The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 04, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    I )
People Living Near Volcano Terror Stricken
Number of New Craters Have
on the Eastern Side
OUAIVALJAHARA. Mexico. Aug. 4.
People In the vicinity of Mount Collma
are terror stricken today on account of
another fearful eruption of Mount Co
11am A number of new craters
opened up on "he enetern "lope from
Which atrenma of lava are. pouring. The
former outbreak on the weatern lope
did damage by ruining the crops of the
It la now evident that the volcano la
about to blow Ita bend off. The erup
tion canard n complete ceaaatlon of
work on the Mexican Central Railway
line on the Pacific Coaat which was
within n few mllea of the volcano. .
This One Apparently Plunges to
the bottom Real, Gen
uine Bargains.
' (Continued from Page One.)
and I recommend that no further action
be taken la the-matter. I. reepectruuy
iubmlt this aa my report
"loure truly, ,
U . t "CHAS. H. HUNT.
Chief of Police."
alble to tell what pressure waa brought
to bear upon him to change bia ataie-
ment" . t ,;, f
Mr. Field doea not aa yet know what
action ha will take further In tha mat
ter, but Indicates that tha charges wljl
ba pushed aa far aa possible.
' "I am thoroughly dlagusted with tha
manner in which this so-oalled Investl
ration has been carried out," said O. K.
Fields, one of tha proprietors of tha
. AND M.
":rrw nv touch .TVPRWDiTfisin
In his 'own behalf. Detective Snow, I farred tha chararea of distortion of duty f '
accused by Sharkey and Fields of wilful against Detective Snow. Gregg shorthand, la light-line system;
distortion of duty and collusion with "I cannot help feeling that If njno-
- .- It . i l . l t I tantha nf da nanni r TVtrtlanri . Hail I T ----- --
J neat are the days or real, genuine uwumwri, mo r --- tema. xoucn typewriting is tne oper-
reductlon of price sales sale that after reciting tha non-conteated details before the eommissionera witn me ,tlon of the typewriter by tha piano
muat aurely reach hard pan that go ot the Kemper case: story of wrongdoing tha result would method, using all tha , Angara. Saves
down to the very bottom notch. To- . n n 1"' n-: " wf aiiai aira,.
day on Dane II Messrs Woodard. Clarke mmvw vs- "weuner r. narKayk myseu nor ma Demand for omca help Is unprace
4 Co. announce baraains In houaehold "I never made any suoh statement aa two othara who kaard Kamper tell of dented. Open all tha year. - Catalogua
neceaaltlea that wlU induce lively buy- I was quoted as saying in tha newa- Snow attempting to laduca nirn to leave tree.
The Ships Enable Them to Op
, erate Independently of All
Rail Companies in Other Mar
ket Points,
To the Extent that Local Mills
Control Vesses Plans of
Timber Trust Would .Be
Have Called Indignation Meet
ing for This Evening at Office
of W, T, Hume, Washington
Some of the Portland lumber mills
already own and operate schooners for
the transportation of lumber to other
'ports, and It Is probable that the recent
" alterations In tha Southern Pacific rates
to California points raising the 1 tariff
from $3.10 to It per. ton will operate
as an incentive to Induce general em
barkation in tha shipping business by
many of the mills.
' ' "We now own a steam schooner," said
' George Wentworth. of the Portland
Lumber Company, tha mills of which
'were formerly owned by the late ex
Governor Sylvester Pennoyer. "And wo
also' have under charter a Bailing vessel,
Vlth an option on another. The ca
pacity of these vessels will be to carry
from Portland a total of about 1.800,000
feet of lumber a month."
r Johann Poulsen. of Inman. Poulsen A
Co., haa sta-ted In Tha Journal that he
'-believes it would bo advantageous for
' Portland mlllmen to go extenalvely into
'the control of shipping. It would, said
Mr. Poulsen, enable them to compete
' agalnat the mlllmen of Puget Sound in
any market, and in the long run. place
Portland on better ground than ever be
fora. i
. Xow It Affects Bates.
,Tha manner in which advantage ac
crue from the owning of ships by ralll
' men la illustrated in the carrying of
lumber to California points. The tariff
for vesaels is a flat rate per 1,000 feet,
"15 beina: tha future for all classes.- Tb
flnlahed lumber will stand the It rate,
"tin rail or ship. But the II per ton rill
rate for green lumber la practically pro
bibltory, for tha reason that a' thousand
feet of green lumber weighs .i.iuq
counds. so that the It : per i ton rate
makes that class of lumber cost con
aiderably more than its valua will
stand. .
Tha carrying of lumber in ships with
a flat rate per 1,000 feet enables the
profitable shipping of lumber green or
dressed to any port, and makes the
mlllmen Independent of all rail com
panies. ;
t is the general opinion of millmen
that the Portland lumber interests will
develop a much stronger system by go-lna-
into shipping extensively. aa the
Sound mills have dona for several years
Trust XajBora Current
Belief in the recent report that an
enormous timber trust- is forming Jo
control the forests of Oregon appears to
be. eeneral among the mlllmen. The
many meetings that have been held by
men of the standing In the timber
world, 'Weyerhauser, Walker, and other
"Wisconsin, Minnesota ; and Michigan
operators, their large purchases, and
the evident consonance of movement by
them, are cited as proving that the
trust idea is not a figment of imagina
tion. "A trust of that character could not
be formed." said one of the prominent
timbermen, "without the co-operation of
the rail transportation companies, and
that la the reason why it Is rational to
believe that Hill and Harriman may
have agreed to forward the plans of the
merger formers. . During the past few
years, the big timber operators of the
East have been quietly acqpiring lands.
Hundreds of thousands of acres have
been bought, and at this time agents are
at work adding to their already larg
holdings. Any good body of timber will
be taken by them, and they appear to
have a desire to get all they can and
keep it. for they never sell any after
having once secured It. At one time,
recently. 30 wealthy timbermen were at
the Portland Hotel, and at any time now
you may find several there, sitting
around and receiving reports from their
Hgents who are out in the field buying
land wherever they can find It. I be
lieve that the trust Vs forming, and
those who aro in my business generally
believe with me."
Local Shipping Prevents Trnst.
To the extent that shfppftig owned by
Portland mlllmen is increased, the plana
of the timber truBt would be prevented.
Tho trust could not operate to advant
age unless they could control transpor
tation, and they could not secure con
trol of shipping, if the vessels were
owned by the local mills.
It Is regarded as important, then, that
tho Portland mlilmen go extensively
into the shipping business, and thus
place themselves in a position to op
erate independently of the trust that
might be formed.
The Rejected Ones Are Deter
mined to Get Back Into the
Nest or Make Feathers Fly in
"When the Eagles nest again there
will be something doing." This state
ment was made today by former mem
bers of Portland Aerie, but who have
been recently expajled, they say because
they would not cater- to certain In
fluences which were brought to bear
upon them and to which they would not
tamely submit. ,
A meeting of the recently expelled
members hua been called for this even
ing at the oHlce of W. T. Hume. Waah
Ington Building, and at ftiat time It Is
expected that some plan will be formu
lated whereby those who were and. re
not can either again become members of
the order or break a number of eggs in
the nest of those who still remain.
To The Journal Mr. Hume made the
following statement:
"We do not propose to be fired out of
the order and tamely sit down and de
clare that we like it!, Not by a whole
lot! I was one of those expelled and
when the boys came and asked me if
thej( could have the use of my office for
the purpose of holding a little Indigna
tion me&lng.I consented and the noti
fications were sent out. Every man
who has one of these "notifications will
be admitted to the meeting tonight.
"We will form plans for future ac
tion and decide where we are at! There
Is likely to be something doing in a
short time."
Members of the opposition faction
which was Instrumental in forcing those
who will meet tonight out of the lodge.
declare they are in, full possession of
tb&.Oald, have the state officials of the
Eagles behind them in their action and
So not fear the result , '
YBut.thejre 4s.trouba,ainong the cragai
ina- nf tha.a an!. afiihin' ran do nnnara tntimMitinr or trrinr to make I Portland were called Miora me invests
so. fronts are In many cases entirely the man leave tha city or state. I toiai "" . . "
eliminated, and In others margins are hlm h oum to prosecuta whan .!?oro"f " "iveaugauon coum pe msaa
a,.,ll V.. -1 Aa. ltk.,. t ha 1 a. k I TIL nnUl. Ill A la. K IBeMl. ' ' ' .
rv. --." w.w.v- w, got tha woman and as soon aa ma -u.V k tha
name, xnu duster prices are jnaeea in- atartarf nut to I -
nnlteslmal a. comoared with their sell- woman " w " courts, tha testimony of tour peraona ,
Ina values A too feather turkey at 15 temper, ana m n mtn- wouia at least have had some weight aa
rnt ta r.ttimr it rinwn a dirnre that time Mr. Flelda brought him In. Where agalnat tha atory of ona lona Individual,
admits of no speculation. Though pur- he got him I do not .know." but In tha police lnveattgatlon wa were
rhaaarf at lumr an trtfllna- nn advance Detectlva Kwrina tnakea the State-1 not even allowed tO tell What WS
over the actual cost of production, ment that Tna talked with Kemper prl-1 gnaw.
there can be little money In these goods I rt.tely, but denies that anything of a
ii iiicir wiling price at mis anie.
Ladles putting up Jellies are offered
parafflne at 14 cents per pound, realty
worth 20 cents, and when one can buy
big 20x40 crash towels at 11 cents each
there can be no excuse for the "hum
blest cltlxert" being anything but clean.
A large stock of family liquors are
offered at about a fifth of the prices
liquor dealers ask for similar goods.
Dosens of other articles are also se
xoukxs itnmn oozjjbqm.
ZstabUsaad 188T. TftmhlU and Utk Sta.
Wbaa devoted to a thorough eouraa In aur
school. Ws giva prtvate or class Instruc
tion In common school studies, tha com
mercial branches, penmanship, business
forma, correspondence, ahorthand,. type
writing, etc It pays to atttad our school
wa have had mora can for help, for
montha past, than wa have been' able, to
meet , Open an tha year; students ad
mlttedsnytyme; illustrated catalogue free.
rvs, i banu DU9inBO VUUCUU
(J . ';; FANH and WAHINTON :W
h, P. aaMaTaowa.' S!iNOi-L
wrong. pr hurtful nature was discussed $AYS HE WAS HELD UP
by them.
Tha original atatement of Chief Hunt
ia perhaps tha most Interesting docu
ment oontalned in tha bunch of papers
which will ba submitted in connection
-1th the case. After describing tha
Still another hold-up la on tha police
racorda and no arrests hava bean made.
V. O. Hlckle, It Knott street, clalma
that at 11:11 o'clock last night ha waa
n kA r m m m till Mimnlttnt Af
Kemper and tha arrangements made to costed T two ma-ked men at Fifth
uosens oi oiner articles are aiso se- -. . ,h rhief aava ana Main nrwii, wno notu " ui n
lected for this slaughter, and the reader "upp.reJ?!.nd b -f 1 Ji Vi!L ahi cT I robbaa him of 11.76. Mr.. Hlckle waa
who doea not Durchase now will 'be pay- tht Drtactlva Snow told I him that Kern- t0 lv aeCriptlon of the
Ing tremendoua advances for these ne- Pr wished, to go to HUlsboro to but reported tha Incident to Pa-
cessltles and conveniences a little later relatives and would return to rortiana trolman Slover. '
on. on Monday or Tueaday. Ihis was on xbe offlcer inveatlgatad tha matter,
Woodard. Clarke A Co. 'a store is said I Saturday and the woman who did tha and from his deducttona ha concluded
to be the largest on the Coast. It cer- mhhtnr had not at that time been ar- that thera waa nothing in tha alleged
talnly la one of the most enterprising. -Mt-rt Thl -tatement of tha Chief in robbery.
writing regarding thla conversation la
The University
. .v.; : v uuQBNQ...
Thg UniveraltT compriaag tha following eollejea' and achoohit
mi wtavu wf au&nu. aimd KNCINIIIUNC."
' , iuvu, CMCincaj, Muunf ana wnenucai Knglnaerinr). ', : '
. Tuition Fre. Incidental Fc (10.00. : Student Body Tax $3.06. -Vj
Tba Twenty-glghth Saaaion opens Wednesday, September 18, 190X - ,
ForcateUogu9,addr$R0glitrar, Unlowilty of Oregon, Eugi'n"
Chief Hoave oraere.
"I ssld: 'I don't think ha ought to
Continued from Page One.)
(Continued from Page One.)
(Continued from Page One.)
him if you don't want him to go.
The Chief then ordered Cat pain Blm
mona "to go ana get me man ami ro
turn him to tha station. To go to tha
deny that be believed his wife had run
away with the former prisoner.
'It seems to ma they ought to be able
to find Riley," said Parkhurst. "for I
believe he is in the city. I think if
I had the authority I could locate him.
Riley's home Is In Chicago, and he told
me he wall going there after stopping off
In Seattle. But I have reason to thick
he Is still In the city."
Mr. Parkurst la almost prostrated
after hla harrowing experience, of the
assault and the knowledge that the man
whom he had so often befriended had
turned traitor to him and robbed his
home. He has no words of condemna
tion severe enough for Riley, who, ha
says, abused his confidence but la fear
ful lest Riley take revenge on him.
Parkhurst Is a man of large physique,
but not so tall as Riley who, ho admits,
is the stronger of the two.
BUey's Jteoord.
Riley Is regarded as a desperate char
acter. The term which he had just
completed :n Salem Is his third behind
prison walls. He Is now but 23 years authority to arrest Kemper if he found
"Snow said: Well. Chief, wa can get and nn1 that thl- record haa been kept
expressed tha belief that Sarto would
be the next Pope. One of Sarto' a great
in a very loose manner. The commit'
mont papers have, an been aeatroyea or Characterletlca ! - modesty, coupled
carried away, and I would Hggeat that lth mntrgTm , many quarters It li
turn him to me station. iu a" " nrreaiier vu ranrauuiwii hiivd that his relan Is likely to aea
New Grand Central Hotel and aea If h. numbered and returned to the Clerk orl"' rn h UM, tow
. v i jtiiuiiur aa uuil as a iri ivivionvai w
was mere. .-. oi tso I Ha nnirin.i
Summons came Daca wun "" .. . K.. nmn1l.4 th T.m aan Hri nnhllMv annnnnnoil
tion that Kemper had taken hla baggage . . . . . . dUen- or ,uch ,oy wh,n it BMm0A that auch a union
. - . I w w
ana gone. other disposition aa may have Deen maae would be effected. He was Klnc Hum
Then neias came into me yum n.- M ordered. This method wouia assist i... , i .i.n mnA aa
tion and the Chief asked him where the the Auditor in checking the Sheriffa Ljtiy admired by King Emanuel and
man was who had been robbed. Mr.
Fields, according to the statement of
the Chief, replied:
Why. he is down to the hotel."
The Chief then told Fields that Kem
per was not at the hotel, and Fields said
that It was all right, the man could not
get away, for he had left his baggage
at the hotel. Then the Chief aald:
No. he is not there, for his baggage
Is gone also. We must get that man!
k.111 at ..a. A. n.tanMa-a
ThYshrrifl. office is the nt de- wa. the only man In the church whom
partment to undergo the expert's MJrispi aamirea ana cajiea uim ifitoo.
scrutiny, and some extremely Interesting The election ia naiiea wun joy mrougo
disclosures are expected. out Rome, even official, are showing
Bide tight on County Suite. great relief.
It was expected that the expert's re
port would touch upon the uncollected
judgments which the county holda
against various lndivduals, and which
Delight ia Tealoa.
VENICE. Aug. Newa of Cardinal
k.. h.n .r.rMlna ' In. anma Inatancaa I oarco ejection cauavu ro
ai nr aiht vpari whan asked lar excitement and delight here. The
Mr. Fields askedx If he would have j about this, however, Mr. Black said that I city Is Illuminated tonight.
SHANGHAI. Aug. 4.News received
here from the - Province, of Kwangsl
where there Is rebellion.? states a "new
viceroy has taken the field with nearly
2,000 troops and. a field battery, in the
attempt to restore peace.
Oregon Kan Has a Tree WUoh Za Petri
fied at Top, But XUvlng
at Bottom.
W. H. Ramsey of Wlldervllle, Jose
phine County, Or., has offered to the
1905 Fair Commlssionera a tree that is
said to be one of the queerest now
growing, or rather standing, in the
)! Tha tree that he has Offered as
a part of the forestry, display vat the
coming Exposition is said by mm to do
petrified at the top, while the base is
of live and growing tunoer.
This freak of nature is standing on
one of Mr. Ramsey's timber claims In
Josenhine County, and many people
have JournSyed' to this ranch just to
set a view of the living stone tree. He
is of the opinion that if It Is brought to
the 1905 Fair, it will attract a great
deal of attention, and the State Com
missioners are of the same mind.
The local World's Fair forestry ex
hibit is to be a fine one, and many who
are interested in the collecting of it
think that a tree of this sort would be
something that would cause visitors to
believe that Oregon woods can be
turned into quarries.
Preferred Stock Canned Oooas.
Allen Lewl-T Rest Brand
Jefferson Myers to Visit coos ana
Curry Counties In Interest of
Coming Pair.
President Jefferson Myers of tho
State Lewis and Clark ralr Commis
sion, expects to make, a. visit to Coos
and Curry Counties some time during
the present month In the Interests of
the -.US Exposition.
He will also collect a large number of
exhibits of various kinds for the Ore
eon display at the St. Louis Fair next
year. The president expects to tour the
counties very thoroughly, and ways he
will try and not overlook anything that
may make a good showing at either of
tne two coming World's Fairs,
The citizens of the two above named
counties have, shown a great interest In
Oregon's Exposition, and Mr, Myers Is
expedlng to find many things already
pirked out by the people residing tbere.
that they wish to. have used for dis
plays at the Fairs.
of age, but he served two sentences In
San Quentln prison, Cal., for highway
The orlme for which Riley went to
Salem was committed in this city on
October 19,1900. Lee Patterson, a for
mer policeman, who has since com
mitted suicide, was beld up and robbed
by three men on Washington street be
tween Tenth and WoBt Park streets. A
watch and a sum of money were taken
from hjm,
The matter waa immediately reported
and . Capt -Bailey, . then a patrolman,
raptured the three thugs, marching
them down to the atation. at the point
of hi revolver. Besides Riley the oris
oners' were John Cavanaugh and Henry
Barlow. Cavanaugh confessed the
crime and" told where tho timepiece and
chain could be found. He was given
year In prison, while Henry Barlow,
who refused to "squeal," through some
influence, was acquitted. Riley was
also convicted and given five years. Be
cause of his good behavior he served but
two years and seven months.
Parkhurst promises-to send him back
should he-be caught again. He is de
scribed as six feet, one and a half
Inches tall and very slim. His left arm
is partially crippled below the elbow.
Story of Xackdrlver.
C. K. Jackson, a hack driver, in the
employ of the' United Carriage Com
pany, gives the following account of the
Parkhurst-RUey trouble. He said
"Early Sunday morning I waa coming
from a trip to South Portland, When
near Tenth and Salmon streets, a man
came running along and shouted for
help. A short distance behind him was
another man giving Chase. The head
man. whom I afterwards learned was
Parkhurst, said he was being robbed
and beaten.- The second man, who was
Riley, stated: 'The man has been beat
ing my wife, and I am getting even with
him.' Both men seemed to be. intoxi
cated, and I told them to go and settle
their troubles. I did not Bee any
woman and supposed that it was an old
feud. Parkhurst started to run back In
the direction from which he had come,
and Riley again went after htm. After
they had -disappeared In the darkness I
heard sounds of a scuffle and a woman
scream. I turned around and drove
back a distance when a -woman came
running up to the hack and asked me to
take her away. I asked her where she
wanted to go, and she replied she did not
know, but to take her anywhere.
About this time Riley came up and
stated that he would take the woman
home, and they both entered the hack.
The man told me to drive to the Cal
umet, on Seventh and Alder, where they
got out and entered the lodging house.
They did not pay for their ride, claim
ing to have no money. All of the par
ties seemed to be intoxicated and I
thought that it was a domestic row and
paid no further attention to the Inci
dent. I did not know either one of the
men, but have noticed the woman about
Portland for years. On Sunday evening
Parkhurst came to the barn and asked
me to show him the place to whicb, I
had taken his wife and Riley. We went
to the Calumet and made inquiry of the
landlady about the couple but she
claimed that the couple had not stopped
there the previous night. They must
have gone Into the hsll and after I
drove away went out and found some
other place to stop.
Greatly Impressed.
It was not within the scope of hi. in
vestigation to take up this subject, and
la. 1m a. W ab.a ma taiiahail ams Im tKa
report filed today. Examination of thai ut -,0.v-rt0
i . v. .,., ,u. k . Italia of the election of Plus X leaked
- ... . 1 sv f thin Avan(na riPfl nsJ HaltA T-
m iinaan as amsia-aa r r rnaaa iinaortanon I vuv n vi...d
judgmenta, most of them for less than c-tved votes laat 'ht, so hlseleC-
$100, yet many of them probably col-1 "" .;.
College. Even though knowing this,
Sarto ' expressed great amotion as tna
ballot, were being tallied. Aa bia name
waa again and again read."' ha turned
pale, and aurrounding carainaie com
menced whispering congratulations.
While the vote wa. being verined ne
htm and Chief Hunt quotes himself a.
Yes, you bring the man here ana
there will be no trouble about that!"
In a shorr time Fields returned with
T.n.. ya v.rrinn an1 know entered
the office of the .Chief at the same time, lectlble. The Judgment recovered Ave Pected by the membe ra . f he Sacred
The Chief says he thought the detec- years ago against Penumbra Kelly and
i. ha md the arrest. The state- E. B, McFarland for over $300,000 is
. j n.. regarded, as worthless. Nor has any-
" . , Ti- Tim- !.' Frit, who "I" D reallxed on the Judgment for
"In the meantime a John Frlta. $1SM ,ga.,n,t Horatio Cook. J. L. Lewis
Keeps tne ravurue auuum w an0 c. E. Belding, (recovered in 1885.
nfflm-ind hrourht me a key WOlcn ne ft,,) t tha amallar Indrmanta It la
said the Pollard woman had left up- thought that the county might, realise left the-throne and knelt at the altar
stair, over the .aloon In the room. He
then aald at the New Grand Central
Hotel they had abused him, calling htm
a blackleg, thief and other names, and
they had charged him with trying to
get this man to get away. Snow. Ker
rigan, Frits, Leonard the atenographer,
Capt. Simmons, Mr. Fields and myself
were present. I said to Mr. Kemper;
Kemper Queatloaed.
upon some, if an effort were made . to
enforce payment.
Caaea Against Frits and Patterson Con.
tinned in Police Court for
Signer Baling.
The cases against "Bob" Patterson
lias anyone approached you with a Jta of the .Favorite saUopn
view of settling thla matter or letting
this woman go upon any conditions
"He said: 'A man said it would be
better for to get my money back.'
were called in the Police Court today,
but were continued indefinitely until the
District Court has ruled upon the writ
of review which has been filed. Frits
was arrested for selling liquor without
in craver. He waa in that poaitton
when Cardinal Oreglla approached blm
and aaked; "Do you accept the elec
Sarto remained silent for aome time.
his face burled In his hands. .He then
raised his head, looked around alowly
and arose to hla feet, and gravely ac-
ROME. Aug. 4. One of the new Pope's
m a . . n . , f-..rtin.i Mararra.
I said: Did any police omcer say ... ua rn-.n-ii ha rawi i. .iio.htiv hotter tod. v. He save
ht. unill I . . . . . - I . .
w.. . .. tne Dermit wniie ratterson waa cnarrearth benediction.
"He aald wo; where ia Mr. onowr ,th KeeDlnjt a Daw)iy house. The Sarto'a ooat of arms la an anchor aur
"Mr. Kerrigan aaia: via i ever say ,.., .. h. rn.,noiv. ..ti. I k . .i..nnir.ta ata with l.
a word to you about -ettllng this thing waa llleKal and thl, question must be lumlnated rays of light TbU come.
or in any way about tnisT ana ne saia aeclled Defore the Municipal Court can near fulfllltng the prophecy of St
no. I consider the chargea. The entire mat- Malachl. The Pope's first appearance
Mr. enow men saiu. uia i ovrr ter aroge frtm tne recent robbery of I after the election was wonderfully 1m-
vou to settle tnis case or mana bu; rrftrt Kemrjer. a farmer, and the efTorta nnulv. He waa n receded by the Cere-
promlses about It? and he said no. ot 8eVeral Councilman to close the re- monlete, who appeared at the middle
I said, "Who aiar .. sort. outside window of the balcony in front
He said: "There was a man saia The ljcens is In Frits', name but it of St Peter's and unfurled a long
It is claimed that Patterson is the real tapestry emblatoned with the papal
proprietor. arms. The crowd in the square by this
- time numbered fully n com
DnATUrU UAr TDnriDI TO menced to press close. Then the cross
DUrUIVILIH Llrt-Wr- I nUU DL.L.O I bearer slowly appeared, cloeely followed
by four cardinals In full purple robes
W. Romocly. steward of the Bailey of the conclave. Three were bare-
Oatiert. was defendant In the Police headed. Sarto , stepped forward alone,
Court where he waa chare-ed by li. O. I wearing the rd Beretta. Cardinal
something; I don t know what
Then I said: 'No offlcer r '
He said: 'No officer.'
I said to Capt Simmons: Tou take
this man upstairs and hold him,' and
said to the man, 'you'll have to remain
here until the case is disposed of.
Then Mr. Fields went lato my pri
vate office and said; 'I believe they are
trying to Job this man,' and went on to Allen with assault and battery and also Macchi then stepped to hia right Bide
state why, and I said: 'Mr. Fields, v.ou with pointing a pistol at him. Allen and read the full official proclamation,
reduce your chargea to writing and pre- waa a waiter on the boat The trouble There waa complete ailenoe until It con
sent them to the chairman of the com- occurred Sunday night after the steamer eluded, when a tremendoua shout arose,
mlttee on police of the executive board.' returned to Portland. Allen wanted to Sarto waa calm and dignified. The
He said he would. I quit DUl ma not nnu nis money reaayiinrong wm uiu uovauuwu
ror mm ana ne naa some woras. witn I cnurcn wu u mii jivi reo-
Cbief Kant la Through.
Romocly. He claimed that ' the steward ing.
Speaking In relation to the work of had jntimidated him with a revolver.
v 0 7
COWES, Aug. 4. The regatta waa
continued today. It being the second
day for contests for the King's cup there
were six starters. Including the Kaiser's
Meteor, which took the lead soon after
the start.
CHICAGO, Aug. .The Conductors',
and Trainmen's Unrori at Rock Island
presented a demand today for a standard
wnge scale. There are many points of
differenec and the conference will prob
ably be extended over several days.
SIMLA. Aug. 4. Lord Cuwon haa an
nounced his aceptance of the Governor".
Invitation to extend bis term of office
aa Viceroy, . , ,
- i.
investigating the charges against ue-
tectlve Snow. Chief of Police Hunt this
mnrninir in an interview with The
Journal, said:
My report upon this matter Has Deen
made. I made a complete and tnorougn
investigation. I have nothing further
to state, the matter now being In the
honda of the Police Commissioners.
Asked if it was customary to permit
police officers to remain on duty while
charges against mem were oeing invest.'
lgated, Chief Hunt said:.
"Yes: unless the Police Commission
ers order a man suspended, he remains
on duty."
Beebe Bays Inevstlgate.
Charles F. Beebe, a Police Commis
sioner, said: "I - was not present in
Portland during the investigation, nav
I no- Keen called out of the city on bus!
ness. The charges weri given to me
and I turned them over to the chief with
orders that he thoroughly investigate
them. I really do not know why De
tective Snow was pot suspended pend
ing the result of the examination. I
have not as yet taken official action in
this matter and certainly shall not con
sent to anything short of a thorough in
vestigation." '
Mayor Williams said:
"I know there is nothing in the
charges against Snow for I investigated
them myself. I cannot see : why the
people should not know everything that
was done, as there is nothing to con
ceal." The Mayor thereupon gave The
Journal free accese to the. papers con
cerning the investigation.
81a- Sichel. another member of tne
commission, said there was nQ question
but that the detectives had been exon
"Kemner bad been for aome time In
Tharge of the police when be told hla
story exonerating enow. - at ia unpua-
Romocly did not deny using th,e gun but
said that Alien s attitude was so threat
ening he thought he waa going to be
robbed and aa ne had a large sum of
money he was afraid. The case waa
continued until Friday for further evl
dence. v-
O. B. fc B". Again Qlvea tong-Tlme Limit
ana Bfoporer.
..ugust 18, 19, 26 and 26 the O. R. &
N. again sells long-time tickets to
nnlnta in the ast. with stODOver rjrlvl.
leges. Particulars at city ticket office,
Tlilrd ana waanington streets.
fanarai directors ana embalmera. S&9
Xamaui. none but. ,
J. T. rinley and Bon, funeral dtraetora
and embalmera, have removed to thela
saw eatabuanmena, eornar xnira a
Madison atroete. Both phopea Bo. t.
Crematorltim. on Oregon City o
line, near ellwoodf modern, eoieatlao,
eomplete. Chargea Adults, &35) ohil.
dren, aas. Tlsltors a to op. m. roraasa
Cremation Association. Portland. Or,
Ixurla gravea. SlO. TamUy lota from
75 to the only eemetery la
Portland - whioh perpetually maintain
and oarea for lota. For full Information
apply to V. a -ataokenii. Woreeetet
Block, city. W. St. "badd. preaident.
Clark Broa. for Oowera, 88 Xorrlaoa
j Fief ei red Btoek Oaaaed Oooda.
Allen Lewis' Best Brand. - . . ;
Uparniil,' friends; and readera when
traveling on trains to and from Port
land abould ask newa agenta for The
Journal and Insist upon being supplied
with thla paper, reporting all fallurea In
obtaining it to tha office of publication,
addressing The Journal. Portland. Ore. ,
Theodore Hardee, assistant to - the
secretary of . the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, - is registered at the Port
U&d. - - -, - -
Ceremonies Continue. .
After ' ceremonlsta had beckoned the
people Inside St Peter's the tapeatry
waa withdrawn from the outer window
and let It down inside. ' Meanwhile the
crowd waa swirling through the great
Here a:urloua Incident occurred, evl
dently because Sarto hesitated whether
to bless the world from Outalde or in
side the Cathedral,' for the tapestry
again changed. The crowd started to
rush out again but aa the cloth was
once more changed into' the church the
rushing current of humanity again re
versed. Berobed in white. Plus X then
came inside the window and three- times
blessed the crowd, which responded
from its knees witn a solemn amen,
The Pope, with the cardinals, returned
to the Vatican, where a majority of the
cardinals were bunched with hia holi
ness In the ceremony of the Investment
of. the fisherman's ring. A new one, de
signed by Oreglla, waa used, aa tha old
one is atiu missing.
Dr. X W. Hia Principal;
4th aV Marshall Sta. .Portland, dr.
A Private Boanflni
ind Day School
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Young Men.
New buildings,
modern and eorh
plete. Manual training.
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Fall term opens September 13.
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How favored you are in the
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iness education and assist
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gin at a better time now
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i Portland, Oregon.
: Fraaoe Aooepts Choioe.
PARIS. Aug. 4. President Loubet and
the Minister of Foreign Affaire have
aent messages of congratulatlona to the
Pope. The government la well satis
fied with the selection aa It Is believed
Sarto's moderation will assist in allay
Ing religious disturbances in France,
, "s. . ,: . - . a iiaaaaapaaaajaa ' -If a! ;
SAN , FRANCISCO, v. Aug. 4 The
United States Supreme Court today con
firmed the California decision connect'
Ing John E. Sexton of Eldorado County
with extorting, and who was sentenced
to two yeara In Folsom.; 'Sexton 4s now
with' a posse hunting the escaped con
victs. v i '
HIGHLANDS. Aug. 4.- the Sham
rocks held an Informal race over a
mile course, the cnauenger winning py
about -seven minutes. v ; , . ,
Columbia University
Conducted by the '
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Home school for a-lrls. .'Ideal loca
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ment Outdoor' exercise. Illustrated
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ehains and belts. -.
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Price Der treatment 112.50. ' Tot aale
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