The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 05, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Larger Supplies of Beef Cause
Market to Show Weakness
and Lower Quotations Pre
vail on Street,
Packed Flesh of Local Manu-
V ' facture Is Weaker and Down
j . Salmon Arriving More
Lively Potatoes Bad,
' OhUfM U th quotation of
both padkd and fresh meats wtU
be noted today. Wm wwtbw
Ht a mall demand la th prin
cipal mm.
wool, t2Q2S; medium wool, SOe; tofaf wool.
O0cl 1.4 ...
TALLOW Prim. Dr lb. 4fl6ei No. I a ad
imv. ft2c.
uiiikb iN-jr niaoa, no. i. i poaaae sna
p. 14 per lb; dry kip. No. 1, B to IS m.
net dry cslf. No. l. under 0 It. inc; dry
salted, bulls and atace, 1-8 leae than dry
Slut: aaltod hldee. steer, sound. 60 aouixla or
aver, T8c: 60 to 00 Bat. Tunc: under 60 Ibe
and eowe. 6417c: stars and bulla, sound, oc;
kip, sound. lA to 80 the. Tc; eoood. 10 to
14 It, Tc; calf, anund. Under 10 Ibe, act green
lanaaltodl. le oar lb less: rails, la par
laaa I...... kl ..!., aiiA Si Q.ltfil TR
each. Il.00atl.50: cults' hldee. each. 2offl50e:
oat skins, common. Mich. 10 15c; Angora, wltk
wool oa, sack, lUrtTll.OO.
Butter, Zgga an roaltry.
BCTTKK B.traa. 22c: creamery. a
anr; dairy, ltt(aor; storn, lnmioc.
KiftJH rreah Oreaon. auozic.
CHKK8B full cream, twin, ltei Toon
American. lol.Hc.
rOl'LTRY Chlckena. mixed. lleT12e per ID:
bena, llfttlaftc; roosters. BQlOc pee ID; Droll
era, jDftiinr per id; iryers, jsaiioc per id
ducka, 8 41 Be per 16: see en. Tc
lira, nominal; dressed, nnmtnsj.
rrsIU sad Yagsteble.
POTATOES New. TSctltl.OO: buyers' prices.
toi me.
ONIONS California allversklns,
' . . . .... ..M t ha Miwrt demand for tha hard
In KB It FRCITS Apples, rancy Oregon, fi.oo ' - , ...
ei.W; new 4'ailfurnia. per boi; orsnes. winter wheat waa exceedingly flat, with
Mia Valencia
fia ner
lb; hncselberrlea, 14c per lb; aprl- anted In tha present Situation. Borne
Heavy Rains lii Kansas Blamed Authorities, Want a Law Corn-
tor the hailing on in the r peiimg contractors to
Acceptances, Clear Away Debris.
' " 1 I 1 1
(Special permission of Bolton, da Rnyter A Co.) I Mayor ""Williams la contemplating
CHICAGO, Aug. . The Record-IIer-I drawing up an' ordinance for tha con-
aid aaya: slderatlon of tha. City Council, requiring
The South weatern offering of winter all contractor or atreet workera to
wheat haa been comparatively light for I clear th rubbish out of tha thorough-
two daya. Tha heavy Kansas ralna of I fares after tha Improvements are fin-
twit uumvumuuu uwuy niKU
ments Why Democratic Party
may succeed, ,
General Mix-Up In Matters Eas
-of the Cascades- Tu me
CouJd Have Governorship I
He Vo. Desired.; ;r;
t8 per lb; turkeys, gumjay -,na Saturday are held respon
alble for the falling off In the accep
tancea. All tha speculative markets
have felt th effect of tbla dropping
11.1001.20; down In tha selling. Shippers, however,
' (Journal Special Service.)
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug S Discussion
of Washington Democratic . politics.
lately carried on in various Waahlngton
and Oregon newspapers, haa raised tha
m w siliurma, .i.ou per m, oreiis. i .
'aljneles. 400 .,boj; .ledlterrsneaB Dd. out of Una by about IK oenta.
.U,Vrberr.alr4.b,,,,?r Th. oat. ,rowd i.'a good deU Inter-
crate; lemons, atandarda,;
On Front street today the price on
the various grades of freah meat are
lower on account of the larger receipt a
and the smaller demand. Fresh beef is
arriving in too large a supply and de
mand la not steady enough to keep
prices from go Ink down. Hogs are
r.?a$.tie right early In tha seaaon ar. tk
ing euner uecemoer or msj.
Rich people ar being talked of as
the onea who are Intereated in tha July,
and th recent handling of a big stock
Ished. Ha aaya considerable complaint
haa been made , to him lately that the
contractors war generally In tha habit
of depositing th rubbish, old boards,
etc.. on tha atreeta and leaving it there j question aa to th desire of Oeorge,
for a period of weeks and months b- lurner, wnos service aa unuea Biaie
for It waa cleared a. way. . I Senator waa ended when Levi Ankeny
Sidewalk Inspector Caawell haa suo-I was sworn In, to be nominated on th
ceeded in compelling a number of con-1 Democratic ticket for Governor net
tractora to haul away th rubbish thay I rear. Th cool-blooded trutn la con
leave after comDletinsr a atreet or aide- talned in these two brief assertions:
it ueorg Turner wania to D nomi-
mtM TAf llAVaranf tik will eirtmlnA,AH
cash stocH of oats. Th How crowd dinanc .making such a cuatom a vlo- H does not want th nomination; but
support of Democrat for return to th
thing, however, . seam to hav reaa-
rota. BOr per
pe' I'W; peacbea, nUHSc; plneapplea t''
u.wqi.w; net, black. fi.Mi; wnits, i.miKf i ui
matV-u)S9U 2.2tlS!2' I'm: Utlc of th law would prov far mora prefer., to prerv. hi. claim upon the
I rsnteUwpos, ll.ft0sil.T5 per .; )ceoB u' V"1L1 .i. effectlv.
HftW0(c per cwt ; pears, Tbcil.80 per
blackcapa. II TBi J.tXC nectarines. Ode
aranea. fl.fto: erahannlea. ftp To.
VSCJETAHLEU TurnlDa. 11.00 aarki earrota.
111.23: beets. $1 per aack; radishes. 1IH
id; iei
Ifte d
loa: cabhaee. Ilreaoa. lUaime
tuce. head, l&c per dna: areen peppers, 30e D;
Dorseradlan.. He lb; eeler. fl.uo per ana: ncans,
slrlnc, Tel low. m14c Tb; green. 4HW.V lb;
rhahsrb, ac lb.; lomstnes, California, per box,
11.26; Oregv0, SOUTV; botbouaC, 1.Z; psr
snips. Il.Tft; peaa. 3tc; ca cumbers, ftot7c;
wmln ,n,r?r1 the,end VnTiiJiTirA M' Jlfct than
may be called fair with the call, erpec- n; apricots. THSlo. : n ; peacbra. e9e lb; pated.
IBJiy ror mi oioca svora, , nrmer. veai i pears, ovc m: pruuaa. iiaiian,
s - a i .i i . .. I Preneh. SX
1 scara most uwni ciaiuui xor . r--; --.Veii iK. Aal
MOtHit lb: An. California blacks. C
aupplle. at tha top quotation Mut- f ded.T.n i-Vb PArto w psck.
ton and lamba ar also lower In price.
Th same cut in quotations is made Cy
tha inspected meat concerns.
racked Meat. Ar tower.
area to case, gftc pks; aeeded. . 2-oa cartons.
T I. . . I. . ..11 K ,w
i 7a 1 "" "i nqmiriin, t"' 1 11
lb; London Urara, l.7&eX00.
VraoarUa. Huts, Eta.
Caaes of this character ar not Iso- Senate, in th event it be possible for
lated ones, th Mayor clalma, but are any Democrat to be elected to that office.
noticeable from one portion of, the city Par 'excellence, beyond doubt, it I.
to tha otrfer. On Sixteenth and Nine I said, George Turner atanda A rat In tha
. . 1- .A...,. ...... 1 W . U...A. I AAIIIIMI A 7 .11 TITa.k
aJ2T nrooSae: TXZ th. contractor. debris ington Democrat Hi. rtrengU, with
along by tn gutter ana it requirea I wesiern wasningion xemocraia aiao la
considerable talk and threats before greater than any other Democrat In tha
ther cleaned It out, and then only to I state, in spit of sectional consider-
claim that "soma one else" waa respon-1 tlona. So aoon a. th Democrat. ' of
alble, and ahould hav "been compelled Eastern Waahlngton ascertained - that
to do the work. , George Turner wanted anything they
Tha feature of th new ordinance will would proceed to. take off their coats
probably be th clauae requiring all and strive to get. It for him.
street contractors to clear away tha tj: awwna owui jrnva.
debria from th tn(0'?u"ar Th auggeation that Dr. Byrne. Mayor
doea own4 them propoaea to make no
sacrifices and la not In a position to be
compelled to. v
Th crop advices yesterday on oats.
both from Washington and from Sprlng-
SUGAR "Sack basis:" Cuba. S5.R7U!
la th local Backed meat market QUO-I dered. S5.T2M: drr granalata I5.62H: axtra
C $5 UM,: Golden C. $3."2H: bsrreU, 10c; H
barrels, zhc; boxes, SOc ailTane on aack basis.
leas Ifte par cwt. for cash, IS oars; maple, 149
ioc in.
HOKET IftiffllnV ner frame.
COrFEK fireen Mocha. 2l23c! lara. fa OCT
Z082c Java. rood. 2i(2(c; Jiti. ordinary,
la&aue: Coats Hlca, fancy. J 3 30c: Costa
tatlona ar lowered today on account of
th Increased run of hogs and the re
' : duced rulrng quotation on that com
modity. No change was made in the
' quotations of Eastern product Lard is
unchanged. '
' . "... meaty oi' Watarmalons.
' Nearly half a doien cara of water
, rae.lona arrived in th city for local
. . . . . i wiinwwufT. .
commission men loaay ana me rasrxoi i dltferent rriaea, 12Ht83e
seema to M overatocicea. JrTlces nave l colored Japan. lOQOoc; graaa
.Consequently taken a drop and ruling I ITTv o i
, quotations today range from e to 90
. cents per 100 pounds.
Cantaloupe, ar in larger supply and
on th street prlcea ar lower.
: Peaches are more plentiful, a .mall
r shipment of Early Halea being received
- Alum xauisuu irauiuaj. I pirir fmrk.-4.i T.- u
. Wild Wackberrle. ar playing out and vt n7wX!2.. hd.- St
' supplies ar hardly seen on tn street
; todsy.
On car of fancy lemons arrived from
TTaable to Destroy Oorm.
There is this unusual feature of the
corn Irnarlnn rhla vftnr that Jin carlv
frnsr mleht ilmAlt win tha nrnn nut. they have worked, within Ave daya after B
and probably would create a acare that the Job Itaelf It completed. An ade- Xurner tn-' control of Spokane County
would entirely wipe out any atubborn qu punnnmsni wm '"" Democratic politics, is regarded aa
ahort sellers. If frosts are escaped to insure me carrying out oi me aiai- mereIy A .ood lolt. t Byrna ould
not be a straw obstacle In the way of
the ex-Senator's ambttlnna. Dr. Tl vme
hWH KY IS I A Mr II besidea being recognised aa a. weak ex
there may prove to be crop enough to
make the present price look high. But
the market Is kept nervous and sellers
are timid with the feeling that the ex
traordinary developmenta that might
follow an early frees make tha celling
price extra hasardous. The bear
fseraSSl IZT. ni!oniZIjra
lii.ll llat; Lion, list: CortUs, profits. The bull Is hoping a
lass uoMm,, ninereni rraaea, zdiswjci i mans pm m Hiuiug.
ecutrve ofllcer. opposed tha regular noml
hA TTllKne Taahaewtrtl mtmm Aia
Th watchea, rings and locketa dls- n-mocratio ticket for Mn- of flnir.n.
this I covered In a thief's "plant" under a RvrnM iniAr.erie.i.r .n ..r.'
sidewalk at Second and Madison streets nr. -.i.-tina- Mr nowd th. ii.mmh.rt
Oanpowder, t 28a323Ac: Enjrllsh Breakfast,
:. Holder ob
is pin, vary
BALT Bales, ta. as. 4a. fts. 10a. 12.10: fln
table, dairy, 60s, Sct loos. T4e: tmooeed Ui-
arpool, 60s. 4.V: 100s, Me; S24a. II. 8S.
BALTfVapas. half aronnri. lOila. nss
$14.00; 60s, per ton. 114.60; Llrerpooi, lnmp.
rock, 121.00 pat too; oO-0 rock. II
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, tS.TSQ6.00 par 100
i or xnimsi delivery.
E Imperial Japan. No. 1. 6c; No. 2,
BREAKFAST POOD Malta Pita. 14.60; rlT.
Minute, az.oo: Force, 14 00; H-o oata.
SALMON Columbia Hirer. Lib tails. 11. TO:
t-tb talis. 12.40: fancy l ib flats. 11.8ft; H-lb
Kaage of Ohieaga Markets.
(Special Permission of Bolton, da Ruytar h Co.)
CH1CAUO. Aug. . The martata today ranaed
aa follows:
frost will Monday morning, have been claimed who wu the Republican candidate.
anu rurna lo inoir mauui uwi.m- Even wlth Turner refusing to run
by th polio. The last article claimed for 0overnori It ,. ,aId that Byrne's
is the watch belonging to Miss Nlda reque8t for th, nomination would be
Brisblne, from whom It waa taken three turned d)wn ln a manner.
ycaru agu. w. or.nuin.. .nd . would ha MlMtM. If
i a m Til.. . . i
: While your family Is tway enjoying their vacation,
, to have ' your ' home wired and . equipped with
. sat. B , SSI M tU m Safam fSaSJlkaM '-' A . ' a '.at
KUtLTiKJU Lriun u.wMioM prepares ,
: Ions Winter nights. : t, y '
-.' ... - . .';''..,'''"
Portland 1 General Electric C6
, , S1V1NTH AND ALDn jgmjS ' - ,4 v
romrxvAjrs, omxooaT.
JaaCIBZaUr 64IH3 9840 Vr Bay'
the South today. A amall shipment Of J fancy flats. IMO: fancy 1-m oral. 12.ft0: Alaska
Ulnlii Vananaa .nlaal raaana a S. I tslla. nink. HO. rH f 1 AO: 9.1b tails. 12.00.
;:i,r.";v.? i? rtJoii..2rper',-.i. w.t-r
-- - i wniie. iron sou. ibhc. wooden, isc: ueaa-
son. The fruit was in tin condition llsnt. cases. 24c. Iron kbla, lTMe; gaaolln. iron
and sold at higher quotations than tn 0D-"" He.i
r ...... ..... 1 LINSKFin OIT Pnra raw. tn bhls. 44e: senn
V TiVSS- T. ... .r line kettle. bolled.Vs 61c; bbl. 4ftc; pur. raw.
I ws vBiVit vai as sa. a aw. a saw imb aa svasacaaa
1 supply from Th Dalle, and are quoted
Sept. 62
Dec Oa
Rept 18.86
May 04. is.ou
Sept T.BS
Sept 8.12
aDqt:at,M ro otrT. ooaaoiAi. mmni
peolal rate, auada t famlUaa aad slngl f ailem3L Th ana.afm 8
wlU Ira pleaMd A ail ttmaw to .how rooao. and glv prloes. - A xaodat.
Tarklsk bakk ata11sriwiaw8 U tke koteL
k. a iovha ittaarw. .
.84 .84
.86 -86
18.A6 '
12. T
1 23
, .61
18.00 T.82
Frank Company, and at one time owned .inn en i, .ij Ka. . ..a
a drug store at Forest Grove, gave her I nv. charlea Voorheea of Sookana.- but! . ' . a. a .... .
the tlmeple at Christmas. , 1899. ll Byrn'e. J2Z2Xtt
ana me owner was mucn pieaaea 10 (p;;
it Th. mweirv is thourht to mooratio Candida t rrom West.
bave been stolen by Reuben Neer. an Th rct i. according to wise onea,
ai-ronvlct. who was aent from Port- the candidate for Governor would b con-
land to. the Salem penitentiary, whero cde1 to Western Waahlngton. Eastern
he la now an Inmate.
"-xnr the-tret at -Tl-nt. a box Apprl
' cot, both dried and fresh, are com
' v Ing In fair supply. , Tb fresh variety
": ar quoted at 90 cents. Grapes are
more plentiful and quotations are down
.to 11.10 Per crate. Soma very fair ap
pies, both from this state and the south,
",; arrived today. Prlcea rang from $1 to
. $1.10 per box. s
. ' . ' Salmon Me. Ar iVowar.
Receipt, of Chinook salmon are con
. stantly growing larger and the local
, market, ar getting overstocked with
, supplies. ' A cut ln the price to the
, fishermen on the lower river yesterday
v:Waa followed by a similar cut ln local
,1 quotation, today. Halibut is coming in
. v fair supply but the affkh is of smaller
.is than usual. Other fish are un
, changed tn either supply or price.
j - Potato Drag th Market.
'"-T Potato men on the street are belna
. " burdened with extra heavy receipts of
Oregon new potatoes. The stocks are
' arriving ln a much more lively manner
. " than th demand will warrant, . and
'1' prioea ar going a-begging. Some In-
1 - qulrles ar being received from Dawson
V City for wuppllea and if these orders are
'v secured the market will show a slight
''.Improvement. The call Is solely for
j Burbank.
ExoeUnt Sunand for Zxport Plonr.
: Th demand for export flour ln the
local markets is growing stronger the
' S call being principally from the Orient.
Prlcea a. a result have advanced on that
' grade of stock end the local varieties
are likewise showing every Indication
of an early advance.
,- " JTew Wheat Arrive.
The first car of new crop wheat ar
'' rived in the city yesterday and was
listed aa No. 2 bluestem. Harvesting
operations are being pushed vigorously
. in Eastern Oregon and the work ln the
- Valley will be begun within the week.
Harvest returns shew a large shortage
Jn the yield from that of former years.
Eggs ar growing weaker and the
same Is true of small spring chickens
which ar flooding the street. Old hens
4 are as active as ever with quotations
junchanged. There l a slightly firmer
pemand for ducks, but no changes ap
x jMacj tn quotations. Geese and turkeys
" are arriving but the stock is not wanted
'"and the prices ruling are nominal.
V Today's quotations, as revised, are as
' follows:
aa a
Grain, Hour and Fasd.
WHEAT New Walls Walla, 7ftc; bluestem,
.. 78c; Valley, "7 Sc.
.. . BARLEY Feed, 110.60; rolled. $20 5021.00.
OATH Na. 1 white, 1.071.10; gray,
' $1 06il.lT.
FLOUR Eastern Oregon: Patents, $3.9541
, ... 84.10; atralrbts. $.i.S0; Valley, $3.6533.86: gra
; , ksm. s. $3.80; Km, $3.66.
MJLCsTTJFFS Brsn, $22 00 per ton; nrld-
; HAY Timothy, $12.0Oi 14.00; clorer, ' $8.00
.r 10.00; California grain, $17.50.
, - Hops, Wool and Hides.
HOPS WftlTe , for 1002s; 1803 contracts.
,c WOOL Valley, 1616e, coarse; medium to
rair, jtusiottic: nne, iiihiyc; Kastern Ore-
.j. Bua. ivwiuc: nwflir, nuiuioat. juoofC.
In esses, 4RC; genqlna kettle, tn esses, 63c.
BKNZ1NU 6.1 Ark cases 22c. Iron bbls lBUc.
- GABOLlhB 0 deg casas S8e, tron bbls
TTJRPBNTIKB In caaes 70c. wood bbla
88 He Iron bbla 7c. 10-lb rase lots 72c.
BRANS Small white 44e, larga wblt.
11.SSU4.00. pink $3.76S.B0. bayou $4.75. Llmaa
NUTS Peanots, fliffTe per tb for raw, 9tlOe
ior rosireo; coeoannta. ooroc per ooa; wsi
Washington Democrat, would to
protect the chances of Turner to go to
the United State. Senate to resum what
were conspicuously able services for his
state, and would therefor give the
Tj. Shank, of th second-hand firm of Governorship nomination to som on
Shank ft Noodleman, 405 Front street, rom wesi or in lascaaes. as to wno
waa very Indignant this morning when that peraon would be, it is impossible
License Inspector McEachern arrested yet to say. The matter la now ln prO-
hlm- for collating Junk- without- a, 1U ces. of incubation, and wlU not assume
cense. ehanK excueaiy aispiayea a ucmhw h-.j-j umn muun iw in mo
license which h claimed covered his f gam. But. anyone posted upon the eon-
power, and anyone not in consonance
with them need apply .for no political
Reaction 1. probable, and such reaction
may occur soon; indeed, in th very next
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atual. Copper Co...,
nnta, 1416 per tb: pin. outa. .1044l2H Atchison, com.
ner lb: hlckor nnts IRe nee lb? ehMlnnta do Draf erred.
Gsstern. lSttlflc per Tb: Braall outa. 16o per Am. Car A Found., com
IT Dlbertn. lB16e rr lb: fancr pecans, ua a preierrca
Ifte per tb; almonds. 14Q15c par tb.
Keats and FrovUlona.
FRESH MEATS Inspected: Beef, prime,
7c; cows, 6ift6c; mutton, dressed, 53c;
lambs, dressed. Sc.
FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beat, orlme.
osc; nulla, 4iy; cows. 68c; pork,
Tc; veal, 7(Sc; mutton, dressed,
lamns, dressed, Oc.
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland nsck flocaU
hams, 10 t 14 lbs., 16c: 14 to 16 lbs., 6c;
breakfast bacon. Ift4ir20c: Dlcn cs. 10V4c:
sslted sides. 11V4C lb: smoked sides. 12V4c:
dry aaltd backs, 11 c: bacon backs, 12c
nuns, saitea, hc; smoxca. iuc id.
16c; orcr 14 lbs, 16c fsncy. 15tlc: pic
nics, lie; shoulders. 11c; dry salted sides,
unsmosed, llftc; breskfast bacon, lBffllSc
tancy, 20c.
LOCAL BRAND Kettle leaf. 10a. 10t4c: 6a.
11c; S0-R tins, 10c; steam rendered. 10a,
10c; Rs. 10e, 50s. 10c.
RD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tins
UMc: 6a. ll4c: 60-tb tins. UKc: steam rend
ered. 10a. 1014c: 6a. 10'Ac: 60s. lOlie.
A bora Dacklnar houaa Drlcea ara net cash. IB
FISH Rock cod. 7c: flounders. 6c: taallhot.
nuc; ling cod. Tc; crsbs. 11.60 doa: raaor clams.
9c per dox; atrtped bass. 12c; salmon.
Chinook. 7c: summer ateelhesds. 6c: soles.
8c: shrimps. Poset fkwind. 16c: catnah. 6c:
anad, oc; anrer amelt, 6c lb.
Ban yraaciaoe Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. A UK. 6.-10:30 a. m. aes.
B1UI1 .
Bid. Asked
Spring Valley Water
Ban Ktanrlsco Oaa & Electric A6 68
do certificates 6514
Bank of California 521
Giant Powder 69 70
Vlaorlt ft 6
Hawaiian Sugar 40
Hutchinson Plantation VIM, 12
iviiaueau t'lnmmion 7 . . .
Makawell Plantation 20 24
Alaska Packers' Ann 142A 143
Oceanic , 7 .,
Closing Grain Quotations.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. ft The closlna srsln
quotstlons in tno, rarious cities today were:
Milwaukee v neat Bentcmber. 7Btc asked
old. 79 c.
Kt. liouie WDcat BcDtember. 804. Corn
September, 4c; 4c asked.
Kansas city w beat s-Dtembcr. Site. Corn
rwptemoer. aoc.
muiiirnMip urn, n')iii'iunpr, llf c.
Duluth Wheat September. Slc.
New York Wlicnt September. 48c.
San Francisco. 11:30 sestson Wheat Decern
ber, $1.40. Barley $1.08.
14"4ai9c: ahort
In comparing Gnu n-0 and coffee
remember that while the taste is.
the same Grain-O give, health and
strength while coffee shatters the
s nervous system and breeds disease
' of the digestive organ. Thinking
- people prefer Gr&in-O and its ten
. eflu. - ' 1
jAtrera rrywkrt; Uc wd too. par packag
Chicago Hoga Steady.
CHICAGO. Atw. 5. Receipts of llreatock ln
the principal pscklng centers of tha country
today ware:
Hoes. Cattle. Sheen.
Chicago 23,000 28.000 20.000
Kansas city H.wio 12.000 3.000
Omaha, 7.600 4.000 6.000
I loirs opened steady wltn 2.000 left over
from yesterday. Recelnta a rear am were 23.
fUtTl nnllnrr nrloea am- Ulrarf a,.'
$5.10(an.60: rough heary. $4.75(ffft.lft: aood
heavy, Co.2tiB.o; light. Sn.a0tr.7&.
Cattle Best, steady; others, 10 cents lower.
Sheep Steady. . ...
Am. Sugar, com
Am. Smelt., com
rin nrererrefl . .
Baltlmora A Oblo, com
do preferred
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Canadian racinc. com
7 lit Chicago at Alton, com
oc; do preferred
Chi. A GL West, com..
(til.. Mil. Ht. f....
Chi. A North., com....
Chi. Terminal Itr......
Chesapeake A Ohio
Colo. Fuel A Iron, com
Colo. Boutn., com
do 2d preferred
do 1st preferred..,..
Delaware A Hudson. . .
D. A R. 0., com
do preferred
Erie, com
do 2d preferred
do lat preferred
Illinois Central
Louisville A Kaabville.
Metropolitan Trac. Co.
Manhattan Elevated...
Mexican Central Ry...
Minn., St. P. A Ste. M
do preferred
Missouri Pacific
M., K. A T.. com
do preferred i
New York Central
Norfolk A West., com.
do preferred
North American
N. Y Ont. A Weat
Pennsylvania Ky
P. 0.. L. A C. Co
Pressed Steel Car, com . .
do preferred
Pacific Mall Steam. Co..
Reading, com
do 2d preferred.
do 1st preferred
Rep. Iron A fit eel, com.
do preferred
Rock Island, com
do preferred
Southern Ry.. com
do preferred
Southern Pacific
St. L. A S. W., com.,..
do preferred
Texaa A Pacific
Tenn. Coal A Iron.,.,,.
Union Pacific, com.....
do preferred
U. S. Leather, com
do preferred
U. 8. Rubber, com
do preferred
U. 8. Steel Co., com....
do preferred
Wheel. A L. E., com....
do 2d preferred .......
do 1st preferred
Wisconsin Central, com.
do preferred
Western Union Tele....
Wabaah. com
do preferred
Baoeipta and Shipments.
CHICAGO, Aug. 15. The grain primary re
ceipts were:
Today. Last Tear.
Bushels. Bushels.
Corn . . ,
Sblpmonts were-r-
Corn ,
Chloags Grain Cara.
CHICAGO. Aug. 6 The grain car record for
today shows:
Cars Grade. Est.
Wheat : 123 23 05
Corn OH 28 100
Oats 137 26 130
Minneapolis received 127 cara of wheat today.
Liverpool and Paris Cloaa.
LIVERPOOL. Ang. 5. Cloae: Wheat Sep
tember, -44. higher. -Corn
floptHmber. 4-8. higher.'
Parts wheat Is. "4 centime lower.
Pref rrd Stock OaaaaoTXroodl.
Alien Lewis' Best Brand. -. j
24 M,
business, but the ofllcer asserts that It I
is a second-hand permit and doe. not
cover the Junk business. Shank ob
jected to being locked up, but the in-
Xno. Democrat. Klffnt Win.
Hence it. 1. that well-informed poll
tician. see many possibilities of the
Democrats winning out next year. That
McBrld will be unable to regain control
of the state Republican machine Is
probably a political verity. And his de
feat for renomlnatlon is one of the al
most- certainties.-'- The railroad people
do hot compromise. They do -not
political business upon ' any such con
slderations. They will never make terms
with McBiide,
Defeating Mcurlde. then, will cauae
the bolting of numerous Republicans
dltlons here will not question the
supremacy of George Turner In th
Democratic councils.
It is conceded here that he I. far and
hl.,aaa .l.lmlna that h. I hstVonril th uhleat cltlun nf W.ahln..
haTl notified Shank a number of time. ton. His services in the Federal Senate wno w"1 u?port tne Democratic pre-
to make hia payments. The officers an- were Druiiant. ma personal standing "V;"" " "... .....
... . w. a-.,... -.ill mntlnna was hlarh. ' Ha racaiveri rannmlflnn r.nm Ciuganuy ana nonesuy. II waa W
uuui.n iiiov iif v.uav. "... r nKll.. ... ,v .1 ..j . vv T
tn fresiaent by appointment on the i it. -w "
American gtooks In.J.ondon. . Alas. Boundary Commission, Inolnif " .n "J7"1
ana, . 1 nanArifle I IBBU6B inBI lO llllO 111 t Mlftt inrtfl 1 noil- I A'""- V- a. a WW aouiw
k V' -ra imv-vuua i - -
T ".XTT-.-.XT in K 9 n m
Copper advanced" I Atchison declined tic. and that require auch knowledge
tt. Dreferred advanced 7H; Baltimore ft ?f the Jaw as few men ln the United
Ohio declined 14; Chicago ft Alton de- states poeses..
dined ; Chesapeake ft Ohio declined 17 ifcSrld B Defeated.
U: Chicago. Milwaukee ft St. raui Oe-I Furthermnra If TTanr-ir VtePlrMa K. Aa
cllned 14: Erie declined Illinois Cen- by the Republican, for the noml-
crat next time. If such a thing should
And George Turner, chance, for the
United State. Senate are. therefore, by
no mean, extinguished. He may yet
be returned. He cherishes such an ambi
tion. .Democrat. cherish him. His
vine Reined : New or wnirai oe- Democrat might eaally be elected by the will be done for Dr. Byrne 'or anyone
Cu?e,Lw W.tTrn TnehfnlSS? SL L?' ndP!ndnt Republican votes. LM that will interfere rlth thos. de!
Pennsylvania declined ; Reading ad- " '"r Trlt lZ .rl 5 ". T"l ""I "? namea
vanced H; Southern Pacific unchanged; ,a.t are dubbed a. "coarae
J? r ? ,7 iT.7 Zii.rir. coarse to a degree, high-handed over
S wet" dcUn?1 'P rei eTTtZ?rl aiding iof all consideration, excepting
1$ 'dr,;nJreJerred Un" th. conservation of the railroad inter
I 'wliaUBOUi -aSUSSSBWasv waaw ,m
for Governor, no matter what else may
happen In a political way.
84 s
87 ij
ests. The gentlemen who carried out
the railroad program were Instructed to
exhibit no mercy. McBrld was humili-
gust 2, Annie Poller, aged 61, at 871 Front
t; cancer or atomacn. . , intarment Green-
X.ooal Stock ateoetpts.
PORTLAND UNION STUUKXAKDo, I ated. He was thrown down Into tha mlr. I wood Ometerv.
Aug. 6. Receipts of livestock In the 0f political defeat and hla nroatrats I March 27. Robert Warner, aged 85, at Mill
."fL". trampled upon Sft- !0 2mxEE "
idu came anu ovv Biictrf. niuuu ynwca iprutally. It Is bellevsd thar-ha rjsn navar I . inmt 4 p n mw. ..-A tu .t ani..
I Bl O lull ,
Cattle Best, IS. 78; medium, IS.
Hogs 6B4c.
Sheep 2H34c.
Ol earing1 Sons Beport,
work harmoniously with any of those I Tenth street; anaemia. , Interment at Tamer,
who now are in th saddla and con- ""j
ironing me xiepuoiican organi-atloa aTtni a-enoe; hemorrhage. Interment Lone Fir
Again, Mcoriae win De aereated for the I Cemetery.
nomination. He cannot overthrow the! August 2, Baby Rowley, 801, -Grand avenue.
machine. And. If he be defeated, th I 'ntCTmnt ru
Lloyd's' Veterinary Hospital.
Ult T. J.lilX) YL Y
106 North Blxtb at., betwatn riaadars and
UUsaa, Portland, Or. :
a. a. .-' ... , c uwi . D,iNi a uu v
Specialist, treats all dtseasas and ailments that
horses, dors and other domeatio anlmala ara
heir to.
I hav a full and complete set of vatorinarr
eurglcal and dental lnstrn ments and am abi te
perform any opwation known to tb Ttterlnary
I operate nnder the latest ImDcoved' methoda.
Special attention to Boras Dentistry, Ridging
Horsa Caetrarloa and Spaying.
All calls pbomptly attended, day or Bight.
Oregon phone No., Main 2286.
Knock the Flies
Th report of the Portland Clearing chances are 10 to 1 that hs win ha in
House for yesterday was as follows: the Democratic nartv befora tha next
Exchanges $526,426.70 Presidential election has ended. His
Balances 91,484.90
Today'. Metal Quotations.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Silver Lon
don, 2614c; New York, 6514c; Mexican
dollars, 42 e.
apostasy , would be not for personal
pique, out because of rejection of rail
way domination of Washington politics.
AntI-B4tUroader. Kay Win.
Although the railroad interest, appear
to nave oDtained absolute and perma
nent control of Washington .tat poll-
Tk Bdwmrd Xtolman Tnflartaklnf Oo.
faaeral Alreotor and mbalmra, at)
Tamaiu. nou 007. .
JT. W. I,isiy and Son. funeral dlrsotora
and abelxnr hav removed to thall
new establishment, cornar Third nd
aaanison a-era. asow pnoarsv iau, v.
: oraymaionnm. - on ; oxaaroa oixr au
Una, near uwoai moaern. -aountiflo.
tics the truth Is that they may very SaK YtaltoSTiTs "m. id
w icvci dcu 111 lilt; IICAL election- I (JraXZLAllOa AaiOOUaSlOSL a OifciailCl. Utt
il I jainalSliiiwas" m vr umm. miw.
2414 BOSTON. Aug. 6. Amalgamated Cop
per was a weak feature in a very weak There Is a large body ot Independents In
market toaay. to an appearances some tne state who believe that the common
heavy interest was liquidating. Two wealth ha. debased itself by delivering
failures were announced ana mere wan over to tne corporate Interests th man
a good deal of demoralization all around, agement of public affairs. - Reasonable
It was noteworthy that coppers In the people hold that the railwavs ahonM h.
Boston market were not nearly so weak protected against radical measures based ioo!
as me general ma rue u 1 spun prejudices against corporations.
They also hold that the desires of the
Slngl rrave. Slav Tamil lot. from
878 to- 81,000. Th only oematarr -1
aforuaaa wuci perpetually - main tains
and oaores for lots, rot fall Information
apply so w, aa. Maokanaie, woreester
ok, or. w. aa. Mao, prasiaent,
Ssles. 1,114,000.
Money, 24 per cent.
Pressed Steel Car. common, axtra dividend
of 1 )4 per cent. .
Xfw Tork Bnmmary.
NEW YORK. Aug. 6. Poor results
fa iyJJ&2n??: t."" cents a pound, without re-
course, but this Is denied by knowing
1 wi vjiiij iiuiu everything else, and that it Is win
statesmanship "for the Government to be
(Journal Special Service.) retained within the control of the
SALEM, August 5. M. H. Durst, of masses. Under present domination, the
San Francisco, has secured a portion of
the pool of the Oregon Hopgrowers' As
sociation, amounting to from 1,000 to
2,000 bales of hops, the larger portlpn
of the stocks left in this state. It is
not announced what advance Mr. Durst
will pay, and rumor has It that it will
9 v m i!ak Ax. ' vonc
railroads should not be paramount to I WINNEM AN Mies Minnie s Winneman,
agea d years. runerai irom Ht.
. . yii. ...... w rt... , , v. 1
aim y b viiuruii, unr Aiuinib lnier
ment ML, Calvary cemetery, Friday
morning at 9 o'clock. . Milwaukee
, Herald please copy.
ter wheat. Consolidated Gas will apply
$6,000,000 new stock to Improving the
Astoria plant. Fifty-five roads for June
show an average net Increase of 8,66
, . KA . .. a V. n i..Ha - .
July show an average gross increase offe JtSL,
one- men themselves Interested In the I
pool and the price secured may be less I
than 1614 cent. Mr. Durst will take
, .. m.,-, - . . . .7 LiOnaon, ana one of. tne local growers
13.83 per cent. There is a good demandLtJ k.m tw win...,i
Mrs. Winsltnv's Soothing Syrup
na beentwed for over SIXTT TBAkSbyMIL.
mow or mothers tor their CHUJDeN
BrhJat THIfrVI 1 Wfl aalttl HxslIP atnwaaa
aencu ior meyear enaea june so. arter Journal -friends and reader, whan Uiftrxrtn arurr.r-:
payment of first charges Is estimated f ,.,, m train. to and from Port. B tke CHTtD, BOFTBN8 the OCMS,
icaa aaa T.i.,a n...,ii i. j iraveiing on trams o ana irom fori- .,. .rw. ....... .
land ahould ask now. agents for Th iTIZZZl -vaji, aao
JaurnaJ Md Insist imrm helnw aunnlla,! U best feaMdy for DIAatKBCBA. Sold tt
for Atchison, New York Central and
Canadian Pacific ln the loan crowd. Th
tcrested, probably John Wlnstanley, of
Salem, the secretary of the association.
banks lost to the sub-treasury since f"pa"r "n.d l00k fter the
Friday $2,800,000. Mexican Central
deficit for the year ended Jnne 80, after
at $600,000. Twelve Industrials declined
J H JL6J 1t: 20 SCUye raU' d?c"ned Journal and insist upon being supplied
2.06 per cent
Weekly Oorwrnmemt Xeport,
WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 5.The
weekly ' government crop ' report Issued
today was as follows; Moderate rains
and cool weather delayed ripening of
green wheat and oats and Improved fllf
log, Iowa Latest report as to the out
put of wheat and oats quite variable and
somewhat! disappointing; early corn ear
ing nneiy witn sumcient "moisture to
reach maturity, .
with thl. paper, reporting all failure. In "W" every part of the world. Be ear
obtaining it to th office of publication. 1 nd ask tor "Mra. Wlnalow 8oothina imas
addreaslng Th Journal Portland. Or. 1 ls4takaHtkrklad. iwa. . 1.1.
Go to Newport on Yaaulna Bar an
laeni Dsscn. u i& oecomins verv nnn.
ular with the Portland people. The low
rats of $3.00 has been mad by th
Southern Pacific Company, in connection
with the Corvalll. ft Eastern Rail man
for the Sunday round trip, from Port
land, ticket, good' going Saturday. . re
turning jnunusy, . , ..' -.., ,.
A delightful rid throuarh tha haait.
tiful Willamette Valley,, .with privilege
of going up one side of the- WUlamett
River, returning the other. .
Ask any S. P- Co. or C. E. R. R.
agent for a beautifully llluatrated book
let describing .tb aeaald , resort at
Y equina. r . . ., ..
' Th moat delightful trip .across tn
continent is via the Denver A Rio
Grande, the scenic Un- of the world.
Apply at 124 Third st. Portland, for
rat., ... r - -'.
Zurich has It. atreet. paved with pa
per., . .. .,.,..'",'. v
Use Child'. "SO-BOS-SO XZZalXT"
on -four stock.' It mean, money in your
pocket, for coy. give on third more
mux, ana norses ao oetter and on I
feed when protected from flies' If
quire, only a few seconds to apply
11 con in ibbs man on nail cent a
per neaou xou cannot anora to D
out it. Ask your dealer for It or
direct to us. .Write today for 20-pag
Paclflo Coast Agsnts. Portland, Oregon.
F. VV; Baltes & Go;
Second and Oak Streets
... noprtto of ta
" IVargest and Most Oemplet ' ,
. Xrwry ta the Vorthwst.
Bottleti Beery aj Specialty'
, TUXJaPSOn Vo. ra. : : -
OSoe lttl iid Bmnstd trewJ
Th Only. Non.Polso.nous Pile CURE