THE OREGON DAILY JOUrtNAL, ronTLAND YXDNESDAY EYENiyg : AUGUST 5, 1 003. 10 CITT NOTICE!. BAILK0AD TIMETABLES. .... . ' WE CURE THE RENT HABIT! Rent paying is merely a bad habit we cure it We are furnishing ' our members with homes for less money . than they formerly paid for rent, and we don't charge any interest Under our plan you can purchase property anywhere on a cash basis and repay us in installments of $6.00 a month on each $1,000. ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED REAL ESTATE BONDS. ORDER OF FRATERNAL HOME BUYERS 610-611 McKAY BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON. SW TODAY. a roAxctAi nrsTmmov That kat frown old. but that priwrui Um energy aad vigor of Its early dare, t. apt to do largo a ad rapidly Increasing buslnisa. Tba PORTLAND TEU6T COKfAJIT OF OEEOON Is" tba" oldest trust eoajDSny and eavlnga book Ja the state. It officers ara as follows: ,.' . ,, BENJAMIN t. COHEN. President. ' H. L. PITTOCK. Vice-President. i A. A NICHOLS, Second Vtce-Prcaldeat. . - B. LEI PAGET, Secretary. - J O. GOLTKA, Assistant Secretary. , ' W. J. GILL. (WmikI Assistant Secretary. ' R. J. AL8TOCK, Auditor. Ita board -of director. Is composed of: B. L. rtttm-k. Earl C. hronaugh, Iw. A. A Nlcbola, B. Lee I'eget, : E.- A. Noyce. J. O. Ooltrs, I). Soils Cobea, . A. E. FlegeL 11. W. Docker. Benjamin I. Cohen. It has ample reooarcea for tba conduct of .n business that may bs Intrusted to lis ears. It recelvee deposits subject to chock, and paring, urpceits. It .also tseuea time certificates nf deposit for u montns or one yeer, cuiitia t EHTiri- CATES Or DEPOSIT running for are rears. a4 SPECIAL CK KTIFIC ATK8 of DEPOBIT, payable ra tea, thirty or ninety Jr call. Full particulars aa to rates ot Interest, etc., Bra contained In lta bunk of . ILLISTRATIOXA Which will be furnished apnn sPDllcstlon. CORTLAND TRl'ST COMPANY OF OREGON. ; . ' 109 THIRD STREET. raw TODAY. 20 Acres f I clear; house, barn and chicken house: rood, bearing orchard; f miles from city: Al soil, lay south aloue nearly level; mile to atatlon. Price fl.OvO. Qood 4-Room Cottage With pantry and full basement: right by Liewls and Clark Fair grounds; lot 26x100; corner. Price $1,000. On Foster Price $1,200. 4 Acres road, thia aide Lenta. 40 Acres 10 In cultivation and Rood orchard all klnda of berries; rood house, barns and other outbuildings; 6 cows: two I-year-olds; all farming Implements. Price 11,660. 48 Acres Fine, slightly rolllnc land. IS acres In cultivation, 160 fruit trees, bearing; ber ries; a new 8-room house, 4 downstairs finished, upstairs unfinished: fair barn, chicken and root houses: well fenced, ce dar raila and posts; on good road; In crop; 2 cows and calves, 75 to 100 chickens, 17 sheep, some pigs; house well furnished; all new. Price $2,300. .WANTED BUYER8 , FOR . 1 NICE SUBURBAN LOTS CORNER- (6x116. Price $160 one-third former price. . .. . 7-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO LOTS (Suburbs). Price $1,000; easy terms. (PANIC PRICE.) 80 Acres t ACRES AT MT. TABOR ON CAR LINE An Ideal orooerty for a home. .(Will subdivide into 18 lota; a big speculation.) Price $3,000. (Former . .price $7,900.) . See BftONQ & HAMMER, 220 Falling '' i -.1 . . . Building. : , - . We can locate about 7 people on Fine Timber Claims, yellow nr ana ceaar. Will cruise four million to the claim reliable locator- See BRONO tc HAMMER, 220 Failing - Building. li r . Good soil, 10 miles from Portland; 15 acres In cultivation: lb acres more easily cleared; good 7-roora house; al&o barn and other buildings; spring water. Price 12.600. THIS is a good Dart or tne country. where raw land Is held. at $3i to $40 per acre. ' 40 Acres One - half in cultivation: 10 acres slashed, balance in timber, on good road; hewed loghouse and barn, chicken-house and corral and chickens: other DUllU.- ina-s: erovd water, orchard: team Of horses, waa-nn and harness, plows, har row, cultivator, forks, sawa, axes ana other too numerous to men tion 7 ..cowav nix 2-year-pld heifers, five 1-year-olds. Price $1,300. . A Fine House In the city, lot 100x100, on good street, 2 DlocKa rrom car, ciose in; nouse oi : rnnms. closet to every room, large hall full basement; property coats $7,000; for sale $4,250; $z,ooo can siana. raw TOSAT. FOR SALE A Beat 7-room eotta e, with Urge lot, fruit trees, la Treonont ......91,100 A small mount cash down, balance In stallmenta. A meat modern 5-room bonis, with lota. In Tresaost 91,300 Part down, balance Installments. A good 8-story house, T large rooms. small barn, with large lota, la Tre- mont rjaoe . 91.600 Thta is very desirable; 16 bearing fruit trees. A very desirable large vacant lot la Sellwood, situate on Third street, star Spokane street, and close to the sew mill 9350 I have some fine acreage for aale on the O. W. P. Car line, a little way be yond Oresham. It is very desirable and a bargain. J, H. Hawley 9 Chamber of Commerce gliding. Villiam G. Beck ': REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS and ' FIRE INSURANCE -New b-room cottage, corner lot, 60x100, on Shaver at -New 6-room cottage, with lot 60x100, East 11th st. North. $1000 $1100 tl7flA New 5-room cottage and bath; splfUU raa fixtures, and lot .60x100, . ,v aat 2Zd au ?5f)rt New 6-room cottage, with 4iA.iw b8th; lot 60x100; West Side. MrtftA 6-room cottage, 36x60, West IOW Side. 'Clftfafi Lot. 40x100, and old house; fOVVV clay street, near 12th. tiftflA 8-room house, lot 60x100, on ?WW- lit st. West Side. ' Five acres for rent, East 41st st and Section Line road. 321 Morrison St., Cor. Sixth 320 Acres 125 acres In cultivation and crop, bal ance nasture. which consists principally of tame grass, mostly an unaer ience mod house, mam oart xexzaxit ieei lean-to,. .14x16x12 feet; also shop chicken - house, fruit drier, barn 40x60, first - class orchard; fine water at tne house door and barn: plenty good run nine- water on nlace the year round Price 16.200. with stock and Implement Located in the healthiest and prettiest part of the Valley, 8 miles west of Al bany: 4 head of horses, 2 sets of work harness, 3 good cows, 4 yearlings, two 2- year-old heifers. 3 spring calves. 45 sheep, 26 Angora goats, 4 hogs, 100 chickens, 70 turkeys, 1 wagon, 1 new hack, 1 disc, 1 stubble plow, 1 harrow, 1 self-binder, H interest in seeoer. 4Q Acres 80 acres In cultivation and crop and s-arden: stream through the nlara- nearly all bottom land - and cross - fenced: a good new 6-room house, with pantry and cel lar; nicely finished in ana ouisiae; nnrrhM on each end: a good, new wood and storehouse; a new iarn and other buildings; a good span of mares, with fnsi- a. s-nnd net of harness, wagon and buggy, new; 3 good, fresh cowsl 2 year ling calves, no cnicneno, ini nat nn. m-foot hav raae. a new clow;' Interest In seeder and other things. Price $1,900. W. W. Espey BOOM 1, XAMXbTOH BZJIO. REAL ESTATE JOHN E. DAY " 834 MAX STBEZT. "A FINE DAIRY 1.600 A CUES. 1.000 of the finest bottom klaad, 3V miles of river front; daily boat sorrioo; m. St. runs through plaos; large buildings; one of the finest dairy and stock ranches In Oregon or . Washington at a unu oyer ?au an A KAOhTITXCXXfT OPPOTUHlT for . the right man. 'A BBAsTS raw house. 7 rooms. 100x100 lot: less than cost 40 ACBES of heavy fir timber; $300. IS iCUS, (-room house, 10 miles from Portland; $650. 40-A0&X farm. $1,000. COOK X0V8B, lot 25x100; $350. omesteada located. BalltiqnlahmeBta Cheap. -Small Acreage ear Car Una. JOHN X. DAY. 234 Main. $1,150 COUCH'S ADDITION ' Two lota, 60x100 each, Thurmaa street, near TTwanty-nrat, facing north, includ ing new cement sidewalk, new street Improvement - Nothing In the City Like It for " J the Money. I Inquire , , : " J BENO 55: BAL,L,IS Three Dollars Per Month INOTHIIVa DOWN Buys nice lot 40x100 on good car line, 5 cent fare, high and per fectly level, all cleared and ready for building, water piped in front of each lot. - Price, Including Improvements The Best Bargain in Portland $100 BRONAUGH'S ADSXTX&IT is where you should make. your home. Houses built there must be handsome, as having them so adds to the value of each Individual home. Peo ple who want to live amid pleasant sur roundings must buy In this addition. Lots are priced from $400 to 9700, and favorable terma will be given those who will build. The property Is on EAST 24th STREET Bctwtta East Everett Street and Sandy toad. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 09 Stark I treat. Fine Logging Proposition 390 ACBZa On Lewis River; cruises - 11 million feet. Price 30 cents per 1,000. 640 ACBES 1 mile from tide water; cruises 20 million feet Price $10,-600. nn SXTB for sawmill, for California market; 700 acres on line of S. P. R. R. Inquire of . Compton & Gibson, aoa wAiKDraTOsT st. CTTT VOTIOZI. Estate, Heirs of 1.87 A tract of lsnd lying between tba osst Una of Kast Twonty-nlntb street snd a Una 100 fsot osst of sod parallsl therewith and between the south tins of Orocoo street extended easterly la Its present course sad ths north lino of Eaat Hort street. Bors' A Girls' Aid society of Oregos 1M.M Yorh Blk 10, lot S, The newtborne Estate... TOTS BIk 10. lot 1. The Hawthorns Estate... 11.01 Hawthorne's rtret Addition to East Portland Blk 3. lot 11. The Hawthorne Estate... 4.46 Blk J. lot 13, The Hawthorne Estate... 78.00 ToUl $1,614.66 THOS. C. DKVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Aagnst 4. 1903. FhOPOBED AISIMMDTT FOE IXWXE I xait Axxxirr mm Notice Is hereby aivsn that ths Council of the City of Portlsnd proposes to assess the following described property snd owner or owners ss being specially and peculiarly beoeflted in the amounts set opposite ths names and descriptions thereof Dr the construction of a sower la Eaat Ankenr street from 18 feet west of the east Una of Burhtel arsme to a connection with the sewe. In Beat Twenty-fourth street aa provided br ordinance No. IS. 346. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for aald sewer must be msds In writing to ths Council and tiled with the Auditor within 16 dsrs from the dste of the first publlrstlon of this notice, snd said objections will be heard and determined br the Council before the pas- sags of the ordinance assessing the cost for aald sewer. ktaror Gates Addition to East Port- Blk 0, lot 1. OenajHaeselortg and Lad- rls MsdlsoB . . A . Blk 6. lot 2. Edward K merer I T WANTED A mill site. 1 section of heavy fir timber. 4 acres, Improved, near city. Income-bearing city property, yielding a gooa reniai. A rooming house for 120 acres land. Acreage for property In Ashland. Any kind of property In exchange- for xaquina nay 101s. JOHN E. DAY. 334 Main. WAJTTED A man who Is either a bach or with small family, who can make himself generally useful, occupy small house and who can do rough carpen ter work or any general repair work, build fences, clear land, cultivate gar den, etc. A very good opportunity for aucn a man. Address The Dunn-Lawrence Company, 149 Vi First Street ' Blk 8. lot 10, lUrry W. Scott Blk 8. lot . nirry W. Scott Blk 8. lot AT Theresa and Vincent schmld Blk 8. lot 1, A. nelated Blk T. lot 1. Nancy R. McAfee Blk 7. lot 2. J. H. McAfee Manning's Addition to the City of Portland, Oregon Blk 1, 8. 100 feet lot , 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk 1, S. 100 frt lot 7, 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manntna Blk 1, S. 100 fet lot 8. S. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk 1. B. 100 feet lot S, 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Blk 1, 8. 100 feet lot 10, 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning Undlrided H of a tract of land lying between the north line of East An kenr street snd a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, and be tween the eaat line of East Twenty eighth street and the west line of Msnnlng's Addition to tne city or Portland, Oregon, Tnos. M. Anderson Undivided H of a tract of land lying between -ths north line of Eaat An kany street and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, and be tween the east line of East Twenty eighth street and the west line of Msnnlng's Addition to the City of Portland, Oregon, Cbas. Van Winkle. A tract of land lying between the north line ot East Ankeny street and a line 100 feet north of and parallel there with, and between the east line of Esst Twenty-sixth street snd the west line of Esst Twenty-elgWh tret. Isaiah Bnrkman A tract of land lying between the north line of East Ankeny street snd a line 100 feet north of and parallel there with and between tbe east line of blk 7, Keystone Addition to tbe Cltv of Portland, and the west line of East Twenty-sixth street, Iaslsh Buekmsn. Mayor Gates Addition to Eaat Port land Lot lettered B. Unknown Owner Blk 4. lot 9, II. McKean Blk 4. lot 8. H. McKean Blk 8. lot 10. Louis Peterson Blk 6, lot 11, John E. and O. Relnke.. Blk 6. lot 8, Mary Toekey Blk 6, lot S, Carl Schulti Blk 6, lot 0, Solomon Oppenhelmer, trus tee Blk 8, lot 8, Solomon Oppenhelmer, trus tee , Manning's Addition to ths City of Portland, Oregon Blk 2, lot 6, S. A. and Lillian If. Manning B. A. ana juiusn M. 10.05 34.16 48.50 83.65 88.86 48.00 48.60 33.86 88.10 88.10 88.10 88.10 (8.10 86.00 80.60 879.06 829.60 8480 '25.80 16.80 40.85 28.10 2A.10 40.35 40.36 28.10 CTTT V0TICM. 1.43 .TJ 1.43 18.42 14.17 16.92 8.32 4.97 72.47 80.85 6.30 420 28.27 28.77 81. 2!) 19.41 11.15 9.76 2.81 2.76 47.17 80.88 2.37 2.81 8.84 24.73 87.01 45.40 48.11 Fine Home For Sale $5350 No. 848 Twenty-third, east front, new modern 8-room honse; easy terms i lot 45100, Inquire BE2TO ft BAXLU, 64 Front, fa 000 Buys a good 10 -room house and barn: corner lot. buziuo, in walking distance. 91000 Buys a fine lot overlooking the 1900 f air grounds. COMFTOW ft GIBSON, 902 Washington Street, Blk 2. lot 4, Msnnlng .. . Blk 2. lot 8, Manning . . Blk 2. lot 2. Franks .. .. Blk 2. lot 1, A. Helms .. Undlrided between keny atreet and a line 100. feet south of and parallel therewith, and be tween the weat line of blk 2, Man ning's Addition to the City of Port land, Oregon, and tbe east line of East Twenty-eighth street Taos. M. Anderson Undlrided U of a tract of land lying tbe , S. A. and Lillian M. ' Bert 8.' ' and ' Edith' ' W Andrew J. and Georgia U of a tract of land lying the south line of Esst An- 80.58 80.66 80.66 80.66 80.56 63.40 CITT NOTICES. POTTER & CHAPIN, 246 Stark St. NEW HOUSE ..FOR SALE.. At a biz discount by the owner. Six-rooms; all modern conveniences. Terms easy. Phone East 646 .... .. ' 888 "East Tenth, corner Mason. Take Woodlawn car; This Is a bargain. PB0P0SED ASSESSMENT FOB IXPB0VI- MENT OF EAST TWENTY NINTH 8TKEET. Notlc Is hereby siren that tbe Council of the City of Portland proposes to sssess the following described property snd owner or . owners ss being speclslly and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounts set opp thereof for the amounts set opposite tbe names and descriptions oprorement pi East twenty- ninth street, from tbe north line of East Gllaan York. street to the south linn of tbe Sandy road, aa prorlded by ordinance No. 18,283. Any objections to tbe spportlopment of cost for said Improrement must be msde In writing to the Council snd filed with tbe Auditor within 15 days from the dste of tbe first publication of this notice, snd ssld objections will be Heard and determined by tbe Council before the pas sage ot tne ordinance assessing ue cosi oi saia lmprorement. 60.59 4.88 80.36 28.21 24.71 100.75 71.72 19.80 15.41 65.43 19.54 28.89 102.10 81.25 16.78 Blk 7. lot 1. Matbals Becker ...I Blk 7, lot 2, Msthsls Becker Blk 7, lot 8, Max M. Smith Blk 7. lot 4. Msx M. Smith Blk 7, lot 6. James Lugg Blk 7, lot 5. James Lugg Blk 7, lots, The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 7, lot 2, Tbe Hawthorne Estste.... Blk 7, lot 11, H. L. Powers, trustee.... Blk 7. lot 12, II. L. Powers, trustee.... Blk 9. lot 1. The Hawthorne Estste.... Blk 9, lot 2. B. U Powers, trustee.... Blk 9. lot 11. 8ara?landle Orstton.... Blk 9. lot 12. Boys' A Girls' Aid Society Blk 11, lot 1, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11, lot 2, Tbe Hewthorne Estate.... Hawthorne a r lrst Addition to East Portland . Blk 1, lot 8, The Hawthorne Estste.,.. Blk 7, lot T, The Hawthorne Estate.... York Blk 8, lot 1, The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 8. lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 6. lot 3, The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 6, lot 4, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 8, lot 5. The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 6. lot 8, The Hawthorne Estate..'.. Blk 8, lot 7, The Hawthorne Estate.,.. Blk 6. lot 8.' The Hawthorne Estate...-. A tract of land lying between tbe east 'line of blk 8. York, and a line 100 irtt east of and parallel with tbe eaat line of Cast Twenty-ninth atreet. and between the south line of Oregon street, extended easterly In l present eowse. and a line 897.8 feet north of and parsUei therewith. W. S. Xadd 8.20 103.78 42.74 43.88 84.40 28.77 88.86 60.66 83.90 62.10 between the south line of Eaat An keny atreet and a line 100 feet sooth of and parallel therewith, and be tween the "weat line of blk 2. Man ning's Addition to the City of Port land, Oregon, and tbe east line of East Twenty-eighth street, Cbas. Van Winkle 63.40 Pleaaant Home Addition to East Port land Blk 4, lot 4, Sidney M. Mann 11.80 Blk 4. lot 3. Sidney M. Mann 25.46 Blk 4. lot 6. John M. Lewis 7.40 Blk 4, lot 5, John M. Lewis Blk 6, lot 4, C. J. Garner 7.40 Blk 6, lot 8, C. J. Garner 18.40 Blk 6. lot 6, Amanda J. Bennett 11.30 Rlk 6. lot 5. Amanda J. Bennett... 25.46 Blk 12, lot 4, George W. Galloway 7.66 Blk 12, lot 3, Oeorge W. Galloway 23.90 A tract of land lying between tbe south line or East Ankeny street ana me north line of Pleaaant Home Addition ' to the City of Eaat Portland, and be tween the eaat line of East Twenty sixth street snd a line 200 feet west of snd parallel with the weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, Isaiah Buckman 69.80 A tract of Jand lying between tbe sooth line, or East Ankeny street ana tne north line of ' Pleasant Home Addi tion to tbe City of East Portland, and Between two lines respectively 200 feet and 100 feet west of any parallel with the west line of East Twenty eighth street. John M. Lewis 25.86 A tract of land lying between the weat line of Eaat Twenty-eightn street ana a line 100 feet west of snd parallel therewith, and between tbe south line of East Ankeny atreet and the north line of blk 4. Pleaaant Home Addition to the Cltv of Haat Portland. Isaiah Buckman 26.88 A tract of land lying between the south line or Eaat Ankeny atreet and Be tween the north line of blk 12. Pleas and Home Addition to tbe City of Eaat Portland, and the north Una of blk 6. Dalton'a Addition to the City of Portland, and between tbe east line or blk 6. Keytone Addition to tne Cltr of Portland, and the west line of blk 12, Plesaant Home Addition to tbe City of Eaat Portland, and- the west line of Esst Twenty-sixth street, Isaiah Buckman 196.86 Dalton'a Addition to Portland Blk 6. lot 1. Samuel H. Parrott 1.00 Blk S, lot 2. Annie B., Archie B. Rich- ara M. ana armona a. rarrott , riorouB .AstEaamvT .fob .ikfbot MXVT OF EAST HAIV STXIXT, Notice I hereby girea that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to aassaa the louowiag oescriDeo property and ewnor or owners as being epselally and sevnllarly beos- ira in ue a mo so is set -opposite Us saaaea and descriptions thereof for the Improvement of . East Main atreet, from the east Use of Bast Thirty-fourth street to tbe weat Una of Bast Thirty-ninth street, as provided by ordi nance No. 13.867. Any objectless to the sppnrdooment of cost for aald improvement muat be made Is writing to the Council and filed with tbe Aadltor within fifteen days from the date of the first publication of this notice, and aald objections will be heard and determined' by the Council Wore tbe passage of ths ordinance assessing the cost of aald Imnrorsment unnyslde Blk 48, lot 1, Nora L. Blngiey I 64.72 bim n, souu ioi a, mora King ley m Blk '44, north H lot 2, Frieda Landblad Blk 48, lot 8, Frieda Landblad Blk 44, lot 8. Jennie Matachek ' Blk 44. lot 8. M. O. Ambler Blk 44, lot IX Alberta M. Proebatel... Blk 44. lot 16, Abhle J. Abernethy .... Blk 44. lot 14. AbHe J. Abernethy.... Blk 44. lot 18. Abble J. Abarnathr Blk 47. lot 1. mends' Church Corpora tion, truateee of Blk 47, lot 2. Mamie Bolllne Blk 47. lot 8. John A. Jnknun Blk 47, lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Comoanr Blk 47, b.t . P. J. Farrell Blk 47, lot 12, T. H. Cllne Blk 47. lot 16. Charles F. Llndeawor Blk 47. lot 14, G. P. Scbroeder Blk 47. lot 13. Bndolph Dlrlwaehter. . . . Blk 48. lot 1, Sarah Wentworth Blk 48. lot 2, Sarah Wentworth Blk 48. lot 3. Sarah Wentworth Blk 48. lot 10, Andreas Tetach Blk 48. lot 11. Andreaa Vetarh Blk 48, lot 12. Andreaa Vetsch Blk 49. west H lot 1. Lon Do Ysrmond. Blk 48. west H lot 2. Lou De Yarmond, Blk 49. east H lot 1. Boawell R. Patch and William D. Plus Blk 49, eaat H lot 2. Roswell B. Patch and William D. Pine Blk 49, lot 3, Edith R. Fttinbe . . . Blk 49. lot 8. Mary K. Gilbert Blk 40. tot 9. Mar? K. Gilbert 24. to Hunnyalde Addition Blk 4. lot 8, Msry B. Gilbert Blk 4, lot 2T Ids M. MrMonles Blk 4. lot 1. Ida M. McMoolea Blk 8, lot 1. John Good Blk 8, lot 1 John Good Blk 8. lot 3. John Good Blk t. lot 4, John Good Hlk B, lot 6, John Good Blk A lot 6, John Good Blk 8. lot 7, HstHe Wilson , Blk 8. lot 8. Hsttle Wilson Good's Addition Block No. t Blk 1. lot 1. John Good Blk 1. lot 2. John Good Blk 1. lot 8. John Good Blk 1. lot 4. John Good Blk 1. lot 6, John Good Blk 1, lot 6. John Good Blk 1. lot 7. John Good Sunnyslde Blk 63, west H lot 5, Sarah J. Wetaler, Blk 6.1. weat U lot 6. Sarah J. Wetsler. Blk 58, east Vi lot 5, J. D. Coleman, trustee ; Blk 63; esst Vs lot 6. J. D. Coleman, trustee Blk 68. lot 4. William H, Bayl Blk 63, lot 7, Err Rankin Blk 63, eaat H M 10, Victor Emrlck., Hlk 63. west H lot 10, Err. Rankin.... Blk 53. lot 11. Victor Emrlck Blk 63, lot 16. A. . and Jokn H. Hens- tls Blk 63, lot 17, Clara B. Bran Blk 53. lot 18, Clara B. Xrana Blk 62. lot 4, Msy E. Bryant Blk 62, lot 5, May B. Bryant Blk 52, lot 4, R. P. news Blk 52. lot 7. C, H. Pa Iran Blk 62. lot 10. Clarence H. Pslran.... Blk 52, lot 11, George J. Helmberger.. Blk 62. lot 18. Mlnetta A. Carson Blk 62, lot 17. Mlnetta A. Carson Blk 62. lot 18. Mlnetta A. Carson...;.. Blk 61, lot 4, Cleveland Rockwell, trus tee Blk 51. lot 6, Clevelsnd Rockwell, trus tee Blk 61, lot 4, Cleveland Rockwell, trus tee Blk 51. lot 9. Frank L. Huston and James J. t Keane ' Blk 51, lot 8, Francis J. Dunbar Blk 51, lot 7, Francis J. Dunbar Blk 60. weat 06 2-8 feet lot 6, B. S. Wh to Blk 60. west 66 2-8 feet lot-6, B. S. White Blk 60. west 64 2 8 feet lot 4, B. 8. Whits Blk 60. east 33 1-3 feet lot 6, W. A." and L. E. Palsel Blk 50, east 83 1-3 feet lot 4, W. A. snd L. E. Dalsel Blk 60. east 33 1-8 feet lot 6, W. A. and L. E. Dalsel Blk 60, lot 7. Elisabeth Roth Blk 60. lot 10. Elisabeth Roth Sunnyalde Addition Blk 6. lot 4, R. h. Cary and L. . J. Carv Blk 5, lot 5. T. C. and L. Wilson Blk 6. lot 6. William Rusk Blk 2. lot 18, D. norton Blk 2, lot 15. Charles E. Stewart , r.. Blk 2, lot 14, Chsrles E. Stewart .... Blk 2, lot 13. Lille M. Stevenson Blk 2, west M 12, Llllle M. Stevenson Blk 2. esst V, lot 12. J. F. Booth Blk 2. lot 11, J. F. Booth Blk 2, lot 10, Lei da H. Straus Blk 2, lot 0, Lelda E. Straus tbe Vast rorb line of fourteenth street, as pro vided br ordinance No. 13.2.(6. Any objections to the epportlonment of cost far ssld Imnreveojent most beanade la writing to tbe Uouncll ana Died srita- toe auditor wiuiia 16 dsys from tbe date f tbe ant publication ef this notice, and aald objections will be beard and determined br tbe Council before the Daa- sage of the ordinance assessing the cost of said taiproTemsnt. , Coach's Addition to the City ef Port land . ' V Blk 184. lot 1, pontine rem . .......f jm.rr Blk 134. lot A Louis H. Tarpley Blk 184. lot A George HartBees......... Blk 184, lot A Oeorge Hsrtneea Blk 136, lot ), Kllsa 15. nsrtneas Blk 130. lot 4. Ellaa B. Hartnees Blk 186, B. SS feet lot & Emma O. Rob-" Inson Blk 136, B. 26 feet tot A Emma 0, Rob inson , . Blk 136. W. H of B, H lot A Berthold Ksetsehsssr Blk 138, w. V4 of E. H lot A Berthold, avretsebmar Blk 186. W. H lot 8, Ineeators' Mort gage Security Company, or Edinburgh, Scotland Blk 186, .west H Vat A Investors' Mort gage Security ivmpaay, oc Baiaourga, Scotland Blk 134, lot 1, King Estate Blk 134, lot 4, King Estate Blk 134, lot A King Estste Blk 134, lot 1 King Estste - Ik 137, lot 1. German Barings Loss Nocletr of Ban lYancleeo. Cal Blk 1(7. lot 4. German 8s rings ft Loaa Society of Saa rrsnclsco, CsL Blk 187, lot A Oermas Barings ft fjoaa Society of Saa rraadeeo, CsL..,,.... Blk 137, lot 1 Oermaa Barings ft Loaa SorletT et Saa freed aco, CsL Blk 127, lot A Isaao Kaafmaa Estate. Hairs of Blk 127, lot S, laaae Kaufman Estate, Hairs of Blk 127, lot A Margaret fl. Houghton.. Blk 127, lot T, Margaret 0. Hougbtoa.. Blk 124, kit S, Bea Selling, trustee.... Blk 124, lot 6, Ben Selling, trustee .... Blk 124. lot 6. Da rid R, Young Rlk 124, lot T, Daeld B. Young Blk 125, lot A B. O. Okwaer, executor.. Ik 126, lot 6, Bona A. NleMon Blk 126. B. H lot T, Amelia Dueber Es tate Heirs of , Blk 125, K. V, let A Amelia Dueber Es tate. Heirs nr Blk 125, W. H lot T, Phoebe A, Bark- herdt Blk 126, W. H lot A "Phoebe A. Bark- bardt Blk 124, lot A American Laundry Com- Ik 124, lot 6. American Laundry Com' -Ik 124,' lot 6. American Laundry Corn ea nr " Blk 124, lot T, American Laundry Com- Deny , 12.88 24.81 S4.88 ' 78.61 22.90 6X16 T.48 62.24 T.48 Oregon UIOlTJliINE k ITfllON PACIFIC' 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Twnrlst sleev ing can dally te . Omaha. Chicago, 8 pokaaei aas 14.88 I tourlet s! cars dally te 104.70 142.88 81.84 18.74 184.87 198.40 M.1J 11.89 178.04 203.07 . 116 85.77, 228.01 223.26 84.76 16.81 T5.40 80.07 22.74 101 AT 15.4 101.68 16.41 100.24 sale. ileeplag Pulltnaa alls bob doc ted) weekly City reclining chair tars (seats free) te the Blast sauy Oltvi through Pullman tourlat sleeping ears (Denes- s uni waseia PNIOd PIPOT. Lea rec - Arrteee. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 a, am, 4 SO p. av FECIAL. Daily. Dally, got the East sis Bast ing too. .- . , . , SPOKANE FLYER. ' 0.00 a, av T:0 a. aa. For Eastora Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew- .., istos. Conor v'Alaae . snd Cress Bur Uses points. ' '- ATLANTIC EE PRESS. 8:18 a, av 10:80 a. aw gar the Bast rla Uuat- Dally. Dally. lagtos, OCEAhT AJfD BITEB SCHEDOLE. FOB SAN rRANCISCO. iFrom 6:0O a. as. A A Wee. W. Elder Alaaka August 10, SO, 80. Dock, A A Columbia , 8;0C g, as. August 6, 15, SO. Colttarhla Bier ptrtaum. FOB ASTORIA aad way points, eoaaectlnt asms etmr. for llwaoo aad North Beach, sir. Has. ASD-ec oeea. 18:00 p. as. vauy. tx Sunday-Saturday iu:uu p. an. S0p. as. es. Suaday, A beat 17.75 S8.S4 208.84 Total 68020,08 THOS. & DEVLIN. Aadltor ef the Citr of Portland. Anguat 4. 19"8. s nrfBOYX- POTTEB SAILING DATES (Ash St. Dock) August 4. 11:80 a. m.; August 6. 12:80 p. a. I August 6. 1:15 p. m.; August 7, S:00 p. m. : August 8 (Saturday), 2:80 p. a. Taathll Blear Bewte. PAOBOSEB AASESSHEBT FOB wart or vhatilla avzitue. Notice Is hereby siren that tbe Council of tne iity or rortiana proposes to assess me following described propertr and owner or own era as Being specially and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounts set opposite the names and de scriptions thereof for tbe lmprorement of t'mstllla avenue, from the east curb Una of Esst Eleventh street to tne weet curb line of Esst Nineteenth street, as provided by ordi nance No. 13.16A Any objections to the apportionment of coat for said Improvement must be made In writing to tbe Council, and filed with tne Auditor within flftMn ill., eenm th. .t.t Af rh Spat 24.06 I nnhlleatlM, mt .hi. hMIm .nit M nhletlnna Jli S2 w" be heard and determined by the Council vo. 1 I before the oaaaaae of the ordinance aasesslne the cost of said Improvement. The Tn of aflwnod Blk 48. lot 10, Susan Herbers Blk 48, lot 11, Susan Herbers Blk 48, lot 9, C. K. Pendrll Blk 4A lot 8. C. E. Pendell Blk 48, lot 7. C. E. Pendell Rib At! Ia a n v. t., .4.11 63-36 Blk 48.' lot 6,' cl K. Pendell! '. Hlk 48, lot 3, Frtedonla Wolf BIK 48. lot 4. Frtedonla Wolf Blk 57, lot 10, C. E. Pendell Blk 67. lot 11. C. B. Pendell Blk 57. lot 9. T. A. Wood Blk 67, lot A Alfred W. Robertson Blk 67. lot 7, Amelia Stelbrecht. . . Blk 57. lot 6. Mary A. Rar Blk 67, lot 6, Mary A. Ray. FOB DAYTON. City aad la Clots. atr. h-St dock. (Water parmlttlng.t Oregon River Elmore, T:60 a. ml Tuesday, Thursday. Satorday. s:oo m. as. aionoar. Wednaadaa Friday. Snake Btvsr Beats. FOB LEWI8TON. Ids.. ind way points, from loarla. Wash., ataass- ers Spokane aad Lev Is ton. 4:05 a. BL Dally, as. Hah About 5 .09 p. av Daily . . as. Friday. J -22 Blk 67. lot A Mary A. Ray.. 26.79 23.41 23.87 23.85 S6.67 28.20 29.08 14.24 11.79 4.21 1.31 1 46 2.50 6.20 Blk 67. lot 4. Marv A. Rar. Blk 48. lot 10. J. M. Nlckum Blk 88, lot 11. J. M. Nlckum Blk 88, lot 9, Hadda L. LIndeleat. . . , Blk 83, lot 8, Anthony Curtla Rlk 48, let 7. Oliver Olaen Heirs Blk 48. lot 4. Ltsbetb H. Curtis..... Blk 48, lot 5, Llsbeth H. Curtis Blk 48. lot 8. Frsnk A. Toenelmsnn.. Blk 48, lot 4, Frank A. Toepelmann. . Blk 77, lot 10. C. K. Petsch Blk 77, lot 11, C. F. Petsch Blk 77. lot 9. Fsnnle Serre Big 77, lot 8, J. M. Nlckum. Rlk 77. lot 7. ). M. Nlckum. Blk 77. lot 4. M. Hhsrplng. Blk 77, lot 6, M. Shsrplng Blk 77, lot A Franklin Building A Loan Association Blk 77. lot 4. Franklin Building A Loan i.. , '2 Blk 47, lot 18. 'MathlUa'Un'qox.'.' ''1IIIX S7. lot IJ.. Mathima lennnf .47 2.90 .64 J8.7TI 12.87 1287 25.24 610 7.78 S0.23 Blk 47. lot 14. John W. Mauldlna Blk 47, lot 15, John W. Campbell " Blk 47. lot 16, John W. Campbell Blk 47, lot 17, Mrs. K. L. West Blk 47, lot 18, Franklin Building A Loan Association Blk 47, lot 2. D. M. Donaugh Rlk At In. 1 TV M TV.n.iih J.S0 Bik fia, lot 13, Isabella J. Sellwood . g Hlk 68, let. 13, Elisabeth D. H. Bellwood 6.92 I Rlk Rfl U,t IX T CUIIuI 85.07 I Rlk fta b, IK Tk.M.1 D Um.A ' ' ' 52 X1 B'k 68, lot 16, Thomas B.'a. Sellwood! I 88.00 I now Ka lot IT. Joeenh A. Kellwnnrf '.SO I Mb KA In IS Tnannt. k 0.11-.4 25.35 Hlk 68. lot I 'lnnii V. Hnllwnwl '"! Blk 68. lot 1. Emma V. Sellwood Blk 67, lot 13. ( has. F. Stelnleln Blk 47. lot 12. Chss. F. Stelnleln Blk 67. lot 14. H. 8. Allen Blk 67, lot 15, School District No. 1.... Blk 47, lot 16, School District No. 1.... Blk 67. kit 17, Sussn A. Wills Blk 67. lot 18. H. M. Bingham nib at 1a. q nr tr 2.15IR11, AT In 1 U U Vnn. 43.35 nib tb" m u lot'n! Thoa. AiU'!!""" Blk 78, E. H lot 18. Thoa. Ane Blk 78. W. H lot 12, Louis Bopp Blk 78. W. H lot 18. Louis Bopp Blk 78. lot 14. Jsne Carter Blk 78. lot 15. A. E. Barrows Blk 78. lot 16. Kste Slnnott Blk 78, lot 17, Jules Host a In Blk 17, lot 18, Jules Roe tain Blk 78, lot A Jules Roststn Blk 78, lot 1, Jules Rostaln 1 49.76 12:04 24.32 21.32 25.24 27.16 27.62 21.11 67.21 63.02 18.03 27.15 25.73 26.28 27.62 23.87 23.12 41. (M) 71.93 24.89 27.15 25.73 24.82 23.87 22.43 22.19 69.04 68.41 22.02 21.64 22.08 21.82 21.03 20.61 10.04 89.40 49.35 11.08 24.32 26.24 26.78 26.21 TICKET OFFICB. Third and Washington. Tela. PORTLAND t ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, catling at Kobe. . Nagasaki and Shanghai, taklna- frelehl via connecting steamers for Manila. Part Arthaw aad Vladlvostock. nrOBASAHHA SAILS lBOTJT JTH.Y 28. For rates and full tnrormatwa call es se ad dsee omelets or ageau ef ths.O. B, A N. Ce, EAST via. SOUTH IS "'. 11 (01N fUkITAj"' aotey 110.93 66.54 10.7S 0.43 .1.91 89.81 AOt 2.55 18.17 .69 1.20 19.43 22.60 64.02 41.13 44. If, 88.68 85.25 I T8.1J 23.21 12 J 13.30 27.42 29.92 80.13 24.68 20.67 66.23 63.43 18.09 24.48 25.73 25.73 26.26 23.87 23.08 42.88 71.78 24.47 27.42 27.24 24.82 21.87 22.48 22.46 69.72 10.95 29.18 10.95 29.09 21.64 22.08 21.82 21.03 20.50 10.04 89.66 ises. m -M a, BL Hmp. as. TitOa. ss. IW.-60P. aJ WI01V DEPOT. Ante OVERLAND EXPRESS . . trains, for Baleng Boae burg. . Ashland, Sacra mento, Ogdeo, Baa Fran- T48 a. m Cisco, Molars, Les Aa pies. El Paso, Mew Or leans sad the East At Woodbura dally (aaoept Sunday), morn ing train for Alt An- M gel SUvertoe, Browns- Y0 O. vllle, Sprlugflsld. Wend Ung and Matron. Mt. Angsl and SUrsr too local. CnrraUls paaaoagar..... SaTst p. m, Sheridan pssseager 1 1180 a. a Total .....82.223.18 TlfOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ef the Cltr of Portland. August 4, 1903. Total A2.809.87 thos. c. Devlin. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. August 4, 1903. PBOPOBEO ASSESSMENT FOB IHPA0YZ- MEET 0E SIXTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Conned nsT the City of Portland nroDosea to aeseas th. following described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly bene fited in the amonnta aet opposite the namea and descriptions thereof -for the improvement of Sixteenth street, from 12 feet south of tbe north line of Gllaan atreet to 12 feet north of the south line of Hort street, as Drovlded t ordinance No. 18,880. Any objections to the apportionment of Blk 6. lot 8. Bamoel H. Parrott. Blk 6. lot 4. Annie B Archie R.. Rich ard M. and Armond G. Parrott Blk 6. lot A Annie E Archie R. and Richard M. Armond G. Parrott....:. Blk 5, lot A George A, Pease. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 J.OO Total...... ...M. ,.82,404.60 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWEB IS EAST WASHINGTON STBEET. Notice is hereby given thet the Council of the City of Portland proposes to aasesa the fol-ina-in. nn.nrlhed nronertv and owner or owners ss being speclslly and peculiarly benefited In the amounta est opposite the names and descriptions thereof by tbe construction or s sewer in cast Wasbington street from 100 feet west of tbe west line or r,aet iniri7Tnia sireni io a connection with the sewer st the west line of Esst Thirty-sixth street, as provided oy oral. ntnM Ka ifi.AOft. Any objections to the apportionment ef cost for ssld sewer must be msde In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within 15 dsys from the dste of tbe first publication of this notice, ana aaia ODjections win oe nesra snd determined by tne council nerore tne paa sage of the ordinance assessing tne cost for said sewer. Sunnyslde Third Adldtlon to Portland, Oregon. Blk 61, lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company . '. f Blk 61, lot 1A Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 41, lot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 84. lot 6, . Tba Title Guarantee A Trnat Company ,.. Blk 64, lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company . r Blk 64, lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company , 11.06 16.06 31.48 18.95 18.66 .80.45 TtU 6115.50 TH08. C. TiUVMN. "Aadltor of tbe City of Portland. August A 180A - PROPOSED , A8SES8XENT 1076 EstTaOTE- MENT OF JOHNSON STEER. . C Notice la hereby riven that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to aasesa tbe follow ing described property and owner .or" owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited la tbe amounts aet opposite the names sad descrip tions thereof for the Improvement ef Johnson street from the west lias of Tenth street te cost for said Improvement must be 'made in writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen daya from the date of the first publication of this notice, snd said objections will be heard snd determined by the Council before tbe . pssssge of the ordi nance assessing the cost of said Improvement. Couch's Addition to the City of Portlsnd Blk 100, west lot 2, lone and Wil liam 8. Buckman 600.56 Blk 100. west lot a, lone and Wil liam 8. Buckman .. Blk 100. eaat H lot 2. A. T. Smith Blk 100, eaat Vi lot Si A. T. Smith .... Bk 100, lot 8, Frank and Thomas E. Blchet . . . Blk 100, lot 7, Frank and Thomas E. Blchet Blk 154, lot 1, Max .Smith and Minnie Auer Smith . . Blk 164. lot 4, Max Smith and Minnie Auer Smith 69.11 7.28 A83 64.08 67.S4 67.84 Daily. HDaJly except Sunday. aSsrtlSBd Osaegs InburVaa Servioe aad Yamhill Division. Depot Feet of Jefferson Btxaet. Leave Portland dally for Oswego 7:80 a. m. 12:50, AOS, 86, 6:30, 6:26, 8:30, 10:14 p. in. Dally (except Sunday) 6:80, 6:80, 6:85, 10: a. m. 4:00, 11:80 p. m. Sunday only, S:M a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally :60 a, m.) 1:06. 8:03, 4:86. 4:16, 7:85, 9:65, 11:10 a. m. Daily (sxoept Sunday) 4:23. 7:23. 6:80, 10:20, 11:46 a. m. ExceptMoadajr, tUM a, m. Sunday ouly, 10:00 a. m. Leave from same depot Tor- Dallas and later, saedlato pointa dally (except Sunday) 4,00 p. as. Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. Tbe Independeoce-Monmoath Motor Lisa operates dally to Monmouth and Airlls, con aaetlng with Southern Pacifla Company 'a tracks at Dallas and Independence. First-class rebate tickets ea sale from for, land te Secramesto and Saa Fraadteo. Net rate 617.60. berth 8; seeono-clsas fare 615. wltbeot rebate or berths secend -class berth 62.60. . iieaets te araatera noinra ana surooe. Jaean. fftitna. Honolnln and Anatralia. City Ticket Offoe eorner Third and Wash lag. sear streets, rnoae. Main ii. tL W. 8TTNGBR. W. L COMAM. aty Ticket Agent Gen. Pas. Agt -J. THiN TIMR CARn zi 1 I esTar-ei a aV -a L A - M ' - BCV 1 i POPTIAND : 64.98 Total t 6398.46 TH08. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. August 4. 1903. Issf old by all Orusjtats. CURES' QOROMHOEA Airo OlUT WITHOUT OTaUB . TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Puget Sound Limited for ' Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and Gray s Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma: Seattle, Butte. 8L Paul. Min neapolis,. Chicago, New York. Boston and points East and Southeast, Twin-City Express, for lacoma. Seattle, Bpo kane. Helena, St. Paul. Minneapolis Chlcsso. ' York.. Boston and in points East .and Southeast. Puget Sound - Kansas CIt-St. Lout Special for Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denver, Omaha. Kausse City. St. Louis and all points East and South east. Departs. 8:30 a. m 8:00 p. m. 11:48 p. tn 6:30 a. m. Arrives, 6:80 p. ra, 7:00 i 7:00.p. na 7:O0 a. at I All train dally except on South Bend branch, A D. CHARLTON. Aaalatant General Pa seen per Agent S2S Morrison St. corner Third. Portland, Oa, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. DNION DEPOT. 'Arrives. . For Mergers, Rainier, rjall , Clatakank. Waatportl .n. Clifton, Astoria, War-. r7. Boa FlavaL Han. Dally. mond Fort Sterena. 2:8a p. BU Bearbart Park, Seaaliia, Sab only. Astoria and Meaaaort ; . Expreao, Dally. . . r.-oo p. ax. - . Ei Sat.- D,n,,0,ta 8:o p. at. 1 ' ' J. O MAYO. ' 0. r. tad P. A., Astoria. Or. A L. LEWIA Oommercial Agvat, s48 Aider sL. Pseas alala SOA