THE OBEGOy PAIT7T IrOUItyAIi. PORTLAND; TUESDAY EVENING, V AUGUST lit 1003. FOLSOM OUTLAWS ARE SUCCESSFUL Again Elude. Posses and Gain Practicalty a Safe Retreat Pursuers in Dissension . (Journal Special Service.) . o inrum '.T. ' I'll tmaoor gang or ino ruira eluded two possea and made through the Corral paas and la now In Devlin Basin county. Orea dissenslone have broken -1. . .p''iu fktti art" Vorkini LEAP FROM CAR PROBABLY FATAL Margaret Wenzel, 16 Years Old, Jumps from an Irving-ton-Street Trolley Without Apparent Reason, Her Skull Fractured She Is , J, ...Supposed v toJeJtoti-i- TWENTIETH CENTURY ' PIIINEASFOCC separately and to th great advantage of tha outlaw. There are supposed to be flv men now In Devils Daaln, which la practically a aafe retreat fATHER FIGHTS TO SEE CHILD Battle Begun in the Granville , Case Today Under Contempt Proceedings Begun Against Mrs. Lofgren. SJOJE JILL LEAPJ " TIIE BROTIIERIIOOD Was Elected Chief of Railroad Engineers' Association at Cleveland, , -Her refusal to obey an order t Judge 'George to allow a father to see Bis child, has caused the appearance In the State Circuit Court this morning of lira. Rebecca J. Lofgren. grandmother Of little Dorothy Granville, to show , ue why aha should not be adjudged . i guilty of eontempt The court had is ' sued ah order granting tlie child's of Colorado Springs. Col., permission to ..' see his child. Oranvlll charged that . i j the writ had been Ignored by the child's grandmother, her temporary custodian, y Contempt proceedings were Instituted by Granville's attorneys, Bronaugh A i '. Bronaugh, and tha hearing was begun ' : twtfora Juiln Cleland this mornlnsT. ' V Mrs. Lofgren appeared In peraon and f,. by her attorney, O. O. Gammans. Mr, Granville was present and sat beside hla '' lawyer, Jerry rironaugh. - In bringing up the contempt proceed- i lngs. Mr. Bronaugh filed an affldavlf ' that Granville, In company with the ? Sheriff, who was armed with the order of tha court, had called to see his daughter Saturday, and waa told by the - grandmother that tha child was away, ' but would be at home tha next day. i" Sunday he called alone, and permission to see tha child was positively refused him. Teare Theft of Child. . Gammans. attorney for the defense, aid tha .father had been allowed to take the child out last Friday afternoon, the day ha arrived In Portland, but that aa he appeared to wish to carry her home s - with him to Colorado and place her In f convent, ha was not again allowed to see her except at tha Lofgren home. The defendant had complied with the decree of tha Colorado court, which was 'published substantially In The Journal yesterday, permitting him to see Tils daughter. The decree did not give him th privilege of taking tha girl from her -mother's home, and as her mother was away, the grandmother. In whose custody little Dorothy , had beu left. ronowea merauyine oraer 01 ino roun. She had refuse him permission to take the child out or the house simply because he had threatened to carry her Dacic to uoioraao even ir ne naa "spend hla last nickel." Dorothy Gran villa, the Innocent cause of the litiga tion. said Mr. Gammans, was at that hour, (10:30 o'clock) in hla own office. where Granville could se her If he wished. - Mr. Bronaugh said his client did not wish to see his child under the watchful ye of a grandmother or any third per son. He waa willing to give bonds that he would not carry the child away, and tha grandmother knew - this, but she simply did not want him near tha house ; '-Gammans asked until tomorrow, when the divorced1 wife' of Granville and the mother of the little girl, would be tbla city, to prepare a defense, but tht court granted him only until 3 o clock this afternoon. Judge CI eland said the point at Issue waa whether the order of the court had been obeyed. . The defense had - not shown that It had, and no delay could be granted. (Journal Special Service.) CLEVELAND, Aug. 11. W. O. Stone of Eldon, la., was today elected grand chief, of the Brotherhod of Locomotive Engineers. Stone did not aspire to the chlef tlnnshlp of the engineers. Immediately after , his election he announced tflere would be no radical change in the policy of the brotherhood. He advocated ex treme conservatism and aald hla motto would be, "tme, let ua reason to gether," and the Golden Rule. Stone Is 43 years old. la of striking personality and is considered a strong man. Deretf 'Suddenly ' Something I bhe Had forgotten, Margaret Wensel, aged If years, em ployed as a servant In a family residing on Tillamook street. Is lying at Good unusual accident for which shp alone waa to blame, While riding on an Irvlngton atreet car at 10:45 o'clock last night the girl suddenly arose from her seat, walked to the rear platform and stepped off into the darkness. Tha car waa going at a high rate of speed. The girl waa hurled to tha ground, fracturing her skull and sustaining Injuries which may prove fatal. The girl's relativea live near Van couver, it is aald, but for soma time she has been working aa a domestic for a family on the East Side. Laat night she boarded an Irvlngton car at Eight eenth street, the car being bound for the city. There were many other passen gers and the girl took a seat near tha rear door. Walked Out and Off tha Oar. The car had gone a little over a block when Mlas Wensel rose from her place strode rapldly to the back platform and. before the conductor or passengers re alised her intention. r-1. miii i m maaaii r 1 mi un-"" DELEGATION FRO , SDtrCATXoirax. SOUTH COMING ; ' BHORTHANP WHITINQ b tha standard of the Engllah-spatUng world. One who expects to Improve con- Thomas Richardson of New Or- ,u"t,jr houW ,tuay h,v,t,m' nd n leans, Advance Courier of Big easy to read. Tha success of our graduates, New Orleans t Party, 'Arrive, c loday, .;.";y;:vy: Preparing f or Tran s-M ississippi I Portland. mmercTa? congress at S6 'attle Next 'Week-rThe Pro- grami . aa amanuenses, commercial stenographers and court reporters, proves the quality of our work In this branch. , Open all the year; students admitted at any time; Il lustrated catalogue free.,. Call, or write. A. PARK AND WAIMINftTON ARMtTNONa, LL... INCIAl SSVOATZOITAXj. (35, " -; 6 7" .!." -'. S i ".. '. ' ''.if'..:-.-'': TOUCH TYPEWRITING . Gregg shorthand Is light-line system, no shading, no ruled paper necessary, teamed in nan me lime or tne oia -tema. Touch, typewriting Ik the oper ation of tha typewriter by tha planoi method, using all tha fingers. Savel looking at the keya, ' Demand ' for 'Office heln' la unDraoe- dentad.. . Open ; al fha rtafc...,CatailgyeJ , , xouus a vtensss ooxabos. Zstabllshed IB8T. TamhlU and Hth ta.l j. w. uxrmm. Mew CoBvpletlng a Tow of tha World la 53 ZHiys. Thomas Richardson, manager of the Naw Orleans Progressiva Union, arrived In Portland, this morning, accompanied a member of the advisory board of the executive commute of tha Trans-Mla-alssppl Commercial Congresa. He is the advance courier of the largo and in fluential delegation coming from Texas, accompanied by members of the Louis iana delegation, who will reaoh Portland1 Sunday evening. They are to leave the same night for Seattle on the 11:41 p. m. train, to prepare for the sessions of the congress August IS to XI. . It la the Intention of the members of the delegations from Fogland to receive tha southern party and properly enter tain them during the four hours of their stay In the city. The men from Texsa and Louisiana are prominent cltisens, headed by John H. Klrby. of Houston, Tex., president - of ' the . congress, and reputed to be the greatest dealer In The University ? of Oregon "YfitTTJniveraTt " at ' rr-f - v ;, a ask abj a . A mm Ai a as ' . '... s 7 i? THl COLLECE OF LXTXRATURt, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. ' TrUv, ur uajnla jwo ENCiniCEAINC. I 1 (Civil, ElectrtcaL Mininf and chemical Englneerinc). - THE UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. THE SCHOOL or LAW: THE SCHOOL Of MUSIC ; . . THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE . , , Tuition Free .' Incidental Fto $10.00i Student Body T $9j00. 'j -The Twenty-eighth 8eaaion, opens Wednesday, September 10, 1903. ; ' For catalogue, addrmtt Rtglttrar, Unlwnlty of Ongon, Eugtnt w 4'' oops of tha OongTeas. Briefly stating the scop of the con- WRITER IS FINED BY LONDON COURT Criticized the Bench and When He Refused to Pay Up Was Sent to Jail, (Journal Special Service.) LONDON. Aug. 11. Arnold White, the writer, was today fined 1500 for an ar ticle criticising the Whltaker Wright case. He refused to pay and waa sent to prison. The editor and publisher of the Sunday Sun, which printed the story, is ordered to pay the cost of proceedings brought against him for contempt of court OFFICER MURDERED IN SAN FRANCISCO oliceman in Attempting Stop "a Street Fight, Loses His Life. to Journal Special Service.) BaT FRANCISCO, Aug. 11. Special Policeman Robert Sample, while walking his beat on Folsom street, between First and Second, last night attempted to stop a street fight in which J. H. Powell and Charles Sullivan were engaged, and was fatally shot by Sullivan. After firing, both men ran, but were caught within a block and were locked up. Officer Sam ple Is dyltig, and In a statement accused Sullivan. He Fays that Powell did not attempt to Interfere when he tried to stop the fight. SULTAN WILL PAY FOR RUSSIAN LIFE Twenty Thousand Dollars the Amount Which Will Be - Given Widow of Consul, (Journal Special Service.) VIENNA, Aug. 11, A dispatch from Constantinople to the Die Zplt h-js the (Journal Special Service.) 8KATTLB, Aug. 11. August II Is announced aa wj un iu i i.. ,k, In ,k- this city of J. W. Sayr. after having ,umbep ,n tn wor,d- traveled around the world' In II days and 20 hours, four days and 17 hours sooner than a like feat was ever before I gress, Mr. Richardson said he presumed .k. h.A accomplished. Mr. Say re waa aent out the toplca that would absorb most of off the car and WBS lying unconscious I D" l" came iunn, inu ien owuai nu muo mi m irriaBMuu, ininu nauuiius and bl&Arilnr In the atreet ' I1 nuaoigni luuuwing unv , 1 wi iiti iiu iinruvii nu iurwirjr. At tha ttma nf tha acrMont tha car Ing -toward the Orient on the steamer I Other matters of Importance will be had gained headway, and It waa several Hyades. conaldered. thee being the most con- econrf. before tha motorman could "he present record time for a trip spicuoua. bring it to a standstill. The girl was eround the world la held by Charles "The object of the congress," said he, hurried to the Good Samaritan Hos- cil Fltsslmmons of New York, who "Is to bring together the people of the Pttal. covered the distance In 60 days, It Trans-Misslssippl states In concert of During tha nleht aha remained nn. hours snd 2 minutes. conscious, and had not retained her senses thts afternoon. This morning ftPD AT PYPI 0101 the surgeons performed an, operation for UICA 1 CAl LUOlUil tne purpose or removing tne pressure on the brain caused by the fracture of the skull. Following this it waa re ported that the patient waa aa well as might be expected. However, her con dition is serious. Bememfered Something. The conductor of the car is unable to explain her peculiar actions. When he saw her approach, the rear of the car he supposed she intended to ask him a question, but never imagined that she would, step off whll the car was in rapid motion. A theory Is that the girl suddenly thought of something she had forgot ten before boarding the car. Whll her mind waa thus engaged she stepped off not realising her danger. An effort Is being made to notify tho girl's relatives, but they did not' reach the hospital today. BUT NO ONE HURT action on subjects pertaining to com merce and Industry. It Is a very In fluential organisation, as you may see from the names placed upon the pro gram, and our citlsens to the national congress at Washington always receive attention. Indeed, we usually have that for which we ask.' Members of the local delegation are to meet soon, and prepare for receiving . Fall Unas epsaa Bpt. ' M. "" Or J. B. 1 UTTER, tasntary. ........ . T ... STATE :. -: NORMAL SCHOOL, ; '. MOXMOUTH, OREGON. , t Training sehnol ' for teaeben. ' ronree ar ranged eapeelallr for training teaebera (or all braaehea of tha proteaalou. ' Moat approved metaotls for grsded and oograded work taught la actsal district arbonl. Tb damind for .traduatea of tbla arbool teaebon far i- tb sapply. Tb training dapartinent, Irhlrb ennalats of a nlna erada rnihllc aeuSBr.ef about tAO pa pi la, a well eqnlppad la alPL's Dranonea, inriuding uoyn mualr, drawing in pbrtlral tralnlnc. The Nortnal emirs tb be and aulckaat war ta atata rartlflrata. Catalog r loTonaatloa aaaraas " " i s. . uhlii, rratiaaat. n i. ta i. r-i ni t mBel a rOWUer VVOrKS UeiOnaieS VVnen the southern party, and also to outline Nobody Is Near Build ing Destroyed, a plan of procedure while at Seattle. The program as at present published. subject Jo change, Is: The Frog ram. Welcoming address, Oovernor jienry Muimi.1 gi.i e.i. I aaioriue. m onvTvnTnT a. . ,1 . Welcome on behalf of the City of packing house of ' thef "Dupont Powder St,ltJ!f-,jr0-r IldXl .., VT VlliVtUS wuutata va v vvinnivi ans NO MONEY FOR THE BRIDGES. Works exploded with terrific force this, morning at a. time when there was no one in the building, although an hour later It would have been filled with workmen. The structure waa of ateel, plecea of which were shot through the walls and into adjoining building, No one was Injured RAMPOLLA WAS NOT CHOICE OF AUSTRIA Pope Pius Swoons While Cele brating Mass This Morning , K)U causes txciiement. (Journal Special Service.) ROME3, Aug. 11. The Vove Delia Verlta today confirmed the report that admit. I want to see permanent fills or Herald, in a special, from Rome, today """"" vi"u ampoua. at me recent u-ii u..u, '"' ay, Vanutelll has been appointed Secre- conclave. and adds .that measures will which will be a source of pride to the ' , . a.. . m tn Ml.....A i ' "i - (Continue from Page One.) as a member of the City Council, will not favor reconstructing any wooden roadways within the corporate limits. I do not believe that they are the proper tntng, nna aa rasi as our nnances win POPE APPOINTS HIS. NEW SECRETARY (Journal Special Service.) LONDON, Aug. 11. The Catholic be taken to guarantee Independence of residents. action of -future conclaves. "Our action In closing certain of the 4 Kampoua. Pod Plus swooned while celehratlnir wooden bridges to traffic Is merely to I mass this morning and aroused great ex- bring the people to the point where they WrATHrR ANfl flRDPS citement. He was removed to his bed room. His Holiness' Illness is the re suit of his recent strain. GRAY REFUSES TO ACT FOR MINERS will demand flrst-clars Improvements to be paid for by district assessment It Is the cheapest In the long run and Port innd has now passed the point of swad dling clothes in Its history of growth (Journal Special Service.) ' WASHINGTON. Aug. 11. The weekly crop bulletin says the harvesting of and enlargement and with greater lm- spring wheat is now general .throughout tho Middle Weat In Southern Minne sota the erop is late and the grain Is seriously affected by rust and chinch bugs. Weather conditions on the Pa cific Coast are favorable, especially for harvesting, in Oregon and Washington. Corn .and oats are favorable in the Middle West, portance comes the period of better mu nicipal facilities. Season for Damag. "The reason for this condition of our brldgea comes from the fact-that they WILKESBARRE, Pa.. Aug. 11. The re aI1 Riving out at about the same miners have received a letter from Orav time. The majority of them were con- saying that the Anthracite Commission "tructed in the early daya and have been fa mir rt Ylatnr. mml tnm nn n.,,i.A.i I renalred. and rpnalred. anit rennlrod to act for further conciliation. This about as often as they will permit. In ' HEAD GASHED BY EALL HIV a IVSU VS. UU a V7V Ir Jl I ICS 11 1 1 UVTJ CO- I sion we were not able to make needed I Improvements and It has been a case of placing together the worst of these rot ting structures until the time should come when we were financially able to cope with the situation. We have also been compelled to face a monumental binatlon had eour1 anhr i amouni 01 sireei repairs aunng me pasi o ,,i-., u.. u ' and t" somewhat retarded - , " f B.mro ui work on the bridges." stock, and they made an agreement to Incidentally members of the Council vote solidly upon every question. Con- paid quite a compliment to City Eng;- stant strife followed. neer Elliott, who. they aay. has per- That (100 Salary. formed a very creditable work during Director-General Jennings says that aDle for h, i0partment has been sadly m.xy. mean additional strike troubles. WOODMEN SEEK ING PEACE (Continued frdm Page One.) Ralph Anderson of 721 Michigan ave nue, walking down Alder atreet this nwrnlng, slipped and fell against the ctrrb on Third and Alder streets, strik ing hla head Just above the right eye, cutting the flesh to the skull. . The patrol wagon was called and the boy was taken to Dr. Morscli's offices. ST. KILLED By BRIDGE (Journal Special Service.) PAUL, Aug. 11. James Prender- i, r . . , . . " " ..... .. ...... v. ,. ...... i j khbi. wan miivu aim ucuiib oieiixer ana he was opposeel to the action of the dl- inadequate and the force at his com- John Allen were fatally injured by the rectors In voting themselves 100 each mand is far below" what It should be, collaoseof a brld-s which thev a,.. from the total earnings, but Morrow j but even with these handicaps he has tearing down today. represents that Jennings had previously agreed to favor the resolution, and that when a vote was called he had slipped away. The directors searched for him later. Morrow further represents, and found him in one of the side shows. One of the same directors who op posed the apportionment of 11,00? among the directors is said to have af terward taken offense uecause his camp refused to gran: him J00 for his serv Ices. The camp had resolutions of thanks beautifully embossed and signed for presentation, but he had a rider at- unt pred- had to copewlth four times the ir of work which was assigned to his ecessor. Th Bridge Tand. An Investigation of the standing funds shows that the street repair fund, which is directly available for bridge repairs, amounts to only $87,845.84 and there are some outstanding warrants which must be paid from this. In an emergency the authorities can draw upon the gen eral fund, but as this only amounts to $48,000, It would not be sufficient to con struct one steel bridge of any slse. In addition the Executive Board must vet draw upon the fund for August salaries ATTEMPTS HIS LIFL; (Journal Special Service.) SALT LAKE, Aug. 11. John Hick man, recently of Portland, Or., shot himself today on account of family iroumes. bodies o Seattle and the Northwest, Thomas Burke. Responses, President John H. Klrby and governors and ex-governors. Annual address, John H. Klrby, ot Houston, Tex., president of the con gress. "Our Naval and Coast Defenses," Ad miral Dewey. "Irrigation," F. H. Newell, U. 8. Geo logical Survey. " "Department of Commerce and Ita Relations to the Country," George B. CortelyoU, secretary of the department "Commercial Relations with the Na tlons of th East," U. 8. Senator Mc Cumber, Of North Dakota. "Governmental Department of Mines and Mining," Col. Ed. F. Brown ot Colo rado. "American Commerce," James J. Hill "Commercial Importance ' of Good Roads," R. W. Richardson, secretary National Good Roads Association. Dis cussion by M. O. Eldrldge, assistant dl rector office public roads Inquiries, and James W. Abbott, representative of road division department of agriculture. "Immigration and Its Distribution, Thomas Richardson, manager.. New Orleans Progressive Union. "Louisiana Exposition," Hon. John Barrett, U. S. Minister to Argentine, Repoit of Joint committee or merger between Trans-Mlsslssippt commercial Congress and the National Irrigation Congrees.. Address by J. W. Rlgglns, of Waco, Tex. "Benefits of Irrigation," F. H. Frank- enberg, of Colorado. Address by Harvey Scott, editor, of the uregonian, roruana. "The Philippines," Thurman G. Pal mer, secretary Beet Sugar Association. "Alaska," U. S. Senator Thomas Pat terson, of Colorado. Discussion by United States Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota, afld other members of Alas kan Senatorial Commission. Address by Walter Gresham, Gal veston, Tex. Address, Alva Adams, ex-Governor of Colorado. "American Scenery and Its Influence Upon Travel," E. O. McCormlck, pas senger traffic manager, S. P. R, Co. - 'Trade Relations with Canada," Her bert Strain, of Montana. Address by C. C. Goodwin, of Salt Lake Ctty. ' "The Evolution of Cities." J. B. Melkle, secretary of Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Address by J. E. Def ebaugh, editor American Lumberman, Chicago. "The Levee "System of the Lower Mis sissippi," Thomas F. Cunningham, New Orleans. a" yyia-UMf ',-nywaqwrya '." qmUIIUW w J - ' V ' k -v is.!--:?-- a""" F ' 1 . . fr rfn U..n.iaaa tJUrn i ii i if nl EARTHQUAKES AT MALTA MRS, POLLARD ARRAIGNED ached to It providing for the $200 pay- nd adjudicated claims, which will de plete It by another $26,000. Another sum which "would be avail able for bridge repairs would come from the vehicle licenses, but this will not be apportioned to the street repair fund un til next month. ment, and at that there was Immedi ately an uprising. "Financially speaking, the Carnival was a complete success, and now it seems it must be marred by Internal trife. I, with other members of the order, deplore the Incident, but we must right matters somehow, and in the meantime face the music." 4 Threatened Xiegal Steps. When the news became general amnnc incal Wniwlmcn that tho Hnai-rl of Directors who controlled the 'air IPut Off EXCUrSIOn afld , jfl Re- nau vuiuu luciuBcivuB a un approxi- Bultan will send $20,000 to the widow of ! mating, $1,000 out of the carnival's gross the Prussian Connul wlto was killed at earnings of $2,900, there was a genoral Monastlr by a fentry; also that the n Jm- "Prising. Sunnyside Camp, Na 313, her of insurgents la now estimated at j proposed to take the matter Into tho 30 000." I courts If necessary. However, It was The Sultan has ordered Prince Ahmed j later decided not to take any action aged 15 years, confessed this morning a expresa iu ine jnreeuui .wnunrsiraijr , unt-i n ' imaj. xo an aiiempi to wreca tne Bait Air his great regret for the affair at Monas- f Aother claim Is made that the lodges Beach excursion train Saturday, controlling the stocK or the amuse- was put off the train, ment company assumed no liability in the- carnival, 'but that the Southern Amusement Company, which furnished the features, had agreed to assume all financial risks. However, there was; ii surplus of $2,900 when all expenses were paid, and It is over the apportion ment of this sum that the trouble orlsmat..' , (Journal Special Service.) MALTA, Aug. 11. Two heavy earth quakes caused considerable damage this morning. YOUNG BOY TRIES TO WRECK TRAIN v vii i Miiu i l II venge Attempts' to Throw , tngine trom Track, SALT LAKE, Aug. 11. Walter Edgi tlr. RIOT IN COLOGNE ' (Journal Special Service.) 1" COLOOXE. Aug. 11, Fortv pvorl were HSjure.1 !ln ,thc market place this McrniriK In rn attempt to quell a riot which resulted Item the s?lrlre b: the ar, Edgar and In revenge says he wedged bolts In a frog. This act was discovered a few minutes be fore the tralnload of 600 excursionists waa due. THIB entirely destroys th desire for liquor or tobacco, aa well as builds up the general health. - j Price per treatment' 12.50. For la by all druggists. . ARGUING FEUDIST. CASE (Journal Special , Service.) CTNTHIANA, Ky.. Aug. 11. The commonwealth commenced lt argument in the Jett and White case today. Xtow Sates to th East. The Canadian Pacific will atrain nlace on sale excursion tickets rood for stop overs, with long-time limit. These tickets will be oa sale August IS, 19, 25 and 28. For full particulars, call on or address F. R. Johnson, -F. & P. A., 14 Third street. Portland Or. Did the Thousands . of Spectators Cheer " DIAVAUO When he . LOOPED THE LOOP Last Night? . - . , They Did, Ulk Mad! Annie Pollard, accused of the larceny of $50 from the room of Frank Kemper in the Grand Central Hotel, was ar raigned in the State Circuit Court this morning and entered a plea ox hot guil ty. Her trial was set for September' 23. Mrs. Pollard was arrested on a charge of shoplifting" from the department store of Olds. Wortman & King last spring, and escaped a penitentiary sentence by Dleading guilty to petty larceny and was confined in the County Jail three months. BUBB OTTBB POB PELXS. Itching piles produce moistur and cause itching, this form, as well as Blind. Bleeding or Protudlng Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pll Remedy, Stops itching snd bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 60o a Jar. at druggists, or sent by malL Treatise free. Writ tn about your case, Dr. Bosanke. Phil's,. Ps. ; Face half treated for wrinkles. drooping eyelids and flabby chin. MME. GERTRUDE SAXE Removes by her new. and scien tific method wrinkles, no matter how deep; smallpox pittings, birth marks, freckles, eczema and all other facial blemishes without the use of surgery or electricity. Seeing is believing. Come and investigate and see living demonstrations of my won derful work now on exhibition at my office. No man or woman with any disease or disfigurement of the skin should hesitate to investigate my treatment ' . Confidential treatment - in your own home. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Dr. 3, W. Hill. Principal, J at. m sT-.aa 1 . n aa M -V sun cm awarButui Dim., riniHiu, vr. A Private Boarding ana pay school for Boys and Young Men. New buildings, modern and com plete. Manual training, military discipline. Boys successfully fitted for, all colleges or lor business life. ( Principal of twenty-five yesri'-i perience in Portland., Boys of any ag admitted at ny J nme. Write for catalogue. " VC? Fall term opens September 11 Just Stop and Think How favored you ar In th great Northwest - Many . thousands of people ar im migrating her (to the land of plenty) but you 'wer born her. All you have to - do Is to stretch out your hand and take hold of your opportunity. Sit down today and write for our catalogue. We give you a practical bus- tineas education and assist ? to get you a position when 'competent Tou ceuldn't be v gin at a better tlm now ( ---.-4h high tide of prosperity.- BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLQE Porlland, Orezon. - V SAXE Institute of Derma tology 4)7 Abinton Bld. PORTLAND .OREGON Columbia Univen rosTxjrs, obzoov. Conducted by the CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY CROSS And Affiliated With the ' UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. ,:, - 111 - Standard Academic four-year Courses in Classics, English and Science. One-year and four-year Commercial Courses. ' Regular Collegiate Courses In Classics. English. General Sci ence, History and Economics, Flnanc and Commerce, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engi neering and Electrical Engineer ing. Th scholastic year, beginning oepiemoer v ivuenas June H 190. - j . Catalogue sent free on cation, . Address, , REV. M. A," QUINIiAN. C. S. V ITnlTsrslty lark, Oregon. Low excursion rates to all points East will again be placed ' In ' effect by the Northern Pacific on August 18, 19, 25 and 26. Full particulars In person or by letter-can be had by calling on or addressipft A. D. Cbarlton, Assistant General Passenger. Agent, 255 Morrison street. Portland. Or. - Ansley Printing Co. Commareial .and Soeiaty : , PRINTERS Iwii t Clark Znvalopea. New Location, 12-14 Colambias Boilding Pbon Clay 1T02. omooi. roiiuin ST. HELEN'S HALL Home school for girls. Ideal Joca tlon. Expert teachlna- In all dennrt ments. Outdoor exercise. Illustrate, book of Information aent on application EZOIAaTOS TXBBXTTS, rzlnolpal. Canada's rark. ' The Canadian Pacific has placed on sale rimnd trip tickets to Banff for 125. This kfflOM resort, located In the very heart xflrthe Rockies and only 8 hours' ride from Portland. Fort descriptive matter and full particulars, call on or i aaaress e: i. jonnson, ttx.xniro street. F. P, A.. Portland, Or. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGOIv Seventeenth . annual session - begin J Address 8. E. JOSEPHI, M. D Dean eiv ieKum auuaing, roruana. Phtc, Pale and Sparklins. , Bottled Only ct the Brewery ia St. Loaii, - Order frin Fleekeaatelsi Maye Comssay ; " ' ' PORTLAND ACADEMY ; taW 'XKOLTSK AJTD OlABSTOAl gOHOOL. fit boy and girl for Eaatern - pollegn Primary and irimmiir grades Included. . rOHTLAKD AOADEMT HALL, tot girls, r elTa a limited number, not -more, tbaa 2i ana giTs taem tn commrt ana rax ot renaed borne. For ettalogu aAdreas .. ; s NOASZMT, V' 'i-, ,'; :iv..-'L rortlaad,. Or, 1 ,1 Hi