r Tins OltEGON 'DAILY' J OURNAI 'PORTLAND, SATURDAY r EVENINOr AUGUST 15.1. 1903. city y oners. ; crrr notion. CITY 4f OTICIS, CITY KOTICia. crrr voticxs. BAILXOAD TTjriTABtl. r tiopoizo hotziczvt oi oouztt ' Notlc Is hereby given that it th' netting t ths. Council pi tb City ot PortUnd. On- , aon," held oo the nth day of August, HW8, th moposed ncraorzKurr or xabi ran '. ...i.iWlIUIIitt 'f X? i Notlc la hereby given that gt tbt meeting of th Ooancll of tbt !ity of Portland. Ore gon,, beld oq the Btb day of August, 1V08, tb loiiowing resolution tu saoptea : Resolved. That tb Ooancll of tb City of Portland, Oregon, derma It expedient and pro- llowlng reeolutloa was adoDtsd Beeolvsd. , That the Connail af tha CJtr af Portland, Oregon, deems It exnedleat and pre- poaaa to Improve Corbatt strest from tba south- I poaaa to Improvs Esst Tantb street, from tha westerly, line of Hood atraat to tb north Una J nortb Una of Bawtboro svsnus 'to tb onth vi dt-j Nun itwh w ww nuawui aeauaer, i una ox uivisioa street M U wwwuf waaaea, to Wltl I to-Witt -"V7 nllMili street Ml width, with. I Ul-rBvaradlaa tba trt, full wjdtfc with wr WMuniNu i-pniW sui-grsue. 1 tmi' Intel setmuus to toe proper ir-a " una: y bringing tba aurtaee of tb atraat 2nd By bringing tha aurfae of tb street full Width ' with full lntaraactlona to Drooar I fall width with full interaerttnna to tha Drooar .grade wltb macadam, grade wltb apland baak gravel. '. .... Brdi By eonstruotlnf artlflcUl ta side- &rd By constructing artificial aton lda .walk a la accordance with tb City Engineers walks. plana, spacUcatlona and eetlmatss. . 4th By Uytng woods aroHwalka U foat - , t saying weoaea aruaawsims w nn u wiou. In width. .1 6th By oaetr Bating aton aaa box twtisrs la pordanca arltb tha Oltr IDnalnaar'a olana. aDacl-I nwiflratlnna and aailmatM. i iflcatlona-and aatlmataa. I Tb aald loprovtfmant to b toada la eoord- oam impruTauflni o do xnana in aconraanoa anoa witn id, coariar aaa orauianoaa i vam with tb charter and ordinance of tb City of City-of- Portland and tb plans, apctooatlon Hrtlaud and tb plans, paciacatlona and aa- and aatlmataa of tb City Enflaaw Atod la tb r tlmataa ot tba City Knglnaar Olad la tba offlc af - tb AadTtor of tb City offlc of tb Auditor of tba City of Portland on of Portland oa tb (1st day of July. IfHta, tna ara aay oc Auguat, lwos, indoraaa: "uity city or Portia od oa tb lat day oi jaiy, ivus, i, Knalnear'a Diana and anaXIAAatloiui for. tha Im. I InAnraail! ft Ratntf'i nlaaa and aDaaill' ""pruniuaat of -Oagbgtt a fpe-.T'hl U . for . tba Improraroi-nt of Kaat Tantb waatorly Una of Hood itml to tb north Una siraat from "Iba north Una of Hawtiiutfl ?naal . -ety:8-Ppttea4. a4a .pUna. iomdflc. I aaaaad as LP3.fl,W' 'IJ .!XL J"K2 1 !lr.! J5JS, K,B-l ,n TblrtjjWTab atraat nona ana aatlmataa or en i;uy snitinavr nmi i -ivyiu mnvuivM ammi ana atraai; tnanca ot iwui-iw In tha offlx of tha Auditor of tb City of Port- I wnicn u naraoy oaciarea to M in im k. incnaa claar Inalda dlamctar In Kaat Main of Baymour art nut and tb' aatlmataa ot tb I to tb aouth.lltta of Dlrlaloa atraat, and tb work to b don and tb probabl totaUaoat I aatlmataa of tb work to bo.doa and tb tberror." - . I probabl total ooat tharaot." Tba coat of aald Imnrovammt to ba aaaaaaad I Tba coat of aald Imoraramant to b aa- aa prorldod by tba City Cbartar apoa tba prop- aaaaad as prorldad by tha City Char tar anoa th arty apaclally banc!) tad tbaraby and which Is property apacially baaafltad tbaraby tad which hereby declared to ba all tb lots, part of lota la heraby declared to ba all tb lots, parts of snd parcels- of land lylnc between tb south- lots a ad paresis at land lying betweea a Un weaterly line o( Hood atrect aud the aorta loo feet north af and parallel wltb tba north Una of Seymoar areoue and betweea a line 100 Un of Hawthorn artaue and a Una 100 feet feet weaterly from and narallal with tba waat- aoath at tha aarallel with th South Un af rly Un of Oorbett atraat and a Un 100 feet Ptrlaloa ttreef and betweea a Un 100 feet eaaterly from and parallel with tb easterly waat of and parallel with th waat Un ef Un of Oorbett etreet. I Beat Teath street and Una 100 feet eaat of Tba Bnclnear's estimate of tb probabl total I and Parallel with th east Una ml East Tenth coat of the Improvement of said Cor belt street J street Is ta.M.oo. 1 The Bniineer'i eetimat ef tb probabl total Tb a bora Imaroremant la to b clsssed I eoet of tba ImoroTemaat ef said Eaat Tenth aa a macadam Improvement and aball b mala-1 atreet I glS.aiW.00, tamed by the rlty (or the period or roar ,ine aaere ltnprorenMBt u m a ciaaaea as aa yeara. prorldad that tha ownere ef s majority apland bank araeel Imsroyeawnt and aball b of tb property benefited by aald Improvement malntalaed by the Olty far tb period ef 4 or aay- portion thereof aball not petition for I yeara, pro Tided that tbe owner of a majority new or different Improvement before tb ax- of tb property benefited ly aald Improvement piratien or auch parioa. i a any voriioa uereoi aaau sjoi vwiiuon rar a - -'The olana. anaclBratlona and eat l ma tea ot i aaw or aiBarent imDrvmat Detore u ex the Pit Ene-tneae ti tha tmnrovemenl of aald I nlratlon ef ench narlod. Oorbett atreet ara hereby adopted. Tb plans, speelfioatloca) and aatlmataa of the , Reeolved. That tbe Auditor of tb City ef City Engineer for tbe Improvement ef said rartiana do and na la nereor niroctea to aive i mumt ifflia atrewi are aaewor aeovira. notice of tbe nroDoeed Improvement of said Beeolved. That th Auditor of tb City of atreet aa provided by tha City Charter. I rortlaad a and aa la hereby directed to give A remonatrance asalnat tba above Improve-1 notice ef tb prepoeed Improvement of (aid mm tit but h aiMt la wrltlne with the under-I atreet aa nrovldad he tha Cltr Charter. algned wltbln 30 day from tb data of th Bemoaotraoee agalnat tbe above Improve i meet may be filed la writing with tbe aqder. algned within 10 day fro th date of tb Brat publteatloa or u la notice. or eroar ox me veoacii. THOU. C. DXTVllI, Aadltor of tb aty of Portland. Aagmrt 8, 1BOS. PB0P0UD rjfPKOTXXXVX T1XXT. Of lrt publication of tbla notice. By oroer or tn council. THOMAS C. DKTLIlf. Auditor of tb City of Portland. Aogntt a, luua. PB0P0BZO IIWIB IV TTPBHTXB 1TBXIT. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting . or toe t ouncn or toe city or rortiana, ure- ?on. held on tb Btb day or Auauat, 180S, tba ullowlna reaolutlon waa a don ted: Keaolved. That the Council of tb City of goo. held a tb 8th day ef Aaguat. ltOS, the Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro- following reaolutloa waa adopted: poare . to conatruct a aewer In Upahnr atreet Beeolved, That tbe Council of tb City of from th weat Una of Nortb Portland to la- Portland, Oregon, deeBM It expedient sad pro- tersecloa wltb tbe sewer In Cpebur atreet at pose to Improve Karl street from tb eaat a point 9ii0 feet weat of Twenty-fifth street, line of lellwaukte -atreet to tbe weet Una of ot vltrlQod aewer pip with all oecaaaary catch- Eaat Twentieth street la tb following maa naiina. mannoiea, lamp Dole ana Drench, Notlc 1 hereby given that at th meetlnx of tha Oaaacll. of the City of Portland, Ore- UUBr grading th atreet fall width with 11 InteraecaoDs to tbe proper ab-grai Snd By bringing tba aorfaee of tha atreet to proper to-wlt The aald aewer to be of the followlna dlnaen- lone : Of eight lncbe clear Inalda diameter tall lateraactloDS from the west line of North Portland to a I 2nd By blind point In Cpahur atreet at Twenty-ewventh atreet: full width with fall Intersections thence uf ten tnchea clear tnaltta 1lamt tn I arada With BDland bank aravL a point at Twenty-eixtb atreet and tbeace of 8rd By eonatraetlng sidewalks with six foot twelve lnrbee clear Inalda diameter to a on- I eoverlag plank a. nectlon wltb tbe aewer in Upabur atreet at a I 4th By laying wooden eroaawalxe six teet burnt xno reet weat or Twenty-orth street, and wiata. to be constructed In accordance with tbe plana. I 6th By eonatraetlng (ton block gutters la tiU..lfl..llM.. mw.A .1 . . . , I -. . n U -l k a.. V n.l. u m nlau by tbe City Knrlneer and filed In the office I Deolftca tlona and aatlmataa. of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland oa tbe I 6th By eonatraetlng a box culvert oa tba Slat day of July, 1908, Indorsed: "City En- sooth aide of Karl atreet from a point 100 feet ameer i puna and apedncatlona ror a sewer I eaat or tb eaat un or seat nil taenia atreet la Upabur atreet from tbe west line of North I to tbe weet Una of Kaat Sixteenth atreet and In Portland to sewer In Crahar atreet 900 feet I Eaat Sixteenth atreet from tbe eoath Una of weat or Twenty-nrtn atreet snd ths eetlmarM I Karl atreet to tbe north line or Karl atreet. of tbe work to ba don and th probabl total I Ttb By eonatraetlng an elevated roadwar la coat inereoi. i accordance witn im mcy engineer s puna, The coat of said sewer to ba aaaaaaad aa I aoecinestiona and estimates. provided by the City Charter apoa tbe property I Tbe aald Improvement to ba made In ao apeclally benefited thereby and which la hereby I cor da nee with tbe Charter and ordinances of urriareu to d an toe iota, parrs ot lorn and parcels of land lrlng between the north Una of I pannr street and a line 1(10 reet nortb of and parallel therewith and between, tbe front h line of I'pehiir atreet and a Una 100 feet eoath of and parallel therewith and between tbe eaat tba City of Portland and tbe plana, speclnVa tlona and estimates of the City Engineer filed In tbe office- of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 81st day of July 1008, indorsed: City Engineer a plans snd specrncatlona for tLa improvement of Karl atreet from the eaat line of lot 0. block 2. and lot 0, block 1, At- I Una of Milwaukee atreet to tbe weat Una of klnaon'a Addition to tbe City of Portland, and East Twentieth atreet and tba rati ma tea of tha the west line of Nortb Portland. ' work to be done and tba probable total ooat The Rnrltwer'a eatlmata of the imihiku a. I ikMf ' in cost or tne cormtriirnna or a sewer Id said i panur street is si.ivh.ou. thereof. Tha coat of aald lmnrovement to be as aessed aa nrovldad br tiie City Charter mon The plana, speclflcatlona and estimate af tba the nronertv sDeclsllv benefited thereby and 1 117 r.nfrinccr ior tne construction or a In said rpabnr street are hereby adopted, . Keeolven, which ia hereby declared to be all tbe lota, narta of lota and parcels of land lylnc between That the Auditor of the Cite nf the eaat Una of Mllwaukle atreet and the west Ptirtland be and be Is hereby directed to aire I line of Eaat Twentieth atreet and between a notice of tbe DroDoaed construction of aald lln of ino feet north of and narallel with the sewer as provided by tbe City Charter. I north line of Karl street and a line 100 feet Bemonttrance against the above aewer may I south of and parallel Wltb the eoutb Un of ne men. in writing wun tne anaersignea witn in Karl atreet. riOPOIZS DCPKOTXMIirT .Of HAJCILTOH ATMTB., ; . ' Notlc 1 hrby given that at the meeting Ot the Ooancll of tb City of PortUnd. Ore- Ioa. held on th Btb day of Aaguat, 19V,. tb lowing reaolutlon waa adopted t, 1 Keeolved, That th Council of th Ctt of Per Hand, Oregoa, deem It expedient and pro pose to improve Hamilton avenue from th weat lis of tb Old Macadam Road to tb est Una of Weat street, la th following man ner, w-wit: fBOfoun ' DfPKOTmifT or . . Twnm-rouETH itixxt. Md-tio la hereby given that at th meeting sf ths Ooancll of th .City of PortUnd, Ore ion, held on tb 8th dsy of Aaguat, lUOoV tb tuiiowing res-oiutioa waa aaoptaai neaotved, xait piopoiru oKAtjr or imu nr just THIKTT SIXTH, XAST TEIBTY-SXTE1ITK, XAJT MAIV, AMD XAST MADIB01I TKXXTS AMD OTHXB STXXXTI ABD ATXHVXS. Hotlc Is hereby glva that at tb meeting wwnm, amm h MniKii ut im vilj wt I v,w,w uniur B'VVB tnat at IDS IAJ w ,ua Portland. Oree-oa. deema it axnedlent and are-1 bf tba Council of tba litv of Portland. Ore- poae to Improve Eaat Twenty fourth Street coo, held en tb Btb day of August, 1103, th from tb north Un of Multnomah atreet to following reaolutlon waa adopted: tb oata Un of Hahwy street la tb following Keeolved, That ths Council of tbs City of manner, to-wlt: Portland, Oregon, deama It sxoedlent and pro- 1st Bv aradlne tha atraat fnll width with I let By so as tract! nx artlflalal Stone sld. I Poses to conatruct a chain ut sewers OCt Wawse4av ,TAW-tr,-.r-y IgtJjrV --.. " 3xi-vuj, i HMt. ?lrt-alitljL East Thlrty-eaventb, East Snd By bringing the street full width wlthl M By ntrbcilng 6ou CroeiwiM taet ia wiuui. i eireeis ana aveuuea, witn all neceeaarjr caivn- 84 By cons true tins artificial aton drive- I baalua. nian-hoUa. lamD-holaa and branch, aa I way alx feet In width without euro, la a-1 follows: Of vitrified aewer pipe ot eight fall Intersections to proper . frd ' with . Ma eaosm. 8rd -By eonarructlnx arttfieUl stone aid- walk la accords ace with tba plana, speclnca- I cor dance with tbe City lug loser's plana, sped- Inches clear Inalda diameter, from a point In tlona and. aatlmataa af tha City En-rinear. to By eonatraetlng wooden sidewalks in sa nest lone and estimates. . I Eaat Madison atreet, which ia 100 feet weat joe saia improvemeni to n rosoe in ac-1 or tne east una of tbe city boundary, to a cordaac wltb tbe City Engineer's plans, sped-1 eordane with tbe Charter and ordinance of point In Eaat Madison atreet at Hylvan ava Ocatlons snd estimates. Lths City ef Portland and tbe plana, sped flea-1 nue; thence of twelve Incbea clear Inalda diem- thRe lvin wwtB aaaialfca at fast I tlons sad estimates sf tbe City Kite loser filed eter to a nolnt In But Madlann atraat at la width. I In tbs offlc of tb Auditor f th City of 1 Prettyman svsuu; thence of fourteen Inches - tn By eonatractlna box and stone garter I rortiana on tne aiai nay oi euiy i, inooraea: near insiae uumeter to . a point . iu In accordance with tha Ottr Eneineer's Diana. I "City Engineer's plana and speclflcatlona for Kaat Madison street st Esst Thirty specification and aatlmataa. I the improvement of East Twenty-fourth atreet eighth street; thence . of alt teen Incbea Ttb Br flosarrnetlae artificial atnn curb la from tba north Una ef Multnomah street to tbe clear Inslds diameter to a nolnt in Eaat Mad! accordance .with tbe City Engineer's plane, I aouth Un ot Haleer street snd tbs estimates I son street st Kaat Thirty -seven lb strset; thanes specifiostlna sad jsatlmstea. or tn work to P ooue and tne probable total or eighteen Incbea clear Inside diameter The, aald InneJMmeit n ha mad la I aoat thereof." Kaat Thlrtveeventh atreet from a nolnt eordane with tb Charter and ordinance of I The eoet of aald Improvement to be as-1 Kut Madison strset st Esst TblBty-ssvsntb lsnd on tbe 4th day of August. 1908, Indorsed! parts of lots and parcels af laud lying between street and Eaat Tblrty-elith atreet from a "miy engineer a plana ana pecincatiotiB w 1 : , " l""ul a,aai loirty-eeveau atreet -at m the improvement Of Hamilton avenue rrom tn ' 'r . atainj atreet to a point la Baal xniriy-aixm w ilu ,k. am iiimim ' aaid to aaat I 100 feet weat of and narallal .with tha weet 1 street at But aim.,n r-t iKrw of twentv- Itmm. m.t XOmmt m-A k uHnabi of tha I Una of Esst TwSH tV -f OUrt h street sad S Uns tour Inehoa eUer ImliU lamal-r to a connec- work to ba done and th prbbl total cost i tw teet east oi ou parauei wnB me uw wun tn sewer la Eaat xamnui atreet at thereof. I Un of Beat Twsnty-fonrth street. Esst Thlrty-sUta street; a aewer . of vitrified Tbe cost of ssld Improvement top ss-1 i n engineer esumsis oi ui proosoie total sewer pipe In Esst Main strset from s point provided by tbe City ensrter apoa i cost ot me iniproreni-m ot eaiu uet awenu-iin xisst Main atreet loo feet west or ins ssst irty specially benefited thereby and rourtn atreet ia si.or.o uo. ' the city boundary to a conctlon with i..k. e. ka all tha lota. I Tba plana, aped flea tlona and estimates of tbs ths nroDosad aewer in Ua.t Main atreet at Eaat parts of lots and pa res la of land lying between Of tbe City Engineer for tbe Improvement ot Tblrty-seventb street ot tbe following dlmen a Un 100 feet north of and parallel with ths said Eaat Twenty-fourth street are hereby sloaai of eight Incbea clear Inalda diameter north line f Hamilton (vena and lln loo aoopieo.. .1 rnm " ln East Main atreet 100 reet weal e .k. . ..a UHn.l trh the anutk lino I Keeolved. That tbs Auditor of tbs City Of of the east lino of the hnnndar to a nolnt e n.ii.- .. kmtmm the aaat Una I Portland be and he Is hereby directed to live I la Kaat elate, atet--at a. . .a.nuo: theaoe of Weet stret and th west Un ot tb Old notice uf th proposed Improvement of paid at tea Inches clear Inside diameter to a point Macadam Road. ' street ss provided by tbe Olty Charter. la Kaat Mala atreet at Eaat Thirty-eighth Tbe Engineer's eatlmata of th probable Bemonstrsace agalnat the above improve- street, and thence of twelve Inches clear Inside total eoet of Improving aald Hamilton arenas ojent msy bs filed In writing with the under- diameter to a point In Eaat Main atreet at the . al enA saw 4 li I ea "atl m m eras f SASki the t a I o aw S h a . . . ,1 . i I . i ke A la aia KM. on. The above Improvement 1 ro be elsaeed as a macadam Improvement and aball be maintained by the City for the period ef foar years, pro vided, that tbe owners of th majority of tha property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof aball not petition for a new or different Improvement before tb expiration ot such period. Th puns, peciHcsnon sna senmsis ot tne algned wltbln SO days from tbs date of tha connection with tbe prepoeed aewer ln Eaat first publication nf this notice By oroer or us council. TH08. 0. PE VlilN, Aadltor of tbs City of PortUnd. August 8, 1808. rxorosxo sxwxx nr nxsoorr btkxit. Tblrty-seventb ; a sewer of vitrified sewer pipe ia seat atmoa atreet from a point 100 reel west or tne eeat Dounaarr or the city to a con nectioa with tbe nroDoeed aewer in East Thirty sixth street of the following dimensions: Of sight inches elesr inside diameter from a point 100 feet weat of tbe east Una of tbe city boundary to a point In Kaat Salmon atreet at syivan avenue; thence of ten incbea clear in. Hty rfngineer'for tbe lmprov.m.t ot ald LA JSr,f fL'l'ri.'of 'krtLril"1 He diameter to a point In Bast S.lmon strset Hsmllton svenne r hereby sdopted. I ?'MtbT "L I. , c! ' ?' '"l' ' ." Thirty-eighth strset sod tbsnes of .KT?? 1? .'VIWVTL' . .i htld on tb 6th dsr of Aurnat. 1003. tbe-fol- nraoivvu. ion me " V"' I !. i .a....a PortUnd be and he la hereby directed to give "Zi.j t7. ,ri y'.r",; twelve Incbea clear Inalda diameter to a con- tecHon wltb tba proposed sswrr In Esst Tbtr- tteeoivea. tdsi ids (.ouncu or ins i ltv or it,i.,k ... , . . . i . PortUnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro-I n Hawthorne 'avenue and Srlvan avanae to a H twAtwm nt thai fVini.fil- THOS. 0. DBTLIW. Auditor of ths City of PortUnd. August 8. 1908. notice of the nroDosed Improvement ot said KjjfAa Wa i - H r4.Bpee .,iwmmj vj m. Innate to eonatroet a aewer In Preaontt afrajit I ."Z .7 ' . " ' . " . Kemona trance against tna aoove iBpnny i v-- I """seiion wun toe propoaeu sewer ih ment may be Bled In writing witn tn anoer-i "--.--" . ... ssaaiaon atreet ot tna rniiowmg Dimensions : signed within 90 dsys from th date of th " "l , V,.",' , ' pp ' CI eight Inches c ear Inslds diameter from s lTpabllcstion'of thU notlc. irXW "W'LPiP SiVSl1. -" Jf ' ' ----- --.. - r.' z , eaei une ot tne city Doimaarv to a point in branches The aald aewer to be of tbe f.il- Hawthorne avenue at Sylvan avenue, and lowing dimensions: Of eight lnchea clear In- thence of ten inches elesr Inslds dlsmeter to slds diameter from a point In Present t atreet muhiu k. - . i r-. . u.ai. at Eaat Tenth street to s point tn East Eighth aon street: s aewer of vltrlfled sewer dIdo In. wenwnsrn anrwa tbt VAaf TUHMHtTH """" . I .....u. Hawthorne avenue and l-rettvman avenue to PXOrOBXS BXWXX .IM XAST lwisIUW dUmetar to a point ln Preaeott atreet at Kaat I. connecUon with tbe proposed sewer in Esst nixtn atreet, ana tnenoe oi iweiT. incue. IW,r M,n ,treet of tbe following dimensions: Of Notlc to hereb: f tb Ooancll o goa. held on tb following resolution Keeolved. That Pneflaait rkrea-nn. - ' . i T . I Ue W& MUlt iuuuiku. v. uup.,,w noeaB an Dinnri b aewer m awe awvumcm i ,iuAnihii in. ik. Mwiim-Mnii e -. , . , . itrt frorn 85 feet outb -of TJompeoj, .Ut ;-"-,n-TtreetT tTV ZTl .H.'-S i 1 r. a a mm4m a 1 1 awel h - I V. ' . . I 1UIA UI UW WVfJl UQI OI rrBllT UlalO ITfliDS IV clear Inalda diameter with all neceaaary catch- of th, work j. h, done and tha probable la connection with th. neon.iud ae.ee In K..t haaina MfiJiniM. iimn-AniM aon orsncneB. id -.-..i - -i s I - -. . - r ; ... . accordance with the pUns, specifications snd nm CfMt ot ttlA m.w to b, assessed estimate mere ror preperea aw viir u- Drovlded by i ..a aui 1 tv.m aSIm nt th Andltnr I - .. . ' . d, th a tha meottne '"""V J" " eignt incnee elesr Inside diameter prom a point J .1. tv of PorUand Sre Pf,' l Un'o" nd ,t0 ' In H.wthorne avenue 100 feet Weet of the f tbe City, or Portland, twe- .tracted accordance with the plana, sped- w. n. a.i... i. Btb day Of August, IVOe, ..a aatlmates therefor Dreoared bv the l. . ." . . . i ii. l.u " " . . u... , waa adopted I : Cltr Bnglnew and filed In tbe office of the avenne. and thence of tan Inches clear Inalda eEa-fnt aW .-'"""' th. prono.sd aewer in Kaat maaiaoo street: a aewer or vit- Madlaon atreet at East Thlrty-slgbth street of tbe following dimensions: Of eight Inches wi iijr i,uirr uu iu yiur,, clear insula diameter rrom a point in tue- T. . T . ik. .Ta daV nf 'Pwdaiiy Denenieo tnereny ana wnicn is nereoy thorne avenae 100 feet weat of tba soother y ?tteCJlt7.LJS3 'Vtv EMlnier'. nlsne a,f Uni ""w P"uor extension of rrettyman avenue to a point In icat'iotrfor-. ..trnEE.1.rTV.nPt!"h, Kffi. ?'"' fj,n 'J lSLlS if.l 'W' i sou uif-ucfj oi in mcon rir lOBiav aiimciAr nw. r?. Vl"."4 t-.lT:" Tenth trt ana -i nm 1(W Mat of and to a ruction with tb rrowwad Mwtr Id E..t areawewB aa Urliei WIIU UIJ Mm klU9 Ot i'UlUO BTCDUV, MaaiatOD ttrvOt at l-Aflt Ts-lrtT -elffOtlx atlVt '. ft fK0'? "a tt PrWbU toU' d btw"' '" 100 north or n1 P"- ewer of VlWfled sew" pip. irHsw?hornrave eoet tbereof. . mmmmmamA allel with the north line of Preaeott atreet and nue and Eaat Thirty-seventh strset from s .".."cls'rtlr aton"meprop- ' "l' STLSSSI wlth tt -" .'? "TL ' r .iVii- K.iit.d i,.r.hv and which la 1 ... . . . me souioerir extension or tne west line or nasi erty .pedsHy benefited thereby snd which I. n,, Engineer's estimate of the probable Thirty-eighth street to s connection with the hereby declsred to be all th tote, parts of toU, ,, for th coosrrncrlon of a sewer in proposed sewer ln Esst Msdlson street st East lots snd parcels of land JW .th ssld Preaeott street Is 81, TBT. 00. ThlrtTventh Street of the following dli." joutb 11ns of Thompwn street snd s lln. 100 n, pUn .pmo.tto,,. ,n() Mtlmstes of tbs .ions: Of eight Inches elesr Inside dimeter .nS f hlt-e.? a Tta. 100 CTt7 Engineer for the eonstmctlon of a aewer from a point in Hawthorne arenas 100 feet of Tt.tamook atreet . lw,.wD ." ln aald Preaeott atreet are hereby adopted weat of the aoutb.rly extension of Esst Thlr- feet esst of and parallel with the east line RaoiTrd. That tba Auditor of tbe City of ty-elghtb atreet to a point ln Hawtborne eve- of East Twentieth . atreet and. a Una 100 feet Porti.d k. .d h, is hereby directed to aiv 7 .. .t Thi,t.eV.nTh .JiT .J Vv,. imI narallal with tha west line OT 1 ... - . . a ' . . , I . - - - -- - S : m 7i .1. lT-. ' - nonce ot xoe iirwwo.ru mrairurura ot aaiu or ten lncbcs clear inslds diameter to a con Eoet Twentletn atreet. sewer ss provided by ths City Charter. nectlon with the ornnnaed aawea in East Madl. rut, mr n,.,i HtiRiiTi nr rna nrnnBniB ma i - i . -t -1 - , - - . r --- jrum ouiuii . k-" - ite monstrance sgsinst tne snove sewer may aon strset st Eaat Thlrtr-eeventh atreet! a lLlmSt:S M82VW" ,led 'Si: WTitia Tith h.tanderign.d within IZml 'oV vltrlfled mwm pfp?" E..t Thirty' "-SI idLn.d.tl.a.te. of th. ,rom u a,u of th Publication ,,th street from s point ii Esst Tblrty-slxth lDnlJ rEi c?r-tctToaf a aUeJ 'Jhit P"1' -v ., street 18 feet south if tbs north line of llsw- SW. Jf'fV.-.7hM,".0r.h!v ' ord " "A. thorne avenue to a eonntlon wltb tb. pro- Un of 1X fset aoath of and parallel with tb aouth lln of Morra atreet and tbe aoath line of Preaeott strset Ind between a Un 100 feet weet of and pars Hat wttb tbe west Un of Mississippi s venue awd a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with the eaat line ot Missis sippi svsnus. Tb Engineer' eetlmatee of tba probable to tal cost of Improving ssld Mississippi svsnus to 818,435.00. Ths above Improvement Is to be clssssd ss plsnk resdwsy Improvement snd sbsll bs maintained by tbe City for a period of four yesrs. provided, tbst Ui. owners df a majority of the property benefited by ssld Improvement X7T.T '.r d. not petition tor a new or different Improvoraew oro ii'rre- tlnn or aurb period. Tbe plana, apecificatlons snd estimate of th City Engineer for th improvement ot ssld MlaalaalDnl avenne ara herehv adoDted. Keaolved. That th. Auditor of tbe City ef Portland be and ba Is biwvbr directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld avenue aa provided by tbe City Charter. Kemonstrsnce against ths shove improve ment msv bs filed In wrltlnx wltb tb ander signed wltbln 2o dsys from th date ot tb first publication of this notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of PortUnd, Angust 8. 1008. ewTVf. ' w ' " . V .?xorj38rajusB;ra..QQiwft.jTxixt... Notice -Is herebv xlven thst st tbe meeting of the Council of the City of PortUnd, Ore- ?n. beld on the 6th day of August, lOot; tb ollowing reaolutlon was sdopted: Keeolved. Thai tha Council of tbe City ef PortUnd. Oreaon. deems It expedient and pro. poses to construct a aewer In Going atreet from 18 feet weet nf the east Una of Esst Tenth street to the nronosed sewer In Union svenus or vttnoed sewer pipe with sil necessary caicn- basins, man Doles, lamp-nnie snd nrsneuea. Tbe ssld sswer to be nt the following dlnieu alnna: Of elaht lnchea clear Inside diameter rrom a point In nlng street 10 leet weat at the east line or East Tenth strset to a point ln East Elehth atreet and thence of tea Incnee clear inalda diameter to a point ln Oolng atreet at Eaat Sixth atreet. snd uence ot twelve Inches elesr lnsld. dlsmeter to a connection wltb the nropoeed lewer ln fnion avenue, and to be constructed accordance with the plsns, sped flea tlDfte and estimates therefor prepared by tbe tity KngliMir ami men in tne omce ot tbe Auditor of tbe City nf PortUnd on the list day of July, IPO, endorsed: "Cltv Engi neer's plsns snd speclflcstlons for tbe const r tlon of s sswer ln Oolng street from 18 feet weat of tbe esst line of Esst Tenth street to tbe nronosed sewer In i nlon svenne snd tbs estimates of tbs work to bs dons snd tbs prob able total coat thereof. Tbe coat of aald aewer to be s sees sad aa pro vided by the City Charter noon tbe property specially benefited thereby and wblcb la hereby declared tn be all the lota, parte of lota and Darcela of land Wins between s line 100 feet east of sod parallel wltb tbe eaat line of Eaat Tenth atreet and a line loo feet east of and parallel with the east Una of Union avenne, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Oolng street snd a Una loo feet south of and parallel with th sooth line of Oolng street. Tbs Engineer's estimate of the probsbls to tal Tnstr the construction of sewer In ssld Oolng street la 81. S7 00. The nUns aneclflcatlona snd estimates of tbs City Engineer for the construction of s sewer ln said Oolng street are hereby adopted. Reeolved. That tbe Auditor or the City or Portland be and he la herebv directed to give notice of the proposed construction of ssld sewer aa provided bv tha City Charter. Remonatrance against ths shove sewer msy be filed In writing with ths undersigned within 10 days from tb. dsts of ths first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THON. C. PEYI-I. Auditor of tbe aty of Portland. August 8. 1008. 3f ilars frr.m tha data ot th first publication or this notice. By order of the Council. TFJ0S. C. DEVLIN, Aadltor af tbs City ot PortUnd. August 8. 1003. ASSESSMENT FOB IMPBOVXMINT OT BTLL- nroswoxxK avxhti. Notice to hereby given tbst ths Council of th ,u Pr,od The Knrlneer's estimates of tbe nrobabls totsi cost or improving saia n.ari atreet ia aw, 215.00. The above Improvement la to be clsssed aa travel Improvement and aball be maintained by the city ror tne perioa or e yeara, proviaea that the ownera of a majority ot the property benefited br aald improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement before tb expiration of City of PortUnd, Oregon, st a meeting bald on the run asy or August, jvoa, declared tn aa. Bveameot by Ordinance No. 18.4T8. for tb lm. provement of Kllllngsworth avenue, from tb east un or rait on avenue to tn seat Up of Michigan avenue, ln the manner provided by Ordinance No. 18,034, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, wblch are specially and peculiarly oenentad, to pa ss rouows, vis: North Alhlna Block 1. lot 4. Jsmes B. Olmsted. ...I 61 54 Block i. lot 8. Jsmes B. Olmsted.... T.M Block 1, lot 0. Oak Lumber Co 90 80 Block 1, lot B, Osk Lumber Co 8X88 Block 2. lot 4. Mlchsel Malerboefer.. 84.86 Block 3, lot 8, Michael Malerboefer.. 30.98 Block 2. lot 8, P. H. Marlay 15.08 Block 2. lot C, Anton Materhoefer.... 86.65 Block 8, lot 4, li. K. Klncald 66.21 Block 8, lot 8, Augusta Klncald Block 8, lot 6. Maggie E. Chnrcb Block 3, lot 6, Maggie E. Church Block 4. lot 4, Jennie D. Langhead..., Block 4, lot 8, Jennie D. Langhead.... Block 4, lot 8, Jennie D. Langhead..., Block 4. lot 6. Jennie D. Langhead.... Block B, lot 4, Tbeo. Venn'eratrom and 0. A. Vennerstrom est., heirs of . . . . Block 6, lot 8, Tbeo. Vennerstrom snd O. A. Vennerstrom est., heirs of.... Block B, lot 6, James W. and Barah - Rlnaban Block 6. lot 8, Bisters of Mercy of Portland Block 6, lot 0, Michael P. Brady...... tract of Und lying betweea tbe eaat line of block 6, North Alblna, and tbe eaat Una ot Michigan avenae, ex tended northerly in its present coarse, snd between the north line of Kll llngsworth svenae and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, A. . E. and C. V. Oantenbeln North half ot lot "B" In M. Patton'a Tract Lot ,. Kittle Com hot 6, Kittle Coe. Lot 4, Kittle Coe Lot 8. Kittle Coe Lot 2, Kittle Coe... The Diana. sneclficaHons snd estimste ef the City Engineer for tbe Improvement af aald Karl atreet are hereby adoDted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the City, of Portland be and be is nereov directed to give notice of th proposed Improvement of Said street ss Drovlded by tbe City Charter. Remonstrance sgsinst tne snovs improve ment mar be filed ln writing with the onder algned within 20 days from tbs dsts of tha nrer publication oi tnia notice. By oroer or tna txranrii. IHU9. V. UHVLil.V, Auditor of tba City of Portland. Aognat 8, 1908. PROPOSED .or .upsBrrnt 14.82 M.S6 IT.01 11.84 i Iof-l, Adrian McCalman , Plat ot tbe survey of the eub-dlvUlon of lot "C" in M. Pstton's Tract Block 2, lot 20, Margaret Muldoon.... Block 2. lot 10, Margaret Muldoon.... Block 2, lot 2, Margaret Muldoon.... Block 2. lot 1. Margaret Muldoon.... Block 1, lot 20, Margaret, James snd award Muldoon ,,. lock 1. lot 10. Margsret. Jsmes and Edward Muldoon Edward Mumoon Block 1, lot 1, Margaret, Jam and Edward Muldoon Subdivision of all of Track K and part ot Tract D In tba M. Patton'a Tract Block 2, tot 10, Samuel Oaborn ...... Block 2, lot 8, Samuel Osborne Block 2, lot 2, May E. Swigort.. Block 3. lot 1, Burt E. Near M. -Patton'a Tract consisting of division ' Into lota or parcels ot land from A to T Inclusive North 100 feet of west 80 feet of east 230 feet, lot D. Msy E. Swlgert .... . North 100 feet of esst 200 feet of lot .. D. .Charles Beck W. J. Pstton's eub-dlrlslon of block I ln M. Pstton's Tract Block 1, lot 1. Mecbael P. Brady Block 1, lot 2. Mary E. Swlgert.. Block 1. N BS ft. of lot 8, Mary B. "Bight of way city'aadSubarbaa' Ball- way CO. ' Total ....... ....:. -S. 81.722.11 'A statement of aforesaid ssaeesment baa been entered ln tbe Docket bf City Ltena, and la now due and payable at tb offlc of th City Trea 1 rer, In lawful money of the United Stares and 3f not. paid within thirty days from tbe date of - this notice, such proceedings will be taken for ' th collection of tbe same -a are provided by tbe Charter of tbe City of PortUnd. The above assessment -will, bear Interest tea days after tha first publication of tbla notice. . TH08. C DEVLIN," ' Aadltor of h City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Aaguat 12, 1908. . .IMPROVEMENT STBEET. Notlc to hereby given tbst at th meeting in 7K I of the Council of tbe Olty of Portland. Ore- 20.87 goo, beld oo tbe 6th day ot Aaguat, 1908, th TO 80 following reeolatioa waa sdopted: 88.44 Reeolved, That tha Council of th City ot Id km PortUnd. Oreron. deema It expedient and pro- 15. 6T I proses to Improvs Upshur street from tbe esst os.VW I un or 'rwenty-eixiu street to toe west une of North PortUnd. in tne roiiowing manner. 80.61 to-wtt: .... let By grading tbe strset run wiata wltb full intersections to tn proper suo-grsa 2d By bringing tb surf see of ths street full width with faU Intersections to bkidw grade with macadam. . ,. 8d tsj cnoBtrBCTtng arunciat stone si ne ws Its. 4th By uying wooden crosswalks six reet in wiuta. Btb By eonatraetlng atone gatters. Raid lmDrovemsnt to be made In ac cordance with tbe Charter and ordinance of the Cltr of PortUnd and tbe plana, speclnca tlona" and eatlmatea of the Citv Engineer filed is.au in the office of tb Auditor or tbe city or Port- land on the Sd day of August, 1803, Indorsed: "Oitv Engineer's nlana and anedflcatlona for 9.45 I Ih. ImnmHmtnt nf fTnshar street renm th. 91. T8 I . lln. nt Twentv-alTth atreet tn th. wa. 28.81 nt Worth Portland and tha aatlmataa nt the work to ba dona ana tne probable total 2v 2S " thereof" o'.bO I The coat of ssld Improvement to ba as sessed as Drovlded by the City Charter anon 4h. nMiupfv aneelellv benefited thepehv and ii wnicn is nsreoy aeciarea to oe an toe iota. parts of lots and parcels or land lying between 14.5T I II-. inn t laaf nt and n.r.tl.1 with tha 66-80 eaat line of Twenty-sixth atreet and a Una 100 feat weat of and parallel with th wsst line PO-Sl 0t North PortUnd. and between a Un 100 . feet north of and parallel with tha north 10.86 llne 0f Upahnr street and s line 100 feet south of snd parallel wun tn sontn line or Upshur street. Tk. lavlnaw's aatlmeta of the nmhthls tneal fi3-68 nnmt of improving aald Upshur street to 84,- 860.00. Tbs abovs improvement is to be elaased as a NiMMm imnrovenaent ana snail n. main. 66 46 tslned by th City for th period of five yeara. "io i nrovifled. mat tne ownera ot a majority .or the property benefited by said improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of aald period. The plans, specifications and est ma tea of tha City Engineer for .. the Improvement of aald Upahnr strset are hereby adopted. Beeolved, Thst tbs Aadltor of tb aty of Portland bs and be Is hereby directed to give notlc of tb propoMd Improvement ot said street as provided by ths City Charter. Remonstrance sgsinst tbs above Improve ment mav he flhtd in writing with the under. algned wltbln 20 days from tbs date of ths first publication of tbU notlc. By order ot tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of th City of PortUnd. August 8. 1908. 14.68 10.76 B2.8T 21.53 97.64 S.88 1.88 .22 18.-.43 A Thousand People y r--. ' win ead a "FOB flALI" notice la Tim omav , XKlf DAILY JOUBKAL. for brwry hatwtred that ra4 'TOft aALK", alga a a Urn. In said Eaat Twentieth atreet are hereby adopted. Reeolved. That tbe Auditor of tbe aty ef PortUnd be and ha is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction ot aald aewer aa provided by the City Charter. Kemonstrsnce againat toe aoove aewer mmj be filed ln writing with the undersigned within 20 days from the date of tb first publication ef this order. By order ef tb Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tba aty of PortUnd. August 8. 1903. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Aadltor of ths aty of PortUnd. August 8. 1008. PXOPOBED MPHOVEXINT STRUT. or UPSHUR poeed sewer In Esst Thirty sltth street st Esst Main atreet nf the following dimensions: Of eight Inches elesr Inside dlsmeter from s point In East Thirty-sixth street 18 feet south of ths north line or Hawtborne svenue to s point in least mirty-siitn street st rjsat Madison atreet. and thence of ten Incbea clear inside diameter to connection with the proposed Notlc 1 hereby given that at tbe meeting aewer In East Thirty-sixth, street at Eaat Main or im tjouncn or tne t,iiy or rortiand, ure- I street. gon, held oa tba 6th .day of Angust, 1908, tb followlna reaolutlon waa adopted: ror the purpose or aewerlng and draining Reeolved, That tbe Council of tbe City of the lots, parts of lots snd parcels of lsnd lying Ths said chain of aewer to be constructed for the purpose of sswsrlng and draining all PROPOSES IMPEOVIatEirP STREET. or wasco Notlc to hereby given that at th meeting ot the Council of the City of Portland, Ore- Son, held on tbe 6th day of Aognat, 1908, th allowing resolution waa adopted: Reeolved, That th Council of th City of PortUnd, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to Improve Wasco street from tb esst PortUnd, Oregon, deems It sxpedlent snd pro- within th district bounded snd described as poses to Improve Upshur street from the west follows: Beginning In ths center line of Hsw- Une of Twenty-fifth street to the eaat line ot thorne avenue where the aame la Intersected Twenty-sixth street in th following manner, by tha east line of tbe city boundary; tbancs tO-wu: noriurriy along me east une ot toe city ooun- lat By grading tha atreet full width with dary to a point 100 feet north of the nortb fall Intersections to tbe proper sub grsde. Une of East Salmon atreet: thence weaterly on 2d By bringing tbe surface of tbe street Un 100 feet nortb of and parallel with the fall width with full intersections to tbe proper nortb Une of Esst Salmon street to a point grade with macadam. 100 feet weat of tba. west llns of Pretty man 8d By constructing artificial ston aid- vsnu; thence northerly on s line 100 feet walka. weat of and parallel with tbe weat line of Tbe Mid Improvement to . be mad In ac-1 rrettyman avenne to a point 100 feet north Une of East Twenty-fourth strset to the cen ter line of Eaat Twenty-elgbai street la th eordanee with I Charter and ordinance of of th north Un of East Taylor street; thence follnwlna- manner, to-wlt: 1st By constructing artificial' 1100 side walks. 2d By laying wooden crosswalks six feet In width. Sd By constructing box gutter. the Cltv of Portland and Aba nlans. aoeelne.. I westerly on a llne 100 feet north of snd naral tlona and estimates of tba aty Engineer filed with tbe north Une nf Esst Tsylor .street In tbe office of the Aadltor of -tbe City of Port- to a point 100 feet west nf tbe weat line of Und on the Sd day of Aaguat. 1903, Indorsed: &at Thirty -elxth atreet; thence southerly on "Cltv Enalneer'a Diana and snsclflcstlons for s line 100 feet west of snd psrsllel with the tbe Improvement of Upshur atreet from tbe weat llne of East Ttalrtr-slxth street to a point The aald Improvement to be made In ac- WMt 1)M of Twenty-fifth atreet to tb east 100 feet south of the south line of East Main eordanee with the Charter and ordinances of the Cltr of Portland and tbe olana. apeciflca tlons and eatlmatea of the aty Engineer filed I ,bl, toUi t tbereof." in tne omce ot itw uuiwr oi uiv v7 ut Portland on tbe Slat day or July ioob, indorsed: ltna at Twentr-slxth street snd the aatl. street; tbenee westerly on s llns 100 feet south of mates of the work to be done and tba prob- n1 parallel with tbe aouth line of East Main tie total coat tnereor. I street, tuence westerly on a una itsi teet eoutn The cost of said Improvement to ba as-I of and parallel with the aouth line of Eaat Main aeaaed aa provided by the City Charter upon atreet to a point 100 feet east of the eaat Une "City Engineer a Diana and apeciaeaUone for tn, property speclslly benefited thereby snd of Thirty-fifth street; thence southerly nn ths improvement of WaM "treat from the eaat wnlch hereby declared to be all tbe lota, a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tha Un of East Twanty-fourth treet to tb cen- ptJ.u ot and parcels of ls"nd lying between "t llns of East Thirty-fifth street to the ter Uns of East Twenty-eighth street snd h, w.it line of Twenty-fifth street snd tbe center llne of Hawtborne avenne: thence eaat- the eatlmatea of tbe work to be dona and th u. T--...tv. . .riv mi th. .nt.p Una nt Hiaiknm. ......... . probable total coat tbereof. , lln, l00 t99t ao-a, 0f and parallel with the the point at tba center line of Eaat Thirty- Tbe coat of aald Improvement to b a a- north jn, 0f Upshur atreet and a line 100 seventh street; thence south on the center llns sesaed as provided by the City Chsrter apoa ft south of snd parallel with tba aouth f East Thlrty-aeventb atreet extended south- the DroDertr specially benefited thereby and i , . r-.,.v ... arte in it. nr.unt miin. n a n.i inn which la. hereby declared to be all the lota. The Engineer' eatlmatea of tha nrohahla south of ths south line ef Hawthorne avenue: parte of lots snd Psrceis or lend lying between tou, wt 0, improving ssld Upshur street to tbenee essterly on s line 100 feet south of snd ths saat Une of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet and M afjo.oo. parallel wltb the south line nf Hawthorne eve- the west Une of East Twsnty-lgbth atreet and Th. above Improvement 1 to' be classed aa a nue to the east line of tbe city boundsry. between a Una 100- feet nortb Or and Parallel I.nnnmant and shall ha A thane, north nn tha east lln. nt fltr Itnimda. wltb the north line of Waaoo atreet and a Una th. Mtv for tbe period of five yesrs. provided to place of beginning, containing 68 acrea mora 100 feet eonth of and parallel witn tn aoath t,t u,, owners of s majority of the property or leas. line of Wasco atreet. benefited by aald Improvement or any oor-1 Tba coat of constructing said chain of w Tha Engineer estimate or tn probable totally., tk. .haii not naiiHnn tnr a ... I i. n n. aaaMsed as im,Mi k. ik. ri. coat of Improving laid Wasco Street 1 12,-1 ,iir.r.nt lmnrovament before the .miration' nt Charter noon the property sncclallr benefited 444.00. , . . such period. thereby and which la hereby declared to be Th plsns, specification and estimates of the Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of all tbe lota, parte of lots and parcels of land CTty Engineer for th Improvement of said Portland be and he la hereby directed to give wltblh the district hereinbefore bounded and , j k a ai ev da. notice or tne pro pose a improvement or said aescrioen. Resolved. That the Auditor Of tb Olty Of I . . , .. nwldad K th. (Hw I Tha aald ehatn nf sewers Is tn ha tnnwn aa Portland be and he la hereby directed tO aiV I D.Mtnnn a.alnat tha ik... ln,nM, a-WM Third Kvtensliin and la tn h. notice oi tne iiropwwnj "iT I ment may be filed In writing with the under- constructed In accordance wun tbe plana, apecl street ss provided by ths City Charter. algned within 20 daya from the date of tb Action and estimates therefor prepared by th. PROPOSED CHANGE OP 0XADX OX X1XL- IN08W0RTH AVENUI. Notice Is hereby given thst st tbs meeting of tbe Council of the City of PortUnd, Or., held on the 6th dsy of August, 1908, tbs following resolution was adopted: Reeolved, That notice la given that the Council of tbs City of Portland, Oregon, pro poae. to change and establish tha grada of Kllllngsworth svenae aa follows: At ths center line of WUllsms arenas from 109.80 feet to 200.80 feet. At tbe center line of Moore street rrom 200.80 fset to 201.30 feet sbovs th bass of City grades. Reeolved, Tbst ths Auditor of tbe aty of Portland he and ha to herehr directed to give notice ot the pro poeed change of grade of ssld street ss provided by the city Chsrter. Kemonstrsnce against tna snove ensngs or crade mav be filed ln writing with tbe under signed within 20 dsys from tbs dsts ot ths first publication oi tnia nonce. By order of tbs Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of ths City of PortUnd. Input . ux8 OREGON aioJiriirG IM ON PACIFIC AXO 3 nUINS to the EAST DAILY Tbroegfc Pallmaa eteaAerd a4 xWtM etee. tog care dally to Oasaha, Cheaago, peksaei tourist sleeping ara dally to Xaaa (atyf through Pallovaa tonrtet eaibig ear fmrmmm. Uy eosdscted) weehlg to tuteaora, itetw City; reclining abate com tree) to (M Eaat aaiiy. UWI0I 0g POT. CQICA0O PORTLAND ; SPECIAL. Far tb Eaat via H Bat ing toa. SPOKANE PLTBaV, for Easter a WaaSlag ton. Walla Wall. Uw Uton. Ooea . Alea and Araat arte aaa point. ATLANTIC EX PRESS. Xa th Eaat via Una- lug tea. Leavea. :S0 a. as. DaUg. Ant 0:80 a.. OCEAN AND RXVim SCXXDtrLX. POR SAN PRANOISCO. S. S. O, W. Bld-ew Aagast 10, SO, SO. 8. d. Columbia August B. IB, SO. Oala PrMa Alaaka Doea. S t. as. Ma Btvwr Ptrtoton, 8:00 . a POR ASTORIA aad wavto-00 a. av pointa, ewaaectiag wtta stmr. for llwace ad North Beaca, str. Baa- Watarday Sal. Aah-st Soak. Daily. a Banday 10:0 p. av 8.-00 m, as. as. Saadaa Aboat POTTER BAIUNO DATES (Ash St Deck) Aug. 11. 8:00 a. BLl Aug. 11 8:80 a. as I Abb. 13, 9:00 a. m ; Aug. 14. 8:00 a. m.: Aug. 18 (Saturday), 11:40 a. av TaaBhtU Btesa Beoto. POR DAYTON. City sad Tamfcin Rivot pointa. sir. llmsrt Ash-St desk. Water pemlttlBg.t Tweeday, Tharaday, Satarday. MOBoay, Wedaeada. rrldag. Biver Reate. POR LEWI STON. Ida- lad way po4ntv freei Rlparta, Waah atoaas ers Bpefcaae aad Levr-totoa. 4K a. Mb Dally, as. Bat, 00 B. mm. Dally aa. Prtday. IICXET OPPICm Third aad Waahlagtoa. Tate, paoaa Mala TH PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. Par T oh oh. ma aad Baas aTaaw. e.rna. aa Nobs. Wsgssskl aad ShaaahaL taVta. Ziaa.a via son nee tins stesmsaa fox wa latEa. and VUdlvoatock. nTDRASiMILA SAILS ABOUT XTAT SS. For ratee aad fan Itaisnnn aan a. aa. dross atSetel or ageate ef th 0. B. . Ca, EAST. SOUTH I O looec a. snASUl I RAILROAD TIKITABLX8, Remonstrance agalnat tbe above Improve ment mav be filed ln writing with th under signed within 20 dsys from tb date of th first publication of this notice. uy order or tn council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor of tb City of Portland. August 8. 1908. first publloatlon of thU notice. By order or in uouncii. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba City of Portland. Angust 8, 1908. PROPOSED SEWER Uf XAST COUCH 8TREXT PROPOSED UCPROVUfEOTT STREET. OF X0UXTH I City Engineer snd filed In the office of th Auditor or the city or i-ortiann on tbe Hist day of July, lBOB, endorsed: "City Engineer's plans and speclflcstlons for s sewer In Sunny side Sewer Third Extension snd the estimates of the work to be done snd tb. probabl. total cost thereof." Th. Engineer's estimste of the prnbsble total cost of the construction of said chain of aew- Notlc la hereby given that at tha maetlna- I r. i. tto.4AB.oo. of tbe Ooancll of the City of PortUnd, Ore- The plsns. speclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tbe gon. bald on tbe Btb day of August, laoa. th. I CIl, Kna-lneer for the construction of aald chain Notice 1 hereby given that at the meeting I following reaolutlon was adopted: I of a.wem are herebv adopted. of, tha Ooancll of the City of Portland, Ore- Reeolved, That th Council of tb City of Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of ron, beld on tbe 6th day or August, 1903, tb I PortUnd, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro- Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to give 'ollowin resolution waa adopted: I noses to conatruct a Sewer ln Eaat Cnneh I ntina nt the nronosed emistructlnn nt .aid Resolved, That tb Council ot th aty ef atreet from 160 feet waat of Eaat Twenty- chain of sewers aa provided by the aty Char Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- second strset to a connection wltb the aewer I ter poses to improvs Fourth street from 12 feet ln East Twenty-fourth atreet of vltrlfled sewer Remonstrance agalnat tbe above aewer may north of the aoath Una of Ollaan atreet to 12 I Dtp of tight lncbe clear Inside diameter with he filed In writing with tbe undnrslsned within feet aoath of the north Une of Jefferson atreet all necessary catch-baalna, man-holee, lamp- 20 dava from the data of tba first publication oy constructing eriiuciai etuue iiutvsiii, i noiee ana oraocuvB. iu nvcuruaacs witn tne I of this notice. The ssld lmnrovement to ne msas in sc- Diana, aoecincauona ana estimates therefor eordane with tb Charter and ordinances of prepared by tbe City Engineer and filed In the the City of Portland and tha plana, specif! ca- office of ths Aadltor of the aty of PortUnd tlons and eatlmatea of tb aty Engineer filed on the 81st day of July, 1908, Indorsed: "City In tn omce or tne Anaitor or tne t ity or Engineer s plans ana apecincanone ror a aewer In East coucn street rrom 100 feet West of nv order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th. City ot Portland. Angust 8, 1903. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP MI88I88IPPI AVENUE. Notice to hereby given tbat at tbe meeting AUCTIOK BA1X. - Notlc I hereby given that at 2 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, August 20, 1903, at th aty Jail, north weat corner of Second and Oak streets, tb aty of PortUnd will sell for cash at public auction to the highest blotter .the following deerrlued srticlsa, which are of no longer nae to the city: One atreet aweeper. One complete outfit for testing scale, Nln bicycle. Th right I hereby reserved to reject aay or all "bid. V By order of ths Kxecnttve Board. TH08. C. DEVLIN, w Aadltor of th Cty at Portias d. Aogosf 14, 160& PortUnd on ths 4th dsy of Aagast. 1908. In. dorscd: "City Engineer' puns snd specifics-1 East Twenty-second street to sewer la Esst tlons for tbs Improvement of Fourth street I Twentv -fourth street snd tbe estimates ot tbe rrom u reet norm or in aoutn line or uuean worn to o none sua toe proosoie total cost ht tn 19 feat Booth of tha north lln. of thereof." Jefferson atreet and tbe eatlmatea of the work I Tbe cost of said sewer to be sssessed aa I of the Council of tbe aty of Portland. Oregon. to be done and tha probable total cost thsre- provided by th aty Chsrter upon the prop- beld on tbe Btb day of August, 1903, tbs of." erty specially benefited thereby and wblcb g following resolution waa adopted: IM.. A -, , A t A A. ... . , I W . 1. A..1.UA Aa Ka . 1 1 . V. - . . .. I U ..... 1 .. That th. CAnn.ll tV. CA-, IU. TOSt Ot H1U iuiKWTnui.u w u a I U i u.r.u - in mi r-i ,u w i , tu. HUB, Vmm Ot I wpwhwi a..- . .- - ...... . io. v ' . J v. upon th property specially benefited thereby lote and parcels of Und lying between th Portland, .Oregon, deema It expedient and pro- aa proviaea oy in city vaertar, ana wnicn I nortn line ot tvasr wjuco eu-eei ana a una 10O I poaes to iiuru- niD.ia,j ati-nue mioi am la hereby declared to be tbe following: Conch's feet north of snd parallel therewith, and be- aoath Une of Motrin street to tbe south Bne Addition to' tbe City of PortUnd, block 2T, tween the south Uns of Eaat Couch atreet and lota T ana a, biock vs. torn a ana a, niocx so, i a una iw ieet eoutn ot aaa parauei there- b Tbe Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smpking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Dally and personally conducted ex cursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Portland, Los Angeles ana San Francisco, through to Chicago without change. R. R. RITCHIE. Gen'! Art.. 617 Market., DAM FANCISCO,lAL. A. C. BARKER, Gen I Aat., is) Third St., PORTLAND, OftA. Chicago & North-Western Ry. Leavae. tmox DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS! I trains, for Sal.ni, Eose-I burs. Ash Und. SseraH 8:80 p. m men to, Ogden, San Fran-) cleco, Moiare, loa Aa-I Cues, EI Psso, Wsw Or. sns and the East. At Woodbarn dally (except Sunday), morn -J a .an a n CT,,n ror Ml. aji-i villa. Bnrlnafleld. Wand-I utuj and natron. d-60 n. m Aioanjr paeseiissr, obh Mt. Anxsl and 811vsr- ton local. 7:80 a. m.lCorTslUa paaaente..a.J 114:80 p. ai.8harldan paasaager. Arrives. 7:af a. BV T0 p. 10:19 a. m mas 8:B0 p. Dally. H&atly except Sunday. i PortUnd-Oaweco Suburban Service and Taaahfll invuton. Depot Poot of Jeffersoa Street. Leave Portland dally for Oewexo T:80 a. as.t 12:80. 2:08, 8:2S, 8:2u, 8 M, 8:80. 10:10 p, m. uaiiy taxcepc Bnnaay o:eu, v:nu, :bo. io: - m. ; s ou, u:bu p. ax. Duaaay only, s:ua a. m. Betornlna from MeMa, arrive Porrlant. nail 8:80 a. m.i 1:68, 8:0S, 4:88. 8:18, T:88. 5, 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Sanday) 6:26, IM, :80, 10:20, U:45 a. av Except Monday, 1J.2S p. m. Sanday only, 10 KK) a. m. Leavea from ssme depot for Dsllaa and lnterv nedUte points dally (except Banday) 4:00 p. Arrive PortUad 1J.J0 . . The IndeMndence-Mommoath Motor Una ' operates dslly to Monmouth and AlrUa, eoa- . ncctlnr wltb Southern PaclQc Oompany'a trscks . at Dallaa and Independence. Plrst-claaa rebate tickets on sals from Port land to Sacrament and San rranelaca. Net rate 81T.B0. berth 85; second-class fare 818, , without rebate or berth : second-class parts 2.0. - ' Tickets to Eea tern points snd Enron, alt ' Japan, China, Honolala and AuatraUa. City Ticket omce corner Third and waanina- ton atreeta. Phone, Mala T12. C. W. fiTINOEB. W. B. C0MAK,' City Ticket Agent. uea. pas. abi TIME CARD 4M TRAINS PORTLAND I HWJj Ol loU T, 8, 8 and 2; Portland, block 28, lot T; with, and between tba west line of Dunn's Conch's Addition to tbs City of PortUnd, block Addition to East Portland and a Una 100 feet 83, lota 8 and 8; Portland, block 80, lota S aad west of and paraUel with the west lln of Esst 4, block W, lots 1, 2 and 8, block 07, 'lots 8 Twenty-foorth street. and 4, The Enxlne.r'f estimate of tb pmbsbla to The Ennlheer's estimates of th probabl to- tsl cost of tbs constrartloa of a sewer In aald tal cost or tb improvement or saia roarth saat uouco street ia eowi.uu. atreet U 81,513.00. Tbe plana, speclflcstlons and sat Ima tea af Th pUna, apeciflca tlona and ertlmatea of th tb City EDflneer for tbe cone traction of a City Engineer for tb Improvement ot said sewer la said Eaat Coach street sre hereby Fourth street are hereby sdopted. sdopted. ' Reeolved, Tbat tha Aadltor of th City ot Resolved, That th Aadltor of th City of PortUnd be and he 1 hereby directed to give Portland bs snd hs Is hereby directed to give notlc of th proposed Improvement - of aald notice ef tbe proposed conatruct ion of said atreet aa provided by tb City. Charter. - aewer aa provided by th City Charter. . :. Remnnatrance es-alnat tbe above Imnenva. Remonatrance acalnst the above sewer mav ment mar be filed ln writing with the under-t be .filed ln writing with th anderalgned within algned within 80 daya from fh. date" of th ( So days from th date of tb flret publloatioa Am nMhllnatlA. nt thl. untie.. I .e thtS notice-' - ' , ' By order ot th Council. THOS. C. DBTUN. Aadltor of tb Otp of Portland. . Aamat 8. IV r av tnis notice. . Byrder of tb Cbnnell. ' ' 1 , , THOS. a DIPVXTW. N - Await of th City of Per tie nd. of Prwaott street, ln the following manner, to- wlt: lit By grading th street full width with fall Intersection to th proper ub-grade. 2nd By planking th roadway full with wttb run I n tare. ft Inn.. 8rd--By eonatracrlng sidewalks ten feat wide wun six root covering pianas. Tb said Improvement to be made In ac cordance with tb Charter and ordinance of tbe City of PortUnd and the plans, apeciflca tlona and aatlmates af tbe City Endneer filed fin tb office of th Aadltor of the City of Portland on tn Slat day or July ibos, indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and apeciflca tlona for the Improvement of Mississippi avenue from the aoath Un of Morrt atreet to the aouth line ef Preaeott atreet. and th eatlmata of the work tobe don and tba probable total The coat of said Improvement to ba ss sessed ss provided .by the City Charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby decUred to be all tb lota, part of lota aad pares U ot toad lying between BA.LTIMORJE tr OHIO R. R. ALL, TRAINS VIA vVXSHIJVGTON inir.t Hound umlten. for Tacoma. Seattle. Olympla. Sooth Bend and Grays Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma, - Seattle, Butte. St. Paul. Mia- pe polls. Chicago, - New York, Boaton and point Eaat and Soothsasi, Twin-City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spo- aane, tieiena, at. real. MlnneapolU Chlcaaxx New York. Boatoa aad all points Bast aad Southeast. Pugst Sound . Kaasat at -fit. LouU BpecUL for Tscomsv Seattle,! Spokane, Butte, BllUoga. Denver, Omaha. Kansas City. St. LouU aad aU point East sad South saat. Departa. 8:80 a. mJ t.-OOp. m. lltdl o. m. 8:80 a. m. AiHraa, f:00 m T.08 a. at TODAY'S NEWS TODAY All train branoa. dally except a Soork A. IX, CHllMVSi A Bale tent AeeaV. 225 Morrlaoo St.. sorner Third, PortUnd. 61 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 80 a. M. Dally. 8:80. a. aa, fist, only. 1-M w. as. Ex .Sab BltlOlt DEPOT. Per Mavress. Kalalar ClatskanU. Waetnort. Curtoa, Astoria. VVaW reatoa PUveA, Baahl atoad rert Ptevena. Bearhart Park. ftMiM. ria aaa a-.eavorei Axpreea, ta.,. Alto ria Ext,rsaa. Dslly. ArrlTwX Daily. i U -49 a. m. I 49 a. at. i. : - ' J. 0. V 1 - O. P. Sol P. A., A"' a. . L. LxTVrTS. t ooussiCAal A a. raa Mala .