TIIE OitEQOff DAILY JOT3TRNAL, rORTLAKP, TlTE&PAY EYEiNTOO. AUG UST l. 1 003. JOHN F. MARTIN IN THE COURTS Most Sensational Suit for-AH- mony and Reimbursement of Funds Is Up at San 'Jose, Cal. MULTNOMAH CLUB ' AND ITS HISTORY T b ' : ' " ""' ' ' ' ' (Continued from Pave Ssven.) to defeat on the local field, ths Multno mah team being atrenvthened by a num ber of the B. B. A. players." On New Year's day the Multnomah 11 played a return match at Tacoma. winning the a-ame. 10 to 0. In the season Of 191-4 Multnomah's football career reached Ita height That year, after a moat success ful aeaacn, Multnomah cloaed with a de feat y Stanford on New Yeafa day the flrat defeat the club had Buffered alnce Ha flrat game. Joe Smith wu cap tain that year and prored Mmaell a hero' every game. In November the fol lowing year Multnomah was- defeated by the Reliance team. On Thanksgiving day, the aame year, Multnomah defeated the Portland team by one touch down. On Chrlatmaa. Multnomah Club revived lta football spirit, defeating a team from Battery A, 42 to 0, and several weeks later also defeated the Portland Uni versity team. In U97 great rivalry ex isted between the Portland Athletic team WOODCRAFT TO HOLD UNITED RECEPTION All Circles of the City . Combine In Entertaining Grand Officers. SAN J OSES. Cal.. Aug. 4.K senaa . tionai suit for alimony and retmburae ment of funds has begun In the Supe rior Court Of Santa Clara county, the defendant In the action being John P. Martin, a resident of this city, and well known In Portland and throughout the State of Oregon, he having been a poli tician. He was also well known and highly ' respected . at Dayton. Wash. Martin, whose son Is aa editorial writer on the Philadelphia Ledger, was sup posed for many years to be dead, and his wife was drawing a pension on that ground, he having been a Grand Army land the Multnomah team, some cloae and soldier in the Civil War. He turned up exciting games being played. On No most unexpectedly a few months ago. vember I the Multnomah team defeated The complainant is Mary Martin, the the Newberg College 11 and a week alleged wife of the San Josean, now re- later the Chemawa Indiana. Thanksglv- siding In Athens county, O. In her Ing day Multnomah went down in defeat complaint she -alleges adultery, and before the Portland Athletto Club team, avers she and the defendant- were mar- 4 to 0. ' Christmas day Multnomah took jlod In Athens county, O., on the 11th revenge by defeating the Portland Ath- of January. 1855. and lived together un- tfo Club team, 10 to . , The spirit of til 1S7S. raising a family of six child- rivalry between these teams grew deeper, ren. three' of whom have since died. Each had wbn a game, and the champion- The complaint recites that In the year ship remained unsettled. with the result U71 Martin, with no Just cause of any that the final game was set for New kind, left his -wife and children, some Tear's. 1S88. The reeling was so keen of them then quite young, and that that the game resulted in a slugging since he has refused them attention or match and no score. The games follow- money. The complaint then alleges lng wtr- fua of interest In the football that through all the subsequent year; contests. Multnomah occupying the cen- sne nas wruggiea xo nun iivejinooa ter of the stare and putting up good The Women of Woodcraft of Portland are planning for a big reception to be tendered the grand officers of the order at W, O. W. Hall. Bast Sixth and Alder streets, Friday, August 1. An elab orate musical and literary program has been arranged, Including an address by Mnl CaJrle Van Orsdal and a response by Mrs. Cornell. It is the Intention of those In charge to have the program begin at I o'clock and at its completion to serve light re freshments. Prior to the reception the W. O. W. camps will meet in the banquet hall and transact routine business. Invitations have been Issued to the members of the 10 circles In the city and It is expected the majority will attend. The commit tee in charge of the reception and re freshments is composed of the follow Ing: Mrs. J. A. Randall, chairman) Mrs. McBrlde, Mrs. M. E. Roberts, Mrs. Haley, Mrs. Davie, Mrs. Joplln, Mrs. Vandermar, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Jlayea and Mrs. Cornell. . THIEF CATCHERS TO MEET IN. PORTLAND 'A' Association of Pacific Coast Thief Catchers Will Like- ' 4ly Gatherv.Here.v- v ;., OV&R THE BAR ' ' (JouTl .'Special Service.) - AST0RI4F Or.4 Aug. . The. follow ing vessels salleVlast evonlngr British steamer Indrasamha for Hong Kong via Yokohama, general cargo. British steamer Tottenham Tor Dalny Via peaitie. ror rom-snfl lumber. ' Knock the Flies HAVE STEEL LAID FOR THIRTY MILES for herself and the ' children, and to educate the latter. She succeeded, she says. In doing so. but now In. her old age she finds herself broken down In health and poor in pocket, i She claims to know, moreover, that her husband, while unfaithful to his marriage-vows, has acquired considerable property, most of which Is in Santa Clara county. - . She now appeals to the court here to order a reimbursement by her husband of the funds spent by her on the care and education of their children, which is fixed at 11.000. and the payment of S100 per month alimony during the rest of her life. She does not ask for a games. Other Soooessea. While Multnomah Has not taken as many honor's In baseball, gome splendid teams have won honors for the club. In general athletics the club has made a brilliant record and It Is safe to say that the future holds new laurel. in. store for this popular organisation. Aud the club has been as much a suc cess socially as in the field of athletics. Its balls have been brilliant social events and, invading the field of. amateur theatricals. It has given the most suc cessful entertainments In this llns ever Cars Will Be Running Between Portland and Eagle Creek Within Two Weeks. leral separation. But she aaka further oirered to the public of Portland. for an injunction to be issued to re- With Its splendid past record. Its strain the defendant from disposing of ceaseless and untiring workers and the his property or encumbering it In any fact that it is backed by the business way, and for a receiver to be appointed mn of Portland In general makes the to take charge of the same. She also I fall carnlcal (September 10-28 Inpjuslve) peimun ma coun w Rwaru nor, pvnu- jng the settlement of the case, tempo rary alimony In the, sum of $100 per kionth, and' 1200 to cover the cost of Instituting and carrying on the suit, and ,1100 attorney fees to cover the cost of preparation of the same. These re quests are made on the allegation that . plaintiff Is absolutely without fimds. Judge Leib has fixed Friday morning aext as the time for hearing the prelim inary matters. PROTEST AGAINST b CHANGE OF GRADE ;; Mrs. Elisabeth Van Vleit and others have filed a remonstrance against the proposed change of grade; on Bell wood etreet. ! Abble Pace heads a petition to estab lish the grade on Oideon street A petition containing the names of R, JS.. Case and others is in the hands of largely patronised. the City Clerk, asking ror the improve ment of Sell wood street from Williams, 4o Union avenues by graveling the roa way full width and laying sidewalks and crosswalks. i i Edward Burns has filed a request for the return of an unused liquor license, i, ; The sewer and purchasing committees of the executive board Are in session this afternoon transacting roatine busi ness. , The City Engineer has a force of men at work laying a new stone block sidewalk in front of the fire engine bouse at First and Jefferson streets. Testerday was payday for the clerical department at the City Hall. A number - off the department employes received their checka -for July on Saturday. The Board of Health report for the Dipsu ox juir, win oe isauea on rnurs- an assured success. Toe Beading Boom. The reading room Is one of the most Interesting quarters. The tables are sup plied with an abundance of -reading mat ter, selected to suit the taste of' the members. Strict rules are enforced as to this room, no conversation being allowed. It is a treat to peep into this room any evening. Boys, young men and old men, who have been busy during the day, spend an hour or more here reading the latest periodicals and papers. The large stone fire-place i adds to the inviting ap pearance of the room. The ground floor of the club house contains the' natatorlum, with a swim ming poolS0 feet long, 10 feet deep at one end and gradually shelving to about four feet at the other. The locker room, with a capacity of about 700 lockera. Is convlently placed to the lounging room, baths, eto.: The Turkish bath, which has received particular attention, occupies a space underneath the natatorlum orj ground floor. It consists of everything necessary for. an enjoyable, bath, and Is Within two weeks-the Oregon Water Power A Railway Company expects to have cars in operation between' Portland and Eagle Creek. 10 miles southeast of this city. The steel haa been laid as far 'as Eagle Creek, but It will take a fortnight before the track la properly ballasted for travel. The motive power will be steam for the present Holes and wires are being strung along the route, but It is not known just how soon electric cars can be installed. At the present time electric cars run to Lents, seven miles out and loco motives haul the trains on to Boring. A power house is under construction, at tHe last named point The Oregon Water Power & Railway secures Its electricity from a 800 horse-power plant on the East Side and from the Portland General Electric Company. Eight miles of track yet remain to be constructed. SPENT STOLEN COIN; NOW FACES THE LAW nRv5 -y-r-i;-''-'--fiiifr,j:'-l- Use Child's on "osr stock o-sos-so rxtrx-r It means money in youi pocket, lor c. a give one third more mux, ana norses ao peuer feed when protected from flies.'. tnd on 1 In all probability the annual meet ing of the chiefs of police of the Paclfio Coast will be held la Portland, Sep tember It. ... . -v At the last session In San Francisco, In March of last year, It was decided to s-ather In Portland In 1901 The ses sion was set for August 11, but Chief Hunt haa received a request asking that It be postponed until next month. The reason for the delay Is that Chief Wlttman of San Francisco, the presi dent, is at present making an Eastern trip. He wtll be back shortly, but wUl be engaged , with the O. A. R. conven tlon in his city, and cannot get away, The association la composed of about a score of thief -catchsrs In California, Oreron. Washington and Montana. Former Chief McLauchlln of this elty Is a member of the association, and also on me cnmniuif ui maiioiii. m , jl Chief Hunt will take steps shortly, to HUJiJLAnU &CtZU CC. mane arrangement lor ine saiiiarms. ma- OhAai Amenta. Vmtlaad. OMm. matters of Interest to them, papers being read on potent subjects, Such as the hobo Question, the social eviL the manner In which to handle bunko men and In general how to run a police a Dartment The papers are always in terestlng and those In attendance find many matters from which tney can ex tract profit t While the arrangements for the com Ing session have not been determined upon. hey will likely include the se curing of a suitable place of meeting and proper entertainment for the guests. n less It re quires only a lew seconds to apply it II cwi ie man one nan Kni w per uea. xou cannot s flora to De wit out It. Ask vour dealer for U or son, direct to us. Write today for 10-page rxvMriet. I F. W. Baltes & Co. PRINTERS ANOTHER SLUMP ON STOCK MARKET Second and Oak Streets BOTH rHONU WHEN YOU SEE THIS LABEL fijSlE!B f IN OREEN AND QOLD ON A' BOX OF CIQARS. IT IS A GUARANTEE THAT VOU ARB GETTING " A Ge-niiiJinie Garcia Known whererer fine clears are told. FOR SALE AT ALL DEALERS. SIQ SICHEL & CO.,: ole Agents (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK. Aug. 4. On the steamer Segurnca, which arrived today from Panama, was . Cashier Sherwood, charged with embezzling several hun dred thousand dollars from the South port bnn., National Bank. He .came voluntarily with a detective, and says when he fled across the continent to San Francisco he took - the steamer there for Panama. He is penniless. (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK. Aug. 4.-1:30 p. in. I Despite recent predictions .the - stock market again registered some very low records. Steel stock Is particularly In I the pressure and Union and Southern Pacific show heavy liquidations. A con tinual heavy outpour of stocks is held by banks os collateral. Lowest prices today were registered In the last 10 minutes. HENRY WEINHARD rropxiete of tke CITY BREWERY barges and Xeei Complete Brewery is tie Vortices. Bottled Beer a Specialty nuripn vo. 7. OfBoe ltta sad BwnsMe gUeeta, roanjuro. obbooh. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! ' Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup Asa beta need forever SIXTY YBAEt by ttXtr UOKS 1 MQTas for their cmtDZZS are right her to back It up. Patron tlMlMMHMMMMMMMtiMtlllllMHMHM DOIST BUY A, QASOUNB ENOINE UNTIL YOU HAVE 5EEN OUR EN0INE5 AND OPT OUR PRICES We slve written guarantee with every engine for one- year, and we It's Easy to Trace the WHOLESOME GOODNESS or SHIELD BRAND Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Lard The use of Shield Brand Goods insures good health to all who consume them. Made from Oregon wheat-fed hogs and government in spected. For sale by all first-class grocers.. while Twrnnwo, wUh rauntcT scouts It lOOTHXS the CHILD, aoFTBNS the OCMS, XLA.Y. all PAJN j CUmXS WTSTt COUC, aad Is the best reatedy for DIARBBCSA. sold by Drsggists la every part of the world. Be sore tad sak for "Mrs. Window's Soothing Byres," kail tike ether kind. Tweatr-aecta.bottla. Ize home Industry by buying front tne manufacturers. A. J. GILL & CO. ajoandaja Oak St, Portland, Or I UNION MEAT CO. MUHMHHmMMIimMIIMIMIIMmiUIMI The gymnasium comprises the entire second floor, an area of 6.700 square feet, and is 18 feet high to the ridge lines. The handball court and bowling alley are placed north of the main build ing. Particular attention has been paid to the heating and vlntllatlon of the entire building. The foul air of the rooms Is removed and fresh air supplied so fre quently that, this one feature has at- tracted wide attention. STATE COMMISSION MEETS ON SATURDAY day. The Banfleld Veysey Fuel Company today took out a permit to erect a two story dock at the foot of Hull street, to cost IS.OOO. PLUMBERS TO JOIN v A. L. U. MOVEMENT - The plumbers are assisting ' the s painters and carpenters In the formation of a central body, which Is to be afflll , ated with the American Labor Union, . as Is also the United Brotherhood of .Hallway Employes. Those back of the project say that the new organization t -will have a membership of at least .. S.000 men before many months elapse. . A meeting will be held next Saturday . night at which time It Is expected that : - some plan will be outlined. ? ... An A. L. U. organizer. It Is said, will s be In the Held shortly to remain perma fjiently. It is also stated that Daniel J McDonald, president of the A. L. U.. Iwlll visit Portland again before a great whlle .nd size up the situation, The plumbers, who are taking an in ; terest In the formation of the '" new central labor body, were the first to withdraw from the Bulld l ing Trades Council, which is now ! practically disbanded. At the time they withdrew they were severely criticised t tor their action, and by many of their j former associates were regarded as I being in the Bame class as non-unionists, j The old-time animosity is burled and forgotten now, however, and all are working in harmony toward accom- pllshlng a common end. r. JURY MUST. ACT WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 4. The glove contract case has been turned over, by. Attorney-General Knox to the Federal grand Jury. It develops that the investigation was instigated by President Roosevelt, although Littauer was a warm personal mend or the The regular monthly meeting of the State Lewis and Clark Exposition Com mission will take place at th Fair headquarters Saturday afternoon. Au gust 8. The several committees will meet during the forenoon of that day to consider recommendations for the ap pointing of superintendents of the va rious departments of Oregon's exhibit at the St. Louis Fair. There are to be eight superintendents in all, namely; Agriculture, horticulture, live stock, mines and mining education, foreatr and flsh and fisheries. . At the last meeting of the Commis sion, A. F. Miller of Bel I wood was ap pointed to collect agricultural and hor ticultural exhibits for the 1904 Fair, and J. H. Fisk of this city wa' made superintendent of the mines and min ing . displays. These appointments were made for one month only, but it is thought that they are to be made- permanent at the coming meeting. MIMIC WARFARE IS IN FULL OPERATION BAR HARBOR, Me.r Aug. 4. Hostile fleets in the mimic war were sighted far out at sea this afternoon. It is ex pected it will muke a dash tonight and try to establish a base of supplies somewhere about Cape Cod. The enemy comprlsos the fastest ships of the Whitei Squadron, the slowest of which is capa ble of 14 knots. Spectacular features of the maneuvers have been largely eliminated and visitors are disappointed. The defense squadron is expected to sail before daybreak tomorrow. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1 No Dessert More Attractive . why use gelatine- ani - spend Hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring aad ootoring when Ueji-O fprodaces better results in two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot' $ water and set to ocol. It's perfection, k sur . prise to the housewife. Jfa trouble, lets ex ; pens. Try it to-day. : Id Four Frtit Fla , yor j Lemon,' Orange, Strawberry, Sasp. ' w fccrry. -Atffrocera, JOo. - - II 1 . . 240 000 650 TOO 600 Oresoo A Cillfornia Railroad Company to Mary E. Squire, parcel land Sec. 13. T. -1 8.. K. 4 E... $ v. uefiin to u. w. ivenny, eaat one balf lot 8. block 3. Darrnport tract Lara Carlaon to Peter Autonaea. 0 acre Sec. 6, T. 1 8., B. 4 E Gnrire J. Campron and wife to Martha Klpp. lot 8. block 14. TibbetU ArldiUon. Gnatare Klactach to Herman Klaetach, lots 9 and 3, block 130, Woodstock Sheriff for J. Wernel et al. to Phoenix Land Company, lot 10, block 8. except 10 feet off north side. Fulton, Park. . i . Rebecca F. Hennesa to Delia G. Bos. part of William BUcklston D. L. C... 1 William Neubsuer and wife to' A. H. Bau mann and wife, east one-half bit 8. north 4S feet east one-half lot T, block -234. city .". 1,800 Phoenix Land Company t W. W. Clay ton. Iota 110 and 1U. A r lets Park ..... 230 B. Slnshrlmer to Minnie B. Vonng, lot 7. block S5. Central AlMna T30 B. C. Prhice and wife to A. O. Essen and wife, west 83 13 fet lot 4, block 18, Al- w ' eoo Oet your title insurance and abstracts to real estate from the i it Guarantee ft Trust Co..- Chamber of Commerce, ' Three -times as much . freight passed the "Soo" last year as .passed 'through the Sues canal. - Km Vara 3-0vcrIand Trains DaiIy-3 2-Daily Through Trains to the Beautiful Twin Cities-2 Minneapolis and St. Paul i-hdverland " train daily i VIA. THE ...Northern Pacific-Burlington Route... ,.TO.. DENVER; LINCOLN, NEB.; OMAHA, NEB.; ST. JOSEPH, MO.; KANSAS CITY; ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POiNTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST 1 ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE FAMOUS Yellowstone National Park THE OLD RELIABLE Pioneer Dining Car Line EXCELLENT THROUGH CAR SERVICE Your Baggage can be Checked Through to Destination. Union Depo Connections. TRY THE "North Coast Limited" ELECTRIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC FANS THE CRACK TRAIN OF THE NORTHWEST A D. CHARLTON, , . . Assistant General Passenger Agent' 255 Morrison SL, cor. Third,; Portland, Oregon Union IV-ade m, mm Made "A Little Better Than Seems Necessary" BY The Best Workmen "FROM The Best Material WITH The Best Machinery NONE CAN BE BETTER ! Fleischner, Mayer & Co. MAKERS ft H 1 t-i