet waat of and parallel wiin id weai im ui Vr.at Twantlam atraat. Tha Engineer's eatlmate of tha Probable total coat of the eonatrurtlon of a newer In aald Eaat Twentieth street is 3hxuu. Th nlana. aoeclflcatlona and eatlmstea of tba City Bnglneer for the cona miction of a aewer In sain jasi xwanuam puwi bwiwj dopted. noirail That tha Andltor nf tbe City ot Portland be and b 1 nereDy aireciea 10 give noMc of tbe propoeed construction of aald sewer aa provided by tbe (ity Charter. Renvmatranc aralnat the above aewer may be filed In writing with tbe undersigned within 20 days from tba data 01 tna nrat pudiicbuoo of this order. By order of tba council. ' THOS. C. PEVLIJt. Auditor ot tha City of Portland. August 8, 1908. ATCnOV SALE. Nottca m hereby given that at 2 o'clock p. m,. on Thursday, August 9U, 1903, a.t tha City jail, northwest corner ot - Second and Oak atreets. tb City of Portland will sail for cash at public auction t tba highest bidder tba following aeecriovu itikiw, viiiictl m.i w w. mv longer, use to th .city: One atreet sweeper. ' One complete outfit for testing tea les. Nina hlcvclea. The right la hereby reserved to. reject any or all blrta. By order ot tba Executive xjoara. THOS. C. DEVUIt. Yi ' Andltor of tha City of rortland. Augaat It, 1803; . , . PROPOSED IMPKOVElflNT . OP WASCO 8TBEET. Notice Is berebv given that at th meeting of tb Council of the City of Portland. Ore- ton, held on tna otn aay or August, iwjj, ua ollowlng resolution wss adopted: Reaolred. That the Oouncll of tha City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro pose to Improra Wasco atreet from tha east line of East Twenty-fourth street to tbe cen ter Una of East Twenty-eighth atreet In th following manner, to-wit: lat By constructing amnciai atona siae- walks. 2d Br laying wooden eroaawaix aix tact n width. . 3d By constructing box gutter. The ssld lmDrorement to be made In ac cordance with the Charter and ordinancea of the City of Portland anfl tne pinna, specinrs tlons snd estlmstes of the City Engineer filed In the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on tna ist aay 01 juiy juo. inooraea: City Engineer s plsns sna specincstinns ror the Improvement of Wasco street from tbe east Un of East Twenty-fourth street to the cen ter line of East Twenty-eighth atreet and the eatlmstea of the work to be done and tba probable total cost thereof." f ne COSl 01 saiu luiinutruirui iu oa aa- sessed aa prorlded by the City Charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parts of lots and parcels of land lying between the esst line of Eaat Twenty-fourth street and the west line of Esst Twenty-eighth street and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Waeeo atreet and a Una 100 feet south of and parallel with tba aouth line of Wasco street. The Engineer's estimate of tha probable total post of Improving aald Wsaco atraat 1 z, aa4 no The nlana, speclftcstldns and eatlmate of tbe Cltr Enaineer for the Improvement of said Waacn atreet are herebr adopted. Reaolred, That tbe Auditor of tha City of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the propoeed Improvement of aald street as proviaea oy tne ny wuirwr. Remonstrance agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with tha nndor algned within 20 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIX, Andltor of the City of Portland. , August 9. 1903. from the north line of MultnouxV Trrr t tba sooth Una at liaise y atraat la th following manner, to-wit: lat By cona true ting artificial atona aid. walks. walks, alx Sd Bx constructing wooden feet ta Width. Sd By eonatractlng artificial atona way alx . feet la width without curb, la eordanc with tha City Engine' plana, s pad Brat ion and aatlmatea. Tha aald Improvement to ba mada la ac cord no with tha Cbartar and ordinance of the City of Portland and tba plana, apaclllca. tlona and eatlmatea of tb Cltr Engineer filed In the oBco of the Auditor of tba City of portiaBd on the gut day of July 190s, lodoneat "City Engineer' plana and spectncatlooa for tha Improvement of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet from tb north un of Multnomah atraat to Ine coat thereof." . Tb coat of aald Improve mant to ba aa aaaaad aa provided by tb City Charter upon tha Oroparty apeclaliy benefited thereby and wmrn M Bereor aerurra to Da su in wta. parte of lota and Da reels af land lrlna betweau tha aorth Uaa of Multnomah atraat and tha aouth lln of Haleey atreet and between Un 100 raat waat of aad parallel with tha waat Una of Bast ' Twenty -fourth atraat and Una 100 feat east of and parallel with tha aaat Una of Eaat Twenty-fourth atroct. Tba Engtooar'a aatlmata of tba probable total eoat 01 too improvement of aald saai i wanly fourth a tract la ll.6Ho.oo. Tba nlana. andficationa and eatlmatea af th of th Cltv Kurt near fur tb Improve mant of aald Emat Twenty-fourth atraat ar harahy adopted. Keeolvod. That tba Auditor or tbo city of Portland ba and ba la herebr dlractad to give notice of tha propoeed Improvement of aald treat aa Provided by tb City Charter. He monstrance agalnat- tba .above impro' ment mar ba filed In writing wltb tha under signed within 20 dsya from tha data of tha first publication of this notice. By or Oar 1 r tba Council. THOB. 0. DEVLIH. Andltor of tb City ot Portland. August 8, 1908. PE0POSED SEWIE I PEESOOTT TKEXT. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tba Council of tha City ot Portland. Or., held aa tba 6th day of Aaguet, 1903, tha fol lowing raaolutlon waa (dopted. Kesolred. That tha Council of tha City af Portland, Oregon, drama It expedient aud pro poses to construct a aewer in Preacott street from 18 fast west of tha east Una of East Teath atreet to tha propoaad sawer in Union vena, of vitrified aewer pipe with all necea esry ratch-baalna. man-bolaa, lamp-bole and branch. Th aald sewer to b of th fol lowing dimensions: Of sight Inches clear In side diameter from a point In Preacott atreet at East Tenth street to a point In East Eighth street; thenc of ten inches clear inside diameter to a point in Preacott atreet at Eaat Sixth atraat and thence of twelve lncbea clear Inside diameter to a connection with tbe pro poeed aewer In Union avenua, and to be con structed In accordance wltb the plana, sped Oca tlona and aatlmatea therefor prepared by th City Engineer aad filed In the offlc ot tb Auditor of th City Of Portland on tb Slat day of July, 1903, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and apecincaaona ror tne construction or a sewer In Preacott atreet from 18 feat weat of the eaat Una of Baat Tenth atreet to the propoaad aawar In Union avenue, and , tba estl mstes of tba work to ba don and tba probabla total coat thereor. ' Tbe coat of aald (ewer to ba asseeaed aa nrorided bv th Cltv Charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tba eaat Una of Esst Tenth atreet and a Una 100 feat east of and parallel with tha east Hna of Union arenue, and between a Una 100 teet north of and par allel with tba north Una of Preacott atreet and a line 100 feet aoatb of and parallel with tha aouth Una of Preaoott atreet. The Erarlnaar'a aatlmata of th probable total coat for tha construction of a aewer In ssld Preacott atreet la 31. 797. 00. The plana, apacmcatlona and estimate or re Cltr Enaineer for the construction of a sewer In ssld Preacott atreet are hereby adopted. Reaolred. That tha Auditor ot tbe City ot Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed construction of ssld sewer aa provided by the City Charter. Remonstrance aialnat tba above sewer may ba filed in writing wltb the nndarsignea wtthl 90 dsys from tbo date of tba Brat publication of tbla notice. By order of tba Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. August 8, 1903. PE0?0SED IMPROVEMENT STREET. OF F0UETH Notice is hereby given thst at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore- ?on, held on the 6th day of August, 1803, tba ollowlng reaolntlon wss adopted: Kesolred, Thst tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Fourth street from 12 feet north of tbe south line of Gllsan street to 12 feet aoutb of the north line of Jefferson street by constructing artificial atone siaewaixs, The said Improvement to be made In ac cordance with the Charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans, specifica tions aud estimates of the City Engineer filed In the ofBc of the Auditor of the (ity of Portland on tbe 4th day of August. 1903. In dorsed: "City Engineer's plans and epeclflca tlona for the 4mprorement ot rourtn street from 12 feet north of tbe south line of Gllsan street to 12 feet aoutb' of tbe north line of Jefferson stretjt and the estimates of tbe work to be dona and the prooapie total coat inere- of." ' Tba' cost of aald Improvement to be assessed upon the property speclslly benefited thereby as prorlded by the City Clmrter. and which is hereby declared to be tbe following: Coach's Addition to tbe City of Portland, block 27, lots 7 and 8. Block 28. kits 8 snd 2, block SO, lots T, 6, 3 snd 2; Portland, block 23. lot 7; ranch's Addition to tbe CUT of Portland, block 33, lots 8 and a; Portland, block 60, lota 8 and 4, block 69, lota 1, 2 and 3. block 67. lota 8 and 4. Th Engineer' eatlmatea rf tbe probahl to tal coat of the Improvement ot aalf Fourth street Is $1,613.00. Tb plans, apecincations ana estimates 01 tae City Engineer for tba. improvement or aald Fourth street are hereby, adopted. Resolved. That tba Auditor of the City of Portland be and ha ia hereby directed to give notice of tn propneea improvement vox aaia atreet aa provided by tb City Charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above Improve ment may be tiled In writing with the under signed within 20 daya from lha date of . tha first publication of thla notice. ' By order of the Council. 1 v THOS. C. PEVLIJf. Auditor of tha Cty of Portland. ABjraat S, 1903. 1 PROPOSED IMPE0VEMEBT OF TPSHUR STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tha meetina or the council or toe city or rortiana, ore- :on. held on the bth day of Auguat. 1903. tha 'ollowlng resolution was. adopted: Ueaolvad That tha Caancll of tha fltw nf Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro poses to Improve Upshur a treat from the weat line of Twenty-fifth atreet to the eaat Una of Twenty-alxtb atraat in tha following manner, 1st Bt grading tbe atreet full width with full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. 2d Br bringing the aurrace of the street full width with full Intersection to the proper grade with macadam. Sd By constructing amnciai (tons aide- Iks. Tbe said Improrement to be mada In ac cordance with tba Charter and ordinancea of tha City of Portland and the plana, apedflca tlona and eatlmatea of tba City Engineer filed n the offlc of the Auditor of the city of Port land on the 8d day of Auguat. 1908. indorsed "City Englneer'a plans and speclflcatlona for tha imnrovement of Unahur atreet from tha west line of Twenty-fifth street to tha esst line ot Twenty-sixth street and the esti mates of tbe work to be dona and tba prob- ble total coat tnereor. The coat of ssld improrement to ba aa aessed aa provided by the City Charter upon the property apeclaliy benefited thereby and which 'la nereny aeciarea 10.0a an--the lots, narta of lota and parcela of rand lying between the west rln of Twenty-fifth atreet and the east line of Twenty-alxtb street and between a Un 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of I'pahur atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth of and parallel with tha aouth line of I psbnr street. The Kngtneer's estimates of tba probabla total cost ot Improving said Upabur atreet la f3.360.on. The above Improvement Is to be clsssed aa a macadam Improvement and ahall be maintained by the city for tne perioa or nre years, provided that tba owners of a majority of tha property benefited by aald Improvement or any por tion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tha expiration of ucb period. Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the City ot rortland be ana ne is nereoy aireciea to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by the City Charter. Remonstrance against the above improre ment may be filed In writing wltb tbe under signed within 20 daya from tha date of tba firat publication of thla notice. By order of th Council. . THOfl. C. DEVLIN, Andltor it the City ot Portland. August 8. 1903. PROPOSED SEWER IN EAST 00TJCH STREET Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held on the 6th day of Auguat, 1808, the following resolution was adopted:. Resolved. That tbe Council of tbe City -of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to conatrnet a sewer In Esst Couch street from 150 feet west of Eaat Twenty second street to a connection with the aewer In East Twenty-ronrtn street or vitrified pipe ot tight Inches clear inside diameter wltb all necosssry cstch-baalna, man-boles, limn. holes and branches. In accordance with the plana, apeciflratlons and eatlmatea therefor pre payed ny tne tuy engineer ana tiled in the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 31st day of July, 1903, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and specifications for a aewer In Eaat Coitcfa atreet from 150 feet weat of East Twenty-second street to sewer in Esst Twenty-fourth street snd the estimates of the work tn ba dona and tba probable total coat thereof." The coat of ssld aewer to be assessed aa prorlded by the City Charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all the lots, part of lots snd parcels of land lying between tbe north line of East Couch street and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, and be tween the south line of Eaat Couch atreet and a line 100 feet south of and paraUel there with, and between tbe weat line of Dunn'a Addition to East Portland and a ltne 100 feet west of snd parallel with tha weat Una ot East Twenty-fourth street. Tbe Engineer's estimate of tha probabla to tal eoat of the construction of a sewer In aald East Coucb street is 8608.00. The plena, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer for tbe construction of a sewer in aald East Couch atraat ar hereby adopted. Reaolred. , That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of tb . proposed construction of aald aewer as provided by"; the City Charter. Remonstrance against tha above aewer may be tiled In writing with tba undersigned within 20 day from tha date of tha Brat publication of thla notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLII. i. v Auditor of tha City of Portland. Aerwt 8, 1903. .. PROPOSED OK AIX OF SEWERS VK EAST THIRTT-UXTK, EAST THIBTT-8EVEHTR, EAST KAIir, AMD EAST MADISON STREETS AYS OTHER STRUTS AMD AVEBUES. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of tha Council of tba City of Portland, Ore goo, held ja tbe 6th day ot Augyst, 18U3, tha Maaolrd, That th Couoclfof th "City f rortiaao, urgon, oeooia it expdlnt and pro pose - to construct a chain of sewers In Eaat Thlrty-slxtb. Eaat Thlrtyoareath. Eaat Main, aad East Madlsoa atraat and other treat aad arenuea with all naeaaaarr catch basins, man-bolaa. lamp-boles and branch aa, aa folio we: Of vltrlned aawar Dip of eight lncbea clear lnalde diameter, from a point In Eaat Madleon atreet, which la 100 feet waat of tb aaat lln of th city boundary, to a point In Eaat Madleon atraat at Sylvan ava nu; thane of twelra lncbea rlearatualda diam eter to a point In EaatMadlaon atreet at Pretty maa aranua; thencarlwt fourteen luche claar Ins Ida diameter to a point la East Madlsoa atreet at Eaat Thirty eighth atreet: tbenca of sixteen lncbea dear Inside diameter to a nolat In Esst Mad! son atreet aj Eaat Thirty -" atraat; thanea or alghtaan lncbea clear Inalda TBtametW tit Eaat Thlrty-arnth atreet from a point In Eaat Madison atraat at Baat Thlrtg -rnth atreet to a point In Eaat Tbtrty-savsnih a tract at Eaat Main atreet: xbasc of twenty-two Inch elaar lnald diameter In Eaat Main atreet and Eaat Thirty-sixth atraat from a poini in icasi TBlrty-eevnth a creel ai hh Mala atraat to a nolnt In Eaat Tblrty-alxth atraat at Eaat Salmon atraat; tbenca of twenty tour incoea elaar Inside diameter to a connec tion with tba aewsr In Eaat Yamhill atraat at Mat Tblrty-alxth atreet: a aawar of vltnna sewer pin la East Main atraat from a point In Baat Main atraat 100 feat waat of tb at Una of tha dty boundary to a eonnaotloa with th propoaad aawar in Eaat Main street at East Tblrty-eeveutb atreet of tba following dlman sloaa; Of eight larbea clear lnalde dtaaMter from a nolnt In Eaat Main atraat 100 feet west f th aaat Una of tba dty boundary to a point in Mai nam a treat at Hylraa arenue; inenc of ten lncbea clear lnalde diameter to a point lu Eaat Main atreet at Eaat Thirty -eighth atraat, and thence of twelra lncbea claar lnalde diameter to a point In Eaat Mala atreet at tbe con naetlon with th proposed sewer in Esst Thirty-seventh ; a aewer af vitrified aewer pip In Baat Salmon atraat from a point aVO feet weat of tba aaat bouodarr of tba city to a con nection with tba propoaad aawar la Eaat Tblrty alxth atraat of tb following dimension: Of lgbt Inches clear lnald diameter from a point 100 reet west of the eaat Una of tba dty boundary to a point In Kat Salmon atraat at Sylvan aranna: tbenca of ten lncbea clear ln alde diameter to a point In Eaat Salmon atraat at Eaat Thlrty-dgbth atreet and thence of twelra lncbea clear lnalde diameter to a eoo- lection with tha propoaad aewer In Eaat Tblrty-alxth atreet; a sawer of vitrified aewer pip In Hawthorne arena and Srlvan avauoe to a connection with tbe propoaad aewer la Eaat Madleon atraat of th 4 following dlman In us t Of sight lncbea dear Inside dlsmeter from a point Tn Hawthorne avenue 100 feet weat of tba esst Una of (be city boundary to a point In Hawthorn areaua at driven arenue, ana tbenca of ten Inrhee clear Inside dlsmeter to connection with th sewer In Esst Madi son atraat ; a aewef of vitrified sawer pip In Hawthorn aranua and Prettrman arenue to a connection with tb proposed sewer In Esst Main street of the following dimensions: Of eight Inches dear lnalde diameter from a point in- Hawthorne arenue 100 feet weat or tba weat lln of Srlvan aranua extended aoatharly to a point In Hawthorne avenue at Pretty mn avenue, and theuce of ten lnchea clear lnald diameter to . a connection with tbe proposed sawer In Eaat Madleon atreet; a aewer of vit rified sewer pip In Hawthorn avenue and Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet from a point In Hawtborn avenue 100 feet eaat of tbe aoatharly exten sion of th west line of Prettyman avenue to a connection with the propoeed aewer In Eaat Madison street at Eaat Thirty-eighth , atreet of the fallowing dlmenalona: Of debt I neb a claar .Inside, diameter from a point In Haw thorne arenue 100 feet weat of tba southerly extension of Prettyman arenas to a point In Hawthorne avenua at Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet nd thence of ten lncbea clear lnalde diameter to a connection with the nropoaed sewer In East Madison street st East Thirty -eighth atreet: a aewer of vitrified aewer pipe tn Hawthorne ave nue ana naat Tbirty-arrenth atreet rrom a point In Hawthorne arenue 100 feet weat ot the aoutberlr extemlon of th west line nf Esst Thirty-eighth street to s connection wltb th proposed sewer in Esst Msdlson street at Esst Thlrty serenth street of the following dimen sions: Of eight Inches claar lnalde diameter from a point In Hawthorne arenue 100 feet weat nf tbe southerly extension of East Thir ty -eighth street to a point In Hawthorne are nna at Eaat Thirty-seventh street and thence of ten inches clear Inside diameter to a con nection with the propoeed aewer In Eaat Madi son street at East Thlrt.v -seventh street: a aewer of rl trifled sewer pipe In Esst Thlrty slxtb street from point In Esst Thlrty-slxtb treat 18 feet south of tbe north line nf Haw thorne srenu to a connection with the pro poeed aewer in Esst Thirty-sixth street at East Main street of the following dimensions: Of sight lncbea clear lnald diameter from a point In East Thlrty-slxtb street 18 feet south of the north line of Hawthorne srenne to s point In Esst Thirty-sixth street st Esst Madison street, and thence of ten lnchea clear lnalde diameter to .a connection with the proposed sewer In Esst Tblrty-alxth atreet at East Msln treet. The laid chain of sewers to he constructed for tbe purpose of sewering and draining all the lota, parte af lota and parcela of land lying within the district, hounded snd described ss follows: Beginning In the renter Una of Haw thorns avenue wbere the aame Is Intersected by the esst line of the city boundary; tbenca northerly along the eaat line of the city boun dary to a point 100 feet north of the north line or Kaat naimon street; thence westerly on s line 100 feet north of snd parallel with' the north Una of Eaat Salmon street to a point 100 feet weat ot the wast Una of Prettyman avenue; tbenca northerly on a line 100 feet west of and parallel with tha weat Una of Prettyman arenue to a point 100 feet north of the north line of Eaat Taylor atreet; thence weaterly on a line 100 feet north of and paral lel with tbe north lln of East Taylor atreet to a point 100 feet west of tha weat Una of Eaat Thirty-sixth street: tbenca southerly on a line I 'to reet west or ana parallel with the west line of East Thirty-sixth s,treet to a point km reet sontn or tne soutn line or East Main street; thence westerly on s lln 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line nf East Main atraat. thence westerly oa a Una 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Eaat Main atreet to s point 100 reet esst ot the east line of Esst Thirty-fifth street; thence southerly on a una 100 reet eaat or ana parallel with the east lln of Esst Thirty-fifth street to tbs center line of Hawthorne arenue; thence eaat erly on the center line of Hawthorne arenue to th point at the center line of East Thlrtr- erenth treat: thence south on the center line of sst Thirty-seventh street extended south erly In Its present conrae to a point 100 feet aouth of the south line of Hawthorne avenue: thenc easterly on a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the aouth line or Hawthorne ave nue to tbe eaat line of the cltv houndarr. ibence north on tbe east line of city boundary to place of beginning, containing 68 acres more or less. The cost of constructing said chain nf sew ers is to be assessed sa provior-d by the Cltv Charter upon the property apeclaliy benefited thereby end which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lota and parcela nf land within the district hereinbefore bounded and described. ' The aa d chain of sewers la to be known ss Sunnyslde Sewer Third Extension, and.la to be constructed In accordance with the plana, apeci- flcatlona ana estimates tnereror prepared ty the City Engineer snd filed In the office ot tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on the 31 at dsy of Jnly, 1908. endorsed: "City Engineer's nlana snd aoeclflcstlons for a aewer In Hunnv- alile Sewer Third Extension and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof." The Enalneer'a estimate of the probable total coat of the construction of said chain of (ew ers Is 310.466.00. The nlsns. specifications snd estimates of the City Engineer for the construction of aald chain of sewers are hereby adopted. Reaolred, That tne Anaitor or tne city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to giro notice of the proposed construction of said chsln of sewers ss prorlded by tbe City Char ter. Remonstrance against tha above sewer may be filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 daya from tbe date of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tha City of Portland. August 8. 1908.' a Una nf 100 feet aoatb of and parallel with tha aouth lln of Morris street (nd tha south Una of Preacott (treet and between a lln 100 feet weat of and parallel with tha weat Una of Mlaaleslppl avenue and a Una 100 feet east of aad parallel with tba aaat Un of Missis sippi venue. Tb Engineer's eatlmatea of tbe probabla to tal coat of Improving aald Mississippi avenue 1 1 16, 428.00. xAoaavui4a,to b classed a plank rosdwsy i'mflrrivemenc "-aim- -Ci maintained by tbe City for a period of four yeare. provided, that tbe owners 01 a majority of tha property benefited by aald Improrement or any portion thereof ahall not petition far a new or diirerent improvement berore tna expire tlon of auch narlod. '" . The plana, apeclfiratlona and eatlmatea of th Cltv Enaineer for the Improvement of aald Mlaalaalnut aranna are herehr a dot) ted. Rewired. That, the Andltor of tha City of rortiana oe ana ne IB nereny nirecirej 'tw notice of . tbe propoeed Improrement of said avenue sa prorlded by the City Charter. Remonstrance agalnat the (hove improve ment' may b filed In writing wltb th under algned within 2r daya from th data of tha firat publication of thla notice. By order of the Council. -jreWfi-wI1litc--' Angnat 8. IPoS. PROPOSED SEWER IB 00I-O. STREET. Notice la harabr siren thst st th meeting of .the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on the ,1th day nf Auguat, 1903, tba following reaolutlon was s dopted: Reaolred. That th Council nf tha City or Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro pose to construct a sewer In Going atreet from 16 feat weat of th aaat Una af Eaat Tenth a tract to tbe propoaad aewer In Union arenue of rltrUIed aewer pipe wltb all neceaaary ratch- naaina, man-noi, lamp-noi ana nrsncnea, Tb aald aewr to b of tha following dimen sions: Of sight Inches claar lnalde diameter from a point In Onlng atraat 14 feet weet of the eaat lln of Eaat Tenth atreet to a point In Eaat Eighth atreet and Ibence of ten lncbea dear Inside diameter to a point In doing "treat at Eaat nixtn atreet. and tnene or twelve Inche clear lnald. diameter tn a connection with tha nropnaed law er la Union avenue, and to be constructed I accordance with tba plans, spedflcarlona snd estimates therefor prepared by the City Engt&eer and filed In tha ofllca of the Auditor nf the City of Portland on tbe Slat dsy of July, long, endorsed: "Cltv Engi neer's plana snd aoeclflcatlona for the construe tlon f a aewer In doing street from 18 feet west nf tba east Un nf Kaat Tenth atraat to the propoeed aawar In Union avenue and the estlmstes of tbe work to b don and tha prob abla total coat fbereof," The coat of (aid aewer to ha aaaeaaed aa pro vided by tha Cltr Charter upon the nre Prty specially benefited thereby aad which la hereby declared tn be all the lota, parts or lots snd naecela nf land lrlna hot wean a Una 10O feat eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat Una of Baat Tnth atraat and a Una Ifto feat eaat of and Crallel with the eaat Hue of Union avenue, and tween a Un 100 feet north of and parallel wltb tb north Una of Oolng atreet and a Una 100 feat south of and parallel with tha aoutb line of Oolng atraat. The Engineer' eatlmate of tbe probable to tal coat for tbe construction of a aewer In aald Oolng atraat la II. HOT 00. Tbe plana, specifications and estimatea of tbe City Enaineer for tb eonetrnetion of a sawar in said Oolng street are hereby adopted. Reeolved. Thst the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to glee notice of tbe proposed construction of said sewer ss prorlded by the City Cherter. Remonetrsnce agalnat the shore aewer may he filed In writing with the undersigned within 90 days from tha date of tba first publication of this notice. By order ot the Council. THOS. C. DEVLI. Andltor of tha City of Portland. Aaguat 8. 1903, PROPOSED CHAB0E OF ORADE OF KJLL- .IVOSW0RTK AVEHUE. Notice I hereby given that at tha meeting of the Oouncll af th City of Portland. Or., held on the 6th day of August, 1903, tbe following resolution wss sdopted: Reaolred, Thst notice Is given that tb Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, pro poses to rhsnge snd establlab tba grade of kllllngaworth arenue aa follows: At tha center line of Williams a venae from 198 80 feet to 200.80 feet. At the center line or Moore street from 200.80 feet to 201.30 feet above tba baa of City gradea. Reaolred, That th Andltor of the City of Portland be snd be Is hereby directed to glv notice of th proposed change of grade of ssld street ss provided by the city Charter. Remonstrance agalnat tne snore mens or arte mar he filed In writing witn tne under- algned within 20 daya from th data of tb first publication or tnia notice. By order ot th Council. . THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. Angnet 8 1PAT 'wVlilYtYi ir . 1 1 t-B a union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST. DAILY Through PalUaaa (Uadard aad faartet Vaa. log cars dslly to Omaha. C-SsarV Spoken tourlat sleeping ears dally to Saaaa CUy through pBllmsa toarist aleapta aara tfwaaa. ally conducted I weakly to uhlcsgat Baa- nir, recimiuB - ' a .a -' Kaat aally. UNIO.t DEPOT. CHICAGO POBTLAED SPECIAL. For tha East via Baat-tagtoa. SPOKANE FLTBB. For Baetera Wash lag too. Walla Walla, Law latoa. Cou aAla and Great Jlorlfcera points. ATLANTIC BIPBnaM. Fur th Eaat via Usat-lagtna. t-30 a. aa. Dally. 1:0 a. a. bally. 8:1S p. -any. AM 4 at) p. to. 'Hall'. TS to aj, -aoly. . ' 10:8 Dallg. OOEAB ABD BITER SCrXEXrTfXJb FOR SAN FRANCISCO. S. S. Oao. W. Elder August 10, 90. SO. S. 8. Columbia Auguat 6, 18, 96. I From Alaska Docfc. S.uc w m. M to. Ooluarble River Drrietea. FOB ASTORIA aad war S O p. to. potato, coaaoctlBg with Dally, etmr. for llwae aadl'I Bandar North Beach, air. Mia- (Saturday Sato. Ash -at dock. 10:00 p. a. IiOO p. sa. POTTER SAILING DATES (Aa at. r,, Aug. 18. 9:10 a. m : Asa. 19. 10:30 s. m.: Asst. 90. 11:46 a. m : Aug. 21. 1:00 p. m.; Aug. U lha turday),. 1:4a p. m. TamhiU Error Roat. FOR DAYTON. Opsgwa City aad Yamhill Klvar nolota. sir. Blmora, Ash-St. dock. I Water perglittiBg.l T a. a. Taaaday. Thursday, Satarday. 80 to Monday, : Wednaeday, Frldaa. nana Error Raato. FOB LEWIBTON. Ida., ind way polnta, freaa Ripcrte. Wash., atsaaa er Bpokaao aad Law la ton. 4:06 a. to. Dally. aa. Bat. About - 0 00 a. a. isuiy s. Friday. TICKET OFFICB. Third a phone Mala ad WaahlBgtaav Tate. T19. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Keeg ealrtng af Rob. Nagasaki aad Shanghai, taxing fsatgtl via eonnectinc ataamara tor u.-n. -- amC aad Vladlroatock. IXDRASAMBA SAILS ABOUT F01T SS. For rate and fall lniis aan' - a draaa oflleUI or agaata af th O, M. 11. Oa. EAST SOUTH Leave. 8:30 p. ml RAILROAD T1M-TABL-B. I I -9t . in 1 si uprr 1 ..... . to - to --;-' AT , I WW 1 AU. 114:60 p. m. f $umi r 5 1 I Q (OCPtN. f MAgtAl I a nowTtt JOl tnnoy DEPOT. Antra. Is The Only Double-Track Railway between tbe Missouri River Chicago The Chicaeo-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world., Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific1 Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. , , Dally and personally conducted ex cursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco, through to Chicago without change. R.R.RITCHIE. Cea'l Art.. (17 Market St.. BAH fRAHC lCO, CAU A. C. BARKER, Gen I Art., 153 Third St, FOBTLAND, Oa a. Chicago & North-Western Ry. PROPOSED IPR0VIT OF MISSISSIPPI AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the Cltr of Portland. Oregon, held on tbe 6th dav of August, 1003, the following resolution wii sdopted: Besotted. That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient snd pro poses to improre Mississippi srenue from tbe aonth Una of Morris atreet to tbe south line of Preacott street, in the following manner, to wlt: lat By grading the street full width with full lntersectlona to the proper antegrade. 2nd By planking tbe roadway, full with with full Intersections. 3rd By constructing sidewalks ten feet wide with aix foot covering planks. The said Improvement to he made In ac cordance with tbe Charter and ordinance -of th City of Portland andthe plana, a pacifica tion and eatlmate ot the City Engineer filed in the office of tbe .Auditor of tba City of Portland on tha 81st dsy ot July 1008, Indorsed: "City Engineer' plana and sped flea tloaa for tha Improrement of Mississippi avenne from tha aoutb line ot Morris street to the sooth line ot Preacott street,., and the eatlmatea ot tha work to ba dona and tha probabla total cost thereof." The cost ot said Improvement ' ta ba aa. aaaaad a nrorided bi tha City . Charter anon tha . nronertv ' anectallv beneSted thereby and I I . , l vK ,14 .a k. .11 IK. 1. I parts of lota and paresis ot land lying batweea BALTIMORE, tr OHIO R. R AIX, TRAINS TODAY'S NEWS TODAY., OVERLAND RZPRE8K trslns, for Salem. Ro- hurg. A ah laud. gacra-J manto. Ogdea. Saa Fran- ciaco, Mot re, Los An-I galea, HI Paso, New Or leana and th Baat At Woodburn dallv (except Bundar). morn-l ling train for alt. An I gel. SUrrrton, Browns-I rtlle, Springfield, WaaM I ling and Ptron. Albany paaaeagar. con Inert at Wooburn with iMt. Angel and Sliver j 1 ton local. lOorvalll passenger. 'Sheridan passenger. 7:48 . m. T:00 p. :10:10 a. at 118:35 a. k 6:50 p. Dally. HDally except Sunday. Portland-Oaarego Suburban Service and Yamhill OlvLUm. Depot Foot of Jefferson Street. . Leave Portland dally for Oswero T:30 a. m.i 12:60, 2:06. 8:25, 6:20, 6:25, 8:80. 10:10 p. m. Dally (except 8nnday) 6:30. 6:80, 8:86. 10:2B a. m.; 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only, a. m. Returning from Oswego, nrrire Ptarlar' Intly 8:30 a. m-1 1:65. 8:06. e'35. 6:16. 7:35, IMS. 11:10 p. m. Dslly (except Sunday)' 6:25, T:J5. 0:30. 10 20, 11:45 a. m. Except Monday, 12: p. m. 'Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Leavea from aame depot for Da Uaa aad lntev mrdlate polnta dally (except Sunday) 4 .00 p.. tn. Arrive Portland 1J.J0 . M. Th Independenre-Mommouth Motor Lln operates dslly to Monmouth snd Alrlte, con necting with Southern Pacific Company's track at Dallaa and Independence. Flrit-claea rebate tickets on sale from Port lsnd 10 Sacramento and San r'rancteeo. Net rate HT.50. berth SS; second-class fare SIS. without rebate or berth; second -claas berth 2.50. Tickets to Eastern polnta ami Ktm.pe, in Jspsn, China. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third and Washlag ton streets. Phone, Main 712. C. W. STINGER, W. E. COMAH. City Ticket Agent. Gen. Paa. Agent xTHxN TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND 1 Puget Sound Limited, for Tscoma. Baattla, lllrmnla Sooth Bend and Gray'a Harbor polnta. North Coaat Limited, for Taeoma. Seattle, Butte. St. Paul. Ml neaoolla. Chlcaao. Ne York, Boston and points East and buutbeasc Twin-City Express, ror Taeoma. Sea UK Spo- an. Helena, n Fast, Uinneapolla Cblcaao. New York, Boston and all polnta Eaat aad southeast. fngst Soond - Ratteae Clt -St. Loula Special, for Taeoma. Seattle. Bpokan. Butte, Billing. Denrer. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Loula and all polnta Eaat and Sooth-eaat. Depart. 8:80 a. a. 1:00 n. m. 11:48 p. a. :80 a. oa, Arrive. 6 jo . m. T:00 a. . 7:00 p. m. tun ; AH train dallr arena ... Month branch. . - raiiinin. Assistant Central Passes a er AgeoiV S28 UorrlaoB Bt., one, Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia ) River Railroad Cor tMM a. s Daily. . 2:80. n. bv Set only.: T:0n . a. Eg Bat. CKI0N pIPOT. Tor Margsre, Ralale. Clatsksnl, - Waetport. Cllftoa. Aataria. Viae ran to, flarel, Bal B-ad f art Steven. Baarbart Park. Saaai-Mu Astoria - aad Heaarj : v , axgreaa, van. ' Astoria Express. Dally. Arriraa, Dally,- ' , 11:19 a. W : p. r. ; e, mi". 6. P. aad P. A.. Aarorx. it. R. t LEWIS, t omaersial Agoul, a..- - (ha s'beae Mala Wti, .. -