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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1903)
TOE OBEGON DAILY JOTHINAIa, rOHTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, .AUGUST 3, 1003. BIG RATE WAR VANCOUVER OREQOIK CITY EUQENE SALEM nu tiic nncn WOULD DfcFEND THE , UN IIIC KUCK A REGIMENT HAPPY EUGENE GAMBLERS TAKING INTEREST i nvFP nfw rninNFi REFERENDUM CLAUSE . HAVE HARD TIME IN REFERENDUM 'I wo jransponauon uompames L-p v in Ratt 0 fnr the Rns - Attorney W, S, U'Ren, of Ore gon City, Files Petition With Supreme Court Several Are Under Arrest and Prominent Men Petition Su- ness from this City to I he ueuienaru-uu unci humum nu- the Crusade Against Them preme Court to Be Allowed n pc moiea lanes oummanu I r in .1 Ooes Merrily urn to Appear in Nrst Case. ot mneieenin. 1 1 1 Turon4wfiA Pont Paccori rror iwwuj iifv uvm uwuiihwi I Journal Special Service.) (.harp-p. and nfl (nts a Inn Vancouver, wash., Aug. . At r i A A ,i the post today it was announoed that .TOr Wheat Are AmOng the Colonel Huston would arrive tomorrow Possible Results. (Journal SDeclnl Service.) THE DALLES. Aug. J A rate war n the Columbia River la In prospect. Ii to take command of the Nineteenth In fantry, vice General Rice, retired. Thta disposition of the command has csused general satisfaction, because both men and officers have the heartiest respect (Journal Special Service.) OREGON CITY. Aug. 8. Attorney W. 8. U'Ren .waa In Salem Saturday and tiled a petition with the, Supreme Court asking that friend of the Initiative ana referendum be allowed to be heard by brief and oral argument when the cose of A. A. Kadderly, et al va. the City of Portland, in which the legality of the EUQENE. Or., Aug. I. The Second atep in the crusade of business men (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. Aug. 3. The initiative and for ani rrMimt Rnntidenn in the new amendment la Involved, colonel, who, na lleutenant-ootonel. on J en prominent politicians ana lawyers manv occasions showed that he waa In or tne state sign tne petition, i ney the declaration made by officials of the touch with tl regiment and desirous are United States Senator John II. Regulator steamboat line In this city. The opposition company which Is to operate the steamer Charles Spencer has named August 15 as the date of It's first of nrnmnllnc Its welfare. Mitchell, C. H. B. Wood, J. C. Morelan.l, r . .It w i i mw TifMi t u - Since the announcement that coionei ie, vmrso i. nuua-m. oumur Rice was to retire and a new colonel C. w. Fplton. Tllman Ford. J. . w aiao,! h annotated for the regiment Oeorge C. Brownell and W. S. U'Ren. .... nr , rinniinii hovl Mr. IT Ren feels confident of the final trip, and it is believed things will be ,, , ..,,.,, Thev honed that their outcome of the fight against the Inltla doing along the line of cut rates within I former lieutenant -colonel would receive tlve and referendum, and la satisfied short time. the annolntment. but feared that being that tne courts will declare mm amend v un wm in view, uenerai Manager the last on the list of newly-nppolnteo mem vauu. Campbell, or the Columbia Klver A officers he might be side-tracked to a Northern Railroad, and O. W. Simon, au- , important position. The Incoming colonel has. since the arrival of the regiment In the department, been ata tloned as commanding officer at Eort Lawton. against gambling, started last week referendum case coming up In mm Su Hlicr IDS UIUIU Ui TUU1IB vJlo tow Griffin as a result of gambling, was taken by the authorities Saturday. A few days ago the dealers of four "twenty-one" games were, arrested and three were fined 150 and costs and Sat urday the proprietors of the saloons where the gambling was allowed were arrested and taken before the City Re corder, B. F. Dorrls. and are now technically under arrest. They are to preme Court in a short time ! attract ing more attention sine some of the leading men In the state are taking an Interest In the matter and are asking the court to be allowed to appear In the case as friends of the court and assist in the argument This , move was en tirely unlooked for and would Indicate that the friends or the initiative ana referendum are not asleep, and will appear late this afternoon before the pare no efforts to secure an upholding court ana plead to tne cnarges against 0f ths will of the people, expressed at dltor of the company, and the local agent, made a canvass of this city on Saturday, and, finding merchants lean Ing toward the new company, Mr. Campbell said If necessary to force the new company out of business he would Maocabe Picnic OREGON CITT. Aug. I. A large number of people attended the Maocabee plcnio at Highland Saturday. About score from this place attended, among them being Hon. Oeorge C. Brownell, Mayor (J. B. Dlmlck. Assistant Deputy VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 3. This put on the steamer Bailey Qatiert and morning saw the Introduction Into the commander. J. B. Gentry, E. E. Taylor Mrrv MiMhnra nrwMn 'rn nt iiij vi mi tt u, imij ....... . , . and Pontland for the sum of 25 cents each way and bring freight back freo of charge. "We propose to make thIsone of the had to deal with," he said. , Officers of the new company say they Will be in a position to fight the Regu- lstor line until they come to terms. Their boat, the Charles 8pencer, they claim. Is faster than anything the old company has to put In commission, but this point has not been proven as yet '-. If ths rats war should turn ut as se rious as It now apepars, a number of merchants express thelr fears that this n rA ?. .... -.1 PUMtf A A. A mis lime on uu me lorai mfmmmi, uvrMi h n.n.t,,. Timnii .nH T n OUl IWO, Will I1KVO lllfll llininmiuino . . - . ,1 1 . a , , T"l . "1. I ' to varied sports nd a baseball gome be tween Shubel and Highland, which re- Hlghland. A served on the and the old delivery wagons will be warmest rste wara The Dalle's has ever . cheap. This co-operative plan was I, I hana taiVI a T .ft Iff A Si aft f Tr A WAAlra Q srfl I to have ben started some weeks ago, Hut t.A finntrartnii fnlliarl in mnlcA irood 1 " - " - - - - i rrniini a Ilia IMMHJ Itllil lirw uiun -v i a ,nm,. Charles MoCafferty has secured the con tract for 1450 a month and this morn lng placed three big wagons In the field. sumptuous lunch was Bled from rail. nppnnv nrv a .... i a - 1H I'lnl III! FB li i is TTnguiiB iii iiic iitt,u. i ...... v. -- - . . n " " , mi " Under the present plan each merchant suit of a fall received last Wednesday, contributes a proportionate amount of E. w. Ham mot t. a well known farmer, the monthly cost and the general wagons died at Highland Saturday. He was en make stated rounds, the meat shops be- gaged In repairing a barn when he fell lng first served and then the grocery to the ground, a distance of 10 feet and flriria Rv nvalamiitlximr tha work It Is sustained broken rlm and IntAt-noJ In. cuy will oe injur ujr iju()i citnorterl fn make th three waiom do I Juries rrom which he laDHcd Into unoon- t rushing to Portland to buy their goods. tne worK that before bas taken more sclousness. He died Saturday at 10 ine ones lo De Denentea win dc tne than a dosen to do well o'clock without regaining- consciouaness r rehouse people, as they think wheat The deceased waa 64 vears of aa-e and will hava a rate as low as 60 cents a ton Award Pltunblng Contract. had lived in Clackamas county for the between this City and fortiana. vivrm-vrR w.,h Ana- i At past 10 years. A widow survives him. mMlnf of the School Board Saturday Funeral services and burial took place at uiunpwu in viimift. evening the directors awarded the """ General Manager Campbell, of the- nlnmhlnar contracts for both the new Regulator company, has not yet re- and the old school buildings. Sometime rmrx waa Crowded, turned from The Dalles, and could not ago bids were received for these con- OREGON CITV, Aug. 3. Magoon's be seen today to verify the rate-wsr an- tracts, but the lowest bidder, a Port- Park, a mile north of this city was filled nouncetnent fsom The Dalles, but Rufus land firm, refused to take the contracts to overflowing by a large crowd of For Mallory, president of the Columbia separately or to make as low a price esters from Portland and Oregon City River & Northern Railway, which is on one building's work as aia a local yesterday. Most or the crowd camaip closely allied with the Regulator Line, nrm. Tne bias were v rerusea ana new on tne steamers Pomona and l.eona. Mtd: I ones called for. The local nrm or L,arney Mr. Cam obeli haa the matter of run- At Klggins was given tne new contracts . t...'. ning aa une woony in niB imro., una i i.. . ,.,,,v. OREGON CITY, Aug. 8. A quarter tlpsire to make no statement He will " uutinn r.t i.nj i. .v.. ., .i ' mum to Portland this evening, and will linDVIt SUNDAY WAS MOIST WHholt Springs Is the cause of a suit Ikol llnu m.lia annnunc. It'll I "vliun I 1 l ivy ihviwi , , ., .,.. i " - " - - i i vi vuiwiucnuig iffiuuriancs in inw innn ment Is necessary." '. i The company which. Is to operate the steamer Spencer in opposition to the Regujator Line has no. offices in this ey. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM SERIOUS HARK! rv. a j j. 1 TL. lunawajr nuuucm at iiic . Dalles Placed beveral Lives in Daneer. ', (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES, Aug. S. A miraculous escape from what appeared certain death fell to the lot of District Attorney Frank Menefee, his wife and daughter, Mrs. Cowles, the mother of Mrs. Menefee, and Mrs. Canfleld, the mother of Mrs. Cowles, last night While the party was enjoying a carriage ride the horses became frightened and ran away. None who witnessed the accident expected t see ths occupants of the vehicle return alive from the mad race the horses led them. The horses started from in front of the Poetoffice. turning around and throwing Mr. Menefee. who was driving, to the ground on his face. Mr. Menefee, although badly bruised, arose and tried to catch the team, but did not succeed, In the meantime his wife was thrown out but her foot caught In the mud fender in falling. Being unable to loosen her foot, she was dragged On her face for several hundred yards. Peo ple who witnessed it thought she would be killed, but on picking her up she was only found to be badly bruised. The team continued on ls way with the other two women and small girl in ths carriage until opposite the Bank Cafe, where It collided with a telephone pole, demolishing the buggy and throw ing Mrs. Cowles. Mrs. Canfleld and Mr. Menefee's daughter out, Mrs. Cowles falling In the ptreet on her back In a pile of rocks and receiving a serious Shock to her head and other Injuries. Mrs. Canfleld Struck on her shoulder, dislocating It and sustaining other in juries. The little girl was not hurt. WILL ENFORCE LAW RommtiilAn VtnVhmrman WritM Friends Sere That ths Idaho Tvli rood Measure will Stand. Local wholesale dealers have been In formed that a new pure food law that bas passed the recent Idaho legislature Is to be enforced to the letter. Alexander McPherson, well known to many Port land business men. has been appointed Food Commissioner for that state, and he has written friends here that he pro poses to do his duty In a manner that may surprise someone. Several of the local wholesale men this morning expressed themselves as being. highly pleased with the news from Mr. McPherson. They say that the enforcing of this new law will make It far, easier for dealers In good, whole gome food to do business In a commu nity when the "fakes" and "frosts" are driven off the market. The States of Oregon. Washington and Idaho now have pure food laws that are almost the same. Vancouver Residents Secure Comfort for Sabbath Drought and Police Have Troubles . (Journal Special Service.) VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 3. It is evident from the testimony of the office here. The land In question waa filed on as a homestead some time ago. Recently It Is claimed, coal was discov ered on the land In Buch quantities as to make it valuable mineral land, and a strong fight is being made to determine whether the original owner Is entitled them. It Is rumored that they will fight the cases to the bitter end, alleg ing that two persona cannot be pun ished for what one has already suffered. Ths City Attorney, J. M. Williams, Is prosecuting. The saloons named In tha charges are tha Reception, SommervUU tho polls last year, when the amend ment waa adopted by a good round ma jority by the electors of tha state. A numbor of leading attorneys, as stated, have asked to be permitted to com into court and assist In presenting ths esse and advising the Justices In the St Berger. proprietors; the Oregon.i matter, ths following petition, filed In Wellington Waddle, proprietor, and the the Supreme Court on Saturday, show Manhattan, J. J. Rude, proprietor. ng tha Intention of that able gentle Waddle left Eugene Friday evening for men: California and will be a resident of in ths Buprams Court of ths State of Paralso Springs for ths rest of the Oregon. sumrosr, "A. A. Kadderly, ft al appellants. The crusade la telling on the business vs. Cltr of Portland et aL. resnondents: of ths gamblers. Numbers of them be- "The undersigned petitioners respect ive that ths fight will not be ceased fully represent to the court that thers and are preparing to make ths best of are two questions of law In the above While your family Is away enjoying their vacation, to hava . your home wired and equipped with ELECTRIC LIGHTS, to as to be prepared for the Ion Winter nights. , . REMEMEItR, WE ONLY CHARCK YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE, Portland General Electric Co. SJtVXNTH AND ALPXH STIUtXTS . their lot and leave the djy. entitled cause, as decided by tha Ctr cult Court of Multnomah County, that are of great publlo Importance, and In which questions your petitioners are very much interested, to-wlt "First, the question as to ths legal submission and adoption of tha amend ment to Section 1 of Article 4 of tha Constitution of the State of Oregon "Second, the question as to ths power Tot Company Officers. EUQENE, Or Aug. 8. Tomorrow; evening, August 4, Company A, First Separata Ba.tallon. Oregon National Guard, will elect a captain .and second lieutenant, the vacancies being caused by the resignation of Robert Houston and ths death of Charles Oriffin. captain and second lUu tenant, respectively of or tne legislative Assembly to declare company A- . ruiumiao hi an emergency ana lu First Lieut Creed C. Hammond Is provide that a law shall take effect and spoken of as a leader In the list of be In force from and after Its approval. candidates for captain and he will prob- "Wherefore your petitioners pray that ably be advanced. There will be several order may be entered by ths court close contests for tha remaining va- allowing your petitioner to appear in cajicles caused by the election of tho. al1 case amlcl curiae and file a brief present first lieutenant to the captaincy, and make oral argument before tha Among these SergC Frank McMurry, court on said questions. Frank Drew and Ray Babb are the most "And your petitioners will ever pray, prominent. Company A is the original et5. company sent from Eugene to the Philippines and Is composed almost en tirely or veterans. To Kelp ths Harbor. EUQENE, Or., Aug. 3. The Eugene Commercial Club has been addressed by O. W, Hurd of Floronoe regarding the endorsement of a big petition which has been prepared to be presented to the Secretary of War and Congress for the continued improvement of Sluslaw Harbor. "W.S.U-REN, "JOHN H. MITCHELL "J. C. MORELAND, "GEO. H. WILLIAMS. "GEO. C. BROWNELL. "C. E. S. WOOD, "J. N. TEAL. "C. W. FULTON, TILMON FORD, "JOHN B. WALDO." Marshal and Tssuunt omcers'iso f rom or whether the statements of business men who ,h ,uJ,, ,the roun,d tnat the were at their places yesterday, that the " '"'"". Sunday closing here does not conduce to sobriety or temperance. Many Seek Pleasures, According to Marshal Bateman there OREGON CITY, Aug. 8. Wllholt were more plain and fancy drunks on springs was the mecca towards which the streets of Vancouver yesterday than many uregon city people turned Tester there have been for weeks. One In- day. The exceedingly cool weather has stance was noted of two Inebriated men prevented the Springs from assuming running a stumbling foot race on Main their usual dignity as a summer resort street for a bottle of whisky. Another this year. However, there are probably incident was a general fight between the a hundred campers on the ground and men on the dry dock and railroad hands, at the hotel. Manager McLaren of the About midnight a small riot occurred Springs, says that the crowds so far along the water front and when the nave not been nearly up to what they nonce arrived, tnougn tney io-una no usuaiiy are at mis time, and ha at. combatants, they discovered evidences tributes the falling off to the cool of a struggle that had been exciting, weather. For the past two weeks the The ground was torn up as if struck weather has been too cold for comfort by an enraged herd of cattle. The stones until the middle of the afternoon. A and clubs about wouia nave stocKea a coai mine is being developed about natural arsenal, and the dull, red stains mile from the Springs and a large num on the landscape were said to be pienti- oer or people visit it daily, ful. The proprietor of the Palm confec tionery store kept open house yesterday and today the saloon men threaten to prosecute, him for his act. At noon BIRTHS -4 July 27. to Mr. and Hn. J. Tjt1! an. nothing bad been done, but action may .if"1' m to Mr- nd Mr- 1 Koppyr, 9tt Wood i n a. .iii -ii l"r- " son. bo taken or next Sunday will find all places of business, but the saloons, open as of old. Death of Mr. Tan Horn. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 3. Mrs. Van Horn, mother of Lieutenant Van Horn, post commissary and attached to the Twelfth Infantry, died at midnight yesterday. Mrs. Van Horn had been 111 for months from a cancer, which finally caused her death. The body will be Bent to Ohio for burial. Board of Equalisation. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. S The County Commissioners today begin their Besslon as Board of Equalization. The program prepared by complaining tax payers is about as lengthy as usual and a prolonged session Is not improbable. Marriage Uoenss O ranted. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 3 A Icense to marry was issued Saturday to George Caldwell of Seattle and Miss Lena Le Fore of Salem. JUBDUCE9 THE SEA- SATES TO SHOSJB. Oo to Newport on Yaqulna Bay an ideal beach. It Is becoming very pop ular with th Portland people. The low rate of $3.00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvallla & Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round, trip, from Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. A delightful .ride through the beau tiful Willamette Valley, with , privilege f going up one side of the Willamette Stiver, returning the other. , Ask any 8. P. Co. ,or C A E. R. R. gent for a beautifulllv Illustrated book- ict describing tha seaside "aorta at Caqulna, Hew Sobool Started. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 3 Work on the new Central School Is progressing rapidly and It is hoped that the build- ng will be ready for the finishing touches before the rainy season is well commenced. The grading has been finished, the excavation contract Is being rapidly pushed and the other Interested contractors are ready for their shares of the work whenever tlfty have an opportunity. TKBOUOH TRAZir SSSVXCH Between Portland and All Clatsop Beaoh Pola';, .on and After Saturday, J'uly 11. Beginning Saturday, July 11, and ev ery Saturday thereafter during the sea son, the popular Portland-Seaalde Flyer will leave Portland at 2:80 p: m., arriv ing at Astoria at 6:50 p. m., Gearhart 6:40 and Seaside 6:60 p. m., making di rect connection at Warrenton for Flavel. Round trip 3eason excursion tickets from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points sold at rate of $4.00 for round trip, ana esaturaay special round trip tickets between same points, good returning Sunday evening, at 12.60 for rtA. d trip, Season commutation tickets ftood for five round trips between Port and and all Clatsop and North Beach points stfld for $16.00. Beach excursion tickets Issued by the water lines ar interchangeable and will be honored on tne trains or this company in either di rection between Portland and Astoria. Additional Information will be gladly furnished upon application to Mr. E. L. Lewis, commercial agent, 248 Aider street. and Mrs. J. Brown, Rich H. Mattson, 854 July 22. To Mr. and Un. O. Tmrhmnr mi ditv'jiiu ii eri, b uailKuier jniy hi, to Mr. mnnd, a daneliter. July 29, to Mr. and Mrs. 3. Scbmld, St Helens ruRu. o amigoier. i July 117, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene street, a ion. July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Baodelln, SOS inimiKiin avenue, a aauirnier. July 6, to Mr. and Mra. J. Felts, 830 Nlne- nenin xireet, a aon. July 25, to Mr. and Mr. A. J. Winters, 084 ty HniiiiijiTon aireei, a aon. July 10. to Mi1, and Mrs. J. E. Alnaworth, 584 Ellxabeth atreet, a daughter. July 20, to Mr. and Mrs, J. Maloney, 861 Chapman atreet, a aon. July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Merrlweathw, 3-41 Flnndera atreet, a daughter. July 11. to Mr. and Mra. F. J. Rutto, 372 i. mraouiiiB airepi, a unnjcmer. .Inly 10, to Mr. and Mrs, B. 0. Slee, 244 SeTenth atreet, a daughter. July 2. to Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Snow, 884 Marguerite a to nun, a son. July 6, to Mr. and Mra. W. Flaher, 228 Whlt taker arenue. a daughter. July 22, to Mr. and Mrs. A., Banaeher, 410 East Ash street, a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Julr 28. Freda Mor-ororskl, 80tt Third street: scarlet fever. DEATHS No such thing as "summer complaint" where Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is kept handy. Nature's remedy for every looseness of tha bow els. ' ' T August 1, Thomas Jones, aged 01, at 894 Gllsan street: dislocation of the spina. Inter ment Vancouver, Wash. July 81. Mrs. Rebecca Bird, aged B0. St 667 Washington street: consumption. Interment Lone lr cemetery. August 1, Susie A. Whealer, aged 23, at Third and PJne streets; taxemla. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. July 31. Albert H. Taylor, aged 17. at St Vincent's Hospital; aanbyxla. Interment Kelao, Wash. July 2S. w. r. 'mompaon. agea 10. at i.zib East Taylor street: rheumatic troubles. In terment Claeksm". Or. July 2N, nutn MCAyeai. at Z7 urana ave nue; heart ranure. luiermeni none ur ueme-tery. July (.mcar n. 7oniagn, agea a, at Spo kane; suicide. Remains brought here for In terment, i School rand Interest. SALEM, Aug. S. State Treasurer The petition haa been endorsed Charles 8. Moore on Saturday afternoon by Congressmen Williamson and Her- made the annual distribution of the in mann and Senators Fulton and Mitchell terest of the Irreducible school fund. and will be presented to Portland com- "ong the several counties of the state msrclal bodies for endorsement as soon Doeo. on tne school censu taken In the as possible. The petition was unani- several districts, of the nersons he inously endorsed by the club. tween the tiges of 4 and 10 years. The Mr. tiurd is the leading citizen and census snows tnat 143,675 persons be merchant of Florence and has been un- twe" thos ages are entitled to the ap tmng in nis efforts to increase and con- P""ionneni, wnicn aggregate 230.i tlnue tho government appropriations for U11UU- lne Per capita is $1.80. The Sluslaw Harbor. Tha project Is a ever counties are given tha amounts worthy one, as has been decided years on. th,s. basis as shown In tha following ago oy an Oregon. The government Improvements were ordered discontinued , fa of persons soms time ago by the Secretary of War, ounty. over 4 & under who was advised to this action by 10 year 5i g. o,p oHiiinn - . Clackamas A Sad Death, S.latB0P. TCTTfHCMB! nr a,.r ... t Columbia ., tfdllC i rvw , Aug. 3. Mrs. Jane Wickham died at Thurston Friday after- Crook" - ..WW., utm v ihuuio, nci ueuui oc- uurry . . i,i curred at the County Poor Farm and Douglas . the story of her life, though briefly Gilliam . .'. told, Is a sad one. Readers of The Jour- grant . ...... nal will remember last spring, when wi,".6 Mrs, Wickham came to Portland in jSaenhbia " search of a runaway husband who had Sh .W.'.lt taken a fancy to his wife's sister and Lake . I the two eloped to Portland and then Lane . . gone farther north. Unable to find the Lincoln , runaways she came back to her little L.ln.n m homo near Eugene and since that time J"?"1" sne naa uvea in seclusion. Her solitude u:. was so great that neighbors did not Multnomah know of her illness of a week ago until Polk it had confined her to her bed for nv. Sherman . . - era! days. Friends secured her a berth Tillamook , ...., at the County Poor Farm near Thurs- Hm.atuia ton aDoiu in days ago and there she has waiiowa " suffered her U.t. Th vyaiiowa . .... wen wasco burled near Thurston. funeral director and embalm ers, 889 Yam ui. rnons pot. J. P. Tlnley and Son, funeral directors and ambfUm.ra, have removed to thai new MtabUslunsnt, corn.r Third and Madison streets. Both Be, 9. Crematorium, oa Oragoa City oar line, near Sail wood) modern, sol.ntlno, oompl.t. Charges Adults, $36; chU dren, gas. Visitors to s p. m. Portland Oramation Association, Portland, Or. BZVEX VXEW CBMSTXBY. Single graves, 910. Family lota from 75 to f 1,000. Tha oaly o amatory ra Portland which psrpstnalljr maintains and cars for lot. Por fall Information apply to W. B. Mackenzie, Woroestet Block, city. W. M. Xadd. president. Preferred Stock Canned Crood AUen & LewU' Best Brand, ' , V REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jane O. Honeyman et al. to James D. Honeyman, weat 100 feat lot 7, block B. Johnsoa'a Add . ts non Jane C. Honeyman et al. to Honeyman " vompany, west juu Iat lot 7, block fi. Johnson's Add . i Jane 0. Honeyman et Honeyman iraac company, icst seres section 29, townshiD 1 south. ran. 1 ast 1 Jan 0. Honeyman et aL to Honeyman Trust Company, block 89, lota 5 to 8, block 88. Carter's Add.; parcel land be tween blocks 89 and 88. Carter'. Add . I 0. J. and W. E. Purdy to Jasper W. Hal lock, lot 81, block 2, Marshfleld 75 Daniel Marx and wife to E. C. Jorcen sen, lot 6. block 23. city 1 Chris Martin to H. B. and L. A. Searles, lot 4. uiock 2, Williams Avenue Add No. 2 son J. and S. M. Bain to Chris Martin, lot 4, diock z, wiiuame Avenue Aua no. z.. 400 is. i. iioneyman to i. 11. Honeyman, weat ivu leer tot (, niocs o, Jonnson s Add. 1 . B. and H. I). Manley to L. M. Pearce, lota 1 and 2, block 8, Lincoln Park Annex ........... 1 B. and J. a Miller to B. V. Vllet, lot 8, block 1, Williams Avenue Add. No. 2 850 David Goodsell to V. L. Fought, lott 11 and 12, block 8, East Portland Heights, 600 . C. McKenzle and wife to R. A. Bhartle, lota 1 and 2. block 306. Couch B.oftO a. ana uiara Aonstetter to uavia m. Steele, lota B and 0. block 14, Capltan Add SMI K. a jorgensen snd wire to Daniel Man. lot 2. block 19. Conch 1 N. M. Davis and wife to J. C. Alnaworth. trustee, blocks IB, 22. Central Alblna.. 1 Barah D. L. Harris to John J. Carey, lot 3, block 6, Williams Avenue Add 1,600 Sheriff for Anna Cummins and husband to Guaranty Land Comnanir. lot 4. block is, Hunnysiae Ada 750 Ll Washington Wheeler , . Yamhill . . , 2.670 7.777 4.267 2,610 4,070 1,897 785 5,696 1,221 1.868 1.020 5,138 2.773 1,168 969 8,295 1.140 6,693 1.745 9,878 1,721 28,169 3,408 1,303 1.787 6,393 5,419 2,400 5,006 6,842 880 4,880 Amount I 8,652.00 4,272.00 12,443.30 6.827.20 4,176.00 6,612.00 2,286.20 1,266.00 9,113.60 1,963.60 2,988.80 1,632.00 8,220.80 4.436.80 1,868.80 1,584.40 13,272.00 1,824.00 10,707.20 2,792.00 16,796.60 2,763.60 45,854.40 6.452.80 2,084.80 2.779.20 10.228.80 .8,670.40 8,840.00 8.009.60 9,347.20 1,568.00 7,808.00 Total 148,757 $230,011.20 Land Company to Gny C. De- 600 1 1 Guaranty lauo. lot 4. block 18. Sunnrsld. Add P. H. Marlay to Guy C. Delano, lot 4, block 18, Sunnyslde Add H. N. Scott, trastoe, to Guy O. Delano, lot 4, block 18, Sunnyslde Add Guy C. Delano to E. O. Downing, lot 4, block 18, Hunnyside Add 1 Hilda A. Sheppard and husband to Besale Shephard, 1 acre, section 20, township 1 north, range 2 east 1 Sisters of Charity to Albert Wlk, lot 9, block 283, Couch 1,325 J. H. Bottemiller and wife to John Brehm, lot 4, block 17, Lincoln Park Annex.... 235 Thomas Oox. administrator, to John Grady, lot 2, block 8. Lincoln Park 120 Get your title Insurance and abstract to real estate from the 'i le Guarantee A Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce Why not make the trip to the famous Tellowstone National ParkT Tou can do so at a very moderate expense. Spe cial excursion tickets are on sale dally at the Northern Pacific ticket office. No. 255 Morrison street This 1 the best month in the year to visit the Park and the Park Association are fully prepared to take Care of all tourists desiring to make the trip. Call at the office. No. 255 Morrison street, for Park literature and full particulars. All arrangement will be made for you prior to starting oa ths trip, ... . ,, - ....... Bailey' Property Bold. SALEM. Or., Aug. . On Saturday afternoon Sheriff B. B. Colbath -and his deputies sold, under an execution from Multnomah County, a quantity of personal property belonging to J. W. Bailey, the State Food and Dairy Com missioner, near Salem. The property was on the Bybee ranch, a few miles north of Salem, and consisted of a num ber of fine Jersey cows, farm imple ment's, hay and cordwood. The execu tion was Issued on a Judgment secured by te plaintiff against Mr.ailey in a suit entitled William Kerron va. J. W. Bailey, the Judgment being for over $600. The property sold was valued far In excess of that amount, but It only brought $466. less than eonugh to satisfy the alleged debt. A new wagon, cost ing $95 a few weeks ago, brought $30; a registered Jersey bull, costing $125 when a calf, brought $20; Jersey cows, registered, $9; 106 cords of wood, $160; a cream separator, new, costing $125, was sold for $25. There wers a good many fanners at the sale ready to bid, but Borne of them feared to purchase property under the condition of affairs, Mr. Bailey Is In tha East, and 1 not ex pected to return until some time next week. THE PORTLAND POB1XAVB, OBBOOB. AMSBXOAB 3.00 Per Say and Vpward. XBABQTJABTBBB POB TOVXXST ABO OOMMBBOXAIa TBATBXBBSV Special rate mad to faattUe and tagl gsatlsaiea, Tha ukaagemaat will b pisaaed at all tlma to show room sil giro prloe. A mnaswi Tarkiah bath satabUshmssit ta ths hetaL M.O. BOWBBB, Kaaagan WEARY tr LIFE, COURTED DEATH Louis Katzdoblen Kills Himself on Main Street at Vancouver Late Sunday Afternoon While Demented Had Threatened to End His Life Before Left Parting Note to Sister Wishing Her Complete Happiness. Knock the Flies (Journal Special Service.) VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug, 8. Louis Katadoblen of Portland committed ui ciiie on the main atreet here yesterday afternoon In a fit of temporary in aanltv. Mr. Katsdoblen ha relative In this city and wa visiting, them at the time of his death. Ha was for some time despondent over hi Ul health and had often threatened to end nis lire, tnougn being an old man this was attributed to his moodlshnes. Ths suicide was sufficiently startling, a Katsdoblen co lly took his stand near Main and seventa streets aoout o o.cioca In the afternoon when many citizens were passing. A boy noticed that the man was fumbling at his coat and aaw the shot fired, but for the moment sup posed It was a firecracker. According to this witness. Katsdoblen walked sev eral feet along the street and then felL Life was extinct when he was picked up. The shot was a true one, as It passed directly through the heart and the ball, of a heavy calibre, must have caused lm mediate death, though a strange vitality permitted tha dying man to struggle a few feet from the scene of the shot. Tho following letter wa found on the body when examined by the Coroner 'This is the last I have) to ay to you Live well and be happy; It should not be different; It was too nice. Tou can Bee that I meant what X said and fulfilled. Goodby. L. KATZDOBLEN. The letter was addressed to hi sister, who lives here. ISLAND OF JAN MAYEN BUILDING PERMITS To R. ..H. Schwab, construct - two-story flats at Taylor ana Liownsaaie; s.txx. To Charles Forth, construct two-story dwell' In at Monroe and Rodney avenue: 88.000. To J. Borg, repair dwelling. Bast Ninth and East Grant avenue; $100. To Fred David, erect one-story cottars at I e ins ton svenue sna jcaai ruteentn street; $100. To Cats A Powell, erect two-story store build ing at East Twenty-eights and East Gllsan streets; $1,500. To C. 8. Smith, erect two-story dwelling at Nicholson and Best Thirteenth streets; $1,000. To O. C. Borthwlek,' erect one-story . build ing at East Nineteenth and Powell streets; $500. To Richard Martin, Jr., erect two-story dwell ing tt Irving and Twenty-third streets; 85,000. To W. J. Burden, erect one-story cottase at Lawrence and Buxton streets; $1,000. To W. J. Burden, erect two-story dwelling at Twenty-seventh and. East Darts streets; $1,- 800. To It. J. Debunun, erect two-story dwelling at Gantenbeln avenue snd Farco street. To Jonaa Market, to out dirt In street ' at fourth end Morrison streets; $75 . To K. M. Olson, erect twa two-story dwell ings at Bast Eleventh sad Bast Washington streets; $3,200. To Albert Brll. ereet two-story dwelllns at Clackamas and East Twenty-second streets; $2, 760. .. , . To H. Doherty, erect two-story dwelling at Bast Everett and East Seventh atreet; $1,689. - To N, Haba. construct one-story cottage at Csywood sod Church, streets; $300. . tlj One of the newspapers, speaking re cently of the exploration enterprise on the Island of Jan Mayen, north of Ioe- land, said that tha island was named after the man who discovered It. This 1 a slight inaccuracy which Is, found In nearly every encyclopedia In exlstenco. Ths Island of Jan Mayen wa discovered by Henry Hudson In 1807, four years be fora H was visited by the Dutchman whose nama It bears. The bee In Henry Hudson's bonnet was a consuming passion to find a short passage which might be utilised by the maritime nations of northwest Europe In, their trade with the Orient. Every body knows that he was cruelly net adrift to perish In a small boat In Hud son Bay after he had found that Hudson Strait and the great bay to which It led him wera not a , part of the North west pasage to China and India which he wa seeking. At an earlier date he had the Idea that he might find a short passage to the Orient by traveling - right across the northern apex of the earth to the East ern countries on the other Bide of the polar regions. So he skirted the edge of the ice pacK an tne way oetween Green land and Nova Zambia, looking in vain for an opening In the pack. Tt was a creat geographical 'work. Hudson proved that thers was no .royal road across the pole to the Orient ( He traced for many hundreds or miiea Use Child "SO-BOS-SO KLLr on cour stock. It means money in youfl pocket, for cova give one third mora milk. 'and horses do better and on lesa feed when protected from files. It re- ?ulrs only a few seconds to apply It. t costs less than one half cent a day per head. You cannot afford to be with out It Ask your dealer for it or send direct to us. Write today for 20-page booklet. PORTLAND SEED CO. Paolfio Coast Agents, Portland, Oregon. F. W. Baltes & C04 PRINTERS Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES he!nry.weinhard Proprietor of the CITY BREWERY -tf HI Bottled Beer a Specialty Xiargsst and Moat Oompfst Brewery ta the arorthweat. TBXBPHOlfB WO, 79. Offlos laih and Burnald Strasta, pOB-rxAjno, oxboob. Medical department op'tbb UNIVERSITY OF OREGON flAVAntMnlh I .nniin.1 session hAflrltis September 161908. Address S. E. JOSEPH1, M. D., Dean, 610 Dekum Building, Portland. m ej but 7i the southern edge of the great frozen sea that covers the northern top oAhe 1 1 world. He aissipatea rorever tne.t neous notion, long held by sailors. sea Ice could not form far from land, He did not get very near the pole; he discovered the little Island of Jan Mayen, with which his name should have been associated. Hudson gave to tha Island the name of 11 iir! son's Touches; but when 'Jan Mayen visited the Island In hi ship Esk ho made a great deal more noise over the exploit than Hudson had thought worth while. and attracted so much attention that his, name was given to it , It was another case of Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci. The original discov erer was not honored In tho name of the thing discovered. Not only does .the Island bear the name of the Dutchman. but one of its extinct craters is known a the Esk, from the name of his vessel. Those who read Arctic- books, however, know that we have a more satisfactory account of Hudson's discovery of the Is land than of the subsequent visit ef Jan, Mayen. i 'Wnc Bottled Beers." Brtwd from Bohemian Hops. I H Oriltffwmritekessteis Ksyw Cesipasy .TT... 1 B- (A 4 " 5. i