10 TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TOIITLAND. FRIDAY EVEXING. AUGUST .7,' 1903. J- A MYSTERY DIES : WITH MILLIONAIRE Death of CaDitalist Llovd Re calls Murderous Attempt . Made on His Life by. Nephew ; Last January. Dead Man Was Under Heavy v Bond to Appear.Against Box : all Latter Threatened to Di- vulge Secrets. t STORY OF CRIME BEYOND BELIEF THE PASTE RUBY tttr notices. CTTT NOTKJEsV' Citt notices. railroad "xwrt ables.' Blk ft. Kit T, The Hawthorne Batata. i a.av ameaaaee mw m S.e I Blk Hill III SIB nf a I I 1 1 : I mi. a I... a n-i.. i ... 1 fXiVJ '1 IlLlli T ALUL A of land lying between the M.l The Granting of a Divorce at Salem Recalls Revolting Cir cumstances in Connection With Birchard Family. What Is Said About It by Ex perts, In' Regard to ' Gems. r ("Journal flpolal 8ervlee.) - BAN FRANCISCO, .Aug. 7. tinder . St AA. AAA Ktnjta t irtfucp In MiiH In flan Bernardino wltneM sgslnst his n" , nephew, Boiall. who made an attempt to ' kill him. Capitalist Lloyd dlea In Japan, according- to a cable received In this city . today. Lloyd claimed at the time of the ' shooting In January that he was at tacked by his nephew because he do- - ellned to submit to blackmail. Doxall. the nephew, openly said If Lloyd appeared against him he would tell the whole story of family wrongs bout which many Strang rumors are float x Lloyd never fully recovered from the effects of the three shots flred by Box all, and the motive for the attack has never .been explained, though known to be connected with domestic trouble In volving father, sons, nephew and nieces. The last two made r their horns with Lloyd, whose sudden taking off will probably bury the mystery forever. The glowing ruby shall adorn i nose wno in juiy are oorn; Then they'll be exempt and free From Love's doubts and anxiety. Experts, according to the New Tork Cjtknr ftnilw nf Iria ft rest Times, though somewhat annoyed, are i au &i uuiuy v. my v.. uu Uu,h,n. ,t tn, recent decision of the wrong now serving cimmu of the united YearS in the "enitentiary tatlon rubles on the same basis as the the appraiser, Mr. de Vrles, that the Imi tation ruby Is made of the same con stituents that form the real ruby Is free ly criticised, ss Is his further announce- Hm of blk . York, and Hue 100 feel east or snd parallel with tba eaat Una of Kaat Twenty-ninth. itmt and between tbe eouth Hoe otj Oregos Btreet, extended easterly In Iw present conrae, and a Una 807.8 feet north of and parallel therewith. W. B. Ladd Eatete, Heirs of . A tract of land lying between tba eaat , Una of Kaat Tweety-nlnth street and a Una MO feet aaat of and parallel . therewith and between 'the eonth Une . of Orcgoa street extended easterly la its present couraa and tbi north Une of Eaat Hoyt afreet, Boys' A Girls' Aid Society of Oregos York Blk 10, lot 1 Tbe Hawthorn Ratate... Blk 10J lot 1, The Hawthorne Batata... Hawthorne's f'lret Addition to East Portland Blk 1, lot 11. The Hawthorne Estate., . Blk S, lot 13, Tbe Hawthorne Eetats... 83.90 02.10 117 136.54 ' 70.79 13.91 4.46 Ts.ee FBOPOSID ASSESSMENT .70 f .MPIOTE. KENT OF XAST MAT STREET. Notice' la heretir rlrea that tha vbii a we tug oi roruaus proposes to aaaaea the following described Dronertr and nwaee'i ne owners at ualua- auaclall and uniliiri. h. Stad In tba amonnta ant AnnMita tha umM and descriptions thereof for the Imprpvameut of Kaat Main atraat, from tha eaat Una of ibaai i nirt-ronrtk atreet to tba waat Une of Eaat TolrtT-nlnth atraat. aa Dmvldad ha ardl. nance o, l3.t&7. Anr obiaetloua to tha inrmHlnnm.n a nnat or aaia imtiroaeBiani stoat be made la writing Blk 134. . lot , Mrld R, Toung ....... Blk 1M, lot T, Iarld R. oun Blk 12ft, lot 8, B. O. Uloaaar, alacqtor., Blk 12ft, lt 5, Hpaa A. Nlelaon ........ Blk J 20. K. H lut T, AmaUa Duaber Ea. ' taie. jieira or , Blk 125, B. H kt a, Amelia Dnebar Ba tata, Heirs of ...................... Blk 125. W. H lot T. Phoebe A. Burk. bardt .. Blk 123,. W. H lot eV Pbocbe A. Burk- name Blk 124, lot 8, American Lainndry Corn- Bit! W, 'lot 0, ' AsMrleas ' LVandry 'Com- 19 Si TS.I ' IW.oT ; 22. 74 JOIST im ine vouncn and Bled with tbe Auditor I panr Jf" df y tron ' ,h Blk 121a lot 6, Amertcan Laundry Com- Total Wife Secures Separation. I1.B24.U THOU. C. UltVLI.-. Ancoat 4, 10U3. Andltor ef the City of Portland. nohllratioa of tbla notice, and said objactlona win va aear a ana aeiarmined ny the Coancll before tbe oaeeace of tha nrdlnanea -- tbe eoet of said ImproTement. . - Rnnnralda - 1 . v Blk 46, lot I. Nora-t. Blnsley........ $ M.T1 .ia mvuiu n M xorn tt, oios lev Blk 49, north H lot J. Frieda LsndbUd Blk 4A, lot 8, frleda Uindblad Blk 4S, lot 8, Jennie Watachek ........ Blk 40. lot B. at. O. Amhl ! Blk 4d, lot 12. AHxtrta M. Proehatal... nanr Blk 124, lot T. Americas Laundry Com pes ....v.-.. , 101.881 f V1': x,f Oregon. - noroixo absebbmevt roi sxwxs nr , CAST AKXIJTT iTEirr. ... r.:':.Zr": :..ZJZ mmt thst the two have the same speciflo ..Netlr Is bereby gives that tba Council of tbe ... w. -".""iy: - ,.., .h .-. ha M ar..rt nnlv hv rortland propoaoa to seaeaa ine touow ng juna mrcnara rrom neri- " . il- I dcrihed propartr and owner or owners ss bainf SEEMS HARD TO KEEP - THEM OUT OF COURT ' - "This court will not lend Its assist- ' ance in helping this woman to live with a colored man. She Is not entitled to 'the sympathy she has been receiving, if ha persists in returning to her old haunts, .when she can live but a short ' tlma." - .- This Is 'part of a caustic denunciation by, Municipal Judge Hogue this morn- ; Ing In passing - sentence upon . Violet Howard or Stlnet and Kittle Jones, who have been In court almost every day this week. Violet Stlnet Is 'a girl 17 years of . ege and a, consumptive, With Kittle Jones, who admitted In court that she was married to a negro, the girl was arrested In a negro resort at Second ' and Everett .streets. She refused to go to her parents, when given opportunity to do so by the court, and refused the Id- of her sister, who lives at Dallas Ore. The court was told that her fam 'My lived at Everett, Wash. Judge Hogue and City Attorney Fltsgerald ; yesterday ordered her held In Jail until "a ticket could be furnished to send her 'home, - ... Much to tha surprise of the officials, the two women were again In court this morning, charged this time with being ' out after hours. Patrolman Biover tee tlfled that he had seen them coming from a negro saloon at Sixth and Ir ,vlnr streets at 1 o'clock this morning. " Tbe girt Bald some policeman had re ' leased her yesterday. Judge Hogue stated that any such action was with out the : authority of the court He - fined each woman f 20, and added f 20 to - Kittle Jones' fine because she use abusive language ,to rairoiman xiooens. TO AID IRELAND v IN HER STRUGGLE divorce to usband. Wlllard Birchard, who Is serv lug 20-year term In the penitentiary from thin county. experta, and then with great difficulty. If the real and the Imitation are iden- propoaea to aaaeaa tba following, tr aud owner or owners as being apectallr and peculiarly benefited In tba amounta aet oppoalta the names and descriptions thereof ay the ronetruction or a aewer la Kaat Anaony 1.11. All Ut tH A kkl. . L Blk 46, lot 14, Ahhls J. Abernethy.... Blk 40, lot 13. Ahblo J. Aharnath Blk 47, lot 1, mends' Church Corpora, tlon. truatea of .... ..... Blk 47, lot 8. Mamie Rollins .......... Blk 47. lot 8. John A. Jnhaann Blk 47. lot 8. The Title Guarantee I.I . . 1 .W a flnimi. mrmrm l .--- -w. . w . - - . . . . . , - ........... r." I .w."S.':. ." ' general comment then the aale of genu- SSh. '" ".It 'TI "'.u,t".l " E ! ! fJ"Iu-- U"d.gg..,. bout IS yeara ago, bringing with them "" P" j ,thi,n: J '."' Twanty-fo-rth street, aa proTldad by Blk 47. lot IS, Rudolph Dlrtwacbtar.... Ildrcn. a half dosen daughters r'"" , .'" . ",V .ii a.;wi rl? ak. .nn.etinam.nt .f i ii rrown tn wnmanhnrul Ahnikl - They are of the opinion that It will I Any objections to tbe ryortionm.nt el eaat U grown to womannooa. aww ' IV,. v, . j. ,-,-.. for aald aewer must ba nude In writing to tba are sgo Wlllard Birchard was " more than the decree of a Oovern. cnoe BO , win ,h AaUof Jthim A Trnat Comnanv Blk 47. lot . I J. rareell Blk 47, lot 11 T. R. nine . 1.43 .72 , 1.43 18.42 14.17 16.W2 S.D2 4.07 n.41 80.89 ; 4.2V 88.27 28.77 21.21) 18.41 Total t 8 020.00 THOU. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City ef Portland. Anirnat 4. 1008. r0r0BED ASSESSatEVT TOB IMPE0TE- xxiiT or VXATIUA ATIinjI. Notice is beraby glraa tbat the Council of ine uity or rowans propoaea to aaaoae ina folktwlns deecrlbrd nroiiertr and owner or own ers a being apeclally and peculiarly baneUted in ina auKHinia aet oppoaite ina namea ami oe ecrlptloue thereof fur the - Improvement of I'matllla arenue, from the eaat eurb line of Kaat Kierenth atraet to the' waat curs line or Eaat Nineteenth street,-aa provided by ordl- nance no. . 1U.UHE irniOK Pacific ; 3 IRAINS to the EAST DAILY Tbreugb Psllmas standard and Tearlat shwaa is eara dally to Omaha. Chicago. Dpokaael tourlat sleeping ears dally be Kansas Ctty throuah Pullmas tourlat alaaplng ears (paraoa- ally eosductad) Waakly to I hlcro. kauau Clty racllnlng ebal cars (Mat. free), te tbe Kaai oaiir. UN 10.1 DEPOT. their children, nesrly a eight yea arrested on complaint of his family, ment expert to change the value of one a,T, tmm tbe date ef tba (ret publication of Charging him with statutory asaault. ' thmo,t. nd .,,utl,fu,a of. fVJ S-ttaJ ,.Ii.ri hi. .....hi.r .no More then thst. considerable fault has lf"'ril.'-.r2' ,0.t? committed on his youngest dsughter, end t the trial the details developed were so beard pa a- been found with the appraisers for .j. "tw of tbs ordinance eaeenring the cost for said disgusting that the court room hsd to M"'0 ruble, on the payment Myor Gates Addltlos to Kaat Port be cleared of spectator.. It waa shown " T cem outy. ah otner "ii"on m- lg Madlaon $ 0, lot 2. Edward Kraeger lot 10. Harry w. Scott . . . . , . . I r ii. a 1.1 n.M n.u.Lt .Ma tj.i. that tha nM man hnrl rtehaurhed all of P7 Pr cen ouiy. wnicn " "VJ Vincent bis daughter and that this condition of htlJ b,,?ci,nt Pr,ct,on- . . . ... Blk 5. W : . . . .nh., Oeorge Frederick Kuns, who la at the I Rlk a i, years, until the older daughtera. in K'u na urP .nmrm t m I i w n' .i ' . ' . " fanv A Co.. In on of thnae who mr lit-I Blk 8, lot a. 1 nereas ana oraer to protect tneir younger . sisier ---- -,:7k ; k. n. "chmld ....... ... from their lecherous rather, decided to Blk 8. lot 1. A. Related ........ n.i,. nnmni.tnr hn..i, .h.v h..n ernment appraisers. Mr. Kuns. who Is R.k V M . Nancy K. McAfee wy.raat hv tha 'M man not to hetr.v recognised by the I'nlted States Govern- Blk T. lot 2, J. H. McAfee ........... UlTn py..nhofde.Tr 3? " Prh.p. th. greatest . t. the City of prrciuus ana serm-preciouB iionn in in. a country. Is Inclined to take an entirely and now. after a number of years, his dl?"r,fnt v.,ew '.T that , Mi,d V. a 80.08 84.18 48.M S3. A3 83.88 48. AO 48.80 83.88 aged wife has finally aecured a divorce ' ,n ' 1 from him I of Imitation ruble, ' sftid Mr. Kuns re- At the trial yesterday the recorda of " "'' tha nHn.ln.1 tel.l H Miil hafnea "y w" Judge Boise, were howing the charge and made an Investigation when the imita- the conviction, and the Judge, without un .t.onM?rV ;pp.:l;ed:vnd. w?,..d" hearing any more testimony not even the plaintiff wss called to the stand- appointed to find that the Imitations were of so little value. I waa first grsnted the decree of divorce and 1n.de ft""1 .VT-?' ,1!"tnU.m It absolute. OWNERSHIP OF THE WATCH IN DISPUTE To aid their brethren on the "old sod" In their struggles for liberty from op pression for land ownership and for home rule, members of the Portland branch of the United Irish League of .America have pledged - themselves. The organization was formed at a meeting held last night In the parlors of tho Hotel Portland. Col. ; John JfcvT'inerty, president of the league being Instru mental In the work of perfecting the association. About 20, Interested in the cause of struggling Ireland, were In at tendance. Officers were elected and a subscription of $500 was secured. , Or. Andrew C Smith acted as .temporary chairman, and was unanimously elected president, which James H. Murphy, John P. O'Hara and John Healy were chosen vice-president, secretary and treasurer respectively. The following ,commlttee was named to raise funds and arrange for a second meeting: R. 'J. O'Neill. J. B. Ryan. Dr. A. C Smith, James Fralney, Frank Davey, j M. O. Griffin and Joseph Healy. ' WAS ALL PREPARED TO SKIP COUNTRY (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Joseph Cowan, the head of the brokerage firm by that name, and who Is accused of the self appropriation of J53,0U0 from Blanch Smith of Milwaukee, which she gave him to Invest fpr her. was arraigned in the police court this afternoon. He pro tested his Innocence and gave ball for $10,000. When searched in the station the police found a ticket to Europe and papers showing that Cowan had dis posed of his business in the consolidated exchange for $6,000. His hearing will take place Monday. ATTEMPT TO BURN FRESNO CHINATOWN (Journal Special Service.) FRE8NO, Aug. 7. Two attempts to set Are to a section of Chinatown have been frustrated by the merest accident. Early last Saturday evening a candle was found b.urnlng within an inch of a bundle of oiled paper in Gow Gee's stable. Yesterday another similar con trivance was found In the stable adjoin ing. A gambler residing in. the next block is auspected of being the firebug. , BANKRUPTS DISCHARGED ' Orders of ; discharge were made by United ' States District Judge Bellinger today in the cases of X D. Gooley, Harry Stoop and W. M. Howell, bankrupts. "U !- - - J 1 . ber of spherical bubbles, all having rounded ends, ss In other fused mix tures. In hardness the imitation Is bout the same the genuine ruby, but It Is more brittle. The color Is always good, though never the equal of that of a very fine ruby. There are structural lines that show In the imitation stone that never ap pear In the genuine. The Imitation has a slightly different specific grsvlty, not much, but enough to count Then, too. the imitation will crack of the force stored within Itself. "I cannot agree that Its composition A writ of replevin issued out of Jus tice Reid's court was served on Chief of Police Hunt this afternoon. In which he is requested to turn over to the Rev. Mead M. Bledsoe a gold watch valued t $25. which th police superintendent the same as that of the genuine ruby, is holding. ' The imitation Is produced by fusing slu- The residence Of the minister, who Is mlnate of lead In connection with silica pastor of Immanuel Bapttst Church, and In siliceous crucible, the silica uniting who lives at 700 First street, was entered with the lesd to form a lead glass and July 20 and the timepiece stolen. A few liberating the alumina, which crystal days later It was purchased In good faith out in the form of corundum In for tl hv w j. Hairht a Hnr dealor nt hexagonal plates, with the hardness and ... . . f -1 1 , I rnlne nt the natural mhv Khrnnhtm a.le 1 Blk 4. lot 0. H. MrKean Il l-.ila . Zl ' 1. ".r'-a Blk 4 lot S. H. MrKean tieea ine similarity, ana upon Deinsr no- wihb kiuwi iw me rate 01 mo coior. Diw it ... i i. tlfled the clergyman Identified It as hit "Of course, these Imitations can be Blk 5, lot li. John E. and 0. Belnke ilrh Ttnt h. r.fliaavt tn nav for hla I BOld.SS nrenulne to those who are not ex- Blk 5. lot 8. Marr Tocker own property, and Mr. Haight thought perts. But the fact remains that they MjJ lhav:. - h was entitled to the return of hi. Ure Imitation., and the fraud is certain B1J J- M BolomoB 0pf"he ""'. '; money. Being In dispute, the watch wa of discovery some time. But you may turned over to Chief Hunt until the mat- be sure that none of the first-class Jew ter is settled in the courts. elers In New York will deal In imitation Chief Hunt says that Innumerable I gems. Blk 1, 8. KM feet lot 8. 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk I. 8. 100 fet lot T, 8, A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk 1. B. liio fet lot 8. 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk 1. 8. 100 feet lot 8, 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk 1, H. loo feet lot 16. 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning t.'n.VTided 14 of a tract of land lrlng belVren tha north una or Kaai An- J keny atreet and a Una ion feet nortlr of and parallel therewith, and be tween the eaat Una of Eaat Twenty elgbth atreet and tha west Una of Manning's Addition to tha City of Portland, Oregon, Tboa. M. Andereon Undivided U of a tract of land lying between tba north line of Eaat An kany atreet and a Una 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, and be tween tba eaat Una of Eaat Twenty eighth atreet and tba weat Una of Manning s Aamuon io ine 117 w Portland. Oregon, Chaa. Van Winkle. A tract of land lying between tha north Una of Eaat Ankeny atreet and a line 100 feet north of and parallel there with, and between the eaat Una of Eaat Twenty-all th atreet and the weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atret. laalab Bookman 1.. A tract of land tying between tbe north Una of Kaat Ankeny atreet and a Una 100 feet north of and parallel there with and between the eaat line of blk T. Kevatone Addition to tbe Cite of Tortland. and tha weat Une of Eaat Twenty-alxth atreet. laalah Buckman. Mayor Gates Addition to East Portland-Lot lettered B. Pnknnwn Owner ........ 88.10 88.10 88.10 88.10 88.10 88.80 cases of this nature occur where the caaes are properly of a civil nature, but the police are asked to Interfere. In the present case the Chief Is holding the watch by mutual agreement, and the suit Is to settle the affair. UNKNOWN BODY FOUND 'I am sorry that the Government does not make It mors difficult to Import 1ml- Blk 2. lot 4, tatlon stones. I do not suppose, how- ""llln. ever, that there is to be a real attempt to put the Imitation ruby on a plane with the natural stone. Such a thing would be mere folly, tea Blk 8. lot 8, Solomon Oppenhetmer, trna- ,tee Mannlng'n Addition Portland. Oregon Blk 8. lot t. B. Manning B- A. to tba City ef A. end Lillian M. and Lillian M. DALLAS, Or., Aug. 7. A telephone message recelved from r Independence this morning says the body of an un known man was found floating In the river near' there. The corpse was badly decomposed. .. The coroner has - gone ' to take charge- of the remains and make Inquiries. EXCEPTIONS SUSTAINED United States District Judge Bellinger today sustained the exceptions to the libel In the case of Charles Frederick Axen against Smith & White Bros. sailor boarding-house proprietors. The plaintiff, who is a seaman, alleged that the defendants had retained his trunks, and he asked for $100 damages. TRIPS YOU'LL REMEMBER Along the Columbia to The. Salle and to Zlwaoo . on. The Potter. Visitors to Portland have two trips that are memorable along the Columbia from Portland to The Dalles, and down the Columbia , to Astoria and Ilwaco. The beauties of the Upper Columbia are best seen from the O. R. & N. Com pany's "Chicago-Portland Special." which leaves the Union Station every forenoon at 9:20, arriving at The Dalles at 12:35 (noon). Returning, the train leaves The Dalles at 1 p. m., arriving at Portland at 4:30 p. m. If desired, return from The Dalles can be made by boat The palatial O. R. & N. river steamer leaves Portland daily (except Sunday and Mon day) for Astoria and North Beach, the popular North Pacific Coast resort For particulars about these and other de lightful trips out of Portland ask at the O. R. & N. City Ticket Office, Third and Washington stre. TESovoa TBAnr sebyxot Between Portland and All Clatsop neaoa roixv.z, on ana Alter Saturday, July 11. Berlnnlna- Saturday. July 11. and .v. erv Saturday thereafter during; the sea. son, the popular Portland-Seaside Flyer will leave roruana ai t.tv. p. m., arriv ing at Astoria at 6:60 p. m., Gearhart 3:40 and Seaside 6:60 D. m.. makinar di rect connection at Warrenton for Flavel. Round trip season excursion tickets from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points sold at rate of $4.00 for round trip, and Saturday special round trip tickets between same points, good returning Sunday evening, at $2.60 for uu d trip. Season commutation ticket, good for five round trips between Port land and all Clatson and North Beach atolnts sold for $16.00. Beach excursion tickets Issued by the water lines are Interchangeable and will oe Honored on the trains of this company In either di rection between Portland and Astoria. Additional information will be gladly furnished upon application to Mr. E. li Lewis, commercial agent, 248 Aldor treeL CASTOR I A ' lot Xufa&ti and Children, : Tfca KlrJ Yea Hare Aiwa js Bssght Bears th : . 2gastortoX BE9VCEB TUB IXA- BATES TO 8K0B2. Go to Newport on JTaqulna Bay aa Ideal beach. It is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rate of $3.00 haa been made by the Southern ,Paclflc. Company In connection with the Xorvalll. & Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip, from Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. A delightful ride through the beau tiful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up one side of the Willamette River, returning the other. Ask any 8. P. Co. or C A E. R. R. agent for a beautifully illustrated booklet- describing the seaside resort, at Yaauia. . .. . . ... , Blk 2. lot 8, 8. A. and Lillian M. Manning Blk 2. lot X, Bert 8. and Edith W. Franka Blk 2 lot 1, Andrew J. and Georgia Occasionally it is said that a proetu 1. ,; V;;' '.V hai ' w nan ueen aiscoverea py wnicn pearia are made. The stories lack foundation in fact. Imitation pearls are easily de tected, and genuine pearia were never worth more than now. The supply and demand seem to make depreciation In value impossible. . STONE OF MECCA of a between the sooth line if Eaat An keny atreet and line 100 feet aontb of and parallel therewith, and be tween the weat line of blk 2. . Man nlng'a Addition to tbe City of Port land, Oregon, and the eaat Una of Eaat Twenty-eighth street, Tboa. M. Andernon Undivided H of a tract of land lying between the annth line of Eaat An keny atreet and a Una 100 feet south . of and parallel therewith, and be tween the weat line of blk 2. Man nlng'a Addition to the City of Port land. Oregon, and tbe eaat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet. Chaa. Van Winkle .. Pleaaant Home Addition to Eaat Port- Blk 48, lot 1. Sarah Vt'ent worth nik 4S, lot Z, Sarah Weatworta .... Blk 4. lot 8. Sarah Wentwortb ...,. Blk 4. lot 10. Andreaa Vetacb Blk 48, lot It, Andreaa Vetarh ........ Blk 4L lot 18. Andreaa Vetarh Blk 40, west .4 m 1. Los pe Tarmoad, Blk 4H, weat H lot I. Los Pe Tarmond. Blk 40. eaat H M t. Rtawell B. patch and William D. Ploe 31k 48. eaat H lot 1 KoaweU K. Patch I.- Willi. M. ft 1,1 1 Rlk 48. lot 8, Edith E. fltubhe ........ Blk 40, lot 8. Mary E. Ol Inert ,. , Blk 40, lot . Marr E. Gilbert nnnyalde Addition- Blk . lot 8. Marr E. OllSert ". Blk 8, lot t, Ida M. Mrlfjonlea... ...... Hik 0. lot 1, Ida M. MeMunlas Blk 8. lot I. John flood mi s, mt g, jonn ttnne: Blk 3. lot 8. Jobn flood Rlk 8. lot 4. John Good . Rlk 8, lot 6, John flood Blk X, lot 8. John flood Blk 8. lot T. Battle Wllaoa Blk 87 lot 8. Hattle Wllaon Good's Addition Block No. 1 Rlk 1. lot 1. John flood m I. mt x.NJona knmi Blk 1, lot 8, John flood Blk 1. lot 4. John flood Blk 1. lot ft. John flood Blk 1. lot 8. John flood Blk 1. lot T. John Good Sannrelde Rlk 5.1. weat U lot 8. 8a rah J. Wetatar. Rlk 53. weat H lot 8. Sarah J. Wetaler. Blk 5.? eaat H lot 0. J. D. Coleman, trnatee , . . Blk 63. eaat ft lot ft. J. D. Coleman, trnatee . . , Rlk 83. lot 4. William II. Raj! Rlk 83. lot T. Err Rankin Rlk r3. eaat 4 lot 10, Victor Emrlek.. Rlk 53. weat U lot 10. Erv. Rankin.... Rlk 83. lot 11. Victor Emrick M w Blk 53; lot 19. A. M. and John II. Hetn- Rlk D3. lot IT. Clara B. Erans Rlk 53. lot 13. Clara B. Erana Rlk 52. lot fl. May K. Rrrant Rlk 52. lot 5.. May E. Bryant Rlk 52. lot 4. R. P. riewa , Rlk 52. lot 7. C. H. Palran Rlk 52. lot 10. Clarence H. Palran ... Rlk 52. lot 11. fleorse J. Helmberger. . Rlk 52. lot 18. Mlnetta A. Canon Rlk 52. lot IT, Ml net fa A. Canon Rlk 52, lot 18. Mlnctte A.' Canon Blk 51, lot 8. Cleveland Rockwell, trna tee Blk 51, lot 8. Cleveland Rockwell, trna tee Blk 51, lot 4, Cleveland Rockwell, trna tee . Blk 51. lot 8. Frank L. Hnaton and Jamea J. O'Keane Blk 61. lot 8., Fnncln J. Pnnnar BllfcSl. lot T, Franela J. Pnnnar Rlk 50. weat k32-8 feet lot 8, g. S. Wilts . . . - Blk 50, west 00 2 8 feet lot 5, R. 8. . White Blk 50. weat 08 -8 feet lot 4, R. S. White : i' Blk 50. eaat 83 1-8 feet lot ft, W. A. and L. B. Dalael ........ Blk 50. eaat 33 1-8 feet lot 4. W. A. and L; E. Dalael . . Blk 50. eaat 33 1-3 feet lot 5, W. A. and L. B. Dalael Rlk 50. lot T. Kilnheth Roth Blk 50. kit 10. Rllaabeth Roth... Suhnyalile Addition . Blk 5, lot 4. R. L. Csry and U J. Cary ,' . Blk 6. lot 8. T. C. and I.. Wltoon Blk 5. lot 8. WUHam Ruek ..- Rlk 2, lot 18. I. Horton Rlk 2. lot 18. Charlea K. Stewart .... -Rlk 2. lot 14. Charlea K. Stewart .... Blk 2. lot 13. Lille M. Stevenaon Blk 2. weat lot 12. LiUie M. Steven aon . Rlk 2. eaat V, lot 12. J. P. Booth Blk 2. lot 11, J.-r. Booth ............ Blk 2. lot 10, Linn k. ntrann Blk 2. lot 9, Lelda E. Straus CHI0AOO-PORTLAND FECIAL. aa tha Eaat via Baal, Any obJeetlona to tha apportionment ef eoat,LMW IngUio. for aald Iniproveinent Duat be made la wrltlugT , , .. . . , to tbe Council and filed With tba Auditor I apoiCAKK gLTBR. within Afteen dara from tha date-of tha flrat I roe Baalara Waahlaa, lis an I puoueauon or mia notice, ana aaia oojeeiiona 1 ton, nana rvaua, lmw 6ft. TT 11.15 . 8.T8 181 t.19 4T.1T 80.88 ..JIT S3. 3d S.84 8.81 24. T3 84.40 8T.01 40.40 48.11 T.rs 83. TO 23. Mi M.8T will be beard and determined by tha('ounctl before tba peaaage of tbe' ordinance saaeaalug ine eoar or aaia improvement. . Tbe Tows ef Sell wood Rlk 48. hit 10, SuaaB llerbers..,.,,....! Rlk 4H, lot 11. Sum a llerbers.. Rlk 48. lot 8, C. 8. Pendell BUt 4H, M 8, C. E. Pendell Rlk 48, lot T, C. E. Pendell... .. ....... Blk 48, lot ft. C. E. Pendell Blk 48. lot 8. O. E. Pendell... Blk 48. bit 8, Fetedonla Wolf Blk 48, lot 4. FHedonla Wolf Blk 57, lot 10, C. B. rendell.... Blk 6T, lot 11. a B. 4'endell.. Blk 87, hit T. A. Wood Blk 8T, lot 8, Alfred- W. Robertaoa.i... Blk 57, !ot T, Amelia Stelbrecbt........ Blk 67, lot 8, Mary A. Ray ., Blk 0T. lot ft. Mary A. Ray.... Blk 5T, kit 8, Mary A. Ray... Rlk 6T, lot 4. Mary A, Kay..., Rlk 88, lot 10. J. M. Nlrkum., Blk OH, lot 11, J. M. Nickuia. 879.08 829.80 a84.30 tft.Ofl 18.30 40.35 28.10 26.10 40.38 40.85 20.10 80.53 30.65 80.65 80.66 80.66 83.40 Set into ft corner of the Kaaba (the temple or shrine) of Mecca la what is known as the' "black stone." " It 1. an Irregular, oval boulder, about seven land Inches In diameter, three Inches broad, Rlk 4. lot 4. Sidney M. Mann and deep-reddish brown in color. It is gjfj M 3. Sidney M. Mann :r,lrecl'db,r Vl,,v7nd .w,th R'k i: t S: 'Tn &:!.:::::::::::: silver nails. It lis. been split by heat, Rlk 5, lot 4, C. J. Warner carried away by Karmathians and R"t 6. l"t 8. C. J. Garner ,.. . broken by a blow, but the, band and nails ! !! ! Amanda J. Bennett hold it together Some have declared it ffiiStWa?.:": a fragment of lava, other, a piece of Bin 12. lot 3. George W. Galloway .... volcanic basalt. Millions of kisses have A tract of land, lrlng between the aontb worn Its rough surfsce somewhat ""'.of. E"! Ankrnr. n.!.!he smooth. The Mohammedans believe it wa. a hyacinth brought from heaven bv usonei to Aoranam, and that contact with, the human race has changed Its properties. Philadelphia Ledger. AN ERRAND DOG 83.40 11.30 23.45 7.40 19.40 7.40 19.40 11.30 25.45 7.85 23.90 Ia town In Cumberland. Ena-landa dog Is in the habit, of going to the co operative store 'for groceries. It take a basket in Its mouth containing the money and book. When It enters it goes to everybody in the shon and knocks them with the basket till some one takes the money out and gives It to one of the hnnkeennm. On a Aav 11 dropped something out of if basket and A ct?' J"? 'ZZVZ'rP. a boy ran away with it The dog put the basket down and ran after him. and he had to ,drop the packet; If then got it In Its mouth and put It Into its bas ket, and, having got the falngrs, went home, It I. a sort of errand dog. Philadelphia Ledger. north line of Pleaaant Home Addition to tbe City of Eaat Portland, and be tween the eaat Une of Eaat Twenty alxfh atreet and a line 200 feet weat ' of and parallel with' tbe weat line of l-mmt Twente-elrhth afreet. laalah Buckman 69.80 A tract of land lying between the aouth line of Eaat Ankeny atreet and the north Una nf Pleaaant Home Addi tion to tbe City of Eaat Portland, and Between two Unea reanectlvely 200 feet and 100 feet Weat of any parallel with the weat line of Eaat Twentr- ' eighth atreet. John M. Lewis 23.85 A tract of land lying between the weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and a line loo feet weat of and parallel therewith, and between the south line of Eaat Ankeny atreet and tbe north Une of nlk 4, Pleaaant Home Addition to tha Citr of Eaat Portland. laalah Buckman 26.85 Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand. " CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR IMPH0VE- ' KENT OF EAST TWENTY , . NINTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of the City of Portland propoaea to aaaeaa tbe following described property and owner or owners aa being apeclally and peculiarly benefited In the amonnta aet oppoaite the names and deacrlpttona thereof for the improvement of East Twntr nlnth atreet. from tbe north line of Kaat Cdlaan atreet to tbe sooth Une of the Sandy road, aa proTiaea ny arainanc no. Any ooieciiona 10 me apportionment or coat ne made In writing line of Eaat Ankenr atreet and be tween the north line of blk 12. Pleaa-and- Home Addition to the City of Eaat Portland, and the north line of blk 6, Dalton'a Addition to tbe City of Portland, and between the eaat line of blk 6. Keytone Addition to tha City of Portland, and the west Una - of blk 12, Pleaaant Home Addition to tbe City of Eaat - Portland, and the weat line of Eaat Twenty-alxth atreet. laalab Ruckman Dalton'a Addition to Portland Rlk 5. lot 1, Samuel H. Parrott Blk 5, lot 2, Annie E.. Archie R Rich ard M. and Armond 01. Parrott Blk 5, lot 8, Samuel H. Parrott .... Blk 5, lot 4. Annie R.. Archie R., Rich ard M. and Armond G. Parrott Blk 5. lot 5. Annie E.. Archie R. and Richard M. Armond G. Parrott Blk 5, lot ft, George A. Peaae 109.86 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total .82.404.90 .1 fill PIB u ' 1. a u (H ........... 117 Blk 8M, lot 9. Hadda L. Llndeleaf 1 Sr i, Blk 88. lot 8, Anthony Curt la sn.aii I D,k au I.., f 1 1 - mun ii.Im Blk AH. lot ft, Lisheth H. Curtla. ....... Rlk IN, lot 6, Llabeth H. Curtis Rlk OS, lot 8, Frank A. Toepelmana Blk tn, lot 4. f rank A. Toepelmana..... Blk T7, lot 10, C, F. Petarh... Blk TT. lot 11, C. F. Petach Blk TT. lot 9, Fannie 8ayre....,v Blk TT, lot 8, J. M. Nlckum..;.... Blk T7, lot T, J. M. Nlcknm. Rlk TT, lot 8. M. Sharping Blk TT. lot 8. M. Sharping Blk TT, lot 8, Franklin Building A Loan ' Association . Blk TT, lot 4, Franklin Bnlltling Loa Association , Blk 4T, kit 13. Mathilda Lennox Blk 4T. lot 12. Mathilda Lennox Blk 4T, lot 14. John W. Mauldlng Blk 47. lot 15, John W. Campbell Blk 4T. tot 1ft. Jobn W. Camnbell Blk 4T. lot IT, Mra. K. L. Weat Blk 4T, lot 18. Franklin Building Loan Association Blk 4T, lot 2. I. M. Donaugb Blk 4T. lot 1. D. M. Donaugb Blk 68, kit 18. Isabella J. Srllwaod Rlk 6M, kit 12. Elisabeth D. H. Sellwood Blk 68, lot 14. Isabella J. Sellwood .... Blk 58, bit 13, Tbomaa R. Sellwood.... Blk 68, lot IB, Tbomaa R. A. Hellwood. . Rlk 58, lot IV Joseph A. Sellwood Rlk 68, lot 18, Joaeph A. Sellwood Blk 58, lot 2, Emma V Sellwood Blk 58, lot 1. Emma V. Sellwood Blk AT, lot 13, ( has. F. Stelnleln Blk AT. lot 12. Cbas. F. Stelnleln...... Blk AT, lot 14. H. 8. Allen .' Blk AT. lot 15. School District No. 1.... Blk AT, lot 16. School District No. 1.... Blk AT, lot IT. Snaan A. Wllla ' Blk AT, lot 18. H. M. Bingham Blk AT. hit 2. W. 8. Kerns Blk AT, kit 1. W. 8. Kerua , Rlk TN. E. H lot 12. Thoa. Ana Rlk T8. R."tf lot 13. Tboa. Ane Blk TH, W. V, lot 12, Louis Bopp 29.08 14.31 11. 79 4.21 1.51 1.A5 2.60 ft. 20 .4T 3.99 ftfl 4.10 .TH tS.T3 12.HT 12. AT 2S.24 R..10 T.7N ' 80.23 07.20 8.RH 6.92 86.07 28.TT 38 20.39 25. M 119.93 66.54 10. TS 0.43 1.91 2.1.1 43.39 89.81 8.0C S.6S 18.17 .99 1.20 19. AS 22.50 I 84.0 41.13 44.11 88. AH 83.23 25.10 23.21 12.T1 13.30 27. AJ I 29.02 80.13 Blk 78, W. H lot 13, Louie Bopp Blk 78, lot 14, Jane Carter Blk 78. lot 16. A. K. Barrowa.i Rlk 78, lot 16, Kate Slnnott Blk 78, lot 17, Julea Koetaln., , , Blk IT. lot 18. Julea Roatain..,., Blk TH, kit 2. Julea Rostaln.. Blk T8, lot 1, Julea Roetatn Total $2,223.18 THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Anrnst 4. 1003. 7 49.T U.04 24.32 94.82 26.26 27.18 27.62 21.11 A7.21 3.02 18.03 27.15 23.73 25.28 27.02 ' 23. BT 23.12 81.90 T1.03 j 27.15 25.T8 24.82 . 2.1.87 22.48 22.19 60.0ft 6H.41 22.02 ' 21.64 22.08 21.A2 21.118 20.51 10.04 89.AA 40.:i6 1I.0H 24.32 25.20 25.T3 26.21 20. AH 2O.0T 0A.23 A3. 48 1H.09 20 AH 23.78 25.73 25.26 23.37 23.08 62. RH 71.78 24.47 27.A2 27.26 24.82 23.37 22.43 22.46 68. T2 10.03 2B.1H 10.U3 211.110 21.56 22.0S 21.H2 1.o:t 90.50 10.0t S0.A6 Iston. Coe and Orsal WarUiara points. - . , ATLANTIO EXPRESS. lot the Eaat sis Usat- lagtoa... -r 1..' " Leaves,. ' , Arrtraa. '; . j :0 a. as. 4:80 p. aa. Dally. . . , iDaily, J v,';Yv ' J 6:00 a. m. TM a. DaOly, owly. (. ;- I II." I '' ' 6:16 p. as. 10:80 s. Sa, Dally. - Dally. , ' OOEAJf AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR IAN FRANC18CO, 8. 8. Gee. W. Elder- August 10, 30, 80. g. S. Columbia . , August , IS, 23. ' From Alaska . Dock. 8;u 9. as. m p. au Ooluar kla River Dt via ion. FOR ASTORIA and war points, connecting wits simr. roe uwaoe anu North Beach, str. lias- sale. Aab-st dock. 8:00 p. as. Dally. x Sunday . Saturday Ki;)K p. m. 3:00 9. Si. ex. SuadaJS About .n , POTTER SAILING DATES (Aab St. Docks August 4, 11:80 a. m.; August 6. 12:30 p. .; August ft, 1:15 p., tn.; August T, 2:00 p. BX( August 8 (Saturday), 1:30 p. aa. ' - -' TaathUl Elver Ranta. I OR DAYTON, aty a ad VamalU KJiar points, str. Slmura. aa-Bt. ears. ' . wr iwrratttln. I 7:00 a. Ba. Tawaday. Tbnraday, Saturday. 8:00 . -.V Monday.W WediMMdailk Friday. Snake River Xeuta. FOR LEWISTON. Ida., ind way pointa, from RloarU. Wash., steam- era Spokane and Lev Is ton. 4:05 a. am. Daily. X. Sab About 6:09 p. M. Dally ex. Friday. TICKET OFFICK. Third a ad Waablngfea. Tel poooa siaia iix. PORTLAND & ASIATIC. STEAMSHIP CO.' : For Tokohama and Hoes Kona. ealllna a Robe, Nagaaakl and 8hangbal. taklns fralaa via connectlug ataamara Cor Manila, port ArU and VUdlvoatock, TNDRASAKHA SAILS ABOUT JULT M. For ratea and full In forms rloa can ea or aa frees officials er agents ef Ue U. (LAN. Cat RAILROAD TIMETABLES, TftC BEST OF tVESfVTHIWQ 70 HOURS Total : ..12 300.87 THO. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. Angnat 4, 1003. MOPo8T.n ASSESSMENT TOR SEWI IN EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Kntlca Is herebv a I Ten that the Council of tbe Cltv of Portland propoaea to aaaeaa tbe fol lowing 'described property and owner or owners aa being apeclally ano pecnnariT oenenie m ui amounts et oppoaite the namea and descriptions thereof by the conetmetlon of a aewer In Eaat ws.hinatnn atreet from 10A feet weat of tbe i ... It tut nf East Thlrtr-aeTenth atreet to a connection with the aewer at the weat Une of Eaat Thlrty-eixrn sireei. .ss provioeo vj orui- v. 19 AnA' Any obJeetlona tn the apportionment of coat for aald aewer moat be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Andltor within 16 dava from tba date of the flrat publication of thla notice, ana aaia onjeeuona win oe neara and determined by tbe Council before the pas. sage of the ordinance saaeaalng the coat for aald ewer. Sunnyalde Third Amotion 10 t-orrianu, Oregon. . UK HI. IOT 11. 1DB im UHW.HIC. m TrustXompany ......... is.vo Riir at. lot 12. The Title Guarantee Trust Comnanv 13.06 Blk 81, lot 13. The Title Guarantee Trust Company 21,48 Blk 84, mt o. jns line uuaranie. m Trnst Comnanr 18.86 Rtt, 4 lot A. The Title Guarantee A Trust ccmnany , js.oo mir aa. lot 4. Tha Title Guarantee As Trust company ou.ao Total'...: $115.60 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City ot Portland. Adgurt 4, 1903, PORTLAND ria the 0. rw R. t N. Con Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and for aald Improvement must PR0P08ED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPR0VE- HENT Of SIXTEENTH STREET. Notice is bereby given that tbe Council of tne city or rortiana proposes to aaaeaa tb louowiug aeecnoea property and -owner or owners aa being apeclally and peculiarly benr- niea in ine amounia aet opposite tne names to tbe Council and filed with the Auditor within I and deecrlptlona thereof for tbe Improvement , J - ...A Am, ... Ami. 1 1 . , - . I . Oi . . - . ,A . . . . . . A , i ua ..wm. . " ure ma, puum-iuun.gi o Di.imjuj n 11 . i v.ui j. im aouui or me tmi notice, ana aaia oojeciionn win ne neara 1 nortn line 01 unssn street to is reet north of and determined by tbe Council before tbe paa- the aoutb line of Hoyt atreet, as provided by hk u. in, wuiuauvv anwn.ua, w. wat ui aaia 1 oruinauce no. jo,oqm. Improvement, York. . Blk T, lot 1, Matbals Becker ....( Blk T, lot 2, Matbals Becker Blk T, lot 3, Max M. Smith Blk 7. lot 4. Max M. Smith Blk T, lot ft. Jtmes Lugg .............. Blk T. lot 6. James lugg ....... .... Blk 8, lot 1, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 8, lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate. . Blk 8, lot 11, H. L. Powers, trnatee,. Blk 8, lot 12. M. E. Drew Blk 0. lot 1. The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 8, lot 2. H. L. Cowers, trnatee.... Blk 9. lot 12. Boye' 4c Ulrla' Aid Socle it, I. Blk 1L lot 1. The Hawthorne Estate. Blk 11, lot 2. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.... Hawthorne's First . Addition to East Portland Blk 1, lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Estate,... Blk 7, lot T, The Hawthorne Estate.... York - , Blk ft, lot 1. The Hawthorne Estate. . . . , Blk ft, lot 2, Tbe Hawthorne Batata..,. Blk ft, lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Estate...., Blk ft, lot 4. Tbe Hawthorns Estate.,,. Blk ft. lot A, The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk ft, lot ft, Tbs Hawthorne Estate.. .V 80.50 4.36 80.35 20.21 24.77 100.75 71.72 19.00 61.64 65.43 84.69 19.64 28.89 102.10 61.25 15.78 8 20 103.78 42.74 43.88 84.40 28.77 96.69 60.6 Any obJeetlona to tbe snnnrtlonment " nf cost - for aald Improvement must be mads to writing to the Council and filed with tha Auditor within fifteen days- from the date of the first publication of tbla notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by the Council before' the paaaage of .the ordi nance assessing tne coat or said improvement. Conch a Addition to tbe City of Portland . v ; ' Blk 100. weat H lot 2, lone sod Wil liam 8. Buckman .' 860.55 Blk 100. weat V, lot 8, lone snd Wil liam S. Buckman 69.14 Blk 100, eaat H lot 2. A.' T. Smith...... . f.28 Blk 100, eaat H lot 8. A. T. Smith ..... 1 ft.83 Bk 100, lot ft, Frank sad Thomas K. , Rlcbet . . v W.. ..................... 64.08 Blk 100, lot T, Frank and Thomas B. 'v -Rlchet . . . V. ........V.. 7.84 Blk 154. lot 1, Max 8mltb snd Minnie Auer Smith . . -..A. 67.64 Blk 164. lo 4, Mas Smith snd Minnie Auer Smith ...r. - 64.98 Total . i... ...8398.4ft ,c t i - THOS. C. DEVLIN. ; Auditor of the City ef PortlsaaV ' Annwt I, 190S. PROPOSES ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE- MENT 01 JOHNSON STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propoaea to aaaess the follow- Ina described oronertr and ov being specially and peculiarly benefited tn tbe- amounta aet onooaite ins nanrca ana. uesenp- tlnna thereof for the Improvement of Johnson atreet from the west line of Tenth atreet to the eaat eurb line of f ourteen m street, ss pro vided by ordinance no. la.stto. - Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for aald imnrovement aanat be made In writing to tbe Council and filed with the Andltor within 15 data from tbe date or tne nret dud Ilea tlon of tbla notice, and said obJeetlona will be beard and determined bv tbe Council before tba oaa- aage of the ordinance assessing the cost of said lmnenrement.- . . . , Couch's Addition to tbe City of Port land -- ' Blk 184. lot 1. Domlns Fefvre Rlk 134, lot 4. Louis H. Tarpley ...... . Blk 134, lot 8, George Hartneaa. ...... . Blk 134, lot 2, Oeorge Hsrtness.. Rlk 135, lot 1, Ellas E. Hartneaa...... Blk 135, lot 4. KUaa E. Hartneaa Blk 135, E; 25 feet lot 2, Emma O. Rob inson Blk 136, E. 26 feet lot 8. Emma G. Rob inson Blk 135, W. of B. H lot 2, Berthold , Kretscbmar Blk 135. W. V, ot E.- H lot t, Berthold Kretsehmar ......................... Blk 186. W. H lot 8, Investors" Mort Tvro trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair can and dining cars (a la carte). ' , . je' ' .a :v , ir- - ,-,: ' , connects at (granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. ' Bft 8ur year ticket read ever tkft Chicago & North-Western. , A. a BARKER, Qleru AOT. a N-W. rtT- : IU TMUtO T,, SOATLANO, 0A8, ' EAST via. SOUTH IQ octtN rtrll Laavsa. J:S a. av ftsOSp. j T:S0 s. as. 114:60 s. a. VNI0N DEPOT. AfHVSS, OTERLAND- EXFRKM1 trains, for Salem. Roee-I burg. Ashland. RaeraJ meuto, Ogden, San rraa-jTldS S. "isco. Mo la re, U A4 seiea, s,i raao, Now Or-i tea os and the EssL At Woodbsra dally (except Sunday), aors Ing train for Mt An gel, fillrertoa, Brewas- ntie, springoew, rlssH iiug ana natron. Albany passenger, eogj sects at Woobura srltH Mt. Angel and SUvor-j tea tocaL Corral Ua passenger Sbexldaa passenger.;... 7 .00 s. 10:10 a. n OtoO p. m. 8:SB a, st Dally. HDslly except Bunds)', tsrtlaad-Oswago. Suburban SarvloS sad TamhOl , . . . Diviaioa. , Depot Toot of Jefferson Street. Leave Portland dally for Oawrge 7:80 a. m. aa.ov, a-w. m.o, d-jl d:o, n:ou, xv:iu.p, m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:80, 8:80, 8:86, 10:iS :uu, it:, s. m. 1 4:i :t0 p. m. Sunday only, 9:at Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally !:80 a. nt.V 1:55. 8:06, 4:36. 8:16, T.86, 9:55, 1:10 p. to. Dally (except Sunday) 8:25, 7:25, :80. 10:20, 11:46 s. m. Except MoaAsy, Bl!a4 a. m. 8unday only, 10:00 e. m. Leave from same depot for Dallas Sod Inter. Mediate poluta dally (except Sunday) 490 p. as. Arrive Portland 10:20 a m. Tbe Independence-MonmoBtB Motor Una operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. eon. Meeting with Southern Pacific Company's tracks t Dallas snd Independence. Mrst-class rebate tickets en sale front Port, land to Sacramento and Ban Francises. Nat rats 817.50. berth $5; seeond-claas fare 116. wltt out rebate or berth; eecc-ed-class birth S2.60. ; Tickets to Eaatem pointa and Europe, lae sspaa, vuina, nonpmia ana Auatraiis, City Ticket Offce eornar Third and Waahlas- ten streets. Phone, Main 712. CL W. BTINOER. -aty Ticket Agent W. 11 COMAN,' uaa. ras. I I TPAIM3 . DTIDTI AMn 202.27 12.39 24.31 80.88 73.51 22.90 6128; 7.43 62.28 . i.4i nr. Hecnritv uomnanr. or coinouran. - X Scotland , . . s i, 14.89 Blk 185. west H lot S, Inveators- Mort- , ... gage Security Company, Of Edinburgh, Scotland. . 104. TO Blk 130. Wt 1. King Estate J42.8S Blk '13ft, lot 4, King Estate - 81.84 Blk 1 38, lot 8. King Estate ............ 19.T4 Blk 130, lot 2, King Estate ......... 1S4.9T Blk 13T, lot 1. German Savings A Loan - Society of Ban Francisco. Cat ..... 190.09 Blk 137. kit 4, German Ravings A Loan ' -Hoptetv of San Francisco. Cal. ....... . 28.12 Blk 13T. tot 8. German Savings A Loss Society of San Francisco. Cal 11.89 Blk 13T. kit 2; German Savings A Lean Society of Sao Franclaeo. Cal. ........ . 179.94 Blk 127, lot 8. Isaac Kaufman Estate, Helra of 202.07 Blk. 127. lot S, Isaao Kaufman Estate, Hetre of 1188 Rlk 12T, kit 8, Margaret C. Hanghton., ' 85.7T Blk 127, lot 7, Margaret c, Houghton.. 2Z8.01 Rlk"12fl. kit 8. Ben Selllnr. trustee..-..' 223.25 Blk 129, lot A, Be Selling, trosfee ..... 84.76 AlXf TRAINS VIA WASHINGTON T0DAVS NEWSTODAY Pneet Sound Limited foe Tacoma. aleattle. Olympla. ' South Bend and - Gray's Hsrbori points. North Coaat . Limited. for Tacoma. 8eattle, Butte. - Bt Paul, Min neapolis, Chicago. New York, Boston and points East ana aoatueasc Twin-City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle. Spo- aam, neiena, nt. fam. Minneapolia Chicago. New York, Boston and an points Eaat asd Boatbesst, Paget ' Sound . Kansas Clf-St. Louis Special for Tacoma, Seattle. Snokana. Rurre. Rinin. Denver. Omaha, Kanaas uir. st. iuia and all points Kaat sod Sooth eaat. . Departs. 8:30 s. m, 8:00 p. m. 11:48 p. m 8:80 s. m. Arriras. 6:80 p. st T:00 s. bj 7:00 P- ' '1 7:00 a. hriaVi. ""M "'V sxeapt en Sonth Ban srsscs. .. an naiDiTnii . ' 228 uJtEZPVi Psesenger Ageat. ? s Morrison SL, corner Third. Portland. 0i Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. rms..,. Dally. 2:80. p. m. Sat. only. IsOO m. m. Ex Sat. ONION DEPOT. For Majgare. Ralaler. Clstskanle. WestDorLI Ulfton, Astoria, WarJ rentos ' Flavel, Hatn-I mono rort Bterena. Bearhart Park. Seaalda.1 Astorls and Seashore aiaprpaa, vsuy. Astorls Express. Dslly. , , , ... Arrives.' Dslly. 11:10 a. a. 9:40 p. a. "' ,:,'-'. ,M , '' J. 0. MA TO, . ' O. P. and P. A Amtr.wim rw : B. L. LEWIS, Commercial AgtaL 04 Alder eta. Dkans UaU (ai tat . . w 4wtww sm rv-JkA