'." ' TIIE OBEGON i)AILY yOTJIlN-AL, POETLAKD, TUESDAY EYEING. ATJQTOT 4. , 1903. 11 r MALE KELP WANTED. tt H. MANSION CXK, EMPLOYMENT AQTS. , '28 Uqrth Second at . Office In hi Fram-lKco aad Lo Aeg.les, ... , ", tf'al.t fleileB mnM Rnnkiu . . Help free to employers. Pre baggage roan ana jegisTrairaa. wor aeaarea (uc applicant. - eg eaarg. - .. . ESTABLISHED 18TA'" 'i FIKADgDA RTER8 FOR MBN 0B .' R, mAND OTHER OUTBIDS , WORK. DAILX I'fHiruinn iu nkvaua for tea lf s. P U K. R. tunnrlaf NORTH on ths m R. j, work In Wsshlngtonj EAST aa company end . i contract worst himjth in nregeo, ana man; t , ether points. PREB FARE aU A. A Work., " . C. B. HANSEN A CO.- M North 14 tt .WANTED 26 ex rerl.meed nKmkTer. for work. out or town. Apply j. Lewis, room No, 110 ; Naw Orand Central Hotel. ' WANTED 3 hnm ' ft-fadr tnalde; factory , . wora. aw norm Front at., ror.-Psvts, SITUATION WANTED MALE. ' WANTED A young , man of rood character i would Ilka position with retail grocer t cad give food references to city. R, Journal, BOY, 16, wants position; office work preferred. . Apply Box K. Journal Offlca. HOUSES TO RENT. 11.80. PER WEEK, largo furnlebed boueekeep- ' ing room wita ese or laundry, patnt rurnianee: Lrnfiacm. rneap. aire, naum. Jit anntmia at, AOENTS WANTED. : ' WANTED Agents to Introducsia wail eetab- iinnm nir touit aoa .nasi poo. Appiy sst aniniu sr.' BATHS, MASSAGE. Turkish. Russia a baths; Battla Creek Burses, Sou Orooiaa f.-t. Pboe Mala . 1938. . ' WANTED. . WANTED Teachers to teach the M. J5, Mia . elon Mght Bebool. Apply weak nights, 2oT V. ' Alder at., near Front -TIMBER LANDS la thla aUta or Washington. ., fail pr addraaa Oraa Land A Immigration . : Company. Honm Is, ztAH Bnrmritfa at. ro A INT. yOR RENT Ur atnrc. IMS Waahlog ton . at 1 r good placa for raataurant. . mn FOR BENT RulUbla for V ay window. 74)IA. Burmlda at. ' lit two; Urge BUSINESS CHANCES. LIST VOI R Bl'HINEM ehancra with us; w want cigar atanda, raatauranta and lodging boaaaa; quick aalra. Addraaa Oregon Land A Immigration Oompan, Boom 19, JUBtt Bora aide at. BOAAD WITH ROOMS. BOOMS WITH BOARD, well furnlaned; all . modern conrtnlencaa; table board alao. til . iBirtaentli. rUANISHID BOOMS. LOUAN BUILDlNd. IWU Union are. Klegaai - rooma for housekeeping or tranalaat, fnraiabad or aarerniahed; ratea reaaonaBia. Wli.i. vN-rn.ATicn inw Moma. ''Ida. Sua and Ka a,Dlgbti bed, ifw. Xba K rare H Hooae, eor Saoond and Par la. TBS COSMOS aTeartk and Morrlae. rarnlabed koaaakeeplaf aultaa, auita a ad alngl rooaMi f per weak ana ap. SUH STABK 8T., aloely fornlahed rooHMira , aonable restl traoalaata aollsltad. ; , Fko ' rroat I0SS.. . -i '- .. . ' - TBI CASTLaV-tTS Waahlngtos att rooma gentleman; transient Tot Sooth tel. 1W Vnth at. I half block Portland Hotel. YOB SAL. TWO BITS A DAT will buy a Hall's Safe, tha ariKinaL tha beat aate made! urgeat atoci la etiY; oyer BO.ooo lbs, weight aa floor. N or ris Safe A Lack Compaar, TO rirat at v Make no mlataka la Dame or anmber. - ' FOR SALE OR KENT Part Immedlatolr. .to take 4l4ra farm: slowed, crona In: l.om aa. , sorted . fruit treea; harna, chickens, , Hrlng . kousea, ate. I iy Uwlta. L. B. Thoinpeoa A V9.. za Third at. - B ROOM HARP-riNIHHKD COTTAGE at Moant Tabor; good condition; recently painted ana papered: a bargain. Inquire of owner, J. M. r lecher, 2W0 Marrlaon. . rOB SALS 5 -room ' house, lot SRxlOOl laws aad fruit treea. SIS, East Tweotr-eUfh at. near tllnton Kelly school; woooatock ear, FOR BALM 14 Rood Cows, 'cheap, with good paying mil rout. Mil at Moatariya. roe. grace. ' rOR SALE A few blab grade typewriters, SSS eaeb, u and M. Aleiander. in Third at. POR SALE Single axpreea, cheap. No. Orand are., norm, inion an. . ATTORNEYS. CjMONS A EMMONS, attoraea at law. Sad woreaatar S. B, BIOOEN. Attnraey and Coaneellor-ae- Law; NoUry. SOdaud Ablngto bldg. PAXTON, BEACH A SIUON Bit Chamber af Cummerea. T. TACOHEB Boom IS, Alntwortk Bnlldlqg. . B. DICKINSON, Attoraar-at-Uw tad Na tary Puhlle. AOS Oommeretal bldg. CHIROPODY AND MANIOTRINO. TUB DETENVS, tha oolf aeleaUSe cblropodtsU m ma city: parlors aui-a, Aiiaay uiag.i thla la tha king-hatred gen tie Bis fon waat to see Orent 18. . MININO AND MINI PROMOTERS, SESSIONS A SIMPSON, tatniof aad aria pra- aMcera. slooib a, (.-Banner at uomaiaua. MODEL MAXXR. FOR P1U8T-CLASS REPAIR1NO ga ta.Aady Frits, machinist aad modal maker, no eta. R00FIN0, W. i. FERRKLL, roof painting, repairing; leaky roofa a epeclalty. OOVi rirat Phone, Scott 842. - J A. .a A. . a . m M a M m m a. J. . A .. jllAtilAAlaaixl IA - a J m An. . . 'j m. tttTtTtttf Tf TTttf TTttf f T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf f Tl f I 'f f 'f a TTTTTTTTTTTTTT i Don t Forget, Please . .j '. . .:! . . i That if you want to advertise Real Estate in ; the JOURNAL tomorrow, it will be necessary 1 to have "copy" in by eleven o'clock. The earlier the "copy" the better the ad. and the. position,' s ,.; VReal; Estate Days are Wednesday and Saturday. . k s i ai m m sk s a a s s m m RR -- - gL rTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTtttttt -www rALMIBTRT. -irf ATTENTION. ,, YM, Beery One pf Too. 'It la AbaoluUlr and PoeltlralF PRE! - PBEI : (It I Pall to Da aa I culm. t make a anlamn oath' to tell roa mora ab solute facta Id relation to got only the pat but tha present aad futara of roar Ufa, aa well aa erery hope, fear or ambition of pour life without aaklne ran a auestlon. Tbla I will do for you, and asora thaa aay ether clstr royant palmist or ao-celled fortuneUller la tha world eaa da for you. I glee special adrlca on mining, hnainaaa transactlona of all kinds In fact there la nothing that you ainw waat to know that I eaa not tell roa, Aah ather elalreoeanta and nslmlata to do aa I agree to do. It Uap eaa 1 will fUdlf tortell eO.WW. KSDUVEO rEKa IKTEn PAID PROP. WALLACE. THE COSMOS," ror. Fourth and Morrleoa ata. Room TT. an. xa ana wu, CARPENTIRS ANN BflXDERS. I. P. LUCY, aoecsaaor to Oordoa Mfs. Co.. carpeater. Wider, general aootraetor, boeaa amodallne. sltarstiona. eta.! cabinet work and Jobbing a epecisltyl counter shelrlng. lea bvzaa, etc store aad office futures! up-to-date and original carpenter work ef all kinds; nothing toe large or too email for ear Immmllate attention; aa (Ilea an aa; we make and put ap tha beat Bt screens la Portland. Shop, foot of Tamhlll ati phone, Black SWT; residence. T4T Beat Stark; reeioeree pnono. waire iia. JOHN A. MELTON, aarpeatar and builder. SOT tark at I office aad a tore naturae mui remodeled) altering aad repair Bouses. Phone Mala T4T. . P. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing and Jobbing; office futures. Residence phone, Weet T82i shop. Main 1841. 468 Wash, at AtJfHORS, carpenter and builder; repalrinf and Jobbing; store ana omce tuturee uum. ou toe Columbia. Phone Clay 1861. BARanra and usxtxrxno. 0BI00N ROUND LUMBER CO, 181 Bare- etde et Phoae Great 1171. CREAM AND CREAMERY BUTTER. BEST creamery buttor and pure cream prompt! delivered to all parts of the city from Moon- tsla View Farm, Uresham, Oregon. Apply to W. W. Cotton. 814 Woroeater Bids. Tele phone. Main SM. CORNICX SKTLIOHTS. METAL SKTLIOHTS, galeanlaed troa Bices, f, C. Bayer, SOS Second at CAFES. YATKS' PLACE. AMI Washlngtoa at, Phoae S. Mala TT1, J. W. Tilbott, prop. PortUad. Or. OAlX REGISTERS. UALLWOUD CASH . BEOISTERS. S4 Stark at 00 AX AND WOOD. WESTERN PEED A FUEL CO. Dealers la all kinds et cost, coke aad charcoal. Pbrme 1018. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers beet aoa la; fonadry and smelter eoke. CIOARS AND TOBAOOO. ksBstslti-aUNST CtUAR CO. . DUttibuUrs of riNB CIGARS. . Portland. Oregoa. D00 AND HORSE HOSPITAL, DR. 8. J CARNEY, Tcterlnary sorgeon. ISO N. 10th. Phone Main 1484. Kea. phone, rront io. CEREAL MILLS. ACM I Acme MILLS CO., Manafacttwers Rsletoa Cereals. BO and 28 North Front at. DRVOOISTS. TRANK J. 8TRK1BI0. drags, tolls! artlelea, perfumes. 848 Waehlngetua at. DYEINO) AND CLXANINO. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS. -Hermaa E title, proprietor. Phone Mala 1T18. No. 08 Oth at. near Pine, Portland. Or. ELECTRICAL WORK. PORTLAND ELBCTaUOAL WORKS O IB oe SM Starh at FRATERNAL iNSURANOX. ORDER OP WASHINOTON Poreawet frater nal eoclety ef Northwest! protects tha lie Ing. J. L. Mitchell, auprame secretary. Oil and SIS Marunam bldg., Portland. Or. Tel. ephooe Mala MR PREX SHINES. CLOTHES CLEANED aad pressed tt Pet moath. Valaaa Tailoring Co., 847 Waahlog. ton at IXON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, menu- racturera or manna, mining, logging and aaw mlll machinery; prompt attention to repair work. Phone East 2A. llswtborne see A B. Sd. JXWXLERB. THE 0. USITKEMPER COH Jewelers. Sxd Morrlaoa at maaufacturlag MEDICAL. THH SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINB CO.. Oil Dekum. Cures women a eomplalnta; quickly. INSTRANOE, J OUir.rU tKMHWliV a - .(.a. we y llHiinsei aUSFtSS BU waj . wisrai agent Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, 'Done aoata loei. 44 sjamlitoa bldg. AS. MSI. WOOD, employers' liability and la- : aieioaai aacioenlt aoraty pcaoa af aU Biaos, H. P. B ARTELS COMPANY. Fire inseranee, 44 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa phoae. Clay 820. ISA AO U WHITB, Bra Insuraace, 829 Sherlock niag, uregoa phone. Mala two. MONEY TO LOAN. FRED Ft. STRONO, FINANCIAL AOBNT. Money to loan. Ma commission. I am la a position to make Immediate toaae aa Improved real eatato or for building pur poeee; any amount; moderate Interest. We approve loana from plagM and advance aieaey aa building progress e wbeo desired. Optloa "paying srter one year. H. STRONG, Flnsadsl Ageet 108 Second at. aaar Stark. FRED . 1I4V4 Third at.. Is the reeoenlassT bank of the wage-earner. Wa advance money to tee maters, trainmen, shopmen, motormea. , anndnctora. etc., wltboat mortgage, endorser Amoant kfonthle U liVtntttle. Weekte or in. no m M Inquiry. .moant Monthly H Monthly. Weekl lino repay tJrfcfl or lloOO or Id.r I SO repay flft.M ar 8 0,08 a 88.1 I SB repay $ 8 0S ar t 8.80 or ti t Boalieea eenBdentlaL Ne anpleaaaat Inqulr) MONBY TO LOAN ea real, neraoaal aad col lateral security i anadal attontloa to chattle mortgageai aotes bought 0. W. Pallet Si unmmerclal hlk. Phone Orant SoO MONEY TO LOAN, small amounts, short of long time. 1. H. Hawley, 8 Cham, et Com. MONEY TO LOAN oa rlty lota and Improved rf . m.. anaw m uo., ava atari ai. LOANS or aubnrban mortgages; low rates. nwu. mo iieay sviog. PERSONALS. MR. ELMORE RICK VloUnlat aad teacher; sum piano narmony: room i, A.u.u.w. mug. hoara 8 te 1:80 dally; phoae. Union, 848. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are mora accarately and reasonably ailed at Byaaall'a Pharmacy, KIT Morrison at., bet First and Second ata. EITHER SEX at will; Dr. Rchenke'e late die- coveryt for BO cents mailed; agenta wanted. Write J. Joss, East Portland. 4"l STORIES and novsui (or summer read- Ing. -10 cents. Jonee' Book Store. Svl Alder CAFB KBATE. 128 BUtt at A lae lunch served at all hours. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farina for sale la all parts ef Oregoa and Washington; payments made to anlt Darchaaere. For foil parttcnlara aa to vartoua. properties apply to Wa MecMaeter. f ail Worcester Ding. CHOICE LOTS cloae In. fUM at IB per month: money loaned for building purposes at a per cent. Win. Beldt, IB Wash. Blk. 4th and Wash sis. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL EST ATI. Room X, Chamber of Commerce bMg. MAlA0R. Mlatit U bT'ELV'," swma tnliglt aieeeea, electrlo treetmenta. IBs 14 Hr.l et. M0RTHWX1X HOTELS , Metol PorUsadAjierlosa ylsa i t.ikaor "a t aommera Hotel, La Oraade; travelara' heme. Reived ere) lurepaaa plea) Oth aad Alder ate. St. Cher lee, Pint aad Morrlaoa ate., Perused OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB ROAD OVa.KAI.Lal aad meetae. lea' elotblng. Unloa made, sue ted tar ItnMk,, VI fare.. Portland. Or. REMOVAL. DR. PRANK a FERRIS, DR. OERTKIJDI B. Lamberaoa. DeuUeta, rente red to Maeleap bldg.. arth lim. ROPR. PORTLAND CORDAOH CO., roe. .VourteMiA and Northrop ats., Portland. Or. - PIANO LESSONS. W. OIFFORD NAHB. 108 10th St I Mr aw bim eppiicenon. neginnera taaea. t-5 PLTfMRERS. DONNBRflERO A RADRMACHRR. Bis removed to 84 Fourth at Both pbonee 8T0RA0E AND TRANSFER. 0. . PICK, eo.ee 88 ('tret at., belweea Stara aad Oak ata. nkene 60d ptaaea and turnt. tare moved and packed for shipping r seas- . modlooa Sropreot brick wareheoae. Preat aad Clay ata. RAPES, BUT YOUR SAFES af J. B. Deris ; your re pairs aad lockouts aafsly done. 00 Tklrd Bt SLOT MACHINES. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACUlNM ' CO. aVUt machines. S. B. Park aad Oak. Beth Pbonee. Main 188. SPECIAL DELIVERY. , JL. I POST SPECIAL DtUVEMT, Ne. M) Wash. Ington st Pbonee, Or.. Mala 802. CoL. 88 U WHERE TO DIMM. STROUSE'S RBSTAURANTi Orst-olssa BMale. Beat asrvice. 8W waaaingtoa at. . WMOLESALI WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 184-1M at. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE 0R0OXRS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, aw set 00 Pront at ALLEN A LEWIS, w noises hi groeera. Pear. Uad. Or, . MASON. EHRMAN A CO., wholesale N. W. eor. Second and Pius ata. LA NO A CO., Ptrat aad Anhenv ats. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND RLABSWARR. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLASSWARK. Prael Begele A Co., 100 to 100 SIR. eor. Stars . CITY NOTICZS. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR MTROVE- MINT OP UMATILLA AVENUE. 1 Notice ta hereby given that tha Coanvll of the City of Portland proposes to aaacaa the followlug described property and owner or own era aa being specially and peculiarly benefited la the amounta set opposite the names and de scriptions thereof for tha Improvement of 1'mstllla avenue, from tha aaat curb Una of Eaat Eleventh etreet to the weat curb line of East Nineteenth street provided by ordi nance No. 18,102. Any objections to the apportionment of coat for said Improvement must be made Id writing to the council and Bled with the Auditor within fifteen day. from the data of the Brat publication of thla notice, and aald objectione will be heard and determined by the Council before the passage of tba ordinance assessing the coat of aald improvement. The Town of Sellwood Hlk 48, lot 10, Susan Herbers. ........ .t Blk 48, lot 11, Huaan Herber Hlk 48, lot B, C. E. Pendcil Blk 48. lot 8, C E. Psadell CITY NOTICES, CITY NOTICES. 40 TO 24.32 Blk 48, lot T, C. E. Pendell 20.20 ti 1 l. .a a m . n j . 1 1 Olft WV R' O, V.. . . L 11. Blk 4N, lot 6, V. E. Pendi-ll Blk 48, lot 8. Prlcdonla. Wolf........... .Blk 48. lot 4. Prlcdonla Wolf...,. Blk BT. lot 10, C, E. Pcndeli. Blk BT, lot 11, C. E. Pendell.... J-Wk BT. lot 0, T. A.. Wood 111k BT, lot 8, Alfred W. Robertson Blk BT, lot T, Amelia Btelbrecht ....... . Blk 6T, lot 0, Mafy A. Kay Blk BT, lot 6, Mary A. Kay , Blk BT, lot 2, Mary A. Kay Blk BT, lot 4. Mary A. Kay., Blk 08, lot 10, J. M. Nickum Blk 08, kit 11. i. M. Nickum Blk ON, lot 9, Hsdda L. Llndeleaf Blk 08, lot 8. Anthony Curtla. ........ .. Blk 08, lot T. Oliver Olecn Heirs Blk 8.1. .lot 0, Msnrth H. Curtla Blk , lot A, Liaoetb II. Curtla Blk 08, lot 2, Prank A. Toepelmana Blk OH, lot 4, Frank A. Tnepelmann..... Blk TT. lot 10, C. tVPetsch Blk TT, lot It, C. P. I'etseh Blk TT, kit 9, Pannte Hayra Blk TT, lot 8, t. M. Nickum ., Blk TT, lot T, J. M. Nickum Blk TT, lot 6, M. .Sharping,..,..... Blk TT, lot B, M. Sharping ' Blk TT. lot 3, Franklin Building A Loan Association . .' 1......... Blk TT. lot 4. Franklin Building A Loan Association Blk 47, lot IB, Mathilda Lennol Blk 4T, kit 12. Mathilda Lennox Blk 47, lot 14, John W. Munlding Blk 4T, lot 15. John W. Campbell Blk 4T, lot 10. John W. Campbell Blk 4T. lot IT, Mrs. K. L. West Blk 47, lot 18, Franklin Building A Loan Association Blk 4T, lot 2. D. M. Donaugh. Blk 4T, lot 1, D. M.Donaugh Blk B8. lot 13, Isabella J. Sellwood Blk 08, lot 12. Elisabeth D. H. Sellwood Blk 88, lot 14, Isabella J. Sellwood Blk M. lot 15, Thomas R. Sellwood.... .' Blk B8, bit 10, Tbomaa R. A. Sellwood., Blk B8, lot IT, Joseph A. Sellwood Blk B8, tot 18, Joseph A. S" II wood , Blk 68, lot 2. Emma V. Sellwood .. Blk B8. lot 1. Emma V. Sellwood....... Blk AT, lot 18, Ones. P. Stelnleln. ..... : MT. lot lis, ( baa. r. Utelnleln 6T. tot 14, II. S. Allen ...... i. or, lot 10, ncnooi lwtrict ino. 1..,. 87. lot IT. Susan A. Wills.......... Blk 07, lot 18, H. M. Bingham Blk OT, lot 2, W. 8. Kerns Blk OT, kit 1, W. 8. Kerna Blk T8. K. H lot 12, Tbos. Ana ........ Blk T8, K. U lot 13. Thos. An Blk 78, W. H It 12, Louis Bopp....... Blk 78; W. H lot 13. Louis Bopp.. Blk T8, lot 14, Jane Carter Blk T8, lot IB. A. E. Barrowa Blk T8, lot 10, Kate Slnnott Blk 78, lot IT, Juice Roetain Blk IT; lot 18. Juice Roetain Blk 78, hit 2, Jnlea Roetain... 1 t.. Blk 78, hit 1, Julea Bostain 2T.15 27.82 21.11 07.21 08.02 18.08 2MB , 25 TS 25.28 8T.62 28. 3T 23.12 01.90 T1.93 24.89 2T.1B 25.T3 24.82 23.87 22.43 22.10 69.(10 68.41 22.02 21.60 22.08 21.82 21.08 20.61 10.04 39.08 19.35 11.98 24.82 2B.20 25.T3 20.21 20.08 20.8T 00.23 03.43 18.09 20.08 28.78 25.73 25.20 28.37 23.08 02.88 T1.T8 4.4 2T.02 2T.26 24.32 23. 8T 32. -Id 22.40 B9.72 10.95 29.18 10.96 29.09 21.60 22.418 21.82 21.03 20.60 10.04 89.60 Total . .: . 12,223.18 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. August 4, 1903. , J3w PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB BEWER XN EAST ALDER. STREET.. Notlcn la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland prorxwee to aeaees the lowing ocacrioed property ana owner or ners aa being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounta set opposite the. names , and descrlpttona thereof by the conatrnctlon 01 a sewer in Kaat Alder itreet, rron 100 nn-t west of the weat line of Bast Thirty-seventh street 10 a connection with the sewer at the west line of Eaat Thirty-sixth street s pro- Tinea by ordinance No. 13,304. Any objectlona to the. apportionment of coat for aald sewer must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the " Auditor within 15 days from the date of the first publication of thla notice, and aald objections will he beard ana aeiermineo oy the Council nerore the pas sage of the ordinance assessing the coat for aald sewer Snnayalde Third Addition to Portland. Oregon , Blk 04. lot 11, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company t ..... 1 I13.S5 via m. lot ii. xne title uuarantee Trust Company . ...i. 13.85 Blk 04. lot 13. Tba Title. Guarantee A Trust Compaar 22.50 Blk r. lot . The Title Uuarantee A Trust Company . . 18.43 Blk S. lot 6. The Title, Guarantee A Trust Company . ;.. ,19.45 Blk OB. . lot 4. Tba Title Gaarantee A Trust Company , 81.05 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR " IMPR0YE-J rROPOSAU FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS KENT Of ELEVENTH STREET. . . CITY Or PORTLAND, OREGON. mmw i. heeeh eteea that the fVMinctl of I Sealed Dronoaala will be received by the the City - of Portland proposes to amass the I undersigned at the offlca ef the Auditor of the followln desnlbed nrooertv and owner or I Cite of Portland. Oreaon. until Monday, Auguat owners aa being specially . and peculiarly bene- J7, .t i o'clock p. m., for the Bale, at not less fited In the amounta act opposite the names I thaa par value and. accrued Interest, of improve and doserlDtlons thereof for the improvement I h. r h. n of Portland. Orecoa. aa or twrni. iinei, irons ui norui cura uam y,, Mme shaU be authorised to be lasued tor IiLJSlli v 'i?m UP the. whole or any part of one hundred thousand street ae provided by ordinance No. 13.233. s.ld honda will be leeocd In denomlna- . W.W'nM'.FPW.S'luon. of Ave hundred dollar, eech. to be dated I or aaia mproTeioeni niuei lie anm w wni- . . .ki lr fmtn date Ing to the Council and Sled with the Auditor wen autboriaed, PefJbU fr" ! wTthla fifteen data from the date of the first I bearing Interest at the rate of 8 per cent pnbllcatlMi of tbU notice, and aald objections per annum, payaoie seuu-enniMi.,. - wlU be beard and determined by the Council principal payable to .United States gold coin, at before the paaaege of the ordinance .assessing tba office of the City Tress orer. Portland, tha cost of said Improvement 1 Oregon. Provided that the City of Portland re- Coucb'a Addition to the City of Port- serves the right to take up and cancel such land I twAirie nmn ,H. Mtmant nf the fsCQ VSlUe Blk 201 v lot 8, Anton Block V 181. B8 I thereof, with accrued Interest to the date of Blk 210. kit 6. Anton Block 280.18 1 nemot uml.,niul cannon nerlod at Blk 201, t 4. h. W. Ullutabd Estate, .,., OM (Mm the date of aueb bonds. heirs of ............................. . 17B.au h.ih hnnrta are lasued nnder authority of an tana rstsis lrt of tb, Legi.utore of the State of Oregon. iiwelV "and t P"d February 16, 1899, entitled An actj to provide for tbe.laanance 01 oonas ror ins im- rvement of streets and the .aylng of aawera Incnrooratod cities, and for tba payment of 80.27 I coat of such improvements ana laying 01 sewers 111 u I bv Installments." ae amended by an act of the 181.08 Legislature or the State 01 Oregon, , approver 196.32 February 28. 1901, entitled: "Aa act to amend sections 1, 2, 8. 4, 5, 0 and T. of aa act en 114.04 titled: 'Aa act to provide for the issuance of . 1 bonds for the Improvement or itreeta ana iey 102.34 1 ae ..Were In incorporated cities, and for the 84.06 I , nf the oner of anch lmnrovements and Blk 201. lot 1, L. W. GUllland Eatato - heirs of '........ ............ Blk 180, kit 8, Anna U. MazweU and Cyras Uolph Blk 180, lot 8, Anna M. Maxwell and Cyrus Dolph Blk 144, lot 8, Bridget Gormaa Blk 144. kit B. Jamee Drlacoll Blk 144. lot 4, William Keidt Blk 144, lot 1, C. K. Cook Blk 186, lot a Abort Church Com- Bla WS, ' lot ' 6," ' Abbott A Church Co'm- BlE 1 36, 'kit ' 4 Eilaa' B." Hartnesa .' .' .' .' .' .' 104.00 I 179.81 Blk 136. lot 1. Eliaa E. Hartneaa 1. Blk 120, lot 8, Ben Selling, Trustee Blk 120. kit B. Bea Selling. Trustee Blk 120, lot 4, Emily M. Pierce Blk 120. kit 1. Emily M. Pierce Blk 117, lot 8, August La get.. Blk 117, Kit a. Helen r. Hpaiiining Blk 117, lot 4. William K. Smith Blk 117, lot 1, William K. Hmlth Blk 70, lot 8, Bpaalrilng aV Papworth... Blk 70. lot 6. Hpauldlng A Papworth... Blk TO. lot 4, Eugene and P. Ilerrard.. Blk TO. kit 1. Eugene and P. Plerrard... Blk TT, lot 8, German Savings A Loan Society v... Blk TT. lot 5, German Savings A Loan Society .. .-. Blk 77. kit 4. Honerman. Deb art A Co.. 18T.04 Blk TT, lot 1, Honeyman, DeHart A Co.. 128.08 Blk 78, lot 8, William M. Ladd Blk 78, lot 5, William M. Ladd Blk 78, lot 4, William M. Ladd Blk 78. lot 1. William M. Ladd. ........ Blk 200, lot T, George A. Pease.. Blk 200, lot 0, George A. Peaae Blk 200. lot 3. Ella L. Woodard and John H. Couch Estate, betra of....... Blk 200,. lot 2. Ellatli. Woodard and 04.4T I :..,. f uwere he fnattllmants.' filed In the .2: ?i offlca of the Secretary of State February 22, jSo!eT I IStS." and the proceeda thereof are to be need 160 TO fr tn" paymeni in pan ror 101 uuimmuiroi 193 08 of streets or construction of aewera aa tba aald ss!80 Improvements shall be duly authorised and com- 130.7 I pietea. - '..... 129.46 Tha validity of tha act of, the Leelelarure 140.48 aforesaid, baa been affirmed by the Supreme 140.90 Court of the State of Oregon. 133.64 1 Said bonds will be Issued and delivered a oa.io 1 the Council aha 11 direct. I nlMsra will ha eonnlred ta enhmlt a flat bid. 80-w without conditions, except sa to tha regularity nt each Issue of bonds, and to auomit Wltn tneir blda a certified check on a bans in tne city or Portland. Oregon, equal to 5 per cent of the aggregate amount of the bid, payable to the Maror ef the City Of Portland, aa liquidated 87 44 damages In esse such bidder withdraws bla 104 60 I bio. or taiia or negiecro-io wn iiuv wuirici ,0 R7i'sji take and pay for said bonds according to the ST6.2T terms of his bid and thla notice. The right to reject any and all bias le nereoy reeervea. Bide ebould be addreesea to tne committee on 81.24 40.18 60.09 403.80 " . ... - . H..HTM. ., wua.v auu I Way lOQ illOU VI .U . VII 111 , . . v m. v. .HWV. VI doun ii. vjoucu sotaie. neira or ihu.kt i n..iin Anditoe or rne fnrv or t'ornana. f o', "'i rrena r nuger ...... . itri.es r v order or the CounclL CITY NOTICES. COMPLETION v AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF EAST MAIN STREET. - Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, baa filed in the office of the undersigned, notice that J. R. O'Nell, contractor for the Improvement pf East Main street, under the provlalona of ordinance No. 13.867, haa completed said street, from the center line of Eaat Tblrty-elxth street to the center line of East Thirty-seventh street Raid acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 7th day of August, 1903, and objections to - tbe ac ceptance of aald street or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. v. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. August 1, 1903. COMPLETION AMD ACCEPTANCE. OP IM PROVEMENT Or JOHNSON STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C Elliott, City Engineer, haa Bled in the office of the undersigned notice that Fralney A Keat ing, contractors, for tbe Improvement of John, son street, i under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.225, have completed aald etreet, from the center line of Eleventh street to tba center line of Thirteenth stret. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the Tth day ef Aiurusa. 1903. and obtcctlona to the accept ance of aald etreet or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of the undersigned at any urns prior tnerero. TJ1B KA Bl UTli b uuaku. By THOS. O. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. August 1, 19"3. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at the of fice of the Auditor of the City of Portland until Friday, August 7. 1908. at 4 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Kront atreet. from tbe north line of Arthur street to the north line of Seymour avenue, in tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 18.8T1, subject to- the provlalona of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and the estimate of the City Engi neer, on file. Blda Biuat be attictly la accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at tha office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald improvement muaf be completed on or before 90 days from the dste of the signing of the contract by tbe parties thereto. No propoaala or hide will be considered un less accompanied by a certified cberk pay able to tbe order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tba ag gregate proposal. , The right to reject kny and all blda la hereby reserved. By order of tbe Executive Bosrd. - - THOS, a DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. August 1, 1903. COMPLETION' AND ACCEPTANCE OT SEWER IN EAST MORRISON STREET. Notice la hereby given ' that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, haa filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned, notice that i. a. niemmona, contractor for the conatrnctlon of a aewer In Eaat Morrison street, from 100 feet weat of the weat line of East Thirty-eevrnth etreet to tbe aewer In East Thirty -sixth street, under tha provlalona of ordinance No. 18,807, haa com pleted aald aewer. Held acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 7th day of August. 1908, and objections to tbe ac ceptance thereof may be Bled In tbe office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE KSKl TTIVK tJIIAKH. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. August 1, 1903. Blk 187. lot 8, Frank X. Pfluger. Klk 1ST, lot 8, Frank X. Pfluger, Blk 187. lot 1 Prank X. Pfluger Blk 146. lot .7. George Goeaeblln Blk 145, lot T, George Goeaeblln Blk 140, lot 8, H. K. Klncald..., ...... Blk 14B. lot 2, H. R. Klncald Blk 134. lot 7. Charles O. Slsirlln. . . . . . . Blk 134, kit 8, George Hartnesa Blk 134. kit 3. George Hartnesa Blk 184, lot 2, George Uartness Blk 11TT. lot T, Margaret C. Honghten... Blk 12T, lot 6. Margaret C. Hougbten... Blk 127. kit 8. Richard Evans Blk 127. lot 2, Richard Bvana. Blk lie. lot T. Ladd Tilton Blk 110, lot 0, Ladd A Tilton Blk 110, lot 3, Margaretta Marshall Es tate, helra of Blk 110, lot 2, Margaretta Marshall Ea atete, helra of , . .'. Blk 75. weat lot 7. Mary V. Antlch.. Blk 75, eaat H lot 7.. Klaie P. H. ennatensen, Sarah C. and Alice M. is Bernard 179.80 127.30 129.05 127 68 128.88 102.99 112.94 110.39 106. 64 B. P. CARDWELL, H. R. ALBEE, D. T. 8HERRETT, Committee on Ways r.nd Means. Portland, Oregon. July 28. 1903. ' PROPOSALS TOR 'STREET WORK. Total $120.73' . . j . 'ltiim.'t;. liEVMit, V- . Auditor wt tha City of Portland. Aneust 4. 1908. BIDS WANTED TOGETHER' with advance reports dally em-all , bal Wing, water and hewer eyatems. railroad construction, lumber and logging camps- and Sropnaala tor new. machinery. Covering entire nrtbwest. . Address Pnget Bound Press C'ltp- flng Bureau, loo. - Times . Bldg., Seattle, task.:.:: .... , y t .. niirruara .,,..,.,.. 13.88 mi i.-i, lot v, Kmma u. Koolnson 1843 tint to, lot a, van . iteLaehmutt Blk 76. lot 2, Van B. DeLsshmntt ; Blk 72. lot 1. Henrietta K., Mary P. Falling and Emily Cabell Blk 72. lot 6, Henrietta K., Mary F. Falling and Emily Cabell Blk 72, lot 3. Henrietta E Mary P. Failing and Emllv Cabell Blk T2, lot 4, Henrietta E Mary F. Falling and Enillr Cabell fill. VI wm( 1 1a. Tnkn O.l.k.1 . ... .- -7. w , , .i.iMi ,rrjrin-i, ,,,,, Blk Tl. weat lot 7, John Grlebel...... Blk 71, east lot 0, Fred Windier Blk Tl. eaat lot T, Fred Windier. .... Blk Tl, kit 8, George Jacobs., Blk Tl, lot 2, George Jacobs... Right of way, City A Suburban Railway Company 5 Sealed propoaala will be received at the of flee of tho Auditor of the City of Portland 65.81 untir Friday. Auguat 7. 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. 1X5 AS I tor tne iinproTemeni. oi .. " - xrom ji ice nm . u n . " - -atreet to the weet line of Union avenue. B the mm. nrovified nv orainance no. jo.v-io. euo- i k . .' . . ...j 198.00 I Ject to the provtsiona oi ine casri 9na oa I nancea or me iiy m rori, VD'W-I of the Cltv Engineer, on file. 141 18 1 Blda must be atrlctly in accordance with -1'18 1 printed blanka, which will- be furnished on application at ne onuce u iub u the City of Portland. r Aad aald Improremeut rtm.r rut eomuierea on or iwiurir uua jw .-'... the date of tbe signing of the contract by the parties thereto. ... Ko proposals or blda Will be considered un- , . l n k, . MrtlflMl cheek rtav- 12 able to the order of the Mayor of the City of 100.8S ppjnd, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to, ten per ceui i we g mal. firofmeal. Tte riaht to relect any and all bids la hereby reserved. - K, or.jcr ot tne ivaeiT um iy a THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. Anguat 1, 1903 128.00 181.1T 195.83 128.10 103.20 114.90 128.91 131.80 128.08 ne ja 42:75 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER 9.49 1 ts EAST ALDER STREET, H0T9 Notice la hereby given that William C. 104 9S EHtott. City Engineer, haa filed In the office I . h i unfler,,n.d notice that J. B. Slemmona, Total ' THUD. U. IIEVIJS, t Auditor of the City of Portland.' August 4. 1908. a m 1 contractor for the construction of a aewer In Z-lBaat Aider Btreet. from 100 feet west of tbe Win m I west line ot base juirij-ee-raiu i tbe provlalona ot ordinance no. ja.au nss completed ssld sewer. Hald aceentsnce will be considered by the PROPOSED .ASSESSMENT, FOR .SEWER IN Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the Tth day EAST MORRISON STREET. SSTUZP-! VT' T Tf r-i e ioLT i vuwkii j me nnaeraigneu ai any unw y " iww, the City of Portland proposes to assess the following ' described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts set opposite the names and descriptions thereof by the construction of a aewer In East Morrison atreet. from loti feet west ef the waat llae of East Thirty thk Rrart'TiVE board. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. August 1, 1803. PROPOSALS EOR STREET WORK. WalaS Monnaala 'will ba received at tha of- seventh atreet to a connection with the sewer ga 0t the Auditor of the City of Portland at tbe eaat line of East Tblrty-elxth atreet, UDtll Friday, Angnst T, 1908. at 4 o'clock p. m. as provided by ordinance No. 18.307. for tbe Improvement of East Seventh atreet from Any ebJectlona to the apportionment of coat" ,.. m.tH line of aa Everett atreet to the for aald aewer most he made In writing to the north line of Eaat Stark street, in the manner touncu ana utra sum me minor wirnin lo i provided By ordinance no. 18.447, auojecx ine dava from the date" of the first pebllcatlon of I provlalona of the charter and ordinances of the thla notice, ana ssia oojeciiona will ne naara and determined by the Council before tbe pas sage of tbs ordinance assesaing the coat for said aewer. Snnnyaide Third Addition to Portland, . Oregon . .. Blk O-VW 11, Laura Breaks ............8 13.15 Blk B. lot lx, latnra wresae. ......... . is. 13 Blk 85, lot 13, Title Gaarantee A Trust . Company ,. . .....4. . 21.30 Blk 88. lot 6, Title Guarantee A Trust OtKinanv . , i ......... v . 18.73 Blk OS, lot , Title guarantee A Trust company . . .., js.ts Blk 08, lot 4. Title Guarantee A Trust Company , . 80,40 Total . 1115.50 , I . THOS. tT. DEVLIN. Auditor ef tha City .at Portland. Aarut 4, 190S. , City of Portland, and the estimate of the City Engineer, on Die. a . . . m ...... - Ride moat be atrlctly In .accordance with printed blanks, which will he furnished on appUratlJD at the office ef the Auditor of tbe City -of Portland. , And aald improvement muat be completed en er before 80 daya from the date of the signing ef the' contract by tbe parties thereto, . - No proposals or bids will he considered un less accompanied by a certified check pay. able to tbe order of tbs Mayer ef the City of Portland. certified by a reapooelble bank for an amount equal to ti gregato proposal. tea pee cent of tbe.ag- C0MPLZTI0N AND ACCEPTANCE OF 8SWER IN EAST ANXENY STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott. Citv Eiurlneer. has filed In the' office of tbe undersigned, notice that J. B. Slemmona, contractor lor the construction ot a aewer in Eaat Ankeny atreet. .from 18 feet west of the eaat line of Buchtel avenue to the aewer Jn East Twenty-fourth atreet, nnder the pro vlalona of ordinance No. 13,246, baa completed said sewer. ' Said - acceptance - will be considered -by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 7th day of August. 1903. and objection ' to the ac ceptance thereof may be filed in tbe office of I tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City ot Portland, Anguat 1, 190. PROPOSALS rOR STREET WORK. Sealed nroooaala will be received at the nt. nee or tne Auditor or the Citv of Portland until Friday, Auguat 7, 1908. at 4 o'clock p. ra. iwr me juiproTenieoi or cast lamnm atreet from tbe eaat Una of East Tbirty-slxtb atreet to the west line of Eaat Thirty -ninth street, in tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13, 444, anliject to the provlalona of the charter and ordinance, of the City of Portland, and the estimate of tbe City Engineer, on file, Blda mnat be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or before 00 days from the date of the signing of the contract by tbe parties thereto. No propoaala or bids will be considered un less accompanied by ' a certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of tbe City ot Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to tea per cent of the ag gregate proposal. Tbe right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. ;y order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Auguat i, iuus. CITY NOTICES. COMPLETION .AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT or DEXTER AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office of tbe undersigned, notice that L. Janln, contractor . for tbe Improvement of Denver avenue, under tbe provlalona of ordinance No. 13.270, haa completed aald atreet. from the center line of Humboldt Btreet to the south line of Bralnard Tract. Said acceptance will be considered by tha Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 7th day of Auguat. 1903, and objections to tbe ac ceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may be filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. - August 1, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or STARK STREET. Notice If hereby given tbat William C. Elliott. CiaV Enelneer. hss filed In the office of tbe undersigned, notice that Johnson A Yager, contraetore for the Improvement of Btark atreet, unoer me provieione or orainance No. 13.377. nave comineted aaia atreet, rrom tbe east line of Front street to tbe center line of First street, frem the center line of Fourth atreet to tbe weat Una or Keren to street. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock on the Tth dsy of Auguat, 1903, and objectlona to tha ac rentance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of the undersigned at any time prior tnereto, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Angnst 1, 1908. t rnrAvoiAx. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers ' Established la 188S. INTEREST ALLOWED ' ON TIME DEPOSITS. r ; Collections made at an aetata a fsvnrahle terms. Letters ef credit issued available la Europe aad all potato la tba United States. Right exchange and telegraphte trass fee sold la New York. Waahlngtoa, Chicago, St. Louis, Dearer. Omaha. Sen Francises and Mo. tana aad British Columbia. .. Bxehangs sold en London. Parte. Berlin. ' Frankfort Hons Kong, Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER IN EAST ELEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat William C. Elliott,. City Engineer, haa filed In the office of tbe undersigned, notice that Jaeobaen Bade Coajpany, contraetore for the construction of a aewer in Esst Eleventh atreet, from 25 feet south of tbe south line of Thompson street to the sewer In Tillamook street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,313, have com pleted said sewer. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o clock on tne na aay of Aniruat. 1903. and objections to the ac ceptance thereof may bft tiled In the office of the undersiguea at any time prior taereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. , By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City ot Portland. August 1, 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK, Sealed ' nroooaala Will be received at tha of. flee of tho Auditor " of the City of Portland until Friday, Auguat T, 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the improvement of Eaat Thirty seventh street from the south line of East Yamhill atreet to the north line of East Taylor street, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 1.1.. 445, subject to the provlalona of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and the estimate or the taty Engineer, on file. Blda muat be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at tha office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. , And said Improvement muat ne completed on or nerore 30 days from tbe date of tbe signing ot the contract bv Jthe partiea thereto. No proposals or blda will be considered on- iee accnmnaniea ny a certified check pay able to the order of tbe Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the ag gregate proposal. Tbe right to reject any and all bide la hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Angnst 1, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER IN EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Notice 1. hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, haa filed In tbe office of the undersigned, notice that J. B. Slemmona. contractor ror tbe construction oi a sewer in East Wsshliiaton street, from 100 feet west of the west line of Esst Thirty-seventh street to the sewer In East Tnirty-sixtn atreet, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,306, haa completed said aewer. Said acceptance win oe consiuerea oy rne Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe Tth day of August. 1903, and objectlona to tbe ac ceptance tneraot may oe niea in tne omce ot the undersigned it any time prior thereto. I THa, EAEUUltYlS DUAKU. i By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor Of tbe City of Portland. Auguat l,el903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF EAST TWENTY-NINTH BTREET. Notice ta hereby g-ven that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, hss filed In the office of the undersigned, notice tbat Louis Janln, contractor for tha Improvement of East Twenty-ninth street, under the Drovlelona of ordinance No. 13,288, haa completed said street. rrom the north line ot Eaat Ullsan atreet to tbe south line of the Sandy road. Said acceptance will be considered hy the Executive Board at 4 o clock on the 7th day of August, 1903, and objectlona to the ac ceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may bo filed In the office of the underalaned at any time prior thereto. TUB BS.SHI.T1VE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Purtland. August 1, 1903. The right to relect aay ' and all blda la hereby reserved: By order at tha Executive Board. . ' v. . '' . THOS. C DEVLIN, 'Auditor of the Oty af Portias. Aafaat V 1908. . ' PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed nroooaala will be received at the of fice of the Auditor of the .City of Portland until Friday. August 7, 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of East Thirty-third atreet from the north line of Eaat Morrlaoa atreet to the annth line of Baae Line road, in the man ner provided by ordinance no. 13,44a. subject to tha nrovtalona of the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland, and the estimate of the city Engineer, on me. Rids must be strictly lo accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished en annlicatkm at the office of tba Auditor of ths City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completes on or oeiors no aaya rrom tbe date ot the signing of the contract by the parties thereto 4: " v.. v pta proposers or mas wu as oonsiaerva an- able to the order of. the , Mayor of toe Ctty of Portland, certified by a . reaponaiDie hank for aa amoant equal to tea per cent ot the ag Brearate nrnacaal. ' ' The right to reject any aad all blda la hereby uaeiwd. - t ..;. By order af tha Executive Board. - THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor af the dtf of-JforUaa. Amfkat, J, lljoa. . . .. . - - ,j , , y I - j . .. - ; . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OP ELEVENTH BTREET. Notice ta hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, haa filed In the office of tne undersigned, notice that Smyth A Howard Comoanv. contractors for tha 1m. provement of Eleventh atreet, under tbe pro visions of ordinance No. 13,233, have completed said street, from tbe center line of Johnson street to the north cuVb line sif Everett street. Said acceptance will be considered hy the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 7th day of Auguat. 1903, and objectlona to the ac ceptance of aald atreet or' any part thereof. may be filed in tha office of the undersigned at any tune prior tnereio. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Anditor of tha Ctty of Portland. August 1, 1908. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or SIXTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat William C Elliott City Engineer, baa filed in the offlca of the undersigned, notice that J. 11. Johnson. contractor for the Improvement ef Sixteenth street, under tbe provlalona of ordinance No. 13,380, has completed said street from 12 rest south of the north line tt Ullsao street to 12 feet north of tbe south 11ns of Hoyt street. Ssld acceptance: will be considered by tha Executive Bosrd at 4- o'clock on tne Tth day of August, 1903. and objectlona -to tha ac ceptance or said atreet or any part tnereor, may be filed in the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto.. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Anditor of tbe City of PortUad. August 1, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OT SALMON STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat William C. Elliott, City: Engineer, baa filed la tbe office or the unaersiguea, notice tost a. avenasen, contractor for tha Improvement of Salmon street, nnder tbe provisions of ordinance No. 13.358. baa completed aald street, from the eaat line of Front street to the center line of First street; from the center line ef Second street to tbe center line of Fourth street. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock on tbe 7th day of Auguat. 1903, and objectlona to the ac ceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may be filed in tbe office ot the undersigned at any time prior tnereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Anditor of the City of Portland. Auguat 1, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OP TAYLOR L.TREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, -ba filed in the office of tbe undersigned, notice that A. Svendsen, contractor for the improvement of Taylor atreet, nnder the provlalona of ordinance Hot 13.863. haa completed said atreet. from tbe center line of Third street to tbe center Una of Fourth street. Raid acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on- the 7tb day of Auguat, 1903, and objectlona to the ac ceptance of aald street or say part thereof, may be filed in the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THK EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba City ot Portland. Anguat 1, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP tM- PROVEMENT OP UMATILLA AVENUE. . Notice is hereby given that William C Elliott, fltv Enaineer. nss filed in tha office of ths undersigned, notice that. A- N. Wills,' contractor tor tns improvement or tmatiiia avenue, under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 13.162. baa completed aaid atreet from the east carb line of East Eleventh street to the center Una of East' Seventeenth atreet Said acceptance will be considered by tb Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe Tttf day hkf Angast 1908, and objections - to ths ac ceptance ox saia server or any parr tnereor, may be filed .In tb office of the undersigned at aay. time prior thereto. ".. ,.7 , THB EXECUTIVE BOARD. "' , . . By THOS. C. DEVLIN. - Anditor of tha City of Portland. ; . August t, J.908. - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP PROVEMENT OP STARK STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott. Cltr Engineer, baa filed In the offlca of the undersigned, notice mat Miller at Baner, contractors for the Improvement of Stark street, tinder the provision, of ordinance No. 13.377. have completed aaid atreet. from the center line of First street to the center line of Second street. Raid acceptance will be considered by the Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock on the 7th day of August, 190.1. and objectlona to the ac ceptance of said street or any part thereof. may be filed In the office of the undersigned at any time prior tnereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By .THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of PortUad. Auguat 1, 1903. United States Nat'l Bank m.. . OP PORTLAND OREOOM. r NORTHWEST COR, THIRD AMD OAK STR, TRANSACTS A GENERAL aUNXXHt) BTfSINXSS. ;i DRAFTS ISSUED A variable is ail aftlaa af the TfaisaA Stavaa aad Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Termt President .V...'. 0. AINSWORT! ' --"- m-u, ..... ...,... ... vine Assistant Caahlee B. W. 8CHMRRR Assistant Cashier A. M. WRiOBf LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. f CHAMBER OP COMMERCE BTTTLDINfc ' THIRD-AND STARK STREETS. Head Office SB Old Bread a ties t. Lendea. Thla bank trans seta a general banking bast Bess, makes loans, discounts bills snd Issue letters of ereflt available for trawlers aad for tb Purchase- of merchandise ln anv rttv af tba world. Deala 'a .oretga aad OoBKatlt . sxchanga. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACRAH. Manager; . Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON. Prank Wataoa. ............. .....Preetfleat R. L. Durham .Vlee-Preat-leBl R. W. Hort Ceahlae Geo. W. Hoyt AaaiaUat Cash let Trains acts s Oanaral BaajrlatT BalBaia. Drafts and later af credit Issued aval lab la ta all parts of tha world. . , Collection, a apertalty. Gold Otnt bought. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTEN5EN roccaa.cra to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BANKERS,'' FIRST AND ALDBB STRBaTTR. PORTLAND, OR. ataTBBJBjrOBat. Ladd A Tilton. Portland: Ti. 8, Nattoaat Baas, i rwiwnaj vena i umnniM, ran rrta. . Cisco; Oocksr-Wool worth National. , Bank. Saa Francisco. , Bolton, deRuyfer & Co. Chicago Board of Trade, Saa Pre arises Fra sue lucBanga, tun rrsaciaea a toes aad Bond Exchaaga, 4 QRAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS. BONDS and COTTON. Saa Frsnclaee OSes 490 CsUferaia St 108 THIRD - ST. PORTLSND OR COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OP EAST MADISON STREET. Notice la hereby , given that William C. Elliott City Engineer, haa Sled in the office or tbe undersigned, notice that Smyth A Howard Company, contractors for tbs Improve ment ef East klaaiaoa street, nnder the pro vkiroas ef erdlnaae Ke. -13,103, have completed aaid atreet from that weat Has of East Six teenth atreet. to, tha center Una ef last Nine teenth Btreet. Said acceptance wlH be considered hy ths Executive Board at 4 o'clock 00 ths Tth day of Auguat, 19)13, and objectlona te the ac ceptance of aald etreet eg any - part thereof, may f be filed in the office at tba aadcratgned at any -time prior tbereri. - THB EXBCCTIVB BOARD, ,r ' By THOS. C, DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. August 1, lw.'O. . MORTQAOB LOANS Oa Portland real estate at lowest rate .' Title Insured, Abttnet furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 1 Chamber of Commerce. WOTICXt BALAMXEO nOTXJt ' Do you need money before ray day Can ; on na. W. caa advance money oa your wag sa short notice. Yea pay back aMOthly. aemK monthly or weekly. ;' TXH STAB LOAM CO- ' t - . 210 McKay Bldg.. - Third and Btark at. " New York Loan Office On New York I O O T N. Third St, Leans m eoiuteri U. Miller. Pms. collaterals: tow ratesi en. ; adeemed Dledaes for eale: watch aad Jewearf - repairing, ppoas. Red 9ST. , ' MOMMY AXtTABTOMZa. H. Salaried nsopls, teamsters, et.. without secse. Ity, easy paymettoi largest Bosloese ta 40 priaetpal ettlea.- - - TOLRtAsT. 893 AMnctrns P", , RCOBTOAOM XaOAMaV. a. hamj alts aad farm ajreosrtr. at ) eet eurrsat rataal bslldljig tuaaa, toStails,a VlBTIffi ' ' ': ''; v' " V . WU, RtacMaetev, t , . . an reet ' If You Wan. A partner ta your )- If y a w t a a4ivstus tug a m i--